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Calendar of environmental dates. Ecologist Day in Russia Assignment for the day

Well, tell me, which of us is indifferent to nature and animals? Of course, everyone loves nature, plants, and animals. There are so many beautiful places on the planet, looking at photographs of which or just with their own eyes, people are surprised at where all this beauty came from. But people do not think that thanks to scientific and technological progress, they receive comfort, but the environment suffers. Only with the help of the selfless work of ecologists has nature not yet perished for the sake of human convenience.

What date is celebrated?

The professional holiday Ecologist Day is celebrated on June 5, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2007 No. 933 “On Ecologist Day.” The holiday is official, but, unfortunately, has not acquired the status of a “day off”. Therefore, if June 5 falls on a working day, then the holiday is celebrated in a working environment.

Who's celebrating

The very word “ecology” came to us from Ancient Greece and translated means: “ekos” - dwelling, house; “logos” - science, concept. Means, in simple language ecology is the science of housing or home, and in scientific world ecology is the science of the interaction of living organisms and their communities both with each other and with the environment. And the people who study this science are ecologists. They are the ones who accept congratulations on Ecologist Day on this day.

A little about the profession

An ecologist is a specialist who monitors, analyzes and develops measures to reduce harmful impacts on the environment. Ecologists monitor the condition of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans, as well as forests, fields, lands, etc. They find out the reasons for the drying up of lakes or rivers, the disappearance of certain species of animals, and explain the reasons for climate change on our planet. Various measures are being developed to reduce the impact of industrial enterprises that are necessary for humanity, but harmful to the environment. And how many species of animals were saved due to the fact that environmentalists paid attention in time.

Today, environmentalists work in almost all industries. Not a single construction project can be completed at the design stage without an environmental expert opinion. Of course, not everything is as rosy in ecology as we would like to believe, but over time and with the right environmental policies, people will begin to think about preserving nature more than they do now.

At the moment, a whole system of measures, both public and state, is aimed at harmony in the relationship between society and nature, as well as at preserving nature and its resources for future generations. Today, environmental problems occupy one of the leading places and predetermine the stage of development of the whole world and Russia. Our country, with its vast territory, which contains various ecosystems, plays a huge role in the global fight against environmental problems and in maintaining balance in the world ecosystem.

Background of the holiday

This holiday is young, and in 2014 it turned 7 years old. Ecologist Day appeared in 2007 thanks to the Decree signed by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. Also in Russia, Ecologist Day coincides with World Day environment.

Under the auspices of the UN

International decades declared by the UN:

2005–2015 – International Decade for Action “Water for Life”;
2006–2016 – Decade of rehabilitation and sustainable development of the affected regions (third decade after Chernobyl);
2008–2017 – Second UN Decade for the Eradication of Poverty;
2010–2020 – UN Decade dedicated to deserts and the fight against desertification;
2011–2020 – Decade of Action for Road Safety;
2011–2020 – UN Decade of Biodiversity;
2013–2022 – International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures;
2014–2024 – A decade of sustainable energy for all.

The UN General Assembly proclaimed 2015

International Year of Soils. Noting that soils are the basis of agricultural development and food security, and are thus key to sustaining life on Earth. Recognizing that the sustainability of soil management is key to addressing the challenges posed by population growth, the United Nations has decided to designate 5 December as World Soil Day and to proclaim 2015 as the International Year of Soils. year of soils. >>>

International Year of Light and Light Technologies. Recognizing the importance of light and lighting technologies to the lives of citizens around the world, noting that 2015 will mark a number of important milestones in the history of light science, and believing that the celebration of the anniversaries of these discoveries in 2015 will provide significant opportunities to celebrate the ongoing nature of the process scientific knowledge V various areas, The United Nations has decided to declare 2015 the International Year of Light and Light Technologies. >>>

At the World Snow Leopard Conservation Forum (with the participation of representatives of the snow leopard's range countries), 2015 was declared the Year of the Snow Leopard. The snow leopard or snow leopard is one of the most mysterious and little-studied animals on the planet. Its habitat today includes the territories of 12 countries - Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan. In Russia, this graceful cat lives mainly within the Altai-Sayan ecoregion - in the mountains of the Republics of Altai, Tyva and Buryatia and in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. According to experts, there are from 3.5 to 7.5 thousand snow leopards in the world, while in Russia their number does not exceed 70-90 individuals. The global population of snow leopards is steadily declining, and the conservation of this species requires coordinated efforts from all countries in its range. On the eve of the forum, WWF experts and Russian Academy Sciences have developed a national strategy for the conservation of snow leopards in Russia for 2014-2022. In addition, October 23 was declared Snow Leopard Day in 12 participating countries of the World Forum.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which 2015 was declared the Year of Literature in the Russian Federation. The Year of Literature is aimed at increasing the efficiency of publishing, increasing interest in reading and growing the popularity of Russian literature in the country and abroad. It is expected that all efforts and funds will be distributed through the created Literature Support Fund and grants. >>>

International Day of Mobilization Against Threat nuclear war;

World Wetlands Day;

Day of action against dams. Day of Action to Protect Rivers, Water and Life;

world day water resources;

World Earth Day;

International Bird Day;

Week in September - Worldwide campaign “Cleanse the Planet from Garbage”;

2nd Wednesday of October - International Day for Protection against Natural Disasters;

January 29 Day of mobilization against the threat of nuclear war . This day marks the anniversary of the adoption of the New Delhi Declaration on January 28, 1985, which called for an end to the nuclear arms race, the reduction and eventual elimination of nuclear arsenals, and the elimination of the very threat of nuclear war. It was adopted at a meeting of heads of state and government of India, Argentina, Greece, Mexico, Tanzania and Sweden held in the capital of India.

February 2 - World Wetlands Day has been celebrated since the signing of the convention on February 2, 1971 in the Iranian city of Ramsar, which received the official name “Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat” and became the first international treaty on the protection and rational use natural resources. The Ramsar Convention was created at the initiative of the International Bureau of Wetlands and Waterfowl.

The treaty's name reflects the original emphasis on the protection and wise use of wetlands, primarily to provide waterfowl habitat. However, over the years, the Convention has expanded its scope to cover all aspects of the protection and wise use of wetlands, highlighting them as ecosystems that are critical to the conservation of biodiversity and the well-being of the world's people.

The Treaty came into force in 1975 and by January 2000 there were 117 Contracting Parties and 1011 sites were included in the List of Sites of International Importance (Ramsar Sites) created under the convention. Information on the status of these objects is contained in the database of the International Bureau for Wetlands and Waterfowl Research and is constantly updated. One of the main conditions for joining the Ramsar Convention is the declaration by the government of a country of at least one Ramsar site on its territory.

UNESCO serves as the Depositary of the Convention, and its administrative functions are entrusted to a secretariat known as the Ramsar Office, which is managed by IUCN - International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (Gland, Switzerland) under the control of the Standing Committee of the Convention. - Unwise destruction of forests and drainage of swamps can lead to the emergence of new deserts. According to the Conservation Society, the area of ​​forests on Earth has been halved over the past hundred years. However, while the value of forests seems obvious, swamps are usually viewed solely as useless, even harmful, natural formations. Only in the seventies of the last century did environmental scientists start talking about the fact that swamps play a huge role in the life of waterfowl - as their nesting sites. The total destruction of swamps inevitably entails a reduction in the number of birds, and puts some species on the brink of extinction. Therefore, it is important that some wetlands are necessarily preserved: they represent economic, cultural, scientific and recreational (habitat) value.

March 14th - Dam Action Day . International Day of Action against Dams is celebrated at the initiative of the public organization International Rivers Network (USA). “For rivers, water and life” is the motto of this day.

Over the past half century, 30-60 million people have been displaced worldwide by the construction of large dams. Due to the construction of dams, a total of 400 thousand square meters were flooded. km. the most fertile lands and valuable forests. Dams are a major reason why one fifth of the world's freshwater fish species have either disappeared or are at risk of extinction.

March 22 - World Water Day (World Water Conservation Day). This holiday is celebrated all over the world on March 22. The tradition dates back to 1922, when, within the framework of the UN Environmental Conference held in Rio de Janeiro, the UN General Assembly declared that events related to the protection and development of water resources should be held annually on March 22. In our country, Water Day was first celebrated in 1995 under the motto “Water is life.” The museum first celebrated Water Day in 2002. International Decade for Action "Water for Life" (2005-2015). On 23 December 2003 (International Year of Freshwater), the General Assembly proclaimed the period 2005-2015, starting from International Day water resources 22 March 2005, International Decade for Action “Water for Life” (resolution 58/217). Water is vital for maintaining healthy ecosystems, sustainable development and human survival. Already today it is in short supply in many parts of the world. According to UN experts, approximately 1/6 of the world's population does not have access to clean drinking water, and 1/3 - to water for domestic needs. Every eight seconds, a child dies from water-related illnesses. 10% of all fresh water consumed in globe, is used for domestic purposes, about 20% is used for industrial needs and approximately 70% is used for irrigation. Therefore, a lack of water may lead to a food crisis in the near future. The decline in fresh water reserves on the planet is due to wasteful water use, population growth, forest destruction, and environmental pollution. Global climate change may further complicate the water supply situation. As things stand, at least 2 billion people in 48 countries will face water shortages by the middle of the 21st century. In the worst case, according to UN experts, it will affect 7 billion people from 60 states. With the world's growing water scarcity, today's oil wars may be replaced by water wars in the future. The goal of the Decade is to further develop international cooperation in order to resolve current problems related to water and contribute to the achievement of agreed water goals. The leading organization for coordinating the activities of all stakeholders is the Commission on Sustainable Development.

30th of March - Earth Defense Day . Celebrated annually by the Arab population of the occupied territories and Israel in memory of the patriots killed by Israeli police in 1976 during a demonstration protesting Israel's forced confiscation of Arab lands.

April 1 . - Bird Day. The “oldest” holiday in the environmental calendar is Bird Day. The lines “I’m releasing a bird” belong to A. Pushkin. And he referred us to the “custom of antiquity.” But in Pushkin’s time, the bird festival was not ecological, but seasonal: the arrival of rooks, starlings and other migratory travelers heralded the onset of spring. On this day, it was customary to make larks from dough and sing special chants. Bird Day acquired an ecological character towards the end of the 19th century. One of the articles in the magazine "Kindergarten" for 1875 talks about a Dutch holiday in which children, gathering in the square, take a solemn oath not to kill little birds and not to destroy their nests. Apparently, this activity was a common pastime among the children's population (a type of children's hunting), if it was necessary to combat it with the help of special measures. The first International Convention for the Conservation of Birds was signed in 1906. After the revolution, Russia had no time to comply with conventions of this kind. But Bird Day was celebrated in schools and in youth circles. Bird Day was first held in 1924 under the leadership of teacher Mazurov at the Ermolinsk school in the Smolensk region. In 1928, 65 thousand children took part in this holiday, and in 1953 - 5 million schoolchildren (only in the RSFSR). In the USA they didn’t get by with just one day. For several decades, a special center has been operating there to rescue waterfowl suffering as a result of oil leaks from damaged tankers. Volunteers catch birds smeared in oil and wash them 10-15 times in a bath with soapy water. Birds washed free of adhering oil are returned to their usual habitat. Spring 1998 children's magazine“Ant” proposed reviving Bird Day and marking it on April 1st.

April 22 - International Earth Day . Tree Day. The birth of the Earth Day tradition dates back to 1840 in the United States, when J. Sterling Morton moved with his family to the territory of Nebraska. In Nebraska, endless prairies with lonely trees opened up to their eyes, which were supposed to be used for firewood or to build houses. There was nowhere to hide from the sun and wind, and the parched land produced a meager harvest.

Morton and his wife immediately began planting trees and launching a greening campaign. Morton, later editor of the first newspaper in Nebraska, championed the idea of ​​green space to stimulate life on this vast, barren plain. Morton proposed that the citizens of Nebraska, then a newly formed state, establish a day that would be dedicated to landscaping - a kind of Arbor Day.

The idea met with universal support. During the first Tree Day, residents of the state planted about a million trees.

In 1882, Nebraska declared Arbor Day a state holiday, celebrated on Morton's birthday, April 22.

Since 1970, the main activities for the celebration of Tree Day began to be built mainly on the idea of ​​protecting the environment and familiarizing the population with the ongoing depletion of natural resources. The holiday received a new name - Earth Day - and became national. Earth Day organizers sought to launch a grassroots environmental movement that could change consumption patterns and industrial production practices. Earth Day was proclaimed by the UN Secretary General in 1971. Since 1998, Earth Day has been officially recognized by the Russian Federation.

In Russia, Earth Day has been celebrated since 1990. Film festivals, exhibitions, concerts, press conferences, street processions, performances in schools, work with funds are organized mass media, appeals and petitions are being prepared.

“Think globally - act locally” - this is the capacious and profound slogan of Earth Days. Of course, it is impossible to solve all the problems of interaction between nature and humanity, and there is no need to set such a task for yourself right away. What’s more important is to bring concrete benefit with your own hands, no matter how small it may seem. When doing anything for the benefit of nature, know that you are not alone.

The Goldsman Environmental Foundation, San Francisco, is presenting an Earth Day award to "women and men of imagination and courage who are willing to take any risk to save the environment." Among its laureates is Russian citizen Svyatoslav Zabelin, chairman of the Social-Ecological Union (SoEC), the most famous and authoritative public environmental organization in the territory of the former Soviet Union.

April 30 Fire Day (See article. Profession of the courageous: April 30 - Fire Protection Day // OBZh. - 2005. No. 16-20.)

May 3 - sun day. On May 3, according to the decision of UNESCO, the Day of the Sun is celebrated.

To draw attention to the possibilities of using renewable energy sources, the European branch of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES-Europe) has organized an annual Sun Day on a voluntary basis since 1994. Enthusiasts and professionals, public organizations and companies throughout Europe organize various types of events related to demonstrating the capabilities of solar energy. In the early morning there is a ceremony to welcome the sunrise, and then until the evening dawn there are solar fairs, races of cars powered by solar energy, song festivals and at the same time serious scientific conferences, where the prospects for the use of solar energy are assessed. Every year Sun Day is celebrated in 14 countries.

As the press service of the Ilmensky State Reserve informed the Ural-Press-Inform agency, the staff of the reserve, together with specialists from the Institute of Mineralogy, on the website of the Institute of Mineralogy "Malachite Box" prepared a new virtual exhibition of photographs by Sergei Malkov "I came into this world to see the sun..."

June 5 - World Environment Day .

Established at the 27th session of the UN General Assembly on December 15, 1972, VDOS promotes public awareness of environmental problems and helps to increase the level of environmental knowledge of every person.

June 17 - World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought . The vast Sahara Desert is believed by scientists to have once been a lush steppe. It turned into a desert due to the growing prosperity of the human herder. Huge herds of animals, which people began to breed, ate and mercilessly trampled down the plants of the steppe. And no one cared about them having time to recover. As a result, the steppe ecosystem was completely disrupted. And where there was a flowering field, now there is a sandy sea. To avoid the emergence of new sugars, an ecological holiday was introduced to combat desertification.

8 July - Day of action against fishing. Fisherman's Day . Celebrated on the second Sunday of July on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 1, 1988.

Starting from childhood, from Pushkin’s wise fairy tale “About the Fisherman and the Fish,” all our lives until old age, we all love fishing - in all its manifestations. Many of us are real fishermen, albeit amateurs. Many people are familiar with the romance of early sunrises on the lake, and the quiet evening dawn, the best for biting.

For professional fishermen and workers of fishing enterprises, Fisherman's Day is the main holiday of the year.

In 2003, during the Second All-Russian Congress of Animal Rights Defenders, it was decided to hold a Day of Action against Fishing and coincide with Fisherman’s Day.

First day of action against fishing. On July 11, 2003, the first Day of Action against Fishing took place in the city of Novorossiysk. The city authorities, in order to avoid drawing attention to the cruelty of fishing, refused to issue permission to hold the event in a public place, sending animal rights activists to the seaside embankment, where there were practically no people. However, with the support of local environmentalists and the participation of media representatives, the action was successful and included not just picketing and distribution of leaflets, but also an interesting performance. The presentation was as follows: “the fish swam carefree, but a fisherman tracked them down, and throwing his net, he caught defenseless fish in it, and began to catch those that did not fall into the net with a hook. The red blood of the caught fish appeared, which was splashed on the sides. On the white gloves red spots appeared on the fisherman. Having caught the fish, he shouted loudly and rejoiced at his catch."

16 of September - International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer .

Life on Earth is unthinkable without the ozone layer, which protects all living things from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. The disappearance of the ozonosphere would lead to unpredictable consequences: outbreaks of skin cancer, destruction of plankton in the ocean, and mutations of flora and fauna.

September 20 - Forest Workers Day .

The 4th of October . - Animal Protection Day . This is the second “oldest” holiday of the environmental calendar, which has been celebrated since 1926. In 1926, Europeans celebrated 700 years since the death of one of the greatest Christian saints, Francis of Assisi. Francis of Assisi was the first among the Christians of the Middle Ages to abandon the condemnation of nature as a devilish obsession and who dared to call animals his brothers: “my brother Wolf,” “my brother Leo.” Legends tell that Francis had an incredible ability to come into contact with wild animals, which not only did not harm him, but obeyed the saint and protected him. And he, in turn, urged people not to harm animals.

The legendary hermit, who lived in medieval Italy, is revered not only as the founder of the Franciscan order, but also as a patron and protector of animals. It is not without reason that on many Renaissance paintings Saint Francis is depicted surrounded by forest animals and birds. Subsequently, in many countries, members of animal protection societies expressed their readiness to celebrate this date annually by organizing a variety of public events. Their goal is to raise public awareness of the need to protect the environment and animals. In many Western countries, it is generally accepted that pets are members of the family, as “full-fledged” as people. Animals received medical care, healthy food, their own holidays and even beauty contests. At the same time, a number of Russian animal rights activists believe that the issues of keeping both wild and domestic animals in our country are being resolved unsatisfactorily. In particular, there is still no federal law about the protection or maintenance of “our little brothers.” In Moscow there is also a legislative gap in this area. These issues are regulated by only a few decrees of the capital's government, but they are practically not implemented, experts say. Thus, it is not difficult to guess that due to the lack legislative framework The lives of animals, as well as their owners, are not protected.

The decision to celebrate this day was made at the International Congress of Nature Supporters, held in Florence in 1931. Then animal welfare societies in many countries around the world declared their readiness to annually organize various public events. In Russia, this date has been celebrated since 2000 on the initiative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Animal Day was established to raise public awareness of the need to protect the environment and increase activity in animal protection. In many Western European countries, pets are considered part of the family and have the same rights as other family members. Russia firmly holds the second place in the world in terms of the number of domestic animals after the United States. Every third Russian family has “little brothers”.

October 14 - Day of Workers of State Nature Reserves . Celebrated since 1997 on the initiative of the Center for Wildlife Conservation, the World Wildlife Fund in honor of the first Russian nature reserve - Barguzinsky, which opened in 1916.

December 1 - World AIDS Day . Almost 20 years ago, the world learned about the existence of a new incurable disease - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Over the years, unprecedented financial and intellectual efforts have been spent on combating this disease, but the world community is still suffering a crushing defeat. According to the latest UN data, 40 million people on the planet are sick or are carriers of the human immunodeficiency virus and only Last year 3 million people died from this disease.

December 3 - International Pesticide Day . International Pesticide Day is celebrated on the third of December to commemorate the major accident at a pesticide plant in India. It was on this day in 1984 that an environmental disaster occurred at a pesticide plant in Bhopal (India). To draw attention to the problems that arise from the production and use of hazardous chemicals, the Latin American Network of Pesticide Activists designated December 3 as Pesticide Pollution Day, which soon became international.

In May 2001, the Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants was adopted in Stockholm, Sweden, by 127 governments. The Stockholm Convention, which is international and legally enshrines the global elimination of pesticides, industrial chemicals and gases, the production and use of which causes great harm to all life on earth, will come into force after ratification by 50 countries. To date, there are only two countries that have ratified the Convention - Canada and Fiji. And therefore ecologists from different countries On December 3, actions are held around the world to remind governments that the Convention requires speedy implementation.

December 29th - International Biodiversity Day . Celebrated since 1993. Its main goal is to once again draw the attention of the inhabitants of the planet to the need to preserve the biological diversity of life on Earth. A special symbolic cemetery was set up at the New York Zoo: 200 tombstones were installed there with the names of animals that have disappeared from the face of the earth over the past 400 years. According to scientists, by 2050 about 20 thousand more plants will disappear. In 1966, data on extinct and endangered species of animals was published under the title “Red Book.” Unfortunately, the list of endangered animal species is growing. But there is also reason for optimism: there are “green pages” in the Red Book. Species saved from extermination are brought there.

December 29th international day of biological diversity . In 1992, the UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro brought the diversity of living species, ecosystems and landscapes to the forefront of the attention of policymakers and the public around the world. Biodiversity has been recognized as an essential part world heritage humanity, the vital source of its economic and social development. At the same time, today there is a great threat to the existence of species and entire ecosystems. Human-caused species extinction continues at an alarming rate. In this regard, the countries participating in the Conference, including the Republic of Belarus, signed the Convention on Biological Diversity.

The date 29 December was chosen to commemorate the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity. This day was established on the recommendation of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention held in Nassau in 1994. To date, 188 states from 194 countries of the world are Parties to the Convention on Biodiversity, which have committed themselves to achieving the following goals: conservation of biodiversity; sustainable use of biodiversity components; sharing, on a fair and equitable basis, the benefits arising from the use of genetic resources. The Republic of Belarus ratified the Convention on Biodiversity in 1993. Since then, she has actively participated in all international events and contributed to the development of the provisions of this international document. To achieve the goals of the Convention, environmental legislation related to the conservation of biodiversity is being improved in Belarus. The country has adopted and entered into force such legislative acts as the Law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories and Objects” (as amended on May 23, 2000), the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Environmental Protection” (as amended on June 17, 2002). ), Law of the Republic of Belarus “On flora"(June 14, 2003), Forest and Land Codes. A number of other legislative acts are being prepared that are designed to provide a legal and economic basis for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, for example, bills on safety in genetic engineering activities, on the treatment of animals, a new version of the law on the protection and use of wildlife, regulations on the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus, other regulatory legal acts. Belarus is implementing the “National Strategy and Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity”, approved by the Government of the Republic of Belarus in 1997. In accordance with the Scheme for the rational placement of specially protected natural areas, approved in 1995, the system of these territories is expanding and the National Ecological Network is being formed on its basis. A network of specially protected natural areas of international importance for the conservation of biodiversity is also being created - key ornithological, botanical, Ramsar (seven territories: “Olmansky swamps”, “Middle Pripyat”, “Zvanets”, “Sporovsky”, “Osveisky”, “Kotra” and "Yelnya"), cross-border natural areas, biosphere reserves. The habitats and growth areas of rare and endangered species of wild animals and wild plants are preserved. In total, 2,291 habitats and habitats of 360 rare species of animals and plants listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus are protected in the republic. In the republic in 2003, 140 new similar places were identified and transferred under the protection of land users. Today in Belarus, with the financial support of the Global Environment Facility, a national biosafety system is being developed, and a National Coordination Structure of the Clearing-House Mechanism is being created to ensure the exchange of information in the field of international scientific and technical cooperation. A network of non-governmental government organizations is developing that are actively involved in solving global problem conservation of biological diversity. In 2004, work is underway to prepare the third edition of the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus, the publication of which is planned for this year. It will include 156 new species of animals and plants subject to protection, and 88 species will be excluded from the second edition. The new lists of animals and plants have been prepared taking into account modern criteria for assessing species developed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN, 2001).

Ecologist Day is an opportunity to attract the public to environmental issues. National Ecologist Day in Russia is aimed at preserving and reproducing the country's natural potential.

Ecologist Day: history and features of the celebration

Every year in the world June 5 celebrate World Environment Day. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 933, it was decided to proclaim this day in Russia as a national holiday of ecologists and environmental defenders.

How did Ecologist Day come about?

The holiday was established by a resolution adopted by the Stockholm Conference on Environmental Protection in 1972. The event was attended by representatives of 113 countries, including the USSR. A declaration was adopted containing 26 principles that all countries of the world should be guided by in order to protect nature for present humanity and future descendants.

The main goal of Ecologist Day is to stimulate the public to take care of nature and awaken political interest in environmental protection issues.

The prerequisite for the emergence of the holiday was the received appeal from the UN from representatives of science from 23 countries. It contained a warning about the danger looming over humanity caused by environmental pollution and consumer behavior people in relation to nature.

A holiday of global and all-Russian scale Ecologist Day 2019- is the cultivation of a caring attitude towards the environment. On this day, attention is paid to partnerships between countries whose joint efforts can lead to a prosperous future for the world.

How Ecologist Day is celebrated in Russia and other countries of the world

Forms of celebration Ecologist Day 2019 may be different for countries around the world. Traditionally, on this day rallies, cyclist parades, drawing competitions, conferences, round tables, presentations, landscaping and tree planting events, colorful shows and performances. Excursions, environmental education programs and environmental events are held in specially protected areas - nature reserves and national parks. All events are aimed at educating the public on environmental issues, awakening people’s desire to preserve and protect flora and fauna.

Public organizations, parties, environmental associations and simple people. Joint efforts of specialists, public associations and state power make it possible to achieve a positive effect in solving environmental problems on a regional and global scale.

Every year the holiday takes place under different mottos established by the UN. Themes of the holiday in different years were: “Tree for the world”, “Think. Eat. Save”, etc.

The emergence of a tradition of large-scale celebration Ecologist Day June 5 emphasizes the importance of environmental institutions, environmental organizations and those who promote the conservation and reproduction of natural resources. The right to a favorable environmental situation is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and international environmental documents.

Ecologist's Day is a professional holiday for specialists who carry out environmental protection activities. Among them are public organizations and government agencies. Their relatives, friends, and close people take part in the events. The holiday is considered by teachers and students of educational institutions whose profile is environmental protection.

Meaning: the holiday coincides with World Environment Day.

They are leading up to the celebration scientific and practical conferences, lectures, exhibitions, promotions, educational events. Distinguished employees are awarded certificates, orders, medals, and “Honored Ecologist of the Russian Federation” awards.


Ecologist Day in Russia is one of the youngest holidays. It does not have a long history. Its founder was the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, who signed Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2007 No. 933 “On Ecologist Day.” For the first time after its publication, events dedicated to the event were held at the official level in 2008. The date has a symbolic meaning: it coincides with World Environment Day.


On June 5, employees of state environmental organizations, public activists, their friends, relatives and loved ones gather around the tables. Wishes for health and success in vital activities are pronounced. Colleagues exchange congratulations, toasts are made, ending with the clink of glasses. Public organizations hold exhibitions. Scientific and practical conferences on industry issues are organized.

Ecologist Day 2020 is marked by actions, the purpose of which is to draw attention to the attitude of industrial enterprises, the state and ordinary citizens towards the environment. They are encouraged to use resources carefully and carry out separate collection of household waste. Television and radio stations broadcast programs dedicated to nature and its protection. It tells about major man-made accidents and their consequences for the planet.

The top officials of the state mention the date in their speeches, highlighting achievements and difficulties in the industry. Authorities and local governments jointly organize educational events. Lectures are held under their auspices, to which anyone can attend.

Large companies sponsor promotions. During them, leaflets, ribbons, and plant seeds are distributed. Certificates of honor, orders, and medals are awarded for outstanding achievements in maintaining the cleanliness of the planet and wise management of its resources. One of the most honorable and prestigious is the “Honored Ecologist of the Russian Federation” award.

Daily task

Share information about Ecologist Day with family members and activist friends. Make a joint effort to make the planet cleaner. Organize a cleanup day in the yard of your house, in the park, on the beaches or on the embankment. Clean up the places you visit frequently and would like to see clean.

  • The Amazon rainforest produces more than a fifth of the oxygen in the atmosphere.
  • American scientists have put forward a theory according to which cats pose a serious threat to the planet's ecosystem. According to research, they are responsible for the extinction of 30 animal species. In the United States, cats kill about 20 billion mammals and 4 billion birds each year.
  • About 80 tons of waste are imported into Sweden every year. This country launched a government program aimed at generating electricity by burning waste, which turned out to be very effective. The main waste exporting country is Norway.
  • About 1% of trash in the United States consists of baby diapers. Such waste decomposes within 250 years.
  • According to studies, the island of Tasmania, a state in Australia, has the cleanest air in the world.
  • A garbage patch covering an area of ​​1.5 million square kilometers is drifting in the North Pacific Ocean. It consists of 100 million tons of plastic waste from Asia and America.


“Today is a professional holiday for those who took upon themselves greater responsibility- take care of our environment. On Ecologist Day, we wish everyone clear air, clean water and balance in all environmental variables. With your work you make our lives better!

“On Ecologist Day, we congratulate our nature guardians on their professional holiday. Thanks to their merits, humanity has a chance to preserve its “home” in its original form in order to show its descendants how beautiful and rich our Earth is. Let luck and high professionalism help these guardians of nature protect our Earth from destruction.”

“Environmentalists make an invaluable contribution to the health of the entire planet. You monitor forests, seas and lakes. For your work, not only people, but also other inhabitants of the entire Earth express gratitude to you. We wish you health and prosperity. Let the amount of air pollution be reduced to a minimum. Let poaching disappear completely. Thank you for your invaluable work!


Eco-bag. An eco-bag for travel or shopping, made from natural materials, will be a practical and useful present.

Solar battery. A portable charger powered by a solar battery will allow you to charge your gadgets using an alternative environmental source of energy.

Ecological products. Honey, herbal tea, cold-pressed natural vegetable oils, spices, dried fruits and nuts prepared in ecological area, will become a pleasant and useful gift for the body.

Energy saving technology. Energy-saving lamps, batteries, household appliances will be a useful gift that will be useful for the home and will allow you to take care of the environment.


Populated the planet
Each participant is given a balloon and a felt-tip pen. At the command of the presenter, the contestants begin to draw little people on the balloons. After the signal, participants stop working and count the number of people drawn. The winner is the one whose planet has the most inhabitants.

In the animal world
To hold the competition, it is necessary to prepare forfeits with the names of the animals in duplicate. Participants in the competition take turns pulling out forfeits and, at the command of the presenter, begin to imitate the animal they come across. The main task of the contestants is to recognize their partner and form a pair with him.

Earth Map
Two teams take part in the competition, each of which is given a Whatman paper and a marker. The team's task is to draw a map of the Earth from memory. After the contestants complete their work, both maps are compared with the Earth map. The team whose work is closest to the original wins.

About the profession

Ecologists carry out environmental activities. They monitor compliance with environmental legislation and study the processes taking place in the Earth's biosphere. Specialists are at the intersection of many sciences. Among them: biology, chemistry, law, geology, mathematics. An important task assigned to these workers is the development of measures to minimize the harmful effects of industry and human activity.

The path to the profession begins with obtaining specialized education in secondary specialized and higher education. educational institutions. Their graduates can lead research activities, work in departments of the environmental prosecutor's office, forestry, and public organizations.

This holiday in other countries

On June 5, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other countries around the world celebrate World Environment Day.

In Ukraine, Environment Day is celebrated on the third Saturday of April.

June 5th is World Environment Day. It was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972. The choice of date is due to the fact that on this day the UN Conference on the Problems of the Human Environment opened in Stockholm (Sweden).

The conference adopted a declaration containing 26 principles that should guide all states in their activities aimed at protecting the environment and rational use of natural resources. It declared for the first time that the protection and improvement of the environment for current and future generations is the primary task of humanity.

On December 15, 1972, a resolution of the UN General Assembly approved the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).

As the main UN body in the field of the environment, UNEP develops a global environmental program, promotes the implementation of the environmental component of sustainable development within the UN system, and advocates for the protection of the natural environment of the globe.

World Environment Day is one of the UN's main ways to raise global awareness of environmental issues and stimulate political interest and action.

Environmental protection is a system of state and public measures (technological, economic, administrative, legal, educational, international) aimed at the harmonious interaction of society and nature, the preservation and reproduction of existing ecological communities and natural resources for the sake of living and future generations. Today ecological problems They are among the most important and determine the level of well-being of the entire world civilization and, in particular, of our country.

As part of the struggle to restore the environment in the Russian Federation, a number of important state and federal target programs have been adopted. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2014 approved the state program of the Russian Federation "Environmental Protection" until 2020.

According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Russia, 2015 in the country was marked by a number of major positive achievements in the environmental sector. Among WWF, he highlights the growth in the number of the Amur tiger and the Far Eastern leopard, the creation of a new national park "Bikin" with untouched cedar-broad-leaved forests in the basin of the river of the same name in the north of Primorsky Krai, the introduction of a ban on the fishing of Pacific salmon with driftnet (floating) nets in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, development of documentation for the creation of an experimental model of a bottom trawl that would meet the interests of fishermen and have less impact on the seabed and its inhabitants.

As part of World Environment Day and Ecologist's Day, actions are organized annually in nature reserves and national parks to attract public attention to environmental problems. Excursions, cleaning events, environmental education programs, open days, and environmental cleanup days are held in specially protected areas.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 5, 2016, 2017 was declared the Year of Ecology in Russia. The Year of Ecology is intended to attract public attention to issues environmental development Russian Federation and ensuring environmental safety.