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Is astrology scientific knowledge? Is Astrology a science? Not all planets in astrology give energy, some take away

Astrology is a science

Even superficial acquaintance
astrology broadens your horizons
and makes people more merciful
to each other.

Llewellyn George

We see how recently interest in the most ancient science - astrology - has sharply increased. Astrology has always occupied one of the most honorable places in science.

Until the 17th century, astronomy and astrology were considered sisters. And in those days, everyone who studied astronomy also had astrological knowledge. For example, Claudius Ptolemy, Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Tycho de Brahe and many other astronomers who were also famous astrologers.

And currently, man is looking in science for answers to all the questions that concern him, and with its help he is trying to solve them. And this is completely natural, because... It is science that very strictly distinguishes between the known and the proposed, the proposed and the unknown. In search of truth, scientists from many countries around the world are increasingly returning to the study ancient science astrology, to scientific research work and analysis of its foundations and patterns. More and more scientists are entering into discussions about the benefits of astrology as a science.

Since time immemorial, man has sought to understand not only the world around him, the secrets of nature and the secrets of the universe, but also his role in this world, his destiny, his future.

Dr. Ellsworth Huntingston, a historian from Yale University, has already proven in open public debates that there is a definite connection between the movements of the planets across the sky and numerous facts - consequences on earth.

Dr. Brian Tuckerman, while working at the Institute for New Studies in Princeton (New Jersey), analyzed a number of early calculations of the Babylonian priest-astrologers, correlating them very accurately with facts confirmed by history. On this occasion, Glen T. Seaborg - Chairman of the Commission on nuclear energy USA, noted that the results of Dr. Tuckerman’s research can be used, in particular, to study the analysis and forecasting of modern economic cycles.

During the research work of scientists, coincidences were established between world events and mathematically calculated cycles of celestial bodies.

These same coincidences were found between the general course of each person's life and the position of the planets at his birth, and they could be established in advance mathematically. From a mathematical point of view, astrology is an exact science, which means that the actual success of reading a horoscope card depends entirely on the correct calculation, calculation and preparation of its technical documentation, as well as the ability and ability to more accurately and correctly evaluate and analyze all the indicators reflected in the horoscope card .

In the mid-1960s, Dr. Harlan T. Stetson of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said at the Electrical Society Congress in New York: “If the relationship between the influence of cosmic factors and the Earth is not a mere coincidence, their study may mark the beginning of new sciences that can be considered modern version of medieval astrology.With their help, it will be possible to predict the development economic cycle and the approach of earthquakes, and many other phenomena on Earth."

Currently, the connection between cosmic rhythms and weather on Earth, earthquakes and floods, droughts and crop failures, diseases and epidemics, political and economic events has been scientifically substantiated.

It is no longer a secret that the outer space of the Universe is filled with a variety of fields: electric, magnetic and others, created as a result of radiation from all cosmic bodies of the Universe, planets, stars, constellations and galaxies. Disturbances on the Sun, especially electromagnetic and corpuscular radiation, create known to all of us magnetic storms and other phenomena, both in the atmosphere and in the biosphere of the Earth. And they immediately cause an increase in the number of accidents and disasters in transport, industrial accidents, deaths in hospitals; increase the risk of explosion conflict situations, in community groups. During such periods of time, chronic diseases worsen, functional disorders of the neuropsychic and cardiovascular systems intensify, the number of myocardial infarctions and cerebral strokes increases, and blood counts change not only in patients, but also in completely healthy people.

The Moon has the most direct and serious impact on water exchange not only in the Earth’s atmosphere, significantly influencing climatic conditions in general and on the weather in particular, as well as on the organisms of flora and fauna.

The totality of all cosmic influences at the moment of human birth: heredity and environment; climatic conditions and many other factors create certain prerequisites for the formation of a person’s constitution, temperament and character, talents and abilities; determines the weaknesses of his body and predisposition to certain diseases, to various kinds distinctive features, properties, qualities, etc.. It is the totality of these influences that determines the fate of each individual, each state.

Scientific astrology provides the opportunity not only to see an objective picture of the world in any direction, but also to foresee and predict a variety of incidents and events in the life and fate of a person or state.

On the boards of directors of large foreign companies, trusts, and concerns, there is a position for an astrologer, of course, a certified one. He participates in all meetings, gives advice, recommendations and receives a fee corresponding to his work.

Scientific astrologers now work on a par with scientists of other sciences. Their laboratories are their offices. "Chemicals" and "scientific equipment" - tables of Ephemerides and "Houses". “Libraries” become archival premises of various ministries and departments, statistical departments. And since scientific work is being carried out, it means that scientific works, dissertations are defended, awarded academic degrees, official ranks.

At one time, “astrology” was described in Soviet encyclopedias as a bourgeois pseudoscience. And the New International Encyclopedia of the United States says that “the predictions of the most experienced astrologers are by no means guesses at random, as is often thought; they are built on solid definitions and guidelines obtained through observations of phenomena, and on solid rules of interpretation.”

Any chain of events can be interrupted or destroyed by the free will of a person. Cautionary information gives a person the right to choose, which can lead to either salvation or death. For example, John Kennedy was warned about the possibility of an accident during his next trip. But he neglected this prediction, and the outcome of this trip is well known to us all.

In almost every newspaper today we can see an astrological forecast on any topic. A lot of all kinds of astrological forecasts are published in calendars for the year according to the signs of the Zodiac. We also see astrologers on TV screens.

But, unfortunately, for the most part in the press we see the so-called “fair” astrology, which is used only as an entertainment program for the public, and only occasionally do we see competent presentations by astrologers, whose conclusions are based on scientific astrology.

On the one hand, it is encouraging that scientific astrology is beginning to attract the attention of pundits all over the world, but on the other hand, it is also very alarming that many charlatans and adventurers, the so-called businessmen from astrology, are beginning to become interested in astrology. It was from them that “astrological forecasts” and the like began to circulate, and we can find all this in almost every newspaper. There are a lot of all kinds of advertisements for the provision of services by astrologers. And only a few of them work competently and conscientiously with the client.

It hurts to hear when a client says that he visited an astrologer and he told him that the client has a wonderful future and will not have any problems. And after 2 weeks, the client’s son dies in a car accident, and his wife becomes disabled. If this client were dealing with a competent, experienced astrologer, he would certainly be warned about possible life-threatening situations and, therefore, the client could take appropriate measures to avoid them as much as possible.

A serious astrologer, our contemporary, can be identified by the fact that, unlike numerous amateurs, charlatans and businessmen from astrology, he will not make boundless promises in the matter of explaining the future. Most astrological forecasts are a work of highly skilled craftsmanship, an art that can only be acquired by many years of experience in regular, systematic practical classes and a huge base of astrological knowledge. That is why the issue of training astrologers at all levels on a state basis is becoming increasingly pressing: from astrologer to bachelor and master of astrology.

It is pleasant to note that for the first time in Ukraine, the profession “astrologer” with code KP 5151 was included in the profession classifier DK 003-95 of the State Standard of Ukraine, 1995, in the section of professions of workers and employees. This is the level of an astrologer - a consultant in astropsychology. But it was Ukraine (among the post-Soviet countries) that was the first to take a step towards recognizing astrology as a profession necessary for the state. And we believe that the second step will be taken: approval of the qualification characteristics of an astrologer for training in this profession, as well as the creation by the state of conditions for obtaining astrological education, conducting astrological scientific developments in the field of astrology, which will allow you to defend your academic degrees.

Today we know that scientific astrology covers and explores, verifies, analyzes and coordinates not only the influences of our main luminary - the Sun, but also all the known planets of our solar system, as well as the entire system of cosmic influences on our planet. And for this purpose, entire scientific complexes are created, the archives of various statistical departments are used, and the latest computer technology is used.

And at the same time, today, as in previous millennia, the focus of scientific astrology is on man, who occupies the main place on Earth, and on the Earth on which he lives and works, and loves, and continues his human race. It is for this reason that until now astrology studies all cosmic influences on Earth only from a geocentric point of view. The Earth is placed, as it were, in the center of the sight and impact of all kinds of cosmic radiation and influences, both from the Sun and from the other planets and stars.

Today we are eyewitnesses of the fact that ancient astrology in its new mantle of the scientist of the twentieth century has come to life and strengthened. The next period of flourishing of scientific astrology has begun and it, with great confidence, continues to grow and improve, bringing new discoveries, evidence, new views, opinions, and new patterns of cosmic influences on the Earth and its inhabitants.

In 1961, at a conference at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the problems of magnetism of cosmic bodies and the Earth, New York University professor Robert O. Becker gave a report on the discovery of the electromagnetic field in the human body. He proved that the human body consists of a whole electronic system and, what is most surprising, the human electromagnetic field acts in exact accordance with the fluctuations of the Earth's electromagnetic field, and the Earth - in accordance with the influence of cosmic factors on it.

Astrologer Wolfgang Angermeyer, known as the father of "Economic Astrology", gave a theoretical justification for the fact that the situation in the world market is influenced by transit planets in relation to the planets in the horoscope of an enterprise, corporation, trust, city, state, and all this can be predicted and predicted already for many years and even decades to come. In 1978, he organized his own enterprise using these techniques and, despite quite high prices, it has a huge clientele. Its popularity especially increased after predicting the stock market crash of 1987 and the economic crisis in the fall of 1989.

In 1996, at the medical congress of psychiatrists and psychoneurologists of Europe, which was held in Germany, the report of the rector of the St. Petersburg Astrological Academy, S.V. Shestopalov, was received with great interest. "Epilepsy and predisposition to it according to horoscope data." The report aroused great interest among doctors. Then they read reports in Italy and Romania. His predictive methods have received worldwide recognition, and the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1991, in the book “Astrology of the 20th Century,” characterizing the authors of the articles in this book, writes: “Sergei Vasilievich Shestopalov - has been seriously involved in astrology for about 20 years - he has an approach to astrology as a exact science."

He, together with his students, now bachelors and masters of the academy, for 14 years, together with doctors, carried out a huge research work:

    on epilepsy in the psychoneurological department of the Bekhterev Institute in St. Petersburg,

    on heart attacks at the Simferopol Cardiological Center of Crimea,

    on strokes at the Neurosurgical Institute of St. Petersburg,

    on infertility with the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology of St. Petersburg,

    for tuberculosis patients with the Saratov Tuberculosis Dispensary

    and for other diseases with many medical institutions.

In 1998, personally by Shestopalov S.V. The basic formula for drug addiction was derived. He is the author of disease formulas, formulas mental illness. The derivation of disease formulas has made an invaluable contribution to medical astrology. These techniques make it possible, based on a person’s accurately calculated horoscope, to determine his predisposition to diseases, calculate the time of onset of the disease, and be able to timely apply preventive measures to prevent the disease.

Moreover, medical astrologers, using astrology, have the additional opportunity to more objectively, taking into account the client’s astrological data and medical research, determine the diagnosis of diseases and this increases the accuracy of medical diagnoses.

Shestopalov S.V. deduced the formula for such a serious and today incurable disease as leukemia. And when one of the hematologists was asked to take under observation a child who had a formula for this disease in the birth horoscope, the response was that it was useless because the disease is incurable.

Let's not judge the doctor and remind him of the Hippocratic Oath. The problem is not only that he did not take the data of astrology seriously, although he constantly uses the services of an astrologer, and has more than once become convinced of the truth of the forecasts given to him. The problem is that he, as a doctor, is not looking for ways to improve. The father of medicine, Hippocrates, as we know, was the most skillful astrologer of his time. He said: “No doctor can successfully use medical science unless he is familiar with astrology.” Since in Soviet time astrology was rejected, then in this part the statements of Hippocrates were forgotten, which is a pity. We believe that the time will come, and this statement of Hippocrates will be sounded in the “Hippocratic Oath” known to all doctors and will be fulfilled in full.

In our practice, we have encountered cases where doctors treated women for infertility, which they had never suffered from. When analyzing the horoscope, it was found that one of them suffers from kidney disease, and this was confirmed upon further examination. All women could have children, but the problem was that it was in Crimea that pregnancy was either impossible for them, or the period of its onset was at a later age. All of them were asked to choose possible temporary places of residence, and the periods of conception were calculated for these places. Today we have happy mothers who conceived children in the places calculated by the astrologer, and the pregnancy went smoothly in their main places of residence in Crimea.

And these are just a few examples from the work of professional astrologers practicing in Simferopol. We have many thanks from clients for whom a favorable time for surgery was calculated, indications of the disease were given, which were confirmed by appropriate medical examination.

In no case do we wish to discredit doctors. No one is immune from mistakes. On the contrary, we strive to combine our knowledge for the benefit of both our people and the people of the whole world.

Scientific astrology has many specific areas:

Natal astrology - is associated with the birth of a being on the physical plane and studies everything related to man.

Mundana (World) or Judial astrology - is associated with predictions of events that will happen in the country, in the state.

Medical astrology deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of both somatic and mental illnesses.

Meteorological astrology - deals with weather forecasting, its founder is considered to be the German scientist Wilheim Leibniz.

Horary astrology - shows the events and conditions that are indicated by the sky map at the moment when an issue of concern to the client is presented to the astrologer for consideration special meaning, and when he clearly defined the event, thought, idea. And at the same time, the client wants to know what the result of this enterprise or event will be.

Karmic astrology - horoscope of reasons in relation to a person’s birth chart. It reveals the reasons why a person has certain problems: debts, illnesses..., and also determines the purpose of a person, his mission.

Astrology of professions - determination of a person’s abilities and talents and the possibilities for their implementation.

Business astrology - this is business astrology. Business astrology helps determine what a person should do, what type of business to choose, and whether he or she has the ability to start an independent business.

Relationship Astrology - this is astropsychology that reveals the external, behavioral psychology of a person, explains the essence of the relationship between marriage and work partners (compatibility).

Astrological forecasting of events is, of course, the goal of any practicing astrologer. And his main task is to promote the conscious orientation of his client: to prepare him to intelligently and consciously survive all possible approaching adversities, be it an accident or illness, or anything else, and also to help him strive to meet everything favorable and good, creating the most appropriate conditions for this.

The path that a practicing astrologer has taken and is moving forward in search of life truths is endless, just like outer space itself is endless.

The profession of an astrologer is very responsible - he is an expert, consultant, adviser, in whose hands is the fate of his ward. Certainly, scientific astrology now has a nobler mission than ever before in human history. If in ancient times astrologers served only kings, pharaohs, kings and members of their families, today they also serve the common people, helping them with advice in all their daily problems and needs.

I really want this science in our country to serve only for the benefit of our people, our state.

I. Zhuravleva

The fundamental principle of astrology is considered to be Principle of correspondence(anology), formulated in the Emerald Tablet by Hermes Trismegistus: “What is below is similar to what is above. And that which is above is like that which is below, so as to accomplish the wonders of the one thing.” According to the Kybalion, “this principle embodies the truth that there is always a correspondence between laws and phenomena in various planes of Being and Life.” And even despite the fact that “there are planes higher than our Knowledge, but if we apply the Principle of Correspondence to them, then we will be able to understand much that would otherwise be incomprehensible to us,” since “this principle, being universally applicable in various planes of matter The Universe, Mental and Spiritual, is the Universal Law."

The second principle of astrology, partly resulting from the previous one, is Principle of Cause and Effect(see Kybalion), according to which “Every effect has its cause. Everything is done in accordance with the law. Chance is nothing more than the name of a law that is not recognized. There are many planes of causation,” and which explains that there are several levels of causation, since there are several planes of being connected by the Principle of Correspondence. The beginning of a process on one of the planes means the beginning of similar processes on other planes.

The third principle of astrology, not separately formulated, but constantly applied, arising from the Principle of Cause and Effect, is “ The principle of the beginning", according to which the conditions at the beginning of any process determine the further course and development of this process. In the fate of a person, the moment of birth is taken as such a starting point, in the fate of an organization - the moment of its registration, etc., and as initial conditions the location of celestial bodies appears. At the same time, some modern astrologers, based on various arguments, reject the classical views, according to which the moment of birth is taken as the beginning of human destiny. In return, they propose to count a person’s fate from the moment of his conception and develop the direction of conception astrology by analogy with natal astrology (see below).

Ancient astrologers divided the universe into a divine, timeless part, to which they attributed the luminaries as rulers of time, and into the world of changeable phenomena, located under the lower of the spheres - the sphere of the Moon. The sublunary world, according to the ancients, is subject to time itself, that is, to the cyclical movements of the luminaries. The astrology of the ancients was based on the natural philosophy of Aristotle, as well as the views of Plato. All phenomena of the sublunar, temporary world, according to the ancients, have a moment of birth, a moment of culmination and a moment of decline and inevitable death. All phenomena of the sublunary world are based on the coupling of primary states of matter or elements. The rotation of the luminaries causes the disintegration and new combinations of these elements, thereby manifesting the disintegration of old and the birth of new forms. Since the motion of the planets is invariable by nature, the phenomena they cause can also be predicted. That is why the astrology of the ancients was so accurate in its forecasts and fatalistic in its philosophy. (Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia)

Is Astrology a science? Talking about this causes quite heated debate, and although in itself it is very interest Ask, which really only satisfies mental curiosity, and like any definition has very little practical use, but...

Every science has a subject and a method.
The method can be empirical or abstract.
The subject can be a person or nature. In the first case, science in its subject is humanitarian, in the second - natural.
So, there are four classes of sciences: natural-abstract, natural-empirical, humanitarian-abstract and humanitarian-empirical.

In its simplified and pure form, it is limited to only the first two operations.

The abstract method is characterized by the following operations: postulation of axioms, introduction of definitions, deductive derivation of theorems, logical analysis judgments.

The empirical method allows us to judge only specific facts, measurable and observable.
Its conclusions are of a practical nature, but can only be applied in strictly defined circumstances.

The empirical method cannot reveal unconditional truth, but it suggests what to expect from the future.

The abstract method allows us to judge laws and ideas that cannot be seen or observed, but can only be formulated.

His conclusions are the absolute truth, which is true always and everywhere. However, it is theoretical and is not directly related to observed facts and phenomena.

The abstract method does not allow one to accurately predict the future position and state of specific objects, but it does provide knowledge about the laws to which they obey.

Natural abstract sciences are mathematics, logic and systems analysis.
They study that part of nature that stands hidden behind visible phenomena, allowing them to understand their essence. They are even necessary to create models used in empirical research.
These sciences are called mathematical.

Natural-empirical sciences are physics, astronomy, chemistry and biology, as well as all technical disciplines.
They study those phenomena and objects of nature that can be observed, described and measured using clearly defined means, instruments and concepts. Only these disciplines are considered sciences in the narrow sense.
These sciences are called exact.

Humanities-abstract sciences are philosophy and all its branches, including, for example, economics and ethics.
They study the laws, principles and ideas that guide or obey people in their activities. The rigorous method of geometry provides them with a pattern of a consistent system.
These sciences are traditionally called moral.

The humanities and empirical sciences are psychology, linguistics, sociology, demography, economic geography, applied statistics and econometrics.
They try to study objectively observable facts from people's lives. The listed disciplines have so far achieved the least success among all sciences. A lot of observations and descriptions have been accumulated, and measurement methods are much less developed than in the exact sciences.
Their main task is to clearly define the range of phenomena to which we apply empirical method, conditions where it is capable of providing a useful prediction.
It is appropriate to call these sciences historical, since they are impossible without a systematic presentation of facts that happened in the past.
History is not a separate science.
Historical work usually contains not only a systematization of social facts of the past, but also attempts at philosophical research, and sometimes a description of changes in nature.
Some branches of knowledge are at the junction of two classes.
Geography is a historically precise discipline, mechanics is an exact mathematical discipline, epistemology is a mathematical-moral discipline, economics is a moral-historical discipline.
It would be more accurate to say about economics that it is not one single science, but two different ones. The deductive praxeology of the classical and Austrian schools is a moral science, and the inductive econometrics of the monetarists and their predecessors is historical.
All this is written to dispel prejudices around the term “humanities”. In addition, it should have been determined long ago whether mathematics and philosophy can be considered sciences.

In conclusion, an interesting coincidence should be mentioned.
The four classes of sciences described above exactly correspond to the four basic psychotypes that socionics identifies.

Experiential is the same as sensory. The abstract coincides with the intuitive. Logical is natural. Ethical means human.

Therefore, the following correspondences are obvious.
Naturally abstract, or mathematical science– logical-intuitive type.
Natural-empirical, exact science is a logical-sensory type.
Humanitarian-abstract, or moral science is an ethical-intuitive type.
Humanitarian-empirical, historical science– ethical-sensory type.

The empirical method consists of sequentially performing the following five operations: observation, measurement, modeling, forecasting, checking the forecast.
Those interested can make personal observations...

Each degree of the Zodiac is “attached” to a certain characteristic, compiled as a result of many years of observations.

A kind of “concentrate” of formed observations.

First degree of Aries, Degree of the Sun.

Astrologers often call it “the degree of scapegoat”... Someone is looking for a “Scapegoat”, someone becomes one, either in the eyes of others or in their own...

Sabian: MARS - Great energy and quarrelsome character. Firmness in adversity.

Teboic:“A man who holds a rod in his left hand and a sickle in his right hand.” Diligence, hardworking character, but cocky, fights for existence.

Very strange:- Healthy standing man, dressed in leather clothes, but with bare shoulders. The real Hercules. Degree of strength and passion. Ability to work, strength of character, stability, passion, aggressiveness, well prepared for life and struggle. Caitan /fish/.



(To be continued)

Is astrology a science? Interest in astrology arose in ancient times and continues to this day. This is explained by the fact that people at all times wanted to know their destiny and their purpose. However, many argue that astrology cannot be trusted because the data obtained from the positions and movements of stars is not scientific. Is it really? At the moment, this question torments not only ordinary people, but also scientists. Professors at Yale University have been studying astrology for quite some time and are trying to get to the bottom of the truth: can the fateful moments in the life of a particular person and even society as a whole really be predicted by the stars? Scientists conducted research, as a result of which it turned out that the calculations of ancient astrologers completely coincide with all the events that happened. The researchers came to the conclusion that astrology still has the right to be called an exact science. Back in the middle of the 20th century, scientists made an attempt to put astrology on a par with other sciences, such as biology, mathematics and others. This issue was resolved at the congress scientific communities in NYC. At that time, scientists put forward the theory that with the help of accurate calculations of the movements of celestial bodies, it was possible to predict economic fluctuations throughout the world. However, this point of view was perceived negatively by many scientists. Now it has become extremely clear to everyone that everything on our planet is subject to the Universe: the sun creates electromagnetic fields, which can negatively affect both human health and the condition of the Earth. Radiation, radiation and many other “gifts” from the Universe can give rise to disasters, earthquakes and hurricanes. The Moon, like the Sun, influences many processes occurring on our planet. Thus, it has been scientifically proven that celestial bodies directly affect our Earth. So why can’t the Universe influence humans too? The star under which a child was born can also determine him character traits, development and abilities. An interesting fact: many directors of Western companies specifically hire their own astrologer in order to conduct all their affairs more successfully. He participates in all work meetings, helps solve cases, and suggests at what moment the stars will be favorable to any business. This already suggests that astrology is recognized as a science, albeit unofficially. Today this science has appeared on the pages of newspapers, glossy magazines and on the Internet. You can find your daily horoscope in literally all media. However, these replicated predictions are not always accurate, since in most cases they are written for the entertainment of readers. Nevertheless, astrology is successfully developing, giving rise to new trends: natal astrology, medical astrology, karmic astrology and many other directions.