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Machine tool building during the war years. The brilliance and poverty of Soviet mechanical engineering Soviet machine tool industry

In the Soviet historical literature there are no special studies yet devoted to the development during the Great Patriotic War of such important branches of the military economy as machine tool building and heavy engineering, which are the technical basis of the industry and largely determine technical progress in the entire national economy of the country.

As is known, the main issues of the development of the military economy as a whole were first considered in a general work written by the Chairman of the USSR State Planning Committee N.A. Voznesensky on the basis of a wealth of factual and digital material 1 . In the works of historians and economists 2 , in works devoted to individual regions 3 , the history of factories 4 , in the memoirs of participants in the events 5 the main lines of development of machine tool and heavy engineering are shown, the stages they went through during the war, some materials are given on the construction of machine tool and mechanical engineering enterprises in the eastern regions of the country, restoration of evacuated and destroyed factories in these industries. At the same time, in monographs, articles 6, dissertations exploring individual aspects of the restoration process during the war, revealing the role of the Communist Party in leading the revival of industry (including its individual

1 N. Voznesensky. Military economy of the USSR during the Patriotic War. M. 1947.

2 "History of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. 1941 - 1945." Tt. 1 - 6. M. 1960 - 1965; B. Sokolov. Industrial construction during the Patriotic War. M. 1946; Ya. E. Chadaev. Economy of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945). M. 1965; G. S. Kravchenko. Economy of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945). M. 1970; "The Soviet economy during the Great Patriotic War. 1941 - 1945." M. 1970; A. V. Mitrofanova. The working class of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. M. 1971.

3 "History of Moscow during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period. 1941 - 1965." M. 1967; "Essays on the history of Leningrad." T. 5. L. 1967; M. R. Akulov. Industrial development of Siberia during the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945). Stavropol. 1967, etc.

4 B. F. Bagaev, I. M. Chudinova. Order-bearing Sibtyazhmash. Krasnoyarsk 1964; V. Volokhov. Bryansk Order of the Red Banner of Labor machine-building plant. Tula. 1966; A. Shevchenko, A. Zaitsev. Novokramatorstsy. Essays from the history of the Novokramatorsky Order of Lenin machine-building plant named after. V.I. Lenin. Donetsk. 1968, etc.

5 "They are participants in the great war." M. 1966; "Builders to the front." M. 1968; I. Gudov. The fate of the worker. M. 1970; V.V. Ermilov. Happiness on difficult roads. M. 1972.

6 See "The National Economy of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War (June 1941 - May 1945)". Bibliographic index of book and magazine literature in Russian (1941 - 1968). M. 1971, pp. 79 - 88; 377 - 382.

industries) showing the fraternal assistance of the peoples of the USSR to the liberated areas, there are few materials on machine tool building and heavy engineering. This article makes an attempt to show one of the most important processes in the development of these industries - the restoration and construction of machine tool and heavy engineering enterprises during the war, the difficulties in solving these problems and ways to overcome them.

During the Great Patriotic War, the fascist invaders caused enormous damage to the mechanical engineering industry: 749 heavy and medium engineering factories were destroyed, 64 machine-tool and abrasive factories, 89 factories producing lifting, transport and power equipment. For the enterprises of Narkomtyazhmash (NKTM), the total damage was estimated at 1815 million rubles. In addition, the German occupiers destroyed or sent to Germany a large amount of equipment from Soviet factories: they exported 83.9% of metal-cutting and 74.7% of woodworking machines from the BSSR alone 7 . Already at the beginning of the war, the leading factories of the People's Commissariat of Machine Tool Industry (NKSS) and Narkomtyazhmash found themselves in the front and front-line zones. Some of them were destroyed, many suffered from fascist air raids and continued to operate in the face of increasing air attacks. The Nazis hoped that they would be able to quickly disable the most important industrial enterprises of the USSR and deprive the Soviet front and rear of necessary products. But they miscalculated.

The Communist Party and the Soviet government took urgent measures to remove many industrial enterprises and material assets from the threatened zone and immediately restore factories at new bases. The enormous organizational activity of the party and government, the heroism and courage of workers and employees made it possible to move about 200 mechanical engineering and metalworking enterprises to the east during the first three months of the war. By May 1942, 47 heavy engineering plants and a large group of machine-tool enterprises were evacuated from the front line, mainly to the Urals (Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Zlatoust) and Siberia (Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Novosibirsk). The successful implementation of a massive relocation of industry was possible thanks to the planned economic system of the USSR.

In the shortest possible time, it was possible not only to successfully evacuate large production facilities, but also to restore them in new locations. At the end of 1941, in accordance with the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the heads of the People's Commissariats undertook to submit to the government a schedule for the revival of the relocated factories 8 . The corresponding schedules were approved for each machine tool and heavy engineering enterprise. The struggle to fulfill and exceed these schedules determined the content of all the work of enterprises. During the evacuation, the presence of related industries in those areas where machine tool and heavy engineering plants were sent was taken into account, but often they had to be located in other areas, which created additional difficulties, but also played a positive role - new industries began to be created on the basis of the evacuated enterprises in these areas industry 9.

7 "Collection of reports of the Extraordinary State Commission on the atrocities of the Nazi invaders." M. 1946, pp. 435 - 436; TsGANKh USSR, f. 8243, op. 2, unit, hr. 411, pp. 5, 61, 87; "Achievements of Soviet Belarus over 40 years." Statistical collection. Minsk. 1958, pp. 12 - 13.

8 A. M. Belikov. Heavy industry - to the rear. "Echelons go east. From the history of the relocation of the productive forces of the USSR in 1941 - 1942." M. 1966, p. 49.

9 The issue of evacuation and location of machine tool and heavy engineering plants is discussed in more detail in the works of: A. F. Vasiliev. Actor-

During the war years, capital construction as an integral part of the war economy was carried out in all sectors of the national economy of the USSR. It was carried out most intensively in industry. The sectoral structure of capital work in industry has changed significantly compared to peacetime. Fixed assets and construction resources were now used mainly for the construction of military factories and enterprises cooperated with them. The continuous expansion of production capacity by the defense industry required the development of construction in all other leading sectors of the national economy, and primarily in metallurgy, fuel and energy, and mechanical engineering. Investments were directed mainly to the east. From 1940 to 1942, the share of the Urals and Western Siberia in capital investments in industry increased from 13.1% to 38.7%, Central Asia and Kazakhstan - from 5.2% to 9.2% 10. This was required by the creation of a powerful military-economic base in the eastern regions and the rapid growth of military production.

The war also gave rise to a new type of capital work - restoration. The peculiarity of the restoration of the evacuated machine tool factories was the relatively small volume of construction of new buildings for production workshops. The existing premises were completed and re-equipped, and the proportion of installation work increased significantly. Heavy engineering enterprises required fundamentally constructed buildings equipped with large presses and large kilns. The work on their restoration was complicated by a shortage of materials, construction equipment, and labor. But the teams that arrived at the new bases, rallying the workers of local factories around them, launched active efforts to revive their enterprises. The restoration of many heavy engineering enterprises essentially turned into new construction. Therefore, under the Narkomtyazhmash, Glavtyazhmashstroy was created, which led the trusts located in Orsk, Barnaul, Buzuluk and other cities. In the machine tool manufacturing system, the management of all construction projects was carried out by Soyuzstankostroy and the Main Construction Directorate, to which construction and installation trusts and departments of economic regions (Uralstankostroy, Sibstankostroy, Tsentrostankostroy, etc.) were subordinated. During the war, as the scale of construction and restoration work increased in the machine tool and heavy engineering industries, new trusts were organized. The most important national economic facilities were restored and constructed jointly with the People's Commissariat for Construction.

The People's Commissariat took measures to intensify the activities of economic and trade union organizations and exercised constant control over the timing of the launch of enterprises. People's Commissars and their deputies systematically visited construction sites. In December 1941, the NKTM noted the unsatisfactory work on the revival of evacuated factories. As of October 29, of the 38 evacuated businesses, only 5 had been partially restored, and 20 were still on the way. The People's Commissariat sharply criticized the work of its transport department, which did not take real measures to speed up the advancement of equipment, and Glavsnab, which did not provide the factories being restored with everything they needed. The head of Glavsnab was obliged by January 3, 1942 to submit to People's Commissar N. S. Kazakov a plan of measures to ensure the construction of children's

The role of party organizations in the Southern Urals in the placement of evacuated enterprises in 1941 - 1942. "Questions of History", 1961, N 6; A. V. Mitrofanova. Decree. op.; M. S. Zinich. From the history of machine tool building and heavy engineering in the first period of the Great Patriotic War. "History of the USSR", 1971, N 6.

10 "The Soviet economy during the Great Patriotic War. 1941 - 1945", p. 166.

scarce materials, transport, fuel. On March 30, 1942, the board of the People's Commissariat of Machine Tool Industry heard a report from the head of the capital construction department, V.I. Akimov, on the results of the implementation of the capital work plan in the first quarter of 1942. Pointing out the insufficient pace of construction, the board outlined measures to supply construction sites with labor and materials 11 .

The war set a number of important and urgent tasks for builders and people's commissariats: to build quickly, with maximum savings in materials, with a minimum number of workers. Simplification and acceleration of design, elimination of excesses in construction eliminated many obstacles that delayed its pace. High-speed construction has become the highest form of organization of construction and installation work. Of great importance for the mass introduction of high-speed construction methods was the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated September 11, 1941 “On the construction of industrial enterprises in wartime conditions” 12. In order to accelerate the commissioning of industrial structures with the expenditure of a minimum amount of materials, the People's Commissariats and departments, if necessary, were allowed to build temporary buildings for the main and auxiliary workshops. The People's Commissariat pledged to sharply reduce the costs of scarce building materials (metal, cement, brick) and widely use wood and other local materials. During the war, Soviet engineers also mastered other building materials: local soil blocks, slag concrete, high-strength gypsum, etc.

A significant factor in accelerating construction was the combined schedule of construction and installation work, which made it possible to simultaneously carry out a variety of construction processes. This progressive initiative broke the established traditions of the order and sequence of construction work. New principles of high-speed construction were applied in the revival of evacuated enterprises. At a large carborundum plant, evacuated from Zaporozhye to Tashkent, in the shortest possible time not only the previous capacities were restored, but also two new workshops were built. If before the war in Zaporozhye it took 30 months to build preparatory workshops, then during the war in Tashkent it took only 5 months; for the construction of a furnace shop, 36 and 7 months respectively 13. The acceleration of the pace of construction was achieved primarily due to the dedicated work of workers, more rational placement of equipment and a number of improvements. As a result, the construction time for the plant was reduced by 6-8 times, the cost of construction was reduced by almost half, and thousands of tons of metal, cement and other scarce building materials were saved.

Despite the harsh weather conditions (frosts reached 40 - 50°), the revival of the Kalibr tool plant in Chelyabinsk, the S. Ordzhonikidze machine tool plant in Nizhny Tagil, and the Kolomna Locomotive Plant in Kirov went according to schedule. Some of the evacuated machine-tool enterprises were located in the workshops of leading Ural mechanical engineering plants: Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, Uralmash, Uralvagonzavod 14. The personnel and equipment of the Lyudinovo locomotive plant served as the basis for the creation of a complex production of locomotives in the Volga region. At the base of evacuees for

11 TsGANKH USSR, f. 8243, op. 1, units hr. 1112, pp. 253 - 254; units hr. 1123, l. eleven; f. 8259, op. 1, units hr. 269, pp. 190 - 192.

12 "Decisions of the party and government on economic issues." T. 3, M. 1968, p. 49.

13 B. Sokolov. Decree. cit., p. 36.

14 For more details on this, see G. P. Efremtsev. Kolomna Locomotive Plant - to the front. "Unparalleled feat", M. 1968; I. Gudov. Decree. op.

With the help of heavy engineering and press-forging equipment, a new branch of mechanical engineering was created in Kazakhstan. The Voroshilovgrad Locomotive Plant is located in Almaty. On January 14 and February 10, the City Party Committee discussed issues related to the creation of a new mechanical engineering center in Almaty and outlined measures for its rapid launch. Thanks to the labor heroism of the workers and the help of local party and Soviet organizations, the plant came into operation in February 1942 15 . The restoration of relocated enterprises in Siberia was carried out on a broad front. With the help of party and Soviet organizations in Tomsk, the staff of the country's largest cutting tools plant, Frazer, mobilized local resources and ensured the rapid revival of the enterprise. Extensive work was carried out to restore the tool plant named after S. Voskov in Novosibirsk. The teams of evacuated enterprises bravely withstood difficult trials. By mid-1942, more than half of the relocated heavy engineering plants were operating at full speed. A number of machine tool factories were restored within the scheduled time frame. Abrasive enterprises were revived more slowly.

The restored machine tool and heavy engineering factories in the east of the country made it possible to strengthen the machine tool park of the defense industry and create large industrial complexes in those republics and regions where they did not exist before the war. The increase in the number of production bases in the domestic machine tool and heavy engineering industries has made it possible to organize duplication of production of certain types of equipment at several factories in different areas and to bring product sales closer to consumers. Evacuated workers and specialists passed on their experience, general and industrial culture to the personnel of the new industrial regions. During the most intense period of the war, they jointly produced military products, which made up the overwhelming majority of the total volume of production of the People's Commissariats.

The historic victory near Moscow and the liberation of a number of regions of the Center of the RSFSR during December 1941 and January - March 1942 pushed the fighting to the west. The change in the situation at the front had a positive effect on solving economic problems. For the first time in history, under military conditions, capital restoration work was launched to revive the frontline industry destroyed by the enemy, including the machine tool industry and heavy engineering, on the basis of reevacuated enterprises.

This process was associated with great difficulties. In the second half of 1941, the gross output of Soviet industry was 76% of the products manufactured during the same period in 1940 16 . During perestroika on a military scale, the most important resources were redistributed in favor of the defense commissariats. In the machine tool industry and heavy engineering, the difficulties were aggravated by the fact that in 1942 these industries were not equated with the defense industry in terms of supply priority. The People's Commissariat had to do a lot of work to find internal reserves, establish more reliable cooperative ties, and maximize the use of local resources. In the current conditions, efforts were concentrated on the restoration of the most important enterprises in the machine tool industry.

15 S. Nurmukhamedov. The labor feat of the AZTM team during the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945). "Izvestia" of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. Vol. 3 (11). Alma-Ata. 1959, pp. 3, 11, 17 - 19.

16 "History of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. 1941 - 1945." T. 6. p. 45.

mental industry and heavy engineering - primarily on the revival of factories in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The machine tool industry was the leading industry in the capital (in Moscow and the region before the war there were 21 NKSS enterprises). Moscow factories occupied the main place in the machine tool industry, so their re-evacuation and rapid revival, as well as the restoration of enterprises relocated to the east, became the most important direction in the activities of the People's Commissariat. People's Commissar of Machine Tool Industry A.I. Efremov, by order of February 21, 1942, ordered the heads of Glavstankoprom A.A. Pavlov, Glavstankoszhprom V.I. Skoptsev, director of the Experimental Research Institute (ENIMS) I.F. Maslennikov to be transferred to Moscow equipment from the factories "Red Proletary", "Komsomolets", named after S. Ordzhonikidze, "Stankolit", "Stankokonstruktsiya" 18, not installed in the east. The first trains with large machine tools for the S. Ordzhonikidze and “Red Proletarian” factories arrived in the capital in early April.

Already in January 1942, an order was issued at the machine tool plant named after S. Ordzhonikidze to create a restoration workshop headed by V.I. Fedorov. The plant was restored while maintaining its old profile: the production of turret machines and automatic machines. A single commissioning date was scheduled for all major facilities - July 1, 1942. There was a competition between the teams for the fastest installation and high quality of work. As a result of the heroic work of the machine tool workers, by July 1942 the restoration of the plant was completed. 11 of the best production workers were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union (milling operator S.N. Migachev, mechanic T.V. Kusaev, production manager V.L. Glukharev, etc.) 19 . The teams of the factories "Krasny Proletary", "Komsomolets", "Stankokonstruktsiya" and others achieved no less success in reviving their enterprises. This was of great importance for strengthening the production base of the capital's machine tool industry.

At the same time, major restoration work was carried out in Narkomtyazhmash. Based on the decision of the State Defense Committee of April 13 and the order of the NKTM of April 17, 1942, work began on the revival of the giant of heavy engineering - the Novokramatorsk plant in Elektrostal. The date for its restoration was determined - December 1, 1942. The Novokramatorsk workers were given a difficult task - to revive the plant in a new location and turn it into a base for the production of metallurgical, mining, and mining equipment. Considering the restoration of this enterprise a priority, the People's Commissariat sent the necessary materials and personnel here. People worked on construction 18 hours a day. For successful work, the People's Commissariat expressed gratitude to a large group of Novokramatorsk workers, including director E. Novoselov, chief engineer B. Yakovlev, electrician S. Korotkevich, and awarded them bonuses. In August 1942, ahead of the deadline set by the government, the Novokramatorsk plant went into operation 20 . The plant became a major mechanical engineering base.

Restoration work was also carried out at the Moscow enterprises “Podemnik”, “Stalmost”, and the Kolomna Locomotive Plant. The successful restoration of enterprises in the Moscow industrial region in 1942 made it possible to significantly improve the technical equipment

18 TsGANKH USSR, f. 8259, op. 1, units hr. 6, pp. 4 - 16, 36 - 37; units hr. 270, pp. 42 - 44.

19 Archive of the plant named after S. Ordzhonikidze, op. 9, St. 2, units hr. 1, l. 14; "Bolshevik of the Machine Tool Plant", 6.VIII.1942.

20 TsGANKh USSR, f. 8243, op. 1, units hr. 12, pp. 3 - 7; A. Shevchenko, A. Zaitsev. Decree. op.

strengthening the military industries of the capital, to provide new buildings and the reviving Moscow coal basin with the necessary metallurgical, handling, and mining equipment. In total, in 1942, 53 workshops with an area of ​​195.5 thousand square meters were restored and reconstructed in the system of heavy engineering enterprises. 21 meters.

Along with restoration work in the machine tool and heavy engineering industries, the construction of new facilities was underway, mainly in the eastern regions of the country. Already in the military-economic plan adopted by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on August 16, 1941, it was planned to put into operation the first stage of the Alapaevsk machine gun and turret machine tool plant in the third quarter of 1942. The Sverdlovsk Heavy Machine Tool Plant was supposed to produce 600 machines in 1942. The construction of heavy engineering factories in Krasnoyarsk and Barnaul was accelerated 22 . The military situation required the concentration of funds and building materials on the construction of facilities that were of critical military and economic importance, and in connection with this, the mothballing of the construction of a number of enterprises, including machine tool and heavy engineering plants, which began before the war.

As noted above, the war dramatically changed the distribution of capital investments between industries. There have also been changes within industries. The capital investment plan at the estimated cost for 1941 was determined by Narkomtyazhmash in the amount of 415 million rubles, of which 250 million rubles. (60.8%) was intended for enterprises that had to be evacuated in 1941, and 165 million rubles. (39.2%) - to enterprises located in rear areas. In a military situation, funds were transferred to the implementation of the priority construction program. For example, in the fourth quarter of 1941, the Krasny Profintern plant in Krasnoyarsk was allocated 9.1 million rubles, and the Barnaul plant - 3.6 million rubles. In the machine tool industry, during the same period, 6 million rubles were allocated to the heavy machine tool plant in Sverdlovsk, and 2.5 million rubles to the machine tool and turret machine plant in Alapaevsk 23 . In 1941 - 1942 The People's Commissariat of Machine Tools and Heavy Engineering created new facilities also in Novosibirsk and Orsk, but the main construction work here was carried out in 1943 - 1945. During the year and a half of the war, an abrasive plant and a machine tool equipment plant were put into operation in Tashkent. Since December 1942, the Alapaevsky plant of machine guns and turret machines began to supply defense enterprises in the Urals with its products.

At the same time, work on the reconstruction of existing factories and enterprises transferred to the NKSS from other departments was proceeding at an accelerated pace. To meet the growing demand for machine tool products, mechanical and tool shops were reconstructed and expanded at the Red Proletarian, Gorky and Dmitrov plants, and the S. Ordzhonikidze plant. It was planned to create new forging and iron foundries at the Kuibyshev and Novosibirsk machine tool plants. In order to quickly restore the production of boilers and turbines, which the power plants urgently needed, in July 1942, Narkomtyazhmash was given the unfinished buildings of the Uralturboplant, the workshop of the Podolsk Machine-Building Plant, and the premises of the Biysk Regional Industrial Union. Thanks to the dedicated work of the workers, these facilities were quickly converted into boiler-turbine production workshops. During 1942, construction and restoration work was carried out

21 M. S. Zinich. Decree. cit., p. 96.

22 "Decisions of the party and government on economic issues." T. 3, pp. 44 - 48.

23 TsGANKH USSR, f. 8243, op. 1, units hr. 13, pp. 63 - 65; op. 2, units hr. 326, pp. 49 63; f. 8259, op. 1, units hr. 5, l. 89.

carried out at 76 enterprises of the People's Commissariat of Machine Tool Industry located in the Urals, Siberia, and the Moscow industrial region. Over the same period, 269.4 thousand square meters were built, restored and reconstructed in the NKTM system. m of production space, of which 73.9 thousand square meters were newly built. 24 meters.

The measures taken made it possible not only to increase the output of military products in these industries, but also to begin the revival of a number of important industries that were curtailed or sharply reduced during the initial period of the war. During the year, at the enterprises of Narkomtyazhmash, the production of ammunition increased by 4 times, mines by 6 times, and mortars by 2.5 times. At the same time, the production of medium and low power boilers, ore furnaces, cast iron economizers was restored, and 7.6 thousand tons of metallurgical equipment were manufactured. Machine tool builders, in addition to purely military products, provided aviation, artillery, and tank factories with modular machine tools, the output of which increased from 11% in 1940 to 44% in 1942 25 . Their creation was an important stage in the technical development of the domestic machine tool industry and provided enormous assistance to the military sectors of the national economy during the war.

Machine tool building and heavy engineering successfully passed the difficult stage of military restructuring. The course of hostilities and the state of the military economy in 1943 - 1945. created the opportunity to carry out even more effective measures for the deployment of capital work in industry, including in its leading sectors. The total volume of capital investments in industry in 1943 amounted to 13 billion rubles, in 1944 - 18.9 billion rubles, that is, it reached the level of 1940 26 . The task of more proportionate development of all branches of industry was brought to the fore. In accordance with the prospect of developing a peaceful economy, the Communist Party and the Soviet government sought additional opportunities for the production of civilian products.

The offensive of the Red Army and the liberation of more and more new territories from the Nazi occupiers created more favorable conditions for the revival of the national economy destroyed by the enemy. The pace and scale increased, and funding for capital restoration work in the liberated territory increased. The share of areas subject to temporary occupation in capital investments in industry increased from 3.7% in 1942 to 7.8% in 1943 and 31% in 1944 27 . A characteristic phenomenon is the transition to the capital restoration of industrial enterprises. Restoration work in 1943 - 1945. were carried out taking into account the latest technical achievements, factories were equipped with more advanced equipment. This meant that during the war a technical reconstruction of enterprises was carried out.

The revival of industry in the liberated areas is becoming a national concern, and the contribution of restored enterprises to the military-economic potential of the country increases significantly. The party and government, having taken a firm course towards the revival of the most important branches of civil engineering, closely monitored the work of machine tool and heavy engineering enterprises. Main program

24 Ibid., f. 8243, op. 1, units hr. 11, l. 12; units hr. 19, l. 46; f. 8259, op. 1, units hr. 6, l. 12.

25 Ibid., f. 8243, op. 1, units hr. 19, l. 46; "History of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. 1941 -1945." T. 6, p. 62.

26 "History of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. 1941 - 1945." T 4, p. 586.

27 "The Soviet economy during the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945", p. 166.

the framework of the latter’s activities was determined in a number of decrees, in state plans for the development and restoration of the national economy and in special decisions on sectors of production and economic regions, making it possible to see the changes that had begun in the ratio of military and civilian production 28 . The NKSS was given the task of maximizing the production of machine tools, presses, and tools. The Narkomtyazhmash factories were designed to ensure serial production of steam locomotives and increase the scale of production of metallurgical equipment. The boiler and turbine industry was supposed to help restore the Donbass energy sector. To accomplish these tasks, it was necessary to carry out a large amount of capital work on the construction, reconstruction and restoration of factories in the liberated territory. The central targets were factories in the western and southern regions of the country, which were most affected by the occupation.

The revival of the domestic industry as a whole, as well as the further development of the entire national economy of the USSR in the post-war period, largely depended on the pace and results of construction and restoration work in the field of mechanical engineering. Therefore, every year the state increased allocations for capital work in machine tool and mechanical engineering. In 1943, the tool industry alone was allocated 16.2 million rubles for these purposes, in 1944 - 27.2 million rubles. According to the NKSS in 1944, the capital expenditure plan was approved in the amount of 300 million rubles, of which 206.5 million rubles were for the completion, expansion and restoration of machine tool factories and related production enterprises. The volume of investment in heavy engineering during that period also exceeded the pre-war level. Allocations for restoration work in this industry in 1944 amounted to 49% of all costs 29 . But the difficulties were still great. Machine tool building and heavy engineering, especially in areas subject to occupation, were not sufficiently provided with fuel, electricity, and metal, although a significant share of them was now directed in connection with the strengthening of the military economy into civilian engineering. The construction organizations of the People's Commissariats did not have a strong material and technical base, and there were not enough workers. Despite these difficulties, in 1943 - 1945. Intense work was carried out to revive machine tool and heavy engineering enterprises. A distinctive feature of the restoration of engineering industry enterprises during this period was that the factories were focused on the production of civilian products. The proximity of the end of the war made it possible to begin a gradual reconversion of industry, and primarily in the liberated areas. Since the autumn of 1943, a massive re-evacuation of mechanical engineering enterprises began. At the beginning of 1944, priority restoration work was carried out at 24 machine tool factories (without Glavabraziv) and at 33 large heavy engineering enterprises 30 .

The Communist Party and the Soviet government attached great importance to the restoration of Leningrad enterprises, which

28 On June 16, 1943, the GKO resolution “On the development of direct-flow boiler construction in the USSR” was adopted; August 21, 1943 - resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On urgent measures to restore the economy in areas liberated from German occupation"; February 28, 1944 - Resolution of the State Defense Committee "On the development of the production of metal-cutting machines at the enterprises of the People's Commissariat of Machine Tools" ("Decisions of the Party and Government on Economic Issues." Vol. 3, pp. 130 - 169, 190 - 194).

29 TsGANKh USSR, f. 8259, op. 1, units hr. 36, pp. 68 - 69; units hr. 127, l. 57; "Decisions of the party and government on economic issues." T. 3, p. 191; L. Gatovsky. Economic victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War. M. 1946, p. 102; TsGANKh USSR, f. 8243, op. 2, units hr. 411, l. 31.

30 "Builders to the Front", p. 27.

Before the war, they occupied a leading position in mechanical engineering and were famous for their highly qualified workforce of workers and specialists. During the blockade, a significant number of enterprises were mothballed, many of them were heavily damaged by enemy air raids. In 1943, measures were developed to revive the Nevsky and Metal plants, Russian Diesel, and Economizer. The workshops were re-opened. The mechanical shop of Russian Diesel, located several kilometers from the front line, produced its first products already in March. The factory team also restored the repair and assembly shop. A number of workshops at the Nevsky Plant also came into operation. In 1944, Leningraders moved from restoring individual objects that were under conservation to restoring the entire industry of the city. Since January 1944, it was again fully included in the all-Union plan. By the decision of the State Defense Committee of March 29, 1944 "On priority measures to restore the industry and urban economy of Leningrad in 1944." At the NKSS enterprises (Stankolit, Gidroprivod, named after Ya. M. Sverdlov, etc.), capital work was planned for a total cost of 10 million rubles. The People's Commissariat of Machine Tool Industry pledged to restore the Leningrad machine tool industry within a year, ensure the production of tools worth 10 million rubles, and abrasive products worth 6 million rubles. It was allowed to keep all the machines produced in the city for their own needs. Noting the great role of Leningrad industry in providing the country with large steam and hydraulic turbines, the GKO charged Narkomtyazhmash with the responsibility to restore turbine production at the Metallic and Nevsky plants. The Nevsky Plant named after V.I. Lenin was identified as the main base for the production of blowing machines for the country's ferrous metallurgy enterprises. The state allocated 43.8 million rubles. for construction and restoration work and the purchase of equipment for 6 Leningrad heavy engineering plants (Nevsky, Metallichesky, Russian Diesel, etc.) 31.

In 1944, machine tool builders in Leningrad achieved an important victory. In the process of restoring the factories, they again mastered the production of complex models of machine tools and tools. Enterprise teams showed ingenuity and took technical risks, establishing the production of pre-war types of products. By October, 160 different machine tools were manufactured at the city's factories, and their quality was higher than pre-war 32. The heavy engineering workers of Leningrad also achieved great success: in 1944 they fulfilled the State Defense Committee's task by 126.5%, their gross output reached 41.8% of the 1940 level 33 . The teams of the Nevsky and Metal plants completed the annual program ahead of schedule. At the Nevsky Plant, production workshops with a total area of ​​42,320 square meters were put back into operation. m, 300 pieces of equipment installed. Each member of the factory team worked 25 hours on construction. The Nevsky Plant became a large base for the production of turbomachines of various kinds and helped restore the ferrous metallurgy of the South. Thus, Leningrad regained its place of honor among the largest machine-building centers of the Union.

At the forefront of restoration work were machine tool and heavy engineering enterprises in Ukraine and Belarus. Considering their extremely important role in the revival of the industry of the Soviet Union as a whole, the State Defense Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR at the end of 1943 - beginning of 1944 adopted special resolutions on faster -

31 "Decisions of the party and government on economic issues." T. 3, pp. 195 - 200; "Essays on the history of Leningrad." T. 5, pp. 390, 449.

32 "Essays on the history of Leningrad". T. 5, pp. 453 - 454.

33 TsGANKH USSR, f. 8243, op. 1, units hr. 19, l. 84.

the ongoing restoration of the Novokramatorsky, Starokramatorsky plants, the Kharkov group of machine-tool factories, the Gomel machine-tool plant and other enterprises, which during the restoration process were included in the production of peaceful products and were supposed to serve as the basis for the revival of ferrous metallurgy, the coal industry of the South, and power plants of Donbass 34. Orders for materials for them were placed as planned in all sectors of the industry.

The patronage of the central and eastern regions over the territories of the country that suffered from the fascist invasion took on a massive and organized character. On November 21, 1943, Pravda published an appeal from Novokramatorsk residents evacuated to Elektrostal to all heavy engineering workers with an appeal to take voluntary participation in the revival of destroyed enterprises. On November 26, the Red Proletarians made a similar appeal to machine tool builders. The Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Heavy Engineering Workers approved the initiative of the staff of the Novokramatorsk plant in Elektrostal, which took patronage over the revived Novokramatorsk plant in Donbass. Other businesses have taken it up. The team of the Irkutsk Machine-Building Plant, which took patronage over the Starokramatorsky Plant, already in November 1943 allocated it 25 machines, 2 carriages of acutely scarce materials and tools, for 25 thousand rubles. consumer goods, 50 thousand rubles 35. By way of patronage, the Kusinsky Machine-Building Plant and the Ural Turbine Plant helped the Kharkov Turbo Generator Plant, and the Podolsk Plant helped the Taganrog “Red Kotelshchik” plant. Residents of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, and the Central Asian republics came to the aid of areas affected by enemy occupation. Realizing that only by joint efforts can the national economy be revived, workers of hundreds of rear enterprises, refusing to rest, prepared and sent various products to the liberated areas. Trains with equipment and tools regularly arrived at the restored enterprises; specialists and qualified workers arrived. Patronage assistance played a significant role in the revival of the economy, in improving the life and cultural life of the population in the liberated territory.

Thanks to the labor heroism of thousands of workers, already in 1943, operating factories of the People's Commissariat of Machine Tool Industry in Krasnodar, Maikop, Novocherkassk, and Voronezh came into operation. During the year, the restored NKSS factories produced products worth 1.4 million rubles 36 . The revival of the Kharkov group of machine tool factories was carried out at an accelerated pace, which were supplied with everything necessary in the first place. On November 7, 1944, the Kiev plant of automatic machine tools named after A. M. Gorky reported to the party and government about the production of the first machine. Workers of the Kramatorsk Heavy Machine Tools Plant, the restoration of which began in accordance with the order of the NKSS of November 9, 1943, produced the first roll lathes for ferrous metallurgy enterprises. In the process of restoring these enterprises, wartime technical achievements were widely used (transfer of production to flow, introduction of specialization, mechanization of certain types of work), which made it possible to increase labor productivity. A large program of restoration work during the war was carried out by workers of the Minsk, Vitebsk, and Gomel machine tool plants. During 1944

34 "History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union". T. 5, book. 1, M. 1970, pp. 674 - 675; ""History of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. 1941-1945". T. 4, p. 621.

35 "Trade Unions of the USSR". Documents and materials. T. 3. M. 1963, p. 309.

36 TsGANKh USSR, f. 8259, op. 1, units hr. 1659, pp. 61 - 68.

At the construction sites of the People's Commissariat of Machine Tool Industry, the result of restoration work amounted to 87% of all areas commissioned, in 1945 - 82.5% 37 .

Among the most important objects being restored by NKTM, the Novokramatorsk Heavy Engineering Plant should be named. In parallel with the restoration work, the plant began producing cars for the resurgent Donbass. A deep understanding of the interests of the people and the desire of the workers to put their plant into operation as quickly as possible resulted in mass labor heroism. 40 women's teams competed among themselves. At the initiative of the party organization, a competition among builders began for thousands of workers. In difficult wartime conditions, in an exceptionally short time, within a year, the first stage of the plant was restored - 14 production workshops with a total area of ​​120 thousand square meters. m - and 5 thousand sq. m of housing; Unique equipment was put into operation - the largest metal-cutting machines, heavy electric bridge cranes, and energy facilities 38. Complex units were manufactured on site (there was no need to resort to re-evacuation of previously removed equipment, as during the restoration of re-evacuated enterprises in 1942), and now this was no exception. The selfless work of the Novokramatorsk residents produced remarkable results. The first mining machine was produced on the anniversary of the liberation of Donbass. Thanks to the heroic work of thousands of people, the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Equipment Plant, the Voroshilovgrad and Bryansk Locomotive Plants, and the Lyudinovsky Locomotive Plants were revived 39 .

Along with restoration, much attention in the machine tool and heavy engineering industries was paid to the construction of unfinished and new facilities and the expansion of existing enterprises. Even in the first, most difficult period of the war, the NKSS began the construction of the giant Tyazhstankohydropress plant in Novosibirsk (now the plant named after A.I. Efremov). The government allocated 230 million rubles for its construction. This was the most complex and significant construction project of the People's Commissariat. Beginning in February 1943, several government decisions were made on the construction of the plant, the fastest launch of which was recognized as the most important national economic task. First of all, it was planned to put into operation the foundry, forging and press, and mechanical assembly shops. It was not easy to implement this: there were not enough workers, lifting and transport equipment, and electricity. The People's Commissariat took urgent measures. In April-May 1943, builders and specialists were sent to build the plant, specific plans for the construction of each workshop were developed, and experienced personnel were assigned to responsible areas. All this made it possible to speed up construction and expand production preparations. By August 1, 21 thousand square meters were put into operation. m of production area, more than 200 pieces of equipment have been installed. On August 25, Tyazhstankogidropress produced the first universal hydraulic press of complex design 40.

About the scope of construction of NKSS enterprises in 1943 - 1944. The following data shows: capital work was completed on new buildings for 62.7 million rubles, on reconstructed enterprises - at 57.4 million rubles. In 1944, the Tashkent Tool Plant was put into operation. In 1945, the construction organizations of the NKSS exceeded the volume of work performed compared to the previous year.

37 Ibid., units. hr. 1709, pp. 5 - 6; units hr. 1769, pp. 10 - 11.

38 A. Shevchenko, A. Zaitsev. Decree cit., pp. 85 - 86; TsGANKh USSR, f. 8243, op. 1, units hr. 1167, l. 31.

39 V. Volokhov. Decree. cit., pp. 129 - 132; I. Lurie, L. Krasnov. The lights of our factory. Dnepropetrovsk 1965, pp. 11 - 13.

40 "Economic life of the USSR. Chronicle of events and facts." Book 1. M. 1967, p. 362; TsGANKh USSR, f. 8259, op. 1, units hr. 3670, pp. 16 - 17.

136.2 thousand square meters were put into operation. m of production space instead of 128 thousand sq. m. m in 1944, including 17.2 thousand square meters newly built. m, 63 thousand sq. m were reconstructed. m, restored 112.7 thousand sq. m. 41 meters.

In Narkomtyazhmash, exceptional attention was paid to the construction of the Krasny Profintern (Sibtyazhmash) Krasnoyarsk plant, which was supposed to produce lifting and transport, metallurgical equipment and boilers 42 . The location of newly built metallurgical and fuel depots in Siberia and the Far East, as well as road construction, greatly increased the need for equipment. The creation of a large center for heavy engineering in the east was an important national economic task, as it would make it possible to sharply reduce the volume of transportation and provide equipment for new buildings in the country. The cost of this facility was planned at 327 million rubles 43 . During 1943 - 1945 the team of builders under the leadership of the party organization worked at an accelerated pace. At the beginning of 1945, construction of the first stage of the plant was completed. The builders reported to the State Defense Committee: 15 production workshops with a total area of ​​72 thousand square meters were built. m, providing a full cycle of production of steam locomotives and metallurgical cranes. A locomotive-mechanical assembly shop with unique equipment and a 100-ton overhead crane, a boiler shop with a 750-ton stamping press, a steel foundry shop, etc. were put into operation. A workers' village with a total living area of ​​50 thousand square meters was built. meters. The People's Commissariat highly appreciated the work of the builders of the heavy engineering giant on the banks of the Yenisei - a base for the production of the most important equipment for the needs of the national economy: a large group of workers was thanked and given bonuses 44 .

The issue of the construction of the Orsk heavy engineering plant (Yuzhuralmash), classified as a priority construction project in the country, was also on the People's Commissariat's agenda. At a meeting of the NKTM board on March 26, 1945, a report was heard on the progress of construction work at this facility. People's Commissar N.S. Kazakov pointed out the insufficiently high pace of construction and the need to speed up its construction. A critical assessment of the activities of the construction team had positive results. The commissioning of workshops began to take place within the established time frame 45 . Work was also carried out at other enterprises. On July 30, 1943, the Barnaul Boiler Plant produced its first product - a boiler with a capacity of 75 tons of steam per hour 46. To ensure the production of civilian products in pre-war volumes, the government ordered Narkomtyazhmash to begin construction of the Novosibirsk and Kaluga turbine and Belgorod boiler plants in 1945. It was planned to begin the construction of new enterprises for the production of blast furnace, open-hearth equipment, and overhead cranes in Western Siberia and the North Caucasus.

In connection with increased program targets for the production of equipment for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and the electrical industry, it was necessary to increase the capacity of the metallurgical shops of existing NKTM plants. In the People's Commissariat system there were 18 enterprises with operating metallurgical shops (Kolomensky, Novokramatorsky, Irkutsk, Buzuluksky, etc.), they were built at 9 factories. In 1944, metallurgists were given the task of producing 138.8 thousand tons of liquid steel, 36 thousand tons of forgings, 44.2 thousand tons of machine tools within a year.

41 Ibid., units. hr. 32, l. 265; units hr. 1769, l. 10.

42 B. F. Bagaev, I. M. Chudinova. Decree: op.; M. R. Akulov. Decree. op.

43 TsGANKh USSR, f. 8243, op. 2, units hr. 43, pp. 69, 101.

44 "Pravda", 18.II.1945; TsGANKh USSR, f. 8243, op. 3, units hr. 715, pp. 10 - 13.

45 TsGANKh USSR, f. 8243, op. 1, units hr. 1182, l. 124; op. 3, units hr. 715, l. 2.

46 "Economic life of the USSR. Chronicle of events and facts." Book 1, p. 362.

and 88.2 thousand tons of iron castings. To implement it, it was planned to complete the construction of metallurgical workshops at 9 enterprises and to reconstruct existing workshops at the Kolomensky, Irkutsk, and Nyaz-Petrovsky plants 47 . However, these issues will be completely resolved in 1944 - 1945. failed. New construction and reconstruction of old areas strengthened the production base of machine tool building and heavy engineering, which made it possible to expand the scale of restoration of civilian production in the People's Commissariats system.

The enormous scale of restoration and construction work carried out during the war period is one of the most striking manifestations of the greatest advantages of the socialist system. In general, throughout the USSR during the war years, 3.5 thousand large industrial enterprises were built in rear areas and 7.5 thousand enterprises were restored in areas liberated from occupation 48 . In the well-coordinated economy of the USSR, there was enough strength to carry out capital work simultaneously with military-industrial construction in the branches of civil engineering and in other industries designed to satisfy the needs of the country. In conditions of extreme strain on labor, financial, and material resources, the successful implementation of construction plans was extremely difficult. But, despite the difficulties of wartime, new industrial enterprises of the machine tool industry came into operation in Alapaevsk, Novosibirsk, Tashkent and other cities. During the war, 20 enterprises were built and 12 reconstructed in the Narkomtyazhmash system, mainly in the eastern regions, which indicated a change in the geography of capital construction 49 .

During the war, enormous work was done to restore industry that had been evacuated and destroyed by the enemy. The first period of development of the military economy in the field of capital restoration work is characterized by significant achievements in the restoration of the relocated industry. The evacuated machine tool and heavy engineering factories were revived in the east of the country in 1941 -1942. played a significant role in strengthening the production base of the defense industry and providing the front with the necessary products. In 1943 - 1945 In connection with the victorious offensive of the Red Army and the liberation of Soviet land from the fascist invaders, restoration work was launched on a wide front in the territory subject to occupation. The material damage caused to Soviet industry, including mechanical engineering (destruction of factory buildings, looting and damage to equipment, etc.), amounted to billions of rubles. After such losses and destruction, any other country would have needed decades to restore its pre-war power, but the USSR coped with this task in the shortest historical time.

When restoring the economy destroyed by the enemy, the Communist Party and the Soviet government paid exceptional attention to heavy industry. In 1944, capital work in the liberated areas exceeded the level of the pre-war years, and the gross industrial output of these areas tripled 50 . Machine tool factories in Belarus (Vitebsk, Gomel, Minsk), Ukraine (Kiev, 4 Kharkov, Odessa) were restored. In the liberated territory, 3.4% of the all-Union production of machine tools was produced in 1943, in 1944 - 7%, in 1945 - 9.4% (at the enterprises of the People's Commissariat

47 TsGANKh USSR, f. 8243, op. 1, units hr. 13, pp. 6, 16; op. 3, units hr. 704, pp. 13, 14.

48 Ya. E. Chadaev. Decree. cit., p. 177.

49 TsGAOR USSR, f. 5451, op. 25, units hr. 1236, l. 10.

50 L. Gatovsky. Decree. cit., p. 103.

machine tool industry respectively 5.7%, 11.4%, 19%) 51 . Thanks to the heroic work of builders, engineers, and technicians, it was possible to restore 26 factories of Narkomtyazhmash. The heavy engineering giants in Novokramatorsk, Voroshilovgrad, Bryansk and other industrial centers began producing products again, providing equipment to the reviving industry. In March 1945, the restored enterprises of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Engineering accounted for 44% of the production of lifting mine machines and 25% of the production of steam boilers 52 .

The remarkable results of industrial construction in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War (including the construction of civil engineering enterprises) have no equal in the practice of world construction. They were achieved thanks to the planned system of the national economy of the USSR, the selfless labor of the working class, the efforts of the entire Soviet people, and the enormous organizing and directing activities of the Communist Party.

51 Calculated from: “Decisions of the Party and Government on Economic Issues.” T. 3, p. 191; G. S. Kravchenko. Decree. cit., pp. 247 - 248; TsGANKh USSR, f. 8259, op. 1, units hr. 1810, l. 21; units hr. 2795, l. 87.

52 Yu. A. Prikhodko. Restoration of industry in the regions of the USSR liberated from the Nazi occupation (1942 - 1945). "History of the USSR", 1968, N 6, p. 20.

USSR 1933-1937

No. 19 From the order of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry No. 557 on the development of machine tool industry

During the years of the first five-year plan, machine tool building in the Union grew into an independent branch of mechanical engineering. The production base of the machine tool industry has been significantly expanded, significant personnel of designers and production workers have been assembled and trained, the output of machine tool factories has increased sharply in quantity and quality, and the range of manufactured machines has been expanded due to the development of a number of new modern machine tools.

Despite these achievements, the most bottleneck in the development of machine tool industry is the extreme limitation of the range of manufactured machines, as a result of which we are forced to resort to significant imports. The machines produced in the Union are predominantly of the universal type; Grinding machines are not yet produced at all - automatic and semi-automatic, large and heavy machines, special and simplified machines for narrow purposes, which are increasingly used in mass production.

In order to quickly liberate the country from foreign dependence and satisfy the urgent needs of the most important sector of the national economy in metal-cutting machines, I order:

1. During the second five-year period, the machine tool association should ensure the organization of production of at least 200 standard sizes of new machine tools, in addition to 40 standard sizes of machine tools already produced at present.

2. In order to further specify the new types and sizes of machine tools to be manufactured, the Machine Tool Association based on a detailed consideration of a number of large new construction projects together with interested consumers - GUTLP, GUAP, Glavtransmash and other research organizations and analysis of the designed technology and the timing of commissioning of these facilities to clarify and supplement the type of machines they are manufactured for the next three years.

3. When choosing the design of new machines, after a comparative study of them, take as a basis the best American or European models, which have the greatest simplicity of design, ease of control and flexibility in relation to the use of standard components.

4. Continue the production of currently manufactured types of machines (lathes, planers, milling, turrets, etc.), expanding their range both in terms of types and increasing their sizes, primarily in terms of grinding, gear cutting, rotary and large lathes.

5. Start production of single-spindle automatic and semi-automatic machines at the end of 1933, and in 1934 - multi-spindle automatic machines.

6. Begin the introduction of hydraulics into the machine tool industry, primarily in relation to grinding machines.

7. VEO and the Machine Tool Association to widely expand work on the electrification of machine tools and the development of production of multi-speed motors and electric gearboxes for the needs of machine tool industry.

8. During 1933, the machine tool association to organize the centralized production of basic machine tool components (fasteners, levers, handwheels) to supply them to factories involved in machine tool building.

9. The machine tool association should review the plan for the specialization of its factories in the direction of a sharp expansion in the number of types and sizes of machine tools manufactured at each plant and no later than July 1 of this year. submit a new plant specialization plan for approval by Glavmashprom.

10. In order to expand the production base of the machine tool industry, oblige the main departments, associations and trusts and local authorized NKTP to widely use the opportunities they have to set up the production of metalworking machines at their factories.

11. Grant the Machine Tool Association the right to designate the types and sizes of machine tools to be manufactured at all heavy industry factories, and to approve design drawings before the start of machine manufacturing.

12. Form within the Machine Tool Association a bureau for planning machine tool construction at factories not included in the Machine Tool Association. Glavmashprom and ORGRATS to review the regulations on the bureau within two decades and carry out its registration through the appropriate authorities.*

13. Oblige all NKTP enterprises that manufacture metal-cutting machines, both for their own needs and externally, to provide quarterly information to the Machine Tool Association about the machines produced.

14. When establishing and approving the production programs of associations, the planning sector and main departments should ensure that the annual and quarterly programs of associations, trusts and factories include the production of machine tools according to the instructions of the Machine Tool Association, approved by Glavmashprom.

15. The Machine Tool Association should widely expand its work on the production of drawings of new machine tools, strengthening the central design bureau and design bureaus of factories and attracting the design forces of scientific and educational institutions, as well as enterprises not included in the Machine Tool Association. Particular attention should be paid to the speedy development and publication of albums of normals and standard parts used in machine tool building.

16. Transform the central design bureau of the Machine Tool Association into the management design apparatus of the entire machine tool industry of the Union, operating on a self-supporting basis in the form of a commercial and technical office of the Machine Tool Association. The financial sector of the NKTP should be allocated 300 thousand rubles to the Central Design Bureau of the Machine Tool Association. working capital during the third quarter.

17. In the second half of 1933, the Machine Tool Association will begin the construction of a plant for experimental machine tools “Stankokonstruktsiya” with the expectation of starting production there no later than the second quarter of 1934.

18. Allow the Machine Tool Association to finance, at the expense of its limits on capital construction, during 1933 certain work on factories of the republican and local industry that take over the production of machine tools, in the amount of 350 thousand rubles, and through working capital for the preparation of new production - in amount up to 500 thousand rubles.

19. Glavstroyprom under the responsibility of comrade. Ginzburg to take under special supervision the construction of the Moscow Stankolit, the Kharkov Drilling Machines Plant and the Moscow Stankokonstruktsiya plant and oblige the Stroitel trust to begin construction work at the Stankolit and Stankokonstruktsiya plants in Moscow and provide priority for these construction projects import of building materials and labor. Allocate 2 thousand cubic meters for the Kharkov Drilling Machine Plant in the third quarter. m of forest.

20. Glavmashprom should completely load the machine shop of the Engine of the Revolution plant in Gorky with the production of large machine tools according to the above nomenclature, cooperating with other machine-building plants in terms of bottlenecks. To the planning sector from the third quarter of this year. provide this plant with the minimum funds necessary to launch the production of machine tools.

21. “Stalsbyt” under the responsibility of comrade. Babaev to give instructions to their local offices on the priority supply of cast iron and rolled metal of strictly specified quality to factories involved in machine tool building.

22. GUUZ NKTP and the Machine Tool Association to take decisive measures to create conditions for Stankin’s normal educational work. GUUZ no later than July 1 this year. determine for Stanka to a new premises and carry out the transfer before July 15 of this year.

The machine tool association will give Stankin 300 thousand rubles from its own funds for capital construction. to organize laboratories, expand the mechanical workshop and create a design office. The Machine Tool Association, Orgametal and all factories involved in machine tool construction periodically supply Stankin with materials on the design of machine tools and the technology for their production for Stankin’s educational purposes. Concentrate under Stankin the preparation of postgraduate courses qualifying in machine tools and tools. Restore the bureau under Stankin and provide it with real industrial tasks.

23. Labor sector comrade. Figatner is to pass through the People's Commissar of Labor, the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions and the People's Commissariat of Trade on the establishment of conditions for remuneration and supply of workers of design bureaus, scientists and laboratory assistants of machine-tool enterprises on an equal basis with the conditions existing for engineering and technical personnel of industrial enterprises of the 1st category.

24. The machine tool association, in agreement with the Central Committee of Mechanical Engineers, began as early as 1933 to create a network for retraining workers and paratechnical personnel in the most scarce specialties.

25. Within a month, the machine tool association will develop and submit for approval to Glavmashprom a regulation on a bonus fund for the development of new ranges of machine tools and the creation of new designs.

TsGANKh USSR, f. 7297, on. 1, no. 16, pp. 171, 176-178. Certified copy.

TsGANKh USSR, f. 7622, ​​on. 1, no. 59, pp. 8-13. Certified copy.

No. 21 Order of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry No. 1011 on the development of production of axle shafts and axle tubes for the aviation industry from open-hearth chromium-molybdenum steel

Axle tubes for light aircraft and bent axle shafts for heavy aircraft were made from chromium-nickel steel exclusively in Sweden, which supplied them to us at a very high price.

At the insistence of the aviation industry, the plant named after. Lenin together with the plant named after. K. Liebknecht in 1932 began to master the production of axle shafts and axle tubes from open-hearth chromium-molybdenum steel.

The production of axle shafts for heavy aircraft was particularly complex and difficult to master. In connection with the use of the stock of imported axle shafts by the end of the first half of 1933, the NKTP board firmly proposed to the Trubostal trust and the factories named after. Lenin and them. K. Liebknecht to begin supplying axle shafts to GUAP from July of this year.

Under the direct leadership of the Trubostal trust (comrade Rogachevsky) and the plant named after. Lenin (comrade Maistrenko), the Bolshevik persistence of the factory party organizations and the efforts of the engineering and technical workers of the plant named after. Lenin and Glavaviaprom with the involvement of workers of the plant named after. K. Liebknecht, the difficulties of mastering the production of axle shafts were overcome, and the plant named after. Lenin has been regularly delivering them to the aviation industry for two months.

A further supply of 120 axle shafts per month has also been ensured.

Noting the successes achieved in liberation from imports (in absolute amount for 1933 and 1934 by 1 million rubles) and raising the defense capability of our country, I express gratitude and order bonuses to the following workers:

1) manager of the Trubostal trust, comrade. Rogachevsky

2) director of the plant named after. Lenin comrade Maystrenko

3) engineer of the plant named after. Lenin comrade Kozhevnikova

4) engineer of the plant named after. Lenin comrade Kolpovsky

5) engineer of the plant named after. Lenin comrade Kuritsky

6) plant engineer named after. Lenin comrade Trubchenko

7) engineer of the plant named after. K. Liebknecht comrade. Kireeva

8) head of the ferrous metals group of GUAP comrade. Ivakhnenko

9) inspector of the military inspection of the region. NK RKI comrade Vasivelitsky

10) inspector of the Southern Technical Acceptance District comrade. Shpineva

Also provide bonuses to other workers involved in the production of axle shafts at factories and State Automobile Inspectorate.

S. Ordzhonikidze

TsGANKh USSR, f. 7297, on. 1, no. 23, pp. 34-35. Rotat. copy

No. 22 Order of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry No. 1022 on the development of production of plastic parts for ignition devices for the aviation and automotive industries

During the period May - October, the Karbolit plant of the Soyuzkhimplastmass association mastered the production of all parts of ignition and magneto devices, not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively, having done a lot of work to introduce into production new samples of products for the aviation and automotive industry, previously imported due to border, which made it possible to completely free the parts of ignition devices from imports and eliminate the breakthrough that limited the work of the aviation and automotive industries.

Particularly noteworthy is the production of ignition terminals, which until very recently were imported from abroad, and ball joint parts, which, through the intense efforts of the workers of the Soyuzkhimplastmass association and the Karbolit plant, were mastered by production and delivered to industry within a minimum period of time.

Noting the achievements of the Karbolit plant, I express gratitude to the engineers and workers of the Karbolit plant and the Soyuzkhimplastmass association and special thanks to:

Comrade Akita R.P. - manager of the Soyuzkhimplastmass association

Comrade Artabatsky P.N.—Deputy Manager

Comrade Levin G.Ya.—director of the Karbolit plant

Comrade Petrov A.K. - technical director and order to reward the Karbolit plant with one passenger car and one truck, and also to allocate comrade to the manager of the Soyuzkhimplastmass association. Akita special fund of 25 thousand rubles. for bonuses for engineers and plant workers and association workers who have proven themselves in this work.

People's Commissar of Heavy Industry S. Ordzhonikidze

TsGANKh USSR, f. 7297, on. 1, d. 23, l. 64. Certified copy.

No. 23 From the resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR “On organizational measures in the field of Soviet and military construction economies”

In order to provide specific leadership in all sectors of Soviet and economic work in relation to the new complex tasks of the reconstruction period, strengthening the close, living connection of leaders with the lower levels of the economic and managerial apparatus and eliminating clerical and bureaucratic methods of leadership, strengthening unity of command and personal responsibility of leaders for the work entrusted to them and eliminating the dispersion and plurality of leadership as a consequence of the functional structure of the apparatus, the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decide:

1. Eliminate the functional system of apparatus construction in all Soviet and economic bodies and rebuild them, starting from the lower production levels up to and including the people’s commissariats, on a production-territorial basis, organizing in the people’s commissariats the main production or production-territorial departments that bear responsibility and have rights on all issues of management of organizations and institutions subordinate to them, and limiting the rights of the remaining functional bodies, prohibiting them from interfering in the work of lower levels through the heads of the main departments.

2. Strengthen the rights and responsibilities of local regional, regional and republican bodies in the field of development of local industry and agriculture, concentrating in the main departments of the people's commissariats the management of only enterprises of truly union significance and transferring to the jurisdiction of local bodies part of the enterprises subordinate to the union and republican bodies.

3. Eliminate associations in the economic apparatus, reduce the number of trusts and expand the direct connection of central economic bodies, starting from the people's commissariats, with the largest enterprises subordinate to them.

4. To impose on the heads of all Soviet and economic bodies the obligation to personally carry out daily checks on the execution by the bodies subordinate to them of the decisions and orders of higher bodies with a prohibition on transferring the task of checking execution to secondary auxiliary bodies and eliminating special sectors for checking execution at all levels of the Soviet economic apparatus.

5. To assign to the heads of all Soviet and economic bodies the responsibility of personal management of the selection and distribution of economic, engineering and technical workers, with the transfer of a significant part of the engineering and technical personnel from the offices to production in all sectors of the national economy and public administration.

6. Oblige the leaders of all Soviet and economic bodies to reduce the issuance of various kinds of orders and instructions and strengthen daily living leadership, instruction, training and practical assistance to the leaders of the lower bodies of the Soviet economic apparatus.

7. Oblige the heads of economic bodies and enterprises to master the basics of the technology of their business, for which purpose to develop a technical minimum for each branch of industry, agriculture and other sectors of the national economy, subject to mandatory study within a certain minimum period by all management employees.

8. Eliminate boards in all areas of Soviet economic work, with the exception of elected Soviet bodies (Councils, executive committees), leaving a people's commissar at the head of the people's commissariat and no more than two of his deputies.

9. Create at the people's commissariats councils of people's commissariats, convened every two months, from 40 to 70 people each, with at least half of them representing local organizations and enterprises.

10. Establish that the chairmen of the councils of people's commissars of the republics, regional and regional executive committees should have no more than two deputies.

11. Strengthen mass control over the work of government bodies and ensure full involvement of the masses in the fight against bureaucratic ills and shortcomings of the state apparatus. Expand the network of sections of Soviets and deputy groups at enterprises, in villages, and in big cities organize subdistrict and precinct groups of Soviet deputies, especially involving women activists, workers and collective farmers in this work.

12. Transfer to trade unions control rights at enterprises and management of control bodies in labor supply departments, closed worker cooperatives, district consumer societies and city consumer societies, as well as develop the patronage of enterprises over state institutions and the socialist combination of work in production with work in state institutions.

“Decisions of the Party and Government on Economic Issues”, vol. 2. M., 1967, pp. 468-470.

No. 24 From the order of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry No. 1006 on the development of the use of electric and gas welding and cutting

In the process of widespread introduction of welding in the national economy, industry and research institutes have solved a number of theoretical and practical problems (choice of the type of current, methods of mechanical testing of welded joints, gas cutting of low-carbon steels, etc.), allowing welding to be raised to even greater technical heights. At the same time, a number of problems in the field of welding technology still require further research (the phenomenon of corrosion and aging of welded joints, the design of welded joints subject to dynamic and repeated loading, the influence of low and high temperatures on the physical and mechanical properties of welded joints, etc. ).

III. Mastering the latest technology.

1. In order to stimulate the industrial relevance and quality of research work, establish annually two awards for the best welding work performed by research institutes, and two awards for work performed by factory laboratories. For bonuses, allocate an annual fund in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. from NIS Techprop funds.

2. To stimulate the development of social competition for the highest quality of welding work, announce an annual competition of welders and welding managers of enterprises for the Union Welder and Welding Shop Championship.

TsGANKh USSR, f. 7297, on. 1. d. 47. pp. 27, 29. Original.

No. 25 From the order of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry No. 1122 on the development of the Penza plant named after. Frunze serial production of P-12 assault rifles

Plant named after Frunze, during the first half of 1934, produced prototypes and launched mass production of P-12 assault rifles, which were imported from abroad this year.

Celebrating the plant's achievements:

1. To the head of INO comrade. I order Sushkov to stop importing index automatic machines.

2. To express gratitude to the management and staff of the plant for the successful completion of the task in automatic manufacturing.

People's Commissar of Heavy Industry

S. Ordzhonikidze

PGANKh USSR, f. 7297, on. 1, d. 51, l. 90. Certified copy.

No. 26 From the order of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry No. 1564 on the early implementation of the annual program by the Stalingrad Quality Steel Plant "Red October"

The Stalingrad high-quality steel plant "Red October" of the "Special Steel" trust, in response to the appeal of Magnitogorsk residents to all metallurgists on June 9, 2010, showing an example of the Bolshevik mastery of technology, mastering of units and the correct organization of labor, was one of the first metallurgical enterprises to complete the annual program ahead of schedule for the full production cycle.

As of November 21, the plant produced 293,160 tons of rolled steel and on December 1, 400,733 tons of steel, compared to 243,328 tons of rolled steel and 356,032 tons of steel produced by the plant for the corresponding period in 1933.

Since the beginning of the year, the leading unit of the plant, the blooming unit, has given a nominal hourly productivity of 63.4 tons with 3.7% downtime compared to 49.9 tons in 1933 with 18.5% downtime.

The reduction in cost over 10 months was 3% compared to 1933, with an increase in labor productivity by 12.7%.

“Red October” achieved smooth production, fulfilled orders from Stalsbyt by 106.1%, including 101.3% for GUTAP, ensuring the uninterrupted operation of automobile and tractor plants.

People's Commissar of Heavy Industry.

S. Ordzhonikidze

TsGANKh USSR, f. 7297, on. 1, no. 64,. l. 148. Certified copy.

No. 27 Order of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry No. 1584 on resolving the problem of introducing titanium into aluminum alloys and mastering the production of a new alloy

The All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM) was the first in the Union to pose and successfully solve the problem of introducing titanium into aluminum alloys and thereby achieved a significant improvement in these alloys and facilitating their technology.

VIAM together with the plant named after. Voroshilov Glavtsvetmetobrabotki mastered the rolling and pressing of aircraft semi-finished products of high-strength aluminum alloys with titanium, which significantly reduces the weight of the aircraft and reduces aluminum consumption. In addition, with the introduction of new alloys, the production of especially thin pipes, which are still imported from abroad, has been established.

Celebrating the achievements of VIAM and the plant named after. Voroshilov in resolving the issue of titanium alloys and mastering production as new victories for the aircraft industry, I order to reward the initiators, managers and performers of the work:

According to VIAM:

1. To the head of the institute, comrade. Lesyatnikov V.M. express gratitude and personally award a passenger car to his deputy for scientific and technical affairs, Professor I.I. Sidorin. and the head of the metals department, Professor G.V. Akimov. For ideological and organizational leadership in carrying out the above work, express gratitude.

2. Head of the light alloys laboratory, senior engineer comrade. Stroev S.S. as the author, organizer and responsible manager of work on titanium alloys, for the timely and successful resolution of the problem, express gratitude and reward with a personal passenger car.

3. Senior engineer of the laboratory of light alloys comrade. Glazunov S.G. for skillful and proactive work on developing methods for introducing titanium into aluminum alloys and establishing production methods for producing titanium-aluminum alloys, give a bonus in the amount of 1 thousand rubles.

4. To provide bonuses to individual employees of the institute and related institutions who took an active part in the work, allocate a bonus fund in the amount of 25 thousand rubles to the head of the institute.

At the plant named after Voroshilova:

1. Plant director comrade. To express gratitude to P.V. Yakovlev for organizational participation in this work and to reward him with a personal car.

2. Technical director of the plant, engineer comrade. Shirokov P.F. for joint work with VIAM on new alloys, for skillful technical management of experimental production work and exceptionally clear organization of them, express gratitude and reward him with a personal passenger car.

3. Chief metallurgist engineer comrade. For the skillful, exceptionally energetic and precise implementation of the work program and the proactive resolution of its individual stages, a bonus in the amount of 1 thousand rubles will be given to M. I. Kovarsky.

4. To provide bonuses to individual workers, engineers and plant employees who took an active part in the work, allocate a bonus fund in the amount of 25 thousand rubles to the director of the plant.

People's Commissar of Heavy Industry

S. Ordzhonikidze

TsGANKh USSR, f. 7297, on. J, d. 65, pp. 33-34. Rotat. copy

No. 28 From the report of the All-Union Trust for Quality and High-Quality Steels and Ferroalloys of the USSR People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry for 1934.

In 1934, the Spetsstal Trust implemented a program for the entire metallurgical cycle (cast iron, steel, rolled products, cold-drawn calibrated metal, aircraft forgings) covering losses from the failure to commission new equipment.

The results of the annual work are as follows [Table. 1].


[Types of products]

Implementation of a plan

Growth compared to 1933, %

thousand tons

For cast iron




For ferroalloys




For steel





open hearth








By finished rental




Including quality




Calibrated metal




Aircraft forgings




Gross output in 1926/27 prices, million rubles. (in metallurgy)




In the composition of products produced by Spetsstal plants, the share of more qualified types of steel continued to grow steadily [Table. 2].





Specific gravity:

electrical steel in total output



high-quality rental in general release




alloyed rolled products in high-quality rolled products




Ratio of calibrated metal to quality rolled products

The absolute output of high-quality steel and ferroalloys increased to the following sizes [Table. 3].


[Grades of steel and ferroalloys]





Ball bearing




Stainless and heat resistant





Calibrated metal




75% ferroalloy

Carbon free ferrochrome (0 and 00)


At the Spetsstal plants in 1934, hard work was carried out to develop new grades of steel and ferroalloys.

The production of forgings for two new types of Soviet aircraft engines was mastered (Elektrostal plant), the production of cold-drawn ball bearing steel, the import of which was therefore stopped, the production of auto sheets of very deep drawing nichrome wire and chemically almost pure Armco iron (Hammer and Sickle "), production of calibrated sheets and complex profiles of automotive and tractor steel ("Red October"), production of grade 00 ferrochrome, which is used for the production of stainless steels and has not yet been developed (Chelyabinsk Ferroalloy Plant), production of a new type of transformer sheets with very low wattage losses (Verkh-Isetsky plant), mass production of silicium chrome (Zlatoust plant), etc.

The persistent work of the Spetsstal trust to fully satisfy the main consumers of high-quality steels - the automotive, tractor, aviation, ball bearing, and tool industries - resulted in the fulfillment of orders from Stalsbyt for the trust as a whole.

With an absolute increase in the demand for high-quality steels, their imports, amounting to 21.5% in 1929/30 and 9.6% of the total demand in 1933, fell in 1934 to 2.8%.

In turn, the production of high-quality steels, which previously relied on the import of ferroalloys, in 1934 was largely based on its own ferroalloys, the production of which increased more than 3 times compared to 1933. However, it should be pointed out that the production of ferrotungsten and ferromolybdenum is based on raw materials that we obtain from abroad, since domestic deposits of tungsten and molybdenum ores are still little developed. The production of ferrovanadium has almost completely failed due to the unpreparedness of the raw material base.

Along with a quantitatively satisfactory supply of consumers, great attention was paid to the quality of products, which was steadily improving: the percentage of second grades decreased compared to 1933: for rolled sections - from 10.6 to 7, for rolled sheets - from 24 to 21; defects have been reduced: for rolled sections - from 4 to 3.7, but for rolled sheets - from 10 to 7.2; In 1934, the use of basic equipment in our factories also improved significantly compared to 1933.

For 1933

For 1934

For open hearth furnaces

Picking up at nominal time



% hot idle



% of all downtime by calendar time






By rolling mills

Hour production per nominal hour



% downtime in nominal time



3) rolling shop of the Red October plant. The blooming of this plant is recognized as the best blooming in the Union;

4) sheet-rolling shops of the Verkh-Isetsky plant;

5) blast furnace shop of the Zlatoust plant.

In 1934, serious work was carried out at the trust's factories in the field of labor organization, reducing excess labor and increasing labor productivity.

Compared to 1933, there is an increase in: gross output - by 49.2%, number of workers - 15.5%, labor productivity - by 29.2%, wages per worker - by 11.1%.

An increase in labor productivity, despite the increase in the labor intensity of the product range, took place in all workshops.

Thus, output in physical terms per worker was:

In 1933

In 1934

% growth

For electroferroalloys

39.0 t

50.8 t


For open hearth steel

230.0 t

253.0 t


By electric steel

82.9 t


With a general increase in workers and junior service personnel of 17.5%, the number of workers using factory living space increased by 24% compared to 1933.

In the field of the struggle to reduce production costs in 1934, there were positive results: the commercial cost of commercial products comparable to 1933 was reduced by 5.07%, and for dependent factors - by 8.92% instead of the 6.05% reduction envisaged according to plan. For all products (including commercial products that are not comparable to last year), the cost was reduced by dependent factors by 0.76% against the plan

The share of wages in the cost of production, amounting to 35.4% in 1933, was reduced in the reporting year to 23.9%.

Technical regulation and piecework coverage Standardization coverage 84.5












From the table above it is clear that for 1934 there was an increase in the percentage both in terms of piecework coverage and in terms of technical standardization coverage, with the exception of the Serp and Hammer plant, where technical standardization coverage remained at the same level, as well as the Chelyabinsk plant, where The coverage of piecework did not increase compared to 1933 due to the fact that the measures taken in the field of labor organization and thickening the working day mainly covered the group of piecework workers.

Despite the increase in technically justified standards, significant processing of them still takes place for a number of production standards; for example, at the Serp i Molot plant, open-hearth furnaces have a processing rate of up to 15-20%, and at the Verkh-Isetsky plant - up to 10-20% by the end of the year.

In the rolling shops of a number of plants, standards are reworked up to 10-15% by the end of the year; an even higher percentage of standards are reworked in auxiliary areas, which is the result of insufficient attention to the establishment of technical standards in these areas.

In 1934, work was carried out at most of the trust's factories to revise production standards; Thus, for the Red October plant, 4,878 standards were revised, covering 3,014 workers, for the Zlatoust plant, 1,913 standards, covering 3,182 workers, for the Verkh-Isetsky plant, 1,500 standards, etc.

It should be noted that the technical standardization apparatus for 1934 was somewhat strengthened by engineers and technicians, but still they were dominated by practitioners with little experience in this field; At the same time, it must be stated that until now the engineering and technical personnel in their entirety have not yet taken the proper place given to them in the work of organizing labor and wages.

TsGANKh USSR, f. 4086, on. 37, no. 562, pp. 2—4.61—61 vol. Copy.

No. 29 From the report of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant for 1934.

Organizational restructuring

Issues of production organization and management were not sufficiently resolved when the plant was launched and during the first two years of operation. In 1933, this led to a certain gap between the technical and production base, the tasks of the plant and the level of organization. After the decisions of the XVII Party Congress, in March 1934, the plant, with the help of Orgametal, began to develop and implement measures to organize production and its management.

The program and principles for organizing individual sections are as follows:

1. For repair facilities.—Decentralization of responsibilities in responsibility for the condition and current repair of equipment, centralization of overhaul and production of spare parts through a single repair shop and scheduled preventive maintenance, based on the stock of spare parts and calculation of repair cycles using the method of conventional repair units.

2. For tool farms - Centralization of tool supply based on the consumption rate and stock of tools through the CIS (principle of working in a warehouse) with forced preparation of orders in the tool shop.

3. External transport.—Centralization of planning, regulation of railway transport, motor transport, loading and unloading operations, decentralization of operational management by mode of transport and unity of responsibility for operation and repair.

4. Intershop transport.—Centralization and unity of repair with operation, planning for cargo flows and routing.

5. Preparation of production a.—Decentralization of technological preparation for existing facilities, setup and development of new ones, centralization of preparation planning, design for new facilities, as well as issues of changing technological conditions and normalization. Decentralization of work on technical regulation and implementation of standards and centralization of research, control functions and development of standards.

6. Production planning.—Unity of economic and production planning; organic linkage of plans and tasks with organizational and technical preparation of production; issuing unified production and economic assignments to workshops and sections (departments) with detailed cost estimates based on standards and production calculations; control of the implementation of these tasks in the amount of the estimate in accordance with the accounting procedure. Operational regulation of the progress of production and current technological preparation of production by dispatch methods and means in connection with the separation of the latter functions from a single planning department to the production dispatch department.

7. Organization of the administrative apparatus of the plant management and workshops.— Elimination of functionality, multi-stage structure and construction of bodies on the territorial production principle on the basis of unity of command, based on the decisions of the XVII Congress and directives of the NKTP.

The technical projects are based on installations for the maximum possible mechanization of loading and unloading operations with the most minimal investment; linking the material and technical base (containers, warehouses, racks, scales) with planning and accounting requirements; bringing up the transport and storage facilities and recycling facilities to the level and tasks of the technical equipment of the main production and thereby providing a basis for the struggle for a cultural style of work, for cleanliness.

The above-mentioned developments were completed mainly in September 1934, and from that time on they began to be put into practice. Today the degree of their implementation is as follows:

1) definition and distribution of functions in the management apparatus of the plant and workshops and its organization - all the main provisions arising from the developments have been implemented;

2) the adopted work system is mainly implemented in the tool department, the repair shop, planning and operational accounting in the main workshops, in the supply department, in the planning of production preparation, in the organization of inter-shop transport, partially in the repair department in the main workshops and in the transport department;

3) the development of technical projects has been partially implemented in the steel base, the main store, and the mechanical assembly shop.

Labor productivity

In terms of growth in output per payroll worker, the plant achieved very significant success in the reporting year. Output for 1934 was 23.4% higher than actual for 1933 and 2.92% higher than planned for 1934. Average daily output for the reporting year increased even more (from 61.08 rubles in 1933 to 76. 50 rubles in 1934, or by 25.2%) - The increase in output per worker was the result of a number of measures taken by the plant in 1934, the most important of which are the following:

1) Introduction of preparatory shifts to create normal working conditions for the main shifts (forge shop, mechanical assembly shop).

2) Establishing the start of work for a number of professions half an hour earlier to prepare machine units for the start of the main shifts (kindling and heating workers in the forge shop, cupola operators, etc.).

3) Introduction of a dispatch system for regulating production.

4) Improvement of intra-shop transport - installation of additional trolleys for assembling molds for parts No. 127 and 163 and lengthening the chain for hooking two molds at the same time, which made it possible to shorten an entire shift in a large span of 67 people.

5) Improvement of the technological process.

6) The cooperation of machines in the mechanical assembly shop made it possible to reduce 96 workers in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd departments.

7) The revision of piecework standards and the introduction of technically sound standards reduced the production work time per conventional tractor set: in the mechanical assembly shop - by 3.5%, in the forge shop - by 30.3%, in the foundry shop - by 16.5%. During the year, based on the activities carried out in 1933, the standards were revised: for the mechanical assembly shop - 3574 out of 8914, or 40.09%, for the foundry shop - 670 out of 890, or 64.04%, for the forge shop - 740 out of 1305, or 67.7%, and other auxiliary workshops - 20,223 out of 80,428, or 25.1%. The revision of standards is carried out mainly for auxiliary work, while the introduction of technical standards was carried out for production work. Introduction of technical standards in production work: in the mechanical assembly shop - 125 out of 3,574 of all revised standards, in the foundry - 241 out of 670, in the forging shop - 271 out of 740, in the tool and mechanical repair shop - 11,880 out of 17,507.

8) Consolidation of the working day based on the study of actual losses with photographs of the working day and the development of loss standards (auxiliary time, preparatory and final time, etc.). In the reporting year, 1,220 photographs were taken of various groups of workers, of which 728 in mechanical assembly, 190 in foundry, 31 in forging, and 93 in instrumental. The actual duration of the working day (useful work) in the reporting year was: for mechanical assembly [in] the first quarter - 5.52 hours, the second quarter - 5.77 hours, the fourth quarter - 6.02 hours.

9) In addition to the listed organizational and technical measures, the following factors had a great influence on the increase in labor productivity: a) a significant reduction in turnover compared to 1933, retention of personnel at the plant, improvement in the composition of workers due to their accumulation of practical experience in work; b) increasing the coverage of workers in technical training, improving the quality of technical training and developing social competition in technical training.

TsGANKh USSR, f. 7622, ​​on. 1, no. 728, pp. 5-6, 52-53. Steklogr. copy

No. 30 Order of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry No. 59 on the Electrozavod exceeding its annual magneto production program

In 1934, the Electric Plant produced 200 thousand magnetos. against the target according to the control figures of 173 thousand pieces.

Release of 200 thousand pieces. magneto completely covers the country's needs and imports stop. In the struggle for 200 thousand magnetos, Elektrozavod completed its program by a total of 106.6%, exceeding the planned target for labor productivity and cost reduction.

Noting these successes of the technical, economic, party leadership and the entire public, declaring gratitude to the workers, engineers and plant management, I order to give bonuses to:

1) Electric plant - ten trucks, one bus and 100 thousand rubles;

2) director of the Electric Plant comrade. Petrovsky and technical director engineer Vilner, director of ATE comrade. Ryabov and technical director of ATE comrade. Zinstadt, head of the automatic-mechanical workshop comrade. Serebrovsky, head of the magneto assembly shop, comrade. Pavlinov - personal cars.

People's Commissar of Heavy Industry

S. Ordzhonikidze

TsGANKh USSR, f. 7297.on. 1, d. 67, l. 100. Rotat. copy

No. 31 From the order of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry No. 63 on the successful implementation of the 1934 production program by synthetic rubber factories.

S. Ordzhonikidze

TsGANKh USSR, f. 7297, on. 1, no. 67, pp. 110-111. Certified copy.

No. 32 From the order of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry No. 64 on the results of the work of the aviation industry in 1934.

In 1934, the aviation industry took a new step forward in improving the quality of aircraft and engines. This was achieved on the basis of the implementation of the decisions of the 17th Party Congress and the personal instructions of Comrade. Stalin. But the tasks facing the aviation industry are even more complex and require maximum mobilization of the entire team of aviation industry workers to fulfill the tasks assigned to them in 1935.

It is necessary to direct all efforts to achieve flight safety by decisively improving the quality of aircraft and engines. A pilot in a Soviet plane must feel completely safe and be confident that the plane will not let him down.

In the struggle to further increase aircraft speeds, serious systematic work is required at pilot and production plants to create an even higher aerodynamic culture.

Engine factories and institutes are obliged to make every effort to ensure that the new engines we introduce into mass production ensure further improvement of aircraft flight performance and flight safety. There can be no room for complacency here. No industry requires such day-to-day technical improvement and continuous advancement as the aviation industry.

People's Commissar of Heavy Industry

S. Ordzhonikidze

TsGANKh USSR, f. 7297, on. 1, d. 67, l. 117. Certified copy.

Information about the trust's tasks for 1935 and reporting data on the work of individual plants for 1934 were omitted.

Information about the results of the production program and the work of the main workshops and laboratories of the plant is omitted.

May 7, 2014

War is one of the black pages in the history of mankind. During the existence of mankind, so many wars have occurred that it is difficult to remember at least most of them. We must not forget the horrors of war, devastation, pain, suffering and death. It would be crime before the war participants and the fallen. But paradoxically, in addition to destruction and grief, war also brings a huge impetus to the development of production, requiring new, more advanced weapons, and, consequently, new, more powerful and accurate machines for processing them.

In 1908, high-precision machines for metal processing were designed and put into production at the Tula plant for the first time. With each new modification, the control of such machines became easier, the accuracy of processing improved, which contributed to both the creation of more complex parts and a reduction in the requirements for worker qualifications.

The transition of enterprises to mass production of weapons, ammunition, and military equipment required in almost all cases a radical change in production technology and new production cooperation. For example, the Leningrad Metal Plant, in the process of restructuring, needed to find, repair and install about 500 machines, produce over 2,500 fixtures and special tools, retrain 1,500 workers and a large group of engineering and technical workers.

Despite the primitiveness of the machines of that time, factory workers heroically fulfilled and exceeded plans for the production of weapons. For example, milling workers at the Izhevsk Arms Plant, working on processing parts for an aircraft gun, did not leave their machines until they produced 400% of the norm. Not far behind them were mechanics - toolmakers, who independently developed a machine method for grinding one of the most complex parts and thereby increased labor productivity by 30 times.

The machines were not automatic. Enterprise engineers developed the simplest additions to the machine's structure - clamping devices, stops, mechanical starters, in order to partially automate the machine, freeing the worker's hands, eyes, and attention for other work. As before, each of these machines or a small group of them needed its own owner, who monitored its work and took care of the supply of workpieces. People were needed who transferred products from machine to machine, who made sure that nothing slowed down the operation of the machine or created a jam.

Before the Great Patriotic War, enterprise designers decided to “expel” people from the workshop, to ensure that the machines themselves serviced the machines and even monitored them, so that entire lines of machines worked like one huge automatic, “smart” machine, completely, from start to finish. manufacturing a complex product. Thus, the Soviet Union approached the Great Patriotic War as a major machine-tool power. Soviet machine tool builders mastered the production of a wide variety of machine tools needed for various branches of mechanical engineering. By 1932, eight specialized factories produced turning, grinding and milling machines, and some other types of equipment. The theoretical foundations of aggregation were developed and implemented in the designs of multi-spindle aggregate machines and in automatic lines for processing body parts.

Many years have passed since the Great Patriotic War, but the development of milling did not stop for a minute: new modifications appeared, processing techniques were improved, and automation improved. Nowadays, weapon parts that require high precision and have complex shapes are manufactured on computer-controlled milling machines. Equipment equipped with a computer control system controls the equipment of machine tools and their drives, which ensures more accurate uninterrupted operation and constant quality control of the operations performed.

Many people do not understand how important machine tool manufacturing is for winning wars. It is important to know that almost all weapons and equipment needed during war are made on machine tools. If it were not for the heroic efforts of the rear, which provided the soldiers with weapons and everything necessary, it is unknown whether victory would have been on our side.

Machine tool and tool industry - branches of mechanical engineering that create for all industries metalworking and woodworking machines, automatic and semi-automatic lines, complex-automatic production for the manufacture of machines, equipment and products made of metal and other structural materials, forging, foundry and woodworking equipment. The machine tool industry is a mirror of the development of mechanical engineering, and the development of this industry can largely be used to judge the development of the country’s industrial potential.

Currently, there are about 100 enterprises in the Russian machine tool industry. In 2011, it was noted that according to official data from the relevant ministries, the Russian machine tool industry includes 46 enterprises producing metal-cutting machines, 25 factories specializing in the manufacture of forging and pressing equipment, 29 manufacturers of cutting, measuring, plumbing and assembly tools, as well as seven scientific -research institutes and 45 design bureaus.

Among Russian machine tool manufacturing enterprises:

NPO "Stankostroenie" (Sterlitamak)

Stankotech (Kolomna)

Ivanovo Heavy Machine Tool Plant

RSZ (Ryazan)

Grinding Machines (Moscow)

Astrakhan Machine Tool Plant

Krasnodar Machine Tool Plant

Simbirsk Machine Tool Plant (Ulyanovsk)

Stangidromash (Samara)

Sasta (Ryazan region)

Lipetsk Machine Tool Enterprise


Volzhsky Machine-Building Plant (Tolyatti)

Srednevolzhsky Machine Tool Plant (Samara)

Savelovsky Machine-Building Plant (Kimry)

VNIIIinstrument (Moscow)

VSZ Tekhnika (Vladimir)

VSZ - Salyut (Moscow)

Kirov-Stankomash (St. Petersburg)

St. Petersburg Precision Machine Tool Plant (St. Petersburg)

Ulyanovsk Plant of Heavy and Unique Machine Tools

Stankomashstroy (Penza)

Tver Machine Tool Plant

PKF "Stankoservice" (Ryazan)


It is planned that regional machine tool clusters will be created in St. Petersburg, Tatarstan, Rostov, Ulyanovsk and Sverdlovsk regions. The main areas of their activity will be engineering and system integration in the field of mechanical engineering technologies, production of original Russian equipment, design of modern production facilities, and training of qualified personnel for the industry.

Stankoprom Holding

The Stankoprom holding was created in 2013 under the auspices of the Rostec state corporation as a system integrator of Russian machine tool enterprises. He controls the import of equipment, combines foreign developments with Russian assembly, develops Russian R&D and implements them.

The holding was created on the basis of OJSC RT-Stankoinstrument and OJSC RT-Mashinostroenie and is their legal successor. Stankoprom has the status of the parent organization of the Rostec State Corporation in the field of machine tool building and tool production. As of 2014, the holding's consolidated assets were estimated at 15 billion rubles. The planned investments are about 30 billion rubles, of which 5.5 billion rubles are own financial resources, and 11 billion rubles are private investments and bank loans in a 50 to 50 ratio. The strategic goal of the Stankoprom holding is to ensure the long-term technological independence and competitiveness of Russian mechanical engineering through the creation of competitive domestic means of mechanical engineering production. The holding aims to reach 70% of the share of domestic metal-cutting machines by 2020, while the holding may become the only supplier of machine tools for defense enterprises.


By 2011, Russia ranked 21st among countries in the world in terms of production of machine tools.

year 2012

In 2012, 3,321 metal-cutting machines and 4,270 woodworking machines were produced in Russia.

In January 2012, one of the world leaders in the machine tool industry, the German company Gildemeister, acquired a land plot in Ulyanovsk for the construction of a plant for the production of high-precision machine tools for metalworking. On October 23 of the same year, construction of the plant began. It is planned that the plant will produce up to 1000 machines per year.

year 2013

In 2013, 180 enterprises belonging to the Stankoinstrument association produced products worth 26.6 billion rubles.

In October 2013, the government of the Rostov region entered into a cooperation agreement with the management of Vnesheconombank, according to which this development institution becomes the main creditor of the project to create a machine tool cluster in the region on the basis of the Azov plant of forging and pressing equipment "Donpressmash". According to the Minister of Industry and Energy of the Rostov Region Alexander Grebenshchikov, the total cost of the project is 2.3 billion rubles. The anchor investor of the cluster is the MTE Kovosvit MAS company, a joint machine-tool enterprise created on a parity basis in July 2012 by the Russian MTE group and the Czech Kovosvit MAS a.s., one of the leading European manufacturers of turning and milling machines, machining centers and technical solutions.

year 2014

In 2014, structural changes began in the range of products manufactured by Russian machine tool enterprises, characterized by an increase in the production of computer numerical control (CNC) equipment and machining centers, which increases the share of high-tech products and has a positive effect on the added value of manufactured products.


In 2015, the enterprises of the Stankoinstrument Association produced 1,873 machine tools. or 172.8% compared to 2014. Some enterprises of the Association showed more than 2-fold growth compared to 2014 (JSC Stankotech, Kolomna - 273%, LLC NPO Machine Tool Building, Sterlitamak - 243%).

In 2015, one of the significant events for the industry was the formation of a large private player in the machine tool market - the STAN company, which primarily included the assets of the largest Russian enterprises, including the heavy machine tool industry: Ivanovo Heavy Machine Tool Plant LLC (Ivanovo) , JSC Stankotech / CJSC KZTS (Kolomna), LLC Ryazan Machine Tool Plant (Ryazan), LLC NPO Stankostroenie (Sterlitamak), as well as LLC Grinding Machines (Ryazan). Moscow).

On November 11, 2015, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said: “Only yesterday we discussed in the government issues of machine tool construction, an industry that for a long time remained outside the scope of active industrial policy. In the last year, the policy has become focused, machine tool industry is coming to the fore. Of course, the driver of demand for machine tool products today is the military-industrial complex, and a significant amount of resources that are spent on the implementation of the defense industry program are formed simply for our machine tool factories, they have begun to take advantage of this: holdings are already being created that unite our leading machine tool manufacturing enterprises. One example is the STAN holding company, which already unites four large enterprises. It produces high-quality products that are absolutely comparable to foreign analogues, and does it faster, and, moreover, is competitive in price.”


In March 2016, a Russian-Japanese serial production facility with a capacity of 120 CNC machines per year opened in Yekaterinburg.


A Russian-Chinese enterprise will be created in the Moscow region to produce high-precision metalworking machines. The total investment in 2016-2017 in the project for the production of high-precision machines and CNC machining centers exceeds 110 million euros. The company will begin operating in the Leninsky district of the Moscow region in 2017.

One of the projects planned for implementation under the special investment contract is a joint venture between the Ulyanovsk Machine Tool Plant and the German-Japanese concern DMG MORI SEIKI; The project envisages the production of a wide range of turning and milling machining centers with a design capacity of over 1000 machines per year by 2017. The project provides for the creation of an engineering center for personnel training, as well as the development of new models of metal-cutting equipment in Russia.

The project of MTE Kovosvit Mas LLC provides for the creation by 2018 of a modern high-tech production of metalworking machines of the turning and milling groups, as well as multifunctional metalworking centers of the Kovosvit company (Czech Republic). The plant area will be 33 thousand m2.

The Kovrov Electromechanical Plant, together with the Japanese manufacturer TAKISAWA, is localizing the production of a line of new generation turning and milling machining centers.

Volume of production of machine tools in Russia:

2012 - about 3 billion rubles;

2013 - about 3.5 billion rubles;

2014 - about 4 billion rubles;

2015 - about 7 billion rubles.

New production launched from 2011 to 2017.

1. A new workshop of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Instrument-Making Plant” for the production of machine tools was opened in Trekhgorny
The new workshop in Trekhgorny will produce several types of the most popular milling, turning and other types of machine tools for mechanical engineering, which in their technological characteristics are not inferior to their foreign counterparts at a significantly lower price. Investment volume: more than 1 billion rubles.

2. “The Akhtuba production complex opened a modernized workshop for the production of machine tools with numerical control
At OJSC “Production Complex “Akhtuba”” the grand opening of the updated section for the mechanical assembly production of numerically controlled machine tools took place.

3. A plant for the production of oilfield equipment and tools opened in Kurgan
On August 1, a plant for the production of oilfield equipment and tools opened in Kurgan. The construction of the plant became possible thanks to the joint efforts of the American company Varel International (Varel International) and its Russian partner NewTech Services (New Tech Services) from Moscow.

In total, over 446 million rubles were invested in production. More than 60 jobs will be created at the enterprise.

4. A new workshop for the production of progressive cutting tools was opened at JSC Votkinsky Plant (Udmurtia). Production is import-substituting.

According to the head of the enterprise, this workshop is the first and so far the only one in Russia. The plant operates 525 CNC machines, including more than 100 machining centers, including 52 high-speed ones.
The new workshop will fully meet the needs of this equipment, significantly increase cutting speed and increase productivity. The estimated production volume of tools is 50,000 pieces per year.

5. In the Vladimir region, at JSC Kovrov Electromechanical Plant, an assembly production of machine tools from the Japanese company TAKISAWA has been opened.
Takisawa transfers to the Kovrov Electromechanical Plant the right to use technical information for the assembly, sale, commissioning and maintenance of CNC lathes model TS-4000 in Russia and the CIS countries.
At the first stage, the production volume can be up to 600 units per year, and subsequently - in cooperation with machine-tool enterprises in the region - up to 1,700 units.

6. A ceremony dedicated to the release of the first Russian machine tools of the German-Japanese concern “DMG Mori Seiki” took place in Ulyanovsk.
Ulyanovsk Machine Tool Plant LLC launched the assembly of the first SIEMENS numerically controlled machines of the latest ECOLINE design series. For now, assembly is being carried out in rented space. By the end of 2014, about 100 machines will be assembled here.
Construction of a plant with a total cost of 3.2 billion rubles is underway. When the enterprise reaches full capacity, the number of machines produced will be 1000 units. in year. It is planned to create 200 jobs.

7. In Tatarstan, on the territory of the Alabuga SEZ, a new plant of the Russian company Interskol was opened.
The Interskol-Alabuga plant will provide up to 40% of import substitution in the power tool production industry. The volume of investments in the first phase of the plant amounted to 1.5 billion rubles. Currently the plant employs 200 people.
In 2015, it is planned to complete the construction of the second stage of the plant, and by the end of 2017, the third stage will be commissioned. In addition to power tools, small-scale mechanization equipment, welding machines, compressors and much more will be produced here. In total, it is planned to create 2,000 jobs.

8. A new plant for the production of machine tools has been opened in the Zavolzhye industrial park in Ulyanovsk.
Investments of the German-Japanese concern DMG MORI amounted to 3 billion rubles. By 2018, the company will create 250 jobs. It is planned that localization of production will be 50%.
The plant will produce three types of machines of the ecoline series: machines for turning, milling and vertical milling centers. The production capacity of the plant is 1,200 machines with the possibility of increasing production to 1,500 - 2,000 machines per year.

9. Small-scale production of turning machining centers of JSC “Joint Technological Enterprise “Perm Plant of Metalworking Centers” (Perm)
On November 27, in the Novye Lyady microdistrict, a presentation of the assembly site for small-scale production of turning series of metalworking equipment of JSC "Joint Technological Enterprise "Perm Plant of Metalworking Centers" (JSC "STP "PZMC") took place.
The presentation was attended by representatives of 29 Russian machine-building enterprises: representatives of top management and technical specialists from Roscosmos, United Engine Corporation, Perm Engineering Complex, JSC Leningrad Mechanical Plant named after K. Liebknecht, Voronezh Mechanical Plant, JSC Progress Rocket and Space Center "(Samara), JSC "Votkinsk Plant", JSC "Turbina" (Chelyabinsk).
The guests visited the GTES assembly shop of Proton-PM PJSC, where small-scale production of Proton T500 and Proton T630 machines is located, and also saw the process of processing a part made of a heat-resistant alloy. The capacity of this production site allows the production of up to 50 machines per year.

10. Assembly production of Genos L lathes of the Ural Machine-Building Corporation "Pumori" (Ekaterinbrug)
The Ural Machine-Building Corporation "Pumori" inaugurated the mass production of metal-cutting machining centers "Okuma-Pumori" (Russia-Japan) in Yekaterinburg on the basis of the company "Pumori-engineering invest"
The plan for 2016 is 40 machines, followed by an annual increase to 120 by 2020. Currently, localization is more than 30%, from 2018 it should exceed 70%. Economic sanctions hinder full cooperation.

11. Plant for the production of metal-cutting tools of the German company Guhring (Nizhny Novgorod)
The plant of the Guering company, one of the leaders in the production of metal-cutting tools, opened in Nizhny Novgorod on July 21. The enterprise was built from scratch and has no analogues in Russia. Investments in the project amounted to 6 million euros. In the future, the plant will create more than a hundred additional jobs.
Investments in the project amounted to 6 million euros.
The enterprise, which has no analogues in Russia yet, is intended to produce special-purpose tools, which were previously imported from Germany. Also provided are small standard rulers, axial tools with a diameter of 2.5 to 32 mm - drills, cutters and much more.

Mechanical engineering
The Bolsheviks got a good position in mechanical engineering. Tsarist Russia ranked 5th in the world. Second only to the US, UK, Germany and Belgium.
Despite the defeat in the First World War and the Civil War. By 1925, Russia still ranked 5th in the world. In 1938, the unprecedented was recorded - the USSR advanced to 2nd place, displacing England and even Germany in mechanical engineering production. (the growth of the military industry by 70 times made itself felt) After the war, Germany was destroyed to zero, but Soviet mechanical engineering reduced its share in world mechanical engineering, despite the export of German machine tools too. Great Britain came in second place. Then Great Britain began to disintegrate, the USSR again came into second place.
In 1953, the Union returned to pre-war second place after the United States. England is still in the list of leaders in car production - in 3rd place.
Late 50's - early 60's - the heyday of mechanical engineering in the USSR in comparison with other countries. The share in world production is maximum. But by 1970, Germany had almost caught up with the USSR in terms of total car production, and Japan was completely ahead and pushed into third place. In 1975, after a collapse in the production share of the United States (one and a half times), the USSR again rose to second place, overtaking Germany and Japan. The situation continues in 1980. But in 1985, Japan was again ahead of the Union. The US share is growing.
1991. The share of the USSR, which is in crisis, is 3.5% in world mechanical engineering. After the collapse, this share decreases to 1.5% and by 1995 it decreases to a symbolic 0.5%, continuing to fall to 0.3%. Now this share has increased to 0.61%. And approximately equal to the share of mechanical engineering in France or Great Britain.

Share of countries in global engineering production, %.

Machine tool industry

In 1938, the production of machine tools was mainly carried out by 4 countries: the USA and Germany were equal, and England and the USSR were much smaller. In 1966, Great Britain dropped out of the list of leading machine tool manufacturers; its place (3rd) was taken by the Soviet Union. In 1970, Japan appeared, pushing the USSR out of the top three again to the pre-war 4th place.
The four leaders were approximately constant until 1990, when the USSR was still a great world power in machine tool building (3rd place), and the USA lost its position in machine tool industry, losing 3rd place to the USSR and 4th to Italy.

The collapse of the USSR by the communists multiplied the domestic machine tool industry by 0. However, these were unnecessary machines.

In the USSR in 1986, according to a review of certain types of metal-cutting machines, the volume (2032.5 thousand units) was:
- CNC machines 36.9 thousand (1.8%);
- metal-cutting machines equipped with automatic manipulators with program control - 11.3 thousand (0.55%).

The growth of production in China and the establishment of unconditional Chinese leadership in the industry since 2010 are indicative. Germany and Japan still hold 2nd and 3rd places, although they have noticeably lost ground.

The USA in 2015 has a machine tool industry at the level of Taiwan. Russia is in 17th place, behind Canada and slightly ahead of Thailand in the production of machine tools.

Share of countries in global machine tool production, %.

Nevertheless, in the consumption of machine tools in Russia, according to the latest report of the World Machine Tool Survey 2016. Gardner Research. ranks 8th in the world. Moreover, last year this place was 7. Thanks to sanctions, Mexico overtook us.
But in any case, the current consumption of machine tools is 5 times higher than in 2004.
Now, after establishing the growth of pharmaceuticals, the state has actively taken up stimulating the growth of machine tool industry. There is a lot of news about programs and investments on this topic.
Growth has already begun. In general, read the full version
“Machines, machines, machines...”
