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What is a vector and how is it designated. Vectors: definition and basic concepts

Many readers who want to know what systemic vector psychology is ask me: “How can you determine your vectors? How not to get confused in the Vector Psychology system? Maybe there is some test for 8 vectors? However, determining your vectors is not so simple.

There are no tests here and cannot be, and if they tell you the opposite and offer testing to determine vectors, do not believe them: they will “determine” for you something that you do not have and cannot have. And what’s more, it won’t tell you anything.

The names of vectors remain just names if you don’t put meaning into them training in system-vector psychology .

Another example. “I am very sensitive to smells! I have an olfactory vector!”- someone will say. But, nevertheless, a person whose vector is visual can also be sensitive to odors. If a guy changes girls like gloves, you might mistakenly call him a urethral leader. But a person with the skin vector often changes partners.

Do you feel yourself starting to get confused? Confusion exists in the minds of many newbies, and as a result, at a certain point, there is a feeling that the system is not working: there are too many contradictions. I want to spit and say: I was fooled again.

System-vector psychology: how not to get confused?

Why is there confusion? Systematic vector psychology answers: because we are looking in the wrong direction . “Look to the root!”- says an old proverb. When analyzing a particular person, you need to look, first of all, at the reasons for behavior, at his shortcomings and desires, and not at how he behaves.

Of course, behavior and even appearance They can also tell us a lot, but we cannot be guided by superficial signs alone. Only when you see a person three-dimensionally can you accurately determine who is in front of you.

The same behavior in different vectors has different causes . For example, says systemic vector psychology, a person with an oral vector lies to be listened to. He needs other people's ears, and if you ignore his chatter, he begins to lie and lie so that you finally begin to listen to him! The viewer does not lie, but embellishes events in order to impress you and evoke certain emotions in you. Owners of the skin vector also lie, but only for profit.

That is why system-vector psychology can never be mastered through tests: those questions that involve tests are focused only on the external manifestations of a person or on self-deception.

Mistake #2. Stereotypes and anchors

The most difficult thing is to determine our own vectors and the vectors of close people, because throughout our lives we have already developed a certain stereotype about ourselves and our surroundings. When we listen to lectures on system-vector psychology, we unconsciously sweep aside the bad, what we don’t like, and tear out the moments we like. It begins to seem to us that one vector is better, the other worse. And, of course, we don’t want to classify ourselves as a “bad vector”.

System-vector psychology: who am I?

For example, many people think that people with the skin vector are hucksters, liars and cunning people. And, of course, we are not like that! Therefore we firmly say: “No, I’m definitely not a leather worker.”. Or, on the contrary, we say: “Well, what kind of anal brake am I?” But we rush to try on the vectors we “like.” It turns out that we are, at a minimum, urethral olfactory senses: no more, no less. And it doesn’t matter that the urethral-olfactory ligament is a passionary complex and such people are rarely born. For example, people with sound vector , who feel their exclusivity, may well admit that they are precisely those same passionaries.

Many of those who are interested in system-vector psychology generally see all eight vectors in themselves and are very proud of it. And when you tell them that there is none of this, they get offended and say that the system simply doesn’t work, and in general everyone around is fools and deceivers.

Why are we wrong? Because we misperceive the system and its purpose. Answer the question: why do you need system-vector psychology? Why do you need to determine vectors in yourself and those around you? To proudly call yourself a urethral leader, a leader, and sit on the throne of your self-conceit? To decompose everyone around you into vectors, give them, so to speak, a name, replace one anchor with another and calm down?

After all, this is not why this system is needed, but for serious work on yourself and your cockroaches. So that we can understand ourselves and our problems, get to the point, look at the world differently, establish relationships with the people around us, realize our place in this world, in the end.

Today, with all the development in various fields science and human activity, academic psychology, despite the huge number of psychologists, does not satisfy the demand for solving problems of a personal and social nature. A huge number of divorces, problems in the intimate sphere, the tragedy of teenage suicide...

Understanding Systemic Vector Psychology does not come immediately. We constantly make mistakes, we stumble upon stakes, but that's normal: mistakes are a natural process in mastering this or that knowledge . A lot of time must pass, you need to work for a long time, and then one day everything will fall into place. You will stop clinging to some side issues, the need to sort out everyone you meet will disappear. After all, vectors are just symbols symbols, behind which large layers of knowledge about a person are hidden.

Personality structure according to Freud

Everyone knows that S. Freud studied psychology, the human psyche and personality development. He was founder of the psychoanalytic school. He formulated a psychological concept (the most famous), according to which the human psyche, the personality, consists of three components, levels: “IT”, “I”, “SUPER-I”. I won’t write about this, because... There are many tutorials and information available.

“IT” - the unconscious - is given to a person from birth, because includes instinctive, primitive forms of behavior.

"I" or consciousness. It is thanks to this level that we perceive, feel, remember, imagine, reason. Consciousness uses willpower, reason and ensures the safety and security of life.

"SUPER-I" - Superconsciousness is morality, a system of norms and values, ethical principles that were instilled in the process of education and self-education, during socialization and adaptation in society. The super-ego is acquired, formed, and begins to manifest itself from the age of three, when the child learns to understand what “I” is, as well as what “good” and “bad” are.

According to Freud's theory, the process of personality formation begins at birth and goes through four stages. Each of these stages is associated with a specific area of ​​the body - one or another erogenous zone (mouth, nose, ear, eye, anus, urethra, skin, navel).

On the basis of this idea, academicians V. Ganzen and V. Tolkachev developed vector psychology. This is the doctrine of eight vectors in a person’s character, called “applied system-vector psychoanalysis,” the essence of which boils down to the fact that a person cannot exist alone.

In system-vector psychology, a vector is a set of human qualities that form its system of values, morality, character, and behavioral characteristics. All vectors are innate and do not change throughout life. In this regard, each of these vectors sets a special scenario for a person’s life, and by studying them, you can understand what kind of person this person is and how to behave with him.

System-vector psychology (8 personality vectors)

There are 8 vectors, that is, 8 types of human “direction”.The vector talks about what exactly a person likes, what kind of self-realization he is instinctively drawn to, what gives him pleasure. To realize his vector in society, a person plays a certain role in it. The name of the vector is identical to the human sensitive zone. So, let's begin:

1. Muscular vector.

general characteristics
a) the color of greatest comfort is black

b) geometry of the greatest comfort - rectangle, brick;

c) place in a quartel - the inner part of the quartel SPACE,introvert - even double introvert

d) type of thinking - practical, involuntary-autistic, visual-effective.

Key task:monotonous physical work for forward motion to the goal. Species role: ordinary hunter or gatherer. Possible disadvantages: lack of motivation to improve work.

External signs

  • Large build. "Mountain Man"
  • Stable (they say about someone like this: “Stands firmly on the ground”).
  • Strong. Body with pronounced muscle relief.
  • Wide, thick neck.

A person loves to work his muscles: a sport that allows you to build muscle mass; physical labor, namely carrying heavy loads, working in the field, with heavy equipment - is necessary for them. A person with a muscle vector in the absence of other vectors is a modest person with a minimum of needs and aspirations. Eating, a roof over his head, working, sleeping - the rest: science, art, entrepreneurship - are not for him.In combination with other lower vectors, it strengthens them, as if integrating into their desires and properties.

Doesn't know how to make decisions, but is a good performer -is a follower.Muscular people are almost incapable of acting independently; they will do as they are told.They are unable to clearly express their own opinions; they simply follow the crowd. In their speech, instead of “I,” “we” appears. What a muscular man becomes depends on who is next to him.

Muscle plant perfectly adapts to a stable, unchanging rural landscape.Lives by the principle: as taught. This principle works in muscles in absolutely everything! Psychology of masses, crowds.

Physical labor is what it is necessary to teach a muscular child with early years. He must help his parents; it is very important for him to learn to enjoy work.You need to understand that it is through muscle effort that the thinking of a muscular person is activated.He receives joy when he is engaged in physical labor, which in itself directs him in a peaceful direction. However, withthe port is strictly prohibited for such children, because they do not like to compete and win, they do not have such properties and data. Sport will only take them from the state of “peace” to the state of “war”.

Death is good for a muscleman; everything connected with life is suspicious for a muscleman, so a muscleman is suspicious of sex.A muscular woman creates a foundation, a foundation, giving birth to new offspring. She is the one who gives birth for real: she mowed the grass, went, gave birth under a haystack, and went on to mow. She gives birth to 10 children each so that there is a greater chance of survival.A muscular man has a contradiction - between life and death, which, however, is easily resolved through monotonous tradition and ritual: everything should be as it is with people, in a human way. When everything is not human, then there is suspicion, because the program breaks down.... not human, this is sex before marriage, sex of passion, destroying monotony. Muscular men don’t walk around other people’s women.

Unrealized muscle vector- often drawn to fights and physical cruelty.

Realized muscle vector- physically strong and resilient people, manual workers, boxers, people performing monotonous physical work. Among people with a muscle vector there are often fans of sports games.

A muscular child feels very good in the womb like no other. It is connected to it through the umbilical cord as one whole - special meanings for the muscle vector. The muscular child in the womb resists birth with all its being. A newborn muscular child is fixed on the fact that everything was good in the mother’s stomach, all basic needs were satisfied on the spot and immediately, and life after birth is one suffering, since now everything must be done by yourself, on your own. These are “post-term” children, because they don't want to be born.

Muscular children are very flexible, they do not need special training. The most important thing is not to leave the muscular child hanging around and watch who he communicates with, otherwise there is a high probability that he will end up in the wrong company.

Without it, the existence of modern civilization would be impossible. One of the biggest and most important things that a person with a muscle vector does is construction.

Wishful internal state: feeling of being part of a mass of people.

Role in society: part of the “people”, worker, performer.

2. Skin vector.

general characteristics

  • color of greatest comfort - khaki
  • geometry of greatest comfort - cross
  • place in quartile - outer part of the quartel SPACE, extrovert
  • type of thinking - logical, building cause-and-effect chains.

Key task: separating your space from outside world, conservation and accumulation of resources. Species role: commander of a group of hunters.In peacetime: creator and keeper of food supplies.Possible disadvantages: excessive control over the situation, stinginess.

External signs

He is not tall. Ideal, athletic body type: slim, flexible, fit. The skinman's lips are thin, tightly compressed - the upper lip is practically invisible.

A skinny woman is thin, lean, beautiful, swift, agile, flexible like a cat. Only a woman with skin gracefully holds space in stiletto heels - moves beautifully and quickly in high heels. Leather gait - fast, dancing. The leather worker has an excellent sense of rhythm.

The skin person needs to think about diets less than others, but all he does is change one diet to another. Having gained a couple of extra pounds, the skinner begins to invent more and more restrictive diets for himself.

Kozhnik prefers a strict, business-like style of clothing at work and a sporty style of clothing outside of work. For men, a mandatory part of their wardrobe is a tie; a skinny woman also often uses this piece of clothing in her wardrobe. My favorite hairstyle is hair pulled back into a tight ponytail.

Skin gesture - the index finger, whichyou can point, threaten, edify.

The skin of a leather worker is delicate, sensitive, ideal, velvety.
At a certain state of the vector, it is the skinners who apply tattoos to their bodies and give themselves piercings.

Kozhnik is very dexterous and flexible: he always accurately calculates his movements in space: he went around, ran around, and didn’t hit anyone.

In addition to a flexible body, a leather worker also has a flexible psyche. Its distinctive feature is the possibility of a 180-degree turn: today I will assert and prove one thing, and the next day with the same conviction - the opposite; The only question is what is more profitable for me to say at the moment. This allows them to easily and quickly adapt to any changing conditions, be it a change of job, moving to another city or even to another country. And thanks good analytical mind quicklyprocess information.Skin type people will always be able to find their niche in a new environment.They know how to evaluate benefits, strive to increase efficiency, know how to save time and money, and get great pleasure from it.Their favorite word is “no.”However, this does not prevent them from agreeing after a while, having come up with a reasonable excuse.Skin people are mostly secretive, rarely answer questions, and do not express emotions.

An internal sense of time and space allows them to successfully do several things at once. Leather workers are focused on success, including material success. Career, wealth, social status make up the system value guidelines skin person. Only he knows the ambitions and desire to be a leader, because... Heloves competitions. It could be sports, competition in business or love.

Logics, logical thinking- Also distinguishing feature leather workers In their speech you can often hear the phrases: “This is not logical! Where is the logic here? It would be logical to assume”, etc.

A child with the skin vector is very active, often disobedient. If caught in any prank, he will

Systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan is a fundamentally new approach in psychology, unprecedented in its effectiveness. Therefore, it is not surprising that the trainings in system-vector psychology conducted by its author, Yuri Burlan, received a great response among those for whom issues of understanding the human psyche are not of idle interest, but an urgent problem and even a vital necessity.

In the minds of most people, psychology and tests are inseparable. Psychological test– one of the cognitive tools that helps to cope with puzzles human soul, - both experts and ordinary people think so. Are there tests in systemic vector psychoanalysis?

Systematic vector psychology is based on the concept of the eight-dimensional structure of the psyche, which reflects both the unconscious of an individual person and the collective psyche. Systematic vector psychology identifies eight vectors, each of which characterizes the direction of implementation of the principle of pleasure - the principle of development of everything that exists. Our desires determine our thinking, behavior, relationships with other people, the world. They are conductors of the principle of pleasure, and their unrealization is what is called “suffering.”

A vector is desires and properties that ensure their implementation. Each vector corresponds to an erogenous zone. In total, there are eight erogenous zones and, accordingly, eight mental vectors: urethral, ​​anal, skin, muscle, olfactory, oral, visual, sound. The state of vectors, their combination in a person determines his perception and behavior and, being fateful, sets a special role in the team and life scenario. The relationships between vectors and their states are very complex, so creating a test to identify system vectors is difficult. There are lower (urethral, ​​anal, skin, muscle) and upper (olfactory, oral, visual, sound) vectors.

Urethral vector

The species role of the urethral man is leader. His main task is to ensure the survival of the team and its advancement into the future. This is always a bright personality, a passionate nature, which sets him apart from others with his special love of life, irrepressible energy, and charisma. This is a person who is able to unite people around him, unite them into a single whole and lead, like a real leader, to any, the highest and most inaccessible, peaks. The urethral specialist has unconventional thinking, he does not know boundaries and standards, he is always ready to take risks.

To others the most important property urethral individual is innate altruism. For him, giving back is primary, and the integrity of the team and its movement into the future is more important than his own life and well-being. It is known that only 5% of people are born with a urethral vector, and about 1% survive to adulthood.

Anal vector

The specific role of a person with an anal erogenous zone is to protect the home, as well as collect and transmit information to the younger generation. Great conservatives who respect traditions and authorities, anal people treat the past with special reverence, do not like and are even afraid of change. It is anal people who have excellent memory. As a rule, they are masters of their craft - professionals, since “quality” occupies one of the most important places in their value structure. Decent and straightforward, honest and fair in their own way (for them, fair means equally). Homebodies and bookworms, “golden hands” and “golden heads”. Thinking – systemic, analytical.
The anal vector determines the thinking and behavior of approximately 20% of people.

Skin vector

Skin people are managers, organizers. Flexible in body and soul, able to adapt to any circumstances, dexterous, agile. A skinny person is a breadwinner for whom status and rank are the No. 1 values ​​in life. Material well-being is above all. Both in the primitive pack and on the modern landscape, the skin man is a hunter and keeper of reserves. Discipline – most important rule and the principle of survival, her skin will demand both from herself and from other people. They also create rules and laws, frameworks and standards. If for some people restrictions are unacceptable, then for leather workers it is a reason to enjoy life. The thinking that expresses such a vector is logical.

Approximately 24% of people are born with a cutaneous vector. After free training on systemic vector psychology, it is quite easy to start identifying cutaneous and anal vectors without any tests to determine systemic vectors.

Muscle vector

This is the most “densely populated” vector. In various vector mixtures, about 95% of people are its carriers. People who work physically, enjoy physical activity because it initiates a special erogenous zone – the muscles. In the primitive pack, the Muscle Men were warriors who gave their lives without fear and easily took the lives of others. IN modern world, the main area of ​​​​realization of muscular people is construction and Agriculture. Very calm and peaceful, driven, committed to monotonous work. They never think in the “I” category; their thinking is formed in the “we” pattern, as well as on the opposition between “us” and “strangers”. To live life “like a human being”, “like everyone else” - these are their guidelines. The thinking of muscular people is visual and effective. More full information about vectors you will find in the basic vectors wikipedia.

So, is it possible to construct a test to identify system vectors? Have you read it? Do you recognize yourself? Or do you have doubts? Do you want to pass test on systemic vector psychoanalysis ?

“Know yourself and you will know the whole world,” says the ancient prophecy. Perhaps drawn by the strangeness of being in the world, or perhaps by the search for “ourselves,” the real one, or trying to understand the constantly elusive Other, we turn to psychology. Here, surrounded by all sorts of concepts and approaches, we hope to define our personality, our lifestyle, and even our destiny. We try on all kinds of samples and standards - we conduct tests. We place the same hopes on the test for systemic vector psychoanalysis. What if these cherished questions will somehow miraculously penetrate the hidden corners of the soul, and all doors and secrets will open, we think. And everything will become easy and clear. 10-30 minutes, 10-100 questions - and the riddles of the many-sided Self are solved, the secrets of the world are revealed...

Alas, the test for determining system vectors, like other tests in psychology (mass and scientific), is a very, very dubious method. With tests we want to measure ourselves, another person, the people around us, the world, to diagnose everything... in order to thus put a limit on uncertainty, to set a framework according to which it is possible to find understanding, and perhaps justification for our behavior, actions, relationships. And most importantly - quickly, and without much effort. Sit back, click on the answer buttons or check the boxes. It is not recommended to even think about it. Otherwise it will be worse.

Tests in psychology are a strange subject, there seem to be answers, but they are of no use. Who am I? What am I? – as a rule, it is with these questions that people turn to tests, serious or entertaining. Alas, the same can be said about tests for systemic vector psychoanalysis. After lengthy questionnaires, you will be able to establish that, it turns out, your name is “spectator” and that you are also a “urethral person”, that you have an increased level of anxiety and in general, you can’t live like that. That's the whole process of self-discovery. We have hung another label on ourselves. But for some reason this didn’t make it any easier. Even more difficult.

System vector psychoanalysis test results

“I didn’t learn anything new about myself,” say many of those who decided to take tests to determine system vectors. In this case, self-knowledge appears somewhere in a completely different, parallel plane and has no relation to testing. And approaching another person with a hundred other questions in order to finally understand why he is like this is completely absurd.

Passing the test of systemic vector psychoanalysis is an excellent opportunity to give free rein to your imagination for the purpose of convincing self-deception. Often, when “frankly” answering questions, we choose those options that seem to us “best,” “correct,” “socially approved,” “suitable” for a given situation. And it turns out that the essence of the mysterious Self, sought in the answers-results, hides even deeper and further. The unconscious (that which actually defines us), due to its inherent habit, hides from thinking that has come out in search of it.

Such an anachronism of old psychology as tests is not applicable to systemic vector psychology. Awareness. Awareness of the unconscious. Awareness of the unconscious, which is united and holistic in nature and also manifests itself - being realized in the general, collective unconscious, the flow of existence. Self-knowledge is knowledge of oneself in relation to everything else, because “oneself” in itself does not exist. You always need a mirror in which “it”, that is, “I”, is always relative (that is, in relationships and connections).

Understanding the principle, the driving forces of mental processes, which are similar in many ways in the private and collective, as well as in relation to the universe, is much more important (but more difficult) than measuring the level of non-standardism and creativity of one’s own thinking, trying to fit itself into the standards of the test for determining system vectors.

Standardization and simplification are unacceptable approaches when we talk about the human psyche. But it is on them that the testing system, and psychology in general, is built.

How to correctly determine your vectors if the test for determining system vectors does not work?

Understanding how the mental structure as a whole is structured, what laws it lives by, what directions and methods of expression it has, is the basis for the formation of systems thinking. “Everything is in one and one in everything”, harmony of interaction and integrity of what is happening - in system-vector psychology, each vector is considered not on its own, but in an eight-dimensional volume. It is impossible to achieve such an understanding by filling out a systemic vector psychoanalysis test. There is no such task - to determine which vectors are inherent in me, and thus find another name for the incomprehensible self. Systems thinking assumes a three-dimensional holographic and living image mental person, in which we see not the lonely self in empty space, but how this self is shaped by the endless interweaving of connections and relationships with other people, space and time.

In the process of Yuri Burlan’s training, there is a gradual and increasingly deeper awareness of the characteristics of one’s psyche, how certain people and life factors influenced it. Awareness of the unconscious is the task of systemic psychoanalysis. Only during trainings in system-vector psychology is it not someone else who is aware of your unconscious and is trying to understand your characteristics, make a diagnosis and prescribe a prescription, while you lie on the couch and chatter whatever comes to mind.

The process of awareness takes place in your head - from the piggy banks of your own soul, you yourself bring grievances and negative experiences to the white light, from the black closets - monsters and fears, and the oddities of your own body and the frightening impulses of the soul suddenly become understandable and controllable. This is a very intimate process. But you can admit everything to yourself, without hiding anything, without fearing anything.

And other people become simple, understandable, predictable - funny. Tests of systemic vector psychoanalysis are not needed for this. Systemic thinking makes it possible to understand and feel another person from the inside, but not through oneself. He is different, not like me, but I understand him, I know what he wants and why he does this. To understand a person’s cherished desires, his goals and dreams, what his childhood was like and what approximately awaits him in the future, tests are not needed. Systems thinking allows you to understand another person even better than he understands himself. To do this, you don’t even need to ask him questions and wait for answers.

In general, there are no tests for systemic vector psychoanalysis and cannot be. Since the foundations of psychoanalysis and self-knowledge, systems psychology other. Our psyche is a living, developing substance. It is useless and pointless to force it into the framework of a test.

However, on the Internet you will find tests for identifying vectors and supposedly tests for systemic vector psychoanalysis. Understanding the difference between deep systemic psychoanalysis (authentic system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan) and nothing-about-anything tests, you probably won’t waste time on them. And having passed (well, just for fun, for fun) you will not attach any importance to the results of such tests.

Systematic vector psychology has established itself as a science of the human psyche, the most important indicator of its unprecedented effectiveness in psychology is not only its high explanatory potential, but above all its effectiveness. Training in system-vector psychology is a lot of work for a person who has embarked on the path of self-knowledge, which is rewarded by acquiring a tool that can open the most inaccessible and hidden doors to the unconscious, opening the world to a person. This tool is systems thinking.

The article was written using training materials on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

Question from Elvira:

Hello. I am grateful that I discovered SVP for myself. Now a lot is explained by vectorality. But how can you accurately determine your vector? Thank you.

Diana Kirss answers:

To accurately determine vectors, both your own and other people, you need to thoroughly study the essence of each vector. This happens at Yuri Burlan’s training. Then it will not be just a label, each statement of system-vector psychology will be filled with deep meaning and can be confirmed by observations from life.

By reading about vectors, you partly become familiar with them, the first recognition occurs, but you can only get the full depth and volume of systemic knowledge at the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan (the first acquaintance with the features of two of the 8 vectors occurs at free online lectures).

You will learn to understand how each vector lives, what innate desires it has, how they manifest themselves at birth, what development they require so that certain skills and abilities can be formed from the child’s primary inclinations. How our innate properties manifest themselves depending on circumstances in adult life - You will learn to understand all these relationships that determine the character and actions of a person, his life scenario, as well as scenarios for the development of events in a couple, team, and society.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan is an opportunity to know yourself, to reveal everything that happens in the unconscious. These are not just descriptions of vectors and not some individual examples, as in the articles, this is a holistic system of patterns that can be fully built and learned during the training.

As a result of awareness of these cause-and-effect relationships, you develop systematic thinking that will always be with you, allowing you to understand a variety of issues, systematically understanding the meaning of what is happening.

To take part in the full First Level training, leave your application here.

Sincerely, Diana Kirss, doctor

The article was written using training materials on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

Section: Answers to questions

System-vector psychology - you can change your place in life - October 11, 2013 | Earth

Everyone in childhood had some kind of dream about future profession. “I want to be a fireman, save people!” or “I want to be an actress!” However, most often this dream remains only a memory from childhood, causing only a smile, and in life we ​​play completely different roles. Systematic vector psychology will tell you why we cannot or do not want to make our dreams come true.

Usually because we are poorly aware of our true desires, guided when choosing the work of their life by outside influence: fashion, advice from parents and friends, or simply their own illusions.

It's good if this happens as soon as possible, in childhood. The child himself, of course, is not able to decide on his desires, but his parents can help him with this. Having knowledge of system vector psychology, already from the very beginning early age they will see in it the manifestation of certain vectors, that is, naturally given abilities, which are subsequently realized by their species role in society.

We need to start developing vectors immediately, because nature has not given us much time - until puberty, 12-14 years. Then we can only realize what we have time to develop in childhood.

Systemically, vector psychology defines 8 vectors of the unconscious that manifest themselves through a person: muscular, anal, skin, urethral, ​​visual, sound, oral, olfactory. They are divided according to the method of obtaining maximum pleasure from life through the leading erogenous zone. That is why by developing naturally given vectors and subsequently implementing them in our chosen profession, we will have the greatest satisfaction from it. This is nature’s design: man was created in order to receive pleasure from life. You can learn more about the professions recommended for each vector at the SVP training. Here we are only considering the principle of choice.

Dominant vectors

If earlier, in a primitive flock, each person had only one vector, which was manifested by one specific role, then the modern landscape has become significantly more complex and requires a person to develop diversified. This is why polymorphism, that is, the presence of 3-4 or more vectors, is currently the norm, especially in urban environments. A person becomes the owner of very different, often contradictory desires. How to choose what to focus on? And systemic vector psychology can help with this.

There are three dominant vectors that give the most strong desires, and this must be taken into account when choosing a future profession. These are the urethral, ​​olfactory and sound vectors. If they are not realized in the work that you do every day, they will feel the strongest lacks, emptiness that simply will not allow you to live. They should become the core on which your entire life and activity is built.

The urethral man is a natural leader, and in the modern savannah he is the best leader, with his very presence gathering around him a team of people devoted to him, ready to follow him to the ends of the earth. The olfactory vector is perfectly implemented in the field of finance, politics and advanced science.

The most difficult thing is the professional implementation of the sound vector. For him, solving the problems of the material world is not primary. He is focused on spiritual tasks, the task of searching for the meaning of life, and understanding the psyche. Therefore, the best implementation for it can only be given by systemic vector psychology, as the most deep knowledge about the nature of mental man. Discovering the properties of people, knowing what motivates them and realizing oneself according to one’s role gives him the greatest satisfaction and fulfillment.

In society, its most powerful abstract intellect can be useful, which gives the world brilliant physicists, mathematicians, programmers, musicians and, most importantly, modern stage, creators and developers of new means of communication, the main one among which is the Internet, as the technological basis for the future unification of humanity.

Top and bottom vectors

Systematic vector psychology distinguishes four lower and four upper vectors. In the modern world we have enough high level development of lower vectors - muscular, anal, skin, urethral. The material world has already been very well mastered by us, and we act in this world based on the lower vectors. Therefore, having only them in our vector set, we have a chance to be quite well adapted to the modern savannah.

But if, when choosing a profession, we do not take into account the presence of upper vectors, then we will never be able to get satisfaction from work, because it is their filling that gives the greatest pleasure. Therefore, if you are a complex polymorph, you should not rely only on the lower vectors in your activities.

Now we are in the skin phase of human development, when our existence is determined by a quartile of information - sound and vision. Only in these two vectors does the concept of intelligence exist. Visual intelligence is aimed at understanding the material world. Sound – abstract – intelligence is aimed at understanding the spiritual and mental world. Thus, having any of these vectors in your vector set, developing these two types of intelligence, using them in your activities, you will always be at the forefront of human development.

What is implementation?

Now, having decided on your natural desires and chosen the core, it is worth thinking about what realization is. What guides us when choosing a job? Nowadays, you can increasingly hear the following options: the size wages, availability of a social package, convenient location. But in general, it can be expressed this way: I want to take as much as possible from my work and give as little as possible. And almost nowhere you hear: I want to maximize my potential for the benefit of society, I want to work for people. That is, when looking for a job, we are initially guided by the wrong intention. The question should be: “What can I give to society?”

Systematic vector psychology defines the concept of implementation as work for return, for the benefit of society. The abilities received from nature can be realized internally, receiving exclusively into oneself, consuming, using other people for one’s own benefit. But we are designed in such a way that such implementation brings very limited pleasure. A completely different brain biochemistry arises when we realize ourselves outwardly, giving away the acquired knowledge and skills for the benefit of society. This is not easy, it requires us to exert all our strength, but the pleasure from this process far exceeds the effort expended.

We must also remember that implementation is a process that never ends. Only by constantly developing, constantly improving your skills in the profession, and sometimes radically changing something in your life, can you receive the greatest satisfaction from your chosen path. Otherwise... In a stagnant swamp, life stops.

Thus, in order to choose a job to your liking, systematic vector psychology recommends:

Decide on your vector set;

Find the core in the form of a dominant vector, a dominant desire;

Find the right intention in implementation for impact.

And then every day of your life will be filled with the greatest pleasure that a person can experience.

8 vectors in psychology

The highest-level generalization is the division of the system into two elements that are opposite to each other in properties: giving and receiving, altruism and egoism, external and internal, static and dynamic, etc.

We also see that the model of the universe consists of two concepts: information (statics) - the descriptive characteristics of the system, and energy (dynamics) - the potential of the system to change from one state to another. These two characteristics are manifested in physical world as space and time respectively.

Everything in the world is described by four quartels, which, in turn, bifurcate into external and internal levels. At this stage we record the emergence of eight vectors, eight measures, eight roots and causes of everything, in relation to which we will consider and analyze the human psyche. Why at this level? Nature itself has chosen the eight-dimensional model as the optimal system for the expression of the human being.

Therefore, in psychoanalysis we rely on this level of abstraction and proceed from it. Eight vectors in psychology are the expression of human properties, functions and desires. We also call them psychotypes. Each of them is absolutely unique and does not overlap with the others in any way.

So by what principle are vectors divided and manifested?

  • A quartel of information is divided into general and specific, which manifests itself in a person as sound and visual vectors.

These measures are responsible for a person’s development and knowledge of the world around him and himself, but they differ in their approach to this task. People with a visual vector think in particulars, individual details through which they perceive the world. People with the sound vector, on the contrary, are inclined to perceive the general model of the universe, its basic systemic laws.

  • The energy quartel is divided into combining and ranking, which manifests itself in a person as oral and olfactory vectors.

At this level, a person exists in a society of creatures like himself, looking for his place in the group. Olfactory people are responsible for security, hierarchy in the system and the performance of individuals and groups of their tasks. People with the oral vector unite the group at the level of a common idea and are responsible for its cohesion.

  • The time quartel is divided into past and future, which at the human level is expressed as anal and urethral vectors.

Here a person exists and interacts with the landscape in time. People with the anal vector are responsible for the careful transfer of experience to subsequent generations, and urethral people are natural leaders, leaders leading society forward - towards progress.

  • The quartel of space is divided into matter and form, which manifests itself in a person as muscle and skin vectors.

This is the physical level, here a person organizes himself for work in order to survive at the level of bodies. Muscular people are the basis of society, warriors and hard workers using their physical strength to achieve results. People with the skin vector are organizers, responsible for organizing the work and achieving its results.

For thousands of years, man has been searching for the meaning of his life. Over the last hundred years, he began to actively engage in psychoanalysis. A lot of developments and guesses (including scientific evidence) have appeared in different directions psychoanalysis and psychiatry. But none of them gave an accurate, comprehensive answer to all questions about the human psyche.

Today such a technique exists. Reliable, unique, practical, repeatedly tested. Working for thousands of people, giving individual positive results. 21,559 reviews from the most different people with different psychological problems, which were defeated, can be read by following this link.

And most importantly - This technique is available to anyone today. To understand it, there is no need to know medical terms or study science deeply. Our psyche reveals itself to us in the most in a simple way: through the description of 8 vectors in “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan.

What are 8 vectors in the psychology of Yuri Burlan?

A vector is not a personality type, as one might mistakenly think. This is a set of human desires. All desires are aimed at one thing - to obtain happiness, pleasure, satisfaction from life. The vector manifests itself outwardly and is realized through innate properties. When a person experiences the impossibility of fulfilling his desire, he feels bad states and/or aversion, as a result of which he either makes efforts and develops, or is inactive and suffers.

There are eight vectors in total. An exact description of each of them in System-Vector Psychology can be read by clicking on its name:

The name of each vector is due to the increased sensitivity of one or another human zone: sound, visual, skin, and so on.

Thus, a person with the skin vector has more sensitive skin, and such a person, depending on the conditions, always feels touch in a special way, different from people without the skin vector: from the bliss of a light breeze sliding across the cheek to a shudder from one touch to the shoulder.

Another example is that a person with a visual vector, like everyone else, has eyes. But he sees much more with them than everyone else. He is also very emotional. That’s what they say about him: he makes mountains out of molehills. He doesn't do it - he sees it that way. For real. The same property, with a certain development, allows him to realize himself as an artist who can depict on canvas the play of snow that seems monotonous to everyone else. This is specified, but is not always realized. Everything depends on development from childhood and the opportunity to realize one’s desires, which develop during the course of life.

The vector determines EVERYTHING in a person’s life!

The vectors that a person is endowed with subconsciously guide our entire lives. . Under their influence, we choose what to eat and what movie to watch, decide on a profession, choose a mate, behave in a certain way during sex, even perceive time and space. Vectors determine a person’s behavior, his thoughts and values.

People with different vectors and in different states are absolutely different from each other. Each person is a separate universe with his own desires and ideas about life. Therefore any modern direction psychology, which offers advice to every person, highlighting as much as possible the characteristics and inclinations of individual people, is behind the times. What is good for one may be directly contraindicated for another and will cause nothing but hostility and rejection.

Today, the “System-Vector Psychology” training takes place online and is available to everyone around the world. To listen, you only need the Internet and any means of viewing it: computer, tablet, phone. The author of the training, Yuri Burlan, has been conducting lectures for 15 years, each of which contains a huge amount of information, interesting stories, illustrative examples, answers to listener questions. The duration of the lecture is from 4 to 12 hours.

Allow yourself to get to know yourself: find out your vectors and your true desires! You can listen to the introductory part of the training absolutely free of charge - after preliminary registration, which you can complete. Afterwards you will definitely receive an invitation to the upcoming lecture dates.

ATTENTION! There are no tests for determining a vector and cannot exist. You can determine your vector set, as well as learn to recognize vectors of people, only by listening to online training and then consolidating your knowledge by reading additional literature.