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How many exits are there at the Kuznetsky Most station? Brief description of the station

St.m. Kuznetsky Bridge. March 5th, 2016

The Kuznetsky Most metro station is named after the Kuznetsky Most street, which is located on the surface. The station has one lobby, the ground pavilion of which is located in the courtyard of the historic Torletsky apartment building. This is probably the only lobby that is so strangely located. It is surprising that during construction they did not demolish the house and build a vestibule into it. In the end it turned out very St. Petersburg. The Kuznetsky Most station was opened in December 1975 as part of the extension of the section of the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line from the metro station. "Barrikadnaya" to metro station “China-Gorod”, in fact, after this the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya (then Zhdanovsko-Krasnopresnenskaya) line was formed, which connected the two radii.

Let's start with archival photos. It’s great that these unique photographs from the construction of the station have been preserved. Work on the construction of an inclined escalator.

There is no vestibule yet; in my opinion, they haven’t even built the foundation for it yet.

And it looks like they are installing formwork for the walls of the lobby.

But the work at the station itself.

Judging by the abundance of workers and the readiness of finishing, this is probably just before the opening of the station. By the way, pay attention to how cool the helmets of the workers on the escalator are - round with brims.


Archival photo of the lobby interior. Very cool. Usually, for some reason, photographs of lobbies cannot be found. Here you can see two cash register windows, and change machines hang on the wall. Of course, it was convenient before, when travel was paid in 5 kopeck coins.

Well, the station.

More photos.

And this is an apocalyptic photo from the 90s. Rozhdestvenka. It's kind of cruel.

TTX station. Please note that the station received the award in 1977.

1. Let's go back to our days. As mentioned above, the lobby is located in the courtyards, and you can get there through the arches from the Pushechnaya side. Right here.

2. Or through the double arch from Rozhdestvenka Street.

3. It’s interesting that the letter “M” only recently appeared above the arches, which indicates that there is an entrance to the metro; apparently, while the facades were being repaired, the letters were removed. Here is New Year's and now pedestrian Rozhdestvenka.

4. The lobby is visible from under the arch. It is interesting that there is no direct exit from the lobby to the Kuznetsky Most street itself, after which the station is named.

5. Classic utilitarian architecture of the 70s. Large stained glass window with two entrance groups for entry and exit.

6. The lobby is currently undergoing renovation (or has already been completed). I visited here before it started, it will be interesting to compare later. By the way, another feature of the station. Its lobby is located on the purely pedestrian (now) Rozhdestvenki Street, and not a single ground transport route stops nearby.

7. Kuznetsky Most is a pilot station where new navigation was applied. This is where it all came from. Stickers on the doors. Output numbering. He's alone here. On the entrance doors there are stickers with the color and line number and the name of the station above the doors, see previous photo.

8. The lobby is inside a semi-circular shape with a high ceiling. Before the reconstruction, the floor was just like this patchwork fabric.

9. One of the most monumental chandeliers in the Moscow metro hangs right there. It’s interesting that the very chandelier is from the 70s, and not from the “richest” period of the 50s. It is made of metal, complex shapes, characteristic of that era. The cladding of the columns is well done.

10. Metal decorative elements are hung on the walls. Sort of abstract panels.

11. Opposite the glazed stained glass window are some stalls and tents; I hope they will be removed after the reconstruction of the lobby is completed.

12. The escalators are old, still decorated with wood; now there are fewer and fewer of them in the Moscow metro.

13. We go down to the platform. Deep station, three-vault columnar. The design of the station, as planned, should refer to the Kuznetsky Bridge that existed here, the bridge over the Neglinnaya River, which in early XIX centuries was enclosed in a collector and went underground, along with it the bridge went underground, it was simply filled up. Now there is another Kuznetsky Bridge underground, now it is a metro station.

14. The first and only information desk on the platform so far. This is such a “globe” - a light box on one side of which there is navigation on the surface indicating objects within walking distance, and on the other side there is a metro map. Judging by the fact that such things did not appear even at new stations on the platform, I assume that the experiment did not go very well.

15. Actually about what is being tested here new system navigation, stickers inform.

16. To me, this is quite confusing.

17. In addition to the globe, there are also navigation signs in the arches. It is very convenient that there is not just a list of stations, but also transfers are indicated (circles of the corresponding color) - this is convenient. However, many note that the inscriptions are too small - this is true. On one side it says “Planernaya” and not “towards the metro station Planernaya”, which would be logical, on the other side it says “To the south”.

18. The station fixtures continue the theme of the lobby fixture. Such a “metallic” abstraction.

19. The station is spacious, looks simple but nice. The arches are very well designed. Due to the lamps that run in the central and side halls along the entire length of the ceiling, the vaults do not seem empty. In general, lamps or chandeliers look much more cheerful than curtain lighting.

20. Here is the old classic Hedgehog-3...

21. ...and here is a brand new through train in coloring for the 70th anniversary of the victory.

22. Let's take another look at the central hall. Oh, horror, the information “globe” is not aligned with the axis of the station, perfectionists are indignant.

23. That's it, let's take the next train and move on.

And it was filmed on a Canon PowerShot G2 digital camera. You can’t look at those photos now without crying, but back then it was incredibly cool. Since then I did not have the opportunity to film at night, evening hours were suitable for filming, when there were few passengers. But I decided to check whether it was possible to use the morning ones at this station. It turned out that it was impossible. From the very opening of the station, passenger traffic grew and only made it difficult to film. In March 2013, I returned to this station - it was normal to photograph it at night, go into the tunnels and see the dismantled exit there. But first, I’ll tell you (with the help of a text by Vladimir Sviridenkov, in the creation of which I once helped. It’s a small world, yes:) about columnar stations of the so-called Moscow type.

If the halls of pylon stations are “independent” and separated from each other by massive pylons, then at column stations the track tunnels and the central hall are combined into one long-span structure. Unlike the disconnected tunnels of pylon stations, the tunnels in the column are brought together in such a way that their linings intersect and rest on common supports - internal load-bearing structures. These structures are made in the form of a colonnade, dividing the single space of the station into longitudinal naves.

The idea of ​​combining all station tunnels into one structure was, for the first time in the world, brilliantly implemented on the Moscow Metro during the construction of the “” station (opened in 1938). The original design diagram of the station, space-planning solution, and successful architectural design received the highest marks at international exhibitions.

The first types of column stations, despite successful space-planning solutions, were distinguished by significant metal consumption and enormous labor costs. Therefore, until 1975, in Moscow, out of 39 deep stations, only 4 columns were built, and the Paveletskaya station, a radial one, was originally a pylon and was later rebuilt into a column during a difficult reconstruction that lasted almost 10 years. It must be said that the Semenovskaya station ( original title- “Stalinskaya”), although it looks like a column, in fact, according to the structural design, it is a pylon, and each of the pylons is replaced by four columns in the corners.

1. In modern designs of column stations with cast iron lining, a typical station tubing lining with a diameter of 8.5 (for the side rooms) and 9.5 for the central hall is used. The exception is the China Town station hub - the first standard column station, where all three halls have a diameter of 8.5 meters. The escalator tunnel can be connected to the middle hall anywhere along the station axis (as at pylon stations), which allows you to vary the length of the central hall.

2. The open rings of the tubing lining are supported on steel columns through typical wedge lintels, which are used at pylon stations. The station columns consist of two branches, which are connected with bolts during the installation process. Through the support platforms, the columns are bolted to the heel elements of the lintels.

3. With the development of technology at column stations, it was possible to increase the column spacing from 4 to 5.5 m, abandon the lower wedge lintels, replacing them with reinforced tubes, offset by half the width, to enable the work larger number lining rings. Later they were able to abandon the reverse arch.

4. This structural scheme of a column station (with cast iron wedge lintels) was called the “Moscow Column”.

5. The Kuznetsky Most station became the third station of this type (the first two were Kitay-Gorod) and was opened to passengers on December 17, 1975 as part of the Barrikadnaya - Kitay-Gorod section, 4.1 km long. The Zhdanovsky and Krasnopresnensky radii are combined into the Zhdanovsko-Krasnopresnenskaya (Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya) line.

6. The only exit is located at the northwestern end of the station and leads to the ground vestibule, located in the courtyard of the Torletsky-Zakharyin house, near its intersection with Pushechnaya and Kuznetsky Most streets. From the south-eastern end of the station, an escalator leads to the Sokolnicheskaya line “Lubyanka” station.

7. Let me remind you that this is the view of the lobby in March 2013. Over the past period of time, renovations have been carried out on it, which were completed in March of this year.

8. I wonder if these cash registers have survived?

10. Service platform at the end of the station.

11. We will go into the tunnel again - a very interesting artifact was found there.

12. The columns, turning into arched semicircles above the passages to the platforms, are decorated with gray-blue and pink Gazgan marble. The floor of the station is paved with pink “Revival” granite, as well as black and gray granite, forming a simple pattern in the form of squares along the axis of the station and stripes along a row of columns. The central hall is illuminated by a continuous row of angular lamps along the axis of the station, the side halls are illuminated by similar lamps on the vault.

13. Transfer to Lubyanka station. To open the Kuznetsky Most station, it was necessary to reconstruct the Lubyanka station - to complete the construction of the central hall, which could not be done in 1934 due to difficult geological conditions.

14. Entrance to the sub-platform premises. Now they have abandoned the location of office premises under the platform and are making a separate excavation for them.

15. Construction of the station begins with the excavation of side tunnels to the full cross-section or using the pilot tunnel method. The tubes of the opening rings are laid from bottom to top symmetrically relative to the axis of the tunnel. From the side of the middle hall, the reinforced support tubes of the lower row, forming the base of the opening, are shifted relative to the station axis by half the width of the ring. These offset tubes also form the base of the columns, uniformly transferring the load to the open rings. Temporary filling tubes are laid on them, and then shaped tubes forming the upper wedge lintel. Steel columns are installed simultaneously with the installation of the lining.

16. The middle hall of the station is constructed after excavating the side tunnels. In order not to damage the lining of the side tunnels, the soil in a zone of one meter before it is finished with jackhammers. After removing the soil, the tunnel lining is installed. First, the lining of the reverse vault is installed. After closing the reverse vault, the upper one is erected. The installation of each arch of the upper vault begins with the installation of shaped tubes at its base, forming a wedge-shaped lintel. After the construction of the middle hall, the temporary filling tubes of the side tunnels are dismantled, freeing up the passages.

17. The station’s architects N.A. Aleshina and N.K. Samoilova were awarded the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1977.


18. And traditional theory. Scans from the book “Tunnels and Subways” (Transport Publishing House, 1989)

19. As you can see, at stations of this type they try to make a flat tray. And now, in general, they have abandoned the reverse vault and are making a flat slab. But there are variations, of course.

20. Connection of inclined stroke. Unlike the first columns (like Mayakovskaya), it can be done anywhere in the central hall, shortening it if necessary.

Many thanks to the press service of the Moscow Metro and the Tunnel Structures Service for their assistance in organizing this shooting.

Home » Stations » Stations » In Russia » Moscow » Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line » Kuznetsky Most

Kuznetsky Most station


"Kuznetsky Most" is a station on the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line of the Moscow metro. The station's location is classified as Central administrative district Moscow. It is located between the Pushkinskaya and Kitay-Gorod stations.

Station history

The station began operating on December 17, 1975. It became part of the Barrikadnaya - Kitay-Gorod section.

History of the name

The Kuznetsky Most station got its name from the street of the same name. Kuznetsky Most Street was once named after the bridge over the Neglinka River.

Description of the station

The station is a columnar type, the columns turn into arched semicircles, which are located above the passages to the station platforms. The arches are decorated with blue-gray marble. The track walls are covered with white marble. The walls are also decorated with decorative aluminum inserts made by the artist M. Alekseev. The floor is covered with black and gray granite, which together forms an ornament. In the central hall there is a row of lamps that have an angular shape and are located along the axis of the station. In the side halls, the lighting is also recreated using similar lamps on the vault. Architects N.

Kuznetsky Most station

Aleshina and N. Samoilova, who worked on the station, received the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1977.


The station was built from prefabricated cast iron lining using a standard design. This is a three-vaulted column-type station. The location is deep, the depth is 39.5 meters. The vault is installed on steel columns using shaped wedge lintels. The distance between the columns is 5.25 meters. The diameter of the tunnels on the sides is 8.5 meters.

Lobbies and transfers

There is only one exit from the station; it is located at the northwestern end of the Kuznetsky Most station. Through this exit you can get to the ground lobby, located in the courtyard of the Torletsky-Zakharyin house. The house is located near the intersection of Rozhdestvenka Street with Pushechnaya and Kuznetsky Most streets. At the south-eastern end of the station there is an escalator through which you can go to the Lubyanka station on the Sokolnicheskaya Line.


There are many interesting sights located near the metro station.

There are many ancient churches operating here - the Church of St. Nicholas in Zvonary. Sretensky and Nativity monasteries, cathedral mosque, Roman Catholic Church Saint Louis. The Bolshoi and Maly Academic Theaters of Russia operate nearby. Another landmark of Moscow is Kuznetsky Most Street, which is considered one of the oldest streets in the city.

Ground infrastructure

In the city center, where the Kuznetsky Most station is located, the infrastructure is especially developed. A number of restaurants and cafes, many beauty salons, and shopping centers are available to residents and guests of the city. The famous “High Fashion House of Slava Zaitsev” and the central store “ Child's world" There is a Museum of the International Union of Book Lovers, a Museum of Ex Libris, State Museum history of the Gulag, State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky.

Useful facts

The station opens at 5:35 am and closes at 1 am. Mobile operators Beeline, Megafon, MTS, Skylink work at the station.

The Kuznetsky Most station is one of five Moscow metro stations where ground transport does not approach at all. After one-way traffic on Sretenka was introduced in 2003, the closest stop is located near the Lubyanka station.

On the map


Kuznetsky Most metro station

The Kuznetsky Most metro station is one of those that was built during the Soviet period; it has a bright and unique appearance. The design is based on the motif of the street of the same name, named after the bridge over the Neglinnaya River. The platform is lined with wavy marble tiles in gray and beige tones. Decorative decorations in the form of blacksmith tools, sickles and hammers, and sparks from an anvil are hung on the walls of the tracks. And columnar structures made in the form of arcades evoke associations with Roman aqueducts or ancient bridges.

Brief description of the station

The Kuznetsky Most metro station was opened in 1975, together with Pushkinskaya. It is an anniversary, the 100th in a row. It is located on the seventh line of the Moscow metro - Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line.

Thanks to its highly functional layout, beautiful artistic design and optimal balance of space and light, this station is one of the exemplary architectural objects of the Moscow Metro. For the design project, the architects represented by N. A. Aleshina and N. K. Samoilova received awards from the Council of Ministers Soviet Union in 1977.

As for the numerical parameters, the width of the entire platform is 16.1 meters. The station rests on column structures and contains three tunnels: two side and one middle. The height of the average hall is 6.26 meters, width - 8.2 meters. The pitch or width of the columns is 5.25 meters.

View from the middle tunnel of the Kuznetsky Most metro station - in the photo below.

Communication operators MTS, Megafon and Beeline operate on the territory of the station. Opening daily is scheduled at 5:30, and the metro closes at 1 am. In the surrounding area there are three universities, many museums and galleries, banking institutions, shopping centers, bars and restaurants. There are also a huge number of hotels, so traveling tourists have a wide choice of accommodation.

Lobby and passage to the metro

How to get to the metro? "Kuznetsky Most" is a station located in the Meshchansky district at the following address: st. Kuznetsky Most, 22. Interestingly, the station is not located on the street, but in the courtyard of the house of Torletsky and Zakharyin, near the intersections of Kuznetsky Most and Pushechnaya streets. You can get to the station through the street. Rozhdestvenskaya along the double arch of building number six. On the south-eastern side of the platform you can take the escalator to the Lubyanka station.

The station lobby has recently been renovated. The Kuznetsky Most metro exit was closed for repairs for some time and reopened in 2016. The changes affected the technological equipment, the station ticket offices were also completely redone (finishing with stainless steel and installing durable smart glass) and the marble surface of the platform was updated.

Video on the topic

Architectural design

The columns of the Kuznetsky Most metro station are covered with Gazgan marble tiles, the deposits of which are located in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The tile has a gray-blue color and a wavy surface.

Kuznetsky Most station

The shape of the columns resembles ancient bridges or aqueducts - reservoirs Ancient Rome designed to supply water to settlements. They widen and form arcades that support the upper vaults.

The walls of the tracks are covered with light-colored Koelga marble, which is mined in Chelyabinsk region. The basement is lined with granite and labradorite.

Additionally, on the walls there are six miniatures on the theme of blacksmithing, made of aluminum. They depict hammers, sickles, sparks from an anvil, as well as cannons and cannonballs. Sketches of the inserts were drawn up by the artist M. N. Alekseev.

The floor is tiled with gray and black granite tiles, which form squares along the axis of the platform. The Kuznetsky Most metro station is illuminated using dynamic alternating structures in the form of diamonds with gas-light lamps placed inside them.

Mention of the station in popular culture

The Kuznetsky Most metro station is mentioned in Dmitry Glukhovsky’s work “Metro 2033”. This book describes the life of people after the apocalypse - nuclear war, which happened in 2013, after which all large cities were destroyed.

The book takes place in the Moscow metro, as the surface of the Earth is shrouded in toxic gases and unsuitable for life. People live in the vastness of stations and passages, owning weapons workshops and creating their own states.

In addition, a video game was created based on this book same name. According to the game episode, the Kuznetsky Most station is independent. However main character discovers Red Line agents with communist views here.

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The Kuznetsky Most metro station is one of those that was built during the Soviet period; it has a bright and unique appearance. The design is based on the motif of the street of the same name, named after the bridge over the platform. The platform is laid out in wavy gray and beige tones. Decorative decorations in the form of blacksmith tools, sickles and hammers, and sparks from an anvil are hung on the walls of the tracks. And columnar structures made in the form of arcades evoke associations with Roman aqueducts or ancient bridges.

Brief description of the station

The Kuznetsky Most metro station was opened in 1975, together with Pushkinskaya. It is an anniversary, the 100th in a row. It is located on the seventh line of the Moscow metro - Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line.

Thanks to its highly functional layout, beautiful artistic design and optimal balance of space and light, this station is one of the exemplary architectural objects of the Moscow Metro. For the design project, the architects represented by N. A. Aleshina and N. K. Samoilova received awards from the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union in 1977.

As for the numerical parameters, the width of the entire platform is 16.1 meters. The station rests on column structures and contains three tunnels: two side and one middle. The height of the average hall is 6.26 meters, width - 8.2 meters. The pitch or width of the columns is 5.25 meters.

View from the middle tunnel of the Kuznetsky Most metro station - in the photo below.

Communication operators MTS, Megafon and Beeline operate on the territory of the station. Opening daily is scheduled at 5:30, and the metro closes at 1 am. In the surrounding area there are three universities, many museums and galleries, banking institutions, shopping centers, bars and restaurants. There are also a huge number of hotels, so traveling tourists have a wide choice of accommodation.

Lobby and passage to the metro

How to get to the metro? "Kuznetsky Most" is a station located at the following address: st. Kuznetsky Most, 22. Interestingly, the station is not located on the street, but in the courtyard of the house of Torletsky and Zakharyin, near the intersections of Kuznetsky Most and Pushechnaya streets. You can get to the station through the street. Rozhdestvenskaya along the double arch of building number six. On the south-eastern side of the platform you can take the escalator to the Lubyanka station.

The station lobby has recently been renovated. The Kuznetsky Most metro exit was closed for repairs for some time and reopened in 2016. The changes affected the technological equipment, the station ticket offices were also completely redone (finishing with stainless steel and installing durable smart glass) and the marble surface of the platform was updated.

Architectural design

The columns of the Kuznetsky Most metro station are covered with Gazgan marble tiles, the deposits of which are located in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The tile has a gray-blue color and a wavy surface. The shape of the columns resembles ancient bridges or aqueducts - reservoirs of Ancient Rome, designed to supply water to settlements. They widen and form arcades that support the upper vaults.

The walls of the tracks are covered with light-colored Koelga marble, which is mined in the Chelyabinsk region. The basement is lined with granite and labradorite.

Additionally, on the walls there are six miniatures on the theme of blacksmithing, made of aluminum. They depict hammers, sickles, sparks from an anvil, as well as cannons and cannonballs. Sketches of the inserts were drawn up by the artist M. N. Alekseev.

The floor is tiled with gray and black granite tiles, which form squares along the axis of the platform. The Kuznetsky Most metro station is illuminated using dynamic alternating structures in the form of diamonds with gas-light lamps placed inside them.

Mention of the station in popular culture

The Kuznetsky Most metro station is mentioned in Dmitry Glukhovsky’s work “Metro 2033”. This book describes the life of people after the apocalypse - a nuclear war that happened in 2013, after which all large cities were destroyed.

The book takes place in the Moscow metro, as the surface of the Earth is shrouded in toxic gases and unsuitable for life. People live in the vastness of stations and passages, owning weapons workshops and creating their own states.

In addition, a video game of the same name was created based on this book. According to the game episode, the Kuznetsky Most station is independent. However, the main character discovers here Red Line agents with communist views.

"Kuznetsky Most" is a station on the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line of the Moscow metro. The station's location is included in the Central Administrative District of Moscow. It is located between the Pushkinskaya and Kitay-Gorod stations.

Station history

The station began operating on December 17, 1975. It became part of the Barrikadnaya - Kitay-Gorod section.

History of the name

The Kuznetsky Most station got its name from the street of the same name. Kuznetsky Most Street was once named after the bridge over the Neglinka River.

Description of the station

The station is a columnar type, the columns turn into arched semicircles, which are located above the passages to the station platforms. The arches are decorated with blue-gray marble. The track walls are covered with white marble. The walls are also decorated with decorative aluminum inserts made by the artist M. Alekseev. The floor is covered with black and gray granite, which together forms an ornament. In the central hall there is a row of lamps that have an angular shape and are located along the axis of the station. In the side halls, the lighting is also recreated using similar lamps on the vault. Architects N. Aleshina and N. Samoilova, who worked on the station, received the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1977.


The station was built from prefabricated cast iron lining using a standard design. This is a three-vaulted column-type station. The location is deep, the depth is 39.5 meters. The vault is installed on steel columns using shaped wedge lintels. The distance between the columns is 5.25 meters. The diameter of the tunnels on the sides is 8.5 meters.

Lobbies and transfers

There is only one exit from the station; it is located at the northwestern end of the Kuznetsky Most station. Through this exit you can get to the ground lobby, located in the courtyard of the Torletsky-Zakharyin house. The house is located near the intersection of Rozhdestvenka Street with Pushechnaya and Kuznetsky Most streets. At the south-eastern end of the station there is an escalator through which you can go to the Lubyanka station on the Sokolnicheskaya Line.


There are many interesting sights located near the metro station.

There are many ancient churches operating here - the Church of St. Nicholas in Zvonary. Sretensky and Nativity monasteries, the cathedral mosque, the Roman Catholic Church of St. Louis. The Bolshoi and Maly Academic Theaters of Russia operate nearby. Another landmark of Moscow is Kuznetsky Most Street, which is considered one of the oldest streets in the city.

Ground infrastructure

In the city center, where the Kuznetsky Most station is located, the infrastructure is especially developed. A number of restaurants and cafes, many beauty salons, and shopping centers are available to residents and guests of the city. The famous “High Fashion House of Slava Zaitsev” and the central store “Detsky Mir” also operate here. There is the Museum of the International Union of Book Lovers, the Ex Libris Museum, the State Museum of the History of the Gulag, and the State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky.

Useful facts

The station opens at 5:35 am and closes at 1 am. Mobile operators Beeline, Megafon, MTS, Skylink work at the station.

The Kuznetsky Most station is one of five Moscow metro stations where ground transport does not approach at all. After one-way traffic on Sretenka was introduced in 2003, the closest stop is located near the Lubyanka station.