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Learning to read. Learn to read using the ABC book and the alphabet online

A year or two before school, we think about teaching our child to read. After all, we know that the earlier our preschooler learns to read, the more useful information he will be able to receive even before he becomes a first-grader. As soon as your child learns, you can move on to learning syllables. These are the syllables for reading that can be downloaded from this page.

Syllable cards are the key to learning to read. Download, print and cut the sheet into cards, which will contain bundles of syllables consisting of a vowel and a consonant. Within a few weeks, after the child learns to read every syllable, he will be able to understand entire words in children's books.

Syllables by letter: download or print immediately

Syllables starting with "B"

Syllables starting with "B"

Syllables starting with "G"

Do not burden your child with reading all the syllables at once. For example, over the course of a week, teach your child syllables that begin with the same letter.

Syllables starting with "D"

Syllables starting with "Zh"

Syllables starting with "Z"

In the second week, start studying syllables that begin with a different letter, and simply repeat the learned syllables.

Syllables starting with "K"

Syllables starting with "L"

Syllables starting with "M"

There is an opinion that letters of different colors in reading syllables only distract the child and do not contribute to rapid learning.

Syllables starting with "N"

Syllables starting with "P"

Syllables starting with "R"

If you want to solve cards with syllables quickly, then use a ruler and a wallpaper knife.

Syllables starting with "C"

Syllables starting with "T"

Syllables starting with "X"

To make the cards last a long time, and for more than one child, laminate them.

Syllables starting with "F"

Syllables starting with "C"

Syllables starting with "H"

After the preschooler learns to correctly read all the cards with syllables, you can move on to reading books in which the words are broken down into syllables.

Syllables starting with "Ш"

Syllables starting with "Ш"

"Aifolika" is an effective, exciting course in teaching reading for preschool children. It is based on a patented method for learning the letters of the Russian alphabet and reading words.

The course consists of separate applications, each of which is aimed at teaching a child to read step by step: pronouncing sounds, memorizing letters, reading syllables, reading words and reading sentences.

The technique is suitable both for children who do not know the alphabet at all, and for those kids who already have basic knowledge.

Modern children are introduced to smartphones and tablets early. And of course, first of all, children play games on them. The online reading course "Aifolika" provides an excellent opportunity to take advantage of this to teach your child to read.

Classes on the “Aifolika” course develop fine motor skills, attention, memory, logical and abstract thinking, speech skills, as well as cognitive activity, independence and creativity of the child.

Why the ABC book “Aifolika”?

In order to learn to read, so that the child’s mind performs complex mental operations: comparison, analysis and synthesis, abstraction, generalization and concretization. By performing game exercises with our online primer, the child uses all these types of mental operations. Exercises in “Aifolika” are based on a combination of logic and association, which activates the work of both hemispheres of the baby’s brain. The methodology of the “Aifolika” course is built on this psychological basis.

When developing the course, the basic pedagogical principles were observed: consistency, accessibility, clarity, adequacy.

Techniques for teaching reading are based on the principle “from sound to letter”, starting with a phonetic block and ending with reading exercises.

The study of each letter of the alphabet consists of 18 detailed stages with game exercises aimed at correct pronunciation of the sound, memorizing and reproducing the visual image of the letter, correlating the sound with a graphic image of the corresponding letter, finding this letter among others, composing and voicing syllables with the letter being studied.

The course consists of a set of applications that include:
1. Studying letters and the sounds they represent. The announcer methodically pronounces the sounds correctly, then the child, on the instructions of the announcer, performs game exercises and repeats the sounds. The image on the screen helps the child understand the articulatory position of the lips and tongue. These are exercises such as pronouncing and singing sounds, finding various objects whose names begin with the sound being studied.

2. Memorizing the graphic representation of letters. The child learns to remember and reproduce graphic images of letters, perceive the sounds denoted by letters by ear and pronounce these sounds. Using specific game examples, the child will learn to associate the graphic image of a letter with the corresponding sound; will be able, by looking at pictures, to pronounce words and by ear determine the place of a specific sound in a word; will develop phonemic awareness, speech skills and will pronounce sounds and form the corresponding letters - from “A” to “Z”. By playing apps, your baby will learn to recognize letters by composing them from various objects, looking at pictures whose names begin with the letter being studied, matching the same and different letters, and solving interesting riddles.

3. Composing and reading syllables. In a playful way, the child learns to form open and closed syllables from already familiar (studied) letters and recognize these syllables in words. As you learn new letters of the alphabet, online ABC exercises will become more difficult. Exercises for reading syllables are introduced already on the third letter being studied.

4. Reading words. The child gradually begins to put syllables into words, moving from simple one- and two-syllable words to constructions with different types of syllables. While playing, the child will learn to associate the sound of a word with its spelling. At the stage of learning to read words, the child will become familiar with such applications as composing a word spoken by the speaker from the suggested syllables, reading words syllable by syllable, composing words based on the name of a drawn object.

5. Reading sentences. First, the child is asked to read simple sentences with words divided into syllables. Gradually the tasks become more complicated and punctuation marks are introduced. As a result, the child will learn to read simple texts consisting of several sentences.

The methods we have developed for teaching reading also contribute to the intellectual development of the child as a whole. The “Aifolika” course will be your child’s first primer, which will open up to him the magical world of books.

The course was prepared by a team of practicing teachers, philologists and psychologists, specialists in preschool education.

The ABC book technique is patented as a useful invention by Rospatent.

The course "Aifolika" is suitable for children from 3 years old.

Trainer for beginners. Simple words.

The book is wonderful. But kids don’t want to strain themselves and put the letters into words; it’s much easier to look at the picture and guess from the very first letter what is written under the picture.

Therefore, I suggest downloading these sheets. They have a lot of words and no explanatory pictures. Nothing will distract your child from the reading process. And since each word has only three letters, reading them will not be very difficult.

How many of them are words consisting of three letters? There are more than a hundred such words on these leaves. So the child will have something to read.

New cards for practicing reading skills. This time the selection contains words of 4 letters, but with one syllable.

That is, words have only one vowel letter.


More than 100 words consisting of 4 letters and 1 syllable are collected on two sheets.

When reading, a child must not only form a word from letters, but also comprehend what he read. Ask your child to explain each new word.

We continue to practice our reading skills.

The next selection is already two-syllable words of 4 letters. On the first card are words with the so-called “open syllable”. They are easy to read. Ma-ma, ka-sha, ne-bo, re-ka, lu-zha and similar words.

The second card is more difficult. The words on it contain both open and closed syllables. Ma-yak, ig-la, u-tyug, yah-ta, o-sel, yol-ka and so on.

Each card has over fifty words. So the child will have to work hard until he reads all the words.

We read new words syllable by syllable. Words already consist of 5 letters. Va-gon, baby, tu-man, mar-ka, re-dis, lamp-pa. And so on. If your child confidently reads these hundred and fifty words, you can assume that your baby HAS LEARNED how to read! Or rather, he learned to put words together from letters.

My children learned to read letters early, and then they got really good at syllables. And so my friends asked me to tell them how to properly teach a child to read. The fact is that they began to teach the child to immediately read the letters as they are pronounced in the alphabet, that is, “M” is the letter “Em,” “B” is the letter “Be,” etc. Eh, why did they start so wrong? “They just ruined everything,” I said.
Therefore, in this material I will give my method, which, however, is generally known, on how to quickly and correctly teach a child to read, so that by the time he goes to school he can freely read any children’s book for preschoolers.

Here are the main points that will be discussed in this material:

— Choosing the best teaching method
— Learning vowels and consonants
- We repeat and repeat again
- We begin to read syllable by syllable
- Read simple syllables
- Let's move on to complex syllables
- Let's start reading the words
- Watch your pronunciation
- Don't forget about age
— We learn by playing

So here are the basic rules:

1) First
Advice on choosing methods and manuals.
It will be best if you buy a primer, authored by N.S. Zhukova

This manual very effectively helps the child understand how to begin to form letters into syllables, read syllables, and then whole sentences. There are not many pictures in it, but there are enough of them so that your child does not get bored.
Be sure to buy this primer; it is sold in any bookstore that sells educational literature (or you can download it online if you find it). I taught my children exactly according to this method, having looked at a bunch of others before and settled on this one.

2) Second
How to learn vowels and consonants correctly.
First we learn open vowels, hard ones: A, O, U, Y, E.
Then we learn hard voiced consonants: M, L.
Important: you need to pronounce consonants only with sounds, that is, not Me, not Em, but simply “M” and that’s it.
Then we learn dull and hissing sounds: Zh, Sh, K, D, T, etc.

3) Third
Repetition is the mother of learning.
Be sure to repeat the material covered at each lesson, that is, the sounds that we learned in the previous lesson. Consolidating the material will allow your child to quickly develop the correct reading mechanism.

4) Fourth.
We read syllable by syllable.
But now that we have already learned some of the sounds, we need to teach the child to read syllables. It's actually not as difficult as it seems.
Let's analyze the syllable "Ma".
Look in the primer how the first letter of a syllable - “M” - runs to the second letter - “a”. This is how you need to teach a child to read syllable by syllable: “m-m-m-ma-a-a-a-a” - “m-m-m-ma-a-a-a-a.” The child must understand that the first letter runs towards the second, and as a result, both are pronounced together, together, inseparably from each other.

5) Fifth.
We learn simple syllables.
The first syllables you should teach your child to read should be simple, consisting of two sounds, for example, MA, LA, PA, LO, PO.
The child must understand how sounds are composed into syllables, he must understand the algorithm for this reading by syllables. Then, after a couple of days, he will begin to read more complex syllables: ZHU, VE, DO, that is, with hissing and voiceless consonants.

6) Sixth.
We learn more complex syllables.
It is still too early to move on to reading books, that is, to reading words. It is better to reinforce reading by syllables longer, so that the child thoroughly understands the mechanism of composing syllables, and from them - words.
So, after the child has already begun to read in syllables consisting of two letters, begin to give him more complex syllables in which the vowel comes before the consonant: AB, OM, US, EH.

8) Eighth
Let's watch the pronunciation.
To teach your child to read well, be sure to watch the first pronunciation of syllables.
Attention: some parents and even teachers and kindergarten teachers force children to sing syllables. Children get used to this and begin to sing them constantly, without even making spaces between words. That is, “ma-ma-we-la-ra-mu” is sung by such children in one breath. And some children even manage to sing the entire text of an entire paragraph, without pausing even when there are periods, commas or exclamation (question) marks.
Therefore: if you teach a child to read, teach him well right away - do not allow the child to sing everything, be sure to force him to pause between words and, even more so, between sentences. Immediately teach your child this way: sing a word, pause, sing a second word, pause. Then he will shorten the pauses himself, but to start, pauses must be taken.

9) Ninth
At what age should a child be taught to read?
Don't rush things. If your child is 3 or 4 years old, he is completely reluctant to sit and pore over books, read fluently or form letters into syllables. At this age, it is still too early to start teaching a child to read, unless, of course, he himself expresses his strong desire to master literacy.
Another thing is that at 5 and even 6 years old - at this age, actually preparatory age for school, children must be taught to read and write basic phrases in block letters. Like “MOM”, “COW”, “MILK”. Teachers in kindergartens usually cope with this. But those children who do not go to kindergarten for one reason or another must definitely receive this knowledge at home from their parents, or grandparents, or from a tutor. The fact is that the modern curriculum in secondary school already implies that a child enters first grade already able to read syllables.
Therefore, if you teach him before school, then it will be very easy for him to read at school, and he will survive the first stress from school calmly.

10) Tenth.
We learn by playing.
Do not try to immediately teach your child to read fluently or expressively. First of all, he must learn to form syllables on his own, read them in a book, form words and sentences, that is, simply master the reading technique. Let it be very slow at first, let it be difficult for him. But you must smoothly, quietly and calmly correct his mistakes, as if playfully. After all, playing is always relaxing and stress-free. And this is exactly what is needed for the child to calmly understand everything that adults demand from him.

And one last thing. If you follow all these 10 tips and rules, you will teach your child to read quite quickly - in 1.5-2 months. They learned this from me already at the age of 5 during the summer holidays, when the kindergarten was closed.
And in first grade they were already reading quite fluently. And by the way, most of the kids in first grade already knew how to read and count to ten, so my kids didn't have to catch up.

Nowadays, many different methods and aids for teaching reading have appeared. Parents are sometimes at a loss as to what to choose for their baby. But no matter what, in our time we can come across the good, old alphabet, according to which we ourselves and our parents learned. Let's say your child already knows all the letters, and it's time to teach them to read syllable by syllable. In this case, the alphabet will come to your aid, which will teach him to read syllable by syllable.

What is a syllable?

The thing is that the rhythm of speech belongs to the category of sensations, but how to determine the size and boundaries of a syllable by ear is not indicated in any textbook. Even high school students make mistakes when transferring words from one line to another.

If you read the definition of a syllable in textbooks, they write there that a syllable can contain one or more sounds and is pronounced with one impulse of air. And you can push the air in different ways. In school textbooks they write that words should be divided into syllables in this way: MA-SHI-NA or PA-PA.

But nowadays, at the primary school pedagogical university, students are taught to chant loudly, almost to the point of shouting, in unison.

From written speech we know that each syllable must contain one vowel. But children who cannot read yet do not know how many vowels there should be in words, so it is very difficult for them to divide a word into syllables.

How to properly teach a child to read syllables?

The very first thing you need to do before teaching a child to read is to choose the right method or manual.

Today, the primer by N.S. is very popular. Zhukova. This manual greatly helps the child understand how to begin to form letters into syllables, i.e. read syllable by syllable, moving on to whole sentences.

Primer N.S. Zhukova can be purchased at almost any bookstore.

Let's move on to the next question - how to correctly learn vowels and consonants using ABC books?

First, you need to teach open, hard vowels with your kids: A, O, U, Y, E.

Then we learn hard voiced consonants: M, L.

Another common mistake is that we teach children not sounds, but letters. For example, it is correct to say not BE but B, not SE but S.

Another very important point is that at each stage of training, it is necessary to consolidate the material covered.

For example, you can explain to your child that the first letter seems to run after the second, or draw a bridge from one letter to another.

First, you need to learn simple syllables that consist of two syllables, for example: MA, SA, LO, PO.

The main thing is that the child understands the principle of how sounds are combined into syllables.

We go from simple to complex, after simple syllables we begin to learn complex syllables in which the vowel comes before the consonant.

Some teachers and parents teach their children to sing syllables. But this method has one significant drawback: children get used to it and begin to sing syllables constantly, without making spaces between words.

Therefore, you should not allow your child to sing everything; teach your child to pause between words, and then between sentences. These pauses may be long at first, but the child will gradually learn.

But lastly, the question that worries almost all parents is at what age should they start teaching their children to read.

Experts believe that learning to read depends on the individual abilities of the child. It is believed that at 3-4 years old it is too early to teach a child to read, unless he himself expresses a desire to learn to read.

The best age for learning to read is 5-6 years old.

Different schools have different requirements, but in most schools, when a child enters the first grade, he should already be able to read.

Also, we should never forget that all children learn through play, and each child has their own speed of development and learning.

Teaching children

Federal State Educational Standard
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