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Work plan for the legal circle. Work program of the educational group "Young Lawyer" work program on law (grade 5) on the topic

Explanatory note

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and the requirements for educational programs of additional education in Russia set the main tasks of developing the legal consciousness and civil responsibility of students.

Building a civil society in Russia cannot be achieved without solving the problems of legal education and enlightenment of the younger generation.

Every person must know and study their rights and responsibilities. The sooner a child begins to comprehend social norms of life, the more consciously he will act in certain situations.

Our life, especially in the present period, is so complex and diverse that learning the basics of jurisprudence must begin almost from early childhood. A child, having received basic knowledge in law classes, will be able to navigate his independent life more easily and will be prepared to study some topics in the “Social Studies” course in high school.

Course objectives:

Formation of legal consciousness and legal culture, study of the fundamentals of legislation;

Help children understand modern society and the role of man in its development;

Learn to evaluate your actions and predict their possible consequences;

Develop skills in applying legal knowledge in specific life situations;

Create conditions for children to understand their belonging to different social groups (family, class, school) and social roles.

Awareness of the need to comply with the law;
- the child must understand that he is a full citizen of the country who has certain rights and responsibilities;
- fostering patriotism, respect for other people and self-esteem;

Development of creativity, speech, memory, communication skills and the ability to make independent decisions.
In the process of classes, the basic and individual psychological characteristics of the child are formed. The prerequisites for the formation of social and moral qualities of the individual are created.

Features of psychophysical development begin with the fact that the child is ready to join the social process. Acquire civic and human qualities.

The main role in this period belongs to the plot -, since they are in the process of joining the social life of children and adults in the community. Here the child gains an understanding of rights and responsibilities, learns to coordinate his interests, and restrain desires.

It is necessary for schoolchildren to form an idea of ​​a person as the main value of society, to give them basic information about the Constitution of the Russian Federation, about human and child rights, and to introduce them to the main documents: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Important roleformation of concepts about the Motherland, citizen, family, one’s ancestry, relationships in the family, a person as an individual

Main forms of conducting classes:

Practical lessons;




Communication with representatives of various professions;

Discussion and playing out problem situations;



Preparation of messages on the problem;



Creative works (drawing);

Public events.

Psychological support for the program includes creating a comfortable, friendly atmosphere in the classroom, awakening children’s imagination in practical activities, development and selection of diagnostic materials to determine the level of satisfaction of children and their parents with the content of classes in this program.

In addition, children learn to perform in front of their classmates and friends, conduct educational and research activities, and work independently and in groups.

The modern school curriculum requires additional knowledge and skills from its students. In order for a person to feel confident in society, he must have his own position, be intellectually developed and be able to support any topic of conversation. As you know, the foundations of a child’s entire future life are laid in childhood. The opportunity to attend various clubs and sections is an invaluable contribution to his life! “Young Lawyer” is a course that will allow your child to learn a lot of new things about their country and its laws. The course lasts 35 hours (1 hour per week).

Educational and thematic plan

Total hours




ChapterI . The law is the same for everyone.

Introduction. Why do we need to know the laws? Questioning.

What is wine? What is responsibility?

Types of offenses

Action and inaction. "The fight against indifference"

Law for us. The law is within us.


Training game “How to avoid becoming a victim of crime?”

ChapterII . Fundamentals of family law of the Russian Federation. Family Code (basic concepts).

“We and our rights” (based on materials
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child).

Constitution of the Russian Federation. Children are protected by the state.

I am a citizen of my country. Conversation

My Documents

My home is my castle.

Life in captivity (slavery).

Freedom of choice: where to live and with whom to live.

Honor and Reputation

Preparation of the booklet “Rights of the Child”

“Children and terrorism” - conversation. Project “We are against violence!”

Wall decoration of the newspaper “We are against violence!”

“I have the right” (game-competition on law) - the rights and responsibilities of minors. (among 5th graders)

ChapterIII . Introduction to professions

Introduction to professions - investigator, inspector
juvenile affairs (a meeting with a juvenile affairs inspector is planned)

Profession: lawyer

"Wise Thoughts"

ChapterIV . Environmental law

Conversation “Environmental violations. Legal responsibility for their commission"

“Will we be able to save nature with the help of law?”

Legal game "Big Circle"

During the first year of the club, students must:

Know the content of the most important legislative acts (or fragments of them), general rules for the application of law, the content of human rights and freedoms, the procedure for acquiring and losing citizenship of the Russian Federation; rules, the observance of which helps to protect a person’s personal safety from criminal attacks;

Have an idea of ​​actions and behavior that constitute a threat to personal security; about the place of a Russian citizen in the existing system of economic and political relations regulated by law, about the conditions and procedure for participation as subjects of legal relations in the economic and political life of the country; about the types of legal liability of citizens;

Learn a set of specific rules of behavior in a boarding school, school, on the street, in cultural institutions, at entertainment events, in recreational places, based on respect for the rights and freedoms of other citizens;

Distinguish between lawful and unlawful behavior, the basis and procedure for imposing punishment; powers of courts and internal affairs bodies. prosecutor's office, lawyer, notary.

- Official website Consultant Plus

- Information and legal portal

-Information and legal system Code

- Official Internet portal of legal information

- A single portal for posting information on the development by federal executive authorities of draft regulatory legal acts and the results of their public discussion

- Government services portal

- Official website of the President of the Russian Federation

- Official website of the Government of the Russian Federation

- Official website of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

- Official website of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

- Portal “President of Russia - citizens of school age”


I. Regulatory sources

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1993. M., 2015

2. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. - M.: Semina L.I..Rudomino, 2001.

II. Literature

1. Blotina T.V. Convention on the Rights of the Child and the legislation of the Russian Federation in issues and comments. M., 2012.

2. Civic education in a modern school: Materials of the convention of May 4-5, 2000. Kaluga, 2010.

3. Lopatina T., Fedorova F., Children’s rights / practical guide - Tula region. Center for support of women and families "Girlfriend" - 2012.

4. Prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency and protection of rights: Collection of normative documents. M, 2013.

5. Semina L.I. We are fellow citizens. M.: Bonfi, 2012.

6. Sokolov Ya.V., Komsov D.V., Maksimov S.V. Responsibility for an offense. M.: National Exhibition Center "Citizen", 2012.


In our country, every child who comes to school to study enjoys certain rights and at the same time must fulfill a number of responsibilities.

Every student has the right:

    receive a quality education in accordance with the state educational standard;

    familiarize yourself with the Charter and internal rules of the school;

    study, if necessary, in accelerated programs, according to individual curricula or at home;

    receive additional help from the teacher if difficulties arise in mastering a subject or classes are missed due to illness;

    use the school library for free;

    receive grades in academic subjects solely depending on your knowledge and skills;

    express your opinion freely;

    participate in school management and make proposals regarding school life.

Every student is obliged to:

act for the benefit of the native school, take care of its honor, maintain its authority and traditions;

strictly observe the school operating hours, attend classes in accordance with the schedule, and not be late for classes;

study conscientiously, expand your knowledge, skills and abilities, complete homework systematically and on time;

in case of missing classes, present cool a certificate from a doctor or an explanatory note from parents;

comply with the orders and requirements of the director, management, teachers and other school employees;

treat school staff and other students with respect, help younger students;

present the diary upon request of the teacher;

write down homework in all subjects in a diary;

Bring to class all the necessary supplies: textbooks, notebooks, diary, pens, pencils, etc. P.;

look clean and tidy, comply with the requirements of school and personal hygiene, take care of the conformity of your And appearance in a strict business style;

take care of your own health and safety, the health and safety of other students, and comply with safety requirements;

finding an abandoned(package, bundle, box) or noticing an unfamiliar suspicious person, immediately report this to a teacher or other school employee;

take care of school property, maintain cleanliness and order in the school building and on its territory.

The rights and responsibilities of schoolchildren areunder the protection of the legislation of his country and the Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted by the UN.

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1 Municipal budgetary educational institution “Kingisepp Secondary School 2” Adopted by the Pedagogical Council of the school Minutes 1 dated August 30, 2016 Approved by Order dated August 31, 2016 250 Work program for the course of extracurricular activities, implemented by Federal State Educational Standards LLC, “ABC of a Young Lawyer” for grades 7-8 Kingisepp 2016

2 2 Explanatory note The course program is based on the provisions of the federal laws of the Russian Federation and other legal acts, including: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; Civil Code of the Russian Federation; Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses; Family Code of the Russian Federation; Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, etc. The first article of the current Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaims Russia a democratic state governed by the rule of law. However, in real life, the process of establishing a legal democratic state takes considerable time and requires not only legislative efforts. The most important component and at the same time a prerequisite for the rule of law is the developed legal culture of citizens, which includes three components: knowledge of legal norms, respect for the law and compliance with these generally binding rules of behavior in real life. The relevance of this program and the feasibility of studying this course is that it is designed to play an important role in educating schoolchildren’s legal culture, which is so necessary for the citizens of our state at the present time. This program has an intellectual and cognitive orientation, while the program is aimed not only at expanding the content of general education in the field of social studies, but also at career guidance work, which can help determine the life plans of a child, and create a sustainable interest in legal, law-making and law enforcement activities. A distinctive feature of the program is its pronounced focus on career guidance, emphasis on practical work with legal documents, solving test and creative problems, analysis of various sources of legal information, which together can equip the student with the competencies necessary for life in modern society. Purpose of the program: Socialization of children in the conditions of the establishment of a rule-of-law state in Russia through the formation of individual initial scientific legal consciousness and legal culture of students and professional guidance of students in choosing legal specialties. Objectives: - systematize students’ knowledge in the field of law acquired in the course of studying social disciplines and real life; - prepare students for an informed choice of a future profession related to jurisprudence, jurisprudence, and law enforcement; - to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the law, an active civic position; - develop the analytical and creative abilities of students. 1. Course content 7th grade Section I. Law in the life of modern society (7 hours) Social norms. Law in the system of social norms. Origin of state and law. Essence, distinctive features, functions of law. Public and

3 3 private law. Sources of law. Regulatory legal acts, their types. The structure of the legal norm. Section II. Profession: lawyer (3 hours) Choosing a profession is a responsible step. Types of professions. Features of professional legal activity. Professional legal education. Legal specialties in Russian and Tambov higher educational institutions. Rules for admission to law faculties of universities. Section III. Law enforcement agencies of modern Russia (10 hours) Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, their types, tasks and functions. Judicial system of the Russian Federation. Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. General courts. Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Superior Court of Arbitration. Requirements for judges. Prosecutor's office. Advocacy. Police. FSB. Notary. Section IV. Legal culture (2 hours) Definition of legal culture. Components of legal culture. Civil society and the state. Section V. The Constitution of the Russian Federation and Constitutional Law (12 hours) History of Russian constitutionalism. Constitution of the Russian Federation: general characteristics, its advantages and disadvantages. Constitutional law. Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. The concept of the form of the state. Form of government. Form of the national-state structure of the Russian Federation. Political regime. Russia is a democratic legal state. Subjects of the Russian Federation. Russia is a secular and social state. Fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and international documents on human rights. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Constitutional duties of Russian citizens. Citizenship in the Russian Federation. Electoral system of the Russian Federation. Voting rights of citizens of the Russian Federation. Supreme bodies of state power of the Russian Federation. The procedure for electing and powers of the President. Federal Assembly. The order of formation and subjects of reference. Legislative procedure. Government of the Russian Federation. Judicial power in the Russian Federation. Local government. 8th grade Section VI. Basic concepts and norms of certain branches of law (28 hours) Civil law. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Civil legal capacity and capacity. Legal capacity of minors. Emancipation. Transactions and agreements. Conclusion and execution of the contract. Ownership. Protection of property rights. Civil disputes. Civil liability. Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. Fundamental consumer rights and their legislative protection. Labor law. Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Rights and obligations of the employee and employer. Drawing up and concluding an employment contract. Employment history. Termination of the employment contract. Remuneration systems. Occupational Safety and Health. Labor protection and health of minors. Labor disputes. Disciplinary and financial responsibility. Judicial protection of labor rights. Administrative law. Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences. Administrative offenses, their types. Types of administrative penalties. Administrative responsibility of minors. Family law. Family Code of the Russian Federation. The concept of family, marriage. Conditions of conclusion and procedure for divorce. Rights and responsibilities of parents and spouses. Marriage contract. Child's rights. International documents on the rights of the child. Criminal law. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Crime. Types of crimes. Corpus delicti. Forms of guilt. Criminal liability. Criminal punishment, its purposes and types. Criminal liability of minors. Section VII. Protecting the rights of citizens (4 hours)

4 4 Ways for citizens to protect their rights and legitimate interests. The procedure for citizens to go to court. Drawing up a statement of claim, cassation appeal. Commissioner for Human Rights. International human rights organizations. Section VIII. Final control (2 hours) The following forms of control and summing up are assumed: For section 1: test; for section 2: writing a mini-essay; for section 3: completing the final practical work; for section 4: essay writing; for sections 5 and 6: testing; for section 7: final practical work on drawing up legal documents. The final control is expected to take the form of a scientific and practical conference on legal issues. 2. Planned results of studying the course 7th grade As a result of mastering, students will learn: Terms: Law, morality, legal norm; imperative, dispositive rules of law; permissive, obligatory, prohibitive rules of law; hypothesis, disposition, sanction; legal relationship: objects and subjects; legal fact; legal capacity and capacity; law, Constitution. Name: Types of legal norms on the subject of legal regulation, on the form of expression of a legal prescription, fundamental human rights, political freedoms, branches of law. Basic principles of the rule of law. Sources of law. Basic and current laws. Forms of implementation of rights. Powers of the legislature. Tasks of the executive branch. Describe: Natural, inalienable human rights. The Constitution as the fundamental law of the state. The structure and tasks of law enforcement agencies and their functions in ensuring law and order Compare: Moral and legal norms. Explain with the help of examples: Mandatory, dispositive rules of law; permissive, obligatory, prohibitive. Objects and subjects of legal relations. Basic principles of the rule of law. Contents of human rights. Manifestation of different levels of legal consciousness. Exercising legislative power through parliament. Contents of human rights. Evaluate based on external criteria: The importance of knowledge of legal norms for human life. The meaning of human rights and the conditions for their implementation. The meaning of the principle of presumption of innocence and presumption of guilt. Students will have the opportunity to learn: master legal terms and concepts; to learn a set of specific rules of behavior in the family, at home, at school, on the street, cultural institutions, etc., to focus on respect for the rights and freedoms of other citizens; understand the content of legislative acts (or fragments from them), determine the principles of law, the system of rights and obligations; be able to apply legal knowledge. Design lawful methods of action in various life situations, give a legal assessment of one’s own actions, the actions of others, and life phenomena;

5 5 exercise your rights in practice; be guided in various spheres of life by existing legal norms; be able to correctly draw up some official papers that do not require special legal education (application, power of attorney, text of an employment agreement, purchase and sale agreement, etc.) have clear value guidelines of a humanistic orientation; realize the social value of law as a means of protecting the individual and society; have a clear attitude towards law-abiding, have a negative attitude towards violators of law and order; have an understanding of actions and behavior that constitute a threat to personal security. Know the rules of compliance that help protect a person’s personal safety from criminal attacks. Grade 8 As a result of mastering, students will learn: Terms: civil law, labor law; family law; administrative law, constitutional law; branches of law, legal consciousness, legal order, offense, legal liability, presumption of innocence, citizenship, transaction, limitation period, obligation, property rights, family, marriage, adoption, guardianship and trusteeship, crime Name: Features of civil law. Tasks of labor law. Features of family law. Features of constitutional law. Types of offense. Types of legal liability. Specific signs of a crime. Describe: Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Family, Criminal, Labor Codes of the Russian Federation. The Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” as the main sources of Russian current legislation. Compare: Functions of the legislative, executive and judicial powers. Appointment of the Bar and Prosecutor's Office. Tasks of internal affairs bodies and security agencies. Explain with examples: Legal and illegal behavior. Types of offenses and types of legal liability. Branches of law and subjects of their regulation. Personal and property rights and obligations of spouses. Tasks of the judiciary. Evaluate based on external criteria: The importance of knowledge of legal norms for human life. The meaning of human rights and the conditions for their implementation. The meaning of the principle of presumption of innocence and presumption of guilt. Students will have the opportunity to learn: master legal terms and concepts; to learn a set of specific rules of behavior in the family, at home, at school, on the street, cultural institutions, etc., to focus on respect for the rights and freedoms of other citizens; understand the content of legislative acts (or fragments from them), determine the principles of law, the system of rights and obligations; be able to apply legal knowledge. Design lawful methods of action in various life situations, give a legal assessment of one’s own actions, the actions of others, and life phenomena;

6 6 exercise your rights in practice; be guided in various spheres of life by existing legal norms; be able to correctly draw up some official papers that do not require special legal education (application, power of attorney, text of an employment agreement, purchase and sale agreement, etc.) have clear value guidelines of a humanistic orientation; realize the social value of law as a means of protecting the individual and society; have a clear attitude towards law-abiding, have a negative attitude towards violators of law and order; have an understanding of actions and behavior that constitute a threat to personal security. Know the rules of compliance that help protect a person’s personal safety from criminal attacks.

7 7 Name of sections, topics 1 Law in the life of modern society Total number of hours of tests Including Laboratory, practical work 3. Thematic planning 7 GRADE Main activities of students 7 Explain why the law is a normative act of the highest legal force. Compare positive and natural law. To characterize the main elements of the Russian legislative system, to reveal the meaning of the concept of “legal relations”, to show with examples the differences between legal relations and other types of social relations. Expand the meaning of the concepts “subjective legal rights” and “legal obligations of participants in legal relations.” Explain the reasons for the subjectivity of rights and the legal consolidation of the obligations of participants in legal relations. Reveal the peculiarities of the emergence of legal capacity and legal capacity among individuals and legal entities, explain the reasons for these differences. Describe with examples social norms and their role in public life, analyze simple practical situations related to the realization by citizens of their rights and freedoms. Describe various types of discipline. Model simple practical situations associated with the consequences of violating compulsory and special discipline and characterize responsibility for violating laws. Identify traits of law-abiding behavior. Model simple practical situations related to the consequences of illegal behavior. Forms of control Individual, group, frontal, combined, mutual control, self-control

8 8 2 Profession - lawyer 3 Law enforcement agencies of modern Russia 4 Legal culture 5 Constitution of the Russian Federation and Constitutional law. 3 Explain the specifics of the legal profession related to the implementation of social, moral, legal regulations and the resolution of legal disputes (the latter are often very conflicting) Describe the qualities of a lawyer, such as fairness, a high sense of professional duty and responsibility, humanism. In relationships with people, sensitivity and honesty, respect and politeness. Explore simple practical situations related to the activities of law enforcement agencies and systematize the most frequently asked questions. Establish the reasons for the relevance of certain issues for schoolchildren. 10 Name the law enforcement agencies of the Russian state. Distinguish between the spheres of activity of the police and law enforcement agencies. Explore simple practical situations related to the activities of law enforcement agencies and systematize the most frequently asked questions. Establish the reasons for the relevance of certain issues for schoolchildren 2 Characterize the levels of legal culture, know the types of legal consciousness, explain the functions of legal culture. Explore simple practical situations related to the activities of law enforcement agencies and systematize the most frequently asked questions. To establish the reasons for the relevance of certain issues for schoolchildren. To characterize the Constitution of the Russian Federation as a law of the highest 12 legal force. Provide specific examples based on the text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, confirming its supreme legal force. Name the main objectives of the constitution. Explain what principles of the rule of law are reflected in Articles 2, 10, 15, 17, 18 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Describe the principles of the federal structure Individual, group, frontal, combined, mutual control, self-control Individual, group, frontal, combined, mutual control, self-control Individual, group, frontal, combined, mutual control, self-control Project protection

9 9 RF. Distinguish between the status of a person and the status of a citizen and explain the meaning of the concept of “human rights”. Explain why the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is not a legal document. Classify rights and freedoms (give examples of different groups of rights) 8 GRADE Name of sections, topics Total number of hours of tests Including Laboratory, practical work Main types of student activities Forms of control 1 Basic concepts and norms of individual branches of law 28 Name the reasons for their occurrence legal relations to distinguish between an offense and lawful behavior. Name the main types and signs of offenses. Describe legal responsibility as a criterion for lawful behavior. Describe the features of civil legal relations. Name the types and give examples of civil contracts. Reveal the features of the civil capacity of minors. Find and retrieve information about consumer rights provided for by Russian law. Explain, using examples, measures to protect consumer rights and name the basic legal guarantees of the right to free labor. Describe the features of labor relations. Explain the role of the employment contract in the relationship between employees and employers. Reveal the peculiarities of the situation of minors in labor relations. Explain the conditions for entering into and dissolving a marriage. Individual, group, frontal, combined, mutual control, self-control

10 10 2 Protecting the rights of citizens Give examples of the rights and responsibilities of spouses, parents and children. Find and extract information about family legal relations from adapted sources of various types. Determine the scope of public relations regulated by administrative law. Characterize the subjects of administrative legal relations. Indicate the main signs of an administrative offense. characterize the meaning of administrative penalties. Characterize the features of criminal law and criminal legal relations. Indicate the objects of criminal legal relations. List the most important signs of a crime. Distinguish necessary defense from lynching. characterize the specifics of criminal liability of minors, explain the essence of humanitarian law.. Be able to apply this knowledge to the analysis and assessment of real social situations. Consciously construct statements, listen and engage in dialogue, participate in collective discussion. 4 Explain the meaning of the presumption of innocence and name the main law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. Distinguish between the areas of activity of law enforcement agencies and the judicial system. Give examples of the activities of law enforcement agencies. Name the basic social human rights. Expand the concept of “welfare state”. Using specific examples, specify the main directions of the social policy of our state aimed at protecting the wounded, prisoners of war, and civilians. Indicate methods and means of warfare that are prohibited. Explain the meaning of international humanitarian law. Expand the meaning of the concept of “war crime”; explain the meaning of the concept of “right to education”. Distinguish between individual, group, frontal, combined, mutual control, self-control

11 11 3 Final control the right to education in relation to basic and complete secondary school. Explain the relationship between the right to education and the obligation to receive an education and systematize the most frequently asked questions. Establish the reasons for the relevance of certain issues for schoolchildren. Determine your own attitude to the realities of social and legal activities. Develop knowledge about key legal concepts, norms, understanding their role as decisive regulators of human life and society. Be able to apply this knowledge to the analysis and assessment of real social situations. 2 Conduct a diagnostic of learning outcomes in grades 7 and 8. Summarize and consolidate acquired knowledge and skills. Analyze the results of the work of the class and individual students. Develop reflexive skills and abilities for adequate self-esteem. Testing, mini-essay, essay, practical work

12 12

Planned learning outcomes in the subject “Law” BASIC LEVEL ADVANCED LEVEL WILL LEARN Theory of state and law Theory of state and law Recognize and classify states and other forms

1 SOCIAL STUDIES PROGRAM FOR 9TH CLASS (BASIC LEVEL) EXPLANATORY NOTE This social studies program has been compiled in accordance with regulations: 1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012

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EXPLANATORY NOTE The adapted work program in social studies for grade 9 is compiled on the basis of the following regulatory, legal, instructional and methodological documents: - Federal component

Contents of the work program on “Law”. Explanatory note 2. Contents of the academic subject “Law” 3. Thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities 4. Planned subject subjects

1. Explanatory note The program is compiled on the basis of the author’s program on the law of V.V. Spasskaya, S.I. Volodina, E.A. Pevtsova, textbook “Social Studies. Fundamentals of legal knowledge" 8-9 grades. S.I. Volodina,

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Explanatory note This working curriculum of the academic subject “Law” at the stage of secondary (complete) general education for the 10th grade of the social and humanitarian profile of a comprehensive school,

2.3.9. Social science Man in the social dimension to use knowledge about the biological and social in man to characterize his nature, characterize the main stages of socialization, factors of formation

Explanatory note Document status The work program is legally compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of secondary general education. The work program specifies the content

Explanatory note The work program of the educational subject “Law” for grade 11 of the Municipal educational institution “Secondary school 1” was compiled in accordance with the requirements

EXPLANATORY NOTE This work program is based on the author’s program by A. F. Nikitin “Law. 0-grades, basic level.” Enlightenment, 2008 When implementing this work program, it is used

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Sevastopol “Secondary school 52 named after F.D. Bezrukov” Work program in the subject “Social studies” for grade 9 for 2016/2017

The main objectives (goal) of studying the subject “Law” in the 11th grade (profile level) The study of law in the 11th grade is aimed at solving the following tasks: -personal development aimed at the formation of legal consciousness

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School named after Artem Borovik" Subject Social studies Class 9a-d Educational area Social studies Academic year 2017-2018 Compiled


Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school 2 of the city of Konakovo Considered at a meeting of the Methodological Council Minutes of 2016 Agreed by Deputy Director

Structure of the document Explanatory note; Main content; Requirements for the level of training; Calendar and thematic planning; Bibliography. EXPLANATORY NOTE Work program

Appendix to the OOP SOO FOR FSES MAOU LYCEUM 44 1. Planned results of mastering the course. As a result of studying the academic subject “Law” at the level of secondary general education, the graduate will learn at a basic level:

Municipal state educational institution "Lutovskaya secondary school" CALENDAR - THEMATIC PLAN for the subject "SOCIAL STUDIES" Class - 9 Annual number of hours - 34 Number

Explanatory note The work program on law for grade 11 is compiled on the basis of the Fundamental Core of the Content of General Education, the Federal State Educational Standard for General

EXPLANATORY NOTE The working curriculum in social studies is compiled on the basis of the federal component of state educational standards for basic general education (Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 03/05/2004


Explanatory note The program is compiled on the basis of: Author's program: Social studies: program: 5-9 grades of general education institutions / author's comp. ABOUT. Soboleva, O.V. Medvedeva.-M.: Ventana-Graf,

Explanatory note The work program was developed on the basis of the Federal component of the State Standard of Secondary (complete) general education, Model program of secondary (complete) general education

This program was developed and implemented in the first year of study. Since the circle group is formed from students of different ages (5-11 grades), each age subgroup is engaged in group educational routes, all students have an individual educational route.

The final work of our circle is annual participation in the municipal stage of the “I am a citizen of Russia” campaign. In the 2013 academic year, we presented the project “Our courtyards are the masters of it!”, which was awarded with gratitude from the education department of the Kirzhach district of the Vladimir region.



MBOU secondary school No. 7 of the city of Kirzhach


"01/09/2012 Deputy directors

For educational work:


E.N. Ivchenko

Legal culture circle program "Young Lawyer"

Children's age: from 10 to 15 years. Duration of the program: 3 years.


Knowledge of legal norms helps prepare a student for life in society in real conditions, this is especially necessary for children with disabilities. Knowledge of the laws will help them adapt more quickly and constructively to the demands of society.

The legal consciousness of an individual is formed under the influence of the surrounding legal reality, the scientific organization of legal education and the legal practice of the state. The basis of legal knowledge is an understanding of legal requirements. Perceiving these requirements, a person correlates them with actual legal practice and develops appropriate value judgments about the law. Legal knowledge is accumulated and an individual position is developed in relation to the current law.

This program is designed for students 1 to 15 years old. By implementing this program, it is necessary to achieve the development of the legal culture of students as an alloy of knowledge and skills. skills with conviction.

By the age of 16-18, an older teenager, having accumulated a certain amount of knowledge in his mind, enters the period of completing the formation of his worldview. The active use of situations of legal orientation (in games, trainings, exercises) contributes not only to testing, but also to consolidating the acquired legal knowledge. When using situations of legal orientation, conditions are created that force students to work hard. After all, it is in the process of overcoming difficulties that awareness arises, and the more difficult the situation, the higher the result will be. Modeling of pedagogical situations of legal orientation provided by the program serves as an important link in the embodiment of positive legal consciousness in the lawful behavior of the student.

Legal consciousness occupies an intermediate position between political and moral consciousness. Personal development motivates not only lawful behavior in the present, but also the desire to project this behavior in the future based on compliance with legal regulations.

Increased attention to issues of moral education is due to the sharply increased criminalization of society, the loss of faith of a significant part of the population in justice, progressive legal nihilism and people’s disregard for the law. This problem has acquired national proportions, revealing a deep malaise in the current legal consciousness that has affected all social strata of our society. Factors that prevent the commission of offenses are: students’ awareness of negative behavior and the desire to change it; rejection of bad habits; conscientious attitude towards studies and social work; termination of ties with antisocial environment; the teenager has his own opinion, his independence from the influence of individuals or groups; eliminating the negative influences of unfavorable living conditions on adolescents; behavior control

from the influence of individuals or groups; eliminating the negative impact of unfavorable living conditions on adolescents; behavior control. This program is aimed at solving these problems.


Target: legal education for students Tasks:

1. To familiarize students with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the basics of civil and family law, other important laws of our state, and the norms of behavior accepted in society.

2. To help students in the formation of a civic and moral position, in the development of legal consciousness, self-determination, and professional determination.

3. To develop in students the skills, abilities and habits of lawful behavior.

4. Help students understand themselves as individuals in the system of social relations.

5. Foster a sense of collectivism, patriotism, and citizenship. morality, form value orientations, develop creative potential.

BASIC FORMS AND METHODS OF CONDUCTING CLASSES Classes are held 2 times a week, for one class hour. Along with theoretical lessons, there are practical lessons on studying documents, children’s performances in class, on the school radio, children participate in competitions, including the “I am a citizen of Russia” campaign, and project activities. Club classes are conducted in a group, subgroup, several subgroups, and individually.


(first year of study)

68 hours

2012-13 academic year.

Lesson topic

Number of hours

the date of the

Introduction. Why do we need to know laws? Questioning (knowledge of laws, assessment of civil
patriotic personality traits of students)

05.09, 07.09

What is wine? What is responsibility?


Types of legal liability.


“I am a game” (by subgroups).

26.09, 28.09


03.10 , 05.10

Diagnosis of “Tendency to Deviant Behavior”

10.10, 12.10

About law and order.

17.10 , 19.10

Offenses and crimes

24.10, 26.10

Penalties and punishments.

31.10, 07.11

Meeting with the local police officer. Review of events in the area.

15.11. 13.11

Quiz “I am a citizen” (by groups)

22.11 24.11

Quiz "I am a citizen." (6-7 grades)

29.11, 01.12

Trial. Solving the crossword puzzle.

06.12 08.12

Legal game "Big Circle".

13.12, 15.12

Meeting with a social educator.


“Children and terrorism” - conversation.

10.01. 12.01


Training game “How to avoid becoming a victim of crime?”

Russian citizenship. Legal capacity and 2
legal capacity of a citizen of the Russian Federation.


Newspaper competition: “There is a choice - life without drugs.”

06.02, 08.02


Conference “About drugs from different sides”

Who am I? What are we like?


About human happiness.


Man is the architect of his own happiness.


What is good and what is bad".

20.03, 22.03

Kingdom of Law.


Kingdom of lawlessness.

03.04, 05.04

Law for us. The law is within us.

10.04 12.04

Me and us.


Me and us. A game.

21.04, 03.05

Life is given once.


Final lesson - workshop “Protect your rights

14.05 16.05.

The final lesson is the “Protect your rights” workshop.

21.05 23.05


68 hours

Expected Result:

During the first year of the club, students must:

Know the content of the most important legislative acts (or fragments of them), general rules for the application of law, the content of human rights and freedoms, the procedure for acquiring and losing citizenship of the Russian Federation; rules, the observance of which helps to protect a person’s personal safety from criminal attacks;

Have an idea of ​​actions and behavior that constitute a threat to personal security; about the place of a Russian citizen in the existing system of economic and political relations regulated by law, about the conditions and procedure for participation as subjects of legal relations in the economic and political life of the country; about the types of legal liability of citizens;

Learn a set of specific rules of behavior in a boarding school, school, on the street, in cultural institutions, at entertainment events, in recreational places, based on respect for the rights and freedoms of other citizens;

Distinguish between lawful and unlawful behavior, the basis and procedure for imposing punishment; powers of courts and internal affairs bodies. prosecutor's office, lawyer, notary.


(second year of study)

68 hours.

2013-14 school year year.

Lesson topic

Number - per hour.

the date of the

Introduction. Questioning. Group work training.

04.09, 06.09

"Power and order in society." Workshop on the topic.

11.09, 13.09

“Citizen and Property” (about civil law).

Workshop on the topic

18.09, 20.09

Fundamentals of consumer knowledge.

game "5x5".

25.09, 27.09

Fundamentals of consumer knowledge. Intellectual 1
game "5x5".

02.10. 04.10

“Crimes and punishments” (On criminal law). Workshop.

09.10, 11.10

16.10, 18.10

Quiz “Do we know the laws?”

23.10, 25.10

Excursion to the police department

Virtual trip "Petrovka-38".

30.10, 01.11

Introduction to professions - investigator, inspector
juvenile affairs, traffic police officer, district police officer, etc.

06.11, 08.11

Fundamentals of family law of the Russian Federation. Family Code (basic concepts).

13.11, 15.11

20.11, 22.11

Role-playing game “Rights and responsibilities of parents and children.”


Meeting with a child rights inspector.


“Social protection and social security of children -
disabled people."

11.12, 13.12

“Housing Code of the Russian Federation” - main articles.


Brain-ring “Youth Life Compass”.


PLO Convention on the Rights of the Child. Main articles


“We and our rights” - an oral journal (but materials
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child).


“We and our rights” - an oral journal (based on materials from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child).


Life in captivity (slavery).


The law is one for everyone


My home is my castle.


Honor and Reputation


Freedom of choice: where to live and with whom to live.

25.02, 27.02

Children are protected by the state.

04.03, 06.03

House. where I live


Trouble can happen to anyone

18.03, 20.03

Health protection.


Conversation “Environmental violations. Legal responsibility for their commission"


“Will we be able to save nature with the help of law?” -
talk show.

09.04, 11.04

“Will we be able to save nature with the help of law?)
talk show.


Legal game “Smart guys and smart girls”

23.04, 25.04

Practical exercises, performances in classes and on the playground.

06.05, 08.05,

13.05, 15. 05, 20.05, 22.05.

Only 68 hours.

Expected Result.During the second year of study in the circle, students must:

Know modern legal systems, the concept and principles of justice, bodies and methods of international legal protection of human rights; general rules of application of law; content of legal activities; the procedure for the adoption and entry into force of legislative acts; the procedure for the activities of law enforcement agencies and the judiciary; procedure for considering civil, labor, administrative and legal disputes; basic legal professions; forms of social protection and social security;

Explain the relationship between state and law, the conditions for the onset of legal liability, the concept of rights, duties and responsibilities of a citizen, voter, employee, taxpayer, consumer and methods of protecting them, features of family legal relations; the meaning of legal terms and concepts;

Be able to give examples of various types of legal relations, liability, environmental offenses and liability for causing harm to the environment; distinguish between property and non-property rights and methods of their protection; certain types of civil contracts.


(third year of study)

2014-15 academic year.

Lesson topic

Number of hours

the date of the

“Can there be rights without duties?” Round

Criminal liability of minors” - conversation, p/z.

Business game "Quartet".

UN Declaration of Human Rights.

“A free man in a free world” - debate

“A free man in a free world” - debate (in class).

“I have the right” (game-competition on the right) - the rights and responsibilities of minors.

“I have the right” (game-competition on the right) - rights and
responsibilities of minors.

The Constitution is an agreement between citizens. Basic

“Fundamentals of the legal status of man and citizen according to
Russian legislation" - round table
(group discussion of legal norms).

“Fundamentals of the legal status of a person and a citizen under Russian legislation” - round table (group discussion of legal norms).

Government. Power structure. Structure. 2

Business game “We are legislators.”

Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Main articles

Discussion “Right to work: myth and reality.”

Legal game “Tic Tac Toe” (family law,

right. Constitution of the Russian Federation. human rights and freedoms).

Legal game “Tic Tac Toe” (family law. 2
civil law, administrative law, criminal
law, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, human rights and freedoms).

Fundamentals of legal culture - training.

Educational game “Legal status of the child.”

Workshop “We are getting a job”

Oral journal “Rights and Children” (preparation for presentations by grade level).

Oral journal “Rights and Children”.

Do you need love and attention?

Right to family.

Children need priority help

Let's understand each other perfectly

One for all and all for one.

How to learn to be responsible for your actions

Workshop “I am writing to you...” (correctness
drawing up the necessary official documents).

Final diagnostics - level of patriotic and
civic qualities of the individual, level of education,
Diagnosis of a tendency to deviate behavior.

“Who will become a Master of Laws?” legal game (preparation).

“Who will become a Master of Laws?” legal game with the school team.

Final lesson, “graduation evening” club.

Only 68 hours

Expected Result

As a result of the implementation of the program, the problem of legal education should be solved; formation of skills, abilities and habits of lawful behavior. Students must:

Know the main legal documents of our country by title, edition or authorship, be able to navigate the search for the necessary document to get an idea of ​​the content on the issue of interest;

Explain the relationship of various legal documents with international law and the Constitution of the country, develop a hypothesis about the prospects for the development of the legal field of our country and the place and role of citizens;

Be able to give examples and build a hypothesis about responsibility and the procedure for obtaining protection in the plane of various types of legal relations, liability, environmental offenses and liability for causing harm to the environment; distinguish between property and non-property rights and methods of their protection; certain types of civil contracts.

Teacher: Gonyshkova O.G.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Yalta Secondary School - Lyceum No. 9"

Municipal formation urban district of Yalta of the Republic of Crimea

Reviewed and accepted

at a meeting of the Moscow Region

Protocol No. 1

from " 22 » 08 2016

Head of the Ministry of Defense

T.V. Kosareva


Deputy Director

according to UVR

N.V. Popkova

I approve


from 08/28/2017 №__292 _

Head teacher

Yu.E. Nightingale


additional education

for students in grades 8-10

"Young Lawyer"

subject, class

_____ Anokhina Ekaterina Gavrilovna, highest category __________

FULL NAME. teachers, qualification category

Number of weeks: 34

Number of hours

total: 35 hours

per week: 1 hour

The work program is based on the author'sprogram “Children's Rights” by E. G. Anokhina, Yalta, 2010.



One of the most important elements of the family legal relations system is the protection of children's rights. The 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of Children was the first international document in human history that concerns children and contains such a broad catalog of rights.

The abbreviated directory of rights looks like this:

the right to life, survival and free development;

the right to a surname and name;

the right to acquire citizenship;

the right to know your parents and be cared for by them;

the right not to separate from a parent against their wishes;

the right to maintain contact with both parents;

the right to reunite with family located in another country;

the right to freely leave any state and return to one’s own country;

the right to protection in cases of illegal movement and return from abroad;

the right to freely express one's thoughts on all matters;

the right to information promoting the welfare of the child;

the right to use health care services;

the right to benefit from social security;

right to education;

the right to rest and entertainment;

the right to protection from economic exploitation;

the right to protection from illegal drug abuse;

psychotropic substances;

from all forms of sexual exploitation;

the right to humane treatment;

the right to protection from unlawful and lifelong imprisonment for children who are in conflict with the law.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child, which protects the rights of children of all states, is binding on states that ratify it. According to the Convention, a child is a person under 18 years of age. But not every child, unfortunately, knows and can exercise their legal rights.

Recommendation adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Council of EuropeR(85)7 of 14 May 1985 called on states that are or wish to join the Council of Europe to promote in every possible way the teaching and learning of human rights in schools, taking into account the characteristics of the national education system and the content of basic legislative acts.

Currently, legal education is one of the most important areas in the development of personality, the formation of civil society and a democratic state governed by the rule of law. Legal education is aimed at developing knowledge, skills, and value orientations necessary for effective social functioning and the realization of life goals and objectives.

The introduction of a system of teaching human rights creates the opportunity for active civic education and training, the formation of a legal culture of the individual, and contributes to the construction of a civil society and the rule of law. To protect the freedom of society, it is not enough to create a state and wise laws. Society must rely on the knowledge, skills and merits of its citizens and their elected public servants.

The “Young Lawyer” course should instill in students a general understanding of the rights and responsibilities of a person in a democratic society, conscious and honest participation in its activities.

The goal of the program is for students to understand the essence and content of human rights, their moral basis and relationship with ethical, political and cultural norms of public life. Children must learn to take responsibility for their own behavior and to respect the rights and dignity of others, including their peers, both in and out of school, based on reasonable and fair standards.

Teaching the course "Young Lawyer" has a positive orientation, involves the active participation of parents and other members of society, constructiveness in relations between students and teachers, and the use of active methods.

Based on the goals of this concept to meet the individual needs of students, the need arose to prepare new social and humanitarian programs. In the context of pre-professional and specialized training for students in grades 8-10, it is necessary to study in-depth humanitarian subjects as an elective or through studying the special course “Young Lawyer”.

The “Young Lawyer” club program is designed for students in grades 8-10 who need to gain legal knowledge necessary for real life situations. Specific practical advice concerns legal relationships with peers, adults, in the family, and in public places.

The child must be protected from involvement in criminal activities and unlawful acts. The student must know what rights he can use if he is detained by police officers and what he needs to do first.

Features of the mug:

    Go beyond the legal curriculum defined by the state education standard.

    Provide information focused on the life needs of students in grades 8-10

    The child must understand his rights and responsibilities and respect the law

Tasks of the circle:

1) To acquaint students with law, its important role in the life of society, to promote their understanding of the most important concepts;

2) To promote the formation in children of fundamental values, such as human and civil rights and freedoms, democracy, active citizenship and others, which form the basis of a democratic rule-of-law state and civil society in the Russian Federation;

3) Instill interest in the law, in the conscious use and compliance with legal norms.

Students should know:

    basic concepts provided by the program;

    legal framework for children's rights;

    basic rights and responsibilities of the child;

    appointment of law enforcement agencies to protect the rights of the child.

Students should be able to:

    use legal knowledge to realize and protect their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests;

    evaluate and regulate your relationships with others;

    make a choice of behavior in everyday life situations, focusing on the rules of law that apply to minors;

    analyze individual provisions of regulatory legal acts;

    think critically while being a participant in legal relations;

    form habits of lawful behavior;

Expected results:

As a result of the implementation of the training modules of the program"Child's rights" students:

    learn the ability to conduct research activities;

    will study basic research methods;

    learn how to properly prepare research reports;

    learn to work with information and determine its source;

    develop a mini-legal project;

    make a presentation of the research;

    will speak at a scientific and practical conference.


The program is designed for 35 hours, based on thematic blocks:

1. Law and justice - 11 hours:

    Man, nature, society;

    The relationship between man and society and nature;

    The origin of the state, the first ancient states, the first ancient laws;

    Social norms;

    Objective law, subjective, natural law;

    Concept of law;

    State and human rights;

    What is freedom, law as a measure of freedom, the boundaries of the law;

    The concept of morality and law, contradictions and differences between morality and law;

    The concept of citizenship, property rights of the child, legal personality.

2. Children's rights - 10 hours:

    Basic laws on children's rights, main defenders of children's rights;

    The right to health, education, social protection;

    Personal rights of children, responsibilities of parents;

    The right to work, restrictions on the use of minor labor;

    Benefits of a child, danger of being deceived;

3. Teen Trap - 14 hours:

    Crime and misdemeanor, deception, substitution of concepts;

    Vagrancy and begging;

    Drugs and children, types of drugs, consequences of drug use;

    Actions of a child caught in police custody;

    In what cases can a child be detained, under what conditions is a personal search possible;

    Detention protocol, what you need to think about when signing the protocol, explanations or interrogation protocol.

Methods of teaching educational material:

Conversation, discussion, “brainstorming”, “take a position”, “aquarium”, “microphone”, “web”, “relay race”.


    Classroom for lectures

    Auditorium for practical classes

    Assembly hall for seminars and conferences


    Computer class with installed software:Microsoft Office

    Availability of exit toInternet.

Thematic planning

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1 Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Buryatia Education Committee of the city of Ulan-Ude Municipal educational institution gymnasium 33 “Considered at a meeting of the methodological association” / / / / “Agreed with the Methodological Council of the gymnasium” “Approved” /D.K. Khaltaeva Director of MAOU “ Gymnasium 33, Ulan-Ude" Work program Club "Young Lawyer" for grades 5-6 for the 2014/2015 academic year Program developer Khomyakov Sergey Vasilyevich history teacher 2014

2 Contents Explanatory note.2 Contents.3-4 Thematic plan..5 Literature..6 EXPLANATORY NOTE In the conditions of formation of the rule of law, one of the main problems is the education of a citizen capable of understanding that, in turn, the order our country needs can be only in accordance with the procedure established by law. The state and society need firm and generally accepted rules in the form of provisions of the Constitution, laws and other legal acts. It is at school that students begin to master the culture of human rights and become involved in life in a democratic society. The school can do a lot to ensure that universal human values ​​become not only the sum of knowledge, but also determine human behavior: they form in the student a sense of self-esteem, the ability to resist cruelty and show tolerance. This program is aimed at: a) educating socially active and law-abiding citizens; b) develop a respectful attitude towards the law, a sense of responsibility for one’s actions, intolerance towards arbitrariness and abuse; c) to develop students’ own ideas and attitudes, based on modern legal values, necessary for the protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the individual and the lawful implementation of their civic position. The education of legal consciousness in the circle is associated with the formation and consolidation of democratic ideas and views, such guidelines for behavior and values ​​as dignity, freedom and justice. Liberty

3 people - a variant of behavior when the realization of a person’s interests is combined with respect for the interests of other individuals, society, and the state. But the education of legal consciousness should begin with the assimilation of moral values ​​and norms in the family, school, and communication with peers. This program aims to enable students to make moral choices about their life position. Goals: education of a citizen of a democratic society through the formation of ideas about the world, the state, and social relations between people. Objectives: 1. Systematize students’ knowledge in the field of law. 2. To promote the understanding that the Constitution of the Russian Federation is the supreme law of the country, combining the consolidation of the legal and political principles of our state. 3. To give students an idea that the Constitution is the main guideline for political and legal problems in real Russian society. 4. Make it clear to students that the current Constitution is fully consistent with international human rights standards. 5. Deepen students’ knowledge of law as a special social institution in regulating various forms of social relations.

4 Course content What is a constitution? US Constitution. The Bill of Rights and its purpose. Thinkers of the Ancient World, the Middle Ages and Modern Times about the state and society. Constitutionalism. The emergence of the state. Plato and his model of the “ideal state”. Thomas Hobbes "Leviathan, or Matter, the Form and Power of the State, Ecclesiastical and Civil." "Magna Carta". "Declaration of Independence" July 4, 1776. The reform activities of Alexander I and the Decembrist movement. The first attempts to establish political relations. Manifesto of October 17, the beginning of democratic constitutionalism and the adoption of the “Basic State Laws of the Russian Empire.” The theory of the “withering away of law”. The task of law in a socialist society. The first Soviet constitution of 1918, its features, the formation of the USSR. Constitution of the USSR January 31, 1924 Constitution of the USSR December 5, 1936 social and state structure, system of government, rights and responsibilities of citizens, electoral system and state emblems. October 7, 1977 Constitution of the USSR. USSR "developed socialist society". The principle of separation of powers. The reasons for the constitutional crisis of the 90s were the confrontation between the Supreme Council and the President (on the one hand) with the Government (on the other hand). September 14, 1993 Decree 1400 “On the phased constitutional reform of the Russian Federation.” Advantages and disadvantages of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Russia is a democratic state. Principles and values ​​of democracy. Sovereignty. The Russian Federation is a legal state. Signs of a rule of law state. Reflection of the principles of the rule of law in the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The state as a system of government bodies. Consolidation of the sovereignty in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The constitutional meaning of the concept “citizen of the Russian Federation”. Sovereignty of the individual. Citizen status. Personal freedom and human rights. Democracy. The sovereignty of the people. Three main forms of exercise of power by the people. Direct democracy. The rule of law. State sovereignty. Ideological pluralism. The Russian Federation is a full member of the world community. Political pluralism. The Constitution has the highest legal authority, has direct effect and is applied throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The idea of ​​human rights in human history. The concepts of “human right” and “human freedom”. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Civil rights and freedoms are humanistic aspects of social life. Right to equality

5 life, freedom, protection by the law. The right to freedom of conscience and religion. Social rights The right to a decent standard of living. Living wage. Social help. Caring for disabled people. Cultural rights The term “cultural rights”. Man's desire for culture. Right to education. The right to participate in cultural life. The state and ensuring equality in cultural rights. Economic rights Right to property. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Constitution of the Russian Federation on property ownership. The right to work and rest. State activities to prevent unemployment. Constitutional responsibilities of a multinational state. The concept of sovereignty. Full sovereignty. Transfer of some rights to the federal leadership. The right of the people to freedom within a federation. Autonomous entities within the federation. Forms of government. Forms of federal structure. What is ϲᴎsymmetric and aϲᴎsymmetric federation? It is worth saying that the division

6 powers in a federal state. The main stages of Russian federalism. The concept of federation. Unitary state. Confederation. Subjects of the Russian Federation. Basic rights of the subjects of the federation. Power and order in society. The theory of separation of powers. Three branches of government and their features. Who is the head of state? Establishment of the post of President. The President's responsibility for the fate of the people. State bodies and the President. Rights and responsibilities of the President. Procedure for electing the President. Functions of the President. The problem of the level of powers of the President. Impeachment. Termination of duties of the President. The Russian Federation is a state with a republican form of government. Parliament is the body of representative power in a democratic state. Control over the actions of the President and the government. Preparation and adoption of laws. Two chambers of the Russian Parliament. Federation Council: its composition and powers. State Duma: composition, powers, procedure for preparing and adopting laws, dissolution. Parliamentary elections. Organization of the executive branch. Power ministries. Problems of the functioning of the executive branch. Regulatory acts regulating the activities of the Government. Chairman of the Government. Ministers. Objectives of the Government: economic and foreign policy, social and cultural. Trust in the Government. Resignation of the Government. How justice is administered in Russia. What courts are included in the system of judicial power. Independence of judges. Prosecutor and lawyer in court. Trial by jury. Higher judicial bodies. Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Superior Court of Arbitration. The Constitutional Court controls the constitutionality of laws and decisions. Prosecutor's office. Supervision of compliance with the law. Prosecutor's sanction.

7 Thematic lesson plan Topic Number of hours 1 History of the appearance of the constitution 1 2 Origins of constitutionalism 1 3 Constitution of foreign countries 1 4 History of the formation and development of the Constitution of the Russian Federation 1 5 Soviet constitutions 1 6 Constitution of the Russian Federation 1 7 Constitutional system of the Russian Federation 1 8 Fundamentals of the legal status of the individual 1 9 Citizenship 1 10 Constitutional rights and freedoms 1 11 Constitutional and legal status of the Russian Federation 1 12 Subjects of the Federation 1

8 13 It is worth saying that the separation of powers and the conditions for their 1 interaction 14 Authorities of the Russian Federation 1 15 Electoral system of the Russian Federation 1 16 Commissioner for Human Rights 1 17 President of the Russian Federation 1 18 Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation 1 19 Federation Council of Russia 1 20 State Duma 1 21 Government Russian Federation 1 22 Judicial power in the Russian Federation 1 23 Constitutional Court 1 24 Local government Final lessons 2

9 Literature 1. Constitution of the Russian Federation. 2. Ioffe, A. N. Methodological materials on civil education. M.: Publishing house. house "New textbook", p. ISBN Ishchenko, V. M. Studying the Constitution of the Russian Federation: educational method. manual for teachers of societies. disciplines, high school students, higher and special education students. educational institutions. Cheboksary: ​​CLIO, p. ISBN Kashanina, T.V., Kashanin, A.V. Fundamentals of State and Law: a textbook for 9th grade general education. establishment 2nd ed., revised. M.: Vitta-Press, p.: ill. ISBN Pronkin, V. N., Gutnikov, A. B. Living law. An entertaining encyclopedia of practical law: a book for the student. T. 1: textbook. allowance for 8th 11th grade. SPb.: Publishing house of the St. Petersburg Institute of Law named after. Prince P. G. Oldenburgskᴏᴦᴏ, p. ISBN

WORKING PROGRAM OF A PROPAEDUTIC SUBJECT-ORIENTED COURSE IN SOCIAL STUDIES, grade 7 “STUDYING THE CONSTITUTION” The program was compiled by teachers of history and social studies: the highest qualification category

Explanatory note In the conditions of formation of the rule of law, one of the main problems is the education of a citizen capable of understanding that the order necessary for our country can only be


Club “Young Citizen of Russia” Teacher of history and social studies Sycheva L.S. Explanatory note The course program “Studying the Constitution of the Russian Federation” was developed for students in grades 5-10 In the conditions of formation

Municipal general education budgetary institution of additional education for children "Center for Extracurricular Activities" of the Buzuluksky district of the Orenburg region "Considered" at a meeting of the methodological council

List of questions for preparation for the final state exam in the discipline “Theory of State and Law” 1. The concept, subject and functions of the science of the theory of state and law. 2. Methodology of the theory of state

Approximate topics for coursework in the discipline “Constitutional Law” Topic 1 LAW AS A SOURCE OF RUSSIAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 1. Introduction 2. The concept and types of laws. 3. Federal constitutional

The main objectives (goal) of studying the subject “Law” in the 10th grade (profile level) The study of law in the 10th grade is aimed at solving the following tasks: -personal development aimed at the formation of legal consciousness

1. Explanatory note The program is compiled on the basis of the author’s program on the law of V.V. Spasskaya, S.I. Volodina, E.A. Pevtsova, textbook “Social Studies. Fundamentals of legal knowledge" 8-9 grades. S.I. Volodina,

Passport of the fund of assessment funds for the discipline “Constitutional Law” subsection 1 Controlled sections (topics) of the discipline Topic 1. General characteristics of the constitutional law of the Russian Federation Code of controlled competence

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation" SOUTH-RUSSIAN

Constitutional law: textbook for bachelors / rep. ed. V. I. Fadeev. Moscow: Prospekt, 2013. 584 p. CONTENTS Preface 11 Introduction 12 List of abbreviations 14 SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION TO CONSTITUTIONAL LAW


Chapter 1. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AS A BRANCH OF NATIONAL LAW, AS A SCIENCE AND ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE...3 1.1. The concept, subject and method of constitutional law as a branch of national law... L 1.2. Place

2 3. PASSPORT OF THE WORK PROGRAM OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE OP.02 Constitutional law. Scope of the work program. The work program of the academic discipline “Constitutional Law” is part of the main

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 4 in Baltiysk Work program of the educational subject “Law” 10th grade level basic level Baltiysk 2017 1. Explanatory

Approved at a meeting of the Department of Constitutional, Administrative and Municipal Law in 2016. and about. head Department of KAiMP Art. Ave. Malyarchuk O. A. Department of Constitutional, Administrative and Municipal

EXPLANATORY NOTE The program is compiled on the basis of the following legal acts: 1. Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 273-FZ; 2. Concepts of spiritual and moral

1. GENERAL PROVISIONS To master the discipline, various types of classes are provided: lectures, practical classes, independent work of students, etc. In order to simplify the block of methodological support

Non-state educational private institution "Secondary school "Aton" Elektrostal Moscow Region M.P. I confirm: Director of the Night Institution “Secondary School “Aton”” Ulitina E.A. August Order

Lesson planning on law for the 2015-2016 academic year Teacher: Batarin A.A. Right. Grade 10. 35 hours Program. Nikitin A.F. Jurisprudence. Grades 10-11 (34, 68 hours) // Programs of educational institutions.

This textbook, which is the fourth, modified and expanded, edition, was written by a famous Russian scientist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, doctor of laws


Municipal budgetary educational institution "Classical School" of Guryevsk Work program of the educational subject law in grade 10 "B" (advanced level) (name of subject) Compiled

Topics of diploma works in disciplines of the Department of Constitutional Law of the Ural State Law Academy Constitutional law of the Russian Federation 1. Acts of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as sources of constitutional law

Questions for the exam in the discipline CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Part one 1. The concept and subject of constitutional law as a branch of law. 2. Rules of constitutional law: concept, classification. 3. Constitutional and legal

EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program for the subject “Law” is compiled on the basis of the following regulatory documents:) Federal Law “On Education” dated February 29, 202 273-FZ (Article 2, paragraph 0, Article 2,

CHOU VO "LEGAL INSTITUTE" Direction of training 40.04.01 (030900) Jurisprudence (Master's degree) SAMPLE QUESTIONS FOR THE ENTRANCE EXAM for the course "THEORY OF STATE AND LAW" 1. Subject of theory

Explanatory note. The work program of the subject “Law” for the profile level of education for 10th grade students in a comprehensive school was developed on the basis of the federal component of the State Educational

I. Explanatory note This work program “Law” has been developed on the basis of: - Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 273-FZ (as amended on July 13, 2015) “On Education in the Russian Federation”; - order of the Minister

Constitutional law of Russia List of questions for the exam 1. Constitutional law of Russia as a science. 2. Territory of the Russian Federation: concept, composition, legal framework. 3. Territory of constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

TEST QUESTIONS FOR THE EXAM: 1. The concept, subject and method of constitutional law as a branch of national law. 2. The relationship between constitutional law and other branches of law. 3. Constitutional and legal

Preface Section I. Fundamentals of the theory of constitutional law Chapter 1. Concept, role and subject of constitutional law as a branch of law 1. Concept and role 2. Subject 3. Constitutional law or state law

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Kuban State University" in Armavir

Adopted by the pedagogical council, Protocol 9 of August 29, 2014. Municipal autonomous educational institution "Secondary school 61 of the city of Perm" Approved by the Director of MAOU "Secondary School

1 PROGRAM for the candidate exam in specialty 12.00.02 “Constitutional Law; constitutional litigation; municipal law" SECTION I. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 1. Constitutional law in the system

Test on the topic: “Constitutional law” Option I. 1. “In every creator of the constitution there is a utopian hiding.” What do you think the American sociologist F. Manyuza meant? 2. List three ways

PLAN FOR AN EXTRA-CLASS EVENT Form of delivery: information hour. Topic: Constitution Day of the Republic of Belarus Goal: instilling a sense of pride in one’s country, respect for the Constitution of the state Objectives:

PASSPORT OF THE WORK PROGRAM OF THE SCHOOL DISCIPLINE “Constitutional Law”. Scope of the program The work program of the academic discipline is part of the approximate basic professional educational

SYSTEM AND ASSESSMENT OF RESULTS RESPONSIBILITY VALUES AND RESULTS OF A.A. BACKGROUND The problem of legislative (representative) government in the national

Explanatory note The working curriculum for law is compiled on the basis of the federal component of state educational standards for secondary general education (Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 03/05/2004 1089).


1. Explanatory note. The program of extracurricular activities “Young Lawyer” was compiled using the course program “Fundamentals of Legal Knowledge” for 9th grade students of a comprehensive school /Authors

APPROVED At the meeting of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law From June 06, 2012, minutes 6 Head. department I.Yu. Ostapovich Exam questions on Constitutional law for educational institutions. 1. Concept and role

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov"

EXPLANATORY NOTE to the work program on law This program is compiled on the basis of: the federal component of the state educational standard; “Exemplary program for law”; educational

State budgetary educational institution Secondary school 507 of the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg Educational program “Law. Constitution of the Russian Federation" for students in grades 1011

Explanatory note This working curriculum of the academic subject “Law” at the stage of secondary (complete) general education for the 10th grade of the social and humanitarian profile of a comprehensive school,

PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION “ACADEMY OF SOCIAL EDUCATION” APPROVED by the decision of the Academic Council (minutes 9 of 05.26.2014) APPROVED by order of the rector 08/07

What is a constitutional system? Form of government Form of state-territorial structure Political regime Legal status of the individual Fundamentals of political life of society Economic principles

WORK PROGRAM ON LAW 10th GRADE (profile level) EXPLANATORY NOTE This work program was developed on the basis of: 1. BUP -2004, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 1312 dated 03/09/2004

Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region Education Department of the Yekaterinburg City Administration Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution Gymnasium 70 CONSIDERED:

3 CONTENTS 1 PASSPORT OF THE WORKING PROGRAM OF THE ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE 4 1.1 Scope of the program 4 1. Place of the academic discipline in the structure of the educational program 4 1.3 Goals and objectives of the academic discipline

QUESTIONS for the candidate exam in specialty 12.00.02 - constitutional law; constitutional process; municipal law 1. Constitutional law 1. Concept, subject and method of constitutional law

PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION "ACADEMY OF SOCIAL EDUCATION" Work program of the discipline OPD.B 2.2 Constitutional law (with additions and changes) Level of higher education


Agreed by the Methodological Council Protocol of 205 Discussed by: Pedagogical Council Protocol 205 I approve: Director of MBOU Secondary School N.V. Moiseev Order No. 205 Work program for the academic subject Law

Non-state educational institution of secondary vocational education "BAIKAL TECHNIQUE OF LAW AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP" APPROVED BY Director of NOU SPO "BCCI" I.V. Shchepelina 013 WORK PROGRAM

This work program was developed on the basis of: EXPLANATORY NOTE 1. Kuznetsova E.V. Fundamentals of consumer knowledge // Elective course programs. Social science. Literature. Economy. Pre-profile