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Competition game “Lukomorye. Where was the fabulous Lukomorye Lukomorye world without borders

"Lukomorye" - a competition game in various subjects

Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the game-competition “Lukomorye” - Irina Viktorovna Verezubova, Director of the Center educational technologies"Lukomorye"
Organizing Committee contacts:
tel: 8-961-217-26-42
fax: 3-42-60-43.
e-mail: [email protected].

Various items are presented in this competition school curriculum . Subject areas change annually.

The game-competition “Lukomorye” will be held 13 times in 2019.

Organizers of the competition: LLC Center for Educational Technologies "Lukomorye" with the support of MBU DK named after. K.S. Stanislavsky, Theater and Entertainment Center "Lukomorye".

✓ The competition game takes place directly at school on a certain day.

✓ All interested students in grades 1-11 of the city of Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk region can participate in the competition. The game is played in five age groups(nominations): 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 grades.

✓ The number of tasks for each group is 27. There is no need to write solutions: just choose the correct answer from the four proposed options and mark its number on a special form. 1 hour is allotted for work, and another 20 minutes are provided for filling out the answer form. Subject areas change annually.

✓ The results of the competition are summarized separately according to parallels. At the end of April, after processing the forms, schools receive statements with the results of their participants and the place of each in the general list of their parallel; Each participant in the game receives a certificate.

✓ Based on the results of the competition game, the winners are determined, who make up the “Golden Fund”. They are awarded prizes and diplomas.

Educational institutions receive a certificate, and the most active organizers are awarded letters of gratitude.

✓ Participation in the competition is paid.

✓ Schools wishing to take part in the competition submit an Application (in the prescribed form). An application for participation in the competition is submitted personally by the school organizer to the Organizing Committee or by e-mail. All work on organizing the competition game is carried out in accordance with the schedule and deadlines proposed by the Organizing Committee.

✓ The game-competition “Lukomorye” provides an opportunity for parents and their children to participate in the family competition “Working on Mistakes”, which is held based on competitive tasks completed by the children as part of the game-competition “Lukomorye”. In 2007, there were just over 3,000 such families, in 2008 - already more than 4,000, in 2010 - more than 6,000, and in 2016 - almost 8,000.

✓ Festival games are held in early April. The team consists of 6 people. The themes of the festival games are the themes of the game-competition “Lukomorye”.

How the game is summed up - in the section SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS OF THE GAME COMPETITION “LUKOMORYE”

Based on the results of the game, a collection of tasks for the game-competition “Lukomorye” is published annually. The collection is published both for teachers (good methodological material), and for children and parents (as a tool for working together to expand children’s horizons and develop interest in educational process). We recommend that parents purchase such collections - the tasks broaden their horizons and develop children’s interest in various subjects.

The symbol of the game-competition “Lukomorye” is the Scientist Cat. Meet...

My name is Cat Scientist. I live in Lukomorye. Of course, I am a fairy-tale creature, but do not rush to part with the fairy tale - after all, “a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.” I love to read and therefore I invite inquisitive children and adults to amazing world knowledge that has no boundaries.

Do you know why our game has this name? The Russian mythological dictionary says that Lukomorye is a kind of wonderful country where the world tree is located (a mythological image-symbol reflecting a holistic view of the world and the place of man in it, a symbol of the unity of the world). When pronouncing the word “Lukomorye” we immediately recall the famous lines of A.S. Pushkin, where there is a “green oak” (symbolizing the world tree), and a “golden chain” (a symbol of eternity and the connection of generations) and “scientist cat”, and then Pushkin talks about various interesting knowledge, which we will get acquainted with in our Lukomorye. I think now you understand why I am the symbol of this game. So, welcome to the wonderful world of knowledge - LUKOMORYE!

Lukomorye -2019

The game-competition “Lukomorye” took place for the 13th time. And you can check your answers right now.

The organizing committee of the game-competition “Lukomorye-2019” congratulates all participants on finishing the game!

More than 16 thousand students from 135 educational institutions took part in the competition game “Lukomorye-2019”.

1 class

2 classes

3 grades

4 grades

5 grades

6th grade

7th grade

8th grade

9th grade

10 grades

11th grade







Participants of the game-competition “Lukomorye-2019” (by region)

Dzerzhinsky : Gymnasium No. 15, Lyceum No. 113, Secondary School No. 36, 71, 82, 96, 111, 153, 177, 178, 197, pro-gymnasium “Kingfisher”

Central district : Gymnasiums No. 1, 4, 9, 10, 13, lyceums No. 9, 200, 12, 159, Siberian cadet corps, Secondary School No. 4, 13, 17, 29, 43, 51, 77, 99, 100, 120, 131, 137, 156, “Perspective”, MKS (K) OU S(K) Secondary School No. 37

Kalininsky : Gymnasium No. 12, lyceums No. 28, 81, GAOU NSO boarding school, secondary school No. 8, 26, 34, 46, 78, 83, 103, 105, 151, 203, 207, 211, private educational institution “Orthodox gymnasium of Kiev”

Kirovsky : Gymnasium No. 7, pro-gymnasium No. 1, LIT, lyceum No. 176, secondary school No. 49, 63, 91, 108, 109, 182, 183, 192, 196

Leninist: Gymnasiums No. 16 and 17, engineering lyceum NSTU, IEL, secondary school No. 15, 27, 50, 56, 67, 69, 72, 73, 86, 90, 92, 94, 129, 138, 160, 188, 191, 210, “Eureka”, Orthodox gymnasium, MKS(K)OU S(K)OSHI No. 39

October: Gymnasium No. 11, NGPL, secondary school No. 2, 11, 32, 75, 76, 115, 155, 167, 186, 189, 194, 195, 202

Pervomaisky : Gymnasium No. 8, Technical Lyceum No. 128, Secondary School No. 117, 140, 141, 144, 145

Soviet: Gymnasiums No. 3, No. 5, OC "Ermine", secondary school No. 80, 119, 121, 162, 165,179

Novosibirsk: Lyceum No. 13 Krasnoobsk, Yarkovskaya Secondary School No. 3, Koltsovskaya Secondary School No. 5, GBOU NSO "Regional Center of Education", Lyceum No. 21 Koltsovo Village, Krivodanovskaya Secondary School No. 22, Marusinskaya Secondary School No. 24, Kudryashovskaya Secondary School No. 25, Lyceum Boarding School No. 7, Berdsk, secondary school No. 3, Iskitim, Oktyabrskaya secondary school, Moshkovsky district

List of the BEST and GOLDEN FUND based on the results of the game-competition “Lukomorye-2019”»

Based on the results of the inspection, a GOLD FUND (111 participants) And LIST OF BEST RESULTS (121 participants ). They are awarded diplomas and prizes. IN GOLD FUND includes participants who, based on the results of the game, took 1st place in their nomination.

Principles of forming the LIST OF THE BEST and GOLD FUND

To be included in GOLD FUND And LIST OF THE BEST The complexity of the game and the points scored were taken into account, so different categories had their own points, which made it possible to include participants in these lists of winners.

1-2 gradesIplace). INTO THE LIST OF THE BEST – 105 points (IIplace).

3-4 grades. The GOLD FUND includes the results of 108 points (Iplace). IN THE LIST OF THE BEST – at least 101 points.

5-6 grades. To be included in the GOLDEN FUND - 108 points for 5th grade and 97 points for 6th grade. To be included in the LIST OF THE BEST, participants had to score at least 90 points.

7-8 grades. The questions in the game were quite difficult. A different number has been determined points for grades 7 and 8, which made it possible to include participants in the LIST OF THE BEST and in the GOLD FUND. For 7 grades – 85 points, and for 8 grades – 86 points. GOLDEN FUND 7th grade – 104 points, GOLDEN FUND 8th grade – 105 points.

9-11 grades. For each grade (9, 10 and 11) a different number of points was determined, which made it possible to include participants in the LIST OF THE BEST and in the GOLD FUND. To be included in the LIST OF THE BEST, you had to score at least 95 points. GOLDEN FUND 9th grade - 104 points. GOLDEN FUND Grade 10 – 104 points. GOLDEN FUND 11th grade -100 points.

We congratulate the winners on their high results and worthy victory! Well done!

The most active participants in the game of the Lukomorye-2019 competition : MBOU Lyceum No. 28 (300 participants), MAOU Gymnasium No. 11 (310), MAOU Gymnasium No. 211 (312), MBOU Gymnasium No. 4 (314), MBOU Gymnasium No. 17 (342), MBOU Gymnasium No. 9 (355), MBOU Biotechnological Lyceum No. 21, Koltsovo village (365), MAOU OC "Ermine" (369), MBOU LIT (389), MBOU Lyceum No. 12 (437), MBOU Gymnasium No. 1 (446).

Every year in April we hold Festival games for grades 1-2 and 3-4. This year the games took place on April 9 and 10 at the SUNCITY base. Themes of the Festival games are the themes of the game-competition “Lukomorye-2019”. 51 teams took part in the games.

Lukomorye is one of the first geographical names that we recognize in life. It cannot be found on modern maps, but it is on maps of the 16th century. Lukomorye is mentioned both in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” and in Russian folklore.

What does the word "Lukomorye" mean?

The word “Lukomorye” sounds mysterious and even fabulous to us, but its etymology is quite prosaic. It comes from the Old Slavonic “lek” and “sea”. The word "bow" means bend. Words with the same root are “bow”, “bend”, “bow” (at the saddle). That is, “Lukomorye” is translated as a curved seashore, a bay.

Lukomorye near Pushkin

We learn about Lukomorye from the prologue to the first major work of Alexander Pushkin, the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. Pushkin describes Lukomorye as a kind of conventionally fairy-tale place “where it smells of Russia,” where there is a memorable oak tree with a golden chain and a learned cat walking along it.

It is important that the prologue was written for the second edition of the poem, which was published 8 years after the first edition - in 1828. This can clarify a lot about the origin of Pushkin’s Lukomorye.

By this time, Pushkin had already been in southern exile, where, together with the Raevskys, he visited both the Azov region and the Crimea. General Raevsky from Gorochevodsk enthusiastically wrote to his daughter Elena: “Here the Dnieper has just crossed its rapids, in the middle of it there are stone islands with forest, very elevated, the banks are also forested in places; in a word, the views are unusually picturesque; I saw little on my journey that I could compare with them.”

These landscapes made an indelible impression on the military man. They simply could not help but influence the poet Pushkin.

What about Lukomorye?

However, landscapes are landscapes, but what about Lukomorye? Where could Pushkin crystallize this image, which will go down not only in the history of Russian literature, but also in the subconscious of every Russian person?

Source one: Arina Rodionovna.
As you know, the plots of several Pushkin fairy tales were inspired by the poet by his nanny. Literary historian and Pushkin scholar Pavel Annenkov wrote that many episodes from Arina Rodionovna’s fairy tales are presented in their own way by Pushkin and transferred from work to work. Here is an excerpt from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, as told by Annenkov: “So, she had a cat: “By the Lukomorye sea there stands an oak tree, and on that oak tree there are golden chains, and along those chains a cat walks: it goes up - it tells fairy tales , goes down - sings songs."

As we see, the cat walks up and down with Pushkin’s nanny, that is, we are dealing with a description of the world tree typical of the Finno-Ugric tradition. The cat here is both the guardian of the border between worlds and the mediator between them.

Source two: “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”
Even during Pushkin’s lyceum years, A.I. Musin-Pushkin published “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” About Lukomorye in the Lay it is said:

“And the filthy Kobyak from the bow of the sea
from the iron great Polovtsian plaques
like a whirlwind, stronger:
and Kobyak fell in the city of Kiev,
in the gridnitsa Svyatslavl.”

The chronicle reported that the Russians constantly clashed with nomads in the southern steppe: “just as before, I was with them firmly.”

According to the chronicles, the inhabitants of Lukomorye were the Polovtsians, with whom Kyiv princes were constantly at odds. Lukomorye was the name given to the territory of the Northern Azov region.

This opinion, as S.A. Pletneva believes, is confirmed by the fact that “the Lukomorian Polovtsians can also be traced by stone statues (idols) discovered in the area of ​​the lower Dnieper. They belong to the developed period of Polovtsian sculpture, to the second half of the 12th and beginning of the 13th centuries.”

Thus, we can say that Lukomorye (which Pushkin sang) was the bend between the lower reaches of the Dnieper and Sea of ​​Azov. In the toponymy of the Azov region today you can find echoes of this historical memory: two steppe rivers Bolshoy and Maly Utlyuk. “Utlyuk” - “Otluk” - “Luka” is translated from Turkic as “pasture, meadow”.

What kind of oak?

It is also interesting to understand what kind of oak tree Pushkin described:

“And there I was, and I drank honey;
I saw a green oak by the sea.”

Traveling along the Dnieper-Azov steppe during his southern exile, Pushkin could hear from old-timers the legend about the famous Zaporozhye oak, which grew on the island of Khortitsa.

I also wrote about him Byzantine emperor Konstantin Porphyrogenitus: “After passing this place, the Russians reach the island of St. Gregory (Khortitsa Island) and on this island they make their sacrifices, since a huge oak tree grows there. They sacrifice live roosters, stick arrows all around, others bring pieces of bread, meat and whatever else everyone has, as their custom requires.”

Already in the 70s of the 19th century, Zaporozhye local historian Ya. P. Novitsky also mentioned this oak: “About five years ago, a sacred oak tree dried up on the island of Khortytsia. It was branchy and of colossal thickness, stood one hundred and fifty fathoms from Ostrov-Khortytska colonies."

Where else to look for Lukomorye?

Lukomorye is found not only in chronicles, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” and Pushkin’s poem, but also in Russian folklore. Afanasyev in his work “The Tree of Life” noted that in East Slavic mythology this was the name of a protected place on the border of the worlds, where the world tree grows, resting on the underworld and reaching the sky. Karamzin also wrote that the word Lukomorye was used in the meaning of the northern kingdom, where people hibernate for six months and are awake for six months.
One way or another, in folklore perception, Lukomorye is a kind of conditional land on the border of the ecumene, most often located in the north.

Lukomorye on maps

Lukomorye could be considered a historical and semi-fairy-tale anachronism, if not for Western European maps of the 16th-17th centuries, on which the location of Lukomorye is precisely determined. And on the maps of Mercator (1546), and on the maps of Hondius (1606), as well as on the maps of Massa , Cantelli and Witsen Lukomorye is the name given to the territory on the right (eastern) bank of the Ob Bay.

European cartographers themselves did not visit these places. Most likely, when drawing up maps, they relied on the descriptions of this area by travelers, in particular Sigismund Herberstein. He gave it in “Notes on Muscovy”: “in the mountains on the other side of the Ob”, “The Kossin River flows from the Lukomorsky Mountains. Together with this river, another river, Kassima, originates, and flowing through Lukomoria, flows into the large river Takhnin.”

Nicholas Witsen, who published his “Carte Novelle de la Tartarie” in the 18th century, had graphic material at his disposal. On his map, the length of the Ob Bay corresponds to reality, and therefore “Lucomoria” is the designation of the Kara Sea bay itself. There was no toponym “Lukomorye” in Russian historical cartography, but it is obvious that Western European cartographers recognized Lukomorye as ancient name Ob Bay.

Work schedule for organizing the game-competition “Lukomorye-2020” »

Competition game"Lukomorye-2020"will take place
February 26, 2020

Topics of the game-competition “Lukomorye-2020”

Grades 1-2 – Fairytale cats and cats.

Grades 3-4 – “Snowman School”.Andrey Usachev.

5-6 grades – Fairy tales, tales and epics about heroes and glorious deeds of Rus'.

Grades 7-11 – In the kingdom of Flora. “Flower” theme in world culture. In 2020, we decided to make general questions for grades 7-8 and 9-11. Summing up - separately based on parallels.

Lists of works, texts and guidelines published on our website:

On March 11, the correct answers to the game “Lukomorye-2020” are published on our website.

fax: 3-42-60-43

e-mail:l[email protected] or[email protected]


Chairman of the organizing committee Verezubova Irina Viktorovna

Please note that this academic yearWe are changing the place of our work in organizing the game-competition “Lukomorye”. The theater and entertainment center "Lukomorye" was closed. We now work on the basis of the Theater Platform “The Whole World”, address: Karl Marx Avenue, 53A. It is located next to the Aurora cinema. Between the transport stops “Studencheskaya” and “Gorskaya”. If you stand facing the cinema, then on your right side there will be a building in which the Italian restaurant Pepperoni is located. They have a common entrance from the street. Enter the building and on the left is the entrance to the Theater Studio. This is where you need to go.

Dear organizers of the game-competition “Lukomorye-2020”!

We kindly request that you organize your work in accordance with the dates indicated in this schedule!

1. December 11 and 12 (from 10-00 to 18-00) – acceptance of applications from the educational institution in the form proposed by the Organizing Committee (Application for Participation), and payment of registration fees.

Please note that we accept applications in two places:

December 11th in the Palace of Culture named after. Stanislavsky by the address : st. Stanislavsky 12; cab. No. 1.

12 December - Theater platform “The Whole World” ». Address : Karl Marx Ave., 53A.

The application must be submitted in person to the Organizing Committee or by email: [email protected] . By sending an application by email. mailmust be in the SUBJECT of the letterindicate the name of the educational institution - there are a lot of applications and it can be difficult to navigate.

After receiving the application by e-mail, the organizing committee sends confirmation within 3 days and a receipt form for payment at the bank, if you plan to pay the registration fee through the bank. If you have not received confirmation within 3 days, you need to call us.Payment must be made via bank before December 20 .

2. The organizing committee has determined 2 days when the organizers can make changes to applications and make additional payments for additional participants (from 10-00 to 18-00):

January 30 - Theater platform "The Whole World". Address : Karl Marx Ave., 53A.

January 31 - in the Palace of Culture named after. Stanislavsky (Stanislavsky St. 12; office No. 1)

Changes to the Application can be made in person or by email. There is no need to contact the Organizing Committee regarding changes to your Application on other days.

25 February from 10-00 to 18-00 indoors Theater platform "The Whole World"(Karl Marx Ave., 53A)issuance by the educational institution of assignment forms and answer forms for the competition “Lukomrye-2020” in accordance with submitted applications. When receiving competition materials, have with you: 1) receipt about payment; 2) the second copy of the application for participation in the competition “Lukomorye-2020”.The organizer of the competition at the school provides information to the Organizing Committee about the time of the competition at the school.

On February 25, the organizers will be given an order form for prizes, which is issued and paid by the organizer when the participants’ response forms are returned to the Organizing Committee.

February 26 – holding the game-competition “Lukomorye-2020” at the school.

February 26 (from 14-00 to 19-00) and February 27 (from 10-00 to 19-00) acceptance of answer forms and lists of participants.Accepting applications for prizes and paying for prizes. Issuance of certificates for the family game “Working on Mistakes” (10% of the total number of competition participants in the educational institution).

February 26 – March 7 – family game “Working on mistakes.” March 11 – publication of the correct answers of the game-competition “Lukomrye-2020” on the website.

April 21 and 22 from 10-30 to 18-00 - issuance of the results of the game-competition “Lukomorye-2020”"(protocol, certificates of participants, as well as prizes ordered by the Educational Institution, diplomas and prizes for the Golden Fund). The place where the results are issued is the “The Whole World” Theater Platform. Address : Karl Marx Ave., 53A.

Educational institutions receive Certificate of participation subject to the participation of more than 60 people in the educational institution.

Game organizers are awarded letter of thanks provided that there are more than 80 participants in the educational institution.

Upon receipt of documents about the competition It is advisable to organize information stands for students and parents, and for teachers to set up a stand in the staff room.

  • Competitors: everyone interested students in grades 1-11. The competition is held according to four variants of tasks: for grades 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-11, in accordance with Instructions for conducting the competition . A copy of the instructions is included in the package of documents and is given to the organizer upon receipt of the materials for the competition game on February 25.
  • The package with the texts of the assignments is opened on the day of the competition. It is prohibited to give assignments to students for homework, provide assistance to students during the competition . The organizing committee of the competition reserves the right to check the procedure for organizing the competition at the school. If the rules are violated, the school may be excluded from participating in the competition. In this case, student work will not be accepted for verification, and registration fees will not be returned.
  • After the competition the organizer brings Answer forms together with lists of participants in parallels.
  • LISTS OF COMPETITION PARTICIPANTS ARE COMPLETED according to the established form. They must be compiledon separate sheets!!! for each parallel (for example, 2nd grades, 3rd grades, 5th grades, etc.). For each list you need to make a hat. The list can be formatted as a table or simply a list.


List of participants in the competition-game “Lukomorye - 2020”

Full name of the school _ School code_ (IT is indicated on the envelope with assignments)

Class __ (parallel is indicated, for example -5)

  • READY LISTS INCLUDE PARTICIPANTS' ANSWER FORMS this parallel. The answer forms are laid out in the order in which the children are written on the lists.
  • Answer forms and lists are returned in the SAME PACKAGE in which schools received tasks for the game-competition “Lukomorye-2020”. On the PACKAGE, fill out the section (right side) with informationaccording to real participants of the competition by parallels and the final number of participants.
  • Due to the fact that the answer forms are checked computer program, and if 2 participants (or more) in parallel have the same answers (both correct and incorrect), and also have the maximum number of points (108), the program makes a “suspicion of cheating” mark in the final protocol. This “suspicion of cheating” is removed after the situation with the organizers of the competition at the OU is clarified. To more quickly clarify these circumstances, we recommend that the organizers of the competition games at the educational institution keep the children’s seating lists during the competition game.

How to draw up, complete and submit an application for participation from the school

  • When registering those interested, immediately create lists of participants in the competition in parallel - Based on them, the Application form for participation is filled out ( must be completed in 2 copies). She is brought to the Organizing Committee December 11 or 12 (from 10:00 to 18:00), or sent by email. One copy remains with the Organizing Committee. The second is returned to the competition organizer at the OU. There is no need to attach lists to the Application.! Lists are submitted to the Organizing Committeeonly after the gamealong with answer forms - already specified and with the names of real participants.
  • Pay attention to the clear, in accordance with each item, filling out the Application form. U tell me fully Last name, first name, patronymic organizer of the school competition, phones,better cell phones etc.). When sending your application by email, be sure to receive confirmation from the Organizing Committee.
  • When paying by bank transfer it is necessary to transfer registration fees for participants (one receipt for all participants at once, with the obligatory indication of the school)

Organizing committee of the game-competition “Lukomorye”: tel. 8-961-217-26-43;

fax: 3-42-60-43

e-mail:l[email protected] or[email protected]
