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Fun starts on the topic of traffic rules. Fun starts, attention road.docx - Fun starts with elements of traffic rules “We run, jump, don’t push – we’re friends with traffic rules!” (4th grade, life safety)

Goals: V game form introduce children to the rules traffic, teach how to quickly react to a traffic situation, consolidate the knowledge acquired during theoretical classes.

Participants: students in grades 4-5 (team of 10 people).

Equipment and props:

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guys and distinguished guests! We are very pleased to see you all today in our gym! We are starting the most fun of all sports and the most athletic of all fun games - “Fun Starts”! Today our competition participants will compete not only in strength, dexterity, ingenuity, speed, but also in knowledge of traffic literacy and a culture of safe behavior on the street and road! Teams will show how well they know the “Road ABC”: they know the rules of the road, how to decipher road signs, as well as how observant, resourceful and active they are. So, welcome to the teams! (team greeting)

Progress of the relay

The relay race is carried out like fun starts, but with tasks dedicated to traffic rules. All relay participants take turns running a given distance at which they perform certain tasks.

So, the first competition: “GREETING”

The teams greeted each other, it's time to meet the judges!

Presentation of the judges:


Competitions are assessed using a 5-point system. Each jury member raises a scoreboard with a certain score. Before the start of our Road Relay, I also want to draw attention to our rules (the rules are written on the poster).

So, I ask the team captains.

We play not for self-interest, but for the pleasure of ourselves and others.

Let's play fair!

Be persistent. Don’t be discouraged by failures and don’t gloat.

If you win, be happy, but don’t get arrogant.

Stay calm no matter the outcome of the game.

Leading:Smile at the sun and get ready to warm up!

Warm up."ADJUSTER"

At the signal, you need to run to the hoop, stand in the hoop, take the baton and raise it up, put it in the hoop and run back, passing the baton to someone else. Then the next one runs, and so on the whole team. The team that completes the task first and without violations wins.

So, word of the jury.


The players stand one after another in a column, placing their hands on each other's shoulders. The first player on each team puts his hand into the bag and takes out a ball. If he red or yellow -the team stands still if greenruns to the pin and stays there. Whichever team gets to the other side first wins.

Fun starts with elements of traffic rules
“We run, jump, don’t push – we’re friends with traffic rules!”

Sannikova Ekaterina Vasilievna
Job title: teacher additional education, head of the "Virage" circle, MBOU Secondary School No. 196, Novosibirsk
Age group: 4th grade students (team of 8 people)
Subject: Fun starts with elements of traffic rules "We run, jump, don't push - we're friends with traffic rules!"
Target: develop skills for safe behavior on the street.
- introduce students to the rules of the road in a playful way;
-expand knowledge about traffic rules and culture of behavior on the road and street;
-development of motor qualities: endurance, agility, coordination;
- to develop skills in following the basic rules of behavior of students on the street, road, in order to prevent children's road traffic injuries.

Equipment: signal cards No. 1,2,3 (3 copies), 12 cones for each team, a bag of balls: red, yellow, green, walking boots - 3 pairs, 3 posters (2*3), 3 bags, 3 sketches of cut halves with road terms, 3 hoops, 3 cut “Pedestrian crossing” signs, 3 cars, 3 buckets, 15 pins, 3 large bags, a set of road signs - 3 copies, a set of riddles about road signs - 3 copies, sheets of paper - 3 copies. , templates with the name of road signs - 3 copies, colored pencils - 3 packs, musical equipment and a selection of musical accompaniment, traffic rules reminders.
Leading: Good afternoon, dear guys and distinguished guests! We are very pleased to see you all today in our gym!
We are starting the most fun of all sports and the most athletic of all fun games - “Fun Starts”! Today our competition participants will compete not only in strength, dexterity, ingenuity, speed, but also in knowledge of traffic literacy and a culture of safe behavior on the street and road! Teams will show how well they know the “road alphabet”: they know the rules of the road, how to decipher road signs, and how observant, resourceful and active they are. So, welcome to the teams!
Come up with a name for your team and choose a captain.
(Greetings from the teams)
Leading: Smile together at the sun,
Get ready to warm up.
"Highway of Clues"

1. “Chauffeur” translated from French means:
2. “Sidewalk” translated from French:
pedestrian path;
I'm walking next to you;
safe place
3. “Bicycle” from Latin means:
I'll catch up
long walker
4. Which pet is considered the most careful?
5. Name the brand of car named after the daughter of a wealthy customer.
6. What is the name of a sports two-seater bicycle?
Props: signal cards No. 1, 2, 3 (3 copies)

"Traffic Signals"

The players stand one after another in a column, putting their hands on each other's shoulders.
The first player on each team puts his hand into the bag and takes out a ball. If it is red or yellow, the team stands still, if it is green, they run to the first pin. Then - to the next one, and so on until the fourth. Whichever team reaches the fourth pin first wins.
Props: 4 cones for each team, a bag of balls: red, yellow, green.
"Road Postmen"

Leading: Once upon a time there was a time when a person did not know cars and telephones, and news from city to city was transmitted using messengers as a means of transport, they used their legs, the faster the messenger ran, the faster the message reached the addressee, being a messenger was dangerous, because that some eastern rulers, having received unpleasant news, cut off the head of the messengers. And now you will take on the role of messengers - in the “Road Postmen” competition. This bag contains the initial parts of travel terms that are familiar to you; the whole team participates in the competition. At the start, you receive walking boots, each player takes turns running between the pins in them to the tablet, takes out a card from the bag with the initial part of the word, finds the second part and applies it. Returns in a straight line and passes the relay bag to the next participant in the game. For 5 correctly composed words, the team receives 10 points, for each knocked down pin there is a penalty of 1 point, the team that finishes the relay first receives an additional point.

Props: walking boots - 3 pairs, 3 posters (2*3), 3 bags, 3 sketches of cut halves with travel terms.
traffic light
on foot

“A road sign is broken - it’s not difficult for us to put it back together”

At the start, each team has puzzles of a road sign. The team’s task is to translate the missing elements of the split sign that are at the finish line as quickly as possible. Collect it and give the sign a name. The captain of each team is the “driver”. He puts on the hoop, runs to the finish line, and returns to the team. A second participant (passenger) joins him. They reach the finish line, the “passenger” uncouples, takes one element of the split sign, and the “driver” runs after the next one. This is how he transports all team members. At the end, the whole team joins each other (the driver is in front), each participant has one element of a split sign, returns to the start and assembles the road sign.
Props: 3 hoops, 3 split “Pedestrian crossing” signs.
"Agile drivers"

Each team is given a car with “throwers”, at the signal, the first players run with the machine, avoiding obstacles (pins), there is a “stop” sign on the way, they take the “thrower” from the back of the car and put it in a bucket, return and pass the car to the next player, Each hit “ball” brings the team 1 point, a pin knocked down – minus 1 point, the team that finishes the relay faster receives an additional point.
Props: 3 cars, 3 buckets, 15 pins.
"Find a Pair"

At the start, each participant receives a riddle about a road sign in poetic form, and the team is also given a large bag. The task of the participants is, at the signal, the first numbers, having solved the riddle, climb into the bag, “jump” to the indicated place, put the riddle on the road sign, which corresponds, in their opinion, to the correct answer. They return to the team, quickly pass the bag to the next player, and so on until the end. The team that matches the signs with their names faster and correctly wins.
At the landing sites
Transport passengers are waiting,
Established order
You can’t break it here either.
"Bus or trolleybus stop"
This kind of sign:
He is on guard for the pedestrian.
Let's go with the doll together
We're on our way to this place.
"Pedestrian crossing"
On the roads for pedestrians
It became easier with the transition.
Even the square is underground
The transition is much easier.
There are only cars driving here,
The tires flash by them menacingly.
Do you have a bicycle?
So, stop!
There is no road!
"Bicycles are prohibited"
I'm in a circle with a red outline,
This means it's dangerous here.
Here, understand, it’s prohibited
Pedestrian traffic.
"No Pedestrians"
The man in the blue circle -
This is clear to the whole area:
Cars won't go here,
Pedestrians - good luck.
"Pedestrian path"
Lida with the doll is worried:
They need a doctor on the road.
Don't look sad
-Help is coming! The doctor is nearby!
"First aid station"
I want to ask about the sign
Drawn like this:
Guys in the triangle
They are running as fast as they can somewhere.
Props: 3 large bags, a set of road signs - 3 copies, a set of riddles about road signs - 3 copies.
“Remember and complete the drawing”

Each team has templates with the name of road signs at the finish line. The first participants receive 2 pieces of paper. The task is to go through the “swamp” by stepping on “bumps” - sheets of paper. You need to put a “bump” on the floor, stand on it with both feet, and put the other “bump” in front of you. At the signal, the first numbers run along the “bumps” to the finish line and return back. They pass the baton to the next participant, etc. until the whole team has passed through the “swamp”. After this, the participants cling to each other and run to the finish line to paint the signs. The winner is the team that is the first to cross the “swamp” and color the signs correctly.
Props: sheets of paper - 3 copies, templates with the name of road signs - 3 copies, colored pencils - 3 packs.
Leading: The jury gives the floor. (Awarding).
Thank you so much everyone for interesting game. As a keepsake of our game, we give everyone traffic rules reminders. Remember! By observing traffic rules, we save the most precious thing - life!
Dear friends, dear adults, good and safe roads to you!
1. Voronova E.A. Red. Yellow. Green. Traffic rules in extracurricular activities / E.A. Voronova. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2006.
2. Knyazeva R.A. 100 tasks on traffic rules. M: Pedagogy, 1997
3. Orlov Yu.B. Traffic rules: Textbook. allowance for 4-6 grades. – M.: Education, 1991.

Fun starts with elements of traffic rules for students in grades 1-4.

Developed by:

physical education teacher

Topic: Fun starts with elements of traffic rules “We know the rules of the road”
Goal: to develop skills for safe behavior on the street.
1. In a playful way, introduce students to the rules of the road;
2. Expand knowledge about traffic rules and culture of behavior on the road and street;
3. Development of motor qualities: endurance, agility, coordination;
4. To develop skills in following the basic rules of behavior for students on the street and road, in order to prevent children from road traffic injuries.

Date: 09/06/2017

Venue: sports hall.

Progress of the relay:

The relay race is carried out like a fun start, but with tasks dedicated to traffic rules. All relay participants take turns running a given distance at which they perform certain tasks.

The first team is given 3 points for the speed of the completed stage, the second - 2 points, and the third - 1 point.

Presentation of the jury members.

Three teams participate: “Red”, “Yellow” and “Green”, according to the color of the traffic light signal. Selecting team captains. The team captain is tied with a bandage on his arm in the color of his choice.

So, I ask the teams...

    We play not for self-interest, but for the pleasure of ourselves and others. Let's play fair! Be persistent. Don’t be discouraged by failures and don’t gloat. If you win, be happy, but don’t get arrogant. Stay calm no matter the outcome of the game.

Intellectual warm-up

You are offered riddles, the team that guesses the fastest gets 1 point.

For this horse food -

Gasoline, and oil, and water,

He does not graze in the meadow,

Rushing along the street. (Automobile)

There's a house going down the street

Everyone is lucky to get to work,

Not on thin chicken legs,

And in rubber boots. (Bus)

Raised two hands up

I took two veins in my fists,

Not a bus, not a tram,

Guess what it is! (Trolleybus)

Here's a car rushing along the rails,

Holds on to the wires

And she doesn’t need gasoline,

To rush back and forth. (Tram)

The brothers are ready to visit,

They clung to each other,

And they rushed off on a long journey,

They just left some smoke. (Train)

I don't look like a horse

And I have a saddle,

There are knitting needles, I must admit,

Not suitable for knitting. (Bike)

A strong man on four legs
In rubber boots
Straight from the store
He brought us a piano... (Truck)
Striped horses

Across the roads lay-

All cars stopped

If we pass here (zebra crossing)

At the transition strip,

On the side of the road

Three-eyed one-legged beast

Of a breed unknown to us,

With different colored eyes

Talking to us (Traffic light)

Look what a strong man

On the go with one hand

I'm used to stopping

Five Ton Truck (Traffic Controller)

There is a place to go

Pedestrians know this.

They lined it for us,

Everyone was shown where to walk (Pedestrian crossing)

I'm walking down the street

I won't get into trouble.

Because I know for sure

I follow the rules (Pedestrian)

Relay races:

Relay race "Set up the zebra"

This competition is for time and accuracy of execution. The winner is the team whose zebra crossing and traffic light are made faster and smoother.

1 participant - carries 2 stripes from the pedestrian crossing, puts down the stripes, walks along them and returns to the team;

2nd participant - carries 2 stripes from the pedestrian crossing, walks strictly along the stripes of the first participant, puts down his stripes and walks along his stripes and the stripes of 1st participant and returns to the team;

3rd participant - carries 2 stripes from the pedestrian crossing, walks strictly along the stripes of the first and second participant, puts down his stripes and walks along his stripes and the stripes of participants 1 and 2 and returns to the team;

4th participant - carries the cube for the traffic light - red, walks strictly along the stripes, puts the cube on the right side and returns to the team; (the second team places the cube on the left side)

5th participant - carries a cube for a traffic light - yellow. Places a die and returns to the team;

6th participant - carries a cube for a traffic light - green. Places a die and returns to the team.

Then the teams run around this structure with a train.

Relay race “DPS INSPECTOR”

On command, one representative at a time runs to a chair on which the clothes of a traffic police inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate are laid out.” Cap, vest, baton, whistle. You need to quickly get dressed, blow the whistle loudly, undress and run to the team, passing the baton to another participant.

Relay race “Traffic signals”. (4 skittles for each team, a bag of balls, red, green, yellow).

The first player on each team puts his hand into the bag and takes out a ball (or circle); if it is red or yellow, the team stands still; if it is green, it runs to the first pin. Then - to the next one, and so on until the fourth pin. Whichever team reaches the fourth pin first wins.

Relay of captains "Eye".

There are road signs on chairs at different distances - the participant must correctly name the sign and the number of steps to it. If the sign and number of steps are named correctly, the team takes the sign. Whichever team has the most symbols wins.

5) Relay race “Attention! Road"

At the end of the distance, road signs are folded.

Movement Prohibition. Truck traffic is prohibited. Movement of passenger cars. No Pedestrians. Bike Lane. Overhead pedestrian crossing.

And at a distance there are pictures: a truck, a car, a pedestrian (it is best to attach them to the back of a chair so that it is visible, and put the signs on the chair). The participant, having reached the end, takes one sign and, on the way back, leaves it next to the drawing of the vehicle for which this sign is intended.

Truck - 2 cars Car - 3 cars Bicycle - 1; 5 Pedestrian - 4; 6 “Jolly Bus” relay race

The children of each team stand in columns, placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front, the captains are bus drivers, and everyone else is passengers. On command green - children move forward in a column without breaking the chain, red - stand still, yellow - stomp in place. The captain of whose team touches his post first – that team wins.)

Relay "Tunnel"

Two or three chairs are placed in front of each team. At the signal, the first players from the teams run to the chairs and crawl under them. Then they run back to the start and pass the baton to the next participants. The team whose players go through the tunnel first wins.

Relay "Help the Inspector"

Teams are given a sheet with road signs. The team's task is to find two identical signs and show them to the jury.

Relay race “Called a taxi”

Team captains, putting on a hoop, run around the counter, grab the first player in the hoop and run with him to the counter, “drop off” the one who ran and run to the team and “plant the next one,” until “they have transported all the team members).

Forming teams in one line.

Guys, today we repeated the rules of the road that each of us needs to know.

Follow the road rules strictly

Don't rush like you're on fire.

And remember: transport is the road,

And for a pedestrian there is a sidewalk.

Yes, and adults too -

After all, our children are looking at us.

Let us always be a worthy example,

And no trouble will happen on the road!

The jury announces the results of the competition and awards the participants of the festival.

Fun starts according to traffic rules
Goal: Development of communication skills.
- introduce students to the rules of the road in a playful way;
- teach students to quickly react to a traffic situation;
- consolidate the knowledge acquired during theoretical classes.
Relay participants: 4th grade students (team of 8 people)
- zebra stripes
- signs (for mosaics – 2 pcs.)
- 2 benches
- 2 hoops
- skittles
- a bag with cubes or balls, chalk
Progress of the event
Introductory talk
You and I live in a small town, but motorcycles, cars, and buses travel here. And in order to avoid getting into trouble, each of us must know and follow the rules of the road. Today we will remember some traffic rules, road signs and find out in which class the fastest, smartest and most savvy children, and simply competent pedestrians, study.
1 task
Come up with a name for your team and choose a captain.
Task 2: Warm up
Each team is given 3 riddles, and if you solve each of them you get 1 point.
Striped horses
They lay across the roads -
All cars stopped
If we pass here. (crossing - zebra)
He rides on two wheels,
Doesn't skid on slopes
And there is no gasoline at all.
What kind of transport?
It's clear to everyone. (bike)
Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,
A beetle is running down the street.
And it burns in the beetle's eyes
Two shiny lights. (automobile)
Amazing carriage!
Judge for yourself:
The rails are in the air, and he
He holds them with his hands. (trolleybus)
At the transition strip,
On the side of the road
Three-eyed one-legged beast
Of a breed unknown to us,
With different colored eyes
Talking to us. (traffic light)
Look what a strong man
On the go with one hand
I'm used to stopping
Five ton truck. (adjuster)
Drinks gasoline like milk
Can run far
Carries goods and people.
Be careful around her. (car)
You walk - he runs ahead,
If you look back, he’s running home. (road)
There is a place to go
Pedestrians know this.
They lined it for us,
Everyone was shown where to go. (pedestrian crossing)
I'm walking down the street
I won't get into trouble.
Because I know for sure -
I follow the rules. (pedestrian)
Task 3: “Zebra”
At the end of the distance there are folded zebra stripes cut out of paper - a pedestrian crossing.
During the relay, each participant must place one strip on the floor. The winner is the team whose zebra crossing is made smoother and faster.
- Children remember the rules for crossing zebra crossings.
Task 4: “Knowledge”
At this stage you are asked test tasks:
On which road does the car brake better?
On wet
On icy
With pits
When the traffic light turns green, what will you do?
See if there is any fast moving transport nearby
You'll miss all the old ladies and the lady with the dog
You'll run as fast as you can
You will remain standing still
At what age can you ride a bicycle on the road?
From birth
From 14 years old
When will you get your license?
What is the correct way to cross the road after getting off the bus?
Walk around the front of the bus
Walk around the back of the bus
Wait for the bus to leave
How should a pedestrian walk on the sidewalk?
Keep to the right
Keep to the left
In the middle of the sidewalk
Task 6 “Running while observing the signs”
- Name correctly the signs that are in my hands.
(tunnel, overpass, low-flying aircraft)
- The tasks are getting more and more complicated.
At the “Tunnel” sign you need to climb through a hoop, at the “Overground Passage” sign you need to run along the bench, at the “Low-Flying Airplanes” sign you need to bend down.
Task 7: “Road mosaic”
Each team needs to collect a road sign and name it correctly.
Task 8 “Traffic signals” (4 skittles for each team, a bag of balls: red, yellow, green)
The players stand one after another in a column, putting their hands on each other's shoulders.
The first player on each team puts his hand into the bag and takes out a ball. If it is red or yellow, the team stands still, if it is green, they run to the first pin. Then - to the next one, and so on until the fourth. Whichever team reaches the fourth pin first wins.
Task 9 captain competition "Eye"
(on chairs, road signs at different distances)
- the participant must correctly name the sign and the number of steps to it.
If the sign and number of steps are named correctly, the team takes the sign. Whichever team has the most symbols will win
Task 10 “Traffic light” (each team has 3 balloons)
The first player runs to the chair, takes the balloon and inflates it, then comes back, the 2nd participant ties it, etc., when the team inflates all the balloons, they must make a traffic light out of them.
- Our competition has come to an end.
While the jury is summing up the results, the children play the game “Red, Yellow, Green” Jury Word.
See you again!

Target: activate and test knowledge about the purpose and types of road signs; consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and safe behavior on the street; develop the desire to study traffic rules, cultivate attention, skills in conscious use of traffic rules in everyday life.

Preliminary work: reading fiction; viewing illustrations on the topic; watching the video " Road signs»; board games according to the traffic rules “Road signs”; dominoes with road signs; Domino "Road".

Methodical techniques: playful, visual, verbal.

Equipment and materials: road signs (prohibitory, directional, prescriptive, service signs), red and green balls, hoops for the game “Light a Light for a Pedestrian,” a car for Dunno, posters on traffic rules.


The sun's ray blinds and teases us,
We're having fun this morning.
Spring gives us a ringing holiday,
And the main guest at it is the game!

Guys, today we will compete in agility, accuracy, dexterity. And all our games will be devoted to traffic rules, because on the streets and roads day and night, in heat and cold, vehicles move in a continuous stream. Every day there are more and more of them. The number of pedestrians and passengers on transport is increasing. The danger of road accidents is also increasing. And therefore, drivers and pedestrians need to be especially disciplined and attentive. Everyone should know and strictly follow the rules of the road, both adults and children.

So, we begin our competition!

Two teams are participating: "Traffic light" And "Road Signs" .

Team "Traffic Light"

Our house is a traffic light.
We are three, siblings.
We've been shining for a long time
On the road to all the guys.
We are the Road Signs team
Helmet of fiery hello
And we sincerely wish
Know the correct answer.

1. To help you
The path is dangerous
We burn day and night -
Green, yellow, red.

2. Three traffic lights -
Obey without arguing.

3. Yellow light - warning
Wait for the signal to move.

4. The green light opened the way -
The boys can cross.

5. The red light tells us:
-Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!

6. Go ahead! You know the order -
You won't get hurt on the pavement.

7. Spare health, spare life,
Watch the movement.

Team "Road Signs".

We have come to you for the evening,
Let's not be lazy
Answer questions
Sing and have fun.
We are our rivals,
“We say to the traffic light:
We will fight with you
Let's not give up that easily!
Let's traffic rules
Carry out without objection.

1.This kind of sign is
He is on guard for the pedestrian.
Let's go with the doll together
We're on our way to this place.

2. Sign “repair work”
Appeared ahead
There will be potholes on the road
Walk carefully.

3.see, hanging
Prohibition sign!
To the crossroads
You won't get out.

4. Do you hear it?
The sound of wheels?
On steel rails
The locomotive is coming.
Here he beeped:
-I'm on my way, watch out!
You're at the crossing
Stop, stop!

5. And under this sign
not for the world
Don't ride, kids.
By bike!

6. Blue from red
It's not hard to tell the difference on a bike.
You can ride here.

Games and competitions are judged by our jury.


Leading: Now we will check whether you know how to be attentive and know the traffic lights. I change the traffic light. When the light is green, you can tap your feet. On yellow - clap your hands. On red, keep quiet.

(Dunno runs in)


I bought a car
I will ride in it, friends!
Get in the car quickly
Come with me.

Leading:-Do you know the ABCs of traffic?
Dunno: Just think! I can do without this alphabet!

You need to obey without arguing
Traffic light instructions,
Need traffic rules
Carry out without objection!

Dunno: Well, here's another! I already know!
Leading: Then you and I won't go!
Dunno: Well, no need, I’ll go alone! (Dunno is driving a car)

The traffic light is red
Dunno, wait.
There is no way forward!

Dunno: You don't have it, but I do. I'm driving through a red light.

Dunno, where are you going?
After all, trouble can happen!
Stop, you don't know the rules of the road!

Dunno: I know! I know!
Leading: You know? Aren't you bragging? Come on guys, let's check how Dunno knows the rules and ask him questions.

1 team.– What parts is the road divided into? What do you know about them?
Dunno: On the sidewalk and roadway. Cars drive on the sidewalk, and people walk along the roadway. Dunno, how do you cross the street?
Dunno: How do I transition? I'm going and that's it.

Leading: You see, Dunno, you said everything wrong. So sit down and study the rules of the road with the guys.

1 competition should you behave at a bus stop?
2.What rules of conduct in city transport do you know?
3. What types of signs do you know?
4. when you walk along the sidewalk, who are you? And when you're on the bus, who are you?
5.Name the cars special purpose.
6.Where is it safe for a pedestrian to cross the roadway?
7.How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have?
8.After getting off the bus, which side should you cross from?

2 competition

Riddles about road signs.
Our streets know how to talk, and road signs help them do this. They indicate, prohibit, warn. Do you know the road signs?

(the presenter asks riddles to the teams in turn. Children guess and show the desired sign).

1. A man is drawn
A man digs the earth.
Maybe they are looking for treasure here?
And old coins
In a large chest they lie/
They told me: “What are you, what are you!”
Here…(road signs).

2. Remember the sign, friends
Both parents and children:
Where he hangs it is impossible
Ride a bike!(cycling is prohibited)

3. Neither in the yard nor in the alley
Not in a deserted alley
There is no way to pass here - this sign will not allow it.
Remember! Mean he…(entry to cars is prohibited).

4. I walk in a blue circle
And it’s clear to the whole neighborhood, if you think about it a little, -

5. Hey, driver, be careful!
It's impossible to go fast
People know everything in the world -
Children go to this place…(children).

6. If you are going to the zoo or the cinema with your dad,
You will have to make friends with this sign anyway,
Without it you will not get on a bus or a tram,
So you will go on foot! Can you guess the road sign?(children)

7. A man walks boldly along black and white stripes
How many of you guys know what they're warning about?(pedestrian crossing).

8. Wonderful sign -
Exclamation mark!
So you can scream here,
Sing, make noise, be mischievous
Or run barefoot!
Or go with the wind!
People answer strictly
Here…(dangerous road).

3 competition “Choose a sign”.

So many road signs! Help me, please, make out these signs. The “Traffic Light” command selects prohibiting signs, and the “Road Signs” command selects permissive or mandatory signs.

4 competition “Walk through the underground passage.”

We approach the crossroads.
Ah, the annoying problem!
What should we do? There is no progress - the red light comes on.
But the underground passage will not let us down.

5 competition “Allowed - prohibited”.

Turn to green light.
-Walk on the sidewalk, stick to the right.
-Be an exemplary pedestrian.
-Give your seat to elders in transport.
-Stand next to your mother at the bus stop.
-Play on the road.
-Cross the street at a red light.
— Cross the street in front of a car driving nearby.
- Make noise on the bus.
— Make noise on the roadway.

6. competition “Light a light for pedestrians.”

(One team collects red balls, the other - green ones into a hoop of the same color).

7th competition “Say the word.”

- Everyone be true to the rule:
Keep to the right...(side)
-The pedestrian must remember:
- If the traffic lights are
Obey them without...(argument).
- Yellow light - warnings,
Wait for the signal to...(move).
- Lesha and Lyuba go sometimes.
Where are they going? Along...(the sidewalk).
- Getting on a bus or tram -
Place for the elders... (give way).
— Hockey is a game played on ice in winter,
But don’t play... (on the pavement).
— Exam of importance
Keep it by the rules...(movements).

The final song is “According to the rules of the movement.”
(execute both commands)

Summing up.

Aerobics dance.

Team awards.