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Methodological development of continuity between preschool and school. Forms of implementation of continuity of preschool and primary education

CONTINUITY between children's kindergarten and school presupposes the orientation and focus of the work of a preschool institution on the requirements presented at school and, conversely, the teacher’s taking into account the achieved general level of development of the preschooler, the formed moral behavior, the volitional, personal sphere of the child.

Continuity can be considered as an internal connection, which is expressed in the educational activities of students (preschoolers and schoolchildren), and external, associated with the activities of educators (educators and teachers). The first connection includes the structure of educational activities, which includes the following components:

I) motivational-target, which determines the relationship between motivation and goal-setting of learning;

3) educational and operational, ensuring the development of general educational and special skills and abilities, the presence of mental operations;

4) organizational-reflexive, - including skills of planning, forecasting activities, self-reciprocity of the results of one’s own activities and comrades.

External communication includes continuity in the activities of educators and teachers, which is manifested in a certain type of attitude of teachers towards children, in relation to teaching activities, to parents of pupils, etc.

In implementing succession, it is important to pay attention to the teacher’s performance of the functions assigned to him (health-improving, organizational, educational, etc.), to his knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, educational methods, and his erudition

The implementation of continuity is facilitated by the existing education system, common principles of education: humanization, democratization, differentiation of teaching and upbringing based on taking into account the age, psychological and individual characteristics of each child; development and implementation into practice of innovative programs that are successive in nature, restructuring the system of training and retraining of teaching staff with a focus on various profiles and services of educational institutions.

The main goal of integrating the activities of kindergarten and school – develop good feelings, a deep mind and a healthy body in a child. But a specific priority area for elementary school is developing children’s ability to learn, creating conditions under which learning becomes a benefit for the child, the main form of his self-expression; for preschool – early development of a set of personal qualities and properties that ensure an easy, natural transition of the child to school.

In the Republic of Belarus, an approximate regulation on the educational institution “school-kindergarten” has been developed and approved; “child development centers” are being created - these new integrative types of educational institutions are organized with the aim of creating optimal conditions for the training and education of children of preschool and school age and ensuring continuity in the organization and content of the educational process.

The main tasks of succession are:

1. Establishing a connection between programs, forms and methods of work of kindergarten and school.

2. Establishing connections in the physical, mental, moral,

Labor and aesthetic development.

3. Establishing a connection in the development of the child’s personality as a whole.

4. Formation of an active and positive attitude towards children on the part of teachers and parents.

5. Implementation of continuity between kindergarten and school in the formation of general educational skills.

6. Continuity of the content of education and upbringing in kindergarten and first grade of school.

The most effective Forms of work of schools and kindergartens Are:

I. visits by kindergarten teachers to lessons at school, and by school teachers to lessons in kindergarten, followed by discussion and making recommendations;

2. joint thematic meetings of primary school teachers and preschool teachers with the participation of heads of institutions;

3. holding parent meetings in senior groups with the participation of teachers and educators;

4. study by educators and teachers of kindergarten and first grade programs in order to identify what knowledge, skills and abilities children have mastered in a preschool institution. By studying the first grade program, preschool teachers learn the School's requirements for first-graders and take them into account in the upbringing and training of preschoolers;

5. organization of various events to prepare children for school with the participation of parents;

6. Conversations between teachers and educators about children going to school on September 1, oral characterizations about weak and strong children, about the health status of children in the group, about the nature of collective relationships, about children’s assimilation of rules of behavior, about children’s attitude towards elders, about the development of cognitive interests , about volitional development, as well as about the development of intelligence: inquisitiveness, curiosity, criticality, etc.;

7. joint preparation for conferences, organization of exhibitions;

8. Mutual visits to matinees and concerts.

In order to work more closely and systematically at schools and kindergartens, teachers and educators are developing succession plans, in the implementation of which not only teachers, but also parents are involved.

Succession plan Includes the following sections:

I. methodological and organizational-educational work;

2. instilling interest in school in children;

3. raising schoolchildren to be caring and attentive to preschool children;

4. work with parents.

An integral part of the work on the continuity of schools and preschool institutions is cooperation with the family, which will allow achieving a high level of overall development of the child. To solve this problem, coordinated actions of preschool workers and families are necessary: ​​all the best that a family can give (love, care, care, personal communication), kindergarten and primary school should make their property, and, conversely, all the good that they acquire a child in kindergarten and school (independence, organization, interest in knowledge, etc.) should find continuation and support in the family. Cooperation between kindergarten, family and school can be resolved through the following types of work : General parent meetings , which aim to acquaint parents with the basic requirements of the school, kindergarten for the content of the work carried out at home, communicate the main provisions of the concept of personality development, information about the main pedagogical, psychological, medical aspects of preparing a child for school;

Group parent meetings , which allow us to specify general problems and pay attention to diagnostic methods for determining a child’s readiness for school. Teachers talk about the results of their work with children, demonstrate the children’s achievements by organizing exhibitions of children’s works, an amateur art concert, etc.;

Lectures for parents ,

pedagogical consultations ;


Open classes and conversations with parents about the results that children have achieved, exhibitions of children's works, information about specialized literature;

Joint holidays ;

Teacher-parent meetings future first graders.

The forms of succession can be varied and their choice is determined by the degree of relationship, style, and content of the relationship between educational institutions.

Succession work is carried out in three main areas:

Working with children;
- interaction between teachers;
- cooperation with parents.

1. Working with children:

  • school excursions;
  • visiting the school museum, library;
  • acquaintance and interaction of preschoolers with teachers and primary school students;
  • participation in joint educational activities, game programs;
  • exhibitions of drawings and crafts;
  • meetings and conversations with former kindergarten students (primary and secondary school students);
  • joint holidays (Knowledge Day, initiation into first-graders, kindergarten graduation, etc.);
  • participation in theatrical activities;
  • preschoolers attending an adaptation course of classes organized at the school (classes with a psychologist, speech therapist, music director and other school specialists).

2. Interaction between teachers:

  • joint pedagogical councils (preschool and school);
  • seminars, master classes;
  • round tables of preschool teachers and school teachers;
  • psychological and communication trainings for educators and teachers;
  • conducting diagnostics to determine children's readiness for school;
  • interaction between medical workers, preschool and school psychologists;
  • open demonstrations of educational activities in preschool educational institutions and open lessons at school;
  • pedagogical and psychological observations.

3. Cooperation with parents:

  • joint parent meetings with preschool teachers and school teachers;
  • round tables, discussion meetings, pedagogical “living rooms”;
  • parent conferences, question and answer evenings;
  • consultations with preschool and school teachers;
  • meetings of parents with future teachers;
  • open days;
  • creative workshops;
  • questionnaires, testing of parents to study the well-being of the family in anticipation of the child’s school life and during the period of adaptation to school;
  • educational and game trainings and workshops for parents of preschool children, business games, workshops;
  • family evenings, themed leisure activities;
  • visual means of communication (poster material, exhibitions, question and answer mailbox, etc.);
  • meetings of parent clubs (school for parents).

An important role in ensuring the continuity of preschool and school education is played by a detailed study of the ideas of parents and teachers about each other, which will lead them to interaction and the development of joint recommendations.

And another important role in organizing the continuity of a preschool institution and an elementary school is played by the personalities of the educator and teacher. A kindergarten teacher is a second mother who can hug the baby and pat him on the head. And the child reaches out to his teacher. But today's preschooler comes to school and is greeted by the teacher. Everything changes immediately: the student must maintain a distance between himself and the teacher. Therefore, the student’s adaptation to school is more protracted than in kindergarten.

Therefore, the main objectives of cooperation between preschool educational institutions and schools are:

Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure a favorable course of the process of adaptation of first-graders to school education (the natural transition from kindergarten to school);
- improving the preparation of 5-6 year old children for school;
- deepening interest in life at school;
- providing assistance to the family in a new situation that arises when preparing for school and when the child enters school.
The most important condition for the effectiveness of work to establish successive connections between a kindergarten and a school is a clear understanding of the goals, objectives and content of succession, and friendly business contact between the teaching staff of these educational institutions.

The goals and objectives of implementing continuity in the work of a preschool educational institution and school are implemented on the basis of joint events, the organization of a single educational space, the use of successive technologies, forms, methods of teaching and upbringing.

Description of material: I offer you a summary of the seminar held at our preschool educational institution. In the summary, I tried to describe how succession issues are resolved in collaboration with primary school teachers and show the technology for conducting a seminar in the form of a round table with elements of a business game. This summary will be useful in the work of senior educators, methodologists, preschool teachers, and primary school teachers.

Seminar. “Continuity of preschool educational institutions, schools and families - the basis for cooperation and partnership in the preparation of future first-graders”

“School learning never starts from scratch, but always builds on a certain stage of development completed by the child.” L.S. Vygotsky
Target: contribute to the intensification of work to solve the problems of continuity of education of MBDOU No. 21 and secondary school No. 10, to identify effective mechanisms of cooperation.
1.Remember the basic concepts, the normative basis of the issue of succession;
2. To analyze the results of work on continuity at the levels of preschool education at MBDOU No. 21 and primary education at secondary school No. 10, as well as with the involvement of parents of future first-graders, as the main participants in the educational process and our main partners.
4. Strengthen the cooperation of educators and teachers; promote mutual emotional disposition between the seminar participants and the establishment of trust.
Participants: senior teacher, preparatory group teachers, head teacher, primary school teachers.
I. Theoretical justification for the issue of continuity between the preschool educational institution and the primary level of the school - presentation by the senior teacher. What does the concept of continuity include, the views of different authors on the issue of continuity. Teachers are invited to choose one of three statements that is most consistent with modern approaches to the continuity of preschool and primary education. B.G. Ananyev, who studies continuity at a general theoretical level, proposes that continuity is understood as “The development over time of students’ knowledge system in the process of teaching them basic sciences. It is carried out in every lesson by connecting new educational material with recently or long ago acquired knowledge about similar phenomena of reality.”
A.V. Zaporozhets: “If a child is not ready for the social position of a schoolchild, then even if he has the necessary stock of knowledge, skills, and level of intellectual development, it is difficult for him at school, because a high level of intellectual development does not always coincide with the child’s personal readiness for school." And here is how A.P. Usova viewed the process of succession: “The multifaceted educational process carried out in preschool institutions is aimed at the physical, mental, moral, labor and aesthetic education of children. One of the most important tasks of a kindergarten is preparing children for school. The solution to this problem involves the harmonious development of the child, but mental education takes on special importance. The most effective educational work is carried out during the learning process in the classroom.” (Basically, all teachers choose the statement of A.V. Zaporozhets, justify it, and give examples from practice.
The senior teacher continues his speech. The existence of the implementation of continuity of education in preschool educational institutions and primary schools, as levels of a unified system, is of great importance for the development of the child, the preservation and strengthening of his mental health. As a rule, a child is included in the education system for the first time by entering kindergarten, masters the first stage of education, and upon completion comes for the first time to a new educational level - primary school. It is at this transitional moment that all participants in the educational process of preschool educational institutions and primary schools, not excluding parents, must become one in solving pressing problems of transition from one stage of education to another.
Continuity in education is not a new concept at all. Only until recently was there any talk about continuity in education. At the same time, it was believed that the previous stage ensures the child’s readiness for learning at the next stage in terms of the accumulation of knowledge, skills and abilities. And education at the new level is built on the basis of the achieved level of content preparation of the preschool educational institution student. This position of continuity in the current situation of development of the education system looks narrow and does not cover the entire breadth of the educational process, as a situation of interaction between children and teachers, teachers and parents. That is why today it is becoming common to talk about continuity in education, and not in training. To date, the domestic education system has accumulated numerous theoretical studies and practical experience in building continuity.
Assignment to the round table participants:“What do you understand by the concept of continuity between a preschool educational institution and a school?” (In front of the participants there are cards of two colors, in number greater than the number of participants, where there are several concepts of continuity belonging to different authors, choose the most correct one for yourself and read it out; it is proposed to choose a card of pink or blue color)

II. Regulatory and legal framework on the issue of continuity between preschool educational institutions and the primary level of the school - speech by the head teacher of the school.
Modern legislative acts recognize that continuity is a necessary condition for the entire educational process. Assignment to everyone, including students: name what legal framework you use or have used to resolve this issue. After the answers, a list of sources of the regulatory framework on the issue of succession is displayed on the screen. The same list is distributed to seminar participants as a reminder.
Federal level:
Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on July 3, 2016, as amended on December 19, 2016) “On Education in the Russian Federation” (as amended and additionally, entered into force on January 1, 2017)
Family Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 1995 N 223-FZ (as amended on March 28, 2017)
The Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by a resolution of the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989.
The concept of the content of lifelong education (preschool and primary level) Approved by the Federal Coordination Council for General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on June 17, 2003.
Methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 35-M dated March 25, 1994 “on the organization of continuity in preschool and primary general education programs”
Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 237/23-16 dated 08/09/2000 “On building continuity in preschool education and primary school programs”
DOW level:
Agreement with parents
Agreement with the school
Basic educational program of preschool education
III. Problems of modern society related to the continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools - speech by a primary school teacher.
No one doubts the relevance and timeliness of solving the problem of continuity of preschool and primary education, but in practice there is still a violation of continuity ties in the main components of the educational system.
Assignment for the round table participants: name the difficulties and problems you encountered when preparing children for school, or, using the example of your older children, problems in the initial period of schooling. (Free expressions. Parents who send their second child to school are especially active)
Assignment: name the reasons why you think these difficulties arise. (Exchange of views)
(each participant is asked to write their problems on a separate strip. (Participants name problems: children speak poorly, do not want to read; there are children who are not included in preschool education, many sick children. Many call independent acquisition of knowledge from the first grade a problem. Parents, in mainly complain about homework that the child cannot complete without their help. The variety of types and types of institutions that use a variety of programs, and the implementation of these programs does not require strict standards. In addition, the specific characteristics of the region play a big role.
IV. Readiness for schooling as an indicator of the continuity of the connection between the preschool educational institution and the school. Speech by a psychologist.
As we have already seen, continuity is a multifaceted problem. We have highlighted the most important thing for ourselves - this is the level of readiness for school. Everyone, parents, teachers, and educators want to know the answer to the question - is the child ready for school? School readiness consists of several indicators, these are physical, special (pedagogical), and psychological, which include: motivational, intellectual, emotional-volitional, communication readiness.
Assignment: which of the readiness listed above is most important for preparing for school? Now you can turn the cards over and see what is included in this or that readiness. These are small reminders for you - recommendations. Five components of school readiness.
1. Motivational readiness is the child’s desire to go to school, the desire to learn new things
2. Volitional readiness is a complex of volitional qualities, without which he will not be able to carry out the teacher’s tasks for a long time without being distracted in the lesson, overcome the desire to play, or enter into relationships with peers.
3. Socio-psychological readiness – the ability to get along with everyone and in any team.
4.Mental readiness (Intellectual readiness) is the development of perception, the development of observation, the development of attention, memory, thinking; the formation of ideas about space and time, the animal and plant world, and social phenomena.
5. The ability to learn, the ability to listen and hear an adult, obey his instructions, plan your activities, control and evaluate them.
V. Final words of the senior teacher:“So, readiness for school is a certain level of social skills, including the ability to communicate with peers and adults, assess the situation and regulate one’s behavior; the level of development of those functions without which learning is difficult or impossible; and a certain level of personal development. I would like to say that all readiness indicators must be formed together and no one type of readiness can be a priority. Because motivation alone is not enough, you need physical health and intelligence. And a very smart child will not be able to join the class team if he does not learn to communicate. Continuity provides for the school to rely on the achieved level of preschool education. Teachers of preschool institutions should be familiar with the requirements for children in the first grade, and in accordance with them, they should prepare preschoolers for systematic education at school, conduct classes in micro groups, in pairs, using modern educational technologies. (I suggest asking questions that educators and teachers have. Sign up for a consultation).
On the other hand, school teachers must have an idea about the specifics of the education of children in kindergarten. It is necessary to organize educational activities with the inclusion of gaming techniques, forms and means often used in kindergarten. The use of gaming technologies in the first grades contributes to better adaptation to school learning.
VI. Summarizing the results of the round table. Assignment for everyone: name the forms of succession.

Continuity in the work of preschool educational institutions and schools

The transition from kindergarten to school is an important moment for every child, because it is at this time that the pupil’s activity changes and moves to a qualitatively new stage - the student. The child’s environment, relationships with peers and adults change, the requirements for the student change, all this causes a certain emotional response in the student. It is for this reason that high-quality succession work organized by teachers ensures the safest entry of the child into the school environment.

The mechanism for solving this problem is the sequential implementation of the following joint stages in a preschool educational institution and a general education institution:

The main forms of work with school in preschool educational institutions:

mutual visits of specialists from preschool educational institutions and general education institutions;

holding joint events (joint sports events, entertainment, etc.);

holding PMPK meetings with the participation of kindergarten and school specialists.

The structure of the work of a teacher-psychologist in this direction should be carried out according to the main types of activities: psychodiagnostics, correctional and developmental activities, psychoprophylaxis, psychological counseling, education

Basic meventson the implementation of continuity of preschool and primary school educationeducation in the activities of a teacher-psychologistA




Design of stands in the preschool educational institution “For you, parents of future first-graders”

Informing parents about preparing their child for school

MonMonitoring the readiness of preschool educational institution graduates for schooling

Identification of the level of readiness of first-graders for school education

Developmental classes for pupils of preparatory groups (during the year)

Preparing children for school

Speaking at parent-teacher meetings

Introducing parents of future first-graders to the system of preparing children for school

Conducting group and individual consultations for parents

Increasing parental competence

Conducting seminars and workshops with training elements

Practical training for parents

Family competitions

Building cohesion between parents and children

Correctional and developmental activities for children

Prevention and behavior correction

Creative workshop

Enriching children's impressions of school life.

Basic functionsForms of working with parents

Individual consultations with a psychologist as part of a comprehensive psychological examination of the child

And Individual educational consultations on the content, forms and stimulation of development, selection of adequate means of communication with the child, methods of play interaction with him

Group thematic seminars and psychotherapeutic trainings

Thematic lectures and family competitions

Stand information

Main ways of interaction with family:

Systematic promotion of psychological and pedagogical classes

Practical differentiated assistance to families in raising a child

Sharing positive experiences among parents

Active family involvement in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

Let's prepare the little one for an independent life among his peers, we'll try to teach him the simple rules of a children's hostel:

Don’t take away someone else’s, but don’t give away everything that’s yours.

They asked - give it, they try to take it away - try to defend yourself.

Don't fight without offense.

Don't be offended without cause.

Don't pester anyone yourself.

If they call you to play, go, if they don’t call you, ask, it’s not a shame.

Don't tease, don't whine, don't beg for anything. Don't ask anyone for anything twice.

Don't cry because of your grades, be proud. Don't argue with the teacher for grades, and don't be offended by the teacher for grades. Do your homework, and whatever grades you get will be the same.

Don't snitch behind your comrades' backs.

Don't be dirty, children don't like dirty people, don't be neat, children don't like clean people either.

Say more often: let's be friends, let's play, let's hang out, let's go home together.

And don't show off! You are not the best, you are not the worst, you are my favorite. Go to school, and let it be a joy for you, and I will wait and think about you. Cross the road carefully, take your time.

Psychologist's advice to parents

He must be able to take care of himself, undress and dress himself. It is very important to accustom your child to hygiene: not only to the mandatory morning procedures, but also to the fact that you need to take care of yourself throughout the day - straighten your hair, clean your suit. Teach how to clean your workplace, corner, and treat things with care.

In addition, the child must understand perfectly how it is necessary and possible to behave with peers, and how with adults. Moreover, it is important that he communicates with his peers on equal terms, but with respect, because these are his friends.

Don’t forget that a child should listen and read good fairy tales, watch classic Russian and Soviet cartoons, listen and sing songs by Shainsky, Chichkov and our other wonderful composers: all those works that glorify kindness, friendship, honesty, decency.

1. It is impossible to ignore the objective age-related patterns of child development, characteristic of the age of six.

3. Avoid a sudden transition to the use of new methods and ways of working in the process of teaching children.

4. Use didactic, motor games, travel games, etc. in your work.

5. Constantly maintain students’ interest and desire for classes, use a variety of methods to stimulate children.

7. Create conditions of comfort, goodwill, and instill a love for school.

8. Work in close cooperation with teachers, psychologists, and parents of children

obligation– to ensure the protection and health of the child, his full development, all parents must master a certain set of knowledge and skills

Principles of family support

selectivity– determination of the knowledge and skills needed by parents depending on the level of their psychological and pedagogical culture, on the characteristics of the conditions of family education

depth- parents mastering the technology of educational activities and presenting it to other families

Expanding family social contacts

Development of an individual educational program for a child based on his needs

Improving the professional level of teachers in matters of cooperation with families

Objectives of cooperation with families

Education of parents on issues of upbringing and education, taking into account the individual needs of the child

Conversations about school, about Knowledge Day.

Workshop “Let's make a gift for first-graders”

School visit

Game at school, fantasy game on the theme “School”

Getting to know literary works about school

Making up funny stories about school life

Corrective and developmental classes: “Master of your feelings”, “When choosing, think about what will happen next”, “The important word “no””...

Family competitions: “My family’s coat of arms”, “costume for a first grader”...

Continuity in the work of kindergarten and school

Continuity in the work of schools and preschool institutions involves the use of all forms of continuity: study of programs, complex links, mutual exchange of experience, further search for optimal ways to improve pedagogical work, develop children's interest in classes and educational activities

Success in school education largely depends on the quality of knowledge and skills developed in preschool childhood, on the level of development of the child’s cognitive interests and cognitive activity. The school constantly increases the requirements for the intellectual development of children. This is explained by such objective reasons as scientific and technological progress; increasing the flow of information; changes taking place in our society, improving the content and increasing the importance of education; transition to education from the age of six.

The results of advanced pedagogical experience convince us that these requirements are natural, and their fulfillment is possible if teaching and educational work in kindergarten and school represents a single developmental process.

Continuity is nothing more than relying on what has been passed, the use and further development of children’s knowledge, skills and abilities, the expansion and deepening of this knowledge, the awareness of what is already known at a new, higher level. Continuity makes it possible to solve cognitive, educational and developmental problems in a comprehensive manner. It is expressed in the fact that each lower link is prospectively aimed at the requirements of the next one. The problem of continuity in the education system is not new. K. Ushinsky also substantiated the idea of ​​​​the relationship between “preparatory education” and “methodological education at school.”

It is possible to solve the problem of continuity only when a single line of child development is implemented at the stages of preschool and primary school childhood.

Only such an approach can give the pedagogical process a holistic, consistent and promising character, only then the two stages of education will act in close interrelation.

The kindergarten and primary school programs provide continuity in content across all topics of literacy, mathematics and writing. The programs provide for the principles of continuity and continuity of the educational cycle in the “kindergarten-school” complex.

However, if the content of school education is built in “school logic” - the logic of future school subjects, then teaching subjects that are complicated for preschoolers is practiced, the objective age-related patterns of child development characteristic of preschool age are ignored, and the danger of such negative consequences as children losing interest in learning arises. .

Sometimes, on the contrary, duplication of goals, objectives, forms and methods of primary school in a preschool institution can provoke a child’s negative attitude towards these subjects. The first and main requirement of elementary school is that kindergarten graduates develop an interest in educational activities, a desire to learn, and the creation of a solid basic foundation. But the school is not satisfied with the formal acquisition of knowledge and skills. Not only the quality of this knowledge is necessary, but also its awareness, flexibility and strength. Graduates of a preschool institution must consciously, with an understanding of the essence of phenomena, be able to use acquired knowledge and skills not only in the usual, stereotypical, but also in a changed situation, in new, unusual circumstances (game, work, etc.).

Primary school is designed to help students fully demonstrate their abilities, develop initiative, independence, and creativity. The success of this task largely depends on the development of students’ cognitive interests in kindergarten. The problem of developing a child’s cognitive interest is solved by means of entertainment, games, and the creation of non-standard situations in the classroom.

What should a child be taught in kindergarten, besides the program requirements for knowledge and skills? Think, explain the results obtained, compare, make assumptions, check whether they are correct, observe, generalize and draw conclusions. It is necessary to teach to notice patterns, similarities and differences, to give exercises aimed at developing attention, observation, memory, tasks of a logical nature, which are closely related to such techniques of logical thinking as analysis, comparison, synthesis, generalization. One child's thinking contributes to the development of this skill in others.

The mechanism for solving this problem is the sequential implementation of the following steps:

concluding an agreement between the kindergarten and the school to ensure continuity;

drawing up a project for joint activities to ensure continuity;

holding events such as: “Open Doors Day”, “Knowledge Day”, joint sports events, entertainment, etc.;

work to ensure children's readiness for school (diagnosis and correction of children's development);

holding PMPK meetings with the participation of kindergarten and school specialists (educators, teachers of future first-graders, educational psychologists, social educators, medical workers, senior educators, head teachers);

planning joint activities to adapt children to school;

monitoring the process of children's adaptation to school.

First and foremost: do not distort the child’s faith in himself as a future schoolchild either with fear or the “pink water” of relieved expectations. Let him enter school as a new, interesting activity - with faith in his capabilities and a willingness to test himself. To form such faith and such readiness, we must know the child well, soberly assess his abilities and inclinations, imagine the limits of his capabilities, everything that he is gifted with, what he can do and what he is inclined to do. In other words, treat him as yourself; We value ourselves by what we can and are able to do, realizing that it is impossible to be able to do everything.

School readiness also presupposes a readiness for the child to be more independent than before, to cooperate with other adults and peers without the direct support and protection of parents.

But if you really want to work with your child at home, then our recommendations will be useful to you:

so that the child learns to recognize the cells in a notebook, draw, do mosaics, small chips;

draw “crooked little things”, complete the drawing until it’s recognizable or funny. The baby will learn to see not only a plane, but also a line. This will also develop his imagination;

Color the drawing with pencils, sometimes thickly, sometimes palely. It’s good to change pencils from thick to thin;

Take watercolor paints and a thin brush and teach your child to trace drawings. First large ones (figurines, flowers), then smaller ones (berries, circles);

then paint over the drawings with watercolors so that the brush leaves a thin strip. Thus the hand and eye will learn to work together;

Teach your child to cast on stitches on thick needles and with thick needles. This trains the elbow and patience, and will help the baby keep his back straight while writing at his desk;

sculpt from plasticine, knit - it trains your fingers, because they are so naughty;

buy a fountain pen and write whatever you want (a ballpoint pen strains your hand muscles);

Don't memorize the ABC book by heart. Learn letters all at once and read books with short texts;

buy children's magazines and solve puzzles, crosswords, find differences and similarities in pictures. This will help develop logical thinking;

Don’t forbid girls from playing with dolls and boys from playing with cars. While playing, they will master counting and tasks.

But I want to pay special attention to health issues. Currently, there are practically no absolutely healthy children. It is necessary to give priority to improving health, physical development, hardening, developing motor skills, coordination, it is necessary not just to walk in the yard, but to play outdoor games. Understand: if a child does not have physical strength and endurance, then all his other knowledge and skills are practically meaningless. Before school, set a daily routine - hours of rest, meals, classes, walks. The lack of a regime primarily affects health, the fragile nervous system. For normal mental development, a child needs a sense of security. In difficult times, help, protect, do not push your baby away. A child at this age is not yet able to evaluate himself or evaluate the results of his work. He only evaluates his own efforts. If he tried, then he liked everything he did. Be careful when evaluating a first-grader's work. And yet, due to the immaturity of the brain, your child still understands humor very poorly. Therefore, he cannot be teased, and one must make fun of him very carefully.

Today it is customary to burden the child with a lot of additional tasks. but in the first grade, there is no need to overload the child with clubs, at least for the first six months, and then you need to watch and act according to the situation. If the child has adapted, entered into the rhythm of school, the main load does not cause problems, does not require more stress, then you can think about extracurricular activities. I would like to pay special attention to musical classes - they, as a rule, take up too much effort and time. If you do not dream of raising your son or daughter to be a great musician, postpone the start of this process, at least until the second grade. One thing always remains in force - this is physical hardening, exercise, on days off - skiing, skating, walks with parents,

Watch your child. How long can he spend with you? Develop perseverance slowly. If, as a result of an interesting activity, he can work for 20–25 minutes, that’s good. Remember, perseverance is achieved not through coercion (elements of it are needed, but in a mild form), but through lively interest.

School readiness also means readiness, the ability not only to work hard, but also to be creative. Children's homemade products are valuable not only because the child made them himself, but also because he finds different uses for them: a stick can become a saber, an antenna, a spear, or who knows what else - this is what encourages creativity. The creativity that all children are gifted with can be troublesome for adults, and therefore is often - sometimes, even half-consciously - suppressed by them. We do not always feel how connected it is with future learning - not only the ability to obtain knowledge, but also to think and use it independently.

It is also useful to pay attention to how the child reacts to praise and blame, victory and defeat. Failure literally paralyzes some children, causes violent protest in others, and mobilizes and stimulates others to new efforts. There are children whom praise encourages to act with triple energy, but there are also those who are inclined to “rest on their laurels.” With extreme types of child’s reactions to success and failure, one must try to balance them. There are no one-size-fits-all “recipes” and there cannot be. Apparently, it is more appropriate for such children to say something like: “Let’s make this even better, you know how.” It is important that the appeal takes into account the child’s reaction and in any case is not offensive.

School readiness is a combination of knowledge and skills necessary for successful learning, the ability to cooperate and overcome difficulties, and a positive attitude towards school and learning. It is important to feel with your soul the complexity of a child’s experiences with such a dramatic life change as entering school, and to help him. This, among other things, not only increases his readiness for school, but also keeps him healthy.

The problem of a child’s readiness for school has been worrying humanity for decades. psychologists have proven the benefits of starting education earlier. However, life adjusts many things, including school education: until now, in most schools in Russia there are no conditions for teaching six-year-olds, and parents understand that a six-year-old and not entirely healthy child (and the majority of such children) cannot cope with the academic load, and They postpone the start of their studies by a year (“let him grow up and get stronger”). Is this correct? And it is no coincidence that the Russian Ministry of Education decided to transfer primary schools to four-year education. In this case, a child entering school must be at least 6.5 years old in September. But for some children, even at this age it is too early to sit down at a school desk.

Does age affect adaptation to school? Perhaps the older the child, the less difficulties he will have? These questions are often asked by both teachers and parents. Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer them unequivocally due to the difference in passport and biological age, the discrepancy between the functional and psychological maturity of the body and the complex of educational and extracurricular loads.

When considering the problem of preparing children for school, one cannot ignore such an aspect as readiness for school and schooling. We are talking about the child’s readiness not for learning in general, but for studying at school with the whole range of its academic and extracurricular loads.


Chebotova Maria Vladimirovna

MBDOU teacher

Komsomolsky d/s "Romashka",

Komsomolsk village, Tisulsky district,

Kemerovo region

[email protected]

Download Abstract:

Continuity is one of the most difficult and still unresolved problems of general education. For many years it has been discussed among scientists, specialists from educational authorities, teachers and parents. The most general understanding of continuity is interpreted as the relationship between the previous and subsequent educational stages and the preservation of certain stages of experience in the future. Continuity ensures the continuity of education based on the synthesis of the most essential of the stages already passed, new components of the present and future in the development of the child. The pedagogical process is an integral system, therefore, continuity must be carried out in all directions, including goals, content, forms, methods and be realized through the interaction of all professional levels, including the work of an educator, teacher, psychologist and parents.

Today, existing preschool education programs are being reviewed in order to exclude from them repetition of some of the educational material studied at school. New approaches to the development of continuity between preschool and primary school education in modern conditions are reflected in the content of the concept of lifelong education. This concept is focused on the relationship between preschool and primary school education and involves solving the following priority tasks of the childhood stages:

- introduction to a healthy lifestyle;

— ensuring the emotional well-being of each child, development

his positive outlook;

- development of initiative, curiosity, arbitrariness,

abilities for creative self-expression;

- stimulation of communicative, cognitive, gaming and other

children's activity in various activities;

— development of competence in the field of relationships to the world, people, oneself;

inclusion of children in various forms of cooperation (with adults and

children of different ages);

— formation of readiness for active interaction with others


— development of the desire and ability to learn, formation of readiness for

education at the basic level of school and self-education;

— improving the achievements of preschool development;

— special assistance for the development of unformed children in preschool

childhood qualities;

- individualization of the learning process, especially in the case of

advanced development or lag.

One of the areas of relationship between the two educational levels is to provide high-quality psychological and pedagogical support, which allows not only to overcome the difficulties that arise in the learning process, but also to prevent them. These most important tasks can be successfully solved in the conditions of multifaceted interaction between kindergarten and school, if the preschool educational institution acts as an open educational system ready for dialogue with the school and the public.

Analysis of pedagogical experience allows us to talk about continuity as a two-way process in which, at the preschool level of education, self-worth is preserved and the fundamental personal qualities of the child are formed, those achievements that serve as the basis for his successful education at school. At the same time, the school, as the successor to the preschool level, takes into account the achievements of the preschool child and builds its pedagogical activities based on his individual potential. This understanding of continuity allows us to realize continuity in the development and education of children.

In the practice of many preschool institutions and schools, productive forms of cooperation have developed in the implementation of programs and plans to prepare preschoolers for systematic education at school. This practice also exists in our preschool group. An effective form of interaction is visiting open classes and lessons, familiarizing yourself with methods and forms of work, thematic conversations about the age-related characteristics of a child’s development. Equally important are connections with other institutions - cooperation with the parent committee, with psychological and pedagogical consultation and medical workers, and school visits by children from the preparatory group.

The “Parents' Lounge” has become very popular in our preschool group, where educators, primary school teachers and parents gather once a month to discuss specific issues on raising children, preparing them for school with the demonstration of master classes. Parents share problems regarding the development of their child, together with teachers the problem is sorted out and a decision is made jointly. Moreover, parents come to understand that preparation for school begins not a year before school, but from early preschool age. These types of work are aimed at ensuring the natural transition of a preschooler from kindergarten to school and pedagogical support for the new social situation.

The teacher's study of the 1st grade program and the program of training and education of preschool children by the teacher should be based on familiarization with the general concept of kindergarten and school, their goals, objectives and specific content. This determines the required level of development that a child must achieve by the end of preschool age, the amount of knowledge and skills that he needs to master reading, writing and mathematical knowledge.

A teacher’s visit to lessons at school, and a teacher’s visit to a kindergarten allows them to get acquainted with the environment and organization of a child’s life and education, exchange experiences, and find optimal methods, techniques and forms of work. So, based on the analysis of open lessons, educators can suggest ways to use game methods and visual aids, promoting closer educational and methodological continuity between kindergarten and school. Teachers can exchange pedagogical innovations in periodicals.

In the process of analyzing the results of joint activities, mutual agreements are reached on the most fruitful forms of cooperation, which allow teachers to inform each other about the progress of children, difficulties in their upbringing and education, and the situation in their families. The teacher observes the child for a long time and can give the teacher detailed information about his personal qualities, level of development, state of health, interests, individual abilities, character and temperament. He can also give recommendations on choosing ways to individually approach the student.

No less useful are forms of collective exchange of experience, in particular joint pedagogical councils, methodological associations, thematic seminars organized by the school. Forms of exchange of experience between older preschoolers and first-grade students are very important. The kindergarten, together with the school, organizes various events where pupils of the kindergarten and school meet. Such meetings actualize their curiosity and increase interest in school. Future first-graders learn from schoolchildren ways of behavior, manners of conversation, free communication, and schoolchildren show concern for the younger ones.

Thus, by considering various forms of connection between preschool and primary school education as relevant stages in modern preparation for school, we are getting closer to solving the problem of continuity between kindergarten and school. The need for continuity increases even more in connection with the significantly increased role of public preschool education in our country. Preschool education is the first stage of a unified system of public education. N.K. Krupskaya emphasized: “If we organize the preschool education of children correctly, we will thereby raise the school to a higher level...”


1. Implementation of continuity between preschool and primary general education // Directory of senior educators. No. 2, 2008

2. Continuity between kindergarten and school // Directory of senior educators. No. 10, 2010

3. Continuity in the work of kindergarten and school as a relationship in the dialogue of two educational structures // Article by E. Kudryavtseva.

4. Elzhova N.V. Methodological piggy bank for teachers of preschool educational institutions. - Rostov on Don: Phoenix, 2009