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“Teaching students the basics of safe work on the Internet” presentation for a lesson (middle group) on the topic. Social project "We are in Internet safety" Educational educational activity on the topic of safe behavior of preschoolers on the Internet

Today, the issue of ensuring information security is the most pressing. It’s no secret that information today has much more weight than in previous times, and the level of information security and personal security in general directly depends on what information we choose to be true. Teenagers are less protected in this regard, which is why the topic of ensuring a teenager’s informational identity is in demand in reality. Only competent and coordinated work of all social institutions can cultivate a safe type of personality.




Description of the project (problem, goal, objectives, implementation stages)

Stage 1 – choosing a project problem


Modern life is an open multipolar information society, in which there is a lot of multidirectional information.

Today, the Internet plays a big role in a person’s life, and also has a huge impact on him. There are more and more Internet users every year, which means that the number of Internet services offered to them is growing. Regular viewing of text and multimedia no longer suits people. Sites where a visitor can actively interact with other visitors have become fashionable. And their name is social networks.

There are sites on the Internet where “harmful” information has increasingly begun to appear, which can include: a call for war; information that incites social, racial, informational or religious hatred and enmity; propaganda of hatred, hostility and superiority; distribution of pornography; infringement of honor, good name and business reputation of people; advertising (unreliable, unethical, hidden); information that has a destructive effect on the psyche of people.

The results of numerous studies indicate that more than half of all Internet users are already addicted to virtual communication on social networks. In our country, this figure is still lower than the world figure, but it is growing rapidly.

A rather complex problem arises: people’s inability to understand information flows, identify information threats and protect themselves from them - all this makes a person vulnerable to various kinds of manipulation of his consciousness, contributes to social and personal disadaptation, and withdrawal into virtual reality. Often, as we can note, there is a substitution of moral values.

Modern society is faced with the task of how and in what way citizens can be protected from negative information influence.

And, of course, the younger generation, as the most vulnerable due to its psychological, social and physiological immaturity, needs protection from information influence.

According to Russian legislation, information security of children is a state of protection of children in which there is no risk associated with information, including information distributed on the Internet, causing harm to their health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development (Federal Law of December 29, 2010 No. 436-FZ “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development”).

Overcoming the unwanted effects of the computer is only possible through the joint efforts of teachers, parents and schoolchildren themselves.

That is why we, students of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 122, cannot stand aside in these conditions, and we understand the need to solve new problems that have arisen before us:

  1. Finding effective ways for the full development of children in modern conditions of unlimited access to information (television, Internet, etc.).
  2. Finding ways to form information immunity, which manifests itself in the individual’s immunity to negative information influences, in the ability to identify, identify threats contained in information and protect against them.
  3. Organization of prevention of Internet addiction and protection of psychological health of schoolchildren.
  4. Educating parents about the dangers of the impact of aggressive information on the child’s psyche, the formation of Internet addiction, etc.

Our creative group was interested in the question of what role social networks play in the life of a teenager. We decided to look into the pros and cons of secure Internet communication.

Objective of the project – to form among schoolchildren an active position in acquiring knowledge and skills to identify an information threat, determine the degree of its danger, anticipate the consequences of an information threat and counter them.

Project objectives:

1. familiarizing students with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation governing information security issues;

2. familiarizing students with the goals and objectives of information security;

3. informing students about the types of information that can cause harm to the health and development of minors, prohibited information, as well as the negative consequences of disseminating this information;

4. training children and adolescents in the rules of responsible and safe use of Internet services.

Stage 2 – research of the problem. Questionnaire

In modern legislation regulating the fundamentals of a safe Internet and the protection of children in cyberspace, the following regulations govern:

  1. Federal Law No. 149-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On information, information technologies and information protection.”
  2. Federal Law No. 436-FZ of December 29, 2010 “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development” .
  3. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 436-FZ “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development” (The law defines the information security of children as a state of security in which there is no risk associated with harm from information (including information distributed on the Internet) harm to their health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development), etc.

Guaranteed help in case of Internet threats and Internet violence can be obtained by calling the All-Russian Children's Helpline (8-800-2500015).

Having studied the literature, conducted sociological surveys of students and their parents, and organized research on the development of Internet addiction in adolescents, we obtained the following results.

To the question: “What is the Internet for you: communication on social networks?” The teenagers answered that, firstly, it is a means of communication, secondly, it is entertainment, and then - a means of education, searching for information (Appendix 1).

Most teenagers spend a lot of time (on average 3 or more hours a day) in various chat rooms and forums, social networks, which, according to

their opinion, expands their horizons and worldview (Appendix 2).

Naturally, this is not very good, but for many it is not easy to communicate in reality. Sometimes it happens that you are not understood or you feel lonely, but on the Internet you find people who have the same views, interests and life becomes easier! And, in general, all modern teenagers should have their own page on some social network. It is fashionable and prestigious (only 4% of all respondents do not use the social network) (Appendix 4).

On average, every teenager at school is registered in 2 or more social networks.

Active use of the Internet as a means of communication begins at the age of 11.5 years.

  1. VKontakte - 91%
  2. - 38%
  3. Odnoklassniki - 35%
  4. Facebook – 33%
  5. Twitter - 25%.

There are also those for whom the Internet is an indispensable assistant for gaining knowledge. With one keystroke, you receive information that you could spend a lot of time searching for. And here everything is at your fingertips: any encyclopedia, reference book, rare or expensive book that you might never have bought.

Teenagers see the danger and harm of social networks in Internet addiction, lack of time for face-to-face communication, decreased academic performance, and visual impairment. A quarter of the teenagers surveyed do not know what the danger is and do not see harm (Appendix 6).

Does the Internet affect a teenager's health? The respondents' opinions were divided. About 56% believe that the Internet affects health, and 42% that it does not, 2% of respondents find it difficult to answer (Appendix 7).

The Internet does not protect teenagers from negative information, which 13% of students were interested in.

The average portrait of a teenager - a schoolchild who visits social networks - looks like this: he uses the Internet to cheer himself up, simply calm down, and get rid of boredom. Spends 2 hours a day at the computer, and up to 8 hours on weekends.

He hides his hobbies, the contents of correspondence, and his online page from his parents. You don’t feel irritation or fatigue if you don’t visit a social network for a long time.

The feeling of lack of time, the desire to “sit” longer on the Internet, 50% of respondents answered that they do not experience it and 50% do (Appendix 8).

The majority (75%) sometimes hear reproaches and prohibitions from parents regarding the amount of time teenagers spend online.

And 25% of teenagers surveyed claim that their parents never limited or controlled their Internet activities (Appendix 9).

Parents do not see much harm in their children's constant communication on social networks. More than 55% of the parents surveyed are not interested in who their child communicates with, what information he is looking for on social networks, explaining their position with a sense of trust in the choice and behavior of their child (Appendix No. 10).

As we see, parents themselves are poorly informed about the dangers of information influence on the psychological and physical health of a teenager and the formation of Internet addiction.

The presence of social networks in the life of a modern teenager is an unchanging, recognized reality. It has, like everything created by human hands, its positive and negative sides. New technologies give rise to new diseases. Internet addiction is one of them. And a person who has a bad habit or behavior disorder is not psychologically healthy, and therefore happy.

A comprehensive solution to the considered problems of information security on the part of the family and school can significantly reduce the risks of causing various types of damage (moral, material, health, etc.) to the child. Therefore, ensuring the information security of students has become one of the primary areas of work.

Stage 3 – proposals (plan) for project implementation

In connection with the growing global process of active formation and large-scale use of information resources, the information security of children is of particular importance. Educating the younger generation regarding the use of various information resources, knowledge of basic rules for the selection and use of information contributes to the development of a system for protecting children's rights in the information environment, maintaining health and normal development.

The modern world is densely saturated with various kinds of technologies, as well as new discoveries in various spheres of life. We are direct participants in everything that surrounds us, and accordingly we interact in some way, both among ourselves and between objects and processes occurring around us. Information, which increasingly fills the modern world, and with it society, also has considerable weight. We receive it, accumulate it, exchange it, it is she who is the source of our knowledge, against her background our opinions on any processes or events are formed, it is she who is one of the most important components shaping modern society.

The concept of “information security” today is interpreted in both a broad and narrow sense. In a broad sense, this is the information security of individuals, society and the state. In a narrow sense, this is the security of the information itself and the channels for its reception (transmission).

In our case, we will be more focused on considering issues related to ensuring personal information security.

The individual, as a key element of society, is most susceptible to various social dangers, therefore, understanding security in the context of the relationship between the interests of the individual, society and the state involves considering information and psychological security as an aspect of the general problem.

I would like to pay more attention to issues of education, both at school and at home.

The following activities are planned as part of the project:

  1. Questionnaire;

Stage 4 – project implementation

  1. Questioning.

To study the problem of Internet security and the attitude of teenagers towards it, a questionnaire was developed to analyze the current situation in the school environment.

The survey was conducted in the form of an anonymous survey, both on paper and electronically (Appendix 1).

  1. Conducting a round table “Basics of Internet security”

The round table was preceded by preliminary training of students on the proposed topic. The list of questions for discussion is identified as a result of a student survey.

Issues for discussion:

1. What is the Internet for?

2. What are the risks when using the Internet, and how can they be reduced?

3. What types of fraud exist on the Internet?

4. How to protect yourself from fraud on the Internet?

5. What is secure chat?

6. A virtual interlocutor offers to meet, what should I do?

7. How can you protect yourself when using instant messaging services?

When summing up the round table, students were offered rules of behavior on the Internet (Appendix 3).

  1. Conducting a computer game for primary schoolchildren.

As part of a class hour or a lesson in computer science (the surrounding world), a computer game about the rules of behavior on the Internet “Walk through the InterNetForest” ( was played with students in grades 2-4. , which shows in a playful way what dangers can be encountered when working on the Internet, talks about network interaction and etiquette, as well as protecting the rights of children.

  1. Conducting an extracurricular event “The Tale of the Golden Rules of Internet Security.”

The fairy tale was prepared by students in grades 5-6 and 9 and presented to elementary school students.

When developing the script for the extracurricular event “The Tale of the Golden Rules of Internet Security,” the presenters themselves play a significant role, since the timeliness and relevance of the presented material depends on them. Discussion of the fairy tale allowed junior schoolchildren to determine their own position on organizing work on the Internet. At the end of the extracurricular activity, students were given reminders with the seven golden rules of working on the Internet (Appendix 4).

In a certain kingdom, the Internet state, there lived a Smile-Tsarevich-Tutor-Korolevich, who ruled the glorious city of SotsOBRAZ. And he had a bride - the beautiful Smile-Princess-On-Line-King, who spent day and night in virtual fun. How many times did the prince warn her about the dangers lurking in the network, but his bride did not listen.

Tsarevich Smile worked tirelessly, building the city of SotsOBRAZ, taking care of protecting his borders and teaching city residents the basics of life safety in the Internet state. And he did not notice how the Internet still pulled the Smile Princess into its insidious networks. I was grieving, but there was nothing to do: I had to save the bride.

He assembled the army of the Royal Social Educational Service - a remote squad and organized the "Regatta" wisely. Wise heads began to think about how to rescue the princess from virtual captivity. And they came up with the “Seven Golden Rules for Safe Behavior on the Internet,” put them in the Smile Prince’s knapsack, and he went to look for a bride.

I went to the search bar, clicked on the filthy links, and they were right there: the porn community of the Snake the Tempter-Gorynych, the shooter-killers of the Nightingale the Robber, the overseas goods of the Shopov merchants, the dating networks of mermaid barkers... How to find and find Smile- princess?

The Tutor-King thought deeply, put on an anti-virus shield, picked up a code sword, mounted a heroic horse and stepped into the impassable quagmire. He wandered for a long time, fighting off advertisements from shop touts and luring spams. And he stopped at the crossroads of a brave three-level playground, began to read the inscription on a stone overgrown with moss: if you get to the first level, you will lose track of time, if you get to the second level, you will turn away from your loved ones, and if you go to the third, you will forget your name.

And Prince Smile realized that he had to look for a bride here. He waved his righteous sword and cracked the code of the terrible game! The Smile Princess slipped out of the open networks, gave herself an honest password and threw herself into the arms of her betrothed. He hugged his wretched bride and handed him a magical little cat with instructive words: “Here is a talisman for you against virtual intrigues, religiously observe safe instructions!” (Appendix 14).

  1. Development of a page for the school website “Children on the Internet”

The posting of official documents, explanations of problem situations, the legislative framework, helplines of human rights organizations in the regions of Russia, and much more you will find on this page.


The problem of ensuring the information security of children in information and telecommunication networks is becoming increasingly relevant due to a significant increase in the number of minor users.

In modern conditions of social development, a computer has become for a child both a “friend” and a “helper” and even a “educator”, “teacher”.

Universal informatization and accessible, high-speed Internet have equalized the opportunity for residents of big cities and small villages to receive a quality education.

Meanwhile, there are a number of aspects when working with a computer, and in particular with the Internet, that negatively affect the physical, moral, and spiritual health of the younger generation, giving rise to behavioral problems in mentally unstable schoolchildren, posing a threat to children.

In this regard, it is necessary to direct all efforts to protect children from information that is harmful to their health and development. Educating the younger generation, the child’s knowledge of basic rules for selecting information, as well as the ability to use it, contributes to the development of the system for protecting children’s rights.

The implementation of the project with students was carried out depending on age characteristics: primary level (grades 2-4), secondary (grades 5-9).

At each stage, special forms and methods of teaching were used in accordance with age characteristics.

The formation of information security and culture skills is carried out not only in computer science lessons, but also in other subjects (for example, social studies, etc.), as well as in extracurricular activities.

The following activities were carried out as part of the project:

  1. Questionnaire;
  2. Conducting a round table “Basics of Internet Security”;
  3. Conducting a computer game for primary schoolchildren;
  4. Conducting an extracurricular event “The Tale of the Golden Rules of Internet Safety”;
  5. Development of a page for the school website “Children on the Internet”

So, today, the issue of ensuring information security is the most pressing. It’s no secret that information today has much more weight than in previous times, and the level of information security and personal security in general directly depends on what information we choose to be true. Teenagers are less protected in this regard, which is why the topic of ensuring a teenager’s informational identity is in demand in reality. Only competent and coordinated work of all social institutions can cultivate a safe type of personality.

List of used literature:

  1. Becky Worley. Internet: real and imaginary threats / Trans. from English - M.: KUDITS-OBRAZ, 2004. - 320 p.
  2. Bocharov M.I. Comprehensive provision of information security for schoolchildren // Application of new information technologies in education - С17-20-, 2009
  3. Budunov G.M. Computer technologies in the educational sphere: pros and cons. - M.: ARKTI, 2006. - 192 p.
  4. Galatenko V.A. Fundamentals of information security. [Text] 4th ed. textbook, university // - M: Binom Publishing House. Knowledge Laboratory, Intuit, 2008-205 p.
  5. Zerkina E.V. Joint work of teachers and parents to overcome the negative impact of the ICT environment.
  6. Kimberly Young. Test for Internet addiction / Translation of the test, performed and adapted by V.A. Burova / Clinic SPO Center - M: 2009 [Electronic resource]. - URL:
  7. A computer for children... not a toy / E.N. Volodko, A.E. Pletnev, A.G. Sugakevich. – Minsk: Belarus. assoc. “Competition”, 2011. – 96 p.
  8. Lenkov S.V., Peregudov D.A., Khoroshko V.A. Methods and means of information security. In 2 volumes. Volume 1. Unauthorized receipt of information [Text] // - M: Publishing house: Ariy, 2008, 464 p.
  9. Methodological recommendations: Methodology for organizing the week “Internet Security” / Authors: Selivanova O.V., Ivanova I. Yu., Primakova E. A., Krivopalova I.V. - Tambov, IPKRO 2012.
  10. Prohoda A. N. Ensuring Internet security. Workshop: Textbook for universities. [Text] // - M.: Hotline - Telecom, 2007. - 180 p.
  11. Real virtuality / A.E. Pletnev, A.G. Sugakevich. – Minsk: Belarus. assoc. “Competition”, 2012. – 64 p.
  12. Fedosov A.Yu. System of educational work in a single information space of a rural school. // Pedagogical informatics - 2006 - No. 4 - P 82-88.
  13. "Safety":
  14. "Safe Internet":
  15. “School sector. Rights and children on the Internet":
  16. Barbara Gutman, Robert Bagwill. Internet Security Policy - Technical Guide. CITForum 2009
  17. Children's safety on the Internet. 2008
  18. Home Security
  19. Evteev L. Child safety on the Internet. Innovative educational network "Eureka" - Perm, 2009.
  20. Internet media “Your personal Internet”
  21. Fundamentals of children and youth safety on the Internet - an interactive course on Internet safety. The copyright holders of the site are the Finnish Information Security Day project and WSOYpro


Annex 1

Appendix 2

Sociological survey “We are in Internet security”

Appendix 3

Sociological survey “We are in Internet security”

Appendix 4

Sociological survey “We are in Internet security”

Appendix 5

Sociological survey “We are in Internet security”

Appendix 6

Sociological survey “We are in Internet security”

Appendix 7

Sociological survey “We are in Internet security”

Appendix 8

Sociological survey “We are in Internet security”

Appendix 9

Sociological survey “We are in Internet security”

Appendix 10

Sociological survey “We are in Internet security”

Appendix 11


Class _______________

1. Is there a computer at home?

2. Is there Internet at home?

3. How much time do you spend at the computer?

4. What means of communication on the Internet do you know?

5. Do you communicate with friends on the Internet?

6. What means of communication on the Internet do you use?

7. Do you use an email account?

8. Do you have a blog or live journal?

9. Do you send e-cards?

10. Do you know the rules of netiquette?

11. What dangers can await you on the Internet?

12. Have you talked with your parents about Netiquette, about the rules of behavior on the Internet?

Appendix 12


(or 11 obligatory “NOTs” on the Internet)

1. Do not advertise your age to everyone. A small user of the Internet cyberspace often attracts the attention of scammers who know that a child is more trusting, makes contact more easily, and does not know how to recognize deception.

2. Do not indicate your home address, do not announce when your parents are not at home. Those who really need it know. It is simply unsafe to share such information with strangers.

3. Don't give out your phone number. Neither home nor mobile. Again, those who need it know.

4. Do not share your photos and photos of friends. There is a risk that they could be used by attackers.

5. Do not share your passwords with anyone. A person of any age has the right to privacy of personal information. No one (even parents and teachers) has the right to demand passwords from certain resources that the child uses. Especially strangers.

6. Do not believe all the information received in cyberspace at once. Historically, it has been “trust but verify.” Cyberspace is not only a storehouse of useful information, but also a cesspool of humanity, this must always be remembered. Analyze. Weigh. Think.

7. Don’t download everything. This is simply dangerous. A virus in downloaded files can cause significant “damage” to a computer, and “negative information” in them can cause tangible (not noticeable) harm to the psyche.

9. You can’t delete it from the Internet forever. If they used to say, “what is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe,” then this saying is 1000% about modern cyberspace. Once published, you will never delete it forever.

10. Don't insult. The modern Internet is very aggressive. Primarily because most users believe that their behavior is unpunished. Don't be like them. Be taller.

11. Don't be afraid of what happens on the Internet. The simplest and most complex rule. The unknown often breeds excitement and fear. The excitement is growing. Fear breeds even more fear. Don't be afraid, but don't immediately trust everything that happens on the Internet.

By following these 11 rules, cybersocialization will be safer. And not only the cybersocialization of children.

Appendix 13

Round table “Basics of Internet security”

Rules for working on the Internet

1. Do not log into unfamiliar sites.

2. If you receive a Word or Excel file by mail, even from a familiar person, be sure to check it for viruses before opening it.

3. If you receive an unfamiliar attachment, do not launch it under any circumstances, but rather immediately delete it and empty the trash.

4. Never send your password to anyone.

5. Try to use a difficult-to-remember set of numbers and letters for passwords.

6. When communicating on the Internet, do not indicate your personal data, but use a pseudonym (nickname)

7. Without adult supervision, never meet people you met on the Internet.

8. If you need to register online, you must do it in such a way that it does not contain any personal information.

9. Currently, there are many programs that filter website content. There must be a trusting relationship between family members in order to view the content of sites together.

10. Not all information posted on the Internet can be trusted.

11. Do not leave your computer unattended with important information on the screen.

12. Beware of peeking over your shoulder.

13. Do not save important information on a public computer.

Appendix 14

Memo for elementary school students

1. Always remember your Internet - royal name (e-mail, login, passwords) and don’t bow to everyone (don’t register everywhere unnecessarily)!

3. If you receive a letter about a big win, this is “not true: it’s impossible to win just like that, and if you want to earn piastres, you need to participate in useful educational projects - in the “Regatta...”, for example!

4. In order not to forget the path back and return on time, take the magic ball with you (set yourself an alarm clock when you sit down at the computer)!

5. If you want to be friends with other kingdoms - states, study useful social services of Web 2.0: they will help you build “My Royal World”, your royal blog, a forum for important heralds - invited friends!

6. Don’t forget to update your anti-virus program - otherwise the Gray Wolf virus will eat your entire computer!

7. Do not download unlicensed software products - otherwise pirates will sink your ship in the stormy waves of the Internet!

Safety of preschoolers on the Internet As studies conducted on the Internet have shown, the most growing segment of Internet users are preschoolers. At this age, adults play a decisive role in teaching children how to use the Internet safely.

What can children aged 5–6 years do?

Children of this age are characterized by a positive outlook on the world. They take pride in their reading and math skills and love to share their ideas. Even though children at this age are very capable in using games and using a mouse, they still depend heavily on you when searching for children's sites. How can we help them do this safely?

At this age, it is advisable to work on the Internet only in the presence of parents.

Be sure to explain to your child that communicating on the Internet is not real life, but a kind of game. At the same time, try to direct his efforts to understanding the world.

Add children's sites to the Favorites section. Create a folder for the sites your children visit.

Use tools to block inappropriate content as an addition to standard Parental Controls.

Teach your child never to give out information about themselves or their family online.

Encourage your child to report any threats or worries related to the Internet to you.

Age from 7 to 8 years.

According to psychologists, it is absolutely natural for children of this age to want to find out what they can afford to do without parental permission. As a result, while on the Internet, the child will try to visit certain sites, and possibly chat rooms, that he would not have received permission to visit from his parents. Therefore, at this age, the reports that Parental Control will provide you will be especially useful. As a result, your child won't feel like you're looking over their shoulder at the screen, but you'll still know what sites your child is visiting. It is worth understanding that children at this age have a strong sense of family, they are trusting and do not doubt authority. Children of this age love to play online games and surf the Internet.

Create a list of house rules for visiting the Internet with the participation of children and demand their implementation.

Require your child to adhere to time limits for being on the computer.

Show your child that you are watching him not because you want to, but because you are concerned about his safety and are always ready to help him.

Teach your children that they should only visit sites that you allow, i.e. create a so-called Internet “white” list for them using Parental Controls.

A computer with an Internet connection must be located in the common room under parental supervision.

Encourage your children to consult with you before posting any information through email, chat, registration forms, and profiles.

Teach your children not to download files, programs or music without your consent.

Encourage your child to report any threats or worries related to the Internet to you. Remain calm and remind children that they are safe if they tell you about their threats or concerns. Praise them and encourage them to come again in similar cases.

Project “We are in Internet Security”


Modern life is an open multipolar information society, in which there is a lot of multidirectional information. Today, the Internet plays a big role in a person’s life, and also has a huge impact on him.
There are more and more Internet users every year, which means that the number of Internet services offered to them is growing. Regular viewing of text and multimedia no longer suits people. Sites where a visitor can actively interact with other visitors have become fashionable. And their name is social networks.
There are sites on the Internet where “harmful” information has increasingly begun to appear, which can include: a call for war; information that incites social, racial, informational or religious hatred and enmity; propaganda of hatred, hostility and superiority; distribution of pornography; infringement of honor, good name and business reputation of people; advertising (unreliable, unethical, hidden); information that has a destructive effect on the psyche of people.
The results of numerous studies indicate that more than half of all Internet users are already addicted to virtual communication on social networks.
In our country, this figure is still lower than the world figure, but it is growing rapidly.
A rather complex problem arises: people’s inability to understand information flows, identify information threats and protect themselves from them - all this makes a person vulnerable to various kinds of manipulation of his consciousness, contributes to social and personal disadaptation, and withdrawal into virtual reality.
Often, as we can note, there is a substitution of moral values. Modern society is faced with the task of how and in what way citizens can be protected from negative information influence. And, of course, the younger generation, as the most vulnerable due to its psychological, social and physiological immaturity, needs protection from information influence.
According to Russian legislation, information security of children is a state of protection of children in which there is no risk associated with information, including information distributed on the Internet, causing harm to their health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development (Federal Law of December 29, 2010 No. 436-FZ “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development”).

Residents of TO. The need for the project for citizens of the Tula region. The Tula region is located in the central part of the Russian Federation, directly next to its capital city of Moscow. Residents of the city can freely use the Internet almost everywhere, and in public places it is possible to connect to free Wi-Fi.
Project target groups: Parents and children of Tula, MBUDO "City Center for Development and Scientific and Technical Creativity"
Objective of the project: prevention of risks on the Internet
Project objectives:
1. To give younger schoolchildren an idea of ​​the modern information society, information security of the individual and the state.
2. Introduce them to the basics of safe computer operation, the types and basic properties of information, teach them how to safely search for information on the network and process it.
3. Together with students, develop reminders, leaflets on safe computer work, safe search for information on the Internet, safe communication on social networks.
4. Prepare a seminar for parents “The influence of the Internet and Television on children’s development”
5. Introduce the development of projects and their presentation into the practice of extracurricular work with junior schoolchildren (social practices).
Project executor: 2nd year master's student at TSPU named after. L. N. Tolstoy

Today, the issue of ensuring information security is the most pressing. It’s no secret that information today has much more weight than in previous times, and the level of information security and personal security in general directly depends on what information we choose to be true. Children are less protected in this regard, which is why the topic of ensuring a teenager’s informational identity is in demand in reality. Only competent and coordinated work of all social institutions can cultivate a safe type of personality.
In our work, we began to notice how immersed children of preschool and primary school age are in the world of the Internet. There was concern about their information security and online safety. Cartoons, games, video blogs on the YouTube channel did not inspire confidence in their positive impact on the child’s body.
Children's crafts and conversations in class became a kind of alarm bells that made us think about creating the project “We Are Safe on the Internet.”
Kaspersky Lab analyzed statistics on children visiting web resources, collected using Kaspersky Secure Network and based on notifications from Parental Control, a module that monitors web resources visited by children, the time spent on each site, and the dissemination of personal information. Data on mobile devices is not included in the statistics.
Statistics. The Parental Control module anonymously scans the content of the web page your child is trying to access and matches it with 14 categories.
Experts selected 12 categories for the study: means of Internet communication (social networks, instant messengers, chats and forums); resources for adults; alcohol, tobacco, drugs; violence: weapons, explosives, pyrotechnics; obscene language; gambling, lotteries, sweepstakes; computer games; e-commerce; Software, audio, video; HTTP request redirection (anonymizers); job search.
As expected, on a global scale, the absolute majority of children (more than 67%) use the Internet for communication - they actively communicate on social networks and instant messengers.
The most popular means of communication are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest. The least popular are the desktop versions of Instagram and WhatsApp. Schoolchildren also often play computer games (11%) and are interested in alcohol, tobacco and drugs (9%). At the same time, they are not at all interested in gambling and violence (0.13 and 0.08%, respectively).
Almost all children do not find any benefit in anonymizers; this is the most “unpopular” category (0.02%).
However, if we consider the situation in different countries, the situation differs. For example, in North America, children are less likely to log into social networks and use instant messengers, but are more interested in computer games, alcohol and online shopping. Children from Western Europe behave in a similar way.
In the CIS, as Laboratory analysts note, there is less interest in online stores. Young Latin Americans spend a lot of time interacting with their peers on social media, but are less attracted to online games.
In the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, children use social networks moderately, like their peers in Western Europe, but due to the popularity of consoles, they play online games less often and actively browse online stores like Uniqlo or Taobao.
As statistics show, there is a decline in children's interest in pornography, but the reason may be the migration of fans of adult sites to mobile devices that do not have parental control programs installed.
In the overall ranking of viewing pornography and erotica, the Chinese are in the lead by a huge margin (23%), followed by Japan (5%) and Germany (2%). In Russia, which did not make it into the top ten, children rarely access such resources (0.8%).
Although children are increasingly using mobile devices to communicate on social networks and instant messengers, analysts were able to record the most “social” countries as Mexico (86%), Russia and Italy (70%). The least likely people to access social networks from a computer are the Chinese (30%), Germans (30%) and the British (32%). The former are likely to face blocking of many resources by the government, while young residents of Britain and Germany are obviously more active in using mobile devices.
The most active gamers are children from the UK, Germany and Australia (28, 26 and 21% respectively). Computer games are played the least in Japan, Italy and Mexico (7, 6 and 4%, respectively) - in Japan, teenagers prefer consoles, and children from Italy and Mexico spend time on social networks.
The experts found the high popularity of sites in the “Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs” category unexpected. This topic is of particular interest to children from the UK (25.4%), Germany (22.8%) and the USA (17%).
Online shopping is favored by children from China, Japan and the USA (19.5, 17 and 9%). Young Spaniards, Russians and Mexicans are the least likely to visit online shopping sites.
Over the past year and a half, children and teenagers have become twice as likely to visit sites where they can download or watch films, cartoons or listen to music, especially in Japan, China and the USA. In Russia, this figure is the lowest: teenagers and children prefer to listen to and view multimedia content for free on VKontakte.
Kaspersky Lab has identified a number of trends: children everywhere are becoming more independent and choosing for themselves what music to listen to, what films to watch, what goods to buy. In addition, children prefer to communicate using mobile devices, so in many countries the number of visits to social networking sites and instant messengers is falling.
However, in countries where smartphones are not as accessible to children, the Internet communications category is the most popular. It is interesting that the lower the indicator of the “Internet Communication Tools” category in a country, the more popular computer games are there.
Scope of the project: Internet Security Week was held on the basis of the MBUDO “City Center for Development and Scientific and Technical Creativity”

1 day: seminar for parents “The influence of the Internet and Television on children’s development”
Day 2: game-lesson for primary schoolchildren “Online Safety”
Day 3: creative work competition “Our Family Hobby”
4 day: exhibition of children's drawings “Threats of the Internet”
Day 5: quest game for junior schoolchildren “Internet Web”

Step-by-step project implementation plan.

I. Preparatory stage:
-development of the project concept;
- identification of project participants;
-drawing up a work plan.
II. Practical stage:
-gathering the necessary information;
- creating a video presentation;
-development of practical exercises;
-organization of the “Internet Safety” week
III. Analytical stage:
-analysis of the activities carried out;
- comparison of the set goal and achieved results;
- report on the work done.

Expected Result:
Junior schoolchildren create creative projects on each topic of the course, acquire the necessary skills and abilities to work safely on the global network and apply them in practical activities.


There is an important factor that we need to think about during the planning stage of a project: what happens after the project is over? Will what we started develop or not? Will the target group be able to decide in the future whether it is possible to give up the Internet partially or completely, also whether parents will support the psychologist-educator, to further develop this project, or will everything return “to the normal rhythm of life” as soon as we finish the project? This evaluation criterion is called the viability or sustainability of the project. And a project that ensures sustainability and development after its completion is called sustainable.
There are options for finishing this project:
Option 1: After the end of the project, approximately the same trend of change in the Indicator remained, which follows the planned dynamics with minor fluctuations. This is the ideal scenario: the project turned out to be viable at the action level after the end of funding and completion of work.
Option 2: At the end of the project, the indicator remains at approximately the same level for some time. This is viability at the level of effect: we do not perform any actions to maintain the indicator at the desired level, but the effect remains.
Option 3: The project is not viable, since after the end of the activity the indicator quite quickly returns to its previous (at the time the project began) value, that is, after some, quite short, time, the effect of the project will simply disappear. Perhaps mistakes were made during the analysis, or the project initially aimed to change the situation in the short term without maintaining the effect.
Viability at the effect level is characterized by the fact that if we have achieved some result as a result of the project, then after the end of the project this result will remain at the level determined at the time of the end of the project, or will develop independently. In other words, “we did it once, and it works on its own.”


Active use of the Internet as a means of communication begins at the age of 7.5 years. The Internet is an indispensable assistant for gaining knowledge. With one keystroke, you receive information that you could spend a lot of time searching for. And here everything is at your fingertips: any encyclopedia, reference book, online book.
Schoolchildren see the danger and harm of social networks in Internet addiction, lack of time for face-to-face communication, decreased academic performance, and visual impairment. A quarter of the parents surveyed do not know what the danger is and do not see any harm. Does the Internet affect children's health? The respondents' opinions were divided. About 56% believe that the Internet affects health, and 42% that it does not, 2% of respondents find it difficult to answer. The Internet does not protect schoolchildren from negative information, which 13% of students were interested in. The average portrait of a schoolchild who visits social networks looks like this: he uses the Internet to cheer himself up, communicate with classmates, and get rid of boredom, so parents don’t see anything bad in it. Spending 2 hours a day at the computer, and up to 8 hours on weekends, the child begins to lose touch with reality.
Parents do not see much harm in their children's constant communication on social networks. More than 55% of parents surveyed are not interested in who their child communicates with or what information they are looking for on social networks, explaining their position with a sense of trust in their child’s choices and behavior.
As we see, parents themselves are poorly informed about the dangers of information influence on the psychological and physical health of a teenager and the formation of Internet addiction. The presence of social networks in the life of a modern schoolchild is an unchanging, recognized reality. It has, like everything created by human hands, its positive and negative sides. New technologies give rise to new diseases.
Internet addiction is one of them. And a person who has a bad habit or behavior disorder is not psychologically healthy, and therefore happy. A comprehensive solution to the considered problems of information security on the part of the family and school can significantly reduce the risks of causing various types of damage (moral, material, health, etc.) to the child. Therefore, ensuring the information security of students has become one of the primary areas of work.
In connection with the growing global process of active formation and large-scale use of information resources, the information security of children is of particular importance.
Educating the younger generation regarding the use of various information resources, knowledge of basic rules for the selection and use of information contributes to the development of a system for protecting children's rights in the information environment, maintaining health and normal development.
The modern world is densely saturated with various kinds of technologies, as well as new discoveries in various spheres of life. We are direct participants in everything that surrounds us, and accordingly we interact in some way, both among ourselves and between objects and processes occurring around us.
Information, which increasingly fills the modern world, and with it society, also has considerable weight. We receive it, accumulate it, exchange it, it is the source of our knowledge, against its background our opinions on any processes or events are formed, it is one of the most important components shaping modern society.
The concept of “information security” today is interpreted in both a broad and narrow sense. In a broad sense, this is the information security of individuals, society and the state. In a narrow sense, this is the security of the information itself and the channels for its reception (transmission). In our case, we will be more focused on considering issues related to ensuring personal information security.
The individual, as a key element of society, is most susceptible to various social dangers, therefore, understanding security in the context of the relationship between the interests of the individual, society and the state involves considering information and psychological security as an aspect of the general problem. I would like to pay more attention to issues of education, both at school and at home.
The problem of ensuring the information security of children in information and telecommunication networks is becoming increasingly relevant due to a significant increase in the number of minor users. In modern conditions of social development, a computer has become for a child both a “friend” and a “helper” and even a “educator”, “teacher”. Universal informatization and accessible, high-speed Internet have equalized the opportunity for residents of big cities and small villages to receive a quality education.
Meanwhile, there are a number of aspects when working with a computer, and in particular with the Internet, that negatively affect the physical, moral, and spiritual health of the younger generation, giving rise to behavioral problems in mentally unstable schoolchildren, posing a threat to children. In this regard, it is necessary to direct all efforts to protect children from information that is harmful to their health and development.
Educating the younger generation, the child’s knowledge of basic rules for selecting information, as well as the ability to use it, contributes to the development of the system for protecting children’s rights.
So, today, the issue of ensuring information security is the most pressing. It’s no secret that information today has much more weight than in previous times, and the level of information security and personal security in general directly depends on what information we choose to be true.
Junior school age children are less protected in this regard, which is why the topic of providing an information personality is in demand in reality. Only competent and coordinated work of all social institutions can cultivate a safe type of personality.

List of used literature

1. Zhang J., Xin T. Measurement of Internet Addiction: An Item Response Analysis Approach // Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. - 2013. - Vol. 16, No. 6. -R. 464–468.
2. Antonenko A.A. Internet addiction of adolescents to computer games and online communication: clinical and psychological characteristics and prevention: abstract. ...cand. psychol. Sci. - M., 2014.
3. Children's safety on the Internet. 2008
4. Home safety
5. Belovol E.V., Kolotilova I.V. Development of a questionnaire to assess the degree of passion for role-playing computer games // Psychological Journal. - 2011. - T. 32, No. 6. - P. 49–58.
6. Bogdanova D. A. Attention: Internet! // Open education. - 2010. - N 2. - P. 89-99.
7. Voyskunsky A.E. Does aggression develop in children and adolescents who are passionate about computer games? // Questions of psychology. - 2010. - N 6. - P. 133-143.
8. Can you live without the Internet? // Kommersant Power. - 2011. - N 15. - P. 6, 8.
9. Dombrovsky V., Lomtev I., Gorodbin A. Project “We are in Internet Security” // Young scientist. - 2016. - No. 8.1. - pp. 21-29.
10. Evteev L. Child safety on the Internet. Innovative educational network "Eureka" - Perm, 2009.
11. Internet media “Your personal Internet”
12. Krasnova S. V. How to cope with computer addiction. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. - 223 p.
13. Morozov A. China is catching up with the USA and treating Internet addicts // Echo of the Planet. – 2005. - N 37. - P. 40-42.
14. Basics of the safety of children and youth on the Internet - an interactive course on Internet safety.
15. Fedosov A. Diagnosis - Internet addiction // Teacher. - 2008. - N 3. - P. 80-83.
16. Yuryeva L.N., Bolbot T.Yu. Computer addiction: formation and diagnosis, correction and prevention. - Dnepropetrovsk: Thresholds, 2006.
17. Young K. Diagnosis - Internet addiction / Young K. - Internet World, No. 2, 2000. - 24-29 p.


Speech by a psychologist
The Internet has firmly entered our lives, and issues of psychological and moral safety are more important today than ever. In Russia, about 8 million global network users are children. They can play, get acquainted, explore the world... But unlike adults, they do not feel danger in the virtual world. It is our responsibility to protect them from negative content.
So, dear parents, let's summarize our meeting today. The main thing to remember: Your task is to recognize a child’s Internet addiction at an early stage and set limits on Internet use. And also decide on the interests of the child, find common things that will distract your son or daughter from virtual communication, making it clear that mom and dad are not indifferent to what their child is interested in and what he prefers.
Everything that a child can read, watch or listen to on the Internet carries certain information, and it depends only on your control whether it will develop his creative thinking, help the child in the learning process, or, on the contrary, will have a negative impact.


How to protect your child from Internet addiction?
Communicate with your child as much as possible
Introduce your child to culture and sports so that he does not try to fill his free time with computer games.
Do not be angry with your child for playing computer games and do not prohibit them under any circumstances. The exception is games with violence and cruelty.
Jointly review the games and sites that the child plays and visits.
Explain to your child the difference between play and reality.
Do not let your child forget that there are real friends, parents and studies.
Keep him occupied with something other than the computer.
The child definitely needs to feel your love and care, to be sure that he will definitely be understood and supported. Project for schoolchildren on the topic: Sports

Municipal budgetary institution

secondary school No. 4


Social project

Internet Safety

Prepared by:

Kabaeva Lyudmila Viktorovna

Primary school teacher

year 2014

Project description:

Modern life is an open information society in which there is a lot of multidirectional information.

Today, the Internet plays a big role in a person’s life, and also has a huge impact on him. There are more and more Internet users every year, which means that the number of Internet services offered to them is growing. Regular viewing of text and multimedia no longer suits people. Sites where visitors can actively interact with other visitors – social networks – have become fashionable.

There are sites on the Internet where “harmful” information has increasingly begun to appear, which can include: a call for war; information that incites social, racial, informational or religious hatred and enmity; information that has a destructive effect on the psyche of people.

A child in a modern information society must be able to work on a computer, find the necessary information in various information sources (electronic encyclopedias, the Internet), process it and use the acquired knowledge and skills in life.

But it is important to remember that clicking on a harmless link may result in you downloading malicious software that can harm your computer. The goal of the project is to help children work safely on the global network, use only trusted information resources, learn to distinguish reliable sources of information from unreliable ones, and check the information they find on the Internet.

The results of numerous studies indicate that more than half of all Internet users are already addicted to virtual communication on social networks.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 436-FZ “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development” (The law defines the information security of children as a state of security in which there is no risk associated with harm from information (including information distributed on the Internet) harm to their health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development.);

No. 252-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development” (aimed at protecting children from the destructive, psychologically traumatic influence of information, excess cruelty and violence in publicly available sources of media, from information that can develop vicious inclinations in a child, form a distorted picture of the world and incorrect life attitudes in the child.)

Having studied the literature, conducted sociological surveys of students and their parents, and organized research on the development of Internet addiction in adolescents, we obtained the following results.

Stage 3 – proposals (plan) for project implementation

In connection with the growing global process of active formation and large-scale use of information resources, the information security of children is of particular importance. Educating the younger generation regarding the use of various information resources, knowledge of basic rules for the selection and use of information contributes to the development of a system for protecting children's rights in the information environment, maintaining health and normal development.

The modern world is densely saturated with various kinds of technologies, as well as new discoveries in various spheres of life. We are direct participants in everything that surrounds us, and accordingly we interact in some way, both among ourselves and between objects and processes occurring around us. Information, which increasingly fills the modern world, and with it society, also has considerable weight. We receive it, accumulate it, exchange it, it is she who is the source of our knowledge, against her background our opinions on any processes or events are formed, it is she who is one of the most important components shaping modern society.

The concept of “information security” today is interpreted in both a broad and narrow sense. In a broad sense, this is the information security of individuals, society and the state. In a narrow sense, this is the security of the information itself and the channels for its reception (transmission).

In our case, we will be more focused on considering issues related to ensuring personal information security.

The individual, as a key element of society, is most susceptible to various social dangers, therefore, understanding security in the context of the relationship between the interests of the individual, society and the state involves considering information and psychological security as an aspect of the general problem.

I would like to pay more attention to issues of education, both at school and at home.

The following activities are planned as part of the project:


    Conducting a round table “Basics of Internet Security”;

Stage 4 – project implementation


To study the problem of Internet security and the attitude of teenagers towards it, a questionnaire was developed that allows us to analyze the current situation in the classroom environment.

The survey was conducted in the form of an anonymous survey, both on paper and electronically (Appendix 1).

    Conducting a round table “Basics of Internet security”

The round table was preceded by preliminary training of students on the proposed topic. The list of questions for discussion is identified as a result of a student survey.

Issues for discussion:

1. What is the Internet for?

2. What are the risks when using the Internet, and how can they be reduced?

3. What types of fraud exist on the Internet?

4. How to protect yourself from fraud on the Internet?

5. What is secure chat?

6. A virtual interlocutor offers to meet, what should I do?

7. How can you protect yourself when using instant messaging services?

When summing up the round table, students were offered rules of behavior on the Internet (Appendix 3).

    Conducting a computer game for primary schoolchildren.

As part of the class hour, a computer game was played with the student about the rules of conduct on the Internet “Walk through the InternetForest” (, where in a game form it is shown what dangers can be encountered when working on the Internet, talks about networking and etiquette, as well as protecting the rights of children.

    Conducting an extracurricular event “The Tale of the Golden Rules of Internet Security.”

The fairy tale was prepared by students in grades 5-6 and presented to elementary school students.

When developing the script for the extracurricular event “The Tale of the Golden Rules of Internet Security,” the presenters themselves play a significant role, since the timeliness and relevance of the presented material depends on them.

Discussion of the fairy tale allowed junior schoolchildren to determine their own position on organizing work on the Internet.

At the end of the extracurricular activity, students were given reminders with the golden rules of working on the Internet (Appendix 4).

In a certain kingdom, the Internet state, there lived a Smile-Tsarevich-Tutor-Korolevich, who ruled the glorious city of SotsOBRAZ. And he had a bride - the beautiful Smile-Princess-On-Line-King, who spent day and night in virtual fun. How many times did the prince warn her about the dangers lurking in the network, but his bride did not listen.

Tsarevich Smile worked tirelessly, building the city of SotsOBRAZ, taking care of protecting his borders and teaching city residents the basics of life safety in the Internet state. And he did not notice how the Internet still pulled the Smile Princess into its insidious networks. I was grieving, but there was nothing to do: I had to save the bride.

He assembled the army of the Royal Social Educational Service - a remote squad and organized the "Regatta" wisely. Wise heads began to think about how to rescue the princess from virtual captivity. And they came up with the “Seven Golden Rules for Safe Behavior on the Internet,” put them in the Smile Prince’s knapsack, and he went to look for a bride.

I went to the search bar, clicked on the filthy links, and they were right there: the porn community of the Snake the Tempter-Gorynych, the shooter-killers of the Nightingale the Robber, the overseas goods of the Shopov merchants, the dating networks of mermaid barkers... How to find and find Smile- princess?

The Tutor-King thought deeply, put on an anti-virus shield, picked up a code sword, mounted a heroic horse and stepped into the impassable quagmire. He wandered for a long time, fighting off advertisements from shop touts and luring spams. And he stopped at the crossroads of a brave three-level playground, began to read the inscription on a stone overgrown with moss: if you get to the first level, you will lose track of time, if you get to the second level, you will turn away from your loved ones, and if you go to the third, you will forget your name.

And Prince Smile realized that he had to look for a bride here. He waved his righteous sword and cracked the code of the terrible game! The Smile Princess slipped out of the open networks, gave herself an honest password and threw herself into the arms of her betrothed. He hugged his wretched bride and handed him a magical little cat with instructive words: “Here is a talisman for you against virtual intrigues, religiously observe safe instructions!”

1. Always remember your Internet royal name (E-mail, login, passwords) and don’t bow to everyone (don’t register everywhere unnecessarily)!

3. If you receive a letter about a big win, this is a “Scam-letter”: it’s impossible to win just like that, and if you want to earn piastres, you need to participate in useful educational projects - in the “Regatta...”, for example!

5. If you want to be friends with other kingdom-states, study useful social services of Web 2.0: they will help you build “My Royal World”, your royal blog, a forum for important heralds - invited friends!

The red maiden burst into tears of conscientiousness, gave her betrothed her word of honor that she would not be lost in virtual fun, but would work for the good of the people of the city of her Social IMAGE, she herself would begin to learn and would help people who were lost and mired in the quagmire of the network. And they lived amicably and happily with the dream of expanding educational boundaries.

Annex 1.

Results of a family survey.

To the question: “What is the Internet for you: communication on social networks?” The teenagers answered that, firstly, it is a means of communication, secondly, it is entertainment, and then - a means of education, searching for information.

Most children and parents spend a lot of time (on average 3 or more hours a day) in various chats and forums, social networks, which, in their opinion, expands their horizons and worldview.

Naturally, this is not very good, but for many it is not easy to communicate in reality. Sometimes it happens that you are not understood or you feel lonely, but on the Internet you find people who have the same views, interests and life becomes easier! And, in general, all modern teenagers should have their own page on some social network. It is fashionable and prestigious (only 4% of all do not use the social network).

On average, members of each family are registered in 2 or more social networks.

Active use of the Internet as a means of communication begins at the age of 6-7 years.

    VKontakte - 91%

  1. Odnoklassniki - 35%

    Facebook – 33%

There are also those for whom the Internet is an indispensable assistant for gaining knowledge. With one keystroke, you receive information that you could spend a lot of time searching for. And here everything is at your fingertips: any encyclopedia, reference book, rare or expensive book that you might never have bought.

Teenagers see the danger and harm of social networks in Internet addiction, lack of time for face-to-face communication, decreased academic performance, and visual impairment. A quarter of those surveyed do not know what the danger is and do not see any harm.

Does the Internet affect a child's health? Opinions were divided. About 56% believe that the Internet affects health, and 42% that it does not, 2% of respondents find it difficult to answer.

The Internet does not protect children from negative information, which 13% of students were interested in.

The average profile of a schoolchild who visits social networks looks like this: he uses the Internet to cheer himself up, simply calm down, and get rid of boredom. Spends 2 hours a day at the computer, and up to 8 hours on weekends.

Hides his online hobbies from his parents.

The feeling of lack of time, the desire to “sit” longer on the Internet, 50% of respondents answered that they do not experience it and 50% do.

The majority (75%) sometimes hear reproaches and prohibitions from parents regarding the amount of time teenagers spend online.

And 25% of teenagers surveyed claim that their parents never limited or controlled their online activities.

Parents do not see much harm in their children's constant communication on social networks. More than 55% of parents surveyed are not interested in who their child communicates with or what information they look for on social networks, explaining their position with a sense of trust in their child’s choices and behavior.

As we see, parents themselves are poorly informed about the dangers of information influence on the psychological and physical health of the child and the formation of Internet addiction.

The presence of social networks in the life of a modern child is an unchanging, recognized reality. It has, like everything created by human hands, its positive and negative sides. New technologies give rise to new diseases. Internet addiction is one of them. And a person who has a bad habit or behavior disorder is not psychologically healthy, and therefore happy.

A comprehensive solution to the considered problems of information security on the part of the family and school can significantly reduce the risks of causing various types of damage (moral, material, health, etc.) to the child. Therefore, ensuring the information security of students has become one of the primary areas of work.


The problem of ensuring the information security of children in information and telecommunication networks is becoming increasingly relevant due to a significant increase in the number of minor users.

In modern conditions of social development, a computer has become for a child both a “friend” and a “helper” and even a “educator”, “teacher”.

Universal informatization and accessible, high-speed Internet have equalized the opportunity for residents of big cities and small villages to receive a quality education.

Meanwhile, there are a number of aspects when working with a computer, and in particular with the Internet, that negatively affect the physical, moral, and spiritual health of the younger generation, giving rise to behavioral problems in mentally unstable schoolchildren, posing a threat to children.

In this regard, it is necessary to direct all efforts to protect children from information that is harmful to their health and development. Educating the younger generation, the child’s knowledge of basic rules for selecting information, as well as the ability to use it, contributes to the development of the system for protecting children’s rights.

The implementation of the project with students was carried out depending on age characteristics: primary level (grades 2-4), secondary (grades 5-9).

At each stage, special forms and methods of teaching were used in accordance with age characteristics.

The formation of information security and culture skills is carried out not only in computer science lessons, but also in other subjects (for example, social studies, etc.), as well as in extracurricular activities.

The following activities were carried out as part of the project:


    Conducting a round table for children and parents “Basics of Internet safety”;

    Conducting a computer game for primary schoolchildren;

    Conducting an extracurricular event “The Tale of the Golden Rules of Internet Safety”;

So, today, the issue of ensuring information security is the most pressing. It’s no secret that information today has much more weight than in previous times, and the level of information security and personal security in general directly depends on what information we choose to be true. Teenagers are less protected in this regard, which is why the topic of ensuring a teenager’s informational identity is in demand in reality. Only competent and coordinated work of all social institutions can cultivate a safe type of personality.

Course characteristics

The program of extracurricular activities for elementary schools “Online Safety” is compiled taking into account sanitary and hygienic requirements and the age characteristics of primary school students.

Classes are conducted in a non-traditional form using a variety of didactic games. A significant number of classes are aimed at project activities. During the implementation of project tasks, the child becomes involved in an active cognitive creative process based on the methodology of cooperation. He is immersed in the process of performing a creative task, and with it in the process of obtaining and consolidating knowledge.

While working on a project, schoolchildren learn to work in a team, take a responsible approach to completing their area of ​​work, and evaluate the results of their work and the work of their comrades. In the course of completing project assignments, they successfully master educational material and develop intellectually. Personal qualities such as independence, goodwill towards the teacher and each other are formed.

Each course topic consists of three lessons: theoretical, project (creating a collective project), social practice (public presentation of the project in order to increase the child’s personal responsibility for their own Internet security, as well as for parents, friends, etc.). Children present their projects to parents and students of other classes, teaching them what they themselves have learned.

The course duration is 17 hours.

Relevance of the course

A child in a modern information society must be able to work on a computer, find the necessary information in various information sources (electronic encyclopedias, the Internet), process it and use the acquired knowledge and skills in life.

But it's important to remember thatClicking on a harmless link can lead to the download of malicious software that can harm your computer. Even on “neutral” sites, indecent advertising banners periodically appear.

This course will help your child work safely on the global network, use only trusted information resources, learn to distinguish reliable sources of information from unreliable ones and check the information he finds on the Internet.

Educational and thematic plan

P / P


Number of hours


Theoretical block

Project work

Social practice


Computer protection

Final conference and exhibition of student work


Topic 1. Introduction. The role of the computer in human life

Theoretical block

The concept of information security. Safety precautions when working with a computer. Self-diagnosis of computer “attachment” of schoolchildren (testing, self-analysis). Interviewing parents.

Project work

Development of a collective social project “Parents Meeting”. Within the framework of the project: identification of problems of computer addiction, preparation of reports, stand materials, development and production of leaflets “Safety rules and personal safety when working with a computer”, preparation of a speech by the propaganda team, etc.

Social practice

“Children to parents!” - conducting by schoolchildren a lesson for parents (parent meeting) “Computer in my life.” Presentation of the collective social project “Parents Meeting”.

Topic 2. Computer protection

Theoretical block

Computer protection. Viruses and antiviruses. Protection of personal information. Password. The Internet, its role in human life. Internet safety. Searching for information on the Internet.

Project work

Development of a collective social project “Classroom Hour”. Within the framework of the project: preparation of class hours, reports, propaganda team, stand materials, development and production of leaflets “Protection of Personal Information”, “Internet Safety”, etc.

Social practice

“Children for children!” - conducting by schoolchildren a lesson for primary school students (classroom) “Online Safety”. Presentation of the collective social project “Classroom Hour”.

Theoretical block

Introduction to the concept of “Social Network”. The history of the emergence of social networks. The importance of social networks in the life of a modern person. Safe content. Filters. Protecting personal information on social networks. Dialogue on social networks.

Project work

Development of a collective social project for a mini-play (variants of “Teremok”, “Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves”, “Alice and Classmates”). Within the framework of the project: staging a play, preparing reports, a propaganda team, developing and producing leaflets, etc.

Social practice

“Children - parents, teachers, friends!” - staging by schoolchildren of a play reflecting the features of dialogue on social networks for teachers, school students and parents. Presentation of a collective social project mini-performance.

Topic 4. Final conference and exhibition of student work

Theoretical block

Summing up the results of the program. Preparation of reports, stand materials and exhibitions of works.

Project work

Holding a conference and exhibition of the best works of students. Protection of works.

Appendix No. 1


Class _______________

1. Is there a computer at home?

2. Is there Internet at home?

3. How much time do you spend at the computer?

4. What means of communication on the Internet do you know?

5. Do you communicate with friends on the Internet?

6. What means of communication on the Internet do you use?

7. Do you use an email account?

8. Do you have a blog or live journal?

9. Do you send e-cards?

10. Do you know the rules of netiquette?

11. What dangers can await you on the Internet?

12. Have you talked with your parents about Netiquette, about the rules of behavior on the Internet?

Appendix 2


(or 11 obligatory “NOTs” on the Internet)

1. Do not advertise your age to everyone. A small user of the Internet cyberspace often attracts the attention of scammers who know that a child is more trusting, makes contact more easily, and does not know how to recognize deception.

2. Do not indicate your home address, do not announce when your parents are not at home. Those who really need it know. It is simply unsafe to share such information with strangers.

3. Don't give out your phone number. Neither home nor mobile. Again, those who need it know.

4. Do not share your photos and photos of friends. There is a risk that they could be used by attackers.

5. Do not share your passwords with anyone. A person of any age has the right to privacy of personal information. No one (even parents and teachers) has the right to demand passwords from certain resources that the child uses. Especially strangers.

6. Do not believe all the information received in cyberspace at once. Historically, it has been “trust but verify.” Cyberspace is not only a storehouse of useful information, but also a cesspool of humanity, this must always be remembered. Analyze. Weigh. Think.

7. Don’t download everything. This is simply dangerous. A virus in downloaded files can cause significant “damage” to a computer, and “negative information” in them can cause tangible (not noticeable) harm to the psyche.

9. You can’t delete it from the Internet forever. If they used to say, “what is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe,” then this saying is 1000% about modern cyberspace. Once published, you will never delete it forever.

10. Don't insult. The modern Internet is very aggressive. Primarily because most users believe that their behavior is unpunished. Don't be like them. Be taller.

11. Don't be afraid of what happens on the Internet. The simplest and most complex rule. The unknown often breeds excitement and fear. The excitement is growing. Fear breeds even more fear. Don't be afraid, but don't immediately trust everything that happens on the Internet.

By following these 11 rules, cybersocialization will be safer. And not only the cybersocialization of children.

Appendix No. 3

Round table “Basics of Internet security”

Rules for working on the Internet

1. Do not log into unfamiliar sites.

2. If you receive a Word or Excel file by mail, even from a familiar person, be sure to check it for viruses before opening it.

3. If you receive an unfamiliar attachment, do not launch it under any circumstances, but rather immediately delete it and empty the trash.

4. Never send your password to anyone.

5. Try to use a difficult-to-remember set of numbers and letters for passwords.

6. When communicating on the Internet, do not indicate your personal data, but use a pseudonym (nickname)

7. Without adult supervision, never meet people you met on the Internet.

8. If you need to register online, you must do it in such a way that it does not contain any personal information.

9. Currently, there are many programs that filter website content. There must be a trusting relationship between family members in order to view the content of sites together.

10. Not all information posted on the Internet can be trusted.

11. Do not leave your computer unattended with important information on the screen.

12. Beware of peeking over your shoulder.

13. Do not save important information on a public computer.

Appendix 4

Memo for elementary school students

1. Always remember your Internet - royal name (e-mail, login, passwords) and don’t bow to everyone (don’t register everywhere unnecessarily)!

3. If you receive a letter about a big win, this is “not true: it’s impossible to win just like that, and if you want to earn piastres, you need to participate in useful educational projects - in the “Regatta...”, for example!

4. In order not to forget the path back and return on time, take the magic ball with you (set yourself an alarm clock when you sit down at the computer)!

5. If you want to be friends with other kingdoms - states, study useful social services of Web 2.0: they will help you build “My Royal World”, your royal blog, a forum for important heralds - invited friends!

6. Don’t forget to update your anti-virus program - otherwise the Gray Wolf virus will eat your entire computer!

7. Do not download unlicensed software products - otherwise pirates will sink your ship in the stormy waves of the Internet!

Educational educational activity on the topic of safe behavior of preschoolers on the Internet:

"Computer and Internet"

The purpose of the GCD: Training students in the basics of safe work on the Internet, raising a competent and responsible Internet user.

GCD tasks:

Increasing the level of students' knowledge about the computer, developing cognitive activity, activating the vocabulary (monitor, mouse, keyboard, system unit, virus, antivirus, Network, Internet);

Increasing the level of awareness of students about the main dangers when using the Internet;

Formation of a system of actions and ways to use the Internet safely.

GCD move:

Educator: Hello guys! Today we will talk about the computer. (knock on the door) Oh, who came to us? (puppet characters appear - Fixies)

Pupils: Fixies!

Fixies: Hello guys! We decided to come visit you.

Do you all know what a computer is? (pupils' answers)

What parts does it consist of? (pupils' answers)

Do you remember the fairy tale Teremok? (pupils' answers)

Fixies: And we want to tell you a fairy tale in a new way -

"Teremok-Computerok". (presentation show)

Monitor lived on the table. He was very bored alone, he wanted to make friends with someone. Once a Mouse was running across the table. There’s a beautiful monitor standing there, let me think, I’ll take a look.

I am Monitor

I live on the computer desk.

As soon as I download the program, I will open in an instant.

Looking at me

You will understand I am the Monitor!

And I am a little mouse

To control the cursor

We need to manage it

Take the baby in your hands,

Computer mouse!

They became friends and began to live together.

The keyboard passed by, saw a beautiful Teremok - Computer, and knocked.

- Who are you? - asks the little Mouse.

- Do you want to type words?

Should know letters and numbers

Think before you click

Don't mess with the keyboard.

I am the Keyboard.

Let's live together.

Under the table lived a large System Unit.

He really wanted to make friends with the Keyboard, Mouse and Monitor.

System unit:

- Who lives up there?

It's me, the little mouse!

It's me, the keyboard!

I'm the monitor!

And who are you?

System unit:

- I am the most important among you!

I am your brain system unit.

Connect with me

It will be more fun together.

They became friends. And everyone began to work together.

And then someone runs and knocks again.

Who are you, your friends ask?

And I am a little worm and would like to live with you.

Suddenly from the gap between the lines

A worm comes out.

Harmless at least in appearance,

He harbors trouble within himself.

Can he erase files?

Maybe steal money

Offers us new things,

The virus is a master of disguise!

And friends answer:

We don't want to get into trouble

Let's get an antivirus!

To everyone who goes online,

Our advice will come in handy.

The antivirus drove away the worm and they began to live together in harmony.

Fixies: - Did you like our fairy tale?

(Answers from students)

Educator: Now let's rest a little.

Breathing exercise “Bubbles”

We blow bubbles: (Before naming each color, puff out your cheeks).

Blue, red, light blue. Exhale quickly.

Choose any one for yourself!

Educator: Who did the Fixies tell you a fairy tale about? (pupils' answers)

Who lives in the computer? (pupils' answers)

Now you know what parts a computer consists of. (pupils' answers)

Fixies: Do you have a computer at home?

(Pupils’ answers).

Guys, what do you think, is it possible to sit at a computer for a long time? (pupils' answers) Why? (pupils' answers)

YES, it’s absolutely true that if you sit at the computer for a long time, your eyesight can deteriorate. Therefore, a certain time is allotted for working with a computer and it is necessary to do eye exercises so that the eyes can rest.

Visual gymnastics “At the computer”

Everyone got up and shook themselves

And we stretched a little

We played with the computer (sitting, rub your face with your palms).

Oh, our eyes are tired. (Lightly cover your eyes with your eyelids).

We need to give our eyes a rest,

We will blink quickly. (Blink quickly).

One, two, three, four, five (tilts to the sides)

We'll blink quickly

Now let’s close our eyes (Do the exercise as directed)

Let's open wide again.

Once we close, twice we open.

Three - we'll close, four we'll open again

One two three four five

We won’t get tired of closing

And the palms of the eyes

We will close without haste.

Let's sit in the dark (sit down)

We will open our eyes again, (got up)

We'll set them up for work.


What else can you use a computer for? (Internet)

We want the Internet

Been your friend for many years!

You will know these seven rules -

Feel free to surf the Internet!


Guys, to feel comfortable and safe on the Internet, you need to know a few main rules. They will teach us how to make sure that nothing bad happens to us on the Internet.


Rule #1: Cheats.

Sometimes you're online

Suddenly there are liars.

Don't trust scammers

Check the information.

Educator: It’s not nice to lie, isn’t it, guys? Now we know we have to be careful.

Rule No. 2 “Viruses”.

I don't want to get into trouble -

I'll get an antivirus!

To everyone who logs onto the Internet

Our advice will come in handy.


Guys, when this Worm gets into the computer, it stops listening.

Rule No. 3: “Don’t use your name on the Internet.”

On the Internet, as in the world,

There are both good and evil

So that the thief does not come to us,

And the stranger didn’t find us,

Your phone number, address, photo

Don't put it on the Internet

And don't tell strangers.

Educator: Guys, you can’t tell strangers where you live or your phone number.

Rule #4: Online Harassment.

With rude people online

Don't start a conversation.

Well, don’t make a mistake yourself -

Don't offend anyone.

Educator: Is it possible to talk to strangers? (pupils' answers)

Rule #5: Meet Strangers.

How interesting it is for all children

Play with friends together

You can also do it on the Internet

You just need to be careful

And don't play with strangers.

Don't invite them to visit you.

Educator: - You should always remember this.

Rule No. 6 “Evil Games”.

There are sites on the Internet -

It's impossible to take your eyes off.

There are games and cartoons,

Both study and cinema.

Only suddenly you find there

Sometimes it’s not at all.

Educator: What needs to be done to prevent this from happening.

Rule No. 7 “Seek help from adults.”

If something is unclear,

Scary or unpleasant -

Hurry quickly to the adults,

Tell and show.

Educator: What should you do?

If you encounter any difficulty on the Internet:

For example, a virus has reached you and someone is offending you? (answers


Yes, right! You must contact your parents.

Today you got acquainted with the individual elements of computer equipment: monitor, mouse, keyboard and system unit.

Let’s draw someone from the fairy tale “Teremok-komputerok” for our new friends, the Fixies, as a souvenir of our lesson. (work with students)

Fixies: - Well done guys, you drew so beautifully, we really liked your work. This is a Monitor, this is a Mouse... (reciting computer details with Fixiki)

Fixies: Can we also leave you something as a souvenir? This is a cartoon about us. Fixies!

Goodbye - bye!

The characters leave, the teacher and the students watch a series about the Internet.


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“Teaching students the basics of safe work on the Internet” From work experience

The importance of using ICT in the development of preschool children

The importance of using ICT in the development of preschool children In the conditions of modern development of society and production, it is impossible to imagine a world without information resources that are no less significant than material, energy and labor. Today, information technologies significantly expand the capabilities of parents, teachers and specialists in the field of early education. The possibilities of using a modern computer make it possible to most fully and successfully realize the development of a child’s abilities.

it is necessary to introduce information technologies. The ability of a computer to reproduce information simultaneously in the form of text, graphics, sound, speech, video, to remember and process data at enormous speed allows specialists to create new means of activity for students that are fundamentally different from all existing games and toys. All this places qualitatively new demands on preschool education - the first link of lifelong education, one of the main tasks of which is to lay the potential for enriched development of the child’s personality.

Areas of application of ICT for the development of preschoolers 1. Indirect learning and development The use of Internet resources makes it possible to make the educational process for older preschoolers information-intensive, entertaining, and comfortable. Internet search engines provide teachers with the opportunity to find almost any material on early development and learning, as well as any photographs and illustrations for educational activities.

2. Direct training.

a) Use of educational computer programs The use of such programs allows not only to enrich knowledge, to use the computer for a more complete acquaintance with objects and phenomena that are beyond the child’s own experience, but also to increase the child’s creativity; the ability to operate with symbols on a monitor screen helps optimize the transition from visual-figurative to abstract thinking; the use of creative and director's games creates additional motivation in the formation of educational activities; Individual work with a computer increases the number of situations that a child can solve independently.

For the development of preschoolers, you can use the “Frivolous Lessons” series of programs produced by the “New Disc” company.

But today, unfortunately, there is an insufficient number of good computer programs that are intended for children of this age.

Computers are rapidly introducing themselves into human life, taking up a place in study, work and everyday life, and we are already clearly aware of how dependent we are on the computer. The age at which a person begins to work with the Internet is becoming younger. On the one hand, the Internet contains a lot of advantages for children: it helps with school assignments, distance learning, participating in Internet competitions, broadens their horizons, and saves time. On the other hand, there are a large number of resources on the Internet that cannot be called safe at all - especially for children, who are curious and ubiquitous. The problem of ensuring the safety of children on the Internet arises.

The relevance of the issue of safety for preschoolers on the Internet Raising a competent and responsible Internet user, introducing preschoolers to the basic rules of safe use of the Internet.

Objectives 1) Increasing the level of knowledge of students about the possibilities of using the Internet: obtaining interesting and useful information; communication and communication; training opportunities; play activities; 2) Increasing the level of knowledge of students about the main dangers when using the Internet: the penetration of viruses and malware, computer infection, data loss; aggressive communication and insults from other users; providing personal information on the Internet; deceit and fraud. 3) Students learn the rules for safe use of the Internet. 4) Raising awareness of the possibilities of solving unpleasant and dangerous situations that arise on the Internet. 5) Formation of skills for assessing dangerous situations when using the Internet. 6) Formation of a system of actions and methods of coping when faced with unpleasant and dangerous situations.

b) Use of multimedia presentations The use of multimedia presentations in the classroom allows you to build the educational process on the basis of psychologically correct modes of functioning of attention, memory, mental activity, humanization of the content of learning and pedagogical interactions, reconstruction of the learning and development process from the standpoint of integrity.

3. Preserving the health of students when working with a computer. When talking about the use of computers by young children, the question of preserving health and vision arises. It is reasonable to set time limits on PC activities, but children of this age have very little involuntary attention (10-15 minutes), so, as a rule, children cannot stay at the computer for a long time. A normally developing child at this age moves 70-80% of the time he is awake, so for now the question of “staying” at the computer is not relevant.

4. Basic rules and recommendations for parents to ensure the safety of children on the Internet · Install the computer in a room used by all family members. · Be attentive to your children's online activities. · Inform your child about the opportunities and dangers that the Internet brings · Install "parental controls", anti-virus programs, free software "Internet Censor" (, NetPolice, KidGid and children's browsers · Limit the time your child spends in networks. · Monitor your child's incoming and outgoing email messages. · Constantly improve your computer literacy. · Take your child away from the computer.

Conclusion So, the use of information technology tools will make the process of learning and development of a young child quite simple and effective, will free you from routine manual work, and will open up new opportunities for early education. But in connection with the active use of the Internet, there is a need to create an information culture and security. This process is long and complex, but important and necessary. The Internet can be both a global encyclopedia, uniting information resources around the world, and a territory full of various dangers.

And our task, both as teachers and parents, is to form a versatile intellectual personality, whose high moral level will guarantee its information security.