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Do they provide hostel accommodation for the correspondence department? What documents are needed to live in a hostel?

Applicants ask:

Is your university public?

- Yes, and graduates receive regular state diplomas.

What is the tuition fee?

- This year 24,000 per semester for full-time students and 12,000 for part-time students.

Where do your graduates work?

- Graduates of the “Artistic Culture” department are employed as teachers of world art culture in schools, work in museums, art galleries, customs and auctions. Graduates of the departments of “intercultural communications” and “cultural anthropology” teach cultural studies at universities, work in research institutes, in the State Duma as assistants to deputies, as cultural referents in administrative bodies, national centers, and become journalists.

Is it difficult for you to apply?

- No, admission to us is almost guaranteed. Moreover, all entrance exams have now been converted into tests. But it’s difficult to study with us. You need to read a lot and have remarkable erudition, at least in history.

In different universities, the teaching of cultural studies is built on a different basis. And how are you?

- Our graduates become multidisciplinary specialists, they combine the knowledge of historians, sociologists, ethnographers, and art historians; but still the basis of education is history.

Are your students doing science?

- Of course. We have a Student Scientific Society, conferences are held regularly, and the best reports are published on the website. But the main confirmation of the scientific nature of our education is that 20-25% of our graduates regularly enter graduate schools and most of them write dissertations based on their theses, since the requirements for them differ little from candidate dissertations.

Do your students visit museums?

- Necessarily. Museum practice is an integral part of learning. Moreover, they visit not only in Moscow, but also in St. Petersburg and other cities. From time to time we manage to organize archaeological expeditions.

Can you get married?

- Over 10 years, approximately 450 people graduated from HSC. About 40 of them got married during their studies or shortly after. So we can talk about almost 10% marriage rate.

Do you get drug addicts or alcoholics?

- We have been working since 1991. During this time there were 2 or 3 cases. But these people quickly drop out because studying is very stressful and it is impossible to combine it with such behavior.

Where do your students get so many books? In libraries?

- If you wish, you can also go to libraries. But we have our own electronic library on CDs. And all students who have access to a computer receive these disks. All the necessary textbooks, teaching aids, programs and, of course, a lot of scientific literature are recorded there.

Do you have student skits?

How strong are your teachers?

- We rank first in Moscow in terms of the percentage of doctors of science. But we also have brilliant young teachers, including our former graduates.

Why is your tuition fee approximately two times lower than in other liberal arts universities?

- We are only a faculty of the Moscow State University of Culture. And the University pays all taxes. And our expenses are limited only by teachers' salaries.

Is studying in the evening safe?

- We are located in a very crowded place near Prospekt Mira and from 1991 to this day there has not been a single hooligan incident.

Is dormitory provided for correspondence students during the session?

Yes, we provide hostel accommodation for part-time students during the session, but you just need to notify the deputy immediately at the beginning of your studies that you are applying for a hostel. Director of Academic Affairs. She is preparing an application for the appropriate number of places. Just don’t be late to contact her.

Many part-time students very often ask questions about whether they will be provided with a hostel during the session. In fact, this is a very pressing question, and as a consequence, a problem emerges from it. In fact, dormitories are not provided to part-time students by law. That is, if initially, upon admission to a higher educational institution, a student who plans to study full-time writes a statement that he needs a place in a dormitory, then part-time students are immediately deprived of this opportunity.

In general, there are several benefits that full-time students have that are not available to part-time students. Firstly, this is military service. If a student plans to devote approximately 5 years of his life to study, then he may be exempt from military service for this time. Many students find this privilege the most convenient. But when entering a university for part-time education, you should initially keep in mind that at any time a student can be drafted into the army. To do this, you can take out an academic leave, but still, few people return to college. Thus, the student does not continue his education.

Also, in addition to a place in the dormitory, “diary” students are given the opportunity to receive a scholarship. Moreover, there are different types of scholarships that are issued depending on the status of the student. For example, a student’s scholarship may increase if he showed positive results during his studies, and moreover, made some scientific discoveries that are now considered useful to society. The scholarship is also increased for full-time students if they are deprived of parental care or live in families where there are disabled people, or the student himself is disabled.

Thirdly, the student life of full-time students is much more diverse and interesting in terms of holding any entertaining and educational events. As part of their education, diary students visit various institutions in their city, where they are provided with important and useful information. For example, students can visit a television studio, where they will see with their own eyes how films and various programs are made, and students can also regularly go to theaters, museums, exhibitions and other events.

The next privilege is a real gift for full-time students. The fact is that many universities have programs for the exchange of experience between students. It includes trips to foreign countries with the possibility of employment there. This is rare, but it still exists. This is a huge prospect for many students. If just recently they could not even dream that they would one day visit England or America, now these countries are open to them. Correspondence students are deprived of this opportunity and this is a huge omission.

As for the provision of hostel accommodation to correspondence students, this is a separate nuance that requires detailed consideration. We have already found out that full-time students have the right to a dormitory, regardless of the specifics and qualifications of the university. But correspondence students have to think for themselves where they will live during the session. Let's consider situations when a student may need a dormitory.

Firstly, this is the reluctance to depend on parents. The fact is that the majority of correspondence students, namely 90% of them, prefer to both work and study. At the same time, they have the opportunity to support themselves, regardless of parental help. But not everyone can earn money for their own apartment. Thus, they have to rely on help from their educational institution. In fact, there is a practice when universities build their own dormitories where their students or employees live. There are also cases where students decide to stay and work at the institute after graduation. They continue to live in the hostel and even start families there and lead a full-fledged life. This is very convenient and beneficial for students and for the management of the university, since it, in turn, receives a conscientious employee.

The second reason why a correspondence student needs a place in a dormitory is living in another city. According to statistics, the largest percentage of students belong to this category. Imagine the situation that you are studying at the correspondence department of an institute, and you live in another city. The session lasts on average from one month to two months. If a student is not provided with a hostel, then he will have to rent an apartment during his studies. Apartments, as a rule, are rented for a long period, and renting apartments for 1-2 months is not profitable. There are agencies that provide such services, but given the current situation, they charge an inflated amount for housing. Therefore, when coming to another city to attend a session, a student has to pay quite a lot of money. This is extremely unprofitable. Thus, in our time, part-time students have a very difficult time due to the lack of such a privilege as a room in a hostel.

Applicants are increasingly suffering from problems with a lack of housing. And since the majority of students are visitors (more than 70%) from other cities and even countries, we are talking about a huge number of people in need of housing. And the hostel is a tasty morsel that is not enough for everyone, but it is so desirable for everyone! So how can you get this “paradise” if you don’t have connections and money?

First priority lucky ones

  • disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3;
  • orphans;
  • "Chernobyl";
  • “directors” or “targeters”;
  • foreigners and contract workers;
  • children from large families;
  • children of disabled parents;
  • athletes of certain categories.

Whatever is left is distributed among all others not included in the specified categories. And a student can get a place in a dormitory only in descending order of the passing score.

The hostel is not just “your own corner”, it is a school of life

And, despite the very sad living conditions in this paradise, hundreds, thousands, millions of students flock here every year. Of course: few students can afford to live in rented apartments, especially if they study in multimillion-dollar cities.

According to the law, the conditions for providing a hostel to students require 6 square meters. m. per room per person. And practice shows that the hostel administration can accommodate from 2 to 6 people for this amount of square meters.

How can a student who does not have benefits get a dormitory?

Only those who have the patience to delve into legislation and regulations can get a good room in a hostel. And if you take into account the impolite refusals, in order to get a hostel for students (paid or free), sometimes you will have to threaten or at least be prepared to contact the prosecutor's office. But usually issues can be resolved peacefully.

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Well, the first thing you need to do is study the rights of students living in the dormitory, as well as those who intend to move in there.

Before you take action, find out whether the university is obliged to provide dormitory accommodation for nonresident students or other categories of those in need.

Here are some tips for those who want to get a place in a hostel:

  1. Many people believe that applying for housing can only be done in the summer or at the beginning of the school year. In fact, the law does not provide for a time limit for applying for a hostel. So, a student can submit documents for a dormitory at any time – at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the academic year.
  2. Preferential categories and non-resident students are provided with a dormitory in accordance with Article 16 of the Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, Model Regulations on Student Dormitory. Therefore, first carefully study these documents to understand whether you can qualify for something.
  3. If the selected university has its own housing stock, then it must provide a dormitory for ALL students who need living space, and not just non-resident full-time students. The latter, of course, have priority benefits. But this is not a reason to refuse the rest, since from the point of view of the law this will violate the rights of other students. And this violation already becomes an excellent reason to contact law enforcement agencies.
  4. Well, so that they immediately pay attention to you and in order to avoid communication with law enforcement agencies, when writing an application to the rector’s office to provide you with a place in a dormitory, immediately mention Article 16 of the above law in the document. Also ask in your application to explain in writing to you (in case of refusal) on what basis the administration made a decision to deny the legal right to receive housing. Often one correctly drafted such statement is enough to resolve the situation in favor of the student.
  5. We are used to the fact that Russian students in the hostel are free students. Meanwhile, the law does not mention anywhere that only a state employee can get a position. So if you were only able to enroll in a paid department, do not hesitate to ask for a room. You have all rights on the same basis as other categories.

And one last thing. If you still managed to get the long-awaited room, great! You will be able to save a lot of money. But don’t forget that students still pay for the hostel, even if it’s just pennies compared to renting an apartment. So you still have to fork out the cash. True, this does not apply to a special category of students who will not have to pay at all (1st and 2nd degree disabled people, orphans or those left without parental care).

As for payment, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Law 16, which we mentioned above, the university administration and hostel management do not have the right to set you a fee that exceeds 5% of the amount of the scholarship you receive (if you receive one).

In general, all this is not difficult - you just need to know your basic rights and the bills that confirm this. Studying at a university will be much more difficult, believe me. Well, in order to somehow lighten your burden, the student service is ready to take over the worries of writing tests, term papers, laboratories, diplomas and other types of educational work.

First of all, you should spend enough time preparing for the exam. Re-read the lecture notes, educational literature and other teaching materials, carefully read the exam papers. With a low level of knowledge, you are unlikely to be able to qualify for the desired grade.

However, the life of correspondence students is not as sweet as the diaries are convinced: when the time comes for the session, the former have a headache no less than any other student, or even more. And the culprit here is not at all the tests, coursework and laboratory work not completed on time, no! It's all about the most banal, but such a sore point for a person studying in the correspondence department, like where to live during the session if you are from another city.

Dormitory of the educational institution

It just so happens that according to the law, only nonresident young people who are full-time students can live in a dormitory. However, if you are lucky and you come to an agreement with the university administration, then everything can be possible; perhaps, you will be allocated a bed, if available, for the two weeks required to pass the session. This would be just great, because, firstly, you will save on travel costs if the dormitory building is located next to the university, and secondly, all the teachers will be nearby during exams.

Rented apartments

Only students with a good salary can afford this type of accommodation during exams, because apartments rented monthly are unlikely to be offered to you, and those rented per day are exorbitantly expensive. Of course, such housing is convenient when everything is at hand - there is a kitchen corner where you can prepare food, a bathroom with hot water, and the Internet, which is no longer possible to do without at such an important time. But it’s still not the best idea to rent an apartment during the exam session. Considering that the university is located in a large city, this service will cost you a pretty penny. So let's move on to the next option.

Stay with friends

There is nothing better than a warm welcome in another city from good friends, if you have them there. They will feed you and offer you a warm shower; in general, if the person is normal and you get along well with him, he will create the most suitable living conditions for you. There’s just one thing: it’s one thing to stay with acquaintances, friends or relatives for one or two days, and quite another thing to burden them with your presence for more than a week. Therefore, this option is also not very suitable for a part-time student.

Hostel rooms

Those who want to save money on rent, because they will have to spend a lot on a session even without it, can pay attention to rooms in hostels. In large cities, such mini-hotels are a dime a dozen, so you can choose and choose, both in price and in terms of living conditions. However, when renting a room in a hostel, you need to take into account that you will not live alone. So, with neighbors, and they can be both men and women, you will have to share the bathroom and kitchen.

When going to a session in another city, no matter what housing option you choose, it is better to agree in advance with the landlord and reserve your place. This way, upon arrival, you won’t have to look for a free room at train stations or a hotel room, which always costs an order of magnitude more than renting a regular apartment.

The functioning and procedure for settling into dormitories in Ukraine is regulated by the Housing Code of Ukraine (HCU, Article 127), the Regulations on student dormitories, developed by the educational institution in accordance with the Model Regulations and the Rules and conditions of living in the dormitory.

Housing and communal services establish general requirements for dormitories. For student dormitories, 5 provisions are important:

  • Check-in to the dormitory is permitted only after approval by the sanitary-epidemiological service. This means that the residence hall is subject to an annual health inspection.
  • Accommodation in the hostel is paid. One of the student's responsibilities is to pay for this housing on time and in full, otherwise the student may be deprived of the right to live.
  • The dormitory must be equipped with furniture and the necessary equipment, students must be provided with household services (ironing, washing) and allocated premises for these purposes. The student should not spend his own money on purchasing furniture or equipment for the dormitory.
  • Maintenance of the hostel, including cleaning, duty, and administration, is carried out by special full-time personnel, that is, students cannot be involved in this work.
  • The internal regulations in the dormitories are established by rules approved by the university administration. It determines the rules for living in dormitories during the summer.

Who has the right to live in a dormitory?

According to the Licensing conditions for the implementation of educational activities of educational institutions, the educational institution must provide students with dormitories at a level of at least 70% of the need. Today, this norm is often not met, and it is impossible to force universities to recruit students based on the number of places in dormitories.

Nonresident students, graduate students, preparatory course students, and cadets can be accommodated in the dormitory. Foreign citizens who are students are accommodated in dormitories on a general basis, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

At the same time, the legislation establishes a number of preferential categories that have a guaranteed or priority right to provision of hostel accommodation.

According to Part 12 of Art. 7 of the Law “On ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens and the legal regime in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine”, citizens of Ukraine who live in the temporarily occupied territory have the right to receive or extend the receipt of a certain educational level in other regions of Ukraine at the expense of the state budget with provision of places in dormitories for the duration of training.

In addition, the following have the right of priority settlement:

  • disabled students of groups I-III;
  • students from large families (three or more children);
  • students whose parents have died (died);
  • persons whose parents are miners and who have at least 15 years of underground work experience or who died as a result of an industrial accident or who became disabled of group I or II in accordance with the Law “On increasing the prestige of miners’ work.”
This list is not exhaustive and may be supplemented by other groups of beneficiaries.

As for university employees, they can be accommodated in student dormitories only by decision of the head of the university and in agreement with student government bodies. Accommodation of any other unauthorized persons in student dormitories is prohibited.

Preferential categories of students who receive appropriate state assistance and study under state orders, in agreement with the trade union committee, may also be provided with the cost of living in university dormitories. In some cases, this is directly provided for by law, while in this way orphans and children of combatants are exempt from paying for living in dormitories.

Procedure for settling into the hostel

There is usually not enough space in student dormitories. In order to prevent corruption in the distribution of these places, universities operate a complex settlement scheme, to which the administration and student government bodies are involved.

The decision on the distribution of places among students of the relevant faculty is made by the leadership of the faculty and approved by the head of the university in agreement with student government bodies.

Based on the decision to provide places in a dormitory, an agreement for accommodation in a dormitory is concluded with the student and a referral (order) is issued, which is the only basis for settlement and residence. The directions indicate the address of the hostel and usually the room number. The condition for moving into a hostel is prepayment, which cannot be less than a month, but in practice you often need to pay a year in advance. The maximum fee for accommodation in student dormitories is 40% of the minimum regular academic scholarship of higher educational institutions of the corresponding level of accreditation. The student is also required to familiarize himself with the internal regulations of the hostel and safety regulations.

Today, students are also often forced to purchase a so-called insurance policy, that is, a property insurance contract. Such a requirement is legal, but a description and assessment of the insured property must be carried out. In practice, the insurance policy often shows signs of corruption between the insurance company and the university management, and sometimes money is even paid directly to the dormitory commandant. Failure to pay the policy cannot be grounds for denial of accommodation in a hostel unless an assessment and description of the property is carried out. If you suspect the existence of a corruption component when concluding an insurance contract, you should contact law enforcement agencies.

Rights of students living in the dormitory

The rights of students are established by the Internal Regulations and the Regulations on Residence in the Dormitory.

Students living in dormitories have the following rights:

  • use the premises, devices and equipment of the hostel;
  • demand timely repair or replacement of equipment, furniture, and elimination of deficiencies in the provision of living conditions. A student must repair property at his own expense only when he himself has damaged it. The university administration is also obliged to ensure cleaning and repair of common areas in the dormitory, and students are obliged to maintain cleanliness in these common areas;
  • elect student self-government bodies of the hostel and be elected to their composition;
  • file complaints about the work of hostel employees and living conditions, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Citizens’ Appeals”;
  • invite strangers to the dormitory if they can prove their identity with the appropriate document. Responsibility for the timely exit of visitors from the dormitory and their compliance with internal regulations rests with the students who invited them. Usually visitors have the right to stay in the hostel from 8-00 to 23-00;
  • unhindered access to the hostel at any time of the day. The temporary regime of access to dormitories is established by the Internal Regulations. Today, students are usually given access to the hostel at night (from 24-00 to 06-00) - with an entry in a special log of the reasons for being late;
  • to the inviolability of the home. Administration representatives can enter the room without the student’s knowledge only when there is a risk of property damage (for example, someone’s room is flooded).

Student responsibility for violating internal regulations and discipline in the dormitory

The following types of penalties may be applied to a student:
  • comments;
  • rebuke;
  • eviction from the hostel;
  • refusal to provide a bed for accommodation for the next year;
  • expulsion from the educational institution.