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What do I know about OGE. Which subjects are easier to pass on the OGE? Required subjects for passing the OGE

Main state exam(OGE)- compulsory final test for 9th grade graduates Russian schools. The OGE is a form of organizing exams using tasks of a standardized form, the completion of which makes it possible to establish the level of mastery of the federal state standard basic general education.

To conduct State Examination 9 on the territory Russian Federation and beyond, a unified examination schedule is provided. The duration of examinations is established for each academic subject.

Exam materials

Control measuring materials (CMM) for conducting the OGE CMMs are formed using open bank assignments and specialized software, posted on the FIPI website

Before the start of the exam, the organizers provide instructions, after which participants are given sheets (forms) for recording answers.

If examination materials are found to be defective or incomplete, the organizers will issue the OGE participant with a new set of examination materials.

At the direction of the organizers, OGE participants fill out the registration fields of the examination paper.

The organizers check that students have filled out the registration fields of the examination paper correctly.

If there is not enough space in the sheets (forms) for answers to tasks with a detailed answer, at the request of the student, the organizers issue him an additional form.

Students are provided with drafts as needed. Students can make notes in the CIM for conducting the OGE.


Entries on CMM and drafts are not processed or checked!

30 minutes and 5 minutes before the end of the exam, the organizers must inform participants about the imminent completion of the exam and remind them of the need to transfer answers from drafts to sheets (forms).

OGE participants are required to pass 4 exams:

in Russian language and mathematics (compulsory subjects);

two exams of the graduate’s choice from the list of subjects (see below).

Innovations - 2019

Since 2019, all 9th ​​grade graduates in mandatory undergo an interview procedure in the Russian language as admission to the main state exam.The interview will test students' skills in spontaneous expression of thoughts, so this form of control provides only 15 minutes for each ninth grader. During the interview process you will need to complete five tasks:

retell the passage you read literary work or journalism close to the text, accompanying the retelling with additional information;

demonstrate speaking skills in the form of a monologue on one of the topics proposed in the ticket;

show skills in dialogical speech, talking with a member of the examination committee.

During the interview, the student gains certain test scores.



Expressive Reading

Retelling the text



Compliance with Russian language standards


The student receives the main number of points for observing the norms of the Russian literary language.

Important point: The phrase “testing spontaneous speech” was used in the formulation of the purpose of the interview for a reason. The student must prepare for the tasks in just 1 minute! As a result, he receives a “pass” (admitted to the OGE) or “failure” (in this case, the student has the right to a second interview).


According to the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general education, students who do not have academic debt and have fully completed the curriculum or individual curriculum (have annual marks for all academic subjects curriculum for grade IX not lower than satisfactory) and successfully passed an oral interview in the Russian language.

Students who are in the current academic year winners or runners-up final stage All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of national teams of the Russian Federation who participated in international Olympiads and formed in the manner established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, are exempt from passing the state final certification in an academic subject corresponding to the profile of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, international Olympiad.


State final certification for educational programs of basic general education includes:

Mandatory exams: Russian language and mathematics

As well as exams of the student’s choice in two academic subjects from among the academic subjects:

  • Literature
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Geography
  • Story
  • Social science
  • Computer Science and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
  • Foreign languages ​​(English, German, French and spanish languages)
  • Literature

The educational subjects chosen by the student are indicated in the application that he submits to educational organization until March 1 of the current year.

Students have the right to change (add) the list of exams specified in the application only if they have valid reasons (illness or other documented circumstances).

Additional material:


reference materials, issued along with the work, ruler

Russian language

spelling dictionary


non-programmable calculator. The OGE participant will receive the necessary laboratory equipment along with the exam materials.

Social science,


not used additional materials



periodic table chemical elements DI. Periodic table, salt solubility table, electrochemical series of metal voltages, non-programmable calculator


geographical atlases for grades 7, 8 and 9,

non-programmable calculator, ruler

Foreign language

sound reproducing and recording equipment


texts works of art and collections of lyrics


For each subject, a scale is established for assessing the results of completing examination work (from 20 to 45 points) and a scale (based on the recommendations of FIPI) for recalculating the primary points for completing examination work into a mark on a five-point scale.

Graduates can find out their grades for the exam at the educational institution where they are studying after the work has been checked and the results have been approved.

Graduates of 9th grade who received no more than 2 unsatisfactory marks at the state final certification are allowed to repeat the State Examination in these subjects during the main period.

If a student does not receive a satisfactory grade and is retaken, the graduate will not be issued a certificate. Instead, a certificate of completion of training will be provided. The certificate indicates the subjects for which an unsatisfactory grade was received, and next year Only these subjects can be retaken.


All draft exam models for the 2020 OGE in academic subjects were prepared on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standards LLC. At the same time, continuity of the tested content with the Federal component of the state educational standard is ensured. In comparison with the 2019 exam models, the 2020 KIM OGE projects have strengthened the activity component and the practical nature of the tasks. Some approaches to the design of tasks in mathematics and natural science subjects, accepted in international comparative studies, have been implemented.

The tasks of the Main State Exam for ninth-graders for 2020 have become more practice-oriented and test skills such as searching and analyzing information, arguing one’s point of view, and reasoning skills.

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE - the number of tasks has been reduced to nine. Task 1, which is a presentation, can now be written in any of the proposed genres: notes, essays, travel notes, reviews, diaries. The second part of the work presents tasks for checking spelling, punctuation, grammar, as well as analyzing the depth and accuracy of understanding the content of the text.

MATHEMATICS - included a new block of practice-oriented tasks (tasks 1-5).

SOCIAL SCIENCE - the structure of work has changed. In most OGE tasks in social studies, it is necessary to analyze practical situations, express your point of view, based on personal experience and facts.

STORY- new tasks have appeared that involve working with a historical map, as well as testing knowledge of cultural history.


BIOLOGY- the number of tasks has decreased.

In the OGE on CHEMISTRY and PHYSICS 2020 includes conducting real experiments.

A condition for obtaining a certificate of basic general education is the successful completion of the state final certification (SFA) in four academic subjects - two compulsory (Russian language and mathematics) and two elective.


Collateral successful completion exam is quality mastery school curriculum, repetition and systematization of subjects studied in grades 5-9, development of various skills (reading and analyzing the content of the text, solving problems, etc.).

The tasks included in the examination paper do not go beyond the content of school textbooks and programs.

It is not difficult to pass exams well if you prepare for the exam properly. We recommend:

  • Study diligently throughout the years, avoiding gaps in knowledge.
  • Don’t “cram” - but thoroughly understand each topic. Human memory is the most imperfect carrier of information. But, knowing and understanding the theory, you can easily derive any forgotten formula in one minute.
  • Refresh your memory of the theoretical material you have studied over the years of study at the school.
  • Familiarize yourself with the main documents of the OGE, which clearly state the criteria for evaluating work.
  • Sort out previous years' tickets yourself, together with a teacher, or using video lessons available online.
  • Test your knowledge by solving demo versions of the OGE- 2019.
  • Don't be afraid of mistakes, they are inevitable. The more mistakes you sort out at the preparation stage, the fewer of them there will be on the OGE.


The purpose of the OGE is to assess the level general education training in mathematics for IX grade graduates educational organizations for the purpose of state final certification of graduates. The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools.


The work consists of two modules: “Algebra” and “Geometry”. Each module has two parts, corresponding to testing at basic and advanced levels.

When testing basic mathematical competence, students must demonstrate mastery of basic algorithms, knowledge and understanding of key content elements (mathematical concepts, their properties, methods of solving problems, etc.), the ability to use mathematical notation, and apply knowledge to solutions mathematical problems, not reducible to direct application of the algorithm, and also apply mathematical knowledge in the simplest practical situations.

Parts 2 of the modules “Algebra” and “Geometry” are aimed at testing mastery of the material at an advanced level. Their purpose is to differentiate well-performing schoolchildren by level of training, to identify the most prepared part of graduates, who make up the potential contingent of specialized classes. These parts contain tasks of an increased level of complexity from various sections of the mathematics course. All tasks require recording solutions and answers. The tasks are arranged in increasing difficulty - from relatively simple to complex, assuming fluency in the material and a good level of mathematical culture.

The Algebra module contains 17 tasks: in part 1 - 14 tasks; in part 2 there are 3 tasks.

The "Geometry" module contains 9 tasks: in part 1 - 6 tasks; in part 2 there are 3 tasks.

There are a total of 26 tasks in the work, of which 20 tasks basic level, 4 advanced level tasks and 2 high level tasks.


To evaluate the results of work performed by graduates, the overall score is used. The maximum number of points for one task in Part 1 is one point, for one task in Part 2 is two points. Maximum score for the work as a whole - 32. Of these, for the Algebra module - 20 points, for the Geometry module - 12 points.

Tasks worth 1 point are considered completed correctly if the number of the correct answer is indicated (in tasks with a choice of answers), or the correct answer is entered (in tasks with a short answer), or objects of two sets are correctly correlated and the corresponding sequence of numbers is written down (in tasks with a short answer). establishing compliance).

Tasks worth 2 points are considered completed correctly if the student chose the correct solution path, the course of his reasoning is clear from the written record of the solution, and the correct answer is received. In this case, he is given the full score corresponding to this task. If an error is made in the decision that is not of a fundamental nature and does not affect the overall correctness of the decision, then the participant is given 1 point.

Compared to the 2017 structure, the “Real Mathematics” module was excluded from the work. The tasks in this module are distributed across the Algebra and Geometry modules.

The recommended minimum result for completing the examination paper in mathematics is 8 points, scored in total for completing tasks in both modules, provided that at least 2 points of these were obtained in the Geometry module.

The scales for converting primary scores into marks on a five-point scale for conducting the OGE, developed by specialists of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FIPI", are of a RECOMMENDATIVE NATURE.

Used in specific subject In the Russian Federation, the system for converting primary OGE scores into a five-point scale is adopted by the regional ministry.

Scale for converting the total score for completing the examination work as a whole into a mark in mathematics:

Total score for the work as a whole Mark on a five-point scale
0-7 "2"
8-14 "3"
15-21 "4"
22-32 "5"

The article uses materials from the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGICAL MEASUREMENTS”

How to pass the OGE in Russian? This question begins to worry ninth-graders as early as September, although some students leave preparation for the exam until the last quarter. Both will be able to prepare well if they know how to pass the Russian language (OGE) well. What is this exam?

Types of tasks in the OGE

Let's start with the fact that the exam itself consists of three types of tasks. The first task is presentation. The person conducting the exam must include a recording of the text on which you will write the essay. Texts are usually given on moral and ethical topics: friendship, loyalty, heroism and other values. The volume is small and allows you to remember the maximum amount of information. How to prepare for the presentation? The FIPI website contains several dozen audio texts that will help you. These notes were used in previous years on the OGE, although they are sometimes included in the exams again. Is it difficult to pass the Russian language? The OGE of previous years (exam results) convinces us that only a few fail.

How to prepare for the presentation (first part)?

The principle of working on the presentation is simple. Select any text. Listen to it carefully the first time, trying to hear keywords, and record them on paper. After your first listen, take 3-5 minutes and think about the information you heard. Remember what the text said and take notes. Write the topic and main idea that the author wanted to convey.

Now play the recording again. When preparing for the exam, you can listen to the text three times, but on the OGE they play the recording only twice, so try to listen more carefully. When the text is read a second time, your task will be to identify micro-themes and understand where the reader pauses. This way you will determine the boundaries of paragraphs that must be respected. If you define the boundaries incorrectly, you will lose a point.

When the key words are defined, the paragraphs are correctly arranged, micro-topics are formulated, you can compose the text of the presentation. Don't forget what this is summary. Your task is not just to transfer the text you hear onto paper, but also to apply text compression techniques.

How to compress text?

What types of compression techniques are there? For example, you could replace homogeneous members sentences in one word, that is, to summarize. Complex sentences are replaced by simple ones, and vice versa: several simple sentences can be combined into one complex one. Direct speech is replaced by indirect speech. Are deleted introductory words and rhetorical questions and exclamations. There will also be no need for repetitions, unnecessary reasoning and explanations, or unnecessary details. It is enough to use two text compression techniques to get the required score.

Text assignments (second part)

Next type assignments are answers to questions that you must write down in the cells of the form. The task is carried out on the basis of a text with numbered sentences. In each option, there will be similar tasks under the same number. They are quite easy to understand. Demo versions of the OGE in the Russian language are posted on the FIPI website every year. In addition to the tasks themselves, there is also a specification and a codifier. Take the time to read them carefully. They let you know what topics you need to learn to complete certain assignments.

Let's say the third task tests how well students speak expressive means vocabulary and phraseology and are able to find them in the text. The fifth task is to test your knowledge of the spelling of suffixes in different parts speech, personal endings of verbs and participle suffixes. There is no need to be afraid that you will have to master the entire Russian language course again from the 5th grade. How to pass the OGE in Russian? It is enough to prepare the topics that are suggested by the specification in the demo version. Get yourself a notebook in which you will write down the rules for each task. This will make it easier for you to contact them if you start having trouble completing the test.

Essay (third part)

Every student worries: what will happen if I don’t pass the State Examination in Russian? The OGE in this subject is not so difficult, but you need to try to complete all the tasks.

The third part of the exam is the essay. There are three options to choose from. In the first, you need to write an essay-reasoning and reveal the meaning of the statement, focusing on the text on which you completed the tasks earlier. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the task is completed without relying on the text read, the work will not be graded.

The second version of the essay involves explaining the meaning of one of the sentences or the ending of the text. In this case, you must provide two arguments that will confirm your reasoning.

The third option: an essay-reasoning is considered the simplest. It needs to explain the meaning of a word, for example, “humanity”, “heroism” and so on. It is necessary to reflect on this topic, define this word and, of course, argue the thesis, giving two examples. The first can be taken from a read text, and the second from life experience.

How to pass the OGE in Russian? Learn the rules and practice writing summaries and essays.

Sooner or later, there comes a time in every student’s life when they have to start preparing for exams. And the very first serious exam in our country awaits students already in the 9th grade. OGE - general state exam, is a test to determine the student’s level of knowledge in each subject.

Also, the result obtained on the OGE (9th grade) affects the grade in the certificate, therefore it is very important to pass the certification well.

But not every student at the beginning of the year realizes which subjects are easier to pass on the OGE and which is better to give preference to. Let's look at this step by step.

Classification of all items

First of all, every student should know that all subjects can be divided into two groups: humanitarian and technical.

There are quite a few subjects that are classified as technical. However, these sciences are in 90% of cases necessary for admission to technical college. Among them are mathematics, physics, computer science. It should be noted that physics is the only subject that is passed in 99% of cases for admission to a technical specialty. Computer science is also a common exam choice, but is required for programming-related careers.

The list includes many larger number school subjects. Among them:

  • story;
  • social science;
  • literature;
  • geography;
  • biology;
  • chemistry;

Although, of course, biology and chemistry are often classified as a separate group, it is generally accepted to include them in the list of humanitarian subjects that are taken for the OGE.

And you should not forget about the required items for passing the OGE. There are only two of them: Russian language and mathematics. Therefore, no matter what direction you choose, you must remember that preparation for these subjects is mandatory in order to successfully pass the OGE.

9th grade is a difficult period. This year, everyone must determine the subjects that they want to take. But which subjects are easier to pass on the OGE?

Choosing directions

To make a choice, you first need to think about which sciences are easiest for you. It’s no secret that some people perfectly understand physics, others are able to solve difficult problems in chemistry, and still others are well versed in history.

Therefore, the student must understand that there is no list of easy subjects, because they are different for everyone.

To understand which subjects are easier for you to take at the OGE, first you should choose one direction out of two. Having decided, we can move on to further search.

Choosing a technical direction

If the choice fell on technical direction, then, most likely, physics is not an overwhelming science for a student. But, alas, this is not always the case. Sometimes the desire to get a technical profession may not come true due to problems with the subjects required for passing. What to do in this case?

If you understand that physics is not the easiest subject, then you need to properly plan your preparation.

  1. Ask a tutor for help. If a student needs to score a considerable number of points, then it is very difficult to prepare well for the OGE on his own.
  2. In addition to classes with a specialist, the child must study independently, which means planning his work and strictly following the class schedule.
  3. In order to pass the physics exam successfully, you need to practice a lot. Permanent Solution tasks - this is the key to success at the OGE.

The same advice can be applied to other exact sciences, for example mathematics and computer science.

Humanitarian direction

With the humanitarian direction, everything is a little different. Of course, due to the large number of items, everyone can find the easiest one for themselves. But we can offer a list of the most popular subjects for passing the OGE, which suggests that they are relatively easy.

Social science

About 70% of students in 9th grade pass this subject. Such high popularity is due to the fact that the subject is easier to understand and remember. This science is not exact, and the student receives much of the knowledge in this course in the process of life, because this item is the science of society.

But we should not forget that easy subjects at the OGE will not be easy if you do not prepare for them. A student who regularly completes social studies homework, prepares independently at home at least a couple of times a week, and is interested in the subject in class will undoubtedly receive high score on the OGE.


Actually name this item easy language turns with difficulty. But about 28% of 9th grade students pass history. What's the secret? The fact is that history is a science that needs to be taught and memorized. There are no complex puzzles or formulas here, but there is large number dates and events to remember. If a child takes preparation responsibly, he will not need anything other than careful memorization. And that means the exam will not be so difficult for him.


And this list ends with biology. Biology is a very interesting science. In addition, it is required for admission to any medical college, without it it is unthinkable to obtain a medical education. Therefore, this subject is often chosen in 9th grade. But it is not too easy. In OGE tasks, a child can encounter not only test questions, but also problems that need to be solved. One good thing is that biology is not difficult to understand. With due effort, it will be possible to pass this subject.

Well, that's all. The student only needs to think carefully about his preferences and abilities, and he will be able to answer for himself the question of which subjects are easier to pass on the OGE. If he plans his preparation, the OGE will no longer seem so scary and difficult to him.

Also, the student must know how many subjects to take for the OGE. The changes that have occurred over the past couple of years are unlikely to please future students. And they consist in the fact that if previously a student could only pass the compulsory subjects or choose the ones he needed, then today, in addition to the two compulsory subjects, everyone must determine two more subjects that he wants to pass.

This suggests that each student should prepare for at least 4 subjects, or even more. But you shouldn’t be afraid of this either. Don’t forget that if you take your studies responsibly, then you won’t have to think about which subjects are easier to pass on the OGE.

Lukyanenko E.A.,

teacher-psychologist Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 256 GO CATO, Fokino, Primorsky Territory

Parents meeting

« What students and their parents need to know

to successfully pass the Unified State Exam »

Exams are a difficult but inevitable part of our lives. Some take exams quite easily and go to the exams confident of success. For others, the exam and grade are closely associated with anxiety and worry. Not only on the eve of an exam, but sometimes just at the thought of it, they experience a state of fear, self-doubt and anxiety. How to avoid anxiety? What do students and their parents need to know to successfully pass the Unified State Exam?

Tips for parents:

    Never compare your children to others. As you know, people differ from each other in their personal qualities, as well as height, eye color, etc. their successes cannot be the same.

    Remember, your child should not act as a way to assert himself in front of others. Never look for reasons to brag about your child. Don’t say phrases like “what will I tell others...”, “you will make me look bad...”, “everyone will say that my child...”

    Very often, trying to motivate your child to prepare for an exam can only increase anxiety. Don't make the exam a matter of life and death.

    Do not put pressure on your child. Some parents, trying to motivate their child, begin to describe terrible pictures of what will happen to him if he does not pass the exam.

    Create a calm environment for exam preparation. Make it clear that the child is very dear to you.

    Your child's interests and abilities are important . You can help him with advice and guide him correctly. But under no circumstances should you leave last word for yourself, let this choice remain with your child

Tips for students:

    Don't think about exams in a negative way. Before the exam, do not think about previous failures, think that you will pass it successfully. Believe in yourself. Don't forget that thoughts like "I can't" won't help you. when resolving the issue.

    Remember that the exam is a test of your knowledge, not your personal qualities.

    Don’t think about what questions will be on the exam, you may get lost in guesswork.

    Don't make assumptions about exam results. Don't worry about bad results in advance.

    Avoid the thought “Oh, I’m worried, I’ll forget everything, I’ll die from worry.”

    During the exam, avoid thoughts from your inner voice:

You couldn’t answer this question, how will you answer other, more complex questions?
Everyone has finished the first section, but I haven't yet.
Hurry up, time is running out.
I didn’t expect such questions, my affairs are bad.
I wish the exam would end sooner.
So I won't be able to pass the exam.

Universal recipes for more successful testing tactics.

    Focus! After completing the preliminary part of the test (filling out forms), when you have clarified all the points that you do not understand, try to concentrate and forget about those around you. For you, there should be only the text of the tasks and the clock regulating the time for completing the test.

    Hurry up and take your time! Strict time limits should not affect the quality of your answers. I’ll tell you how to enter the answer, re-read the question twice and make sure that you correctly understand what is required of you.

    Start easy! Start answering those questions that you don’t doubt your knowledge of, without stopping at those that may cause long thoughts. Then you will calm down, your head will begin to work more clearly and clearly, and you will get into a working rhythm. You will seem to be freed from nervousness, and all your energy will then be directed to more difficult questions.

    Skip! We must learn to skip difficult or incomprehensible tasks. Remember: in the text there will always be questions that you will definitely be able to cope with. It’s just stupid to lose points just because you didn’t get to “your” tasks, but got stuck on those that cause you difficulties.

    Read the task to the end! Haste should not lead to you trying to understand the terms of the task “from the first words” and completing the ending in your own imagination. This the right way make annoying mistakes in the simplest questions.

    Think only about the current task! When you see a new task, forget everything about the previous one. As a rule, tasks in tests are not related to each other, so the knowledge that you applied in one (for example, already solved by you), as a rule, does not help, but only interferes with concentrating and correctly solving a new task. This advice also gives you another invaluable psychological effect - forget about failure in the last task (if it turned out to be too tough for you). Just think that every new task is a chance to score points.

    Check it out! Leave time to check your work, at least to have time to skim your eyes to notice obvious errors.

    Guess! If you are not sure about the choice of answer, but intuitively you can prefer one answer to others, then you should trust your intuition! At the same time, choose the option that, in your opinion, has a high probability.

    Don't be upset ! Strive to complete all tasks, but remember that in practice this is unrealistic. Keep in mind that test tasks are designed for the maximum level of difficulty, and the number of tasks you solve may well be sufficient for a good grade.