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The meaning of the word homophones. Omomorphemes

Along with homonyms, that is, homonymous words, there are also homomorphemes, that is, homonymous morphemes, that is, parts of words (prefixes, suffixes, roots, endings) that are the same in spelling and pronunciation, but have different meanings. For example, the ending - A in Russian means:

    plural of second declension nouns ( city - cities),

    genitive case of nouns ( house - Houses),

    feminine past tense verbs ( began - started).

Homonyms, homophones, homographs and homoforms

Homonyms - words that sound the same at the same time And spelled, but different in meaning.

    Homophones (phonetic homonyms) are words that sound the same, but have different spellings and meanings.

    Homographs (graphic homonyms) are words that are the same in spelling, but different in sound and meaning.

    Homoforms (grammatical homonyms) are different words that coincide in certain grammatical forms. For example, the verbs fly and treat coincide in the 1st person singular form of the present tense - I'm flying. Examples of homoforms.

Homonymy in taxonomy[edit | edit wiki text]

According to their morphological structure, homonyms are simple, or non-derivative, and derivative. Non-derivative homonyms are most common among nouns. Derivative homonymy is especially common among verbs (cf.: backfillA t- fall asleep and backfillA t- fill with something loose, etc.).

The so-called homoforms, homophones and homographs, which are similar to lexical homonymy, but characterize in the broad sense of the word the phenomenon of so-called stylistic homonymy, should not be confused with lexical homonyms: 1) the coincidence of the sound and spelling of one or more forms of words - homoforms(cf. roadsO th- them. n. masculine adjective and roadsO th- gender, date, sentence feminine adjective cases); 2) the same pronunciation, but different spellings of words and phrases - homophones(cf. eye - voice; could - got wet); 3) the same spelling, but different pronunciation of words - homographs(cf. hA mock And deputyO To).

Such phenomena, along with lexical homonymy itself, can be used for various stylistic purposes: to create expressiveness of speech, in puns, jokes, etc.

See, for example, Y. Kozlovsky in the poem “The Bear and the Wasps” from the series of poems “About diverse words, identical, but different”:

Carried by the bear, walking to the market ,

Honey for sale jug .

Suddenly on a bear - here misfortune ! -

The wasps got it into their head misfortune .

Teddy bear with an army aspen

Fought torn out aspen .

Could he not be furious? fall into ,

If the wasps climbed into the mouth ,

They stung where horrible ,

For this they horrible .

Homonymous words, along with polysemantic ones, also form certain groups, connected internally by the unity of semantically different words, similar in spelling, pronunciation, and the same grammatical forms. Consequently, they, falling out of the system of words, semantically close or opposite, nevertheless represent formally united syntagms, i.e. elements of the general language system.

Note. WITH homonymous words words should not be mixed - paronyms(gr. para - near + onyma - name), which differ in meaning, but are similar in pronunciation, grammatical affiliation, and often the relationship of the roots. For example, subscription - subscriber, everyday - everyday, offensive - touchy, provide - present and many more etc. (See about this in more detail: Vishnyakova O.V. Paronymy in the Russian language. M., 1984.)

Homophones (from Greek homós - identical and phōnē - sound)

words that have the same sound, but differ in writing (“fruit” and “raft”, “threshold” and “vice”, “pillar” and “pillar”). O. can arise, in particular, due to the ability of different phonemes (See Phoneme) to coincide when pronounced in one variant. For example, the identical sound in Russian of the words “dog” and “dok”, “gruzd” and “sadness”, “pond” and “prut” is due to the fact that the Russian language is characterized by deafening of voiced consonants at the end of words and before the subsequent voiceless consonant. In other languages ​​(French, English, Chinese and others) O. also arise as a result of the sound coincidence of words of different origins, preserving the traditional spelling.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what “Homophones” are in other dictionaries:

    - (from the Greek homos identical and ... background) different words that sound the same, but differ in writing (for example, fruit and raft) ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    - [Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (from Greek homos identical + phone voice, sound). Different words that sound the same but have different spellings. Meadow onion, fruit raft, genus mouth, labor homophones tinder, mascara mascara. Homophones are also called phonetic homonyms... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    Ov; pl. (singular homophone, a; m.). [Greek homos identical, phōnē sound, voice] Linguistic. Words that have different meanings and spellings but have the same pronunciation (for example, fruit and raft). ◁ Homophonic, oh, oh. Oh words. Homophonic (see). * * * homophones… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Homophones, phonetic ambiguity, phonetic homonyms (ancient Greek ὁμόφωνος “consonant, consonant”) words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Examples in Russian: threshold vice parok, meadow onion, fruit ... Wikipedia

    Mn. Words that are pronounced the same, but differ in spelling and meaning (in linguistics). Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Forms of words that sound the same but are spelled differently: threshold vice See Homonym ... Handbook of Etymology and Historical Lexicology

    homophones- different words that sound the same, but have different spellings... Explanatory translation dictionary

    homophones- ov; pl. (singular homopho/n, a; m.) (Greek homós identical, phōn ē sound, voice); linguistic see also homophonic, homophonic Words that are different in meaning and spelling but have the same pronunciation (for example, fruit and raft) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    homophones- In phonics and morphological stylistics: different word forms/phrases that match in sound when their lexical meanings are different. O. can arise when creating a rhyming text, and unfriendly critics emphasize the possibility... ... Educational dictionary of stylistic terms


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Many foreigners note that the Russian language is very difficult to learn. It is especially difficult with words that are spelled differently from how they are heard, or are similar in sound to a radically different word. We are talking about homophones, which we will devote this article to.

A homophone is...

Let's figure out what it is. The list will help us:

  • A pair or more words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and have completely different meanings.
  • Phonetic (sound) ambiguity.
  • Phonetic homonyms (from Greek - “identical sounds”).

Homophones in the Russian language are formed thanks to the following sources:

  • Changing the sound of a vowel in an unstressed position.
  • sounds when the latter are placed at the end of a word or before another consonant.

To make it more clear to you what we are talking about, here is specific examples homophones.

Homophones: examples of words and phrases

Let's get to know various types this phonetic phenomenon. Examples of homophone words:

  • Stunning consonants: meadow-onion, twig-pond, cat-code, threshold-vice, opened-boiled, case-fall, cry-cry.
  • Merging with the second consonant: ball-ball.
  • Reduction of vowels: give-betray, ghost-bring.
  • The sound of the verb coincides in the infinitive and the 3rd person of the present or simple future tense: it is necessary to decide - it will be decided today, we will build - the village is being built.

You can also find examples of homophone phrases - both the coincidence in the sound of one word and a whole phrase, and the coincidence of two phrases. Sometimes the only difference is the location of the space. For example:

  • pine - from sleep;
  • not mine - mute;
  • skid - by the nose;
  • I carry different things - awkward things;
  • in place - together;
  • manure - for carts;
  • for the cause - touched;
  • from the hatch - and evil.

In context it looks like this:

  • This warrior could stand up for his entire family. In a public place, you should close your mouth when you yawn.
  • He was always drawn to the sea, Pavel said that this was his element. In this sad hour, I am writing poetry to you.
  • What does this have to do with what I once told you? I already find my way around this area, and without the help of a navigator.
  • It was decided to continue moving, not allowing even the slightest delay. Valya re-read her mother’s letter line by line.
  • I was again drawn to green meadows, noisy waterfalls, unexplored forests, brown rocks. No matter what he says, his speech seems to be laced with puns.
  • Every day I walk the same path, but I carry different things. She simply could not wrap her head around these truly absurd things.

Origin of the concept

Homophone - it comes from the ancient Greek ὁμόφωνος, which means “speaking the same language,” “consonant,” “consonant.” According to another version, the concept was formed from a combination of two ancient Greek words: ὁμός - “same”, “equal” and φωνή - “sound”, “voice”.

Similar concepts

Do not confuse homophones with related terms:

  • Homonyms- morphemes, words and other units of language are completely identical in both sound and spelling; their cardinal difference is in meaning. Example: ether in radio broadcasting and ether is an organic substance.
  • Homographs- such words are the same in spelling, but completely different in pronunciation. A lock with stress on the first syllable and a lock with stress on the second.
  • Omoforms- so-called graphic homonyms. Different words that have the same spelling only in a specific grammatical form. For example, I’m flying - the verbs “fly” and “to treat”, I’m crying - the infinitives “cry” and “pay”.
  • Omomorphemes- various morphemes (parts of a word - prefixes, roots, suffixes, endings), which are the same in both spelling and pronunciation, but have different meanings. A striking example of this is “a”. Can be the ending of a noun plural(city), noun ending in genitive case(I'm home today), ending the verb in the past tense (accepted).
  • Paronyms- words that have a similar sound and but different meanings. Addressee-addressee, blood-bloody, subscriber-subscription.

Homonyms are divided into:

  • Complete - words that have all the same forms. Note that what distinguishes homographs from this type of homonym is that they can be used in different parts of speech.
  • Partial - not all absolutely identical forms of a word coincide.
  • Grammatical - one or several forms match.

Homophones in other languages

Examples of homophone words can be found not only in the Russian dialect:

  • The French language is distinguished by the fact that it is extremely rich in homophones. The reason for this is that the vast majority of the final letters in it are not readable. The following homophonic chain can be built: ver - verre - vers - vert.
  • For students English language I also often had to be in a difficult position due to frequent encounters with homophones. This comes from the fact that sounds heard the same way in this adverb in writing are designated completely in different letters. For example: knew - new, bear - bare, whole - hole.

So, homophones are words that we pronounce the same way, but we write differently, and the meaning in each of them is radically different. It is difficult for native speakers to get confused by this kind of phonetic ambiguity, but for Russian learners, homophones can become a serious problem.

There are many interesting phenomena in Russian linguistics that puzzle schoolchildren and students. Homophones are rightfully considered one of these. Let's figure out what it is, look at specific examples and learn how to use it linguistic phenomenon for your own benefit. After all, the richer and more diverse a person’s speech, the greater his chances of graduating from school with honors, entering the desired university, finding a decent job and ensuring his well-being.

Homophones - definition

Homophones are phonetic homonyms, a special case of homonymy that has the following features:

  • Words must be one part of speech.
  • Have an absolute match in spelling and sound.
  • But at the same time have a completely different interpretation.

Let's give an example of homonyms.

  • Leaf in notebook and maple leaf. In this example, the words “leaf” and “leaf” are homonyms. They are identical in spelling and sound, both are nouns, but have different meanings.
  • Birds are sitting in a cage - the body of an amoeba consists of one cell. “Cell” and “cell” are homonymous.
  • The fox cubs were sitting in a mink - a mink sheds in winter. In the first case, a mink means the home of animals, in the second - a small animal with valuable fur.

Homophones are words like this, which are pronounced the same, but are written differently, the spelling of difficult words can be checked with a dictionary. Their meaning also differs.

As can be seen from the examples, the meaning of a homonym can be understood either in context or by spelling. It is impossible to recognize words by sound, since they have the same set of sounds. Due to the prevalence of the phenomenon, there are special dictionaries. Homophones are present not only in Russian, but also in English and French. The reason for their origin is that many consonants are unreadable.

Sources of origin of homophones

There are several sources for the emergence of homophones:

In the dictionary of homonyms you can get acquainted with all the pairs, there are now more than 10 thousand of them!

The easiest way recognize homophones in sentences. Examples:

  • In our village there was a beautiful meadow where my grandmother used to send cows to graze. And onions grew in the garden.
  • A worker climbed out of a hatch on the road. Well, he’s angry, his face is terribly dissatisfied.
  • This fruit was juicy and fragrant. We boarded the raft and enjoyed the silence and fresh air.

From the context, the meaning and meaning of each word becomes clear. In difficult cases, the spelling of a particular word can be checked in a dictionary. Often this grammatical phenomenon is used by writers to create funny puns. Example:

Punished him for his deed

But it hurt him!

Typology of homophones

Depending on the part of speech Homophones in the Russian language can be divided into:

  • For nouns: carcass and carcass, meadow and onion, milk mushroom and sadness.
  • Verbs: get through - get through, betray - give, build - is being built, decide - decide.
  • Verb and noun: marvel and maiden.

In general, the study of homophones for schoolchildren is quite successful and does not cause any particular difficulties, since the meaning of the word and the peculiarities of its spelling become clear to a native speaker from the context. But in difficult cases you should look in the dictionary.

Homophones - examples in a sentence

Understanding the meaning of homophones It will not only help make speech richer and more interesting, but also prevent mistakes in spelling words that are pronounced the same but have different spellings.

Russian language is considered one of the most difficult in the world. When studying it, not only foreigners, but even Russian-speaking students and schoolchildren are faced with various phenomena that baffle them. Homophones are one of these cases. Examples of words related to them, their morphological, etymological, syntactic and semantic features will be discussed in this article.

Homonyms and their types

In order to understand what homophones are and what their role is in the modern Russian language, you first need to define the concept of homonyms.

Homonyms are words that are spelled or sound the same, but have completely opposite meanings. They are divided into three groups: graphic, grammatical and phonetic homonyms.

Graphic, or so-called homographs, are words that are spelled identically but have different accents, due to which they have only vaguely similar pronunciation and, as a consequence, meaning. For example:

  • ugly - ugly, obscene, outrageous, causing displeasure as a result of disharmony, disproportion, lack of beauty;
  • ugly - not having an artistic image.

Grammatical homonyms (omoforms) are words that coincide in sound and spelling only in certain grammatical forms. These can be either members of the same part of speech or different ones. For example, I’m flying (from “fly” (verb)) - I’m flying (“to treat” (verb)), pari (noun) - pari ( imperative mood verb "to soar")

The last type of homonyms is homophones (phonetic) - these are words that differ in spelling, but are the same in sound (pronunciation). For example, a ball (celebration, holiday) - point (score).

Etymology of the words “homonym” and “homophone”

Homonym (Homonymos) is a word that comes from the Greek language, literally understood as “of the same name.” The first root, Homos, means “same,” while the second, onyma, means “name.”

According to this, a homophone is Homos + phone (sound), that is, “sounding the same.”

Reasons for the appearance of homonyms

The reasons for the appearance of homographs, homoforms and homophones in the Russian language are very diverse. As a rule, homonyms appear in the process of language development due to historical changes in the political, social and everyday world.

Philologists and linguists distinguish the following groups:

  1. Polysemantic words that, during the formation and modernization of the Russian language, have lost their semantic connection, or some of its meanings have fallen out of widespread use. For example, the stomach is “life” (an outdated saying: “not for the stomach, but for death”), the stomach is part of the human body.
  2. A coincidence in pronunciation between an original Russian word and a borrowed one. Marriage (from “to take”) - family relationships, defect (eng. Brack - defect) - a defective thing.
  3. Similarities between dialect and literary words. Stitch (from the word “quilt”) and stitch - path.
  4. Word formation. Gorodishche is the site of an ancient settlement, gorodische is an amplification of the word “city”, formed in a suffixal way (suffix “ish”).
  5. Coincidence between foreign words that came from different languages. Block (from French) - an alliance of countries or organizations united for joint actions, block (from English) - a device for lifting loads.

Reasons for the emergence of homophones

As for the formation of homophones, in this case the reason is any sound changes in words, the operation of phonetic laws:

  1. Regressive assimilation in terms of voicedness/voicelessness, i.e. assimilation, deafening of a voiced word at the end and the merged sound of a double consonant. For example, meadow and onion. In both cases, these words will be pronounced as [bow], since the last letter of “meadow” in the nominative case is a voiced consonant that is devoiced. Or milk mushrooms and sadness, where the sound of the first word coincides with the second, since soft sign represents only grammatical meaning, as a result of this, the same law is triggered as in the previous pair. Examples of words for this type of homophones include the following: mushroom-flu, horn-rock, interspersed - interspersed, etc.
  2. The second case of the formation of a homophone is the same sound of the letters “e”, “ya” and “i”; “o” and “a” are in unstressed position. For example, to abide - to arrive. The letter “e” in the prefix “pre” in the first word is unstressed, softening the previous consonant, it receives the sound [i] when pronounced.
  3. Unpronounceable consonants are another reason for homophones. Example words: bone and inert. In the first word, the letter “t” is not pronounced, as a result of which phonetically both words look like [inert’].
  4. Coincidence of a word and a word with a preposition. For example, skidding and over the nose.
  5. A common noun is a noun and a proper noun. Faith (name) and faith (person's belief).

Examples of homophones in sentences

The question of what homophones are often arises among people learning the Russian language. However, it is not enough to cite the words themselves; it becomes most clear only when these words are used in some context. To do this, this article will contextually examine the following words: company - campaign, cry - cry, burn - burn, Hope - hope, pine - from a dream:

  1. He approached his daughter and said: “Don't cry! I'm sure you'll meet your friend again someday." The boy's crying did not stop, the tears flowed and flowed, but no one came to him to ask what happened.
  2. A hand burn is a very unpleasant phenomenon, but curable. He badly burned his hand, so he was forced to visit the hospital all week.
  3. Nadezhda raised her eyes to the sky and froze - it was so beautiful: the dark canvas spread out everywhere, like a silk blanket, thousands of stars glittered with gold, decorating the artist’s oil painting, and the month froze in one position, only sometimes swaying slightly from side to side. The hope for a miracle had been simmering in his heart for several days, but miracles never happened.
  4. Life has not been kind to the once cheerful, friendly company. The ceramics company is located on the next street.
  5. A thin pine tree, like a young girl, spread out its braided branches next to the mighty oak tree. He had not yet woken up from his sleep, so he listened to his friend’s solemn speech with half an ear.

Functional and stylistic application of homonymy in works of art

An example of homophone words, or rather, homonyms in elite and mass literature is a pun. This is a joke poem based on the use of words that sound the same but have different semantics. This technique occupies an important place in the works of A. S. Pushkin, V. Mayakovsky, V. P. Burenin, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A. P. Chekhov, A. T. Averchenko, N. S. Leskova, V. .IN. Shkvarkina, I.A. Ilf, I.S. Petrova and others.

You puppies, follow me, / You will get a roll, But look, don’t chat, / Otherwise I’ll beat you up. A. S. Pushkin

Homonymy and the use of homophones in literary texts is an interesting phenomenon of the Russian language.