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Test: How Tatar are you? Tatar language tests for Russian speakers.

3rd grade. “Belem bayrame” themes. 1 option

A-1. Put it the desired letter:

Zhi...l, kochl..., ot...r, k...chkenә

a) ә; b) f; c) ө; d) ү

a) k ңgyrau; b) bugs; c) tәрәзә; d) synynif

Min ukytuchy... (kemgә?) chәchәk bүlәk ittem.

a) - ka; b) -ga; c) -dan; d) -ny

Balalar m ә CTә PCә baralar.

A-5. Choose the right word:


Bү lә to itә m.

A- 7. Insert the correct word:

Min kitapny... ukydym.

Alar d ores uky....

Chish... , sip... , with өrt... , kүrsәt...

A- 10. Choose correct translation: Nine books.

a) tugyz kitap; c) tugyz kitaplar;

b) sigez d әftәr; d) tugyzynchy kitap

Q- 11. Continue the sentence:

Sasha dictantan bishle aldy, h Onki...

3rd grade. “Belem bayrame” themes. Option 2

A-1. Enter the correct letter:

Bel...m, t...lim, b...lan, bet...rgech

a) ә; b) f; c) ө; d) ү

A-2. Choose a word with soft vowels:

a) to әеф; b) synynif; c) tact; d) bugs

A-3. Choose the correct ending:

Min ukytuchy... (by whom no?) boil.

but not; b) -ha; c) -dan; d) -ny

A-4. Choose the correct question for the highlighted word:

МәCTә P kүңelle music is awesome.

a) what?; b) n әрсәгә?; c) kaida?; d) kaidan?

A-5. Choose the right word:


a) blue; b) any; c) minem; d) without

A- 6. Find the correct translation: Telim.

a) love; b) wish; c) congratulations; d) I give

A- 7. Insert the correct word:

Sin misalny... chishtenme?

a) uz; b) earth; c) үzen; d) without

A-8. Insert the correct ending:

Without yakhsha, you're lost....

a) -syz; b) -lar; c) -m; d) -byz

A-9. Insert the ending of the past tense:

Yaz..., uky..., al..., bashlan...

a) -dy; b) -you; c) -de; d) -those

A- 10. Choose the correct translation: Eightь notebooks.

a) sigez dәftәrlәr; c) sigezenche dәftәr;

b) sigez d әftәr; d) sigez kitap

Q- 11. Continue the sentence:

Balalar mәktәpkә baralar, chөnki...

3rd grade. “AshkhanAdә” themes. 1 option

A- 1. Put the required letter:

Tәml..., pesh...kche, kәb...stә, dog...

a) ә; b) f; c) ө; d) ү

a) carabodai; b) salts; c) ash; d) kesal

Ashkha nә... (kayda?) bik tәmle pesherәlәr.

a) -dә; b) -тә; c) -dan; d) - yes

Kabestә ashy bik tamle bulgan

a) face down?; b) nindy?; c) kaida?; d)nәrsә?

A-5. Choose the right word:

Marat kitap... bashlady.

A- 6. Choose the correct translation: To the table

a) Ostәl yanyna; b) өstәl yanynda; c) өstәl yanynnan; d) Ostal aldynda

A-7. Choose superfluous word:

a) gөbәdiya; c) koymak;

b) kystyby; d) kesal.

Bu Guzal... kalagi.

a) - gә; b) -now; c) -neң; d) -dә

a) tyrysh - eshchen; c) kainar - salkyn;

b) yakhshy - әibә t; d) salkyn - suyk

a) Ashkhanәdә tәmle pesherәlәr;

b) Ash tәmle bulganmy;

c) Vitaliknyn talinkase bar;

d) Min d өge botkasy yaratam.

3rd grade. “AshkhanAdә” themes. Option 2.

A- 1. Put the required letter:

Chәkch...k, gob...diya, pilm...n,

a) ә; b) ө; c) f; d) a

a) koymak; b) katyk; c) sot; d) pylau

A-3. Choose the correct ending:

Min ashkha nә... (kaida?) ashyim.

a) - yes; b) -ta; c) -dan; d) -dә

A-4. Choose the correct question for the highlighted word:

Minem әniem mle Pesherә.

a) nindy?; b) face down?; c) kaida?; d) nәrsә?

A-5. Choose the right word:

Dasha botka... bashlady.

a) ashy; b) language; c) narrow; d) Ashley

A- 6. Choose the correct translation: From the table

a) Ostәl yanyna; b) Ostal yanynda; c) өstәl yanynnan; d) өstәldә

A-7. Choose the extra word:

a) g өbәdiya; c) tea;

b) juice; d)kesal.

A-8. Insert the correct ending:

Bu Marat... Kalagas.

a) -ka; b) -neң; c) - now; d) -ta

A-9. Find a couple of words with the opposite meaning:

a) tyrysh - yalkau; c) kainar - essay;

b) yakhshy - әibәt; d) salkyn - suyk

A- 10. Find interrogative sentence:

a) Ashkhanәdә tәmle pesherәlәr;

b) Botka bik tәmle;

c) Vitalikn yn kalagy yuk;

d) Sin soly botkasy yaratasy we.

3rd grade. “Kozge ulysh” themes. Option 1.

A- 1. Place the correct letter:

Yash...lchә, җ, chөg...der, yoz...m

a) ә; b) ө; c) f; d) ү

A-2. Choose a word with soft vowels:

a) bәrәңge; b) borych; c) karbyz; d) points

A-3. Choose the correct ending:

Without it, the white market... (what?) is a mess.

a) - yes; b) -dan; c)-ga; d) -ka

A-4. Choose the correct question for the highlighted word:

Ati bazarda Kavyn Aldy.

a) nәrsәdә? b) what? c) kaidah? d) kaidan?

a) avyl, bazaar, tavern;

b) chәchәk, zhimesh, өrek;

c) kava n, shalkan, karlygan;

d) th өzem, kөn, bәyrәm.

Bakchabyz bik matur.

a) blue; b) any; c) minem; d) without

a) points - tattles; c) yakhshy - әibәt;

b) points - achy d) җыly - essay

A-8. Find the correct translation: This melon is very tasty.

a) Tege kavyn bik tәmle.

b) Bu karbyz bik tәmle.

c) Bu kavyn bik tәmle.

d) Bu kavyn tamsez.

A-9. Choose the signs of autumn:

a) Agachlar yafrak yara, konnәp zhylyta.

b) Koyash kyzdyra, balalar su koena.

c) Salkyn lived isә, buran chiga, kar yava.

d) Salkyn yangyr yava, koshlar zhyly yakka kitә.

3rd grade. “Kozge ulysh” themes. Option 2

A- 1. Place the correct letter:

K...z, k...n, h...gender, y...zem

a) ә; b) f; c)ө; d) s

A-2. Choose a word with soft vowels:

a) arrived; b) borych; V) Kavyn; d) points

A-3. Choose the correct ending:

Ati bazaar... (kaidan?) bәrәңge alyp kaitty.

a) -nan; b) -dan; c)-ga; d) -tan

A-4. Choose the correct question for the highlighted word:

Bakchada faidaly yashelchәләр үсә.

a) what?; b) kaidan? c) nәrsәdә? d) kaidah?

a) avyl, bazaar, tavern;

b) h әchәk, җimesh, өrek;

c) kava n, shalkan, karlygan;

d) th өzem, kөn, bәyrәm.

A- 6. Choose the right word:

Bakchagyz bik matur.

a) without; b) blue; c) seasonal; d) minem

A - 7. Find a couple of words with the opposite meaning:

a) points - tәmle; c) achy - points

b) points - tattles; d) salkyn - suyk

A- 8. Find the correct translation: That watermelon is very tasty.

a) Tege karbyz bik tәmle.

b) Bu karbyz bik tәmle.

c) Tege kavyn bik tәmle.

d) Tege kavyn tәmsez.

A-9. Choose the signs of summer:

konnәp җylyta.

3rd grade. “Bezneң gailә” topics. Option 1.

A-1. Enter the correct letter:, әkr...n, җit...z, t...gә

a) ә; b) f; c) ө; d) ү

A-2. Choose a word with soft vowels:

a) uryndyk; b) h үkech; c) butts; d) kaichy

A-3. Choose the correct ending:

Bezne ң gailә... alty keshe.

a) - yes; b) -дә; c) -тә; d) -dan

a) babai; b) uryndyk; c) dogs; d) kitap.

A-5. Which words have the ending -lar added to them?:

a) apa, dus, car;

b) chәchәk, bit, әti;

c) uram, urman, buran;

d) t on, kon, bәyrәm.

P өstәmneң әbi... avylda yashi.

a) -sy; b) -se; c) -e; d) -s

A -7. Find a couple of words with the opposite meaning:

A) eshchen - tyrysh; c) yakhshy - nachar

B) points - tattles; G)җылы - essay

A- 8. Choose the correct translation: Ahead

A) өstandә; c) aldynda

B) astynda. d) artynda.

Our family lives together.

a) Bezne ң gailә kүңelle yashi.

b) Bezneң ga ili tattoo yashi.

c) Sezneң ili kүүңelle yashi.

d) Bezneң ilya tatu yashәde.

3rd grade. “Bezneң gailә” topics. Option 2.

A- 1. Put the required letter:

G...l,, s...yli, P...stәm.

a) ә; b) ө; c) f; d) ү

A-2. Choose a word with soft vowels:

a) abi; b) babai; c) kadak; d) kaichy

A-3. Choose the correct ending:

Әniem esh... son kaitty.

a)-dan; b) -тә; c)-kә; d) -ten

A-4. Choose the word that answers the question by whom?:

a) uryndyk; b) bugs; c) at; d) kitap.

A-5. To which words is the ending -nar added?:

a) apa, dus, car;

b) chәchәk, bit, әti;

c) uram, urman, buran;

d) t on, kon, bәyrәm.

A- 6. Choose the correct ending:

Maratny n abyi... Kazanda is ukiy.

a) -se; b) -e; c) -sy; d) -s.

A- 7. Find a couple of words with the opposite meaning:

a) eshchen - tyrysh; c) yakhshy - әibәt

b) tyrysh - yalkau; d) Qyly - essay


a) өstendә c) aldynda

b) astynda d) artynda.

A-9. Find the correct translation:

Rustam's mother came home from work late.

a) Pөstәmneң әnise eshtәn irtә kaitty.

b) Pөctәmneң әnise eshtәn son kaitty.

c) Pөstәm әnise eshtәn son kaitty.

d) Pөctәmneң әnise eshkә kitte.

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Tell us about your family (3 – 4 sentences)

3rd grade. “Kysh kilde” temas. Option 1.

A-l. Enter the correct letter:

Song...k, kug...rchen, r...khәt, җ...nlek.

a) f; b) ү; c) ө; d)ә

A-2. Choose a word with soft vowels:

a) yomshak; b) bәyrәm; c) hava; d) shugalak

A-3. Choose the correct ending:

Balalar kysh k one changy... shualar.

A-4. Choose the correct question for the highlighted word:

Timur cha ң gee yaryshyna bar.

a) kaidan?; b) nәpcәgә?; c) what?; d)kayda?

A-5. Find the word that answers the question nishlade?:

a) kitә; b) baralar; c) uynamadas; d) karshylads.

A-6. Choose the appropriate word:

Cha gybyz.

a) minem; b) without; c) any; d) blue.

A-7. Choose the appropriate phrase:

Min sine Yana ate bәireme belen.....

a) telim; b) karshylym; c) uynym; d) Kotlyim

A -8. Find the correct translation: Weather forecast

a) saf ha wa; c) hava temperature;

b) hava toryshi; d) kon ayaz

Four o'clock

a) sәgat durt; c) dүrtenche yarty;

b) dүrt sәgat; d) cәgat dүrtenche.

A-10. Choose the correct translation: Do you like skiing?

a) Ul cha gyda shuarga yarata.

b) Sin changyda shuarga yaratas yn.

c) Sin changyda shuarga yaratasynmy?

d) Sin chanada shuarga yaratas ynmy?

AT 11. Continue the sentence: Min b Ugen uramga chikmyym, chonki...

3rd grade. “Kysh kilde” temas. Option 2.

A-1. Enter the correct letter:

S...gat, b...yrәm, bүl...k, r...hmәt.

a)e; b)ү; c)ә; d)ө

A-2. Choose a word with soft vowels:

a) matur; b) hava; c) kүңelle; d) shugalak

A-3. Choose the correct ending:

Marat changy... bik osta shua.

a) -dan; b) -us; c) -ha; d) - yes

A-4. Choose the correct question for the highlighted word:

Timur cha ңгыYaryshynda katnashty.

a) kaidan?; b) nәrsәdә?; c) what?; d)kayda?

A-5. Find the word that answers the question nishlәmәde?:

a) kitm ade; b)bar; c) uynads; d) karshyly

A- 6. Choose the appropriate word:

Cha gysy.

a) minem; b) blue; c) any; d) without.

A-7. Choose the right one phrase:

Min blue I ate bәireme white.....

a) Kotlyim; c) uynym;

b) karshylym; d) telim;

A-8. Find the correct translation: Wind from the north

a) to ochle hil; c) hil isә;

b) hil k onyaktan; d) hil tonyaktan

A-9. Choose the correct answer:Eightb hours

a) sigez s әgat; c) sigezenche yarti;

b) sagat sigez; d) sәgat sigezenche

A-10. Choose the correct translation: I love skiing.

a) Min cha gyda shuarga yaratam.

b) Min timerayakta shuam.

c) Min chanada shuarga yaratam.

d) Min timerayakta shuarga yaratam.

B- 11. Continue the sentence: Kysh kone salkyn, lakin...

3rd grade. “Adәp tobe - matur gadәt.” Option 1.

A-l. Enter the correct letter:

K.. .she, k...chkenә, өch...nche, әtis...

a) f; b)ә; c)ү; d)ө

A-2. Choose a word with soft vowels:

a) awl; b) satuchs; c) kibet; d) uram

A-Z. Choose the correct ending:

Min әbi.... (who?) yaratam.

but not; b) -дә; c)-neң; d) -en

A-4. Choose the correct question for the highlighted word:

Min Laysannn dәftәr soradym.

a) who?; b) kemn?; c) who?; d) by whom?

A-5. Choose the correct ending:

Bakcha..., uku..., satu..., balyk...

A-6. Choose the right word:


a) any; b) abyen; c) abyisy; d) anyhow

A-7. To which words are the endings -nar/-n added?әр:

a) shәhәr, әbi, әti, mәktәp;

b) ury n, urman, isem, bәyrәm;

c) kysh, ayak, malay, alma;

d) өstәl, pesi, kosh, kitap.

A-8. Find the word that indicates positive quality person:

a) akyly; c) yalkau;

b) nachar; d) tartipses

a) Ani, bags bir!

6) Laysan, mina bulysh ale!

c) Mina ike dәftәr kirәk.

d) Apasy һәpvakyt bulysha.

B- 10. Continue the sentence: Sasha is a dark son, chonki...

3rd grade. “Adәp tobe - matur gadәt.” Option 2.

A- 1. Place the correct letter:

Eagle...k, bol...t, bor...n, yok...

a) o; b) a; c)y; d) s

A-2. Choose a word with soft vowels:

a) tattles; b) tanysh; c) tarbiyale; d) uram

A-3. Choose the correct ending:

M in babay.... (who?) yaratam.

but not; b) -us; c) - now; d) -en

Timur Milә ү shәdan kitap aldy.

a) ke mnәn?; b) who?; c) who?; d) by whom?

A-5. Choose the correct ending:

T ozү..., tag..., kotu..., biyu...

a) -chә; b)-che; c) -cha; d) -chy

A- 6. Choose the right word:


a) any; b) abyen; c) abyysy d) abyem

A-7. To which words are added the endings -nar / -нәр:

a) shә hәр, әbi, әti, mәktәp;

b) kysh, ayak, malay, alma;

c) ury n, urman, isem, bәyrәm;

d) өstәl, pesi, kosh, kitap.

A-8. Find a word that indicates a positive quality catcher:

a) akylsyz; b) tarbiyale; c) yalkau; d) nachar

A-9. Find a sentence with a polite form of address:

a) Mi ңa ike dәftәr kirәk.

b) Lily, let's go!

c) Oh, why not!

d) Abyem mina hәp vakyt bulysha.

B- 10. Continue the sentence: Dima babaiga bulysha, chөnki...

3rd grade p. “Tatarstan - minem Vatanym” topics. Option 1.

A-1. Put the required letter:

K...l, dә...lәt, k...bәlәk, ...rdәk.

a) ө; b)ү; c)ә; d)f

A-2. Choose a word with soft vowels:

a) Vatan; b) butt; c) kul; d) republic

A-3. Choose the correct ending:

Tatarstan... tabigate isitkech matur.

a) yes; b) -now; c)-ga; d) - yes

A-4. Choose the correct question for the highlighted one fishing:

Tatarstand zur shәhәrlәr, mathur avyllar kup.

a) face down?; b) nindy?; c) nәrsә?; d)kayda?

Tatarstan kyrlarynda arysh, boday hә m head culturelar... .

a) үсә; b) bar; c) chiga; d) yashi

a) minem apa n; b) blue; c) anyn mәktabe; d) beznen bakchabyz.

a) Yashi Kaza nd minem dusty; c) Kazanda yashi minem dusty;

b) Minem Kazanda with dusty yashi; d) Minem dusty Kazanda yashi.

A-8. Find the correct translation: Tugan tel

A) official language; V) native language;

b) Tatar language; G) Mother country

A-9. Find the end of the sentence: Yafraklar yashel tөstә, chөnki...

a) language hitte; c) shoo kilde;

b) to oz khitte; d) language utte.

My brother studies in the city of Kazan.

a) Minem apam K azan shәhәrendә yashi.

b) Minem Abyem Kazan shәhәrendә yashi.

c) Minem abyem Kazan shәhәrendә uky.

d) Minem Abyem Kazan shәhәrdә uky.

3rd grade. “Tatarstan - minem Vatanym” topics. Option 2.

A-1. Enter the correct letter:

Chishm..., dәүl...t, mill...t, sh...hәr.

a) f; b) ү; c)ә; d) ө

A-2. Choose a word with soft vowels:

a) kyrlar; b) tugan; c) phone; d) republic

A-3. Choose the correct ending:

Tatarstan...fayda ly kazylmalar bar.

a) -dan; b) -us; c) -ha; d) - yes

A-4. Choose the correct question for the highlighted word:

Tatarstan – zur hәм bye republic.

a) face down?; c) nәrsә?

b) nindy?; d) kaidah?

A-5. Instead of dots, put the required verb:

Bezneң shәhәr Kama elgasy buenda...

a) chykkan; b) bar; c) urnashkan; d) karshyly

A- 6. In which version was the mistake made:

a) minem apam; b) an yn mәktabem; c) blue; d) beznen bakchabyz.

A-7. Find a correctly constructed sentence:

a) Min Kazanda esh bulam; c) Kazanda bulam esh min;

b) Min bulam Kazanda esh; d) Yesh Kazanda min bulam;

A-8. Find the correct translation: Millәт

a) people; c) native language;

b) nationality; d) nation

A-9. Find the end of the sentence: Min rus kyzy, l Akin...

a) irtәgә minem tugan konem; c) Tatarcha kitaplar kүp;

b) Tatarcha Yakhshy sөйләшәм; d) tatarcha belmim.

A-10. Choose the correct translation:

My friend lives in the city of Almetyevsk.

a) Minem dusty Alabuga shәhәrendә yashi.

b) Minem dusty Әlmәt shәhәrendә yashәmi.

c) Minem dusty Әlmәt shәhәrendә yashi.

d) Minem dusty Әlmәt shәhәrdә yashi.

3rd grade. “Shәhәrdә һәm avylda” topics. Option 1.

A-1. Enter the correct letter:

Sh...hәr, t...bәnәk, m...ktәп, m...jdanchyk

a) ө; b) ә; c) ү; d) f

A- 2. Choose the correct ending:

P өstәm Baysar avyl... (kaida?)yashi.

a) -us; b) - yes; c) -ynda; d) -yn

A- 3. Choose the correct question for the highlighted word:

Alla shәһәre clean, mathur shәһәr.

a) nәrsә?; c) kaida?;

b) kaichan?; d) nindy?

A- 4. Choose the correct verb:

And idarnyn әbise avylda....

a) sike pә; b) үсә; c) yasha; d) kite

A- 5. Choose the right word:

Bakchada yashe lchәlәr үsterә.

a) tәrbiyache; b) bakchachy; c) more slowly; d) ukytuchy

A- 6. To which words are added the endings -lar / -ләр

a) shәһәr, әtәch, үрдәк, et, c) kysh, kolak, malay, kyyar;

b) өstәl, kosh, kitap, pesi; d) uram, urman, kon, ulan.

on the ninth floor

a) tugyzynchy kat; b) tugyzynchy yort;

c) tugyzynchy katta; d) utyzynchy katta

A- 8. Find the answer to the question: Sin nichęche yortta yashisen?

a) Min Challida Yashim. c) Min alty yorta yashim.

b) Min altynchy yort ta yashim. d) Min altynchy yorta yashәmim.

a) Bөgelmә; b) Ufa; c) Maskәү; d) Kirov

A- 10. Put the words in order and make a sentence:

1) minem; 2) ukytuchy; 3) bulk; 4) education; 5) Ashley

a) 1, 4, 2, 3, 5 c) 1, 3, 5, 4, 2

b) 2, 4, 5, 1, 3 d) 1, 5, 2, 4, 3

3rd grade. “Shәhәrdә һәm avylda” topics. Option 2.

A-l. Enter the correct letter:

T өz...che, tag...che, k...rshe, T...bәn Kama

a) ө; b)ә; c)ү; d)f

A-2.. Choose the correct ending:

Min Kazan sh әhәr... (kaida?) yashim.

but not; b) -дә; c) -endә; d) -en

A-3. Choose the correct question for the highlighted word:

Yar Chaly – Bik Mathur shәhәr.

a) nindy?; c) kaida?;

b) kaichan?; d) nәrsә?

A-4. Choose the correct verb:

Aidarny and abysys of Kazanda....

a) strong drink ә; b)үсә; c) narrow; d) kite

A-5. Choose the right word:

M әktәptә balalar ukyta.

a) t әrbiyache; b) bakchachy; c) more slowly; d) ukytuchy

A-6. To which words are added the endings -nar / -нәр:

a) sh әһәr, әtәch, үрдәк, et; c) kysh, kolak, malay, kyyar;

b) uram, urman, kon, ulan; d) өstәl, pesi, kosh, kitap.

A- 7. Find the correct translation: on the eighth floor

a) sigesenche kat; c) tugyzynchy kat;

b) sigesenche katta; d) sigez katta

A- 8. Find the answer to the question: Sin nichęche katta yashisen?

a) Min Challida Yashim. c) Min alty katta yashim.

b) Min altynchy katta yashim. d) Min altynchy katta yashәmim.

A-9. Select a city in Tatarstan:

a) Saratov; b) Almat; c) Maskәү; d) Ufa

A- 10. Put the words in order and make up a sentence:

1) atiem; 2) tozuche; 3) minem; 4) Ashley; 5) bulk

a) 1, 3, 2, 5, 4 c)1, 3, 5, 4, 2

b) 2, 5, 3, 1, 4 d) 3, 1, 2, 5, 4

3rd grade. “Yaz kilә, language kөlә” topics. 1st option.

A-l. Enter the correct letter:

K...mesh, b...җәk, k...lә, k...ndsz.

a) ә; b) ө; c)e; d) e.

A-2. Choose a word with soft vowels:

a) bakcha; b) canals; c) fade; d) and ptәsh.

A-3. Choose the right one ending:

Marat... (whom?) kulynda tashlar.

a) -ka; b) -us; c) - now d) -ta.

A-4. Choose the correct question for the highlighted word:

Koshlar zararli b өҗ әклә rne Ashyylar.

a) who?; b) nәrsәne?; c) nәrsәlәrne?; d) where?

A-5. Find the word that answers Kay's question?

A- 6. Choose the correct ending:

Aliya koshlar...ashata.

a) - yes; b) -us; c) -dan; d) -ha.

A-7. Choose a word that indicates a positive quality person:

a) t әrbiasez; b) adopple; c) saran; d) Adepses.

A-8. Choose the correct translation: Agach Bashynda.

a) agach - tree; c) tomshyk - beak;

b) b үlәk - gift; d) boҗәk - beast

A-10. Continue the sentence:

Mina yaz oshy, chonki...

AT 11. Choose the signs of spring:

a) Agachlar yafrak yara, kar eri, konnәp җylyta.

b) Koyash kyzdyra, hilәklәr peshә, balalar su koena.

c) Salkyn hil isә, buran chiga, kar yava.

d) Salkyn ya ңgyr yava, koshlar җyly yakka kitә.

3rd grade “Yaz kilә, language kөlә” topics. 2nd option.

A- 1. Place the correct letter:

B...lәk, k...ңelle, ...lәn, k...l

a) ү: b) ө; c) f; d) ә.

A-2. Choose a word with soft vowels:

a) bolyn; b) kadak; V)үлән; d) shatlyk

A-3. Choose the right one ending:

Concert... (kaida?) min shigyr with Oyladem.

a) -ka; b) -us; c) -tan; d) -ta.

A-4. Choose the right one special question for the highlighted word:

Min ә nigә bүlәk әzerlәdem.

a) who cares for me?; b) who?; c) nәrsәgә?; d) stone?

A-5. Find the word that answers the question okay?

a) urmanda; b) malaines; c) kibetkә; d) uramnan

A- 6. Choose the correct ending:

Koshlar zararly b bөҗәklәr...ashyylar.

a) - dә; b) -not; c) -dan; d)-gә.

A-7. Choose the word that indicates a positive quality of a person:

a) tarbiyale; b) beginning; c) saran; d) Adepses.

A-8. Choose the correct translation: A Gahartynda

a) under a tree; c) at the top of the tree

b) near a tree; d) behind the tree.

A-9. Find wrong translation:

a) agach - tree; c) court - worm;

b) bakcha - garden; d) chypchyk - skvorey.

A-10. Continue the sentence:

Mi na yaz oshy, lakin...

AT 11. Choose the signs of spring:

a) Salkyn ya ңgyr yava, koshlar җyly yakka kitә.

b) Koyash kyzdyra, hilәklәr peshә, balalar su koena.

c) Salkyn hil isә, buran chiga, kar yava.

d) Agachlar yafrak yara, kar eri, konnәp җylyta.

3rd grade. “Kechkenә duslarim” topics. 1st option.

A-l. Enter the correct letter:

Y...gerә, ...rә, k...tә, y...zә

a) ө; b) ә; c) ү; d) e.

A-2. Choose a word with soft vowels:

a) kurkak; b) akyly; c) kerpe; d) huҗа.

A-3. Choose the correct ending:

Aktyrnak... ayagy avyrta.

a) -ka; b) -us; c) - now; d) -ta.

A-4. Choose the correct question for the highlighted word:

Min Pthis isto me bik yaratam.

a) who?; b) nәrsәne?; c)nindy?; d) did you find it?


a) song; b) malaines; c) chәchәkne; d) ipine.

a) uram – street; VC oiryk – paw;

b) akyly – smart; d) muen – neck.

a) tәrbiasez; b) adopple; c) t Artipses; d) Adepses.

A-8. Choose the correct translation: Toevery day.

a) sәgat sayen; a) atna saen;

b) ate saen; d) to On saen

A-9. Choose the right word:

Azat b үgen mәktәpkә barmada, ... anyn bashi avyrta.

I want to play outside.

a) Minem uramga barasym kilә.

b) Sinen uramga chigasyң кілә.

c) Minem uramga chigasym kilә.

d) Minem uramda uinysym kilә.

3rd grade. “Kechkenә duslarim” topics. 2nd option.

A-l. Enter the correct letter:

Eshch...n, t...rbiyale, yard...mchel, t...rtiple.

a) ө; b) ә; c) ү; d) e.

A-2. Choose a word with soft vowels:

a) muen; b)kechkenә; c) punishment; d) bakcha

A-3. Choose the correct ending:

Marat Akmuen... bik yarata.

a) - ha; b) -us; c) - now; d) - no.

A-4. Choose the correct question for the highlighted word:

Karim Aktyrnakka ipi, ash birde.

a) by whom?; b) nishli?; c) nindy?; d) nәrsәgә?

A-5. Find the word that answers the question who?

a) etne; b) malaines; c) chәchәkne; d) ipine.

A- 6. Find the incorrect translation:

a) ur man – street; c) koyryk – tail;

b) shәһәr – city; d) muen – neck.

A-7. Choose a word that indicates a positive quality of a person:

a) saran; b) tartiple; c) tartipses; d) Adepses.

A-8. Choose the correct translation: Toazhdthis week.

a) sәgat sayen; a) atna saen;

b) ate saen; d) to On saen

A-9. Choose the right word:

Azat b үgen mәktәpkә barmada, ... өy eshleren belmi.

a) shu ңa үрә; b) lakin; c) chonki

A-10. Find the correct translation: To me I want to swim.

a) Minem yogerәsem kilә.

b) Minen ukyysym kil.

c) Minem yozesem kil.

d) Minem sikerәsem kilә.

AT 11. Write about your little friend (4 – 5 sentences.)

3rd grade. “Kүңelle җәay, yamle җәay” themes. Option 1.

A- 1. Place the correct letter:

K…b әlәk,…lәn, k…l, ch…lmәk

a) ә; b) ө, c) f; d) ү

A-2. Choose a word with soft vowels:

a) Chulman; b) fades; c) tuzganak; d) pechen

A-3. Choose the correct ending:

Sabantu y... (kayda?) kyzykly uennar үtkәrelә.

a) -ga; b) -us; c) - yes; d) - yes.

A-4. Choose the correct question for the highlighted word:

Alsunyn Anise bik tamle Ash Pesherde.

a) nindy?; b) nәrsә?; c) kaichan? d) nishlade?

A-5. Find the difficult word:

a) salavat kupere; c) kulyaulyk;

b) bala-chaga; d) karlygach.

a) urman – forest; c) elga – lake;

b) gyly – cold; d) kul - lake

Marat koyashta... .

a) strong drink ә; c) koena;

b) kyzyna; d) yozi.

A-8. Choose the correct answer to the question: Sabantui kaichan bula?

a) Sabantuy August aenda bula. c) Sabantui may aenda bula.

b) Sabantuy June aenda bula. d) Sabantuy koz kone bula.

A-9. Choose the right word:

Let's go, ... holidays baslands.

A-10. Find the correct translation: Babai chalgy belen pekan chaba.

b) Grandfather mows hay with a scythe.

c) Grandfather collects hay with a pitchfork.

d) Grandfather sweeps away a haystack with a pitchfork.

3rd grade. “Kүңelle җәay, yamle җәay” themes. Option 2.

A- 1. Place the correct letter:

Yash...nle, kүp...r, p...chәn, k...she.

a) ә; b) ө, c) f; d) ү

A-2. Choose a word with soft vowels:

a) golҗimesh; b) chalgy; c) tuzganak; d) borchak

A-3. Choose the correct ending:

Tәnzilә... әbise tәmle ash pesherde.

but not; b) -us; c) - now; d) -neң.

A-4. Choose the correct question for the highlighted word:

Bolynda matur kүbalәklәr ocha.

a) nindy?; b) kaida?; c) kaichan? d) nәrsәdә?

A-5. Find the difficult word:

a) җir җіlәge; c) әti-әni;

b) cheese; d) tashbaka

A-6. Find the wrong translation:

a) bakcha – vegetable garden; b) urman – forest; c) bolyn - river; d) bolyn – meadow

A-7. Choose the appropriate word: Balalar elgada su... .

a) siker әlәr; b) kyzynalar; c) koenalar; d) yөzәlәr.

A-8. Find the correct answer to the question: What about the holidays of the Kaichan Bashlana?

a) Җәйгe holidays maida bashlana.

b) during the June holidays.

c) It’s time for the holidays.

d) July holidays.

A-9. Choose the right word:

Җәљй җәй җїтте.

a) shuna kurә; b) lakin; c) chonki

A-10. Find the correct translation: Aby tyrma belan pekan җyya.

a) Grandfather collects hay with a rake.

b) Brother mowing hay.

c) Brother collects hay with a rake.

d) Brother sweeps away a haystack with a pitchfork.

Every Kazan resident has heard the words “echpochmak”, “skullcap” and Syuyumbike more than once. However, this knowledge is not enough to call oneself a real Tatar. Enter has prepared a test that will help you find out how deep the chuk-chak has penetrated into your heart.