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Internship assistantships. Training in the form of assistantship-internship

  • 09.53.01 The art of musical instrumental performance (by type: “Solo performance on the piano”, “Solo performance on string instruments”, “Solo performance on wind instruments”, “Solo performance on the button accordion”, “Solo performance on the accordion”, “ Solo performance on plucked string instruments");
  • 53.09.02 The art of vocal performance (“Academic singing”);
  • 53.09.05 Conducting (“Conducting an academic choir”, “Conducting an orchestra of folk instruments”, “Conducting an opera and symphony orchestra”).

- rules for admission to training under assistantship-internship programs(download)

- programs entrance examinations (download⇓)

- information about the forms of entrance examinations(download⇓)

Applicants to internship assistantships must take the following entrance tests in accordance with federal state educational standards higher education(specialist or master's level):

The profile entrance test precedes the entrance test in a foreign language and is conducted in two stages: execution (presentation) of a creative program (project) and interview (colloquium).

Information about the possibility of accepting applications and necessary documents provided for by these Rules, in electronic digital form

  • Acceptance of applications and documents in electronic digital form at MGIM. A.G. Schnittke is not provided.

- information on the forms of entrance examinations for foreign citizens(download⇓)

Foreign citizens entering assistant internships pass the following entrance tests in accordance with federal state educational standards of higher education (specialist or master's level):

  • entrance test corresponding to the profile of the assistantship-internship program in creative and performing specialty (hereinafter referred to as the profile entrance test);
  • entrance test in a foreign language (English language).

The profile entrance test precedes the entrance test in a foreign language and is carried out in two stages: execution (presentation) of a creative program (project) and an interview (colloquium).

The entrance test in a foreign language is conducted orally. Entrance tests are conducted in Russian.

- features of conducting entrance tests for citizens with disabilities health(download⇓)

- information on the availability of a dormitory and the number of places in the dormitory for non-resident applicants(download⇓)

  • MGIM named after A.G. Schnittke has a dormitory for 32 places. Dormitory address: Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station, st. Marshal Sokolovsky, 10.
  • MGIM im. A.G. Schnittke also has a dormitory for RGSU. Quota for 1st year students - 50 seats. Dormitory address: Sokol metro station, st. Baltiysky lane, 6/21.
  • During the period of entrance examinations, applicants are provided with a dormitory.

- information about postal addresses for sending documents required for admission(download⇓)

Documents required for admission are submitted to the Institute's Admissions Committee at the address: 123060, Moscow, st. Marshal Sokolovsky, 10.

Code Direction of training Reception check digits Under contracts for the provision of paid educational services Total


The art of musical and instrumental performance (by type)

3 25 28
"Solo piano performance" - 12 12
"Solo performance on string instruments" - 5 5
"Solo performance on wind instruments" 2 5 7
"Solo performance on accordion" - 1 1
"Solo accordion performance" - 1 1
“Solo performance on plucked string instruments” 1 1 2


The art of vocal performance " Academic singing" 1 5 6


The art of conducting"Conducting an academic choir"

1 5 6
The art of conducting“Conducting an orchestra of folk instruments”, “Conducting an opera and symphony orchestra” - 5 5

The procedure for organizing a competition for places within the admission target numbers and for places under service agreements paid services for applicants to MGIM named after A.G. Schnittke on assistantship programs - internships

The Institute sets the following minimum number of points for applicants within the admission quotas and for places under contracts for the provision of paid services for each entrance test, confirming the successful completion of entrance tests*:


Entrance test

Minimal amount points

53.09.01 The art of musical and instrumental performance (by type)

(Solo performance on piano, Solo performance on string instruments, Solo performance on wind instruments, Solo performance on accordion, Solo performance on accordion, Solo performance on plucked string instruments)

53.09.02 The Art of Vocal Performance(Academic singing)

53.09.05 The art of conducting

(Conducting an academic choir, Conducting a folk orchestra, Conducting an opera and symphony orchestra)

1.Profile test - execution of a creative program and interview

2.Foreign language (English)

* Entrance tests are listed in order of priority when ranking.

Rules for filing and considering appeals for applicants to study at MGIM. A.G. Schnittke on assistantship programs - internships in 2018

1. Based on the results of the examination committee’s decision to pass the entrance test, the applicant (trusted representative) has the right to file an appeal with the appeal commission about a violation, in the applicant’s opinion, of the established procedure for conducting the entrance test.

2. Consideration of the appeal is not a retake of the entrance test. During the consideration of the appeal, only compliance with the established procedure for conducting the admissions test and the correctness of the assessment of the results of the admissions test are checked.

3. The appeal is submitted by the applicant or a proxy to the chairman of the Admissions Committee (rector) on the day the results of the entrance test are announced or during the next working day. An appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting an admissions test can also be filed on the day of the admissions test. The appeal is considered no later than the next working day for filing the appeal.

4. Chairman admissions committee An appeal commission is formed to consider appeals. Members of the examination commission whose decision is being challenged are not included in the appeal commission.

5. Members of the examination committee and the applicant have the right to be present during the consideration of the appeal. The applicant must have with him a document proving his identity.

6. After considering the appeal, the appeal commission makes a decision on the presence or absence of a violation of the admissions test procedure and decides to change the assessment of the entrance test results or leave the specified assessment unchanged. If disagreements arise, a vote is held in the appeal commission, and the decision is made by a majority vote.

7. The decision of the appeal commission, documented in the protocol, is brought to the attention of the applicant (authorized person). The fact that the applicant (authorized person) has become familiar with the decision of the appeal commission is certified by the signature of the applicant (authorized person).

Information on the dates and location of entrance examinations and consultations for applicants to study at MGIM. A.G. Schnittke on assistantship programs - internships in 2018

Consultations are organized for applicants to study at A.G. Schnittke MGIM under assistantship-internship programs.

Consultations on the specialty are carried out according to the individual schedule of consultations of teachers.

Applicants will be given one free rehearsal with an accompanist from July 18 to July 23 (according to the schedule).

Information is regularly updated on the website of MGIM named after A.G. Schnittke and the information stand of the Admissions Committee of MGIM named after A.G. Schnittke.

Entrance tests and consultations are held at MGIM. A.G. Schnittke at the address: Moscow, st. Marshal Sokolovsky, 10.

Completion dates for admission from applicants of the original specialist's diploma or master's diploma when admitted to study under assistantship-internship programs within the admission target numbers and the date of completion of admission from applicants' consent to enrollment when admitted to study under assistantship-internship programs to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services in 2018

The Institute establishes the following deadlines for admission to places within the admission target numbers and to places under contracts for the provision of paid services:

  • August 2 - posting lists of applicants for assistantship-internship programs on the official website and on the information stand;
  • August 4— acceptance of the original document on education and applications for consent to enroll applicants for training in assistantship-internship programs is completed;
  • August 7- an order for enrollment is issued.
  • The order(s) for enrollment in places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment is issued after signing the contract and paying the first installment (10%), but no later than August 22.

Assistantship-internship - form of postgraduate training in creative and performing specialties in the field of culture and art.

Persons undergoing training in the form of assistantship-internship and carrying out training final work in creative and performing specialties, they are trainee assistants. Trainee assistants, on the basis of an order from the head of an educational institution, are assigned to the corresponding creative and performing department of the educational institution.

Only those persons who have a higher professional education can undertake assistant internships. The training lasts two years and is carried out only full-time.

Training of assistant trainees is carried out according to the basic professional educational programs postgraduate vocational education in creative and performing specialties.

The main objective of training in the form of assistantship-internship - improvement of creative, performing and pedagogical skills of persons with higher professional education, confirmed by a specialist’s diploma or a master’s diploma.

Admission of trainee assistants is carried out annually within the time frame established by educational institution, but not earlier than June of this year. The university must set the requirements for entrance examinations and the date for announcing the results of entrance examinations independently and post this data on the information stand and the official website of the educational institution no later than two months before the start of entrance examinations.

An assistant-trainee is trained according to an individual curriculum, which is developed by the assistant-trainee's supervisor based on the main educational program of postgraduate professional education in the creative and performing specialty and federal state requirements for its structure. The individual curriculum drawn up by the supervisor of the trainee assistant is discussed at a meeting of the relevant department and approved by the Academic Council of the educational institution.

The assistant-trainee's implementation of the approved individual curriculum is under the control of the supervisor and the head of the department.

Those trainee assistants who fully implement the individual curriculum are admitted to the state final certification. Admission is made on the basis of an order from the head of the educational institution upon the recommendation of the relevant department.

State final certification is carried out in the form of presenting a final work in a creative and performing specialty. It could be open public speaking, showing or watching a recital, performance, exhibition or film.

Those persons who have successfully passed the state final certification receive a diploma with a qualification.


to the Institute named after I. E. Repin in 2019

for training in educational programs of higher education –

assistantship-internship programs

In 2019, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. E. Repin" Russian Academy Arts" (I.E. Repin Institute) accepts students for educational programs of higher education - assistantship-internship programs (hereinafter referred to as assistantship-internship programs) in the following areas of training:

07.09.01 Architecture

07.09.02 Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage

54.09.04 The art of painting (by type)

54.09.05 Graphic art (by type)

54.09.06 The art of sculpture

54.09.07 The art of restoration (by type)

Control figures for the reception of citizens

for training at the expense of federal budget allocations

Training direction code

The number of places for training at the expense of federal budget allocations.

Full-time education


Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage

The art of painting (by type)

Graphic art (by type)

Art of sculpture

The art of restoration (by type)

Number of places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

Name of the area of ​​training

Training direction code

Number of places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

Full-time education

The art of painting (by type)

Graphic art (by type)

Art of sculpture

Information about entrance examinations

For applicants to places within the admission quotas, as well as under contracts for the provision of paid educational services for the creative and performing specialty of assistantship-internship, the same entrance tests are established.

The schedule of entrance examinations (subject, date, time, location of the test, consultations, date of announcement of results) is approved by the chairman of the admissions committee or his deputy and brought to the attention of applicants.

Applicants to study assistantship-internship programs take entrance tests:

By special discipline corresponding to the profile of the assistantship-internship program in the creative and performing specialty (hereinafter referred to as the specialized entrance test);

Foreign language (English, German, French; Russian - for citizens of foreign countries).

The profile entrance test precedes the entrance test in a foreign language and is carried out in two stages: execution (presentation) of a creative program (project) and an interview (colloquium).

The entrance test in a foreign language is carried out in accordance with the entrance test program in oral, written, or a combination of these forms.

The applicant’s level of knowledge is assessed by the examination committee using a five-point system. Each entrance test is assessed separately.

Retaking entrance tests is not allowed. Passed entrance tests for internship assistantships are valid for a calendar year.

Features of conducting entrance tests for individuals

with disabilities

Citizens with disabilities take entrance examinations in the manner established by the Institute independently, taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status (hereinafter referred to as individual characteristics) of such applicants.

When conducting entrance examinations, the following requirements are ensured:

Entrance tests are held in a separate classroom; the number of applicants in one classroom should not exceed 6 people when passing the entrance test;

It is allowed for a larger number of applicants with disabilities to be present in the audience during the entrance test, as well as for admission tests for people with disabilities to be held in the same audience together with applicants who do not have disabilities, if this does not create difficulties for applicants when passing entrance test;

The duration of entrance examinations upon a written application of applicants submitted before the start of entrance examinations may be increased, but not more than by 1.5 hours;

The presence of an assistant (for the hearing impaired - a sign language interpreter) who provides applicants with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual characteristics (take a workplace, move around, read and fill out an assignment, communicate with the examiner);

Applicants are provided with printed instructions on the procedure for conducting entrance examinations;

Applicants, taking into account their individual characteristics, can use the technical means they need during the entrance test;

Material and technical conditions ensure the possibility of unimpeded access for applicants to classrooms, toilets and other premises, as well as their stay in these premises; There are portable ramps; some of the classrooms and premises are located on the ground floor of the building.

Additionally, when conducting entrance examinations, the following requirements are ensured, depending on the categories of applicants with disabilities:

1) for the visually impaired:

individual uniform illumination of at least 300 lux is provided;

If necessary, those arriving to complete the task are provided with a magnifying device;

tasks to be completed, as well as instructions on the procedure for conducting entrance tests, are written in enlarged font; it is also possible to use your own magnifying devices;

assignments to be completed, as well as instructions on the procedure for conducting entrance examinations, are drawn up in larger font;

2) for the deaf and hard of hearing, the availability of sound-amplifying equipment for collective use is ensured; if necessary, applicants are provided with sound-amplifying equipment for individual use;

3) for persons with severe speech impairments, the deaf, and the hard of hearing, all entrance examinations, at the request of applicants, can be conducted in writing;

4) for persons with musculoskeletal disorders (severe impairments motor functions upper limbs or absence of upper limbs):

written assignments are completed on a computer with a specialized software or dictated to an assistant;

At the request of applicants, all entrance examinations can be conducted orally.

The conditions necessary for the applicant are provided to the applicant on the basis of an application for admission containing information about the need to create appropriate special conditions.

General rules for filing and reviewing appeals

Based on the results of the examination committee’s decision to pass the entrance test, the applicant has the right to file an appeal with the appeal commission about a violation, in the applicant’s opinion, of the established procedure for conducting the entrance test (hereinafter referred to as the appeal).

Consideration of the appeal is not a retake of the entrance test. During the consideration of the appeal, only compliance with the established procedure for conducting the admissions test is checked.

The chairman of the selection committee forms an appeal committee to consider appeals during the work of the selection committee. Members of the examination commission whose decision is being challenged are not included in the appeal commission. It is recommended to include cultural and artistic figures who do not work in this educational organization as independent experts on the appeal commission.

The appeal is submitted by applicants in person on the day the results of the entrance test are announced or during the next working day. In this case, the applicant has the right to familiarize himself with his work performed during the entrance test in the manner established by the Institute. The Admissions Committee accepts appeals throughout the working day.

Appeals are considered no later than the next working day after the day the appeal was filed and before the next scheduled entrance test.

During the consideration of the appeal, members of the examination committee have the right to be present, as well as the applicant, who must have an identification document with him.

When considering an appeal, the following requirements are ensured depending on the categories of applicants with disabilities:

1) for the deaf and hard of hearing, the presence of a sign language interpreter or sign language interpreter is ensured;

2) for the visually impaired, the presence of a sign language interpreter is ensured.

After considering the appeal, the appeal commission makes a decision on the presence or absence of a violation of the procedure and whether or not to conduct the entrance test again.

If disagreements arise, a vote is held in the appeal commission and the decision is approved by a majority vote. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairman or presiding officer at the meeting of the appeal commission is decisive.

The decision of the appeal commission, documented in the protocol, is brought to the attention of the applicant (against signature) and stored in the applicant’s personal file.

Admission deadlines

for assistantship-internship programs in 2019

Acceptance of documents from applicants to study in educational programs of higher education - assistantship-internship programs is carried out from June 25 to July 17, 2019(July 17 – until 16.00). Documents will not be accepted after the specified deadlines.

July 19, 2018 On the official website and on the information stand of the institute's admissions committee, lists of persons who submitted the documents required for admission are posted, indicating information about acceptance or refusal to accept documents.

Entrance tests pass during the period from July 22 to July 31, 2019 in classrooms and training workshops of the institute. The schedule of entrance tests and consultations will be posted additionally.

02 August 2019 On the official website and on the information stand of the institute's admissions committee, lists of applicants by name are posted, compiled based on the results of entrance examinations.

05 August 2019 On the official website and on the information stand of the institute’s admissions committee, lists of applicants recommended for admission are posted by name.

06 August 2019(until 18.00) the acceptance of the original specialist’s diploma or master’s diploma is completed - for enrollment in places within the control numbers.

Applicants who present the original document of a specialist's diploma or master's degree are subject to enrollment.

07 August 2019 An order for enrollment in places within the target numbers for the admission of citizens to study within the target numbers is issued and posted on the official website and on the information stand of the institute’s admissions committee.

08 August 2019(until 18.00) the acceptance of the original specialist's diploma or master's diploma or application for consent to enrollment is completed, attaching a certified copy of the specified document or a copy of the specified document with the presentation of its original for certification of the copy by the admissions committee - for enrollment in places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

Applicants who have submitted the original document of a specialist's diploma or master's diploma or an application for consent to enrollment with the attachment of a certified copy of the specified document or a copy of the specified document with the presentation of its original for certification of the copy by the admissions committee are subject to enrollment.

09 August 2019 an order for admission to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services is issued and posted on the official website and on the information stand of the institute’s admissions committee.

Please note: more detailed information about admission to assistantship-internship programs - in the Admission Rules for 2019.