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A lesson in courage in medical school with a presentation. What is "courage"? explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakova courage, calm courage, presence of mind in trouble, danger

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A Lesson of Courage Compiled by primary school teacher Marina Nikolaevna Barabanova MBOU Secondary School No. 4 g.o. Railway

Goal: To instill in students a sense of patriotism and love for the Motherland. Objectives: 1. To introduce students to the historical facts of the Great Patriotic War. 2. Show the heroism of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War. 3.Remember and memorize the main dates and events of the Great Patriotic War.

On June 22, 1941, at 4 o’clock in the morning, troops of the German army, violating the peace treaty, attacked our country. Adolf Hitler Beginning of the war

Operation Typhoon: 77 German divisions, more than a million soldiers, 1,700 tanks, 950 aircraft

Get up, huge country, get up for mortal combat...

Thousands of destitute people, tens of thousands of orphans, hundreds of thousands of killed and tortured...

Young and old stood up to defend their Motherland...

Soviet soldiers fought heroically against an enemy superior in strength and numbers. Many soldiers and officers were awarded the highest military awards for heroism and courage. Many cities where fierce battles took place were awarded the title of hero city.

CITIES - HEROES Moscow St. Petersburg Volgograd Novorossiysk Kerch Tula Brest. Fortress - hero Odessa Minsk Kyiv Sevastopol Murmansk Smolensk

Obelisk to the hero city of Leningrad

During the Great Patriotic War, Leningrad endured a 900-day siege. In January 1943, the blockade was broken in a narrow area along the shore of Lake Ladoga.

Leningrad is surrounded by blockade. According to Hitler's plan, the city was to be razed to the ground, and the troops defending it were to be destroyed. Having failed in their attempts to break through the defenses of the Soviet troops inside the blockade ring, the Germans decided to starve the city out. On September 13, artillery shelling of the city began, which continued throughout the war.

Road of Life During the blockade, supplies to the city were established along the “Road of Life” across Lake Ladoga. The Germans bombed and shelled the road, but they failed to stop the traffic. In winter, the population was evacuated and food was delivered. In total, about a million people were evacuated.

On January 18, 1943, the blockade was broken and the enemy was driven back from the city. The siege of Leningrad became the bloodiest blockade in the history of mankind. According to various sources, from 400 thousand to 1.5 million people died in the city over the years. Lifting the blockade of Leningrad.

On the battle lines of the defense of Leningrad, the “Green Belt of Glory” was created, including about 60 monuments.

Memorial to the Defenders of Leningrad

The ratio of armored vehicles at the beginning of the war to the end of the war

Conclusions: 1. We got acquainted with the historical facts of the Great Patriotic War. 2. We learned about the heroic past of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War. 3. We remembered and repeated the main dates and events of the Great Patriotic War.

Materials used:…

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation for the Courage lesson "Parade on November 7, 1941 in Kuibyshev"

This presentation contains unique photographs of the parade in Kuibyshev, the main significance of which was to show the whole world that the army is in good fighting shape...

presentation for the lesson of courage "Siege in Leningrad"

Objectives: 1. Acquaintance with one of the heroic pages of the history of our country - the events of the siege of Leningrad.2....

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February 17 – a single lesson of Courage This date is dedicated to the heroes of our modern Russia. Heroism, honor, willpower, indifference - these are the qualities that characterize the civic position of an individual and receive public recognition in modern Russia.

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The purpose of the courage lesson is to develop students’ ideas about responsible civic behavior of children and youth using examples of courageous actions of their peers

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Objectives of the lesson: Motivating students to show a caring, responsible attitude towards various life situations. Involving students in socially useful activities, using examples of caring Russians. Increasing the cognitive interest of students in socially significant social activities aimed at developing a positive attitude towards others who need help.

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In 2007, at the initiative of the President of the country Vladimir Putin, a change was made to the federal law of the Russian Federation “On days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia”, according to which the day of honoring the Heroes of modern Russia in our country was set on December 9 - the Day of Remembrance of the Heroes of the Fatherland. This date is dedicated to an outstanding event during the reign of Empress Catherine II, who in 1769 established the Order of St. George the Victorious.

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Hero of the Russian Federation is a state award of the Russian Federation - a title awarded for services to the state and people associated with the accomplishment of a heroic feat. The Hero of the Russian Federation is awarded a sign of special distinction - the Gold Star medal.

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The first person awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation was the head of the Lipetsk center for combat training and retraining of flight personnel, Aviation Major General Sulambek Susarkulovich Oskanov. He was awarded the high title by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 384 of April 11, 1992 (posthumously). While performing a flight mission on a MiG-29 aircraft on February 7, 1992, a technical failure occurred, and General Oskanov, at the cost of his life, prevented the plane from falling on a populated area. The widow of S. S. Oskanov was awarded the Gold Star medal No. 2, because the Russian leadership decided that Hero of Russia No. 1 should have been alive.

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The Gold Star medal No. 1 was awarded to pilot-cosmonaut Sergei Konstantinovich Krikalev for performing a long-term space flight at the Mir orbital station. The title of Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded to him by decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the same day (April 11, 1992), but by a later decree (No. 387).

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According to available data, the total number of recipients (as of December 26, 2013) is 1,006 people, of which 460 were awarded posthumously.

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Among those awarded the title are cosmonaut pilots, military personnel, participants in the Great Patriotic War and other military operations, test pilots, athletes, intelligence officers, scientists and many others.

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Sergei Aleksandrovich Solnechnikov Born on August 19, 1980, in Potsdam, died on March 28, 2012, in the Amur region - a Russian officer, major of the signal forces, who at the cost of his life saved the soldiers subordinate to him in the explosion of a military grenade. Hero of the Russian Federation (2012).

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On April 2, 2012, S. A. Solnechnikov was buried with military honors at city cemetery No. 2 in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region, where his parents and sister live. On April 3, 2012, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Major S. A. Solnechnikov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) for heroism, courage and dedication shown in the performance of military duty.

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On April 2, 2012, the Duma of Blagoveshchensk decided to name one of the streets of the new quarter of the city after Sergei Solnechnikov. On April 24, 2012, a memorial stele to Major Sergei Solnechnikov was unveiled in Belogorsk. On May 7, 2012, a slab with a star was installed on the Walk of Fame in Belogorsk in memory of the Hero of Russia, Major Sergei Solnechnikov.

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Major Sergei Solnechnikov accomplished his feat exactly ten years after the same feat of Hero of Russia Sergeant S. A. Burnaev. On March 28, 2002, during a special operation in the city of Argun, Chechen Republic, Sergei Burnaev covered a grenade thrown by militants with his body and died in the same way, protecting his comrades.

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Andrey Alekseevich Turkin (October 21, 1975, Orsk, USSR - September 3, 2004, Beslan, North Ossetia - Alania, Russia) - officer of Directorate "B" (Vympel) of the Special Purpose Center of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation , a lieutenant who died during the liberation of hostages during the terrorist attack in Beslan. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

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Together with the Vympel group, Turkin arrived in the city of Beslan in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, where on September 1, 2004, a group of 32 terrorists captured over a thousand children and adults in school building No. 1.

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After explosions occurred on the third day in the gym where most of the hostages were kept, causing a partial collapse of the roof and walls of the gym, the surviving people began to scatter. Andrei's assault group received orders to storm the building, as the militants opened fierce fire on the hostages. Even at the beginning of the assault, Turkin was wounded when, as part of his unit, under heavy fire from militants, he burst into the school building, but did not leave the battle.

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Covering the rescue of the hostages with fire, Lieutenant Turkin personally destroyed one terrorist in the dining room, where the militants had driven many of the hostages who survived the explosions in the gym. When another bandit threw a grenade into a crowd of people, Andrei Turkin covered them with his body, saving the hostages at the cost of his own life.

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We shouted not to shoot, that there were hostages here. Then the Alpha men knocked out the grate and jumped into the dining room. A militant named Ibrahim jumped up from behind the stove and threw a grenade shouting “Allah, Akbar.” There was an explosion and my leg was crushed by a shrapnel. The Alpha man jumped on us and covered us with himself. Then they started saving us. I didn’t see that my leg was bleeding, I tried to get up and felt that my leg had collapsed under me. I fell, but still continued to crawl. Then they pulled me out. (Nadezhda Badoeva, hostage rescued by Andrei Turkin.)

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For the courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special task, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 6, 2004, Lieutenant Andrei Alekseevich Turkin was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (medal No. 830).

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Young heroes of the Second World War - Lenya Golikov, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Valya Kotik - the names of these heroes became a symbol of the era, a symbol of courage and bravery. Their exploits are glorified by poets and writers, they are talked about in textbooks and cited as an example to the younger generation. And this is absolutely correct. But a reasonable question arises: are there really no heroes in our Great Fatherland? Why do we hear the same names from our great past and almost never hear the names of our heroes and contemporaries?

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No, heroes have not disappeared in Russia. There are no fewer heroes in our Great Fatherland. But they began to talk less about their exploits, and more often remained silent. They, these heroes, are very young. These are children. But their age did not prevent them from performing a heroic act when it became necessary. Two boys, 7 and 12 years old, became the youngest holders of the Order of Courage. Zhenya Tabakov and Danil Sadykov are heroes of our time.

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ZHENYA TABAKOV Zhenya Tabakov’s feat was discussed in the “Open Studio” program on Channel 5. The youngest hero of Russia. A Real Man who was only 7 years old. The only seven-year-old recipient of the Order of Courage. Unfortunately, posthumously. The tragedy took place on the evening of November 28, 2008. Zhenya and his twelve-year-old older sister Yana were alone at home. An unknown man rang the doorbell and introduced himself as a postman who allegedly brought a registered letter. Yana did not suspect anything was wrong and allowed him to come in. Entering the apartment and closing the door behind him, the “postman” took out a knife instead of a letter and, grabbing Yana, began to demand that the children give him all the money and valuables. Having received an answer from the children that they did not know where the money was, the criminal demanded that Zhenya look for it, and he dragged Yana into the bathroom, where he began to tear off her clothes. Seeing how he was tearing off his sister’s clothes, Zhenya grabbed a kitchen knife and, in desperation, stuck it in the criminal’s lower back. Howling in pain, he loosened his grip, and the girl managed to run out of the apartment for help. In a rage, the would-be rapist, tearing the knife out of himself, began to thrust it into the child (eight puncture wounds incompatible with life were counted on Zhenya’s body), after which he fled. However, the wound inflicted by Zhenya, which left a trail of blood behind, did not allow him to escape the pursuit. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 20, 2009. For the courage and dedication shown in the performance of civic duty, Evgeniy Evgenievich Tabakov was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. The order was received by Zhenya’s mother Galina Petrovna.

  • What was he like?
  • Why did Germany attack the Soviet Union? (enslave, destroy, break, subjugate).
  • When did the Great Patriotic War begin? (June 22, 1941).


Do not be a slave to the Fatherland,
And we shouldn't be slaves
For the happiness of a free life
Don't mind laying down your heads!
Hence our fearlessness
It's getting started.
Our hatred is sacred
Reckoning is coming!
There is no more beautiful country than our native one,
Happiness is to serve you.
Let's go, we despise death,
Don't die, but live!
Evgeny Bereznitsky.

This is one of the pages in the calendar, painted black. And the other sheet is red with a victorious salute. And on this piece of paper, what is the date?( May 9, 1945)

That's what they're called. Day of Remembrance and Sorrow (attack of Nazi Germany and Victory Day of the Soviet people).

Two days of the calendar. And between them lay Long miles of Victory.


Before our Motherland
We will be considered glory
All who have their own blood
He became related to her.
There was a great war
There was a bloody war going on
One thousand four hundred and eighteen days.

It was done by us
Everything in the name of the Motherland,
And we will also serve
To your homeland.
We can do everything now
If we have passed 1418 days.(

During the war it was carried out ( 6 giant battles about 40 offensive operations.)

Heroes of the Soviet Union.

  • Why do you think they became heroes? (performed a feat) what? But not only people became heroes, cities also became heroes.

City heroes

  • What city heroes do you know? Why?

Student 1.
- The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941 and ended with the victory of our people on May 9, 1945. Our people achieved victory at a high price. For almost four years, 1418 days, the war raged. These were years of hardship, grief, and hard work. Cities and villages were devastated, fields were scorched, the dreams and hopes of the Soviet people were cut short. Boys and girls left for the Front as soon as they finished school. It is generally accepted that only men fought courageously at the front. This is far from true! During the Second World War, many Russian girls and women fought courageously at the front.

More than 7 million people died in Russia. At the same time, these were years of courage and selfless love for the Motherland.

The Motherland highly appreciated the exploits of Soviet soldiers, awarding them orders and medals, and awarded them the title

Student 2.:
- After the Second World War, Afghanistan, which had the status of a neutral state, was actually in the sphere of Soviet influence. The decision to send troops to Afghanistan was made on December 12, 1979. February 15, 1989 was the day when the count of losses of our soldiers, officers, and employees ended. And the result is sad. More than 13 thousand mothers and fathers did not wait for their sons, they did not hear: “Mom, I have come...” The absolute majority of the “limited contingent” in Afghanistan were young people who went to war almost from school. People who had almost no life experience suddenly found themselves in a foreign country, in an unusually hostile environment, in extreme circumstances.

Student 3.: Kuimov
- The war in Afghanistan ended for our soldiers, but already in December 1994 a new, no less bloody war began in Chechnya. We know a lot about this war, but there are episodes that we will never know about. Our soldiers died in this war - 18-20 year old boys who had recently studied in our schools, whom perhaps some of us knew.”

- the heroes of these wars and their loved ones are among us, our population. Let's remember them.
(passing a lighted candle, students show a photo and tell previously prepared information about soldiers of different wars).

- It’s impossible to tell about them all at once, but the memory of them is alive. What did the mother feel when she lost her son? Woe, grief, grief and loss! You can’t forget his eyes, his smile, his tears, his joyful laughter and waving. Attention to the screen.

IV. Teacher:

Throughout the centuries-old history of our Motherland, the people valued above all else loyalty to the Fatherland, the courage and bravery of heroes fighting for the triumph of goodness and justice. Oral folk art reflected ideas about the ideal of MAN. What are they? Remember Russian epics, heroic tales...

Presentations by pre-prepared students.

They tell how, in the fight against evil in Russian folk tales, a simple peasant son, even not the best among his brothers, becomes a handsome man, since he showed courage, bravery, resourcefulness and courage, dexterity and cunning. The beauty of a hero lies in his modesty, kindness, selfless service to the people, and his readiness to sacrifice his life at any moment for the sake of people’s happiness.

-What helped you survive? (support from comrades, advice)

-Why do you think the hero of the ballad remained alive? What helped him?

-What character traits did people show during the war?


The highest manifestation of human beauty is expressed in concern for the prosperity of one’s Motherland, in readiness to stand up for its defense at any moment. Loving the Motherland means being proud of its achievements, being useful to your people, fighting everything that prevents us from living. The readiness for heroism depends on what interests a citizen lives by, how he participates in solving even small but socially valuable tasks.

3. Continue the conversation.

Work in pairs : Think and answer the questions:

Students discussing questions.

Guys, is it possible to show courage not only in war? How to do this? Can you give examples?
(students’ response, including examples of children who are heroes saving their peers, who are featured in the news)
- Now I suggest you divide into groups and develop a plan that will provide real practical assistance to veterans and all those who need it. In this way we can become closer to these people and be useful:
1. Preparing gifts.
2. Carrying out the campaign “Clean House”, “Clean Yard” (help with cleaning).
3. Campaign “Joy to the Home” (visiting veterans, congratulations).
4. Organization of meetings of veterans.
5. Creation of a school Internet museum “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!” (including information and photos about veterans of all wars, drawings and essays by students on patriotic education and about heroes, photos and reports of events held as part of the action).
V. Summing up.
- Guys, tell me, what do you remember most from today’s lesson? What conclusions have you drawn for yourself?
(students' answer)
- There was a war, there was a victory. And for the fact that our boys know about the war only from hearsay, we can also say thank you to our veterans who experienced all the hardships of the war and survived, winning victory.

Monuments of Novoaltaysk

The young city of Novoaltaisk has its own memorable places. This is the Memorial Complex of “Sorrow and Glory”. This is a monument to our soldiers who died during the terrible World War II. A square dedicated to the memory of Hero of the USSR I.I. Grigorieva. Memorial stele of Novoaltaisk containing a message to descendants. Bust of the founder of the local history museum - honorary citizen of Novoaltaisk - Marusin Vasily Yakovlevich - holder of the Order of Lenin. Vasily Marusin often organized search trips, from where he brought exhibits for the museum. All materials collected by Marusin became the basis of the museum collection in Novoaltaisk. There are also sculptural compositions carved from wood in Novoaltaysk. They decorate the squares and parks of the city, reflecting the culture and beliefs of the peoples who lived in these areas at different times.

The memorial complex to Novo-Altai soldiers who died during the Second World War is located on the central square of the city. Opened on November 3, 1967. Authors: Novo-Altai artists V.F. Stvolov and I.F. Affectionate. The obelisk is pyramidal in shape in the form of a 12-meter stele soaring high. The obelisk contains bas-reliefs that testify to the life of the country during the war years: depicting soldiers taking the oath, soldiers going into battle on the one hand, home front workers on the other. In the center there is an inscription: “To the Novo-Altai warriors who gave their lives for their Motherland in the harsh days of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” On November 6, 1973, the Eternal Flame was lit at the Obelisk of Sorrow and Glory and pylons with memorial plaques were installed. The right to light the Eternal Flame was granted to Hero of the Soviet Union, Honorary Citizen of the city, Andrei Zemlyanov. Initially, 756 names were listed on the memorial plaques. Since then, the mournful list has been supplemented several times.

A square dedicated to the memory of Hero of the USSR I.I. Grigorieva

Grigoriev, Ivan Ivanovich

Grigoriev, Ivan Ivanovich

(1922 - 05/08/1945) - attack pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union (1945), guard senior lieutenant. Participant of the Great Patriotic War from June 1943. Fought as part of the 93rd Guards. Shap, was the squadron commander. He made 155 attack sorties and shot down 5 enemy aircraft in 31 air battles. Killed in battle. The bust was installed in Novoaltaisk.

Reader 6:

On an old stone the color of an overcoat cloth -

Flowers on the eve of summer, like orders.

Posthumous awards to those killed in the war.

Victory parades thunder throughout the country.

The flowers look alive, naive and tender.

They don't need world wars and bombs.

They are quietly singing words that are not about war.

About the day before yesterday, untouched by the war.

About the hearth at home, insomnia in the spring.

And the world lives at the risk of becoming dead ash.

And copper mourns, rejoicing, over the century, over the earth.

And over the stones the color of greatcoat cloth,

Where on the eve of summer flowers are like medals.

All over our long-suffering land, in cities and villages, on the sides of roads, we see mass graves, majestic monuments and just small slabs.

Wherever you go or go,
But stop here -
To the grave this way
Bow down with all your heart,
For both you and me
He did everything he could...
He did not spare himself in battle,
And he saved his homeland.
- And loyalty and courage,
And sorrow at the conflagration
You fell for your Motherland,
You are with us, comrades.
We'll be the same
In any test
We swear!
We swear a minute of silence.

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“Presentation for a lesson in courage “On civic duty, courage and heroism””

A lesson in courage “On civic duty, courage and heroism”

Prepared by a primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 15


Noskova Natalya Mikhailovna

Courage is not fashion Fast, fleeting, Courage is the essence of a man, Durable, long, eternal. If a seed of courage Makes friends with the soil. Will ripen at the time of ripeness A grain of grain is an ear of courage. .

Our Great Victory is 69!




Long miles of Victory

  • 6 giant battles
  • about 40 offensive operations.

  • How can you prepare yourself for a feat?
  • In what situations have you had to show courage?
  • How do you develop your will, determination, courage?
  • How does your love for your Motherland manifest itself?


Our native land can do anything! He can feed you warm and tasty bread, give him spring water to drink, and delight you with his beauty. And she just cannot protect herself... Therefore, protecting the Fatherland and native land is the duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water, and admire its beauty. Over the course of many centuries, Russian people have had to defend the freedom and independence of their Motherland more than once. The people remember their legendary guardian heroes: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich. Throughout the centuries, the good memory of the Russian warrior has remained and lives on to this day, as the most courageous, fearless, honest, devoted to the Fatherland, and faithful in friendship. The Russian prince Igor Svyatoslavovich and the bravery of the soldiers of his squad are preserved and told in the Russian epic The Lay of Igor's Campaign. And again in 1830, the army of Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy defeated the Tatar-Mongol hordes on the Kulikovo Field.

The great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy spoke about the feat of soldiers and the Russian nobility during the Patriotic War of 1812 in his novel War and Peace. But the Russian soldiers did not rest from military affairs for long. Forty-one! June. A year and a month of national struggle. Even with the dust of time this date cannot be delayed. The country rose and went to the front in droves, Carrying Kumache stars on the banners.

The dead for two and a half thousand kilometers are killed per kilometer, 22 people for every two meters of land killed in days is daily, 800 people per hour, 30 people every minute... dead in relation to the entire population of those years. This means: every sixth resident of our country died during the war. The soldiers fought for peace and dreamed of the future in the respites between battles, in cramped dugouts and cold trenches. They believed that the world, saved from fascism, would be beautiful. And this faith gave them strength, gave them faith, hope. Made them more courageous. The Great Patriotic War ended... But the wars did not end.

The war in Afghanistan continued for ten terrible years. Officially, this was called fulfilling an international duty. We all know how many of our guys died on Afghan soil. They fulfilled their duty with honor, but did those who sent them to this war fulfill their duty to them? The war in Afghanistan has ended, but mothers are again awake, seeing off their sons to serve in the army. More and more hot spots are flaring up on the map of our country, and among them is the word Chechnya, which has become scary for many. Russian soldiers who returned from the Chechen war brought with them a renewed love for the Motherland. They to some extent returned to us the high concept of patriotism, courage, and military duty.

Let's summarize: The main character of Russian epics is the Bogatyr. The most famous names of the epic heroes - Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich The ancient name of the Russian army - army The main battle of the Patriotic War of 1812 - the Battle of Borodino The greatest of wars - the Great Patriotic The most valiant army - Russian The law on the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day was adopted in 1995 The most courageous people are RUSSIANS.

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A lesson in courage Compiled by Gazeeva G.V. - class teacher of the 9th grade at the MBOU “Tetyushskaya Secondary School No. 1 named after. Khanzhina P.S.” 2013

Our homeland is the cradle of heroes, a fiery forge where simple souls melt, becoming strong as diamond and steel. (A.N. Tolstoy)

Over the course of many centuries, our country has repeatedly been exposed to mortal danger. But the great people survived. In the battles for his native land, he showed unsurpassed examples of courage and courage. The people have not forgotten their heroes. He carried the memory of their glorious exploits to this day.

The preservation of the Russian land from misfortune in the east, famous feats for faith and land in the west gave Alexander a glorious memory in Rus', made him the most prominent historical figure in our ancient history from Monomakh to Donskoy May 30, 1220 - November 14, 1263 Alexander Nevsky Releasing home those captured in The captivity of the knights told them: “Go and tell everyone in foreign lands that Rus' is alive. Let them come to visit us without fear... But if anyone comes to us with a sword, he will die by the sword. This is where the Russian land stands and will stand.”

The Russian people have long been peace-loving, but when danger loomed over them from external invaders and enslavers, they rose up and beat the enemy mercilessly

Our people have developed many glorious traditions. And one of the traditions is the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Today we call this day Defender of the Fatherland Day - February 23.

After the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution, foreign imperialists could not come to terms with the existence of the Soviet Republic. They were preparing an attack on the world's first Soviet country. The Council of People's Commissars issued a decree that stated: “The New Workers' and Peasants' Army is being created from the most conscious and organized elements of the working people!” Its ranks grew and strengthened. In February 1918 Red Army detachments near Narva, Pskov, and Ravel stopped the advance of the German occupiers. In memory of the heroic day, February 23 began to be celebrated by the Soviet people as the birthday of the Red Army.

You were not born in the days of ceremonial marches, chasing a step along the echoing pavement. In the stirrups in front of you, the field marshal did not stand up with his hand raised. Your birth, this is what it is like: ... the cloth of the greatcoats was burned through, there was a shrapnel howl around the snowstorm, the frost forged the old shoes. In your ranks, with an old man with a mustache and with a sailor who had seen death more than once, a young man walked with the gait of a soldier, wearing an overcoat, sweeping up snow and dirt. ... it was February, the dawn behind the ridge of the forest seemed not to want to dawn. ... and this day became your birthday. (N. Ageev)

1941-1945 The soldiers of the Soviet Army and Navy shed a lot of blood defending their homeland. The Russian people, with their persistent character and unbending will, drove out enemies from their native land in difficult times. Oh, Motherland, can I forget Your difficult victories, Your unimaginable troubles, Forget how our great-grandfathers and grandfathers knew how to fight and love? Oh, Motherland! Always with you I will live forever and remember forever. The heroes of the Great Patriotic War, whose courage warms our hearts, will forever remain in our memory.

03/08/1911 - 11/16/1941 Hero of the Soviet Union Klochkov Vasily Georgievich Klochkov (Diev) Vasily Georgievich - military commissar of the 4th company of the 2nd battalion of the 1075th rifle regiment of the 316th rifle division of the 16th army of the Western Front, junior political instructor 16 November 1941, at the head of a group of tank destroyers at the Dubosekovo railway crossing, Volokolamsk district, Moscow region, repelled numerous enemy attacks. The group, which went down in the history of the Battle of Moscow and the Great Patriotic War as 28 Panfilov heroes, destroyed eighteen tanks. The legendary words of junior political instructor Klochkov addressed to the soldiers became known throughout the country: “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind us!” At a critical moment of the battle, a brave political officer threw himself under an enemy tank with a bunch of grenades and died a hero’s death.

Hero of the Soviet Union Gastello Nikolai Frantsevich Commander of the 4th Aviation Squadron of the 42nd Long-Range Bomber Aviation Division of the 3rd Bomber Aviation Corps of Long-Range Bomber Aviation, captain. On June 26, 1941, while performing another flight on a combat mission, his bomber was shot down and caught fire. Captain Gastello N.F. sent a burning plane to a concentration of enemy troops... 05/23/1908 -06/26. 1941 The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded posthumously to Captain Gastello Nikolai Frantsevich by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 26, 1941 for a ground ram.

Hero of the Soviet Union Elizaveta Ivanovna Chaikina 08/28/1918 – 11/23/1941 Secretary of the Penovsky underground district committee of the Komsomol of the Kalinin region, one of the organizers of the partisan detachment. One day, Chaikina received the task of the commander of a partisan detachment to break into Peno, to reconnoiter the size of the enemy garrison and the location of its headquarters. On November 22, 1941, on her way to Peno, Lisa stopped by the Krasnoye Pokatishche farm to see her friend. A former kulak noticed her and reported her to the fascists. The Nazis burst into the Kuprovs' house, shot the family, and took Chaikina to Peno. Here she was brutally tortured, demanding to indicate where the partisans were. Having achieved nothing, the Nazis shot the courageous partisan on November 23, 1941. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded posthumously to Elizaveta Ivanovna Chaikina on March 6, 1942.

Hero of the Soviet Union Zoya Anatolyevna Kosmodemyanskaya 09.13.1923 – 11.29.1941 On November 17, 1941, Stalin issued order No. 0428, ordering to deprive “the German army of the opportunity to be located in villages and cities, to expel the German invaders from all populated areas into the cold in the field, to smoke them out of all premises and warm shelters and force them to freeze in the open air,” with this goal “to destroy and burn to the ground all populated areas in the rear of German troops at a distance of 40-60 km in depth from the front edge and 20-30 km to the right and left of the roads " Zoya, as part of one of the sabotage groups, also received the task of burning 10 settlements within 5-7 days, including the village of Petrishchevo. The group she was in came under fire near the village of Golovkovo and suffered heavy losses. Kosmodemyanskaya was arrested while carrying out this task and, after torture, was executed by the Germans on November 29, 1941.

Heroes of the Soviet Union Our fellow countrymen Dryanichkin M.E. 1909 - 1945 Eliseev M.G. 1899 - 1943 Ivanov P.A. 1909 - 1944 Ivanov N.P. 1904 - 1959 Rodionov P.Z. 1923 - 1978 Ryzhov M.G. 1913 - 1946 Staroverov Y.P. 1904 - 1956 Khanzhin P.S. 1924 - 2007

Full Knights of the Order of Glory Our fellow countrymen S.S. Degtev 1913 - 1988 Zotov N.I. 1917 - 1994 Malkin P.M. 1918 - 1980 Sadovnikov G.D. 1912 Safonov G.V. 1898 - 1976

Afghanistan Afghan warrior (1979-1989). This conflict involved the armed forces of the government of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA) on the one hand and the armed opposition (“Mujahideen” or “dushmans”) on the other. The struggle was for complete political control over the territory of Afghanistan. The Soviet Army was directly drawn into the military conflict. During the conflict, the Mujahideen were supported by military specialists from the United States (CIA), a number of European NATO member countries, China, as well as Pakistani intelligence services. February 15, 1989 for many of us it became the day when the count of losses of our soldiers, officers and employees ended. And the result is sad. More than 13 thousand. mothers and fathers did not wait for their sons and they did not say: “Mom, I’m alive,” but about 33 thousand. returned wounded.

147 people were called up from the Tetyushsky region for this war. Courage, perseverance in achieving the set goal, willingness to give everything, and if necessary, even life - in the name of the Motherland - these noble qualities helped Auntie’s young men in difficult times. Most of our fellow countrymen, having gone through the exorbitant hardships of the Afghan war, returned. We returned to live. Today they continue to serve their Motherland honestly and conscientiously. Their fidelity to duty, strong friendship, mutual assistance, and perseverance are a good example for the younger generation. But there are families who are mourning the irrevocable losses of loved ones who fell on the soil of Afghanistan. They are also among our fellow countrymen. The lives of five boys, natives of the land of Tetyushskaya, were cut short too early.

Here are the names of the guys who laid down their lives on someone else's distant land: Ilyushkin Gennady Leontievich, a native of the village of Tonsherma, died on December 25, 1979 Mingaliev Gumar Mingazievich, a native of the village of Bolshie Atryasi, died on September 10, 1985 Musin Khamid Gusmanovich, a native of the village of Bolshaya Turma, died on October 26 1985 Akhmetzyanov Shamil Khabirovich, a native of the village of Bolshaya Turma, died on November 21, 1985 Potapov Andrey Nikolaevich, a native of the village of Iokovo, died on July 12, 1987.

The echo of the Afghan war is disturbing and will continue to disturb the hearts and minds of our people for a long time. We pay tribute to the courage and dedication of internationalist soldiers. In memory of the heroic feat of our military, and paying tribute to their feat, February 15 is considered in Russia the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers. There the fathers remained Forever young Forever young... In the bronze of obelisks Russian boys stood above the planet. With immortal youth, with sacred memory, we stood above the planet Eternal and Imperishable.

Ask the forget-me-not flower about the war, listen carefully, hear the silence. Let Someone's glory be hidden forever in granite, But nothing is forgotten And no one is forgotten.