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The earth cannot be located in the center. How to increase the area of ​​a land plot using free land? Tax on industrial plots

Planet Earth keeps a huge number of secrets, a special place among which is occupied by the mystery of its internal structure. The deepest mines that man has been able to create are only a few kilometers long. Despite the fact that it is impossible to penetrate inside our planet, scientists have been able to create a rough picture of its internal structure.

What is happening inside our planet?

Everything that is in the center of the Earth must be molten and liquid state. However, in reality this does not happen, because for every 1 cm 3 mantles from the surface earth's crust a pressure of 13 tons is exerted. This is approximately the weight of a KAMAZ loaded with asphalt. Scientists suggest that for this reason the mantle and core may be in a solid state.

If our planet could be cut into two halves, then the layers that are located in the center of the Earth would be visible to us as several circular layers. The first of these is the earth's crust. Its thickness ranges from approximately 20 to 50 km. A type of earth's crust called continental is made of granite. In some places - for example, such as the Grand Canyon - water washed away the upper layer of the earth's crust, and the granite layer became available for study and observation. The earth's crust is also located at the bottom of the oceans, but its thickness is much smaller - only about 4.5 km. It consists not of granite, but of basalt.

Mantle - the layer next to the Earth's crust

If we move towards the center of our planet, then the mantle will follow the earth's crust. Researchers call this layer “the most powerful.” The thickness of the mantle reaches 3000 km. If a tunnel could be dug through the mantle, it would take 36 hours to travel from one end to the other in a car at a speed of 80 km/h. However, in reality such a journey is impossible. After all, the earth's mantle is a place where enormous temperatures and enormous pressure prevail. Presumably, it consists of lead, magnesium and iron, and the temperature of this layer reaches 2 thousand o C. No one has ever actually seen the mantle - after all, even this gigantic temperature, according to researchers, increases by 1 o C as you move deeper into the mantle. every 30 meters. The mantle also receives a large amount of heat from the core, which has an even higher temperature.

Throughout the history of geology, scientists have wondered what is at the center of the earth. However, until now, knowledge about this part of our planet cannot be called exhaustive. It is reliably known that the upper layers of the mantle consist of rock called peridotite. In turn, peridotite consists of many minerals - olivine, pyroxene, and also garnet, known to all jewelers, which is used to make jewelry.

Center of the planet

Finally, at the very center of the Earth is the core. It is located directly under the mantle. Its diameter is approximately 6400 km. At first glance, the Earth's core, isolated from heat and the sun, should have a very low temperature. However, this area is precisely the place of unimaginable heat. Here the temperature ranges from 2200 to 3300 o C. The Earth's core is liquid, molten metal mixed with sulfur and oxygen. This part of our planet has enormous density, because it is most compressed by the entire mass of the upper layers.

Why do the metals at the center of the Earth have such a high temperature? It is believed that heat has been stored in the core of our planet for 4.6 billion years, since it was formed. However, most of the heat, according to geologists, is the result of radioactive decay processes inside the Earth.

How is the structure of the Earth studied?

How did scientists manage to discover everything that is in the center of the Earth and get an idea of ​​its internal structure? Indeed, in reality, not a single device can reach the center of our planet. First of all, it became possible to draw conclusions about the internal structure of our planet thanks to the study of volcanic eruptions. Hot gas and molten metals burst out from the depths of the Earth during eruptions. Thus, scientists were able to understand what is in the center of the earth. The riddle about the structure of our planet was also solved by studying seismic activity.

Study of seismic activity

At a depth of about 3 thousand km. Seismic waves move differently than on the surface of the planet. Some can suddenly change the direction of their movement, others can suddenly disappear. When encountering formations of different hardness, seismic waves change their character. Using sensitive equipment, scientists were able to recreate the supposed internal structure of our planet. Such research became possible only thanks to scientific progress and technology development. Once upon a time, humanity was inclined to believe that the Earth was at the center of the Universe and was also flat. However, these naive assumptions have long been refuted. Today, humanity has every opportunity to further explore our mysterious planet, including its internal structure.

  1. Open the public cadastral map of Rosreestr;
  2. Enter the cadastral number of the land plot into the search line;
  3. Get information about the category of land and the type of permitted use online.

To document the information, I recommend ordering an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

Rosreestr sends extracts from the Unified State Register within 3 days (there are delays). If you want to find out the category of land faster, I recommend ordering extracts directly through - this way you will receive the document within an hour. The cost is the same - 250 rubles, the official data is from the Unified State Register of Rosreestr and is confirmed by the registrar’s electronic digital signature (EDS).

An extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, which I recently ordered through

What is the category of land (purpose)

The division of land into categories is a consequence of the zoning of territories and the determination of state strategy. For example, agricultural lands include areas with fertile soil, forest lands should be covered with forest vegetation, and specially protected natural areas should be of great value for science and preserving the optimal properties of the ecological environment.

In accordance with the norms of the Land Code, the belonging of land to a category is the legal regime for its use. From this we can conclude that the category of land is a legally established description of standard properties.

  1. Settlements (settlements);
  2. agricultural purposes (agricultural);
  3. special purpose(for example, lands occupied by industrial and energy facilities, communications, country security facilities, etc.);
  4. specially protected natural areas(SPNA);
  5. forest fund;
  6. water fund;
  7. state reserve.

The last category is distinguished not so much by the principle of use as by underuse. IN big country there will always be lands that are not in demand in the system National economy is the country's land reserve. The greatest turnover of land is typical for the categories of agricultural purposes and settlements. In addition, the opportunity has arisen to transfer ownership of forest lands, but citizens are in no hurry to take advantage of it.

What is the type of permitted land use (URL)

The concept of permitted use of a land plot is of a clarifying nature within the framework of the intended purpose. The introduction of this concept is a consequence of more detailed zoning of the territory on the scale of a subject of the federation, region or other territorial division. However, a land plot owned by a farmer may have a different permitted use within the same intended purpose.

In addition, there is a division of the permitted use into the following types:

  1. basic;
  2. conditionally permitted;
  3. auxiliary.

Conditionally permitted type of land use

The conditionally permitted type of use of the land plot serves as a supplement within the category and permitted use. This addition occurs when it is not possible to create a classifier for all occasions.

In order to establish an additional standard, it is necessary to go through a special procedure for approvals and public hearings at the Land Use and Development Commission. Such an expansion of the VRI is possible only if it is provided for by local urban planning regulations.

Auxiliary permitted uses

Ancillary types of permitted use specify the actions performed within the framework of other types of use. A clarifying nature may consist, for example, in the placement of some small objects - garages, transformer box, fence, etc. Thus, a potential developer needs to fit into the intended purpose and main type of permitted use of its territory.

Other types of permitted use can be changed in the official dialogue between the potential and existing owner of the site with state or municipal authorities.


A plot of land in SNT will have the following characteristics:

  • Category (purpose) - agricultural land;
  • Type of permitted use - for gardening and horticulture;

Now let’s look at each category and the types of permitted use included in it in more detail.

Lands of settlements

  1. Placement of multi-storey residential buildings. Objects can be located chaotically, forming streets, or in territorial blocks, forming microdistricts;
  2. Land allocated for individual housing construction (individual housing construction, individual railway);
  3. Recreational areas. They can be located both inside the settlement itself and in the suburban area. In accordance with Art. 98 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, recreational lands include lands intended and used for organizing recreation, tourism, physical education, recreational and sports activities of citizens. Clause 2 art. 98 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation establishes the composition of recreational lands, which includes land plots on which rest houses, boarding houses, campsites, and facilities are located physical culture and sports, tourist centers, stationary and tent tourist and health camps, children's tourist stations, tourist parks, educational and tourist trails, highways, children's and sports camps, and other similar facilities. Clause 5 Art. 98 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation prohibits activities that do not correspond to the intended purpose of such a law. Recreational lands are intended for the recreational functions of both citizens and the preservation of natural properties; you can build on them, but only what is specified in Art. 98 Land Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, Art. Art. 285 - 286 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for liability for improper use of a land plot. In the event that the use of a plot is carried out in gross violation of the rules for the rational use of land established by land legislation, in particular if the plot is not used in accordance with its intended purpose, this land plot may be seized from the owner;
  4. Plots built up industrial facilities, administrative buildings, public utilities, food and non-food supplies, etc.;
  5. Land allocated for transport hubs - train stations, airports, river and sea terminals, etc.;
  6. Location of power supply facilities;
  7. Lands included in settlement, but occupied by reservoirs;
  8. Areas allocated for the placement of roads, canals, piers, pipelines, air, ground and underground communication facilities, etc.;
  9. Specially protected natural areas within the boundaries of a populated area. Typically these include: parks, natural monuments, nature reserves, objects of special cultural and historical value, botanical and zoological gardens, museums under open air and so on;
  10. Land intended for agricultural use. Despite the consonance with the name of one of the categories, these lands are still within the intended purpose of settlement lands. These include personal subsidiary plots (LPH);
  11. All other lands that can be represented by the space of streets, squares, reserve areas, special objects that are out of circulation, rights-of-way, security zones, etc.;
  12. Settlement development reserve zones.

Do not confuse permitted use with land ownership. Objects that are federally owned, privately owned, owned by a municipality, or a subject of the federation can be located on the lands of settlements.

In addition, the placement of individual buildings should not be confused with settlements. For example, a forester's house, an apiary, industrial and residential premises at mining enterprises cannot be part of a populated area until the land under them changes its category.

Agricultural land

Agriculture is the basis of existence of any society and state. All this forced legislators to allocate lands suitable for agricultural use into a separate category.

The category of agricultural land includes land plots located outside settlements, the economic function of which is to produce agricultural products. However, like the category of settlements, agricultural land includes a number of lands that have their own permitted use.

Within agricultural lands there may be the following types of permitted use:

  • Areas occupied by roads along with rights-of-way;
  • lands occupied by forest vegetation (forest belts serving the function of protecting fields, forest areas for other purposes);
  • plots occupied by outbuildings;
  • arable land;
  • hayfields;
  • pastures;
  • gardens;
  • fallow lands.

The fallow may be of a special use nature, for example, for the purpose of increasing soil fertility, or it may be forced when the owner or user for some reason stops cultivating the land in accordance with its permitted use. Typically, a deposit refers to the latter case. The deliberate transfer of land to fallow land is usually carried out when the economic and environmental value of the sites is lost due to natural and man-made disasters, long-term pollution, and soil erosion.

Subcategories of agricultural land

As the name suggests, agricultural work must be carried out on these lands, and the agricultural lands themselves must be located outside the settlements. The categorical division of land determines the purpose and content of use. For agricultural land, the legislator distinguishes two subcategories:

  1. agricultural;
  2. and non-agricultural land.

Despite the apparent opposition, both types of land are subordinated to the same goal - to provide conditions for agricultural production.

Agricultural grounds

These include land plots used only for the purposes of agriculture or livestock raising. In turn, agricultural land is divided into arable land, hayfields, pastures, fallow land (temporarily uncultivated land), and areas with perennial tree plantations. Moreover, this division is not arbitrary; all types of farmland have a special legal status that cannot be changed arbitrarily.

Areas that have undergone reclamation have a special status. This is due to the fact that in order for them to acquire the necessary resource properties, costly measures were taken to drain, water, restore soil fertility, and minimize erosion. Often such lands require uninterrupted reclamation work.

Non-agricultural land

Non-agricultural land is occupied by various auxiliary structures. These may include: roads, communications, protective forest belts, reservoirs, buildings that support agricultural production.

This non-agricultural status is subject to urban planning regulations, while agricultural land is not subject to its regulations.

Differences between the first and second

It should be noted that there is a difference between agricultural lands and residential areas where farming is permitted. Agriculture. In the first case, the land is a category and has a designated purpose, in the second, it is located within the boundaries of a populated area and has a specific permitted use.

Agricultural land is heterogeneous and has its own divisions based on the cadastral value principle:

  • Land with low and medium value. These usually include lands of long-term fallow, areas of low fertility, subject to erosion, pollution, etc.;
  • Land with a cadastral value significantly higher (50% or more) than the average for this territorial unit;
  • Land of special value. Their cadastral value far exceeds average values. Typically these include arable lands that have long been involved in agricultural production and have high fertility.

Lands of forest and water fund

  • Forestry is carried out on forest fund lands, which most often involves forest management zoning. According to its results, all lands in this category are divided into areas where logging is carried out and into areas where the forest is restored;
  • Water fund lands are territories with water bodies, water protection zones of natural reservoirs, zones of water intakes and other water management structures.

Reserve lands and protected areas

These two categories of land are withdrawn from circulation. Lands of specially protected natural areas are, as a rule, state property, although the law allows these areas to be privately owned. There have simply been no such precedents in Russia.

Lands recognized as particularly valuable to society are transferred from one category to another and withdrawn from circulation and economic use. Their transfer back to another category is not provided for by law. Reserve lands cannot be used for economic purposes, but can be transferred to another category and with a certain permitted use.

Table of main types of permitted use

Number in the classifier VRI

From time immemorial, tales have reached us about a strange hypothesis, which to us, zombified by orthodox “science,” seems absolutely unreal - the legend of the “hollow earth.” There are as many variations on this theme in different sources as one can probably think of. They describe the thickness of the earth's crust, the number of internal layers of the earth differently, different authors inhabited the center of the earth either with an ancient race, or placed there a base of aliens, or an elite fugitive from justice fascist Germany, or even completely disembodied entities. They also placed their sun in the center of the hollow earth.

It must be said that most, if not all, of the world's myths did not arise out of nowhere. As he says folk wisdom- “There is no smoke without fire.”

What may be most impressive is the fact that the hollow earth theory was seriously believed not only in ancient times, but also in very recent times. And this was not somewhere on the outskirts of civilization, but in a developed, for its time, in scientifically country - in Nazi Germany. Hitler believed that there was living space underground. The existing version said that the entrance to the dungeon was in Georgia and that is why the German army was so eager to enter the Caucasus. Hitler wanted not only to seize Baku oil, but also to penetrate the secrets of the Caucasian dungeons. Yes, the top of the 3rd Reich did not skimp on esoteric research, which seems like a prank to many of us, but we must admit that all German projects were extremely utilitarian - everything that the Germans did not study, they did it for benefit, which means they did not study theories that would have no basis.

Folklore about a journey to the center of the earth is known to every nation in one form or another. The story of Orpheus's journey to the underworld to find his Eurydice has been played out in many epics around the world. Both Aladdin and Andersen’s soldier climbed into the depths of the earth. Hades was located underground among the Greeks, a Christian hell of extraordinary holiness underworld Agartha in Buddhist beliefs, where spiritual teachers live and whose capital is Shambhala.

Scientists did not lag behind the mystics. According to one of Leonhard Euler's theories, our planet is hollow, and inside there is another sun that shines above the inner surface of the earth. Euler recognized the existence of one hollow shell, separated by a large space from the core, in the shell of the earth there are exits at the North and South Poles. And the Englishman Edmund Halley, the royal astronomer and discoverer of Halley's comet, believed that there were three more planets inside our earth. Euler and Halley were first-class mathematicians; they based their theories on what they considered to be rigorous calculations.

It must be said that extremely diverse views agree on one thing - the earth can be hollow inside. And it is possible that this initial idea has over time acquired many variations by different thinkers.

And, no matter how fantastic the idea of ​​a hollow earth may seem to us, if we consider simple scientific facts, which are widely known today and no one doubts, then we have to admit that the earth cannot but be hollow. And that's why…

  1. The earth has a rotation around its axis, which imparts some centrifugal acceleration to the earth's matter. Because of this, by the way, our planet’s poles are flattened. Now centrifugal debris slightly compensates for the force of gravity, but this was not always the case. The earth's rotation slows down by about 0.015 s every 100 years. It means that formerly earth rotated faster. The speed of braking is not constant - the faster the planet rotated, the stronger the braking was. This means that the earth used to rotate much faster. Under such conditions, centrifugal force could compensate for the force of gravity.
  2. When a large object is formed from small particles, it should receive a chaotic rotation along all axes and only stabilize over time, due to field connections with the objects of the universe surrounding it. When the earth rotates along all axes, all points on the earth will experience centrifugal acceleration.
  3. Over the billions of years of the earth's existence, it has cooled all the time, thereby reducing its volume. The vacated space could be formed not only due to the outer layer, but also due to the interior of the earth, taking into account the following condition...
  4. Temperature of the planet's core, according to modern estimates, is 5000-7000 °C. Iron boils at about 2800 °C. In conjunction with the previous point, this means that bubbles of boiling metal should form in the center of the earth.
  5. Due to centrifugal force and adhesion forces, and for a large bubble and the force of gravity, (at the boundaries of the bubble with the matter of the earth’s core), it can stabilize in volume and due to the pressure of the gaseous metal, as well as a reduction in the volume of the earth, due to its cooling, this bubble, with over time, will increase in volume. And over the 4.54 billion years that scientists assign to the existence of the earth, this internal volume could have increased significantly.
  6. At high temperatures and pressures, substances can rearrange their structure, forming new materials that have a different crystal cell, which radically changes the properties of the substance. In this way, artificial diamonds are obtained from graphite. Such substances can serve as shells for voids, and cavities in the ground can be like bubbles in foam rubber.
  7. According to scientists, the mass of the earth's core is 10% less than it should be for such a volume containing an iron-nickel alloy. It is believed that this difference can be formed due to the admixture of lighter chemical elements. But these healing elements should have floated to the surface of the earth long ago. And being in the earth's core, these light elements could group, forming large voids.

It must be said that this is not the only justification for a possible cavity in the ground, and scientists have different scientific hypotheses.

Critics of the hollow earth theory usually point to seismological studies of the structure of the earth's interior. However, this may negate the theory of a completely hollow earth, but not the presence of many small voids.

Is there life inside the earth?

In addition to the internal sun, one more thing that, in my opinion, is thought out in this story about the hollow earth is the existence of a living world similar to our usual one - with the sun, sky, oceans, probably cigarette butts, military exercises, its Zadornov and etc., inside terrestrial space. Such hypotheses are more like simple conjectures copied from our life to some original information about the existence of life in the cavity of the earth.

The closest to reality, in my opinion, are the hypotheses of ufologists, who talk about the possibility of a UFO base existing inside the earth.

I won’t even argue with opponents about the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, since it is useless to have discussions with unthinking people; for them, propaganda techniques have been invented and used by the authorities, the bourgeoisie and the mafia, which immediately influence the subconscious, which allows them to write all sorts of dregs into their brains, without providing an opportunity to comprehend the embedded information. Such weak-minded people, who are the majority in society, belong on Wikipedia and Lukomorye, where they have multiplied and feel at ease, like a pig in a puddle, protecting themselves from any painful criticism with formal procedures that effectively protect the freedom of their psychosis. Let skeptics of extraterrestrial intelligence argue with SETI (Search for Exstraterrestrial Intelligence), —>

Having once looked at an image of a disc-shaped UFO, I suddenly realized that they, with such an aerodynamic shape as they have, cannot fly in the air with the agility that is attributed to them, make sharp turns, and especially dive under water , as if nothing had happened. The disc-shaped shape of such an aircraft is, rather, justified by the internal contents, possibly a circular engine, than by the need to give the device aerodynamic qualities, and they, apparently, can move without interacting with the surrounding matter.

Actually, a simple conclusion comes from this - that neither air nor water are an obstacle to the movement of UFOs. And if the earth also does not interfere with their movement, or the internal cavity really has exits to the outside, then a convenient, inconspicuous position for locating their base, if they need it, could be right in the center of the hollow earth. The high temperature inside the earth may also not be a hindrance for alien ships. An example is, according to scientists, at altitudes up to 400 km. above the surface of the earth in the thermosphere, the temperature can reach 2000 ° C., and nothing - both UFOs and our spaceships fly through it..

Where are our brothers in mind?

Disc-shaped aircraft "Haunebu II",
created in Nazi Germany at the end of the war.

Despite the abundance of evidence of UFO sightings, the problem today is the lack of official confirmation of the detection of aliens. This gives rise to skepticism.

End of the Aztec Empire

1519 - the year when the Aztec Empire controlled a huge territory with a variety of rich natural resources from the northern regions of what is now Mexico to the borders of Guatemala: the arid regions of the northern Valley of Mexico, the mountain gorges of the present states of Oaxaca and Guererro, the coastal regions of the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific mountain ranges. By this time, Tenochtitlan of the Aztecs had grown into one of the largest cities in the world with a population of 150-200 thousand people and became a huge trading center with a large market in the satellite city of Tlatelolco, where up to 25 thousand people gathered on a trading day. The second largest city in the empire was Texcoco with a population of 30 thousand people. Many other cities had populations of 10-25 thousand people.

But, to their misfortune, across the ocean there existed, for the time being, unknown to the Aztecs, Spain, whose inhabitants thirsted for fame and gold. In 1519, a Spanish expedition led by Hernando Cortes sailed from Cuba with 11 ships, carrying 508 soldiers, 16 horses and several cannons, and headed west.

Upon the arrival of the Spaniards to the Mexican coast, the Aztec emperor was brought a report: “ The gods have returned. Their spears spew fire. Their warriors have two heads and six legs and live in floating houses". Montezuma expected the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy about the return of Quetzalcoatl in the year Se Acatl (year of the reed rod), which corresponded to 1519.

Ten years before this event, there were 8 omens of impending trouble in the Aztec empire:

  • Every night for a year, a flame appeared in the eastern sky.
  • For an unexplained reason, the Temple of Huitzilopochtli in Tlacateccan burned down.
  • Lightning struck the Xiuhtecuhtli Temple in Tsonmolko.
  • One afternoon a comet appeared and broke into three parts.
  • The water in Lake Texcoco boiled up and destroyed the surrounding houses.
  • One night the voice of a woman was heard crying: “My dear children, we must go! Where should I take you? (Florentine Codex).
  • One fisherman caught a heron with a crest in the form of a mirror, in which Montezuma saw the heavens and an army galloping on animals like deer.
  • People were found with two heads and one body, who then mysteriously disappeared.

During his stay on the Gulf Coast, Cortez repeatedly clashed with local tribes.

On August 16, 1519, the Spaniards began their march on the capital of the Aztec empire. Along the way, they were joined by several thousand Indians.

On November 8, 1519, the Spaniards entered Tenochtitlan, and Montezuma greeted them: “ Welcome, we have been waiting for you. This is your home". He was waiting for God, Quetzalcoatl. But it was not the gods who came... In the following weeks, the Aztec emperor discovered that he had actually become a hostage, and the Spaniards began to destroy all the shrines of the Indians and put up Christian altars in their place. Then the Indians became more and more convinced that the Spaniards, posing as gods, were in fact no less bloodthirsty and greedy for gold. Dissatisfaction with the actions of Montezuma, who still supported the white newcomers, grew. One day he was taken to the roof to calm down the raging crowd, but they threw stones at him, from which he died three days later (this is according to the Spaniards, but there are other versions that say that the Spaniards themselves killed the emperor before their flight from the city). After Montezuma, his brother Cuitlaulac (1520-1520) became emperor for a short time.

Soon, under the pressure of a huge number of rioting crowds of Aztecs, Cortes and his army were forced to leave the city. In the same year, Cuauhtémoc of Tlatelolco (“The Descending (Falling) Eagle” - 1520-1521) became the last supreme Tlatoani ruler of the Aztec empire.

Cortes, who fled the city, did not intend to give up. Having built the ships, he placed all his people on them and, relying on luck, gunpowder, horses and iron, he led his army to storm Tenochtitlan.

On August 13, 1521, the Spanish captured Tenochtitlan along with the last Tlatoani, Cuauhtémoc, and a number of his high councilors. Subsequently, Tenochtitlan was completely sacked and destroyed, Cuauhtemoc was executed (in 1525), and the Aztec empire was completely conquered by the Spaniards.

You are no longer my friend...

The entire history of mankind is continuous wars, destruction of each other, deception, plunder...

Look at us - we don't even need bread and circuses. Just show us the enemy and we can immediately be controlled like toys.

Maybe the correct opinion would be that... we really are not worthy of the mercy of aliens?

Extraterrestrial intelligence does not want to make contact with us, and we don’t even have to argue with this. The only correct decision would be, in their place, in relation to earthlings, unless we are immediately destroyed as dangerous warlike competitors for world domination, this would be to pit us against each other with the help of psychotronic technologies, to implant thoughts into us through idiots and traitors - sexots (like Academician Kruglyakov) that aliens do not exist, to control and slow down our scientific and technological development(namely, to block torsion technologies) so that we, as late as possible, reach the level when we naively decide that we can conquer the discovered aliens.

All lands in the land legislation of the Russian Federation are divided into categories. This allows us to determine their value and types of permitted use.

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What applies to settlement lands in 2019? The Land Code of the Russian Federation contains a definition of seven categories of land, each of which has certain differences.

Based on the belonging of a land plot to a certain category, permissible types of its use are established. What are settlement lands in 2019?

General points

The current provisions of land legislation are based on the division of land into categories.

In the State Real Estate Cadastre, for each registered land plot the category and .

If land is used for a purpose other than the permitted use, there is a violation of the law.

If we talk about land as the property of individuals, then only categories with a certain type of use need to be mentioned.

These are lands intended for residential development and agricultural purposes. Such sites are usually located in places where citizens live. Accordingly, their name sounds like lands of settlements.


The lands of settlements are characterized by common distinctive features. Settlement lands are lands used to serve cities and rural settlements and located within features (urban, rural settlements).

The line acts as the outer boundary of a settlement and delimits lands of different categories. This line/border may change according to plans for the planning and development of settlements.

It should be noted that the border covers not only developed land, but also unoccupied land intended to serve the population or privately owned.

The border cannot pass through a separate area, but only along its edge. One plot cannot belong to two different categories. An external feature defines the total territory of a particular population.

As for the internal organization of land, it is carried out by local authorities on the basis of approved development and planning plans.

What is included in such a territory?

This area includes:

  • areas intended for public needs;
  • industrial zones;
  • plots for housing construction;
  • agricultural land;
  • territories under military installations;
  • zones for special objects.

For these territories, urban planning norms are interpreted differently. The regulations affect all processes relating to the development of each individual zone.

The law obliges every citizen to comply with the provisions of urban planning regulations and construction procedures.

The types of objects being built must correspond to the specific zone. However, it must be taken into account that different types of zones can intertwine with each other.

This affects the types of permitted uses. Therefore, before using the land, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the map of the settlement territory and the approved regulations.

According to some characteristics, all areas included in the settlement lands can be divided into types:

Based on accessibility to Most lands in this category can be transferred to private ownership. But some areas are not subject to privatization. For example, embankments, parks, city reservoirs, roads, etc.
Based on permitted use The interweaving of different zones leads to a combined mode of their use, but priority is given to what is more significant. For example, the site is included in the general urban development plan, that is, it belongs to the “red lines”. This means that such land can be seized for state purposes and there is no point in developing it
By purpose The distribution concerns plots provided to private individuals. In particular, these are plots for individual housing construction, garden partnerships, private household plots

Regulatory regulation

The main standard regulating the legal status of settlement lands is the Land Code of the Russian Federation.

In total, the Land Code of the Russian Federation contains three special articles regarding this land category. The definition of territory related to settlement lands is provided.

According to this norm, local government bodies determine the status of the territory. It also talks about the possibility of confiscating plots of land from private property if it is necessary to implement urban planning plans.

Thus, settlement lands are the only category of land whose boundaries can be clearly established in accordance with the law.

The line of urban and populated areas is a line demarcating the lands of settlements and other categories of land.

The determination of the boundary line is based on approved urban planning and land management documentation.

The use of settlement lands is determined according to the zoning of the territories. The entire territory of a settlement is divided into territorial zones.

The results of the subdivision are reflected in zoning documents, which are part of the development and land use regulations.

Development and land use rules are the standards of local authorities that determine the procedure for urban planning activities.

Based on these Rules, land use plans are developed and approved.

According to the approved Rules, a separate urban planning regulation is determined for each territorial zone.

The peculiarity of the use of settlement lands is such that the procedure for use is established on the basis of the general plan of the city or the development plan of the settlement.

Video: categories of land and types of permitted use. Lands of settlements

It is the general plan that acts as the main urban planning document that determines the conditions for zoning and development of territories, the formation of infrastructure, the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, and ensuring sanitary and environmental well-being.

For personal farming

It is permitted to conduct personal subsidiary farming on the lands of private household plots intended for agricultural use.

The use of this type of land for individual residential construction is strictly prohibited.

But the lands of settlements may also include agricultural lands, that is, those belonging to the category. This type of plot is called “homestead land.”

This territory can be used for agricultural purposes and, in particular, for private farming. Household plots differ from field plots in the possibility of constructing a residential building.

From this point of view, the plots of private household plots that are part of the settlement lands are practically no different from the plots under. You can register ownership of a built house and subsequently register in it.

Is it possible to build a house

The very definition of settlement lands, indicating the development of human settlements, indicates the possibility.

However, self-building is against the law, even if the house is built on your own property.

Before starting construction, it is necessary to obtain appropriate permission from the local administration.

The permit is issued after checking the provided project of the future house and the urban development plan.

The provided project must comply with the requirements of the urban planning plan for the land area in general and the site in particular.

In addition, housing construction standards must be observed. Construction of a house without a permit or in non-compliance with the approved project will not allow the object to be registered.

Registration is carried out only after the building is accepted into operation by a commission formed by the local administration.

An illegally built house is a self-construction and is subject to demolition without reimbursement of expenses to the owner.

Land for building a house is allocated by local governments on a paid and free basis. A plot of land can be purchased, rented or received for free, indefinite use.

The size of the allocated plots is established based on the circumstances of actual land use and urban planning plans.

You can only build a house on a plot with certain boundaries and placed on. This is due to the fact that the established boundaries are taken into account when drawing up the development project.

And registration in the Cadastre allows you to determine the value of the plot, on the basis of which the redemption price of the land, the amount of rent and the subsequently levied tax are determined.

How is their cadastral assessment carried out?

The concept of cadastral valuation of settlement lands is understood as a set of administrative and technical actions regarding the determination of the cadastral price.

For evaluation, methods such as income, comparative or cost, and more often a combination of methods are used. The valuation methods used are tied to transactions carried out on the real estate market.

The cadastral value is based on the average market price for plots for various purposes.

The specificity of determining the value of land in settlements is that their price is an order of magnitude higher than plots of other categories.

However, this largely depends on the demand for land and the level of development of the settlement. Currently, land is almost similar to the market price.

What is the difference with individual housing construction

The difference between settlement lands and individual housing construction plots is in a more extensive list of types of permitted use.

Settlement lands can be used for various purposes, including construction and agricultural needs.

At the same time, the type of permitted use may periodically change if the urban development plan changes.

The land plot can be privatized, although the conditions for privatization may vary in different cases.

As for settlement lands, some territorial zones are purely public and cannot be transferred to private ownership.

But the most important difference, which is often not taken into account, is that individual housing construction is not a category of land. Individual housing construction is understood as the type of permitted use of territory with the category of settlement land.

That is, in fact, an individual residential building can be located outside the populated area. For example, on lands intended for agricultural needs, for gardening or summer cottage construction.

You can only register ownership of a house built on settlement lands. In all other cases, the structure will be considered a temporary structure.

People have long known that the Earth is round, and they are finding more and more new ways to show that our world is not flat. And yet, even in 2016, there are quite a few people on the planet who firmly believe that the Earth is not round. These are scary people, they tend to believe in conspiracy theories, and it's hard to argue with them. But they do exist. Like "Society" flat earth" It becomes funny just thinking about their possible arguments. But the history of our species was interesting and quirky, even firmly established truths were refuted. You don't have to resort to complicated formulas to dispel the flat Earth conspiracy theory.

Just look around and check ten times: the Earth is definitely, inevitably, completely and absolutely not 100% flat.

Today people already know that the Moon is not a piece of cheese or a playful deity, and the phenomena of our satellite are well explained modern science. But the ancient Greeks had no idea what it was, and in their search for an answer, they made some insightful observations that allowed people to determine the shape of our planet.

Aristotle (who made quite a few observations about the spherical nature of the Earth) noted that during lunar eclipses (when the Earth's orbit places the planet exactly between the Sun and the Moon, creating a shadow), the shadow on the lunar surface is circular. This shadow is the Earth, and the shadow cast by it directly indicates the spherical shape of the planet.

Since the Earth rotates (look up the Foucault pendulum experiment if in doubt), the oval shadow that is created during each lunar eclipse, says not only that the Earth is round, but also not flat.

Ships and horizon

If you've been in port recently, or just strolled along the beach, looking at the horizon, you may have noticed a very interesting phenomenon: approaching ships don't just "emerge" from the horizon (as they would if the world were flat), but rather emerge from the sea. The reason that ships literally “come out of the waves” is because our world is not flat, but round.

Imagine an ant walking along the surface of an orange. If you look at an orange from a close distance, with your nose to the fruit, you will see how the ant's body slowly rises above the horizon due to the curvature of the orange's surface. If you do this experiment with a long road, the effect will be different: the ant will slowly “materialize” into your field of view, depending on how sharp your vision is.

Change of constellations

This observation was first made by Aristotle, who declared the Earth to be round by observing the change of constellations when crossing the equator.

Returning from a trip to Egypt, Aristotle noted that “stars are observed in Egypt and Cyprus that were not seen in the northern regions.” This phenomenon can only be explained by the fact that people look at the stars from a round surface. Aristotle continued and stated that the sphere of the Earth “is of small size, for otherwise the effect of such a slight change of terrain would not have manifested itself so quickly.”

Shadows and sticks

If you stick a stick into the ground, it will provide shade. The shadow moves as time passes (based on this principle, ancient people invented sundials). If the world were flat, two sticks in different places would produce the same shadow.

But this doesn't happen. Because the Earth is round, not flat.

Eratosthenes (276–194 BC) used this principle to calculate the circumference of the Earth with good accuracy.

The higher you go, the farther you can see

Standing on a flat plateau, you look towards the horizon away from you. You strain your eyes, then take out your favorite binoculars and look through them as far as your eyes can see (using binocular lenses).

Then you climb the nearest tree - the higher the better, the main thing is not to drop your binoculars. And again look, straining your eyes, through binoculars to the horizon.

The higher you climb, the further you will see. Usually we tend to associate this with obstacles on Earth, when you cannot see the forest for the trees, and freedom for the concrete jungle. But if you stand on a perfectly clear plateau, with no obstacles between you and the horizon, you will see much more from above than from the ground.

It's all about the curvature of the Earth, of course, and this wouldn't happen if the Earth were flat.

Flying an airplane

If you've ever flown out of the country, especially somewhere far away, you might have noticed two interesting facts about airplanes and the Earth:

Planes can fly in a relatively straight line for a very long time without falling off the edge of the world. They can also fly around the Earth without stopping.

If you look out the window on a transatlantic flight, most of the time you will see the curvature of the earth on the horizon. Best View there was a curvature on the Concorde, but that plane is long gone. From a new plane, the horizon should be completely curved.

Look at other planets!

The Earth is different from others, and that is undeniable. After all, we have life, and we have not yet found planets with life. However, all planets have similar characteristics, and it would be logical to assume that if all the planets behave in a certain way or exhibit specific properties - especially if the planets are separated by distance or formed at various circumstances- then our planet is similar.

In other words, if there are so many planets that formed in different places and under different conditions, but have similar properties, most likely our planet will be one. From our observations, it became clear that the planets are round (and since we knew how they formed, we know why they are shaped that way). There's no reason to think our planet won't be the same.

In 1610, Galileo Galilei observed the rotation of the moons of Jupiter. He described them as small planets orbiting big planet- and this description (and observation) did not please the church, since it challenged the geocentric model in which everything revolved around the Earth. This observation also showed that the planets (Jupiter, Neptune, and later Venus) are spherical and revolve around the Sun.

A flat planet (ours or any other) would be so incredible to observe that it would overturn almost everything we know about the formation and behavior of planets. This will not only change everything we know about the formation of planets, but also about the formation of stars (since our Sun must behave differently to accommodate the flat Earth theory), the speed and movement of cosmic bodies. In short, we don't just suspect that our Earth is round - we know it.

The existence of time zones

In Beijing it is now 12 midnight, no sun. It's 12 noon in New York. The sun is at its zenith, although it is difficult to see under the clouds. It's one thirty in the morning in Adelaide, Australia. The sun will not rise very soon.

This could only be explained by the fact that the Earth is round and rotates around its own axis. At a certain point, when the sun is shining on one part of the Earth, it is dark on the other end, and vice versa. This is where time zones come into play.

Another point. If the sun were a "spotlight" (its light shining directly on a specific area) and the world was flat, we would see the sun even if it wasn't shining above us. In much the same way, you can see the light of a spotlight on a theater stage while remaining in the shadows. The only way to create two completely separate time zones, one of which will always be in the dark and the other in the light, is to have a spherical world.

Center of gravity

Eat interesting fact about our mass: it attracts things. The force of attraction (gravity) between two objects depends on their mass and the distance between them. Simply put, gravity will pull toward the center of mass of objects. To find the center of mass, you need to study the object.

Imagine a sphere. Because of the shape of the sphere, no matter where you stand, there will be the same amount of sphere underneath you. (Imagine an ant walking on a glass ball. From the ant's point of view, the only sign of movement will be the movement of the ant's legs. The shape of the surface will not change at all). The center of mass of a sphere is at the center of the sphere, meaning gravity pulls everything on the surface towards the center of the sphere (straight down), regardless of the object's location.

Let's consider a plane. The center of mass of the plane is at the center, so the force of gravity will pull everything on the surface towards the center of the plane. This means that if you are on the edge of the plane, gravity will pull you towards the center, and not down, as we are used to.

And even in Australia, apples fall from top to bottom, not from side to side.

Photos from space

Over the past 60 years of space exploration, we have launched many satellites, probes, and people into space. Some of them returned, some continue to remain in orbit and transmit beautiful images to Earth. And in all the photographs the Earth (attention) is round.

If your child asks how we know the Earth is round, take the trouble to explain.