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Regulations on the schedule of classes and consultations. About consultations for students Determining the topic of final qualifying work

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Recommendations have been developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” * (1) and the Federal State Educational Standards (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) for secondary vocational education programs.

1.2. Federal State Educational Standards for secondary programs vocational education, implemented by professional educational Organizations and educational organizations of higher education implementing secondary vocational education programs (hereinafter referred to as educational organizations), represent a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of educational programs in professions and specialties of secondary vocational education, and are the basis objective assessment level of education and qualifications, regardless of the form of education.

1.3. Training in educational organizations is carried out in full-time, part-time or correspondence forms *(2) taking into account the needs and capabilities of the individual and depending on the volume of mandatory activities of the teacher with students.

1.4. Full-time and part-time forms of education allow you to combine education with professional labor activity student.

1.5. Part-time form - form training involves students attending classes two to four times a week and systematic classroom training (lectures, seminars, practical classes, etc.) throughout the academic year.

Correspondence form - the form of training combines the features of independent preparation and full-time training and is characterized by stages.

At the first stage, the student masters basic knowledge, skills, and competencies by studying educational and methodological literature and other information resources (introduction session); at the second stage, the teacher checks the material mastered by the student. These stages are usually defined according to a schedule educational process educational program.

1.6. A combination of various forms of training and forms of education is allowed. The student has the right to study according to an individual curriculum.

1.7. The time frame for obtaining secondary vocational education, depending on the form of education (full-time, part-time and correspondence forms), is established by the Federal State Educational Standard for specific professions and specialties of secondary vocational education.

For persons with professional education, vocational training or practical work experience in the profile of the specialty, profession, as well as in a related specialty, profession, the duration of training can be changed (reduced) subject to the mandatory fulfillment of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. In this case, the educational organization develops individual curricula both for individual students and for the entire educational group as a whole, if all students in the group are characterized by similar input general and professional competencies (hereinafter referred to as GC and PC, respectively), determined by the educational organization independently on the basis input control.

1.8. Admission to full-time and part-time and part-time studies for educational programs of secondary vocational education is carried out on a publicly accessible basis in accordance with the Procedure for admission to study for educational programs of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 23, 2014 No. 36 .

2. Formation of a working curriculum for an educational organization implementing educational programs of secondary vocational education in full-time, part-time and part-time forms of education

2.1. Syllabus educational organization regulates the implementation procedure and is integral part educational program of secondary vocational education.

The educational organization develops a curriculum for full-time and part-time forms of education independently based on:

Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education programs;

Sample programs educational disciplines and professional modules (hereinafter - PM);

Work programs of academic disciplines, professional modules, educational and industrial practice.

2.2. The curriculum for full-time and part-time forms of education determines the following characteristics of the educational program of secondary vocational education:

OK and PC to be mastered;

Volumes of teaching load in general, by year of study and by semester;

List, sequence of study and volumes of teaching load by type of training sessions academic disciplines, PM and their components interdisciplinary courses, educational and industrial practice;

Terms of completion and duration of pre-diploma internship;

Distribution by years of study and semesters of various forms intermediate certification in academic disciplines, PM (and their components);

Forms of the state final certification (hereinafter referred to as the State Final Attestation) (mandatory and provided by the educational organization), the amount of time allocated for the preparation and defense of the final qualifying work within the framework of the state final certification;

Amount of vacations by year of study.

When developing a curriculum, the following standards must be taken into account:

The maximum volume of study load for students, regardless of the form of education, is 54 academic hours per week, including all types of classroom and extracurricular study load;

The maximum volume of classroom teaching load for students when mastering an educational program in part-time education is 16 academic hours per week;

The maximum volume of classroom teaching load for students when mastering a secondary vocational education program in correspondence form is, as a rule, at least 160 hours;

The maximum volume of classroom teaching load for full-time and part-time forms of education does not include educational and work practice as part of PM, implemented by students independently with the submission and subsequent defense of a report. It is recommended to conclude contracts, cooperation agreements with the enterprise where the student works, as well as provide the student with certificates, certificates, and other documents from the enterprise confirming his OK and PC in the chosen specialty, profession and (or) a document confirming his possession working profession mastered within the framework of an educational program when receiving secondary vocational education or entering previous professional activity;

The names of disciplines and their grouping into cycles should be identical to the curriculum for full-time study, and the volume of hours of disciplines and interdisciplinary courses can be up to 70 and 30% of the volume of hours of full-time study for part-time and part-time forms, respectively. The discipline “Foreign Language” is implemented throughout the entire period of study; in the discipline “Physical Education” classes are provided for at least two hours, which are conducted as orientation lessons. For these disciplines, it is allowed to formulate an individual curriculum;

Performance course work(project) is considered as a type of educational activity in the discipline (disciplines) of the professional cycle and (or) PM (modules) of the professional cycle and is implemented within the time allocated for its (their) study and to the extent provided for by the working curriculum for full-time education ;

In the educational process schedule of the working curriculum, only industrial practice and pre-diploma practice (for training programs for mid-level specialists) are recorded, and in the “Industrial Practice” section of the working curriculum - all types of practice provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard for specific development programs within the framework of secondary vocational education.

2.4. An educational organization, in relation to specific conditions, independently develops schedules for the educational process and determines the number of hours allocated to the study of disciplines, based on the specifics of the specialty/profession and the student population.

2.5. When forming a curriculum, the amount of time in the variable part can be used to increase the amount of time allocated to disciplines and modules of the compulsory part, including for mastering additional OK and PC, obtaining additional skills and knowledge, competencies, or introducing new disciplines and interdisciplinary courses and PM in accordance with the needs of employers, the needs and capabilities of students and the specifics of the activities of the educational organization, as well as for the procedure for conducting entrance control in the case of the formation of an individual curriculum.

2.6. The curriculum should include: a schedule of the educational process; summary data on time budget; educational process plan.

3. Organization and conduct of the educational process in full-time, part-time and correspondence forms of education

3.1. In educational organizations, the beginning of the academic year for full-time and part-time forms of education may be postponed to a later date. The end of the academic year is determined by the working curriculum for specific mastery programs within the framework of secondary vocational education for full-time, part-time and part-time forms of study (hereinafter referred to as the working curriculum), which is developed by the educational organization.

3.2. The total duration of examination (laboratory examination) sessions in the academic year is established for full-time and correspondence courses in the 1st and 2nd years - no more than 10 calendar days, in subsequent courses - 20 calendar days; for correspondence courses in the 1st and 2nd years - no more than 30 calendar days, in subsequent courses - no more than 40 calendar days.

3.2.1. The educational activities of students in full-time and part-time education include training sessions (lesson, practical lesson, laboratory lesson, consultation, lecture, seminar), independent work, completion of a course project (work) (when mastering training programs for mid-level specialists), practice, as well as other types of educational activities determined by the curriculum.

3.2.2. The total duration of vacations for full-time and part-time students is established in accordance with the working curriculum of the educational organization for specific secondary vocational training programs.

3.3. The duration of compulsory educational (classroom) classes in correspondence courses should, as a rule, not exceed 8 hours a day.

3.3.1. The annual time budget for distance learning is usually distributed as follows (except for the last year): vacation - 9 weeks, session - 4 or 6 weeks depending on the course, self-study educational material- the rest of the time. In the final year, the time budget is distributed as follows: session - 6 weeks, pre-diploma practice - 4 weeks, state final certification (FCA) - 4 or 8 weeks depending on the type of GCA, independent study of educational material - the rest of the time.

3.3.2. During the correspondence course, the following types of educational activities are carried out: overview and orientation classes, including lectures, practical and laboratory classes, coursework (projects) for training programs for mid-level specialists, consultations, industrial practice, and other types of educational activities can also be conducted.

3.3.3. Main form of organization educational process in educational organizations during distance learning is a laboratory examination session, which includes the entire range of laboratory and practical work, theoretical training and assessment activities (interim and final certification) (hereinafter referred to as the session), the frequency and timing of the session are established in the educational process schedule of the working curriculum for specific mastering programs within the framework of secondary vocational education.

3.3.4. The session ensures the management of the educational activities of a distance learning student and is conducted to determine:

The level of mastery of theoretical knowledge in a discipline or a number of disciplines, MDK and PM;

Formation OK and PC;

Ability to apply acquired theoretical knowledge in solving practical problems and performing laboratory and practical work;

Availability of skills of independent work with educational literature and other information resources, educational and methodological materials.

A session, within the total duration of time allotted to it, can be divided into several parts (session periods) based on the characteristics of the work of the educational organization and the student population.

3.3.5. An educational organization may conduct orientation sessions at the beginning of each course. The duration of orientation classes is determined by the educational organization, and the time allocated for them is included in the total duration of the session for this course. If necessary, an educational organization can conduct orientation classes in academic disciplines and professional modules, the study of which is provided for in the curriculum for the next course. For students in the first year of study, due to the time allocated for consultations, orientation classes on the basics of independent work can be conducted.

3.4. In full-time and correspondence forms of education, assessment of the quality of mastering the educational program of secondary vocational education includes ongoing monitoring of academic performance, intermediate certification and State Examination of students and, if necessary, entrance control.

3.5. Current monitoring of academic performance is control of mastering the program material of academic disciplines, MDK, PM. To assess the personal achievements of students in accordance with the requirements of the corresponding OPOP, funds of assessment tools are created that allow assessing knowledge, skills and mastered OK and PC. The results of ongoing progress monitoring are recorded in the training logs.

3.6. Interim certification of students ensures operational management educational activity of students and its adjustment and is carried out in order to determine the compliance of the level and quality of the student’s preparation with the requirements for the results of mastering the educational program and the availability of independent work skills.

The educational organization is independent in choosing grades, form, order and frequency of intermediate certification of students.

Intermediate certification can be carried out in the form of: an exam, a comprehensive exam in two or more disciplines and (or) interdisciplinary courses, PM (modules); test, final written class (classroom) test, course work (project).

The number of exams in an academic year should be no more than eight, and the number of tests - 10 (excluding tests in physical education). No other learning activities should be planned on the day of the exam.

Students who have fully completed all established laboratory and practical work, coursework (projects) and having a positive assessment based on the results of ongoing progress monitoring, and in the case of distance learning - having passed all home tests.

Students who have successfully passed certification (exams and/or tests) in interdisciplinary courses, as well as those who have completed internships within this module, are allowed to take the PM exam.

Credit in an academic discipline, interdisciplinary course, preparation and defense of course work (project) are carried out due to the amount of time allocated for studying the academic discipline, interdisciplinary course.

In disciplines for which exams, tests and coursework (projects) are not provided, a final written classroom examination is carried out at the expense of the time allocated for studying these disciplines. No more than three teaching hours per group are allocated for its implementation. One hour is provided for checking three works.

The results of the intermediate certification are entered into the documents provided by the educational organization (statements, journals, databases, etc.)

The form of intermediate certification is reflected in the working curriculum. The grounds for choosing forms of intermediate certification and other features must be reflected in the curriculum.

Incoming control is carried out in the case of the formation of an individual curriculum at the expense of the time allocated for the variable part. To assess the personal achievements of students in accordance with the requirements of the corresponding OPOP, funds of assessment tools are created that allow assessing the student’s knowledge, skills and mastered OC and PC and allowing the creation of an individual curriculum. The procedure for organizing and conducting incoming inspection is determined by the local regulatory act of the educational organization.

3.7. During the intersessional period, correspondence students complete home tests, the number of which in the academic year is no more than ten, and in a separate discipline, MDK, PM - no more than two.

Home test papers are subject to mandatory review. By agreement with the educational organization, home tests and their review can be carried out using all available modern information technologies.

0.5 academic hours are allocated for reviewing test papers in the following cycle disciplines: general education, general humanities and socio-economics, mathematics and general natural sciences, professional (general professional); in the professional cycle, including general professional disciplines, PM and interdisciplinary courses - 0.75 academic hours.

Each test work is checked by the teacher within a period of no more than seven days. The total period of stay of a home test in an educational organization should not exceed two weeks. The test results are recorded in the home test log and in the student’s educational card.

For accepted work, the teacher can conduct an interview to clarify questions that arose during the review. There is no additional payment for the interview.

Unpassed tests are subject to re-execution on the basis of a detailed review. Review of repeated test work and payment for repeated review are carried out in accordance with the general procedure regulated by local acts of the educational organization.

An educational organization has the right to allow the acceptance for review of home tests completed outside the deadlines established by the educational process schedule, including during the session. In this case, instead of reviewing home tests, their oral examination (interview) can be carried out directly during the session. One third of the academic hour per student is allocated for taking one test.

3.8. Within the framework of educational programs of secondary vocational education, consultations are carried out, which can be group, individual, written, about which an appropriate explanation is made to the working curriculum,

3.8.1. In case of full-time and part-time study, consultations for a study group are planned at the rate of 4 hours per week and are reflected in the curriculum as a separate line.

3.8.2. For correspondence courses, consultations on all disciplines studied in a given academic year are planned at the rate of 4 hours per year for each student and can be carried out both during the session and during intersession time. For specialties/professions of secondary vocational education related to the seasonal nature of work, the number of hours for consultation can be increased, but not more than 6 hours per year for each student.

3.8.3. When conducting internships in full-time and part-time forms of study, an educational organization should be guided by the current regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Practice is a mandatory section of educational programs of secondary vocational education and is a type of educational activity that provides practice-oriented training for students. Practice is a type of educational activity aimed at forming, consolidating, and developing practical skills and competencies in the process of performing certain types of work related to future professional activities * (3).

3.8.4. When implementing educational programs of secondary vocational education for the training of qualified workers (employees), the following types of internships are provided: educational and industrial (hereinafter referred to as internship). Educational and practical training is carried out by the educational organization when students master professional competencies within the framework of professional modules.

In the case of part-time and part-time training in the training program for qualified workers (employees), practice is implemented to the extent provided for full-time training. Educational practice is carried out by students independently with the presentation and subsequent defense of a report in the form of an interview. When implementing the practice, you should be guided by paragraph 2.3 of these Recommendations. It should be borne in mind that students who have work experience or work in a profession corresponding to the qualifications they receive may be exempt from undergoing practical training based on the provision of appropriate documentary evidence.

Industrial practice is, as a rule, mandatory (except for cases of training according to individual curricula) for all students and precedes the state final certification. Industrial practice is carried out by students under the training program for qualified workers (employees) for a period of no more than four weeks.

3.8.5. When implementing educational programs of secondary vocational education for the training of mid-level specialists, the following types of practices are provided: educational and industrial (hereinafter referred to as practice). Educational and practical training is carried out by the educational organization when students master PC within the framework of PM. Industrial practice includes the following stages: practice in the specialty profile and pre-graduation practice.

In full-time and correspondence forms of study in educational organizations, practice is implemented to the extent provided for full-time study. All types of practice provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard for training programs for mid-level specialists must be completed.

Educational practice and practice in the specialty profile is carried out by the student independently with the presentation and subsequent defense of a report in the form of an interview. When implementing the practice, you should be guided by paragraph 2.3 of these Recommendations. It should be borne in mind that students who have work experience or work in positions corresponding to the qualifications they receive may be exempt from undergoing educational internship and internship in their specialty profile on the basis of certificates provided from the place of work.

Pre-diploma practice is mandatory for all students, is carried out after the last session and precedes the State Examination. Pre-diploma practice is carried out by students in the direction of an educational organization implementing professional programs training of mid-level specialists for no more than four weeks.

3.9. Features of practical training in educational organizations are reflected in the explanations to the working curriculum.

3.10. In educational organizations implementing training programs for skilled workers and employees through part-time and part-time courses in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the training of skilled workers and employees, the state final certification includes the defense of the final qualifying work (final practical qualifying work and written examination work). Mandatory requirements - compliance of the subject of the final qualifying work with the content of one or more PM; final practical qualifying work should be aimed at solving specific production problems. Time should be provided for the completion and defense of final qualifying work in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

State exam is introduced at the discretion of the educational organization.

3.11. In educational organizations, state final certification is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” * (4), the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and science of the Russian Federation dated August 16, 2013 No. 968, as well as relevant local acts of educational organizations of secondary vocational education.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, for specific training programs for mid-level specialists, up to six weeks are allocated for the State Civil Aviation. A mandatory requirement is that the subject of the final qualifying work corresponds to the content of one or more PM and the solution of current problems in the field of professional activity being mastered.

The state exam is conducted in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The implementation of a modular-competency approach in educational organizations provides for the widespread use in the educational process of full-time and correspondence forms of training of interactive forms of conducting classes (computer simulations, business and role playing games, analysis of specific situations, psychological and other trainings) in combination with extracurricular and independent work with the aim of forming and developing OC and PC.

Detailed standards defining the requirements for the organization of the educational process in full-time and part-time forms of study in educational organizations implementing vocational education programs are developed by educational organizations independently.

4. The procedure for implementing the educational process through correspondence courses in professional educational organizations

4.1. In an educational organization implementing secondary vocational education programs, it is advisable to organize the educational process through correspondence courses on the basis of the following documents:

Graphics of the educational process of distance learning;

A working curriculum for specific training programs for workers, office workers and mid-level specialists via correspondence courses;

Work curriculum for disciplines, PM indicating the list of home tests and deadlines for their completion;

Schedules of training sessions during the intersessional period;

Home test log.

4.2. The educational organization develops an individual educational schedule, which indicates the types of educational activities, calendar dates for completing home tests and conducting sessions. This schedule is issued (sent) to students at the beginning of each academic year (semester).

4.3. For individual students educational schedule the right to additional paid leave is granted in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4.4. The form of a valid summons certificate giving the right to provide guarantees and compensation to employees combining work with education was approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 2013 No. 1368.

4.5. The summons certificate is issued in such a way that the total duration of leave does not exceed the period established by Article 174 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Notification of the calendar dates for the session is sent personally to each successful student no later than a month before the start of the session, and a summons certificate - no later than two weeks before the start of the session.

4.6. For students who, by the beginning of the session, have not completed the individual schedule of the educational process for good reasons, the educational organization has the right to set another deadline for its implementation, and the student retains the right to additional paid leave provided for this session.

4.7. Students who arrive for the session without a summons certificate are allowed to carry out all types of educational activities in disciplines and interdisciplinary courses for which they have successfully completed home tests provided for in the curriculum, as well as to attend training sessions in other disciplines, interdisciplinary courses and professional modules for except for passing exams on them.

4.8. No later than 10 days before the start of the session, a schedule for its holding is drawn up, which is approved by the head of the educational organization.

4.9. After the end of the session, a summary sheet of final grades for study groups is compiled.

4.10. Based on the results of the intermediate certification, a draft order of the head of the educational organization is being prepared to transfer students who have passed the session to the next year.

4.11. For students who have not completed the individual schedule of the educational process and have not been transferred to the next course, the educational organization has the right to set specific deadlines for repeated intermediate certification.

4.12. A graduate who has passed the state final certification in the prescribed manner is issued a document on education and qualifications. Samples of such documents and appendices to them, a description of these documents and appendices, the procedure for filling out, recording and issuing these documents and their duplicates are established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation * (5).

4.73. Students studying in organizations engaged in educational activities through correspondence courses are provided with living quarters in dormitories for the period of passing intermediate and final certification if such organizations have appropriate specialized housing stock *(6).


*(1) Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

*(2) Part 2 of Article 17 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

*(3) Part 24 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

*(4) Article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

*(5) Part 4 of Article 60 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

*(6) Part 4 of Article 39 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

on the organization of accelerated training in basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education

These Recommendations have been developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law), the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities according to educational programs of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of June 14, 2013 No. 464, federal state Educational standards for programs of secondary vocational education and other regulatory and legal documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Federal state educational standards (hereinafter - FGOS) for secondary vocational education programs (hereinafter - SVE), implemented by professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education implementing SVE programs (hereinafter - educational organizations), represent a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of educational programs SVE, respectively, by profession and specialty, and are the basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications, regardless of the form of education.

When developing these Recommendations, the standard according to which educational levels(educational qualifications) established in the Russian Federation before the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” are equated to the levels of education and educational qualifications established by this Federal Law, in the following order: primary vocational education is equal to the level of secondary vocational education - training of qualified workers (employees)*.

I. General provisions

1. These Recommendations determine the organization of accelerated training within the framework of mastered educational programs of secondary vocational education - training programs for qualified workers (employees) and training programs for mid-level specialists.

2. Accelerated training within the educational programs of secondary vocational education is allowed for persons who have secondary vocational education in the relevant profile in training programs for skilled workers (employees) or in training programs for mid-level specialists, as well as higher education, or for persons with a sufficient level of practical prior training and work experience.

3. Accelerated training is carried out according to an individual curriculum within the limits of the educational program being mastered in accordance with local regulations of the organization carrying out educational activities.

4. Accelerated training is carried out taking into account the knowledge, skills, general and professional competencies (hereinafter referred to as OK and PC, respectively) acquired at the previous stage of training or as part of practical activities.

The educational organization independently determines the level of available training, including the assessment of practical skills, abilities and competencies, work experience, and also carries out crediting the results of students’ mastery educational subjects, courses, disciplines/sections, interdisciplinary courses, professional modules, including for each type of practice, knowledge, skills, general and professional competencies, additional educational programs in other organizations engaged in educational activities, and develops an individual curriculum for the educational program, providing for accelerated training.

5. Accelerated training within training programs for skilled workers (employees) is allowed for persons who have completed education under other training programs for skilled workers (employees), which is confirmed by relevant documents on education and qualifications, and is implemented in a shorter period compared to the full period mastering the educational program established by the Federal State Educational Standard for the profession, the curriculum of a given educational organization in the appropriate form of education.

6. Accelerated training in training programs for mid-level specialists is allowed for persons who have secondary vocational education in other training programs for mid-level specialists, which is confirmed by relevant documents on education and qualifications, and is implemented in a shorter period of time compared to the full period of mastering the educational program established by the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty, the curriculum of this educational organization according to the form of education.

7. Accelerated training in secondary vocational education programs - training programs for mid-level specialists and training programs for qualified workers (employees) is allowed for persons with higher education, which is confirmed by relevant documents on education and qualifications and is implemented in a shorter period of time compared to full the period for mastering the educational program established by the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty/profession, the curriculum of the given educational organization for the corresponding form of education.

8. In order to ensure continuity and continuity of professional education during accelerated training, it is recommended to take into account the results of mastering secondary education programs general education With in-depth study individual academic subjects or with specialized training, as well as other educational programs, including higher education programs, programs of additional professional education, etc.

9. Accelerated training within the educational program of secondary vocational education is carried out taking into account the knowledge, skills, general and professional competencies acquired at the previous level of education or as part of practical activities and demonstrated by students applying for accelerated training.

10. Accelerated training within the framework of the secondary vocational education program is carried out on the basis of an application from a person wishing to study according to an individual curriculum in accordance with paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 34 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

An application for accelerated training according to an individual curriculum can be submitted upon admission to an educational organization (in the application for admission) or after enrollment by submitting a separate application addressed to the head of the educational organization.

II. Organization of accelerated training within educational programs of secondary vocational education

11. The decision on the possibility of accelerated training in the secondary vocational education program is made by the educational organization on the basis of re-crediting academic disciplines and (or) their sections, interdisciplinary courses, professional modules mastered in the process of previous training, including for each type of practice, knowledge, skills, general and professional competencies acquired in the process of previous training and (or) the results of incoming control.

In educational organizations implementing vocational training programs, re-credit is carried out after the student is enrolled in accordance with the educational program documentation for the profession, specialty on the basis of documents on education and (or) qualifications or documents on training.

Re-credit can be carried out by certifying the student in the form of an interview, testing or another form of assessment determined by the educational organization (see paragraph 5 of these Recommendations).

12. The results of the student’s certification and the decision on the possibility of his accelerated training in secondary vocational education programs are formalized by an administrative act of the educational organization.

13. The administrative act indicates the list and scope of certified academic disciplines and (or) their sections, interdisciplinary courses, professional modules, types of practice, grades received, as well as forms of intermediate certification (exam, test) in accordance with the working curriculum for the full term training. Based on the certification results, the administrative document establishes the duration of study according to the individual curriculum within the educational program of secondary vocational education. Based on the results obtained, an individual educational plan for the student is developed.

14. Records of certified academic disciplines, interdisciplinary courses, professional modules and each type of practice are entered in the student’s record book. When transferring or expelling a student, these entries are included in the certificate, and upon graduation from the educational organization - in the appendix to the diploma of secondary vocational education. At the same time, the names and volumes of certified academic disciplines, interdisciplinary courses, professional modules and each type of practice must be indicated in accordance with the working curriculum for the full term of study.

15. Acceptance allowed positive decision about the possibility of accelerated training within the educational program of secondary vocational education in case of incomplete re-crediting of the necessary educational material. In this case, the administrative act must determine the schedule for eliminating the debt incurred during the transition to training in the accelerated educational program of secondary vocational education.

If a student receiving education according to an individual curriculum providing for accelerated learning cannot continue studying according to the specified educational program (due to insufficient previous training and [or] abilities or for other reasons), then he continues studying according to the curriculum of the corresponding year of study .

III. Development of individual curricula providing for accelerated learning

16. Accelerated training within the educational program of secondary vocational education is carried out on the basis of an individual curriculum, which forms an individual educational trajectory student**.

An individual curriculum is developed by an educational organization for one student or a group of students based on the results of the transfer (when forming an accelerated educational program of secondary vocational education) and (or) the results of an analysis of previous practical training, the student’s abilities, and his work experience.

The number of exams and tests in the process of intermediate certification of students during accelerated training within the educational program of secondary vocational education is established by the educational organization independently and is regulated by local regulations.

An educational organization has the right to provide a combination of various forms of training for students. In this case, the implementation of the secondary vocational education program is carried out on the basis of an individual curriculum, which is developed by the educational organization for one student or group of students and approved by the head of the educational organization.

The individual curriculum must provide for the amount of study time for all components of the compulsory and variable part of the cycles, sections of the secondary vocational education program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education. The deadline for completing the secondary vocational education program is set by the educational organization.


* Part 1 of Article 108 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

** Part 3 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

on organizing the implementation and defense of final qualifying work in educational organizations implementing educational programs of secondary vocational education in training programs for mid-level specialists

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Recommendations have been developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2013 No. 968, federal state educational standards (hereinafter - FGOS) for secondary vocational education programs (hereinafter - SPO) and the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for educational programs of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2013 city ​​No. 464.

1.2. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education programs, a professional educational organization and an educational organization of higher education implementing secondary vocational education programs (hereinafter referred to as the educational organization), in order to assess the degree and level of mastery of secondary vocational education programs by students, must provide a procedure for conducting state final certification (hereinafter referred to as the state final certification).

1.4. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education, final qualifying work (hereinafter referred to as the GQR) is a mandatory part of the State Academic Examination. GIA includes the preparation and defense of the thesis (thesis, diploma project). According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the curriculum allocates, as a rule, six weeks for the preparation and defense of the thesis in specialties, of which four weeks for the preparation of the thesis and two weeks for the defense of the thesis.

1.5. The purpose of the defense of the thesis is to establish the conformity of the results of students' mastery of educational programs of secondary vocational education with the corresponding requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education.

1.6. The State Examination Commission (hereinafter referred to as the State Examination Commission) is formed from teachers of an educational organization who have the highest or first qualification category; persons invited from third-party organizations: teachers with the highest or first qualification category, representatives of employers or their associations in the profile of graduate training.

The composition of the SEC is approved by the administrative act of the educational organization.

The SES is headed by a chairman who organizes and controls the activities of the SES and ensures the unity of the requirements for graduates.

The GIA program, requirements for final qualifying works, as well as criteria for assessing knowledge are approved by the educational organization after their discussion at a meeting of the pedagogical council of the educational organization with the participation of the chairmen of the State Examination Committee.

A person who does not work in the educational organization is approved as the Chairman of the State Examination Committee of an educational organization from among:

Heads or deputy heads of organizations carrying out educational activities in the field of training graduates with academic degree and/or academic title;

Heads or deputy heads of organizations carrying out educational activities in the field of training graduates with the highest qualification category;

Leading specialists - representatives of employers or their associations in the profile of graduate training.

The head of the educational organization is the deputy chairman of the State Examination Committee.

1.7. A student who does not have academic debt and has fully completed the curriculum or individual curriculum for the secondary vocational educational program being mastered is admitted to the State Examination.

A necessary condition admission to the State Academic Examination (preparation and defense of the thesis) is the submission of documents confirming that students have mastered general and professional competencies when studying theoretical material and undergoing practical training in each of the main types of professional activities.

1.8. Preparation and defense of the thesis contributes to the systematization, expansion of knowledge acquired during training in general professional disciplines, professional modules and consolidation of the graduate’s knowledge in the profession or specialty when solving specific problems developed in the final qualifying work, as well as determining the level of the graduate’s preparation for independent work and sent for testing the quality of the knowledge and skills acquired by the student, the development of general and professional competencies that allow solving professional problems.

1.9. The state exam in a particular discipline determines the student’s level of mastery of the material provided for by the curriculum and covers the minimum content of this discipline established by the relevant Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education.

2. Determining the topic of the final qualifying work

2.1. Topics of the thesis are determined by the educational organization and must meet modern requirements the development of high-tech sectors of science, technology, production, economics, culture and education, have a practice-oriented nature.

The student is given the right to choose the topic of the thesis, including proposals for his own topic with the necessary justification for the feasibility of its development for practical application. In this case, the subject matter of the thesis must correspond to the content of one or more professional modules included in the educational program of the secondary vocational education program.

2.2. As a rule, a list of topics is developed by teachers of educational organizations and discussed at meetings of specialized cycle commissions of the educational organization with the participation of the chairmen of the State Examination Committee. It is advisable to coordinate the list of topics with representatives of employers or their associations in the profile of graduate training within the framework of professional modules.

To prepare the thesis, the student is assigned a supervisor and, if necessary, consultants.

2.3. The examination for compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, developed assignments for the graduate work, the main indicators for assessing the results of the implementation and defense of work is carried out at a meeting of the educational and methodological commission of the educational organization.

2.4. The research and development work must have relevance, novelty and practical significance and be carried out, if possible, according to proposals (orders) of enterprises, organizations, innovative companies, high-tech industries or educational organizations.

The completed final qualifying work as a whole must:

Comply with the developed task;

Include an analysis of sources on the topic with generalizations and conclusions, comparisons and assessment of different points of view;

Demonstrate the required level of general scientific and special training of the graduate, his ability and ability to apply acquired knowledge, practical skills, general and professional competencies in practice in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education.

2.5. The graduate work is carried out by the graduate using materials collected by him personally, including during pre-graduation internship, as well as work on coursework (project).

2.6. When determining the topic of the WRC, it should be taken into account that its content may be based on:

On summarizing the results of course work (project) previously completed by the student, if it was carried out within the framework of the relevant professional module;

Using the results of previously completed practical tasks.

The choice of the topic of the graduate work is carried out by students before the start of practical training (pre-graduation), which is due to the need to collect practical material during its completion.

3. Management of final qualifying work

3.1. The list of topics for final qualifying works, assigning them to students, appointing managers and consultants for individual parts of the graduate work (economic, graphic, research, experimental, experimental, etc. parts) are carried out by an administrative act of the educational organization.

No more than eight graduates can be assigned to each head of the research and development work at the same time.

3.2. The responsibilities of the head of the Research and Development Committee include:

Development of assignments for the preparation of high-tech projects;

Development, together with students, of an educational qualification plan;

Assisting the student in developing an individual work schedule for the entire period of completing the work;

Consulting the student on the content and sequence of completing the work;

Assisting the student in selecting the necessary sources;

Monitoring the progress of the work in progress in accordance with the established schedule in the form of regular discussion between the supervisor and the student about the progress of work;

Providing assistance (consulting the student) in preparing a presentation and report for the defense of the thesis;

Providing written feedback to the WRC.

3.3. The assignment for each student is developed in accordance with the approved topic.

The assignment for the scientific and technical work is reviewed by the cycle commissions, signed by the head of the scientific and technical work and approved by the deputy head for the area of ​​activity.

3.4. In some cases, it is allowed to perform high-level tests by a group of students. In this case, individual assignments are given to each student.

3.5. The assignment for the graduate work is issued to the student no later than two weeks before the start of practical training (pre-diploma).

3.6. Upon completion of the training by the student, the manager checks the quality of the work, signs it and, together with the task and his written feedback, passes it on to the deputy manager in the area of ​​activity.

3.7. The review of the head of the research and development committee indicates characteristics work, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the student’s attitude towards performing the high-tech work, the abilities demonstrated (not shown) by him, the level of mastery of general and professional competencies, knowledge, skills of the student demonstrated by him while performing the high-tech work are assessed, as well as the degree of independence of the student and his personal contribution to the disclosure of problems and the development of proposals for their solution. The review ends with a conclusion about the possibility (impossibility) of admitting high-tech radio waves to protection.

3.8. The responsibilities of the WRC consultant include:

Development management individual plan preparation and implementation of the WQR regarding the content of the issue being consulted;

Assisting the student in selecting the necessary literature regarding the content of the question being consulted;

Monitoring the progress of the WRC in terms of the content of the issue being consulted.

Consulting hours are included in the general hours of the management of the educational institution and are determined independently by local acts of the educational organization. Recommended hours for airborne radio stations are given in Appendix 1.

4. Structure and content of the final qualifying work

4.1. Requirements for the content, volume and structure of the educational qualifications are determined by the educational organization. The volume of research and development work is determined based on the specifics of the specialty. When performing experimental work in the form of prototypes of products, products, etc., as well as when creative works, the number of sheets of the calculation and explanatory note should be reduced without reducing the overall quality of the research and development work.

4.2. Requirements for registration of VKR.

The decision on the format for issuing the examination certificate is made in accordance with the local regulatory documents adopted by the educational organization. For example, in accordance with the Quality Management System implemented in an educational organization, which ensures the management of ongoing projects in it.

The student can use computer-aided design and control systems (CAD) to prepare design and engineering documentation.

Requirements for the design of the research paper must comply with the requirements of ESTD and ESKD, GOST 7.32.-2001 “System of standards for information, library and publishing “Report on scientific research work””, GOST 7.1.-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description", GOST 7.82.-2001 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description electronic resources» and (or) other regulatory documents (including QMS documents). Appendix 2 provides an example of recommended requirements.

5. Review of final qualifying works

5.1. Thesis papers are subject to mandatory review.

5.2. External review of the graduate work is carried out in order to ensure the objectivity of the assessment of the graduate’s work. Completed qualifying works are reviewed by specialists in the field of research and development work from government agencies authorities, labor and education, research institutes, etc.

5.3. Reviewers of the thesis are determined no later than a month before the defense.

5.4. The review should include:

Conclusion on the compliance of the thesis with the stated topic and the assignment for it;

Assessment of the quality of implementation of each section of the WRC;

Assessing the degree of development of the questions posed and the practical significance of the work;

General assessment of the quality of the FQR implementation.

5.6. Making changes to the thesis after receiving a review is not allowed.

5.7. The educational organization, after familiarizing itself with the supervisor’s review and the review, decides on the student’s admission to the defense and transfers the thesis to the State Examination Committee. The transfer procedure is determined by the local regulatory act of the educational organization.

6. Procedure for defending a thesis (project)

6.1. Persons who have completed a full course of study in one of the OPOP and have successfully passed all previous certification tests provided for in the curriculum are allowed to defend the thesis.

The GIA program, requirements for the academic examination, as well as the criteria for assessing knowledge approved by the educational organization are brought to the attention of students no later than six months before the start of the GIA.

6.2. The issue of admission of the thesis (project) to defense is decided at a meeting of the cycle commission; readiness for defense is determined by the deputy head of the area of ​​activity and is issued by order of the head of the educational organization.

6.3. An educational organization has the right to conduct a preliminary defense of a final qualifying work.

6.4. The defense is carried out at an open meeting of the State Electoral Commission with the participation of at least two thirds of its members. Decisions of the SES are made at closed meetings by a simple majority of votes of the commission members participating in the meeting, with the obligatory presence of the chairman of the SES commission or his deputy. In the event of an equal number of votes, the vote of the person presiding at the meeting of the State Electoral Commission is decisive.

6.5. The decision of the State Examination Committee is documented in a protocol, which is signed by the chairman of the State Examination Committee (in the absence of the chairman, by his deputy) and the secretary of the State Examination Committee and stored in the archives of the educational organization. The protocol records: the final assessment of the examination, the award of qualifications and the special opinions of the commission members.

6.6. Up to one academic hour per student is allocated for the defense of the thesis. The defense procedure is established by the chairman of the State Examination Committee in agreement with the members of the State Examination Committee and, as a rule, includes a report from the student (no more than 10-15 minutes), reading a review and review, questions from members of the commission, and answers from the student. A speech may be provided by the head of the research and development committee, as well as the reviewer, if he is present at the meeting of the State Examination Committee.

6.7. During the report, the student uses prepared visual material illustrating the main provisions of the WRC.

6.8. When determining the grade for the thesis defense, the following are taken into account: the quality of the graduate’s oral report, fluency in the thesis material, the depth and accuracy of answers to questions, the supervisor’s feedback and review.

6.9. The results of the defense of the thesis are discussed at a closed meeting of the State Electoral Committee and assessed by a simple majority of votes of the members of the State Electoral Committee participating in the meeting, with the obligatory presence of the chairman of the commission or his deputy. In case of an equal number of votes, the opinion of the chairman is decisive.

6.10. Students who have not passed the State Examination or received unsatisfactory results on the State Examination, pass the State Examination no earlier than six months after passing the State Examination for the first time.

6.11. To pass the State Examination, a person who has not passed the State Examination for an unexcused reason or has received an unsatisfactory grade on the State Examination Test is reinstated in the educational organization for a period of time established by the educational organization independently, but not less than that provided for by the calendar academic schedule for passing the State Examination Test of the relevant educational program of secondary vocational education.

Repeated passing of the state examination test for one person is assigned by the educational organization no more than two times.

6.12. The results of the defense of the thesis are determined by the grades “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory” and are announced on the same day after the minutes of the meeting of the State Examination Committee are drawn up in the prescribed manner.

6.13. The procedure for conducting State Examination for graduates from among persons with disabilities health is regulated by Section 5 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary vocational education and is carried out with the organization, taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status of such graduates.

7. Storage of final qualifying works

7.1. Completed research and development works are stored after their protection in the educational organization. The storage period is determined in accordance with the List of standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating storage periods*. The recommended storage period is for five years after students graduate from the educational organization.

7.2. The write-off of VKR is formalized by the corresponding act.

7.3. The best VKRs, which are of educational and methodological value, can be used as teaching aids in the classrooms of educational organizations.

7.4. At the request of an enterprise, institution, or educational organization, the head of the educational organization has the right to authorize making copies of graduates’ academic qualifications.


* Clause 21, section 1.1 “Management” of the List of standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating storage periods, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558 “On approval of the List of standard management documents” archival documents, formed in the process of activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods.”

Annex 1

Hours standards

1. Consultations on final qualifying work may include:

Economic part - 2-2.5 hours per student;

Standard control - 0.5-1 hour per student;

Graphic part - 1-2 hours per student;

Other, including reviewer fees, depending on specifics.

For example, ICT consultant, occupational safety consultant, etc.

The areas of subject area for consulting and the allocation of hours for these purposes are determined by the educational organization based on the specifics of the specialty. The total number of allocated hours must not exceed the maximum permissible values.

2. Up to 36 hours are allocated for guidance, consulting, reviewing of final qualifying works, and a meeting of the State Examination Committee for each graduate student, including:

Guidance and consulting - up to 26 hours;

Admission to protection up to 1 hour;

The chairman and members of the certification commission - 1 hour.

Standard hours can be revised in accordance with the specifics of the educational organization, approved by the relevant local act of the educational organization, but should not exceed the maximum permissible number of hours per student.

Each leader can be assigned no more than eight students. Each student should be provided with no more than two hours of consultation per week. No more than 16 hours are provided for the supervision of the final qualifying work, excluding consulting (depending on the specifics and profile of training).

3. Each reviewer can be assigned no more than eight students.

4. The number of the state certification commission is at least five people. The state certification commission should include representatives of the labor sector, public organizations, unions, associations, etc.

5. Standard hours can be revised in accordance with the specifics of the educational organization, approved by the relevant local regulatory act of the educational organization, but should not exceed the maximum permissible number of hours per student.

Appendix 2

Requirements for registration of VKR

1. The structure and content of the final qualifying work are determined depending on the profile of the specialty, the requirements of professional educational organizations and, as a rule, include: a settlement and explanatory note, consisting of: title page; content; introduction; main part; conclusions; list of sources used; applications (if necessary, an example of a test assignment is given in Appendix 3).

2. In the introduction, it is necessary to substantiate the relevance and practical significance of the chosen topic, formulate the purpose and objectives, the object and subject of the research and development work, and the range of problems under consideration. The volume of the introduction should be within 4-5 pages.

3. The main part of the WRC includes chapters (paragraphs, sections) in accordance with logical structure presentation. The title of the chapter should not duplicate the title of the topic, and the title of the paragraphs should not duplicate the title of the chapters. The wording should be concise and reflect the essence of the chapter (paragraph).

4. The main part of the WRC should, as a rule, contain two chapters.

The first chapter is devoted to the theoretical aspects of the object being studied and the subject of scientific research. It contains an overview of the information sources used and the regulatory framework on the topic of research and development. Statistical data presented in tables and graphs may find a place in this chapter.

5. The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of practical material obtained during industrial practice (pre-graduation). This chapter contains:

Analysis of specific material on the chosen topic;

Description of identified problems and trends in the development of the object and subject of study based on the analysis of specific material on the chosen topic;

Description of ways to solve identified problems.

During the analysis, analytical tables, calculations, formulas, diagrams, diagrams and graphs can be used.

6. The final part of the WRC is the conclusion, which contains conclusions and proposals with their brief justification in accordance with the stated goal and objectives, and reveals the significance of the results obtained. The conclusion should not exceed five pages of text.

The conclusion forms the basis of the student's defense report.

7. The list of sources used reflects the list of sources that were used in writing the thesis (at least 20), compiled in the following order:

Federal laws(in order from last year adoption to the previous ones);

Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation (in the same sequence);

Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation (in the same order);

Other regulatory legal acts;

Monographs, textbooks, teaching aids(In alphabet order);

Foreign literature;

Internet resources.

8. Applications may consist of additional reference materials that have auxiliary significance, for example: copies of documents, excerpts from reporting materials, statistical data, diagrams, tables, diagrams, programs, regulations, etc.

The volume of the proposal should be 30-50 pages of printed text (without attachments). The text of the WRC must be prepared using a computer in Word, printed on one side of white A4 paper (210 x 297 mm), unless otherwise provided by the specifics.

Appendix 3


Representative Deputy head

employer by area of ​​activity

___________________________ ___________________________

"__" _______________ 20__ "__" _______________ 20__


for final qualifying work

To a student ______ course ______ group, specialty _____________

(Full Name)

Topic of final qualifying work ___________________________________

Initial data ____________________________________________________

List of technical solutions to be developed (selection of new

equipment, selection of a new workpiece, development of technology, diagrams,

equipment for a special task, etc.) by order of the enterprise or

educational organization _____________________________________________



A product included in the VKR and to be manufactured by a graduate ______


The completed WRC must consist of an explanatory note;

graphic part (drawings, diagrams, diagrams, etc.).

The graphic part of the project is carried out depending on the specialty

and topics. All drawings are made in the AUTO CAD system and recorded on

disk. By format, symbols, numbers, scales, drawings should

comply with GOST requirements.

Sheet 1. ____________________________________________________________

Sheet 2. ____________________________________________________________

Sheet 3. ____________________________________________________________

Sheet 4. ____________________________________________________________

The explanatory note must be typed on a computer on one

side of the sheet.

All sections of the explanatory note should be stated as much as possible

briefly, so that the overall size does not exceed 40-50 for printed text

pages, font 16 italics.

Introduction _________________________________________________________________

Chapter 1. ___________________________________________________________

Chapter 2. _________________________________________________________________

Conclusion _________________________________________________________

List of sources __________________________________________________

Approximate balance of time when a graduate completes a master's test (specify

time distribution by execution stages in days):


1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________________

Name of the enterprise where the graduate is trained

pre-graduate practice ___________________________________________________


Name and position of the head of the research and development team ______________________________


Date of issue of the WRC “__” __________ 20__

Completion date for the examination is “__” __________ 20__.

Considered at a meeting of the cycle commission _________________________



“__” __________ 20__ Protocol No. _________________________________

Head of the Research and Development Committee ___________________________________________________

(signature, date)

Chairman of the cycle commission _____________________________________

(signature, date)

Document overview

Recommendations are given for organizing accelerated training in training programs for qualified workers (employees) and mid-level specialists. Such training is acceptable for persons with secondary vocational education in the relevant profile or higher education, as well as for persons with a sufficient level of previous practical training and work experience.


1.1. This provision has been developed in accordance with:

  • Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 18, 2013 N 292 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic vocational training programs”
  • Resolution No. 2 of January 28, 2003 “On the implementation of the SanPiN Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards (as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Inspector of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 2007 No. 24,
  • Charter of the state educational institution.
  • Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education in the specialties being implemented.

1.2. The class schedule is a document regulating the educational work of the college, a means of optimally organizing the work of students.

1.3. The schedule is prepared by the manager. educational part, approved by the director of the college and posted on the board before the start of classes at the college.

1.4. The schedule indicates the names of disciplines and MDKs in accordance with the curriculum, the teacher and the audience in which classes are held. Next to the abbreviated spelling of the discipline, MDK is given its decoding in accordance with the curriculum, if it is impossible to place the full name in the schedule.

1.5. In college academic year begins on September 1 and ends according to the curriculum for each specific specialty.

1.6. The schedule provides for the continuity of the educational process during the school day and the uniform distribution of students' academic work throughout the week. When implementing professional modules, an uneven distribution of hours during the week is allowed, provided that the weekly load does not exceed 36 hours, and the daily load does not exceed 8 hours.

1.7. Fulfilling the schedule regulations, head. The educational department prepares a monthly report on the classroom hours taught, indicating the remaining hours for each group and discipline.

1.8. Monitoring the implementation of schedules is assigned to the deputy director for educational and methodological work.

1.9. Head The educational unit carries out, if necessary, daily replacement of classes, notifies teachers and students about the replacement, and maintains a list (journal) of replacement of educational classes indicating the reasons (sick leave, business trip, production needs, family circumstances).

1.10. The schedule, documents about the reason for replacements and a sheet (log) of replacements according to the schedule are stored by the manager. educational part for one year.

2.1. The schedule of training sessions is drawn up for the semester in accordance with the educational programs and working curricula and calendar training schedules of the specialties being implemented.

2.2. Changes to the schedule during the semester are not permitted, except in cases of dismissal (or prolonged illness) of one teacher and transfer of his workload to another teacher.

2.3. In groups studying according to the Federal State Educational Standard, during the delivery of the professional module, changes are made to the schedule in accordance with the delivery of material on the MDK, practices and calendar training schedule in each group.

2.4. The number of classroom hours should not exceed 36 hours per week.

2.5. For all types of classroom classes, the academic hour is set at 45 minutes.

2.6. The class schedule includes no more than two academic hours in one discipline, with the exception of professional modules

2.7. The volume of workload in one discipline during a week should not exceed 8 hours, with the exception of professional modules.

2.8. Classes that fall on holidays are covered by teachers.

2.9. Study days of the week are determined by the schedule of the study group and do not exceed 6 days

2.10.For disciplines: foreign language, computer science, laboratory work, disciplines of the student’s choice, practical work in special disciplines conducted on the basis of computer technology - students are divided into subgroups with a group size of at least 8 people. In this case, group classes are conducted in parallel by teachers, and the corresponding classroom numbers are indicated in the schedule.

2.11. Lesson schedule is being prepared separately for compulsory and elective classes. Elective classes should be scheduled after the completion of 6 hours of compulsory classes.

2.12. In the discipline "Physical Education" 3 classroom hours per week are provided during the period of mastering general education disciplines. The compulsory physical education course can be supplemented by 2-4 hours of elective classes (sections) during extracurricular hours.

2.13. Industrial (professional) practice can be carried out either as a continuous cycle or alternating with theoretical classes. Deviations from the approved practice schedule are allowed if this is caused by production needs or weather conditions.

2.14. In addition to the schedule, in accordance with the calendar and thematic plan, teachers conduct individual or group consultations.

2.15. Number of consultations determined based on the curriculum, according to the group’s educational schedule. The frequency and time of consultations is determined by the teacher and indicated in the office work schedule.

2.16.Time of consultations should not coincide with training sessions groups.

2.17. For each examination session, established by the schedule of the educational process, the working curriculum for the specialty, a schedule of examinations and consultations is drawn up, approved by the director of the technical school, which is brought to the attention of students no later than two weeks before the start of the session. In groups studying according to the Federal State Educational Standard, it is possible to conduct an intermediate certification at the end of the study of the discipline, IDC, practice, module without allocating an examination session.


College Council Director of the KGB POU "SHTK"

A.N. Palekha

  • 26 » October 2015 Ave. No. 325-A from 27 » October 2015




1. General Provisions

    1. These Regulations regulate the planning, organization and procedure for conducting consultations in the regional state budgetary vocational educational institution "Agricultural Technology College" (hereinafter referred to as the college).
    2. The regulations were developed in accordance with the following regulatory documents: Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ; order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated June 14, 2013 No. 464 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational education”; federal state educational standards for secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education); Charter of the KGB POU "SHTK".

1.3. Consultation is one of the types of educational activities provided for in the curriculum.

1.4. The purpose of the consultations is to improve the quality of mastering educational programs, providing individual assistance to students in preparing written examination papers and diploma projects, eliminating gaps in the knowledge of students and students, deepening and expanding students’ knowledge of certain specialties significant topics and sections of academic discipline programs, professional modules.

2. Planning and organizing consultations

2.1.. Consultations for full-time students are provided in the amount of 100 hours per study group for each academic year, including during the period of secondary (complete) general education for persons studying on the basis of basic general education.

2.2. The number of consultations for each academic discipline and interdisciplinary course is approved at the beginning of each academic year by order of the college director “On establishing the teaching load” for the current academic year. The number of hours of consultations for individual subjects ranges from 10 to 15% of the number of hours allocated by the curriculum for the corresponding academic discipline. For academic disciplines submitted for state final certification in a specialty, up to 40 hours of study time can be allocated for consultations.

2.3. Consultations are held outside of school hours in accordance with the schedule.

2.4. The schedule for educational consultations is drawn up for six months/semester by the teacher teaching in the relevant academic disciplines and MDC and is approved by the director, deputy director of the college. At the same time, the number of hours allocated for consultations for each study group, should not exceed 3 hours per week.

2.5. The schedule of educational consultations is brought to the attention of students (placed on the information stand next to the lesson schedule, posted in the classroom, recorded in the diaries of students)

2.6. Forms of consultations: group, individual; carried out with the whole group, part of it, individual students.

3. Documentation for consultations

3.1. The consultations carried out are recorded by the teacher in the theoretical training logbook on special pages directly on the day of the consultation.

3.2. The teacher conducting the consultation notes the presence of students in the journal; It is allowed to give grades to consultation participants if the purpose of the consultation was to eliminate gaps in the knowledge of students.

3.3. Accounting for the completion of the teaching load for consultations is carried out in the time sheet for proofreading hours for each month.

3.4. Control of the consultations is carried out by the Deputy Director for educational, methodological and scientific work.