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Loyalty knights and princesses secrets, codes, cheats, free rubies, walkthrough tips. Loyalty: Knights and Princesses How to play in the main square in Loyalty

Finding yourself in a beautiful medieval castle or taking part in a tournament, feeling the spirit of romanticism and learning about the nobility of gentlemen is now possible, because this is what the game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses tells about.

Your role in the game

The creators of the toy not only implemented a plot that was interesting to both sexes, but also forced them to communicate. And the closer the communication while the players play Loyalty: Knights and Princesses, the more tangible the positive result.

Choose who you will be: a prince or a princess. Each character has its own important role in this virtual world:

  • Crowned girls take care of the garden and farm, and prepare food. This contradicts the prevailing ideas about princesses, who are only supposed to be capricious, dance at balls and ask the grooms cunning and harmful riddles, but they do not argue with the authors.
  • Noble young men spend most of their time in a military camp, honing their knightly skills in order to provide protection to a young and beautiful maiden.

Both characters must perform their assigned tasks, but there are also points that unite them:

  • Increase your characteristics
  • Develop the territory
  • Get a profit
  • Collect collections
  • Interact with each other

Becoming better is a matter of honor for your hero

In Loyalty: Knights and Princesses, registration is required because the game is browser-based. After completing a simple procedure, you will become part of a magical world in which pleasant discoveries await you.

The princesses will raise livestock, harvest crops, cook meals, decorate the estate, and even make crafts. But these simple activities will only strengthen the knights’ sympathy, which guarantees them certain benefits.

Knights compete in demonstrations of courage and strength in tournaments, and prefer military camp beds to soft feather beds. Gradually, their armor and weapons wear out, and they need to be updated by buying them in a store or making them at a forge.

Relationship benefits

You definitely cannot do without contact with the opposite sex if you want to advance and achieve something in the game Fidelity: Knights and Princesses iPlayer. This brings both:

  • Financial well-being
  • Increases fame level
  • Gives ladies protection

Income is expressed in the number of coins and rubies. Especially valuable things are exchanged for rubies, and you can get them by completing quests and levels, posting news on your game wall or exchanging them for votes from friends.

Knights receive coins by completing various tasks and after each victory in battle. And the princesses get rich while working on the farm, and also completing tasks.

There is another type of property - collections. Things get into this section from chests or can be found in the grass. The princess receives them after a stone is destroyed, a tree is cut down, or if there is a good harvest of fruitful trees. The prince, in order to become the owner of a chest of gifts, must pay a visit to the princess. She will treat the gentleman to lunch, and after his meal she will clear the table. Only then will a chest appear, which the knight will pick up.

Characters earn the necessary fame by carrying out errands for neighbors, doing some work, or receiving guests. Knights will find a bonus near the tent, and princesses will find it in their mansion. The joint actions of heroes also bring glory. The princess will feed the prince the prepared dish, and he will bring her glory. Then he goes to the tournament and, if he wins, pieces of glory go to both. But this is only if they are engaged or like each other. A princess who has a protector knows that her castle is protected and her neighbors will not steal her chests and bird's nests.

The Middle Ages seems so romantic to us: ladies wave to the knights from the balconies, encouraging them during the tournament, and the knights prove their valor in battles, win the heart of the princess, protect public lands, serve the king. One could regret the long-gone glorious times if it were not for the game Fidelity: Knights and Princesses.

Reviving the medieval spirit

Potential princesses and modern knights will be able to prove themselves in the multiplayer toy. That's right - Loyalty: Knights and Princesses can be played in different modes, that is, you can choose a hero or heroine to go along one of the proposed paths:

  • Having become a lady, you have to take care of the estate and the adjacent farm
  • Having chosen the role of a knight, go to a military camp

Each role has its own characteristics, but there are also many common points:

  • Area development
  • Increasing the characteristics of the hero
  • Receiving a profit
  • Character interaction
  • Mining rubies
  • Compiling a collection

The lives of heroes in general terms

Women's destiny is to grow plants and take care of animals, decorate the estate, cook food, make necessary items in the workshop, and count on the help of gentlemen.

Knights live in a military camp, and a special place is given to opportunities to show courage in tournaments. To do this, they need to constantly update their arsenal and uniforms, because they gradually wear out and lose strength. All this can be bought at the market or made at the forge.
To join one of the selected gaming sides, you need a simple registration in Loyalty: Knights and Princesses.

Replenish the treasury and earn fame

There are two types of finance: coins and rubies. Rubies are an important element when exchanging them for exclusive items and other necessities. You can replenish your treasury in several ways: completing quests, exchanging friends for votes, completing levels, publishing news on your wall.

Everyone earns coins in their own way: knights get rich after a successful battle and completing tasks; princesses - taking care of the farm and also after completing tasks.

The financial situation and collections will improve, and items will get there from chests and when harvesting grass. But if the princess finds the chest after destroying a stone, cutting down a tree or a large harvest of a fruit tree, the procedure for obtaining the chest from the prince is somewhat different and requires a relationship with the fair sex. For example, the princess must treat the knight with the dishes she has prepared, and when he finishes the meal, she must remove the leftovers, after which chests will appear, which the knight will pick up.

The relationship between the sexes benefits both players. Here's another example: increasing fame. This is the same as a character's rating or status. The higher his fame, the more opportunities he has: getting a new title, expanding his collection, gaining more fans. To earn a piece of glory, you can carry out assignments, do some work for your neighbors in the game Fidelity: Knights and Princesses iPlayer, or collect bonuses after visiting your neighbors. The knights pick them up at the tent, and the princesses at the estate.

The lady leaves cooked dishes on the knight's table, he devolves them, in return bringing her glory, while simultaneously increasing his own characteristics. Next, the knight dedicates the battle to the same lady, wins and brings glory to both - himself and her. Such an alliance, however, is only possible if the knight and the lady are engaged or sympathize with each other. Such an alliance will be mutually beneficial, and in addition to the exchange of gifts, resources and collections, the knight will provide protection to the lady’s castle, and the neighbors will not be able to steal bird’s nests and chests from her.

To ask a knight remove a heavy stone you must have a fan or a couple. After this, click on the heavy stone in order to send a message asking for help to your knights. You can also ask for a favor through personal correspondence. Then wait until the representative of the stronger sex removes the stone. Usually black (unliftable) stones appear every day, if this does not happen, then the location should be cleared. Remember that only you can remove ordinary stones.

Elements of disgusting collection you need to look for it from your friends. They are located in sarcophagi that you need to knock on.

For that, to add a knight as a fan, you need to add the princess to your idols. By doing so, you will automatically become her fan.

Try to complete all tasks, in order to increase your character's level. Using this method, you will not experience any difficulties and can very easily and quickly get a high level and, thereby, increase functionality.

Don't be afraid or ashamed to invite other players. For each person you will receive freebies, which can later be converted into useful goods.

Having made friends with a person, you should not only expect gifts from him, but also provide all possible assistance. For this you will increase your reputation and, if necessary, you will also receive help.

Advice for knights. The clothes you get at the beginning of the game bring a lot of glory. Therefore, it is recommended to hide it in a raft until you get higher positions.

Don't waste resources on purchasing amber, emeralds, ordinary feathers, diamonds, diamond dust, pearls and keys. All these items will most likely be given to you by other people.

Check your warehouse periodically, as it may fill up and you will not be able to accept more valuable items. You can send the extra items to your friends, especially those who need these resources the most.

No need to ask friends very valuable and expensive items such as velvet, cambric, armor, etc. because the limit won’t let you through much, and not everyone has it. Better look at what they are made of and put the components together.

If you need any resources, but you can’t exchange them, put them in the “begging room” and go around the neighbors, giving away non-free gifts; practice shows that a person who received a non-free gift from you will most likely respond in kind out of gratitude.

Try to build all buildings and locations, with which other players can interact, in one place. Because scouring the entire farm in search of this or that building is not very comfortable.

If you accidentally choose the wrong plant to plant or choose the wrong enemy you wanted, then you can cancel your decision by clicking on the cancel button (the cross next to the 50% and 100% acceleration icons).

In order to send a large number of items to another player, for example, 500 units of wood, it is not necessary to click the mouse 500 times. It is enough to enter the required amount from the keyboard in the appropriate place.

Remove unnecessary and useless gifts from the warehouse in order to restore the limit.

You don’t have to cut down trees and stones until the end. Leave about 1 knock, after that, collect more of these trees, and then finish them all at once and get a lot of useful resources and energy.

Sheep and cows can eat grass directly from the plantation. There is no need to waste energy collecting grass; you can let animals in there and they will remove everything themselves. This does not apply to weeds.

Before starting a quest, take a few minutes to review all available tasks and complete only those that offer the items you need.

There is also a trick for cooking or cleaning quests. There is no need to wait until everything is ready and you will feed the knight. Just ask him to buy some of the cheapest dishes himself and eat them while you clean up.

If for a task you need to get, for example, 10 spinning wheels, and there are 2, you can send them to a friend, having previously agreed on the return, and so send them five times.

Always keep a few gold statues in reserve, they are often found in quest tasks.

Do not forget that Uncle Bill and Aunt Mary can also be added to idols. Aunt increases the limit (this is for those who have few friends), and uncle will dedicate your victories.

When you clear the location, don’t try to tile everything, otherwise you will lose grass, weeds and lava rocks.

Clearing the area of ​​trees and stones can be done first with a sawmill and quarry, but these resources also provide useful resources and experience when you interact with them manually. Therefore, it is recommended to do this: when the resource being processed reaches your current energy limit, you should turn off the sawmill or quarry, after which you should select the next resource.

If your knight fights regularly, then a lot of fertilizers are slowly collected, thanks to which the speed of plant maturation doubles. Having saved up my energy, I tried to win a double harvest and harvested it twice, accelerating its ripening. But this is only for quickly maturing plants.

In the watchtower you can ambush bandits. To collect the maximum number of bandits, gain as much energy as possible, make energy drinks (small ones possible) and energy eggs. Cut down trees, stones, weed out grass and weeds until the ambush time expires or until there are no objects left that are not blocked by monsters. By doing this, you save significantly on the resources spent on the ambush.

7 Ways to Earn Rubies

Titles. For each title, even the most primitive and weak, a gift is presented from the royal couple, which also contains rubies.

Roulette. During paid roulette spins, you can win up to 25 rubies or even hit the jackpot.

Daily Bonus. By visiting the game every day you can earn valuable resources, for example, on the fifth day rubies will be given out.

Achievements. Some achievements reward ruby ​​hearts. After reviewing all of them, you can view what reward is expected for this or that achievement.

Fights for bets. Before the battle, you can place bets on the outcome of the fight. By betting rubies you will receive them. If you dedicate your victory to a lady, she will receive part of the winnings.

Shish. In case of winning, bets on rubies add from 3 to 2500 red stones. In addition, there is a chance to hit the jackpot inside “Shisha”.

Ruby chest. If you decide to buy rubies, then choose the largest amount at the moment when in the upper left corner you can see a chest from which a ruby ​​is peeking out. In this case you will receive 2 times more.

Don’t rush to complete tasks without quests, then you’ll have to spend rubies.


Any energy drink you can take only when your energy is at least one less than your maximum on the scale.

Use magic eggs, which you create in the workshop (special tab). You collect items from egg collections from decor and get them from egg clutches; the most items are given by the poultry house, which has a happy rooster.

Use energy drinks, which are made in the workshop, the “special” tab.

Engage in vandalism, visiting the estates of your friends (hit Carousels, Gal statues, etc.), for five hits you can get 2-5 energy.

Cut down resources in advance(wood, stones at your home location) and when you need energy, collect energy from chests.

Collect bonuses from decor at your location.

Collect energy from flowers(dahlia, stone, military, scarlet), swans, snowman.

Remove lava rocks(knights), ladies - collect chests from lava stones.

Garbage collection(for ladies, energy falls from food garbage when clearing large piles, for knights - when clearing garbage chests).

In this guide, I will tell you the secrets of fighting in the game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses.

Always pay attention to the damage numbers the enemy deals to you. Thanks to the numbers, you will be able to calculate whether you will be able to defeat the enemy in battle or not.
So, what are the best tactics and tricks to use?
1. You can attack the enemy at the start of each battle without spending rage. You need it primarily to heal your own hero. Soon you will be able to perform an Assault attack and then easily defend against attacks.
2. First of all, enemies need to try to break the Shield. It is most effective to do this when the enemy does not have Rage, because he will not be able to use a special move. As soon as you break the shield, immediately attack it - with Hex or Assault. Before attacking, remember that the enemy can also use the Evil Eye.
3. To avoid a situation with the Evil Eye, use it before attacking the enemy, only if he has not yet used it. I don’t recommend using this ability at the very beginning of the game, so try to wait for the right moment.
4. By any means, force the enemy to spend Fury, because it is the key to developing the battle. Blocks, assaults - let him spend all his rage on techniques in order to eventually cast the Evil Eye.
5. The shield is best used when the enemy wants to carry out an assault. An attack carried out by an enemy using Assault will destroy his weapon if you use a shield in time. Shields generally reflect half the damage to the enemy, but if the enemy begins to heal, then he will restore half as much health.
6. During battles in arenas or in casual battles with enemies whose level is an order of magnitude higher, you can do a tricky trick. Reload the game page, after which a new enemy will be selected.
7. You can play without spending energy - for this there is a Shadow Fighting mode, in which you participate in duels with your friends. However, such battles can be arranged 5 times per knock.

8. Healing is most effective when the enemy has already used up the Evil Eye or at least broken the Shield.
9. When you gain a character level, you can use double moves without cooldowns. The bonus is always short-lived, so run and arrange battles to your advantage.
10. Before the battle, all your characters should eat well to have energy. Your lady can prepare food to feed you and herself, increasing her stats. A single knight suffers without a lady, because he has to buy food himself - and this is expensive.
11. Of course, the game also contains protracted battles, during which you will spend more strength and energy, and it also happens that you barely get away with it. You can use accessories to reduce energy consumption.
Well, the battle is more or less clear, so let’s talk about the economy.

Business management

1. It is better not to waste all the collections received during the completion of tasks, since they were given to you for a reason. Collections are best spent while completing quests.
2. Never mindlessly sell items and other things from the warehouse. When you need to craft or build something, the materials will be at hand.
3. Once harvested, handle the stock sparingly.
4. If a building requires repairs or needs improvement, do it immediately, because time = money. You can improve buildings thanks to decorations. Accordingly, neighbors and helpers react to beauty, and you increase their numbers.
5. Accumulating various kinds of coins, experience, fame and other collection details becomes easier if you start interacting with your neighbors. Stop by to help with harvesting or cleaning. When you build a castle, you can use 100 actions per day, and if there is no castle, then 50 actions.
6. When you are visiting your neighbors, pay attention to flower beds and cups, because they will bring more experience. Do you want to accumulate coins? Then find the Sarcophagus or the Statue of Galina. By interacting with the Fearless Dragon, the Galina Statue, the Christmas Carousel and the Fearless Cup, you can gain energy. Collection details can be found in the Princess's Tower and the Knight's Tent.
7. From the beginning of the game, you need to complete the goal - to build up the territory with workshops, but it is best to buy a Magic Workshop. Thanks to this, the household will start spinning and spinning, which will make your life easier.

8. Are you experiencing any difficulties with the workshop? Try building a Barn. This building will be able to produce feed for livestock regardless of the workshops.
9. Workshops are best filled with work to get the most out of them. When you are online, try to set up fast processes - steel, spindle, combs, etc. When you are going to go out, then set up a long process. Usually these are some kind of spinning wheels, velvet and armor.
10. Interact with the harvest in the same way as with the workshops. If you play for a long time, then grow fast-growing plants. Get out of the game - plant long-growing ones.

11. Waste energy - don’t be afraid. Grow trees, flowers and vegetables, create things. Whatever you grow can be sold anyway.
12. Before you start growing and working in workshops, try to calculate what you need first, what can be sold profitably, etc.
13. By the way, there are plants that restore your energy. You can get the most from Scarlet Flower and Dahlia.
14. It is better to process stones and trees using specialized buildings - sawmills and quarries. Helpers clear the way so you don’t waste your energy.
15. Rubies are the hardest to find, so try not to waste them if you want to buy milk. Accumulate rubies until you save up for something really worthwhile. By the way, neighbors can also give you rubies.
16. When you improve buildings - a sawmill and a quarry, the speed of resource collection and the capacity of buildings also increases.
17. Of course, friends will bring a lot of benefits, so find active ones who play often. Thanks to this, you can exchange various gifts with them, etc.
18. Always go to exchange offices, because there are a lot of cool offers there. You can exchange resources with players and receive the missing ones. Someone may have a lot of stones, but you have wood, so you can make an exchange.

And that’s where the advice ends, friends. I wish you good luck in the game.