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Download presentation development of creative abilities. Presentation on the topic "development of creative abilities in children"

Pedagogical Institute SFU Department of Pedagogy and Methodology primary education Final qualifying (diploma) work Subject: "Development creativity junior schoolchildren in progress literary education» Work completed by: 4th year student Serova Nadezhda Vasilievna Scientific supervisor: Ph.D., professor Sitko Rimma Mikhailovna Rostov-on-Don 2011

Research problem: “Development of creative abilities of junior schoolchildren in the process of literary education”

Object of study – literary education of junior schoolchildren.

Subject of research – a space for literary education that ensures the development of the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren.

Purpose of the study – determination of ways and conditions for the development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren in the process of literary education.

Hypothesis this study is based on the assumption that the development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren in the process of literary education will be more effective if:

  • indicators, criteria and levels of development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren have been identified;
  • in the process of literary education, a system of work will be developed and implemented to develop the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren;
  • Primary school teachers will be interested leaders in the process of creative development of schoolchildren.

Research objectives:

  • - analyze approaches to understanding creative abilities in psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature;
  • - consider the experience of developing the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren in literary reading lessons;
  • - organize experimental pedagogical work on the problem of studying the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren in the classroom in the process of literary education and identify its effectiveness.

Relevance of topic selection

IN recent years The priorities of primary education have changed significantly. Today its main goals are the development of the student’s creative personality. This task is reflected in educational programs, V innovation processes, in government documents, new generation standards

Psychologists have established that the properties of a person’s personality, the properties of the intellect and the entire spiritual sphere arise and are formed mainly in preschool and primary school age.

Primary school is a world of childhood, of hope, where the soil for creative activity is most favorable and where the inspiring search for goodness and reason does not fade.

  • Creationthe highest form of mental activity, independence, the ability to create something new, original .

Creativity- a set of properties and qualities of a person necessary for the successful implementation of creative activity, allowing in the process of transforming objects, phenomena, visual, sensory and mental images, discovering new things for oneself, searching for and making original, non-standard solutions.

«… children carry with them the charge of creating spiritual and material values, they are able to create them, and therefore they are born to create and create. We just need to help them open up, and we also need society to social phenomena did not distort their fate"

  • Sh.A.Amonashvili

According to the theory of L.S. Vygotsky, at the center of the structure of mental processes occurring in primary school age is the development of intelligence, which leads to high-quality processing - “intellectualization” of perception and memory

The most important mental processes for the literary and creative development of primary schoolchildren are associated with the following changes:

  • Active development of intelligence, intellectualization of perception and memory;
  • - the emergence of inner life, the development of the ability to record emotional state, see shades of experiences, trace the dynamics of emotions;
  • - the emergence of the opportunity to see and compare different points view of the phenomenon;
  • - transition from visual-figurative to verbal-logical thinking, development of the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, the emergence of a semantic orienting basis for an action

In the group of broad social motives of literary and creative activity identified by psychologists, they are characterized primarily by motives of self-development, namely, the development of thinking, imagination, emotions, memory, and speech.

The main criterion for the development of literary creativity is the level speech development primary schoolchild, manifested in the child’s independent creative work - oral and written composition.

Ascertaining experiment

Purpose of the ascertaining experiment – determine the initial level of students’ literary creative abilities primary classes.

The diagnostics of literary creativity of a junior school student was used. Literary creativity involves the child’s creation of written and oral compositions of different genres.

Levels of literary creativity :

  • Level of lack of design
  • Level of formal reproduction of the plan

Level of lack of design

Children cannot build a plot, the characters are faceless, children’s work cannot be called a text, it is a set of sentences; speech is poor, inexpressive

Level of formal implementation of the plan

The inconsistency of the plan, the unclearness of the composition, the text is not divided into parts, children find it difficult to choose the means of creating a semantic image. Speech is poor, inexpressive

Level of partial implementation of the plan

The idea is formulated and can be followed in the work, but deviations may occur; the essay uses a conversational style, dialogue, phraseological units; the created images need further improvement.

Level of figurative embodiment of the plan

The harmonious unity of the three sides of the text, the creative implementation of the plan, and one’s own interpretation of the proposed plot. Speech is rich, emotional, figurative, expressive; there may be shortcomings.

Classification of methods and techniques of primary literary education that contribute to the development of literary creative abilities


Creative reading


Creative work following the footsteps of read works: analysis of the work, continuation of the plot, verbal and graphic drawing.

Emotional-imaginative experience of the work

Staging; expressive reading from a book and by heart; role-playing, playing Directors


Preparation of a video clip, film script,

dramatization, playful interaction.

Project method

Literary creativity

Literary and musical compositions;

literary and artistic magazines (almanacs);

creating a baby book.


text editing


  • Conditions for the formation of creative abilities
  • Conditions for the formation of creative abilities
  • Conditions for the formation of creative abilities
  • Conditions for the formation of creative abilities

Systematicity and


Freedom of choice




in action


Control experiment

Purpose of the control experiment – identify changes in the level of development of creative abilities of students in the experimental class


  • The development of creative abilities is a complex and important matter, the successful implementation of which is facilitated by close cooperation between school and family. And the teacher himself must be tolerant of children’s manifestations of creativity, even if they are not at the right moment or simply seem silly to us. You need to be able to see them in time, encourage them and give them the opportunity to manifest themselves again.

  • Creativity does not arise out of nowhere. Conditions are needed for their development. We tried to create such conditions by carrying out
  • experiment.

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Development of creative abilities of junior schoolchildren Completed by: Ryzhova V.A. primary school teacher MAOU TSOSH No. 1. Municipal Autonomous General educational institution TSOSH No. 1.

Relevance At a high level of creativity, only about 3% of the works of high school students are created. Whereas for primary school this figure reaches, according to many researchers, 30%. How and why does the creative potential of students decrease 10 times over 10-11 years of schooling? Could this be a physiological or psychological pattern? Or pedagogical?

Purpose of the work The main goal in my work is to develop in a child the ability to manage creative processes: fantasizing, understanding patterns, solving complex problem situations.

What is creativity? Creative abilities are the individual psychological characteristics of a child, which do not depend on mental abilities and are manifested in children's fantasy, imagination, a special vision of the world, and their point of view on the surrounding reality.

Human abilities can be represented in the form of a tree: roots are the natural inclinations of a person; trunk - general abilities; branches - special abilities, including creative ones. The more branches, the more powerful, lush and branchy the tree’s crown!

Terms effective development creative abilities of younger schoolchildren. Situations of choice are created, the learning process includes tasks that are performed using imagination; Co-creation is organized in the children's team with the aim of demonstrating and developing everyone's creative abilities; Technologies for developing creative thinking are used.

Ways to stimulate creativity; providing a favorable atmosphere; goodwill on the part of the teacher, his refusal to criticize the child; enrichment environment the child with a wide variety of new objects and stimuli in order to develop his curiosity; encouraging the expression of original ideas; providing opportunities for practice; usage personal example creative approach to problem solving; providing children with opportunities to actively ask questions.

A special direction in the system of development of creative abilities is working with text Text-narration; Description text; Text - reasoning; Mixed types of text (narration with elements of description, description with elements of narration, description with elements of reasoning).

In class we write essays-fairy tales about parts of speech and short stories using phraseological units and catchphrases, for example: “hang your ears” “cut it on your nose”

Linguistic “why questions” are questions whose purpose is to activate the mental activity of students when reproducing previously acquired knowledge. Micro-research - tasks of this type involve the development of research skills in students (at a level accessible to a certain age). Essays of non-traditional content.

In a mathematics course, three main lines can be distinguished: algebraic; arithmetic; g geometric.

Integration of mathematics lessons with labor training lessons

Children perceive better those who are not ready geometric shapes and bodies, but those created with your own hands: cut and paste, model, cut out developments and glue, form figures on movable models, bend paper... Bear Komarik-squeak

Guard of the city of Triangles. They depicted the city of Triangles.

Extensive experience communicating with flat figures and the preschooler already has three-dimensional bodies, it is necessary not to lose this experience, but to develop it further. Creativity is a process of divergent thinking, where divergent thinking is understood not as directed thinking, but as the ability to think in breadth, i.e., seeing different aspects of the object being studied; the ability to think “in different directions.” The development of creativity helps to solve the following tasks: Teach children to think in different directions; Learn to find solutions in non-standard situations; Develop originality of mental activity; Teach children to analyze the current problematic situation from different sides; Develop the thinking skills necessary for further fruitful life and adaptation in a rapidly changing world.

Divergent tasks include tasks to find the causes of events. Here are several situations where you need to determine the reasons for their occurrence: In the morning, Dima woke up earlier than usual. The sun has not yet gone beyond the horizon, but it has already become dark. The dog sitting at the owner’s feet growled menacingly at the little kitten.

Another version of the task described above: come up with and tell what happened to each of the characters. The child must understand the emotional state of each of the boys and tell what happened to them.

The second option for this type of task: look at the pictures and come up with a fairy tale in which all these characters would participate.

The development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren is possible through the inclusion project activities. The “My Genealogy” project was created; Project participants: students in grades 2, 3, 4; Academic subject: the world around us; Project duration: 4 weeks; Received: Created brochures: “Our names”, “Secrets of our surnames”, “Chronicle of our families”; We created a photo album of family coats of arms; We created a photo album of family trees.

Conclusion The development of students' creative abilities depends on the effectiveness of the methods and techniques used by the teacher and how creatively he approaches this problem. Usage various types and forms creative tasks made it possible to achieve a certain level in the development of creative abilities, which turned out to be feasible for each student. Systematic work on the development of creative abilities gives the following results: children grow up to be inquisitive, active, able to learn, real dreamers and visionaries, people who are able to see miracles in ordinary things. Children’s own creativity helps them to better assimilate and remember theoretical information. The problem of motivation is easier to solve; children themselves show a desire to create. The important point is that creative works attract the attention of all children; here they open up from a positive side.

    I would like to present to you the work carried out in literary reading lessons.

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    Except for a few, all the pictures for works of art in textbooks on literary reading are of a plot nature. Their purpose is illustrative.

    It is best if the teacher goes from the text to the illustration and invites the students, relying as much as possible on the text, to establish the degree of correspondence and inconsistency of a given picture with the content of the episode or place in the text to which it relates.

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    This is the most difficult, but interesting type of creative work with children's illustrations. They do it like this:

  • Each student, after analyzing the text, goes deeper into creating his own illustration;
  • schoolchildren exchange drawings;
  • the person who receives the drawing examines it and, rereading the text, tries to find the episode to which it refers. Having established what place the illustration was created for, the student signs it with the words of the text;
  • Comparing the content of the illustration with the content of this episode, the student writes a review, where he indicates whether or not this drawing corresponds to the text, and notes the quality of the work performed. He supports all his comments with references to the text. The review is signed by the student.

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This type of children's creativity is used more often in 1st and 2nd grades, when children do not yet critically perceive the results of their images and see in them more than is given. Children can make a mushroom, a bird, a boat, a bunny, a dog, that is, a separate object of the overall picture, and then combine it into a common creative work.

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One of the most interesting tasks for children is working with homemade books, each of which was made by children with creativity and imagination. The children made the books themselves at home. Each book has its own title, which was presented and defended by the author of the books in class.

In these homemade books, children write down only works of their own composition. These are the first steps in their creativity, although not always successful, but most of the guys are drawn to such work and try to prove themselves.

Creative tasks of speech activity in literary reading lessons.

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Compose questions and tests based on the given text.

Starting from the first grade, I teach children not only to correctly answer questions asked by the teacher, but also to write questions based on the given text. This work develops the ability to highlight the main thing, both in general and in a specific case, to compose interrogative sentences, suggesting detailed or specific answers (yes, no).

Children also really like to make a test based on the work they read, where they need to choose one correct answer from 3 proposed ones. They take great pleasure in offering their questions and tests during literary reading lessons.

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Creative retelling

The purpose of creative retelling is to evoke in students an emotional response to the work they are reading, to help them understand the idea more deeply, and to experience, together with the hero, the feelings that the author inherent in the work. For creative retelling, works are selected that allow the reader to put himself in the position literary hero, understand his psychology, look through the eyes of the hero at those people and those events that are described in the work. A creative retelling can be carried out with a change in the narrator's face or a creative addition to the author's text. Almost always, work is required to select material or to add to it because the reteller does not know some facts or, conversely, he will need to talk about experiences that are not described by the author.

Such retellings require students to work with their imagination based on ideas obtained from reading and analyzing the work and will help them to more fully perceive literary text, contribute to a more in-depth understanding of what they read, develop students’ creative abilities and bring interest and variety.

A work read can sometimes serve as an impetus for children’s independent creativity: they come up with a continuation of the work they are reading, that is, their own ending.

Creative essay

To develop creative abilities, children use writing essays. Creative writing introduces students to reading and analyzing a literary work in a special way: they must try to solve a problem close to the one that the writer solved in his work.

The importance of creative writing as a form of introductory classes:

  • attracting students' attention to the topic of the literary work being studied;
  • mobilization of all knowledge related to the topic;
  • exercises in independent composition construction.

All this should sharpen students’ interest in reading and analyzing the work, increase their powers of observation, and draw their attention to aspects of a literary work that they had not previously noticed.

Children write essays on separate pieces of paper and, if they wish, can illustrate them, giving them an original shape: a leaf, a snowflake, a flower, etc.

With the consent of the author, we read all essays aloud and discuss them. Complete essays, individual sentences, and well-chosen words are read out. The main thing is to celebrate everyone. Children listen with great attention to the essays of their classmates.

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One of the most important essays that allows you to teach a child to express his own position in relation to the work he read is a review of the book. In it, the student can not only express an assessment of what he read, but also deeply understand the meaning of the work.

Review structure option:

This organization of creative work activates extracurricular reading. Children will have to show a creative approach to a work of art, show the direction of their literary interests and the level of artistic taste.

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Starting in second grade, I teach students to take notes on what they read. I show samples of this recording in separate lessons. In a special notebook (diary), students write down the name of the author and the title of the book, what the book told about, and what they liked.

All the work described will undoubtedly increase students’ interest in the book and develop a desire to learn.

Slide 12.

The most effective task of creative work is considered to be composing crossword puzzles based on the works read. Their compilation increases children’s interest in learning, develops their powers of observation, and makes it possible to more fully perceive work of art.

By using crosswords in literary reading lessons while repeating the material covered in an accessible and interesting form, you can develop creative work skills, the desire of children to read and re-read books, and therefore independently discover something new and explore the world. Crosswords are compiled on certain sheets of paper, designed, and illustrated. Some crossword puzzles are used in lessons, some are used extracurricular lessons in reading, and part of it is hung in the classroom corner for the whole class.

This type of creative task should be highlighted as a particularly important illustrated tool, and it is also used in all grades of primary schools.

With the help of dramatization, the images of the work are shown in action. The demonstration can be held:

Children are invited to imagine a wonderful fairy-tale situation, imagine the actions of the heroes of the fairy tale, betray their character and mood with their gait, gestures, and voice.

Dramatization is a special form of transformation into the depicted image. Therefore, it is necessary to occasionally encourage children’s usual desire for costumes when dramatizing.

All the creative techniques and tasks discussed above help me in my pedagogical practice significantly improve the quality of literary reading lessons, activate students’ mental activity, imagination, stimulate development, the ability to learn, and more fully perceive any work of art.

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Criteria and levels of development of creative abilities of junior schoolchildren


High level


Intermediate level

Has a sufficient level of knowledge and good speech development.



Low level

Has an insufficient level of knowledge, concepts, ideas, and average speech development.

The student strives to demonstrate creative abilities and completes creative tasks with interest.

Shows originality, imagination, and independence when completing tasks.

Has low level knowledge, fragmentary, poorly mastered concepts, poorly developed speech.

The student is not active enough, performs creative tasks under the control of the teacher, but can prove himself as creative personality.

The student is passive and does not strive to demonstrate creative abilities.

Shows originality and unconventionality when performing tasks. But often requires the help of a teacher.

Cannot create or accept unusual images or decisions, refuses to complete creative tasks.

  • the presence of a system in using tasks to organize creative work;
  • Development and planning of creative work assignments, both in form and content;
  • correspondence of the level of complexity of tasks to the level of educational capabilities of students;
  • encouraging students to choose tasks of a high level of complexity;
  • a reasonable combination of creative work with other forms and methods of teaching.

Compiling questions and tests based on this text

Creative retelling

Continuation of the work (inventing the ending)

Creative essay

  • Introducing the hero and expressing one’s attitude towards the work.
  • A brief summary of the plot of the work with an emotional assessment of the events.
  • Characteristics of the hero and expression of one’s attitude towards him.

  • Only with the help of the word, that is, in the form of reading in roles and collective recitation;
  • Only by means of movement, i.e. in the form of pantomime
  • By combining movement and words, that is, in the form of acting out scenes in the classroom, when the situation is imaginary, and on stage, when the situation is specially created for this.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky owns the words: “There are invisible strings in the soul of every child. If you touch them with a skillful hand, they will sound beautiful.”

Extracurricular activities, trips, excursions, school subjects, in primary school, developing the individuality of each child contributes to: 1. cohesion of the children's team; 2. lay the foundations of morality; 3. develop a sense of responsibility; 4. instill aesthetic taste.

Early identification of children's creative inclinations and abilities is very important. Children have an unconscious desire to learn something new and unusual. This allows you to make the most of all opportunities for developing the child’s creative abilities, growing the sprouts of children’s talents, taking into account the interests of each student.

For many years I have been observing the development of speech and promoting the development of students’ speech, because a child’s speech is a key moment in his development. Based on a person’s speech, one can determine: 1) the degree of his culture and education; 2) the level of thinking of the speaker, as well as the level of his development. By developing a child's speech, we develop his intellect. Only through the development of speech is it possible: 1) the formation and improvement of thinking; 2) imagination; 3) representations of higher emotions.

The teacher must organize such educational and extracurricular activities, in which teaching turns into research activities, which can and must be managed by adhering to the following requirements: be attentive and sensitive to all manifestations of children’s creative activity; strive to help every child understand himself; encourage children in every possible way to express and discuss their creative ideas with friends. Work on the formation and development of the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren must be carried out at every lesson and outside of class time. Invaluable assistance in solving this issue is provided by mathematics lessons, which provide: 1. improvement of the child’s personality; 2. give a holistic idea of ​​the world and man’s place in it; 3. contribute to the development of creative inclinations and inclinations; 4. form children’s readiness for further self-development.

Studying an initial course in mathematics involves the most important thing in the process of mastering basic concepts - helping the child in a gradual transition from concretely effective thinking to abstract conceptual thinking. Therefore, the learning process should approach the formula: MASTERY = ABSORPTION + APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE IN PRACTICE,

Which is fully realized in the process of perception, comprehension, memorization, application, generalization and systematization. The development of creative abilities in mathematics lessons involves solving (optional) various types of assignments and problems. Non-standard tasks contribute to the formation of a positive attitude towards tasks of a problem-search nature, critical thinking and the ability to conduct mini-research; promote a higher degree of independence in asking questions and finding solutions; lead to the actualization of internal motivation in students, which is manifested in a preference for difficult tasks, curiosity, a desire for mastery and increased self-confidence. (Example: Jan)

“Abilities do not just manifest themselves in work, they are formed, developed, flourish in work and perish in inaction.” The most effective way to develop individual abilities is through introducing schoolchildren to productive creative activities from the 1st grade. Who needs creativity?

The acceleration of scientific and technological progress will depend on the quantity and quality of creatively developed minds, on their ability to ensure the rapid development of science, technology and production, on what is now called the increase in the intellectual potential of the people.

It turns out that everyone should become creators? Yes! Let some to a lesser extent, others to a greater extent, but definitely all. Where do you get so many talented and capable people? Nature, everyone knows, is not generous with talents. They are like diamonds, they are rare... The importance of childhood for the development of creative abilities Any inclinations must go through a long development path before turning into abilities.

Many questions concern primary school teachers during the period of literacy training and during further training in reading, writing, retelling, composing... Working with primary school children, I always ask myself questions: is my students’ speech meaningful? Is it logical? Is the choice of words and other means of language rich and varied? Is your speech clear and expressive? Is the speech pure, is it correct from the point of view of grammar, spelling, and spelling?

How can this be achieved? It's not easy at all. The guys are overly active, their attention is unstable, and many difficulties arise with discipline. How to make a child listen, using what means and methods to make learning fun? Is it possible to retain a feeling of joyful surprise before school for a long time in a child? I think so. Therefore, I try to transform my students’ learning from the world of grades into the world of colors, sounds, fantasy, light, fairy tales, and creativity.

I often use it in class didactic games. The game is organic form activities of a primary school student. It helps to create an emotional mood in students, causes a positive attitude towards the work being done, improves overall performance, develops observation and creative abilities. The didactic game can be used to various stages lesson. Yes, during the check homework It is possible to play the game “Who is more accurate and faster?”, Didactic games are especially common at the stages of repetition and consolidation.

Here are a few games I use: "Guess who I'm calling?" The goal of this game is to develop the ability to select words with a given number of syllables. I invite those children whose names consist of as many syllables to stand up as I clap. For example, I clap 3 times, after which children whose names consist of 3 syllables should stand up. For example: Se - ryo - zha, Ma - ri - na, Na - ta - sha, etc.

The game “Match a Pair” is of great interest to the children. Its goal is to develop the ability to correctly correlate the names of objects and actions. Each student has a card on his desk on which the words are written in a column: blizzard, thunder, sun, lightning, wind, rain, snow, clouds and strips of paper with the words dripping, floating, falling, sweeping, thundering, baking, etc.

When preparing for reading lessons, I try to think through all types of work so that the student actively thinks creatively throughout the lesson. I pose questions so that the student can compare and draw a conclusion on this basis, for example: Whose plan is more successful among those written on the board? What point in our plan do you think is the most important? What can you learn by following what is said in this question? I try so that children can discover something new for themselves in a text familiar from their initial reading, something they have not previously noticed, and focus their attention on the main thing. So, getting acquainted with the content of an excerpt from S. Marshak’s fairy tale “Twelve Months,” the children did not notice for the first time which of the brothers, months, turned out to be the strictest towards the Stepdaughter. Then, looking at her behavior and hard work, this brother also became lenient and kind to her. And why? The children found words in the text that characterize each character, and then made a conclusion. And when they dramatized this fairy tale, the children tried to show the character of each character and his attitude to other characters with their voice and gestures.

Children really love moments of poetry. Poems by Pushkin, Yesenin and other masters of words are heard in the lesson. Children also read poems of their own composition. At the reading lesson, the task “I’ll start, and you continue.... The game is called: “I’ll start, and you continue.” Autumn is a yellow word with a yellow picture, Because... (....) Autumn is a tasty word, jam is being made, Because What… (…)

"Round table- the game helps to test how children can express their individuality. The teacher says phrases that the children must complete, for example: What I like most about myself is... I’m just like everyone else because... I wanted to be... My favorite game... It seems to me that my name means... I would like to know about... I'm sad when... I wish I could be more... Someday, I hope...

“Make a wish” - they also sit around and make wishes... If I were some kind of animal, then I would... If I became a bird, I would... If I were a tree, I would... If I were a car, I would... If I were our country, I would... If I were foreign state, I would... If I were a game, I would... If I were a movie, I would... If I were color, I would...

All of the above leads to: the development of the student’s creative thinking; enlivens the learning process; makes the student want to learn something new; activates and shapes personality. With the development of creative abilities, the child’s personality also develops. Children become more active and take part in extracurricular activities: reading competitions, drawings of posters, crafts, essays, newspapers. (Example 4A - The SUT excursion grew into the project “Crazy Hands”

You just need to teach them to see, to peer into life. I gave each child a sketch about winter nature. Music sounds, children look at the sketch and convey their mood in the composition, come up with names. Here is one miniature from class 2A (Anna): “The beauty of winter has arrived. The spruce trees have put on their furry hats. There are big snowdrifts everywhere. The frost showers the trees with silvery frost, paints the windows with fancy patterns, covers them with thin silver.

In Russian language lessons I use making sentences on postcards with autumn, winter or spring landscapes. Starting from 1st grade, I teach children: to express their thoughts in written and oral form; analyze and review the answers of your comrades; put marks; engage in conversation and discussion with me. If a student does not have his own view, independence of judgment is not developed, and there is no creative approach to the facts being studied, he is unlikely to develop a deep interest in any field of knowledge.

Types of work in Russian language lessons 1. Meaningful work in oral speech– imitation of the teacher’s story, inventing oral texts, completing the composition, drawing plot pictures (this helps to build a sequence of events unfolding in the text). It is very important here to introduce children to the genre organization of oral speech.

2. At the same time, work is underway to develop children’s ideal ideas about written speech as an author’s product. This happens through the teacher’s expressive reading of texts, which is accompanied by stories about the author and his life that are accessible to the child’s experience. At a certain point, for some children, technical skills in writing and proactive oral composition coincide in a single direction of creative action. It is very important to capture this moment and translate it into a fascinating tradition. But here comes a crisis situation: children’s ability to come up with and write down an oral text is limited by their inability to construct it according to the principle of written speech. It is at this moment that the teacher will be required to take special actions to help the child create a written text.

At first this work is carried out as a collective work, and then it becomes individual. For example, in a Russian language lesson in the 3rd grade on the topic “The Concept of Ending,” at the end of the lesson the children received the following text with the task of inserting the missing endings and completing it: A fairy tale about a Christmas tree_. In the dense forest there lived a Christmas tree. Next to her lived a cunning fox, an angry bear and a toothy wolf. But the Christmas tree was not afraid of anyone. Only she was sad and lonely. And then one day...

As children develop imagination and fantasy, almost all of them move on to writing. Some of them need transitional forms of action with written text to a greater extent, others to a lesser extent. But in addition to these “technical” means, children need to bring into their small piece own feelings, thoughts, mood, experience, “revive” your creation with them. Only then will it be real creativity. Very good help This is done through the work on developing creative imagination that we do with our children in reading lessons. The most common tasks when working with texts in this way - guess, speculate, draw in words, creatively retell - allow you to “turn on” the imagination, which is the basis for the development of creative cognition

Separately, I would like to dwell on poetry. I want to make a reservation right away: I do not set myself the task of teaching children to write poetry. This cannot be taught. Poems should be born suddenly, by themselves, but it is quite possible to introduce children to the world of poetic creativity.

This work starts from 1st grade. First - in literacy lessons, then it continues in reading lessons. We start by using a lot of poetic material: fairy tales, riddles, comic poems. Then the children are invited to finish the phrase themselves - to rhyme the syllables: for - for - for - there is a goat in the yard ra - ra - ra - there is a game in the yard

All these “tests of writing” are very fun, with jokes and laughter, with great desire. Gradually the tasks become more complicated and the children move on to composing couplets. I often do this: I offer 2 lines of poetry, and then you need to complete the poem yourself, or I give you a word (for example, potato) and ask you to come up with two or four rhymed lines for it. These are the lines my kids came up with: Oh, boiled potatoes! I'll eat you a little. Maybe it will be bad for me, But I will fill my stomach

During the reading lesson, we conduct “creative five-minute sessions” in which children read their poems, fairy tales, and essays that they themselves have invented. Of course, the artistic merits of the above creations are not so great, both imitation and constraint in the choice of visual and expressive means are visible, but one cannot fail to note the sincerity, passion of the children, their desire to express their feelings. As a positive factor, I would like to note that when performing such work, children began to use explanatory dictionary, which I recommend and encourage, their interest, discernment, independence of judgment, and enthusiasm for reading real poetry have increased. This is probably the greatest value of my students’ poetry lessons.

I would especially like to say something about children’s writing. Children should be taught to write essays. Only a few have a natural talent for writing, but the majority have the inclinations. But if the inclinations are not developed, then they may simply disappear. And they need to be developed as early as possible!

In Russian, I pay great attention to composing creative writings. written works. It is composition, the highest form of manifestation of creative abilities, that occupies a special place in the system of child speech development. And students' success in coherent speech ensures success in all subjects. In teaching composition, I set myself two goals: to teach children to formulate their thoughts; enrich vocabulary schoolboy

Most characteristic species The essays I conduct are the following: essays on one painting or a series of paintings; essays based on what was seen and heard on the excursion; essays on reference words indicating the content and determining the sequence of thoughts in the essay; essays based on the beginning and end suggested by the teacher; essays by analogy with the material read;) essays from the student’s personal life experience

A favorite game in reading lessons is reading in the voices of characters from a fairy tale. If drawings of a kolobok, a wolf, a woman - Yaga, a bear appear on the board, then it is time to warm up, and everyone should speak or read in the voices of the guests. Children also like to choose words to describe a fairy-tale hero. From the words written on the board, choose the ones you need, proving your choice. For example, on the board there are words: kind, stingy, affectionate, rude, evil. The guys come up to the board and, proving their choice, erase the words that are not suitable for characterizing the old woman “Tales of the Little Fish and the Little Fish by Pushkin.

In special Russian language lessons on speech development, I focus on awakening the creative forces and literary abilities of younger schoolchildren, expanding the scope of their verbal communication, I improve the culture of written speech - the most complex type speech activity. Great value I attach three conditions to compliance with these classes:

In each class I conduct a number of classes that involve collective and independent individual creative work. Thus, in essays, work on stylistics and speech culture finds a practical outlet, and the construction of texts of different genres is studied (unfortunately, there is not enough time for this in lessons).

In their essays, children share their experiences and thoughts. This is a special form of self-expression and is truly creative and intellectual work for a little student - to tell about some event in your own way, conveying your moods and feelings. In these classes, I have another very important task - creating a special atmosphere of trust, goodwill, warmth, and an atmosphere of creativity in which children “bathe” and joyfully create. I do not try to criticize or correct their creations, but only praise them - even for the smallest success, for finding the right word, for diligence and hard work. Encouragement from the teacher is recognition of the child’s abilities; it stimulates him to further creativity.

In the Russian language lesson there is a “Composing” moment, where I teach children to select the necessary material, reason about the topic of the essay, enrich their vocabulary, and conduct spelling training. From the 1st grade I give children close, understandable and interesting topics. I carry out the work orally. From 2nd grade we learn to write essays in notebooks. With each year of study, the work on speech development becomes more complicated because the objects and events that children observe and compare become more and more complex and varied. The language of the essays also changes noticeably. The success of working on an essay ultimately depends not only on how firmly the students have a certain vocabulary and on their ability to develop a topic, but also on whether the teacher has created an emotional mood and whether there is a desire to write on the proposed topic. Preparation for an essay begins long before children write it. When preparing for an essay, I conduct: a) lexical exercises on choosing synonyms and comparisons; b) exercises that give ideas about the polysemy of a word; V) difficult words, which students could use in an essay, we write down in notebooks on speech development.

Letter. We must not forget that children do not yet have enough knowledge of grammar, so it is important to prevent mistakes. If children have difficulty in something, they can contact the teacher. I’m trying to check this essay, written in draft. Then we analyze the essay. I read the best. In the first lessons, I myself note why I consider the essay to be successful, I emphasize the imagery and brightness of the language. Later I involve the guys in the analysis.

I continue to develop children’s creative abilities in natural history lessons, during walks and excursions to the forest or park, to the meadow. Children manage to see a lot if they constantly maintain their interest and introduce elements of entertainment. Traditionally, I ask children to write a review about the excursion (all the pupils have a mark for their excursion, and in the wake of their excursion, I compose a test or creative work, everyone is learning on ex. With notebooks, this is already a habit. Result: 1. good discipline, 2. everyone listens, remembers, because they will have to write a review and check. riddle: The troika, the troika has arrived. The horses in that troika are white, And the white-skinned queen sits in the sleigh. How she waved her sleeve Everything was covered with silver (winter) Guessing riddles by younger schoolchildren can be considered a creative process, and the riddle itself can be considered a creative task. When summing up the results of the excursion, she praised the children on behalf of Zimushka - winter for their active observation. At the next natural history lesson, the children received a letter from Pochemuchka. There is no winter where Pochemuchka lives. And he asked to tell him about winter, to answer his questions: what is winter. ? Which months are considered winter? How to explain the proverbs: December - the year ends, winter begins; January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter; Blizzards and blizzards arrived in February. Using a picture prepared in advance, the children talked about a bear, a fox and a squirrel.

School after school is a world of creativity, manifestation and disclosure by each child of his interests, his hobbies, his “I”. After all, the main thing is that here the child makes a choice, freely expresses his will, and reveals himself as a person. Extracurricular activities also foster respect for each other and mutual assistance. In 1st grade at the end of the first half of the year we conduct extracurricular activity on the topic: "New Year's holiday is coming soon." We include tasks for academic subjects. And the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” and all the heroes of this song help us in this. You can take any assignments, but only on a winter theme.

A Christmas tree was born in the forest, and it grew in the forest. In winter, a Christmas tree came to class and brought riddles. The snowstorm sang a song to her: “Sleep, little tree, bye-bye!”, The frost covered her with snow, He read poetry to her. The cowardly little gray bunny solved all the problems. Sometimes the wolf, the angry wolf, arranged all the numbers. Chu! Snow in a clean forest creaks under the runner. A hairy horse with balls is running towards us. The horse is carrying wood, and in the firewood is Santa Claus. I decided to check out the reading, tired on the road, my friend. Here's an elegant Christmas tree that came to us for the holiday, and brought us a rebus on pretty balls.

"Development of creative abilities
junior schoolchildren in educational
educational process within
implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard "NOO"
Completed by: Medvedko L.P.,
primary school teacher,
MKOU secondary school No. 1

"In the soul of every child
there are invisible strings. If
touch them with a skillful hand, they
They will sound beautiful."

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

What is creativity?
Creative abilities are individual
psychological characteristics of the child, which
do not depend on mental abilities and
manifested in children's imagination,
imagination, a special vision of the world, one’s own point
view of the surrounding reality.


The school always has a goal:
create conditions for personality formation,
capable of creativity.
That's why primary school, making the transition to new
second generation standards, there should be
focused on the development of creative
(creative) personality.

Development of creative abilities is the most important
the task of primary education, because this process
permeates all stages of the child’s personality development,
awakens initiative and independence
decisions made, the habit of free
self-expression, self-confidence.

If you look at current state
education in Russia, you can see that it
characterized by qualitative changes in
content areas that are aimed at developing
creative abilities of the child's personality.
Relevance and prospects of work in this
direction is determined by the extent to which educational
the educational process ensures development
creative abilities of each student, forms
creative personality, prepares him for creative,
cognitive and social activities.

Creative abilities of students
Under creative (creative) abilities
students understand “...the complex possibilities
student in performing activities and actions,
aimed at creation."
Creativity covers a certain totality
thinking and personal qualities, defining
ability to be creative.

Main goals

 development of systematicity, dialectics
 development of productive,
controlled imagination;
 purposeful training
using heuristic methods to
performing creative tasks.

 Create conditions for the development of the child’s personality.
The sources of child development are
two types of activities:
 educational activities that are aimed at
the child’s mastery of the knowledge and skills necessary
for life in society;
creative activity, during which the child
realizes its capabilities, because it is not aimed at mastering
already known knowledge.
 Promote the child’s manifestation
initiative, self-realization, embodiment of it
own ideas that are aimed at creating something new.

Components of creative
schoolchildren's abilities:
creative thinking;
 creative imagination;
 application of organization methods
creative activity.

Human abilities can be represented as
roots - natural inclinations
trunk - general abilities;
branches - special
abilities, including
The more branches, the
the tree is more powerful, more magnificent and
more branched than its crown!

Creativity methods
 visibility;
 artistic word;
technical means;
 game.

Ways to stimulate creativity
 providing a favorable atmosphere;
 goodwill on the part of the teacher, his refusal to criticize
child's address;
 enriching the child’s environment with a wide variety of
new objects and stimuli for him in order to develop his
 encouraging the expression of original ideas;
 providing opportunities for practice;
 using a personal example of a creative approach to a solution
 providing children with the opportunity to actively ask questions.

Methodical techniques, developing
creative thinking of students

Game method
Dichotomy method in the game "Danet"
Find out the object by description
"Minutes" of creativity
Lessons - fairy tales
Converting Objects
Compiling a syncwine
Project activities
Research work
Extracurricular activities

The system of creativity, which is understood as
many interrelated tasks, focused
for cognition, creation, transformation in a new quality
objects, situations, phenomena aimed at development
creative abilities of junior schoolchildren in the educational
The main condition for student creativity in the classroom
creation of "SUCCESS".

improving the quality of student knowledge,
acquiring a skill on your own
organize your educational activities,
activation of creative and cognitive
student activity,
formation of positive personal
qualities of a student,
formation of a conscious need for management
healthy lifestyle.

Development of students’ creative abilities
depends on the effectiveness of the used
teacher of methods and techniques and how
He approaches this problem creatively.
Use of various types and forms
creative tasks allowed us to achieve
a certain level in the development of creative
abilities, which turned out to be feasible
for each student.

Systematic work on the development of creative
abilities gives the following results: children
grow up to be inquisitive, active, able
study, real dreamers and visionaries,
people who are able to see miracles in ordinary things.
Children’s own creativity helps strengthen
absorb and remember theoretical information. Easier
the problem of motivation is solved, children themselves demonstrate
desire to create. The important point is that
that creative works attract everyone's attention
children, here they open up with a positive