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Organization of production in the designed public catering enterprise. Public catering Organization of food production in a restaurant

Restaurants organize services for ceremonial and official receptions, meetings, conferences, conventions; they can spend relaxing evenings with musical and variety performances.

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Food is the basis of human life. How a person eats affects his health, mood, and ability to work. Consequently, a person’s nutrition is not only his personal, but also a public matter.

Catering establishments are equipped with mechanical, refrigeration and heating equipment with gas, electric and steam heating. In this regard, the technologist must know the equipment of public catering establishments and other technical disciplines. Knowledge of the economics of public catering is no less important for a technologist. It is impossible to achieve high labor productivity and improve the service culture without knowledge of the basics of organizing public catering.

Development of public catering:

Provides significant savings in social labor due to more rational use of equipment, raw materials, materials;

Provides workers and employees with hot food during the working day, which increases their efficiency and maintains health;

Makes it possible to organize a balanced balanced diet in children's and educational institutions.

Increasing the efficiency of public catering is based on the principles of production intensification common to the entire national economy - achieving high results with the least expenditure of material and labor resources.

1. Characteristics of the enterprise.

In accordance with GOSTR 50761-95 “Catering services. General requirements” There are certain requirements for catering services. Public catering services are the result of the activities of enterprises and citizen-entrepreneurs to meet consumer needs for nutrition and leisure activities.

Restaurant "Arcadia" belongs to the "highest" class restaurants. The hall has a capacity of 150 seats.

(restaurant plan appendix 1)

The building includes: shopping room, billiard room, bar, industrial premises, administrative premises, warehouse premises, living quarters for staff, technical premises.

The production premises include; hot shop, cold shop, semi-finished products finishing shop, vegetable shop, kitchen utensil washing, tableware washing.

Administrative premises include the director's office, accounting department, and production manager's office.

Household premises include a locker room for staff, a shower room and toilet rooms.

Technical rooms include ventilation, switchboard, and heating units.

The Arcadia restaurant has an illuminated neon sign and there is a foyer at the entrance to the restaurant. The foyer contains: a wardrobe, toilet rooms, and a security post.

The trading floor has a stage and a dance floor in front of it.

The interior of the hall is designed in blue and green tones. Modern materials, including wood and fabrics, were used to decorate the hall. Luxury furniture in accordance with the interior of the restaurant, tables have soft coverings. The chairs are soft with armrests.

To decorate the hall and premises for consumers, exquisite and original decorative elements (lamps, draperies, paintings, etc.) are used.

The Arcadia restaurant offers everything that billiards lovers need:

First-class tournament-grade pool tables;

Magnificent interior;

Quiet, calm atmosphere conducive to a good game;

A cozy bar with a wide range of alcoholic drinks and delicious homemade cuisine;

Discounts for regular customers.

To create an optimal microclimate, the restaurant has an air conditioning system.

Restaurant "Arcadia" is a public catering establishment that provides consumers with a wide range of complex dishes, mainly made to order, as well as wine, vodka, tobacco and confectionery products. High level service is combined with the organization of recreation for visitors.

Leisure services include:

Organization of music services;

Organization of concerts, programs, variety shows.

The Arcadia Restaurant organizes catering for receptions, family celebrations, banquets, and themed evenings.

Visitors are served by waiters, head waiter, bartenders, food and drinks are prepared by highly qualified chefs. The service personnel have uniforms and shoes of the same type.

At the Arcadia Restaurant, visitors are provided with lunch (business lunch) and dinner.

The restaurant has convenient access by vehicle and secure parking.

2. Organization of supplies and warehouse facilities for the restaurant.

At the Arcadia restaurant, food delivery is carried out by a forwarder. To provide an enterprise with food products, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

What to buy;

How much to purchase;

Who to buy from;

On what terms to purchase;

In addition, you must:

Enter into a contract;

Monitor the execution of the contract;

Arrange delivery;

Organize warehousing and storage.

These tasks are solved by the restaurant supply department. It works independently, performing its functions defined above. The company has a list of suppliers from whom products are constantly purchased, as well as purchases from markets and wholesale warehouses.

The compiled list of suppliers is analyzed based on special criteria. They are often limited by the price and quality of the products supplied, as well as the reliability of supplies.

Other criteria taken into account when choosing a supplier include the following:

Distance of the supplier from the consumer;

Order fulfillment times;

Organization of quality management at the supplier;

The financial position of the supplier, his creditworthiness, etc.

Delivery of products is carried out in centralized and decentralized ways.

Centralized delivery of goods to enterprises is carried out by the forces and means of suppliers. With centralized delivery, the company is freed from the need to have its own transport.

With decentralized delivery, the removal of goods from suppliers is ensured directly by the enterprise itself, using its own transport.

Transport plays an important role in the movement of goods.

During the movement of goods, transport drivers and the forwarding agent must ensure:

Safety of cargo during transportation;

Timely delivery of cargo;

Compliance with the rules of loading and transportation of cargo;

Efficient use of vehicles.

At the Russian Meal restaurant, each vehicle intended for transporting food has a sanitary passport issued by the sanitary-epidemiological service.

Receiving goods in a food establishment is important integral part technological process. Acceptance is carried out in two stages.

Products are obtained according to quantity and quality. The first stage is preliminary. Acceptance of products by quantity is carried out according to waybills, invoices, by recalculating containers, and weighing. If the goods arrived in a serviceable container, in addition to checking the gross weight, the company has the right to require opening the container and checking the net weight. The second stage is final acceptance. The net weight and number of product units are checked simultaneously with the opening of the container. The tare weight is checked simultaneously with the acceptance of the goods.

If a shortage is detected, a unilateral report on the identified shortage is drawn up, this product is stored separately, its safety is ensured and the supplier is called. After final acceptance, a certificate is drawn up in 3 copies.

Simultaneously with the acceptance of goods by quantity, goods are also accepted by quality.

Acceptance of goods for quality is carried out organoleptically (by appearance, color, smell, taste). At the same time, compliance with standards and specifications is checked. Certificates or quality certificates are attached to transport documents.

To ensure uninterrupted operation of production facilities for the sale of products in a sufficient assortment, taking into account consumer demand, inventory is required.

Non-perishable products (flour, sugar, cereals) – 8-10 days

Perishable products (meat, fish, poultry) – 2-5 days

Stocks of bread and milk should not exceed one day's sales.

3. Technological documentation for production.

The main planning stage is drawing up a menu plan. The menu plan is drawn up by the production manager on the eve of the planned day (no later than 15:00) and approved by the director of the enterprise.

The main factors that need to be taken into account when



“Full name of your educational institution indicating the city” (PNVUZsUG)

Course work

in the discipline MDK 06.02: “Organization of production in public catering organizations”

on the topic: “Organization of the production of a restaurant with Japanese cuisine for 80 seats. Organization of production of finished products in the hot shop"

Student: FULL NAME.

Speciality: Food Service Technology

Group: Number

Teacher: FULL NAME.




1.Characteristics of the public catering establishment under study 5

2. Characteristics of production of a public catering enterprise11

3. Practical part (for the workshop under study). Research

with technological calculations15

3.1.Calculation of the production program15

3.1.1.Calculation of the number of consumers15

3.1.2. Determination of the number of dishes and drinks to be prepared15

3.1.3. Breakdown of dishes by assortment in accordance with consumption rates16

3.1.4.Drawing up a menu plan18

3.1.5.Calculation of raw material requirements20

3.2.Calculation of the number of personnel of the production team of the workshop under study. Drawing up a schedule for the shop cooks to go to work21

3.3. Selection of equipment26

3.4. Selection of utensils, equipment, tools, small-scale mechanization equipment26

3.5.Organization of the work of the workshop under study. Labor organization27




Since the emergence of civilization and the accompanying acceleration of the pace of life and specialization in specific areas that do not intersect with the ability to cook food, humanity has been faced with the acute question of the need to provide itself with food of varying degrees of complexity and speed of preparation. In particular, in Ancient Rome there was a class of establishments called thermopolia, which served hot food and spiced wine.

Currently, public catering is an important branch of the service sector, specializing in the production of culinary products, engaged in the production, sale, and organization of its consumption. A separate topic, which will be considered in this course work, will be the topic of Japanese cuisine, which differs from the global one in its preference for natural, minimally processed seafood, wide use of seafood, seasonality, characteristic dishes, specific rules for preparing dishes, serving, and table etiquette. Above all, Japanese cuisine tends to be a key attraction for tourists from other countries.

There are many opinions about what defines Japanese cuisine, since the daily food of the Japanese has changed greatly over the past centuries, many dishes (for example, ramen, which has become almost the national Japanese dish) appeared in Japan in late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century or even later. In Japan, the term "Japanese cuisine" refers to traditional Japanese foods similar to those that existed before the end of the national reclusiveness.

The most characteristic features of Japanese cuisine:

· Using mainly fresh products, always of high quality. Practically no shelf-stable products are used, with the exception of rice and sauces;

· A huge range of seafood used for cooking;

· The desire to preserve the original appearance and taste of the ingredients in the dish. This distinguishes Japanese cuisine from most Asian cuisine, where products are often changed beyond recognition during the cooking process;

· Seasonality of food;

· Small portions. The amount of food is gained through a greater variety of dishes, rather than serving sizes;

· Specific cutlery - most dishes should be eaten with chopsticks, some can be eaten with your hands, spoons are used extremely rarely, forks and knives are not used at all. For this reason, most dishes are served in the form of small pieces that are convenient to take with chopsticks and do not need to be divided;

· The principles of food presentation and serving are sharply different from European ones. Greater emphasis is placed on the aesthetic appearance of dishes and the table as a whole than in European cuisine;

· Specific table etiquette.

The purpose of this course work is to reveal the topic of Japanese cuisine, its task is to analyze the problems of opening such an establishment, drawing up a plan for its work, developing detailed diagram work of the hot shop of a Japanese restaurant with a capacity of 80 seats. For this purpose, in particular, a ready-made example of the work of the Wasabi Japanese restaurant chain will be taken, the source of which will be: a description of the restaurant operation scheme on the website, menu maps of this chain; Along the way, I will review the compliance of this chain with Russian standards developed for public catering establishments.


Public catering establishments are classified according to the following criteria:

1) Organizational and legal forms:

· society;

· individual enterprise without the right to form a legal entity (IPBPOYUL);

· general partnership;

· mixed partnership;

· limited liability company (LLC);

· closed joint stock company (CJSC);

· open joint stock company (JSC).

The organizational and legal form of Wasabi chain restaurants is a limited liability company (LLC). Legal address of the Wasabi restaurant chain: St. Petersburg, Medikov Ave., 5.

Opening hours of Wasabi chain restaurants: from 10:00 to 22:00, seven days a week.

Opening hours of Wasabi restaurants: breakfast - 10:00-12:00, business lunch - Mon-Fri 12:00-17:00, lunch - 13:00-15:00, dinner - 20:00-21 :00.

2) By nature of production:

· blanks;

· pre-production;

· with a full production cycle.

Each establishment of the Japanese cuisine of the Wasabi network is, according to GOST 30389-2013 (which replaced GOST R 50762-2007), a catering enterprise with a full cycle of services provided, engaged in processing raw materials, producing semi-finished and finished products, and then selling.

3) By characteristic features of service, product range, services (enterprise type):

· restaurant;

· bar;

· cafe;

· dining room;

· snack bar,

· coffee house.

Each Japanese cuisine establishment of the Wasabi chain is, according to GOST 30389-2013 (which replaced GOST R 50762-2007), a restaurant.

4) By product range:

· universal;

· specialized (dairy, dietary, etc.);

· highly specialized (kebabs, dumplings, pancakes, etc.).

Each restaurant in the Wasabi chain is engaged in the preparation of Japanese national cuisine and is therefore classified as specialized.

5) In terms of quality and volume of services provided:

· luxury;

· higher;

· first grade.

Restaurants of the Wasabi chain belong to the first class of service, as they provide harmony in the interior, comfort, a varied selection of goods and services, complex drinks for restaurants, and a selection of simple drinks for bars.

6) By operating time:

· seasonal;

· stationary.

Restaurants of the Wasabi chain regarding operating hours are permanent (stationary).

7) From the place of operation:

· stationary;

· mobile.

The place of operation of each of the Wasabi chain restaurants is stationary, that is, it is built on a specific location initially and is not intended to be moved to another place.

8) From the population served:

· public;

· youth;

· children's;

· student;

· school;

· at an industrial enterprise.

Each of the Wasabi chain restaurants is designed for public service.

Service in Wasabi chain restaurants is provided by staff. Based on this, the production staff consists of:

· Directors;

· Deputy Director;

· Production Manager;

· Chief accountant;

· Hall administrator;

· auxiliary workers;

· Technical personnel;

· Security;

· Cooks of the 1st shift and 2nd shift;

· Warehouse manager;

· Calculator;

· Waiters 1st shift and 2nd shift.

Accordingly, to ensure the rational implementation of the technological process, a well-thought-out control system is necessary:

· Directorbears full responsibility for all aspects of the enterprise’s activities;

· Chefbears responsibility for the organization of production work, the quality of products, and the implementation of the production program;

· Administratorleads the work of service personnel, organizes customer service, is responsible for the quality of customer service, organizes the work of waiters, bartenders, coordinates the work of the hall with production;

· Purchasing Manager manages the supply service;

· Accountant- a specialist who directs and takes into account the movement of material and financial resources, is responsible for the correctness and timeliness of settlements with suppliers, consumers, the tax service, etc.;

· Supply manager - his responsibilities will include concluding contracts for the supply of products, tableware, tableware, dishes, etc. His responsibility is to ensure that the restaurant can purchase good quality products at prices that are favorable to us, and the supply manager will also be responsible for the uninterrupted supply of products, more precisely, if the necessary goods are not available from one supplier, he must order them from another, in other words , he must create a database of restaurant suppliers so that there are no delays in deliveries;

· Storekeeper, whose job will be to fill out paperwork about the availability of products, timely warning the supply manager about a small quantity of a particular raw material. His responsibilities will also include checking expiration dates on products;

· Helper worker , in this case - a loader, his job will be to receive products and transport them to the warehouse;

· Calculator- a person working together with a senior accountant, his responsibilities include virtually the same things as the senior accountant - in other words, the calculator will become the hands of this office, and the senior accountant will be the brain of this office;

· Working team of cooks , it includes cooks of all departments, their duty is to prepare dishes according to their order, prepare preparations, deliver dishes to the serving table, from which waiters will pick them up;

· Waiters working team ? their duty is important, since they are, in fact, the face of the restaurant; the guest’s first and subsequent impression of our establishment will depend on them. Their duty? talking with guests, receiving and issuing orders. Briefly? ensuring comfortable leisure time for visitors;

· Doorman? in this situation, this person greets those who come to the restaurant and takes their clothes into the wardrobe;

· Security? security guards will be at the entrance, taking into account the angle of the entrance and the hall, their job is to protect the establishment, employees and all guests in the establishment;

· Technical staff ? These are cleaners and washers of both tableware and (separately) kitchen utensils. Their responsibilities include cleaning the restaurant hall, lobby, washing dishes, in other words, maintaining the cleanliness of the restaurant, depending on their position.

Diagram of the organizational structure of management of a public catering enterprise

So, in this part the characteristics of the organization of the Wasabi chain restaurants were given.


Since the establishments of the Wasabi chain are restaurants, they have the structure of an enterprise with a full cycle of services provided and therefore have the following scheme of operation of the enterprise:


Table of room areas:

Industrial premises

m 2

Hot shop

Cold shop

Meat and fish workshop


cutting bread

Pre-production shop

Production Manager's Office

Washing tableware

Service room

Kitchenware washing station


Confectionary shop

This course work will examine the hot shop of a catering establishment with a Japanese kitchen with 80 seats.

Workshop interconnection diagram

The hot shop is of the pre-production type and has the following scheme of interaction with other shops of the enterprise:

Scheme of the technological process in an enterprise with a full production cycle




Number of consumers per day:

N = P? (Human)

Where N- number of consumers per day;

R- number of seats;

? ? turnover of one seat per day.

Since this particular establishment is designed for 80 seats, and the turnover of one seat is 6 people per day, we have:

N = 80 6 (Human) = 480

So, the company serves 480 visitors in its sales area.


The total number of dishes produced per day is determined by the formula:

n= Nm(dishes),(

Where n- the total number of dishes produced by the enterprise;

N- the number of consumers served by this enterprise per day (persons);

m- coefficient of food consumption by one consumer at a catering establishment.

Since the enterprise serves 480 people per day, based on the previous section, and the coefficient of food consumption by one consumer at this catering enterprise is 3.5 (since this is a city-wide restaurant), we have that:

n = 480 3,5 (dishes) = 1680

So, the company produces 1680 dishes.


n total number of dishes = ncold dishes+ nsoups+ nsecond courses+ nsweet dishes(

Where: ncold dishes= N m,(

Where: ncold dishes- number of cold dishes produced;

N- number of consumers served;

m- coefficient of consumption of cold dishes by one consumer, etc.

Since the establishment in question is a city-wide restaurant, and 480 people visit it, we have that:

ncold dishes = 480 1,1 = 528

nsoups= 480 0,7 = 336

nsweet dishes= 480 0,3 = 144

n total number of dishes = 528 + 336 + 672 + 144 = 1680

The data obtained is summarized in the following table ( ):

Name of dishes by type

Number of consumers (persons) ( N)

Consumption rate of dishes of each type ( m)

Number of dishes of each type ( n)

Cold dishes


Second courses

Sweet dishes

Total: 1680

As can be seen from the table, main courses predominate among the dishes produced.

Name product

Quantity required (persons) ( N)

Norm of consumption for 1 person in a day


in liters / in pieces

in portions (glasses)

1. Hot drinks, l


tea with sugar,% (40%)

coffee,% (50%)

cocoa,% (10%)


24 l.

9.6 l.

12 l.

2.4 l.

Cold drinks, l


120 l.

Fruit waters, l


43.2 l.

Mineral water, l


67.2 l.

Natural juices, l


9.6 l.

Bread and bakery. ed., g




72 kg

24 kg.

48 kg.

Own confectionery and bakery products. production, pcs.

240 pcs.



I affirm: Table

Wasabi LLC

Director Imyarekov A.B.

Menu plan

rectors according to the Collection of reciters. or TTK

Name of dishes and snacks

Output of dishes

Number of dishes

TTK No. 1

TTK No. 2

TTK No. 3

TTK No. 4

TTK No. 5

TTK No. 6

TTK No. 7

TTK No. 8

Cold dishes and snacks

Philadelphia special(rice, seaweed, cucumbers, soft cheese, salmon, sesame)

Sake uramaki (roll with rice facing out)

Avocado Maki (seaweed, avocado, soft cheese, rice)

Canadian tobiko(rice, sesame, salmon, omelette, flying fish roe)

Chicken teriyaki maki(omelet, chicken, teriyaki sauce)

Mix salad (arugula, frillis, sun-dried tomatoes, Parmesan cheese)

Chuka salad (pickled seaweed, nut sauce)

Greek salad(salad, feta cheese, olive oil, vinegar)

Total: 8

TTK No. 9


Miso traditional(miso paste, dashi broth, tofu)

Total: 1

TTK No. 10

TTK No. 11

TTK No. 12

TTK No. 13

TTK No. 14

Second courses

Fish stew with spinach(salmon, spinach, garlic, sweet pepper)

Fish fillet in mustard sauce(salmon, mustard, sour cream)

Pork with mushrooms in sauce(pork loin, porcini mushrooms, sour cream)

Turkey fillet with zucchini(turkey fillet, zucchini)

Salmon meatballs(salmon, lemon, loaf, egg)

Total: 5

TTK No. 15

TTK No. 16

TTK No. 17

Side dishes


Wheat noodles

Idaho potatoes(potatoes, curry)

Total: 3

TTK No. 18

TTK No. 19

Sweet dishes

Raffaello roll (dark chocolate, Mascarpone cheese, coconut cream, almonds)

Cherry parfait (parfait, cherry, dark chocolate, berry sauce)

Total: 2

TTK No. 20

TTK No. 21

TTK No. 22

Hot drinks

Espresso (ground coffee, water)

Americano (ground coffee, water)

Cappuccino (ground coffee, water, sugar, cream)

Total: 3

TTK No. 23

Cold drinks

Pineapple juice

Total: 1

TTK No. 24

TTK No. 25

TTK No. 26

Flour culinary and confectionery products

Tiramisu (Mascarpone cheese, savoiardi biscuits, ground coffee)

Lingonberry pie(lingonberries, white chocolate)

Philadelphia cheesecake(strawberry, yoghurt cream)

Total: 3



The number of workers in pre-cooking shops is calculated based on the menu plan data and time standards for preparing one dish. The calculation is carried out according to the formula:

Where N 1 - the number of workshop employees directly involved in the implementation of the production program;

n- the number of prepared dishes of this type according to the menu plan;

N time- standard time in seconds for preparing one dish;

T cm- duration of the shift, in hours (8 hours);

? - coefficient taking into account the growth of labor productivity (1.14).

The calculation data for production workers is summarized in a table.

Name of dishes

Unit change

Number of dishes sold per day (n)

Standard time in seconds

(N vr)

Number of man-seconds

( nN time)


Miso traditional





Hot dishes:
Fish stew with spinach

Fish fillet in mustard sauce

Pork with mushrooms in sauce

Turkey fillet with zucchini

Salmon meatballs


Wheat noodles

Idaho potatoes


























Hot drinks:








40 0



Sweet dishes:

Lingonberry pie

Philadelphia cheesecake











Total: nN time = 122240

Using the formula at the beginning of this paragraph, we get that:
N 1 = 122240 / (3600 8 1.14) ? 4 people)

Enter the correction factor:

N 2 = N 1 K (person),

Where TO- coefficient taking into account the operation of the enterprise on weekends and holidays (1.59).

We get that:

N 2 = 4 1.59 (person) ? 6 people)

So, after carrying out the calculations, we get: they will work in the workshop 4 cooks, two of them will be of the 5th category due to the fact that the range of work performed is large and the dishes produced must correspond to the first class of the restaurant. Their work will be assisted by two chefs of the 4th category due to the same complexity of the work performed. At the same time, the following will work with them in the workshop: the production manager (chef), the deputy production manager, as well as the foreman of the hot shop. In total we have 6 cooks.


Approximate plan of a hot shop for a restaurant with 80 seats :
1 - four-burner electric stove PESM-4Sh;

2 - electric frying pan SESM-0.5;

3 - electric oven;

4 - fryer FESM-20;

5 - two-burner electric stove for direct frying;

6 - insert for thermal equipment;

7 - electric food warmer MSESM-50 for sauces;

8 - production table SP-1470;

9 - universal drive PG-0.6;

10 - table for installing small-scale mechanization equipment;

11 - cooled table SOESM-2;

12 - kebab oven;

13 - mobile rack;

14 - digester boiler KPE-100;

15 - electric boiler KRNE-100B;

16 - digester boiler KPESM-60;

17 - mobile bathtub VPGSM for washing side dishes;

18 - refrigerated cabinet ШХ-0.4М;

19 - counter-bain-marie for first courses;

20 - electric dispensing stand SRTESM;

21 - SRSM dispensing stand;

22 - table with built-in washing tub SMVSM;

23 - sink.

Equipment for hot shop:

Type of equipment

Performance, power

Type, brand

Number of units

Dimensions, m






1 - four-burner electric stove

2 - electric frying pan;

3 - electric oven;

4 - deep fryer;

5 - two-burner electric stove for direct frying;









18 - refrigerated cabinet;



13 - mobile rack;

Dispensing stand;

Production table;

Mobile bath for washing side dishes;

Insert for thermal equipment;





TT SP-115/500






Tabletop dial scales





Name of tools, equipment, utensils



1) Knives

2) Sita

3) Metal colander

4) Skimmers

5) Bucket nets

6) Scoops

7) Devices for straining broth

8) Cutting boards

9) Chef's forks

10) Shoulders

11) Boilers

12) Pots

13) Sauté pans

14) Frying pans

15) Baking trays

16) Spoons

(different for different raw materials, taking into account the specifics of the kitchen)

(taking into account specifics)


A workshop is a technologically special part of an enterprise in which a complete technological process takes place.

Hot shopis the main workshop of the enterprise, in which the technological process of food preparation is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, cooking broths, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses is carried out, as well as heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. The hot shop has a convenient connection with the procurement shops, with storage facilities and a convenient connection with the cold shop, distribution and sales area, and washing room.

Hot shop dishes comply with the requirements of state standards, industry standards, enterprise standards, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, and are produced according to technological instructions and maps, technical and technological maps in compliance with sanitary rules for public catering establishments.

The production program of the hot shop is drawn up based on the assortment of dishes sold through the sales area.

According to the production program, large-piece semi-finished products are divided into portioned, small-piece and chopped. The workplace is equipped with a production table, on which I place a cutting board, and dial scales are installed.

A separate workplace is also organized for processing poultry coming from industry. The preparation of semi-finished poultry products is carried out at a workplace where washing baths and a production table are used.

Taking into account the specific smell of fish products, the preparation of portioned semi-finished products is carried out on separate production tables, which is especially important in Japanese restaurants. In addition to separate equipment, there are separate tools, containers, cutting boards marked for processing fish.

So, in this part the working structure of Wasabi chain restaurants was examined.


In this course work, the issue of ensuring the operation of the Wasabi Japanese restaurant chain was considered, in particular, calculations were provided that were optimal for the operation of this particular chain, which could allow the enterprises of this chain to operate adequately to the needs of visitors and at the same time obtain the maximum economic return - reduce costs and increase profits.



1. Rules for the provision of public catering services, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 15, 1997 No. 332 with amendments and additions;

2. GOST R 30389-2013 “Catering services. Classification of public catering establishments";

3. GOST R 30389-2013 “Catering services. General requirements";

4. GOST R 30524-2013 “Catering services. Requirements for personnel";

5. GOST R 31985-2013 “Catering services. Terms and Definitions";

6. GOST R 32692-2014 “Catering services. General requirements for methods and forms of service at public catering establishments.” SP “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the production and circulation of food raw materials and food products in them”;

7. SP 1.1.1058-01 Organization and conduct of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and implementation of sanitary-epidemiological (preventive) measures;

8. SanPin “Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products.”

II. Main

1. Radchenko L.A. Organization of production at public catering establishments. ? Rostov-on-Don "Phoenix", 2012.

III. Additional

Technological documents:

1. Collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments. Parts 1,2? M.: “Khlebprodinform”, 1996, 1997.

2. Collection of recipes for dishes of national cuisines. Part 5? M.: “Khlebprodinform”, 2001.

3. Collection of technological standards for the production of flour confectionery and bakery products. Collection of recipes. ? M.: Khlebprodinform, 2000.

4. Collection of recipes for dietary dishes. ? M.: Khlebprodinform, 2002.

IV. Tutorials and reference literature


1. "Food and Society"

2. "Catering business",

3. "Restaurant Gazette", others.

Internet resources:

4. Free encyclopedia "Wikipedia".

The essence of organizing production is to create conditions that ensure the correct conduct of the technological process of food preparation.

To successfully express the production process in catering establishments it is necessary:

· Choose a rational production structure;

· Production facilities should be located along the technological process to eliminate counter flows of incoming raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Thus, the procurement shops should be located closer to the warehouses, but at the same time have a convenient connection with the pre-production shops;

· Ensure production flow and sequence of technological processes;

· Place the equipment correctly;

· Provide workplaces with the necessary equipment, inventory, tools;

· Create optimal working conditions.

The production premises of the "Europe" restaurant are located on the ground floors and are oriented to the north and northwest. The composition and area of ​​production premises are determined by Building Codes and Design Rules depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise.

The area of ​​production premises ensures safe working conditions and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. The area consists of the usable area occupied by various technological equipment, as well as the area of ​​passages.

Area standards adopted, sq. m: for hot shop-7-10; cold - 6-8; for procurement shops-4-6.

The height of the production premises is 3.3 m. The walls are covered with ceramic tiles to a height of 1.8 m from the floor, the rest is covered with light adhesive paint.

In modern rooms, the walls are lined with light ceramic tiles to the full height, which improves the conditions for sanitary processing.

The floors are waterproof, have a slight slope towards the ladder, they are covered with metlakh tiles, which meets sanitary and hygienic requirements.

An optimal microclimate has been created in the production premises. Microclimate factors include temperature, humidity and air speed. The microclimate of the hot and confectionery shops is also affected by thermal radiation from the heated surfaces of the equipment. The exposed surface of a hot stove emits rays that can cause heat stroke in a worker.

The optimal temperature in the procurement and cold shops should be within 16-18C, in the hot and confectionery shops 23-25C. Relative air humidity in workshops is 60-70%.

An important condition for reducing worker fatigue and preventing injuries is the correct lighting of production premises and workplaces. There is natural consecration in the workshops. The lighting ratio must be at least 1: 6, and the distance of the workplace from windows should not be more than 8 m. These requirements have been met. Production tables are placed so that the cook works facing the window or the light falls from the left.

For artificial illumination, fluorescent or incandescent lamps are used. When selecting lamps, the standard was observed - 20 W per 1 m2 of workshop area.

Production premises have hot and cold water supply to washing baths, electric boilers, and digester boilers.

Sewerage ensures removal Wastewater when operating baths and digesters.

In production workshops, noise occurs during the operation of mechanical and cold equipment. The permissible noise level in industrial premises is 60-75 dB. We achieved a reduction in noise levels in production areas by using sound-absorbing materials.

Organization of work places.

A workplace is a part of the production area where a worker performs individual operations using appropriate equipment, utensils, tools, and equipment. Workplaces in public catering establishments have their own characteristics depending on the type of enterprise, its capacity, the nature of the operations performed, and the range of products.

The area of ​​the workplace is sufficient to ensure rational placement of equipment, creation of safe working conditions, as well as convenient arrangement of equipment and tools.

Workstations in the workshop are located along the technological process.

The dimensions of production equipment are such that the worker’s body and arms are in the most comfortable position.

As experience in organizing a chef's workplace shows, the distance from the floor to the top shelf of the table, on which a supply of dishes is usually placed, should not exceed 1750 mm. The optimal distance from the floor to the middle shelf is 1500 mm. This area is the most convenient for the cook. It is very convenient when the table has drawers for equipment and tools. At the bottom of the table there should be shelves for dishes and cutting boards.

Movable wooden racks are installed near production tables and baths.

Each workplace must be provided with a sufficient number of tools, equipment and utensils. The requirements for production equipment are: strength, reliability, aesthetics.

When calculating the number of waiters required for fast, uninterrupted service, we proceed from the following approximate standards:

· Normal service - 1 waiter for 10-12 visitors.

· Service for participants of congresses and conferences - 1 waiter for 12-14 visitors.

· Buffet - 1 waiter for 25-30 guests.

· Banquet with full waiter service - 16-20 waiters per 100 guests.

· Banquet with partial waiter service - 8-10 waiters per 100 guests.

Organization of food supply.

At the "Europe" restaurant, food delivery is carried out by a forwarder. To provide an enterprise with food products, it is necessary to solve the following problems: what to buy; how much to purchase; from whom to purchase; under what conditions to purchase. In addition, it is necessary to: conclude an agreement; monitor the execution of the contract; arrange delivery; organize warehousing and storage. These tasks are solved by the restaurant supply department. It works independently, performing its functions defined above. The company has a list of suppliers from whom products are constantly purchased, as well as purchases from markets and wholesale warehouses. The compiled list of suppliers is analyzed based on special criteria. They are often limited by the price and quality of the products supplied, as well as the reliability of supplies. Other criteria taken into account when choosing a supplier include the following: distance of the supplier from the consumer; deadlines for order fulfillment; organization of quality management at the supplier; the financial position of the supplier, his creditworthiness, etc. Delivery of products is carried out in centralized and decentralized ways. Centralized delivery of goods to enterprises is carried out by the forces and means of suppliers. With centralized delivery, the company is freed from the need to have its own transport. With decentralized delivery, the removal of goods from suppliers is ensured directly by the enterprise itself, using its own transport. Mintzberg G. Structure in the fist: creating an effective organization / trans. from English edited by Yu.N. Kapturevsky - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. Transport plays an important role in the movement of goods. During the movement of goods, transport drivers and the freight forwarder must ensure the safety of the cargo during transportation; timely delivery of cargo; compliance with loading and transportation rules; efficient use of vehicles. At the "Europe" restaurant, each vehicle intended for transporting products has a sanitary passport issued by the sanitary and epidemiological service institutions. Reception of goods in a food establishment is an important part of the technological process. Acceptance is carried out in two stages. Products are obtained according to quantity and quality. The first stage is preliminary. Acceptance of products by quantity is carried out according to waybills, invoices, by recalculating containers, and weighing.

If the goods arrived in a serviceable container, in addition to checking the gross weight, the company has the right to require opening the container and checking the net weight. The second stage is final acceptance. The net weight and number of product units are checked simultaneously with the opening of the container. The tare weight is checked simultaneously with the acceptance of the goods. If a shortage is detected, a unilateral act on the identified shortage is drawn up.

Organization of logistics.

The process of logistics of production is aimed at the timely delivery of the material and technical resources required in accordance with the business plan to the enterprise’s warehouses or directly to workplaces.

The composition of material and technical resources includes: raw materials, materials, components, purchased technological equipment and technological equipment (devices, cutting and measuring tools), new vehicles, loading and unloading equipment, computer equipment and other equipment, as well as purchased fuel, energy, water. In other words, everything that comes to the enterprise in material form and in the form of energy belongs to the elements of material and technical support of production.

For the uninterrupted functioning of production, well-established logistics support (MTS) is necessary, which at enterprises is carried out through logistics authorities.

Objectives of logistics support of production:

timely provision of enterprise divisions with the necessary types of resources of the required quantity and quality;

improving the use of resources, increasing labor productivity, capital productivity, reducing the duration of production cycles for manufacturing products, ensuring the rhythm of processes, reducing the turnover of working capital, making full use of secondary resources, increasing the efficiency of investments;

analysis of the organizational and technical level of production and quality of products from the supplier’s competitors and preparation of proposals to increase the competitiveness of the supplied material resources or change the supplier of a specific type of resource.

To achieve the above goals, supply workers must study and take into account the supply and demand for all material resources consumed by the enterprise, the level and changes in prices for them and for the services of intermediary organizations, choose the most economical form of product distribution, optimize inventories, reduce transportation, procurement and warehouse costs.

Characteristics of warehouse facilities.

In the warehouses of public catering enterprises, short-term storage of raw materials and semi-finished culinary products necessary for the operation of the enterprise, as well as items of material and technical equipment and waste, is carried out.

They include:

Refrigerated chambers for storing frozen and chilled meat, poultry, fish;

chamber of dairy and fat products and gastronomy;

Chamber of vegetables, fruits, drinks, pickles and herbs;

Food waste chamber;

Potato and vegetable pantry;

Dry food pantry;

Pantry containers;

Equipment storage room;

Storekeeper's room.

The main tasks of warehousing are:

organization of proper storage of material assets;

Uninterrupted maintenance of the production process.

Functions of warehouse departments:

work planning;

Acceptance, processing (including sorting) of cargo;

Organization of proper storage (creating conditions to prevent spoilage; maintaining the required temperature and humidity);

Constant control and accounting of the movement of material assets;

Timely provision of the production process with materials, components, etc.;

Creating conditions that prevent the theft of material assets;

Strict compliance with fire safety measures. Mintzberg G. Structure in the fist: creating an effective organization / trans. from English edited by Yu.N. Kapturevsky - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.

Organization of the work of the product preliminary preparation workshop.

The pre-product preparation workshop is organized at medium-sized enterprises with a full production cycle. These workshops provide for the processing of meat, poultry, and fish in one room.

Given the specific smell of fish products, it is necessary to organize separate processing flows for meat and fish. In addition to separate equipment, there are separate tools, containers, cutting boards marked for processing fish and meat.

The meat processing line is equipped with a bath for washing meat, a cutting chair, a production table for boning meat, cooking, a meat grinder, and a scorching cabinet for processing poultry. In addition, a refrigeration cabinet is installed in the workshop for storing and cooling semi-finished products.

Poultry can also be processed in meat processing areas.

At the fish processing area there is a bath for defrosting frozen fish, tables for cleaning and gutting fish. The fish is gutted on the production table manually using a small chef's knife. Non-food waste is collected in a special tank. A separate workplace is organized for preparing portioned semi-finished products. To prepare minced fish, a meat grinder is used, which is not used for preparing minced meat.

The technological process of processing sturgeon fish is carried out at the same workplaces as the processing of small fish. Semi-finished fish products are placed in trays and stored in refrigerators at a temperature not exceeding 5°C. Shelf life - up to 12 hours, chopped - no more than 6 hours.

Organization of hot shop work.

Hot shops are organized in enterprises that perform a full production cycle. The hot shop is the main workshop of a catering enterprise, in which the technological process of food preparation is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, cooking broth, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses is carried out, as well as heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. In addition, the workshop prepares hot drinks and bakes flour confectionery products (pies, pies, kulebyaki, etc.) for clear broths. From the hot shop, ready-made meals go directly to dispensers for sale to consumers.

The hot shop occupies a central place in a catering enterprise. In the case when a hot shop serves several sales areas located on different floors, it is advisable to locate it on the same floor with a sales area with greatest number seats. On all other floors there should be serving rooms with a stove for frying portioned dishes and food warmers. The supply of these dispensing stations with finished products is ensured with the help of lifts.

The hot shop should have a convenient connection with the procurement shops, with storage facilities and a convenient connection with the cold shop, distribution and sales area, washing kitchen utensils.

Dishes produced in a hot shop are distinguished according to the following main characteristics:

1. Type of raw materials used - from potatoes, vegetables and mushrooms; from cereals, legumes and pasta; from eggs and cottage cheese; from fish and seafood; from meat and meat products; from poultry, game, rabbit, etc.;

2. Method of culinary processing - boiled, poached, stewed, fried, baked.

3. The nature of consumption - soups, main courses, side dishes, drinks, etc.;

4. Purpose - for dietary, school meals, etc.;

5. Consistencies - liquid, semi-liquid, thick, puree, viscous, crumbly.

Hot shop dishes must comply with the requirements of state standards, industry standards, enterprise standards, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, technical specifications and be produced according to technological instructions and maps, technical and technological maps in compliance with the Sanitary Rules for public catering establishments.

The production program of the hot shop is drawn up on the basis of the assortment of dishes sold through the sales area, the assortment of culinary products sold through buffets and retail chain enterprises (cooking shops, trays).

Microclimate of a hot shop. The temperature, according to the requirements of the scientific organization of labor, should not exceed 23° C, therefore, the supply and exhaust ventilation should be more powerful (air movement speed 1-2 m/s); relative humidity 60-70%. To reduce exposure to infrared rays emitted by heated frying surfaces, the stove area should be 45-50 times smaller than the floor area.

The operating mode of the hot shop depends on the operating mode of the enterprise (sales floor) and the forms of release of finished products. In order to successfully cope with the production program, hot shop workers must begin work no later than two hours before the opening of the sales area.

The hot shop must be equipped with modern equipment: thermal, refrigeration, mechanical and non-mechanical: stoves, ovens, cooking boilers, electric frying pans, electric fryers, refrigerated cabinets, as well as production tables and shelving.

Depending on the type and power, the use of mechanical equipment in the hot shop is envisaged.

Equipment for the hot shop is selected according to the standards for equipping with commercial, technological and refrigeration equipment in accordance with the type and number of seats in the enterprise, its operating mode, the maximum load of the sales area during peak hours, as well as forms of service. Thus, in restaurants where entrees are prepared in small batches, fewer stationary cooking kettles are required than in canteens with the same number of seats.

In a hot shop, for the convenience of organizing the processes of preparing hot dishes, it is advisable to use sectional modulated equipment, which can be installed in an island manner, or organize several technological lines - for preparing broths and first and second courses; side dishes and sauces.

Sectional modulated equipment saves production space by 5-7%, increases the efficiency of equipment use, reduces worker fatigue, and increases their ability to work.

Sectional modulated equipment is equipped with an individual exhaust device that removes from the workshop harmful gases formed during frying of products, which helps create a favorable microclimate in the workshop and improve working conditions.

To rationally organize the chef's workplace, sectional modulated production tables and other non-mechanical equipment should also be used. This equipment can be used in all pre-production shops.

The hot shop is divided into two specialized departments - soup and sauce. In the soup department, broths and first courses are prepared, in the sauce department, second courses, side dishes, sauces, and hot drinks are prepared.

The number of cooks in each department is determined by the ratio 1: 2, i.e. There are half as many cooks in the soup department. In low-power hot shops, as a rule, there is no such division.

Soup department. The technological process of preparing first courses consists of two stages: preparing broth and preparing soups. In the restaurant, broths are prepared in small quantities and therefore boilers with a capacity of 100 and 60 liters are installed to cook the broth. Cold and hot water is supplied to the digester boilers. The number of boilers and their capacity depend on the capacity of the enterprise. Near the boilers, for ease of work, production tables are installed in a line, designed to perform auxiliary operations.

Bone, meat and bone, chicken, fish and mushroom broths are prepared in the hot shop. The longest cooking time is for bone and meat and bone broths (4-6 hours). They are prepared in advance, usually the day before the current day.

After preparing the broth, the cauldrons are washed and used for cooking soups.

In a restaurant where broths are prepared in small quantities, 50 and 40 liter stovetop boilers are used for cooking them.

In addition to stationary digester boilers, the soup preparation workplace includes a line of thermal equipment and a line of non-mechanical equipment. The distance between the lines should be 1.5 m.

The line of heating equipment consists of electric (gas) stoves and electric frying pans. The stove is used for cooking first courses in small batches in stovetop cauldrons, stewing, sautéing vegetables, etc. An electric frying pan is used for sautéing vegetables. Insert sections for heating equipment are used as additional elements in the lines of sectional modulated equipment, creating additional convenience for the cook’s work.

Non-mechanical equipment lines include sectional modulated tables and a mobile bath for washing garnishes for clear broths. At the workplace of the cook preparing the first courses, the following are used: a table with a built-in bathroom, a table for small-scale mechanization, a table with a refrigerated slide and a cabinet for storing food supplies.

The technological process of preparing soups is organized as follows. The day before, the cooks get acquainted with the menu plan, which indicates the quantity and range of first courses for the next day. Bone and meat and bone broths are cooked in concentrated or normal concentration, as mentioned above, also the day before.

At the beginning of the working day, cooks, in accordance with the task and technological maps, receive the required amount of products by net weight, prepare the workplace - select dishes, equipment, and tools. With a clear organization of production, preparing the workplace and receiving products should take no more than 15 minutes of the cook’s working time. The remaining operations that the cooks perform depend on the assortment of first courses. First, the cooks strain the broth (using a sieve or cheesecloth), set it to boil meat and poultry, chop vegetables, stew beets for borscht, sauté vegetables and tomato puree, sort out cereals, etc.

For cooking soups, stove-top boilers of 50, 40, 30 and 20 liters and stationary boilers are used. The sequence of cooking soups is determined taking into account the labor intensity of the prepared dishes and the duration of heat treatment of the products. To speed up the cooking process, use measured dishes (buckets, pans, etc.).

In restaurants where first courses are prepared in small batches, food warmers are installed in the hot shop, which ensures that the temperature and taste of the soups are maintained. First courses must be served at a temperature not lower than 75° C; the duration of sale of first courses in mass preparation is no more than 2-3 hours.

To prepare puree soups, the products are pureed and crushed.

Flour culinary products (pies, cheesecakes, pies) are prepared with clear broths. Additional jobs will be created for their production. The dough is kneaded in stovetop kettles and cut on a production table with a wooden shelter using rolling pins, manual dough dividers, and cutters.

Sauce compartment. The sauce compartment is intended for preparing main courses, side dishes and sauces. To perform various processes of thermal and mechanical processing of products, workplaces are equipped with appropriate equipment and a variety of utensils, tools, and equipment.

Thermal and mechanical equipment is selected in accordance with the standards for equipping public catering establishments.

The main equipment of the sauce department is stoves, ovens, electric frying pans, deep fryers, as well as food boilers and a universal drive. Stationary digester boilers are used in the sauce department in large workshops for cooking vegetable and cereal side dishes.

Acceleration of cooking food can be achieved by using ultra-high-frequency devices. In microwave devices, semi-finished products are heated throughout the entire volume of the product due to the properties of electromagnetic waves to penetrate into the product to a considerable depth.

The sauce department equipment can be grouped into two or three technological lines.

The first line is designed for heat treatment and preparation of semi-finished dishes from meat, fish, vegetables, as well as for preparing side dishes and sauces in stovetop dishes. The line consists of sectional modulated equipment and includes an oven, stoves, electric frying pans, and deep fryers. In restaurants, this line is also equipped with food warmers designed for short-term storage of main courses in a hot state.

The second line is designed to perform auxiliary operations and includes sectional modulated tables: a table with a built-in washing tub, a table for installing small-scale mechanization equipment, a table with a refrigerated slide and a cabinet (in restaurants).

Meat, fish, and vegetable semi-finished products are prepared for heat treatment on production tables. A production table with a refrigerated slide and cabinet is used in restaurants for portioning and preparing dishes.

The third line is organized in large hot shops, where stationary digester boilers are used to cook side dishes. This line includes sectional

modulated boilers with functional containers, work tables for preparing products for cooking (sorting cereals, pasta, etc.), a bath for washing side dishes. In restaurants, where complex side dishes are mainly prepared in small quantities, stovetop cookware is used instead of stationary cooking kettles. Deep fryers are used for frying potatoes (fries, pie, etc.).

The work of the cooks in the sauce department begins with familiarization with the production program (menu plan), selecting technological maps, and specifying the quantity of products needed for preparing dishes. Then the cooks receive products, semi-finished products, and select dishes. In the restaurant, fried and baked dishes are prepared only upon the order of visitors; labor-intensive dishes that require a lot of time to prepare (stews, sauces) are prepared in small batches. In other enterprises during mass production, no matter what volume of products is prepared, it is necessary to take into account that fried second courses (cutlets, steaks, entrecotes, etc.) must be sold within 1 hour; boiled, stewed, stewed main courses - 2 hours, vegetable side dishes - 2 hours, crumbly porridge, stewed cabbage - 6 hours, hot drinks - 2 hours. In exceptional cases, in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules, the forced storage of the remaining food must be cooled and stored at a temperature of 2-6°C no more than 18 hours. Before sale, chilled food is checked and tasted by the production manager, after which it is necessarily subjected to heat treatment (boiling, frying on a stove or in an oven). The shelf life of food after this heat treatment should not exceed one hour. Do not mix leftover food from the previous day or with food prepared earlier on the same day.

In raw materials and food products used for preparing dishes, the content of potentially hazardous substances of chemical and biological origin (toxic elements, antibiotics, pesticides, pathogenic microorganisms, etc.) should not exceed the standards established by medical and biological requirements and sanitary standards for food quality. This requirement is specified in GOSTR 50763-2007 "Public catering services. Catering products sold to the public. General technical conditions."

The following utensils are used in the sauce department:

1. Stovetop boilers with a capacity of 20, 30, 40, 50 liters for cooking and stewing meat and vegetable dishes; boilers (boxes) for boiling and poaching fish whole and in sections;

2. Boilers for steaming dietary dishes with a grate insert;

3. Pots with a capacity of 1.5, 2, 4, 5, 8 and 10 liters for preparing small quantities of boiled, stewed main courses, sauces;

4. Saute pans with a capacity of 2,4,6,8 and 10 liters for sautéing vegetables, tomato puree. Unlike cauldrons, stewpans have a thickened bottom;

5. Metal baking sheets and large cast iron frying pans for frying semi-finished products from meat, fish, vegetables, poultry;

6. Small and medium cast iron frying pans with a handle for frying pancakes, pancakes, preparing omelettes;

7. Cast iron frying pans with a press for frying tobacco chickens, etc.

The following equipment is used: whisks, whisks, chef's forks (large and small); bolt; spatulas for pancakes, cutlets, fish; a device for straining broth, various sieves, scoops, skimmers, skewers for frying kebabs.

In the sauce department, jobs are organized mainly according to the type of heat treatment. For example, a workplace for frying and sautéing foods and semi-finished products; the second - for cooking, stewing and poaching foods; the third is for preparing side dishes and cereals.

At the chef's workplace, cooks, frying cabinets, production tables and mobile racks are used to fry and sauté food. In restaurants where the range of dishes is more varied and deep-fried dishes (Kiev cutlets, fish fries, etc.) are prepared over an open fire (grilled sturgeon, grilled poultry, etc.), an electric grill is included in the heat line , deep fryer. The prepared semi-finished products in a mesh are immersed in a deep fryer with heated fat, then the finished products, together with the mesh or slotted spoon, are transferred to a colander placed on a saucepan to drain excess fat. If the assortment of dishes includes kebabs, then a specialized workplace will be organized, consisting of a production table and a kebab oven.

Workstations for cooking, stewing, poaching and baking products are organized taking into account the chefs’ performance of several operations simultaneously. For this purpose, heating equipment (stoves, ovens, electric frying pans) is grouped with the aim of making it easier for cooks to move from one operation to another. Auxiliary operations are carried out on production tables installed parallel to the heating line. Heating equipment can be installed not only in line, but also in an island manner.

Porridge and pasta for baked dishes are cooked in stovetop cauldrons. The mass prepared for baking is placed on baking sheets and placed in ovens, where it is cooked until cooked. Stew food in stovetop boilers or electric frying pans. Radchenko L.A. "Organization of production of public catering enterprises", 2000 Phoenix.

At the workplace of a cook preparing side dishes from vegetables, cereals and pasta, the technological process consists of the following operations: cereals are sorted on a production table, washed, then cooked in stationary or stove-top boilers.

For cooking and quick removal of the finished product from stationary boilers, stainless steel mesh inserts are used. Boiled pasta is drained in a colander and washed.

The selection of stovetop boilers of a certain capacity for cooking cereals of various consistencies is made based on the volume occupied by 1 kg of cereal along with water.

To prepare sauces at the workplace, digester kettles are used when it is necessary to prepare a large volume of sauces, or pans of various capacities when preparing a small amount of sauces. To strain vegetables and strain broths, sieves of various shapes or strainers are used.

Basic sauces (red and white), as a rule, are prepared for the whole day, and derivative sauces are prepared for 2-3 hours of selling dishes on the sales floor.

Organization of cold shop work.

Cold shops are designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks. The assortment of cold dishes depends on the type of enterprise and its class. The assortment of the cold shop includes cold snacks, gastronomic products (meat, fish), cold dishes (boiled, fried, stuffed, jellied, etc.), lactic acid products, as well as cold sweet dishes (jelly, mousses, sambuca, jelly, compotes and etc.), cold drinks, cold soups.

The cold shop is located, as a rule, in one of the brightest rooms with windows facing north or northwest. When planning a workshop, it is necessary to provide for a convenient connection with the hot workshop, where the heat treatment of products necessary for preparing cold dishes is carried out, as well as with the distribution and washing of tableware.

When organizing a cold workshop, it is necessary to take into account its features: the products of the workshop, after manufacturing and portioning, are not subjected to secondary heat treatment, therefore it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary rules when organizing the production process, and for cooks - the rules of personal hygiene; cold dishes should be produced in quantities that can be sold in a short time.

In small enterprises, universal workplaces are organized where cold dishes are consistently prepared in accordance with the production program. Specialized workplaces are organized in large cold shops.

The cold shop must be equipped with a sufficient amount of refrigeration equipment. Restaurants and bars use ice makers to produce ice, which is used in the preparation of cocktails and cold drinks. The selection of refrigeration equipment depends on the capacity of the cold shop, the number of products and finished products to be stored.

A variety of tools, equipment, and devices are used in the cold shop.



Characteristics of the enterprise.

Organization of supply and warehousing of the restaurant.

Technological documentation for production.

Scientific organization of labor.

Organization of production.

Description of the event.




Food is the basis of human life. How a person eats affects his health, mood, and ability to work. Consequently, a person’s nutrition is not only his personal, but also a public matter.

Catering establishments are equipped with mechanical, refrigeration and heating equipment with gas, electric and steam heating. In this regard, the technologist must know the equipment of public catering establishments and other technical disciplines. Knowledge of the economics of public catering is no less important for a technologist. It is impossible to achieve high labor productivity and improve the service culture without knowledge of the basics of organizing public catering.

Development of public catering:

provides significant savings in social labor due to more rational use of equipment, raw materials, materials;

provides workers and employees with hot food during the working day, which increases their efficiency and maintains health;

makes it possible to organize a balanced, balanced diet in children's and educational institutions.

Increasing the efficiency of public catering is based on the principles of production intensification common to the entire national economy - achieving high results with the least expenditure of material and labor resources.

1. Characteristics of the enterprise.

In accordance with GOSTR 50761-95 “Catering services. General requirements” There are certain requirements for catering services. Public catering services are the result of the activities of enterprises and citizen-entrepreneurs to meet consumer needs for nutrition and leisure activities.

Restaurant "Arcadia" belongs to the "highest" class restaurants. The hall has a capacity of 150 seats. (restaurant plan appendix 1)

The building includes: a sales area, a billiard room, a bar, industrial premises, administrative premises, warehouse premises, living quarters for staff, and technical premises.

The production premises include; hot shop, cold shop, semi-finished products finishing shop, vegetable shop, kitchen utensil washing, tableware washing.

Administrative premises include the director's office, accounting department, and production manager's office.

Household premises include a locker room for staff, a shower room and toilet rooms.

Technical rooms include ventilation, switchboard, and heating units.

The Arcadia restaurant has an illuminated neon sign and there is a foyer at the entrance to the restaurant. The foyer contains: a wardrobe, toilet rooms, and a security post.

The trading floor has a stage and a dance floor in front of it.

The interior of the hall is designed in blue and green tones. Modern materials, including wood and fabrics, were used to decorate the hall. Luxury furniture in accordance with the interior of the restaurant, tables have soft coverings. The chairs are soft with armrests.

To decorate the hall and premises for consumers, exquisite and original decorative elements (lamps, draperies, paintings, etc.) are used.

The Arcadia restaurant offers everything that billiards lovers need:

First-class tournament-grade pool tables;

Magnificent interior;

Quiet, calm atmosphere conducive to a good game;

A cozy bar with a wide range of alcoholic drinks and delicious homemade cuisine;

Discounts for regular customers.

To create an optimal microclimate, the restaurant has an air conditioning system.

Restaurant "Arcadia" is a public catering establishment that provides consumers with a wide range of complex dishes, mainly made to order, as well as wine, vodka, tobacco and confectionery products. A high level of service is combined with the organization of recreation for visitors.

Leisure services include:

organization of music services;

organizing concerts, programs, variety shows.

The Arcadia Restaurant organizes catering for receptions, family celebrations, banquets, and themed evenings.

Visitors are served by waiters, head waiter, bartenders, food and drinks are prepared by highly qualified chefs. The service personnel have uniforms and shoes of the same type.

At the Arcadia Restaurant, visitors are provided with lunch (business lunch) and dinner.

The restaurant has convenient access by vehicle and secure parking.

2. Organization of supplies and warehouse facilities for the restaurant.

At the Arcadia restaurant, food delivery is carried out by a forwarder. To provide an enterprise with food products, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

What to buy;

How much to purchase;

Who to buy from;

On what terms to purchase;

In addition, you must:

Enter into a contract;

Monitor the execution of the contract;

Arrange delivery;

Organize warehousing and storage.

These tasks are solved by the restaurant supply department. It works independently, performing its functions defined above. The company has a list of suppliers from whom products are constantly purchased, as well as purchases from markets and wholesale warehouses.

The compiled list of suppliers is analyzed based on special criteria. They are often limited by the price and quality of the products supplied, as well as the reliability of supplies.

Other criteria taken into account when choosing a supplier include the following:

Distance of the supplier from the consumer;

Order fulfillment times;

Organization of quality management at the supplier;

The financial position of the supplier, his creditworthiness, etc.

Delivery of products is carried out in centralized and decentralized ways.

Centralized delivery of goods to enterprises is carried out by the forces and means of suppliers. With centralized delivery, the company is freed from the need to have its own transport.

With decentralized delivery, the removal of goods from suppliers is ensured directly by the enterprise itself, using its own transport.

Transport plays an important role in the movement of goods.

During the movement of goods, transport drivers and the forwarding agent must ensure:

Safety of cargo during transportation;

Timely delivery of cargo;

Compliance with the rules of loading and transportation of cargo;

Efficient use of vehicles.

At the Russian Meal restaurant, each vehicle intended for transporting food has a sanitary passport issued by the sanitary-epidemiological service.

Reception of goods in a food establishment is an important part of the technological process. Acceptance is carried out in two stages.

Products are obtained according to quantity and quality. The first stage is preliminary. Acceptance of products by quantity is carried out according to waybills, invoices, by recalculating containers, and weighing. If the goods arrived in a serviceable container, in addition to checking the gross weight, the company has the right to require opening the container and checking the net weight. The second stage is final acceptance. The net weight and number of product units are checked simultaneously with the opening of the container. The tare weight is checked simultaneously with the acceptance of the goods.

If a shortage is detected, a unilateral report on the identified shortage is drawn up, this product is stored separately, its safety is ensured and the supplier is called. After final acceptance, a certificate is drawn up in 3 copies.

Simultaneously with the acceptance of goods by quantity, goods are also accepted by quality.

Acceptance of goods for quality is carried out organoleptically (by appearance, color, smell, taste). At the same time, compliance with standards and specifications is checked. Certificates or quality certificates are attached to transport documents.

To ensure uninterrupted operation of production facilities for the sale of products in a sufficient assortment, taking into account consumer demand, inventory is required.

Non-perishable products (flour, sugar, cereals) – 8-10 days

Perishable products (meat, fish, poultry) – 2-5 days

Stocks of bread and milk should not exceed one day's sales.

3. Technological documentation for production.

The main planning stage is drawing up a menu plan. The menu plan is drawn up by the production manager on the eve of the planned day (no later than 15:00) and approved by the director of the enterprise.

The main factors that need to be taken into account when creating a menu. These include: an approximate range of products recommended for catering establishments, depending on the type and type of diet provided, the availability of raw materials and its seasonality.

When approving the menu plan, the director and production manager are responsible for ensuring that the dishes included in the menu are on sale throughout the enterprise's trading day.

The calling card of a restaurant is its menu, i.e. a list of snacks, dishes, drinks (indicating price and output) available for sale during the entire opening time.

The word menu comes from the French "menu" and means a schedule of food and drinks for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as a listing of dishes for receptions and other types of service.

All dishes on the menu are listed in sequence according to the order of meals. The order of listing dishes must correspond to the assortment minimum established for each enterprise - a certain number of dishes and drinks that must be sold daily.

Reducing the number of items of dishes and snacks provided for by the minimum assortment is not allowed. On the contrary, the range can be expanded by including seasonal and specialty dishes in the menu.

When compiling a menu, a variety of appetizers and dishes should be achieved both by type of raw material (fish, vegetables, meat) and by methods of culinary processing (boiled, poached, fried, stewed, baked), as well as the correct combination of side dish with the main product.

When drawing up the menu, the taste of the food and the appearance of the dishes are taken into account. It should also be borne in mind that dishes should achieve taste harmony by combining various components with each other.

The next factor taken into account when creating a menu is the seasonality of consumption. It is known that dishes rich in fats and proteins are in great demand in winter, and in summer the demand for cold dishes, vegetables and fresh fruits increases.

Many consumers visit cafes every day during lunch hours, so the menu should be varied not only for a given day, but also by day of the week.

When selecting side dishes and sauces for dishes, it is necessary to ensure that they correspond to the main product.

Meals and snacks included in the menu must be available throughout the entire working day.

It should also be borne in mind that cafes are often visited by consumers with children during the daytime. Therefore, the menu should include dishes in half-portion sizes or special dishes for children.

On the menu, all snacks and dishes are arranged in the following order: from less spicy to more spicy, from poached to boiled, fried to stewed.

Menu types differ from each other in the selection of dishes offered and the price structure.

A la carte menu. This type of menu offers a choice in each type of dish, with each dish priced separately. Dishes from this menu, selected by visitors, are prepared to order.

Table d'hote menu. This type of menu offers a small selection of dishes and is priced at a total per person price for the entire menu.

A typical example of such a menu is a “business breakfast” (business lunch) at reasonable prices, which includes three or four dishes. The diner pays a set price for the entire lunch or breakfast.

Table d'hôte menus are very popular during the holidays, e.g. New Year.

Menu "a la parte" - guests make a reservation and are served within a certain time frame. It is used more often in resort hotels.

"Buffet" - This is a wide selection of dishes with free access; this method of service increases the capacity of the hall and speeds up the service process.

A cyclic menu is a group of menus over a certain period of time. This type of menu is mainly used in inpatient institutions, for example in hospitals, sanatoriums, etc.

The cyclic menu aims to diversify the range of dishes for consumers and service personnel, as well as to guarantee the nutritional value of an entire group of people in order to maintain health.

4. Scientific organization of labor.

The scientific organization of labor in public catering, as in other industries, must solve three main problems: economic, psychophysiological and social.

The solution to an economic problem involves the fullest use of technology, materials, raw materials, and ensures increased efficiency of production and labor.

The solution to the psychophysical problem involves creating favorable working conditions at the enterprise that contribute to the health of workers, reducing fatigue and increasing working capacity.

Solving a social problem ensures the comprehensive development of a person, contributes to the transformation of work into a vital necessity, and fosters responsibility for the results of one’s work.

These tasks are interconnected and must be solved as a whole. Without solving the psychophysical problem and social problems, economic problems will not be solved.

NOT identifies the following main directions.

development and implementation of rational forms of division and cooperation of labor;

improving the organization and maintenance of workplaces;

introduction of advanced techniques and methods of work;

improvement of working conditions;

training and advanced training of personnel;

rationalization of work and rest schedules;

strengthening labor discipline;

improvement of labor standards.

5. Organization of production.

The Arcadia restaurant has a variety of workshops, specializing in the types of processed raw materials and manufactured products: a workshop for finishing semi-finished products, vegetable, hot, cold. Warehouse, packaging, sanitary facilities.

Shops are divided into: procurement (workshop for finishing semi-finished products, vegetable); pre-cooking (hot, cold).

Each workshop organizes a technological line - a production area equipped with the necessary equipment for a specific technological process.

In the restaurant's procurement shops, they perform mechanical processing of meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and produce semi-finished products to supply the hot shop of their enterprise with them.

At the Arcadia Restaurant, they mainly work on semi-finished products, so the processing of meat, poultry, offal and fish is concentrated in one workshop (semi-finished products processing workshop), as well as the processing of all vegetables.

Cold shop.

Cold shops are designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and cold soups. Products used for preparing dishes are not subject to secondary heat treatment before release, so strict sanitary requirements must be observed in the workshop: products used for preparing dishes must be stored in refrigerated cabinets or chambers at a temperature not exceeding 6-8 degrees; utensils and equipment must be labeled and used for their intended purpose; In accordance with the technological process, workplaces for processing raw and cooked vegetables, gastronomic meat and fish products, portioning dishes, etc. must be clearly demarcated; salads, vinaigrettes, sandwiches should be prepared only in batches and sold within one hour; observe the temperature regime for storing and dispensing cold dishes (10-14 degrees).

Hot shop.

The hot shop is the main workshop of the enterprise, in which the technological process of food preparation is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, cooking broths, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses is carried out, as well as heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. The hot shop has a convenient connection with the procurement shops, with storage facilities and a convenient connection with the cold shop, distribution and sales area, washing kitchen utensils.

Hot shop dishes produced in the Arcadia restaurant comply with the requirements of state standards, industry standards, enterprise standards, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, and are produced according to technological instructions and maps, technical and technological maps in compliance with Sanitary Rules for public catering establishments.

The production program of the hot shop is drawn up based on the assortment of dishes sold through the sales area.

The hot shop is equipped with modern equipment: heating, refrigeration, mechanical, and non-mechanical: stoves, ovens, electric frying pans, electric fryers, refrigerated cabinets, production tables and shelving.

Vegetable shop.

The vegetable shop has a convenient connection with the cold and hot shops, where the production of finished products is completed.

The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, washing, peeling, finishing after mechanical cleaning, washing, slicing.

Equipment for a vegetable shop is selected according to equipment standards depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise. The main equipment is production tables, tables for peeling potatoes, washing baths, and vegetable trays.

Workplaces are equipped with tools and equipment to perform certain operations.

In the vegetable workshop there is a line for processing potatoes and root vegetables and a line for processing fresh cabbage and other vegetables and herbs. Equipment is installed along the technological process

The work of the vegetable shop is organized by the production manager.

Workshop for finishing semi-finished products.

The Arcadia Restaurant has set up a workshop for processing semi-finished products, which the company receives from industrial and procurement enterprises in the form of meat in large pieces, specially cut chilled and frozen fish, chicken carcasses and chickens.

Separate workplaces are organized in the workshop for processing semi-finished meat products, semi-finished poultry and fish products.

The equipment in the semi-finished products processing workshop includes a universal drive PM-1.1 with a set of machines for loosening, chopping meat and performing other operations. In addition to mechanical equipment, the workshop is equipped with refrigeration equipment, washing baths, production tables, and mobile shelving.

At the Arcadia Restaurant, according to the production program, large-sized semi-finished products are cut into portions, small-sized and chopped. The workplace is equipped with a production table, on which I place a cutting board, and dial scales are installed.

By-products enter the enterprise in the form of raw materials, and in the semi-finished products preparation workshop there is a separate place for their processing.

A separate workplace is also organized for processing poultry coming from industry. The preparation of semi-finished poultry products is carried out at a workplace where washing baths and a production table are used.

Taking into account the specific smell of fish products, portioned semi-finished products are prepared on separate production tables. In addition to separate equipment, there are separate tools, containers, cutting boards marked for processing fish.

In the workshop for finishing semi-finished products, tabletop meat grinders are used.

The work of cooks of 4 and 5 categories is performed in the workshop. For their work, cooks report to the production manager or foreman.

Washing kitchen utensils.

The kitchen utensil washing machine is designed for washing stovetop utensils (cauldrons, pots, baking trays, etc.), kitchen and cutting equipment, and tools.

The washing room should have a convenient connection with production workshops (cold, hot). In the washing room there are shelves for used dishes, racks for clean dishes and equipment, and washing baths with three compartments - for soaking, washing and disinfection.

6. Description of the event.

Banquet buffet for 30 people.

A buffet banquet is usually held by organizations when it is necessary to accommodate a large number of people in the same area of ​​the banquet hall in a limited time; Each participant during the banquet has the opportunity to approach any guest for a conversation and independently take the snacks and drinks he likes; invitees can leave the banquet at any time. As a rule, a buffet banquet is organized from 18:00 to 20:00 and lasts 1-1.5 hours.

There are no chairs at this banquet. Guests eat and drink standing at the tables or, having taken a snack, move away from the table. The menu includes cold and hot appetizers, dessert and hot drinks. Hot appetizers should be portioned without bones or sauce, salads - in baskets, caviar - in rolls; gastronomic products are cut in such a way that they can be eaten without a knife.

Before welcoming guests, we decorate the restaurant hall with fresh flowers. They are covered in flannel and lined with green banquet tablecloths that match the color of the walls. On all tables, the tablecloths are lowered to the same length at a distance of 1-2 cm from the floor to hide the legs of the table, and the corners of the tablecloths are tucked in at right angles.

Additional and auxiliary tables are set as banquet tables (with descent). The lights are dim and calm music is playing. The decoration is made of fresh wildflowers in low vases.

At a buffet banquet with waiter service for business negotiations, the number of waiters is taken at the rate of one waiter for 15 people. Therefore, to serve 30 guests, 2 waiters will be required to serve dishes and remove used dishes.

The waiters in the hall, standing at the tables, pour drinks, lay out dishes and snacks. Due to the fact that not all guests can immediately come to the table, waiters should focus their attention on guests standing to the side or at additional tables, offering them drinks and snacks.

During the entire service, waiters keep order on the table, take away used dishes and bottles, replenish serving items, promptly empty or replace ashtrays.

To hold a banquet-buffet we use standard restaurant tables 1250x800mm in the amount of 5 pieces. at the rate of 1p/m for 6-8 people Arranged in the form of the letter P. In addition to buffet tables, we also use 500x500 tables in the amount of 4 pieces. installed against the walls and one utility table for storing tableware, cutlery, glasses, and napkins.


The successful operation of a catering establishment depends on many factors. Like any complex system, a nightclub begins with the intention of its creator and ends with control and its functioning. In my work, I examined, in my opinion, the most important factors influencing success in the restaurant business. These factors are:

Management functions in the restaurant business. Management of the organization is based on the general principles of the production management system. Management functions reveal the content of management as a process, reflect the type of management activity, job responsibilities assigned to a specific structural unit or employee, and the purpose of a specific management body. The main management functions are common to all production and economic systems and apply to any management object. They are necessary for solving general management problems and are typical for all management decisions.

The structure of the management system of a public catering enterprise. A properly designed management system structure for any public catering enterprise simplifies and frees the manager from a number of functions, for which there are qualified specialists. The structure of the management system is fixed in organizational charts of the management structure, staffing schedules, regulations on structural divisions, job descriptions.

Arrangement and selection of personnel. Recruitment is very important for success in a restaurant. Further work will depend on how well the manager selects the staff. The manager must understand exactly what type of candidates is needed for a stable workforce capable of achieving high end results. IN Lately, due to the increased demands of visitors, restaurants are trying to improve the quality of food preparation and service. Accordingly, the needs of restaurants for highly qualified personnel are increasing.

Functions of managers. In this work, I paid much attention to studying the work of managers in the restaurant business. Based on my own experience and local practice, I would like to note that despite the large number of restaurants in Bishkek, there are very few restaurants where there are managers who comply with the requirements for them

A catering service is a service for the preparation, sale and organization of consumption of dishes and complex products of all main groups from various types of raw materials, purchased goods and wine and vodka products, provided by qualified production and service personnel in conditions of an increased level of comfort in combination with the organization of leisure.

Vegetable shop.

A vegetable shop is organized in an enterprise with large and medium capacity.

The vegetable shop is located, as a rule, in the part of the enterprise where the vegetable chamber is located in order to transport raw materials, bypassing common production corridors. The workshop should have a convenient connection with the cold and hot shops.

The range and quantity of products depends on the production program of the enterprise. Equipment for the workshop is selected according to equipment standards depending on the capacity of the enterprise.

Plan of a vegetable shop.

1 – potato peeler

2 – podtovarnik.

3 – washing bath

4 – table for finishing

potatoes and root vegetables

5 – mobile rack.

6 – vegetable cutting

7 – production table.

8 – table for cleaning


Hot shop plan.

1 – electric stove PESM-4Sh 2 – electric frying pan SESM-0.5 3 – electric frying cabinet 4 – deep fryer. FESM-20 5 – electric 2-burner stove. 6 – insert for heating equipment 7 – electric food warmer MSESM-50. 8 – production table. 9 – universal drive PG-0.6 10 – table for installing small-scale mechanization equipment. 11 – cooled table SOESM-2. 12 – kebab oven. 13 – mobile rack. 14 – food boiler KPE-100. 15 – electric boiler KRNE-100B. 16 – food boiler KPESM-60. 17 – mobile bathtub. 18 – refrigerated cabinet ШХ-0.4М. 19 – counter-bain-marie for first courses. 20 – electric dispensing stand SRSM 21 – dispensing stand. 22 – table with built-in washing tub. 23 – sink.

Cold shop plan.

1- cold cabinet ШХ-0.8; 2- cold cabinet ШХ –0.6 3- production table. 4 - section-table with refrigerated cabinet and slide SOESM-3 5 - low-temperature counter CH-0.15. 6-section-table with refrigerated cabinet SOESM-2; 7- front-movable rack. 8 - washing bath VM-2SM 9 - machine for slicing boiled vegetables 10 - manual oil divider