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Strange secrets and mysteries of the studied Moon. Mysteries of the moon - latest data Mysteries of the moon latest data

Tonight, two Grail satellites crashed into the Moon at a speed of 6000 km/h with an interval of 20 seconds. The impact site was near the North lunar pole in the area of ​​the Goldschmidt crater. And on September 11, NASA launched a secret mini-shuttle, the goals and objectives of which are unknown.

What is the purpose of NASA sending two streamers?spacecraft at high speed to one point on the lunar surface? Official version - study of the mechanical properties and chemical composition of lunar regolith.

The two Grail satellites were relatively small in size (about the size of a washing machine), but given the weight and the enormous speed with which they hit the surface of the Moon at the point of collision, the impact was devastating. Moreover, the blow is double with an interval of 20 seconds.

The cost of both satellites and the mission to operate them in orbit around the Moon cost the United States $500 million. There was fuel left on board both vehicles to run the engines, but NASA couldn't find anything better than just sending them to the Moon?

What was the mission of the probes before the fall? NASA writes that with the help of the Grails, scientists have “significantly deepened their knowledge of the lunar crust - it turned out to be less dense and more porous than previously thought, and also riddled with cracks filled with solidified magma. These cracks were likely formed in the distant past.” "The past of the Moon as a result of the expansion of its lithosphere. The map of the gravitational field of the Moon obtained by the "twins" has the highest resolution and quality to date."

The devices found their final refuge on an unnamed mountain near the north pole of the Moon and the Holschmidt crater. As David Lehman, another project leader from the Laboratory, said: Jet Propulsion NASA, the site for the final mission was chosen by navigation experts to minimize the likelihood that the twins would crash in the places where they landed spaceships as part of the Apollo and Luna programs.

50 minutes before the crash, Low Tide and High Tide turned on their engines and accelerated to a speed of 6000 km/h. The devices minimized their orbital altitude and crashed into a mountain, moving at an angle of 1 degree to the horizon.

According to official NASA statements, as a result of the collision, they literally shattered into pieces, leaving behind small potholes in the rim of the crater. But this is impossible to verify. Video and photo shooting was not carried out due to the fact that the impact zone was in the shadow of the Earth. Agree that NASA could have chosen a better moment in terms of lighting to hit the Moon, but it did so at a time when not a single astronomer from Earth could see the impact site and its consequences. Astronomers were unable to see any noticeable flash from the crash of the probes.

Selenologists, according to NASA, hope to obtain information from the crash about the mechanical and chemical properties of the crater rim. Images of the area where the probes fell will be obtained from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) in a few weeks. But knowing NASA, you shouldn’t expect unedited images...

Food for thought

A black hole with a diameter of 130 meters was discovered on the Moon

According to updated data, the diameter of the hole is 130 meters. Depth is unknown. The bottom is not visible. There is only an assumption that the passage may lead to a system of lunar dungeons, including both tunnels and vast halls, located on the far side of the Moon in the Southern Hemisphere in the Sea of ​​Dreams (Mare Ingenii). The resolution of the images is a little more than half a meter per pixel.

By the way, in their press release dedicated to the anniversary (one year) of the LRO probe being in orbit, NASA experts report that there is another hole - slightly smaller than the one from the Sea of ​​​​Dreams. But its coordinates are not reported. And they don’t show high-resolution pictures.

Food for thought

Hollow inside

In 1969, Moscow scientists M. Vasin and A. Shcherbakov published the work “The Moon is a Creation of the Mind,” which put forward the hypothesis that our “natural satellite” is artificial celestial body, having two protective shells: FIRST - a heat-meteoprotective layer, about four kilometers thick and SECOND - an armored protective layer, approximately fifteen kilometers thick, under which there is a huge habitable cavity…

The researchers proceeded from the fact that lunar craters and circuses, which, according to world science, are of meteorite origin, despite the enormous variation in diameters (from hundreds of meters to hundreds of kilometers), have almost the same depth - UP TO THREE KILOMETERS...

This could only happen if the meteorites, “bumping” into the armored protective layer, scattered the heat-meteoprotective shell over the surface of the Moon, since all the energy released during the collision met an insurmountable obstacle on its way...

This is precisely what caused the formation of lunar ring mountains (“circuses”), from the center of which the ridges of the mountains are not always visible, because the latter are located beyond the lunar horizon.

“But if the Moon is truly an “artificial body,” the scientists wrote, “then it should be empty inside, and massive propulsion systems, energy generators, and giant machines should be located on its inner surface.” for repairing shells, as well as other equipment in the form of concentrated metal masses..."

The hypothesis of M. Vasin and A. Shcherbakov received experimental confirmation in 1969, when during the study of the Moon under the program "Apollo", powerful gravitational and magnetic anomalies were discovered, indicating the presence of metallic masses hidden under the lunar surface ("mascons" and "micromascons"), and during seismic sounding of the Moon by dropping the take-off stages of the Apollo lunar landing modules onto its surface “Reverberation” was opened, i.e. residual sound of the Moon, lasting up to TWO HOURS!!!

Lunar librations

As Dr. Thomas Paine (then NASA director) stated about one of these experiments: “The moon was buzzing like a bell. We are unable to explain this phenomenon...”

But if the hypothesis of M. Vasin and A. Shcherbakov that the inhabitants of the Moon live under its surface, having an artificial atmosphere there, is correct, then it is logical to assume that ventilation devices will be required to release excess or exhaust gas, and that During such emissions, the appearance of the lunar surface will be distorted. (Remember the haze over the hot asphalt on a summer day or the trembling air over a blazing fire...)

And indeed, among tens of thousands of photographs of the lunar surface, a very large percentage consists of just such “nebulae and blurriness”...

Seismometers installed by the Apollo astronauts in the area of ​​the Bulliald crater (the southeastern part of the visible disk of the Moon) systematically transmit signals to Earth that, unlike rare sporadic moonquakes, have some kind of monotonous rhythm...

George Leonard's colleague, Dr. Dan, having studied seismograms of this 37 mile crater and its photographs, came to the conclusion - “Such rhythmic moonquakes can be caused by the passage of “lunar metro” trains...

Dr. Samuel Wittcomb (Mount Palomar Observatory, California), a specialist in deciphering lunar images, based on a careful study of photographs of the Bulliald crater, came to the conclusion that there is a giant electric generator here that supplies energy to subsurface mechanisms. The size of this “lunar power plant”, based on the scale of the image, exceeds... The Bronx is a residential area of ​​New York.

Regarding its amazing size, Dr. S. Whitcomb writes: “We must abandon our outdated ideas about the Moon. They must be discarded, like an old-fashioned frock coat that has become narrow... On the Moon, everything is gigantic in size..."

This opinion of the famous scientist also applies to heavy-duty propulsion systems located under the surface of the Moon. Their presence in the form of concentrated metallic masses is indicated by the gravitational and magnetic anomalies of the Moon - “mascons”.

(According to the latest data, under the lunar surface there are five huge objects ranging in size from 8 to 22 kilometers. Some of them were identified in the infrared range by the European research satellite COSMIC LEB in 1999 - V.K.)

The gigantic dimensions of lunar objects, as well as the “spaceship” itself (the Moon itself), according to the author, are explained by the super-tasks that their creators set for these “structures”.

It is not difficult to understand that a long space flight, especially interstellar flight, places increased demands on meteorite, thermal and radiation protection. We have no right to approach the assessment of the size of the “interstellar supership” with our own earthly standards. After all, if this ship were smaller, its crew would hardly be able to protect themselves from the hostile influence of outer space during not only a long flight, but also many thousands of years in orbit of our Earth’s satellite...

It should be added to the above that the spherical shape of the Moon is the most optimal for artificial space objects, since it allows you to isolate the maximum volume with a surface with a minimum area...

Of course, the long-term meteorite bombardment over thousands of years has done its job, and the tens of thousands of large and small craters visible today only indicate that they are new,

“brand new”, the Moon was an interstellar ship a very long time ago...

Food for thought

Interesting facts about the Moon

The moon does full turn around the Earth in 27.3 days. It is always turned to the Earth with one side. The far side of the Moon was not visible to the human eye until 1959, when the Soviet Luna 3 spacecraft photographed it.

A powerful telescope can see more than 500,000 lunar craters. The largest of them is called Bailly, its diameter is approximately 300 km, and its area is slightly larger than that of Scotland.

Dark spots visible to the naked eye on the lunar surface are called maria. There is no water in them, but millions of years ago they were filled with volcanic lava. Some of them are very large, for example, the Ocean of Storms is larger than the Mediterranean Sea.

There is no air or water on the moon. Its soil is so dry that nothing can grow on it. However, scientists have found that plants can grow in samples of lunar soil brought to Earth.

Unlike the surface of the Earth, which is constantly changing by the action of water and wind, the lunar surface remains unchanged. The footprints left on the Moon by the Apollo astronauts will be visible for at least 10 million years.

Earthquakes, called moonquakes, occur on the Moon, but compared to those on Earth they are very weak. There are more than 3,000 moonquakes every year, but their total energy is barely enough to produce a small fireworks display.

The average density of the moon is 3.34 g/cm3, a conclusion from the obtained astronomical data shows that the inner part of the moon is most likely a hollow rather than a homogeneous sphere.

The moon's orbit around the earth is an oval rather than a circle, so the distance from the center of the earth to the center of the moon varies constantly.

With every second, the moon moves away from us, expanding its orbit by 4 cm per year. Scientists say that when the moon was first formed (4.6 billion years ago), it was at a distance of 22,530 km from the earth. Now this distance is more than 450,000 km.

There is an echo on the moon. On November 20, 1969, the crew of Apollo 12 ejected the lunar module onto the lunar surface, and the noise from its impact on the surface triggered an artificial lunar earthquake. The consequences were unexpected; after this, the moon rang like a bell for another hour.

The Earth's gravitational force causes the Moon to revolve around the Earth. However, the gravity of the Moon also affects the Earth, primarily the seas and oceans, causing tides. When the Moon is at its closest distance, its gravitational pull increases and the tides reach their highest levels.

Food for thought

The US Air Force launched the secret X-37B space shuttle from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on Tuesday, December 11th.

The Atlas 5 launch vehicle with the device on board took off from the ground at 13:03 East Coast time (22:03 Moscow time). The unmanned spaceplane, enclosed in a special capsule at the top of the rocket, was supposed to separate from it a few minutes after launch, ITAR-TASS reports citing representatives of the United Launch Alliance company, which carried out the launch in the interests of the US Department of Defense.

This is the second launch of such an unmanned spacecraft. The X-37B shuttle was previously in orbit for seven months in 2010.

Then the entire flight and landing at the Vandenberg Air Force Base (California) took place in automatic mode and, according to experts, were successful. Only during landing, after touching the runway, the tire of one of the landing gear wheels shattered, but overall the spaceplane was not damaged.

The dimensions of this spacecraft are four times smaller than the dimensions of previous models of American shuttles. According to some assumptions, this shuttle may be equipped with special sensors that are designed to collect intelligence data, AP notes.

However, no details were provided about what the next mission of the X-37B is.

The X-37B was developed by Boeing. It has a take-off weight of almost 5 tons, reaches 8.9 m in length, 2.9 m in height. The span of its small delta wings is 4.5 m. It is equipped with solar panels, which, when deployed in orbit, serve as a source of electricity.

According to data previously presented by the Pentagon, the spaceplane is designed to operate at altitudes from 200 to 750 km, and is capable of quickly changing orbits and maneuvering.

It can perform reconnaissance missions, deliver small cargo into space, and is convenient for testing new devices that can be used, for example, on spy satellites.

A number of experts see the X-37B as a prototype of a future space interceptor, capable of inspecting and, if necessary, disabling enemy satellites, and perhaps even launching missile and bomb attacks from orbit. The Pentagon denies this, assuring that this device is just a platform for testing new technologies...

Lunar civilization

The more I study lunar photographs, the more I am inclined to believe that the Moon is a spaceship. The ship has been in a grandiose space battle (as evidenced by numerous traces of damage to the outer hull), damaged and placed in eternal parking near the planet Earth.

Moon - Artificial object. Studying NASA photographs. Part 2

Moon - Artificial object. Studying NASA Photos

The Moon is a satellite of our planet, which is quite unusual space object, and even the exploration of it by automatic stations and the landing of astronauts on the surface of this cosmic body did not diminish its mystery. The mysteries of the Moon, the latest data about which are constantly updated, are not only among astronomers, but also ufologists, amateur astronomers and individuals interested in everything mysterious. And if various hypotheses are proposed to explain mysterious observations and incomprehensible phenomena, then some observed paradoxes cannot be explained scientifically, logically, or paranormally.

Moon - riddles and hypotheses

The mystery of some types of “moonquakes” has not been solved to this day. Due to the lack of magmatic activity on our satellite, ground vibrations caused by volcanic activity or seismic activity should not be observed. However, an explanation has been found for three types of “moonquakes”:

  • tremors caused by the fall of meteorites, small asteroids and other space “junk”;
  • soil vibrations caused by external gravitational influences leading to deep movements of lunar layers;
  • thermal shocks arising due to a sharp temperature change caused by the thermal energy of the Sun.

However, according to NASA, a fourth type of oscillation is observed on the satellite of our planet - “moonquakes” with an amplitude of up to 5 points on the Richter scale. Their duration can reach tens of minutes, and no explanation has been found for them. American astronauts observed this phenomenon during one of the landings on the Moon, and, according to their feelings, “... the Moon was ringing like a church bell.”

A mysterious substance, the origin of which has been the subject of several hypotheses, is lunar dust. Organoleptically it resembles extremely abrasive wholemeal. According to the observations of American astronauts, due to the reduced gravitational field, dust is highly fluid, tends to fill any fold, and upon contact with the human body causes a mysterious disease, which was dubbed “moon fever.” Due to its abrasiveness and stickiness, it caused concern among astronauts that it could destroy the boots of their spacesuits during prolonged walking.

The topic of the presence of unidentified objects on the surface of the Moon, which they explain as traces of the activities of extraterrestrial civilizations or structures left by aliens, is always relevant and popular among ufologists and lovers of paranormal phenomena. A favorite subject of discussion are lunar pyramids - structures of regular geometric shape that quite accurately imitate their terrestrial counterparts. There is a lot of information about the observation of unidentified flying objects spotted near the surface of our satellite. Some ufologists have observed architectural structure in the form of a castle floating above the lunar surface. But the most striking thing in these observations is not the very fact of discovering incomprehensible objects - ufologists have a rich imagination, and you never know what you might see after many hours of looking through a telescope. Neither the NASA specialists who launched the Apollo mission to the Moon, nor the Russian scientists who explored the Earth’s satellite using the automatic stations “Luna” and “Lunokhods” in any way refute or comment on these observations. In addition, the Moon, the mysteries and hypotheses about which have at least some explanation, gives researchers a lot of reasons to think about those phenomena that, at the current level of development of science, cannot be clearly substantiated.

Unsolved mysteries of our satellite

The main mystery, which is of great interest to all inquisitive non-professional researchers of the Moon, is hidden not on it, but on our planet. Why, after intensive research carried out in the 60s and 70s of the last century, were they frozen for almost half a century? In his book, the famous American astronomer Carl Sagan believes that a cave with a volume of 100 cubic kilometers discovered on the Moon during its research is a cavity of artificial origin, intended for the life and development of alien creatures. And the alleged contact with them led to a ban on studying our satellite.

At the same time, the mysteries of the Moon, the latest data about which are no less paradoxical, are intriguing and raise a number of questions:

  • it is not clear why expensive programs for studying deep space are needed when most of the lunar mysteries have not been solved;
  • why, while obtaining beautiful photographs of the rings of Saturn or the surface of Pluto, there are no high-resolution photographs of the lunar surface;
  • If an American and Russian spy satellite is able to “read” a newspaper editorial, why don’t similar spacecraft explore anomalous structures and formations on the Moon with the same accuracy.

Back in the 1960s, Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov from the USSR Academy of Sciences put forward the hypothesis that in reality our satellite was created artificially.
This hypothesis has eight main postulates, popularly called “riddles,” which analyze some of the most surprising aspects about the satellite.
Is the Moon an artificial satellite? The first mystery of the Moon: artificial Moon or cosmic exchange

In fact, the orbit of motion and the size of the moon's satellite are physically almost impossible. If this were natural, one could argue that this is an extremely strange “whim” of the cosmos. This is due to the fact that the size of the Moon is equal to a quarter of the size of the Earth, and the ratio of the sizes of the satellite and the planet is always many times smaller. The distance from the Moon to the Earth is such that the sizes of the Sun and Moon are visually the same. This allows us to observe this a rare event as complete solar eclipse when the Moon completely covers the Sun. The same mathematical impossibility applies to the masses of both celestial bodies. If the Moon were a body that at a certain moment was attracted by the Earth and acquired a natural orbit, then it would be expected that this orbit should be elliptical. Instead, it is strikingly round.
The second mystery of the Moon: the incredible curvature of the Moon's surface

The incredible curvature that the Moon's surface exhibits is inexplicable. The moon is not a round body. The results of geological studies lead to the conclusion that this planetoid is actually a hollow ball. Although it is such, scientists still cannot explain how the Moon can have such a strange structure without being destroyed. One explanation offered by the above-mentioned scientists is that the lunar crust was made of a solid titanium frame. Indeed, the lunar crust and rocks have been shown to have extraordinary levels of titanium. According to Russian scientists Vasin and Shcherbakov, the thickness of the titanium layer is 30 km.
The third mystery of the Moon: lunar craters

The explanation for the presence of a huge number of meteorite craters on the surface of the Moon is widely known - the absence of an atmosphere. Most cosmic bodies that try to penetrate Earth encounter kilometers of atmosphere on their way, and it all ends with the “aggressor” disintegrating. The Moon does not have the ability to protect its surface from the scars left by all the meteorites crashing into it - craters of all sizes. What remains unexplained is the shallow depth to which the aforementioned bodies were able to penetrate. It really looks as if a layer of extremely durable material prevented meteorites from penetrating into the center of the satellite. Even craters with a diameter of 150 kilometers do not exceed 4 kilometers deep into the Moon. This feature is inexplicable from the point of view of normal observations that there should be craters at least 50 km deep.
The fourth mystery of the Moon: “lunar seas”

How were the so-called “lunar seas” formed? These gigantic areas of solid lava, which originate from the interior of the Moon, could easily be explained if the Moon were a hot planet with a liquid interior, where they could arise from meteorite impacts. But physically, it is much more likely that the Moon, judging by its size, has always been a cold body. Another mystery is the location of the “lunar seas”. Why are 80% of them on the visible side of the Moon?
The fifth mystery of the Moon: mascons

The gravitational attraction on the surface of the Moon is not uniform. This effect had already been noted by the crew of Apollo VIII when it flew around the lunar sea zones. Mascones (from "Mass Concentration" - mass concentration) are places where a substance of greater density or quantity is believed to exist. This phenomenon is closely related to the lunar seas, since the mascons are located under them.
The sixth mystery of the Moon: geographic asymmetry

A rather shocking fact in science, which still cannot be explained, is the geographic asymmetry of the surface of the Moon. The famous "dark" side of the Moon has many more craters, mountains and relief features. In addition, as we already mentioned, most of the seas, on the contrary, are on the side that we can see.
The seventh mystery of the Moon: the low density of the Moon

The density of our satellite is 60% of the density of the Earth. This fact along with various studies proves that the Moon is a hollow object. Moreover, several scientists have ventured to suggest that the above-mentioned cavity is artificial. In fact, taking into account the location surface layers that have been identified, scientists say the Moon looks like a planet that formed "in reverse," and some use this as evidence for the "artificial casting" theory.
The Eighth Mystery of the Moon: Origin

In the last century, for a long time, three theories of the origin of the Moon were conventionally accepted. Currently most scientific community accepted the hypothesis of the artificial origin of the lunar planetoid as no less valid than others.
One theory suggests that the Moon is a fragment of the Earth. But the enormous differences in the nature of these two bodies make this theory practically untenable.
Another theory is that this celestial body was formed at the same time as the Earth, from the same cloud cosmic gas. But the previous conclusion is also valid in relation to this judgment, since the Earth and the Moon should have at least a similar structure.
The third theory suggests that, while wandering through space, the Moon fell into the earth's gravity, which caught and turned it into its “captive”. The big flaw in this explanation is that the Moon's orbit is essentially circular and cyclical. In such a phenomenon (when the satellite is “caught” by the planet), the orbit would be sufficiently distant from the center or, at least, would be some kind of ellipsoid.
The fourth assumption is the most incredible of all, but, in any case, it can explain various anomalies that are associated with the Earth's satellite, since if the Moon was designed by intelligent beings, then physical laws, to the action of which it is susceptible, would not be equally applicable to other celestial bodies.
The mysteries of the Moon put forward by scientists Vasin and Shcherbakov are only some real physical assessments of the Moon's anomalies. In addition, there are many other video, photographic evidence and studies that give confidence to those who think about the possibility that our “natural” satellite is not one.
Recently, a controversial video appeared on the Internet, which will be interesting within the framework of the topic under consideration:
Video description:
This video was made from Germany and was filmed over 4 days starting on July 7, 2014. It is clearly visible how “waves”, or rather a stripe, “runs” across the surface of the Moon, and this is similar to how the image of the lunar surface that we see from Earth is updated.
No matter how crazy it may sound, precisely such stripes have been noticed more than once when filming with various video cameras and telescopes. I think anyone with a video camera with a good zoom will be able to see the same thing.
And how, may I ask you, can I explain this? In my opinion, several explanations are possible, and adherents of the generally accepted picture of the world will not like all of them.
1. There is no Moon in the Earth’s orbit at all, but only a flat projection (hologram) creating the appearance of its presence. Moreover, this projection is quite primitive technically, judging by the fact that its creators were forced to create a flat projection and that is why the moon is turned to us on one side. This is simply saving resources to maintain the visible part of the Moon.
2. In the Earth’s orbit there is indeed a certain object whose dimensions correspond to the “Moon” visible to us from the Earth, but in fact, what we see is only a hologram - a camouflage created on top of the object. This, by the way, explains why no one flies to the “Moon”. I think all the states that sent their vehicles to the “Moon” know very well that under the guise of what we see from Earth, there is something completely different there.
These versions are supported by those facts that have long been surprising for their illogicality:
- Why humanity sends spacecraft into deep space, but completely ignores the planet closest to us.
- Why are all the photographs of the moon transmitted by earthly satellites of such disgusting quality?
- Why can’t astronomers, having advanced telescopes, take pictures of the lunar surface with a quality comparable at least to pictures from Mars or from earthly satellites. Why do satellites fly in Earth orbit that are capable of taking a photograph of a surface on which a car license plate is visible, while lunar satellites photograph the surface in such a resolution that one cannot dare to call it a photograph.
In addition, we present two fragments from RenTV films on the theme of the Moon. The reputation of this channel is known to everyone, but the information provided is useful for analyzing the arguments proposed above.

The first man walked on the moon on July 20, 1969. In total, six of the nine planned 24-person manned expeditions visited there, 12 of which went to the lunar surface. In the early seventies Soviet Union and the United States competed to win the Silver Ball. It is known that the two superpowers were planning to create bases on the Moon, in which they intended to place space-based attack and defense systems.

Suddenly, without explanation, the two countries interrupted the expedition. They abandoned the undoubted advantages of colonizing the Moon in order to later build a much more expensive orbital laboratory complex in Earth orbit. The reasons for this sudden change in space design adoption are still not explained. Why?

Just stones and dust

The atmosphereless, dead, dry, uninhabited surface of Earth's natural satellite is covered in rocks and dust, meteor impact craters, and barren, rock-strewn, dust-strewn vast plains called seas. Modern science determined the age of the Moon, which is approximately 4.5 billion years.

The distance between the Moon and the Earth changes periodically and ranges from 356 to 407 thousand km, its mass is 1/81 that of the Earth, and its radius is 1738 km. The orbital time around the Earth is 27.3217 days. There are large temperature variations on the surface of the Moon, from -160 degrees Celsius at night to +120 degrees Celsius during the day.

Mysteries of the Moon - problematic anomalies

An anomaly is something that should not exist, but does. Many researchers and scientists look at the Moon with suspicion, since many mysterious phenomena associated with it cannot be studied and explained on Earth. scientific basis. It is very difficult to incorporate anomalies into existing knowledge systems and they are difficult to explain.

But every now and then, some information leaks out to the public, revealing a world that is very different from the generally accepted understanding of the nature of our satellite. It is possible that the revealed nature of the moon could completely change our understanding of the entire cosmos.

In 1968, NASA published a technical report called a chronological catalog of 579 documented strange events on the Moon that cannot be scientifically explained, observed between 1540 and 1967. It was only in 1988 that scientists announced the discovery of water on the Moon.

It is clear that where there is water, there must be an atmosphere. And where the atmosphere must have gravity to preserve it. Thus, there may be clouds, fog and other typical atmospheric phenomena. These discoveries changed the way scientists think about the Moon. And finally, the discovery of a very thin lunar atmosphere was announced in 1997.

Older than Earth

Science suggests that the Earth and its accompanying satellite were formed at the same time and in the same space of matter. They are as old as our entire solar system and date back to 4.5 billion years old. The age of the rock can now be determined relatively accurately by studying the traces left by cosmic rays.

Using this method, a study of the oldest rocks on Earth showed that they are 3.5 billion years old, while rocks from the Moon are 4.5 billion years old. So there is a surprising discrepancy between the Earth and the Moon regarding the time of their creation, which is about a billion years.

An even bigger mystery is the age of cosmic dust. The dust was found to be billions of years older than lunar rocks, suggesting its existence predates its creation. solar system. If the Moon and Earth were formed at the same time and with the same materials, then they should have the same layers of rock and matter of the same density. But, for example, iron ore found in very large quantities on Earth and practically absent on the Moon.

The average density of the Moon is 3.34 grams per cubic centimeter, and the Earth - 5.5 grams per cubic centimeter. The difference in density suggests that the Moon is probably not as rocky as the Earth.


Before the landing of the first man on the Moon, many ships and probes were previously launched, which carried out reconnaissance flights, lowered various test equipment onto its surface, which made it possible to obtain more detailed information about our satellite.

In 1969, the crew of Apollo 12, in accordance with procedure, caused an artificial earthquake in the lunar crust. Seismic equipment installed on its surface noted that the satellite vibrated like a bell for almost an hour. Many scientists believe that this indicates that the moon is hollow in the middle. By analyzing the speed of vibration, the sensor discovered that the satellite's core may be surrounded by a metal shell.

It also turned out that the upper layer of the Moon is under soil, the thickness of which is 60-70 km and it serves as a protective layer consisting of large pieces of rock of asteroid origin, which once fell into hot lava and were immediately frozen in it. This layer, with its large mass, increased the strength of lunar gravity. But there are places where it is weakened. In such places, the soil consists of materials with a much lower density than the rest of the lunar protective layer, or of huge hollow spaces, a kind of huge caves, larger than most giant caves on Earth.

The late astronomer Carl Sagan, in his book on intelligent life in space, writes: “ Natural satellite The earth cannot be a hollow body." In other words, it is impossible to empty a satellite - this cannot be natural, but this may speak in favor of an artificial satellite, which is unknown by whom and when it was built.

Mysteries of the Moon - mysterious light

A significant part of the NASA report is devoted to light anomalous phenomena that occur on the surface of the Moon and in its orbit. The greatest light activity is observed in lunar craters. The most famous crater for its lights is Plato, about ninety kilometers wide and the bottom of which strangely changes colors. Its walls are very high, and sometimes the lights are obscured by fog.

Light is usually observed in motion and sometimes it forms geometric patterns such as circles, squares, triangles. Long rays of light can often be observed emanating. Sometimes balls of light appear from small craters and, heading towards Plato, disappear inside. In 1966, many red, flashing dots were observed in Plato Crater.

In ancient Chinese records at the turn of the tenth and eleventh millennium BC. there is a description of the sky where you cannot find a single mention of the Moon. It is also not on ancient maps of the sky until 9-11 thousand years ago. Perhaps it didn’t even exist before that? We know about the great influence of the Moon on the Earth and on living creatures on it and that it is responsible for the ebb and flow of the seas and oceans.

What if we combine this fact with the myth of the flood? Information about floods is present in the history of all cultures of the world. This happened about 11 thousand years ago. The land was flooded with water. Sea levels rose, the earth shook, volcanoes exploded, and it rained constantly. It can be assumed, that possible reason This catastrophe was the appearance of the Moon in Earth's orbit.

Alien civilization ship

The hypothesis that the Moon is not a product of natural origin was confirmed already in the seventies. More and more astrophysicists are of the opinion that our satellite is a huge spaceship of an alien civilization, possibly very old and abandoned.

The Moon always faces the Earth with only one side, and therefore we cannot see it completely. The far side always remains the invisible “dark side of the Moon.” Some researchers argue that this happens because someone wants to hide what is happening on the invisible side. In 1954, astronomers from Edinburgh announced that they had seen with their own eyes a point on the dark side that followed in a straight line from the Tycho crater to the Aristracus crater. It covered the distance from pole to pole in twenty minutes, which means that it had to fly at a speed of 9,700 km/h.

There are many reports that talk about black flying objects above the surface of the Moon, moving at different speeds. In July 1969, one of the Apollo 11 cameras accidentally detected a glowing cigar-shaped object moving across the surface of the Moon. In July 1972, Apollo 16's cameras captured another shape of a cigar-shaped object. The ship was huge. It illuminated the ionized atmosphere directly behind it with white light. It was close to the surface of the Moon and cast a long shadow.

After the publication of these telescope photographs, many enthusiasts from all over the world continue to observe the Moon. Quite a lot of video footage has already been accumulated, capturing objects of various sizes on the surface, flying out of the atmosphere and disappearing into space.

Most scientists studying the Moon do not admit the existence of alien bases on it. But how can we explain that the United States and the Soviet Union suddenly, without explanation, refrained from going to the moon? Speculation on this topic says that someone simply does not let people there. It seems that the great race between the two superpowers to colonize the Moon has been abandoned because something has been discovered that prevents the further implementation of this project. Perhaps this something is a UFO?

Neil Armstrong- the man who first set foot on the surface of our celestial mysterious neighbor the Moon. This unforgettable event took place, equal in significance to the first flight in low-Earth orbit by Yuri Gagarin, in 1969. I remember that the All-Union Radio then presented the message about the success of the Americans almost as solemnly as the first flights of Soviet cosmonauts. We tried to maintain objectivity as best we could...

However, the world watched with delight the historical descent of man onto the mysterious Moon in a live broadcast, while we still received the squeeze, albeit of high, but sorted quality. In our country, for the longest time, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin (he was the second, because he filmed his friend’s exit on the surface of the mysterious Moon) did not know the details of the exit to the surface of the mysterious Moon. And almost all over the world, television viewers became observers of a “glitch” in the program of landing on the Moon of American astronauts.

NASA on the Moon

NASA immediately explained the lack of sound in the TV report as “technical problems” and “atmospheric disturbances of the Earth.” For a minute and a half, TV viewers saw only the “picture,” and then the presenters of the program promised to talk about the details in the next report, and at this point the live broadcast fell silent for five and a half hours. What was the matter then? It must be said that the rumor arose immediately, and its content, unlike other rumors, has remained stable to this day. Again - why?..

Let's start with the equipment that allegedly failed. Armstrong communicated with the Earth via two radio frequencies: the first was publicly available, purchased by television companies; the second is a reserve (secret) one, through which communication was maintained only with NASA management. Television viewers and radio listeners on the planet heard the astronaut’s enthusiastic voice transmitted over the main frequency. And suddenly the voice stopped...

There are plenty of meticulous smart people in every country. So, in both Australia and European Switzerland, radio amateurs “intercepted” the spare channel, and some even recorded Armstrong’s words on a tape recorder. This explains the stability and unambiguity of hearing. Here's what happened. This was stated by Neil himself, who realized (with all his emotionality) to switch to a secret communication channel. He cried: “Damn it, I would like to know what it is?! Right in front of us, on the other side of the crater, there are other spaceships, huge, and watching.” This is another one of the mysteries of the Moon.

True, there is a rumor that he shouted the first of these two phrases on the main air... Unfortunately, more than thirty years have passed, and it is extremely difficult to find an eyewitness to a television report who would confirm that this was the case... But the astronaut He also uttered a third phrase, shorter than the first two: “Please give the command to Collens to be ready.” Comments here are completely unnecessary. Collens was the third member of the Apollo II crew to remain with the main craft in lunar orbit while the Orion lander landed on the surface.

The management did not forgive Armstrong for his outburst of emotions: the rest of the reporting was done by Aldrin. It is he who, they say, shot that same 16mm color film, which exists only theoretically, but which supposedly captures all the nuances that Neil shouted about. And Aldrin replaced Armstrong on the spare channel: “I see individual blocks that glow from the inside... I see “St. Nicholas”, it gives off little light.” This information should be deciphered as follows: the UFO does not show aggressive intentions. The fact is that once upon a time McDivitt - remember? - from "Gemini-IV" photographed a UFO above " Bermuda Triangle", and since then, NASA began to call any UFO conventionally "St. Nicholas."

Aliens on the Moon

Faced with the “guests” (or owners?) of the moon, the astronauts could not reach the surface for more than five hours and did not receive the corresponding order from the Earth. Finally, Houston (Mission Control Center) gave the necessary command... The rest is known to everyone from the history of astronautics (if you want, astronautics, as it is called in the USA). Once upon a time, Walter Schirra first encountered a UFO in orbit around the Earth. And McDivitt is the first to photograph an unidentified flying object. But Aldrin also took several photographs before the historic landing of earthlings on the Moon! They spotted two UFOs! Photographs of a UFO from Apollo 11 were even published... The UFO was accompanied by another crew - the crew of the Apollo 12 ship. There is an entry about this in the logbook.

The Moon and the Apollo program

The story of Apollo 13 (and the ship number is not very good), when the enlonauts exploded on board American ship The oxygen tank that caused the failure of an experiment with a “small nuclear explosion to study the seismic characteristics of the lunar surface” is widely known. By the way, it is precisely this that smacks of a poorly fabricated legend. This is precisely what NASA never undertakes to refute or comment on. The Pentagon too.

Let's clarify the stages of the thirteenth Apollo flight. The spacecraft's launch took place on April 11, 1970 - 9 years after Gagarin's flight. At a distance of about 300 thousand kilometers from the Earth, the first oxygen tank exploded. It was nothing yet. But it turns out that the second oxygen cylinder (there are only two of them!), designed to operate the cooling system of the mechanisms and compartments of the ship, literally a moment after the explosion of the first one... dumped liquid oxygen into space! Houston sounded the alarm: the Mission Control Center immediately realized that the return of the astronauts was under real threat. Some have already predicted death for the astronauts. Their names - Swigert, Lowell and Hayes - were repeated throughout the country.

Seen in the USSR real opportunity to help dying people is only to immediately send the Soyuz to the rescue (its start could have been accelerated: we are not Americans, we are used to working in emergency mode). True, NASA has not yet come to specific proposals, but this desire alone became a definite reason for the detente that soon followed in relations between the two countries. But even when oxygen was practically zero, the astronauts themselves did not fully realize the threat looming over them.

They continued the program even though some systems had already stopped working and some had been disabled by people. In this regard, even food could not be stored: many of them were frozen. What remained was the Orion lunar module, which had its own, autonomous, but very small supply of oxygen.

True, the lunar module is designed for only two, but... The astronauts moved into it. The temperature of the module increased sharply, since the cooling system of the device was not designed for a third person. The astronauts stopped drinking water so as not to take it away from the cooling system. For some unknown reason (probably this circumstance will never be clarified), the temperature in the module suddenly, on the contrary, began to drop! The astronauts had to don double suits and space boots.

The temperature was approaching zero, steam began to appear in the cabin, and after a while a damp, foggy suspension formed. In addition, there was already an overabundance in the air carbon dioxide: three were breathing!.. They moved and reinstalled several additional air filters, removing them in the command module cabin.

For four days the astronauts worked on one single task: to survive lunar distances from Earth. There could not be an automatic descent to Earth either: the command compartment systems did not work, and Apollo had to be landed manually. From Houston they were given a complex landing program, where several hundred operations necessary for this were recorded. The astronauts wrote everything down. And to carry out the landing, they again moved to the command module, which had practically ceased to function... They were saved by coordinated and precise work to fulfill the instructions born on Earth. They splashed down 5 kilometers from the search engines...

Until now, the story of Apollo 13 is still called a miracle by many... From this group, no one else has ever flown into space. And the last of the Apollos - ship number 16 - failed to complete a simple operation to separate the Orion module from the ship, which, according to the task laid down in the program, was supposed to fall on the Moon and be destroyed by an impact on the surface of the planet. As a result, the descent module became artificial satellite Moons. They say Young forgot to press the accelerator button.

The last circumstance is very interesting. What does "forgot" mean? The fact is that there were only... two buttons that Young had to press: the separator and the accelerator. I haven’t forgotten the first one, but the second one... Other phenomena, mainly light ones, were noticed or observed in detail by other crews. Syrnan, who flew around the far side of the Moon at a low altitude, said that “they sit there like bees in a honeycomb.” One of the mysteries of the Moon is that it is a transshipment base for enlonauts. Or perhaps some kind of “sorting moon,” as we usually call terrestrial railway stations, serving for reloading and receiving cargo, forming trains.

Thus, the collapse of the Soviet lunar program and flight restrictions only space stations in light of the questionable safety of flights, they seem justified to us. To the whole world, the Soviet Lunokhod-1 seemed like a kind of “step back” in space exploration. As time has shown, it is not safe for spacecraft to be on the Moon: the first “bug” crawled along the surface for six months, and the second one stumbled, one might say, out of the blue!..

Unsolved mysteries of the Moon

Even more incomprehensible was the subsequent abandonment of this method of research altogether. What is hidden behind such a decision? Maybe someone's specific threat? We don't know this. However, the Americans soon stopped flying to the Moon, although they seemed to be close to building a lunar town and a lunar cosmodrome... Strange things are also happening with vehicles launched to Mars. Accuracy of launch and the ability to adjust the direction of flight now seem to be things that go without saying. However, one after another the stations pass at an unimaginable distance from their destination, in another case - just before the most crucial moment (exit to the planet) - communication suddenly disappears forever... The Americans also experienced this during expeditions to Mars and Venus.

Something became clear after the revelations of former NASA employees - the famous space designer Maurice Chatelain, as well as academician Berger and professor Vallee... The first published the book “Our Ancestors Who Arrived from Space,” and the professor and academician published the “Book of Mysteries”... At one time there were theories (a significant part of which were sucked out of thin air ) that lunar craters are former cities and other artificial structures. We will not dwell on them, but the authoritative statement of the famous astronomer Sagan, made by him in the early 60s, is worth mentioning. The scientist believed that the cavities discovered under the surface of the Moon, one of which is 100 cubic kilometers (!), are quite suitable for the existence and development of biological species.

Secret Moon There are also giant luminous and moving objects discovered in 1963 by American astronomers, the dimensions of which are impressive: length 5 kilometers, width 300 meters. The Flagstaff Observatory recorded 31 such objects! And many smaller objects. However, back in 1968 (before the Apollo II flight), NASA itself published a reference book lunar anomalies, where gigantic domes, craters, walls, trenches, moving geometric figures of various “colors” and so on are mentioned appearing and disappearing, as if by themselves. A total of 579 unexplained observations are named, an analysis of four centuries of work with the Moon by scientists and amateurs. ABOUT geometric shapes was mentioned by the British astronomer Birt in 1871 in his own catalog of the mysteries of the Moon.

Thus, after the memorable “small step” of Neil Armstrong, the Moon became not closer to us, but much further away... Even more mysterious and enigmatic.