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LicBez. All about "chemtrails" in the minds of some

Chemtrails: what and why they are sprayed all over the world.

Chemtrails or chemtrails are traces from an airplane, similar to ordinary contrails. However, it is believed that it is these “tails” of passenger aircraft that serve as sources of harmful, destructive microparticles and viruses.

Fans of this theory consider an airplane's condensation trail to be chemtrails - a trail of condensed water vapor that is visible in the sky. It occurs behind aircraft and under certain atmospheric conditions.

What is the essence of this theory?

The condensation trail should be clear and disappear after a few minutes. However, modern aircraft leave their “tail” for a long time. Scientists began to be alarmed by the duration of this phenomenon in the sky, so they began to conduct numerous studies.

Scientists' assumptions are based on microparticles of barium, aluminum, and non-natural origin of organisms that were found under chemical trails. Scientists around the world are concerned about the current situation: such a quantity of harmful substances negatively affects the health of people, animals and the environment in general. This leads to massive epidemics of both humans and animals.

So, one of the first to write about chemtrails is Mike Bleier

American scientist and explorer. In his works, he describes in detail the composition of substances sprayed from airplanes:

  • red and white cells of human blood with onco-mutagenic parameters;
  • enzymes and bacteria used in laboratories for;
  • bacilli and enterobacteria.

He was also the first to mention Morgellons disease. In addition, the dangerous V2 virus was found by American microbiologist Kalakham Macy in the area under chemtrails. And multiple cases of the influenza virus began to appear in this area.

It must be said that following this theory, pharmaceutical companies have excellent profits - the massive deterioration of immunity and the increase in the number of diseases cannot but benefit drug manufacturers. In addition, medical centers conduct testing and experimental treatment for patients.

Another proof can be the huge barrels that are loaded onto air vehicles without explanation.

Chemtrails or How epidemics are created

World secret plan?

If such a theory exists, then what lies beneath it? Scientists express different assumptions. There is an opinion that in this way the government and “ the highest of the world this." They are able to influence moods and the general condition of organisms as a whole.

There is an opinion that the US government is trying in this way to protect itself from the aggression of some individuals after the well-known sad events of September 11th. How? First of all, sprayed harmful substances affect a person’s intellectual level, making him “a little kinder” and more forgiving.

So, if you can influence individual organisms, then you can influence entire groups of people.

Preventing aggressive behavior and creating a certain mood under the influence of toxic substances is very convenient in mass control. First of all, it is convenient for politicians. To gain the required number of votes, bring people to a rally, or even start a revolution - politicians will do anything for a soft chair in the office. Thus, we observe strife and aggression among the seemingly peaceful population.

We are being poisoned like rats by spraying chemicals from airplanes. Chemtrails

The theory of the "golden billion". How can chemtrails help with this?

Harmful uranium substances, barium and aluminum salts, polymer fibers, thorium, silicon carbide, found under chemtrails, slowly and imperceptibly affect the general condition of the human body. They are capable of “giving” a living organism a whole mountain of dangerous incurable diseases. Recently, laboratory tests have confirmed that the mixture sprayed from aircraft contains microstructures. They work on the principle of pseudo-living microorganisms, the activators of which are uranium particles. Also, agents of the cholera virus, SARS, and AIDS were found in sprayed compositions.

Thus, with the help of severe diseases it is possible to get rid of “simple” individuals.

The so-called “billion” include a select few residents of leading countries around the world, such as the United States and Japan. But they, too, may be in danger. Thus, according to existing opinions, “selected” representatives of high society take antidotes. However, many questions and misunderstandings arise here: are there any that can protect against the influence of, for example, uranium? Naturally, there is no definite answer.

Safe places on the map

Fans of the chemtrail theory say that maps will soon be created that will clearly show where harmful substances are released into the atmosphere. Thus, according to the prevailing opinion, chemtrails do not pass throughout the entire globe, but only in some areas.

Thus, it is known that the subtropics of America and Africa, as well as some islands, are not subject to emissions of substances into the atmosphere from passenger and “pseudo-passenger” aircraft. It is believed that it is in these territories that organic food is grown for members of high society.

Chemtrail theory– this is just a guess. Skeptical people may not believe in a global and so cruel conspiracy against humanity. And there is every reason for this: there are no compelling arguments and precise facts. On the other hand, we cannot deny the harmful effects of toxic substances on the environment and all living organisms in general. However, if scientists' assumptions about chemtrails are correct, then they have yet to prove this conspiracy theory.

Chemtrails: analysis of winter flights and system bot injections | Chemtrails Russia 2015 | Chemtrails

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The World Government's programs, one of which is called Agenda 21, plan to destroy more than two billion people by 2011, using such means as famine, natural disasters, and epidemics.

In the official document of the US House of Representatives - the bill H.R. 2977, which is also called the Kucinich Law, talks about the prohibition of the use of space weapons (at altitudes above 60 km). It lists “exotic types of weapons of mass destruction,” which, in addition to “Chemtrails,” include “Mind Control” systems and “Psychotronic” weapons. Here's an excerpt:

The term exotic weapons systems includes weapons designed to cause damage to space or natural ecosystems or climate, weather and tectonic systems, with the aim of damaging or destroying a target population or region, both on earth and in space.

Such means include:
1) Electronic, psychotronic or information weapons
2) Chem. sprayers (Chemtrails)
3) Ultra-low frequency radiation at high altitudes (HAARP)
4) Plasma, electromagnetic, sonic and supersonic weapon systems
5) Laser weapon systems
6) Strategic, staged, tactical or space weapons
7) Tectonic, biological and natural means

Thus, in accordance with this document, spraying chemtrails into the atmosphere is the use of weapons of mass destruction on civilians, which means that the US Army is conducting fighting, and not against one state, but against many, which is classified as a World War.

The governments of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, and other countries entered into a criminal agreement with the US government, allowing free flight of NATO military aircraft over their territory under the pretext of “supporting peace and security,” supposedly for the delivery of goods to Iraq and Afghanistan. These military aircraft spray biochemical substances dangerous to human life and health into the atmosphere.

US military programs related to the spraying of chemicals into the atmosphere.
1) American researcher Mike Blair, in his conclusions regarding the nature and purpose of chemtrails (Chemtrails) in an official report dated June 11, 2001, names the main culprits of this phenomenon and the reasons for its occurrence. The basis of chemtrails is barium salts. The spraying of this chemical is part of the military's Advanced Radar MP (RFMP) testing program. Based on the effect of reflection of radio waves, it allows you to observe objects in three dimensions. To obtain a three-dimensional image, satellites in Earth orbit and a network of powerful computers that process and combine incoming signals are also used. For these purposes, a special computer program (VTPRE) was developed.
Initially, the 3D radar tracking system could only monitor objects on the water. Experiments with objects on the surface of the earth were not successful, since special atmospheric conditions were required to improve the conductivity of the atmosphere in the direction of signal transmission (in military slang - to create a “pipeline” - ducting). The problem was solved after an aerosol mixture of barium salts began to be sprayed over US territory. Thus, the atmosphere became suitable for carrying high-frequency signals. A physics researcher from Brookhaven explained this effect this way: the chemical and electrical properties of the mixture prevent moisture from dissipating in the atmosphere, concentrating it around an aerosol cloud. This atmospheric condition is favorable for the transmission of military RFMP/VTPRE signals. “If the barium mixture is sprayed in a linear pattern from point A to point B, this will best maintain communication between strategic points, despite the curvature of the earth. – he added. “It also provides better control over enemy high-frequency signals.”
However, this is not the only use of chemtrails.

2) Another project is also based on the use of barium salts and is intended to control the weather. This project is supervised by the US Air Force. It is based on patterns first discovered scientist Nikola Tesla. This project is also known as HAARP, which is based on the manipulation of natural processes. Little is known about this project, despite the fact that work on it began already in the mid-50s. According to some independent researchers, successful tests of climate control units under the HAARP project were carried out in 1998. It is clear that the ability to control the weather - heavy rains, hurricanes, gusty winds, dust storms, droughts - can bring any enemy to their knees without firing a shot.

3) Another project associated with the emergence of chemtrails, funded by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), is aimed at detecting and suppressing a possible enemy biological attack. This program also uses a mixture of barium salts as an aerosol base along with special polymer fibers. This special combination allows the detection of biological agents. In order to test the effectiveness of the program, some biological agents are sprayed into the atmosphere

In the last few years, we have witnessed worldwide hysteria about possible epidemics and pandemics of new dangerous diseases: bird flu, swine flu, etc.

Moreover, the structures of the New World Government, incl. The World Health Organization (WHO) gives strict instructions to countries around the world to carry out mandatory and universal vaccination of people against these diseases.

But, as has already become known, these diseases are not so much terrible for human health today as the vaccines used against them. In fact, WHO infects people with severe diseases and weakens their immunity, provoking these very pandemics.

But people are not only infected through vaccinations, but also by spraying from the air with specially equipped Boeings, leaving the so-called in the sky. “chemtrails” (chemical traces), previously unknown biological and bacteriological weapons. Moreover, this is done all over the world, incl. and in the USA, from which, incidentally, this bioterrorist attack on humanity was launched. Presidents, governments and responsible public services remain deathly silent in response to all public inquiries on this matter.

But they are not only silent about what is being sprayed from the air onto people all over the world, but also about the fact that completely new, previously unknown diseases have appeared, for which there are no cures. In addition, researchers cannot even classify these diseases, because their symptoms and manifestations cannot be scientifically explained.

One of these diseases is the so-called Morgellons disease, which over the past few years has affected in the United States, according to various sources, from several hundred thousand to several million people. There have already been cases of people dying from this mysterious disease.

However, the WHO and American medical authorities remain silent and show no interest in these facts. It was only in January 2008 that the first, and so far only, grant was allocated for the study of Morgellons disease.

Morgellons disease is reminiscent of scenes from horror films. People's whole body itches. It feels like someone is constantly crawling under your skin. Then boils appear. When they break through, multi-colored threads and dark sand-like grains begin to emerge from them. The wounds partially heal, leaving scars, but soon appear elsewhere.

In the pictures you see nanoparticles contained in the sprayed substances

The first scientist who began to seriously study the mysterious disease was Professor Randy Wymore, head of the Morgellons Research Foundation research program. He said: “These are not textile fibers, and not worms, not insects, not fragments of human skin or hair. In general, these threads do not appear from the outside - they materialize inside the body.” They consist of some substance that is formed in the body, perhaps as a result of an unknown infection.

The threads were presented to criminologists.

Pictures show people infected with Morgellons disease

In the laboratory, they were first subjected to spectroscopic analysis, but no similarity was found with any of the 800 fibers in the database. Then chromatographic analysis was done. The result was the same. About 90 thousand (!) organic substances were registered in the database, but the threads did not resemble any of them.

It also turned out that fibers from different patients are very similar to each other, but, nevertheless, they are not similar to any of the known to science fibers or organisms.

In another study, Vitaly Tsitovsky, a professor of biochemistry and cell biology at New York University, discovered that the fibers contain a genus of gram-negative bacteria that can genetically transform not only plants, but also human cells!

According to Professor Tsitovsky, this does not at all mean that Morgellons disease is caused by these bacteria or that it is an infectious disease. We still need to accumulate statistics.

Daniel Elkan, writing in New Science, described one patient who for years has been discovering “fibers that look like flexible plastic, some writhing in a zigzag pattern. They are thin, like the silk of spider webs, but strong enough to even break the skin if you pull on them.”

The exact number of patients is currently unknown. More than 14 thousand people have registered on the website of the Center for the Study of Morgellons Disease (Morgellons - English). But this, of course, is only the very tip of the iceberg. Some people don’t have computers, some don’t know about the existence of the Center, and others simply gave up on everything, believing that nothing would help them, and intend to commit suicide.

There are patients not only in all 50 American states, but also in the UK, Australia, and the Netherlands.

Doctors don’t know how to treat the mysterious disease. Patients try to heal themselves - they burn furniture, clothes and carpets, move to other apartments and other houses, but the strange illness does not go away.

There are many versions of the causes of the disease, but none of them is definitive.

Now another version has appeared - that Morgellons disease appears from the so-called. chemical traces left in the sky by some mysterious aircraft, which were mentioned above.

People exposed to aerosol sprays suffer from headaches, nausea, fevers, skin rashes, asthma, etc. Someone deliberately sprays some kind of “chemicals,” which may represent a new type of weapon.

But there is also such a nightmare version: tiny sensors made on the principle of nanotechnology are sprayed from the sky, falling into the air, water and food, and with them into the human body.

Researchers believe that a mixture of barium salts, polymer fibers and other chemicals in the atmosphere may be the cause of sudden and unexplained nosebleeds, asthma, various allergies, pneumonia, upper respiratory tract diseases, arthritis and diabetes.
Chemicals sprayed into the atmosphere cause the air and soil to become hazardous to human health, while stimulating the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
Barium salts are very well absorbed into the intestinal tract and muscle tissue. However, there are no clinical data that would describe long-term effects on the human body of small doses of barium salts. “The program is kept secret because the Conservation Committee environment It is not at all necessary to know about its side effects on the human body. – Said one researcher. “Negative factors are the main reason for secrecy.”

Symptoms of acute poisoning with barium salts:

salivation, burning in the mouth and esophagus. Stomach pain, colic, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, high blood pressure, hard irregular pulse, convulsions, later possible paralysis, cyanosis of the face and extremities (cold extremities), profuse cold sweat, muscle weakness, especially of the extremities, reaching that a poisoned person cannot nod his head. Disorder of gait and speech due to paralysis of the muscles of the pharynx and tongue. Shortness of breath, dizziness, tinnitus, visual disturbances.

And these are the symptoms of influenza A/H1N1:

In children, signs that may require immediate medical attention include: – Rapid or difficult breathing. – Blueness of the skin. – Refusal to drink enough. – Severe or persistent vomiting. – Slow reaction. – So excited that the child resists being picked up. – Some relief of flu symptoms, which then returned, accompanied by fever and worsening cough. In adults, signs that may require immediate medical attention include: – Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. – Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen. – Sudden dizziness. – Confusion. – Severe or persistent vomiting. – Some relief of flu symptoms, which then returned, accompanied by fever and worsening cough. Many of the infected patients also complained of diarrhea and vomiting.

Information and terminology

Contrails (short for “condensation trails” - vapor trails) are visible traces of condensed water vapor formed by the exhaust of aircraft engines. The faster the hot exhaust gases cool in the surrounding cold air, the faster a cloud trail of microscopic water droplets and tiny ice crystals forms.
Chemtrail is a chemical trail in the form of an aerosol that appears after the spraying of chemical and biological weapons by aircraft.
Condensation trail from an airplane flying high altitude disappears literally before our eyes and may not be visible for long. Chemical traces hang in the air for several hours and spread into wide stripes, and then cover the entire sky with a pale, foggy haze.

Recently, three scientists collected samples of these and other fibers (from chemtrails and victims of Morgellons disease) and sent them for examination to four different laboratories. The result was stunning. It turned out that the chemtrails over Texas and, say, over Italy are almost identical in composition.

Photo of the Boeing's internal equipment spraying an unknown chemical bactone weapon

In the photo - an installation for spraying biochemical weapons in the tail of the aircraft

The photo shows containers with toxic substances and equipment that controls the spraying installed on board a passenger aircraft.

Under the guise of a passenger flight, an attack is carried out with bacteriological weapons.

By spraying from above, biological nanosensors “thinner than a human hair” can be secretly implanted into people. And what can be done with the “tagged” ones is clear to anyone. Not only to read thoughts, intentions, emotions, but also to conduct remote psychotropic treatment of the population. Microscopic sensors can penetrate anywhere, this is called “smart dust”, and it is programmed chemically - for example, to penetrate only into a specific substance, to self-replicate, to attach to clothing, etc. Now experts are already developing sensors that track a specific person by his individual smell. In other words, the emphasis is shifting to nanosensors capable of hearing, smelling and touching.

Unmanned aerial vehicles for collecting data from “ground-based sensors” (including those located in the human body) can be very diverse - from space platforms and spy satellites to tiny ground-based devices.

Morgellons disease, or more precisely, a nanotechnological epidemic spread through chemtrails, is an undoubted nightmare reality of our days.

The production of such microcircuits has been carried out for several years in Russia itself, in the city of Zelenograd, on the basis of the NIIME and Mikron enterprise. There they produce microcircuits with design standards from 180 to 90 nanometers. For comparison, 100 nanometers is 10 thousand times smaller than a millimeter (!). That is, the microchips (nanochips) produced today in Russia and the world can only be seen through a microscope.

So, the main thing is not the correctness of this or that hypothesis, but the fact that this is the terrible reality of our days!

The appearance of visible traces from an aircraft can only occur under certain atmospheric conditions:

flight altitude: above 8 km,
Ambient temperature: below -40°C,
Ambient air humidity: 70%.

Description of the condensation process.

The main products of hydrocarbon fuel combustion are carbon dioxide and water vapor. An airplane's condensation trail is a short plume of cloud condensed primarily from atmospheric moisture and, to a lesser extent, from moisture contained in the aircraft's engine exhaust. There are no dust particles in the upper layers of the atmosphere, and even when the temperature reaches below the dew point, atmospheric moisture remains in a gaseous state, that is, transparent and non-scattering light. The flight of an aircraft in the upper layers of the atmosphere causes the appearance of a huge number of condensation centers, which are played by particles ejected from the combustion chambers of engines, on which instantaneous condensation of steam occurs and the deposition of moisture from the surrounding air in the form of drops and ice crystals. These small water droplets and ice crystals form the cloud trail from the plane. Due to this, the aircraft's flight path becomes visible for a very short time and then disappears.

Chemtrails (short for “chemical trails”) are traces of chemical aerosol sprays.

Biological and chemical weapons sprayed from airplanes in “democratic” (slave-owning) countries lead to the destruction of fertile lands, poisoning of groundwater, and the death of bees and other insects, as well as birds and animals. The cultivated areas are gradually turning into dead deserts. All this is being done to massively reduce the planet's population.

Oxides of toxic metals such as barium and aluminum form a chemical haze in the form of white haze that obscures the sky above the clouds.

This chemical fog is capable of multiplying the impact of electromagnetic energy transmitted from the HAARP system - a high-frequency transmitter and a powerful beam ionospheric heater, which is a climatic and psychotronic weapon. Elements of the HAARP combat system are located in Norway, Greenland and Alaska and interact with space, air and sea-based systems. When this system is used as a climate weapon, the consequences in the affected area will manifest themselves in the form of super-storms and hurricanes, tornadoes and tornadoes, tsunamis and floods of unprecedented force. When used as a psychotronic weapon, one can control the mood and manipulate the behavior of people. But if you use it directly to destroy the population, then, emitting extremely low-frequency radio waves, taking into account the chemical fog layer, which increases the electrical conductivity of the upper layers of the atmosphere, you can destroy all life in the irradiated area.

Viruses made in military laboratories are sprayed over cities and cause flu-like symptoms, severe respiratory complications and outbreaks of unknown diseases... But the authorities in the United States and other countries attribute this epidemic to the so-called “swine flu” virus in order to mislead people and start mechanism of killing (finishing off) people through lethal vaccination, which has recently become mandatory in most countries of the world

Also in December 2009 Obama said that "US citizens found to be dissidents should be 'effectively disappeared' because of the threat civil war", which may begin as a result of the expected economic collapse of the country. The US Supreme Court unanimously declared that military arrest can be made against any person at the discretion of Obama and his people without any trial or investigation, but only on suspicion.

The United States is already seriously faced with the problem of hunger and people began to be given food stamps. The number of those who do not have enough money even for food is growing rapidly. Queues, lists, coupons, food... The number of Americans receiving food assistance today sets a record for all time of observation - over 35 (!) million, that is, a little more than 10 percent of the country.

In the USA, concentration camps have been built for American citizens, surrounded by fences and barbed wire, which are ready to accept big number of people. They are prepared in case of an emergency, namely, the introduction of martial law when there are food riots.

Hundreds of thousands of plastic coffins are in these concentration camps. The experience that I had fascist Germany with a lot of dead bodies, the Americans don't need it. They prepared plastic coffins in which they will put 4 people. And they will remain there until huge industrial furnaces can burn all the required number of them. This way it will be possible to dispose of millions of bodies.

Thus, already today mortal threats hang over US citizens.

Yes, our cities are not being bombed now, as they were almost 70 years ago, but during this time the weapons have become more monstrous and more sophisticated. If the Nazis killed people right away, then the Masons who now rule the World kill people gradually, just like giving poison to a person not with a lethal dose, but weakened so much that he would not die immediately, but in a month or a year. Because it will be difficult to prove and bring to trial those people who give orders for the mass extermination of the population with delayed-action bacteriological weapons. All the works of the devil are done, as we know, in secret, and here, too, collusion and betrayal are shrouded in mystery. So let's tear this veil of secrecy of betrayal and boldly say:

We demand to stop spraying bio-chemicals into the atmosphere!

We demand a public explanation from the government of our country

in connivance with the destruction of his people!

We demand a trial of the instigators and organizers of biological warfare against civilians!

The CIA has already openly informed everyone about the use of chemtrails and chemtrails.

Chemtrails in the sky of St. Petersburg, in the sky of St. Petersburg cause constant artificial rain.
Below is the full text of the speech in native language.

What are Chemtrails and why do we constantly spoil the weather?
In fact, the program to destroy the extra mouths on the planet and reduce the world's population to the golden billion was developed and launched a very long time ago. The first patents were received back in 1925, when the Russians missed this moment and did not save the World in time from the most terrible weapon of Humanity. The Russians can be understood - they simply had no time for this. Then they organized famines for us, destroying the Harvests with these Chemtrails, and We didn’t know what it was. Now in the desert in Africa, in the United Arab Emirates they are deliberately causing droughts, and here in St. Petersburg they are pouring all the water onto the fields to cause us another famine, this year in Russia, when in September NATO again wants to start a global war against Russia. Well, well, you can - the whole crop is already floating. But their tanks will definitely get stuck in the mud.

Rosalind Peterson Confirms Chemtrails/Geoengineering/SRM
Are Very real.

If you are still in doubt that they lines in the sky are contrails or that the milky haze which lingers all day is NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT, then you are very mistaken

This is PROOF 100% Real.
The CIA published a report on its website that confirms the US program for artificially shaping weather around the world. In America, chemtrails in the sky have long been widely used - but they explain to everyone that these are supposedly contrails of aircraft. If you have looked at least once, then you have definitely seen these white marks in the sky. One, two, is not yet so striking and everyone is already accustomed to it, but when now there are 20 traces in a row to consolidate the result, this already makes even gullible Russians think.
In the next topic I will now post the terrible pictures as a separate topic - here I’ll just give a link, otherwise the text will be lost.

CIA Director Brennan's speech at the Council on Foreign Relations was translated into Russian from the official CIA website on June 29, 2016.

The American Brennan actually admits that geoengineering with the help of chemical trails has existed for a long time, but now he denies it and tells everyone tales about a beaver uncle who, at the expense of the population, wants to save humanity and works by the sweat of his brow, day and night, to help reduce high air temperatures within "fighting global warming." Ha, ha, Ha... Have you seen Summer in St. Petersburg this year? I have never seen such a shocking number of chemtrails.

"...large-scale technologies, often called geoengineering, that could potentially help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. What I'm looking at is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI. It's a method of seeding specific particles that help reflect the heat of the sun. In many ways this happens in the same way as with volcanic eruptions" - Brennan at a Council meeting.

So why do we need to lower the air temperature in St. Petersburg this year and shower us with rain, where there is always little sun anyway? Why plunge our beautiful city into darkness and cause mold for 20 years! The city is being destroyed by this mold! The plaster crumbles at incredible speed due to constant dampness. Walk around the city and look at the once beautiful houses - you will not find a single intact house, and the old ones are not being restored. You will not find a single intact fence or grille of the Bridge. Can you imagine what is happening in our stomachs when we drink this water and eat food grown under such rains and inhale this mold that is sprayed along with heavy metal oxides? This is definite, and deliberate sabotage!

(In the original: Another example is the array of technologies-often referred to collectively as geoengineering-that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI, a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun's heat, in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do.)

Previously, materials and information about the use of special aerosols around the world - chemtrails, which are supposedly visible only to the fevered imagination of supporters of global government conspiracy theories, were engaged in proving that such a government does not exist and it is all our imagination. In all your searches you will find that it is absolutely safe, and we are all sick people. I might have believed it if first my daughter was 5 years old and then I had not had stomach cancer removed. So I'm just warning others.

Video on this topic from alternative American media (with translation):

Let us recall that two years ago, at one of the highest official levels (UN conference), the President of the Agriculture Defense Coalition, Rosalind Peterson, made a speech. She said that the chemicals sprayed by US government jets and private corporations to change the climate have a disastrous effect on agriculture, as well as on the health of forests and, of course, people, especially children and the elderly. Link to video (report in English): UN recognizes the danger of chemtrails
In the early 1990s, it was partially declassified that Western governments added a whole range of different radioactive isotopes, aluminum oxide, strontium, and other heavy metals to aviation fuel, explaining that geoengineering is the task of climate control on the planet and should be subsidized at our expense. . That is, at our expense they destroy us. Patents have been in effect since 1925, from the moment when the Russians were no longer interested in saving the Planet. Patents

Chemtrails. The UN recognizes the danger of chemtrails
Do good translation

Director Brennan Speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations

Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Central Intelligence Agency Director John O. Brennan at the Council on Foreign Relations, Washington, DC

It is indeed a pleasure to be back at the Council to compare notes on a remarkable complex and dynamic international scene. I very much look forward to talking with Judy and Council membership on the many topics that are in the headlines, but I will first offer some brief opening remarks to kick off our conversation.

Whenever I administer the oath of office to new officers at our Headquarters in Langley, Virginia, I tell them that they are coming aboard at a critical moment in our Agency’s history. In the 36 years since I first entered government, I have never seen a time with such a daunting array of challenges to our Nation’s security. Notable among those challenges is that some of the institutions and relationships that have been pillars of the post-Cold War international system are under serious stress.

As you well know, the United Kingdom voted last week to leave the European Union. Of all the crises the EU has faced in recent years, the UK vote to leave the EU may well be its greatest challenge. BREXIT is pushing the EU into a period of introspection that will pervade virtually everything the EU does in the coming weeks, months, and even years. Euroskeptics around Europe-including in Denmark, France, Italy, and the Netherlands-are demanding their own referendums on multiple EU issues; this will surely make decision making and forging consensus in the EU much harder.

No member state has ever left the Union, so Europe is entering a period of uncertainty as the UK and EU take stock of the situation and begin taking out their negotiation positions. Discussions about how an exit will work will dominate the EU agenda in the months ahead. Negotiations for the exit agreement will not begin until the Prime Minister formally notifies the EU of the UK’s intention to leave, which Prime Minister David Cameron has said will occur under his successor. EU and member-state leaders-excluding the UK-will be meeting in the coming days and weeks to begin laying the groundwork for negotiations.

Regardless of what lies ahead, I would like to take this opportunity to say that the BREXIT vote will not adversely affect the intelligence partnership between the United States and the United Kingdom in the months and years ahead. Indeed, I spoke to my counterpart in London early Monday morning, and we reaffirmed to one another that the bonds of friendship and cooperation between our services are only destined to grow stronger in the years ahead. These ties are and will always be essential to our collective security.

I presume a few of you have questions about terrorism and the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, and I look forward to addressing them in the question and answer session. I know that our collective hearts go out to the families of the victims of the horrific terrorist attacks perpetrated as well as incited by ISIL; the despicable attack at Istanbul’s International Airport yesterday that killed dozens and injured many more certainly bears the hallmarks of ISIL’s depravity.

Let me take a few moments to say a few words about some less discussed but still very important issues that we at CIA and our colleagues throughout the Intelligence Community are watching closely.

I’ll start with the overarching challenge of instability, which continues to grip large sections of the globe.

Global instability is one of the defining issues of our time, and its implications are hard to overstate. As instability spreads, extremists and terrorists are finding sanctuary in ungoverned spaces. Energy supplies are being disrupted. Political reform is suffering as too many governments opt for authoritarian measures at the expense of democratic principles and respect for human rights.

Most devastating of all is the human toll attendant to instability. Last week, the United Nations reported that the number of people displaced by global instability and conflict had reached 65 million—the highest figure ever recorded.

In a host of countries, from East Asia to the Middle East to West Africa, governments are under stress, and civic institutions are struggling to provide basic services and to maintain law and order. As governments in these regions recede from the center of national life, more people are shifting their allegiances away from the nation state and toward sub-national groups, leading societies that once embraced a national identity to fracture along ethnic and sectarian lines.

Nowhere is this trend more evident than in the Middle East, a region I have studied closely for much of my professional life. When I lived there years ago, I liked to walk through neighborhoods and villages to observe the rhythms of everyday life. I remember seeing people of different backgrounds and beliefs living side by side, secular and devout.

Today, relations among these groups are too often marred by suspicion and distrust and even outright hostility. Extremist groups have played a key role in fueling these tensions, luring impressionable young men and women to join their cause, and spreading false narratives meant to divide and inflame.

In some areas, a whole generation is growing up in an environment of militarism, without a chance to develop the skills to contribute to or even to engage in modern-day society.

The underlying causes of these trends are complex and difficult to address and the long-term consequences of these developments are deeply troubling. Global instability is an issue that affects all countries, from Russia to China to the United States, and it must be met by a strong, collective response from the international community. I am certain it will loom large on the agenda of the next Administration.

Another strategic challenge is dealing with the tremendous power, potential, opportunities, and risks resident in the digital domain. No matter how many geopolitical crises are seizing the headlines, the reliability, security, vulnerability, and range of human activity taking place within cyber space are constantly on my mind.

On the cyber security front, organizations of all kinds are under constant attack from a range of actors…foreign governments, criminal gangs, extremist groups, “cyber activists,” and many others. In this new and relatively uncharted frontier, speed and agility are king. Malicious actors have shown they can penetrate a network and withdraw in very short order, plundering systems without anyone knowing they were there until maybe after the damage is done.

While I served at the White House, cyber was part of my portfolio, and it was always the subject that gave me the biggest headache. Cyber ​​attackers are determined and adaptive. They often collaborate and share expertise. And they come at you in so many different ways, with an ever-changing array of tools, tactics, and techniques.

Moreover, our laws have not yet adequately adapted to the emergence of this new digital frontier. Most worrisome, from my perspective, is that there is still no political or national consensus on the appropriate role of the government-law enforcement, homeland security, and intelligence agencies-in safeguarding the security, reliability, resiliency, and prosperity of the digital domain .

The Intelligence Community is making great strides in countering cyber threats, but much work remains to be done. As we move forward on this issue, one thing we know is that private industry will have a huge role to play, as the vast majority of the internet is in private hands. Protecting it is not something the government can do on its own.

Right up there with terrorism, global instability, and cyber security is nuclear proliferation and the accompanying development of delivery systems—both tactical and strategic—that make all too real the potential for a nuclear event. Unsurprisingly, top on my list of countries of concern is North Korea, whose authoritarian and brutal leader has wantonly pursued a nuclear weapons program to threaten regional states and the United States instead of taking care of the impoverished and politically repressed men, women, and children of North Korea.

So what else is there besides terrorism, global instability, cyber security, and nuclear proliferation that worries the CIA Director and keeps CIA officers busy around the clock and around the globe?

Well, as a liberal arts guy from the baby boomer generation, the rapid pace of technological change during my lifetime has been simply dizzying. Moreover, as we have seen with just about every scientific leap forward, new technologies often carry substantial risks to the same degree that they hold tremendous promise.

Nowhere are the stakes higher for our national security than in the field of biotechnology. Recent advances in genome-editing that offer great potential for breakthroughs in public health are also cause for concern, because the same methods could be used to create genetically-engineered biological warfare agents. And though the overwhelming majority of nation states have tended to be rational enough to refrain from unleashing a menace with such unpredictable consequences, a subnational terrorist entity such as ISIL would have few compunctions in wielding such a weapon.

The scope of the bio threat—as well as potential measures to mitigate it—were laid out very clearly last October in the bipartisan report of the Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense, chaired by former Senator Joe Lieberman and former Homeland Defense Secretary Tom Ridge. As with the cyber threat, the international community’s response to this issue lags behind the technology driving it. Effectively countering this danger requires the development of national and international strategies, along with a consensus on the laws, standards, and authorities that will be needed.

And as CIA officers and their Intelligence Community colleagues work hard to protect our country from the darker side of technological change, we are mindful of how even beneficial advances can have destabilizing effects in the long run. Agency all-source analysts, drawing from academic studies and other elements of the ever-expanding pool of global open-source information, seek to offer our national leaders early warning of potential challenges that could arise from the advances we are seeing today across the spectrum of technological endeavors.

As former Defense Secretary and CIA Director Bob Gates is fond of saying, “When intelligence officers smell flowers, they look around for a coffin.” That remains a pretty good depiction of our intelligence mindset.

One example—again taking a page from the biotech and life-sciences sectors—is how a wide range of breakthroughs that potentially could extend life expectancy, such as new methods of fighting cancer and a greater understanding of the aging process, could reinforce the trend toward older populations in advanced nations. Some of the world’s leading economies could face stronger headwinds from having significantly larger proportions of retired people relative to working-age citizens.

Another example is the array of technologies—often referred to collectively as geoengineering—that could potentially help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI, a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat, in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do.

An SAI program could limit global temperature increases, reducing some risks associated with higher temperatures and providing the world economy additional time to transition from fossil fuels. The process is also relatively inexpensive—the National Research Council estimates that a fully deployed SAI program would cost about $10 billion annually.

As promising as it may be, moving forward on SAI would raise a number of challenges for our government and for the international community. On the technical side, greenhouse gas emission reductions would still have to accompany SAI to address other climate change effects, such as ocean acidification, because SAI alone would not remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

On the geopolitical side, the technology’s potential to alter weather patterns and benefit certain regions at the expense of others could trigger sharp opposition by some nations. Others might seize on SAI’s benefits and back away from their commitment to carbon dioxide reductions. And, as with other breakthrough technologies, global norms and standards are lacking to guide the deployment and implementation of SAI.

I could go on, and on, and on, but rather than talk about the things that I find fascinating, let me stop here so that Judy and I can have a conversation and then I can take some of your questions. Again, thank you for inviting me back to the Council and thank you for your continued interest in our country’s foreign relations and national security.

Think for yourself, Decide for yourself, What to do with it.
I am sure that it is high time to raise this problem.

Interview with Oleg Likhachev, an activist in the movement against artificial climate change and the spraying of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere.

You are the author of a number of articles related to the problem of chemtrails(a concept derived from the English words: “chemical” - chemical and “trail” - trace or tail) - traces left in the sky by airplanes spraying aerosols, the “clouds” of which hang in the atmosphere from several tens of minutes to several hours - ed.), as well as one of the initiators of a collective appeal to the Parliament of Ukraine with the aim of adopting a Law prohibiting artificial influence on the climate and the spraying of toxic aerosols. What was the reason for this?

I became aware of the problem of chemtrails in 2010 when I read . It talked about the negative impact on human health of chemicals sprayed into the atmosphere, in particular, the so-called Morgellons disease. When I studied this topic more deeply, I realized that it is very important and it concerns us all. These reasons served as the reason for writing a number of articles, as well as for appealing to the President of Ukraine, the Government and Parliament. We received answers from various departments, which, unfortunately, turned out to be, to put it mildly, incompetent. I'll talk about this later.

— Please tell us what chemtrails are and for what purpose are they sprayed?

— The term “chemtrails” itself means chemical trails left by aircraft, which are not, in the usual sense, contrails formed during the combustion of aviation fuel. I will say frankly that this is not a very good name, but, nevertheless, it has already taken root and has become a commonly used concept. In another way it can be called atmospheric aerosol. The smaller the size of aerosol nanoparticles, the longer they stay in the air and, according to scientists, can work for about a month. Why chemtrails are sprayed is a very complex and confusing question.

The Americans came up with such a thing as “geoengineering” - this is an artificial influence on the climate with the aim of changing it. In our country, especially in the media, they are intensely silent about this. One area of ​​geoengineering deals with climate change using atmospheric aerosols. The only open document that talks about the use of atmospheric aerosols is US Patent No. 5003186 “Welsbach Stratospheric Seeding”. The purpose stated in the patent is to combat “global warming.” The authors propose to create a layer in the stratosphere, around our planet, that reflects the sun's rays using sprayed metal nanoparticles. According to scientists, this will reduce the heating of the planet by the sun.

I believe that this is simply a cover-up, misleading the public about the real purposes of atmospheric spraying. And judge for yourself - spray aircraft burn thousands of tons of aviation fuel, releasing huge volumes of carbon dioxide and other combustion products into the atmosphere, which leads to the release of huge amounts of heat. And all this in order to combat “global warming” and “greenhouse gases” with the help of a planetary aerosol reflective screen. Where is the logic and common sense here?!

Billions of dollars are invested in climate research, thousands of different scientists are engaged in atmospheric research, and this confirms the fact that climate modification has become the most important government issue in the United States! Are there really no other, more pressing issues in this country?

I believe, and I am deeply convinced of this, that chemtrails are a component of the US climate weapon. Next, to the best of my ability, I will try to justify my opinion.

Please tell us how chemical trails are sprayed?

— Over the 20 years that have passed since the beginning of the global spraying of atmospheric aerosols, the technology of this process has also changed significantly. Not long ago I had to fly on imported aircraft - Boeing-737, Airbus A-320, A-321 of Ukrainian airlines, and I paid attention to the appearance of these aircraft. You will no longer see tubes on the wings through which chemtrails are sprayed, as evidenced by an American aircraft technician. In the open, i.e. With the help of aircraft specially equipped for this purpose, such spraying is rarely carried out. In the USA, there are companies specialized in this profile that are directly involved in weather modification. Here we do it differently.

I can't say about propeller-driven aircraft. civil aviation Whether they spray aerosols or not, I have not looked into this issue, since such aircraft are now very rare. Regarding civil aviation jets, I will say that they use a hidden spray method, when aerosols are disguised as a contrail. This is achieved by adding additives to aviation fuel. This method was proposed in the American patent “Welsbach Stratospheric Seeding”. Additives (mainly antistatic) are dual-use components: firstly, they are used to protect aviation fuel from static electricity, and secondly, they are atmospheric aerosols that are sprayed during fuel combustion with an inversion jet. The Western press wrote about one similar additive “STADIS-450”.

Do you think all flying planes spray chemtrails? Observers say that from some aircraft a long white trail immediately appears, while from others the trail is very short and quickly disappears...

— I believe that the formation of a contrail, in particular containing aerosols, does not always occur. This is due to a common factor that combines certain values ​​of temperature, humidity and pressure atmospheric air, as well as wind direction and speed. Due to the heterogeneity of the atmosphere caused by changes in these parameters, a phenomenon such as the disappearance of a plume can be observed, then it appears again. It often happens that a contrail does not appear at all, but if you look closely, you will see that the atmosphere becomes noticeably cloudy. The sky remains cloudless, but visibility is reduced by several orders of magnitude. Critics will say that the air is also clouded by car exhaust fumes, and that this is not proof of the presence of chemtrails. Of course this is true, and it is possible to prove that the atmosphere becomes less transparent due to aerosol nanoparticles only by conducting laboratory analysis.

Opponents of the chemtrail theory claim that they do not exist and the problem itself is far-fetched, and that you are confusing chemtrails with a regular contrail. How can you prove your position?

“The fact that these are really chemtrails is clearly visible, you just need to raise your head and look at the sky. The sky is striped and checkered, gradually becoming covered with continuous multi-level clouds in those areas where predominantly sunny weather was observed. And all this so-called “cloudy” hangs around without dissipating for a very long time. It is this phenomenon that gives rise to climate change, both in a particular area and on the planet as a whole.

In the photo on the left: the sky in chemtrails.

— Could you give the facts on the basis of which you came to the conclusion that “chemtrails” are a component of climate weapons?

— The concept of using climate weapons was published on June 17, 1996 in a report prepared by a group of military personnel led by Colonel Tamsey House for the US Air Force command. The report is called “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Mastering the Weather by 2025.” The purpose of the report is to modernize the Air Force to maintain the United States' overwhelming superiority in air and space into the future. Based on this report, we can imagine the following scheme for the use of climate weapons:

  1. The entire planet is divided into zones where the weather is monitored by satellites and where ground sensors may exist;
  2. In a matter of minutes, the Pentagon receives a weather forecast for the country where the punitive operation is to take place;
  3. In a special center, military climatologists use these data to choose how it is more convenient to “punish” the enemy: to cause a flood or a drought;
  4. The necessary reagents are loaded into the plane, and at hour “X” it processes the atmosphere above the victim country;
  5. Some substances will increase rainfall, others will cause drought.

The takeaway from this concept is that the military sees atmospheric aerosols as a combat strike weapon. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Climate anomalies cause hurricanes, typhoons, and floods (we won’t talk about other natural disasters for now). They are the ones of greatest interest to the military, as they cause the most significant material damage and numerous casualties. In order to subjugate such an anomaly, it is necessary to introduce an element into its body that could be controlled remotely (in particular, by electromagnetic radiation). A very simple way. Atmospheric aerosols are such an element. Let me comment on the points of this report.

  1. Today the entire planet is divided into zones - possible theaters of military operations. Combat operations are carried out by the command responsible for this zone, and the preparation of weather data for these operations is carried out by operational weather squadrons (OWS). The forecast for Europe, Russia, Ukraine and African countries is carried out by 21 OWS (Operational Weather Squadron);
  2. The US Military Weather Service collects weather data around the clock from satellites and from the worldwide weather network, which includes Roshydromet. The volume of weather data is about 1 terabyte of information per day. The forecast is made every day;
  3. The time of strike is selected based on the operational weather conditions;
  4. The concept states that warplanes strike by spraying aerosols into the airspace of their enemy, but this is completely unrealistic if they have air defense. The aerosols necessary for this are constantly sprayed by aviation into the atmosphere of our planet, and there is no longer any need to send combat aircraft. At hour “X” a radar complex (HAARP type) and reflector satellites of the strike group are aimed at a given area. This system pumps energy into sprayed aerosols and creates a powerful cyclone that strikes the victim country. Everything is very simple.

To prove that a climate strike has been dealt, a lot of effort must be made... This is the plan for the use of climate weapons, adjusted for our time, that can actually take place.

The fact that chemtrails are a component of climate weapons is proven by a photograph of an unusual ionized cloud taken on October 9, 2009 in Moscow. This is not the climatic strike itself, but the pointing of the climatic weapon at the target, that is, aiming and entering data for “shooting” into the memory of the combat control computer.

One of the strikes took place in Moscow on December 25, 2010, when freezing rain fell. According to its purpose, the HAARP ionospheric heater was designed to work with the ionosphere. But effects similar to the ionization of the ionosphere also occur in the lower layers of the atmosphere when aerosols are sprayed in it. This is how the cloud layer formed by chemtrails was heated and rain was initiated. When its drops came into contact with the surface and objects, everything was covered with a thick layer of ice. The damage is huge.

It is not without reason that they say that a climate war brings no less damage and casualties than a regular one, only it is invisible and unprovable. The fact that we do not have an atmospheric monitoring service that could prove the use of climate weapons speaks volumes. The task of national security and the country's defense capability is a task of paramount importance, and if it is not solved top level, then the question arises - who benefits from this?

What other than an ionized cloud could indicate the use of such a weapon?

- Firstly, powerful lightning discharges. A similar thunderstorm was observed in winter on December 25, 2010 in the Moscow region.

Secondly,yellow-green glow in the sky. This was observed, for example, before devastating earthquake in China.

Third, aurora in areas where it has not been observed before. For example, the aurora over Indian Ocean. Satellite image taken May 29, 2010.

— In general, 2010 was filled with all kinds of weather anomalies. In your opinion, did they occur on their own or were they caused artificially?

— If you analyze the events that happened in 2010, then, I think, there is a logical connection in them, which indicates that all this did not happen on its own. Two events - the volcanic eruption in Iceland on March 20/21, 2010 and the oil well disaster in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010 - are united by the largest current on the planet - the Gulf Stream. It ends in the Iceland area, and begins in the Gulf of Mexico.

Climatologists claim that this current is responsible for shaping the climate on the European continent, and in the North Atlantic there is a kind of cyclone generator. When the volcano in Iceland exploded, all of Europe was shrouded in smoke, which naturally created a climate anomaly on the continent. And after this, an oil well was blown up in the Gulf of Mexico, which led to an environmental disaster not only in the Gulf of Mexico. The Gulf Stream carried this oil across the Atlantic, and the oil film covered vast areas.

This led not only to the death of many ocean inhabitants, but also disrupted water exchange in the atmosphere. The cyclone generator stopped, the Gulf Stream collapsed. The result was flooding in Europe and heat in Russia. Enormous economic damage and numerous casualties among the population were caused. Experts claim that such a long blocking anticyclone in Russia in 2010 was also contained using the HAARP system.

The Northern Lights are seen above the ash plume of Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull volcano in the evening April 22, 2010. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

Here's a photo from April 22, 2010, showing the signature HAARP artificial aurora over a volcano in Iceland, showing that the eruption was caused by a climate weapon. The sabotage that caused the explosion of a well in the Gulf of Mexico has already been written about, so I will not repeat it. It must also be said that the northern latitudes are very saturated with powerful sources of electromagnetic radiation. These include various radars and HAARP ionospheric heaters in Alaska, Greenland and Norway (Tromso).

I associate the active melting of polar glaciers directly with the work of these stations, and not at all with “global warming.” Scientists have repeatedly talked about the possibility of stopping the Gulf Stream due to the desalination of Atlantic waters, which could result in “global cooling.” And all this can happen very soon if the destructive activities of HAARP and similar stations are not stopped. Our planet is very vulnerable and fragile, and there are key points on it, similar to acupuncture points on the human body, by influencing which you can change the state human body. Similarly, you can influence the state of the planet as a whole, that is, change the climate, etc. All this is very dangerous.

Are Americans really capable of such things? I just can’t believe it somehow...

— Remember Hurricane Katrina in 2005, when the city of New Orleans was practically destroyed. Witnesses claimed that the special services blew up the dam at the beginning of the hurricane, as a result of which the city was flooded. And after the tragedy, the survivors were driven to a concentration camp, where they were subjected to very cruel treatment. American troops treated Americans this way.

Remember September 11, 2001, when the ears of the intelligence services stuck out everywhere there were terrorist attacks. It was impossible to hide, and, nevertheless, everyone around was lying that Bin Laden organized it. Now the tired myth of “international terrorism” has been replaced by the more fashionable myth of “global warming.” It is very beneficial for international bankers and representatives of the world government to have more major disasters, because they can make a lot of money from this. After all, the global financial crisis continues...

How did government officials react to your proposal to create a law banning artificial climate change and the spraying of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere?

— From the Ministry of Environment and natural resources In 2012, Ukraine received a response to a collective appeal from citizens (about 2,000 signatures were collected). In the response signed by the deputy. Minister D. D. Mormulem says the following: “Ukraine is on the list of countries that have signed and ratified the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (hereinafter referred to as the Framework Convention) and the Kyoto Protocol (hereinafter referred to as the Protocol) to it and have undertaken obligations not only to protect climate system for the benefit of present and future generations, but also to fulfill their individual obligations as Parties to the Framework Convention and the Protocol.[…]

According to the definition of the Framework Convention, the concept of “climate change” means climate change, which is directly or indirectly related to human activity and generates changes in the composition of the global atmosphere. Regarding the results of research conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (hereinafter - IPCC), which is a permanent forum of several thousand scientists (climatologists, ecologists, economists, energy specialists, etc.), to the main substances that affect the change climate (or greenhouse gases) include: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitric oxide (N2O); hydrofluorocarbon compounds (HFCs); perfluorocarbon compounds and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).[…]

To date, there is no scientifically based basis to believe that the occurrence of the greenhouse effect is a consequence of the spraying of chemicals in the atmospheric air.”

Let us comment on this statement by the minister.

According to him, climate change can only be caused by the substances he listed, CO2, etc., so he believes, based on the above statement of the IPCC, that other substances cannot influence the climate. The very substitution of concepts - by “climate change” they mean “global warming”, i.e. climate change is affected only by “greenhouse gases” is a gross substitution and an attempt to mislead people. But the IPCC, as a commission consisting of many scientists, does not have a clear judgment.

Scientists' opinions on the theory of “global warming” differ significantly. The 2007 Nobel Prize laureate in the field of climatology, vice-president of the IPCC, academician Yu. Israel has the opposite opinion: “There has never been such a unity of opinion among experts. For example, I was considered one of the most ardent oppositionists and always objected to the Kyoto Protocol, since it is not scientifically substantiated. After all, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change states that it is necessary to reduce the content of greenhouse gases to a level that does not exceed the danger of anthropogenic impact on the climate system. But where is this border? No one knows. This means that anyone can “assign” it.[…]

I am confident that this document works for business. By the way, there was a similar story with the ozone hole. Then they blamed freons for everything, brought down the whole industry, then it turned out that they had nothing to do with it, and the hole repaired itself.[…]

The academy operates scientific seminar under the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences on climate issues. At it, the country's leading scientists stated that the Kyoto Protocol is not scientifically substantiated. That is, this is not only my personal opinion, but the community of leading Russian scientists. He was joined by the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Yuri Osipov. He sent a letter back in 2004 to the country's leaders that Russian scientists objected to the Kyoto Protocol. Why was it still ratified? I think this is big politics.”

In conclusion, please tell us about the danger chemtrails pose to human health.

— For about three years now it has been said and written that the spraying of atmospheric aerosols has an adverse effect on people’s health. From the very beginning, it was warned about the possibility of Morgellons disease, but the Ministry of Health continues to stubbornly hush up the fact that this disease has already spread widely throughout Ukraine (and not only in Ukraine)... Recognizing this fact means agreeing that this disease is associated with active spraying chemtrails, which they are terrified of.

American scientist Clifford Carnicom has been studying this unexplained disease for a long time and believes that nanoparticles of atmospheric aerosols, due to their high penetrating ability, enter the blood through the respiratory system and lead to damage to red blood cells. If someone solves this problem of how to restore red blood cells, then perhaps we will have a cure for this disease. But the medicine, of course, will not solve the very problem of spraying poisons into the atmosphere. It needs to be opened and this negative phenomenon must be fought.

Air contamination by atmospheric aerosols leads to mass diseases respiratory system, provoking asthmatic attacks, various types of allergies, abnormal runny nose and chronic dry cough. Mass epidemics of all kinds of mutating flu are also provoked by chemtrails, because they usually occur in late autumn and spring, when there is high air humidity. Water vapor saturated with aerosols turns into toxic solutions (highlighted – ed.)

Unfortunately, the public does not take this problem seriously, and I would not like it to reach a stage where it is too late to change anything. Let's end this interview on an optimistic note. I wish you all good health!

In the photo on the left: a chemical “infection” over Moscow.

One Orthodox information and analytical portal received an interesting letter from a Muscovite:

“I consider myself obligated to give information about what I directly witnessed!

Today, April 11, 2013, in the center of Moscow, near the Ulitsa 1905 Goda metro station, at about 12 noon, a fairly low-flying and therefore clearly visible aircraft, similar to a large passenger airliner (note, not a combat fighter, came into my field of vision , whose engines often leave similar formations in the sky - ed.), followed by a very wide, continuous white trail, which I identified as a trace of chemical spraying! For the first seconds, I was somewhat shocked by what I saw, after which I hurried to take photos and videos of what was happening (photos are attached).

In addition to the above-mentioned trace in the form of a white stripe, what immediately caught the eye was that in the clear sky, almost similar multiple traces in the form of white stripes of different thicknesses were clearly visible, forming a grid in the sky. My further observation of these air trails showed their extreme stability, i.e. even after 6 hours they did not disappear, but only expanded significantly, increasing their width several times, while some of them merged with each other, forming smog.

During my long observation, I also had the opportunity to observe with my own eyes at least three clearly visible aircraft, leaving behind similar white trails extending along the entire trajectory of their flight visible to me, with the only difference being that they were flying at a higher altitude than the first one seen I have a liner! I would like to draw special attention to the fact that the weather that day was clear, sunny and practically windless.

I previously came across information on the Internet about the so-called chemical trails (spraying from aircraft, for example, in the form of a grid, some chemical substances over settlements), which made me pay full attention to what I saw.

Returning home, I clearly felt a general weakness, to which was added a sore throat and coughing.

Based on the above, I have reason to believe that on April 11, 2013, during the day over Moscow, there was an aerial spraying of some chemical substances, which, in my opinion, can cause direct harm to people’s health!

Since I have a higher medical education, I decided that I shouldn’t be idle and took a set of measures that significantly improved my well-being: I took a shower to wash off the chemicals that might have been sprayed on me, and inhaled the respiratory tract using a eucalyptus solution.

As a conclusion from what happened, I think for myself: in the future, prepare for the possibility of a repeated encounter with the problem of chemtrails, for which purpose purchase clothes that you can comfortably carry with you, in the form of a light windbreaker with a hood and a mask that protects the respiratory system, in order to use them as means protection in such cases.

Maxim Evgenievich Nikolaev,

Russian, Orthodox religion

+ + +

Banksters from the world government and... food addiction to them,

or Why else are aerosols sprayed over us?

Spraying of chemical trails has been recorded since the mid-2000s in the USA and most European countries. And from the summer of 2010 to this day, there are facts (already quite numerous) about the spraying of chemical trails in Russia. From the very beginning, the spraying of chemtrails was associated with the activity of the HAARP emitter. The true reasons for the spraying of chemtrails have been discovered and confirmed scientifically and documented, which makes every normal person want to kill the “sprayers” as quickly as possible.

The decisive private investigation to date into the causes, properties and results of chemtrail spraying was carried out under the leadership of one of the most authoritative anti-globalists on the planet, everyone’s favorite AGB “grandfather” of anti-globalism, G Edward Griffin (79 years old), and two of his young colleagues - Michael Murphy and Paul Wittenberger. Murphy and Wittenberger, led by Griffin, conducted serious research on chemtrails, the results of which make one shudder. These results are documented in the documentary What In The World Are They Spraying? This material was prepared based on the materials of this film.

Aerosol composition: aerosols contain: aluminum (the main component), barium, and “a little bit” of strontium. The presence of these metals in aerosols deposited on the soil and dissolved in the air is confirmed by dozens of laboratory studies.

The legend under which the spraying takes place: The pocket "scientists" of the banksters (gangster bankers; in other words, representatives of the behind-the-scenes "world government"), engaged in genetic engineering, claim that by spraying metals into the atmosphere they are preventing "global warming" and conducting their other "research". A patent for “preventing warming” by spraying aluminum (limiting exposure to sunlight) in the atmosphere was actually obtained by an American military-industrial company in 1990.

Mechanism of action of metal-containing aerosols: aerosols hang in the atmosphere, “spread over it in a thin layer,” and then slowly and relatively evenly settle on the ground and water bodies. With the systematic “smelling” of the sky with aerosols, the concentration of aluminum, barium and strontium in the soil begins to exceed permissible standards by tens of thousands of times.

Effect of aluminum-barium-strontium on humans: BARIUM is used in vacuum technology, in alloys (printing, bearing). Barium salts - in the production of paints, glasses, enamels, medicine. All soluble barium salts are toxic. Insoluble barium sulfate used in radiology is practically non-toxic. A dose of barium chloride when taken orally in the form of 0.8-0.9 g, and barium carbonate - 2-4 g, is lethal. Symptoms: when poisonous barium salts are ingested, a burning sensation in the mouth, pain in the stomach, drooling, nausea, vomiting, loose stools, and dizziness occur. The skin is pale, covered with cold sweat, after 2-3 hours severe muscle weakness occurs (flaccid paralysis of the muscles of the upper limbs and neck). The pulse is slow, weak, there are heart rhythm disturbances, and a drop in blood pressure. Shortness of breath, cyanosis of the mucous membranes.

In addition: pronounced carcinogenicity; provoking Alzheimer's disease; respiratory problems (cough, asthma, etc.); autism in newborns; neurology.

Strontium destroys the hematopoietic system and, accumulating mainly in human bones, leads to their oncological pathologies.

Impact of aluminum-barium-strontium on flora and fauna: plants die from aluminum poisoning and changes in soil acidity; the same thing happens with many animals; In areas where chemical trails are sprayed, the main pollinators of agricultural crops, bees, die en masse. Other “interesting” consequences of aluminum-barium-strontium sputtering: US forest firefighters with decades of experience are shocked by the nature of forest fires in recent years. The flames of many forest fires have changed their color, the burning temperature of the flame has increased significantly, and the speed of its spread has become unrealistically high. Everything is determined by the high concentration of aluminum in trees. It makes the flame hotter, changes its color, and makes trees more flammable.

In areas where chemtrails (i.e. aerosols) are systematically sprayed, the sky and horizon have become more “foggy”, i.e. the viewing range and the number of stars observed at night have been reduced. In many places the color of the sky and normal clouds has changed. Due to the fact that after spraying metal-containing aerosols the ionization of the atmosphere sharply increases, thunder and lightning begin to strike during rains much more often and louder... the lightning itself visually becomes “longer” and more powerful.

Impact of aluminum-barium-strontium on soil: Metals, once on the ground, poison it, destroy the “smallest insects” in the soil, on whose “work” and vital activity its fertility largely depends. Once in the biological environment, aluminum and barium are converted over time into oxides of these elements. They reduce the acidity of the soil (i.e. increase the pH (pH)). As a result of this, plants and trees die from alkaline soil.

The real reasons why chemtrails are sprayed: we are talking about switching the entire agriculture of the planet to genetically modified seeds that are resistant to aluminum and can survive in alkaline soils!!! The banksters want to monopolize and bend the ENTIRE food market to their advantage. Those farmers who farm on soils poisoned by aluminum will be forced to buy seeds from banksters or leave the market (if they do not have the money to buy aluminum-resistant seeds or if banksters simply do not want to sell them these seeds). They will sell their lands for next to nothing to the “six” of the same banksters. In parallel, the population of the planet will be fed GMO food, which will inevitably lead to its numerical reduction (it is known that the “world behind the scenes” has already set a limit on the population on the planet - 500 million obedient and technotronically controlled slaves! No more to serve them on Earth , nor for “feeding” the demonic forces of hell with base human passions - and it’s not necessary!) We are no longer talking about the fact that “insects” i.e. all of us will be poisoned directly by sprayed aerosols. In addition, “ineffective, unproductive and non-innovative” forests and plants are eliminated and replaced with... genetically modified ones.

But let's get back to the point... The “aluminum resistant gene” has already been patented. This development was carried out at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, patent number 7582809 issued on September 1, 2009. to “aluminum resistance gene.” The patent holders are the US Department of Agriculture and the Brazilian Organization for Agricultural Research. According to some reports, the Monsanto company (the largest producer of genetically modified seeds in the world!) already has genetically modified cereal seeds with an “aluminum-resistant gene.” When the amount of aluminum in the soil turns into quality (it becomes alkaline, and ordinary plants die, and their seeds stop germinating), then Monsanto and other satanic mega-companies will bring their “miracle seeds” to the market, sustainable to aluminum and alkaline soils, and we will all end up with the most terrible dependence on the banksters from the world government - food addiction!

PS: the beginning of the “chemical trailing” of Russia very well fits information about the purchase by banksters, through dummies, of grain-producing lands in the south of Russia. Chemical trailing and the purchase of land may be links in the same chain associated with the transfer of agriculture to genetically modified seeds resistant to aluminum, and the monopolization of the Russian and world food market in the hands of globalist satanists.

PPS: what should people who find themselves in the chemical trailing zone do? In short, you need to do the following: 1. Document (video and photo) chemtrails, noting the time of their “dissolution” in the atmosphere; 2. Conduct soil and water tests for the presence of aluminum-barium-strontium and changes in soil alkalinity. (“Pash meters” are affordable equipment that is commercially available. Test strips for measuring soil alkalinity are also available. Testing for an increase in the concentration of aluminum-barium-strontium is somewhat more complicated, but such tests can be ordered from laboratories for approximately 1000-1500 rubles); 3. Actuate the results of analyzes and publish them wherever possible; 4. Monitor the dynamics of pathologies in areas where chemical trails are sprayed; 5. Document any negative changes in the health status of both yourself and your family and friends.

The problem of chemical trails spraying in the sky is relevant for almost all countries globe. The world government is poisoning peoples, soil, water... And almost all leaders of countries, including those on Russian soil, are participating in this act of genocide of the peoples of the earth. For those who doubt, we suggest watching a short video that slightly reveals the secret of these monsters - the servants of the Antichrist.

Former head of the Los Angeles FBI office, retired leading agent Ted Henderson uncovers the mysteries of bird deaths around the world - Chemtrails.

Ted Henderson reports that chemtrails, or more accurately called air emissions, are nothing more than the result of a direct cause of death of living creatures throughout our planet, in its different places. Back on January 12, 2011, the ex-head of the FBI shared information that chemical emissions, like earth's surface, and are regularly and intensively emitted and dispersed into the atmosphere throughout the United States of America and Great Britain, and of course in such parts as Ireland and Scotland, as well as in some Northern European countries. According to Henderson, he has repeatedly observed with his own eyes such actions not only in the United States of America, but also in Mexico and Canada. Thousands of fish are dying all over the world, not to mention birds, whose numbers are declining in different parts of the Earth for the same reasons. According to him, this is undoubtedly genocide. Mass murder by poisonous means and it must be stopped and punished. The former head of the FBI also had to carefully examine and calculate approximately 2 locations, judging by which there were planes that sprayed this chemical preparation. He was able to personally inspect these aircraft, one of which still stands in the state of Nebraska - in Lincoln, and the second - in the same state, on the territory of the National Defense, that is, the territory of the American military forces. As you know, there are absolutely no markings on them, and they look like huge bomber-type planes without any number plates.

What are chemtrails or an airline conspiracy? Today, many sensible people already know what chemtrails are. Many articles have been written, enough evidence has been provided, many protests have been filed with governments different countries. Here is more evidence of collusion between the owners of international airlines and the governments of the world, showing that they are capable of the most serious crimes for money, for material gain. And if the people of our planet want to live and breathe clean air, want their children to be healthy, then we should all unite and stop them from doing this madness.

The US Department of Defense, with the support of intelligence agencies and with the tacit approval of governments around the world, is conducting a secret military operation on a global scale. The goals and objectives of this operation are carefully hidden. The operation is called “Cloverleaf” and involves the installation on civilian aircraft of automatic equipment for spraying toxic aerosols into the atmosphere. Airlines get paid for this. Testimonies from an American general who participated in the organization of the Clover Leaf project, a commercial airline manager and an aircraft mechanic can be read at the following links:

Mass spraying of toxic aerosols began in the United States in 1998. In Russia and Ukraine a little later. Now this topic is actively discussed on many sites on the Internet, mostly in English. The pages of these sites contain thousands of photographs and video files with facts of the spraying of toxic aerosols (chemtrails) in the atmosphere of almost all countries of the world.

Water samples were taken and the spectral composition of the contrail left by spray aircraft was determined. As a result of the analyses, it was established that the water samples contained toxic substances- barium, aluminum, boron, arsenic;

The spectrum of the contrail revealed the presence of compounds of barium, aluminum, and cesium

Every day in clear weather you can see airplanes in the sky that leave very long or continuous trails behind them. If you watch for a long time, you will see that these traces do not disappear, but expand in size, forming artificial clouds, and, ultimately, it all settles on the ground, poisoning it, covering the windows of houses, car windows, and people breathe this poisonous air. Barium is a chemically active substance. Natural barium consists of a mixture of seven stable isotopes. There are radioactive isotopes of barium, the most important of which is 140Ba. It is formed by the decay of uranium, thorium and plutonium. All barium compounds are poisonous. Barium carbonate BaCO3 is used as rat poison. Barium chloride BaCl2 is also a strong poison. Air containing barium compounds affects people's health: lowers immunity; leads to headaches, chronic respiratory diseases; weakened people may experience asthma, pneumonia, allergies; Women may experience infertility and premature termination of pregnancy. Barium contained in drinking water, may cause difficulty breathing, high blood pressure, changes in heart rate, stomach pain, muscle weakness, weakening nerve reflexes, lead to damage to the brain, liver, kidneys, and heart.

According to the patent issued to a group of scientists from NASA US3813875 “ROCKET HAVING BARIUM RELEASE SYSTEM TO CREATE ION CLOUDS IN THE UPPER ATMOSPHERE”, barium was used to study the properties of the atmosphere as an indicator - when irradiated by solar radiation or radar, it created a glow in the visible spectrum of light radiation. This invention describes methods for producing atomic barium and its ions for studies of the Earth's atmosphere. These studies were carried out in the early 70s of the last century, and currently physical properties barium found practical use in the Pentagon's military programs, primarily in climate and psychotronic weapons programs.

Under the auspices of the American Air Force, within the framework of the HAARP program (HAARP) - a high-frequency active auroral research program, powerful radar stations have been created that are designed to heat up local layers of the atmosphere, while creating vast areas of plasma that act as mirrors reflecting radar radiation other stations. The combat use of such a system is very diverse - these include weather disasters (which, by the way, are happening now), earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods, as well as manipulation of the consciousness of people over large territories - causing mass hysteria, panic, fear, even physical destruction. It should be noted that the spraying of chemtrails does not occur in the ionosphere, through which weather manipulation occurs, causing disasters and cataclysms (altitudes from 100 km), but in the troposphere (at altitudes up to 12 km), and this indicates that the spraying of barium on such heights is intended solely for manipulating people's consciousness. It is likely that the world government, through such actions, wants to protect its power from popular riots when introducing anti-people laws.

Another point that needs to be mentioned is people’s misinformation regarding the causes of weather anomalies. The World Government, under the guise of fighting “global warming”, which, by the way, it itself is doing by spraying toxic substances into the atmosphere, calls for combating the emission of greenhouse gases by industrial enterprises. As is known, as part of this mythical threat, the Kyoto Protocol and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change were signed; To cover up anti-national criminal acts, a geoengineering method was developed to reduce global warming, one of the points of which is the spraying of barium aerosols by aviation in the troposphere. In addition to barium, the composition of sprayed aerosols includes nanoviruses that cause blood diseases and Morgellons disease.


Chemtrails is a new phenomenon that is being observed all over the world. It appears that the government is deliberately using airplanes to spray an aerosol substance that can make people tired and depressed. Chemtrails exist. They are observed in Ukraine, Russia, the USA, Canada and other countries. But why?
Conventional exhaust trails left by airplanes dissipate quickly, are not long enough, and are dependent on engine operating conditions. Chemtrails usually expand continuously, gradually turning into stratus clouds consisting of many rings.

It should be added that after observing strange traces, chronic diseases worsened in people. Many witnesses noted a cobweb-like substance falling from the sky. Laboratory analysis of the samples that were obtained showed the presence of biological agents such as Pseudomonas Fluorescens, Streptomyces and a rare enzyme used to create viruses. A virus specialist with 20 years of research experience discovered rare influenza virus V2, which can usually only be found in the laboratory. Over the past months, researchers in the United States and Canada have been able to collect an impressive collection of photographs and eyewitness reports describing strange phenomena occurring in the skies above their heads. We allowed independent researchers to carefully examine various photographs of the phenomenon known as chemotrails. Most people who have seen the photographs and read the reports have had great difficulty relating these phenomena to the normal emissions from airplanes that fly commercially every day.

Many of those interviewed described feeling uneasy when they saw these photographs and reports. Those of us who gave in to our sense of natural human curiosity, found the strength to turn off the television, go outside and look at the sky, were rewarded with direct observation of these phenomena. This unique experience of observing the phenomenon allowed many researchers to make the stunning conclusion that some kind of grandiose national project (of the US government) was unfolding above our heads, without clear boundaries. At present, neither the goals nor the implementers of this project are fully known. Only two facts are crystal clear: this is not an ordinary technogenic activity; this phenomenon occurs every day, covering the entire US territory.

Airplane exhaust is not a chemo trail

Chemtrails are not the typical airplane engine exhaust that we see every day. There are very definite differences in the nature of the formation, development and behavior of these phenomena, which make it possible to draw a clear boundary between them.

Normal airplane exhaust consists of tiny ice crystals that form at altitudes above 31,000 feet (10.5 km). At lower altitudes they simply cannot form, regardless of the type and speed of the aircraft. At altitudes above 31,000 feet, the exhaust appears as thin, pointed lines (if the observer is looking vertically upward, perpendicular to the aircraft's attitude). They usually evaporate within a minute and very rarely extend far enough behind the aircraft.
In contrast, aircraft-generated chemtrails have been observed at altitudes between 8,000 and 33,000 feet. They typically form at altitudes below 30,000 feet. Normal exhaust cannot form at this altitude. Therefore, the observation of exhaust below 30,000 feet is highly likely to be a chemtrail.

They usually appear as large smoke trails that tend to become wider and denser over time. They do not evaporate and do not lose density. Parallel chemtrails can merge into large cirrus clouds within a few hours. Very often, chemtrails resemble the shape of a fish ridge, consisting of many rounded joints. After the appearance of the chemtrail, the blue sky seems to be dotted with a spider's web. Then it may become cloudy and even gray.

Chemtrails lead to diseases

There have been repeated cases of illness in people whose areas of residence have seen the appearance of chemtrails. George Filer, editor of a popular weekly online newspaper, provides the following statistics on the increase in cases of a strange disease similar in symptoms to the flu. An outbreak was observed in north Texas during the third and fourth weeks of December 1999. Plano - 98%, Lewisville - 81%, Lakewood - 76%, Dallas - 30%.

The Chemtrail Surveillance Center (Tne CoshgaI Haeseags Ilo1 PerogNpd CeGer) reported that there were an unusually high number of chemtrail sightings in north Texas during a ten-day period in December 1999. George believes that there is a direct connection between these two events. Canadian researcher William Thomas and journalist Erminia Cassini reported that during April 1999, a military transport aircraft dropped chemtrails over Canada and the United States several times. Cassini was able to collect samples of a brown, jelly-like substance that settled on the ground after the plane took off.

Following this, a series of strange events occurred. Cassini soon fell ill with the flu. The biologist who analyzed the substance was hospitalized with symptoms of upper respiratory tract damage. The woman whose home was exposed to the jelly-like substance also suffered from the flu, and a month later she had a heart attack.
As a result of the analyses, various biological substances that were extremely dangerous to human health were discovered.

Anomalous zones and chemtrails

Researcher Tom Dongo from Sedona (Arizona, USA) adheres to an alternative hypothesis for the use of chemtrails. Tom is researching portals and an anomalous zone located 20 miles from Sedona. According to the hypothesis of Tom and other studies of the Sedona anomaly, portals may be passages to other dimensions. This fascinating problem is the subject of Tom's book, Intersecting Dimensions. Dongo believes that the nature of the chemtrails should be sought in a different direction:

“...We know very little about this third portal. We don't know how strong he is or how weak he is. Such anomalies very often disappeared if enough people focused their attention on them. This has happened many times in the past. Sometimes it may seem that someone is deliberately “turning off” such anomalies. We want to collect as much information as possible and study everything. which is possible while the third portal is still active. I was able to talk to several researchers from other places who told me that the US government knows exactly the locations of all the major portals in our country. The government buys up the land on which the portals are located, isolates these areas, and if this is not possible, simply destroys the portals. There are several compelling arguments to support such claims.

Several months before this book was published, on May 22, 1995, the area near the portal we were studying was pollinated with some kind of chemical that gave off a strong odor. This operation took place in the dead of night and was carried out either by helicopter or glider. Since 1993, similar “pollinations” have been carried out throughout the country and have not been commented on in any way. According to a private statement from one of the police officials in the state of Montana, similar actions were carried out several times in other US states.

One case, which occurred in a western state, was reviewed by a physician at a heart center in Idaho. The substance was collected from foliage that fell into the pollination zone. When the unusual substance was analyzed in the laboratory, it was discovered that it contained an unknown biological component (agent).
It seemed that the original composition of the substance had been genetically altered. In the case of Sedona, the collected samples have not yet been analyzed. (June 10, 1995: A doctor in Prescot, Arizona, a town located 30 miles from Sedona, was contacted by 16 patients who complained that their homes and ranches had been aerial pollinated by some kind of chemical reagent with a sharp, unpleasant smell). Destroying portals does not affect the activity of anomalous zones. It’s even getting stronger..."
War games in the sky. American researcher Mike Blair is more categorical in his conclusions regarding the nature and purpose of chemtrails. In an official report dated June 11, 2001, posted on the Internet, he clearly identifies the main culprits of this phenomenon and the reasons for its occurrence.

The basis of chemtrails is barium salts. The spraying of this chemical is part of the military's Advanced Radar MP (RFMP) testing program. Based on the effect of reflection of radio waves, it allows you to observe objects in three dimensions. To obtain a three-dimensional image, satellites in earth orbit and a network of powerful computers that process and combine incoming signals are also used. For these purposes, a special computer program (VTPRE) was developed.
Initially, the 3D radar tracking system could only monitor objects on the water. Experiments with objects on the surface of the earth were not successful, since special atmospheric conditions were required to allow the signal to be transmitted in a special way (in military slang - “pipeline”).

The problem was solved after an aerosol mixture of barium salts began to be sprayed over US territory. Thus, the atmosphere became suitable for carrying high-frequency signals - “pipes”.

A physics researcher from Brookhaven explained this effect this way: the chemical and electrical properties of the mixture do not allow moisture to dissipate in the atmosphere, concentrating it around an aerosol cloud.. This state of the atmosphere is favorable for conducting military signals.

“If you spray the barium mixture in a linear structure from point A to point B, this will allow you to best maintain communication between strategic points, despite the curvature of the earth,” he added. “It also provides better control over enemy high-frequency signals.”

However, this is not the only use of chemtrails. Another project is also based on the use of barium salts and is intended to control the weather. This project is supervised by the US Air Force. It is based on patterns first discovered by scientist Nikola Tesla. This project is also known as HAARP, which is based on the manipulation of natural processes. Little is known about this project, despite the fact that work on it began already in the mid-50s. According to some independent researchers, successful tests of climate control units under the HAARP project were carried out in 1998.

It is clear that the ability to control the weather - heavy rains, hurricanes, gusty winds, dust storms, droughts - can bring any enemy to their knees without firing a shot.

Another project associated with the emergence of chemtrails, funded by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), is aimed at detecting and suppressing a possible enemy biological attack.

This program also uses a mixture of barium salts as an aerosol base along with special polymer fibers. This special combination allows the detection of biological agents.

In order to test the effectiveness of the program, some biological agents are sprayed into the atmosphere. Researchers believe that a mixture of barium salts, polymer fibers and other chemicals in the atmosphere may be the cause of sudden and unexplained nosebleeds, asthma, various allergies, pneumonia, upper respiratory tract diseases and arthritis.

Chemicals sprayed into the atmosphere cause air and soil conditions that can be hazardous to human health, while simultaneously stimulating the growth of disease-causing bacteria.

Barium salts are very well absorbed into the intestinal tract and muscle tissue. However, there are no clinical data that would describe long-term effects on the human body of small doses of barium salts.

“The program is kept secret because the Environmental Protection Committee does not need to know about its side effects on the human body,” said one researcher. “Negative factors are the main reason for secrecy.”

For information: BARIUM is used in vacuum technology, in alloys (printing, bearing). Barium salts - in the production of paints, glasses, enamels, medicine. All soluble barium salts are toxic. Insoluble barium sulfate used in radiology is practically non-toxic. The lethal dose of barium chloride when taken orally is 0.8-0.9 g, barium carbonate is 2-4 g.

Symptoms: when poisonous barium salts are ingested, a burning sensation in the mouth, pain in the abdominal area occurs
stomach, drooling, nausea, vomiting, loose stools, dizziness. The skin is pale, covered with cold sweat, after 2-3 hours severe muscle weakness occurs (flaccid paralysis of the muscles of the upper limbs and neck). The pulse is slow, weak, there are heart rhythm disturbances, and a drop in blood pressure. Shortness of breath, cyanosis of the mucous membranes.

Treatment: gastric lavage, laxatives, siphon enemas. Symptomatic therapy.

Did the aircraft mechanic discover the truth?

In search of answers to questions that I could not get, I looked through many articles, mailing lists, forums and news groups on the Internet. In most cases, people simply discussed what chemo-trails could be, putting forward well-known hypotheses. I met some researchers who claimed to have comprehensive information. As a result of communicating with them, a copy of a letter was sent to my e-mail, which may answer the question “how this is done.” Below I present the full text of the letter, without literary corrections or abbreviations. I tried to do my best accurate translation, although some technical terms confused me:
“For reasons you will understand as you read, I cannot give my name. I work as a civil airline aircraft mechanic at a maintenance station at a large airport.

First of all, I want to talk about a certain “hierarchy” among aircraft mechanics. This is very important to my story, and you will soon understand why.
Aircraft mechanics work in three main areas. Aviation electronics, engines and flight control systems. Aircraft mechanics working on these systems are at the top of the hierarchy. They are followed by mechanics who service air conditioning and hydraulic systems. And finally, the mechanics who service other minor systems. At the very bottom of the hierarchical list are the personnel responsible for the waste disposal system. No one wants to work on the pipes, pumps and tanks of an airliner's lavatory service system.

However, at every airport where I have worked, there are 2-3 volunteer mechanics responsible for the toilet and auxiliary machinery system. The rest of the mechanics are happy to let them do it. Usually there are no more than 2 or 3 mechanics willing to do such work. Usually these guys don't get much attention and the rest of the technical staff don't try to establish friendly relations with them. To be honest, I didn’t really think about this problem until last month either.
Typically, most airlines have contracts with other airlines visiting the airport. If they have problems with the plane, one of our mechanics will service it. On the other hand, if our aircraft needs assistance at an airport with which we have an agreement, local mechanics will assist us.

Last month, I was unexpectedly called from our technical center to service an aircraft for another airline. The dispatcher who transmitted the request to me did not know what kind of malfunction arose on board the aircraft. When I arrived on site, it turned out that the breakdown had occurred in the waste disposal system. I had no choice but to take on this work. When I entered the technical compartment, I immediately realized that something was wrong here. There were more pumps, tanks and pipes than there should have been. At first I thought the system had been modified. By that time, I had already worked as a mechanic for ten years. While trying to troubleshoot, I quickly discovered additional piping and tanks that were not included in the waste disposal system. At that moment, when I tried to understand their purpose, another mechanic from our center appeared. He was one of those guys who are responsible for such systems.

I was relieved to let him deal with the problem. As I was leaving, I asked him about additional equipment. He joked: “Don’t worry about my end of the plane, let it worry about itself!”

The next day I had to tinker with the computer in our technical center, looking for the necessary electrical circuit. I tried to find the equipment that I had seen the previous day. To my surprise, the drawings did not indicate the devices that I saw with my own eyes. Having rummaged through the archive files, I also could not find anything. Now I was just curious to find out what this equipment was intended for.

The following week, three aircraft were brought into our hangar for a routine check. During the entire inspection, maintenance personnel are present around the aircraft. After finishing my shift I decided to take a look at the waste disposal system. I was sure that no one would notice that there was an extra mechanic on board. My search was successful - additional equipment was installed on the plane!

I began to study the system of pipes, sediments and containers. I found what could be the control unit for this entire system. It was a standard aircraft cabinet, which usually houses instruments and control systems, but there were no markings or inscriptions on it. I was able to easily locate the control wires running from the cabinet to the pumps, but I was unable to locate the control circuits that would go into the mysterious device. The only wires going into the box were the contacts for the aircraft's onboard power system.

The entire system consisted of one large and two small tanks. By eye one could determine that their large tank capacity was 50 gallons. The tanks were connected to fill and release valves that went under the fuselage behind the waste disposal system drain valve. During an external inspection, it was not without difficulty that I discovered hidden hatches for access to these valves next to the waste drainage panels.

I tried to trace the pipeline leading from the pumps. This hose was connected to a network of smaller tubes ending at the rear surface of the wing and horizontal stabilizers. If you look at the wings of a large airplane up close, you will notice a lot of finger-sized wires. These are static charge drains. They are designed to dissipate static electricity that forms on the surface of the fuselage and wings during flight. Every third wire was a tube of a mysterious system. The static discharge drains were deliberately removed and strange tubes were installed in their place.

At that moment, one of the engineers on the wing noticed me. He ordered me out of the hangar, noting that my shift was over and I was not authorized to work overtime.

For the next two days I was too busy to continue my research. A couple of days after my freelance research, I was called to one of the boards to replace the temperature sensor. I completed this job in two hours and returned to work with documents.

About half an hour later I was called into the office of the head of the technical service. When I showed up at the office, in addition to the boss, two of our employees from the control department and two more people whom I did not know were waiting for me. He told me that serious problems had been discovered. He offered to fill out a fault form for me. He handed me an official form stating that I had installed a defective sensor and asked me to sign it. I tried to object. I explained to them that some mistake had occurred and I had done my job to the fullest. Then two employees from the control department suggested that I go to the plane and together inspect the faulty unit. At this moment I wondered who these two strangers were? The head of the technical service replied that they were representatives of the airline's security service, but he did not intend to tell me their names.

We approached the plane, which should have already been in the air, but was still parked. Having opened the technical compartment, one of the employees removed the sensor. He checked the registration number and showed each of us that it was an old sensor. Then we headed to the warehouse. My progress report was checked again. A sealed instrument storage box was removed from the shelf, from which a temperature sensor with a serial number was removed, which I installed. I can't figure out who could have made the change. I was informed that I was fired without any monetary compensation or benefits and had to submit my work within a week.

I spent the next day at home wondering what had happened and what hell I had gotten myself into. In the evening the phone rang. An unfamiliar voice said: Now you know what happens to mechanics who stick their nose into things that aren’t theirs. Next time, if you start working on systems that are not within your competence, you will lose your job. I think this is enough for the first time. I think that very soon you will be able to start working again...” Short beeps were heard in the receiver.
There was a strange connection between my dismissal and the mysterious pipeline on board the plane. The next morning the director called me. He stated that thanks to my excellent report on the technical condition of the aircraft, it was possible to complete the repairs a day earlier, and that I could begin work immediately. I was completely confused and only thought about who or what the director is trying to cover up and who are these people?

The next day passed as if nothing had happened. No one mentioned the previous incident and the “damaged”
sensor At night I tried to find answers to the questions that were tormenting me on the Internet. By chance I came across materials about chemo-trails. All the ambiguities came together to form a clear picture of reality. The next morning at work, I found a note in my locked closet. It read: “Curiosity killed the cat. You should not visit sites on the Internet that are not within the scope of your professional duties.”

They're watching me. Now you also know how they work. I don't know what exactly They spray, but I can tell you how they do it. I guess They use "honey-zee". This is what we call special tank trucks designed for waste removal. Usually airports enter into contracts with them; no one has the desire to come close to the “honey carriers”.

Who wants to stand next to a truck filled with sewage? While the waste tanks are emptied, they fill the spray system. They know the aircraft's routes and can apparently program the sprayer control unit to automatically turn on the system after reaching a certain altitude. The spray tubes in fake static drains are so small that they are simply undetectable. It is not surprising that they have not yet been discovered.”


Chemtrails exist. They are observed in the USA, Canada, Ukraine, Russia and other countries. After I showed the draft of the article to my friends, they reported that they had also observed a similar phenomenon, therefore, chemtrails exist in our country. Chemical trails are harmful to human health. Research shows that chemtrails contain barium salts and active biological components.

  • Chemtrails could be used by the military to create an advanced 3D radar surveillance system.
  • Chemtrails could be used by the military to control the weather.
  • Chemtrails can be used by the military to prevent the consequences of possible biological warfare.
  • Chemtrails can be used by the military to suppress portals and anomalous zones.

The Committee for Environmental Protection is not aware of such tests and does not have the results of analyzes of chemtrails. There is a problem. Despite numerous opinions from researchers that seem convincing and well-founded, we cannot be completely sure of what chemtrails actually are and why they are needed.

One thing is clear, we are again faced with the problem of hiding information. We know from experience that information that “works for war” or poses a “potential danger to human health” is usually hidden.

And as long as the military and the government remain silent, as long as planes leave ominous chemtrails behind them, as long as people get sick as a result of “heavenly pollinations,” we should keep a gas mask ready, and when we see a plane in blue sky, run towards the shelter. Who knows what he carries on board?..