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In the creative laboratory of B. L

Sacrifice - this word has several meanings: a gift to a deity, a voluntary renunciation of something, a person. victim of violence or misfortune. In this poem it is used in the meanings of “to sacrifice” and “to attack the victim.”
The Irtysh was boiling in the steep banks - the river was foaming, rising high from the stormy wind, it was raining heavily, from which the surface of the river seemed to “boil”.
And the winds raged in the wilds - the taiga was steep, a dense forest. The storm did not end immediately strong wind It blew in the forest and on the river for a long time.
With the leader, peace in the arms of sleep / The brave squad ate - Ermak’s squad rested after grueling battles, allowing themselves to relax only during a natural disaster - a hurricane. This is what let them down.
A despicable thief is a despicable thief, in the poem he is a deceiver, a cowardly person who does something on the sly. Kuchum was afraid of Ermak and could not cope with him in open battle. therefore he attacked at night during a storm.

The poem by Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev describes those feelings and transformation of nature that arise on an autumn evening. Autumn itself is a rather sad time. It brings to mind the withering and imminent death of many plants. The foliage on the trees first turns bright colors, like a sickly blush, and then they gradually fall off and only bare branches remain. But everyone understands that this is temporary. And in just a few months, the trees will come to life again, sap will begin to flow through them again, and more and more new buds will appear on the branches, from which young green leaves will then grow.

But great poet F.I. Tyutchev was able to see, even in such a dull time, the inexplicable beauty of nature. The autumn leaves seemed especially beautiful to him, when at the end of the day the last rays of the sun shine on the crowns of the trees. Then each red, yellow, orange leaf is painted in even more saturated colors and seems to emit a special radiance. It is this phenomenon that the poet compares with human life, namely with “That gentle smile of withering, Which in a rational being we call the Divine modesty of suffering”

I understand these lines as follows. When a person feels that beauty and youth will soon leave his body forever, he tries to look as good as possible, tries to emphasize his beauty as much as possible in all known ways. You can always meet such people on the street.

Middle-aged women understand that youth is no longer there; the last sparkles of beauty will soon also leave their faces. Therefore, they try to delay this moment as long as possible, and also to emphasize their individuality and beauty now. It turns out to be such a bright flash of the last spark before the time to fade comes. The divine modesty of suffering. Everyone understands that it is impossible to go against nature and God; old age will certainly come. But everyone is ashamed of this moment, and also suffers from the realization that their former beauty will not return. In my opinion, this is precisely the phenomenon that Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev meant.

What amazes me most is how the great poet described this phenomenon in poetry. Just a few lines, but nature and the feelings that a person experiences are so accurately described. Autumn can be beautiful even with its gray tones, thick fogs, coolness and even the first frosts. Everything around is transformed beyond recognition. On the one hand, there are a lot of bright colors in the treetops, on the other hand, you feel a nagging feeling of sadness in your chest that soon this too will disappear. And then the freezing rains, cold and sadness will come. I would compare the last beauty of autumn with Indian summer, when warm, almost summer weather suddenly returns. And on the one hand, it should already be autumn, and on the other, summer is not giving up its positions yet. This also makes your soul feel warm and light.

Tyutchev describes the same thing in his poem “Autumn Evening.” That evening autumn time also looks like Indian summer. It has its own unique beauty and tenderness. But everyone understands that this amazing phenomenon will not last long and soon it will all end. Therefore, you need to enjoy this mysterious and short-term moment right now. After all, it may happen that it will never happen again. It is about such phenomena that poems are worth writing. That we can find beauty in our lives even in the smallest details. The main thing is to raise your head to the treetops in time and perhaps it is there that the setting ray of sun plays in the autumn foliage.

URGENTLY, TODAY, WRITE AN ESSAY AND EXPLAIN HOW YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORD “It’s a Pity” IN NO LESS THAN 50 WORDS (1) Early in the morning, when Seryozhka went out to buy bread,

there was not a soul in the yard. (2) There was no one to chat with, so Syroezhkin decided to go to the farthest bakery: maybe he would meet someone or see something interesting. (3) Seryozhka walked slowly under the shady linden trees. (4) From the outside, one might think that he was worried about something and was immersed in his thoughts. (5) But what kind of thoughts are these? (6) So, the game: I want everything around me to be even better, more interesting, more significant. (7) The trees have been planted; yesterday they weren’t there yet. (B) Thin, just sticks, and without leaves. (9) But nothing! (Y) Soon they will gain strength, make noise in the wind... (11) But the bulldozers have piled up a bunch of earth: they are leveling the site. (12) Until the shaft is removed, it’s convenient to hide here. (13) And then, probably, they will plant bushes and put up sports equipment... (14) Below, across the river, you can see the bowl of the stadium. (15) Seryozhka looks at her, but sees not the stadium, but the official walls of the Roman Colosseum. (16) Now he is not a student high school, he is a brave gladiator. (17) He is not wearing pants and a jacket, but forged armor. (18) He must grapple with tigers and lions and hit them with his sword in order to stay alive... (19) No, it would be better if the stadium was not a Colosseum, but a synchrophasotron! (20) Yes, yes, that’s what it is, a synchrophasotron - a round, circus-like mass, inside of which the particles that make up the atomic nucleus rush around. (21) And now Seryozha is not just a student - he is a physicist! (22) So he takes photographic plates and begins to think about what traces are on them... (23) Suddenly a ray of sunlight flashes, and Seryozhka forgets that a minute ago he was a physicist. (24) The walls of the Kremlin darken in the distance, and they are guarded on the high bank by the archer Syroezhkin. (25) A tall old man with a stick is approaching. (26) Yes, this is Ivan the Terrible himself! (27) What order will he give to his warrior? (28) Grozny paused and calmly asked: - (29) Tell me, buddy, how to get to the Million Little Things store? “(ZO) N-I don’t know,” Seryozhka stammered in confusion. - (31) That is, what do I!.. (32) I know! (33) First, constantly straight, then left. “(34) Thank you,” the old man said, not at all surprised. (35) And he went. (Zb) Slowly. (37) Calm down. (38) And not at all like Ivan the Terrible. (39) What a pity. write an essay discussing how you understand “It’s a Pity”

Here's the task:
How do you understand the proverbs: “The eye sees, but the tooth hurts,” “Expensive, but cute, cheap, but rotten,” “Share the skin of an unkilled bear,” “Measure seven times, cut once,” “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.” ", "Small spool but precious" ? Come up with short story according to one of these proverbs.

How do you understand Belinsky’s words “Pushkin,” according to Belinsky, “belongs to an ever-living and moving phenomenon that does not stop there.”

the point at which they found their death, but continuing to develop in the consciousness of society. Each era pronounces its own judgment about them, and no matter how correctly it understands them, it will always leave the next era to say something new and more true... "Do you agree with them? Do they help to comprehend the significance of the poet’s work for the development of Russian literature?

professor? Why did patients who read the Pravda newspaper before lunch lose weight? Why does Philip Philipovich establish a causal connection between the choral singing of the house committee and the freezing of pipes in the “outhouse”? Support your opinion with words from the text. What does Professor Preobrazhensky see as a way out of this situation? Do you agree with his opinion? Why, according to Dr. Bormental, does Philip Philipovich “manage to do everything”?

Yushka's story questions_Why was the main character called that? Was Yushka right when he said that his people love him? How do you understand Yushka’s words: “you must be

love me!","people love me without a clue. People's hearts can be blind" - and the author's words: "he believed that children love him, that they need him, only they don't know how to love a person and don't know what to do for love, and that's why they torment him"? Do you agree with by the author? whose side is the author on and why did you decide this? Why did people “TORY” YUSHKA? Help me go to school now, please)))

At the heart of Pasternak’s perception of life was a multifaceted, all-facets human sensibility that embraced and was extremely heightened. First of all - to moral impressions. And along with them - to their sensory vehicles: colors, sounds of nature and musical art, to words, their meaning and the embodiments of thought and feeling given in them.

In Pasternak's eyes, art is a phenomenon of moral life.

Having reached the highest artistic maturity, Pasternak declares the only task of art to be truth.

So, in the first place is the highest receptivity, responsiveness to moral impressions, and not the transformation of life into the life of a poet. According to Pasternak, true art should always “be in the audience and look at everyone more purely, receptively and truly.”

Pasternak's view of the primary role of content also determined his attitude to the search for new forms of expression in art. Pasternak early made the observation that such writers as Andrei Bely, Khlebnikov and some others delved into the search for new means of expression, in the dream of a new language of art. They groped for its elements, its “syllables,” its “vowels” and “consonants.”

Pasternak never understood or accepted these searches. “In my opinion,” he admitted, “the most amazing discoveries were made when the artist’s overwhelming content did not give him time to think and he hurriedly spoke his new word in the old language, without making out whether he was old or new.”

The importance of art as a means of conveying to a person the known and experienced truth further increased Pasternak’s interest in the phenomena of art. That is why - as already said - everything that Pasternak wrote turned under his hand into a kind of experiment about art: a lyric poem, an autobiography, a prose story, an article, a novel.

Particularly interesting are Pasternak’s observations related to the connection between Blok’s poetics and the transitions and fluctuations of his worldview. No less worthy of attention are the judgments about Anna Akhmatova scattered throughout various works.

According to an article by V. F. Asmus in the book:
"Boris Pasternak. About art"

Questions and tasks

  1. Read the story about B. L. Pasternak and the article “In the creative laboratory of B. L. Pasternak”, prepare them for retelling.
  2. What are B. L. Pasternak’s views on history?
  3. What did A. A. Akhmatova write about the poetry of B. L. Pasternak?
  4. Read the poet's poems included in the textbook, think about what they are about. Prepare them for expressive reading in class by pre-annotating one of them.
  5. What, according to the philosopher V. Asmus, underlies Pasternak’s perception of life?
  6. Having reached the highest artistic maturity, what does B. Pasternak declare to be the only task of art?

Be careful with the word

  1. How do you understand words and lines?

        And should not a single slice
        Don't give up on your face.

        I want to reach everything
        To the very essence.

        Being famous is not nice.
        This is not what lifts you up.

        The goal of creativity is dedication,
        Not hype, not success.

  2. What image, mood is created by the poet thanks to unexpected epithets, comparisons, metaphors, unusual combinations of words? Give examples using one of the poems included in the textbook.