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The fairy tale about Goodwine is called. Amazing transformation of the wizard Goodwin

James Goodwin is one of the most ambiguous magic sorcerers and rulers of the Emerald City.


Acquaintance with the "wizard" James Goodwin is unusual. First we only hear about him (in the scene, when Willina reports Ellie about the Emerald city and his ruler), then Ellie and her friends talk about him, using the epithet "great and terrible" and thinking about how the magician looks like and what he looks Looks like (head, mermaid, fireball, six-lip). And only then, according to a pure randomness, thanks to the peel of the Totem, before us appears an elderly man of little growth, with a big head and wrinkled face, dressed in a motley vest, striped pants and a long sleeve. And the first phrase of this little man was a maxim:

"I am goodwine, great and terrible," the man answered with a trembling voice. - But please, please do not touch me! I will do everything you will need from me! "

When James Goodwin arrived in the magic country, he was only about 30 years old, "He was low, firmly folded, and possessed a magnificent redhead chapel. And most importantly, he was energetic and enterprising. He had golden hands familiar to any craft. "

Personality and character

The prototype of James Goodwin was the wizard from Oz from the series of fairy tales L.F. Bauma. A.M. Wolves only changed the name and slightly corrected the "biography" of an imaginary magician. Additional information about Goodwin S. Sukhinov. In all three authors, the wizard appears as a dreamer, dreamer, storyteller, inventor. By character - kind, but somewhat selfish.


James Goodwin - illusionist, magician and circuscript (according to S. Sukhinov, actor of the local theater, then a carpenter, a loader, a seller and director of a universal store) from Kansas (although for some time our hero lived in the state of Dakota, in the city of Aberdeen, working aeronautics ). In the literal sense of the word it is not. Just like Ellie, Goodwin got into the magic country by chance, being a hurricane evil sorcerer of Gingham. And, like Ellie, the incentive locals accepted him for the great sorcerer.

Goodwin decided to take advantage of this: hid from them the truth and became the ruler of the Green country. In order for him not to expose him, he came up with several focus with masks, and Solva about his "magic" was separated throughout the magic country.

From the first lie began for many years of pretending. It was a difficult life, as Gudwin himself confessed later.

Goodwin with brains of terrible

He built an emerald city in which everything was "green" color. In fact, the emerald color was given glasses who wore all residents of the city without exception. And only emeralds at the highest towers of the city were real.

The ingenuity of Goodwin shows the scenes in which the "wizard" gives friends of the Ellie the desired heart, stitched from the red loskutka fabric, brains from pins and needles, "courage" from Valerian.

Most of all he was afraid of real wizards, I tried to fight with them, but failed. Good-natured, but the slightly accuracy of Goodwin was before intimidating that she sent a little girl to fight Bastinda and her friends.

When Goodwine was exposed, the imaginary wizard was even delighted: he was very contrary to her pretendation, and he himself did not know how to get out of this story ...


Before flying

James Gudwin left the magic country in a balloon, appointing the ruler of the Emerald City of the Wise. Actually, he destroyed because of Ellie: the girl needed to return home. But it happened that the rope was cut off from the ground earlier, and Goodwin returned to Kansas alone. There he opened a grocery shop. In the future, Ellie and her uncle, one-legged sailor Charlie, saw pleasure with Goodwin and called him to help the magic country, but that flatly refused.

When Ellie and her friends returned to the victory in the Emerald City, Goodwin had already invented how to fulfill their cherished wishes.

He realized that without any magic, the smart was the smart, the iron rover was kind, and Leo is a brave. But all three simply lacked self-confidence. And I could have a very simple suddenness of Goodwin. After all, he managed to inspire all residents of the green country, and even Stelle with Willina, that he is a great and terrible wizard!

It was much more difficult to fulfill the cherished desire of Ellie, which very much wanted to return home, in Kansas. But after all, Goodwin himself dreamed of returning to his homeland! He was happily sitting by the recovery in the Emerald Palace and rule the green country. Joy from this was a bit, but from the loneliness of Goodwin very tired.

And then he remembered his old balloon. Even before the arrival of Ellie to the Magic Country, Goodwin came up with how to produce hydrogen from the most ordinary water. If the ball is fixed and fill not just hot air, and hydrogen, then on it, with a passing wind, you can fly even to distant Kansas!

And now, finally came the day of the fulfillment of desires. Goodwin filled the head of the scarf bran mixed with needles and pins. The straw man immediately said: "I start to feel wise!"

The Woodhouse in his iron chest Gudwin put the red silk heart packed with sawdust. "Oh, as I am happy, my lovely friends!" - happily exclaimed ironwood with tears in his eyes.

Well, and with a cowardly lion, the trouble was quite a bit. Goodwin gave a mighty beast of a spike kvass, mixed with Valerian.

"I'm already becoming strong! - told the delired lion. - Bravery was fitted on my veins and overwhelms the heart! "

Goodwin only smiled, I hear these words. He knew perfectly well that three friends simply fell to his trick. And the first time in the life of Goodwin felt his deception went to someone for the benefit.

It remained to fulfill the cherished desire of Ellie. By order, Goodwin, Arzala quickly put the patch on the balloon and pulled it on the main square of the Emerald city. And then the ball was filled with hydrogen and he slowly rose into the air. Now he retained only the rope.

Farewell was very touching. Hundreds of agitated citizens gathered on the square. Goodwin declared them that he could fly on the sky to see the Great Wizard Sun. He ordered the townspeople never take green glasses, but left the ruler instead of himself ruined the wise. And then shouted:

- Goodbye, my friends!

What got up here! Arzals after many years finally saw the first and terrible Goodwine. And this time he appeared before them not in the image of the monsters, but in the form of a thick bald man with good eyes and affectionate, a little sad smile. How not to get drunk from joy? But this joy was with tears in his eyes - after all, Goodwin flown again to the sky! Who knows if he will ever come back?

- Ur-R-A-RA! - rushing over the square. - Goodbye, Goodwin! Long live a scary of the wise!

Goodwin sadly waved his hand. He was very sorry to leave the Emerald City, and for all to say goodbye to good and hardworking Arzals. But he wanted to return home, in Kansas!

And Ellie and Totemka at this time they said goodbye to their friends - rural, iron woodcase and lion. No one hid the tears - after all, they all had time to make friends!

And then there was a strong gust of wind. Goodwine alarmed.

- Ellie, rather to the basket! He shouted.

But the rope suddenly burst, and the balloon was filled into the sky.

Goodwin with longing watched the main square. Ellie fled, mahind him with his hands and screaming something. Probably, the girl asked him to go down again - but could it be done with such a strong wind?

The ball quickly rose to the clouds. Goodwin, not taking off, looked at the shining towers of the Emerald City. He could not even believe that it was he along with Arzals built such a wonderful city.

"Farewell, a magical country ..." he whispered sadly. - Do I ever come back here?

Suddenly he noticed that a small pink cloud appeared among the gray clouds. It rapidly approached the balloon. Suddenly, the cloud melted, and Goodwin was surprised to see the magician Stella flicking in the air. In her hands she kept a red rose.

Goodwin with respect bowed to the wizard.

"I ask you to forgive me, dear wizard," he said in full remorse. - For many years I deceived all the inhabitants of the edge of Torn, and with Willina you, including. You see, I have never been a sorceress! I am the most ordinary person. I always dreamed of wealth and power. And here, on Earth Thorn, I achieved everything that I wanted, but only because of deception! Probably, that is why neither the title of ruler nor the treasures brought me any joy nor happiness ...

He bitterly sighed and dreamed. But Stella laughed and shook her head.

"Not everything is so bad, dear Goodwin," her silver voice sounded. "Yes, you have been deceived by the throne of the ruler of the Green country, and this does not paint you. But, despite this, you did a lot of good here! You built a wonderful emerald city. You defended the green country from evil sorcerers. You fulfilled the cherished wishes of the terrible, iron woodcutter and lion. Probably, you have already guessed that Willina and I look forward to their help in the future. Ahead of the magic country is awaiting a lot of disturbing events, and such faithful friends and good helpers we will be very needed!

Goodwin nodded.

- Yes, I already understood it. But, unfortunately, I could not fulfill the cherished desire of Ellie. The rope broke so not in time! Or ... or it also happened not by chance?

Stella Smello squeezed her eyes.

"Here, in a magical country, nothing happens by chance, dear goodwine. We look at Ellie! Willina believes that this girl will someday be able to become a great wizard. Therefore, Willina and did not reveal the secret of silver shoes. If Ellie rightly returned home to Kansas, she would not have gained faithful friends here, and would not have time to love the magic country.

- So, will you soon help her return to Kansas? - Guedwin guessed.

- Sure! - Nodded Stella. "But Ellie together with friends will have to go through a few more tests." She will come to me tomorrow, in a pink country. I really want Ellie to help Leo become the king of animals, and then would get acquainted with the Marranians and my subjects. She will have to survive a few dangerous adventures, but everything will end well, I'll take care of it.

- That's how ... - murmured Goodwin. - It turns out, Ellie will ever return to the edge of the thorn?

"Yes," said Stella. "And you can believe me that Ellie, and all her friends will always remember you a good word."

Goodwin lowered his head and said quietly:

- It turns out, I still did not live in vain my life ... I told the children about the magic country so many times, but I never thought that I would help her own hands to make it more beautiful and wonderful!

He knew, and then pulled out a magic mirror from under the bench and handed it with Stella:

- Pass this item as a gift to our expensive Ellie! I wanted to take the mirror in Kansas, but I think that Ellie it will be useful.

"I will definitely transmit - when the time comes," Stella agreed. - Goodbye, great and terrible! Let your life there, in the big world, will truly happy! And here, in the edge of Torn, the memory of you will live forever. Although you were not a wizard, but managed to build a wonderful emerald city, which will exist thousands of centuries - while people will live on Earth!

Stella handed a red rose goodwill and suddenly kissed her cheek. And then flew and dissolved among the clouds.

Goodwin rastogank looked after her.

- I would like to know what happened in a magical country after many years, when Ellie returns here forever ... Is it really to turn into a great wizard? What if she ever becomes even the queen of an emerald city? Why not?

And then Goodwin glanced in the other direction and saw the snow-covered vertices of the world mountains. They approached each minute.

- So many years I dreamed of returning to my native Kansas ... - he whispered. - So why is my heart now shrinking from pain? Farewell, Emerald City, Farewell, My Friends! Do we ever meet again?

But Goodwin was mistaken. Once, many years later, he again met with Ellie and with horror, and even made a big journey along the yellow road from the enchanted mountain to the sea to the sea. You will read about it in other books about the magic country. To new meetings, my dear readers!

James Goodwin

Goodwin. Illustration of Nikolai Radlova.
Creator A. M. Volkov
Work cycle Magic Country
First mention The Wizard of Oz
Last mention L.Vladimirsky "Buratino in the Emerald City"
Floor male
Age Adult, elder
Position The ruler of the Emerald City (in the period of life in a magical country)
Occupation illusionist, a small shopkeeper (in the period of life in Kansas)
The role is performed Viktor Pavlov

History Goodwin

The unsuccessful dreamer James Goodwin, who worked in a circus, falls into the hurricane, who carries it along with a balloon in a magical country. There, he lands in a green country, the inhabitants of which take it for the wizard.

He decides to build an emerald city, but it turns out that there is not enough building material. Goodwin replaces emeralds with a simple glass and obliges all the inhabitants and visitors of the Emerald city wearing green glasses. Thus, no one notices that most emeralds are unreal and that only external facades are made of green marble.

Years are held, and Goodwin becomes boring in a magical country. In the end he decides to return home in Kansas on a restored balloon. Before that, he gives the scary of the brain and appoints it with a new ruler of the Emerald City.

Returning to Kansas, Goodwin continued his career in the circus, and at its conclusion, he opened a grocery bench. Ellie, at least twice seen with Goodwin in Kansas, and once even invited him to go on a new trip to the magic country, from which Goodwin categorically refused.

Goodwin in works of different authors

Goodwin in Volkov's fairy tales

Since the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" was based on the book L. F. Bauma "An amazing wizard from Oz", the story of Goodwin mostly repeats the history of the Oz (English Wizard of Oz - Wizard Oz), Hero of the original fairy tale. The magician Oz appears in other fairy tales of Bauum, where some details of his board are reported, and it is told about his further fate. In particular, it becomes subsequently a real wizard. A. M. Volkov only replaced the name of the character and changed some details of his biography. Also, Volkova, Gudwin has never been a wizard and does not use magic attributes, chasing to conquer authority among the inhabitants of the magic country exclusively cunning.

James Goodwin was a native of Kansas, worked in the youth in the theater and the circus, later became the airborne, climbing the air in the air balloon to the spectators.

In the fairy tales, Gudwin appears rather cowardly and a cowardorate man, only by chance that the ruler of the Emerald City - a balloon, on which Goodwin gave a fair view, takes away from the rope and the will of the case brings Goodwin to the Magic Country.

Local residents were amazed by the wonderful appearance of Goodwin, and he skillfully applied their acting skills, using their amazement for themselves, called the Great Wizard, the Sun Wizard, which helped him become the ruler of the Green country. Subsequently, Goodwin built the capital - an emerald city. Fearing that his archer can undermine the authority, Goodwin tried as much as possible to be shown to his subjects. Over time, local residents have forgotten his real appearance, since Goodwin has shown them only in the image of various bout fabulous beings.

Goodwin constantly fears the attacks of evil magicians to his possessions, and only the fact that the wizards consider him a great magician, keep them from the attack on Goodwin. Once Goodwin tried to go to the War on the ownership of the Bastland in order to liberate her subjects, but the war ended for Goodwin very unsuccessful - the Bastinta monkeys defeated his army, and Goodwin himself only accidentally avoided the captivity.

That is why, having met Ellie and her friends, he gives them a task - to neutralize the last remaining evil sorceress Bastinda, promising in return to fulfill their desires. Fearing the Ellie and her friends, Goodwin is not shown to them, but appears in the appearance of various butafors. According to Goodwin, the magic shoes on the legs of Ellie, who randomly turned out to be helped by the girl in such a difficult matter.

But on the return of Ellie and her friends, he is not in a hurry to perform the promised, as it does not have any magic gift. Yes, even otherwise, Pinsik Totoshka forces Goodwin to seem in his real appearance, scaring with him.

In the end, realizing that it was impossible to further pull the time, Goodwin skillfully uses the placebo effect. Asshile, and without the smartest during friendship with Ellie, Goodwin produces brains - a bag with bran, mixed with pins and needles. Iron Woodhouse, and so that is a pre-hardham in the soul, Goodwin invested the heart of Silka, packed with sawdust in the iron chest. And a cowardly lion, which has already become brave during the trip, Goodwin gave a drink of drug, which is a hill kvass with an admixture of Valerian.

Ellie's desire (return home), goodwill to fully fulfill everything. But he finds a way out of the situation, deciding to restore his balloon, at which many years ago came to the magic country, and, together with Ellie, he intends to return to his homeland, in Kansas. Before the detention of Goodwin, he appoints a new ruler of the Emerald City. The residents of the city of Gudwin declares that it flies to swim to his friend, the Sun mighty wizard, and that someday will certainly be returned. But at the time of delay, Ellie does not have time to sit in the basket of the ball, and Goodwin flies alone.

Upon returning to the homeland, Goodwin becomes the owner of the grocery shop.

Unlike the cycles of other authors (L. F. Bauma and S. S. Sukhinova) about the emerald city, fairy tales A. M. Volkov give little information about the first ruler of the Emerald City. In addition to the first cycle book, it appears only in one of the continuations - "Urfin Jus and his wooden soldiers", where it tells how to help friends in the Magic Country of Ellie and Charlie Black are offered Goodwin, by this time already throwing a circus and holding a grocery bench , Take part in their expedition, but it refuses.

As T. V. Galkina notes, the Volkov has repeatedly had to adjust the plot of theatrical plays set according to the "Magician of the Emerald City". Changes affected, including characters and patterns of characters. In one of the options, the wolves even made Goodwin black, forced to flee from Kansas from persecution on racial reasons.

Amazing transformation of the wizard Goodwin
The next morning the green girl was washed and combed Ellie and led her to the tone hall of Goodwin.
In the hall next to the throne gathered court cavaliers and ladies in elegant costumes. Goodwin never went to them and never accepted them. However, in the continuation of many years, they spent every morning in the palace, moving and gossiping; They called it by the court service and were very proud of it.
The courtiers looked at Ellie with surprise and, noticing silver shoes on it, laid her low bows to the earth itself.
- Fairy ... Fairy ... This is a fairy ... - Sucking was heard.
One of the most bold courts closer to Ellie and indifferedly caught, asked:
- I dare to inquire, the silent Mrs. Faii, did you really have received the reception of goodwill terrible?
"Yes, Goodwin wants me to see me," Ellie replied modestly.
In the crowd, a buzz of surprise. At that time, the bell rang.
- Signal! - said a green girl. - Goodwin requires you to the throne room.
The soldier opened the door. Ellie robbed and found himself in an amazing place. Goodwine's throne room was round, with high vaulted ceiling; And everywhere - on the floor, on the ceiling, on the walls - the countless precious stones were glittered.
Ellie looked forward. In the center of the room stood a throne of green marble, shining emeralds. And on this throne lay a huge live head, one head, without a torso ...

The head had such an impressive look that the Ellie slaughtered from fear.
The face of the head was smooth and loss, with full cheeks, with a huge nose, with large, tightly compressed lips. A naked skull sparkled like a convex mirror. The head seemed to be lifeless: no wrinkles on the forehead, no folds of the lips, and only eyes lived on the face. They with incomprehensible agility turned in orbits and stared at the ceiling. When the eyes rotated, the creak was heard in the silence of the hall, and it struck Ellie.
The girl looked at the incomprehensible movement of the eyes and was so confused that I forgot to bow my head.
- I am Goodwin, great and terrible! Who are you and why do you bother me?
Ellie noticed that the mouth of the head was not moving and the voice, a quiet and even pleasant, hears as if.
The girl encouraged and replied:
- I am Ellie, small and weak. I came from afar and ask your help.
The eyes turned back in orbits and froze, looking to the side; It seemed that they wanted to look at Ellie, but could not.
The voice asked:
- Where did you get silver shoes?
- from the cave of an evil magician Gingham. My house fell on it - crushed it, and now nice chevough free ...
- Chevnuny released?! - Voice revived. - And gingem no longer? Pleasant news! - The eyes of a living head are spinning and finally stared at Ellie. - Well, what do you want from me?
- Send me home, in Kansas, to dad and mom ...
- Are you from Kansas?! - interrupted the voice, and good human notes were heard in it. - And how is there now ... - But the voice suddenly fallen, and the eyes of the head turned away from Ellie.
"I'm from Kansas," the girl repeated. "Although your country is gorgeous, but I don't like her," she continued his brave. - Here at every step such dangers ...
- What happened to you? - the voice asked.
- Dear attacked me cannibal. He would have ate me if I hadn't reversed my faithful friends, I was afraid of Iron Woodworks. And then we chased the saber-toothed tigers ... And then we got into a terrible poppy field ... Oh, this is a real sleepy kingdom! We and Lv and the Totoshka fell asleep there. And if I had not been afraid of the Iron Wood Road, and even mice, we would sleep there until they died ... Yes, all this is enough to tell for the whole day. And now I ask you: please, please, three cherished desires of my friends, and when you fulfill them, you and you will need to return home.
"Why should I return you home?"
- Because it is written in the magic book Willina ...
- A, it's a good wizard Yellow country, I heard about her, - a voice brought. - Its predictions are not always executed.
"And even because" continued Ellie. - That strong should help weak. You are a great sage and wizard, and I am a helpless little girl ...
"You turned out to be strong enough to kill the evil wizard," the head objected.
"It made the magic of Willina," the girl just answered. - It's not my fault.
"Here is my answer," said a lively head, and her eyes spoken with such an extraordinary speed that Ellie screamed from fright. - I do nothing for nothing. If you want to take advantage of my magic art to return home, you have to do what I order to you.
Head's eyes blinking many times in a row. Despite their fright, Ellie watched his eyes with interest and waited for what they would do next. The movement of the eye did not fit the words of the head and the tone of her voice and the girl seemed to live an independent life.
The head was waiting for the question.
- But what should I do? - asked surprised Ellie.
"Liberate the purple country from the power of the evil wizard of Bastinta," the head replied.
- But I can't! - cried Ellie in fright.
"You committed with slavery Zhevunov and managed to get magic ginger's silver shoes. There remained one evil magician in my country and under her power are poor, timid migumens, inhabitants of the purple country. We need to give freedom too ...
- But how to do it? - asked Ellie. - After all, I can not kill the wizard Bastinda?
- GM, GM ... - The voice for a moment stuck. - It's indifferent to me. You can put it in a cage, you can be expelled from the purple country, you can ... Yes, in the end, the voice became angry. - You will see you in place that you can do! It is only important to save Migunov from her dominion, and judging by what he told about himself and their friends, you can do it. So said Goodwin, the great and terrible and word of him - the law!
The girl was crying.
- You demand from us impossible!
"Every a reward must be deserved," the head led dryly. - Here is my last word: you will return to Kansas to the Father and Mother, when you free migunov. Remember that Bastinda magician powerful and evil, terribly powerful and evil, and it is necessary to deprive her magical power. Go and do not come back to me until you fulfill your task.
Sad Ellie left the throne hall and returned to friends who expected her with concern.
- No hope! - she said a girl with tears. - Goodwin ordered me to deprive the evil bastinta of her magic strength, and this I never do!
All wicked, but no one could console Ellie. She went to her room and cried until she fell asleep.