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Actions in conditions of autonomous existence. Survival skills in extreme situations

Survival in conditions of autonomous existence.

Norilsk Pedagogical School

A person’s ability to successfully overcome the harsh conditions of the natural environment is one of his most ancient qualities. Even in time immemorial, he learned to protect himself from cold and heat, build himself a dwelling from snow and tree branches, make fire by friction, looking for edible fruits and roots, hunt birds and animals, etc. But centuries passed, and man, having tasted benefits of civilization, began to gradually move away from nature and lose the skills acquired by many generations of ancestors. As a member of society, he is accustomed to the idea that many of his needs are provided by the people around him, that someone is constantly taking care of satisfying his needs, that in one or another unfavorable situation he can always count on someone’s help. And indeed, in Everyday life a person does not have to rack his brains over how to hide from the heat or cold, how and where to quench his thirst and hunger. Lost in an unfamiliar city, he can easily get the information he needs. If you get sick, seek help from a doctor.

However, even today there are often cases when a person, as a result of current circumstances, finds himself in conditions of autonomous existence, the favorable outcome of which largely depends on his psychophysiological qualities, solid knowledge of the basics of survival and other factors.

In the event of a short-term external threat, a person acts on a sensory level, obeying the instinct of self-preservation: he bounces off a falling tree, clings to immovable objects when falling, tries to stay on the surface of the water when there is a threat of drowning. There is no need to talk about any will to live in such cases.

Long-term survival is another matter. In conditions of autonomous existence, sooner or later a critical moment comes when excessive physical and mental stress and the seeming pointlessness of further resistance suppress the will. Passivity and indifference take possession of a person. He is no longer afraid of the possible tragic consequences of ill-conceived overnight stays and risky crossings. He does not believe in the possibility of salvation and therefore dies without fully exhausting his reserves of strength, without using up his food reserves.

Survival based only on biological laws self-preservation, short-term. It is characterized by rapidly developing mental disorders and hysterical behavioral reactions. The desire to survive must be conscious and purposeful and must be dictated not by instinct, but by conscious necessity.

The natural environment and its physical and geographical conditions are also important for human life. By actively influencing the human body, it increases or shortens the period of autonomous existence, promotes or hinders the success of survival. Each of natural areas determines the specifics of human life: behavior patterns, methods of obtaining food, construction of shelters, the nature of diseases and measures to prevent them, etc.

How to behave for a person who finds himself in extreme conditions natural environment? If there is no firm confidence in the ability to quickly get out of the current situation, and the situation does not require immediate leaving the scene of the incident, it is better to stay in place, build a fire, or build a shelter from scrap materials. This will help protect you well from bad weather and keep you strong for a long time. In addition, it is much easier to obtain food in parking conditions. In some cases, this tactic will facilitate the actions of the search and rescue service, which has received information about an incident in a particular area.

Having decided to “stay put,” you need to draw up a plan for further action, which includes the following activities:

determining your location; protection from the adverse effects of environmental factors; making a fire; sending distress signals; obtaining food and water; self-help and disease prevention.


Terrain orientation is the determination of one’s position relative to the sides of the horizon and local objects. Depending on the nature of the terrain, the availability of technical means and visibility, the sides of the horizon can be determined by the position of the Sun, the North Star, by signs of local objects, etc.

In the northern hemisphere, the direction other than north can be determined by standing with your back to the to the sun. The shadow will indicate the direction north, west will be on the left, east will be on the right. Local noon is determined using a vertical pole 0.5 - 1.0 m long along lowest value the length of its shadow on the surface of the Earth. The moment when the shadow was the shortest according to marks on Earth corresponds to the passage of the Sun through this meridian.

Determining cardinal directions using a watch: The watch must be placed horizontally and turned so that the hour hand points to the Sun. The bisector of the angle formed between this line and the hour hand is mentally drawn through the center of the dial, showing the north-south direction, with the south being to the right of the Sun before 12 o’clock, and to the left after 12 o’clock.

At night in the northern hemisphere, the direction north can be determined using the North Star, located approximately above North Pole. To do this you need to find a constellation Ursa Major with a characteristic arrangement of stars in the form of a bucket with a handle. An imaginary line is drawn through the outer two stars of the bucket, and the distance between these stars is plotted on it 5 times. At the end of the fifth segment there will be a bright star - Polaris. The direction towards it will correspond to the direction to the north.

You can navigate through some natural characteristics. So, for example, on the northern side, trees have a coarser bark, covered with lichen and moss at the base, the bark of birch and pine on the northern side is darker than on the southern side, and tree trunks, stones or rock ledges are more densely covered with moss and lichens. During thaws, snow remains longer on the northern slopes of the hills. Anthills are usually protected from the north by something; their northern side is steeper. Mushrooms usually grow on the north side of trees. On the surface of the trunk of coniferous trees facing south, more resin drops are released than on the north. These signs are especially clearly visible on isolated trees. On southern slopes, grass grows faster in the spring, and many flowering shrubs have more flowers.

How to organize an overnight stay

Organizing an overnight stay is a labor-intensive task. First you need to find a suitable site. First of all, it must be dry. Secondly, it is best to position yourself near a stream, in an open place, so that you always have a supply of water at hand.

The simplest shelter from wind and rain is made by tying individual elements of the base (frame) with thin spruce roots, willow branches, and tundra birch. Natural cavities in the steep bank of the river allow you to comfortably sit on them so that the place of sleep is between the fire and a vertical surface (cliff, rock), which serves as a heat reflector.

When preparing a place to sleep, two holes are dug - under the thigh and under the shoulder. You can spend the night on a bed of spruce branches in a deep hole dug or thawed to the ground by a large fire. Here, in the pit, you should keep the fire burning all night to avoid a serious cold.

In the winter taiga, where the thickness of the snow cover is significant, it is easier to arrange a shelter in a hole near a tree. In severe frost, you can build a simple snow hut in loose snow. To do this, the snow is raked into a pile, its surface is compacted, watered and allowed to freeze. Then the snow is removed from the pile, and a small hole for the chimney is made in the remaining dome. A fire built inside melts the walls and makes the entire structure strong. This hut retains heat. You can’t get your head under your clothes, as breathing causes the material to become damp and freeze. It is better to cover your face with items of clothing that can be easily dried later. A burning fire may cause accumulation carbon monoxide and you need to take care of a constant flow of fresh air to the combustion center.

How to make fire

A fire in conditions of autonomous existence is not only warmth, it is dry clothes and shoes, hot water and food, protection from midges and an excellent signal for a search helicopter. And most importantly, a fire is an accumulator of vivacity, energy and activity.

To get fire you need use flint, piece of flint. Any steel object can serve as a flint, or, in extreme cases, the same iron pyrite. The fire is struck by sliding blows on the flint so that the sparks fall on tinder - dry moss, crushed dry leaves, newspaper, cotton wool, etc.

Fire can be made friction. For this purpose, a bow, a drill and a support are made: a bow - from a dead trunk of a young birch or hazel tree 2 - 3 cm thick and a piece of rope as a bowstring; drill – made of a pine stick, 25–30 cm long, as thick as a pencil, pointed at one end; the support is cleared of bark and a hole 1–1.5 cm deep is drilled with a knife. The drill, wrapped once with a bowstring, is inserted with its sharp end into the hole, around which tinder is placed. Then, pressing the drill with the palm of your left hand, quickly move the bow perpendicular to the drill with your right hand. To avoid damaging the palm, place a pad made of a piece of fabric, tree bark, or put on a glove between it and the drill. As soon as the tinder begins to smolder, it must be fanned and placed in kindling prepared in advance.

To achieve success, you should remember three rules: the tinder must be dry, you must act in strict sequence and, most importantly, show patience and perseverance.

Getting food and water

A person who finds himself in conditions of autonomous existence must take the most energetic measures to provide himself with food by collecting edible wild plants, fishing, hunting, i.e. use everything that nature provides.

Over 2000 plants grow on the territory of our country, partially or completely edible.

When collected plant gifts need to be careful. About 2% of plants can cause severe and even fatal poisoning. To prevent poisoning, it is necessary to distinguish between such poisonous plants as crow's eye, wolf's bast, poisonous weed (hemlock), henbane, etc. Food poisoning is caused by toxic substances contained in some mushrooms: toadstool, fly agaric, false honey fungus, false chanterelle, etc. .

It is better to refrain from eating unfamiliar plants, berries, and mushrooms. If you are forced to use them for food, it is recommended to eat no more than 1–2 g of food mass at a time, if possible, washed down with plenty of water (plant poison contained in this proportion will not cause serious harm to the body). Wait 1–2 hours. If there are no signs of poisoning (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, intestinal disorders), you can eat an additional 10–15 g. After 24 hours, you can eat without restrictions.

An indirect sign of the edibility of a plant can be: fruits pecked by birds; a lot of seeds, scraps of peel at the foot of fruit trees; bird droppings on branches, trunks; plants gnawed by animals; fruits found in nests and burrows. Unfamiliar fruits, bulbs, tubers, etc. it is advisable to boil it. Cooking destroys many organic poisons.

In conditions of autonomous existence fishing, perhaps the most affordable way to provide yourself with food. Fish has greater energy value than plant fruits and is less labor intensive than hunting.

Fishing tackle can be made from available materials: fishing line - from loose shoe laces, thread pulled out of clothes, unbraided rope, hooks - from pins, earrings, pins from badges, “invisibility”, and spinners - from metal and mother-of-pearl buttons, coins and etc.

It is permissible to eat fish meat raw, but it is better to cut it into narrow strips and dry them in the sun, so it will become tastier and last longer. To avoid fish poisoning, certain rules must be followed. You should not eat fish covered with thorns, spines, sharp growths, skin ulcers, fish that are not covered with scales, lack lateral fins, have an unusual appearance and bright color, hemorrhages and tumors internal organs. You cannot eat stale fish - with gills covered with mucus, with sunken eyes, flabby skin, with an unpleasant odor, with dirty and easily separated scales, with meat that easily separates from the bones and especially from the spine. It is better not to eat unfamiliar and questionable fish. You should also not eat fish caviar, milt, or liver, because... they are often poisonous.

Hunting- most preferred winter time the only way to provide yourself with food. But unlike fishing, hunting requires a person to have sufficient skill, skill, and a lot of labor.

Small animals and birds are relatively easy to catch. To do this, you can use traps, snares, loops and other devices.

The obtained animal meat and birds are roasted on a primitive spit. Small animals and birds are roasted on a spit without removing the skin or plucking. After cooking, the charred skin is removed and the insides of the carcass are cleaned. After gutting and cleaning, it is advisable to roast the meat of larger game over high heat, and then finish frying it over coals.

Rivers, lakes, streams, swamps, accumulation of water in certain areas of the soil provide people with the necessary amount of liquid for drinking and cooking.

Water from springs and springs, mountain and forest rivers and streams can be drunk raw. But before you quench your thirst with water from stagnant or low-flowing reservoirs, it must be cleaned of impurities and disinfected. For cleaning, it is easy to make the simplest filters from several layers of fabric or from an empty tin can, punching 3-4 small holes in the bottom and then filling it with sand. You can dig a shallow hole half a meter from the edge of the reservoir, and after a while it will be filled with clean, clear water.

The most reliable way to disinfect water is boiling. If there is no vessel for boiling, a primitive box made from a piece of birch bark will do, provided that the flame touches only the part filled with water. You can boil water by lowering heated stones into a birch bark box with wooden tongs.

Prevention and treatment of diseases

In conditions of autonomous existence, when a wide variety of injuries, bruises, burns, poisoning, diseases, etc. are possible, knowledge of self-help techniques is especially necessary, because you have to rely on your own strength.

To protect against mosquitoes and midges, it is necessary to lubricate exposed areas of the body with a thin layer of clay. Smoking fires are widely used to repel insects. To drive insects out of a hut before going to bed, burning coals are placed on a thick piece of bark and covered with damp moss on top. The smoker is brought into the shelter, kept there until it is filled with smoke, and then it is well ventilated and the entrance is tightly closed. At night, the smoker is left at the entrance on the leeward side so that the smoke, repelling insects, does not penetrate into the shelter.

During crossings, care must be taken not to step on the snake. If you unexpectedly encounter a snake, you must stop, let it crawl away and not chase it. If the snake shows aggressiveness, immediately deal a strong blow to the head and then finish it off. When bitten by a poisonous snake, you must carefully suck out the poison (if there are no cracks in your mouth or lips) and spit it out. Wash the wound and apply a bandage.

In the treatment of diseases, some should be widely used plants.

Ash bark has an anti-inflammatory effect. To do this, remove the bark from a branch that is not very young, but also not very old, and apply the juicy side to the wound. Fresh crushed nettle leaves help a lot. They promote blood clotting and stimulate tissue healing. For the same purposes, the wound can be sprinkled with greenish-brown pollen of a mature puffball mushroom, tightly clamping the cut with the velvety skin of the same mushroom turned inside out.

Fireweed fluff, reeds, flax and hemp tow can be used as cotton wool.

The burning reddish juice of lungwort can replace iodine. And white moss is used as a dressing with a disinfectant effect. Fresh juice of plantain and wormwood stops bleeding and disinfects wounds, has an analgesic and healing effect. This remedy is also indispensable for severe bruises, sprains, as well as for wasp and bumblebee bites. Plantain and wormwood leaves are crushed and applied to the wound.

How to make a distress signal

A fire remains one of the most effective means of emergency signaling. In order to give a timely signal to the search helicopter, the fire is prepared in advance. Dry branches, trunks, moss, etc. are placed in open places - a clearing, a hilltop, a clearing, otherwise the trees will trap the smoke and the signal will go unnoticed. To make the column of smoke thicker and blacker, fresh grass, green leaves of trees, damp moss, etc. are thrown into the flaring fire. The fire is set on fire when a helicopter or plane appears in the visibility zone and the noise of operating engines is clearly audible.

The attention of the crew of a search aircraft can also be attracted by various signals that unmask the terrain: for example, trample in the snow geometric figures, cut down (break out) the bushes, and if there is brightly colored fabric, stretch it out in the open.

A favorable outcome of autonomous existence depends on many factors, but the main one is solid knowledge from various fields. It is advisable not only to know how to behave in a given situation, but also to be able to do it, because when the situation becomes threatening, it is too late to start learning.

All factors influencing the ability to survive can be divided into 4 groups:

· anthropological;

· natural-environmental;

· material and technical;

· environmental and stress.

Anthropological factors characterize the state of human health, its constancy internal environment, reserve capabilities of the body.

Anthropological factors include:

· psychological preparedness;

· moral and volitional qualities;

· active transformative activity that influences the predominance of positive or negative emotions;

· ability to act in conditions of autonomous existence.

For an unprepared person environment- a source of all kinds of dangers, he is in constant anxious tension. This state lasts from several minutes to several days.

Thus, an important task of training is to psychologically prepare a person to overcome a possible emergency, increase his emotional and volitional stability, teach him to correctly perceive and assess the current situation and act in accordance with the situation.

Natural and environmental factors– temperature, air humidity, solar radiation, precipitation, atmospheric pressure level, wind, etc.

People are able to endure even the harshest natural conditions During a long time. However, when they enter them for the first time, they find themselves poorly adapted to life in an unfamiliar environment. Therefore, the more stringent the conditions external environment, the greater the effort required by the struggle for survival, the more strictly the rules of behavior must be followed, and the more expensive the price that is paid for each mistake.

Logistical factors provide protective materials in conditions of autonomous existence: clothing, emergency equipment, food and water supplies, improvised means used for various purposes, etc.

1.3.Characteristics of the main survival stressors

For a person caught in emergency circumstances, survival stressors become special meaning. It is because of illness, fear, heat, thirst, overwork, loneliness, etc. that most tragic accidents occur.

There are major survival stressors:

· heat, thirst;

· overwork;

Hunger. In medical literature, the feeling of hunger is understood as a set of sensations that express the body’s physiological need for food. Accordingly, fasting is a state of the body in which there is a complete absence or insufficient supply of nutrients.

Conventionally, there are several types of fasting:

· absolute– a person is deprived of food and water;

· complete– a person is deprived of food, but is not limited in water consumption;

· incomplete– food is consumed by a person in limited quantities, insufficient to restore energy costs;

· partial– with sufficient quantitative nutrition, a person does not receive one or more substances from food (vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, etc.).

With complete and absolute fasting, the body is forced to switch to internal self-sufficiency. It is estimated that for a person weighing 70 kg, the body’s energy reserves are approximately 160 thousand kcal; The body can use up 40-45% of these reserves (65-70 thousand kcal) without a direct threat to its existence.

In a state of absolute rest, a person needs one kilocalorie per hour per kilogram of mass to maintain the vital functions of the body (the functioning of the heart, lungs, brain and other organs). With a mass of 70 kg, a person’s energy consumption will be 70 kcal/h or 1680 kcal/day. These are inevitable internal energy costs. The rest of the body's energy reserve is enough for the average man to last 30-40 days of fasting without much harm to his health.

These calculations of the body's energy reserve and the duration of safe fasting were made under conditions of a “room” microclimate and complete immobility of a person.

In a real situation, a person is affected by cold, snow, rain, wind, blizzard, and the person is not in a stationary state. Human energy expenditures for various types of movements are presented in table. 1. The duration of safe fasting is significantly reduced by various diseases, increased emotionality, fear and other physical and mental conditions that increase metabolism in the human body.

Survival in wildlife presupposes a certain base of knowledge, skills and abilities. The larger this base, the easier it is to cope with the most difficult situations. But even in conditions of autonomous existence, it is necessary to have basic ideas of how to survive. However, in this case, a person prepares himself in advance, is familiar with the area, has a certain supply of food (or knows how to get it himself) and necessary things.

Extreme and autonomous survival

Extreme conditions without preparation can lead to the most disastrous outcome, so any advice on obtaining food, fire and fresh water, building a shelter and first aid will be not just important, but vital.

Autonomous conditions, if they do not include an established life, then at least presuppose a pre-selected area, route and navigation skills.

The most important problems, which almost always come into contact with survival in extreme conditions, are:

  • lack of drinking water;
  • place to stay overnight;
  • making fire;
  • search for food.

You need to be aware of such difficulties and, if possible, prepare for them as much as possible. At the first failure, continue and try to maintain calm and mental balance, which are just as important in extreme survival.

Overcoming fear, self-confidence and other psychological aspects are very important for a person when he is left alone with nature. Even if you have a backpack with a full set of vital things, this is not a guarantee of safety and peace of mind. Autonomous existence can last quite a long time. Supplies will quickly run out, and you will have to get everything yourself.

Survival, no matter extreme or autonomous, requires overcoming many tasks, obstacles, and one’s own fears. And also the acquisition of many more new practical skills, which in the conditions of civilization, a person may not even have suspected.

Essential Survival Skills

Anyone who wants to master this science must have an idea of ​​the basics of autonomous existence. This applies to both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. To prepare in advance for the harsh realities that you will encounter in the wild, you need to master some basics.

Expertise in creating shelter and finding food will be useful to everyone - both adults and children. To know what needs to be trained, it is worth identifying the main points.

Making fire and setting up a fire

To survive in an extreme situation, this skill will help you stay warm and survive any frost. There are many simple and effective ways getting fire using ordinary objects. When teaching a child, it is worth showing him how to use a flint and matches.

– one of the basic survival skills. Foraging for branches and knowing how to light and maintain a flame will help even in the harshest conditions. The basic principle of an open fire is that it will either burn long or hot.

Ability to get water

During extreme survival, the body loses moisture faster. That is why you need to know how to look for and process it. You shouldn't drink any fresh water, which you meet on the way - it can contain many harmful bacteria. It is also worth learning a method of extraction such as condensation. extremely important in any situation. If a traveler has several plastic bags, he can wrap the branches of trees and bushes, and after a few hours collect them - they will contain a small amount of liquid.


A basic survival skill is . First, you should learn how to use a compass and map, and relate the data received to the real terrain. It's quite simple. In addition to the basic topographical signs and scales, you need to know how the sides of the horizon are determined based on natural features. Surviving in extreme conditions without such skills will become much more difficult.

Knowledge of wild animals

A common cause of disability for people stranded in the forest is injury from wild animals. Often it turns out to be a snake. The main survival tip here is to be careful when passing through forested areas. It is also important to learn the rules of behavior in such situations. For example, you should not throw sticks at snakes when attacking them. This specific survival skill represents behavioral knowledge various types wild animals.

First aid

The most common reason to learn first aid is the risk of finding yourself in a situation where it is needed. This could be injury, loss of consciousness, or a sudden attack. The main difficulty in training a physician is to develop the ability not to panic. Staying calm can save more than one life. By studying the basics of medical art in practice, you can quickly memorize every movement and act confidently in case of danger.

Creating a Shelter

If the fire is lit, there are no animals around, and first aid has been provided to the victims, you should think about creating shelter. In case of rain, a hut is built from spruce branches and tree branches. You also need to know in what place it is possible to install a structure, and in what place it is impractical or even dangerous. You need to clearly understand what functions the shelter should perform, know the basics and methods of arrangement with minimal effort.

Psychological preparation

Any person can know the intricacies of finding food and starting a fire, be able to build a hut and provide first aid, but in a stressful situation he will be incapacitated due to fear, despair or despondency. All actions must be performed automatically, no matter how extreme the conditions around you may be. This can only be achieved by practice combined with personal example.

Physical training

One of the most important rules and survival skills - to always be in shape. You need to learn to cope with physical activity in advance. To do this, you don’t need to exhaust yourself with daily training - just run 30-40 minutes a day at an easy pace, do 3-5 approaches on the horizontal bar and uneven bars. To teach a child healthy image life, you need to become a role model for him.

Autonomous and extreme conditions

As for the differences in extreme and autonomous conditions, they are very significant.

The first can also be defined as being in the wild, where there are no familiar or familiar places and structures. Also, extreme survival sometimes includes the nature of surprise (plane crash, accident, natural disaster, natural disaster). Therefore, in this case, the psychological factor of behavior is exacerbated.

Extreme conditions, in contrast to autonomous conditions, require the construction of a shelter, food production, medical assistance and other necessary actions using available means and, most likely, without the necessary tools.

Autonomous survival


Even today, there are often cases when a person, as a result of current circumstances, finds himself in conditions of autonomous existence, the favorable outcome of which largely depends on his psychophysiological qualities, solid knowledge of the basics of survival and other factors. The main task of a person in an autonomous situation is to survive. The word “survive” has always been used in a very specific sense - “to stay alive, to survive, to be protected from death.” Survival is understood as active, reasonable actions aimed at preserving life, health and performance in conditions of autonomous existence. But it is easier to prevent an extreme situation than to get out of it. Therefore, do not go anywhere without telling someone your route and approximate time of return. Study the area of ​​travel when setting off; Take with you: a first aid kit, comfortable shoes and clothes for the season, a cell phone/pager/walkie-talkie.

Survival in off-grid conditions

Overcoming Fear

Under any circumstances, a person’s survival, first of all, depends on himself. It's not just about his skills. More often than not, a situation of autonomy arises unexpectedly, and the first reaction of anyone in a dangerous situation is fear. But the mandatory conditions for successfully overcoming all difficulties in an autonomous situation are the manifestation of will, perseverance, and competent actions. Panic and fear sharply reduce the chances of salvation.

In the event of a short-term external threat, a person acts on a sensory level, obeying the instinct of self-preservation: he bounces off a falling tree, clings to immovable objects when falling, tries to stay on the surface of the water when there is a threat of drowning. There is no need to talk about any will to live in such cases. Long-term survival is another matter. In conditions of autonomous existence, sooner or later a critical moment comes when excessive physical and mental stress and the seeming pointlessness of further resistance suppress the will. Passivity and indifference take possession of a person. He is no longer afraid of the possible tragic consequences of ill-conceived overnight stays and risky crossings. He does not believe in the possibility of salvation and therefore dies without fully exhausting his reserves of strength, without using up his food reserves.

Survival based only on the biological laws of self-preservation is short-lived. It is characterized by rapidly developing mental disorders and hysterical behavioral reactions. The desire to survive must be conscious and purposeful, and must be dictated not by instinct, but by conscious necessity.

Fear- This emotional reaction to danger, which may be accompanied by physical sensations such as trembling, rapid breathing, or rapid heartbeat. This is a natural reaction and it is common to everyone to a normal person. It is fear for one’s life that causes the desire to act in the name of one’s own salvation. If a person knows how to act, fear sharpens the reaction and activates thinking. But if he has no idea what needs to be done, or experiences pain or weakness from blood loss, then fear can lead to stress - excessive tension, inhibition of thoughts and actions. These sensations can be so intense that sudden, intense fear can lead to death. There are various ways to overcome fear. If a person is familiar with the auto-training technique, then in a matter of minutes he will be able to relax, calm down, and impartially analyze the situation. If not, then thinking about something else will help the person relax and get distracted. Breathing exercises also have a good effect. You need to take a few deep breaths. When a person experiences fear or stress, his pulse speeds up and he begins to breathe very quickly. Forcing yourself to breathe slowly means convincing the body that stress is passing, regardless of whether it has passed or not.

In addition, a person cannot act successfully unless he has a clear goal and a plan to achieve it. Sometimes it seems that professional rescuers, pilots, and military personnel act in difficult situations without thinking. But this is not true: they simply have a ready-made, often already proven plan, or even several versions of the plan. At first, it may seem to a person that he knows nothing and can’t do anything. But as soon as he divides the situation and tasks into its component parts, he will find that he can do a lot. The surest way to overcome fear and confusion is to organize systematic actions to ensure survival. To do this, a person needs to give himself a clear guideline on how to act in a possible extreme situation.

Providing assistance to victims

To provide assistance, it is good to have a first aid kit, so when going on a trip, it is better to take it with you. The set of necessary medications depends on climatic conditions. For example, in the desert you need a serum against snake venom, sunburn cream, etc. A tropical first aid kit should contain a repellent against leeches, insects, powder for fungal diseases, and an antimalarial drug. Any first aid kit should have:

      individual dressing package for each travel participant;

    1. sterile wipes;

      patch (bactericidal and simple);

      potassium permanganate;

      medical alcohol;

      syringe, tubes of morphine or other pain reliever;

      broad-spectrum antibiotics;



      caffeine solution;

      adrenaline solution;

      syntomycin emulsion (for burns/frostbite);

      tetracycline ointment (for eye inflammation);

      pantocid (for water disinfection).

You should have medications individually selected for each person in sufficient quantities (not less than the required minimum). The names and methods of use of medications must be signed with indelible pencil/paint. The first aid kit should be packed carefully to avoid the possibility of damage to the medications. If you don't have them, scissors or a scalpel can be replaced with a disinfected razor blade.

It is necessary to be able to use medicinal herbs, as well as distinguish them from poisonous plants. You can only use well-known herbs, therefore, when going to another climatic zone, it is better to remember the local poisonous plants in advance, and at least 5 medicinal/edible ones. For example, strawberries, celery, and elm bark help with fever. Lilac, sunflower, tincture of nettle with garlic, rose hips, and willow bark help against malaria.

Providing medical care immediately after an accident or when long-term autonomous existence is necessary requires skills, so everyone should be able to provide first aid. With autonomous survival, the most likely are:

    Burn. The burned area should be cooled, wiped with an alcohol solution, and a dry bandage applied. The affected area can be rubbed with a decoction of oak bark, raw potatoes, or urine. Do not lubricate the burn with oil, do not open the resulting blisters.

    Bleeding. Press the damaged vessel (the artery is on top, except for the arteries of the head and neck) or apply a tourniquet/pressure bandage using improvised means (except wires, ropes, cords). Treat the wound with iodine/hydrogen peroxide/green paint and cover with a plaster/bandage. Viburnum berries, rose hips, plantain, and aloe can be applied to a bleeding wound. For purulent wounds, apply a decoction of burdock. The tourniquet cannot be kept longer than 1.5 hours in summer and 30 minutes. in winter.

    Fractures/dislocations. The damaged limb must be immobilized (for which a splint or stick/ski/board is used). Pain can be reduced by applying ice. Finely chopped onions help (for dislocations). You cannot take painkillers, you cannot try to straighten the limb yourself.

    Artificial respiration/cardiac massage necessary for clinical death(no pulse and breathing or convulsive breathing, pupils do not react to light). The person providing assistance inhales air into the victim’s mouth/nose about 24 times per minute. The victim's nose/mouth must be pinched. Blood circulation can be restored by pressing on the chest. The patient should lie on a hard surface and unbutton his clothes. Death occurs within 5 minutes. after clinical death, but resuscitation must be continued for 20 - 30 minutes. Sometimes it works.

    Fainting. If breathing and cardiac activity are not impaired, it is enough to unbutton clothes, bring a swab with ammonia to the nose, and lay the person down so that the head is lower than the feet.

For any injuries, it is best to try to take the victim to a doctor.

Location orientation

When traveling in unfamiliar areas, it is best to have a map. If it is not there, you can navigate without it.

The sides of the horizon can be determined by a compass, celestial bodies, and by some signs of local objects. When uninhibited, the compass needle is set with its northern end in the direction of the north magnetic pole, respectively, the other end of the needle will point south. The compass has a circular scale (dial), which is divided into 120 divisions. The scale has double numbers. The internal one is applied clockwise from 0 to 360 degrees in 15 degrees. For sighting on local objects and taking readings on the compass scale, a sighting device and a reading indicator are attached to the rotating compass ring. When working with a compass, you should always remember that strong electromagnetic fields or nearby metal objects deflect the magnetic needle from its correct position. Therefore, when determining compass directions, it is necessary to move 40–50 m away from power lines, railway tracks, combat vehicles and other large metal objects.

You can determine the sides of the horizon by celestial bodies.

    According to the sun. The sun is in the east at 7 o'clock in the morning, in the south at 13 o'clock, and in the west at 19 o'clock.

    By the sun and a clock with arrows. To determine the direction using this method, you need to hold the watch in a horizontal position and turn it so that the sharp end of the hour hand is directed towards the sun. A straight line dividing the angle between the hour hand and the direction of number 1 points to the south.

    By moving the shadow. The shadow of a vertical stick will show the approximate east-west direction.

    At night, the sides of the horizon can be determined according to the North Star. To do this, you need to find the constellation Ursa Major with a characteristic arrangement of stars in the form of a bucket with a handle. An imaginary line is drawn through the two outermost stars of the bucket, and the distance between these stars is plotted on it 5 times. At the end of the fifth segment there will be a bright star - Polaris. The direction towards it will correspond to the direction to the north.

The sides of the horizon can be determined by some signs of local objects.

      The bark of most trees is rougher on the north side;

      Stones, trees, wooden, tile and slate roofs on the north side are covered with moss earlier and more abundantly. On coniferous trees, resin appears more abundantly on the south side. It is useless to look for all these signs on trees in the thicket. But they can be clearly expressed on a separate tree in the middle of a clearing or at the edge of the forest;

      Anthills are located on the south side of trees and stones;

      Snow melts faster on the southern slopes of hills and mountains.

Magnetic azimuth is used - a horizontal angle measured clockwise from 0 degrees to 360 from the northern direction of the magnetic meridian to the determined direction.

To determine the magnetic azimuth, you must: stand facing the observed object (landmark), release the brake of the compass needle and, giving the compass a horizontal position, turn it until the northern end of the needle is opposite the zero division of the scale. Holding the compass in the oriented position, turn the rotating cover to direct the sighting line passing through the slot and the front sight in a given direction to the given object. The average error in measuring azimuth with a compass is about 2 degrees. Movement during which a given direction is maintained and an exact exit to the designated point is carried out is called azimuth movement. Movement along azimuths is used mainly in the forest, in the desert, at night, in fog and tundra, and other terrain and visibility conditions that make visual orientation difficult. When moving in azimuth, at each turning point of the route, starting from the starting point, they find the desired direction of the path on the ground using a compass and move along it, counting the distance traveled. When moving in azimuth, it becomes necessary to avoid obstacles that cannot be overcome directly. In this case, proceed as follows. Notice a landmark on opposite side obstacles in the direction of movement, determine the distance to it, add it to the distance traveled. After this, having bypassed the obstacle, they go to the selected landmark and determine the direction of movement using a compass.

In mountainous areas, landmarks are selected so that they are distributed in the direction of action of the units, not only along the front and in depth, but also in height. In a forest area, maintaining a movement route along dirt roads and clearings requires the ability to accurately recognize on the ground those along which the path chosen on the map passes. It should be taken into account that forest roads are often barely visible on the ground, and some of them may not be shown on maps. At the same time, you can come across roads that are not shown on the map, but are well traveled. Roads, clearings, intersections, and forks in roads and clearings, rivers and streams, and clearings crossing the route of movement are used as landmarks in the forest. Clearings are usually cut in mutually perpendicular directions, usually in the north direction, respectively west-east.

There are several ways to measure angles and distances on the ground.

    Measuring angles on the ground using binoculars. In the field of view of the binoculars there are two perpendicular goniometric scales for measuring horizontal and vertical angles. The value (price) of one large division corresponds to 0 - 10, and the small one - 0 - 05. To measure the angle between two directions, looking through binoculars, combine any stroke of the angular scale with one of these directions and count the number of divisions to the second direction . Then multiplying this reading by the division value, we obtain the value of the measured angle in “thousandths”.

    Measuring angles using a ruler. In some conditions, a situation may arise when binoculars are not available. Then he can measure angular values ​​using a ruler. To do this, you need to hold the ruler in front of you at eye level at a distance of 50 cm. One millimeter of the ruler will correspond to 0 - 0.2. The accuracy of measuring angles in this way depends on the skills in maintaining a distance from the eyes (50 cm), which requires some training.

    Measuring angles using improvised means. Instead of a ruler, you can use various objects whose dimensions are well known: a matchbox, a pencil, fingers and palms. You can measure angles using a compass. Measuring angles on the ground is a preparation for determining distances on the ground.

Various methods and instruments are used to determine distances on the ground. Often people are forced to determine distances in various ways: by eye or by the measured angular size of objects on the ground, by the speedometer of a car, by measuring their steps, by the average speed of movement. By eye - the main method and the easiest to determine distances, accessible to everyone. This method does not provide high accuracy in determining distances, but with some training you can achieve an accuracy of up to 10 m. To develop your eye, you need to constantly practice determining distances on the ground.

One of the ways to measure distances on the ground is to use distances on the ground known by their length (power lines - the distance between supports, the distance between communication lines, etc.).

For a rough estimate of distances on the ground, you can use the data from the following table:

Table No. 1

For each person, this table can be clarified by himself.

Measuring distances in steps. Every commander needs to know that a person’s step is approximately equal to 0.75 m, but it is inconvenient to make calculations at this size and, therefore, it is accepted that a pair of steps is equal to 1.5 m. In this case, it is much more convenient to carry out calculations. With this method, the accuracy of determining distances can be 98%.

It is advisable to determine distances by the speed of movement and by the speedometer of the car in cases of movement. One of the ways to determine distances may be by sound or flashes. Knowing that the speed of sound in air is 330 m/s, i.e. rounded 1 km per 3 seconds, you can determine the distance by making small calculations. In some cases, the distance can be determined by hearing.

From experience assessing the audibility of various sounds, it becomes clear that:

    moving on foot dirt road can be heard at a distance of 300 m, and when driving on a highway - 600 m;

    vehicle movement on a dirt road - 500 m, on a highway - up to 1000 m;

    loud screams - 0.5 – 1 km;

    driving stakes, cutting wood - 300 – 500 m..

The data given is very approximate and depends on the person’s hearing. The basis of any method of determining distances is the ability to select landmarks on the ground and use them as markers indicating the desired directions, points and boundaries. Landmarks are usually called clearly visible objects on the ground and relief details, relative to which they determine their location, direction of movement and indicate the position of targets and other objects. Landmarks are chosen as evenly as possible. Selected landmarks can be numbered by choosing a direction, or given a conventional name. To indicate your location on the ground relative to a landmark, determine the direction and distance from it.

The apparent similarity of the situation - trees, folds of terrain, etc. - can completely disorient a person, and he often moves in a circle, unaware of his mistake. To maintain the chosen direction, they usually mark some clearly visible landmark every 100–150 m of the route. This is especially important if the path is blocked by rubble or dense thickets of bushes, which force you to deviate from the straight direction. An attempt to go ahead is always fraught with injury, which will aggravate the already difficult situation of the person in distress.

It is especially difficult to make transitions in the swamp area. It is not easy to find a safe walking path among the shifting green space. Particularly dangerous in the swamp are the so-called windows - areas of clear water on the gray-green surface of the swamp. Sometimes their sizes reach tens of meters. You must overcome the swamp with the utmost caution, always armed with a long, strong pole. It is held horizontally at chest level. Having failed, under no circumstances should you flounder. You need to get out slowly, leaning on the pole, without making sudden movements, trying to give your body a horizontal position. For a short rest while crossing the swamp, you can use hard rock outcrops. Water obstacles, especially rivers with fast flows and rocky bottoms, can be overcome without taking off your shoes for greater stability. Before taking the next step, the bottom is probed with a pole. You need to move obliquely, sideways to the current, so as not to be knocked off your feet by the current.

In winter, you can move along frozen river beds while taking the necessary precautions. So, we must remember that the current usually destroys the ice from below, and it becomes especially thin under snowdrifts near steep banks, and that in river beds with sandbanks, sagging often forms, which, when frozen, turn into a kind of dam. In this case, the water usually finds its way out along the shore under snowdrifts, near snags, rocks, where the current is faster.

In cold weather, the deposits float, reminiscent of the smoke of human habitation. But much more often, deposits are hidden under deep snow and are difficult to detect. Therefore, it is better to avoid all obstacles on river ice; in places where rivers bend, you need to stay away from the steep banks, where the current is faster and therefore the ice is thinner.

Often, after a river freezes, the water level decreases so quickly that thin ice pockets are formed that pose a great danger to pedestrians. On ice, which seems not strong enough, and there is no other way, they move by crawling. In spring, the ice is thinnest in areas overgrown with sedge and near flooded bushes.

If there is no firm confidence in the ability to quickly get out of the current situation, and the situation does not require immediate leaving the scene, it is better to stay in place, build a fire, or build a shelter from scrap materials. This will help you protect yourself well from bad weather and maintain strength for a long time. In addition, it is much easier to obtain food in parking conditions. In some cases, this tactic will facilitate the actions of the search and rescue service, which has received information about an incident in a particular area. Having decided to “stay put,” you need to draw up a plan for further action, which includes the necessary measures.

Shelter construction

The simplest shelter from wind and rain is made by tying individual elements of the base (frame) with thin spruce roots, willow branches, and tundra birch. Natural cavities in the steep bank of the river allow you to comfortably sit on them so that the place of sleep is between the fire and a vertical surface (cliff, rock), which serves as a heat reflector.

Organizing an overnight stay is a labor-intensive task. First you need to find a suitable site. First of all, it must be dry. Secondly, it is best to position yourself near a stream, in an open place, so that you always have a supply of water at hand.

When preparing a place to sleep, two holes are dug - under the thigh and under the shoulder. You can spend the night on a bed of spruce branches in a deep hole dug or thawed to the ground by a large fire. Here, in the pit, you should keep the fire burning all night to avoid a serious cold. In the winter taiga, where the thickness of the snow cover is significant, it is easier to arrange a shelter in a hole near a tree. In severe frost, you can build a simple snow hut in loose snow. To do this, the snow is raked into a pile, its surface is compacted, watered and allowed to freeze. Then the snow is removed from the pile, and a small hole for the chimney is made in the remaining dome. A fire built inside melts the walls and makes the entire structure strong. This hut retains heat. You can’t get your head under your clothes, as breathing causes the material to become damp and freeze. It is better to cover your face with items of clothing that can be easily dried later. Carbon monoxide may accumulate from a burning fire, and care must be taken to ensure a constant flow of fresh air to the combustion site.

Temporary shelter can be a canopy, hut, dugout, tent. The choice of shelter type will depend on the skills, abilities, hard work and, of course, the physical condition of the people, since in building material there is no shortage. However, the harsher the weather, the more reliable and warm the home should be. Make sure that your future home is spacious enough. There is no need to adhere to the principle of “too hard, but not to be offended.”

Before starting construction, you need to thoroughly clear the site, and then, having estimated how much building material is required, prepare it in advance: cut down poles, chop spruce branches, branches, collect moss, cut bark. To ensure that the pieces of bark are large enough and strong enough, deep vertical cuts are made on the larch trunk, right up to the wood, at a distance of 0.5 - 0.6 m from each other. After this, the strips are cut from above and below into large teeth 10–12 cm in diameter, and then the bark is carefully peeled off with an ax or machete knife.

Rice. 1. Hut, canopy and fires: A - combined gable hut and “star” fire; B - the simplest canopy and fire “pyramid”.

Rice. 2. Trench, hut and fire: A - snow trench near a tree; B - gable hut and taiga fire.

Rice. 3. Chum-type tent.

In the warm season, you can limit yourself to building a simple canopy. Two one and a half meter stakes as thick as an arm with forks at the end are driven into the ground at a distance of 2.0 - 2.5 m from each other. A thick pole is placed on the forks - a supporting beam. 5-7 poles are leaned against it at an angle of approximately 45 - 60° and, securing them with a rope or vine, a tarpaulin, parachute or any other fabric is pulled over it. The edges of the awning are folded over the sides of the canopy and tied to a beam laid at the base of the canopy. Bedding is made from spruce branches or dry moss. The canopy is dug in with a shallow ditch to protect it from water in case of rain.

A gable hut is more convenient for living (Fig. 2, B). Having driven in the posts and laid the supporting beam on them, the poles are laid on it at an angle of 45 - 60° on both sides, and three or four poles are tied to each slope parallel to the ground - rafters. Then, starting from the bottom, spruce branches, branches with dense foliage or pieces of bark are laid on the rafters so that each subsequent layer, like tiles, covers the bottom one by about half. The front part, the entrance, can be hung with a piece of fabric, and the back part can be covered with one or two poles and braided with spruce branches.

Modern people are accustomed to the availability of conveniences. Few of them can imagine a situation where they have to exist without electricity, running water and other benefits of civilization. However, no one is immune from an unexpected turn of fate. An example would be the forced autonomy of a person in

How does human behavior change?

Of course, a person and his manner of behavior cannot remain unchanged in such circumstances. Usually he is not prepared for the situation in which he finds himself. He has to come to terms with the fact that his own life directly depends on his actions.

The forced autonomy of man in the natural environment sets him the main task: to find a way out to people. This is impossible until he puts his thoughts in order. This is not so easy to do. Unusual circumstances cause panic and inability to adequately assess the situation.

If a person calms down and firmly believes in himself, he will be able to make the right decision.

What does human security depend on?

The following factors influence it:

  • general level of training for survival in extreme conditions;
  • personal qualities;
  • physical state;
  • the ability to mobilize one’s skills and knowledge.

The last parameter is very important, because a person will actually have to survive. This means that he must find food and drink somewhere. In case of bad weather, you will need a special shelter. To build it, you need ingenuity. Experience, at least minimal, will not hurt here.

Even if the weather is clear, an overnight stay is necessary. To arrange it, you should assess the situation as much as possible. Determine if there are any potential hazards.

The forced autonomy of a person in the natural environment will require him to be able to navigate the terrain. He must understand where to move to get to people. The ability to make distress signals has a great influence on the ability to survive.

Even if you don't know where you are, properly signaling your location will enable other people to locate you.

A person's forced autonomy in most cases forces him to instinctively preserve his strength. The body seems to feel that it is in a difficult situation. He does everything possible to protect himself from adverse factors. But, be that as it may, certain advice to those who are forced to survive will not hurt.

You are in First of all, calm down! Weigh the situation. Identify the factors that pose the greatest risk. Then think about how you can avoid them.

If possible, determine where you are now. Decide whether to stay where you are waiting for people or move towards them.

Forced human autonomy in the natural environment requires a rational distribution of one’s own forces. This means that you need to complete certain tasks within a given period of time. They must be feasible. Remember that overwork is unacceptable.

Remember to repeat to yourself that panic will not bring anything good. Conquer your fear and keep your emotions under control.

What else is important to do when human autonomy takes place in the natural environment?
If there are victims, provide them with first aid.

In the event of a vehicle accident, you may leave the vehicle. But before doing so, it is important to take with you any property necessary for survival.

When is the best time to stay at the scene?

  1. If you managed to contact the emergency radio station and transmit data about the incident.
  2. You find yourself in difficult terrain or in territory with which you are unfamiliar.
  3. It is not possible to determine the distance to the nearest populated area.
  4. There are serious injuries or illnesses to you or people nearby.

When is the best time to leave the scene?

  1. You know exactly where people live nearby. It will take a minimum of time to get to them.
  2. Dense vegetation surrounds the place where you are. Because of this, rescuers will not be able to detect you.
  3. No help is received for 3 days.

Note! When leaving the scene of an accident, you must definitely leave behind tree marks and other identifying marks.

Survival against will. Forced human autonomy in the natural environment: examples from life

In 1960, a self-propelled barge located near the Kuril Islands fell into the open sea as a result of a hurricane. There were 4 people on board the vessel. All of them were military personnel. Weather conditions caused radio communications to fail. The engines stopped working.

Food supplies were minimal. They consisted of 2 buckets of potatoes and an emergency package of food for 48 hours.

People sincerely believed that one day they would be found and saved. This faith helped them survive for quite a long time. The soldiers used the small supply of food very sparingly.

The moment came when the provisions ran out. The servicemen were not at a loss. They used boot soles and their own leather belts for cooking. After the products became soft, the soldiers cut them into pieces and ate them.

As you can see, conditions can be quite cruel when forced human autonomy in the natural environment takes place. Examples from life indicate that each of us can find ourselves in this situation. If you like to hike, there is always a danger of falling behind your own group or getting lost.

Even if you are a typical city dweller, no one guarantees that tomorrow you will not have to think about survival. For example, you are flying to another locality by plane. If it crashes, it may fall in places remote from residential settlements. This is true isolation. Your future fate depends on how you behave.

There are many similar examples in life.