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Thematic physical education lesson in the middle group. Plot-based physical education lesson in the middle group

Lyudmila soft


story-based physical education lesson in the middle group"B"

Subject:« Animals, prick up your ears


Form correct posture and prevent flat feet. Strengthen the respiratory organs. Develop agility, speed, and the ability to navigate in space. Develop safe behavior skills in outdoor games.


Continue to improve children's motor skills and abilities. Learn to maintain stable balance and correct posture when walking over a limited area of ​​support, consolidate the ability to crawl on a bench, leaning on your palms and knees, repeat the ability to long jump on two legs (from hoop to hoop). Practice walking and running, coordinating the movements of your arms and legs. Teach children to coordinate movements with music, develop a sense of rhythm. Develop agility, speed, and the ability to navigate the space of the hall. In the game, follow the rules - run away at the signal.

To consolidate children's knowledge about living nature, to teach them to imitate the habits of animals in their movements. Continue to teach children to listen to poetry.


Cultivate the ability to overcome physical difficulties, cultivate patience, endurance, independence, interest in physical education classes, friendly relationships, love of the animal world.

Integration of educational regions: "Physical Culture", "Cognition", "Health", "Music","Fiction". "Safety"

Equipment: gymnastic bench, 4 hoops, 10 cm high cube, wolf mask.

I. Introductory part


Guys! Do you want to turn into animals and imitate their habits. And what kind you know the animals? (Children's answers). Well done. Let's imitate their habits. One-two-three, now you are animals!

So, little animals, prick up your ears, listen carefully. We'll make all the moves just great.

Methodical instructions (March around the hall at a walking pace! We walk beautifully, good wave of the hand, pull the toe, breathe through the nose.)

1.1. Walking in a column one at a time.

1.2. Walking on toes, hands on waist - "The fox is sneaking".(hands on the belt, back straight, looking forward.)

1.3. Walking on the outside of the foot - "bears waddle" in alternation with normal walking.

1.4. Jumping forward - "bunnies are jumping".("bunnies are jumping" jump easily, hands in front of the chest.

1.5. Walking, running in a column one at a time - "The wolf is trotting".(we run easily, our arms are bent at the elbows, we work with our hands, we breathe easily.)

1.6. Walking

1.7 Construction in three links.

II. Main part

1. Outdoor switchgear “Are you ready for winter?”

Over the rubble, through the ravines

The bear walked with a master's step.

Answer, animals, to me:

Are you ready for winter?

(Attention, we are reorganizing into 3 columns. Stay in place once or twice! Get even!

1. Mittens for a fox.

I. p. standing with feet width apart. 1 – bring your arms forward, 2,3 – twirl your hands, 4 – lower them. 5-6 times.

Yes, the foxes answered,

We knitted mittens

New mittens,

Warm, downy.

Get ready! Take the starting position! Start exercising with music!

(back straight, arms straight, twist your hands)

2. Squirrel in a hollow.

I. p. - the same. 1 – rise on your toes, arms up, 2 – and. p. 5-6 times.

- The squirrel looks from the hollow:

I saved some nuts.

My hollow is high,

It is both dry and warm.

(back straight, rise on toes, arms straight)

3. Beavers chop wood.

I. p. standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped. 1 – raise your arms up above your head, 2 – bend forward. 5-6 times.

The beaver shouted to the bear rivers:

I'm chopping wood for the stove,

Give me, Misha, just time -

Smoke will come out of the chimney.

(back straight, hands clasped, bend forward, do not bend knees)

4. And the hedgehog has mushrooms.

I. p. standing with feet hip-width apart, arms down. 1 – sit down, hands on the floor, 2 – stand up, etc. p. 5-6 times.

- A hedgehog crawled out of the leaves:

Have you forgotten about me?

Here in the bushes is my hut,

And in the hut there is a tub of mushrooms.

(squat down, back straight, knees to the sides, hands touch the floor)

5. Underground passage.

I.p. lying on your stomach, support your head with your hands. 1-2-3-4 – swing your legs back and forth.

Well, I answered the mole,

He made a move underground.

There with the kids in winter

We'll drink tea as a family.

(lie on your stomach, support your head with your hands, dangle your legs)

6. Felt boots for the bunny.

I. p. standing, hands on the belt. Jumping in place alternating with walking in place.

And we have felt boots,

The bunnies answered.

What do we need a blizzard and a blizzard?

If you want, Mishenka, try it on!

The bear walked around the entire forest

And he climbed into the den to sleep.

He will put his paw in his mouth

And he will have a sweet dream.

(we jump easily, on our toes, breathe through our nose)

Walking in a column of 1, changing into 1 link.

March on the spot!

The first link forward march!

Second link forward march!

Third link forward march!

2. ATS:

1. Walking on the bench, stepping over the cube, hands on the belt.

A fox is walking across the bridge

Wags his red tail.

I had a very nice walk

And she didn’t drop the item.

(See how to perform the exercise correctly. We stand on the edge of the bench, face forward, hands on the belt, walk along the bench to the end, step over the cubes, jump off correctly, move our arms back, swing our arms and jump. Land on our feet softly, arms extended forward.)

2. Crawling on a bench on all fours.

A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest,

He deftly crawls along the log. (crawl)

So as not to hurt your back,

There will be a bear here. (straighten up, raising your arms).

(Kneel down, your entire shin from knee to toe should lie on the board, rest on your entire palm, fingers spread wide and pointing forward, raise your head and look forward.)

(straighten up, raising your arms).

3. Jumping from hoop to hoop.

For carrots in the garden

The bunny jumps forward.

(We approach the first hoop with our legs in a half-squat, move our arms back, make a swing and so jump from hoop to hoop until the end.)

3. Outdoor game "Hares and the Wolf".

(Let's play a game "Hares and the Wolf".

The wolf is in the ravine, the hares are in the houses at the opposite end. To the words “bunnies jump, hop, hop, onto the green meadow.” They nibble the grass and listen to see if a wolf is coming. Hares jump out of the houses and scatter around the site. On word "Wolf!" The wolf comes out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch them, touch them, the hares run away. Hares run out at the words "hares gallop". You can return to your place only after words "Wolf"!

Get ready, start the game)

III.Final part

Line up one at a time

(They lined up in a column one at a time.)

Calm walking

Breathing exercise


The bunny bought a balloon, the bunny inflated the balloon.

(“Let’s go calmly "inhale" hands "up"- "exhalation" hands "down")

One-two-three now you guys!

You guys were great today.

When performing the movements, you tried to do them correctly, you were in a wonderful mood.

Who had the straightest back when walking on the bench? Who found it difficult to do the exercises? Guys, if someone didn’t succeed, what can we do (practice and next time everything will definitely work out?

Game-based physical education lesson in the middle group using health-saving technologies

Subject: “Animals, prick up your ears!”

Target: continue to improve children's motor skills. Be able to maintain stable balance and correct posture when walking in a limited area, consolidate the ability to crawl on a bench, leaning on your palms and knees, repeat jumping while moving forward. Learn to walk and run rhythmically. Form correct posture and prevent flat feet. In your movements, imitate the habits of animals. Develop agility, speed, and the ability to navigate the space of the hall. To foster independence, interest in physical education, friendly relationships, and love for the animal world.

Equipment: 2 gymnastic benches, 6 pins, 5 hoops, 8 cubes, a health track, a wolf mask, drawings of a hare according to the number of children, massage balls.

Bilingual component: salemetsiz be - hello, koyan - hare, kaskyr - wolf, ayu - bear, saubolynyz - goodbye.

Regional component: wild animals of the forests of the Kokpektinsky district.

Health-saving technologies : igroplasty, breathing exercises, self-massage, yoga exercises.

Parts of the lesson. Activities


Children's action

Organizing time.

Introductory meditation.

Music sounds, children enter the hall, form a line.

Hello guys!Salemetsiz be.

Guys, you're awake. Let's do a self-massage now, wake ourselves up and cheer ourselves up.

Meditation and self-massage “Good morning”

Good morning, little eyes!

You woke up? Yes!

Good morning, ears!

You woke up? Yes!

Good morning, nose!

Are you awake? Yes!

Good morning, cheeks!

You woke up? Yes!

Good morning, little mouth!

Are you awake? Yes! (they stretch out their lips, then smile broadly)

Good morning, children!

You woke up? Yes!

Today you and I will be cheerful little animals. What animals do you know? Who live in the forests of our Kokpektinsky district? What are these animals called in Kazakh?


Salemetsiz be.

stroke their eyes

pulling the ears up and down, rubbing, stroking the nose with the thumb and palms

lightly tap the cheeks with the pads of your fingers

clap their hands

Koyan is a hare, kaskyr is a wolf, and ayu is a bear.

Introductory part:

Different types of walking

One per column

Along the path of health

walking around the hall


- “The wolf is trotting” - running in a column one at a time

- “The snake is crawling” - running like a snake between objects.

- "The fox is sneaking " - walking on toes, hands on the belt.

- "Bears Waddle" - walking on the outside of the foot.

"Bunnies are jumping" - jumping forward.

complete tasks

Breathing exercises


The hedgehog is kind, not prickly,

Take a better look around.

1 - turn the head to the right - short noisy breath in through the nose

2 - turn your head to the left - exhale through slightly open lips.

restore breathing

Main part

1. Outdoor switchgear without objects

Yoga exercises


“Are you ready for land?”

Over the rubble, through the ravines

The bear walked with a master's step.

Answer me, animals:

Are you ready for winter?

Well, then, little animals, prick up your ears and listen carefully to what you are going to do.

1 “Mittens for the fox.” I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. 1 – bring your arms forward, 2,3 twist your hands, 4 – lower

(5-6 times).

- Yes, the foxes answered,

We knitted mittens

New mittens,

Warm, downy.

2 “Squirrel in a hollow.” " I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. 1- rise on your toes, up, 2- i.p. (5-6 times.)

- The squirrel looks from the hollow:

I saved some nuts.

My hollow is high,

It's dry and warm there.

3 "Beavers Chop Wood" . I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped. 1 - raise your arms up above your head, 2 - bend your torso forward. (5-7 times.)

- The beaver shouted to the bear from the river:

I'm chopping wood for the stove,

Give me. Bear, only time

Smoke will come out of the chimney

4 “And the hedgehog has mushrooms.” I.p. legs together, arms along the body. Squat, on the floor, stand i.p. (5-6 times)

A hedgehog crawled out of the leaves:

Have you forgotten about me?

Here in the bushes is my hut,

And in the hut there is a tub of mushrooms.

5 "Dance with me." I.p. legs together, arms along the body; rise on your toes, arms up; spinning on toes, spring 5-6 times

All the little animals are dancing together in the clearing.

6 “Felt boots for the bunny” I.p. standing, hands on the belt. Jumping in place alternating with walking in place 2 times.

do exercises


1 Walk on the bench, stepping over the cubes, hands on your belt, 2-3 times.

A fox is walking across the bridge

Wags his red tail.

I had a very nice walk

And she didn’t drop the item.

2 Crawling on a bench on all fours.

A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest,

He deftly crawls along the log.

So as not to hurt your back,

There's a bear here

(straighten up, raise your arms)

3 Jumping from hoop to hoop.

For carrots in the garden

Bunny jumps forward

(hands on the belt, jumping on two legs moving forward)

Children do exercises together

Musical rhythm game

"Hares and the Wolf"

play a game

Final part


- Children, you trained, played, are a little tired, hurry up and sit in a circle, let's make a smallmassage.

The guys gather in a circle,

And hedgehogs climb into your arms.

Hedgehog, hedgehog, you are prickly,

Ride between the arms.

The ball rolls, the palm smiles.

The children are trying, the hedgehog is rolling slowly. Suddenly he quickly ran, ran, ran.

He pressed his palm.

Look, the holes have become

And my palms are not tired.

1Massage of hands.

2. Massage of the right and left hand .

Roll the ball up and down, first on one hand, then on the other, lightly pressing on the ball (from the hand to the shoulder and back).

3. Foot massage.

Children again sit on the floor facing in a circle and stretch their legs. Massage first the right leg, then the left.

4. Back massage.

Children turn in a circle, kneel down and move closer to each other, so that each child reaches the back of the neighbor. Children give each other a back massage - roll the ball up and down, then in a circle. At a signal, the children turn in the other direction and massage their backs again.

Children take massage balls and sit on the floor in a circle. Quiet music plays in the background.


exercise "Hedgehog"

The hedgehog curled up into a ball and turned around again.

It's good for us to rest, but it's time to get up.

lying on the floor doing exercises

Lesson summary

Guys, how are you feeling? That's great. The animals from the forest gave you gifts.

Svetlana Borovskaya
Summary of a plot-game lesson in physical education for the middle group “Visiting Autumn”

Summary of a plot-game lesson for the middle group

"Visiting Autumn"

Tasks: contribute to strengthening the health of children and the formation of their most important motor skills and abilities, instill discipline, organization, teamwork and hard work, involve children in regular physical exercise, develop the ability to move in different directions without bumping into each other, develop orientation in space, repeat the signs of autumn with the children.

Inventory: paper maple leaves - two for each child, “puddles” of colored paper of different sizes, wheelbarrows (2 pcs., a hoop (2 pcs.), dummies of vegetables, a basket (2 pcs., balls according to the number of children, an arc 50 cm high (2 pcs., pictures of autumn, wind costume.

Progress of the event:

Autumn (instructor dressed as Autumn):“Hello, guys! I’m very glad that you came to visit me and I want to tell you a riddle:

Don't trust the warm sun -

There's a snowstorm ahead.

In a golden whirlwind

The leaves have flown.

It was I who came with the rains,

Leaf fall and winds. (Autumn)

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly.

Autumn:“I invite you for a walk in the autumn park. But be careful, guess why?

In September and October

There are so many of them in the yard!

The rain has passed and left them,

Medium, small, large. (Puddles)."

Formation in a column.

Normal walking along the path in combination with corrective walking: on toes, arms up; on your heels, hands behind your back; jumping, hands on the belt, “let’s jump over the puddles.”

Autumn:"A cold autumn wind has blown, let's play catch-up with it."

Running at an average pace, running randomly.

Breathing exercises while walking: “let’s blow like the breeze.”

Autumn:“Here we are in the park, how beautiful it is here, what colorful leaves! After all, I’m a sorceress and painted each leaf in its own color. Let’s play with the leaves.”

“I walk along the path and rustle the leaves.

The wind blows, blows, invites you to take leaves.”

Children take two sheets of paper and line up in multi-colored circles.

Outdoor switchgear with leaves:

1. I. p.: stand with legs apart, hands with leaves below.

1-2 - raising your arms up through your sides, rise on your toes, stretch;

“The leaves are reaching for the sun” (4-6 times).

2. I. p.: stand with legs apart, hands with leaves at the top.

1-2 - tilt to the right;

3-4 - tilt to the left.

“Leaves play with the wind” (4-6 times in each direction).

3. I. p.: o. s., hands with leaves behind the back.

1-2 - sit down, straighten your arms forward;

“Leaves play hide and seek” (4-6 times).

4. I. p.: sitting, legs forward, arms with leaves to the sides.

1-2 - lean forward, touch the leaves of your toes;

“The leaves touch the toes” (4-6 times).

5. Jumping in place on both legs, turning around, randomly swinging your arms with leaves. Alternate with walking (2 times 7-8 jumps).

Children put leaves in a basket.

Autumn:“But not only in the park and in the forest are signs of the onset of autumn visible.

I invite you to my garden. Guess my riddle:

The field is wet in the fall,

But the beets are ripe.

And in the September gardens

Lots of apples on the branches.

What are we collecting for winter?

What do we call it? (Harvest)."

Autumn:“Guys, can you help me harvest? First, I need to roll the watermelons home from the field. It’s hard to carry them, so we’ll roll them into the collars and keep up with the watermelons ourselves.”

Children line up in two columns.

Task “Ride a watermelon”:

You need to run to a basket with balls, take the ball, roll it through an arc 50 cm high, then crawl under the arc in a tuck, catch up with the ball and put it in the basket.

Autumn:“Well done, guys! But not only watermelons grew in my garden bed. Look how many different vegetables grew on it. They also need to be transported home. For this we will need wheelbarrows.”

Relay race “Transport the harvest”:

Children are divided into two teams.

At a signal, children with a wheelbarrow run to a basket of vegetables, put one vegetable in the basket, return back and unload the wheelbarrow.

Autumn:“What a great fellow you are, all the harvest is here! And I have another riddle for you:

Hundreds of birds, gathered in flocks,

During the autumn day they fly away.

And they fly there

Where it is always, always warm.

Birds, where are you in a hurry?

Tell our children! (South)."

Autumn:“Guys, what are the names of the birds that fly south in the fall?”

Children's answer: migratory.

Autumn:“That’s right. We have one game, you will like it. Let’s play the game “Birds of Migratory”.”

The birds are still flying south, they want to spend the winter

Where the sun is warm, it will be easy to wait for spring,

Only the wind interferes with them and knocks them off the road.

Progress of the game: according to the counting, choose a “breeze” and stand in the middle of the circle. Children walk in a circle, read the recitative, at the end of the text they run away, the “breeze” catches the one who stained him, he misses one game.


“The wind flew over the sea,

The wind counted the songbirds.

I counted every one of them!

And then I took the day off.

One two three four five!"

Autumn:“It was a very long and difficult flight, the birds need to rest.”

Formation in a circle.

Breathing exercise "Crow":

Raise your arms up through your sides - inhale.

Lower down through the sides, say “Kar” - exhale.

Finger gymnastics “Autumn Leaves”:

One two three four five,

We will collect leaves.

We will collect birch leaves, rowan leaves, poplar leaves, aspen leaves, oak leaves,

We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom.

Sedentary game “Branches, leaves, roots, trunk”.

Autumn:"Trees are tall and low. Their leaves are of different shapes. All trees are very different, but they also have something the same. What exactly? (Children's answers.) That's right, all trees have a trunk, branches, leaves, roots. Let's compare a tree and a person. The body is the trunk, the arms are the branches, the leaves are the palms, the roots are the legs. Let's play trees. I will name some part of the tree, and you will show it.

Our journey through the autumn park has ended. I say goodbye to you guys, but we will definitely see each other again. "

The children leave the hall.

Summary of a physical education lesson with a plot type in the middle group “Journey to a fairyland.”

Target: Preserve and strengthen children's health by improving all functions and systems of the body through physical exercise.Tasks: Educational objectives: Strengthen the ability to take the correct starting position when throwing from the shoulder with the right and left hand, at a horizontal target (basket); strengthen children's ability to crawl on all fours, resting on their palms and knees; exercise children in running and walking through the outdoor game “Bear the Bear in the Forest.”Developmental tasks: Develop agility, speed, flexibility when performing exercises through changing types of physical exercises.Educational tasks: Develop the beauty of movements, endurance, and the ability to play by the rules.Preliminary work: Meet the fairy-tale character Dunno. Reading Nosov’s work “Shorts from the Flower City”. Finger gymnastics “This finger went into the forest.” Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest.”Equipment: Christmas trees 10 pcs., 3 cones for each child, 1 tunnel, 1 basket, “stumps” 5 pcs., “airplane carpet”, gymnastic sticks according to the number of children, 1 “bear” mask.Principles: clarity, systematicity and consistency.

Structure and content of the lesson (schemes, methods of organization)



1. Introductory part

Arranging children in a semicircle

* *

* *

* *

Walking on toes.

Walking like a snake.

Slow running.

Walking through stumps with high knees.

Sit down, close your eyes.

1. Walk, maintaining good posture, holding a stick on your shoulder.

2. Walk in a circle, holding the stick with your hands above your head. Walk on your toes, look forward.

3. Walk on your heels, place a stick on your shoulder blades, straighten your back.

Outdoor switchgear complex with gymnastic sticks “Let’s collect the branches together”

1 .“Look at the twig above, look at the twig below.”


1.raise the stick up and look at it.

2. lower the stick down

2. “Bend down, lower the branch, bend over the branch you are holding in your hands.”


1. bend forward, lower the stick to the floor, do not bend your knees.

2. straighten up.

3.hold the stick with two hands bent at the elbows in front of the chest.

3. “Knee up, back and forth. Do it once, do it twice.”

I.P. - o.s., standing, feet shoulder-width apart.


1.raise one leg bent at the knee, touch the stick, then the other leg.

4. “We carefully squat down and place the branch forward.” IP - standing, legs parallel.


1.sit down - stick forward, back straight.

5. “They laid the branches together.”

IP - standing, feet shoulder-width apart.


1.put the stick on the floor.

6. “We jump and jump together, one, two, three.” IP - legs parallel.


1.jumping on two legs, feet together.

Walk, hold a stick on your shoulder. Put down the sticks.

Basic movements.


The method of organization is in-line.


The method of organization is in-line.

Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest” (walking and running in all directions).

m * * *

* *



Walking average


30 sec


30 sec

30 sec

30 sec

30 sec

30 sec

6 times

6 times

6 times

6 times

10 times

2 times

3-4 times

There's a knock on the door. (The postman brought a letter) Guys, a letter has arrived for us. Is this letter really addressed to us? Now let’s read the address: “Kindergarten, middle group – “Luchiki”. Was the postman mistaken? (Children's answers). Do you want to know what it says? (Children's answers).

Now I will read it to you. The letter came from a fairyland, and we will now find out who wrote it. So listen carefully:

“Hello guys, Dunno is writing to you. My best friend is in trouble. The evil Barmaley took Gunka to his place and hid him in a cave. Now I have no one to play with, I sit alone and am bored, and I don’t know how to help my friend. I heard that your group has brave and strong guys, so I decided to write you a letter. Please help me save my friend, I can’t do it alone. I’m really looking forward to it.” Dunno.

Guys, can we help Dunno? (Children's answers).

How can I help him? (Children's answers).

To help Dunno, you need to get to the fairyland as quickly as possible. And we will go through the forest. Are you ready to travel? (Children's answers).

Then let's go! Guys, who lives in the forest? (Children's answers). That's right, many animals live in the forest, so as not to scare them, we will walk on our toes, and in order not to get lost in the forest, we will follow each other.

Attention, walk on your toes, walk nicely with your back straight. Well done!

Guys, how are we going to behave in the forest? (Children's answers). Why? (Children's answers). There are Christmas trees growing in this forest, we go around them so that the branches do not break.

We walk nicely and don’t bump into each other.

And now we will go for a run.

We run at a slow pace, keep a distance while running, small steps, calm arm movements, arms bent at the elbows at waist level, shoulders slightly relaxed.

And here are the small forest stumps. Raise your knees higher and step over them.

We're almost there. Oh, someone is making noise, let's sit down, close our eyes and listen.

(Musical accompaniment sounds - birds singing in the forest).

Let's close our eyes, children.

Let's imagine that we are in a fairy tale.

We are like flowers

In a forest clearing,

We are warmed by the sun.

We're reaching up

Opening the petals

And gentle wind

It rocks us quietly.

And tender songs

The birds sing to us

And earthly juices

They give us strength.

Here comes the fairyland!

(I remove the screen, and there is a beautiful clearing on which Dunno stands).

Hello guys! I've been waiting for you, will you help me? (Children's answers).

Guys, yesterday there was a strong wind, it broke dry tree branches. Look how many branches and sticks there are in the forest, how can you and I go to save Gunka? (Children's answers).

That's right, we'll collect the sticks now.

They took the sticks over their shoulders and walked together.

The kids are walking well, carrying their sticks.

Everyone stands on their toes.

They walk again with sticks, everyone stands on their heels.

They began to raise sticks.

They began to lower the sticks.

They began to bend down together.

They began to straighten up together.

They began to raise their legs.

They began to lower the stick, they began together


And then get up. One - two - three - four - they put down the sticks together.

They began to jump and gallop.

They took the sticks over their shoulders.

They turned around together. We followed each other and took the sticks to their place.

Throwing from the shoulder with the right and left hand at a horizontal target

(Add to cart). You and I reached the narrow path that leads to the cave, but Barmaley covered it with cones. Guys, Dunno doesn’t know how to move on, what to do? (Children's answers).

Don’t worry Dunno, now the guys and I will clear the path and throw all the cones into a large basket.

When throwing with your right hand, you need to put your right leg back at a distance equal to approximately shoulder width, and turn your torso and feet slightly to the right. Move your hand to the side and throw (teacher demonstration).

Guys, we’ve reached the mountains, but how do we get into the cave? (Children's answers).

We need to crawl, and for this we will stand on all fours with support on our palms and knees and get to Dunno’s friend.

Attention, guys, we hear some sounds. (Gunka appears).

Oh! Hello Dunno, hello guys! You found me and saved me. Thank you very much! You are so brave and skillful.

Do you want to play with us? (Children's answers). We are already familiar with the rules of the game, let’s remember them. That's right, you can't push or touch the bear. Now let’s choose a driver according to the counting rhyme. Let's start, be careful.

Children go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries and sing a song:

"At the bear in the forest
I'll take mushrooms and berries!
But the bear doesn't sleep,
Everything is looking at us."

Well done guys, everyone is fast and clever.

And now we will walk through the forest and breathe the forest air.

And now it's time for us to return. But how will we get there?

Guys, Dunno and Gunka want to tell us something. Thank you for your help, Gunka and I really liked you, and we want to give you a “magic carpet” gift. If you say the magic words, the “magic carpet” will take you wherever you want. And the words are: “We count to five, magic carpet take us back 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 we return to the garden.”

Goodbye Dunno and Gunka, thank you for the gift, it was very interesting for you and me, but it’s time to go back. We count to five, the magic carpet takes us back. 1,2,3,4,5 we return to the garden.

Here we are back at kindergarten. It was a wonderful trip! Did you like it? (Children's answers). I thank you for helping Dunno and Gunka. And I’m proud of you for being so kind, brave, and dexterous!

Program content.

  1. Exercise children in walking and performing tasks at the command of the teacher.
  2. Repeat game exercises with running.
  3. Exercise balance while walking on a gymnastic bench.
  4. Develop children's flexibility; muscle strength; speed of reaction and dexterity of movements.
  5. Create a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: bun ball, cubes, bars, bench.

Progress of the lesson:

To the accompaniment of Russian folk music, children enter the hall in a column one at a time and line up.

A teacher comes out to the children with a kolobok (painted ball) in his hands and says: “Hello, children, do you know who this is? What fairy tale is he from? Who baked it? (Grandmother.) How did she bake it? (The children show how they baked kolobok) And the bun took it and rolled away from my grandparents. And you got me rolling too!”

Teacher: “Guys, let’s go look for him together.”

I main part

Children perform to cheerful, rhythmic music.

Educator:"Right! March around the hall at a walking pace!”

  1. Walking on tiptoes, arms up, back straight, not looking at your feet.
  2. Normal walking.
  3. Walk on your heels, hands on your belt, back straight.
  4. Normal walking.
  5. Walking with high knees, arms forward, toes pulled down.
  6. Normal walking.
  7. Let's run.
  8. Normal walking.

Turn down the music.

Educator speaks: "It's rolling kolobok further, and towards him a hare", we jump like bunnies, hands on the belt, legs together. (Children jump on two legs moving forward.)

Educator: "It's rolling kolobok further, and towards him a gray wolf", we run like a wolf with long strides, normal walking.

Educator: "It's rolling kolobok further, and a bear meets him", take the correct starting position, like me. Get up! Normal walking! (Children walk on their hands and feet "bearishly".)

Educator: Rolling, bun, the fox rolls towards him.” They stood on their toes and walked like a fox. And the fox is cunning and flirtatious! (Children walk on tiptoes, cross their legs, move their hands in front of them, as if flirting.)

Educator: “Here comes the bun, we caught you!” ( Take the bun in your hands.) “And now we’ll show you how brave, strong, dexterous and skillful the guys and I are!”

(Plant a bun.)

Educator:"Right! March around the hall at a walking pace! Form into 2 columns! We continue walking, stand still once or twice! All around!

Kolobok and the guys do exercises with a cube.

II part of outdoor switchgear

Educator:“I’m showing you the exercise! And you listen and no one repeats after me!”

Exercise 1: I. p – feet shoulder-width apart, cube in both hands below! One - the cube forward, two - the cube up, three - the cube forward, four - the starting position. (4-5 times.)


2. I. p – feet shoulder-width apart, cube in both hands, arms forward. One - turn to the right, two - the cube forward, three - turn to the left, four - return to the starting position. (4-5 times.)

Educator:“Accept the starting position! Start the exercise!”

3. I. p - feet shoulder-width apart, cube at the chest. one - sit down, bring the cube forward, two - rise, return to the starting position. (5-6 times.)

Educator:“Accept the starting position! Start the exercise!”

4. I. p - sitting, legs apart, cube in bent arms in front of you. For one - bend over and bring the cube forward, for two - straighten up and return to the starting position. (4-5 times.)

Educator:“Accept the starting position! Start the exercise!”

Educator:“Get up! Next exercise!

5. I. p - legs together, hands on the belt, cube on the floor. Jumping on two legs around a cube. Jumping – step around the cube (15 seconds) – jumping – step around the cube (15 seconds).

Educator:“Accept the starting position! Start the exercise!”

(The junior teacher comes up with a basket.)

Educator:“Guys, take your blocks and put them in the basket.”

The teacher sets up benches and bars.

Part III. Basic movements

Educator: Stand in one column. Today we will perform two main movements: walking on a gymnastic bench and jumping over bars. We will split into two teams. The first team with blue circles stands next to the bars, and the second team with red circles remains at the bench.”

1. Jumping over bars. (legs together, hands on waist).

2. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench.

Educator:“You need to walk along the bench, maintaining your balance, keep your head and back straight, turn around in the middle and walk further, get off the bench (do not jump) and return to your column.

Educator:“Well done! We’ve finished performing the basic movements, let’s change places.”

(The junior teacher removes the benches and bars.)

Outdoor game "Sly Fox".

Educator:“Well done! We have completed the basic movements. Let's stand in a circle! Kolobok, let's play the game “Sly Fox! Today the fox will be...” Then the teacher invites the children to ask the question: “Sly fox, where are you? "Sly Fox" raises his hand and says: "I'm here!"

All « koloboks» They scatter around the area, and the fox tries to touch them with his hand.

Kolobok: “Oh, I'm tired! Let `s have some rest!"

Educator:“I suggest you all lie down on the floor and close your eyes.

Relaxation (calm music is turned on).

Relaxation "Fairy Tale".

We will spread our arms, we are like birds.

We close our eyes and we will dream a fairy tale...

The ball will appear blue...

And little Mishutka...

The bright month is behind the mountain...

And a scarlet flower...

The petals are caressed by the wind,

The flower sways a little...

This is a fairy tale that children dream about...

Children relax...

Now the eyes have opened, the muscles are tense!

Immediately you feel vigor and strength in the body!

(Lying on your back, with calm speech accompaniment and pleasant, quiet music, complete relaxation.)

(Turn off the music.)

Educator:“Everyone got to their feet. Let's guys remember what exercises we did today? Which exercises were difficult for you? How should you walk on a bench? What game did we play?

Educator:“Kolobok, did you like it with us today?

Kolobok:“Yes, I really liked it. Thank you guys for playing with me today, showing how strong, brave and skillful you are. And it's time for me to go back. Goodbye, guys!"

Educator:"Goodbye! Come visit us again!”