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Corrective and developmental lesson with elements of the training “Believe in yourself.

Tatiana Bondareva
Topic: “Believe in yourself” (lesson with training elements)


Increasing adolescents' responsibility for their own behavior, development of self-awareness, self-regulation and the ability to plan actions.

Personal development qualities: self-esteem, confidence in one’s capabilities, ability to manage one’s behavior and take an active life position, receive and provide support to others.


Enrich the forms of communication between adolescents and peers;

To form in adolescents the need for self-realization;

Teach teenagers to defend and defend their point of view;

Develop a sense of responsibility and self-confidence in adolescents.

Methods and techniques of work:

Psychological exercises and games,

Mini-lectures and conversations (preliminary work,

Story-based role-playing games,

Simulation of the situation,

Group discussions and brainstorming (preliminary work,

Discussion of specific life situations,

Reflection of various states,

Construction of positive models behavior, etc. d.

1.1. Introductory part. Acceptance of group work rules.

"Introduce Your Name".

1.3. Exercise "Desert Island".

1.4. Game "My Universe".

1.6. Conclusion: Applause in a circle.

1.1. Introductory part. Acceptance of group rules work:

The presenter voices the main points to which the participants make additions:

What happens in the group should not negatively affect the relationship,

You can't humiliate or insult

You must not use obscene language,

Address each other by name only,

Speak only one at a time; if you want to speak, you must raise your hand,

Note coaches are not discussed,

You cannot leave the group without permission.

Progress of the lesson.

You and I are about to go on an exciting journey on our own ship. This is our ship and it’s up to us where and how we sail. After the qualifying round, the best sailors from the coast were accepted into the team. First team meeting, we need познакомиться:

1.2. Main part. Exercise – activator "Introduce Your Name"

Target: implementation of emotional warming up.

The presenter invites participants to introduce themselves as a silent film actor using facial expressions and gestures. You can imagine not only your name, but also your appearance, the way you dress, behave myself. The main thing is that it is recognizable.

So we met, now we hit the road. The day passed unnoticed. It's already twilight. The ship is far out on the open sea. Suddenly, an icy gusty wind blew in, lightning flashed, and thunder roared. A storm is raging... When we woke up, we realized that we were on a desert island.

1.3. Exercise "Desert Island"

Target: developing the ability to accept assessment yourself from the outside.

On a desert island there is only one task - to survive. And you can only survive next to people who know how to do something, have wonderful personal qualities. Each participant must choose two partners and explain their choice. The same guys can be selected several times.

I want to tell you: that I would take all the kids with me to the island, because they are all extraordinary and have a huge number of wonderful human qualities.

1.4. Game "My Universe".

In the evening, when all the work and worries are over, when there is a place to stay for the night and we go to bed, the stars are visible through the cracks in the roof of our hut. I suggest you get closer to the stars. I'll give it away "formats" for drawing, in the center of the sheet you need to draw the sun and in the center of the solar circle write a large letter “I. Then from this "I"- you need to draw lines to the stars and planets from the center of your universe. Each ray contains the answer to my questions.

1. My favorite class…

2. My favorite color...

3. My favorite animal...

4. My beloved friend...

5. My favorite sound...

6. My favorite smell...

7. My favorite game...

8. My favorite clothes...

9. My favorite music...

10. Mine favorite time years...

11. What do I love to do most in the world...

12. The place where I love to be more than anything else...

13. My favorite singer or band...

14. My favorite heroes...

15. I feel yourself the ability to...

16. The person I admire most in the world...

17. What I do best is...

18. I know that I can...

19. I am confident because...

Congratulations, "Star Map" everyone shows: We all have many possibilities, many things that make each of us unique, and things that we all have in common.

1.5. The final part. Relaxation.

1.6. Let's finish: Applause in a circle.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 82"

municipality of the city of Bratsk


for beginning teachers

“Vocation teacher

or just believe in yourself"

Prepared by:

senior teacher

Bantsova E.V.

Target : development of self-knowledge, reflection in the group, formation of a positive emotional climate, personal and professional growth, knowledge of one’s untapped potential.


  • Provide participants with means of self-knowledge (self-observation, reflection, etc.).
  • Strengthen your self-esteem.
  • Develop the skills needed to act confidently.
  • Develop the skills necessary to positively deal with conflict situations.
  • Open up and become aware of your views and habits.

1. Exercise “Greetings”

Target: greeting the participants, energizing the group.

Progress of the exercise

Participants are invited to form a circle and divide into three equal parts: “Europeans”, “Japanese” and “Africans”. Then each of the participants goes in a circle and greets everyone “in his own way”: “Europeans” shake hands, “Japanese” bow, “Africans” hug.

Questions for discussion:

  • Was it easy for you to do this exercise?
  • Which role were you most comfortable in and why?
  • In life, do you reciprocate when people greet you in a way that is unusual for you?
  • How do you feel about this?

We talked a lot about the methodological side of education - educational process, today I would like to talk to you about emotional side our profession. What, in your opinion, is the main quality of a teacher to achieve professional and personal goals? (participants' reasoning). For successful professional activity you need to be confident in yourself and your abilities.

Introduction: Self-confidence is a person’s experience of his capabilities, both adequate to the tasks that he faces in life, and to those that he sets for himself. Self-confidence in any type of activity occurs when a person’s self-esteem corresponds to his real capabilities. If self-esteem is higher (lower) real possibilities, there is correspondingly self-confidence (self-doubt). Self-confidence can also become a stable personality quality. Self-doubt and self-confidence are often associated with negative emotional experiences that disrupt the progress of mental development person.

I invite you to show, feel, analyze this quality in the context of your own perception.

2.Exercise “I am strong – I am weak”

Target : help group members distinguish confident behavior from insecure ones, promote the development of self-confidence through role-playing.

Procedure : Participants break into pairs and stand opposite each other. The first participant in the pair extends his hand forward. The second participant in the pair tries to lower his partner’s hand by pressing on it from above. The first participant in the pair should try to hold his hand, while saying loudly and decisively: “I am strong.” Now we repeat the same thing, but the first participant in the pair says “I’m weak,” pronouncing it with the appropriate intonation, i.e. quiet, sad. Try changing.

Questions: When was it easier for you to hold your hand: in the first or second case?

Why do you think?

How did you feel while doing this exercise?

What impact did the phrases “I am strong” and “I am weak” that you uttered have on completing the task?

3. Exercise “Drawing Me”

Target : expand self-image, self-knowledge.

Materials: pencils or markers, A4 paper.

Procedure : Taking pencils, or markers, paper, participants are located anywhere in the room. It is advisable that no one sit next to each other. On a piece of paper they have to draw their own image in an allegorical form as they imagine themselves. A certain time is given for drawing.

Instructions for participants: “You can draw whatever you want. It could be a picture of nature, a still life, an abstraction, a fantasy world, an action-packed situation, something in the style of a rebus, in general, anything, but with which you associate, connect, explain, compare yourself, your state of life, your nature.”

4.Exercise “I am a star”

Target : practicing skills of confident behavior.

Procedure: The exercise is carried out in a circle. Each participant chooses for himself the role of a star that is significant to him and at the same time known to those present (Alla Pugacheva, President of Ukraine, fairy-tale character, literary hero etc.). Then he makes a self-presentation (verbally or non-verbally: he utters some phrase or shows some gesture that characterizes his star). The remaining participants try to guess the name of the “idol”.


  • Was it difficult for you to choose the role of a significant and famous star?
  • What are similar between you and the chosen star?
  • What feelings did you have during the presentation?
  • Did you try to show the star you chose in a way that others could understand?
  • Where was it easier, to show or to guess?

5. Exercise “Self-worth”

Target: positivization of self-concept.

Materials: paper, pencils, chairs.

Procedure: Each of us is valuable. We differ from each other in our individuality, personal achievements, goals and much more. We learn about our value from other people. Now you will need to take a sheet of paper and draw a circle in the center in which to write the letter “I”.

Now you can draw as many circles around this letter as you want, and in them you will write the names of those people who told you about your individuality and value. Draw arrows from each circle to your “I”. Use different colors to convey your feelings.

Now, please remember what all these people told you and write briefly next to the arrows pointing away from them.

You have a self-worth map.


  • What is self-worth?
  • What colors did you use to indicate the arrows going from others to you and why?

6. Exercise to lift your mood and relieve fatigue

Participants sit in a circle.

Presenter: “I will give you cards with the name of the animal written on them. The names are repeated on two cards. For example, if you get a card that says 'elephant' on it, know that someone else has a card that also says 'elephant' on it."

“Please read what is written on your card. Make it so that only you can see the inscription. Now the card can be removed. Everyone's task is to find their match. In this case, you can use any expressive means, you just can’t say anything and make the characteristic sounds of “your animal.” In other words, everything we do, we will do silently.

When you find your match, stay close, but remain silent, do not talk over each other. Only when all the pairs are formed will we check what we have done.”

After all group members have found their pair, the leader asks each pair in turn: “Who are you?”

The exercise promotes the development of expressive behavior, encourages participants, on the one hand, to be attentive to the actions of others, and on the other hand, to look for means of self-expression that will be understood by others.

7. Exercise “Steps”

Purpose of the exercise : help participants build adequate self-esteem.

Participants are given a form with a ladder of 10 steps drawn on it. The instruction is given: “Draw yourself on the step where you think you are now.”

After everyone has drawn, the presenter gives the key to this technique:

Steps 1-4 – self-esteem is low

Stage 5-7 – self-esteem is adequate

8-10 step – self-esteem is inflated

8. Exercise “Help Tree”

Target: specification of personal resources under stress, analysis of behavior options when exiting a state of stress; exchange of opinions, familiarization with other people's experience of dealing with stress.

Material: a large sheet of whatman paper with a drawn tree with five branches - “Family”, “Pupils”, “Colleagues”, “Workplace”, “Activity/Creativity”, leaflets of cards preferably in different colors, markers, glue stick.

Presenter: “We have already talked a lot about the fact that sometimes when professional development Difficulties arise that lead to stress, and how you can deal with it. Now let's move on to specifics regarding your own, experience-tested ways of dealing with stress. We all experience stress in all areas of our lives every day, but we continue to live. On the board you see five such spheres. Write on the cards how they help you fight stress and save yourself from burnout? What specifically (what action of yours or someone else’s, what object or object in these areas) helps you every time, as if lending a hand? What do you do in this area to relieve stress? Write on pieces of paper and let's stick them, like leaves on a tree, on your branch. Thank you! Now look, which branch has the most leaves? Do you think this means anything? What surprised you? Is there a way to overcome stress that particularly struck you?

9. Host: And in conclusion, I suggest youpresentation - relaxation, to once again make sure that self-confidence and self-confidence provides good motivation to achieve the goal. (showing Robin Sharma’s presentation “Mind-Changing Quotes”).

We invite everyone on December 14 (Wednesday) at 18.30 to a meeting at the club of the Psychological Center for Solutions! Topic of the meeting: How to become self-confident?
The basis of my confidence is in myself!”: methods and techniques of confidence training “Believe in yourself.”
For more information, see the information on the website: and by phone 545-85-07

How to become confident?
The training is aimed at creating a sense of self-confidence in a person. In a group, by performing practical exercises, tasks and training, you develop the skills of confident action in various situations, the ability to say “no”, resist manipulation, find a solution in a “hopeless” situation, etc. As practice shows, anyone can become confident.

Has it ever happened that you buy an item only because it is difficult for you to say “no” to the seller?
If someone talks loudly on public transport or in the theater, are you embarrassed to ask him to be quieter?
Is it difficult for you to ask something to a stranger?
Do you experience tension when you have to carry on a conversation in unfamiliar company?
Are you embarrassed to criticize friends if they are obviously wrong?
Do you find yourself confused, not knowing what to say when someone compliments you?
Do you often feel that people take advantage of you?
Is it difficult for you to refuse a good friend when you understand that this request is unreasonable?
Does it ever happen that you find it inconvenient to refuse to give your phone number when persistently asked, but you don’t want it?
Do your children or subordinates consider you too soft?
Do you feel constrained and difficult to express yourself spontaneously in intimate relationships?
Do you often prefer to suppress your feelings rather than express them openly and sincerely?
Psychologists believe that “if you answered “YES” to more than three questions, we can assume that you are characterized by self-doubt. “Believe in Yourself” confidence training solves a whole range of problems that people come to the training with:
learn self-control, cope with excessive anxiety and fear before an exam or a responsible public speaking, etc.
stop being ashamed of your appearance (and consequently refuse social contacts)
overcome feelings of shyness, stiffness, timidity, awkwardness, numbness in various situations interpersonal communication. (for example, don’t get lost at the right moment, say a nice toast)
overcome the fear of being judged poorly, the fear that I am doing something wrong or bad
learn to refuse, without considering that “to refuse means to be unnecessary”
realize the desire to do something in your life, develop, change yourself, overcome apathy and loss of strength
learn to perceive criticism adequately, keeping in mind the rule that “every opinion has the right to exist”
to realize that we are only what we think about ourselves, and that the more we value and respect ourselves, the more those around us value and respect us.
At the “Believe in Yourself” confidence training, you will get answers to these questions, learn how your habitual ineffective behavior patterns work and learn how to turn them into effective ways achieving goals. You will learn to communicate specifically and unambiguously and accurately understand other people and their motives, destroy relationships that are not suitable for you and build new ones without harming yourself and others, set goals, break them down into sequential tasks and solve them all in turn. You will learn the patterns of relationships and decisions of the most different problems, overcoming obstacles. You will feel that you are able to change your life and people's attitudes towards you.

And when you feel confident, it gives you freedom to act, the courage to take risks and win, the power to defend yourself, your opinion and your way of life.

And lastly: “Everyone can do what he really wants. We are capable of greater things than we think,” - Norman Vincent Peale

Training “Believe in yourself”

Self-confidence in any type of activity occurs when a person’s self-esteem corresponds to his real capabilities. If self-esteem is higher (lower) than real capabilities, self-confidence (self-doubt) occurs accordingly. Self-confidence can also become a stable personality quality. Self-doubt and self-confidence are often associated with negative emotional experiences that disrupt the course of a person’s mental development.

Target: promote the acquisition of experience speaking in front of an audience, increasing self-esteem, developing the skill of confident behavior, self-knowledge.

materials: music player, disco music (moderate tempo), crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens, A4 paper.

Exercise "Washing"

Target: developing confidence in your body movements; overcoming the fear of speaking in front of an audience.

Time: 5 m.

Materials: music player, disco music (moderate tempo).


    We wash the laundry (starting position – legs in the 6th position, hands below, in front of you, clenched into fists): move your arms up and down, your legs perform a spring.

    We wring out the laundry (starting position - legs slightly apart, hands clenched into fists): turn the body to the right, body weight on the right leg, circular movements with the arms - push-up; turn the body to the left, body weight on the left leg, circular movements with the arms - push-ups. Repeat the movements again.

    We hang the laundry (starting position - half squat, arms along the body): movement of the legs with straightening, arms rise up to the right; movement of the legs with straightening, arms raised up to the left.

    We attach the underwear (initial position of the leg in the 6th position, hands on the belt): holding the left hand on the belt, raise the left hand up crosswise; holding your left hand on your belt, raise your right hand up crosswise.

    Fanning ourselves (hotly): movements with the palms of both hands in the direction of the body with a turn to the right; movements of the palms of both hands in the direction of the body with a turn to the left.

    We wipe the sweat from the forehead (the starting position of the leg is in the 6th position, the arms are arbitrary): alternately we pass the left and right hands across the forehead.

    We wipe our feet and go into the house (starting position - feet in 6th position, hands on the belt): movements with the feet, as if they were being wiped on the floor; two steps forward.

Main activity

Exercise “I am strong – I am weak”

Target: help group members distinguish confident behavior from insecure ones, promote the development of self-confidence through role-playing.

Time: 10 m.

Materials: not required.

Procedure: Participants break into pairs and stand opposite each other. The first participant in the pair extends his hand forward. The second participant in the pair tries to lower his partner’s hand by pressing on it from above. The first participant in the pair should try to hold his hand, while saying loudly and decisively: “I am strong.” Now we repeat the same thing, but the first participant in the pair says “I’m weak,” pronouncing it with the appropriate intonation, i.e. quiet, sad. Try changing.


    When was it easier for you to hold your hand: in the first or second case?

    Why do you think?

    How did you feel while doing this exercise?

    What impact did the phrases “I am strong” and “I am weak” that you uttered have on completing the task?

5. Exercise “Drawing Me”

Target: expand self-image, self-knowledge.

Time: 30 m.

Materials: pencils or felt-tip pens, A4 paper.

Procedure: Taking pencils, or markers, paper, participants are located anywhere in the room. It is advisable that no one sit next to each other. On a piece of paper they have to draw their own image in an allegorical form as they imagine themselves. A certain time is given for drawing. For example, after 10 minutes, which still should not be strictly demanded to finish drawing, each participant should be given the opportunity to finish their drawing in a calm environment.

Instructions for participants: “You can draw whatever you want. It could be a picture of nature, a still life, an abstraction, a fantasy world, an action-packed situation, something in the style of a rebus, in general, anything, but with which you associate, connect, explain, compare yourself, your state of life, your nature.”

What qualities does this person have?

Is this a confident person or vice versa?

When people commented on your drawing, what feelings did you experience?

Does everything said about this drawing coincide with your qualities?

Exercise "Additional drawing"

Target: identify a tendency towards uncertainty.

Time: 30 m.

Materials: colored crayons, pencils or markers, A4 paper.

Procedure: The drawing is sent in a circle. One of the participants begins to draw, the other continues, adding something, and so on in a circle.

The drawing can be done with colored crayons, felt-tip pens, pencils... The drawing is done on one landscape sheet because... The theme is increasing confidence. With each subsequent addition, the space will decrease, which may confuse an unsure person, because... he will “disturb” the other’s drawing.

When analyzing the resulting drawing, the artistic level of its execution is not taken into account. We are talking primarily about the feelings of the subject when adding to someone else’s drawing, the lack of space where you can draw something of your own, the fear of spoiling what has already been drawn...


    Have you completed the drawing?

    If not, why not?

    Is this exactly what you would like to add?

    If not, why not?

    What exactly did you depict?

Exercise “I am a star”

Target: practicing skills of confident behavior.

Time: 20 m.

Materials: not required.

Procedure: The exercise is performed in a circle. Each participant chooses for himself the role of a star that is significant to him and at the same time known to those present (Alla Pugacheva, President of Ukraine, fairy-tale character, literary hero, etc.). Then he makes a self-presentation (verbally or non-verbally: he utters some phrase or shows some gesture that characterizes his star). The remaining participants try to guess the name of the “idol”.


    Was it difficult for you to choose the role of a significant and famous star?

    What are similar between you and the chosen star?

    What feelings did you have during the presentation?

    Did you try to show the star you chose in a way that others could understand?

    Where was it easier, to show or to guess?


Exercise “Wishes in a Circle”

Target: raise the general emotional mood and emphasize a friendly attitude towards each other.

Time: 5 m.

Materials: not required.

The facilitator invites group members to wish their neighbor something.

Questions for the entire training:

    Has your self-image changed?

    What experience did you gain from this training today?

    What new things have you learned about yourself?

    What conclusions have you drawn for yourself?

Participants- students in grades 7-8 (no more than 10 people), children with low self-esteem.

Purpose of the lesson: formation of motivation to achieve success and self-confidence.


  • understand the essence of achieving success;
  • create situations of awareness of your inner world;
  • strengthen your sense of self-confidence and capabilities.

Equipment: cards for designing business cards (you can take ready-made business cards), “Magic Box”, pens, pencils, sheets of paper.

Expected result: overcoming feelings of uncertainty, working in a group, public speaking(not necessary for all participants, as this is one of the activities planned for the program).

Progress of the lesson

1. Greeting

Guys! There are often times in our lives when we feel insecure. Sometimes we are embarrassed to say some words out loud, we are afraid that we will be misunderstood. Let's start our lesson with a greeting. We will greet each other in a circle, saying greetings in a whisper, in the ear of our neighbor.

And then, all together, we will loudly pronounce the words we heard.

2. Getting to know each other

After the greeting, offer to choose a card with a name of your choice (“the funniest”, “the most beautiful”...). The name should reflect what the participants are afraid to say about themselves out loud, doubt, or feel a sense of insecurity. Take turns, identifying yourself, explain why you took this particular “name” for the duration of the training and tell a little about yourself.

3. Introduction to the topic. Reading the parable “Make your own happiness”

God molded a man from clay, and he was left with an unused piece.

What else should you make? - asked God.

Bring me happiness, the man asked.

God did not answer anything, and only placed the remaining piece of clay in the man’s palm.

4. Discussion: What does this parable teach? (Participants may speak at will).

5. Generalization. In life, everything is in our hands; in any situation, everyone has their own choice. The meaning of this parable is contained in each of the statements below.

“Each of us coins the price of our personality ourselves. A person is great or small, depending on his will.” (S. Smiles)

“The true purpose of man is to live, not to exist.” (Stendhal)

“It’s time to stop waiting for unexpected gifts from life, and make life yourself.” (L.N. Tolstoy)

6. Assignment. Create two groups of 5 people each

Imagine that you stayed for two years in a place where there is no school, no computer, almost no communication, but there is a library where you can find literature for various purposes. What will you do? Make a program for your life for these two years.

Introduce us to your program.

7. Deepening the topic. Each participant reads one point of the program.

But what program did L. N. Tolstoy draw up for himself?

Now I ask, what will be the purpose of my life in the village for two years?

1. Study the entire course legal sciences required for the final exam at the university.
2. Study practical medicine and part of the theoretical one.
3. Learn languages: French, Russian, German, English, Italian, Latin.
4. Explore agriculture both theoretical and practical.
5. Study history, geography and statistics.
6. Study mathematics, gymnasium course.
7. Write a dissertation.
8. Achieve an average degree of perfection in music and painting.
9. Write the rules.
10. Compose essays from all the subjects that I will study.

8. Discussion. Questions for discussion.

1. When is life filled with meaning and when is it meaningless? (A person must have certain goals)

2. When does a person achieve his goals? (If you believe in yourself and work on yourself) The most important thing is to believe in yourself now, today. To do this, let's do some exercises

9. Exercises

"Magic Box" The psychologist invites the children to take cards with statements written on them from the box and read what is written there, accompanying the reading with the words: “Do you agree with this statement?” The child may agree, doubt or refuse. The task of the psychologist, on the one hand, is to support the child, on the other, to convince him that he has this quality.

Consolidating the results of the previous exercise.

Each group member is asked to imagine himself standing on stage. The child faces the “spectators” and three times says the phrase read in the previous exercise, for example: “I can do anything,” “I am the best!” and so on. Moreover, the first time it is quiet, the second time it is louder, and the third time it is very loud. The “spectators” greet the “performances” with thunderous applause and shouts of “Bravo!”

10. Completion

Ask the participants how they felt on the “stage”. Share your mood and feelings received during the lesson. The psychologist suggests cutting out pictures at home from old magazines that correspond to the children’s strengths, making a collage and hanging it in a visible place and constantly working with it.

11. Conclusion

Final word from a psychologist. When a person achieves his goals in life, he feels happy. But life is complicated. Your faith in yourself and the ability to creatively approach yourself and your life will help you overcome difficulties and come out of difficult situations with honor.

After all, no matter what you do, your activity will bring you joy only when you receive satisfaction from your work, see the results of your work, strive to improve and improve yourself. Satisfaction from the work you do, joy when communicating with people is the most important moment in your life, one of the keys to human happiness.
But turning a dark, small room into a bright, cozy “world of your own” isn’t creativity and happiness?

Looking at yourself in the mirror, seeing your shortcomings, and being able to correct them - isn’t that creativity?
Smiling at a sad passenger on a bus and receiving a smile in return isn’t happiness?
And if you feel that you can develop and expand your creativity, listen to your heart and mind, create yourself and the world around us according to the laws of beauty, then everything we talked about was not in vain.

Happiness and beauty to you!

Literature used

  • Author-compiler N. N. Lubyanova “The World of Masculinity, Femininity and Beauty” Publishing House “Teacher” Volgograd 2007
  • Magazine " Educational work at school" No. 3 2009