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Lomov Boris Fedorovich contribution to psychology. Biography

(1927-1989) - Russian psychologist, specialist in the field of general, engineering and cognitive psychology, educational psychology, communication psychology. Doctor of Psychological Sciences (1963), professor, corresponding member. Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (1967) and corresponding member. USSR Academy of Sciences (1976). Director of the Institute of Psychology of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1972-1989), creator and chief. ed. Psychological Journal. Graduated from the psychological department of the Faculty of Philosophy of Leningrad State University (1951), defended his Ph.D. dis. on psychological problems of polytechnic education (1954) and Dr. diss: Man and Technology (essays on engineering psychology), (1963). Together with B.G. Ananyev opened the Faculty of Psychology at Leningrad State University (1966), becoming its first dean, created and headed the first laboratory of engineering psychology in our country. In 1972 he moved to Moscow, where he organized and headed the Institute of Psychology in the USSR Academy of Sciences (1972 -1989). A significant part of L.’s work is devoted to the study of general psychological problems: the peculiarities of spatial representations and bimanual touch, the interaction of hands in the process of palpation and the role of touch in the implementation of practical actions, the formation and transformation of sensory images and graphic skills (Formation of graphic knowledge and skills in students. L., 1959; Touch in the processes of cognition and labor / together with B.G. Ananyev, L.M. Wekker, A.V. Yarmolenko. L., 1959). In the same vein, L. investigated the role of anticipation in the structure of activity and developed the concept of levels of anticipation processes (Anticipation in the structure of activity / in co-authors, M., 1980). He also studied the problem of the image, the role and functions of the mental image in the regulation of specific types of activity (Image in the system of mental regulation of activity / in co-authors, M., 1986). Another important area of ​​research was the study of the communicative functions of the psyche. Analyzing the problem of communication, L. used a general psychological approach to its study. Communication was considered as a special sphere of human existence, different from activity, a system of subject-subject relations, which has a specific structure and functions, but at the same time organically connected with other aspects of integral human life (Communication and cognition. M., 1984). Much attention was paid to the problems of management psychology, consideration of the psychological characteristics of the leader’s activities, and the specifics of interaction in the manager-subordinate system (Legal and socio-psychological aspects of management / co-author, M., 1972). L. is one of the founders of domestic engineering psychology. He developed the fundamental principles, program and tasks of its development, which included the study of problems of information interaction between humans and technical devices, the search for means of displaying information and optimal (from a human perspective) forms and methods of controlling mechanisms (technological processes), consideration of patterns of reception, processing, storage and use of information by a person, the study of a person as a central link in the management system and a subject of labor activity, etc. (Man and Technology. M., 1966; Man in the Control System. M., 1967; Man and Automata. M., 1984). L. paid much attention to the development of methodological and theoretical problems of psychological science: analysis of the categorical apparatus of psychology, its laws and principles; the role and place of psychology in the system of other sciences; revealing the internal unity and systemic structure of psychological knowledge; consideration of its current state and development trends; determining ways to build a psychological theory; study of the relationship between theory, experiment and practice in psychology. (Psychological science and social practice, M., 1973; Methodological and theoretical problems of psychology, M., 1984). V.A. Barabanshchikov, V.A. Koltsova.

(b. 08/30/1948) - full member (academician) of the Russian Academy of Education, academician-secretary of the Department of General Secondary Education of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor.

In 1980 he graduated from the art and graphic department of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V. I. Lenin. In 1986 he defended his PhD thesis on the issues of aesthetic education of schoolchildren, and in 2000 - his doctoral dissertation on the problems of didactics of the sociocultural block of educational disciplines in the educational space of the school and the specific features of professional ethnopedagogical training of teachers of art and folk artistic culture.

The beginning of Lomov’s career is associated with creative work and teaching activities. For more than 10 years he worked as a drawing and drawing teacher in secondary schools in Moscow and was actively involved in scientific activities. Lomov made a great contribution to the development of national pedagogical science, culture and art. He developed the concept of a network of in-depth artistic classes in the general education school system and defined, tested and widely implemented a strategy for the development of the educational field “Art”.

From 1982 to 1987 Lomov, working as an inspector of universities of the Ministry of Education of the CCCP, led the system of art and graphic faculties and cultural departments of the country's pedagogical universities. With his direct participation, new art and graphic departments and faculties were opened, the package of educational and methodological documentation (curricula, programs, methodological recommendations, teaching aids and textbooks) was improved and modernized.

From 1991 to 2007 Lomov led the work to create a fundamentally new type of university department at the Moscow State Regional University - the Faculty of Fine Arts and Folk Crafts. It was here that the ethnopedagogy of fine arts developed in practice, where folk arts and crafts became the didactic tools of the educational process.

In 2007, S.P. Lomov, as rector, headed the Pedagogical Academy of Postgraduate Education, where special attention was paid to modernizing the retraining system and improving the qualifications of teachers. And in 2009, he was elected to the position of Academician-Secretary of the Russian Academy of Education, where he currently works.

Lomov made a great contribution to the development of domestic pedagogical science as the author of serious scientific works, textbooks and books on methods of teaching fine arts and professional pedagogical education. His monographs, textbooks, manuals for pupils and students: “Ethnopedagogy of Russian fine arts”, “Features of graphic training of students in a pedagogical university”, “Aesthetic education at school”, “Ethnopedagogy and folk crafts”, “The concept of the educational field of art in 12-year-old school", "Painting", "Methods of teaching fine arts", "Ornamental composition", "Russian painters of the 18th-19th centuries", "Information technologies and art", "Fundamentals of color science", "Didactics of art education", "Education, art and culture in the context of globalization” and others, are widely used in the educational process of various vocational educational institutions, schools, lyceums, and gymnasiums.

Lomov S.P. is a famous author of textbooks on fine arts for secondary schools of lyceums and gymnasiums. Continuing the line of activity psychology in the harmonious development of schoolchildren, where creativity is given a large role, he builds educational material on the best examples of classical art. All his activities are inextricably linked with pedagogical science, art and education.

Today Lomov S.P., working at the Russian Academy of Education, oversees the most important issues of reforming and updating the secondary school, the development and implementation of new educational standards in all subject areas, fundamental and applied research in pedagogical science, problematic aspects of the construction of the “New School” and its prospects development.

Lomov S.P. does a lot of public work - he is a member of many scientific, methodological, artistic councils and commissions:
- Chairman of the scientific and methodological commission on artistic and graphic disciplines of the educational and methodological association at Moscow State Pedagogical University;
- Chairman of the dissertation council for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations in pedagogical sciences and art education at Moscow State Pedagogical University;
- Member of the International Association of Schools "UNESCO" since 1991;
- Member of the Board of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia;
- expert of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation in psychological and pedagogical disciplines.

Being the head of a large scientific school, at the origins of which were such outstanding artists as: I. V. Kramskoy, I. E. Repin, P. P. Chistyakov, D. N. Kardovsiy, D. D. Zhilinsky, and scientists - A. I. Sapozhnikov, A. V. Bakushinsky, L. S. Vygotsky, V. V. Vanslov, N. N. Rostovtsev, B. F. Lomov, V. S. Kuzin, E. V. Shorokhov, Stanislav Petrovich, continuing their traditions, carries out extensive scientific, pedagogical and organizational work. He has published over 150 scientific papers, and is the author of a number of well-known books and textbooks for schools and universities on methods of teaching fine arts. Lomov actively works with graduate students and applicants. Under his leadership, over 40 people defended their candidate dissertations, 7 people defended their doctoral dissertations, more than 20 students became members of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, 9 of them received international recognition and were awarded certificates of honor and diplomas.

In his free time from scientific activities, Lomov S.P. is actively engaged in creativity. As a painter he is known to a wide range of viewers. His watercolors and easel paintings are made in the classical manner of realistic art. They are simple in their manner of execution, attractive in their genre, where landscape motifs evoke feelings of joy and pride in their “small” homeland. He regularly exhibits his paintings both in Russia and abroad.

Lomov S.P. has government awards, certificates of honor, gratitude and diplomas: honorary worker of higher school of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (2001), certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region (2000); Medal "Worthy" of the Russian Academy of Arts (1999); silver medal of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia (2003); gold medal of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia (2006); diploma from the Russian Academy of Arts for participation in the exhibition “Golden Ring of Russia” (2004); international diplomas for organizing exhibitions in Germany (Munich, Walzheim, Oldenburg, Schrobenhausen), France (Dijon), Italy (Milan), Iceland (Reykjavik), Cyprus (Nicosia), Luxembourg, etc.

Lomov S.P. also has a number of awards and commendations from public and scientific organizations, educational institutions, both in Russia and abroad.

Lomov Boris Fedorovich (January 28, 1927 - July 11, 1988) - psychologist, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, professor. Graduated from the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, Leningrad State University (1951). In 1963 he defended his doctoral dissertation in engineering psychology. He founded the first laboratory of engineering psychology in the USSR (LSU, 1959); he was the first dean of the Faculty of Psychology at Leningrad State University (1966). Lomov organized and headed the first Institute of Psychology in the USSR Academy of Sciences (1971), founded the Psychological Journal (1980).

Lomov made a significant contribution to the development of engineering and general, educational and social psychology, management psychology and the history of psychology. The core of Lomov’s scientific creativity is the idea of ​​an integrated approach to the study of man.

Main works: “Man and Technology” (1963); “Engineering psychology. Theory, methodology and practical application" (co-author) (1977); “Anticipation in the structure of activity” (co-authored with E. N. Surkov) (1980); “Methodological and theoretical problems of psychology” (1984), “Issues of general, pedagogical and engineering psychology” (1991).


Materials posted on the site:

Boris Lomov

Mental regulation of activity. Selected works

Dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

© Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2006

Systematic study of the psyche in the concept of B. F. Lomov

A scientist’s contribution to science and his place in its history are determined by innovation in the formulation and solution of scientific problems, fundamentality of research, breadth and versatility of interests, reliance on spiritual values ​​inherited from previous generations, the ability to quickly respond to the demands of life and bring scientific ideas to their concrete form. incarnation, the mark that he left on the minds and hearts of his students. All these criteria are fully met by the activities of Boris Fedorovich Lomov, an outstanding psychologist, a talented organizer of science, and a highly humane personality.

A talented scientist and an outstanding organizer of science, a brilliant teacher and speaker, a wise and attentive mentor to young people, a wonderful, sensitive, spiritually rich person - this is how Boris Fedorovich is remembered by those to whom fate gave the happy opportunity to communicate with him and work under his leadership. B. F. Lomov’s formation as a scientist took place at the Leningrad School of Psychology, known for its rich scientific traditions and humanistic focus of research. His teacher was one of the founders of this scientific school, the outstanding Soviet psychologist B. G. Ananyev.

After graduating from the psychological department of the Faculty of Philosophy of Leningrad University, B. F. Lomov entered the graduate school of the Scientific Research Institute of Pedagogy, where, under the guidance of B. G. Ananyev, he studied the psychological problems of polytechnic education and in 1954 successfully defended his thesis on the topic “Psychological analysis of the relationship between drawing skills and drawing."

In 1957, Boris Fedorovich began his teaching and research activities at Leningrad University, where he gave courses of lectures on experimental psychology, labor psychology and engineering psychology, and mathematical statistics. According to the reviews of the students who listened to him, Lomov the lecturer was distinguished by the depth and thoroughness of his coverage of the material, the originality of his judgments, the liveliness and intelligibility of his presentation of the most complex issues, and his fluency in the subject. The activity and initiative of the young scientist, his organizational talent lead to the fact that he becomes one of B. G. Ananyev’s closest associates and assistants in the work to create the Faculty of Psychology at Leningrad State University. And it was to Lomov, as the most promising scientist and leader, that Ananyev entrusted his brainchild, recommending him in 1966 for the post of first dean of the faculty. During the short period of time leading the faculty, Boris Fedorovich carries out a lot of scientific and organizational work, especially in terms of creating educational experimental laboratories. Under him, the faculty went through the most difficult, initial moment in its history, and found its identity.

The scientific interests of B. F. Lomov at the first stage of his research work are related to the development of general psychological problems. He studies the features of spatial representations and bimanual touch, conducts an experimental study of the interaction of hands in the process of palpation and theoretically substantiates the role of touch in the implementation of practical actions, considers the problem of the formation and dynamics of sensory images and graphic skills. The results of the scientific search are presented by Lomov in the work “Formation of graphic knowledge and skills in schoolchildren” (1959), awarded a prize from the Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of Pedagogy, as well as in the work prepared jointly with B. G. Ananyev, L. M. Wekker, A. V. Yarmolenko “Touch in the processes of cognition and labor” (1959), awarded the prize named after. K. D. Ushinsky.

The 1960s in our country were marked by serious shifts in the field of scientific and technological progress. The emergence of new complex technical devices and the development of production automation objectively put the problem of interaction between man and technology on the agenda and made it urgent. Boris Fedorovich, having caught and realized this trend, became involved in the development of new complex and important problems, essentially becoming one of the creators of domestic engineering psychology. The subject of his study is the problems of information interaction between humans and technical devices; search for optimal forms and methods of controlling mechanisms and technological processes; study of patterns of reception, processing, storage and use of information; consideration of a person as a central link in the management system and a subject of the labor process. He defined the fundamental principles of Soviet engineering psychology, its program, tasks and development paths. Lomov’s works, such as “Man and Technology” (1966), which received the first prize from Leningrad State University, are devoted to these problems; "Man in the Control System" (1967); later - “Man and Automata” (1984), etc.

In 1963, Boris Fedorovich defended his doctoral dissertation on problems of engineering psychology and received the title of professor. In 1965, he was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, and in 1968, a corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR.

Boris Fedorovich went down in the history of psychology as the creator of our country's first laboratory of engineering psychology, which he organized in 1959 on the basis of Leningrad University. Here, under his leadership, many subsequently famous scientists began their journey in science, gained experience in conducting engineering and psychological research, and developed forms of interaction with practice. Moreover, it was not just about creating a new field of knowledge - engineering psychology and the formation of an original new scientific school; the result was much larger-scale and had a deep historical meaning. Psychology was at a crossroads in the 1950s and 1960s. The brutal repressions of the 1930s that struck psychology were still remembered, and the consequences of the Pavlovsk session of 1950 were extremely painfully and acutely experienced. And in these conditions, the emergence of a new generation of talented youth, who declared their readiness and ability to solve the most complex and pressing problems of life, was an important step towards destroying the status of psychology as a science, artificially created through the efforts of ideology, with an extremely narrow zone of practical application. During these years, that feature of Boris Fedorovich’s scientific thinking that distinguished him favorably and allowed him to become one of the leaders of Russian psychology was especially clearly manifested - his high sensitivity to the demands of life, the ability to reformulate practical problems in the language of science, to bring scientific ideas to their concrete implementation. Not every scientist is given this gift. Boris Fedorovich possessed it to the fullest. He subtly felt life, its pain points, and considered psychology not as abstract armchair knowledge, but as that sphere of science that should study a living real person in his concrete life activity. This orientation, intensifying over the years, turned into his scientific credo and took shape in the principle of the unity of theory, experiment and practice.

And although there were people who reproached Lomov for his desire to ground psychology, to technocratize it, I think these statements were determined by a lack of understanding of the fruitfulness and innovation of his approach, a reluctance to part with the usual forms of organizing scientific work, and most importantly, a fear of presenting his scientific results to an impartial and objective judge practices. All the more groundless were the reproaches addressed to Boris Fedorovich himself that he was a narrowly oriented applied scientist. The point is that Boris Fedorovich amazingly combined the abilities of a profound theorist, methodologist of psychology, a subtle experimental scientist, and a brave, inventive practical psychologist. And it was this excellent combination of abilities that largely determined his appointment as director of the country’s first psychological institute in the system of the Academy of Sciences, created by decree of the Presidium of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR on December 16, 1971.

Based on the principles of system methodology and the experience of his predecessors and teachers in the field of developing problems of complex human knowledge - V. M. Bekhterev, B. G. Ananyev, V. N. Myasishchev and other scientists - Lomov justified the scientific development strategy of the Institute, including a holistic approach in the study of mental reality, a combination of fundamental and applied research, the use of a variety of conceptual foundations in the development of current theoretical and practical problems of psychology. This scientific ideology was embodied in the organizational structure of the Institute: its laboratories cover all levels of the psyche with their problems - from its natural neuro-physiological foundation to the highest general psychological and socio-psychological levels. Under Lomov's leadership, the Institute became a reputable, productive center for scientific and practical psychological research.