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Will you have big money? Wealth test! How to determine your predisposition to wealth using numerology Test will I become rich.

Each of us has certain talents. Numerology will help you determine how strong your connection is with the world of finance and whether you have a gift for making money.

Your predisposition to success in money can be determined by three main methods: two methods by date of birth and the third by your favorite number. Remember that if you have a predisposition to wealth, this does not mean that you will absolutely definitely be rich. This means that it will be much easier for you to achieve this than for other people.

Method one: favorite number

It would be more accurate to say your favorite number, because it is important that the number lies in the interval between 1 and 9. The luckiest people are those whose favorite numbers are One, Four and Eight.

Why exactly these numbers indicate your predisposition to wealth will be written further - in the second method, based on calculating the number of luck by date of birth.

Numerologists believe that your favorite number is connected to your past lives, since you don’t actually choose it - you already chose it for yourself many lives ago. It has been your talisman for a very long time.

Method two: calculating the number of luck

Take your date of birth and add up all the numbers. Add them up until you get a prime number from 1 to 9. For example, your date of birth is 07/19/1975. Your personal number will be 1+9+7+1+9+7+5=39. Let's add 3+9=12 again. And again 1+2=3. Your number is Three. Then read the value of the resulting number.

1: one of the best money auras. You have excellent instincts, you can be leaders, so you are lucky in business.

2: For a deuce, things are not always smooth with money, because you are prone to altruism and excessive generosity.

3: Three is a spiritual, not a material number, so the predisposition to wealth is weak.

4: numbers love you, so you are very lucky with money.

5: You're versatile, so your chances of getting rich are about 50/50.

6: Six likes to spend more than save, which is not always good.

7: Another spiritual number with a low propensity for wealth.

8: If you get this number, then you should definitely be lucky in money.

9: Nine loves to share, study, work, but not get rich.

Method three: estimating date of birth

Assess your birth date - if you have three or more repeating numbers, if the date is symmetrical or mirrored, then you have a high predisposition to wealth. Excellent examples are dates of birth such as: 03/30, 09/09/1999, 02/20. and so on.

This is not the most accurate way to assess your financial luck, but it can be used in conjunction with the other two. Based on all three methods, you can see the overall picture of how predisposed you are to high income.

Remember that predisposition does not give you a 100% guarantee of success. Success in money is largely your fault, so work with your thoughts, tune in to the fact that you will become rich, even if the numbers say otherwise. The power of thought is above all. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.03.2017 04:03

Undoubtedly, each of us at least sometimes wants to know when we should expect good luck in life...

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This wealth test will help you objectively assess your prospects and understand whether wealth awaits you in the near future!

Wealth test!

Answer a few questions on the test honestly, without looking at the answer.

1. Is your salary higher than other employees?

2. Are you planning a family budget? Are you tracking your income and expenses?

3. Do you double-check the weight of the goods and change in the store?

4. Are you planning to buy an expensive item that you can’t afford right now?

5. Could you live on both a small and a large salary?

6. Do you feel stressed when you see money?

7. Do you have a habit of bargaining in the market?

8. Does your image match your income (or are you trying to look more presentable)?

9. Do you think your life could be better?

10. Do you know how you would manage your money if you received a million?

Wealth test results!

A positive answer to questions 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 corresponds to one point, and one point should be added for a negative answer to questions 1, 2, 6, and 10.

If you typed from 8 to 10 points - you love money immensely, and this is mutual. It's safe to say that your prosperity will continue to improve as you take care of your future. Don’t forget about the principle of tithing, give part of your funds to charity and help your loved ones.

If your result wealth test does not exceed 4-7 points, then we can say that you have not yet understood yourself and have not determined how much money you need, and whether you need it at all. You are not satisfied with your standard of living, but you are not yet ready to achieve more.

The course will help you change your money consciousness and tune in to wealth and prosperity.

If according to the results of the wealth test you did not score more than 3 points, this allows us to conclude that money is not the main thing for you.

The amount of money in your wallet only reflects your true attitude towards wealth and money.

Your inner beliefs, embedded in the subconscious, either allow money energy to pass through or not.

Continuation of monetary research

Write down the answers to the following questions on paper:

  • What is money to you?
  • What place do they occupy in your life?
  • Are you satisfied with your standard of living?
  • Do you think about money during the day (how many minutes)?
  • What do you think about money - how to earn it, or that it doesn’t exist?
  • How do you feel about money?
  • Do you feel comfortable with big money?
  • What do you think when you don't have a penny in your pocket?
  • What income are you ready for?
  • What will you spend big money on?
  • How do you feel when you have to part with money?
  • What do you think about when you have to borrow?
  • And when do you lend?
  • How do you feel when you are being deceived?
  • And when do you cheat to your advantage?
  • Do you know how to manage money?

If you honestly answer all of these questions, you may discover some beliefs about money that you haven't thought about before.

Why do some people live in luxury while others have to go to work and still don’t have enough money?

Because most are hindered by negative money beliefs (money blocks).

  • you don’t internally believe that you can easily get big money,
  • Do you think that money is hard to come by?
  • There are thoughts inside that you cannot become rich...

It’s worth working on your worldview¹. This is necessary if you really want to live richly.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Worldview is a system of views, assessments and figurative ideas about the world and a person’s place in it, a person’s general attitude to the surrounding reality and to himself, as well as the basic vital positions of people determined by these views, their beliefs, ideals, principles of cognition and activity, value orientations (

A young man pondering his life!

You did absolutely the right thing by going to Tetkorax’s blog with your problems! Here you will find answers to many of your questions. And best of all, it’s completely free!
Don’t go to’s shitty questions and shitty answers anymore: you won’t learn anything useful there, you’ll only waste time.

How I understand you! Of course, any kid would like to know as soon as possible whether he will become rich in the future, how soon and how rich. And although the future is hidden from us by a veil of uncertainty, if the desire is very strong, then you can still learn a lot.
There are, however, some idiotic individuals who don’t understand why you need to know this. Moreover, they believe that everything in this world is determined by fate, fate, fate, chance, chance and some other bullshit. A person cannot achieve anything on his own, nothing depends on him, and it is impossible to know anything about the future. Someone from above determines who should be rich and who should be poor.
Psychologists call such stupid idiots fatalists.
Being a fatalist is the last thing!

But all normal and real boys have long known that such information needs to be obtained from a nosebleed. After all, if you find out that you will become rich in the future, then there is no need to hump your back! Why bother with studies, curry favor at work, take risks in business, and generally waste your brain with all sorts of crap?! After all, it is already known that you will become rich! 😎

Well, what if you suddenly find out that you won’t become rich?.. 😥
So then there is no point in hunchbacking, even more so! 😎 Why bother in this life if it doesn’t value you! And he won’t even let you win the lottery! But there are simply countless cases of sudden and rapid enrichment in the world!

This is the situation in nature. Whether you become rich or not, there is absolutely no point in hunching your shoulders! 😎 This is the main paradox of adult life! But how many unenlightened people plow “like Papa Carlo” from dawn to dusk and from dusk to dawn, but never become rich! 😦

So, method one.

This is the easiest and completely free way. You need to take two absolutely identical pieces of paper; a stationery sticker is best. On one write “I will!”, on the other write “I will not.” Roll each one individually into a tube and throw it into the far corner of the table. After two days, with your eyes closed, put your hand in the box and pull out one piece of paper. Read what is written there. If it says “I will!”, then that’s just great! If on the contrary, then there is no need to despair. This method is crude and primitive. The probability of a positive outcome with this method is approximately one in two. This is a rough approximation.

Method two.

Find out from an independent expert. Where can I find it? Moreover, it’s free? No problem! You need to take any mobile number at random, call, politely say hello and ask for an expert opinion on whether you will become rich. As he says, so it will be. If he sends you away, it means that he is not an expert, but a bully. It’s okay: you don’t think that there are professional experts on all phones, do you? Keep trying until you meet a real professional. And a true professional will never tell you away; he will definitely ask a few questions and make a conclusion. And it’s best if you collect several such conclusions. Then the probability correct analysis will be higher.

Method three.

Ask Google a question. The good thing about search engines is that you don’t have to think with your own head. Having your own head is good, but Google is better! The only advice is to immediately look for soothsayers, fortune-tellers, prophets and seers. And ask them this question. You shouldn’t mess with horoscopes: they all lie.

There is a fourth and surest way.

This is an experimental method, a MIQ test. What is MIQ? This is Money IQ (money intelligence quotient). Having passed it, it immediately becomes clear to a person what his chances of becoming rich are. To do this, follow the link to Tetkorax's post

Related methods.

Be sure to ask this question to your dad, mom, grandfather, grandmother, and also your girlfriend. In addition, write a blog to the president and to Santa Claus. It is possible that they know something that will immediately clarify the situation in a positive way. The only condition, but it is very important, is that communication with these persons must be conducted strictly confidentially (i.e., face to face).

The size of wealth is greatly influenced by the strength of our desires and self-hypnosis. This is described in detail in Tetkorax's posts

when i get rich and got the best answer

Answer from Dmitry Karavaev[guru]
1. Start replenishing your wallet by saving 10%
from ALL income.
2. Control your expenses.
3. Increase your wealth.
4. Protect your wealth from loss.
5. Turn your home into a profitable enterprise.
6. Provide income for the future.
7. Improve your ability to earn money.
Money and people.
Since there is money and people, they somehow cooperate with each other in order to create wealth. This cooperation seems to me as follows: - from people’s attitude to ways to replenish their wallet, so:
1. BEGGARS. These people will never work, they will live at the expense of others, they will either go begging, or they will live by deception and theft. (Gypsies and Jews are why they were kept behind the Pale of Settlement and their rights were limited, and Gypsies steal in a nomadic way, and Jews in a sedentary way. Yes, and now there are also corrupt officials, what kind of new nationality has invaded our country?).
2. THE POOR. These people try to live by their labor, but are at odds with their heads and hands. Either they can’t earn money (they don’t have enough qualifications), or they earn money and end up drinking and playing truant. Money comes to them slowly and little, but goes away quickly and all at once. The poor can live decently if there are rich people nearby (unemployed people in the US, before revolutionary Russia) . Nowadays, in our country the poor are in trouble!
3. SECURED. These people live by their labor. Their heads are fine, their hands are not crooked, they know how to work and earn money for themselves and their children. The wealthy are confused with the so-called “middle class”, but the term “middle class” is empty and does not express anything, just like the term “working class”, “peasant class” or even “proletarian” - where it flies, why.
The position of the wealthy is precarious; circumstances are often possible that bring them down into the poor. There are hands, but nowhere to put them, the company has collapsed, and so on.
4. WEALTHY. These live, provide for their needs through their labor and interest from previously saved funds. (like - take care of honor from a young age, clothes
The condition is beautiful Russian word, this word contains the foundations of a calm, long, happy life. The state implements the slogan - WHEN WE WORK, OUR MONEY WORKS!
What is the condition:
Let’s say that 10,000 rubles are enough to satisfy your needs. per month. Then you will need 120,000 rubles per year. If you deposit an amount of 1,200,000 at 10% per annum, you will live in peace until the BANK BURST! !This is an example when you entrust your money to strangers, but if you manage your fortune yourself.... then all the most interesting things happen, well, more on that later, now we’re talking about something else.
5. RICH. (same root word - God, our ancestors knew that if God doesn’t give something, then it can be found, begged from the rich, before the poor, (same root word trouble), no matter how much you crawl on your knees, no matter how much you pray, he will not give anything (because he drank it away, didn’t save it, he simply has nothing.)
Rich. These live on interest from interest, and provide income to the poor, wealthy and wealthy. The poor rob the rich without asking (terror, fraud, theft, deception, corruption. The first victim of the poor in any revolution is the rich, then they kill the rest).
So 10,000 per month, 120,000 per year, you need 1,200,000 in the account per year,
If you have 12,000,000 in your account, you can safely spend 10,000 a month and at the same time you will first get richer by 60,000 a year, then more.
Good luck with your finances!

Reply from ~Spartak~[guru]
when will you become a criminal?

Reply from Nastya[guru]
when you get down to business, well, as fortune will show)