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Summary of a lesson on applications in the senior group on the topic of animals. Abstract of GCD on application for children of the senior group

Lesson topic: “The Kingdom of Wild Animals”

Target: Continue to introduce children to appliqué techniques - gluing a silhouette with finely chopped threads, conveying the effect of “fluffy fur.”

Educational objectives:

Expand children's knowledge about wild animals;

Continue to strengthen children’s ability to work with templates and trace along the contour;

Improve your ability to use scissors;

Learn to apply glue to the base evenly, in a thin layer.

Developmental tasks:

Continue to develop imaginative thinking and attention;

- develop fine motor skills hands, perseverance.

Educational tasks:

To develop independence, the ability to plan one’s activities, and accuracy in performing work;

Instill a friendly attitude towards others.

Integration educational areas:

  • “Cognition” - consolidation of knowledge about wild animals, broadening one’s horizons.
  • "Reading fiction» - riddles about wild animals;
  • M. Prishvin “Belyak”; N. Sladkov “Mysterious Beast”, “Forest Tales”.
  • “Health” - checking seating at tables, developing cultural and hygienic skills.
  • « Physical culture» - warm-up; dynamic pause: “A bear is walking through the forest...”
  • “Communication” is free communication between adults and children.
  • “Safety” - establish the rules for safe handling of scissors.
  • “Labor” - tidy up the workplace.
  • “Music” - listening to an audio recording: “Sounds of nature.”

Types of children's activities:

  • Communicative
  • Productive
  • Perception of fiction
  • Motor

Preliminary work:

Examination of the album “Wild Animals”, conversations, reading fiction: M. Prishvin “Belyak”; N. Sladkov “Mysterious Beast”, “Forest Tales”.

Progress of the lesson

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher conducts an outdoor game “The little gray bunny galloped...”

The gray bunny jumped,

(jumping on two legs moving forward in a circle)

The bunny was looking for food for himself,

(we look out from under the palm in different directions)

Suddenly the hare’s ears rose up like arrows on the top of his head,

(raise our palms behind our heads)

The bunny confuses his tracks

(jumping on two legs left and right)

Running away from trouble!

(running in place)

The teacher turns to the children: “Guys, tell me who the hare is afraid of!”

Children answer: “Wolf, fox, bear.”

The teacher tells the children that we have entered the kingdom of wild animals and invites them to guess riddles about wild animals:

Look what she is like -

Everything burns like gold!

Walks around in a fur coat dear,

The tail is fluffy and big!


He looks like a shepherd

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his mouth bared,

Ready to attack a sheep.


Not a lamb or a cat,

Wears a fur coat all year round.

Gray fur coat - for summer,

For winter - a different color.


In summer he wanders without a road

Between pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

Hiding your nose from the frost.


Educator: “Well done, guys, you guessed all the riddles correctly!”

And now we will look at illustrations of wild animals. Children look at the images, the teacher invites the children to name their favorite animal, talk about its lifestyle and habits. After the children’s story, invite them to choose the animal they like and choose the appropriate color of thread for it.

Physical education minute

A bear walks through the forest,

(bear walking)

Wants to sit down and sit.

Where is such a place?

(spreads his hands in front of him)

So the bear could sit down?

That stump is tall,

(right hand in front of chest)

There's a twig sticking out

(left hand on the belt, right hand clenched into a fist,

Index finger sticks out)

That's wet moss

(spread your arms in front of you)

The moss has dried up

(rub your palms)


That's a low stump

(sit down)

It's a thick shadow

(raise your hands)

It's a narrow ditch

(stretch forward with both hands)

That's a nest of ants

(show a semicircle in front of you)

Then the magpie screams

(waves arms, jumps)

Those are the thorns on the side,

(jump to the side)

Those are bushes

(semicircle in front of you)

It's a river

(left, right with hands)

There is no good place.

(grab your head)

This is a tale about a bear,

About the bear - picky!

Children sit at tables (the teacher monitors the children’s posture).

(the audio recording “Sounds of Nature” is played in the background during the practical part)

The teacher explains to the children the sequence of work: trace the animal template onto cardboard and cut out the silhouette of the animal. Finely chop the threads. In order to speed up the process, wind the threads, remove and finely chop. The finer the threads are cut, the neater the work will look. Apply glue evenly to the cardboard base and glue the threads. Make eyes and beads. The animals are ready.

After completing the work, the finished animals are attached to a prepared Whatman paper with an image of a forest. Children clean up their work places.

Summary of the lesson. The teacher invites the children to remember what they did in class today. Then the teacher evaluates the work of each child.

Application from ready-made figures for children 3 years old “Wild animals”.

Bunakova Margarita, pupil of the 1st junior group.
Supervisor: Gordienko Marina Nikolaevna, teacher of the 1st junior group.
Description of material: I offer you a master class on making applique from ready-made figures. This material will be useful to educators junior groups, parents. This master class can be used to introduce children to wild animals and to create works for the design of an exhibition on this topic.
Purpose: this work can be used for decoration when implementing projects: “Our Favorite Animals”, “Journey through the Forest”.
Making a plot applique from ready-made figures.
1. To develop children’s ability to perform plot appliqué using ready-made images.
2. Develop skills in arranging figures on a sheet of paper.
3. Develop the ability to carefully use a brush and glue when gluing parts, pronounce adjectives when gluing animals.
4. Cultivate accuracy in work.
For work we will need:
Sheet of paper, scissors, glue
Ready-made figures of wild animals such as: bear, wolf, hedgehog, hare, fox, tiger

Ready-made figures for decoration: Christmas tree, grass, mushrooms, flowers.

1. The teacher talks with the child about wild animals and what plants grow in the forest. Then they choose a place for the Christmas tree, the child spreads glue on the Christmas tree and glues it to the desired place.

2. We decided to place a bear near the Christmas tree; the child spreads glue on the finished bear figure and glues it on. He says that the bear is clumsy and big.

3. The teacher helps the child choose a place for the grass. The child coats it with glue and sticks it in the right place.

4. Who runs on the grass in the forest? The teacher asks a riddle:

He's striped like a cat
All fluffy and mustachioed.
Only instead of different games
He will show you his fangs... (tiger)
. (I. Krasnikova)

The child guesses the riddle, smears the animal with glue and glues it to the grass.

5. The teacher tells the child that in the forest, in addition to grass, there are also flowers. The child takes a cut out meadow with flowers and glues it on.

6. The child decides that a gray wolf will run through the meadow with flowers. He coats it with glue and sticks it to the clearing. The child calls the wolf toothy, angry, gray.

7. The teacher asks a riddle:

Ears on top of head
At a forest animal.
Find him out! This is gray... (bunny).
(I. Krasnikova)

Of course, the hare also lives in the forest, he is a wild animal. The child says that the hare is cowardly and kind. The child smears the hare figure with glue and glues it on.

8. We wanted to glue mushrooms near the bunny. The child coats them with glue and carefully sticks them near the hare.

9. Who is the hare afraid of? Of course the fox. The child calls the fox red and cunning. Apply glue to the finished part and glue it to the other side of the mushroom.

10. We also have a flower, let’s glue it in the middle of the sheet.

11. Who else lives in the forest, well, guess:
There are needles sticking out of it,
Just like our Christmas tree,
He is prickly, like a Christmas tree too
Meet this... (hedgehog).
(I. Krasnikova)

That's right, it's a hedgehog, the child smears it with glue and sticks it near the flower.

12. You can cut out clouds from blue paper and glue them to the sky.

13. This picture can be used in classes to familiarize children with wild animals.

Irina Polomoshnova
Summary of GCD on applications for children preparatory group"Kingdom of Wild Beasts"

Lesson topic: « wild animal kingdom»

Target: Continue introducing children with applique techniques– gluing the silhouette with finely chopped threads, conveying the effect "fluffy fur".

Educational objectives:

Expand knowledge children about wild animals;

Continue to strengthen the skill children work with templates, trace along the contour;

Improve your ability to use scissors;

Learn to apply glue to the base evenly, in a thin layer.

Developmental tasks:

Continue to develop imaginative thinking and attention;

Develop fine motor skills and perseverance.

Educational tasks:

To develop independence, the ability to plan one’s activities, and accuracy in performing work;

Instill a friendly attitude towards others.

Integration of educational regions:

"Cognition"- consolidation of knowledge about wild animals, broadening your horizons.

"Reading fiction"- riddles about wild animals;

M. Prishvin "Belyak"; N. Sladkov "Mysterious beast» , "Forest Tales".

"Health"- checking seating arrangements at tables, developing cultural and hygienic skills.

"Physical culture"- warm-up; dynamic pause: “A bear walks through the forest...”

"Communication"- free communication between adults and children.

"Safety"- establish rules for safe handling of scissors.

"Work"- tidy up the workplace.

"Music"- audition audio recordings: "Sounds of Nature".

Types of children's activities:



Perception of fiction


Preliminary work:

Looking at the album « Wild animals» , conversations, reading fiction literature: M. Prishvin "Belyak"; N. Sladkov "Mysterious beast» , "Forest Tales".

Progress of the lesson

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher conducts an outdoor game “The little gray bunny was jumping...”

The gray bunny jumped,

(jumping on two legs moving forward in a circle)

The bunny was looking for food for himself,

(we look out from under the palm in different directions)

Suddenly the hare’s ears rose up like arrows on the top of his head,

(raise our palms behind our heads)

The bunny confuses his tracks

(jumping on two legs left and right)

Running away from trouble!

(running in place)

The teacher turns to children: “Guys, tell me who the hare is afraid of!”

Children answer: "Wolf, fox, bear".

The teacher tells the children that we are in kingdom of wild animals, and offers to guess riddles about wild animals:

Look what she is like -

Everything burns like gold!

Walks around in a fur coat dear,

The tail is fluffy and big!


He looks like a shepherd

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his mouth bared,

Ready to attack a sheep.


Not a lamb or a cat,

Wears a fur coat all year round.

Gray fur coat - for summer,

For winter - a different color.


In summer he wanders without a road

Between pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

Hiding your nose from the frost.


Educator: “Well done guys, you guessed all the riddles correctly!”

And now we will look at the illustrations with the image wild animals. Children look at the images, the teacher invites the children to name their favorite animal, talk about its lifestyle and habits. After the story children, invite them to choose the animal they like and choose the appropriate color of thread for it.

Physical education minute

A bear walks through the forest,

(bear walking)

Wants to sit down and sit.

Where is such a place?

(spreads his hands in front of him)

So the bear could sit down?

That stump is tall,

(right hand in front of chest)

There's a twig sticking out

(left hand on the belt, right hand clenched into a fist,

Index finger sticks out)

That's wet moss

(spread your arms in front of you)

The moss has dried up

(rub your palms)

That's a low stump

(sit down)

It's a thick shadow

(raise your hands)

It's a narrow ditch

(stretch forward with both hands)

That's a nest of ants

(show a semicircle in front of you)

Then the magpie screams

(waves arms, jumps)

Those are the thorns on the side,

(jump to the side)

Those are bushes

(semicircle in front of you)

It's a river

(left, right with hands)

There is no good place.

(grab your head)

This is a tale about a bear,

About the bear - picky!

Children are seated at tables (the teacher monitors posture children) .

(an audio recording is played in the background during the practical part "Sounds of Nature")

The teacher explains to the children the sequence work: Trace the animal template onto cardboard and cut out the silhouette of the animal. Finely chop the threads. In order to speed up the process, wind the threads, remove and finely chop. The finer the threads are cut, the neater the work will look. Apply glue evenly to the cardboard base and glue the threads. Make eyes and beads. The animals are ready.

After completing the work, ready the little animals are attached to the prepared Whatman paper with a picture of a forest. Children clean up their work places.

Summary of the lesson. The teacher invites the children to remember what they did in class today. Then the teacher evaluates the work of each child.

Application for children 3-4 years old. Class notes Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week: “Wild Animals”

Theme of the week: “Wild Animals”

Lesson 18. Hare (Colored paper. Collective application from prepared parts of the object)

Program content. Teach children to assemble a whole object from parts and carefully stick them on; Bring the product to the desired image using felt-tip pens. Learn to accompany the words of the song with movements corresponding to the text. Continue to teach children to do teamwork.

Demonstration material. Toy bunnies or any other animals (according to the number of children).

Handout material. For 5 children: blue cardboard, a circle cut out of white paper (head), an oval (torso), 6 elongated ovals (legs and ears), a small circle (tail); glue, glue brush, cloth, oilcloth lining, felt-tip pens.

Progress of the lesson

Give the children toy hares or other animals and ask them to use them to depict the actions of the poem:

One, two, three, four, five

The bunny came out to jump. (Shake the toy up and down.)

Looked around (Turn the toy left, right.)

Turned around (Rotate the toy.)

Looked up and down (Tilt the toy back and forth.)

I went for a run (Go for a run with a toy in your hands.)

I was afraid... (Hide the toy behind your back.)

Where are you, bunny? Answer me!

Invite the children to help the bunnies: make bunny friends for them so that together they will not be afraid.

Divide the children into teams of 5. Give them album sheets and details cut out of white paper: a circle (head), an oval (torso), 6 elongated ovals (legs and ears), a small circle (tail).

Help the children distribute the parts among themselves (one child gets the head, another two paws, the third gets the ears, etc.).

Then the children must make up the intended animal from the parts (the hare can stand on two legs or on four, it can lie down).

After this, the guys must stick all the details onto the album sheet; Use felt-tip pens to draw the eyes, nose, mouth, and mustache of the bunny.

From the book Modeling and application with children 6-7 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 17. Uncle Misha (Modeling from plasticine in combination with natural materials) Program content. Teach children to depict a scene from a fairy tale using natural materials and plasticine. Continue to learn how to transmit proportional relationships

From the book Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Pets” Lesson 18. Dymkovo horse (Clay modeling) Program content. Continue to introduce children to the art of Dymkovo masters, consolidate and deepen knowledge about Dymkovo toys. Learn to sculpt from life, conveying the shape, structure, size and

From the book Drawing with children 4-5 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 33. Unseen animal (Drawing with colored pencils) Program content. Develop your imagination. Teach children to draw non-existent animals on their own. Strengthen the ability to draw with colored pencils in accordance with their

From the book Lepka with children 4-5 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Pets” Lesson 35. Chickens (Hatching with felt-tip pens) Program content. Continue learning how to create a story composition. Strengthen the ability to draw the silhouette of a chicken with a simple pencil without pressure. Strengthen the ability to fit a composition into

From the book Lepka with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 20. Meeting of the fox and Kolobok (Poke with a hard semi-dry brush. Gouache) Program content. Teach children to create a story composition. Continue to teach how to convey the features of the depicted objects using a hard, semi-dry poke

From the book Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 20. Bunny (Modeling from plasticine using natural materials) Program content. Learn to combine natural material and modeling from plasticine. Practice the ability to connect parts by pressing them together. Encourage children

From the book Application with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Pets” Lesson 17. Turtle (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. Learn to combine plasticine and natural materials in crafts. Develop speech, thinking, fine motor skills of fingers. Handouts. Half a walnut shell

From the book Drawing with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 18. Ladder for a baby squirrel (Plasticine modeling) Program content. Strengthen children's ability to roll out columns and attach their ends to vertical columns. Create a desire to help those in need

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Wild Birds” Lesson 30. Owl (Plasticine modeling) Program content. Teach children to combine natural materials and plasticine in crafts. Develop perception, attention. Demonstration material. Pictures with half-drawn images of birds (without a wing,

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 35. Who lives in the winter forest? (Drawing with gouache) Program content. Learn to complement the winter landscape with forest inhabitants. Strengthen the ability to draw animals by passing them on characteristic features. Practice observing relative

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Pets” Lesson 37. Baby goat (Hatching “loop” with felt-tip pens) Program content. Continue to learn to outline the silhouette of an animal on four legs, conveying its pose and structure. Introduce a new method of image transmission -

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Pets” Lesson 17. Pig and kitten (Colored paper. Collective application from prepared parts of the object) Program content. Teach children to compose a whole object from parts, carefully stick on appliqué parts; bring the product to

From the author's book

Theme of the week “Wild birds” Lesson 30. Swan (Appliqué from dried leaves) Program content. Continue to teach children to create their intended object from dried leaves; bring the product to the desired image. Learn to describe a bird based on a picture. Develop

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Pets” Lesson 17. Baby goat (Finger painting. Gouache) Goal. Continue teaching children to draw dots with their fingers, placing them close to each other. Learn to analyze and understand the content of a poem. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Learn

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 18. Hare in the snow (Pokes with a hard, semi-dry brush. Gouache) Goal. Teach children to poke with a hard, semi-dry brush inside the outline. Develop the ability to listen to a nursery rhyme and imitate the movements of a hare along the text. Give an idea of ​​life

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Wild Birds” Lesson 30. Swan (Palm drawing. Gouache) Goal. Continue introducing children to palm typing techniques. Learn to add details to an image using a brush. Develop imagination. Demonstration material. Subject picture with

Lesson summary for the application “What kind of animal?”
Goal: To develop children’s skills to compose a whole animal from geometric
1.Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes ah: circle, semicircle, square, triangle;
2.To consolidate knowledge about domestic and wild animals;
3. Show independence and creativity.
Handouts: Scissors, glue, glue brushes, rags, oilcloths
linings, colored paper, patterns of geometric shapes.
Demonstration material: Visual pictures of domestic and wild animals.
Form of delivery: Group (individual) lesson.
Progress of activities
I.Org moment
Guys, listen to the poem carefully and name which animals
meet in it.
Of course you're used to it
What is your favorite language?
Rumbles from morning to night
Anything he doesn't want?
Now imagine for a moment,
That this is the same language
Cats and dogs have
In the bear and the macaque,
From a cow and a pig,
At the frog and the snake,
In a bug and a bird,
The donkey and the tigress
Even the silent whale
Says something...
In a word, those who are next to us -
Everyone speaks languages.
It would be good for them and for us
Have a heart to heart conversation
After all, the closest neighbors
Tend to have a friendly conversation...
Well, guys, tell me the animals that you met in the poem, what are they?
everyone is different.
II. Baseline control
Didactic game “Wild and Domestic”
Goal: To teach to distinguish between wild and domestic animals, to name them, to know about their appearance
life, what they eat, where they live.

Progress of the game: Pictures depicting wild and domestic animals are laid out on the table.
animals. Two pictures of a house and a forest, you need to arrange them correctly
animals according to their habitat, name it, say where it lives, what benefits
III.Training stage
a) Safety instructions when working with scissors
1. Work with scissors at the table.
2. Work with scissors very carefully: do not swing them while working, when
the need to feed each other ends down.
3. Scissors always lie on the right side at the workplace to make them easier to take.
4. Place the scissors on the table so that they do not hang over the edge of the table.
5. When working with scissors, it is forbidden to stand up and approach each other.
Safety instructions when working with glue
1. Do work at the table.
2. Prepare your workplace: arrange materials neatly and conveniently.
3. While working, constantly maintain order in your workplace.
4. Listen carefully to the teacher’s assignments.
5. Work only on oilcloth, use a brush to collect glue, excess
Remove glue from the brush on the edge of the jar, not with your hands.
6. While working, place the brush on a special stand, use a napkin
to remove excess glue from the paper.
7. You must be careful when working with glue:
do not wipe your hands on clothes;
do not dirty the table at which you work.
8. DON'T:
put glue in mouth;
rub your eyes with dirty hands.
9. Upon completion of work, tidy up the workplace.
10.Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.
b) Showing the sequence of actions and application techniques
From the beginning, the child chooses who he will portray. Then he places it on the table
geometric animal shapes, starting with larger ones and ending with small details.
The body is a circle, the paws are a semicircle, the ears are a triangle, and so on.
c) Selection and preparation of material for work
Outdoor game "Animals".
Goal: to depict the habits of animals as clearly and correctly as possible.
The children are scattered. At the signal “bunny” children jump, “bear” - they walk
the clubfoot gait of a bear, the “fox” - walks on tiptoes, the “wolf” - runs.
IV. Independent work
The teacher provides individual assistance in completing the task.
V. Baseline control
Review of finished works.
What did we do today? (Glued animals)
What are our animals made of? (Circle, triangle, square)