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The problem of finding a life path in essay literature. Essay on the Unified State Examination

Essay: What influences a person’s choice of life path?

The most important role among decisions made by a person is the choice of life path.
The need for this choice arises when a person begins to realize himself in society and think about his needs.
Scientists believe that a person lives for self-realization. The activity fills life with meaning, helps you feel valuable and significant in society.
There are no two absolutely identical people in the world; everyone has their own path of trial and error. This is a person’s search for himself, his life values, his guidelines.
Regardless of what path a person chooses, the search itself makes a person an individual.
Without searching for his occupation, a person cannot be aware of his attitude to the life of society.

The choice of a person’s life path is the problem that A. Pristavkin thought about.

Revealing this problem, the author talks about three orphanages living in wartime.
The guys find themselves in equally difficult conditions, and, trying to survive, they begin to steal. But still, they have completely different interests: Kolya is at the mercy of art, Shibaev does not want to leave the path of theft, and the narrator himself wants to learn and be an honest person.

According to A. Pristavkin, in equal conditions for all, each person chooses his own path in life, the path of virtue or theft.

I remember the work of F.M. Dostoevsky “The Brothers Karamazov”. The brothers, raised first by Gregory and then by their guardians, grow up to be completely different people: Dmitry eventually chooses the path of revelry, Ivan becomes a journalist, and Alexey wants to become a monk.

In “Letters about the Good and the Beautiful” D.S. Likhachev, discussing the choice of life path by young people, says that “every person should have one rule in life, in his goal of life, in his principles of life, in his behavior: you have to live your life with dignity so that you won’t be ashamed to remember.” Dignity, according to the scientist, includes such human qualities as kindness, generosity, the ability not to be a narrow egoist, to be truthful, a good friend, and to find joy in helping others.

Thus, I can conclude that, being in the same conditions, people choose completely different life paths.

Essay: Choosing a life path.

It is important for each person to find his own path. Only then can he achieve what he dreamed of, only then can he get satisfaction from his work. What our life will be depends not only on us, but we can do a lot. Growing up, we often think about questions about the meaning of life, about what role a person plays on Earth. We dream of a happy life, we believe that we will achieve a lot. Unfortunately, not all of our dreams come true, but each of us must do everything to make our plans come true.

From birth we are surrounded by close and dear people who will always support us and help us. They are an example for us, and we often do as they want. But there are times when we consider the opinions of friends more authoritative. When solving various issues, each of us can make mistakes, doubt, and regret our actions. Making some decisions affects our future life. In such cases, it can be difficult for us to make a choice on our own, so we cannot do without the advice of adults, because they have more experience and understand people better. You must always be able to listen to people you trust - parents, teachers, acquaintances. And then make a decision on which your future life depends. Of course, you should always have your own opinion, but it never hurts to listen to another opinion.

The choice of life path depends on what profession we choose. A person should like the profession. If he chooses a specialty he doesn’t like, he will regret it all his life. Therefore, this issue must be approached with all responsibility. We must consult with family, loved ones, and friends. You also need to think about where you can get a job with this profession, and whether it will be in demand. And even if you become a good specialist, you should not forget that in life it is important not only who to be, but also how to be.

The worst thing is when a person finds himself alone. He can reach heights in his career, he can know a lot, but suffer from loneliness. M. Gorky believed that “the best pleasure, the highest joy of life is to feel needed and close to people.” And in order to be needed by people, you need to do something good for people, you need to earn their gratitude. The joy given to people will become your joy. It is a great happiness to do good for people.

People say: “To live life is not to cross a field.” Life is given to a person once, and you need to live it in such a way as not to regret anything. We constantly face a choice: we solve this or that question and find an answer. Whether he is successful or unsuccessful, life shows. We think, consult, doubt. Often the most difficult thing for any person is to make a choice, because our future may depend on this choice. Nowadays we often don’t think about the consequences of our decisions and actions. But at any age we must always take a responsible attitude towards issues that may affect our future lives.

God created man in his own image. But the most important thing that he gave to his creation was the ability to think, reflect and make choices. Sometimes we face very complex problems that seem quite difficult to solve on our own. In this case, the heroes of literary works come to the rescue, offering their weighty arguments. The problem of choice is the main topic of Unified State Exam essays, so the younger generation needs to properly prepare for the decisive stage in their lives.

Problems of choice in human life

Think about it, how often in a day do you have to solve questions to which there are two or even more answers? First you think about what to eat for breakfast, then how to dress for school and which way to go there. After classes, you usually wonder whether to do your homework now, or after the party? Should I go for a walk with Masha or Kolya today? All these issues are just minor daily problems that you can surely handle easily.

But in life there are more serious choices. Sooner or later, you will have to think about where to go to study, where to work, how to determine your path in life. We need to think about this now, on the threshold of adulthood. This is why teachers ask students to read works at school, analyze them and draw conclusions. So that in the future it will be easier for you, based on the experience of others. We invite you to consider the problem of life choice found in literature. We present the arguments as examples.

Social problems

What difficulties might a young person have with society? Teenagers, as you know, are very emotional and emotionally unstable people. During puberty, they have completely unusual thoughts, and sometimes it seems to them that the whole world is against them. But survival in society is the key to a happy adult life. And you need to learn this as early as possible. The table on the left side presents the selection problem, arguments from the literature on the right.

Problem name


Some people are too rich, others are too poor.

Dostoevsky F. M. “Crime and Punishment.” Despite the fact that the novel raises many different problems, the main one is the level of poverty beyond which the main characters are forced to exist.

Closedness, focus only on one’s own world, without regard to others.

There is a problem of choice in the works: Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Wise Minnow” and Chekhov “The Man in a Case”.

Loneliness and its severity.

A good example is “The Fate of Man” by Sholokhov. The problem of life choice and loneliness appears in two characters at once - Andrei Sokolov and the boy Vanya. Both lost everything that was dear to them during the war.

School relationship problems

Such difficulties also occur quite often. Moreover, understanding them, let alone solving them, can be very difficult for a teenager. Parents, as a rule, cannot or do not want to interfere with the relationship between teachers and students. Let's consider what the literature has to say about this.

Problem name


Reluctance to learn and gain knowledge

This is also a significant problem of choice in a person’s life. There are arguments about the reluctance to acquire knowledge in F. I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor.” The main character, being lazy and a slob, never achieved anything in life, and was not fit for independent existence.

A. M. Gorky offers excellent arguments in his autobiographical trilogy “Childhood”, “In People”, “My Universities”.

The role of the Russian language in the life of any person

Nabokov, in his novel “The Gift,” extols the Russian language as a gift of fate and teaches how to appreciate what is given from above. It is also useful to read Turgenev’s poems, in which he admires the power and greatness of the Russian language.

The clash of different views on life

Teacher and student are like father and child. One has enormous experience behind him and his own adult view of the world. The other has his own opinion, often contradicting the adult. This is also a kind of problem of choice. Arguments from literature can be drawn from Turgenev’s work “Fathers and Sons.”

Family problems

Where would we be without them? Family problems always arise at any age. We can hurt the person closest to us, and not even think about his feelings. He will still forgive. And sometimes we hurt our own parents the most. It is very difficult to protect yourself from mistakes. But you can read what the problem of choice is. Arguments from the literature will help with this.

Problem name


The complexity of the relationship between parents and children.

Parents often do not understand their offspring's point of view. The choice of children seems terrible to them, contrary to the norms and rules of life. But sometimes children are also wrong. Read Gogol's story "Taras Bulba". This is a very serious work that makes you think about how the problem of choice happens in a person’s life. The arguments are impressive.

The role of childhood

Do you think everything is simple for children? No matter how it is. We live in a relatively calm and stable time and can give children the joy of growing up. But not many people had it. Pristavkin writes about how quickly one can grow up during the war years in the story “The Golden Cloud Spent the Night.” Tolstoy also encounters the problem of life choice. Look for arguments in the trilogy “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”.


Family relationships. Orphanhood.

Family values ​​need to be preserved. Proof of this is the epic novel by L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”. Don’t be lazy, read everything, and you will understand how important it is to preserve what has developed and been established for centuries.

The problem of choosing a life path. Arguments from literature

Even an adult sometimes feels like his life has failed. The work is not to your liking, the profession does not bring the desired profit, there is no love, nothing around promises happiness. Now, if I had then, ten years ago, gone to study there, or married so-and-so, then my life would have turned out completely differently, perhaps happier. A person creates his own destiny and everything depends on this choice. The biggest difficulty is that the literature will help to understand this extremely complex issue.

Probably the best example for the younger generation is Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. The theme of the entire work is choosing your place in life. Based on the destinies of several people, the author tells what can happen if you are weak-willed, or, conversely, strong-willed and stubborn. Ilya Oblomov, as the main character, carries negative traits - inability to work, laziness and stubbornness. As a result, he turns into a kind of shadow, without purpose and happiness.

Another example of how inheritance, and not one’s own choice, influence a person’s life is “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin. It would seem, what else does a young nobleman need? Carefree life, balls, love. There is no need to think about how to work, where to get money for food. But Onegin is not satisfied with such a life. He protests against established social life, against the moral standards of his time, for which many consider him an eccentric. Onegin's main task is to find new values, the meaning of his life.

What to do with the profession

Another insoluble problem of the younger generation is the problem of choosing a profession. Parents can give completely different arguments when offering their child the best activity in life, in their opinion. Now this situation is not uncommon. Moms and dads force them to go to study where their child does not want to go. They argue their position in different ways: being a doctor is profitable, being a financier is prestigious, being a programmer is in demand, but a poor teenager just wants to become a machinist.

This happened with the main character of Mikhail Weller’s work “I Want to Be a Janitor.” The main character had a problem choosing a profession. His parents gave him arguments in favor of who he should become. They advised me to look at others who successfully defend their candidate's theses and perform at concerts after the conservatory. But the hero did not want to exchange his freedom for sitting in his pants in classrooms and studying books. He was attracted by his childhood dream of becoming a janitor, which is what he aspired to.

An example of the fact that it is not enough to choose a good profession to your liking, but you also need to develop your skills, is given by A.P. Chekhov in the story “Ionych”. Especially if you are a doctor. This was the case with the main character Ionych. He worked conscientiously, helping people until he became obsolete. He did not follow new developments in pharmacology and was not interested in new methods of treatment. He risked losing his well-being. Moral of the piece: choosing the right profession is only half the success; you need to improve your skills and talent.

Problem Arguments

All our actions are influenced by the world around us. Before taking this or that step, we will definitely think about whether it contradicts the norms of social relations, conscience, morality, etc. This is all a problem of moral choice. The arguments here are simple. A wise man once said that there is never a right decision. Because for you it will be true, but for others it will be false. Let's see what literature teaches us.

Problem name


Humanity, mercy

The best examples are given by M. Sholokhov. He has several stories from which one can draw ideas about mercy and humanity. This is “The Science of Hate”, “The Fate of Man”.


Sometimes circumstances force a person to commit cruel and terrible acts. It's hard to find such arguments. The problem of choice arose among the heroes of M. Sholokhov’s epic novel “Quiet Don”. The action takes place during the years of the revolution, and the main characters have to sacrifice something in the name of the revolution.


About dreams and reality

Here you can’t do without A. Green’s romantic story “Scarlet Sails”. But what would have happened if Gray had never appeared in Assol’s life? In reality this does not happen. Of course, dreams sometimes come true, but you need to put a lot of effort into it yourself.


The fight between good and evil

Two elements are always fighting within us - good and evil. Think about your actions and you will find arguments. The problem of choice also faced the heroes of Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”. This is an excellent work in which the branches of good and bad deeds are very skillfully intertwined.



And again “The Master and Margarita”. A woman left her home, wealth and family for the sake of her beloved. She became weightlessness, a shadow, and sold her soul to the devil for the sake of her Master. The work makes you think.

And one more story that I would like to remember in this context. This is Gorky's "Old Woman Izergil". The brave hero Danko tore his heart out of his chest to save people, thanks to which the path was illuminated and everyone was saved.

Personal problems

The most painful topic for teenagers is love. At the same time, it is the most interesting thing to write about. And how many examples can you give! Love and romantic relationships are another issue of choice. The essay is forced to be written based on one’s own thoughts, which are sometimes confused and mixed up. Let's consider what arguments can be given in this context.

I immediately want to remember the tragic love of Romeo and Juliet in Shakespeare's play. Misunderstanding on the part of relatives and enmity between clans lead to tragic consequences, although the young people were sincerely in love and experienced only the most tender and virginal feelings for each other.

An excellent example of a real romantic relationship in Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet”. After reading this work, I want to believe that love is the best feeling that has ever arisen in a person. “Garnet Bracelet” is an ode to the young, a hymn to happiness and prose of innocence.

Love is sometimes destructive. There are arguments for this in the literature. The problem of choice appeared before Anna Karenina in the novel of the same name by L.N. Tolstoy. The feelings that arose for the young officer Volkonsky became destructive for her. For the sake of new happiness, a woman abandoned her devoted husband and beloved son. She sacrificed her status, reputation, position in society. And what did you get for it? Love and happiness or sadness and disappointment?

Problems of ecology, relationships with nature

The problem of choice in life is different. A variety of arguments were given. It's time to talk about the environment in which we live. Recently, humanity has seriously thought about the fact that man, in fact, treats his home, Mother Earth, very disdainfully. And all actions aimed at preserving the health of the planet do not bring significant results. The ozone layer is being destroyed, the air is being polluted, there is practically no clean fresh water left in the world...

Do you allow yourself to leave garbage behind after a vacation in the forest? Do you burn plastic and put out the flames before leaving? The authors wrote a lot about relationships with nature. Let's consider what can be useful for the Unified State Exam.

Let's start with the dystopian novel “We” by E. Zamyatin. We are talking about the inhabitants of a certain Unified State who have become numbers, and their entire existence is possible only within the framework of the Tablet of Hours. They have no trees and rivers, because the whole world is built from human buildings and devices. They are surrounded by perfectly even proportions of glass houses. And relationships and love are allowed if there is a pink card. Such a world was depicted by Zamyatin specifically to show that a person will turn into a programmed robot without nature, real feelings and the beauty of the world around him.

The struggle between nature and man takes place in E. Hemingway’s work “The Old Man and the Sea.” This shows the real problem of human choice. The arguments are flawless. If you want to live, hold on. This applies to both a weak old man and a strong shark caught on a hook. The fight for life goes to the death. Who will win and who will give up? A short story that makes you think deeply about the meaning and price of life.

The problem of patriotism

Excellent arguments about love for the Motherland can be found in many. It is in these difficult times that the sincerity of feelings truly manifests itself.

An example of ideology about false and true patriotism can be considered L. N. Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace.” There are many scenes in the books dedicated to this. It is worth remembering Natasha Rostova, who persuaded her mother to sacrifice carts for the wounded at Borodino. At the same time, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky himself is mortally wounded in a decisive battle.

But the greatest love for the Motherland is among ordinary soldiers. They do not make loud speeches, do not praise the king, but are simply ready to die for their region, for their country. The author directly says that Napoleon was defeated in that war only due to the unity of the entire Russian people. The French commander in other countries faced exclusively the army, but in Russia he was opposed by ordinary people of different classes and ranks. At Borodino, Napoleon's army suffered a moral defeat, and the Russian army won thanks to its powerful fortitude and patriotism.


How to pass the exam perfectly is the main problem of choice. We tried to present arguments (Unified State Examination) that are most often found in essay topics. All that remains is to choose what you need.



S.A. Ermakov

Despite the fact that the problem of choosing a person’s life path was already posed in ancient philosophy and received further consideration in patristic thought, it is still insufficiently studied in the scientific literature. Regarding this aspect of the issue, L.N. Kogan rightly noted: “There are many works devoted to moral choice or choice of profession. But these are special cases of the situation of choice in which every person finds himself every day, every hour. He continuously chooses one of the alternatives that arise in life, makes one decision or another, starting with the simplest everyday affairs and ending with the general line of life behavior.” Drawing attention to the undeveloped question of the relationship between a person’s choice and the path of his life, L.N. Kogan expressed a number of original ideas that make it possible to outline approaches to the consideration of the topic of interest to us. Based on the provisions put forward by him, as well as connecting the potential of patristic thought, we will reveal the substantive side of this issue.

First, let's pay attention to the word “choice.” In our opinion, its semantic analysis helps to outline the main directions of research into the problem of choosing a person’s life path. They are associated with the implementation of the following points: firstly, it is necessary to have what to choose from; secondly, it is important to have someone who chooses; thirdly, the act of choice itself should be carried out, fourthly, the expected result should be obtained. Let's consider these aspects one by one.

So the first aspect is related to choices. In our case, this is the diversity of human life paths. It really exists in any historical era. Many people of different gender, age, social status, living at the same time and in the same territory, represent possible options for the path of a person’s life. Therefore, there is no shortage of life path scenarios for an individual. There is another problem: how to see these options? Indeed, in ordinary life, much of what lies on the surface either does not attract attention or is hidden from the eyes of the observer. What does a person usually see when he goes outside? A peculiar “Brownian movement” of individuals appears to his gaze. This is especially noticeable in places with large crowds of people: squares, train stations, markets, etc. A thoughtful person, observing what is happening, can see a grandiose picture of human life, in which familiar and complete strangers, coming into contact with each other, either continue to move forward together, or separate for a while or forever. Many intersecting destinies, a variety of different paths of life, the versatility of human existence - this is what takes place in reality. And it is not enough just to see what is happening; one must also engage in speculation in order to understand everything that is happening. Philosophy is just such speculation, helping a person to see behind the individual manifestations of an individual life path the repetition inherent in many life scenarios, allowing the particular to be subsumed under the general, personifying certain constants of human existence.

The second aspect focuses attention on the subject of activity, man as an active creative principle. From a methodological point of view, the important point here is that man is a triune entity as a bio-socio-spiritual being. And each of the hypostases of a person has its own impact on his choice. Let's take, for example, such an important parameter that characterizes a person as age. In doing so, we will rely on the results of a sociological study we conducted at the Nizhny Novgorod Commercial Institute in May 1999.

Dependence of thoughts about life path on age

15-18 19-30 31-50 51-70

Seriously 48.8 51.0 59.1 62.3

From time to time 50.4 48.3 40.5 37.4

Never 0.8 0.7 0.4 0.3

From the table above it is clearly seen that there is a relationship between age and the thoroughness of thinking about the path of a person’s life: the older the respondents, the more seriously they thought about their lives.

Dependence of ideas about life path on age

15-18 19-30 31-50 51-70

Continuous - discontinuous 5.86 5.72 5.36 5.10

Ascent - descent 6.89 6.86 6.01 5.56

Gains - losses 6.45 6.31 5.68 5.27

It is impossible not to notice that depending on age, assessments of the uniqueness of the life path become more balanced. If at the age of 18 there is a certain tendency to idealize the path of a person’s life - it is considered, rather, as a continuous, ascending path of acquisitions, then by the age of 70 it is perceived more realistically - as having discontinuities, descent, losses.

Dependence of criteria for a successful life on age

15-18 19-30 31-50 51-70

Good health 47.5 51.4 69.1 73.8

Strong family 64.7 65.6 77.5 78.0

Material well-being 60.2 65.0 75.2 55.8

From the table above it can be seen that as a person grows up, he begins to understand the importance of such life values ​​as health and family. Moreover, it should be specially noted that the fairly high “starting” percentage of such value as family. This, by the way, is one of the indicators of modern culture, which, despite its transformation at the turn of the millennium, has retained traditional mechanisms of self-regulation. As for material well-being, the picture is somewhat different. Until age 50, the interest curve increases. After this age, there is a fairly serious decline in interest in the indicated value of human existence. I think this is largely legal.

measuredly. Entering old age, a person re-evaluates many values, including such as material well-being. Material values ​​are gradually giving way to spiritual ones. A person begins to prepare for the end of the physical stage of his existence. Moral norms at this stage acquire intrinsic value. This is well shown by various sociological studies. Thus, according to Nizhny Novgorod sociologist G.L. Voronin, “The Gospel commandment “Whoever hits you on the right cheek, turn the other to him” is closer and more understandable to believers, people over 50 years old.”

It seems that the above examples show quite clearly the importance of age in understanding life, and therefore, emphasize its importance in the situation of choosing a life path. It should be borne in mind that a number of characteristics - physical (gender, health, etc.), social (status, profession, etc.) and spiritual (values, ideals, etc.) - have the same influence on the choice of path life. Through their prism, a person looks at the world, determining his specific step.

The third aspect is the act of choice. This is a rather complex process involving a whole group of factors, both subjective and objective. Although from the outside, it may look like a fairly easy task. For example, when deciding whether or not to go to a disco, a student can give a positive answer in the blink of an eye. However, this does not mean that everything is so simple here. Let's take a closer look at the main components of the act of choice itself.

Let us immediately note that this issue has received its coverage in the philosophical literature. From a methodological point of view, the position formulated by A.T. seems important to us. Moskalenko and V.F. Sergeantov, that “in acts of choice, which represent the unity of external and internal choice, we at the same time “choose” this or that need within ourselves.” From what has been said, it follows that, firstly, the act of choice is always not just a momentary desire that arose from unknown where and why. The act of choice is a unity of the internal, associated with the state of a person, his attitude and worldview, and the external, i.e. the environment that influences choice. In other words, there is a person who lives in a certain environment. And not only he himself, but also the environment of which he is a part, influence his expression of will when making a decision. In this regard, it seems appropriate to emphasize the importance of the conclusion made by L.N. Kogan that “the choice of a life path is limited by real circumstances.” Secondly, the act of choice is associated with the choice “in oneself” of a certain need, which is the basis for the implementation of the act of choice itself. Here we would like to highlight the word “need”. It is key to understanding how the act of choice itself occurs. It is carried out through and thanks to the presence of a certain need in a person. By choosing, a person activates a certain need in himself, which “triggers” the act of choosing the means necessary to satisfy it. Let's show this using our example with a student.

Under the influence of external conditions (the presence of discos, the stereotype formed among young people that a disco is the best form of pastime, friends inviting you to a disco, free time, etc.) and under the influence of internal factors (young age, a fair amount of energy, the desire to have an interesting time time, meet new people, etc.), and also as a result of the activation of one of the needs (keep up with others, not annoy others, have fun, etc.), the student decides to go to a disco. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the decision is not simply made as an independent

a new action, unrelated to the path of a person’s life, as a certain episode taken in itself. No, having made a choice in favor of a disco, the student already “includes” it in the outline of his life path. You can say it differently: from now on, the further path of a person’s life will run through a disco. How things turn out there (positively or negatively), the future of a person, his path of life will depend on this. Moreover, under certain circumstances, the memory of this disco can last a lifetime (say, as a memory of a meeting with one’s future wife, as the loss of a friend during a fight, etc.) and influence the formation of a person’s life path.

The act of choice itself can be either conscious or unconscious. An informed choice is associated with an understanding of the essence of the matter and the availability of necessary and sufficient information. In this case, knowledge acts as both the basis for decision-making and the means for its implementation. Regarding this aspect of the issue, L.N. Kogan rightly noted that “choice requires, firstly, good knowledge of the real situation, each of the possible (sometimes numerous, as, for example, when choosing a profession) alternatives... Secondly, knowledge of one’s own needs, abilities, orientations, as well as confidence that the chosen path in a given situation will be the best.” Unconscious choices are made, as a rule, “under the influence of affects, moods, emotions.” It can be triggered by a situation of time pressure in which a person finds himself, or a lack of information about what awaits him if he gives his consent to the offer made to him. In youth, unconscious choice may also be associated with idealization of the situation, ignoring other aspects of the problem, inability to analyze the situation, etc. In a word, unconscious choice is a consequence of the immaturity of a person’s relationship to himself and the world in which he lives, the complexity of the situation in which he finds himself.

Finally, the fourth aspect is obtaining the expected result. At first glance, everything is clear here and there is nothing to talk about, because the result is a consequence of human activity. As is a man's deed, such is his destiny. At the same time, there are two points that require clarification: firstly, whether the expected (possible) always becomes actual, and secondly, whether the best choice for a person is always constructive. Let us consider these aspects of the problem one by one.

It is quite obvious that not everything that is possible becomes actual. Let's say, potentially everyone involved in the boxing section can become a master of sports. But not everyone will become one. And even if this choice is conscious, and a person makes considerable efforts to achieve his goal, the result may be different. Why? The same combination of objective and subjective factors. It may happen that in one of the fights, or in one of the trips, an injury is received that will put an end to the boxer’s sports career. Or, having won the first victories, the boxer will not cope with the “star fever”, which will unsettle him. And there are countless such “maybes”. As a result, while wanting one thing, a person gets something completely different, unrelated to what he expected.

The choice that is not always the best, from a person’s point of view, becomes constructively significant for him. Let's take the same example with a disco. Suppose, going to a disco, a young man believes that this is the best possible option for him to end the day. However, the consequences of this choice may be the most unforeseen. For example, while intoxicated, he can behave rudely towards his friends. The result is a break in friendly relations, or something even worse. From here

From here it follows that the best, from a person’s point of view, cannot always be positively significant and constructive for his life path. However, like the worst. It is not necessarily associated only with destructive moments. For example, a young man did not find money for a disco. However, the fact that he stayed at home gave him the opportunity, for example, to call an ambulance in time, which, in turn, allowed one of his relatives to avoid a hypertensive crisis. Thus, to paraphrase a well-known thought, we can say that we cannot predict what consequences the realization of our desires will lead to. Therefore, when making a (preferably conscious) choice in favor of certain actions, a person must hope and believe that they will lead to good results. Here, the experience accumulated by the patristic thinkers, who called for reliance on faith and hope in solving all human problems, can come in very handy.

Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that the proposed four aspects of the problem of choosing a person’s life path quite fully reveal its substantive side. It should be emphasized that choice is not only a conscious activity of a person, i.e., some formulated conclusion. It is also an action aimed at realizing the plan. In other words, choice is not only thoughts, but also actions, which always influence the further existence of a person, his being. Therefore, choice as a fact of reality is always ontological, it is generated by reality, connected with it and capable of changing it.

Moreover, choice is a form of human self-realization. It should be borne in mind that in choosing a person can not only express himself, but also for the first time reveal something new that contributes to the transformation of his life. We can say that choice is a chance for a person that he can take advantage of.

At the same time, it is worth noting that if we were simply talking about the choice of a person in a specific situation, then it would be quite possible to limit ourselves to what has been said. However, we consider the problem of choice in relation to the question of the path of a person’s life, and, therefore, at least one more aspect should come into our field of view: how to maintain the chosen path? In our opinion, making a choice, say, in favor of a virtuous path is a serious step. But this is only half the battle. This idea still needs to be implemented. And for this, throughout his life, a person must confirm his commitment to his chosen path. He will have to not only preserve the choice as a result, but also find the necessary forces and means to help maintain the chosen path. And here the experience accumulated by patristic thought can be of good service. Based on the patristic heritage, we will highlight a number of important points.

First of all, it should be noted that, posing the question in this way, we will assume that the person has thought through his decision well and is full of desire and strength to implement it. Moreover, we will consider this choice as a choice of an exclusively positive direction in the path of life. This is precisely the angle of view that was set by the patristic tradition. While maintaining our commitment to this tradition, we will reveal the essence of the issue that interests us.

First of all, let us pay attention to the fact that a person who has chosen a better life over a worse one has already, as it were, opened the door to a new life; he opened it, but did not enter it yet. A better life exists for him so far only as a possibility, but not yet as a reality. However, the very fact of choosing in favor of a better life certainly gives this opportunity a chance to turn into reality.

Further. Since the choice is made by the person himself, it is he who becomes the creator, the basis, the condition, and the means in achieving the goal. At the same time, a person is, as it were, “at the cutting edge” of his life’s path; he, figuratively speaking, walks “through the virgin lands” of life, making his own way. In this regard, words such as “first impulse”, “root cause”, “first element”, “discoverer” are not only appropriate, but also especially informative, which help to feel the depth of the problem and describe some of its important aspects.

Indeed, a person, having a desire to change his life for the better, is at the same time the root cause of his transformation. Ultimately, it is he who feels within himself the initial impulse that launches the idea of ​​a new, better way of life into realization. In this capacity, he can be relied upon as a certain primary element that catalyzes the situation of changing the path of life, as the pioneer of his new stage on the path of life. In this sense, a person’s life can be characterized as the first path along which a person walks. Where a person is, there is always, metaphorically speaking, the “cursor” of his life path.

This point further emphasizes the dependence of the path of life on the person himself, his thoughts, feelings, and behavior. We can say: there is a person who realizes himself through feelings, thoughts, words and deeds, and there is already a path of his life that is the result of this realization. Therefore, it is always important to remember that through one’s feelings, thoughts, words and deeds a person finds his own path in life. So, for example, if a person’s feelings are tuned “to the wave” of empathy, then he embarks on a virtuous path; if a person’s thoughts are full of benevolence, then he is directed towards good behavior; if a person’s words are full of mercy, then he follows the righteous path; finally, if a person’s deeds are aimed at achieving the virtuous, then he also acquires the path of virtue. As a result, it is correct to say that feelings, thoughts, words and deeds are a kind of “channels”, thanks to which the direction of a person’s life path is ensured. If a person has chosen a positive direction in the path of life, then he must “tune” his feelings, thoughts, words and deeds to the wavelength of virtue. Without showing good feelings, bright thoughts, righteous words, good deeds, a person will not be able to find a virtuous path, even if he chooses it. Feelings, thoughts, words and deeds are a kind of forms that must be filled with good content. And this largely depends on the person himself.

What has been said, I think, is enough to show the complexity of the issue of preserving the path of life chosen by a person. There are factors that complicate, and sometimes even hinder, the implementation of planned plans. Therefore, it is so important to have faith in your own strength and will aimed at fulfilling your plans. It will be a great happiness if we have a person nearby (“another”) who will not only accept what we have planned with all our hearts, but also with our will, faith, knowledge, skills, and experience will help you take the path of virtue and follow it. In this case, the role of the mentor turns into the role of a companion, walking along.

In order for a person to maintain the choice he has made, he needs to understand the unique course of his life. And it is such that it is impossible to predict the development of events in advance. After all, a person lives in the natural, social and spiritual environment given to him. This environment is largely unknown to man, especially at the initial stages of his life. A person's life experience is also always historically limited. Therefore, he has to take certain steps in specific situations at his own risk. This is close to what Teilhard de Chardin called the "groping technique". In an effort to maintain the chosen path of life, a person takes a tentative step, looking closely to see if it worked out. If

the result satisfies him, then he continues his movement in the given direction, but if not, then he takes new steps aimed at changing the situation. And so all my life. Even a person wise with life experience, who has seen a lot, heard even more, and has been the main character in many situations, cannot always say exactly what and how to do in newly discovered circumstances. As a result, a person always has to try on different solutions to the situation that has arisen. Life is varied, and the number of options that ensure the implementation of the choice made is also significant. “Life,” wrote Teilhard de Chardin, “does not act along one isolated line or in separate techniques. She moves her entire network forward at the same time.” So is man. For example, having made a choice of a virtuous path, he must understand that in each specific case he will have to look for the optimal solution. In standard situations, already proven solutions may well be suitable. It is no coincidence that they are called generally accepted. So, for example, when meeting a person it is customary to say hello, and when parting, to say goodbye. And there is hardly any need to revise anything here. In non-standard situations, on the contrary, you should look for a fresh solution. And it is important for a person to find a solution acceptable to him.

Generally speaking, when choosing a path in life, a person must keep in mind that (to use the words of Teilhard de Chardin) he will have to move forward “at the same time his entire network.” What is meant? The point is that a person, being a bio-socio-spiritual being, should not first concentrate attention, say, only on his bodily gifts, or only social abilities, or spiritual talents. No. He must do all this at the same time, in parallel, going as if in a “fan pattern”. Otherwise, he may face great disappointments in life. Let's say, if a girl decides to first get an education, pursue a career, and only then, say, at the age of thirty, think about a family, then it may turn out that time will be lost and she will remain lonely. Therefore, the wisdom of life, apparently, is to go through life using the “fan” principle, i.e., simultaneously solving the issues of getting an education, starting a family, and acquiring a profession. Yes. This is hard. But, perhaps, only this approach will allow a person to have time to realize himself in life.

Let's summarize what has been said. The problem of choosing a person's life path is one of the most important in philosophy. In essence, a person is placed in a situation where he is forced to make daily, hourly choices. The choice itself implicitly includes a number of aspects: what the choice is made from, the one who chooses, the act of choice itself and the expected result. These facets of choice are at the same time unique directions in the study of the problem of choice. However, in the question of the path of a person’s life, these provisions are not enough to limit the study of the problem of choice. Obviously, after the choice has been made, another problem arises - maintaining commitment to the chosen path. This is also important to consider in order to pave and maintain a righteous path of life.

Literature and notes

1. Plato. Collection cit.: In 4 vols. T. 4. - M., 1994. - P. 185, etc.

2. Gregory the Theologian, saint. Collection cit.: In 2 volumes. T. 1. - M., 1994. - P. 34, etc.

3. Kogan, L.N. Man and his destiny / L.N. Kogan. - M., 1988. - P. 164-165.

4. Berdyaev, N.A. The kingdom of the spirit and the kingdom of Caesar / N.A. Berdyaev. - M., 1995.

5. Together with the socio-economic laboratory operating at the Department of Socio-Political Sciences of the National Research Institute, a sociological study was conducted on the topic “Philosophy of a person’s life path.” The object of the study was the population of Nizhny Novgorod. During the study, 1236 people were interviewed. The study was carried out using a quota, sex-age, regionalized sample, calculated on the basis of data from the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Committee of State Statistics. The sample was calculated in proportion to the number of residents of a certain gender and age living in each district of the city. The results obtained can also be considered representative, since during the field phase of the study the interviewers strictly adhered to the sampling plan and practically avoided bias errors that often arise at this stage. Deviations of statistical data on the sex and age composition from the distribution of sex and age of Nizhny Novgorod residents in the sample are within the acceptable error: ±3%. The research method chosen was a survey through a questionnaire among residents of Nizhny Novgorod. Based on the data obtained, a computer database of opinions of various groups of Nizhny Novgorod residents was created. After this, a “data cleaning” procedure was applied, which involved correcting information entry errors. When processing the data, a special program for processing sociological information 8P88 6.1 for Windows was used.

6. The views of Nizhny Novgorod residents on the uniqueness of their life path were assessed on a nine-point scale from 1 to 9 - from negative to positive.

7. Voronin, G.L. Spirituality: between Jesus Christ and the militant misanthrope / G.L. Voronin // Russia and Russians: choosing a path: Proceedings of the conference of social scientists. - N. Novgorod, 2000. - P. 34.

8. Moskalenko, A.T., Serzhantov, V.F. The meaning of life and personality / A.T. Moskalenko, V.F. Sergeants. - Novosibirsk, 1989. - P. 125.

9. Kogan, L.N. Man and his destiny / L.N. Kogan. - M., 1988. - P. 165.

10. Teilhard de Chardin P. The phenomenon of man / Teilhard de Chardin P. - M., 1987.

Reading time 8 minutes

How many goals, how many opportunities, how wide and multifaceted our world is. Freedom in a person’s life is not only an amazing gift, it is also a huge responsibility. How to find yourself in life and how to manage your will, where to go and what to fight for? Or let everything take its course? The problem of choosing a life path worries every person. And everyone chooses the path that will lead him to long-awaited happiness.

What is spiritual freedom?

The right choice is impossible without spiritual freedom. If you take other people's postulates on faith, if you follow someone else's path, you will not achieve happiness. At one of the turning points in your life, you will realize that you have plunged your abilities and talents into a black hole, and in the end you are left with nothing.

A person’s spiritual freedom, his ability to focus on his ideals - these are the anchors that will hold the ship in a storm of anxiety and disappointment.

Imagine that a young girl enters a prestigious university to become a lawyer, where her parents sent her. At first it seems to her that this is her choice, because she wants to live securely, have authority, and see pride in the eyes of her beloved parents. But at the same time reject your nature, your talents and abilities.

Perhaps this girl dreamed of becoming an artist as a child; she has a special view of the world, creative, unique. The wrong choice of profession will soon come back to haunt her with headaches, disappointment, apathy, and lack of faith in her abilities. It is unlikely that she will be able to become a successful lawyer without loving the profession and devoting her strength to it. True, there is a compromise. You can earn money in a prestigious profession, and create a hobby out of your favorite activity. But all this is also a choice, which has both pros and cons.

Is freedom really the meaning of life? Everyone decides for themselves. But, no matter what you see as the focus of your hopes and desires, without a certain inner freedom you will not achieve success. So perhaps it's true. It all starts with freedom of choice and responsibility. A person who focuses only on the expectations of others faces great disappointment in life. Over time, he will not only see the harmful consequences of making the wrong choices, but also ruin his relationships with others. He may blame them for imposing unnecessary ideals and norms on him. But is that their fault?

“The purpose of psychotherapy is to make people free,” said May R.

Free from complexes, from other people’s attitudes, from your own fears and anxieties. Personal freedom and a person’s life are in his hands; the answer to many questions lies in the depths of his heart. The only question is: will you risk becoming truly free?

“Few are held back by slavery, the majority hold on to their slavery,” said Seneca.

And he was right. Sometimes it’s easier to live like everyone else, act like everyone else, look like everyone else. But you won’t be able to feel like everyone else! You know the answer: what you want, what you are striving for. It is important not to be afraid to ask yourself the right question.

Freedom in public life gives a person the opportunity to influence not only himself, but also others. Only a developed and active person can fulfill his role in society, do socially useful things, and change the course of events. Someone who is well aware of the principle of freedom of choice.

How to find yourself in life: with freedom of choice

What is it?

  1. Don't be afraid to take responsibility.
  2. Be prepared for the consequences.
  3. Admit your mistakes.

Inner freedom of a person lies in:

  1. The strength of the personal framework: those attitudes and norms that have been internalized - from external to internal.
  2. Awareness: the desire to get rid of illusions, to look at life soberly.
  3. Responsibility.
  4. Willingness to recognize the free will of another person.

Inner personal freedom is the basis of everything. It protects a person from irreparable mistakes and life tragedies. She gives support in difficult situations. This is a critical view of oneself and a realistic view of the world, it is awareness and responsibility, a willingness to face the problem of choosing a life path and make the right decision. If you have already stumbled, do not despair! Even in old age, everything can be changed. There are people who get married at the age of seventy, who change their profession in retirement, who achieve success when others have already given up in despair. How to support yourself at a turning point? Remember: while you are still alive, there is a chance. Neither disability, nor loneliness, nor poverty is a death sentence. Because a person creates his life himself.

A person’s choice of life path is based on:

  1. His personal views: what a person considers good and bad, what beliefs he understands and accepts, and which ones cause negativity.
  2. The attitudes accepted in his family and immediate environment, in his culture. A person who grew up in a tribe and a child of civilization will think differently and, accordingly, behave in life. Children of different cultures also differ.
  3. Society's expectations. What does this team consider acceptable, what profession does it consider prestigious? Many girls bring themselves to the point of abnormal thinness, as a stream of information glorifying anorexic models flows from television screens. Many teenagers want to become actors or famous musicians. And some are imbued with the image of a superhero from a criminal environment, having watched enough of the corresponding films. Society shapes our views on the world, and it is important to maintain freedom of self-determination and self-expression, to choose your own and not other people’s ideals.
  4. His needs and desires. What is pleasant to a person, what is dear to him, what does he love?
  5. Its capabilities
  6. His confidence in his own abilities. Any talent can be buried in the ground if you don’t believe in yourself. And a lot can be achieved by a person who sees a goal in front of him and goes towards it despite difficulties.

Don't be afraid of change! We create new life every hour, every moment! Our future fate depends on our every second choice. The problem of choosing a life path is especially relevant today. Why? Because the world has become more dynamic, gender roles are changing, new professions are emerging, and old attitudes are being destroyed.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a life path, you should be:

  1. Active – energetic and active
  2. Purposeful – able to overcome obstacles
  3. Responsible - realize the consequences of your actions, see that much is within your power
  4. Literate - educated, intelligent, well-read and developed
  5. Wise - able to see the real world, the consequences of a particular decision, the prospects for the development of the situation
  6. Self-actualizing – able to develop, change their behavior, and not stop despite adversity and mistakes
  7. Understand the importance of purpose in a person’s life - not to live meaninglessly, not to go with the flow, but to choose and create your own path.

Successfully achieving personal goals also involves patience and a willingness to work hard. Many talented individuals disappear into obscurity, poverty and despondency. And, as one successful person correctly said, success depends 99% on work, and only 1% on talent.

US President Donald Trump failed in business six times, went bankrupt, and rose from the bottom six times.

Popular writer of humorous detective stories Daria Dontsova admitted that she never waits for inspiration! She just forces herself every day to sit down at her desk and write a certain number of pages. The famous actor, “Die Hard” Bruce Willis, before achieving success, worked as a waiter, like many other Hollywood stars. Success, happiness, and often health do not fall from the sky. Sometimes you have to work long and hard, but it's worth it!

A person's personal goals must be consistent with his abilities. Don't strive to succeed in something that doesn't bring you pleasure. So life - even a successful one - will be full of apathy and disappointment. And at some point you will want to give up everything.

The ability to set goals involves:

1. Competent and conscious solution to the problem of choosing a life path, taking into account all the nuances
2.Analysis of your own talents and abilities - you can pass certain career guidance tests.
3. The ability to understand yourself and your needs. Follow your own, and not other people's, expectations and hopes.

So, we determine our desires and abilities, set goals and achieve them! Solving the problem of choosing a life path will be easier for you if you do not immediately expect instant results from your work. If you decide, for example, to become a successful entrepreneur, but after the first difficulties you already want to radically change your field of activity - take your time! Give yourself time, develop on your chosen path and success is just around the corner!

We solve the problem of choosing a life path not only when entering a university and before getting married. Every day you think you won't go to work out today, you're making a choice against your health. Every time you quarrel with a loved one, you move away from the prospect of a warm and harmonious relationship with him.

You can define your dream and transform it into a goal. How?

  1. Make a plan, for example, for a year;
  2. Write down the key points of the plan;
  3. Make a schedule for the day;
  4. Celebrate milestones achieved;
  5. Read inspiring stories of great people who achieved success;
  6. Do not give up! Patience and a little effort.

Life and freedom are inseparable concepts. One is impossible without the other if you want to achieve success, realize yourself, live happily and consciously the period of time allotted to you. States fought for freedom against aggressors, teenagers fought for freedom with their parents, and at all times, restriction of freedom was considered a punishment. But freedom is not carelessly following your immediate desires! Freedom is a conscious necessity. And it’s better when you limit yourself for the sake of an important and necessary goal. Do you want to be healthy? You should give up unhealthy and fatty foods, aimless time spent at the computer, and possibly energy-consuming work.

Never forget that personal freedom is far from a safe thing. Imagine that children and teenagers who are not yet able to solve the problem of choosing a life path will receive complete freedom.

So, before you dream of freedom, prepare the ground:

  1. Choose a goal in life. You can and should dream! Don't be afraid to take risks, be bold and creative. And then you’ll think about how to realize your brilliant ideas.
  2. Arm yourself with wisdom and patience. No result is achievable without will and perseverance. Yes, there is luck and luck. But don’t rely on external forces, look for support within yourself. Develop and don't give up!
  3. Identify your key needs and abilities. Form a goal based on your characteristics and talents.
  4. Be prepared to change your goal and face the inevitable consequences of your decision.

But don't give up. Even if the choice of goal turned out to be wrong, you still gained knowledge, experience and skills that will help you in the future.

The problem of choosing a life path is solvable. Unfortunately, when we choose one opportunity, we often lose many others. But it doesn't matter. This is the behavior of an adult and reasonable person, a developed personality. Family or non-stop career? Prestigious profession or favorite thing? New heights or the beaten path? Hometown or another? Lots of questions, and... not a single correct answer. Don't try to choose the perfect solution, it doesn't exist. Every choice has both positive and negative sides.

And as a result of each choice, you may be disappointed. But why? Is it really about the choice itself? No. If you consciously approach your own life, if you are wise and responsible, then you will take your positive moments out of any life situation. You have become stronger and more experienced, you have learned a lot. Therefore, in any case, do not despair and do not be afraid to make mistakes. Experience is the son of difficult mistakes. And without it you cannot build happiness.

Believe in yourself, in your abilities for self-realization, in your talents and wisdom, achieve success on your chosen path and never give up! It is such a wise, strong and responsible person who, having overcome all obstacles, can become truly happy. We wish you success!

1 argument: Today I and my peers are on the verge of choosing a life path. From that what profession do we prefer?, in what public sphere we will find our application, not only our material level depends, but also our spiritual development.(Personal example).

2nd argument: The choice is based on moral values ​​that are formed in childhood. It is very important that these are kindness, justice, hard work, and not selfish motives . ( Pierre Bezukhov "War and Peace").

3rd argument: “Eugene Onegin” A.S. Pushkin. Another literary hero who also could not make a choice according to his conscience is Eugene Onegin. The hero understands that his duel with Lensky is absolutely pointless, but still accepts the challenge. Why? A.S. Pushkin gives a completely unambiguous answer: “And here is public opinion! Spring of honor, our idol! And this is what the world revolves on!” That is, for Onegin, public opinion was more important than the life of a friend. But if the hero tried to make a choice, relying on his conscience, then everything would end well.

Argument 4: “The Master and Margarita” M.A. Bulgakov . This problem has been reflected more than once in Russian classical literature. Let's remember Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita", in which Woland and his retinue tempt Muscovites who make the wrong choice over and over again, for which they receive their punishment. Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy takes a bribe, the barman cheats, Styopa Likhodeev is debauched... And, of course, speaking about moral choice, one cannot help but recall Pontius Pilate, who was never able to make the right choice. After all, he realizes too late that “this afternoon he irretrievably missed something.

The problem of nobility, selfless life service (the ability to selflessness, to sacrifice oneself for the sake of another person)