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Presentation on Russian language gerunds. Presentation on the topic "gerunds"

Repetition lesson

Slide 2

be able to identify and distinguish the gerund from other parts of speech: verb, participle, adverb;

learn to find adverbial verbs in a sentence;

find out the conditions for isolating participial phrases in a sentence.

Slide 3

Answers the questions:

  • doing what?
  • what did you do?
  • how?
  • Why?
  • When? and etc.

A gerund is an independent part of speech that denotes an additional action

to the main action expressed by a predicate verb.

Slide 4

Signs of a verb in a gerund:

I.A.Bunina “***":

ON THE. Nekrasov “Once upon a time...”:

...And, walking importantly, in decorous calm, a peasant leads the horse by the bridle...;

I.A.Bunin “***":

In the garden, birch leaves, tearing off without a rustle, Shine like butterflies among thin cobwebs, and, weakly clinging and swaying along the branches, fly helplessly onto the faded grass...


Slide 5

Signs of an adverb in a gerund:


in a sentence, the gerund depends on the predicate verb and is a circumstance

A.S. Pushkin “Winter!.. Peasant, triumphant...”:

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant, renews the path on the logs; His horse, sensing the snow, trudges along at a trot somehow...

Slide 6

The general grammatical meaning of the gerund is

additional action designation

F.I. Tyutcheva “Spring Thunderstorm”:

I love the thunderstorm at the beginning of May, When the first thunder of spring, As if frolicking and playing, Rumbles in the blue sky...

Slide 7

1) We must love and appreciate the person in a person.

2) A living feeling of compassion is growing and expanding in the works of Russian writers.

3) Thinking about kindness, I remembered my past actions.

4) Mercy must be cultivated and supported in a person.

Find a sentence that has a verb form that denotes an additional action to the main one. (no punctuation marks)‏

3) While thinking about kindness, I remembered my past actions.

Slide 8

Morphological features of gerunds: a combination of the properties of a verb and an adverb in one word.

1) Winter, lazily walking around, sprinkles the branches with new silver.

2) Reflecting, the birch trees broke in the pond.

3) And the month will float and float, dropping oars across the lakes.

4) But the cedars are quietly dozing, their branches hanging down.

Slide 9

Morphemic features of gerunds:

suffixes -a, -ya, -v, -lice, -shi:

Slide 10

Slide 11

Kindness originates in childhood

getting stronger.

Kindness becomes stronger

originating in childhood.

Highlight the participial phrase; change the sentence; Place punctuation marks using participial phrases.

Kindness begins in childhood

becomes stronger over the years.

Kindness begins in childhood

becomes stronger over the years.

Slide 12

How do you spell a particle without gerunds?

  • slowly
  • (not) godya
  • (not) reading
  • (not) wondering
  • (not talking
  • (not) seeing
  • (not) laughing
  • (not) getting enough sleep
  • (not) getting enough sleep
  • Apart:
  • slowly
  • without reading
  • not talking
  • without laughing
  • without getting enough sleep
  • Slide 13

    Edit this text, replace 3-4 syntactic constructions with participial phrases.

    1. The sun came out for the last time, illuminated the gloomy side of the horizon and disappeared.

    2. The whole neighborhood suddenly changes and takes on a gloomy appearance.

    3. The aspen grove began to tremble.

    4. Leaves become cloudy in color.

    5. The tops of the trees sway and tufts of dry grass fly across the road.

    6. Swifts and swallows fly low over the ground, cutting through the air.

    7. Restless ants rushed about and huddled together.

    8. Lightning flashes, blinds our vision and illuminates us.

    9. A deafening roar is heard above our heads, which makes us tremble.


    Slide 14

    The work was done by a teacher of Russian language and literature at educational institution No. 555

    Presentation on the topic: Gerunds Completed by: Student of grade 7 “b” of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 Oksana Maksimenko

    Participle. The concept of participles.

    The concept of participles. A gerund is an independent part of speech that denotes an additional action, combines the characteristics of a verb and an adverb and shows how, why, and when an action called a predicate verb is performed. The participle answers the questions: What are you doing? what did you do? How? how? Why? When? and etc.

    Like a verb, a gerund denotes an action and, like an adverb, names a sign of an action. That is, it shows how the action is performed. In gerunds (as in participles), the meanings of two parts of speech are combined - the verb and the adverb.

    General grammatical meaning. The general grammatical meaning of the gerund - denotes an additional action that shows how the action of the verb - the predicate - is performed.

    Morphological characteristics. Morphological features of a gerund are a combination of the properties of a verb and an adverb in one word. A striking morphemic feature of gerunds are the suffixes -a, -ya, -v, -lice, -shi: screaming, running, having run, washed, brought.

    Syntactic features. Syntactic features of gerunds - in a sentence, the gerund depends on the verb and is a circumstance.

    Signs of verbs and adverbs in gerunds. Signs of a verb in a gerund. 1. Participles can be reflexive and non-reflexive: wiping off with a towel (non-reflexive: and has the suffix -с) 2. Participles can be perfect and imperfect: solving a problem (non-reflexive v.) - answers the question what by doing?; 3. Participles spread like verbs: read a book - reading a book;

    Signs of an adverb in a gerund. 1. Participles are unchangeable words. 2. In a sentence, the gerund depends on the verb - the predicate and is a circumstance. The particle NOT with gerunds (as well as with verbs) is written separately. He answered without hesitation.

    Participial turnover. A gerund with words dependent on it is called a participial phrase: The wind blows in gusts, / constantly changing its direction./ The participle phrase is always highlighted by commas: / Howling angrily, / the cold autumn wind was blowing.

    Word formation of gerunds. Imperfect participles are formed from the stem of present tense verbs using the suffixes -a, -ya: shout – shouting; shine - shining; Some imperfective verbs do not form participles: plow, bake, sew, sing, dance. Perfective participles are formed from the stem of the infinitive with the help of the suffixes -v, -louse, -shi: shout – having shouted; wash - having washed; bring - brought.

    Participle Performed by: student of group 3 POB NACH-KZ Pechenkina Elena Yuryevna Interpretations of gerunds are different. Some authors believe that participles are a special form of the verb, others consider them as an independent part of speech. These views are reflected in textbooks. Therefore, do not be surprised if you get a textbook in which you see a characteristic that is unusual for you. The answer to several questions depends on deciding which point of view to adhere to:

    • Interpretations of gerunds vary. Some authors believe that participles are a special form of the verb, others consider them as an independent part of speech. These views are reflected in textbooks. Therefore, do not be surprised if you get a textbook in which you see a characteristic that is unusual for you. The answer to several questions depends on deciding which point of view to adhere to:
    • How many parts of speech are there in Russian?
    • Which form - the indefinite form of the verb or the gerund - is considered the initial form?
    • What are the boundaries of the verb word, how many and what forms does the verb have?
    What is a participle? A gerund is a special form of a verb that has the following characteristics:
    • Indicates additive action, answers the questions of what to do? or having done what?
    • It has grammatical features of verbs and adverbs.
    General characteristics of the participle
    • Meaning: additional action. Remember, extra. So, there is also the main thing? Yes. And both actions are carried out by one person or group of persons.
    • Morphological characteristics. The peculiarity of gerunds is that they have the characteristics of both a verb and an adverb. The morphological features of a verb are constant features: aspect, transitivity, reflexivity.
    • Signs of an adverb: immutability and adverbial role in a sentence.
    • The syntactic role in a sentence is adverbial.

    The features of a verb include view (reading- NSV, after reading- SV), transitivity (reading book - transitional, sitting on a chair - intransitive) and repayment (washing- non-refundable, washing my face- return). In addition, the gerund is characterized by the same control, like other verb forms: reading/reading/reading/reading a book, but reading a book.

    Adverbial features of gerunds include immutability(gerunds do not have morphological signs of mood, tense, person, gender, number, characteristic of conjugated forms of the verb, and are not declined, unlike participles); syntactic function of the gerund - circumstance; In a sentence, the gerund depends on the verb.

    Imperfect participles kind answer the question what to do? and denote an action that is simultaneous with another action (for example, with the one indicated by the predicate): Standing on a stool, he took out books from the top shelf.

    NSV gerunds are formed from NSV verbs from the present tense stem using the formative suffix -a(-я).

    In the verb to be, the gerund is formed using the suffix -uchi from the stem of the future tense: be-learn. The same suffix is ​​used to form stylistically colored variant forms of gerunds in some other verbs: game-i - game-yuchi.

    Not all NSV verbs have imperfective participles; Thus, the NSV gerunds are not formed:

    From verbs ending in -ch: bake - baking(oven);

    From verbs starting with -nut: wither - withering,;

    From some sibilant verbs based on the present tense: write, write - writing, lick - licking(but adverb lying);

    From verbs with a present tense stem consisting only of consonants, and derivatives from them: drink, drinking(pj-ut) -p b I.

    Perfect participles kind of answer the question what have you done? and denote the action that preceded the action of the main verb: Standing on a stool, he took out a book from the top shelf.

    SV gerunds are formed from SV verbs from the past tense stem using suffixes

    In from verbs with a vowel stem: done-in,

    Lice from reflexive verbs with a vowel base (or outdated, stylistically non-neutral gerunds like having seen, having looked etc .): mind the lice,

    Shi from verbs with a consonant stem : baked-shi.

    Some verbs have variable forms of the gerund participle SV: one is formed according to the scheme described above, the other by adding the suffix -а(-я) to the stem of the future tense: frown - lice - frown - I - frown.

    Verbs read, find do not have gerunds formed in the standard way, instead of which gerunds are used I read it, I found it, formed from the base of the simple future tense using the suffix -я.

    Formation of gerunds

    • Only finite verbs have participles. The participles are NSV and SV.
    • NSV gerunds are formed from NSV verbs: decidedeciding, readreading, thinkthinking. NSV gerunds are formed from the present tense stem using the suffixes -a-, -я-: breathe → breathing, draw - drawing.
    • SV gerunds are formed from SV verbs: decide - having decided, buy - having bought. SV gerunds are formed from the base of the indefinite form of the verb with the help of suffixes: -v-, -vshi-, -shi-: shout →krikniv, kriknuvshi. The suffixes -v- and -louse- are synonymous, the suffix -louse- is colloquial. Bring → having brought.
    • They do not have gerund endings. Therefore, the syntactic connection between the gerund and the predicate is adjacency.
    Participial turnover
    • A participial phrase is a speech construction consisting of a participle and words dependent on it. An adverbial phrase indicates an additional action that is performed by a noun or pronoun (represented by the subject of a sentence), and usually refers to a verb (predicate).
    • Answers the questions - Doing what? What did you do?
    • As a rule, in a sentence the participial phrase plays the syntactic role of an adverbial adverb and is separated by commas.
    • Simple sentences with participial phrases are usually called sentences with a complicated isolated circumstance.
    • In sentences, the participial phrase is highlighted by commas on both sides (isolated) regardless of what position it is in relative to the predicate verb. In addition, participial phrases in a sentence are always separated from conjunctions by commas.
    Exception. If an adverbial phrase is a phraseological unit, then it is not separated by commas in the sentence. Examples: I ran headlong. They work carelessly.
    • Exception. If an adverbial phrase is a phraseological unit, then it is not separated by commas in the sentence. Examples: I ran headlong. They work carelessly.
    • Note! The participle phrase is used only in cases where it denotes an additional action of the same person (object, phenomenon) as the main verb. In other cases, the participial phrase is not used. An example of a violation when using an adverbial phrase: When choosing fruits, I liked red apples(subject – apples, predicate – liked it, participial turnover choosing fruits meaning refers to the secondary member of the sentence to me).
    Morphological analysis of gerunds
    • We will conduct a morphological analysis of the participle according to the following plan:
    • I. Part of speech (special form of the verb). General meaning. From what verb is II formed? Morphological characteristics: a) appearance, b) recurrence, c) transitivity. III. Syntactic role
    Sample analysis Sipping sour wine, squinting from the smoke of the pipe, he gloomily listened to what Zoya was telling him. Having finished, she cracked her fingers (A.N. Tolstoy). I. Sipping (doing what?) - gerund; II. Fast. signs: NSV, non-return, transition, unchangeable; non-post signs: none; III. Listened (how?) while sipping (circumstance)

    Generalization and systematization of material on the topic “Communications”






    Lesson type : summary lesson - traveling using ICT

    Equipment : notes on the board, computer, screen, projector, presentation, task cards, crossword puzzle, “Phrase” program

    During the classes

    I. Organizing time (announcement of the topic, goal, objectives of the lesson)

    (slides 1 - 5)

    Guys, today we have an unusual lesson, so I want you to be in a good mood. Look at each other, smile and remain like that until the end of the lesson...

    Guided by the map, we will take a trip around the city of “Communication” and visit the main attractions of this city.

    The most famous place in the city is Teoretichesky Avenue. Here we will remember the most important information about gerunds and meet with the local residents of this city. Let's go to Word Formation Square, where we will remember how gerunds are formed. Let's walk along the main streets Orfograficheskaya and Punctuation, and remember the necessary rules. The last point is Stylisticheskaya Square, here we will consolidate the ability to correctly use participles in speech.

    Arthur and his funny friends will go on the journey with us.

    So, let's go!

    II . The main part of the lesson.

    1 ) Theoretical Avenue (slide 6)

    Finish the phrases... (slide 7)

    Purpose: testing students' theoretical knowledge.

    Solve the crossword puzzle. Enter the gerunds in the cells (slide 8)

    Purpose: testing the ability to distinguish participles from other parts of speech.

    Participles are very often used by poets in their poems.

    Read the poems, find the participles, prove that the words you chose are participles (slide 9)

    What role do participles play in poetic speech?

    2) Word Formation Square (slide 10)

    In order to avoid making spelling mistakes when writing gerunds, you need to understand how they are formed.

    Tell us what you know about perfective and imperfective participles.

    Distribution dictation (according to options) (slide 11)


    3) Orfograficheskaya Street (slide 12)

    What spelling did we meet in the topic “Communications”?

    (spelling NOT with gerunds)

    Assignment for the whole class: copy, open brackets, indicate spelling (slide 13)

    4) Punctuation Street (slide 14)

    Assignment to the whole class: find sentences that contain an adverbial phrase, graphically indicate it (slide 15)

    Individual work at a computer for 8 people (according to the “Phrase” program)

    5) Square Stylisticheskaya (slide 16)

    We very often use gerunds and participial phrases in written speech, as this helps to increase imagery, but, unfortunately, we do not always notice grammatical errors.

    Task: correct errors in the use of gerunds (slide 17)

    6) Completing the test (5 tasks)

    Purpose: testing knowledge and skills on the studied topic.

    III. Lesson summary(slide 18,19)

    IV. Reflection.


    1) select examples from poetic texts using gerunds;

    2) perform a morphological analysis of 2 gerunds;

    3) individual work on cards (weak students)

    Self-analysis of the lesson

    The lesson will be taught in 7b grade. Most students achieve “4” and “5” in the Russian language.

    Lesson topic : Generalization and systematization of material on the topic “Communications”

    Target : generalization and systematization of information about gerunds and participles.



    improve the skill of distinguishing participles from other parts of speech;

    practice the practical ability to form participles;

    improve spelling skills of gerunds;

    consolidate the ability to correctly place punctuation marks in adverbial phrases.


    consolidate the ability to correctly use participles in speech;

    develop students’ cognitive interests, independent thinking, ability to analyze and generalize.


    To cultivate love and respect for the Russian language through didactic material, the form of a travel lesson, and the use of ICT.

    Lesson type : summary lesson - traveling using ICT.

    Equipment : writing on the board, computer, screen, multimedia projector, presentation, task cards, crossword puzzle, “Phrase” program

    Lesson steps:

    1.Organizational moment (welcome, mood for work, announcement of the topic, goal, objectives of the lesson)

    2. Main part (completing tasks for repetition and generalization of material)

    Complete the phrases... (linguistic story about gerunds)

    Crossword solution (work in pairs)

    Working with poetic texts, finding gerunds in them with evidence

    Distributive dictation (according to options)

    Repetition of spellings of gerunds

    Individual work on computers (completing tasks according to “Phrase”

    Repetition of punctuation in adverbial phrases

    Working on the ability to correctly use participles in speech

    Running the test

    3. Lesson summary.

    Homework (differentiated)

    The following teaching methods were used:




    Control method

    Forms of training:

    Front work




    At the control stage, to check spelling and punctuation skills, I use the “Phrase” simulator program (spelling Not with participles, a comma with participles). Upon completion of the work, the computer gives the student a grade.

    I believe, thatapplication ICT necessary in the lesson, and this is motivated by the fact that they allow you to effectively organize independent work in the lesson; contribute to the improvement of practical skills of students; allow you to individualize the learning process; increase interest in Russian language lessons; activate the cognitive activity of students; develop the creative potential of students; modernize the lesson. This allows us to cultivate the information culture of students.

    Teacher of Russian language and literature Dubrovskaya Irina Petrovna