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The population of Tatarstan for the year is: Government structure and population

- republic consisting of Russian Federation. The head of state and highest official of the Republic of Tatarstan is the President. He heads the system of executive bodies state power in the republic and directs the activities of the Cabinet of Ministers - the executive and administrative body of state power. The Cabinet of Ministers is responsible to the President. The candidacy of the Prime Minister is approved by the Parliament of Tatarstan at the proposal of the President.

The highest representative and legislative body of state power of the Republic of Tatarstan is the unicameral State Council (parliament).

The State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan is a permanently operating highest representative legislative body of state power. Parliament is elected for a period of five years and consists of 100 deputies. The State Council is headed by the Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

President of the Republic of Tatarstan

Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan

Local government acts independently within the limits of its powers. Local governments are not included in the system of state authorities. Local self-government throughout the Republic of Tatarstan is carried out in urban, rural settlements, municipal districts and urban districts.

Judicial power is exercised by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Tatarstan, federal courts of general jurisdiction, the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Tatarstan and justices of the peace. Legal proceedings and records management in courts are conducted in accordance with federal law.

The capital of the republic is Kazan - one of the largest economic, scientific, cultural and sports centers in Russia.

The official languages ​​in Tatarstan are Tatar and Russian.

The Republic of Tatarstan is multi-confessional. As of January 1, 2008, 1,398 religious associations were registered. The traditional confessions for the republic are Sunni Islam and Orthodoxy. Public policy in the republic is aimed at maintaining a balance of interests of Islam and Orthodoxy, equality of all religions before the law.

In terms of the number of functioning religious communities, Tatarstan is one of the leaders among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. There are about 1,400 religious buildings in the republic, of which: 1,150 mosques, 200 churches, 50 religious buildings of other faiths.

In political and administrative terms, Tatarstan is divided into 43 municipal districts, 22 cities, 20 urban-type settlements, 897 rural settlements.

The Republic of Tatarstan is one of the most densely populated regions of Russia. In terms of population, Tatarstan ranks eighth among 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The total population of Tatarstan in mid-2011 was 3 million 787 thousand 355 people.

Throughout the 20th century and the first decades of the 21st century, the population of the region grew at a low rate: 1920 - 2.7 million people, 1970 - 3.13 million people, 1989 - 3.64 million people ., 1999 – 3.78 million people, 2002 – 3.77 million people.

In general, demographic processes in the Republic of Tatarstan repeat all-Russian trends. The total fertility rate varied slightly between 2005 and 2011, reaching a minimum in 2010 (9.6%) and a maximum in 2009 (11.8%).

In 2011, for the first time in the last 20 years, the number of births exceeded the number of deaths, and the natural population growth of the republic became positive (Fig. 1).

A similar trend continued in 2012. In July 2012, the rate of natural population growth increased to 1.2% and the population of the republic increased by 2996 people. There has been an increase in the number of births not only of first and second children, but also of third and subsequent children in the family.

The gender structure of the population of Tatarstan is dominated by the female population: the share of women is 53.9%, and men – 46.1%.

Women numerically predominate in the urban settlements of the republic. Thus, in cities, there are 1,015 women per 1,000 men of working age, and 2,652 women per 1,000 men of retirement age. Only among the townspeople childhood(0-15 years) there is a preponderance towards the male population: there are 956 girls per 1000 boys.

In 2010 average duration The life expectancy of the population of the republic was 70.8 years (the average for the Russian Federation is 69 years).

The Republic of Tatarstan has maintained a positive migration balance for several decades, which indicates the economic attractiveness of the region both among the population of neighboring regions and among residents of the CIS countries. The main migration flows are directed to Tatarstan from the Chuvash Republic, the Mari El Republic, Bashkortostan, and among the CIS countries - from Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and other republics.

In 2010, 62.7% participated in intra-republican migrations total number migrants. Among the cities of Tatarstan, the cities of Mamadysh (10.5‰), Buinsk (7.9‰), Menzelinsk (7.0‰), Kazan (6.9‰), Mendeleevsk (5.4‰) have the largest balance of migration.

Large industrial cities have either a low or negative balance migration rate: Nizhnekamsk (-3.2‰), Naberezhnye Chelny (-0.9‰), Almetyevsk (0.1‰).

In total, representatives of 115 nationalities live on the territory of Tatarstan. The national composition of the population is characterized by a predominance of representatives of three national groups - Tatars (53%), Russians (39.4%), Chuvash (3.3%). All other national groups are less numerous, and the share of each of them does not exceed 1%. For example, the fourth national group after the Chuvash is the Udmurt population, whose share is 0.6% of the total population.

The total share of other national groups is 4.2% of the total population of the republic. The ratio of the leading national groups of the republic according to the results of individual population censuses is presented in table. 1.

Table 1 . Ratio of leading national population groups according to the results of individual population censuses


thousand people

thousand people

thousand people

thousand people

thousand people

thousand people

thousand people

thousand people

including Kryashens



The main areas of settlement of the predominantly Tatar population are Zakazanye - a vast area to the north and northeast of Kazan, as well as the east and south of the republic. Tatars numerically predominate in most districts and cities, and their share has increased throughout almost the entire territory of the republic (Fig. 3). The peripheral regions of the southwest are traditionally inhabited by the Chuvash and Mordovians, the Mari in the northwest, and the Udmurts in the northeast. Russian population slightly prevails in areas located on both banks of the Volga and near the wide mouth of the Kama, flooded by the reservoir, as well as in the cities of Zelenodolsk, Chistopol (more than 60% of the population), Bugulma and Elabuga (more than half). Large communities of Ukrainians and Bashkirs were formed as a result labor migrations 1960–1970s, they are concentrated in Naberezhnye Chelny and Nizhnekamsk (more than 40% of Ukrainians and 55% of Bashkirs of the republic).

The population density of the republic is 55.8 people/km2. According to this indicator, Tatarstan is noticeably superior to most neighboring regions, second only to the Samara region (59.2 people/km2) and the Chuvash Republic (69.9 people/km2). For example, the same figure in the Republic of Mari El is 30.2 people/km2, in Udmurtia – 38.6 people/km2, Kirov region– 11.6 people/km2, in Bashkortostan – 28.3 people/km2.

Density map rural population

In the Republic of Tatarstan, the rural population density is only 13.7 people/km2, which indicates high urbanization.

75.4% of the republic’s population lives in urban settlements, and 24.6% in rural areas. The urban population tends to grow steadily and slowly.

The cities of the republic differ in the number of inhabitants and play a different role in the internal and external socio-economic processes of the republic. The largest cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people have a diversified industry, participate in the intraregional division of labor, producing products aimed at both the domestic and foreign markets (Table 2).

table 2. Classification of cities by population(2010)

City status


Number of people, thousand people

Share in the total urban population of the Republic of Tatarstan, %

I. Millionaires
(1 million people or more)

II. The largest
(500 – 999.9 thousand people)

Naberezhnye Chelny

III. Large
(100 – 499.9 thousand people)



IV. Average
(20 – 99.9 thousand people)







(up to 19.9 thousand people)


Due to historical and economic reasons, the urban population of the republic is distributed unevenly. Most of it is concentrated in the north-west, north-east and south-east of Tatarstan (Fig. 4). Here systems have formed, clusters of cities that are developing agglomerations.

The most established is the Kazan agglomeration, which includes the cities of Kazan, Zelenodolsk and the settlement zone between them. About 1 million 300 thousand people live within the Kazan agglomeration, which is approximately 34.4% of the population of the republic and 45.5% of all citizens of the region.

Kazan is the capital of the republic, the only millionaire city in the region (1145.4 thousand people). This is the economic, cultural, political center of Tatarstan. The area of ​​Kazan is 425.3 km2. The birth rate and death rate are the same and amount to 13.1‰. Migration increase – (+4.6‰). The ethnic composition of the residents is diverse, but the leading national groups are Russians (48.8%) and Tatars (47.5%).

The Nizhnekamsk agglomeration, formed on the basis of the young cities of Naberezhnye Chelny and Nizhnekamsk, as well as ancient Yelabuga, has about 850 thousand inhabitants, which is 22.4% of the population of the republic and 29.8% of the urban population.

Naberezhnye Chelny is a large industrial and cultural center in the northeast of the republic. This main city polycentric Nizhnekamsk agglomeration and the center of the Nizhnekamsk TPK, the second most populous and important city in Tatarstan.

City area – 171 km2; population – 513.2 thousand people, which is about 13.5% of the population of Tatarstan. The rate of natural population growth is positive and amounts to 5.7‰. Migration population growth is negative and amounts to (-0.9‰). The national composition of the city's population is represented by the following main national groups: Tatars - 45.7%, Russians - 45.1%, Chuvash - 1.9%, Ukrainians - 1.6%, Bashkirs - 1.4%.

Nizhnekamsk is a major industrial center of the republic. It is the third most populous city in Tatarstan, the administrative center of the Nizhnekamsk municipal district.

The area of ​​Nizhnekamsk is 61.0 km2, the population is 234.1 thousand inhabitants. The natural increase coefficient is positive and amounts to 5.7 ‰, the balance migration coefficient is (-3.2 ‰). The national composition of the population is represented mainly by Tatars (46.5%), Russians (46.1%), Chuvash (3.0%), Ukrainians (1.0%), and Bashkirs (1%).

Elabuga (a city since 1780) is the industrial, cultural and historical center of the republic. It is the seventh most populous city in Tatarstan. Its area is 18.4 km2, population is 70.9 thousand people. Natural population growth is positive and amounts to 3.5‰, and the balance migration coefficient is also positive (+ 3.5‰).

The cities of the southeast of the republic (Almetyevsk, Bugulma, Leninogorsk, Aznakaevo, Bavly), closely connected by industrial, economic and cultural ties, form an industrial hub that contributed to the emergence of a new agglomeration.

About 337 thousand people live within the Almetyevsko-Bugulma agglomeration, which is 8.9% of the population of the republic and 11.9% of the urban population of the region.

Almetyevsk is the administrative center of the Almetyevsk municipal district, the largest city in the polycentric Almetyevsko-Bugulma agglomeration, the center of the Almetyevsko-Bugulma TPK of the republic, the fourth city in Tatarstan in terms of population and importance.

The area of ​​the city is 41 km2, the population is 146.2 thousand people. Natural population growth is positive and amounts to 1.3‰. Migration population growth has slowed down and amounts to 0.1‰. The national composition of the population is represented by the following national groups: Tatars - 50.4%, Russians - 42.9%, Chuvash - 2.4%, Mordovians - 2.4%.

Republican agglomerations are large industrial centers, concentrating a total of 65.7% of the total population and 87.1% of the urban population of Tatarstan, and act as “growth points” of the regional economy.

Number labor resources in the Republic of Tatarstan is 2434.3 thousand people, and the economically active population is 2092.8 thousand people. (July 2012).

Total number of people living in Tatarstan. (2015). Of these, a million people live in Kazan. Representatives of 115 nationalities live in the Republic of Tatarstan. The economically active population in the Republic of Tatarstan as of January 1, 2015 was 1,790.1 thousand people, or 47.0% of the total population of the republic.

Tatarstan ranks eighth in Russia in terms of population after Moscow and St. Petersburg, Krasnodar region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Moscow, Sverdlovsk and Rostov regions. In Privolzhsky federal district The republic is the second largest in terms of population. According to preliminary data, during the 2010 All-Russian Population Census in Tatarstan, 3,786.4 thousand people permanently residing in the republic were counted.

Tatars Tatars are the indigenous people of the Republic of Tatarstan, according to the results of the 2010 census, 2,012,000 Tatars lived in the republic (which is over 53% of the population of the republic). and 48.6% Russians; in Naberezhnye Chelny, the share of Tatars (47.4%) exceeds the weight of Russians (44.9%). Of their 43 municipal districts, Tatars form a majority in 32, Russians in 10, and in one district the majority of the population is Chuvash. In 10 regions, the number of Tatars exceeds % of the total number of those who indicated their nationality.

Population of Tatarstan as of 2015 people, urban, 4% (2015). Population density ~ 55.4 people/km² (2014).

The largest populated area Tatarstan is the city of Kazan. In addition to it, the Republic also has 21 cities, 20 urban-type settlements and 897 village councils. The most populated district of Tatarstan is Zelenodolsky (61 thousand inhabitants excluding Zelenodolsk), the least populated is Yelabuga (approximately 11 thousand inhabitants excluding Yelabuga).

Kazan 1143.5 Mendeleevsk 22.1 Naberezhnye Chelny 513.2 Buinsk 20.3 Nizhnekamsk 234.1 Agryz 19.3 Almetyevsk 146.3 Arsk 18.1 Zelenodolsk 97.7 Vasilyevo 17.0 Bugulma 89.1 Kukmor 16.9 Elabuga 70.8 Menzelinsk 16.5 Leninogorsk 64.1 Kamskie Polyany 15.8 Chistopol 60.7 Mamadysh 14.4 Zainsk 41.8 Jalil 13.9 Aznakaevo 34.9 Tetyushi 11.6 Nurlat 32.6 Alekseevskoe 11.2 Bavly 22 .1 Urussu 10.7

Within the republic, there is a steady migration influx in the gravitational zone of Kazan, as well as in certain areas of the southeast, where oil production and energy enterprises are located. An unstable migration pattern, depending on the situation at the city-forming enterprises, is developing in the gravitational zone of the Kama industrial hub. Migration outflow is typical for the peripheral and deep rural areas of the south and southwest, as well as the intermediate zone between the areas of attraction of Kazan and Yar Challa.

The Republic of Tatarstan has a multinational population. This circumstance largely explains the diversity of confessions and religious associations on its territory. The religious situation in the Republic of Tatarstan is generally assessed as stable and reflects the consequences of the changes that have occurred over the past decades and have significantly affected the sphere of state-church relations and activities religious organizations throughout the Russian Federation. Azimov Mosque State-confessional relations in Tatarstan are developing in accordance with the logic of the current stage of religious revival.

As of January 1, 2014, 1,398 religious organizations were registered in Tatarstan, of which: 1,055 Muslim, 255 Orthodox Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, 5 True Orthodox Church, 2 Old Believers (Belokrinitsa Consent and Old Pomeranian), Catholics - 2, Jews - 4, Protestant communities of various directions - 71 (Evangelical Christians - Baptists - 4, Evangelical Christians - 30, Christians of the Evangelical faith - 16, Seventh-day Adventists - 10, Lutherans - 5, New Apostolic Church - 1, Jehovah's Witnesses - 5), Baha'is - 1, Hare Krishnas (Vaishnavas) - 2, Church of the Last Testament (Vissarionists) - 1.

Kazan is a beautiful city, the capital of Tatarstan. Among the residents of our vast homeland there is an opinion that the population of Kazan is exclusively Muslim. This opinion is erroneous, since Russians, Tajiks, Azerbaijanis, and representatives of other nationalities live comfortably on the territory of this picturesque settlement. In this article we will find out how many people live in this beautiful, cosmopolitan city.

Tatarstan is a large republic with over 4 million inhabitants. Kazan is rightfully considered one of the historical cities of the whole world. In 2015 he turned 1010 years old. Today, this administrative center is one of the most multinational in our country, since the city is home to over 115 categories of people representing different nationalities.

Population of Kazan in 2020

According to official statistics, the population of Kazan for 2020 is 1,231,878 people. If we take this number as 100%, we get the following picture: 51% of the total is allocated to the Tatars living in this territory; 45% are Russian citizens (before 1907 this figure was 81.7%). The remaining 4% are Chuvash, Azerbaijanis, Ukrainians and representatives of others located close to administrative center, nationalities.

Historical data

In the first years after the founding of the city, the population density was approximately 20,000 inhabitants. Every year the population increased, and soon reached 100,000 people.

The positive dynamics of population growth is increasing every year. One of the key factors contributing to progression is an established fertility process. Families in the city of Kazan are large. Often parents raise at least 2 children. Another positive aspect contributing to the increase in population is that in Kazan the birth rate is higher than the death rate (the demographic situation in the region was negative until 2009).

The density and number of residents of the capital of Tatarstan is increasing due to residents who come to the city for a stable and significant income. According to official data, 70% of the city's population are people of working age. Accordingly, children and the elderly have approximately equal percentages in the population – 15% each.

Modern Kazan is a city of millions, which is divided into 7 large administrative and industrial districts. In view of these facts, there is a strong overcrowding of residents in some areas, and a large overcrowding of industrial sectors in others, respectively.

Kazan is a cozy, beautiful city with a centuries-old history that people want to visit a large number of tourists all over the world. Cozy and clean local attractions attract travelers. Documentary historical facts confirm the popularity of the city at all times.

Data from Wikipedia:

The current population of Kazan is:

  • 1,200,000 people (8th place in Russia) - according to the results all-Russian census 2010.
  • 1,231,878 people (6th place in Russia) - registered population as of January 1, 2017.
  • 1,231,878 people (6th place in Russia) - population estimate as of January 1, 2017
  • 1,560,000 people - expert estimate of the size of the Kazan agglomeration, a compact spatial grouping of settlements, one of the largest in Russia.

1557 1800 1811 1840 1856 1858 1863
7000 ↗ 40 000 ↗ 53 900 ↘ 41 300 ↗ 56 300 ↗ 61 000 ↗ 63 100
1897 1907 1914 1917 1920 1923 1926
↗ 130 000 ↗ 161 000 ↗ 194 200 ↗ 206 562 ↘ 146 495 ↗ 157 600 ↗ 179 000
1931 1939 1956 1959 1962 1964 1966
↗ 200 900 ↗ 406 000 ↗ 565 000 ↗ 646 806 ↗ 711 000 ↗ 742 000 ↗ 804 000
1967 1970 1973 1975 1976 1979 1982
↗ 821 000 ↗ 868 537 ↗ 919 000 ↗ 959 000 → 959 000 ↗ 992 675 ↗ 1 023 000
1985 1986 1987 1989 1990 1991 1992
↗ 1 051 000 ↗ 1 060 000 ↗ 1 068 000 ↗ 1 094 378 ↘ 1 094 000 ↗ 1 105 000 ↘ 1 104 000
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
↘ 1 098 000 ↘ 1 092 000 ↘ 1 076 000 → 1 076 000 ↗ 1 085 000 ↘ 1 078 000 ↗ 1 100 800
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
↗ 1 101 000 ↘ 1 090 200 ↗ 1 105 289 ↗ 1 105 300 ↗ 1 106 900 ↗ 1 110 000 ↗ 1 112 700
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
↗ 1 116 000 ↗ 1 120 238 ↗ 1 130 717 ↗ 1 143 535 ↗ 1 145 424 ↗ 1 161 308 ↗ 1 176 187
2014 2015 2016 2017
↗ 1 190 850 ↗ 1 205 651 ↗ 1 216 965 ↗ 1 231 878


Khan period

Having been founded as a northwestern outpost of the Bulgars, Kazan for a long time did not play a significant role in the life of Volga Bulgaria, and therefore it is impossible to estimate the population of the city with any accuracy. The first estimates of the population of Kazan date back to the era of the Kazan Khanate: mid-16th century century, from ≈25,000 to 100,000 people lived in the city, mostly Tatars by nationality. The subsequent capture of the city in 1552 was accompanied by complete ruin and depopulation, the population of Kazan fell many times, while the national composition of the city also changed dramatically - it became predominantly Russian.

Imperial period

According to the general census of 1738, 192,422 people lived in Kazan, which is more than in any other city of the Empire. However, although such statements are found in some sources, calling Kazan largest city Russia of that time is incorrect, since in the general census the population of the city was taken into account with a county with an area of ​​about 5 thousand km², which also included numerous peasants from the surrounding villages and hamlets. With some stretch it can be said in modern terms that in the middle of the 18th century Kazan had the most populated metropolitan area (full urban agglomeration) in the Russian Empire.

In 1907, 81.7% of Kazan residents were Russian.

Soviet period

With the revolution and the subsequent Civil War associated with a noticeable demographic failure - in 3 years the population is reduced by more than a quarter.

Subsequently, throughout the Soviet period of history, Kazan experienced significant growth. In the pre-war years of intensive industrialization, sharp growth was associated with the creation of new industrial sites in the riverine and eastern parts of the city and the command-administrative attraction of labor for their construction and subsequent work in new plants and factories. The city's population doubled.

During the Great Patriotic War Kazan received a significant number of evacuees from Western and northwestern parts countries of large factories and all-Union scientific organizations along with a large number of civilians. The city's population almost doubled, and after the war, a significant part of the evacuees settled in Kazan, increasing its total population by almost one and a half times.

In the following decades, the city's major growth continued due to urbanization. Due to the fact that in rural areas The TASSR, where the bulk of migration to the city came from, was dominated by Tatars, the shares of the Russian and Tatar population were leveling off, first to parity values, and by the end of the Soviet period the Tatar share began to predominate and further increase.

The millionth resident of the city was born in 1979. Contrary to the prevailing belief of even some Kazan residents, this was not achieved artificially through the annexation of the large exclave villages of Yudino and Derbyshki, which became parts of the city long (four decades) before.

Modern period

Depopulation observed since the early 1990s. in almost all Russian cities including millionaires, did not appear in Kazan, and the city continued to grow. In the list of Russian cities by population, the city rose from 10th to 6th place. Although the birth rate continued to remain lower than the death rate until 2009 (when natural population growth was recorded), the resulting increase in the city's population was associated with the migration influx and the inclusion of new settlements within the city. At the same time, the population of the annexed territories was about 20 thousand people (about 14 thousand in 14 villages in 1998, about 2 thousand in 2 villages in 2001, about 4 thousand in 5 villages in 2008), and the population growth of the city amounted to 52 thousand people. A larger (by another 30 thousand people) increase in the city’s population due to the proposal proposed and defended in 2003-2004. The administration of the mayor of Kazan Iskhakov did not increase the territory of the city by annexing Vasilyevo and the surrounding area due to the fact that these plans met with opposition from the district authorities and were not supported by the republican leadership.

According to the master plan for the development of the city, in force since 2007, due to some further annexation of new territories to the city and the development of them and previously annexed lands through the construction of new blocks of mass multi-storey residential development and settlements of individual cottage construction, it is planned to increase the population of the city to 1 million 123 thousand in 2010, 1 million 180 thousand in 2020 and 1 million 500 thousand in 2050. In 2010, the planned indicators were exceeded - the city’s population amounted to 1 million 139 thousand.

In addition, the already partially implemented and planned further virtually unbroken expansion of Kazan in the western direction (Zalesny - Orekhovka - Vasilyevo), including the construction of a 100,000-person “bedroom” multi-story satellite city “Salavat Kupere” starting in 2012 under the socio-economic program after Zalesny and the proposed creation by the republican authorities of another satellite city “Green Dol” between Vasilyevo and Zelenodolsk for 157 thousand people. , make it possible in the future to join Kazan from its agglomeration not only of Orekhovka, Vasilyevo, but also of these satellite cities and Zelenodolsk with a population of 100 thousand.

Kazan is one of the most multinational territories of Russia: representatives of over 115 nationalities live in the city. The two largest nationalities in Kazan are Russians (48.6% or 554.5 thousand people according to the 2010 census) and Tatars (47.6% or 542.2 thousand people). Also represented in the city are Chuvash (0.8% or 9.0 thousand people), Ukrainians (0.4% or 4.8 thousand people), Mari (0.3% or 3.7 thousand people). ), Bashkirs (0.2% or 1.8 thousand people), Udmurts (0.1% or 1.4 thousand people), etc.