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Lesson presentation of declension of adjectives. Presentation on the Russian language "Declination of adjectives"

Russian language lesson in grade 4 “A” Topic: “Declination of adjectives” teacher primary classes Moysyuk Valentina Ivanovna 2012 – 2013 academic year. year Lesson topic: “Declination of adjectives” Objectives: Educational: to create conditions for developing the ability to determine the cases of adjectives; Developmental: develop spelling vigilance; broaden the horizons of younger schoolchildren. Educational: to cultivate respect for nature Equipment: presentation, signal cards, task cards, test cards? Organizing the start of the lesson Hear the bell ringing! Means - …. (the lesson began) Slide 1 The bell gave us a signal: the hour has come to work. So we don’t waste time and start working. We must have our pens, books and notebooks in order... (Have you checked?) And our motto is: Slide2 “If together, if in harmony, everything will work out as it should!” (Sit down!) ??. Examination homework? How many phrases did you write down? (6) Slide 3? What does “green street”, “green friend” mean? ? What is the first snow called? What about oil? ? What is another name for the Winter Olympics? ? All adjectives have singular units. number? (No. In the phrase “white flies” there is a plural part.) ? Call them. adjectives f.r., m.r., sr.r. ? Why didn’t they determine the gender of the adjective “white” (since it is a plural adjective) Slide 4? Draw a conclusion by finishing the sentence: “An adjective always has the same gender, number, ........ (in which the noun to which it refers stands). ???. Spelling warm-up? Guess the riddle: Slide 5 Fuzz fell from the sky onto the frozen fields. The spruce was wrapped in a scarf, and the poplars were wrapped in a hot fur coat. And they covered the house and the square with an unusual blanket. ? What are their names? ? you ask. I wrote the name here. (Snowflakes fall on the letters) ? Explain the spelling of the highlighted spellings (fields - field, poplars - poplar, wrote - writes, name - call)? What is the rule for these spellings? (Spelling of an unstressed vowel in the root of a word, checked by stress.) ? Is it possible to select test words for the following: “scarf, poplar, unusual, blanket)? What is the rule of these spellings? (Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word, not checked by stress.) ? Explain the spelling of the underlined consonants in the words “frozen, area) (frozen - freeze, area - areas)? What other spelling rules are there in this poem? (fluffs, frozen; area; unusual; frozen, wrapped up) Slide 6 (snowflake)? Match the noun “snowflake” with adjectives. (light, fragile, elegant, unusual, beautiful, lace, white, delicate, silver, fluffy, openwork, etc.)? Lexical meaning the words “lace” (read out by the student using an explanatory dictionary) (To interpret the meaning of the word “lace,” the teacher shows a crocheted napkin in the shape of a snowflake.) ??. Calligraphy? Guys, guess what letter today we will write in a minute of penmanship? This letter in the word “snowflakes” denotes a consonant sound, hard, paired, unvoiced. (This is the letter “es”) On the board: S S S s s s sa so s cm su sy? Name the syllables with lower compound, middle, lower. (the teacher puts dots with red chalk - places of connections) I’ll sit up straight, I won’t bend, I’ll get to work. ?Match the word “snowflake” related words– nouns (snow, snowman, snow maiden, bullfinch) a related word, so that it is them. adjective (snowy, snowy, snowy) verb (snowed) Writing from dictation (The student writes while covering himself at the blackboard.) Light snowflakes swirled in the air. Peer review. A student at the blackboard: a) explains spellings (They put snowflakes in the margins with pencils for each other, whoever wrote without mistakes.) b) sorts sentences into parts c) determines parts of speech d) determines the case of nouns (receives a snowflake)? For correct answers, for active work in class today we receive snowflakes, at the end of the lesson we will check who has how many. Dynamic physical education? Change the noun “snowflake” according to cases. (they decline the word “snowflake”) ??. Statement of the problem Slide 7? Do adjectives decline? (Students' assumptions)?. Solving the problem Research Slide 8? Let's observe the adjective “green” (One student reads, and we all read the phrase “green leaf” together.) Adventures of a green leaf Yu. Karasev Once upon a time, a green leaf came off from a large maple tree and set off with the wind to travel around the world. The green leaf felt dizzy. The wind carried and carried leaves, ? I just left it on the bridge. At the same moment, the cheerful dog Shmyg - towards the green leaf - with his paw - grab the green leaf, They say, let's play. “I don’t want to,” the parachutist shakes his head... The wind instantly blew up with a green leaf Above the ground again, But the naughty leaf fell... I am writing in the garden under the maple tree A poem about that green leaf. ? Determining the case of the noun “leaf” (signal cards) adjective? Slide 9 Conclusion: adjectives change according to cases, i.e. bow down. ? Formulate the topic of the lesson. (Student statements) Slide 10 ??. Lesson topic: “Declination of adjectives” Slide 11? Read on what Security Question should we answer at the end of the lesson? ? Do you guys have any ideas on how to answer this question? (Hint: table diagram for determining the number and gender of an adjective.) ? Children's statements. Checking assumptions: textbook, p. 12, rule Fixing the rule: ? This means that in order to determine the case of an adjective, you need: Slide 12 Reference table-scheme for determining the case of a name 1. Find…..(the name of the noun with which the given adjective is associated) 2. Determine.. ..(case of the noun) 3. By case im. define a noun...(adjective case) ? We will spend the rest of the lesson determining the case of adjectives, but first we will rest a little. Physical education session (with music) ???. Consolidating what you have learned? The frosts are bitter, the snow is loose... And we enter the winter forest. It is full of fairy tales and miracles. Slide 13 (winter forest)? What are these sounds? Who breaks the silence in the winter forest? Slide 14 Dyat..l – (insert spelling) Slide 15 Teamwork? A strong wind suddenly blew, the letters were blown away. You guys, help, put things in order here. ? Insert spellings. ? We find noun phrases. + adj. (we write in notebooks) Slide 16? We determine the case for them. adjectives. (signal cards) (snowflakes for correct answers) Slide 17 (winter forest)? And who is this? (magpie chirps) Slide 18 S..rock - (insert spelling) Slide 19? Whose footprints are these in the snow? These birds appear on village streets and outskirts of cities with the first snow. They fly little and run fast. Slide 20 (hint) ? The first syllable is “zha”……(funnel), winter lark? And what kind of birds are called “northern parrots” because they skillfully climb trees? Their beak is of a special shape. And these are the only birds that hatch chicks in winter, even at 30 degrees below zero. Slide 21 (crossbill) Slide 22? Guess what birds can be seen in the winter forest. Slide 23 (titmouse) ?Guess the riddle: In winter there are apples on the branches, pick them up quickly! And suddenly the apples fluttered, because these are (sn..g..ri) Slide 24 (bullfinches) Slide 25 (writing from memory) Red-breasted bullfinches flew to the mountain ash. mutual verification (snowflakes for the correct proposal) Slide 26? And what kind of birds really love rowan berries, for this they are nicknamed “rowanberries” Slide 27 (thrush) ????. Independent work. (differentiated work in groups) (snowflakes - for correct answers) Slide 29 (snowflake) Physical education for the eyes Slide 28 (winter forest) Collective check (using signal cards) ?X. Lesson summary? Our lesson is coming to an end; we need to summarize. (children stand up)? What new did you learn about adjectives in class today? (The adjective changes according to cases, i.e. it is declined.) Slide 30? Answer the security question. ? Let's test your knowledge, please take the test. Slide 31 (test self-test, snowflake - for correct execution) Count your snowflakes. In the margins, write down the result - the number of snowflakes for the lesson. X. Homework Slide 33 (*additional task)? Correct the snowmen's mistakes. (They don't go to school!) X?. Reflection Slide 34? Light up your traffic lights. ? Who lit the red one? Yellow? Green? ? Please stand up, which of you is in this mood right now? What about this? Slide 35 Thank you for your work in class. Well done. The lesson is over. test 1. An adjective is…. a) part of a word b) part of a text c) part of speech 2. Indicate the adjective a) winter b) winter c) winter 3. Declension is a change according to... a) numbers b) cases c) tenses 4. Number, gender, case an adjective depends on... a) noun b) verb c) mood 5. How to determine the case of an adjective? a) put a question to the word b) according to their case. noun c) ask your mother or friend Fill in the missing letters. Determine the case of adjectives. Snow..g..ri Together with the first snow..m in our..x lands, p..are snow..g..ri. In the summer they live in the north. As we pass... we can see them on the forest edge..., in the park.., near the house on the tree..trees. The bullfinch is recognized by its red cap and black cap on its forehead. They eat sn..g..ri with..mena d..revievs, they hammer the pins. Insert the missing letters. Determine the case of adjectives. Snow..g..ri Together with the first snow..m in our..x lands, p..are snow..g..ri. In the summer they live in the north. As we pass... we can see them on the forest edge.., in the park.., near the villages on the village..reveres. The bullfinch is recognized by its red cap and black cap on its forehead. They eat sn..g..ri with..mena d..revievs, they hammer the pins. Insert the missing letters. Determine the case of adjectives. Snow..g..ri Together with the first snow..m in our..x lands, p..are snow..g..ri. In the summer they live in the north. As we pass... we can see them on the forest edge.., in the park.., near the villages on the village..reveres. The bullfinch is recognized by its red cap and black cap on its forehead. They eat sn..g..ri with..mena d..revievs, they hammer the pins. Insert the missing letters. Determine the case of adjectives. Snow..g..ri Together with the first snow. .m in our..x countries p..are sn..g..ri. In the summer they live in the north. As we pass... we can see them on the forest edge.., in the park.., near the villages on the village..reveres. The bullfinch is recognized by its red cap and black cap on its forehead. They eat sn..g..ri with..mena d..revievs, they hammer the pins. Emphasize the desired letter . Determine the case of adjectives. Woodpecker(e/i)l Perched on a high tree(e/e)l. With its strong beak, it hollows out a deep hollow for nesting, and removes seeds from the shells. The elastic tail serves as a support during chiselling. Underline the correct letter. Determine the case of adjectives. Woodpecker(e/i)l Perched on a high tree(e/e)l. With its strong beak, it hollows out a deep hollow for nesting, and removes seeds from the shells. The elastic tail serves as a support during chiselling. Underline the correct letter. Determine the case of adjectives. Woodpecker(e/i)l Perched on a high tree(e/e)l. With its strong beak, it hollows out a deep hollow for nesting, and removes seeds from the shells. The elastic tail serves as a support during chiselling. Underline the correct letter. Determine the case of adjectives. Woodpecker(e/i)l Perched on a high tree(e/e)l. With its strong beak, it hollows out a deep hollow for nesting, and removes seeds from the shells. The elastic tail serves as a support during chiselling. 1. Find and underline the adjectives that relate to the highlighted nouns. 2. Determine the case of these adjectives. 3. Explain the underlined spellings. Crossbills are called “northern parrots” because they skillfully climb trees. Their beak has a special shape. Crossbills live in coniferous forests, feeding on seeds and buds of spruce and pine. 1. Find and underline the adjectives that relate to the highlighted nouns. 2. Determine the case of these adjectives. 3. Explain the underlined spellings. Crossbills are called “northern parrots” because they skillfully climb trees. Their beak has a special shape. Crossbills live in coniferous forests, feeding on seeds and buds of spruce and pine. 1. Find and underline the adjectives that relate to the highlighted nouns. 2. Determine the case of these adjectives. 3. Explain the underlined spellings. Crossbills are called “northern parrots” because they skillfully climb trees. Their beak has a special shape. Crossbills live in coniferous forests, feeding on seeds and buds of spruce and pine. 1. Find and underline the adjectives that relate to the highlighted nouns. 2. Determine the case of these adjectives. 3. Explain the underlined spellings. Crossbills are called “northern parrots” because they skillfully climb trees. Their beak has a special shape. Crossbills live in coniferous forests, feeding on seeds and buds of spruce and pine.

Taiynshinskaya high school № 4

Conducted by: primary school teacher

Alexandrova L.V.


I. Psychological attitude. (Music from A. Galich’s song “Clouds” sounds)

(Clouds appear). (Slide)

Here is an unusual fluffy cloud - it expresses surprise: its eyes and mouth are wide open.

Here's a small cloud. It floated away from mom. Let's shake our finger at him: let him listen to the adults.

Here's a rain cloud. His face is sad, the corners of his lips are downturned, his eyebrows are knitted.

Here's a funny cloud. Let's smile at him, shake our heads from side to side.

Let's wave after you.

What cloud? Funny, small, fluffy.

What words are these? What do they mean?

II. A minute of penmanship.

Write the endings of the words in calligraphy: cloud, cheerful, fluffy, small. Write the entire line. (oh, oh)

III. Spelling minute.


Ave. my, m. pink, me. cue, d. lekiy, lo. cue, chess ny, m.snoy, handy,

ro.kiy, k. rotofelny.

What part of speech do these words belong to? Place emphasis. Name adjectives with stressed endings.

Make up phrases (orally). What part of speech does the adjective agree with?

IV. Go to the main stage of the lesson.

(slide) (read by children)

Nouns sometimes have no life, but simply boredom.

Without us, do they have no color, no smell, no sound?

But if us attach to them

Will their lives be more fun?

What part of speech is the poem talking about?

Let us remember which part of the words are called adjectives? (slide)

How do adjectives change?

What determines the gender, number, and case of an adjective?

When do adjectives not change according to gender?

Lesson topic: Case endings for masculine and neuter adjectives.

V. Main stage.

1. Crooked, winter, colored, big, white, green, beautiful, blue, bold.

Choose adjectives in masculine and neuter forms. Highlight the ending and add emphasis.

In 1 column - in the masculine form.

In column 2 - in the neuter form.

Check (slide).

What question is answered and what endings do adjectives have? in unit form in I.p.? Which? (-th, -th)

Wed. in the form of units h.? which? (with and without stress - oe, -ee).


In what case do we write the ending –ой for adjectives m.r.? Give examples.

2. - We said that adjectives change according to cases.

We found out what endings the adjectives have, masculine and wedge. kind in I.p.

3. -And now, attention, (slide)

New challenge!

Put the phrases in R.p., D.p., T.p., P.p. Highlight the endings.

Option 1 – blue sheet, white window

Option 2 – gray house, winter morning

Check it out.

What types of adjectives were there? What did you notice? (It turns out that the adjectives m. and sr. r. in the R.. D., T., P. cases have the same endings). Name them.

Why do we go through the declension of adjectives?

VI. Primary test of knowledge acquisition.

1. Multi-level tasks.

(cards red, yellow and Green colour.) – What did these 3 colors remind you of?

Conversation about traffic rules.

Level 1.

Snow crunched in the frosty air. The children were skating around the level skating rink. A kind person... a kind person... is remembered in a word.

Level 2.

Insert endings, determine gender and case of adjectives.


From a distant... land, O Russian... hero, with a valuable... gift, to a kind... person.

Level 3.

Correct mistakes. Determine the case of adjectives


There was a blue fog in the evening sky. Because of the distant horizon

a low cloud was approaching. A sharp gusty wind blew in.

Check yourself.

2. Commented letter.

The bright sun illuminated the tall oak tree.

(analysis by sentence members)

Morphological analysis"bright".

Check yourself.

Bright (sun) - named after. adj., n. f. - bright, singular, s.r., I.p., definition.

Lesson summary.

Did a great job

The lesson ends.

And, of course, without a doubt,

It's time to sum it up.

Complete the sentences:

During the lesson I learned...

I understand …

I'm at a loss...

I like it …

I would like to…

Topic: Declension of masculine and neuter adjectives.

The purpose of the lesson.

Develop spelling skills for name endings

adjectives in the singular masculine and


Lesson objectives.


develop the ability to recognize names

adjectives in the text, establish connections between names

adjectives with noun,

develop the ability to determine gender, number and case


develop spelling vigilance,

develop the ability to observe, compare, draw conclusions,



develop the ability to inflect masculine adjectives

and neuter gender with stressed and unstressed endings,

enrich your vocabulary.


cultivate a culture of behavior, attention, and the ability to listen to others.

Lesson type: combined

Teaching methods: reproductive, partially exploratory, visual.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, computer, slides, multi-level task cards.

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Slide captions:

Hi all! Be careful in class! Good luck and good luck to you!

An adjective is….. Means…. Answers questions….. Changes according to…. The sentence is……. part of speech n attribute of an object Which? Which? Which? Which? by gender, number and......? definition

What is the gender of adjectives? masculine city masculine masculine handsome

Which? feminine capital feminine feminine modern

Which? neuter gender village neuter neuter Russian

CHANGING ADJECTIVES ACCORDING TO NUMBERS What is the singular number? which? which? Plural which?

capitals (which ones?) majestic


Remember what DECLINATION is? Think about it, how are adjectives declined? What do you need to know?

find a noun associated with an adjective step 1 Working algorithm:

determine the case of a noun. Step 2

Determine the case of the adjective by the case of the noun. Step 3

ADJECTIVES ARE PLACED IN THE SAME CASE AS NOUNS Which city? Big oh (IP) Which city? Big (R.p) Which city? Big omu (D.p.)

CASE ENDINGS OF ADJECTIVES Male Female Middle R.p. D.p. V.p. etc. P.p. - oh - she, - oh - his - yu, - yuyu - om - ym - oh - her, - oh - oh - him - om - him - oe - im - oh - oh - ym - y - him - his - eat - oh, - her - her - eat - oh, - her

WRITE BY INSERTING THE MISSING LETTERS Village of Morgaushi. Morgaushi is one of the modern... villages of Chuvashsk... Republic. It is a regional center. On the main… street of the village rose beautiful…. updated buildings of the district administration and FSK. The sports complex was opened quite recently. There are a lot of different clubs and sections. Every year the village grows and renews itself. We love our native... district... center.

WRITE BY INSERTING THE MISSING LETTERS Village of Morgaushi. Morgaushi is one of the modern villages of the Chuvash Republic. It is a regional center. On the main street of the village, beautiful, renovated buildings of the district administration and the Federal Grid Company rose. The sports complex was opened quite recently. There are a lot of different clubs and sections there. Every year the village grows and renews itself. We love our native regional center.

attribute of an object subject action Adjective means .....

by numbers by gender, numbers and cases by gender How does an adjective change?

T.p. R.p. I.p. Indicate the case of adjectives in phrases: I came before the last lesson, admiring the evening sky.

new... skirt home... work sin... sea Which adjective should end in - yaya?

R.p. V.p. etc. Indicate the case of adjectives in phrases: I’ll put on a blue skirt, read a fascinating book.

addition definition circumstance. What part of the sentence is the adjective?



How do you evaluate the work of your group? How do you evaluate your work in class? What did you like about today's lesson? Have you discovered anything new for yourself today?

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Presentation of the lesson "Declination of adjectives"

Topic: “Declination of adjectives” Lesson objectives: 1. Help children find a way to recognize the case of an adjective.2. Generalize knowledge about adjectives as parts of speech....

Declension of feminine adjectives with a solid base. Lesson objectives:  Summarize knowledge about adjectives, develop spelling skills for endings of feminine adjectives in the singular, develop the ability to check spelling

Generalize knowledge about adjectives, develop skills in spelling endings of feminine adjectives in singular, develop the ability to check writing...