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Dependence of relief forms on the structure of the earth's crust. Funny incident from life

Practical work No. 3

Subject:“Explanation of the dependence of the location of large landforms and mineral deposits on the structure of the earth’s crust using the example of individual territories.”
Goals of work: establish the relationship between the location of large landforms and the structure of the earth’s crust; check and evaluate the ability to compare maps and explain identified patterns; Using a tectonic map, determine the patterns of distribution of igneous and sedimentary minerals; explain the identified patterns.


1. After comparing the physical and tectonic maps of the atlas, determine which tectonic structures the indicated landforms correspond to. Draw a conclusion about the dependence of relief on the structure of the earth's crust. Explain the identified pattern.

2. Present the results of your work in the form of a table.


Prevailing altitudes

Tectonic structures underlying the territory

Conclusion about the dependence of relief on the structure of the earth's crust

the East European Plain

Central Russian Upland

West Siberian Lowland


Ural Mountains

Verkhoyansk ridge


3. Using the map of the atlas “Tectonics and Mineral Resources”, determine what minerals the territory of our country is rich in.

4. How are the types of igneous and metamorphic deposits indicated on the map? Sedimentary?

5. Which of them are found on platforms? What minerals (igneous or sedimentary) are confined to the sedimentary cover? What are the protrusions of the crystalline foundation of ancient platforms onto the surface (shields and massifs)?

6. What types of deposits (igneous or sedimentary) are confined to folded areas?

7. Present the results of the analysis in the form of a table and draw a conclusion about the established relationship.

Practical work No. 4

Subject:“Determination from maps of patterns of distribution of solar radiation, radiation balance. Identification of features of the distribution of average temperatures in January and July, annual precipitation throughout the country.”
Goals of work: determine patterns of distribution of total radiation, explain the identified patterns; study the distribution of temperatures and precipitation throughout the territory of our country, learn to explain the reasons for such distribution; learn to work with various climate maps, draw generalizations and conclusions based on their analysis.

  1. Look at Figure 31 on page 59 in your textbook. How are the total solar radiation values ​​shown on the map? In what units is it measured?

  2. Determine the total radiation for points located at different latitudes. Present the results of your work in the form of a table.

  1. Conclude what pattern is visible in the distribution of total radiation. Explain your results.

  2. Look at Figure 35 on page 64 of the textbook. How is the distribution of January temperatures across the territory of our country shown? How are the January isotherms in the European and Asian parts of Russia? Where are the areas with the highest temperatures in January? The lowest? Where is the pole of cold in our country?

  3. Conclude which of the main climate-forming factors has the most significant impact on the distribution of January temperatures. Write a brief summary in your notebook.

  4. Look at Figure 36 on page 65 in your textbook. How is the distribution of air temperatures in July shown? Determine which areas of the country have the lowest July temperatures and which have the highest. What are they equal to?

  5. Conclude which of the main climate-forming factors has the most significant impact on the distribution of July temperatures. Write a brief summary in your notebook.

  6. Look at Figure 37 on page 66 of the textbook. How is the amount of precipitation shown? Where does the most rainfall occur? Where is the least?

  7. Conclude which climate-forming factors have the most significant impact on the distribution of precipitation throughout the country. Write a brief summary in your notebook.

Under the influence of what forces does the relief of the Earth constantly change?

The Earth's topography is constantly changing under the influence of internal and external forces.

Questions in a paragraph

*Which territories of Russia are experiencing the most intense uplifts. Why do you think?

The most intense uplifts are observed in the Far East, Southern Siberia, and the Caucasus. These territories are included in the region of Cenozoic folding (Alpine-Himalayan geosynclinal belt).

*Determine which landforms predominate in the center of the glaciation, and which in more southern areas where the ice is melting.

Exaration forms predominate in the centers of glaciation - glacial hollows, sheep's foreheads, fiords. In places where the glacier melts, debris accumulates and kamas, eskers, and terminal moraine ridges are formed on glaciolacustrine plains. Even further south, outwash plains are formed by meltwater flows.

Questions at the end of the paragraph

1. What processes occurring in our time indicate the continuous development of the relief?

Endogenous processes – tectonic movements. Exogenous processes - the activity of flowing waters, living organisms, wind.

2. Name the largest glaciation of the Quaternary period?

Dnieper glaciation.

3. What influence did the glacier have on the modern topography?

A huge amount of debris was carried away from the centers of glaciation along with the mass of ice. At the same time, the rocks were smoothed out and potholes formed. In the south, during the melting of the glacier, debris material settled and accumulative landforms formed.

4. In which areas of our country did the activity of flowing waters have a special impact on the relief, and in which – the activity of the wind?

The activity of flowing waters is especially noticeable in areas with sloping surfaces and mountainous areas with significant rainfall. Where there is little precipitation, wind activity predominates. On the territory of the country it is expressed in the Caspian lowland, on the Baltic coast in the Kaliningrad region.

5. What natural phenomena are associated with the lithosphere?

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, landslides, avalanches, mud-stone flows.


1. What sources of geographic information should be used in order to characterize the relief of a particular territory?

Tectonic and physical-geographical maps, aerial photographs and satellite photographs.

2. Explain the patterns of location of the main relief forms on the territory of Russia. What cards did you use and why?

The largest relief forms in their location correspond to large tectonic structures. Plains and lowlands are on platforms. The mountains correspond to folded areas. To establish a pattern, it is necessary to use a tectonic and physical-geographical map.

3. Prove that relief formation is also taking place in our time.

The Earth's topography is constantly changing under the influence of internal and external forces. Endogenous processes – tectonic movements. Exogenous processes - the activity of flowing waters, living organisms, wind.

4. Practical work No. 3. Explanation of the dependence of the location of large landforms and mineral deposits on the structure of the Earth's crust.

Make a comparative description of the relief, geological structure and mineral resources of the Russian and West Siberian plains using the following plan:

5. Make a description of any of the Russian mountain ranges located in the south of Siberia, using the above plan.

a) where is the territory located?

The mountain system is located where the borders of Russia, Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan meet

b) what tectonic structure is it confined to?

region of the Caledonian fold

c) rocks of what age make up the territory

breeds of Caledonian age

d) average, minimum and maximum heights of the territory, reasons for their placement

Minimum heights are 200 m in the area of ​​the ancient peneplain. Maximum altitudes in the area of ​​alpine high-mountain relief are up to 4506 m. Average altitudes are 800-1800 m - it has a mid-mountain relief, which occupies more than half of Altai.

e) what external processes participated and are participating in the formation of the relief

activity of flowing waters, physical weathering, mountain glaciers.

f) what forms of relief are created by these processes; their placement;

The region of the ancient plain consists of high mountain ranges with a wide development of leveling surfaces and steep, stepped slopes modified by regressive erosion. Above the leveling surfaces rise individual peaks and small ridges composed of harder rocks with relative elevations of 200-400 m. Alpine relief is less widespread than the surface of the ancient peneplain. Ridges with alpine landforms are their most elevated axial parts (up to 4000-4500 m), strongly dissected by erosion and frost weathering. The main forms of relief here are pointed peaks and carlings, kars, trough valleys with lake basins, moraine hills and ridges, landslides, screes, frost-solifluction formations. Mid-mountain relief is characterized by smooth, rounded shapes of low ridges and their spurs, separated by river valleys.

g) what mineral resources are there in this territory?

polymetallic ores, mercury deposits, iron ores, bauxites, copper ores, magnesium ores.

h) how to explain their presence here?

the placement of minerals is associated with the geological structure - they are confined to folded areas.

i) what natural phenomena are associated with the relief features, as well as the tectonic and geological structure

Processes that form the relief. It would be a mistake to assume that only the formation of tectonic structures in the distant geological past influenced the appearance of the modern relief. Like all other components of nature, terrain is constantly changing. Even in such stable areas of the earth's crust as platforms, there is a constant change in surface shape.

Modern relief-forming processes can be divided into two groups: internal (endogenous), caused by movements of the earth's crust (they are called neotectonic or recent), and external (exogenous).

The latest tectonic movements of the earth's crust can manifest themselves both in the mountains and in flat platform areas. In areas of ancient folded structures, where the earth's crust has lost its plasticity, become rigid and rocks have lost the ability to bend into folds, powerful faults and faults have formed under the influence of recent tectonic movements. They divided the territory into monolithic blocks: some of them rose in the form of revived high ridges, others sank, forming intermountain depressions. The latest uplifts are occurring in the Caucasus, with the amplitude of movements reaching several centimeters per year.

Exogenous processes that shape modern relief are associated primarily with the activity of flowing waters, primarily rivers and glaciers, as well as with the peculiarities of climatic conditions. This is, for example, the relief created by permafrost processes.

Ancient glaciation in Russia. During the Quaternary period, due to changes in climatic conditions, several glaciations occurred in many regions of the Earth. The largest of them was the so-called Dnieper. The centers of glaciation in Eurasia were the mountains of Scandinavia, the Polar Urals, the Putorana Plateau in the north of the Central Siberian Plateau and the Byrranga Mountains on the Taimyr Peninsula. From here the ice spread to other territories.

Rice. 23. Ancient glaciation

Using Figure 23, determine the southern limit of the distribution of glaciation. Which areas of our country experienced the greatest influence of the glacier?

As the glacier moved south, the Earth's surface changed greatly. Stones (boulders) and loose sediments (sand, clay, crushed stone) moved from the center of glaciation along with the ice. On its way, the glacier smoothed the rocks, leaving deep scratches on them. In the warmer climates of the south, the glacier melted, depositing the material it brought with it. Loose clay-boulder glacial deposits are called moraine. Moraine hilly-ridge relief prevails on the Valdai and Smolensk-Moscow uplands of the Russian Plain.

Which landforms predominate in the center of the glaciation, and which in more southern areas where the ice melted?

When the glacier melted, huge masses of water formed, which transported and deposited sandy material, leveling the surface. This is how water-glacial plains were created along the outskirts of the glacier. In the northern regions, melted glacial waters filled depressions deepened by the glacier in solid crystalline rocks. This is how numerous lakes were formed in the north-west of the Russian Plain.

Activity of flowing waters. The land surface is constantly exposed to flowing waters - rivers, groundwater, temporary watercourses associated with precipitation. The activity of flowing waters is especially enhanced in areas with significant slopes and large amounts of precipitation. Therefore, in many mountainous areas, water-erosive terrain predominates.

Flowing waters not only dissect the surface, creating gorges, ravines, hollows, but also deposit destruction products in river valleys, in foothill areas and on gentle mountain slopes.

Rice. 24. Glacial landforms

Wind activity. Where there is little precipitation, wind plays a leading role in changing the topography. Wind activity in the European part of Russia is especially evident in the regions of the Caspian lowland.

Where sands are widespread, the wind creates an aeolian relief with dunes, as, for example, on the Curonian Spit on the Baltic Sea coast near the city of Kaliningrad.

Human activity. Academician V.I. Vernadsky noted that human activity in mining turned it into a serious relief-forming factor.

Rice. 25. Anthropogenic impacts on the relief

Thus, with the open method of mining, huge quarries and pits are created, and the entire area takes on an eerie, fantastic look. People build canals, dams, and railway tunnels, moving huge masses of soil. All this leads to the acceleration of relief-forming processes. Moreover, they are often accompanied by adverse consequences for humans: landslides and collapses form, large areas of fertile land are flooded, etc.

Natural phenomena events that occur in the lithosphere and bring great disasters to people are earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as well as landslides, landslides, avalanches and mud-stone flows.

In 1995, as a result of a strong earthquake (about 8 on the Richter scale) in the north of Sakhalin Island, the oil workers’ village of Neftegorsk was literally wiped off the face of the earth in a matter of minutes. Thousands of residents were affected. The destruction was so great that a government commission decided that it was impossible to rebuild the city on this site.

Rice. 26. Belts of earthquakes and volcanism

Using Figure 26, identify the seismically active areas of our country. Remember how powerful earthquakes cause great destruction and are dangerous to human life.

Landslides, landslides, landslides, and avalanches bring big troubles to people. All of them occur most often in mountainous areas, when, under the influence of gravity, rock fragments or masses of snow move along mountain slopes.

Rice. 27. Landslide structure

Sat down- stormy mud-stone flows. Most often, they occur near the end of the glacier after heavy rains or rapid snowmelt, when moisture-saturated soil begins to descend down the valley at an ever-increasing speed, taking with it a mass of stones.

Landslides- This is the displacement of rock masses down a slope under the influence of gravity. They are formed when water-resistant rocks lie shallow or when aquifer-bearing and aquifer-resistant layers alternate. The waterlogged upper layers slide along the aquitard, carrying with them everything that is on the surface. Landslide processes intensify during earthquakes and heavy rainfall.

Questions and tasks

  1. What processes occurring in our time indicate the continuous development of the relief?
  2. When was the ancient glaciation? Show the southern border of the largest glaciation.
  3. What influence did the glacier have on the modern topography?
  4. In which areas of our country is the relief particularly affected by the activity of flowing waters, and in which – by the activity of wind?
  5. What natural phenomena are associated with the lithosphere?
  6. On a contour map, show the areas of our country where earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, mudflows, and landslides can occur.

Final assignments on the topic

  1. What sources of geographic information should be used to characterize the relief of a particular territory?
  2. Explain the patterns of location of the main landforms on the territory of Russia. What cards did you use and why?
  3. Prove that the process of relief formation continues in our time.
  4. Practical work No. 3. Explanation of the dependence of the location of large landforms and mineral deposits on the structure of the earth's crust.

    Make a comparative description of the relief, geological structure and mineral resources of the Russian and West Siberian plains, using the following plan: where is the territory located; what tectonic structure is it confined to; what age rocks make up the territory; average, minimum and maximum heights of the territory; reasons for their placement; what external processes participated and are participating in the formation of the relief; what landforms are created by this or that process; their placement; what mineral resources are there in this area; how to explain their presence here; what natural phenomena are associated with the relief features, as well as with the tectonic and geological structure; possible measures to combat them.

  5. Make a description of any of the Russian mountain ranges located in the south of Siberia, using the above plan.
  6. Describe the relief of your region (region, republic).

Practical work

by geography

8th grade

Practical work No. 1

“Characteristics of the Russian State Enterprise. Comparison of the Russian State Enterprise with the State Enterprises of other countries.”

Target: Describe the geographical location of Russia.

Equipment: outline map of Russia, physical map of Russia, political and administrative map of Russia, pencil, colored pencils, eraser.

! Geographic latitude

meridian from the equator to the parallel passing through this point.

Geographic longitude given point is determined by the value in degrees of arc

parallels from the prime meridian to the meridian passing through this point.


Exercise 1. Remember the plan for characterizing the geographical location of the country:

    Position relative to the equator.

    Position relative to the prime meridian.

    Position on the mainland, part of the world.

    Seas and oceans washing the country (maritime borders).

    Neighboring states.

    Coordinates of the extreme points of the country.

    Assessment of the geographical location of the country for the life and economic activities of the population.

Task 2. Characteristics of the geographical location of Russia.

    Compare the area of ​​Russia with the area of ​​the continents and largest states (Table 1, Table 2).Draw a conclusion.

Table 1.

Area of ​​continents

Area, million sq. km.




North America


South America




Table 2.

Areas of the largest countries in the world

Area, million sq. km.













2. Determine Russia’s attitude to the equator, the prime meridian, the tropics, and the polar circles.

3. Determine on what continent, in what part of it the country is located. In what parts of the world?

4. Identify the seas and oceans washing Russia.

5. Name the countries with which Russia borders.

Determine which countries have the longest border.

Determine with which countries the border passes through mountains and rivers.

Determine which countries Russia borders only by sea.

Draw a conclusion about the length of Russia's land and sea borders .

6. Find the extreme points of Russia. Determine their coordinates (Memo No. 2)

7. Determine the extent of Russia from north to south, from west to east.

Draw a conclusion where the extent is greatest and where it is least.

8. What is the “Russian sector of the Arctic?”

Task 3. Highlight the positive and negative features of Russia's geographical location. Fill out table 3.

Table 3.

Negative features of Russia's geographical location

Task 4. According to the proposed plan, tell us about the features of the geographical location of Russia.

Tasks on the contour map: (memo No. 1)

1. Mark the state border of Russia on the contour map.

2. Sign border states.

3. Mark the extreme points of Russia, sign their coordinates (Cape Chelyuskin, Cape Fligeli, Cape Dezhnev, Baltic Spit, Mount Bazardyuzyu).

4. Sign the natural borders of Russia (Ratmanov Island, the Caucasus, the Caspian Lowland, Altai, the Bering, Kunashir, La Perouse straits).

Memo No. 1.

Rules for working on a contour map.

1. Each contour map is signed. In the upper right corner, write the name of the future map (for example, “Geographical location of Russia”)

2. Complete all the inscriptions from the beginning in pencil: small, clear, beautiful, in block letters. Check it out. Use ink of the appropriate color.

The names of rivers and mountains are placed along the rivers and ridges, respectively, the names of the lowlands - along the parallels.

If the name of a geographical object does not fit on the map, then put a number next to it, and in the symbols of the map they write what this number means.

3. Color the map with colored pencils.

4. If necessary, fill in the map legend.

Memo No. 2

The sequence of actions when determining the geographic latitude of an object:

1. find the parallel closest to the object from the equator and determine its latitude;

2. determine the number of degrees from this parallel to the object;

3. add the resulting number to the latitude of the parallel.

4. determine in which hemisphere, northern or southern, the object is located.

The sequence of actions when determining the geographic longitude of an object:

1. find the meridian closest to the object from the side of the prime meridian and determine its longitude;

2. determine the number of degrees from this meridian to the object;

3. add the resulting number to the longitude of the meridian;

4. determine in which hemisphere, Western or Eastern, the object is located.

Comparison of the geographical location of Russia and other countries.

Target: Determine the features of the geographical location of Russia in comparison with other countries.

Equipment: physical map of Russia, political and administrative map of Russia, political map of the world.


Exercise 1. Compare the geographical position of Russia with the position of the largest countries in the world by area - Canada, USA, China. (For a plan for characterizing the geographic location, see practical work No. 1).

Draw a conclusion:

    With which country does Russia have a similar geographical location?

    The geographical location of which countries differs significantly from the geographical location of Russia.

Task 2. Highlight the features of the geographical location of Russia in comparison with other countries of the world. Working with the textbook page 12.

Practical work No. 2

“Determination of standard time for different points in Russia.” Russia on time zone map

Target: Learn to determine standard time.

Equipment: Time zone map of Russia

! Standard time - this is time within the same time zone.

Local time - this is time on one meridian.

Maternity time – advance standard time one hour.

Summer time - moving the clock hand one hour ahead compared to the zone and

maternity time.

Date line - 180 meridian, the beginning of a new day. Crossing this line, we

we get from one day to another.

The time difference between time zones is 1 hour. Moving east, when crossing a time zone, time is added by 1 hour. When moving west, one hour decreases.

Time zones begin from the Greenwich meridian.

There are 11 time zones in Russia.

The surface of the entire globe is divided into 24 time zones.


Exercise 1.

1. Determine how many degrees the Earth rotates around its axis in 1 hour, in 4 minutes.

2. Determine what time zone your locality is in.

Task 2. Calculate the standard time in Yakutsk, provided that in Omsk the standard time is 10 hours.

The sequence of this task:

    Determine the longitude of the cities of Omsk and Yakutsk.

    Determine time in the city of Yakutsk.

    Write down answer

Task 3. Determine the time in Vladivostok if it is 12 o'clock in Moscow.

Practical work No. 3

“Explanation of the dependence of the location of large landforms and mineral deposits on the structure of the earth’s crust using the example of individual territories.”

Target: Establish a connection between tectonic structure, relief and minerals.

Equipment: tectonic map of Russia, physical map of Russia, mineral resources of Russia.

! Platforms – the oldest, relatively stable and leveled areas of the earth’s surface


Plates is a young platform.

Shields – the emergence of a foundation composed of crystalline rocks to the surface.

Landforms – plains (lowlands, hills, plateaus) and mountains.

Minerals are mineral formations in the earth's crust that can

effectively used on the farm.

Minerals: ore (metal) in igneous rocks

non-metallic (non-metallic) in sedimentary rocks


Exercise 1. Compare the contents of the tectonic and physical maps.

Find platforms and plates on the tectonic map.

Overlay a physical map on the tectonic map and determine what relief forms are located on the platforms and plates.

Find shields on the tectonic map.

What landforms correspond to shields?

Identify areas of folding.

What landforms correspond to folded areas.

Identify which minerals correspond to each tectonic structure.

Task 2. Establish the relationship between the tectonic structure, relief and minerals in certain territories of our country.

Summarize the factual material proving the existence of such a connection in the form of Table 4.

Table 4.

The corresponding landform

Most common minerals

East European Platform

West Siberian Plate

Siberian platform

Areas of Cenozoic folding

Areas of Hercynian folding

Baltic shield

Aldan shield

Conclusions about the established dependence.

What tectonic structures correspond to plains, mountains, highlands.

What is the pattern in the distribution of minerals?

Practical work No. 4

“Determination from maps of patterns of distribution of solar radiation, radiation balance, distribution of average temperatures and amount of precipitation throughout the country.”

Target: Establish patterns of distribution of solar radiation, air temperature and precipitation on the territory of Russia.

Equipment: maps: total solar radiation,

average temperatures in January

average July temperatures,

annual precipitation,

evaporation and volatility.

! Solar radiation - radiation of heat and light from the sun.

Total radiation - the total amount of solar energy reaching

surface of the Earth.

Volatility - is the amount of moisture that can evaporate from a surface when

given atmospheric conditions.

Evaporation - This is the entry of water vapor into the atmosphere from the surface of water, ice,

vegetation, soil.

Humidity coefficient is the ratio of annual precipitation to

evaporation rate for the same period.

K = O/I.

K = 1 sufficient moisture

K > 1 excess moisture

TO< 1 увлажнение недостаточное


Exercise 1. Using climate maps, fill out table 5.

Table 5.

Total radiation,

kcal/cm sq.

Annual precipitation, mm


bridge, mm








Saint Petersburg




Draw a conclusion:

In what direction does the temperature change in January and June?

What determines the distribution of solar radiation?

In what direction does the amount of precipitation change? Explain your reasons

uneven distribution of precipitation.

Establish a relationship between the amount of solar radiation and evaporation

Practical work No. 5

“Determination of weather features for various points using a synoptic map. Weather forecast".

Target: Learn to make a weather forecast using various sources of geographic information.

Equipment: synoptic map, weather diagrams.

! Weather - the state of the troposphere in a given place for a certain period


The atmospheric front is a kind of transition zone separating different

their properties of air masses.

Exercise 1. Determine the weather condition using a synoptic map in the Urals, the Central part of the East European Plain according to the plan:

1. Air temperature.

3. Cloudiness, precipitation.

4. Which atmospheric front affects the weather condition.

5. What is the expected weather forecast for the near future.

Draw a conclusion:

Determine the reasons for the differences in weather. Explain the difference in atmospheric circulation.

Practical work No. 6

"Characteristics of the climate of Western Siberia." Types of climates in Russia

Target: Determine the influence of the climate of different areas of the country on human activity.

Equipment: climate maps of Russia, agroclimatic map of Russia.

! Climate Human activity

The amount of heat



Promote development

Climatic resorts

Humidity coefficient

Harsh winter

Agricultural work

make it difficult

Excess moisture


Great aridity

Development of new territories

Exercise 1. Determine the influence of climate on human activity. Fill out table 6.

Table 6.

Climate zone

Climate features

Climate influence on human activity


makes it difficult

North of the East European Plain

Central part of the East European Plain

South of the East European Plain

Draw a conclusion: What is the influence of climate on human life and activity.

Practical work No. 7

"Characteristics of the Volga River." Diversity of inland waters of Russia. Rivers.

Target: Compile a detailed description of the river using various sources of information.

Equipment: climate maps of Russia, physical map of Russia, climatograms, atlas maps.

! River mode – natural change in the state of the river over time: high water, low water,

flood, freeze-up, ice drift.

Types of river water regime: - rivers with spring floods;

Rivers with summer floods;

Rivers with flood regime.

Low water - the lowest water level in the river.

High water – the highest water level in the river.

Flood – a short-term rise in the water level in the river.

Annual flow is the amount of water flowing in a river bed per year.

River slope – the ratio of the magnitude of the river’s fall to its length.

U = P: L . (unit cm/km)

Fall of the River - the excess of the source of the river above the mouth.

P = I-U (unit m)

River feeding: rain, snow, soil, glacial, mixed.

Exercise 1. Give a detailed description of the river according to plan:

1. Name of the river.

2. Source, direction of flow, mouth.

3. Which ocean does it belong to?

The rivers of Russia belong to the basins of the Arctic, Pacific, Atlantic oceans and internal drainage (rivers flowing into lakes).

4. Power supply.

To answer, you need to open a climate map and climatogram, determine the time of maximum precipitation.

5. Type of water regime.

See river nutrition.

6. Fall and slope of the river.

7. Annual flow.

Determined from the map of annual river flow.

8. Flow characteristics.

The nature of the current is determined by a physical map; it is necessary to determine the landforms (plain or mountains). According to the nature of the river flow, there are flat, calm and smooth flows, or mountain, stormy and fast flows. .

9. Economic use of the river and her security.

Rivers are used as transport routes, in industry and agriculture, for irrigation, in everyday life, as water resources, and as a source of fresh water. Fishing, timber rafting. Choose the meaning in relation to your river.

Practical work No. 8

"Patterns of distribution of land waters and associated hazardous natural phenomena." Lakes, swamps, underground waters. Glaciers. Permafrost.

Target: Establish the relationship between land waters, climate and relief.

Equipment: physical map of Russia.

! River - a stream of water flowing in a depression created by it.

underground water - water found in the earth's crust.

Lake - a closed body of water formed on the land surface in a natural environment


Glacier - long-term accumulation of ice on land.

Swamp - an area of ​​the earth's surface that is heavily moistened and overgrown with moisture-loving


Permafrost - these are rock strata that contain ice, not

thawing over time.

Floods - this is the flooding of vast areas of territory along with populated areas

points, industrial and agricultural enterprises.

Sat down – rapid mud-stone flows that occur after heavy rains or during

intense snowmelt.


Exercise 1. Compare the waters of the land and the dangerous natural phenomena associated with them. Highlight the areas of their distribution throughout the country.

Sushi waters:

    Rivers Lakes Swamps Glaciers Permafrost Groundwater

Hazardous natural phenomena:

    Floods Droughts Showers Snowfalls Mudflows Avalanches Ice Ice Landslides

Distribution areas:

    Regions of the Caucasus

    Rivers of Northern drainage

    Mountains of Southern Siberia

    Rivers of the Far East

    West Siberian Plain

    North-west Russian Plain

    Amur basin



    Eastern Siberia


    Northern Urals

Enter the data in table 7

Table 7.

Natural hazards

Areas of distribution

Draw a conclusion:

Task 2. Suggest measures to combat natural disasters.

Practical work No. 9

"Forecasting changes in flora and fauna under given conditions of change in the natural complex."

Target: Prove the dependence of flora and fauna on other components of nature.

Equipment: atlas maps.

! Components of nature : plants, animals, climate, water, relief, useful

fossils, humans, soils,

Natural complex - this is an area of ​​the earth's surface that differs

characteristics of natural components that are in complex interaction.

Levels of natural complexes: local, regional, global.

Changes in the natural complex at the local level are associated with changes in the local

level (with individual relief elements).

Changes in the natural complex at the regional level are associated with tectonic

movements, solar radiation.

Changes in the global natural complex are associated with

interpenetration of the Earth's shells.

All natural complexes change influenced by human activity.


Exercise 1. Make a forecast of changes in flora and fauna when the components of nature change. Fill out table 9.

Table 9.

Characteristics of nature's components

Initial state of flora and fauna

Changing other components of nature

State of flora and fauna

after change

Draw a conclusion about the dependence of flora and fauna on other components of nature.

Practical work No. 10 “Characteristics of a natural area.”

Target: Establish the relationship between the components of nature in various natural zones.

Equipment: atlas maps.

! Natural area


(height above sea level)

Exercise 1. Using atlas maps, establish the relationship between the components of nature in different natural zones. Record the results of your work in the form of diagram 2.

Scheme 2.

Example: Dependence between the components of nature in the tundra zone

Geographical position:

along the coast of the Arctic Ocean


subarctic – severe winter, long and cold (-32 C), short summer (+ 4 C in the north, + 10 C in the south); There is little precipitation (200 - 300 mm per year), but there is excessive moisture (K more than 1.5)

Practical work No. 11

“Identification from maps of the main areas for growing grain and industrial crops, the main areas for livestock raising.”

Goal: Identification of the main areas for growing grain and industrial crops, the main areas for livestock raising in Russia. Test your ability to work with various forms of educational material and reflect the results of your work in a table.


1. Using atlas maps, determine the specialization of agriculture in the tundra zone; taiga and mixed forests; deciduous forests and forest-steppes; steppes; semi-deserts and deserts. Present the results in table form.









Reindeer husbandry.

Taiga and mixed


Rye, barley.

Flax, potatoes.

Dairy farming,

Pig farming.


forests and forest-steppes.

Wheat, barley, oats, millet.

Sugar beet.

Beef cattle breeding, pig farming, poultry farming.


Wheat, corn, buckwheat.

Sunflower, sugar beet, mustard.

Beef cattle breeding,

pig farming, poultry farming, horse breeding.

Semi-deserts and deserts.

Barley, wheat.

Sheep breeding.

Conclusion: agricultural specialization (both crop production and livestock production) depends on the climate. Thus, in temperate zone conditions, with sufficient moisture on non-chernozem infertile soils, crop production specializes in growing cold-resistant, unpretentious crops: grains (rye, barley), technical ones - flax, potatoes. In the forest-steppe and steppe zones, crops that are more demanding on soil fertility are grown - corn, millet, wheat and buckwheat. The same dependence can be seen in the specialization of livestock farming, which is highly dependent on the feed supply. In conditions of a meager food supply, the following areas are distinguished: reindeer husbandry (tundra), sheep husbandry (deserts and semi-deserts), meat cattle breeding, pig breeding (unpretentiousness, consumption of waste from the processing of industrial crops - sunflower, sugar beets). In conditions of good fodder - dairy cattle breeding (on succulent grasses).

Additional material for teachers:

Grain is the main agricultural product. Healthy food products are produced from grain: flour, bread products. Grain is necessary for the good development of poultry farming, which is combined with an increase in the production of meat and other food products.

Cereals serve as a resource for the production of molasses and alcohol.

Globally increasing grain production is a key task for agriculture. Along with increasing grain production, significant attention is paid to improving the quality of grain crops, as well as, primarily, to expanding the production of strong wheat, as well as the most important cereal grain crops.

To successfully solve these problems, it is necessary to improve the use of agricultural technology, introduce more high-yielding hybrids, and improve the structure of sown areas. Great importance is also attached to the high-quality use of fertilizers. The cultivated grain crops belong to such botanical families as buckwheat and legumes.

The nutritional value of grains is determined by the digestibility of the components that form them, and also varies depending on many factors. Cereals, which belong to various types, differ not only in the ratio of nutritional components, but also in their properties.

Today I will make a comparative description of the main geoparameters of the largest Russian plains - the West Siberian and Russian, and will also try to identify the patterns of the location of their relief forms and the occurrence of minerals from the structures of the crust of our planet.

Relief, geological structure and minerals of the Russian Plain

The Russian Plain stretches in the northeastern region of Eastern Europe, from the coasts of the Caspian and Azov to the cold northern seas of the Barents and White. Its territory is outlined:

  • from the west by the Vistula River;
  • from the northwest by the Scandinavian ridge;
  • from the southeast and southwest, respectively, by the Caucasus and the European mountains.

The plain is located on the plate of the same name of the Precambrian era (age more than 540 million years), the average, maximum and minimum heights are 170, 470 and -28 meters, respectively (the last indicator is the Caspian coast).

Almost all forms of relief are of tectonic origin. In the direction from north to south, a sharp alternation of large hills gives way to prevailing lowlands. Vast wetlands are rich in peat, and vast deposits of coal have been found in the mountains. The soil is very fertile.

Due to its length, the Russian Plain is prone to hurricanes and droughts, especially in the southern part (every third year there is abnormally low humidity).

West Siberian Plain, its geology and minerals

This plain is located in Asia, in its northern part; its territory is outlined:

  • Kazakh small hills in the south;
  • the coast of the Kara Sea in the north;
  • Mountain Shoria and Altai in the southeast.

The plain is located on the folded West Siberian plate, formed in the Paleozoic era, that is, immediately after the Precambrian. The origin is also tectonic. The average height is about 150 meters, in the south and west - up to 250-300.

Since the West Siberian Plain has mostly lowland terrain, it is natural that gas, oil and peat deposits will form here (about 50% of Russia’s reserves).

Hurricanes are also common here, especially in coastal areas.