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Psychology of creativity. Essay





“An essay is a way to tell the world

through yourself and about yourself with the help of the world"

Vladimir Nabokov

Essay isprose essay - a short argument with free composition, a genre of criticism and journalism, a free interpretation of any problem. The essay expresses individual impressions and considerations on a specific occasion or issue and obviously does not pretend to be a definitive or exhaustive interpretation of the subject. As a rule, an essay involves a new, subjectively colored word about something and can be of a philosophical, historical-biographical, journalistic, literary-critical, popular science, or fictional nature.

Essay- this is an independent written work on a topic proposed by the teacher (the topic can also be proposed by the student, but must be agreed uponwith the teacher). The purpose of the essay is to develop the skills of independent creative thinking and written presentation of your own thoughts. Writing an essay is extremely useful, since it allows the author to learn to clearly and competently formulate thoughts, structure information, use the main categories of analysis, highlight cause-and-effect relationships, illustrate concepts with relevant examples, and justify their conclusions; master the scientific style of speech. The essay should contain: a clear statement of the essence of the problem posed, include an independently conducted analysis of this problem using concepts and analytical tools considered within the discipline, conclusions summarizing the author’s position on the problem posed. Depending on the specifics of the discipline, essay forms can vary significantly. In some cases, this may be an analysis of available statistical data on the problem under study, analysis of materials from the media and the use of studied models, a detailed analysis of the proposed problem with detailed opinions, selection and detailed analysis of examples illustrating the problem, etc.

What is an essay?

“An essay is a sketch that treats some problems in a non-systematic way. scientific form, and infree form."

Dictionary of foreign words

"Essay - This is a genre of philosophical, literary critical, historical and biographical journalistic prose, combining emphatically individual position author casually, often paradoxical presentation, oriented towards colloquial speech.”

Large encyclopedic dictionary

"Essay - prose essay of small volume and free composition, treating a particular topic and representing attempt hand over individual impressions and considerations, one way or another, connected with it.”

Concise Literary Encyclopedia

"Essay - genre of criticism, literary criticism, characterized by free interpretation of any problem. Avmopthe essay analyzes the chosen problem, not taking care of the systematic presentation, argumentation, conclusions, generally accepted issue, etc.

Dictionary of literary terms

"Essay - a type of essay in which the main role is played by non-reproduction fact, but an image of impressions, thoughts and associations... The author of the essay is not pretends to analyze the work, but is limited to reasoning about it, emphasizing the subjectivity of one’s attitude.”

A brief dictionary of literary terms

"Essay - a prose sketch representinggeneral or preliminary thoughts about any subject or for any reason, often random."

Dictionary of foreign words

The history of the “essay” genre

- competently applies categories of analysis;

- skillfully uses comparison and generalization techniques to analyze the relationship of concepts and phenomena;

- is able to explain alternative views on the problem under consideration and come to a balanced conclusion;

- range of information space used (the student uses a large number of different information sources);

- reasonably interprets text information using graphs and diagrams; gives a personal assessment of the problem.

The maximum number of points a student can receive is 10.

Essay topic

(approximate options)

1. “We all think that courage... but it turns out it’s the other way around...”

2. “Better courage than wisdom.”

3. “That which flies by.”

4. "T"O"that is near, although far away."

5. "T"O, which a person usually does not notice.”

6. "T"O, which is wonderful."

7. “Unsent letter *........»

8. “I am the path.”

9. “I am a tear.”

10. “Is a lie saving or destructive?”

11. “What I like and don’t like about people, life, art.”

12. “Anything can happen to a person.”

13. “Soul and mind.”

14. “My understanding of democracy.”

15. “Where everyone is to blame, no one is to blame” (Russian proverb)

16. “Better inceHe who has experienced evil knows what good is” (English proverb).

17. “He who can not lie is free” (A. Camus)

18. “The ability to forgive is a property of the strong. The weak never forgive” (M. Gandhi)

19. “Do not exalt yourself in happiness, do not humble yourself in misfortune” (Cleobulus)

20. “There is nothing more courageous than victory over oneself” (E. Rotterdamsky)

21. “Life is not about living, but about feeling that you are living” (V. Klyuchevsky)


1. - Written works on literature 9-11 - grade, Moscow., Bustard, 2002.

2. Kalganov write an essay. Moscow., 1999.

3. Epstein on the essay. St. Petersburg, 1994.

4. Nikitina - a memory.//"Russian language at school. 1999 No. 3.

5. Chernozemova: a guide to developing writing skills speech. - Moscow., 1998.

6. Kotelnikova - review - review - essay, //(Russian language in school. 1998 No. 1. I

7. What is an essay. Moscow, 2000.

8. Sparrow write a good essay. Moscow, 2002.


What is an essay ……………………………………………………………………..4

History of the essay ……………………………………………………….5

Essay structure ……………………………………………………………………. 6

Features of an essay ………………………………………………………………………..8

Preparation and writingessay ……………………………………………………..10

Stages of writing an essay ………………………………………………………….....11

Essay Grading …………………………………………………………………...12

Essay topics (sample topics)………………………………………………13

Literature ………………………………………………………………………. 14

Yulia Aksarova
Essay: “Creativity that brings joy”

What is happiness? It's very simple.

It starts with half a meter of height.

"Happiness" grows up and walks nearby.

Need to introduce

"Happiness" with a kindergarten.


Creativity that brings joy

You can talk for a long time about your favorite profession, and each of them is good and necessary in its own way. Several years ago, while thinking about choosing a profession, I came to the conclusion that it should be for the soul, i.e. joy. In my opinion, there is nothing more exciting in the world than working with children who greedily absorb your every word, every glance, and for whom you become a mother, a teacher and a good friend for a certain time.

Every day my work brings new emotions, many funny and pleasant moments happen. I have to transform into different images that carry for children all the best, brightest and inimitable as in childhood.

Educator is a profession that comes from childhood. I remember how as a child I loved going to kindergarten because I was interesting teacher: how much she knows and how much she can do, playing many roles, never losing heart, ready to do anything for the sake of a child’s smile. Educators are people who always remain children at heart. Otherwise, the children will not accept them, they will not let them into their world. A teacher is the first teacher, after the mother, that children meet on their life path. The teacher gives a lot children: this includes spiritual, moral, patriotic education, intellectual development, familiarization with beauty - creative child development.

Recently, kindergartens have begun to practice entertaining activities - cut-out appliqué. This method is good for conveying the texture of an image (fluffy chicken, curly cloud). In this case, we tear the paper into pieces and make an image from them. Children 5-7 years old can make it more difficult technique: don’t just tear the pieces of paper as best you can, but pluck or tear off the outline drawing. Cutting appliqué is very useful for developing fine motor skills, sensory perception, attention, thinking and expression. child's creative idea. An indispensable condition for development creative abilities is to create psychological freedom and security. Only in such an atmosphere does it manifest itself child's creative activity, the desire for multiple options for solving a problem, the willingness to quickly and easily switch from one subject to another. One of the conditions for manifestation creativity in artistic activity - organizing an interesting meaningful life baby: organization of everyday observations of the phenomena of the surrounding world, communication with art, material support, as well as taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, careful attitude to the process and result of children's activities, organization of the atmosphere creativity and task motivation.

I consider the artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children to be a priority area of ​​my work. I help children discover themselves through non-traditional activities, namely through cut-out appliqué. Preschoolers develop a desire and need to work, since this activity is associated with the manifestation of positive emotions. Moral and creative satisfaction experienced by a person in the process of work causes a desire to again experience the feeling joy from this process and results.

It is not uncommon for a child's hobby to become a profession. But even if in the future preschoolers do not connect their lives with arts and crafts, the skills acquired in the classroom will help them in work in any profession. It is not without reason that many adults return to childhood hobbies when organizing their leisure time.

It is believed that the highest level of activity is achieved by a person in creativity. Creative activity raises a person from the level of a consumer of spiritual and material values ​​to the level of their creator. Creation in a broad sense, this is an activity aimed at obtaining something new, unique, and therefore the main indicator creativity is the novelty of its result.

For me, preschool childhood is the spring of life. The first achievements and successes of a child are like the first snowdrops. How difficult is the path to achieve them, but soon the flow of the child’s activity increases, he, like a babbling brook, strives forward and forward.

MBDOU DS No. 2 "Olenenok"

Educator Aksarova Yu. M.

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Essay on creativity

Later author's note. I wrote an essay for school. Our school is not easy. You have to write specially for it. So there are things I'm not entirely sure about. Although, in principle, all my thoughts are mine, I didn’t copy anything from anyone... Introduction. What is creativity? Creativity is one of the few ways available to a person to embody in the physical and spiritual world the possibilities inherent in him by God, to bring something new into the world, to realize his creative potential. Every person has the potential for creativity, because creativity is not limited in forms. In order for a person to become a creator, it is not at all necessary to be able to draw, sculpt, sing or anything else, i.e. creativity is not necessarily associated with art. Creativity can be present in absolutely any type of work performed by a person, be it cooking, construction, scientific work or anything else. Even doing monotonous work that is repeated day after day (for example, on an assembly line), a person can create. But to realize any potential inherent in a person, effort is necessary, and in the case of repetitive work, this effort must be constant. In true creativity, a person uses only the upper centers (anahata, vishuddha, ajna, sahasrara), and only when these centers work, a person can create, and not destroy, at the energy level. After all, the concept of creativity traditionally includes a fairly large range of works, some of which have nothing to do with real creativity, since they were created under the influence of lower centers (manipura, svadhisthana, muladhara). Such works are usually soulless, empty, or filled with lower experiences and animal vibrations, or are the embodiment of the dark sides of the Creator's soul. They are useless and even harmful for the world in general, since they are not devoid of action and can for a certain period (sometimes very significant) knock down, reduce to their level even a very focused person, whose goal was real creativity. Any real creativity is creation in the subtle world. And that is why it does not necessarily have to be associated with art. But art has a special power, the ability to carry the Good News, to preserve those higher vibrations under the influence of which it was created for thousands of years, the ability to push many descendants towards the Light. 1. What is the gift of God? The gift of God is a special opportunity received by a person as intended; it is a tremendous power given to a person from birth. The gift of God cannot be neglected, since each person is given by fate exactly as much as the human soul needs to realize its highest goals in this world. This is why it seems to me that the attitude of many people towards the talents they have is very wrong. Talent is more likely not a gift, but a person’s responsibility to the world, his own soul and God. Not using it is the same as not using the right to vote when you know about the danger threatening humanity, or, conversely, about the path to Salvation. Each person comes into the world with a number of possibilities that he must realize for his development. The soul of a person who does not fulfill its destiny is doomed to return to the world again with the same, if not lower, level of development, and the more incarnations a person wastes his talents in vain, the more difficult it will be for his soul to find the Truth and leave the circle of Samsara. It is wrong not to use the gift of God, but also to waste it wastefully and to the detriment of the world. Thus, a person who has a destined talent can engage in animal creativity (under the influence of lower centers), and his creations will have a very strong force of attraction and conviction, and for many years they can harm people who come into contact with him in one way or another. 2. Is a person responsible for his creativity before humanity and God? Of course, every person is responsible for what he creates in this world. The principles on which he created it are of great importance. After all, instead of the Good News, you can bring Satan into the world with a work (remember Gogol’s Portrait). The wrong vibrations brought by a work can irritate the world for a long time, even after the work ceases to exist. As an example, I can cite the works of Salvador Dali. They are unusually attractive to European people and very popular because of their unusual shapes and colors, but they carry with them deeply negative energy and irritate the psyche because they were written by a dirty person. It is clearly evident from them that they were written under the influence of sexual desires and dirty fantasies. They do not bring anything positive and new to the world, except in a perverted form. But because of their popularity and hypnotic effect, they will influence the world, the consciousness and souls of people for a long time, possibly leading them to false values, charging them with their vibrations. And I think that the responsibility for this lies with the soul of the author, whose soul is most likely forever doomed to remain on the animal level. Conclusion. From all of the above, I conclude that creativity in one form or another is a process necessary for any entity to develop, for the production of which the human soul is responsible. Therefore, it is always important to think about what and why you are creating, to control the state in which you are going to create, and if this state is caused by the actions of animal centers, then it is better not to engage in creativity at all, or in any case, to destroy, in repentance, dirty works.

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2 COMPETITION TASK for the Regional qualifying competitions of professional skills WorldSkills of the Oryol region 207 in the competency “Teaching in elementary grades” Competitive tasks. Oral essay. A presentation on a given topic with an element of creativity. 2. Preparation and implementation of a fragment (the stage of discovering new knowledge) in primary school in one of the academic subjects. 3. Development and conduct of extracurricular activities with design elements. 4. Development of a parent meeting for parents of first-graders. 5. Competition “I’ll teach you in 5 minutes.” 6. Development of an educational presentation for methodological support of the educational process. 7. Solution of a situational pedagogical problem.. Oral essay. Speech on a given topic with elements of creativity. Goal: Demonstrate the ability to creatively present individual experiences and thoughts on a specific topic. Description of the object: essay with presentation Time limit for completing the task: hour 20 minutes Time limit for presenting the task: up to 7 minutes (the participant uses the materials specified in the infrastructure sheet) Task:. Determine the idea of ​​the speech. 2. Find information on the topic of the essay. 3. Conduct an independent analysis of the information. 4. Determine the content of the speech. 5. Prepare accompaniment for the speech (presentation, audio, video recording, etc.) 6. Prepare the equipment necessary for the speech. 2. Preparation and implementation of a fragment (the stage of discovering new knowledge) in primary school in one of the academic subjects. Goal: demonstrate the ability to prepare and conduct a lesson of a certain type Description of the object: fragment of a lesson (stage of discovering new knowledge)

3 Time limit for completing the task: hour 30 minutes (the participant uses the materials indicated in the infrastructure sheet) Time limit for presenting the task: 5 minutes Contingent: children of primary school age (5 people) Task:. Determine the subject and topic of the lesson 2. Determine the purpose and objectives of the lesson 3. Develop the structure and flow of the lesson fragment 4. Determine the content 5. Select materials and equipment 6. Prepare the equipment necessary to organize the activities of students 7. Rehearse 8. Inform the experts about completion work and readiness to demonstrate a fragment of lesson 3. Development and conduct of extracurricular activities with design elements. Goal: demonstrate the ability to prepare and conduct an extracurricular activity with design elements. Description of the object: extracurricular activity Time limit for completing the task: hour 30 minutes (the participant uses the materials specified in the infrastructure sheet) Time limit for presenting the task: 5 minutes Contingent: children of primary school age (5 people) Task:. Determine the topic of extracurricular activities. 2. Determine the purpose and objectives of the lesson 3. Develop the structure and course of the lesson 4. Determine the content of the lesson, including design tasks. 5. Select materials and equipment 6. Rehearse 7. Notify the experts about the completion of the work and readiness to demonstrate the task 4. Development of a parent-teacher meeting for parents of first-graders. Purpose: to demonstrate the ability to conduct a parent meeting. Description of the object: parent meeting Time limit for completing the task: hour 30 minutes (the participant uses the materials specified in the infrastructure sheet) Time limit for presenting the task: 5 minutes

4 Task:. Determine the purpose and objectives of the meeting. 2. Develop the structure and course of the meeting 3. Determine the content and form of the meeting 4. Select materials and equipment. 5. Rehearse 6. Notify the experts that you have completed the work and are ready to demonstrate the task 5. “I’ll teach you in 5 minutes” competition. Goal: demonstrate the ability to create creative work of an applied nature Description of the object: creative work Time limit for completing the task: 0 minutes Time limit for presenting the task: 5 minutes (the participant has the right to use his own equipment) Contingent: volunteers Task:. Determine the goals and objectives of the competition, taking into account the age and interests of the audience 2. Prepare materials and equipment for the competition 3. Inform the experts about the completion of the work and readiness to complete the competition task. 6. Development of an educational presentation for methodological support of the educational process. Goal: demonstrate the ability to create a multimedia educational presentation using various interactive elements in accordance with the requirements for the design of audiovisual didactic and methodological material. Description of the object: presentation Time limit for completing the task: hour 20 minutes Time limit for presenting the task: up to 0 minutes Task:. Determine the educational purpose of the presentation; 2. Determine the main idea of ​​the presentation; 3. Find additional information; 4. Create a structure and logic for presenting material; 5. Create a presentation structure; 6. Check the material supply logic; 7. Inform the experts about the completion of the work and readiness to complete the competition task. 7. Solving a situational pedagogical problem.

5 Goal: demonstrate the ability to analyze the proposed pedagogical situation, transform it into a pedagogical task and propose solutions. Description of the object: presentation Time limit for completing the task: hour 20 minutes Time limit for presenting the task: up to 0 minutes Task:. Provide an analysis of the pedagogical situation. 2. Define the problem in the context of the pedagogical process. 3. Formulate a pedagogical task based on an analysis of the situation and specific conditions 4. Find options for solving the problem based on an assessment of their expected effectiveness. 5. Select your preferred option. 6. Prepare a speech and presentation of ways to solve the problem. 7. Inform the experts about the completion of the work and readiness to complete the competition task.

6 CHAMPIONSHIP I Regional WorldSkills Championship 207 Oryol region NAME OF COMPETENCY Primary school teacher (RU Elementary School Teaching) Number of participants 5 PER PARTICIPANT (COMPETITIVE SITE) Equipment, tools and furniture Name Link to the site with those characteristics or those characteristics Unit. Number of measuring instruments Single wooden table 600x600 mm pcs 2 Chair At the discretion of the organizer pcs 3 Writing tablets A4 pcs 4 Laptop Laptop ICL Si 45 pcs 5 Computer mouse Optical laser mouse pcs Consumables Name Link to the site with those characteristics or those characteristics Unit . Number of measuring instruments Container for handouts 30x25x20 pcs 2 Children's scissors safe for creativity At the discretion of the organizers pcs 3 Sippy cup for drawing At the discretion of the organizers pcs 4 Palette At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5 Watercolor paints At the discretion of the organizers pcs 6 Stand for brushes At the discretion of the organizers pcs 7 Protective oilcloth 60 x 60 pcs 8 Set of colored cardboard A4 pcs 9 Set of felt-tip pens At the discretion of the organizers pcs 0 Set of markers for the board At the discretion of the organizers pcs 3 Set of velvet paper At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 PVA glue At the discretion of the organizers pcs 3 Set of colored single-sided paper A4 pcs

7 4 Set of white cardboard A4 pcs 5 Paper napkins At the discretion of the organizers pcs 6 Wet wipes At the discretion of the organizers pcs 7 Colored stickers At the discretion of the organizers pcs 8 Eraser At the discretion of the organizers pcs 9 Simple pencil At the discretion of the organizers pcs 20 Gouache paints At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 Set Artist brushes (squirrel) 5 pcs. At the discretion of the organizers pcs 22 Fountain pens At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 23 Wooden ruler 5 cm At the discretion of the organizers pcs ON THE EXPERT (COMPETITION SITE) Equipment, tools and furniture Name Link to the site with those characteristics or those characteristics Unit. Number of measuring instruments Writing tablet A4 pcs 2 Wooden table At the discretion of the organizers pcs 3 Writing paper A4 pcs 4 Pencils At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5 Ballpoint pens At the discretion of the organizers pcs 6 Chair At the discretion of the organizers pcs PARTICIPANTS' ROOM Equipment, furniture, office and etc. Name Link to the site with those characteristics or those characteristics Unit. Number of measuring instruments Hanger At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 Wooden table At the discretion of the organizers pcs 3 Mirror At the discretion of the organizers pcs 4 Chair At the discretion of the organizers pcs 0 EXPERT ROOM Equipment, furniture, office, etc. Name Link to the site with those characteristics or those characteristics of the instrument Unit. measurements Qty

8 Hanger At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 Conference table At the discretion of the organizers pcs 3 MFP A4 laser MFP XEROX WorkCentrre 509 pcs 4 Laptop Notebook ICL Si 45 pcs 5 Computer mouse Optical laser mouse pcs 6 A4 paper pack 2 7 Pen At the discretion of the organizers pcs 0 8 Extension cord 5 m, 5 nests At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 9 Wall clock At the discretion of the organizers pcs 0 Chair At the discretion of the organizers pcs 0 CHIEF EXPERT ROOM Equipment, furniture, office, etc. Name Link to the site with those characteristics or those characteristics Unit. Number of measuring instruments Hanger At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 Conference table, art. B35, 880x880x760 At the discretion of the organizers pcs 3 MFP A4 laser, COLOR MFP XEROX WorkCentrre 320 pcs 4 Laptop Laptop ICL Si 45 pcs 5 Computer mouse Optical laser mouse pcs GENERAL INFRASTRUCTURE KONKU RSNOY SITES Equipment, furniture, office, etc. Name Link to the site with those characteristics or those characteristics of the instrument Unit. measurements Quantity Magnets set At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 2 Set of felt-tip pens for the board At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 3 A4 paper At the discretion of the organizers packaging of sheets 4 MFP color, A4 MFP XEROX WorkCentrre 320 pcs 5 Racks with shelves At the discretion of the organizers pcs 6 Sets textbooks of various teaching materials At the discretion of the organizers pcs 7 Extension cord 220 V, 5 m, 5 sockets At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5 8 Tables At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5

9 9 Ball At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5 0 Container for handouts 30x25x20 At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5 Stapler At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5 2 Hole punch At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 3 Broom At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 4 Scoop At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 5 Interactive whiteboard On at the discretion of the organizers pcs 6 Computer mouse optical laser mouse pcs 2 7 Laptop Laptop ICL Si 45 pcs 8 Chairs At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5 9 Adhesive tape At the discretion of the organizers pcs 20 Double-sided tape At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 Staples for the stapler 0 At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 22 Corrugated paper of different colors At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5 23 Plasticine At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5 24 Whatman paper At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5 25 Acoustic speakers At the discretion of the organizers pcs 26 Bottled water At the discretion of the organizers pcs ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/COMMENTS FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT Name Description Electricity for 4 stations per platform 220 volts 2 Wi-Fi with Internet access

10 Evaluation criteria Competency “Teaching in the lower grades” Module Criterion Maximum score A General cultural development 0 B General professional development 40 C Interaction with parents and employees of 25 educational institutions D Methodological support of the educational process 0 E Self-education 5 Module Assignment Aspect A Assignment Oral essay. A presentation on a given topic with an element of creativity. In Assignment. Preparation and conduct Criteria Maximum points O Compliance with the rules of the competition 0.5 O Compliance with sanitary standards and 0.5 safety rules corresponding to the profession O Identification of the problem within the specified topic O Formulation of the thesis, personal judgment, position that needs to be proven O Reasoned presentation own position O Semantic unity and logic of speech O Literacy and clarity of speech O Information completeness O Creative approach to the presentation S Originality 0.5 S Variety of presentation means 0.5 S Entertainment of the performance, 0.5 artistry S General impression 0.5 0 Total O Compliance with the rules of the competition O Compliance with sanitary standards and 0.5 safety rules, Participant points

11 fragments of a lesson (the stage of discovering new knowledge) in primary school on one of the academic subjects. corresponding to the profession O The educational content corresponds to the topic and goals of the lesson O The level of complexity of the material, its volume and method of presentation correspond to the age and individual characteristics of the students O The formulation of the purpose and objectives of the lesson O The results of the lesson are correlated with the goals O O O O O Masters the conceptual apparatus, selects the actual and illustrative material from a scientific point of view Motivates students for educational activities Fixes individual difficulties in educational activities Involves students in the process of setting goals and objectives of educational activities Involves students in organizing a lesson (through determining the sequence of actions in the lesson) Demonstrates elements of modern teaching technologies (including including ICT) O Organizes the alternation of forms of work (frontal, individual, pair and group), O Most students demonstrate the assimilation of new knowledge by correctly answering the teacher’s questions O Most students demonstrate developed abilities to apply acquired knowledge when performing educational tasks on new material (primary skills in the first lesson on the topic)

12 O Uses various forms of assessment (including self-assessment) O Educational potential of lesson B2 Task 2. Development and conduct of extracurricular activities with design elements O Atmosphere of the lesson (emotional comfort, respect for the personal dignity of students) S Accuracy 0.5 S Individual style 0. 5 pedagogical activity S Originality of the lesson 0.5 S Emotionality 0.5 S General impression 0.5 Total 20 O Compliance with the rules of the competition O Compliance with sanitary and safety standards corresponding to the profession O Knowledge of sample programs 2 extracurricular activities for primary general education O Knowledge and taking into account age 2 characteristics of children of primary school age O Ability to organize various types of activities of students O Independence of children's activities O Formulation of goals and planned results O Demonstrates elements of modern technologies for organizing extracurricular activities O Involves students in organizing classes O Effective use of equipment and materials O Feasibility and validity of use construction during the lesson O Availability of instructions (algorithm) for performing design elements O Speech culture O Originality of methodological techniques O Class atmosphere (emotional comfort, respect for the personal dignity of students) O Achieving the goals

13 C Task. Development of a parent meeting for parents of first-graders and planned results S Accuracy 0.5 S Creative approach 0.5 S Emotionality 0.5 S General impression. 0.5 Total 20 O Compliance with the rules of the competition 0.5 O Compliance with sanitary standards and 0.5 safety rules corresponding to the profession O Goal setting during the meeting O Logic of constructing a parent meeting O Information completeness Task 2. “I’ll teach you in 5 minutes.” D Task. Development and presentation of an educational presentation for an educational event. O Scientific and reliable 2 information O Variety of activities 2 (technologies and forms) O Taking into account age characteristics 2 of the target audience O Feedback 2 O Creative approach to organizing parent meetings S Originality, individual style 0.5 S Expressiveness and clarity of speech 0.5 S Emotionality 0.5 S General impression 0.5 Total 5 O Compliance with the rules of the competition O Compliance with sanitary and safety standards corresponding to the profession O Goal setting O Compliance with the age characteristics of students O Achieving the goal 2 O Interaction style 2 S Expressiveness and clarity of speech S Creative approach 0.3 S Originality 0.2 S Emotionality 0.3 S General impression 0.2 Total 0 O Compliance with the rules of the competition O Compliance with sanitary standards and 0.5 safety rules corresponding to the profession O Compliance with the age characteristics of a primary school student O Compliance of the content with the stage of the learning process

14 О Availability of sound accompaniment to the educational presentation О Availability of animation in the educational presentation О Interactivity (interaction) О Compliance with the requirements for the design and use of the educational presentation О The appropriateness of using the selected teaching aids S Emotionality 0.5 S Originality 0.5 S Overall impression 0.5 Total 0 E. Task. O Compliance with the rules of the competition Decision O Compliance with sanitary standards and 0.5 situational safety rules, pedagogical corresponding to the profession O Description of the proposed situation 2 tasks. О Identification of problem(s) О Determination of possible causes of 2 problem(s) О Formulation of pedagogical problem(s) 2 О Selecting methods for solving 2 pedagogical problem(s) О Argumentation of your own position in choosing solution methods О Information completeness speeches O Professional speech literacy S Originality of presentation 0.5 solutions S Expressiveness and clarity of speech 0.5 S General impression 0.5 Total 5 Total maximum points 00 Penalty points are awarded by the Expert for the following violations:) safety violations - violation of safety regulations when work with equipment (up to 5 for each) - violations that may entail a danger to the life and health of participants or third parties (up to 0 for each) - violations of discipline (up to 5 for each) 2) technical errors - improper use of equipment or its damage (up to 5 for each) - irrational use of consumables (up to 3 for each) - leaving garbage at the workplace (up to 5 for each)

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The document contains essays on various topics. This material is suitable for primary school teachers for presentations at methodological associations and parent-teacher meetings.



My favorite city.

Every person has their own favorite city. Most often, the favorite city is called the city where a person spent his childhood, because the most dear memories to the heart are associated with childhood.

Favorite city... This city does not have to be a capital, a city with a millionaires. He may be small and quiet, but very dear.

Cities, like people, each have their own destiny, their own face and their own character. I want to talk about the city of my childhood, my small Motherland.
My Kamyshin is such a place! A small and cozy town located on the banks of the Volga. But few people know that Kamyshin is the “Watermelon Capital”. Every year at the end of summer, our city hosts a “Watermelon Festival”, which is visited by Peter 1 himself. Who is the founder of the watermelon history of Kamyshin.
And don’t forget that such a small city is the birthplace of such a famous pilot Alexei Petrovich Maresyev. Looking at the sky of Kamyshin, the words of Alexei Petrovich immediately come to mind: “I have never seen such a blue sky as in Kamyshin.”

I love my city...I love my city most of all in autumn. You know, there are those days in October when the sky is bright and deep, and the leaves of the trees seem

poured with golden threads on the blue silk of heaven... And everything around

disappears, dissolving in streams of especially bright light

October sun.


Family is the environment in which a person should learn to do good.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Family and family values

What is family for a person? A word that everyone understands. It is with each of us from the first moments of life. Family is home, dad and mom, close people. These are common concerns, joys and deeds. This is love and happiness. Family is the rear and the foundation on which all life is built. We are all born into a family, and growing up, we create our own. This is how man is made.

The formation of personality begins in the family: family values ​​instill the necessary skills for the harmonious development of an integral nature.

What is most important in a family? It is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Love? Understanding? Caring and participating? Or maybe dedication and hard work? Or strict adherence to family traditions?

The change and development of society, new views accordingly form a new understanding of family values. Today, the moral priorities of parents and children differ significantly. In children, the attitude towards this concept is more progressive, but tough. This trend is observed due to the fact that each subsequent young generation takes from the previous one only the most necessary things, introducing into it its own, currently relevant, family customs and traditions. Of course, concepts such as trust, love, mutual assistance, respect and kindness remain fundamental for the person of the 21st century.

In no case should we forget about the little ones. Children are the flowers of life. Children, first of all, need peace and well-being in the family, because they are the most unprotected and vulnerable family link. It is necessary to show them favor and show by your own example how important family is, explain why it is necessary to honor traditions. Such moral education will not be in vain.

Due to the information deficit and due to the new values ​​of money and status imposed by society, children have relegated the most expensive and necessary components of their normal life to the background. Forming in children a correct concept of life and ethical standards will be the key to their happy family life in the future.

For any family, the list of family values ​​will contain an infinite number of items. But each of us should have a clear understanding of those family values ​​that help strengthen the foundation for creating a strong and friendly family. Knowledge of moral and ethical principles plays an important role in strengthening trust and increasing confidence in each family member.

  • A sense of importance and necessity. It is important that each family member knows that he is loved, valued, and needed. Family is a place where you can gather without “special” occasions, holidays, it is a safe place to which you can return when something doesn’t work out, they will accept you, listen to you, support you, help you.
  • Flexibility in solving family problems is the path to happiness and a sense of comfort. Each family has its own order, daily routine, structure, and rules.
  • You need to learn to forgive people who have offended you. Everyone makes mistakes. Life is too short to waste it on grudges.
  • Learn to be generousfor attention, love, time, communication, even some of your material possessions
  • Communication is a separate art. The transfer of information and feelings is an important element in the formation of family relationships. When people feel that they can easily and openly express their dreams, hopes, fears, successes, failures, then this only helps to strengthen the family. Lack of communication leads to small issues developing into larger ones, which end in quarrels, avoidance, and divorce.
  • Traditions - this is what makes a family unique, they unite all family members.

The family is the first school of life for a new person who has just been born; it is an environment in which he learns to use his abilities to understand the outside world.

Everything we know about our family becomes our value system, on the basis of which our actions are formed. A happy, joyful family life is not an accident, but a great achievement based on work and choice. Starting a family is a responsible act that will require a lot of time, expense, effort, and energy. But this is a worthy cause, this is our main cause in life. We want our actions to be worthy of respect.


The world is changing before our eyes, the days rush by in a rapid stream, covering a person completely, simply not allowing him to come to his senses. Every day we are bombarded with enormous volumes of information, the perception of which largely depends on a person’s psychological capabilities.

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Family is the environment in which a person should learn to do good. V. Sukhomlinsky

Connection of generations!

Children are our everything!


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My Kamyshin


Sukhoruchenko Lyudmila. Kamyshin Pedagogical College.

Dear experts, viewers, we present to your attention an essay on the topic:

My Kamyshin is a small corner of big Russia.

There is a tiny dot on the huge planet Earth. This is my hometown, my Kamyshin. I smile at his family silhouettes rising above the Volga. I discover how joyful it is to breathe on its streets. And it’s scary to think about how to live in the world if you don’t have your own hometown.

In my free time I like to wander around my hometown. Walking along its quiet streets, every time I feel like I'm going on a little trip. Memory lives in the old city center. She carefully preserves the pages of the past.

The folk song sang:

What was higher than the city of Tsaritsyn,

What was lower than the city of Saratov,

The mother Kamyshinka River flowed and passed,

She led the steep red banks behind her.

Steep red banks and green meadows.

It flowed through its stomata into the Mother Volga River.

Back in 1668, on the left bank of the Kamyshinka River, at its confluence with the Volga, a fortress was built by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The goal is to protect the route on the Volga. Then the fortress was renamed into the city of Dmitrievsk, and a century later into the city of Kamyshin. This name still remains today.

This year Kamyshin celebrated his 348th birthday. My city has seen a lot during this time.

Tsar Peter I visited it twice. There are legends that the tsar was treated to a huge watermelon. Peter tasted it and praised it: “Excellent fruit!” Whether this is true or not, today Kamyshin is the watermelon capital of Russia.

And now let’s move from the 17th century to the 20th, to the fateful 40s.

During the Great Patriotic War, when there were fierce battles near Stalingrad, Kamyshin became a city of hospitals. They were located in school buildings. Instead of sonorous children's voices, the groans of wounded soldiers were heard in school classrooms and corridors.

Our park is named after Komsomol volunteers, since it was from here that yesterday’s boys and girls went to defend Stalingrad, and here they swore an oath of allegiance to the Fatherland.

Just like in Volgograd, in my hometown there is an Alley of Heroes. Let's walk along this alley. They were and remain our fellow countrymen: red star fighter Ivan Bazarov, valiant navigator Sergei Davydov, fearless signalman Mikhail Volkov, tanker German Lipkin, pilot Ivan Lazarev and, of course, the legendary Alexey Maresyev - Heroes of the Soviet Union. Their exploits are our shrine and pride, the streets of my city are named after them.

Kamyshin is the birthplace of the famous composer and performer of his songs Evgeny Martynov. Apple trees in bloom - what a miracle... I will not forget the apple trees in bloom... These are lines from his song. My hometown is buried in apple and apricot blossoms every spring.

Today the city has taken a new turn; it is a large industrial center of the Volga region.

The greenery of your gardens is thicker and thicker,

At night there are more and more lights on construction sites.

The city of Kamyshin is my growing city,

City of textile workers and Volgarians!

Today, many are leaving small towns like my Kamyshin, considering them unpromising, rushing to the capital. I'm not one of those people. I don’t see my future destiny without my city. And if I still have to leave it due to some circumstances, I know that my beloved city will take care of me in distant places. Protect from vanity and other people's beauties, from cheap delights and easy solutions.

In the evening I will open the window. The city will trustingly touch your hands. A warm sigh of people tired during the day, a scattering of countless lights, a steppe bitterish wormwood smell.

I proudly praise this city

Worthy of all honors,

For millions of meters of chintz,

For the work of young textile workers,

For the breadth of its quarters,

For the beauty of his girls,

And he had enough courage,

Although he does not wear awards.

I absorbed the love for my city with my mother’s milk, and also thanks to the lessons of my first teacher. In a year, I will also enter the classroom, take the students into my hands, and lead them along the paths of knowledge. I will try to instill in them love for Kamyshin, pride in him, in his historical past and glorious present. After all, it is from such small towns that our big Motherland - Russia - is formed. I would like to end my speech with words from a poem that I wrote for the competition when I was still a third grade student:

My city is becoming more beautiful, younger every day.

Come and visit, there will be enough room for everyone.

It has been standing on the Volga bank for the fourth century.

My city may be small, but I love it.

Thank you for your attention.


Dear experts, guests! Allow me to present to your attention my thoughts on the topic “Family values ​​in the modern world.”

First, let's find out what a family actually is?

If we take the usual definition, then it is a social institution, the basic unit of society.

Now let's say this word. Let each of those present do this for themselves and listen to the feelings and sensations that arise. I will do this too. Family.....

Images of people dear and close to my heart instantly appeared in my mind, helping in difficult times, caring for me.

For me, family is my small homeland, where they will always support and understand, listen and never abandon.

Why is family so important for a person? Why does he feel lost and hurt when he loses his family?

He loses not just support and support, but loses something more. A person loses a part of himself.

It is no coincidence that the word “family” from an etymological point of view means seven selves, that is, parts of a single whole. The formation of a person takes place in the family; here he learns to interact with the world. The family gives him a feeling of joy, security, and stability of life.

In the modern world, people continually overcome various difficulties and go through all sorts of trials. It is almost impossible to weather this storm of life alone. And a home with loved ones is a place where you can rest and gain strength.

Most often, by looking at a person you can guess what kind of “small homeland” he had.

Now let's move on to talking about family values. Currently, for many, this concept seems somehow ancient and even mossy.

But not for me, it seems to me it’s the other way around.

Defining this concept is oh so difficult. For me, family values ​​are what is important for a family, that necessary “cement” that unites a group of people with a similar genetic code into a friendly community.

Family values ​​have always been and will always be. For some they are in material form, for others in spiritual form, for some they are both.

Why did I make such a division?

The modern world is a series of endless flow of information and events, daily registration of marriages, daily birth of hundreds of thousands of children. Many people, unfortunately, start a family without particularly understanding their purpose and without seeing the spiritual principle in it, simply because it is necessary. In such families, in my opinion, there are no family values. They are empty.

But every family must have something important, something of its own: some need trust, while others need the prosperity of the family business. Obviously, the values ​​in these two families will be different. Therefore, to say what family values ​​should be, and even more so to talk about their hierarchy, is an impossible mission. Each family has its own view of what is important to it and sets its own priorities. And this is not surprising - we are all different.

For me, the unit of society is my family, filled with life and energy.

Yes, it has its shortcomings, but who is ideal in this world? My “small homeland” has its own values, both material and spiritual. For example, we have a thick photo album. Holding it in my hands and turning the pages, I feel and understand that I am holding in my hands a part of my family’s history.

We have a wonderful tradition, which is a spiritual value - never to be offended by each other for a long time. We simply cannot do this, and this has its own huge advantage.

We love holidays very much and look forward to their approach, as this is an opportunity for everyone to get together and give each other the luxury of communication. We love to prepare gifts for each other, pleasant surprises. These are just a few specific examples. But I will certainly carry these and many other good traditions into my family, which I will have in the future, and pass them on to my children.

I know that only in fairy tales do people marry for love and die together on the same day. In life, a family is built on respect and mutual understanding. Family is work. Work on yourself and work to preserve family values.

Now many people criticize modern society, the state, and want to live better.

And I would like to give these critics a small but very important piece of advice. Start with your family. Make it better. And life around you will also become better.

Family is the foundation that is the basis of all human life.

Family values ​​are the basis of a strong family.

And such provisions as love and trust, mutual assistance and respect, understanding and kindness remain the fundamental family values ​​of the modern world.

All we have to do, living in the 21st century, is not to lose this, but to enrich everything with new goodness that comes straight from the heart.

Thank you for your attention!

Russian literature gives us a lot of families, both good and bad. The epic novel “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy is a perfect example of this; modern cells of society have a lot to learn. The Rostov family is a family full of values. A real “small homeland”. Reading this work, you admire each of its representatives.


Sukhoruchenko Lyudmila. Kamyshin Pedagogical College

Dear experts, viewers! Allow me to present to your attention my thoughts on the topic: What does it mean to be modern?”

Modern, current, real - all these words in a certain context can mean what exists today, at the present time.

Eras change... years pass.

In the twenty-first century, new problems arise: how to keep up with trends? How not to miss a single moment of life? how to be modern?

Many believe that this concept is inextricably linked with the frantic race for clothes, a new car and household items. Of course, you can go to the store and buy models from the latest collection, and also give yourself a stylish hairstyle. A well-groomed and elegantly dressed person will always attract the attention of others.

However, this is only the external side of the matter. They will greet you based on their clothes, but they will see you off.....

Let's try to draw a portrait of a modern person.

So let's begin!

Firstly, the existence of modern man is closely connected with the technical achievements of progress. It has penetrated into all areas of human life: from household appliances in the kitchen and mobile phones in the pocket to high-tech computers in the office and miraculous technology in clinics. Modern man is powerful thanks to technology and helpless without it.