“Angela Dorothea Merkel, née Kasner (German: Kasner), b. July 17, 1954, Hamburg - German politician, leader of the Christian Democratic Union party since April 10, 2000. Since November 21, 2005, Angela Merkel has held the post of Federal Chancellor of Germany after the victory of the CDU party she led in the early elections to the Bundestag in 2005. The first female chancellor in German history."

On the Internet I read shocking information about the birth of Angela Merkel. http://www.biblesearchers.com/hebrew...etemple5.shtml
Angela Merkel was allegedly born from the frozen sperm of Adolf Hitler, introduced by in vitro fertilization into the uterus of the younger sister of Hitler's mistress Eva Braun, Gretl. The operation was carried out by one of the founders of artificial insemination, one of the most ruthless war criminals, the German doctor Karl Clauberg.

“Karl Clauberg (September 28, 1898, Solingen – August 9, 1957, Kiel) was a German doctor who conducted medical experiments on people in concentration camps during World War II. He worked with Horst Schumann and conducted x-ray sterilization experiments at Auschwitz. Born on September 28, 1898 in Sollingen into a family of artisans. He served as an infantryman during the First World War. After the war, he studied medicine and eventually rose to the rank of chief physician at the Königsberg University Clinic. In 1933, Clauberg joined the NSDAP and the SS, and later became a professor of gynecology and received the title of SS-Obergruppenführer. In 1942, he asked Heinrich Himmler for permission to mass sterilize women for his experiments. Himmler approved this proposal, and Clauberg was transferred to Auschwitz in December 1942. The doctor was looking for an easy and cheap method of sterilization: he injected liquid acid into the uterus without anesthesia. Most of the subjects were Jewish or Gypsy women who suffered from serious injuries or infections. The ovaries were then removed and sent for research to Berlin. Sterilization using X-rays was sometimes used, which was often fatal. When the Red Army approached Auschwitz, he was transferred to Ravensbrück to continue his experiments there. In Ravensbrück he was captured by the Soviets. In 1948, he was sentenced in the Soviet Union to twenty-three years' imprisonment. Seven years later, under the terms of the agreement between the USSR and Germany on the exchange of prisoners of war, he was returned to Germany, where he boasted of his scientific achievements. After protests and complaints from Nazi victims and concentration camp prisoners, Clauberg was arrested again in 1955. Died in Kiel prison on August 9, 1957."

“In Russia, embryo freezing is part of the infertility treatment program using in vitro fertilization (IVF) for a married couple or a woman who wants to give birth “for herself.” It is possible to freeze embryos if a woman undergoing IVF has produced a lot of eggs and produced a sufficient number of good embryos.”

There is nothing fantastic in the hypothesis that Angela Merkel is the daughter of Adolf Hitler from a medical point of view.

But I had another hypothesis - whether Angela Merkel is the granddaughter of Adolf Hitler.
According to my version, which seems convincing to me, Adolf Hitler is the 6th son of Joachim (b. 12/17/1890 - d. 07/18/1920) of the German Emperor Wilhelm II (b. 01/27/1859 - d. 06/04/1941) and his wife Augusta Victoria (b. 10/22/1858 - d. 04/11/1921)
Joachim from his marriage to Maria Augusta, Princess of Anhalt (married 03/11/1916), had a son, Karl Franz Joseph (b. 1916 - d. 1975)
Taking into account the ten year shift, I think Hitler's son was born in 1926.

Let's see when Angela Merkel's father was born.
Angela Merkel's father, a Protestant pastor and director of a theological college, died on September 2, 2011 at the age of 85, i.e. he was born in 1926.

“Biographer Cornelius clarifies that the chancellor’s father, Horst Kasner, who was born on August 6, 1926 in Berlin, received the surname Kazmirchek at birth.” Considered a Polish Jew, but there is not much difference between Germans and Jews.

Of course, readers may think that I see symbolism everywhere, but look at the names of Merkel’s father: Kasner and kaiser - the German monarch.
Kazmirczek and Casimir - Saint Casimir is the patron saint of Poland.

I would not be surprised if the deceased Horst Kasner was the son of Joachim (Adolf Hitler) - Karl Franz Joseph, and Angela Merkel is the granddaughter of Adolf Hitler.