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Online tests on the history of ancient Rus'. History test “Ancient Rus'”

History test “Ancient Rus'”

Option #1

1.Founder Old Russian state chronicles call:

b) Rurik

d) Svyatoslav

2.The baptism of Rus' took place under the prince:

b) Svyatoslav

c) Vladimir I Svyatoslavich

d) Yaroslav the Wise

3.Kiev prince, who remained in folk legend under the name Red Sun:

a) Svyatoslav

b) Vladimir

c) Izyaslav

4.Moscow was founded in:

5.What is a veche?

a) national assembly among the eastern and southern Slavs

b) the name of the community among the Eastern and Southern Slavs

d) council of senior warriors-boyars in Ancient Rus'

6. What is the name of the first one? written law in Rus'?

a) The Tale of Bygone Years

b) The Tale of Igor's Campaign

c) Russian truth

d) Bible

7. The Old Russian state was:

a) military democracy;

b) absolute monarchy;

c) early feudal monarchy;

d) boyar republic;

8. The first of the Kyiv princes to accept the title of Grand Duke (Prince of all Princes):

b) Svyatoslav;

d) Vladimir;

9. Who are the slaves?

a) slaves mainly from among prisoners of war;

b) the bulk rural population Rus';

V) urban population;

d) ordinary warrior

10. In the first half of the 10th century, the people of Kiev paid tribute:

a) Pechenegs;

b) Polovtsians;

c) Khazars;

d) Avaram;

Option No. 2

1. The name of the dynasty of Kyiv princes was given by:

d) Svyatoslav;

2. The date of formation of the state of Kievan Rus is considered to be:

d) 1054;

3. The first city to receive baptism was:

a) Novgorod;

c) Iskorosten;

d) Izborsk

4. What was the name of the Russian prince nicknamed “The Accursed”?

a) Svyatopolk

b) Svyatoslav

c) Izyaslav

d) Yaropolk

5.The most important political and trade ally Kievan Rus in the 9th century was:

a) Volga Bulgaria;

b) Byzantium;

c) Khazar Kaganate;

G) Golden Horde;

6.The Baptism of Rus' took place in:

7. The first legal code in Rus' was:

a) “Russian Truth”;

b) “The Yaroslavich Truth”;

c) “Russian Law”;

d) Code of Law of Ivan III;

8. Religion of the Eastern Slavs in the VI - IX centuries. was:

a) Christianity;

b) Catholicism;

c) paganism;

d) Judaism;

9. In Kievan Rus they called ryadovich:

a) an ordinary vigilante;

b) an employee under a contract;

c) a captive enslaved;

d) peasant - community member;

10. With the reign of Ivan Kalita, a new stage in the history of Rus' begins:

a) stage of collecting land

b) stage of land fragmentation

c) stage of land devastation

d) stage of land destruction

Test on the topic “Ancient Rus'”

1. Slavic language belongs to the language group

a) German

b) Turkic

c) Indo-European

d) Iranian

2. What year of the chronicle dates the arrival of the Varangians to Rus'?

a) 1111

b) 988

c) 862g.

d) 1054g.

3. The Slavs were called Varangians

a) Scandinavians

b) Celts

c) Germans

d) francs

4. The campaign to collect tribute in ancient Rus' was called

a) a lesson

b) polyhuman

c) taxation

d) churchyard

5. All-Russian chronicle, appeared in Kyiv at the beginning of the 12th century

a) “Teaching” by Vladimir Monomakh

b) “The Tale of the Massacre of Mamaev”

c) “Walking across Three Seas” by Afanasy Nikitin

d) "The Tale of Bygone Years"

6. The number of raids carried out by the Polovtsians from the second half of the 11th century to the beginning of the 13th century:

a) 46

b) 17

c) 55

d) 70

7. It was possible to stop the collapse of the Old Russian state:

a) Prince Igor

b) Vladimir Svyatoslavich

c) Yaroslav the Wise

d) Vladimir Monomakh

8. Establish a correspondence between the category of the dependent population and its characteristics

9. Establish a correspondence between the name of the ruling prince and the features of his reign.


Features of the board

A) Rurik

B) Igor

B) Svyatoslav

D) Vladimir Red Sun

D) Olga

E) Yuri Dolgoruky

G) Andrey Bogolyubsky

H) Vladimir Monomakh

I) Vsevolod the Big Nest

K) Yaroslav the Wise

1) the flourishing of the Old Russian state is associated with the name of the prince

2) the board initiated the creation of an orderly and organized taxation system

3) defeated Volga Bulgaria

4) during his reign the title of Grand Duke of Vladimir appeared

6) called to reign by the Slavs

7) the appearance of the first judicial and land charters

8) founder of Moscow

9) was killed by the Drevlyans

10) defeated the Khazar Khaganate

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

10. Match the date and event

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

11. Establish a correspondence between the name of the prince and his statement

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

12. Arrange in chronological order the reign of the princes

A) Vladimir Monomakh

B) Vladimir Svyatoslavich

B) Yaroslav the Wise

D) Rurik

D) Olga

E) Oleg

13. Name the most character traits The Old Russian state as an early feudal monarchy

1) princely power became a central element in the structure of state power

2) dependence on other territories

3) unity of princes in the face of external danger

4) the prince was in charge of the external and domestic politics, issues of war and peace

5) the existence of feudal estates along with free communities.

6) intensification of the class struggle

Answer: _________________

14. Name the features that characterize the significance of the adoption of Christianity in Rus'

1) contributed to the development of writing and education

2) divided ancient Russian society

3) strengthened the state and the power of the prince

5) increased the role of pagan gods

6) contributed to the introduction of Rus' to Byzantine culture

Answer: _________________

15. Read the description and name the prince to whom it relates.

The sole ruler of Ancient Rus'.

Contributed to the rise of the international authority of Rus'.

Carried out military campaigns.

Founder of written Russian legislation.

Patron of education and construction.

Contributed to the flourishing of the ancient Russian state.

Answer: _________________


1. in

2. in


4. b

5. g

6 a

7. g

1.Eastern Slavs came to the middle reaches of the Dnieper

from Scandinavia

from the area between the Vistula and Oder rivers +

from the middle Volga

from the Baltic Sea coast

2. In what century was Kievan Rus created?

5th century

9th century +

13th century

11th century

3. Gothic historian Jordan in the 6th century AD called the Slavs



Wendami +


4. The Ant tribal union formed around

middle of the 4th century AD +

beginning of the 5th century AD

mid-6th century AD

end of the 6th century AD

5.The Slavs include



Volynians +


6. Was(are) a non-Slavic tribe

Muroma +




7. The Ant tribal union was formed

in the upper reaches of the Don

in the Volga basin

in the Dnieper and Dniester basins +

on the shores of Lake Ladoga

8.The first ruler of Kievan Rus


Oleg +



9.Which prince performed the baptism of Rus'


Vladimir +



10. The first written agreement in the history of Rus' was concluded in

907 + (with Byzantium)




11. Svyatoslav’s campaign against the Khazars took place in



964 +


12. The system of fortresses in the south built under Vladimir 1 was supposed to protect Rus' from

Khazar Khaganate


Pechenegs +


13. The ancient Russian state becomes a power of European scale during the reign of


Svyatoslav Igorevich

Vladimir 1

Yaroslav the Wise +

14. Who became the first Russian saint

Boris and Gleb +

Vladimir Svyatoslavich

Vladimir Monomakh

Yaroslav the Wise



Theodosius Pechersky

Nestor +

16. The second princely strife in Rus' occurred after the death of




Vladimir Svyatoslavich +

17. What lands did Prince Svyatoslav conquer?


Khazaria +



18. What was it called Slavic alphabet

Cyrillic +


drop cap


19. What is the difference between Christianity and paganism?


monotheism +


20. Under whose influence was ancient Russian culture formed?


Byzantine +



21. Which work was written by Vladimir Monomakh

Life of Theodosius of Pechersk

Teaching to children +

A word about the destruction of the Russian land


22. The beginning of the political fragmentation of Rus' is connected

with the beginning of the reign of Vladimir Monomakh

with the death of Vladimir Monomakh +

with the beginning of the reign of Mstislav the Great

with the death of Mstislav the Great

23. One of the main reasons for the collapse of the united Old Russian state was (s)

forced introduction of Christianity

constant pressure from the Steppe +

unfriendly attitude of Byzantium towards Kyiv

possibility of independent economic development separate principalities

24. By the middle of the 12th century, Russia broke up into

5 principalities

30 principalities

15 principalities +

60 principalities

25.Which period corresponds to the emergence of the Galician-Volyn principality?

early 12th century

mid 12th century

end of the 12th century +(1199)

early 13th century

26. The city of Vladimir became the capital of North-Eastern Rus' during the reign of

Vladimir Monomakh

Yuri Dolgoruky

Andrey Bogolyubsky +

Vsevolod's Big Nest

27. The main external enemy of the Galicia-Volyn principality was(-s)


Poland and Hungary +

Cumans +

Byzantium 1185 Prince Igor committed unsuccessful trip against


Polovtsy +


Volga Bulgars

29. The final isolation of the Russian principalities was prevented by the existence

taxation +


Austrian Empire

single language

30. In what year did the Galicia-Volyn principality cease to exist?



1392 +

Formation of the Old Russian State

1. Eastern Slavs belong to language family:

A) Finno-Ugric;

B) Iberian-Caucasian;

B) Indo-European;

2. Territory of settlement of East Slavic tribal unions inVI - IXfor centuries it has extended to:

A) West Siberian Plain;

B) East European Plain;

B) northern coast of the Black Sea;

3. Formation of the state Eastern Slavs happens as a result:

A) the decomposition of the tribal system and the emergence of classes;

B) callings of the Varangian princes;

B) agreements between the princes of East Slavic tribal unions

4. The formation of the Old Russian state occurs in:

A) VI century AD;

B) IX century AD;

IN) IX century BC;

5. The unification of the Eastern Slavs occurs around:

A) tribal union of glades;

B) tribal union of the Drevlyans;

B) tribal union of Polotsk residents;

6. Central part ancient Russian city was called:

A) the Kremlin;

B) child;

B) settlement;

7. Religion of the Eastern Slavs inVI - IX centuries was:

A) Christianity;

B) Catholicism;

B) paganism;

8. The date of formation of the state of Kievan Rus is considered to be:

A) 862;

B) 882;

B) 988;

9. The name of the dynasty of Kyiv princes was given by:

A) Rurik;

B) Oleg;

B) Cue;

10 The patron saint of cattle breeding among the pagan Slavs was God:

A) Veles;

B) Svarog;

B) Perun;

1. The main occupation of the Eastern Slavs was….

2. The capital of the Old Russian state was the city….

3. The most important trade routes of Ancient Rus' were….

4. The collection of tribute in Ancient Rus' was called....

5. Alexander the Great of Eastern Europe called….

Old Russian state in IX XII centuries

(closed form)

1. The most important political and trade ally of Kievan Rus inIX V. was:

A) Volga Bulgaria;

B) Byzantium;

B) Khazar Kaganate;

A) boyars;

B) slaves;

B) procurement;

3. The state religion of Kievan Rus at the endXcentury becomes:

A) paganism;

B) Christianity;

B) Catholicism;

4. The first city to be baptized was:

a) Novgorod;

B) Kyiv;

B) Iskorosten;

5. The first uprising mentioned in the chronicle took place in the lands:

A) glades;

B) Drevlyans;

B) Ilmen Slovenes;

6. The international position of Kievan Rus was strengthened with the help of dynastic marriages:

A) Prince VladimirI;

B) Prince Vladimir Monomakh;

B) Prince Yaroslav the Wise;

7. The Lyubech Congress of Russian Princes (1097) decided:

A) about organizing a campaign against the Polovtsians;

b) each to own his fatherland and protect the Russian land together;

C) on the procedure for replacing the Kyiv throne;

8. The first legal code in Rus' was:

A) “Russian Truth”;

B) “The Yaroslavich Truth”;

B) “Russian Law”;

9. The main military opponents of Russian squads inX V. were:

A) Cumans;

B) Pechenegs;

B) Tatro-Mongols;

10. The organizer of the campaign of the Russian princes against the Polovtsians in 1111 was:

A) Vladimir Monomakh;

B) Yuri Dolgoruky;

B) Andrey Bogolyubsky;

(open form)

1. The Baptism of Rus' takes place in ... the year by Prince ....

2. Russian leadership Orthodox Church VXI V. carried out….

3. The Kiev prince Svyatoslav Igorevich intended to move the capital of the ancient Russian state to the city ....

4. Which Russian prince was nicknamed “The Accursed” and why?

5. The Kiev state reached its highest power under the prince ... in ... years.

Russian lands during the period feudal fragmentation

(closed form)

1. The period of feudal fragmentation lasted in Rus':

a) with XI By XIII centuries;

b) with XII By XV centuries;

c) with X By XIV cc;

2. The Moscow principality arose:

A) in 1147;

B) in the second halfXIII century;

B) with the collapse of Kievan Rus in 1132;

3. The main military opponents of the Russian lands inXIII V. were:

A) Swedish feudal lords and German knights;

B) Polovtsy;

B) Tatar-Mongols;

4. The Battle of Lake Peipus (Battle of the Ice) took place in:

A) 1240;

B) in 1242;

B) in 1223;

5. The main occupation of the Mongols inXIIIV. was:

A)nomadic pastoralism;

b)irrigation agriculture;

V)arable farming;

6. Batu's campaign against Rus' took place:

A)in 1327;

b)in 1237-1241;

V)in 1480;

7. Tatar-Mongol yoke in Rus' there were:

A)from 1237 to 1480;

b)from 1223 to 1380;

V)from 1243 to 1480;

8. The seniority of Russian princes inXIII- XVfor centuries it was determined:


b)a label for reign issued by the Golden Horde Khan;

V)by the decision of the Congress of Russian Princes;

9. The Battle of Kulikovo Field took place:

A)in 1223;

b)in 1380;

V)in 1480;

10. The Golden Horde yoke ended for Rus':

A)Battle of Kalka;

b)Battle of Kulikovo;

V)standing on the Ugra;

(open form)

1. Feudal fragmentation is….

2. The main economic units during the period of feudal fragmentation were: ....

3. Baskaki are...

5. Moscow becomes the religious center of Russian lands in ... year in connection with ... .

6. The first Moscow prince Daniil was the son of...

Russian Education single state

(closed form)

1. The founder of the dynasty of Moscow princes was:

A) Daniil Alexandrovich;

B) Alexander Nevsky;

B) Ivan Kalita;

2. Dmitry Donskoy owned:

A) Galicia - Volyn principality;

B) the Moscow Principality;

C) territories along the Don River;

3. On the Kulikovo field, Russian soldiers fought with:

A) Polish gentlemen;

B) Tatar-Mongols;

B) German knights;

4. He was the first to accept the title of “Sovereign of All Rus'”:

A) Vasily the Dark;

B) Ivan the Terrible;

B) Ivan III;

5. Correlate the years of reign:

A) Ivan III 1) 1505 - 1533

B) Yaroslav the Wise 2) 1462 -1505

B) Vasily III 3) 1015 – 1054

6. The final annexation of Novgorod to Moscow took place in:

A) 1410;

B) 1478;

B) 1521;

7. The coat of arms with a double-headed eagle appeared as an official symbol Russian state at:

A) Ivan III;

B) Ivan Krasny;

B) Dmitry Donskoy;

8. Who was the first of the Russian rulers to be crowned king:

A) Ivan the Terrible;

B) Ivan III;

B) Dmitry Donskoy

9. The beginning of the enslavement of the Russian peasantry was laid:

A) Code of Law of 1497;

B) a provision limiting the right of peasant transition from

one owner to another a week before and a week after St. George's Day;

c) the decree “On serfdom”;

10. Under Ivan the Terrible, the following was introduced:

A) oprichnina

B) localism;

C) cancellation of St. George's Day;

(open form)

1.Name the factors that contributed to the rise of Moscow.

2. Name the reasons that contributed to the final overthrow of the Golden Horde yoke.

3. The formation of the Russian unified state takes place in ... centuries.

4. The methods of annexing Russian lands to the Moscow Principality were: ....

5.The main forms of feudal land tenure inXVXVI centuries were: …

Test 5

Moscow kingdom

(closed form)

1.The dominant form of land tenure inXVI century was:

a) peasant plowing;

b) boyar estate;

c) noble estate;

2. What territories were annexed to Russia during the reign of IvanIV:

A) Volga region;

B) Western Siberia;

To Crimea;

3. Years of the oprichnina:

A) 1570 – 1575;

B) 1551 – 1562;

B) 1565 –1572;

4. During the oprichnina, the territory of the country was divided into:

A) counties and provinces;

B) zemshchina and boyars;

B) oprichnina and zemshchina;

5. Unofficial government under IvanIV called:

A) Seven Boyars;

B) Boyar Duma;

B) Elected Rada;

6. The “lesson summers” established in 1597 introduced:

A) localism;

B) punishment of state criminals;

C) a five-year search period for fugitive peasants;

D) ban on peasant march on St. George’s Day;

D) there is no correct answer.

7. The Livonian War had as its goal:

A) conquest of the Baltic coast and access to the Baltic Sea;

B) destruction of the Catholic Livonian Order;

C) the defeat of the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates;

8. The Livonian War ended:

A) defeat of Russia;

B) the victory of Russia and the annexation of new territories;

C) a mutually beneficial truce between the warring parties;

(open form)

1. Military reform middleXVIV. was...

2. The essence of the oprichnina was...

3. The results of the oprichnina were...

3. The years of the reign of Ivan the Terrible...

5. Years of the Livonian War

Russia at the turn XVI XVII centuries Time of Troubles

(closed form)

1. Serfdom- This:

a) a form of non-economic (legislated) dependence of the peasant on the feudal lord - the owner of the land;

b) a legally formalized regime for the functioning of military fortifications - fortresses;

c) the right of peasants to land;

2. The fall of the Rurik dynasty led to the Russian throne:

A) False Dmitry I;

B) boyar Tsar Vasily Shuisky;

B) Boris Godunov;

3. The main forms of peasant protest inXVIXVII centuries were:

A) mass strikes;

B) refusal to go to corvee;

B) peasant uprisings;

4. The appearance of False DmitryIwas due to:

a) rumors about miraculous salvation the legal heir to the Russian throne - Tsarevich Dmitry;

b) the arrival of the Polish ambassador to Moscow;

c) the election of False Dmitry to reign by the Zemsky Sobor;

5. False Dmitry Irules in Moscow:

A) in 1602 -1610;

B) was not allowed into Moscow at all;

B) in 1605 – 1606;

6. Vasily Shuisky came to power after:

A) Boris Godunov;

B) False Dmitry I;

B) False Dmitry II;

7. Which historical figure was nicknamed the “Tushino thief”:

A) False Dmitry I;

B) False Dmitry II;

B) Cossack Tushin;

8. The heroes of the liberation of Moscow from foreign invaders, to whom grateful Russia erected the first sculptural monument in Moscow, were:

A) peasant Ivan Susanin;

B) Kozma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky;

B) nobleman Lyapunov;

9. The accession of the Romanovs occurred due to:

A) decisions of the Zemsky Sobor;

B) family high birth and belonging to the Rurik dynasty;

C) outstanding achievements in the fight against the Polish-Swedish intervention;

10. The first Romanov on the Russian throne was:

A) Alexey Fedorovich;

B) Mikhail Fedorovich;

B) Alexey Mikhailovich;

(open form)

1. The causes of the unrest in Russia at the turnXVIXVII centuries were: … .

2. The years of the reign of Vasily Shuisky... .

3. The years of the reign of Boris Godunov….

4. Name the main stages of the enslavement of peasants.

5. What candidates for the Russian throne were considered by the Zemsky Sobor in 1613?

1 option

1. What year does the baptism of Rus' date back to?

1) 8822) 9883) 945 4) 962

2. Hereditary land holdings in Ancient Rus' were called

1) zemshchina2) fiefdom3) settlement 4) estate

3. The uprising of the Drevlyans in 945 was caused by

1) inter-tribal strife between the Drevlyans and Vyatichi

2) an attempt by Prince Igor to take tribute from the Drevlyans a second time

3) the reluctance of the Drevlyans to accept Christianity

4) the reluctance of the Drevlyans to take part in the campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav

4. In what century was “The Tale of Bygone Years” written?

1) inIXV. 2) inXV.3) inXIIV.4) inXVV.

5. What was the name of the Slavic alphabet:

1) Cyrillic2) cursive 3) Latin 4) initial letter.

6. Note one of the reasons for the adoption of Christianity by Vladimir Svyatoslavich.

1) the need to strengthen the Old Russian state by uniting the population

2) the desire to develop literacy in Rus'

3) the desire to establish good neighborly relations with Volga Bulgaria, Khazaria, Byzantium

4) the need to reduce the military threat from the Pechenegs who professed this religion

7. Under whose influence was ancient Russian architecture formed:

1) Italian2) Byzantine3) Khazar 4) Arabic.

8. The Norman theory about the origin of the Russian state appeared

1) inIXV. 2) inXIIV. 3) inXVV.4) inXVIIIV.

9. In what language was the chronicle compiled in Kievan Rus:

1) in Latin 2) in Greek3) in Slavic4) in Russian.

10. What year in the chronicle dates the arrival of the Varangians in Rus'?

1) 1111 2) 988 3) 862g. 4) 1054g.

11. Painting based on the use of water paints applied to wet plaster during the construction of temples in Ancient Rus' was called

1) fresco2) watercolor 3) parsuna 4) mosaic

12. What belongs to the genre of heroic epic?

1) chronicles 2) fairy tales 3) proverbs and sayings4) epics

13. The congress of Russian princes in 1097 in Lyubech was convened with the purpose

1) install new order levying tribute

2) accept Russian Truth

3) stop civil strife

4) decide on the introduction of Christianity in Rus'

14. Which one e period dates back to the emergence of statehood among the Eastern Slavs?

1) VI – VII 2)IX–X3) X – XI 4) XI - XII

15. Read an excerpt from the work of a 19th century historian and indicate whose reign the author characterizes.

“His activities were of exceptional importance: he created a large state from disunited cities and tribes, brought the Slavs out of submission to the Khazars and, through treaties, established correct trade relations between Rus' and Byzantium; in a word, he was the creator of Russian-Slavic independence and strength.”

1) Rurik2) Oleg3) Igor 4) Svyatoslav

16. Which event happened before all the others?

1) baptism of Rus' 3) Batu’s first campaign against Rus'

2) calling the Varangians to Rus'4) creation of Russian Truth

17. Which of the above related to the activities of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich?

1) political unification of Novgorod and Kyiv

2) baptism of Rus'

3) defeat of the Khazar Kaganate

4) creation of a code of laws Russian Truth

18 . As a result of Prince Oleg’s campaign against Constantinople...

    a trade agreement beneficial for Rus' was concluded

    Byzantium ceded Danube Bulgaria to Rus'

    The prince and his squad were baptized

    The capital of Byzantium was plundered.

19. Read an excerpt from the Tale of Bygone Years and write the name of the place where and when the event described occurred.

“We gathered... to establish peace and said to each other: “Why are we destroying the Russian land, creating strife among ourselves? And the Polovtsians are carrying our land differently and are glad that there are wars between us. Let us unite with one heart from now on and let us guard the Russian land, and let everyone own his homeland...” And with that they kissed the cross.”

20. Establish a correspondence between the names of the princes and the events that occurred during their reign.

Unified State Exam tests on the topic “Ancient Rus'”

Option 2

1. They took part in the creation of the laws of Ancient Rus'

1) Yaroslav the Wise and Vladimir Monomakh3) Oleg and Igor

2) Rurik and his brothers 4) Svyatoslav and Svyatopolk

2. Prince of Kiev, who remained in folk legend under the name Red Sun:

1) Svyatoslav 2) Izyaslav3) Vladimir Svyatoslavich4) Oleg

3.What year do the chronicles date the calling of the Varangians to Rus'?

1) 8622) 988 3) 1097 4) 1111

4. The Slavs were called Varangians

1) Scandinavians 2) Celts 3) Germans 4) Franks

5. Read an excerpt from the chronicle and indicate when the event described occurred.

“That year the squad said to Igor: “The youths of Sveneld are dressed in weapons and clothes, and we are naked. Come with us, prince, for tribute, and you will get it for yourself and for us.” And Igor listened to them - he went to the Drevlyans for tribute and added a new one to the previous tribute, and his men committed violence against them. Taking the tribute, he went to his city. When he walked back, having thought it over, he said to his squad: “Go home with the tribute, and I will return and collect more.”... The Drevlyans, having heard that he was coming again, held a council with their prince Mal: ​​“If a wolf gets into the habit of the sheep , then he will carry out the whole herd until they kill him; so is this one: if we don’t kill him, then he will destroy us all.”... The Drevlyans, leaving the city of Iskorosten, killed Igor and his squad, since there were few of them.”

1) 8822) 9453) 988 4) 1015

6. Arrange the names of ancient Russian princes in the chronological order of their reign .

1) Olga 3) Vladimir Monomakh

2) Vladimir Svyatoslavich 4) Yaroslav the Wise

7. Which of the named cultural monuments was created in the 11th-12th centuries?

1) St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv

2) Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin

3) Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat in Moscow (St. Basil's Cathedral)

4) icon “Trinity” by Andrei Rublev

8 . Read an excerpt from the Tale of Bygone Years and indicate what it is about.

“Olga went to Novgorod and established graveyards and tributes along Msta, and along Luga - dues and tributes, and her traps were preserved throughout the land, and there is evidence of her, and her places and graveyards, and her sleigh stands in Pskov to this day, and along the Dnieper there are places for catching birds, and along the Desna...”

    tax reform3) distribution of estates

    conquest of the rebel tribes 4) preparation for baptism

9 . Which of the named persons was not a descendant of Rurik?

1.Vladimir Monomakh2) Oleg the Prophet 3)Vladimir Saint 4) Svyatoslav Igorevich

10. Read an excerpt from an essay by a 20th century historian and indicate who it is about.

“Under him, as the chronicler says, “the Christian faith began to multiply and expand.” Summoning craftsmen from Byzantium, he built temples (of which the most famous was Cathedral St. Sophia in Kyiv), founded monasteries, continued the organization of church administration and contributed to the spread and strengthening of Christianity within the vast borders of his state.”

    Vladimir Monomakh 3) Svyatoslav Igorevich

    Vladimir Saint4) Yaroslav the Wise.

11. He became the head of the Russian church after accepting Christianity.

    Grand Duke of Kyiv3) metropolitan

    archbishop 4) patriarch

12. Who installed in the middle X V. a new system for collecting tribute and taxes in lands subordinate to Kiev?

1) Igor 2) Svyatoslav 3) Vladimir Svyatoslavich4) Olga

13. Read an excerpt from the chronicle and indicate what event the chronicler is talking about.

“...Why did they destroy the Russian land, bringing quarrels upon themselves? And the Polovtsians are plundering our land and rejoicing that they are tearing us apart internecine wars. From now on, let us unite wholeheartedly and protect the Russian land, and let everyone own their homeland.”

1) the calling of the Varangians by the Novgorodians

2) congress of princes in Lyubech

3) conclusion of an agreement between Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich and Byzantium

4) the council of princes before the Battle of Kalka

14. What was the name of the detour of the prince with a retinue of subject lands who paid tribute in the Old Russian state?

1) polyudye2) quitrent 3) exit 4) yasak

15. According to chronicles, Rurik ruled in the second half IX V. in (in )

1) Vladimir 2) Kyiv3) Novgorod4) Smolensk

16 . Read an excerpt from the Tale of Bygone Years and indicate what followed the events described.

“That year the squad said to Igor: “The youths of Sveneld are dressed in weapons and clothes, and we are naked. Come with us, prince, for tribute, and you will get it for yourself and for us.” And Igor listened to them - he went to the Drevlyans for tribute..."

    The Drevlyans turned to the Khazars for help

    Igor's squad killed the elders of the Drevlyans

    the land of the Drevlyans was annexed to Ancient Rus'

    Igor was killed by the Drevlyans

17 . The calling of the Varangians, according to the chronicle story, is connected with (o)…

    desire to get rid of the power of the Khazars

    the inability of the Slavs to independently defend themselves

    strife between Novgorodians

    fear of Varangian invasions.

18. In what year did the unification of Kyiv and Novgorod take place within one state?

    8622) 882g.3) 907 4) 911

19 . Read an excerpt from Russian Pravda, name which social structure this article assigned responsibility to.

“If someone kills a prince’s husband as a robber, and they are not looking for the killer, then a viru (fine) for him in the amount of 80 hryvnia must be paid to the one... on whose land the murdered person is found, in the case of the murder of Lyudin (commoner) pay a viru (prince) of 40 hryvnia."

20. Establish a correspondence between concepts related to the history of Ancient Rus' and their definitions.

Unified State Exam tests on the topic “Ancient Rus'”

Option 3

1. What was the name of a detour in the Old Russian state by a prince with a retinue of subject lands who paid tribute?

1) quitrent2) polyudye3) exit 4) tribute

2. Establishment in Ancient Rus' new system collection of tribute: “lessons”, “cemeteries”, “cart” instead of “polyudye” - was the result

1) the activities of Princess Olga3) adoption of the “Charter” of Vladimir Monomakh

2) the adoption of “Russian Truth” 4) the campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav

3. What was the name of the city district inhabited by artisans of the same specialty in Ancient Rus'?

1) settlement2) patrimony 3) graveyard 4) inheritance

4. Read an excerpt from the work of a Byzantine historian and indicate when what is described in it could have happened?

“The winter and harsh way of life of those same Russians is like this. When the month of November comes, the archons immediately leave Kiev with all the Russians and go to ... Slavinia of the Vervians, Drugvits, Krivichi, Severians and other Slavs, who are tributaries of the Russians. Feeding there throughout the winter, they return to Kyiv again, starting in April, when the ice on the Dnieper River melts.”

    Under Rurik 3) Under Svyatoslav

    Under Oleg and Igor4) Under Vladimir

5. The Baptism of Rus' led to...

    the rapid disappearance of all traces of pagan beliefs

    subordination of the princely authority to the Orthodox Church

    transformation of Rus' into a state dependent on Byzantium

6. When the event described in the chronicle occurred:

“When he arrived, he ordered the idols to be overthrown - some to be chopped up, and others to be put on fire. And Perun ordered to tie a horse to the tail and drag him from the mountain along the Borichev entrance to Ruchey and ordered 12 men to push Perun with poles... After this, Vladimir sent throughout the city with the words: “Whoever will not be on the river tomorrow, whether rich or poor, beggar or slave, he goes against me"?

1) 862 2) 9453) 9884) 1054

7. Political system The Old Russian state was

1) early feudal monarchy

2) boyar republic

3) absolute monarchy

4) estate-representative monarchy

8 . Which of the above refers to the prerequisites for the formation of the Old Russian state?

1) baptism of Rus'

2) the beginning of the great migration of peoples

3) acceptance of Russian Truth

4) the need to repel external enemies

9. Name of the first Russian chronicler, author of “The Tale of Bygone Years”:

1) Jordan 2) Hilarion 3) Theodosius of Pechersk4) Nestor

10. What is the name of the oldest part of Russian Truth?

    “Russian Law” 3) “The Truth of St. Vladimir”

    "The Truth of Yaroslav"4) “Charter of Vladimir Monomakh”

11. The concepts of “filigree” and “grain” are associated with (o)…

1) the formation of ancient Russian statehood;

2) crafts in the development of Ancient Rus'

3) the formation of the feudal system

4) the spread of Christianity.

12. Prince Svyatopolk Vladimirovich was nicknamed “The Damned” for

1) flight from the battlefield near the river. Kalki

2) cruelty in internecine struggle and murder of brothers

3) the fact that he “sent” Mongol troops to Rus'

4) an attempt to restore the pagan faith in Rus'

13. What was the name of the tax in favor of the church in Ancient Rus'?

1) capitation 2) quitrent 3) lesson4) tithe

14. The code of laws of Ancient Rus' was called

1) “Russian Truth”3) "Stoglav"

2) “Cathedral Code” 4) “Code of Laws”

15 . According to the chronicle, Prince Vladimir was baptized in the city...

1)Kyiv 2)Korsun3) Constantinople 4) Novgorod

1) purchasing2) Magi 3) votchinniki 4) all of the above

17. The Baptism of Rus' led to

1) strengthening of pagan customs 3) introduction of the patriarchate

2) the complete eradication of paganism4) strengthening statehood

18. The first Russian saints are...

    Askold and Dir 3) Vladimir the Saint and Anna

    Boris and Gleb4) Cyril and Methodius.

19. Which of the following is part of the process of formation of the feudal system?

A) the emergence of corvée and quitrent

B) the emergence of purchases and rank-and-file employees

B) the appearance of the first chronicles

D) distribution of lands by the Grand Duke and their transformation into estates

E) decorating temples with mosaics and frescoes

Please indicate the correct answer.
1) ADE; 2) BVG; 3) ABE; 4)ABG.

20. Establish a correspondence between the rulers of Ancient Rus' and their contribution to the formation of the Old Russian state. When writing your answer, keep the sequence of the first column.