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Congratulations on the Day of Radio Engineering Troops. Day of formation of radio technical troops of the Russian Air Force

On December 15, the Russian Armed Forces celebrate formation day radio technical troops Air Force (Air Force). On this day in 1951, by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, an early detection service for enemy aircraft was created.

Radio technical troops (RTV) - a branch of the Russian Air Force, part of the Aerospace Forces Russian Federation.

Radio technical troops radar information about the air situation. They conduct radar reconnaissance and provide radar information to combat crews of higher command posts (CP) and command posts of formations, military units and aviation units, anti-aircraft missile forces and electronic warfare.

In peacetime, all deployed units and command posts of RTV formations and units are on combat duty in air defense and perform tasks to protect the state border in the airspace.

Radio technical troops are a relatively young branch of the military. They were formed in their current form in January 1952. However, the roots of RTV go much deeper into history. Already during the First World War, the question arose about timely warning of troops and the population about the approach of enemy aircraft. It was at that time, during the organization of the air defense of Petrograd and Tsarskoye Selo, that “sky observation posts” appeared, subsequently united into the air surveillance, warning and communications service (VNOS).

Until the end of the 1930s, VNOS posts were equipped with the simplest optical instruments. In 1938, the world's first radar station "RUS-1" was created (the first aircraft radio catcher), which received baptism of fire in the war with Finland in 1939-1940. In the fall of 1939, designers created a more advanced station "RUS-2" ("Redut"), which was widely used during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War to detect enemy aircraft.

In the post-war years, the need and importance of information about the air enemy, the beginning of his possible attack, control and prevention of reconnaissance activities in the country's airspace constantly increased. In this regard, on December 15, 1951, the Council of Ministers of the USSR issued a decree “On the creation of an early detection service for enemy aircraft”, on the basis of which, on the basis of the VNOS units of the Air Defense (Air Defense) of the country and the radar service of the Air Defense Fighter Aviation, the Radio Technical Troops were formed as a branch of the military .

The period from the late 1950s to the mid-1960s was characterized by the rapid development of radio engineering forces. In those years, massive deliveries of radar equipment were carried out, and troop groups were deployed. From the mid-1960s to the end of the 1970s, the development of commanding heights and the introduction of new equipment into the troops, primarily automated control systems, continued.

The 1980s in the history of RTV development are characterized by qualitative changes in weapons and military equipment. The troops began to receive more powerful radar systems and radar stations, incorporating the best achievements of Soviet scientists in the field of radio engineering and computer science. The massive supply of automation equipment made it possible to create automated radar systems on the scale of formations and associations of the Air Defense Forces.

Radar field created on the territory Soviet Union, made it possible to carry out continuous tracking of aircraft at almost any point.

The process of collapse of the Soviet Union and the events that followed it significantly weakened the Air Defense Forces. Due to the disbandment of a large number of radio engineering units, a continuous radar field over the territory of the state disappeared. Was significantly weakened and general system air defense of the country.

On January 14, 1994, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal System of Reconnaissance and Airspace Control (FSR and KVP) was created, which provided for the unification of radar systems and equipment of the Air Defense Forces, the Department of Air Transport, the Air Force (Air Force) and Navy(Navy) through an automation system.

In 1998, the Air Defense Forces and the Air Force merged into one branch of the Russian Armed Forces - the Air Force. The units that solved related tasks were united, and on the basis of the radio engineering troops, a one system radar reconnaissance and radar support.

The Air Force radio engineering troops have a rich history of ensuring the landing of domestic spacecraft, including the landing of the first cosmonaut of the Earth - Yuri Gagarin, the Soviet spaceship reusable "Buran".

RTV military personnel performed international duty in China and North Korea, Vietnam and Egypt, Syria and Angola, Cuba and Afghanistan and a number of other countries.

The RTV of the Air Force consists of radio technical regiments (RTR), which are part of the Air Force association, the aerospace defense brigade (ASD), as well as other units and organizations directly subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force.

The Radio-Technical Troops (RTV) are armed with radio-technical equipment (RTS) and automation equipment complexes (ASS), designed to conduct radar reconnaissance of enemy air and provide radar information about the air situation, within the radar field, to the control bodies of the Air Force and other types and branches of the military. of the Armed Forces, to command and control points for combat means of aviation, air defense and electronic warfare (EW) when they solve peacetime and wartime tasks.

Currently, the radio technical troops of the Air Force solve the problems of controlling the skies of Russia and protecting its state border in the airspace. In 2014, the Air Force radio technical troops monitored the flight of more than 380 thousand aircraft over Russia.

The main directions of development of the Air Force radio engineering troops are improving the technical equipment of military units and subunits through measures to extend the service life and modernize existing equipment and weapons, and develop a new fleet of weapons.

RTV, as part of the state defense order, began to receive promising radar equipment and automation complexes, such as "Foundation", including in a mobile version, the "Sky" radar of various modifications, "Podlet", an all-altitude detector, which have no analogues in the world, having long detection ranges, with the ability to work, including against ballistic targets, with high accuracy in detecting any type of target.

Radio technical troops specialists undergo retraining for new types of equipment at the RTV training center for specialists, and are also trained at equipment manufacturing plants.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

One of the holidays revered among military professionals is the Day of Radio Engineering Troops of the Russian Air Force. It is celebrated annually on December 15th.

The task of the radio technical troops

Perhaps not all readers know that the radio technical troops at one time separated from the Russian ones. Their main purpose is considered to be the conduct of reconnaissance radar operations, thanks to which the air force management units receive timely information about the identified air enemy. In addition, data on the constant air situation is necessary to solve regular problems not only in war time, but also when the security of the state is not threatened.

The strategic information that the Air Force headquarters receives from the reconnaissance radar forces is then forwarded, as necessary, to the aviation military units,

History of origin

It turns out that radio engineering troops have a rich history. This one is quite young, as it was formed a little over half a century ago. In 1952, it was already functioning in almost the same form in which it is presented today. Although the ancestors of military radio equipment are the so-called “observation posts”. They were formed during the First World War in the process of organizing defensive measures around Petrograd. Then the task of the newly created posts was to timely warn the army about the proximity of an air enemy. A few years later, the posts were combined into a military body, forming the VNOS service (aerial surveillance, warning and communications).

Radio engineering during the Second World War

In the coming years, the posts were equipped with the simplest optical equipment, and in 1940, VNOS received RUS-2 radar stations. Within two years, the radars were modernized, which made it possible to henceforth use devices with improved and enhanced characteristics. The radio engineering troops of the Great Patriotic War, using the first stations, had the ability to detect fascist aircraft at a distance of up to 40 kilometers.

In fact, the use of such radars was the only reconnaissance method in the airspace when searching for the enemy. Realizing the level of danger for fighters and bombers from the operation of radar devices, enemy pilots set themselves the mandatory task of destroying them. Thus, the timely detection of aircraft of a potential enemy has become the number one point in solving important tasks at the state level to ensure the security of the country.

Confirmation of the date December 15

As a holiday, the Day of Radio Engineering Troops of the Russian Federation began in 1951. Then, on December 15, the Council of Ministers of the USSR ordered the Ministry of War to form a new functional military body that would deal with the issues of detecting the enemy in border airspace and alerting military headquarters and civilians.

The Air Force's radio engineering troops went through an important stage of development in the mid-twentieth century. The 60s were marked by large deliveries of radar equipment, and military units of this type of troops were formed. In addition, the emphasis was on opening new heights to help ensure control over the Soviet sky.

Development of the radio-technical military sphere at the end of the twentieth century

Modern military experts note that the 80s were the most significant for the history of radio engineering troops. This period is characterized by significant significant changes in the equipment of troops. One after another, the most powerful complexes and radar detection stations were delivered.

In addition, many new generation devices have been partially or completely switched to automatic operation. By this stage of development, radio engineering troops had systems for integration with air defense troops. Scale and high level automated processes for managing, processing and providing information data allowed the radio technical troops to take precedence among the Armed Forces.

The importance of radio technical troops in ensuring the defense capability of Russia

The radar field on the territory of the former, created in that period, allows us to this day to implement a program of continuous tracking and tracking of airplanes, helicopters and other aircraft.

It turns out that the radio engineering troops contributed to unique story space industry, namely, participated in the organization and contributed to a safe landing domestic ships. By the way, the landing of the first Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin did not pass without the help of radio engineers. It is also known that military personnel of this type of troops participated in peacekeeping missions in Central Asian countries (China, North Korea, Vietnam), Angola, Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan, Cuba and many other states.

The Russian radio technical troops, which include regiments of the same name, are subordinate to the main command of the Air Force. In the absence of hostilities, all units and strongholds of this type of troops do not leave their places of deployment and continue to protect the state border zone, or rather its airspace, from illegal invasion.

Educational radio engineering institution in Vladimir

It is important that the radio technical troops of the Russian Air Force need the proper level of material support, since radar reconnaissance activities require equipment with expensive modern equipment and highly qualified training of military specialists for the further operation of such equipment.

On the territory of Russia there is a specialized training institution in the city of Vladimir, called the Center for Training Specialists of Radio Engineering Troops of the Air Force. Graduates of this institution, having received diplomas in the specialties “radar station technician”, “technician of a separate radar company”, etc., can enlist in the radio engineering troops.

Industry development

On this moment budget Russian state Every year, the need to equip and purchase high-quality advanced radio equipment for this type of Air Force troops is provided. Also, in order to maintain a satisfactory condition military radio electronics The management of the departments organizes its periodic repairs. By the way, thanks to the constant modernization of equipment in this area, in 2015 about a third of all weapons consist of innovative radio engineering devices. But according to Air Force leaders, this is far from the limit. It is planned that by 2020 this figure will double.

It is not surprising that on December 15 in Russia congratulations on the Day of Radio Engineering Troops are heard from everywhere. We wish all the best to workers in this field, because representatives of military affairs deserve recognition and respect, no less than military personnel of the airborne forces, air defense or border service.

Air Force Radio Engineering Day is celebrated on December 15. The date of the celebration coincides with the day of the creation of radio technical troops in Russia - the resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers on their formation was signed on December 15, 1951. The radio technical troops can boast of high-tech equipment and the latest technology, allowing for continuous support of airborne equipment anywhere in the country.

Military personnel of the radio technical troops celebrate their professional holiday in service, being in a state of constant combat readiness. It cannot be otherwise - after all, the security of the country and every citizen depends on them.

Guard the heavenly roads
Not many people get the honor.
Every year we celebrate in December
Celebration of our glorious RTV.

Again and again we will congratulate
You, and the commanders and soldiers.
You must protect your native sky
The Motherland trusted me, guys.

Let the holiday light up
All units and units.
We want to wish you peace,
Joy, love, health, happiness!

Radio engineers, congratulations to you!
Let only success await you in your service,
And also career advancement,
Know no troubles, no worries, no obstacles!

We wish you to be in excellent shape forever,
Great energy, vigor, strength!
May your health always be normal,
May every day bring you joy!

Congratulating you, I will say
I am lyrical words.
We can't live without troops
Radio engineering.

To everyone who serves here
I wish you well.
On duty, in the civilian sphere
Live without being discouraged.

The country is sleeping peacefully until
The troops are in the ranks of radio technicians.
Provocateurs will not enter the country,
Radars are patrolling.

Let the enemy not violate airspace,
And our state prospers.
And a friendly family will welcome you at home,
Honor and respect among colleagues and acquaintances.

Do you work for RTV? I congratulate you
And I sincerely wish to the defender of the Fatherland
Be healthy, resilient, brave,
Well, with technology - skillful.

Catch all signals without interruption,
So that our homeland sleeps peacefully.
Let it over you, my dear soldier,
Only peaceful waves always fly!

Air Force Radio Engineering Troops,
This is pride, this is glory, and technological progress,
So that there is peace and tranquility in our blue sky,
Russian falcons are on duty day and night!
Let spies and provocateurs not hope for a miracle,
The radars will find them in an instant!
And to you, serving these troops, our congratulations,
May good luck and good luck accompany you in business,
Let trouble and sorrow pass you by,
Joy to you ocean, love and happiness to you sea!

The holiday of the radio technical troops has arrived.
I wish you new meetings, smiles, strength.
May this wonderful holiday bring you success.
May you become the luckiest and luckiest of all!

Let, like a long radio wave,
Happiness, laughter and joy will come to you.
Gather all your close friends quickly.
Celebrate your holiday brighter and more fun!

Notify about the imminent approach of the enemy
Radio engineering glorious troops.
They are on constant combat duty,
Keeping peace in heaven and on earth.

Locators are their keen eyes.
The ears serve as tracking stations.
The enemy cannot deceive them.
And we are proud of them, without a doubt!

Various reconnaissance and tracking devices,
The airspace is protected from invasion.
Any time of the day, any time of the year,
Everything is under control - no matter the weather.

Military electronics and the craftsmanship of the guys,
Air borders can be confidently trusted.
Honor and respect - to all specialists,
Let the sky be peaceful, let the sky be clear!

In the world of complex modern technologies
There is videoconferencing - it’s the twenty-first century!
Yes, there is a lot of the latest high-precision technology,
But technology today is controlled by humans.

To detect an enemy aircraft,
And provide reliable information -
Technical intelligence posts are operating,
Tracking stations, radars.

Congratulations: 28 in verse, 5 in prose.

Day of the Resolute and Brave Troops,
Today our people, country, celebrates
Day of the Russian Air Force - good and skillful guys,
Radiotechnical - necessary troops!

We wish you victories, good luck and success,
And on this day - more laughter,
Our guys, take a rest today,
We are proud of you, know that!

There are professions in which you cannot make mistakes.
Every miss is a loss of human lives.
Day after day we must fight tirelessly
For peace on earth through peace in heaven.

This profession has a complicated name,
As well as long and unpronounceable.
Being a radio engineer is an honor
And in the Air Force, it’s a difficult, but beloved occupation.

Congratulations on the Day of Radio Engineering Troops of the Russian Air Force! I wish everyone involved and aspiring to join our ranks - determination, excellent work skills, both theoretical and practical! Don’t let any difficulties or surprises scare you, because we are a huge force! Let the signal always be clear, the line free, working equipment and new equipment clear! Health, strength and energy!

Today they will celebrate their birthday
Russian radio technical troops,
They will notice all violators
Those who are close and those from far away.

They guard the airspace,
They know who flew out and where.
All their equipment is reliable,
So that the intruder does not harm us.

We congratulate the valiant military,
Carry out your service faithfully, as always.
I wish you extraordinary luck in life,
And happiness in your personal life, gentlemen.

Your exact science saves us from the enemy.
Our peace is your merit, the country is grateful to you.
We wish you good luck, peaceful days and many years to come.
May hard work bring many victories.

Radars are always ready.
Our country is proud of its young troops.
The latest technology and cool specialists,
The air borders are guarded by fighters.

Today is your holiday! The service is not easy:
Luck and a steady hand are important here.
Easy exploration for you in clear skies,
New knowledge, strength, clarity in the eyes.

Glory and honor to radio engineers!
They are terrible for enemies.
They have a great way of eating
Prevent war.

The guys are capable of detecting the enemy
On the way to us.
Enemy! Do not contradict the right -
Otherwise you will suffer yourself.

Let's congratulate these guys together,
That they take good care of us.
If the opponents fly up,
They will run away quickly.

I wish you attention and accuracy,
So that the signal is always clear.
We have a very strong detachment on guard -
Let any impudent person remember.

I congratulate you today,
Glorious radio fighters.
And I wish that everyone
One of you has always been healthy.

To bring only good luck
Your radio wave.
And all the problems were solved,
What fate brought.

Guarding our peace
You conduct reconnaissance every day,
The enemy will not hide in the air,
Will not be able to cross regional boundaries.

We congratulate you today,
We wish you not to lose heart,
And further, reliably protecting us,
We wish you to enjoy life to your fullest.

May the service bring you only joy,
Work always makes me happy
Colleagues appreciate, respect,
The enemy will never break through your defenses.

Radar, systems and fields...
There are no flights without you!
You know where the air is, where the water and land are...
And even how planes fly!

Don't let the radars let you down;
The work will be easy and short.
Let your keenest eye be the most accurate,
Let your heart not be filled with anxiety!

Combat duty is not an empty interest,
You, guardians of peace, RTV BBC!
Everyone who is on the flight crew is for protection from harm,
Warm greetings are sent to you, air signalmen.

Those who are peaceful and faithful are waiting home for lunch,
Cutlets will be prepared for you, beloved men,
And who, with secret malice, suddenly launches rockets
The sky scouts have a fitting answer.

Among the holidays revered by military professionals, there is the day of perhaps the least advertised troops - the radio technical troops of the air force (RTV). In stories about ongoing exercises, in cheerful reports, you rarely see a mention of them. The eyes and ears of the country's air defense protect no worse than strategic nuclear forces.

Few people know that the RTV separated from the air force several decades ago. It is believed that the main direction of action of this type of troops is to conduct reconnaissance operations on the distant approaches to the country’s borders.
Radar data constantly arrives at Air Force control centers, reporting the presence of an enemy on the borders of our airspace. In wartime, such data allows for a pre-emptive strike. But even in peacetime, RTV does not remain idle, potential opponents do not give up attempts to discover our secrets.

Despite its youth, which is due to technological progress, the radio engineering troops rich history. Observation posts formed to protect Petrograd from air raids were the prototype of modern RTV units. Despite the lack of experience and technical means, the posts coped with their task and informed about air raids in a timely manner. Military formation based on them, appeared a few years later. VNOS monitored the airspace and warned of the approach of enemy aircraft.

A year before the war, the first radars (radar stations) were put into service with VNOS. RUS-2 underwent constant modernization. During the war, using these stations, radio technicians detected German aircraft 40 kilometers before their approach point. The enemy command understood the danger of the detection stations and gave their pilots the primary goal of destroying them.
The experience of the Great Patriotic War showed that both the country’s defense capability and the integrity of the detection system itself depend on the timely detection of enemy aircraft.

On December 15, 1951, a decision was made to create a new branch of troops that would engage in early detection of the enemy and alert the military and civilians. In the same year, the date of creation of RTV was approved as a holiday.

The first decade saw rapid growth in services and connections. Massive supplies of radar equipment, the formation of units, and the training of specialists contributed to the rapid and high-quality development of this type of troops.

It was at this time that RTV specialists showed the whole world their capabilities. On May 1, 1960, they promptly discovered, captured and destroyed the American Lockheed U-2 reconnaissance aircraft.

In the 80s, another breakthrough occurred in the development of the service: the supply of the latest radars, the development and implementation of automated detection and control systems. The automation of the process could be the envy of any other troops. The service ensured the normal landing of Yuri Gagarin.

RTV specialists took part in military conflicts around the world, from Vietnam, North Korea to Afghanistan, Egypt and Cuba. The created radar defense field is still the basis for the defense of Russia, despite the fact that several decades have passed since the collapse of the Union.

The absence of combat operations is not a reason to terminate combat duty. All RTV units guard our airspace every day. Daily training, retraining in training centers, the latest detection means allow us to carry out a combat watch with honor.