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International Association of Trade Unions of Nuclear Energy and Industry Workers. Our partners Russian Trade Union of Nuclear Energy and Industry

The Russian Trade Union of Nuclear Energy and Industry Workers was founded in March 1992, and its origin dates back to January 1948 - from the birth of the industry, when at one of the meetings of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks) it was adopted "... the proposal of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions to establish the position of an authorized All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions on trade union organizations of enterprises of the First Main Directorate...".

It unites primary trade union organizations of state unitary enterprises, organizations, institutions, educational institutions, joint-stock companies of the country's nuclear complex. It has a simple structure: primary - the Central Committee of the trade union. 160 primary trade union organizations contact the Trade Union Central Committee directly.

RPRAEP is an all-Russian trade union. As of January 1, 2011, the Russian Trade Union of Nuclear Energy and Industry Workers (RPRAEP) unites 160 trade union organizations, which include 308,551 trade union members, which is 68.6% of the total workforce of 449,518 people. In addition, 109,147 non-working pensioners and 13,134 students are registered with trade union organizations. The total number of members of the trade union, taking into account non-working pensioners and students, is 430,832 people.

Three associations have been created within the trade union: the Association of trade union organizations of nuclear power plants (headed by Y.K. Babenko, chairman of the primary trade union organization of the Novovoronezh NPP), the Association of trade union organizations of nuclear weapons complex enterprises (headed by I.A. Nikitin, chairman of the primary trade union organization of the RFNC-VNIIEF) and the Association of Trade Union Organizations of the Fuel Company (headed by Yu.V. Borisov, Chairman of the primary trade union organization of OJSC NZHK).

RPRAEP cooperates closely with the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia on the basis of a bilateral agreement. Also, under the agreement, RPRAEP works with the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions.

The priority when solving statutory tasks for the RPRAEP is the principle of social partnership. Since 2001 Industry agreements are concluded between the Ministry of Atomic Energy (then the Atomic Energy Agency, the state corporation Rosatom), the Union of Employers and the industry trade union. To monitor the implementation of the OS, an industry commission has been created, which regularly (every 2-3 months) meets and sums up the implementation of the Industry Agreement, discusses the most important, pressing social problems.

The trade union is active internationally. It is a full member of three international trade unions: the International Organization of Energy and Mine Workers, the World Nuclear Workers Council and the Right to Energy International Energy Workers Association, and also cooperates with many other international trade union centers and organizations.

Vanichkin Alexander Georgievich

Address: 107078, Moscow,
st. Novoryazanskaya, 8A
tel: 8-499-975-21-79
fax: 8-499-261-85-06

The international association of trade unions of nuclear energy and industry workers "Profatomenergoprom" was created on May 23, 2002.

The member organizations of MPP "Atomenergoprom" are:
. Russian Trade Union of Nuclear Energy and Industry Workers (RPRAEP);
. Trade Union of Atomenergoprom Workers of Ukraine;
. Independent trade union of workers of the Ignalina NPP of the Republic of Lithuania;
. Trade Union of Nuclear Energy, Industry and Related Sectors Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
. Trade Union of Workers of the Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Technology of the Republic of Abkhazia;
. Trade union of workers of the Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The total number of members of trade unions included in the Atomenergoprom MOU is about 170 thousand people.
The last congress (congress) of the MPP "Atomenergoprom" took place in November 2009.

The Congress determined the following main areas of activity of MOP Atomenergoprom:
. development and strengthening of the unity of the industry trade union movement;
. protection of social and labor rights and interests of workers, trade union rights and freedoms;
. expansion of information work;
. ensuring mutual solidarity in organizing protest trade union actions;
. promoting (together with the All-Union Communist Party) the formation of a single labor market in the CIS countries, facilitating the development by the legislative and executive bodies of the CIS countries of measures aimed at improving the use of labor potential, regulating labor migration and protecting the social and labor rights of migrants on the basis of generally recognized international standards.

Particular attention is paid to the development of information activities, timely delivery to member organizations of review and comparative materials on the socio-economic situation in the CIS countries, on socially significant national legislation, dissemination of the experience of member organizations in ensuring social and labor protection of trade union members, etc.

In order to encourage trade union activists, workers of trade union organizations and partners of the Trade Union, the Presidium of the Central Committee of the RPRAEP established the following awards:

Honorary badge of RPRAEP named after. A.N. Kallistov “For services to the Russian Trade Union of Nuclear Energy and Industry Workers”

Honorary badge of RPRAEP named after. A.N. Kallistov “For services to the Russian Trade Union of Nuclear Energy and Industry Workers” are awarded to: - members of the Trade Union and workers of trade union organizations for many years of fruitful work in protecting the social and labor rights and interests of trade union members, great personal contribution to the development of the industry trade union movement, having trade union experience in the RPRAEP for at least 20 years and awards: Certificate of Honor from the RPRAEP, badge of the RPRAEP “For active work in the trade union”, 1st degree (until 07/01/2018, the badge of the RPRAEP “For active work in the trade union” did not have degrees);

Trade union organizations for many years of fruitful work to protect the social and labor rights and interests of members of the Trade Union, a great contribution to the development and improvement of the Trade Union, were previously awarded the RPRAEP Certificate of Honor for awarding teams.

Honorary badge of RPRAEP named after. A.N. Kallistov “For services to the Russian Trade Union of Nuclear Energy and Industry Workers” has two degrees. The recipients are awarded a Badge of Honor and issued a certificate in the established form (for teams: Badge of Honor and Certificate in the established form).

RSRAEP badge “For interaction and social partnership”

The badge is awarded to representatives of the employer, heads of organizations and officials, including state and municipal authorities, interacting and collaborating with the RPRAEP and trade union organizations that are part of the RPRAEP, for personal contribution to the development of effective and fruitful social partnership, interaction with the trade union organization of this enterprise and assistance in its activities.

The RPRAEP badge “For interaction and social partnership” has two degrees. The recipients are awarded a badge and issued a certificate in the established form.

RPRAEP badge “For contribution to the development of international cooperation”

The RPRAEP badge “For Contribution to the Development of International Cooperation” is awarded to Russian and foreign citizens who have made a significant contribution to the development of international relations between the RPRAEP and the Russian nuclear industry.

Awarded citizens are awarded a badge and issued a certificate in the established form.

RPRAEP badge “For active work in the trade union”

The RPRAEP badge “For active work in the trade union” is awarded to members of the Trade Union and employees of trade union organizations for their contribution to the activities of the trade union organization (Trade Union) in protecting the legal rights and interests of trade union members, active work to increase the level of trade union membership and previously awarded the RPRAEP Certificate of Merit , as well as having trade union experience in the RPRAEP, determined by the Regulations on awards of the RPRAEP for each degree.

The RPRAEP badge “For active work in the trade union” has three degrees. The recipients are awarded a badge and issued a certificate in the established form.

RPRAEP badge “Youth Trade Union Activist”

The badge is awarded to members of the Trade Union and employees of trade union organizations under the age of 35 who have been members of the RPRAEP for at least 3 years and have made a significant contribution to the activities of trade union organizations, the Trade Union in protecting the legal rights and interests of trade union members in the field of youth policy, including number, at the regional and sectoral levels.

RPRAEP Certificate of Honor

The RPRAEP Certificate of Honor was established to reward members of the Trade Union and employees of trade union organizations who were previously awarded or encouraged (Gratitude, bonus, valuable gift, Certificate of Honor and (or) other insignia of trade union organizations) for their great contribution to the activities of the trade union in protecting legal rights and interests of the Trade Union members.

Certificate of honor from RPRAEP for awarding teams of enterprises and organizations

The RPRAEP Certificate of Honor was established to reward teams of organizations and institutions whose employees are members of the RPRAEP for active trade union activities that have made a great contribution to increasing production efficiency and creating favorable social conditions for employees of organizations and institutions.

Thanks to RPRAEP

Gratitude is expressed to trade union workers and activists for their active participation in improving the efficiency of trade union organizations and their great contribution to the activities of the trade union in protecting the legal rights and interests of trade union members.

Commemorative watch with the RPRAEP logo

Commemorative watches with the RPRAEP logo are awarded to full-time employees of trade union organizations and members of the Trade Union for long-term (more than 10 years) and fruitful work in the trade union.

Materials for awards are submitted two months before significant dates and anniversaries.