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Personally oriented learning model. The essence of student-centered learning

Model of student-centered learning in correctional school of type 8

Prepared by: Rubleva Tatyana Vladimirovna


1. The concept of student-centered learning (LCL)

loo functions

Rules for constructing the learning process in loo

2. Personally-oriented technologies

Collective peer learning

3. Methodological foundations for organizing student-oriented


4. Conclusion

5. Memo for the teacher

“Model of person-centered learning in correctional school of type 8”

In recent years, the personality-oriented approach has been considered the most modern methodological orientation in pedagogical activity.

The concept of student-centered learning

Personally-centered learning (PLL) is a type of learning that puts the child’s originality, his self-worth, and the subjectivity of the learning process at the forefront.

The goal of personality-oriented education is “to lay in the child the mechanisms of self-realization, self-development, adaptation, self-defense, self-education and others necessary for the formation of an original personal image.” This fully applies to correctional schools because their pupils most of all need the development of these mechanisms.

Functions of student-centered learning, i.e. education:

Humanitarian, recognition of a person’s self-worth, his physical and moral health, awareness of the meaning of life and an active position in it, personal freedom and the possibility of maximum realization of one’s own potential. The means of implementing this function are understanding, communication and cooperation;

Socialization involves ensuring the individual’s assimilation and reproduction of social experience. The mechanism of implementation is reflection, preservation of individuality, creativity as a personal position in any activity and a means of self-determination.

In student-centered education, the following teacher positions are assumed:

Optimistic approach - the teacher’s desire to see prospects

development of the child’s personal potential and the ability to maximize

stimulate its development;

Treating the child as an individual capable of learning voluntarily

your own desire and choice, and show your own activity;

Reliance on personal meaning and interests (cognitive and social)

each child in learning, promoting their development.

Contents of student-centered education:

Helping students build their own personality and define

own personal position in life:

Help in choosing values ​​that are significant for the child and mastering a certain system of knowledge,

Identifying life problems of interest and mastering

ways to solve them,

Discovery of the reflexive world of one’s own “I” and the ability to manage it.

Person-centered approach

A personality-oriented approach is a methodological orientation in pedagogical activity, which allows, by relying on a system of interrelated concepts, ideas and methods of action, to ensure and support the processes of self-knowledge, self-realization of the child’s personality, and the development of his unique individuality.

The basic concepts of the person-oriented approach include the following:

- individuality - the unique identity of a person or group, a unique combination of individual, special and common features that distinguishes them from other individuals and human communities;

- personality is a constantly changing systemic quality, manifested as a stable set of properties of an individual and characterizing the social essence of a person;

- self-actualized personality -

a person who consciously and actively realizes the desire to become himself, to fully reveal his capabilities and abilities;

- self-expression is the process and result of development, and the manifestation by an individual of his inherent qualities and abilities;

- subject - an individual or group with conscious and creative activity and freedom in learning and transforming themselves and the surrounding reality;

- choice - the exercise by a person or group of the opportunity to choose from a certain population the most preferable option for the manifestation of their activity;

- pedagogical support - the activities of teachers to provide prompt assistance to children in solving their individual problems related to physical and mental health, communication, successful academic progress, life and professional advancement

Basic rules for constructing the process of teaching and educating students, i.e. principles.

The principle of self-actualization. Every child has a need to actualize his intellectual, communicative, artistic and physical abilities. It is important to encourage and support students’ desire to demonstrate and develop their natural and socially acquired capabilities.

The principle of individuality. Creating conditions for the formation of the individuality of the student and teacher is the main task of an educational institution. It is necessary not only to take into account the individual characteristics of a child or adult, but also to promote their further development in every possible way.

The principle of choice. It is pedagogically expedient for the student to live, study and be brought up in conditions of constant choice, to have subjective powers in choosing the purpose, content, forms and methods of organizing the educational process and life activities in the classroom and school.

The principle of creativity and success. Individual and collective creative activity allows us to determine and develop the individual characteristics of the student and the uniqueness of the educational group.

The principle of trust and support. Faith in the child, trust in him, support for his aspirations for self-realization and self-affirmation must replace excessive demands and excessive control.

The use of a personality-oriented approach in the training and education of schoolchildren is impossible without the use of diagnostic methods and self-diagnosis.

The task of a teacher working with a child using pedagogical support methods is to find a type of relationship in which the child, on the one hand, remains in a responsible position in relation to his problems, and on the other hand, can receive the support of the teacher when his own efforts are no longer enough. Moreover, support is provided not as a favor from an adult, but as an interested interaction between partners - an adult and a child, who have voluntarily and interestedly joined their efforts. Practice shows that a child avoids solving a problem in several cases:

If her permission does not change anything in the child’s life (what’s the point of raising your hand and listening to the teacher if he hates me anyway?);

If his own strength is not enough to solve the problem (no matter what you do, nothing will work);

If he was deprived of the opportunity to act independently, and therefore, responsibility was removed from him.

Personality-oriented technologies

Personality-oriented technologies determine methods and means of teaching and upbringing that correspond to the individual characteristics of each child: they adopt psychodiagnostic techniques, change the relationships and organization of children’s activities, use a variety of teaching tools, and rebuild the essence of education.

Personality-oriented technologies resist the authoritarian (command), impersonal and soulless approach to the child in traditional teaching technologies, and create an atmosphere of love, care, cooperation, and conditions for creativity.

The focus of personality-oriented technologies is on the personality of a growing person, who strives for maximum realization of his capabilities, is open to the perception of new experiences, and is capable of making conscious and responsible choices in a variety of life situations.

The key words of personality-oriented educational technologies are development, personality, individuality, freedom, independence, creativity.

Personality is the social essence of a person, the totality of his social qualities and properties that he develops throughout his life.

Development is a directed, natural change; as a result of development, a new quality arises.

Individuality is the unique originality of a phenomenon, a person; the opposite of general, typical.

Creativity is the process by which a product can be created. Creativity comes from the person himself, from within.

Pedagogical technology is a structure of teacher activity in which the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and involve obtaining a certain result.

There are main groups of technologies:

explanatory and illustrative;


Multi-level training;

Collective mutual learning

Modular training;


Let's look at some person-centered technologies:

Technology of multi-level training takes into account personal

abilities and opportunities that ensure guaranteed mastery of the basic core of the school curriculum. This structure includes the following subsystems:

Individual typological features that manifest themselves in temperature

mentality, character, abilities.

Psychological characteristics (thinking, imagination, memory),

attention, will, feeling, emotions.

Experience, including knowledge, skills, habits.

In the book by V.V. Voronkova “Training and education in a auxiliary school” gives a classification of the mental abilities of children according to the degree of mastery of educational material. This helps the correctional school teacher teach children with different types of mental retardation. When teaching children, it is necessary to take into account the differences among schoolchildren in the degree and nature of speech underdevelopment, in their cognitive processes, sensations and perceptions, and intellectual impairments. The teacher must use multi-level teaching. The teacher should conditionally divide the class into groups. Groups are determined by the following factors: the children’s ability to master educational material, the homogeneity of the difficulties encountered and the reasons underlying these difficulties. There can be from one to four such groups. The teacher’s task is to correct the defect of underdevelopment and help the child. This is a very long process that stretches over years and becomes visible when the child is on the verge of leaving school. Teachers of correctional schools are faced with the task of maximally correcting the psychophysical deficiencies of children with mental retardation. From year to year, corrective work is carried out to correct these deficiencies and bring the development of these children closer to the level of development of normal schoolchildren.

Collective peer learning . When working with mentally retarded students, the use of multi-level teaching technology is simply necessary. As a rule, students have different levels of auditory function, speech development, pronunciation skills, perception and reproduction of oral speech. Therefore, fulfilling uniform program requirements focused on specific training periods is ineffective. Unstable skills are quickly lost and this leads to the development of uncertainty in students about the possibility of mastering speech, and in the teacher (educator) to dissatisfaction with the results of their work. Using a differentiated approach to teaching when working with mentally retarded students, which takes into account the individual characteristics of speech and psychophysical development, it is possible to achieve certain results. To implement a differentiated approach, multi-level programs are used that determine the learning strategy for each student, based on the actual state of his speech development.

It is obvious that children need to be taught only based on interest, always creating a situation of success. It is pointless and immoral to educate and educate children if they have not realized their importance, if they are not interested and have no need to see the results of their activities. Starting from primary school, primary school teachers and educators must already use a personal approach to teaching and education in subject lessons and labor lessons, classes, clubs, for example. drawing, choreography, and others, taking into account the individual inclinations and desires of students.

When moving to the secondary level of education, in subject lessons and labor lessons, classes, students already acquire skills, abilities, and creativity in certain areas of work activity and improve their knowledge, skills, and abilities. For many pupils, primary socialization takes place in the conditions of a boarding school. It is within the walls of a boarding school that many important qualities necessary for subsequent full-fledged independent life are laid.

When moving to the senior level of education, subject lessons and labor lessons, classes are already held with elements of career guidance.

Vocational and labor training in type 8 schools is the basis for preparing children with disabilities for independent life and work. Achieving this goal is ensured by various forms of correctional work, which involves an in-depth study of the individual characteristics of students with various developmental disabilities. When planning his work, the teacher must know the state of attention, fatigue and pace of work of each student, as this affects the process of learning and performing practical tasks. Insufficient perception and understanding of the studied material in some children is explained by the low intellectual level of their development. Working with such children requires the teacher to use more clearly and thoughtfully the methodological tools used during the explanation, which should be designed not only for the main group, but also for low-performing students. It is necessary to organize such training that allows students, on the one hand, to demonstrate their existing educational capabilities to the maximum extent, and on the other hand, to develop missing abilities.

Along with the teaching, developing and educating goals of the lesson, in the system of personality-oriented learning, an important role is played by the creation of conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity of students. Several points can be identified that make it possible to achieve the set goals: 1) the use of various forms and methods of organizing educational activities, which make it possible to reveal the subjective experience of students; 2) creating an atmosphere of interest for each student in the class; 3) encouraging students to make statements, use different ways to complete tasks without fear of making mistakes or getting the wrong answer.

Carrying out a differentiated approach to students, the teacher includes questions addressed to students during the explanation. This increases mental activity, improves attention, promotes understanding, and allows you to control the process of assimilation.

In the 8th grade correctional school, the main subjects are carpentry and sewing. A final assessment is carried out in these subjects. It is the study of these subjects that maximally prepares children with mental retardation for life in society. By studying the above-mentioned subjects, children receive the basics of the profession of carpenter and seamstress. The essence of student-centered learning in labor lessons in Type 8 schools is the creation of conditions for the cognitive activity of students. The student is the main figure of the entire general educational process. The teacher must create conditions for the development of motivation for learning. For this purpose, the following principles are defined:

Using the learner's subjective experience

Updating existing experience and knowledge as an important condition contributing to understanding and obtaining new knowledge

Variability of tasks, giving the student freedom to choose the most significant ways for him to master educational material

Ensuring emotional contact between teacher and student in the classroom based on cooperation

Creating a situation of success, students should feel joy from the work done

Creating a favorable atmosphere for productive, exploratory activities, posing problematic questions that arouse the interest of the children.

At the sewing and carpentry lessons in the correctional school, artistic and aesthetic education of students is carried out. It is aimed at developing in children the ability to feel and understand beauty in nature, art, and developing artistic taste. Familiarization with folk art is a fruitful source of the formation of labor and artistic culture. Examples of arts and crafts products provide ample opportunities for potential development. Making products by schoolchildren has practical applications and makes technology lessons interesting and useful in the eyes of students. Making beautiful and necessary objects with your own hands arouses increased interest in work and brings satisfaction with the results of work, arouses the desire for subsequent activities. Aesthetic education influences the development of artistic taste, spatial imagination, abstract thinking, eye, and accuracy. Aesthetic education in the process of creative work makes it possible to solve the problems of personal development, the formation of a creative attitude to work, and a meaningful choice of profession.

Modular learning technology provides for independent work by the student, but with a certain dose of assistance. Modules allow you to transfer training to individual work with individual students, change the forms of communication between teacher and student. Each module provides an algorithm for working on these sections of pronunciation. It consists of successively more complex tasks, while providing input and intermediate control, allowing the student, together with the teacher, to manage learning. In this way, speech pathologists and Russian language teachers can build a system of global perception of literary texts of an artistic, journalistic and scientific nature, where it is very important to develop students’ skills in independently working on text. The main difficulty is the global perception of the text read by the teacher. This is a huge job for them, requiring a lot of stress, concentration, attention, memory, and most importantly, a meaningful perception of the proposed material. Students find it difficult to retell the text. And few children master retelling the text; some of them limit themselves to answering questions about the content of the text in the form of dialogue. Composing answers to questions and completing assignments to the text usually does not cause any particular difficulties for students. But this is not yet formed independent written speech. The integrated use of special methods of working on text by Russian language teachers and speech pathologists helps develop independent written speech - one of the most important means of communication for schoolchildren.

Health saving technology is one of the most relevant in our time, since it is known that children come to school not entirely healthy, and in the process of learning the number of healthy children decreases. The school factor is the most significant factor in terms of impact and duration that influences the health of children. Preparing a child for a healthy lifestyle based on health-saving technology is a priority in the teacher’s activities. The main goal of health-saving technologies is to preserve and strengthen the health of students. The main tasks follow from this:

Providing the student with the opportunity to maintain health during the period of study at school;

Reducing the incidence of students;

Maintaining efficiency in lessons;

Formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in students regarding a healthy lifestyle;

Formation of a system of sports and recreational work.

The student spends most of his time at school in class, so the most important task remains organizing the lesson in conditions of health-saving technology.

The beginning of schooling is associated not only with changes in children’s lifestyle, but also with a sharp increase in loads on the child’s individual organs. The best methods for maintaining efficiency in the classroom is to change the forms of student work. Considering that the dynamic attention of mentally retarded children does not exceed 20 minutes, part of the lesson time should be used for physical education breaks. Of all the loads that a child encounters at school, the most tiring is the load associated with the need to maintain a working posture. Switching during a lesson from one type of activity to another should be accompanied by a change in the child’s posture. To maintain health and prevent fatigue, lessons should be conducted in a playful way. Children need to be taught a healthy lifestyle; to do this, they must be guided by the following rules in their work:

Conducting special lessons on developing a healthy lifestyle, hygiene lessons as independent lessons, using elements in regular lessons;

Involvement in maintaining the sanitary condition of the class on duty (compliance with ventilation, dusting, changing shoes);

Conducting injury prevention through safety briefings, occupational safety discussions and conducting safety classes;

Health improvement for children in school: healthy eating (working with parents to organize 100% coverage of hot meals in the school canteen), vitaminization (taking children's vitamins under the supervision of a teacher), using elements of physical therapy in lessons;

Organization of drawing competitions on healthy lifestyle topics;

Everywhere in schools it is necessary to open health rooms where children can rest and relax.

It is necessary to teach children from a very early age to value, protect and strengthen their health.

Teachers who use health-saving technology are simply obliged to create a favorable psychological climate in the classroom.

In a correctional school, it is important to correctly schedule lessons. Subjects with different types of activities should alternate.

The presented person-centered learning technologies make it possible to maximally adapt the educational process to the capabilities and needs of students.

Now let’s look at how LOO is obtained in practice.

Methodological bases for organizing a personality-oriented lesson (lesson).

A personally oriented lesson (lesson), in contrast to a traditional one, first of all changes the type of teacher-student interaction. The teacher moves from the command style to cooperation, focusing on the analysis not so much of the results as of the procedural activity of the student (pupil). The position of the student (pupil) changes - from diligent performance to active creativity, his thinking becomes different: reflective, that is, aimed at results. The nature of the relationships that develop in the classroom also changes. The main thing is that the teacher must not only provide knowledge, but also create optimal conditions for the development of students’ personalities.

The main differences between a traditional and a student-centered lesson (activity).

Traditional lesson

Personally oriented lesson

1. Teaches all children a set amount of knowledge, skills and abilities

1. Promotes the effective accumulation of each child’s own personal experience

2. Determines educational tasks, the form of children’s work and shows them an example of the correct completion of tasks

2. Offers children a choice of various educational tasks and forms of work, encourages children to independently search for ways to solve these tasks

3. Tries to interest children in the educational material that he himself offers

3. Strives to identify the real interests of children and coordinate with them the selection and organization of educational material

4. Conducts individual lessons with lagging or most prepared children

4. Conducts individual work with each child

5. Plans and directs children's activities

5. Helps children plan their own activities

6. Evaluates the results of children’s work, noting and correcting mistakes.

6.Encourages children to independently evaluate the results of their work and correct mistakes made

7. Determines the rules of behavior in the classroom and monitors their compliance with children

7. Teaches children to independently develop rules of conduct and monitor their compliance

8. Resolves conflicts between children: encourages those who are right and punishes those who are guilty

8. Encourages children to discuss conflict situations that arise between them and independently look for ways to resolve them


The modern education system should be aimed at developing in schoolchildren the needs and skills of independently mastering new knowledge, new forms of activity, their analysis and correlation with cultural values, the ability and readiness for creative work. This dictates the need to change the content and technology of education, and focus on student-centered pedagogy. Such an education system cannot be built from scratch. It originates in the depths of the traditional education system, the works of philosophers, psychologists, and teachers.

Having studied the features of student-oriented technologies and compared a traditional lesson with a student-oriented one, it seems to us that at the turn of the century, the model of a student-oriented school is one of the most promising due to the following reasons:

at the center of the educational process is the child as a subject of cognition, which corresponds to the global trend of humanization of education;

person-centered learning is a health-saving technology;

Recently, there has been a tendency for parents to choose not just any additional items or services, but are looking, first of all, for a favorable, comfortable educational environment for their child, where he would not get lost in the crowd, where his individuality would be visible;

The need for a transition to this school model is recognized by society.

The most significant principles of a student-oriented lesson formed are:

using the child’s subjective experience;

providing him with freedom of choice when performing tasks; stimulation for independent choice and use of the most significant ways for him to study educational material, taking into account the diversity of its types, types and forms;

the accumulation of ZUNs not as an end in itself (the end result), but as an important means of realizing children's creativity;

ensuring personally significant emotional contact between teacher and student in the classroom based on cooperation, motivation to achieve success through analysis of not only the result, but also the process of achieving it.

A personality-oriented type of education can be considered, on the one hand, as a further movement of ideas and experiences of developmental education, and on the other hand, as the formation of a qualitatively new educational system.

The set of theoretical and methodological provisions that define modern student-centered education is presented in the works of E.V. Bondarevskaya, S. V. Kulnevich, T.I. Kulpina, V.V. Serikova, A.V. Petrovsky, V.T. Fomenko, I.S. Yakimanskaya and other researchers. These researchers are united by a humanistic approach to children, “a value-based attitude towards the child and childhood as a unique period of a person’s life.”

The research reveals the system of personal values ​​as the meaning of human activity. The task of personality-oriented education is to saturate the pedagogical process with personal meanings as a medium for personal development, socialization and adaptation of mentally retarded schoolchildren to life.

An educational environment that is diverse in content and forms provides an opportunity to reveal oneself and self-realization. The specificity of personality development education is expressed in considering the child’s subjective experience as a personally significant value sphere, enriching it in the direction of universality and originality, the development of meaningful mental actions as a necessary condition for creative self-realization, self-valuable forms of activity, cognitive, volitional, emotional and moral aspirations. The teacher, focusing on a socially significant model of the individual, creates conditions for the free creative self-development of the individual, relies on the intrinsic value of children's and youth's ideas and motives, takes into account the dynamics of changes in the student's motivational and need sphere.

By mastering the theory and methodological-technological basis of a person-oriented pedagogical approach and interaction, a teacher who has a high level of pedagogical culture and reaches the top in teaching activities in the future will be able and should use his potential for his own personal and professional growth.


Activities of a teacher (educator) in a lesson (lesson) with a personality-oriented focus:

Creating a positive emotional mood for work among all students during the lesson.

A message at the beginning of a lesson (session) not only about the topic, but also about the organization of educational (educational) activities during the lesson (session).

Application of knowledge that allows the student to choose the type, type and form of the material (verbal, graphic, conditionally symbolic).

Using problematic creative tasks.

Encouraging students to choose and independently use different ways to complete tasks.

Evaluation (encouragement) when questioning in class not only the correct answer of the student, but also an analysis of how the student reasoned, what method he used, why he made a mistake and in what way.

Discussion with children at the end of the lesson not only about what “we learned” (what we mastered), but also about what we liked (didn’t like) and why, what we would like to do again, and what to do differently.

The mark given to the student at the end of the lesson must be justified according to a number of parameters: correctness, independence, originality.

When assigning homework, not only the topic and scope of the assignment are named, but it is also explained in detail how to rationally organize your academic work when doing homework.

Types of didactic material: educational texts, task cards, didactic tests. Assignments are developed by topic, by level of complexity, by purpose of use, by the number of operations based on a multi-level, differentiated and individual approach, taking into account the leading type of educational activity of the student (cognitive, communicative, creative). This approach is based on the possibility of assessment based on the level of achievement in mastering knowledge, skills and abilities. The teacher (educator) distributes cards among students, knowing their cognitive characteristics and capabilities, and not only determines the level of knowledge acquisition, but also takes into account the personal characteristics of each student, creating optimal conditions for his development by providing a choice of forms and methods of activity.

The technology of personality-oriented teaching and upbringing involves the special design of an educational text, didactic and methodological material for its use, types of educational dialogue, and forms of monitoring the student’s personal development.

In student-centered learning, the student does not mindlessly accept a ready-made model or teacher’s instructions, but actively participates in every step of learning - accepts a learning task, analyzes ways to solve it, puts forward hypotheses, determines the causes of errors, etc. A sense of freedom of choice makes learning conscious, productive and more effective. In this case, the nature of perception changes, it becomes a good “helper” for thinking and imagination.

LECTURE No. 5 (personal development).Didactic model of personality-oriented education V.V. Serikova (Serikov V.V. Personal approach in education: concept and technology. - Volgograd, 1994) The model of personality-oriented education developed by Serikov is based on the personality theory of S.V. Rubinstein, according to which the essence of a person is manifested in his ability to take a certain position. Personality is not a set of given qualities, but a person’s ability to “be a person,” i.e. express your relationship to the world and yourself. Personally-oriented education is an education, Serikov believes, that creates conditions for the manifestation of students’ personal functions. To the number personal functions the researcher attributes

    manifestation of selectivity - the function of choice; motivation - the function of accepting and justifying an activity, action; reflection - the function of self-esteem, criticism, self-criticism, image construction I;self-realization function of image realization I;creation of meaning is a function of determining the system of life meanings of an individual, etc.
The main condition for the control of personal abilities in the educational process is V.V. Serikov considers creation personality-oriented situation(educational, cognitive, life). What is its essence? This is a situation in which the manifestation of personal functions is required: there is a need to search for meaning, think about oneself, build an image and model of one’s life, choose a creative solution to a problem, give a critical assessment of the current factor, etc. In this situation, a problem arises that cannot be solved by knowledge-reproductive level. That is, there are no rules, no unambiguous truths, no simple solutions. Focusing on the previous meaning turns out to be ineffective, inadequate, and a phenomenon occurs that psychologists call “ revision of meaning " The child himself finds a problem, a contradiction, he expresses reasonable disagreement with some statements, finds the cause and sources of his own error, seeks his own explanation and interpretation of the phenomenon, etc. In other words, in such a situation his subjective experience is formed. The content of student-centered education should include various types of such experiences. The main focus in the concept of V.V. Serikov is devoted to the pedagogical technology of creating personality-oriented situations. The proposed technology is based on the idea three main characteristics personality-oriented situation: a) life concreteness, b) dialogicity and c) game (role-playing) interaction of its participants. Triad " task - dialogue - game "forms a basic technological complex that creates a value-semantic field of intersubjective communication in a personality-oriented educational process. Projective model of personality-oriented learning N.I. Alekseeva (Alekseev N.I. Personally-oriented learning: issues of theory and practice. - Tyumen. Tyumen State University Publishing House, 1997) In the model developed by N.I. Alekseev, the essence of student-oriented learning is associated not only with the uniqueness and originality of the student, but also with the uniqueness of the teacher's personality , on the one hand, and on the other – with the concept “ cultural act ”, the meaning of which is for students to create themselves, their personality through self-affirmation in culture. Pedagogical technology in the context of student-centered learning is considered by this author as proprietary (that is, created by the teacher himself, taking into account the characteristics of the students, the content of the educational material, the learning situation, and his own capabilities). Designing student-centered learning is a special type of pedagogical activity, the content and organizational design of which is focused on taking into account: a) the type of psychological development of students; b) personal capabilities and abilities of the teacher; c) psychologically adequate representation for the student of the specifics of the subject. Type of psychological development of the student, according to N.I. Alekseev, is determined by the focus of training - instrumental or cultural. IN first case are developed mainly by the cognitive capabilities of the individual as tools of cognition: memory, attention, thinking, independence and activity in cognition. In second case The value-oriented sphere of the individual develops, his personal relationship to the world, activity, himself, his personal position. This approach led the researcher to distinguish between subject-oriented and student-centered learning. First feature Alekseev’s didactic model is that the meaning of activity, the hierarchy of assessments, the development of reflection, independence as a subjective formation (the presence of a personal position), etc. are the main, according to Alekseev, guidelines for personality-oriented education. Only in personal pedagogy manifests itself " supra-situational activity "(V.A. Petrovsky), in subjective In pedagogy, the pinnacle of creativity is the “transfer” of acquired knowledge to a new situation,” says Alekseev. Second feature Alekseev’s didactic model is based on the inclusion of the personal qualities of the teacher in the process of student-oriented learning. Alekseev highlights three groups of objects, which conventionally denote: a) structure-oriented subjects(mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc.), b) position-oriented objects(history, native language, foreign language, law, etc.), c) meaning-oriented objects(literature, art objects). The mechanism for mastering the first group of subjects is reflection, the search for “new” knowledge. The second group of subjects is stereotyping, the search for instrumental reference points. The third group of subjects is personalization, the search for meaning (I am in the world). This “personal” classification of educational subjects allows the teacher to design a technology for student-oriented learning that is adequate both to the tasks of personal development and to the possibilities of the learning content in their implementation. CONCLUSIONS. In conclusion, we note the following. Typologizing approaches to student-centered education, I.S. Yakimanskaya allocated three groups educational models: - socio-pedagogical, - subject-didactic, - psychological. However, an analysis of her own development, as well as that of Serikov, Alekseev and others, leads to the conclusion that none of them can be unambiguously attributed to one or another of the models and goes beyond the scope of classification. This circumstance indicates that the theory of person-centered education is developing on the basis of the integration of scientific knowledge about a person and his education. The emergence of various concepts of student-centered education in domestic and foreign pedagogy marks the beginning of a new stage in the development of world pedagogical thought, the features of which are as follows:
    the general view of education is changing towards an increasingly deeper understanding of it as a cultural process, the essence of which is manifested in the humanistic values ​​and cultural forms of interaction of its participants; the idea of ​​the individual is changing, which, in addition to social qualities, is endowed with various subjective properties that characterize its autonomy, independence, the ability to choose, self-realization, etc., in connection with which its role in the pedagogical process also changes, it becomes its system-forming beginning; the attitude towards the student as a subject of pedagogical influences is subject to revision, and the status of a subject of education and own life, possessing a unique individuality; creating conditions for the development of individual personal abilities, properties and pedagogical support of children's individuality are considered as the main goals of education; the results of the latest research on the psychological mechanisms of personality development are actively penetrating into pedagogy and becoming in demand; along with the translation of external influences into The internal plane of the individual, which was previously considered as the main mechanism of personal development (socialization), is given great importance to self-identification, the desire for self-actualization, self-realization and other internal mechanisms of individual self-development.
All this marks the departure of pedagogy and educational practice from the paradigm of personality formation with given properties and their turn to the development of the theory of education as a personality-oriented cultural process. Theoretical concepts of student-centered education, of course, do not exhaust the scope of pedagogical research that is currently being conducted in this direction. Interest in the ideas of student-centered education in the teaching environment is growing all the time. In the educational space of Russia, entire regions have already emerged, for example, Volgograd, Voronezh, Rostov, whose educational activities are based on these ideas. At the same time, the transition from traditional education to personality-oriented education raises many questions and poses problems to which neither science nor practice has yet sufficiently substantiated, much less clear, answers.

LECTURE No. 6 (personal development)

Human socialization as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon

Features of human socialization at various stages

his age

As noted by A.V. Mudrik, the term “socialization” came to human science from political economy, where its original meaning was “socialization” - of land, means of production, etc. In relation to man, it was reflected in connection with the development of sociology. In the work of the American sociologist F.G. Giddings (1887) “The Theory of Socialization” the term “socialization” is used in a meaning close to the modern one - “the development of the social nature or character of the individual, the preparation of human material for social life.” Social pedagogy studies the socialization of a person as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon. Socialization(from Latin socialis - social) - the process of personality formation, the individual’s assimilation of language, social values ​​and experience (norms, attitudes, patterns of behavior), culture inherent in a given society, social community, group, reproduction and enrichment of social connections and social experience. . During this process, a person enriches his worldview, selectively introduces into his system of behavior those norms and patterns of behavior that are accepted in a given society and social group (sociocultural environment). In its essence, socialization determines the uniqueness of social development, self-realization of a person, assimilation and reproduction of the culture of society throughout his life. Gradually, a person, forming as a personality, expands and deepens his social, sociocultural interests, ideals, values, assimilate and improve various social roles, gain experience social behavior. Interests(from Latin interest - matters, important) - the real reason for social actions, underlying the immediate motives (motives, ideas, etc.) of the individuals and social groups participating in them. Ideals(from French - idea, concept, idea) - that which determines the highest goal of activity, aspiration. Social (sociocultural) ideals determine the direction of the highest goals of human activity, determined by socio-pedagogical activities. Social values considered in a broad and narrow sense. In a broad sense, they define the most significant social phenomena and facts of reality, from the point of view of their compliance or non-compliance with the needs of society, social groups and individuals. In a narrower sense, these are moral and aesthetic imperatives (requirements) developed by human culture and are products of social consciousness. Role- this is a person’s life activity in a system of norms that determine his behavior, communication and relationships in a given social position. Social role – fulfillment by a person of a certain social status in accordance with the needs of everyday life, professional activity, function performed, etc. A social role can be acquired by a person at the level of familiarity (knows the essence of the activity), basics (knows how to perform), perfection (owns the role at the level of a specialist, experienced person). Social experience represents the totality of social knowledge and acquired skills and habits of an individual in a certain society. It includes various manifestations of a person in the areas of knowledge of the environment and self-knowledge, interaction with other people, professional activity, and the performance of various social roles. Socialization occurs in the process of human interaction with other people and the sociocultural environment of life. These people and environmental factors (institutions) with which the socializing person interacts act as agents of socialization. There are agents of primary and secondary socialization:

    agents of primary socialization important in the early stages of a person’s life, those directly surrounding him: parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, close and distant relatives, babysitters, family friends, peers, teachers, coaches, doctors, leaders of youth groups;

    agents of secondary socialization important in later stages of a person’s life , indirectly or formally surrounding him: institutions and institutes, representatives of the administration of a school, university, enterprise, army, police, church, state, employees of television, radio, press, party, court, etc.

There are various types of socialization, in the process of which social roles are learned. The main ones include: gender-role, family-household, professional-labor, subcultural-group. Sex-role socialization represents a person’s mastery of the experience of social behavior in accordance with his gender and its manifestation in everyday life, depending on age and his changing social status and role in society (boy or girl, bride or groom, husband or wife, father or mother and etc.). Family and household role- is the fulfillment of a social role by a person in accordance with his social position in the family. It manifests itself in the assimilation and manifestation of the experience of family life, strengthening family relationships, housekeeping, and raising children. Professional and labor role carried out on the basis of social experience of a person performing a certain professional activity. Subcultural-group role – this is a social role that he has learned and manifests in a unique way, taking into account the culture of the environment where he lived, studied, communicated, and worked . Each region has a sociocultural uniqueness of behavior, communication, and speech, which contributes to the formation of the uniqueness of society. The subcultural-group role distinguishes people from different regions, national and religious affiliations, social environment, age, professional activities, etc. Socialization is considered as process, condition, manifestation And the result of social formation of personality. How process, it means the social formation and development of personality depending on the nature of a person’s interaction with the sociocultural environment, adaptation to it and self-realization in it, taking into account individual capabilities. The essence of socialization is that in the process a person is formed as a member of the society to which he belongs. How condition- this is evidence of the presence of the society that a person needs for natural social development as an individual. How manifestation- this is a person’s social reaction, taking into account his age and social development in the system of specific social relations. Through manifestation one judges the level of social development. How result– it is a fundamental characteristic of a person and his characteristics as a social unit of society in accordance with his age. A child may be behind or ahead of his peers in his development. In this regard, socialization as a result characterizes the social status of the child in relation to his peers.

The science of upbringing and education is constantly evolving. The basic principles of the modern education model are as follows. Firstly, it is assumed that a person is in an active-active relationship to the world and to himself. Secondly, constant self-development and self-improvement of the individual are assumed, and thirdly, the idea of ​​the active development of a person’s vocation appears.

The problem is that when entering educational institutions, the student remains, as a rule, within the same fixed organizational structure. Hence the lack of experience of communication in new organizational structures, during the transition from one organizational form to another. Thus, the lack of role agility in functionally oriented education development strategy prevents students from coming into contact with life experience, which will be extremely necessary for them in subsequent independent activities in the organizational space of industrialism.

« Implementation person-centered model Communication between adults and children involves actions in at least three directions:

Finding ways and means of establishing contact between adults and children, without which no program can produce results;

Determining the goals, content, principles, methods and forms of teaching, which, in fact, constitutes the subject of training for didactics;

Organization of the environment so that it contributes to the maximum extent to the natural development of children, stimulates it" (Petrovsky V.A. Psychology of Education. M., 1996, p. 66)

Today the most common model of education is traditional education model. The idea is that the school should provide the student with the most durable and time-tested knowledge. Here the traditional scheme is used to obtain knowledge, skills and abilities; learning new things – consolidation – control – evaluation.

Culturally Responsive Education Model The main principle is the attitude towards the values ​​of a given culture. It is assumed that people living in different historical eras have different attitudes towards cultural, moral, and spiritual values. Values ​​give meaning to human life. There are values ​​that are universal to humanity. People build a hierarchy of values. When spiritual values ​​change, another era begins in people's lives. This is why the concept of values ​​is extremely important for education.

Personal-activity model of education assumes that in the conditions of over-industrialization of society, the complexity of the tasks facing a person increases, the possibilities of choice increase many times over, and speed of decision-making is required. And in this situation, a person, faced with a numerous choice of possibilities, must choose the only correct decision, which is most consistent with his life values. Therefore, training programs should be focused on the behavioral skills and knowledge acquisition skills needed in the future. This model of education assumes the need to combine the transfer of educational knowledge with the acquisition of life knowledge and vice versa.

The volume of knowledge about the universe, nature, culture and man himself is constantly growing, increasingly shifting from the study of the external world to the internal: learning mechanisms, ways of managing one’s own activities, peculiarities of understanding the information received, attitudes, value orientations and beliefs, development of one’s own self-concept, internal prerequisites for realizing one’s meaning in life.

This is becoming a trend in the development of scientific and technological progress and a direction for a radical restructuring of the education system as the leading instrument for the preservation and development of culture. Education must not only keep pace with the development of science, but also, above all, become a leading tool for self-awareness, self-education, self-development, self-realization, and the formation of individuality and personality. That's why modern education it becomes natural personality-oriented(by its essence, value and goal settings), technologically advanced(by the organization process and the nature of the guarantee of achieving results), intrasubjective(by methods of managing the learning process and quality), systemic(by relationships within individual elements), variable(according to forms, methods and models of organizational and pedagogical implementation), environmentally friendly(in relation to subjects and their environment), fundamental(to preserve scientific traditions and crystallize the basic elements of culture), flexible(by the speed of introduction of innovations and transformations).
Recognition of the student as the main active figure in the entire educational process is student-oriented pedagogy. To build a model of student-centered education in a gymnasium, it is considered necessary to distinguish between the following concepts:

Multi-level approach- orientation to different levels of complexity of program material available to the student.

Differentiated approach- identifying groups of children based on external (more precisely, mixed) differentiation: according to knowledge, abilities.

Individual approach- distribution of children into homogeneous groups: academic performance, abilities, social (professional) orientation.

Subjective-personal approach- treating each child as unique, different, unique. In implementing this approach, firstly, the work must be systematic, covering all levels of education. Secondly, we need a special educational environment in the form of a curriculum, the organization of conditions for the manifestation of individual selectivity of each student, its stability, without which it is impossible to talk about cognitive style. Thirdly, we need a specially trained teacher who understands and shares the goals and values

student-centered education.

The analysis of various approaches to understanding student-centered education allowed us to take our own scientific position under student-centered education understand this type of educational process in which the personality of the student and the personality of the teacher act as its subjects; the purpose of education is to develop the child’s personality, his individuality and uniqueness; in the learning process, the child’s value orientations and beliefs are taken into account, while the teaching and learning processes are mutually coordinated, taking into account the mechanisms of cognition, the characteristics of students’ mental and behavioral strategies, and the teacher-student relationship is built on the principles of cooperation and freedom of choice.

In our understanding, the model of a person-centered school, first of all, provides the child with greater freedom of choice in the educational process. Within its framework, it is not the student who adapts to the established style of the teacher, but the teacher, having a variety of technological tools, coordinates his techniques and methods of work with the cognitive style of the child’s education.

Understanding that ultimately the results of education will be manifested in knowledge, skills and abilities, without reducing their significance, we believe that the center of the new person-oriented didactics should be the development of abilities and cognitive strategies, value orientations, personal meanings and self-concept. It is this kind of didactics that will make education person-centered.
The student-centered educational model we are developing is based on the following principles:

  • The purpose of training and education should be the development of personality.

  • Teachers and students are equal subjects of training and education.

  • It is necessary to provide the child with the widest possible choice in the educational process (content, type, form, method, volume, pace, individual or group activity, position and role, etc.).

  • The teacher, first of all, is a partner, coordinator and adviser in the process of teaching and upbringing, and only then a leader.

  • Training and upbringing should be based on the child’s existing personal experience.

  • Before teaching children specific knowledge, skills and abilities, it is necessary to develop their ways and strategies of cognition.

  • Students' cognitive strategies must be mirrored in educational technologies.

  • During the learning process, students must learn how to learn effectively.

  • The content of education should, as far as possible, be applicable to the child’s real life and take into account his interests.

  • It is more important to master scientific methods of understanding the world inherent in a specific field of knowledge, basic laws and patterns, key tools, rather than a wide range of facts.

  • In the process of cognitive activity, it is important to take into account the personal meanings (semantics) that a particular student uses for his own awareness, transformation and application of knowledge.

  • In the process of cognition, priority should be given to heuristic methods of cognition, which presuppose an active cognitive position of the student.

  • The presentation of educational information should address as many ways as possible for the student to process it.

  • The logic of constructing an educational subject must first proceed from the patterns and characteristics of the child’s perception and cognitive mechanisms, and only then be consistent with the logic of constructing a specific field of knowledge.

  • The predominance of electoral differentiation over selective differentiation. That is, the teacher takes into account the individual differences of schoolchildren during the educational process; at the second stage of education, from the 8th grade, pre-profile preparation is advisable, and at the third stage of education it is necessary to divide students into groups according to different educational profiles (profiling).

  • The student's cognitive style and the child's learning style must be consistent during the learning process.

  • The technology of organizing a lesson (its stages, components and methods of activity of students and teachers) must be built on the basis of the internal mechanisms of cognitive processes, studied cognitive strategies, and the educational profile of the child.

  • The assessment system should be built on the basis of various types of reflection and contain both qualitative and quantitative methods of assessment.

  • In creative activity, a child, first of all, is the author of his own work, and only then becomes familiar with examples of world culture.

  • The “vector of direction” of educational technologies should come from the individual to the team.
    To build the above model of student-centered education, the main goals, objectives and directions of development of the gymnasium are determined.
The goal of the gymnasium is the formation of a new educational space for the gymnasium, including resource components, content, organization of the educational process, health preservation, student safety, extracurricular activities, and a system of educational activities. In the gymnasium, the new educational space combines new educational content, new technologies of training, education and development, leading the student to the conscious need to have universal knowledge, i.e. to versatility within the chosen profession. Such education contributes to the active implementation of the inclinations and abilities of gymnasium graduates in various spheres of human activity.

All this requires the organization of a new educational space as a pedagogical technology. This is an atmosphere of creative activity created by the teaching staff, students, and parents during the educational process organized in a new way and the system of additional education, as a result of which schoolchildren develop a culture of existence in the gymnasium, society, and society.

The goal of gymnasium education is the acquisition of universal knowledge about the world, man and human society, i.e. mastering student competencies.

The goal of gymnasium personal development is the development of the creative individuality of students based on the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities about the surrounding world and human society, concentrated in universal knowledge. The primary goal of the formation and development of a new educational space is to create conditions for the development and nurturing of creative thinking and the creative individuality of students capable of an increased level of learning. A feature of the new educational space is the creation of a special background for the intellectual and moral atmosphere of the gymnasium and the formation of the student’s personality in the conditions of this atmosphere. Assisting the student in self-realization, self-actualization, developing all the best that is inherent in the individual, neutralizing negative qualities, helping the individual make himself valuable to society. The content of education includes elements of the scientific organization of mental work, knowledge of scientific research methods in each discipline, skills for independent acquisition of knowledge, development of appropriate knowledge and skills for performing creative independent work. Managing the educational process is not so much managing the formation of knowledge and skills of students, but rather managing the development of cognitive creative activity and a culture of creative thinking based on nurturing the creative individuality of the individual.

The development of new content of education in the gymnasium is based on the following basic pedagogical principles:

Scientificity, which gradually transfers the educational process to learning to use research methods;

The integrity of the educational process as a set of content, organizational, methodological and managerial components with a focus on the personal trajectory of education;

Creating comprehensive conditions for the development of creative thinking of students, taking into account the zone of their immediate and average development, objective opportunities in cognitive activity.

In the course of the work of the gymnasium, it is necessary to improve the diagnosis of the educational process and the analysis of all areas of the institution’s activities.

We consider gymnasium education as integrative, embedded in the basic plan of general secondary education at an increased level of complexity, special courses, and elective courses. Gymnasium education forms a broad universal, as well as humanitarian, physical, mathematical and natural science potential, skills and abilities of intellectual work, methods of obtaining and using information in the process of independent work, a high level of general culture of the individual, his social orientation, and a high degree of socialization.

The gymnasium is working to build a model of the educational process that involves functioning in a development mode: the student learns on his own, in his own activities, and the teacher, in addition to the information function, performs reflexive management, motivating, organizing, coordinating, consulting, monitoring and correcting the activities of gymnasium students. This is implemented on the basis of the introduction into the educational process of modern methods, innovative technologies of teaching, upbringing and diagnostics of the level of acquisition of knowledge, abilities, skills, and the functioning of the gymnasium in the intensive development mode.

A person-centered approach is implemented not only in education, but also in creating a situation for students to choose a direction in learning - not only a profile, but also, in the future, an individual learning path for each student. The work of the gymnasium is built with the involvement of the intellectual potential of universities and other scientific organizations, conditions are created for maximum disclosure of the creative potential of the teacher.

Development of various levels of education in the gymnasium

Primary school (grades 1-4)

The main task of the primary school of the gymnasium is to create such pedagogical conditions under which each student develops an attitude of love for school and develops an appropriate system of motives for participation in daily school life. Such conditions will help a child starting his educational journey to believe that studying at school can and should be successful, interesting and attractive for him. The success of this task directly depends on the extent to which current educational practice includes:

Reliance on the curiosity inherent in a developing child and its development by means of cognitive activity;

Using the game as one of the most attractive activities for primary schoolchildren in the educational process and extracurricular activities;

Communication with friends, classmates, interesting adult teachers, and guests of the gymnasium;

Successful interaction between teachers and parents;

Reduction and compensation of learning difficulties and stress.
Basic school (grades 5-7)

The main task of high school is to create conditions that will allow, while maintaining an overall emotionally positive orientation towards school, to help the student master the technologies of success and achievement. The implementation of this strategic direction will contribute to the creation of comprehensive educational motivation among schoolchildren, i.e. motivation based not only on traditional motives of duty, but also motives of benefit and motives of pleasure (receiving joyful sensations and the possibility of self-realization in the process of educational activities). The skills of effective educational activities acquired at this stage of training will allow you to successfully master the content of any of the selected training profiles and consciously design your future professional and educational guidelines. The conditions that ensure the successful completion of this task include:

Awareness and acceptance of educational goals by students (the purposeful inclusion of the student in the process of planning goals and setting educational objectives is assumed);

Development of a system of value orientations in educational activities among high school students, in particular an orientation towards knowledge as an unconditional value for a modern cultured person;

Students’ mastery of effective technologies for success and achievement (teaching schoolchildren such skills and abilities that will allow them to learn new things, navigate a wide information field, analyze their own educational difficulties, use resources to overcome them and prevent them);

Development of schoolchildren's needs and skills for educational reflection (teaching them methods of self-assessment and self-control);

Expanding types of educational activities;

Orientation of students to an proactive search for individual and collective forms of participation in cognitive and general developmental activities.

All of the above should lead to the fact that each gymnasium student will be able to satisfy his educational needs and realize the abilities identified in elementary school, both independently and in the process of cooperation with teachers; a comfortable, personality-oriented educational environment will be created, built on common values ​​and priorities shared by teachers, students, parents.
Basic school (grades 8-9), secondary (full) school (grades 10-11)

The main direction of development of this stage of education is the creation of such pedagogical conditions under which each student has an attitude towards choosing the type of activity after graduation. The idea of ​​a student’s conscious and competent choice of pre-professional training and specialized training is extremely significant for us for a number of reasons:

One of the most important results of school education should be the ability and readiness of the graduate to make responsible life decisions;

We can ensure the success of our graduates in life and profession by teaching them active interaction with others, tolerance, and the ability to conduct dialogue;

A modern school should teach students to objectively evaluate themselves in the developing world, combined with a constant search for opportunities for self-realization.

The concept of pre-professional training and specialized training at the gymnasium is built in the logic of the competency-based approach as one of the main ideas of the process of modernization of modern school education. Competence, i.e. a person’s ability and readiness to solve vital problems can manifest itself at three levels: key, basic and professional. It is high school that is responsible for the second level - for the fact that a growing person has sufficient grounds (intellectual, psychological, moral) to overcome crises and mistakes in the process of self-determination in life. In this regard, the main question for us becomes not about the number of profiles and not about their formal content, but about how this or that profile ensures that the student achieves the required level of basic competence and contributes to the successful choice of a further educational and professional path.