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Teachers' council dou role. Teachers' councils in dow

Topics of teachers' councils in preschool educational institutions are approved at the beginning school year depending on the tasks established by the annual development plan preschool organization. It is possible to identify recurring topics that are discussed at the installation, final and current teacher councils in preschool educational institutions. We will tell you in the article what to discuss at the pedagogical council and what topics will be relevant in the 2019-2020 academic year.

The Pedagogical Council is a collegial governing body of a preschool educational institution. The topics of teachers' councils in preschool educational institutions are planned and approved at the beginning of the year by the head and methodologist, and the entire teaching staff participates in the meeting kindergarten. The conduct of pedagogical councils is regulated, first of all, Federal law“On education in the Russian Federation”, as well as regional regulations (“Model rules for the activities of the pedagogical council and the procedure for its election in organizations preschool education and training, primary, basic secondary, general secondary and additional education") and local acts of the institution, in particular - the Regulations on the Pedagogical Council of the Preschool Educational Institution.

Typically, the teaching council is held once a quarter, and a maximum of five meetings are organized during the academic year. Number of teachers' councils and current topics depend on the tasks established by the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution. The same document prescribes the order and main issues of teachers' councils.

The first is the orientation teachers' council at the preschool educational institution, the topic of which is “Updating the tasks of the future period, planning the annual development strategy.” This is the August teachers' council, which is followed by the rest of the collegial meetings at the preschool educational institution. The next three pedagogical councils - thematic - reflect the priority directions for the development of the preschool organization in the current period. The annual circle is completed by the final teachers' council, the topic of which is “Analysis of the results of the past academic year in the preschool educational institution.” The last meeting is planned for May-June. In addition, the kindergarten in 2019-2020 has the right to hold extraordinary teacher councils, the topics of speeches at which are determined by unplanned needs and emergency situations at the preschool educational institution.

The purpose of each pedagogical meeting is to concentrate the collective experience of educators, familiarize teachers with new work methods and the experience of colleagues, clarify priority tasks and help in solving pressing problems. As a rule, the teachers' meeting pursues all or several of the following objectives:

    choose the vector of development of the preschool educational institution;

    decide on the main choice educational program BEFORE;

    make the experience of colleagues publicly available and useful for the entire team;

    plan professional development, approve a certification schedule;

    resolve organizational, administrative and economic issues;

    read the reports of the head of the preschool educational institution.

Depending on the topic, teacher councils in preschool educational institutions can be held in the form of a traditional meeting, which has clear regulations and a summary of the work, or in a non-traditional format - a game, conference, round table and even an auction. The form and topics of the installation (August) and final teacher councils in preschool educational institutions usually remain traditional. Although there are exceptions here, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the summary of the August teachers’ council on the topic “New academic year at a preschool educational institution” in the format of a business game:

More often, unusual formats are used when holding meetings on innovative topics. Regardless of the agenda of the meeting and the method of discussing the problem, the teachers' council must make a decision, which, together with the discussion of the topic, is formalized in the minutes of the teachers' councils in the preschool educational institution.

The first meeting is held in August, at which the following topics are raised annually:

    results of the summer health period at the preschool educational institution (the topic of the speech is read out by the head);

    the readiness of the kindergarten for the new school year based on the results of the inspection;

    approval of the development strategy and annual curriculum for the preschool educational institution in the new year.

The Education reference system provides helpful information regarding what will change in the work of schools and kindergartens from the new school year, ready-made instructions for teachers, regulations of the teachers' council and protocols for interaction with parents of pupils and planning work with them are provided

Regular pedagogical meetings are held throughout the year, once every two to three months. They discuss current educational activities, as well as the work of teachers who are preparing to receive their first or highest category. The relevance of topics at such meetings is determined by the annual tasks of the preschool organization and is approved at the beginning of the school year.

As a rule, from year to year interesting topics reports at the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution become:

    issues of health and physical development of children;

    environmental, aesthetic and labor education of preschool children;

    effective approaches to the development of nursery children;

    organizing successful preparation for school for graduating groups;

    modernization of the developing subject-spatial environment of the kindergarten;

    use of technology in educational educational activities.

Interesting topics for discussion at teachers' councils in preschool educational institutions are diverse and depend on the development priorities of the institution at this moment. You will find options for modern topics for pedagogical meetings for preschool teachers at the link:

By the time of the final teacher council, teachers prepare the results pedagogical diagnostics and monitoring in kindergarten, using surveys to find out the degree of satisfaction of parents with the work of the preschool educational institution. The final teacher council at the preschool educational institution is held in May-June. During the meeting, the results of the preschool organization’s activities for the year in all areas of the Federal State Educational Standard are summarized.

Receive a standard diploma

Learn more about the legal regulation of the educational activities of preschool educational institutions, the development of the main educational program preschool education and get methodological recommendations from experts training program“Organization and quality control of educational activities in preschool educational institutions”

The topics of the final pedagogical councils at the preschool educational institution will cover the following issues:

    the results of the implementation of decisions made at the current teachers' councils in 2019-2020 at the preschool educational institution, and on the implementation of the tasks of the annual plan of educational work;

    a report on the physical development of pupils, the state of children’s health and kindergarten attendance;

    dynamics of speech development in preschool children;

    the degree of readiness for school of children in the preparatory group;

    results methodological work.

Topics for speeches at the teachers' council in preschool educational institutions are prepared by senior educators, educators, narrow specialists- a physical education instructor, music director, speech therapist, and also one of the topics of the report at the final pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution is read out by a teacher-psychologist.

Each speech at the pedagogical council in kindergarten is carefully recorded. The minutes indicate the date of the meeting, the serial number of the meeting, the list of participants and absentees. The minutes also reflect the topics and short summary teachers' council at the preschool educational institution, decisions made and the results of the work following the previous meeting. The chairman and secretary of the pedagogical council confirm the protocol with their signatures, and the document is registered in the journal for registering the minutes of the teaching councils of the preschool educational institution.

Elena Vasilievna Kulakova
Report for the teachers' council. “The role of the teacher and the child in the activity-based educational process”

"The only path leading to knowledge is

This activity»

Principle active approach has changed views on the role of the teacher and student in the educational process. Educational activities acts as a collaboration teacher and child. The child should not be a passive listener, perceive ready-made information given to him by the teacher. Knowledge is not given ready-made, but is mastered by children in process of activity organized by the teacher. The child becomes active activist, "discoverer" the surrounding world, and the teacher acts as an organizer and assistant.

As an organizer I:

1. Modeling educational situations according to technology "Situation", organizing process"discoveries"

For example, a child is asked to roll 2 objects through a gate. Children independently come to the conclusion that the ball is rolling because it is round, without corners, and the corners prevent the cube from rolling. So way, independent “discoveries” of children, resolving problem situations, identify significant signs of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world and create conditions for further progress.

2. I select methods and techniques. During the lesson I use gaming, visual, verbal and practical methods

Gaming methods and techniques We:

1. Surprise, emotionality.

2. Creation of game situations.

3. Outdoor game.

Verbal methods and techniques We:

1. Use of artistic words.

2. Questions.

Practical methods and techniques We:

1. Joint action teacher with child.

2. Exercises.

3. Carrying out assignments.

Visual methods and techniques We:

1. Display of objects and toys.

2. Assignments for children, questions.

3. Including items in children's activities.

4. Active action of children.

5. Performing game actions.

Change various types activities at each stage of the lesson allows you to prevent fatigue with one type of activity to obtain better results children's activities using a variety of materials: visual aids, didactic handouts.

During classes, I try to communicate with children on the same level, "eyes to eyes" rather than dominate children. The relationship between me and the children was built on the subject-subject principle. I try to be in position "near".

3. I create an appropriate developmental subject environment

Our group has an experimental area activities. Everything in it is accessible to children.

The child can do one or another activities: sift the cereal through a sieve, determining why one cereal sifted and the other (the one that is larger)- No; separate the beans from the peas, comparing them by size, shape and using them to make an appliqué; fashion something out of wet wipes; build castles from wet sand; compare how rubber and metal balls behave on water.

Role-playing games center

Role-playing game is a universal method child's life activity. In the plot- role playing games the child is trying to reproduce those actions of adults that he observes in his Everyday life. Game one of important means knowledge of the surrounding world. The game is an important condition social development of children. The game is favorable physical development children, stimulating physical activity. For the timely development of the game in the group, we have created the necessary conditions: equipped the play area with children's furniture, introduced various attributes, including copy attributes and their substitutes, which will help to kid use your accumulated experience in the game world.

A corner of nature.

In the corner of nature there are plants necessary to familiarize children, collections of shells, pebbles, herbariums, models of wild and domestic animals, models of vegetables and fruits, etc. There are also diaries for monitoring the development of onion growth, germination of seeds, and seedlings.

There is also an area with educational games.

Everything in it is accessible to children. The use of educational games increases the effectiveness of pedagogical process, in addition, they provide the opportunity for multifaceted personality development, uniting children on the basis of common plans and interests.

Logic blocks by Zoltan Dienes;

Nikitin's intellectual games;

Games with Cuisenaire sticks.

Why did I choose these particular games for work? Because they encourage children to activities, contribute to the development of children's creativity, cognitive activity, visual and effective thinking, combinatorial and design abilities. This is especially relevant since society currently needs a generation of young people with such personality qualities as initiative, the ability to think creatively and find innovative solutions.

Game situation based activity approach:

(cookies, for example) process problem way

Work with Dienesh blocks can be carried out in all areas activities:

In outdoor games (as object landmarks, designation of houses, paths, labyrinths);

How to make board-printed cards (to make cards for games "Resettlement of the tenants", "Which figure is missing", "Find a place for the figure" etc.);

V plot-role games "Shop"(money is indicated by blocks, product prices are indicated by code cards). "Mail" (the address on the parcel, letter, postcard is indicated by code cards). Likewise: "Train"

If a child tells me "And how to do it?", “Great, how interesting!”, that means with role I managed the organizer.

As an assistant I:

1. create a friendly environment...

2. I help if the child needs it….

3. I record the child’s successes, comparing him only with myself...

If the child is happy to go to the group, freely appeals to me for help or advice, is not afraid to express his opinion, which means role I succeeded in having an assistant.

And the child actively explores the world in different forms activities....How exactly.

Game situation based activity approach:

Children are asked to separate the blocks (cookies, for example) between Chipollino and Buratino. Cipollino's are all round, and Buratino's are all red. IN process solution to this problem arises problem: there are objects that are both red and round, and there are objects that are not red and not round. So way children themselves can come to the conclusion that it is fair to place red and round blocks between the characters, and non-round and non-red ones outside this space. In the future, it is possible to use more complex games, where the ability to operate three properties simultaneously is formed. These games are played similarly to the previous one.

One of the main forms of organization of direct educational activities is systemically - activity approach. Let's analyze the technology activity method, which we use during the GCD.

1. Creation of a problematic situation.

2. Target setting.

3. Motivation to activities.

4. Designing solutions to a problem situation.

5. Performing actions.

6. Analysis of results activities.

7. Summing up.

Creating a problematic situation. (process of involvement in activities)

1. Add or remove something to get most children interested.

2. Create a surprise moment or surprise effect (knock on the door, noise, rumble, etc.) .

3. Create intrigue (“wait, I’ll show you something interesting soon, etc.)

Target setting.

1. Organize a special situation (replace all soap with pebbles, crayon with sugar cubes)

2. agree on something in advance with colleagues.

Motivation to activities.

1. During a walk in the fall.

- Guys, bring me the beautiful leaves that you find on the plot or at the dacha on the way to kindergarten, they are very necessary for a surprise.

Children are interested: “What surprise?”

2. To the teacher need children's help with something specific, he addresses children.

Today guests will come to our group, I really want them to like it with us.

Designing solutions to a problem situation.

1. Provide the opportunity to put forward various options for solving the situation in order to resolve the problem. Accept any options for children and offer something to choose from.

2. B process of activity always ask children "Why, why, are you doing this" so that the child comprehends every step. If a child does something wrong, give him the opportunity to understand what exactly it is.

Analysis of results activities.

Don't ask the children whether they liked it or not. Ask necessary: “why did you do all this?” to understand whether the child has realized the goal.


Praise not only for the result, but also for activity in progress.

Role teacher in implementing systematically - activity approach is great, since it is the teacher who is the key figure in educational process. Principle activities highlights the child as figure in the educational process, and the teacher is given role organizer and coordinator of this process. It's hard to overestimate the role of the teacher's activities, its influence on process formation and development of the child’s personality. It's important here All: both the rejection of the authoritarian style of communication in favor of a democratic one, and the personal qualities of the teacher, and his ability for self-development, and his professional competence.

prepared the material

ASPC student

Kamzaeva A.

Head Mironova G.V.

The problem of improving the quality of preparation

The pedagogical council worries the majority of heads and senior teachers of preschool institutions. It is relevant for both beginners and experienced managers. How to hold a teachers' meeting that would amaze colleagues with the originality of the topic and methodological equipment? How to turn it into an event

  • The Pedagogical Council is a permanent collegial body of self-government of teaching staff in preschool educational institutions.

Functions of the pedagogical council

  • Determines the directions of educational activities of preschool educational institutions;
  • Selects and approves educational programs for use in preschool educational institutions
  • Discusses issues of content, forms and methods educational process, planning educational activities of preschool educational institutions;
  • Considers issues of advanced training and retraining of personnel;
  • Identifies, summarizes, disseminates, implements teaching experience;
  • Hears reports from the head on creating conditions for the implementation of educational programs

Main goal: to unite the efforts of the preschool educational institution team to improve the level of the educational process and use achievements in practice pedagogical science and best practices .

Types of pedagogical councils

Final - held at the end of the academic year, it sums up the results of the year

Introductory - held before the start of the school year, at the end of August, and is devoted to analyzing the results of the previous year, adopting a plan and focusing on solving upcoming problems.

Thematic - dedicated to one of the annual tasks of the teaching staff

Pedagogical councils distinguish

by form

Traditional- this is a teachers' council with a detailed agenda, held with strict adherence to regulations on each issue and making decisions on them

Unconventional is the teachers' council requires special

preparation. This teacher council requires writing a script, dividing participants into teams and assigning roles (business game, conference, etc.)

Teachers' council using separate methods of activating teachers

(imitation of a specific situation, business games, work with instructive and directive documents)

  • Algorithm for preparing the teachers' council
  • Definition of goals and objectives.
  • Formation of a small creative group(think tank) teachers' council.
  • Selection of literature on the issue under consideration and preparation of primary material by a small creative group,
  • Drawing up a plan for preparing and holding a teachers' meeting (teachers' council questions, a plan of conduct, schedules for surveys and open viewings are posted (at least) a month before the teachers' meeting, the topic of the teachers' council and literature on the stated topic - 2 months).
  • Development of questionnaires and conducting surveys.
  • Attending open viewings pedagogical process.
  • Discussion and processing of digital material by a small creative group.
  • Systematization and preparation of final material.
  • Seminars on the topic of teachers' council.
  • Conducting creative workshops by experienced teachers.
  • Preparing questions for discussion at the teachers' council.
  • Preparation of the hall and all necessary materials.
  • Inclusion in the work of psychological services; carries out a survey of parents, prepares for work in small creative groups.
  • Preparation of a draft decision of the teachers' council.
  • Analysis of the work of the teachers' council.
  • Final order on encouraging teachers.
  • Making a piggy bank with teacher council materials.
  • Formation of further goals and tasks that require solutions.
  • Traditional pedagogical councils are distinguished by the predominant use of verbal methods, the traditional nature of the content, and the authoritarian style of communication between the administration and teachers. According to the form and organization of the activities of participants, teacher councils are divided:
  • to the teachers' council (classic) based on a report with discussion (speeches);
  • report with co-reports;
  • meeting with the invitation of a specialist speaker. Along with this, there may not be a main report at the teachers’ council,
  • which is replaced by a series of messages united by one topic.
  • The report can be structured as follows: Introduction - indicate the relevance, essence of the problem, at least in one sentence. Defining the goal, i.e. a reflection of the most essential thing that determines the presentation of a report.
  • The main part is a presentation of facts, events, provisions in a logical and chronological sequence.
  • Conclusion in the form:
  • conclusions, if they are required, that is, if the goal is persuasion;
  • recommendations, if they are required, i.e. if a certain plan of action is being defended;
  • summary - summary the essence of the report if it is complex and long.

Whatever form the teacher council takes, decisions must be made. They are recorded in protocols. Their number depends on the agenda, therefore, if there are five items on it, then there should be at least five decisions. But several decisions can be made on one issue. Together they will help to cope with the problem that has arisen. The wording of decisions must be specific, indicating those responsible and the deadline for implementation. In other words, such that they can be verified. After all, each new teachers’ council begins with a brief summing up of the implementation of the decisions of the previous one.

Approximate structure of a teachers' council meeting

  • information about those present and absent, determining the competence of the council of teachers;
  • information on the implementation of decisions of the previous meeting and the progress of implementation of decisions with a longer period;
  • introductory speech by the chairman of the council of teachers about the topic, agenda, significance of solving the problem posed for the entire staff of the preschool educational institution;
  • discussion of issues in accordance with the agenda;
  • final speech by the chairman of the council with an analysis of the work done, discussion of the draft decision;
  • in the adoption of a decision by the council of teachers by voting.

The traditional structure of the teacher council may include separate methods for activating teachers: collective viewing of classes And other events; use of video materials; display and analysis of the results of the educational process of preschool children. In the practice of preschool educational institutions, both in preparation and during teacher councils, the following methods and forms of activation of teachers can be used:

imitation of a specific situation. This method helps you choose the right option from the many offered. There are four types of specific situations. By selecting them taking into account gradual complication, you can achieve the greatest interest and activity of educators. Illustrative situations describe simple cases from practice and immediately provide a solution. Situations-exercises encourage you to take certain actions (make a note plan, fill out a table, etc.). In assessment situations, the problem has already been solved, but teachers are required to analyze it and justify their answer, evaluate it. Problem situations: I consider a specific example from practice as an existing problem that needs to be solved;

  • discussion of two opposing points of view. The leader offers two points of view on the same problem for discussion. Teachers must express their attitude towards them and justify it;

simulation of a working day teacher Teachers are given characteristics age group children, the goal and tasks that need to be solved are formulated, and the task is set: to simulate their working day in a certain time. In conclusion, the leader organizes a discussion of all the proposed models;

  • training in practical skills. This method is very effective, but you need to think it through in advance and decide which teacher you can recommend it to. It is better to offer a learning element from work experience;

  • solving pedagogical crossword puzzles helps clarify teachers’ knowledge on a specific topic, develops their horizons, and therefore influences the quality of work with children;
  • working with instructive-directive with our documents. Teachers are asked in advance to familiarize themselves with this or that document, apply it to their activities and, highlighting one

from areas, think over a work plan to eliminate deficiencies. Everyone completes this task independently, and at the teachers’ council different approaches to solving the same problem are discussed;

- analysis of children's statements, their behavior, creativity. The leader prepares tape recordings, collections of children's drawings or crafts, etc. Teachers get acquainted with the material, analyze it, evaluate the children's skills, development, education, and formulate several specific proposals to help the teacher working with them;

intellectual, business and creatively developing games, which allow teachers to exchange opinions with their colleagues in a relaxed manner.

Game simulation increases interest, causes high activity, improves skills in solving real pedagogical problems.

At teacher councils, educators are offered various questions, during the discussion of which a dialogue-discussion can arise, which has become a true sign of our time. However, not everyone masters the art of collective discussion of issues in the form of dialogue or dispute,

Dialogue - this is a conversation between two or more people, a free exchange of opinions, often complementing the characteristics of various aspects of the problem being discussed. In this case, no dispute arises, since each participant in the conversation expresses his or her point of view.

Discussion - discussion of any controversial issue, identifying the truth and making the right decision by everyone who wants to express their point of view.

Organizing a discussion is not an easy task. Particular attention should be paid to creating a favorable psychological environment. The first step is to seat the participants in a circle. The main thing is to create an atmosphere of goodwill and interested attention to everyone. The object of discussion can be a truly ambiguous problem, in relation to which each participant freely expresses his opinion, no matter how unpopular and unexpected it may be. The success or failure of a discussion is determined by the formulation of the problem and questions. What should you be guided by? Questions should be controversial, that is, ones that can be answered with both “no” and “yes.” The level of preparedness of the discussion participants should also be taken into account; Are they able to independently formulate the optimal solution to the problem?

Discussants need to be prepared for the fact that conceptual conflict and differences of opinion will not be resolved quickly. At the same time, the long-term activity of opponents should be considered a successful outcome of the discussion.

  • Rules for discussion
  • The truth does not belong to you, just as it does not belong to anyone.
  • When discussing topic A, do not start a discussion on topic B.
  • The debate is not a socialist competition; there can be no winners.
  • You can't turn a remark into a report,
  • Everyone has the right to their opinion.
  • If you cannot express your arguments in 3 minutes, then there is something wrong with them.
  • It is ideas that are criticized, but not people.

In recent decades, they have become widespread non-traditional pedagogical advice. Let's consider some forms of their organization and implementation.

Teachers' council - business game- a training form in which participants are assigned certain roles. A business game teaches you to analyze and solve complex problems of human relationships, in the study of which not only the correct decision is important, but also the behavior of the participants themselves, the structure of relationships, tone, facial expressions, intonation.

One form of business game is brainstorming. It can be used to summarize the work of a team on a particular problem or for a certain period. The main place in such a teachers' council is occupied by group activities. Organizers need to think through the scenario down to the smallest detail, define roles, tasks, and calculate regulations. Participants analyze the questions posed, choose goals and objectives, and draw up programs that will form the basis for the decisions of the teachers’ council.

A business game is a type of activity in artificially created situations aimed at solving a learning problem.

The topics of teacher council conferences can be devoted to both the results of the work of the institution as a whole, and a separate general pedagogical problem, of a scientific and practical nature. Their peculiarity is mandatory incentives and awards (at the end of the year), design and release of materials summarizing teaching experience, taking into account and implementing proposals and recommendations of teachers in the plans for the next academic year. If the topic of the teachers' council-conference touches on a separate pedagogical problem, then the teachers' council may consist of several parts, for example, a main message and a dialogue organized by a senior teacher with a group of specialists (music director, psychologist, physical education teacher, speech therapist). Their answers to the questions asked will encourage other participants to develop the topic by expressing their opinions. In conclusion, relevant recommendations are adopted.

Conference in scientific world– this is a form of presenting to the public any results, results of experience.

At conferences, orally or in writing (poster presentations, publication of abstracts), authors make applications for primacy and exchange information

Teachers' Council - round table requires serious preparedness and interest of each participant. To carry it out, managers need to select important, interesting issues for discussion and think through the organization. For example, some topics can be given to a group of educators in advance and the relevant literature can be offered to them. Then they will be able to familiarize themselves with different theories, approaches, opinions and think about their point of view

Situational teacher council consists of considering one or more situations that can be played out by pre-prepared participants. You can conduct a discussion of the situation based on the video recorded on the video camera.

The teacher council discussion requires that teachers divide into subgroups in advance and propose their concepts of the problem being discussed. During the discussion, a plan to solve the problem is jointly thought out.

Teachers' council-dispute represents a collective reflection on a given topic or problem.

The subject of the dispute should be a problem that causes conflicting judgments and is solved in different ways. The dispute does not exclude, but presupposes the depth and comprehensiveness of the disclosure of the problem. Where there is no subject of dispute, but only speeches that complement or clarify certain arguments, there is no dispute, this is, at best, a conversation.

The formulation of the topic should be acute, problematic, awaken the thoughts of teachers, contain a question that is solved differently in practice and in the literature, causing different opinions, for example:

"Do kindergartens need standards?"

"What should we teach preschoolers today?"

"Innovative technologies: pros and cons",

"What are the goals of education today?"

"What are universal human values?"

"What is the role of family education today?" An option for a pedagogical council debate is the decision

pedagogical situations. The leader or senior teacher selects a bank of complex pedagogical situations on the problem and offers it to the team. The form of presentation can be varied: targeted, by drawing lots, divided into 1 groups. The administration of the preschool educational institution can play the role of jury, presenter, consultant, opponent, etc.

Teachers' council in the form of collective creative activity(hereinafter - KTD) - all members of the teaching staff participate in the planning, implementation and analysis of activities that have the nature of collective creativity.

The main goal of KTD is to create conditions for the self-realization of each teacher, the manifestation and development of all his abilities and capabilities. Therefore, CTD is based on creative, creative activity. A system of collective relations - cooperation, mutual assistance - develops in the process of creative activity, including several stages.

  • search for ideas and preliminary formulation of tasks;
  • collection-start;
  • elections of the council of affairs (activities);
  • collective planning of activities;
  • work of micro-teams;
  • readiness check;
  • carrying out technical testing;
  • collective analysis;
  • consequences stage.

In these stages there is a large share of play and entertainment, which are combined with a high level of ideology and purposefulness, which is the main uniqueness of KTD.

Whatever form the teacher council takes, decisions must be made. They are recorded in protocols. Their number depends on the agenda, therefore, if there are five items on it, then there should be at least five decisions. But several decisions can be made on one issue. In unity, they will help to cope with the problem that has arisen; the formulation of solutions must be specific, indicating those responsible and the deadline for implementation. In other words, such that they can be verified. After all, each new teachers’ council begins with a brief summing up of the implementation of the decisions of the previous one.

Typically, during the meeting, a draft of the minutes is drawn up, which is then duly executed within five days. The date of the minutes is the date of the meeting. Competent protocol preparation is a kind of art. It is recommended to elect a secretary for at least an academic year. The protocol is signed by the chairman and secretary of the pedagogical council.

Protocols are mandatory reporting documentation. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the secretary clearly records the speeches of the meeting participants, i.e. his notes should reflect an objective picture of how the discussion went, on what issues the discussion unfolded, and how the teachers’ council came to certain decisions. If the participants of the pedagogical council make a report, report, message, presented in writing, then an entry is made in the protocol: “The text of the report (report, message) is attached.” When making decisions requiring voting, it is necessary to note how many votes are “for”, “against”, “abstained”.

In kindergartens, meetings of the council of teachers are thematic in nature; it is possible to make general decisions on the issues stated on the agenda.

At meetings of the pedagogical council


  • issues of educational work with children; the use of new achievements in science and pedagogical practice;
  • existing shortcomings, decisions taken to eliminate them;
  • issues of exchange of experience.

The final speech of the chairman of the teachers' council should be brief, specific, and contain constructive proposals. It is not always justified to include secondary issues of a domestic, economic and organizational nature. Such problems need to be discussed at planning meetings. The topics brought to the teachers' council, the nature of their consideration, the behavior of teachers at the teachers' council, as well as their attitude towards it, reveal the professional level of the preschool educational institution's management.

In order for the teachers' council to be a governing body, and its decisions to be effective and conducive to improving work with children, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it.

An important condition when organizing a teachers' council is the relevance of the issues being considered. Teachers are interested only in those that help to practically solve problems that cause difficulties for the majority of team members, as well as new educational technologies, author's developments.

The thoughtful placement of its participants also contributes to the creation of a working spirit at the teachers’ council. For example, depending on the purpose of the council of teachers, their workplaces can be arranged as follows:

  • "round table" is useful for equal collective discussion of pressing issues;
  • The “triangle” allows you to highlight the leading role of the leader and include everyone in the discussion of the problem;
  • work in “small groups”, i.e. 3-4 people at separate tables (solving pedagogical situations);
  • To conduct a discussion, it is possible to provide a frontal arrangement of participating groups defending their positions.

A detailed agenda with issues for discussion should be posted no later than two to three weeks before the teaching council meeting. IN methodological office an exhibition is being organized, for example, “Preparing for the teachers’ meeting.” Preparations for the teachers' council are underway within two months; during this time it is recommended to create working group, which will organize it.

A pedagogical council of any form necessarily requires an analysis of the results with answers to the following questions: what was achieved and what was not achieved during the discussion; which of the teachers was active and which was passive and why; what lessons can be learned from the experience; how to influence individual passive teachers.

Various preschool educational institutions and teaching staff take part in the preparation of the teachers’ council.

The pedagogical council helps in forming a team of like-minded people, creates conditions for analyzing and evaluating existing attitudes and principles in accordance with the requirements modern science and best practices.

Vegera Tatyana Anatolevna
Job title: manager
Educational institution: FGBDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 188"
Locality: Vladivostok
Name of material: article
Subject: The pedagogical council in a preschool educational institution as the most important body for managing the educational process
Publication date: 19.12.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Federal state budget

preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 188"

Article for heads of preschool educational institutions

Pedagogical council in a preschool educational institution as

the most important governing body of educational institutions



The Pedagogical Council is a body of collective mental activity,











The Pedagogical Council operates on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”,










institutions, Regulations on the pedagogical council.

The Council of Teachers includes all preschool teachers and medical





educational institution may invite representatives of public





education issues, parents of students. The need to invite them





meeting of the Council of Teachers, enjoy the right of advisory vote.

Pedagogical advice in kindergarten supreme body guidance to everyone




preschool institution.

The main tasks of the Council of Teachers are:

implementation public policy on educational issues;

orientation of the activities of the teaching staff of the institution towards

improvement of the educational process;



educational institution;

introduction into the practical activities of teaching staff

achievements of pedagogical science and advanced pedagogical experience.

The functions of the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution include:

determining the direction of educational activities of preschool educational institutions;

selection and approval of an educational program for use

discussion of issues of content, forms and methods of educational

process, planning educational activities of preschool educational institutions;

considers issues of advanced training and retraining






teaching experience;

is considering




listens to reports from the manager on creating conditions for implementation

educational programs;

adopts local acts:

Regulations on the Pedagogical Council of the kindergarten

Regulations on the certification commission.

The activities of the pedagogical council, as one of the self-government bodies,






by the preschool educational institution team.

Thus, the “Regulations on the pedagogical council of the Kindergarten” consists of the following


"General provisions"







self-government; degree of independence, etc.

“Tasks of the Pedagogical Council”

This section determines the direction of activity of the self-government body and





3. “Organization of activities”








carried out

organizational events, etc.

4. “Documentation and reporting”

This section determines the procedure for maintaining and storing minutes of meetings,

activity planning, reporting

5. “Competence and responsibility of the pedagogical council”

This section reflects the duties, rights and responsibilities of this

self-government body. It is necessary to indicate the application of sanctions

failure to comply

poor quality


determine the conditions under which this or that responsibility occurs.

The decision of the Pedagogical Council of the kindergarten is valid if

its meeting was attended by at least two thirds of teaching staff










implemented by orders of the head of the kindergarten.

A decision made within the competence of the Council of Teachers and not

contrary to law is mandatory.

The pedagogical council operates under the chairmanship of the head


Chairman of the Council of Teachers:

organizes the activities of the Council of Preschool Teachers;

determines the agenda of the meeting of the Council of Teachers;

informs members of the Council of Teachers about the upcoming meeting

later than 2 - 3 weeks in advance, posting a detailed agenda with questions for


registers applications and appeals received by the Council of Teachers,

other materials;

controls the implementation of decisions of the Council of Teachers.

The pedagogical council elects a secretary from among its members. Secretary

The teachers' council works on a voluntary basis.





necessary, but at least 4 times a year.

Extraordinary meetings of the Council of Teachers are held upon request of at least

one third of the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions.

Organizing the activities of the teachers' council requires the active participation of everyone





The teachers' council is the collective governing body of the preschool educational institution.

At meetings of the pedagogical council, issues of educational and

educational work with children, the use of new achievements in science in it

and pedagogical practice, existing shortcomings are analyzed,

solutions to eliminate them, experiences are being exchanged.

In the last section of the agenda, under the heading “miscellaneous”, they can

consider problems of labor etiquette and work schedule, sanitary






penalties, etc. Thus, the pedagogical council addresses issues

related to the work of the entire team.

The topics of pedagogical councils are indicated in the annual preschool plan

institutions. If necessary, additions and changes are made to it.

The main issue on the agenda is always the results of the work





teachers and parents.

According to the forms of organization, pedagogical councils can be divided into:

Traditional is a teachers’ meeting with a detailed agenda, held with

strict adherence to regulations on each issue and making decisions on

Teachers' council using individual methods of activating teachers. In his

during the course, the chairman may ask participants, for example, to solve a crossword puzzle

or a situational task on the topic of teacher council or apply the “game” method


Non-traditional teachers' council in the form of a business game, conference, etc.

preparation requires writing a script, dividing participants into teams and

distribution of roles. However, it must be remembered that the result of the work of any

teachers' council




By type, teacher councils are divided into:

1. Introductory, defining the prospects for work during the year.

2. Thematic, dedicated to one of the team’s annual tasks.

3. Final, determining the results of work for the first half of the year or year.

The pedagogical council determines the development prospects of the institution.

His decisions are binding on all members of the team. Because the

execution of decisions is controlled; they must be understandable and addressed

specific people and limited in time.

Whatever form it takes

teachers' council

Decisions are made


are fixed



certain requirements are determined.

The number of decisions of the teaching council depends on the agenda. If

There are five items on the agenda, then there must be at least five decisions. One by one




cope with




specific, indicating those responsible and deadlines. In other words,

so that they can be verified. After all, every new teachers’ council must

begin with a brief summary of the implementation of the previous decisions.

The final word is the most important stage of the work of the teachers’ council. It should

be brief, specific, and contain constructive suggestions. Not always

it is justified to include in it minor issues of everyday life, economic

and organizational nature. Such problems need to be discussed at planning meetings.

In kindergartens, protocols are maintained by the Pedagogical Councils. This -







Minutes of pedagogical councils must be numbered,





The number of teachers present at the meeting must be recorded and



in detail,

is stated





question. The protocol is signed by the chairman and secretary of the pedagogical

Any educational institution is, first of all, teachers working in


carrying out


development must be ready for professional continuous self-development, and

In this, pedagogical advice acquires significant help and significance.


Teachers' Council



institution. Preparation and implementation. Moscow, Sfera, 2007

Soboleva T.G., Kulakova O.N. Preschool Pedagogical Council

institutions in modern conditions, Volgograd, 2012

Planning of methodological work in a preschool institution is carried out before the start of the new school year. The topics of teachers' councils should be close general theme, which the kindergarten team is working on, and should also be relevant relative to the general trends in preschool education.

Below are the most common and common topics to be discussed at the teachers' meeting, and can also become an excellent topic for teacher self-education.

1. Features of the development of play in children 2–3 years of age.

2. Pedagogical conditions organizing independent activities of children of the third year of life.

3. Communication with adults as a condition speech development young child.

4. Mental education of young children.

5. Excursion as a form of organizing the mental education of children.

6. Formation of curiosity in children preschool age in class.

7. Pedagogical conditions for creation problem situations during classes in kindergarten.

8. Ways and means of optimization cognitive activity children of middle (senior) preschool age in the classroom.

9. Development of constructive thinking in older preschoolers in the classroom.

10. Using artistic expression as a means of mental development of preschool children.

11. Organization of collective activities of preschoolers in the classroom.

12. Features of organizing experimentation for older preschoolers in the classroom.

13. Development of sensory abilities of younger preschool children.

14. Mental education of children in creative play.

15. Method of observation in the mental education of preschool children.

16. Individual approach to teaching preschoolers.

17. Organization of a developmental environment in a preschool educational institution.

18. Moral education of preschool children.

19. Raising children’s humane attitude towards the environment.

20. Nurturing the humanistic behavior of children of primary and middle (senior) preschool age.

21. Moral education of preschool children in the pedagogical legacy of S.F. Rusova.

22. Fostering a culture of behavior in children of primary (middle) (senior) preschool age.

23. Pedagogical conditions for the socialization of a preschooler in the process of educational work.

24. Gender approach in the process of education in kindergarten.

25. Raising children's interest in social reality.

26. Raising a conscious attitude towards the fulfillment of moral standards in children.

27. Cultivating a friendly attitude towards children of the same age in children of primary (middle) (senior) preschool age.

28. Labor education of preschool children.

29. Development of the problem of labor education of children in the history of preschool pedagogy.

30. Nurturing independence in children of primary (middle) preschool age.

31. The educational significance of household work for children of senior preschool age.

32. Development of labor skills in children of middle (senior) preschool age.

33. Economic education of preschool children.

34. Formation of ideas about the work of adults in preschool children.

35. Environmental education of preschool children.

36. Raising an interest in nature in preschool children.

37. Excursions into nature as a form of organizing environmental education for children.

38. Environmental education of children in didactic games.

39. Work in nature as a method of environmental education for preschool children.

40. The use of literary words in the environmental education of preschool children.

41. Research method environmental education children of senior preschool age.

42. Aesthetic education of preschool children.

43. Nature as a means of aesthetic education of preschool children.

44. Formation in children of an aesthetic attitude towards the world around them.

45. Cultivating interest in visual arts in preschool children.

46. ​​Development of artistic and speech activity in preschool childhood.

47. Fostering a value-based attitude towards art.

48. Interaction of arts in the teaching and educational process of kindergarten.

48. Independent artistic activity of children as a means of aesthetic education.

49. Holidays and entertainment as a means of aesthetic education of preschoolers.

50. Individually differentiated approach to aesthetic education of preschool children.

51. Aesthetic education of preschool children in the family.

52. Development of the plot in the creative play of children of primary (middle) (senior) preschool age

53. Formation of relationships in the play of children of primary (middle) (senior) preschool age.

54. The role of didactic games in familiarizing children of primary preschool age with objects.

55. Didactic game as a means of mental development of preschool children.

56. The educational significance of organizing an object-based play environment in kindergarten.

57. Development creativity preschool child in different types of games.

58. Developmental influence different types toys.

59. Pedagogical value folk games in the education of preschool children.

60. Development of children's creativity in construction games.

61. Folk games(toy) as a means of raising children.

62. Fostering a culture of communication between children in play.

63. Development of children's activity in creative play.

64. Raising children’s motivational readiness for school studies.

65. Formation of cognitive interests and motives for learning in children of senior preschool age.

66. Implementation of the principle of continuity in the work of kindergarten and school.

67. Ideas of “School under the blue sky” by V. Sukhomlinsky in modern preparation of children for school.

68. Using the experience of the Nikitin family in raising children.

69. The role of family traditions in raising children.

70. The role of the family in nurturing the child’s cognitive interests and curiosity.

71. Interaction between kindergarten and family in the aesthetic education of children.

72. Interaction between kindergarten and parents in labor education children.

73. Interaction between kindergarten and parents in nurturing the moral and volitional qualities of children.

74. Formation of a humanistic position in parents towards raising children.

75. Pedagogical innovations in preschool education.

76. Types of pedagogical innovations in preschool education.

77. Use of TRIZ in the teaching and educational process of kindergarten.

78. Psychological and pedagogical principles of developmental education for preschool children.

79. Use of Zaitsev’s early and intensive learning technology in kindergarten.

80. The role of innovation in improving the educational work of a preschool educational institution.