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What does an ordered series of numbers mean? Preventive work of a psychologist at school

More meanings of the word and translation of ORDERED SERIES from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is and the translation of ORDERED SERIES from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for ORDERED SERIES in dictionaries.

  • ORDERED - adj. ordered, simply ordered, ranked; partially ordered, partially ordered; incompletely ordered, partially ordered
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  • ORDERED – Trimmed
  • ORDERED – Square
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  • ROW - Row
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  • ROW - 1. row; line row after row, behind a row row - row upon row row of vehicles - line of vehicles 2. ...
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  • ORDERED - cosmic, well-ordered
  • ROW - 1. row; ~ row of chairs; ~ behind ~th row upon row; 2. (line) file; 3. (seats in the theater, ...
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  • RANGE - 1) catena 2) range 3) row 4) sequence 5) series 6) set
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  • ROW
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  • ROW - m. 1. row; line row after row, row after row - row upon row row of vehicles - line of vehicles...
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  • SERIES - catena, family, series, set, train, variety, row
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  • RANGE - chain, series math., range, rank, row, string, train, variety
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  • ROW - husband. 1) row; line 2) military (in service) file, rank 3) (certain quantity) series units. and many more h...
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  • ORDERED - ranked
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  • ORDERED – square
  • RANGE - range, rank, round, series, set, string, variety
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  • ROW - see. It is not the ranks that are thinning, but the Jews that are thinning; see Two Jews sat down in three rows
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  • ROW - 1. row; ~ row of chairs; ~ behind ~th row upon row; 2. (line) file; 3. (seats in the theater, cinema, etc.) ...
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  • ORDERED - . The vectors , are ordered sets of numbers. . Crystalline ice consists of a very orderly pattern of H…
  • ROW - I see also. one of ~a; by... in each ~y; series; power ~ by; whole …
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  • ROW - m. bank - thermal row of the spark plug
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  • RANGE - 1) family 2) range 3) row 4) sequence 5) series
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  • RANGE - see in a number of cases; have a number of advantages; will help solve a number of problems; whole line; syn. big number
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  • RANGE — range, TGF ranging from 10 ng/ml to 0.1 ng/ml
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  • ORDERED - adj. cosmic, well-ordered a. orderly
  • ROW - husband. 1) row line 2) military. (in service) file, rank 3) (certain quantity) series units. and many more a number, several...
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  • ORDERED - ordered ranked
  • RANGE - row prow;a number
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  • WELLORDERED - a well-ordered well-ordered
  • WELL-ORDERED - adj. ordered ordered; well organized
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  • TIME-ORDERED - adj. ordered by time (special) ordered by time, chronological
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  • SERIES - noun; pl. - series 1) a) series of items. mat.; sequence series of events ≈sequence of events convergent series divergent series geometric ...
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  • ROW - I 1. noun. 1) a) row, line (a set of objects, people located one after another, in one line) in rows ≈ ...
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  • RANKED - ordered, ranked ranked data ≈ ordered data - be ranked - ranked data - ranked formula - ranked mean ...
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  • RANK-ORDER - ordered ordered
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  • RANGE - 1. noun. 1) a) row, line, chain (of some homogeneous objects - houses, mountains, etc.) mountain range ≈ ridge ...
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  • ORDERLY - 1. noun. 1) military orderly, orderly; liaison An orderly came in haste to bring him news of the battle. ≈ …
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  • ORDERED — ordered switch ordered ordered; - * life measured lifestyle; - * set (mathematics) ordered set ordered: ~ on foreign …
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  • LINEARLY - linearly, linearly registered algebra of linearly bounded degree ≈ algebra of linearly bounded degree bisymmetric linearly ordered groupoid ≈ bisymmetric linearly ...
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  • LINE - I 1. noun. 1) a) line, dash; stroke to draw a line ≈ draw a line fine, thin line ≈ thin...
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  • GROUPOID - groupoid bisymmetric linearly ordered groupoid ≈ bisymmetric linearly ordered groupoid cancellation groupoid ≈ groupoid with the abbreviation conditionally complete groupoid ...
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  • FILE - I 1. noun. 1) file, needle file a nail file ≈ nail file 2) grinding, filing, filing to need ...
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  • COSMIC - adj. 1) cosmic dust ≈ cosmic dust Syn: space 2) large, grandiose; colossal; world a cosmic thinker ≈ …
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  • SERIES - 1) sequence 2) row 3) serial 4) series 5) stop 6) line 7) line 8) cycle. absolutely convergence series - absolutely (conditionally) convergent series absolutely convergent series - absolutely...
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  • PARTIALLY ORDERED - 1) incompletely ordered 2) semi-ordered 3) partially ordered
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  • PARTIALLY - 1) incomplete 2) partly 3) in parts 4) partially 5) privately. extra period partially balanced changeover design - partially balanced plan with an additional period partially adjoint ...
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  • ORDERED - 1) ordered 2) ordered 3) located 4) ordered. almost ordered group - almost ordered group antilexicographically ordered ring - antilexicographically ordered ring bisymmetric linearly ordered groupoid ...
    English-Russian scientific and technical dictionary
  • LINEARLY - linearly, linearly registered algebra of linearly bounded degree - algebra of linearly bounded degree bisymmetric linearly ordered groupoid - bisymmetric linearly ordered groupoid linearly ...
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  • SERIES - Many problems in mathematics lead to formulas containing infinite sums, for example, or Such sums are called infinite series, and their terms ...
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municipal budgetary educational institution of Mtsensk

Topic: “Series of quantities.”

Goal: to introduce children to increasing and decreasing series.

During the classes.

1. Introduction of the concept of “ordered series”.

On the demonstration table there are two sets of identical vessels with different volumes. Children have 4 stripes of different lengths and different colors. One set of vessels is arranged in order of decreasing volumes. The volumes of the second set of vessels are arranged without order.

I have two sets of vessels. Tatyana Vasilyevna put it like this (point to a set of vessels, arranged in no order), and I did so (point to a set of vessels, arranged in order of decreasing their volumes). Compare these sets. Are they the same or different? Identical, on what grounds? Different, on what grounds? How did you install it?

(Children find out that one set was built in order. The second set of volumes, built without order, is removed).

Today we will work with such a row (point to the remaining row), it is called ordered. On what basis were the vessels ordered? Show this row using the lengths of the stripes.

(Children work independently. The teacher walks around the class and looks at what the children have laid out. These options are put on the board).

Possible options:

The teacher points to option 3. Children evaluate with “+” or “-” signs. Find out why you disagree. Where is the mistake? It turns out that the strips are laid out out of order. Return to the vessels. Remove strips from the board. The second option is dealt with similarly. It turns out that the strips are laid out in a different order. Remove this option from the board. Children evaluate the first option. It turns out that he is faithful.

Lay it out like mine. Indicate the volumes of water with letters on the strips. The largest volume is A. (Children mark it on their stripes, the teacher – on their stripes). The next strip is less than A, we will denote P. The next one is less than P - the letter N. The smallest - the letter K.

(The result is a row: A, P, N, K).

Let's play the game "Guess the volume." Name the largest volume, the smallest. What volume is less than K? More A? What volume is greater than P? Less P? What is the intended volume if it is greater than K but less than P? More K, but less A?


2. Introduction of terms: quantities are arranged in ascending and descending order.

Textbook, part 2 p. 11. Ex. 2.

In the textbook and on the board:

We have strips with area H and area B. Draw strips with area P and B to make an orderly row.

(Children work independently. The teacher puts three options for completing the task on the board)." width="21" height="74">


I did this task at home and got the following drawings. (Show first picture). Did I draw it right or wrong? What mistake did I make? How should you draw it? Will this series be ordered? Is there anyone in the class who did this? We made the same mistake, next time we will be more careful.

(The first picture is removed. Show the second picture. Disassemble the second picture in the same way).

Look at the third picture. Did I draw it right or wrong? Why?

(It turns out that the third picture is correct).

If anyone got it wrong, erase it and draw it like I did. Find the entry below. You need to compare areas B and C (one child is at the board). Find area B and C. What can you say about these areas? Let's write down area B is less than area C. We write and say: “Area B is less than area C.”

(Areas P and H are compared in the same way).

We have built the values ​​from smallest to largest. This means that the values ​​are arranged in an ascending series. (Attach a sign “in ascending order” above the areas H, B, R, V, read).


In the textbook:

We have segments L and S. They indicate the length. Draw segments T and E so that you get an ordered series.

(Children work independently. The teacher walks around the class and puts the resulting rows on the board).

Possible options.

Anxiety is a child of evolution

Anxiety is a feeling familiar to absolutely every person. Anxiety is based on the instinct of self-preservation, which we inherited from our distant ancestors and which manifests itself in the form of a defensive reaction “Flight or fight.” In other words, anxiety does not arise out of nowhere, but has an evolutionary basis. If at a time when a person was constantly in danger in the form of an attack by a saber-toothed tiger or an invasion of a hostile tribe, anxiety really helped to survive, then today we live in the safest time in the history of mankind. But our instincts continue to operate at a prehistoric level, creating many problems. Therefore, it is important to understand that anxiety is not your personal flaw, but a mechanism developed by evolution that is no longer relevant in life. modern conditions. Anxious impulses, once necessary for survival, have now lost their expediency, turning into neurotic manifestations that significantly limit the lives of anxious people.

Distribution range is a sequence of numbers indicating the qualitative or quantitative value of a characteristic and the frequency of its occurrence.

Types of distribution series are classified according to different principles.

According to the degree of ordering, the rows are divided into:



Unordered row- this is a series in which the values ​​of a characteristic are written in the order in which the options arrived during the study.

Example: When studying the height of a group of students, its values ​​were recorded in cm (175,170,168,173,179).

Ordered series- this is a series obtained from an unordered one in which the values ​​of the characteristic are rewritten in ascending or descending order. An ordered series is called ranked, and the ranking procedure

(ordering) is called sorting.

Example: (Height 168,170,173,175,179)

According to the type of characteristic, the distribution series are divided into:



Attributive series- this is a series compiled on the basis of a qualitative characteristic.

Variation series- this is a series compiled on the basis of a quantitative characteristic.

Variation series are divided into discrete, continuous and interval.

Variational discrete, continuous and interval series are named according to the corresponding feature that underlies the compilation of the series. For example, a series by shoe size is discrete by body weight - continuous.

Methods of representing series in practical and scientific medicine are divided into three groups:

    Tabular presentation;

    Analytical representation (in the form of a formula);

    Graphic representation.

1. The simplest table consists of two columns or two rows, one of which contains the values ​​of the characteristic x i in an ordered form, and in the other - the relative or absolute frequency of its occurrence n i , f i .

Example: Tabular presentation of grades in a group x i and the number of students who received them n i .

x i

n i

2. Graphical representation of series is based on tabular data. Graphs are constructed in a rectangular coordinate system, where attribute values ​​are always plotted horizontally X i , and vertically the absolute or relative frequency n i .

Basic ways of presenting graphs:

    Diagram in segments.

    bar chart

    Frequency polygon.

    Variation (frequency) curve.

Bar chart is a graph representing a series in the form of vertical straight line segments, the position of which on the horizontal is determined by the value of the attribute, and the length of the segment is proportional to its absolute or relative frequency.

Example: bar chart for group performance assessments.

n i

5 4 3 2 XI

Typically, segment diagrams are constructed for discretely specified characteristics with a small number of options.

bar chart- this is a graph in the form of a stepped figure of rectangles adjacent to each other, the bases of which are intervals of feature values, and the heights of the rectangles are proportional to frequency or frequency (the number of objects falling within the interval). The areas of the rectangles correspond to the number of groups in a given interval.

Histograms are graphs of interval series. They are built primarily for large volumes of aggregates.

Example: Histogram of the normal distribution of red blood cells in human blood. Horizontal - cell diameter X i (mk), vertically - frequency n i number of cells in the interval.

n i

2 4 6 8 10 12 x i

Poligon (polygon) of frequencies- a series graph represented by a broken line of a point - the vertices of which correspond to the midpoints of the intervals, and the height of the point above the horizontal is proportional to the frequency or frequency.

Polygons are constructed for continuous and discrete variation series in cases where the average values ​​of a characteristic are identified in the intervals. Polygons are preferable to histograms for continuous distribution series

Example: a frequency polygon based on a histogram of the distribution of red blood cells in human blood.

n i

2 4 6 8 10 12 x i

Variation (frequency) curve- a graph of a series obtained under the condition that the volume of the population tends to infinity ( N→∞) , and the length of the interval itself tends to zero (Δ X→0) .

For practical statistical calculations, four groups of frequency distributions have been identified as standards:

  1. Rectangular distribution.

    Bell-shaped unimodal (single-vertex) distribution.

    Bimodal (two-vertex) distribution.

    Exponential distribution:



n i

x i

x i

x i

x i

Random equally probable events are subject to a rectangular distribution.

A wide class of phenomena (indicators of mental and physical development, height, weight, etc.). In practice, the most common unimodal distribution is the symmetrical one, which is why its classical form is called the normal distribution.

The bimodal distribution corresponds, for example, to the performance of students with and without a long break in their studies.

An exponentially decreasing distribution corresponds to the distribution of income in a capitalist society (the frequency decreases as income increases).

Lyudmila Prokofievna Kalugina (or simply “Mymra”) in the wonderful film “Office Romance” taught Novoseltsev: “Statistics is a science, it does not tolerate approximation.” In order not to fall under the hot hand of the strict boss Kalugina (and at the same time easily solve tasks from the Unified State Exam and State Examination with elements of statistics), we will try to understand some concepts of statistics that can be useful not only in the thorny path of conquering the Unified State Examination exam, but also simply in everyday life. life.

So what is Statistics and why is it needed? The word “statistics” comes from the Latin word “status”, which means “state and state of affairs”. Statistics deals with the study of the quantitative side of mass social phenomena and processes in numerical form, identifying special patterns. Today statistics is used in almost all areas public life, ranging from fashion, cooking, gardening to astronomy, economics, medicine.

First of all, when getting acquainted with statistics, it is necessary to study the basic statistical characteristics used for data analysis. Well, let's start with this!

Statistical characteristics

The main statistical characteristics of a data sample (what kind of “sample” is this!? Don’t be alarmed, everything is under control, this incomprehensible word is just for intimidation, in fact, the word “sample” simply means the data that you are going to study) include:

  1. sample size,
  2. sample range,
  3. average,
  4. fashion,
  5. median,
  6. frequency,
  7. relative frequency.

Stop, stop, stop! How many new words! Let's talk about everything in order.

Volume and Scope

For example, the table below shows the height of the players of the national football team:

This selection is represented by elements. Thus, the sample size is equal.

The range of the presented sample is cm.


Not very clear? Let's look at our example.

Determine the average height of the players.

Well, shall we get started? We have already figured out that; .

We can immediately safely substitute everything into our formula:

Thus, the average height of a national team player is cm.

Or like this example:

For a week, 9th grade students were asked to solve as many examples from the problem book as possible. The number of examples solved by students per week is given below:

Find the average number of problems solved.

So, in the table we are presented with data on students. Thus, . Well, let’s first find the sum (total number) of all problems solved by twenty students:

Now we can safely begin to calculate the arithmetic mean of the solved problems, knowing that:

Thus, on average, 9th grade students solved each problem.

Here's another example to reinforce.


On the market, tomatoes are sold by sellers, and prices per kg are distributed as follows (in rubles): . What is the average price of a kilogram of tomatoes on the market?


So, what does it equal in this example? That's right: seven sellers offer seven prices, which means ! . Well, we’ve sorted out all the components, now we can start calculating the average price:

Well, did you figure it out? Then do the math yourself average in the following samples:

Answers: .

Mode and median

Let's look again at our example with the national football team:

What is the mode in this example? What is the most common number in this sample? That's right, this is a number, since two players are cm tall; the growth of the remaining players is not repeated. Everything here should be clear and understandable, and the word should be familiar, right?

Let's move on to the median, you should know it from your geometry course. But it’s not difficult for me to remind you that in geometry median(translated from Latin as “middle”) - a segment inside a triangle connecting the vertex of the triangle with the middle opposite side. Keyword MIDDLE. If you knew this definition, then it will be easy for you to remember what a median is in statistics.

Well, let's get back to our sample of football players?

Did you notice an important point in the definition of median that we have not yet encountered here? Of course, “if this series is ordered”! Shall we put things in order? In order for there to be order in the series of numbers, you can arrange the height values ​​of football players in both descending and ascending order. It is more convenient for me to arrange this series in ascending order (from smallest to largest). Here's what I got:

So, the series has been sorted, what other important point is there in determining the median? That's right, an even and an odd number of members in the sample. Have you noticed that even the definitions are different for even and odd quantities? Yes, you're right, it's hard not to notice. And if so, then we need to decide whether we have an even number of players in our sample or an odd one? That's right - there are an odd number of players! Now we can apply to our sample a less tricky definition of the median for an odd number of members in the sample. We are looking for the number that is in the middle in our ordered series:

Well, we have numbers, which means there are five numbers left at the edges, and height cm will be the median in our sample. Not so difficult, right?

Now let’s look at an example with our desperate children from grade 9, who solved examples during the week:

Are you ready to look for mode and median in this series?

To begin with, let's order this series of numbers (arrange from the smallest number to the largest). The result is a series like this:

Now we can safely determine the fashion in this sample. Which number occurs more often than others? That's right! Thus, fashion in this sample is equal.

We have found the mode, now we can start finding the median. But first, answer me: what is the sample size in question? Did you count? That's right, the sample size is equal. A is an even number. Thus, we apply the definition of median for a series of numbers with an even number of elements. That is, we need to find in our ordered series average two numbers written in the middle. What two numbers are in the middle? That's right, and!

Thus, the median of this series will be average numbers and:

- median the sample under consideration.

Frequency and relative frequency

That is frequency determines how often a particular value is repeated in a sample.

Let's look at our example with football players. We have before us this ordered series:

Frequency is the number of repetitions of any parameter value. In our case, it can be considered like this. How many players are tall? That's right, one player. Thus, the frequency of meeting a player with height in our sample is equal. How many players are tall? Yes, again one player. The frequency of meeting a player with height in our sample is equal. By asking and answering these questions, you can create a table like this:

Well, everything is quite simple. Remember that the sum of the frequencies must equal the number of elements in the sample (sample size). That is, in our example:

Let's move on to the next characteristic - relative frequency.

Let us turn again to our example with football players. We have calculated the frequencies for each value; we also know the total amount of data in the series. We calculate the relative frequency for each growth value and get this table:

Now create tables of frequencies and relative frequencies yourself for an example with 9th graders solving problems.

Graphical representation of data

Very often, for clarity, data is presented in the form of charts/graphs. Let's look at the main ones:

  1. bar chart,
  2. pie chart,
  3. bar chart,
  4. polygon

Column chart

Column charts are used when they want to show the dynamics of changes in data over time or the distribution of data obtained as a result of a statistical study.

For example, we have the following data on evaluations of written test work in one class:

The number of people who received such an assessment is what we have frequency. Knowing this, we can make a table like this:

Now we can build visual bar graphs based on such an indicator as frequency(the horizontal axis shows the grades; the vertical axis shows the number of students who received the corresponding grades):

Or we can construct a corresponding bar graph based on the relative frequency:

Let's consider an example of the type of task B3 from the Unified State Examination.


The diagram shows the distribution of oil production in countries around the world (in tons) for 2011. Among the countries, the first place in oil production was occupied by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates took seventh place. Where did the USA rank?

Answer: third.

Pie chart

To visually depict the relationship between parts of the sample under study, it is convenient to use pie charts.

Using our table with the relative frequencies of the distribution of grades in the class, we can construct a pie chart by dividing the circle into sectors proportional to the relative frequencies.

A pie chart retains its clarity and expressiveness only with a small number of parts of the population. In our case, there are four such parts (in accordance with possible estimates), so the use of this type of diagram is quite effective.

Let's look at an example of the type of task 18 from the State Examination Inspectorate.


The diagram shows the distribution of family expenses during a seaside holiday. Determine what the family spent the most on?

Answer: accommodation.


The dynamics of changes in statistical data over time are often depicted using a polygon. To construct a polygon, mark in coordinate plane points, the abscissas of which are moments in time, and the ordinates are the corresponding statistical data. By connecting these points successively with segments, a broken line is obtained, which is called a polygon.

Here, for example, we are given the average monthly air temperatures in Moscow.

Let's make the given data more visual - we'll build a polygon.

The horizontal axis shows the months, and the vertical axis shows the temperature. We build the corresponding points and connect them. Here's what happened:

Agree, it immediately became clearer!

A polygon is also used to visually depict the distribution of data obtained as a result of a statistical study.

Here is the constructed polygon based on our example with the distribution of scores:

Let's consider a typical task B3 from the Unified State Examination.


In the figure, bold dots show the price of aluminum at the close of exchange trading on all working days from August to August of the year. The dates of the month are indicated horizontally, and the price of a ton of aluminum in US dollars is indicated vertically. For clarity, the bold points in the figure are connected by a line. Determine from the figure what date the aluminum price at the close of trading was the lowest for the given period.

Answer: .

bar chart

Interval data series are depicted using a histogram. A histogram is a stepped figure made up of closed rectangles. The base of each rectangle is equal to the length of the interval, and the height is equal to the frequency or relative frequency. Thus, in a histogram, unlike a regular bar chart, the bases of the rectangle are not chosen arbitrarily, but are strictly determined by the length of the interval.

For example, we have the following data on the growth of players called up to the national team:

So we are given frequency(number of players with corresponding height). We can complete the table by calculating the relative frequency:

Well, now we can build histograms. First, let's build based on frequency. Here's what happened:

And now, based on the relative frequency data:


To the exhibition innovative technologies Representatives of the companies arrived. The chart shows the distribution of these companies by number of employees. The horizontal line represents the number of employees in the company, the vertical line shows the number of companies with a given number of employees.

What percentage are companies with a total number of employees of more than one person?

Answer: .

Brief summary

    Sample size- the number of elements in the sample.

    Sample range- the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the sample elements.

    Arithmetic mean of a series of numbers is the quotient of dividing the sum of these numbers by their number (sample size).

    Mode of number series- the number most often found in a given series.

    Medianordered series of numbers with an odd number of terms- the number that will be in the middle.

    Median of an ordered series of numbers with an even number of terms- the arithmetic mean of two numbers written in the middle.

    Frequency- the number of repetitions of a certain parameter value in the sample.

    Relative frequency

    For clarity, it is convenient to present data in the form of appropriate charts/graphs


  • Statistical sampling- a specific number of objects selected from the total number of objects for research.

    Sample size is the number of elements included in the sample.

    Sample range is the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of sample elements.

    Or, sample range

    Average of a series of numbers is the quotient of dividing the sum of these numbers by their number

    The mode of a series of numbers is the number that appears most frequently in a given series.

    The median of a series of numbers with an even number of terms is the arithmetic mean of the two numbers written in the middle, if this series is ordered.

    Frequency represents the number of repetitions, how many times over a certain period a certain event occurred, a certain property of an object manifested itself, or an observed parameter reached a given value.

    Relative frequency is the ratio of frequency to the total number of data in the series.

Well, the topic is over. If you are reading these lines, it means you are very cool.

Because only 5% of people are able to master something on their own. And if you read to the end, then you are in this 5%!

Now the most important thing.

You have understood the theory on this topic. And, I repeat, this... this is just super! You are already better than the vast majority of your peers.

The problem is that this may not be enough...

For what?

For successful completion Unified State Exam, for admission to college on a budget and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, for life.

I won’t convince you of anything, I’ll just say one thing...

People who have received a good education earn much more than those who have not received it. This is statistics.

But this is not the main thing.

The main thing is that they are MORE HAPPY (there are such studies). Perhaps because many more opportunities open up before them and life becomes brighter? Don't know...

But think for yourself...

What does it take to be sure to be better than others on the Unified State Exam and ultimately be... happier?


You won't be asked for theory during the exam.

You will need solve problems against time.

And, if you haven’t solved them (A LOT!), you’ll definitely make a stupid mistake somewhere or simply won’t have time.

It's like in sports - you need to repeat it many times to win for sure.

Find the collection wherever you want, necessarily with solutions, detailed analysis and decide, decide, decide!

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In conclusion...

If you don't like our tasks, find others. Just don't stop at theory.

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Find problems and solve them!