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Diagnostic tasks according to the program from birth to school, middle group. Pedagogical diagnostics of children according to Federal State Educational Standards up to

Sample “Analytical report” of pedagogical diagnostics

Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior teacher of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution "Kolokolchik" b. Dukhovnitskoye village, Saratov region
Description of material:
In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, the need arose to formalize the results of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) in a new way. Nobody knows how to do this correctly. I offer my colleagues, preschool teachers, a sample of the “Analytical Report” that we developed based on the results of diagnostics using the example of one group. I will be very glad if this development is useful to someone, and I will also listen with interest to any comments...

Analytical information
based on the results of pedagogical diagnostics
2015 – 2016 academic year

Group No. ... ... (2nd junior)

Number of children diagnosed: 26
The date of the: September 2015
Monitoring status: at the beginning of the school year
Purpose of monitoring: 1) individualization of education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory);
2) optimization of work with a group of children.
Tasks: Studying the results of mastering the basic general education program of preschool education and child development.
Monitoring methods: regular observations by the teacher of children in everyday life and in the process of direct educational work with them, analysis of the products of children's activities, conversations, tests, game situations.

Work with children was carried out in accordance with the “Teacher’s Work Program”, created on the basis of the “Basic educational program of the MDOU “Kindergarten “Bell”, r.p. Dukhovnitskoye, Saratov region."
The preschool educational institution is implementing the “Approximate basic general educational program for preschool education “Kindergarten-2100”, edited by O.V. Chindilova.

The following technologies were used in working with children:

1. health-saving technologies;
2. technology of project activities;
3. research technology;
4. information and communication technologies;
5. person-oriented technologies;
6. gaming technologies.

Characteristics of children for the analyzed period:
Average age of children: 2 years 10 months
Total children in the group: 27 people
Diagnosed children: 26 people
Boys: 7 people
Girls: 19 people
Number of undiagnosed children: 1 child who has not attended kindergarten for more than 3 months.

Pedagogical diagnostics for the analyzed period were carried out in two directions:
pedagogical diagnostics of the quality of education in the group (through the implementation of educational areas);
pedagogical diagnostics of child development.

Diagnostics was assessed at three levels: high, medium, low.
According to the results diagnostics of education quality(through the implementation of educational areas) “at the beginning of the school year” the following results were revealed: three children have high level in areas:

Average level in certain educational areas and directions have:
... I.F. child – educational areas, sections
Low level: in all educational areas they have:

Low level according to certain educational areas and directions have:
... I.F. child – educational areas, sections.
Analyzing the diagnostic results, we can conclude that three children partially mastered the program material.
In educational areas and directions, the quantitative composition of children with an average and low level is almost equal:
average level – 22 children
low level – 23 children
Mostly you need to pay attention to the educational areas “Speech development” and “Cognitive development”.
The indicator in the educational areas “Artistic and aesthetic development” is slightly higher - children have sufficiently developed skills of productive activity, fine motor skills of the pupils’ hands are developed, but accuracy, sequence of actions and variability of thinking are not fully developed. There is a lack of proper attention on the part of parents to the educational process; auditory and visual attention and the desire to show interest in the environment are also insufficiently developed.

Annex 1

2. Form the following subgroup to optimize work:
subgroup No. 2, direction of work – “Cognitive development”
... I.F. children
According to the results diagnostics of child development“at the beginning of the school year” the following results were revealed:
High level:
... I.F. children, directions.
Average level:
...I.F. children, directions.
Low level:
... I.F. children, directions.

Comparative data is given in the table Appendix 2

Analyzing the results of diagnostics of child development, we can conclude that the average level of development of children (17 children) in six areas generally prevails. Children have developed the basic cultural methods of activity, they show initiative and independence in various types of activities - play, communication.
With a high level – one child.
Low level – 8 children. These are children who do not strive to participate in practical and play activities together with adults, experience an unstable interest in the actions of their peers, and cannot subordinate their behavior to the rules of communication.
The explanations for these low results are as follows: long-term adaptation of some children, frequent absences with or without reason, due to limited speech contacts, social and communicative qualities are not sufficiently formed, and reluctance to obey general rules.
Create an individual educational trajectory (route) for the following children:
... I.F. children, the reason for determining the individual educational trajectory

Monitoring was carried out by: ... Full name. educators

Table. Annex 1

Table. Appendix 2.

Natalia Ashenkova
Pedagogical diagnostics of children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

According to clause 4.3 of the federal state educational standard for preschool education, approved. by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 (hereinafter referred to as GEF DO, Standard, target guidelines (social-normative age characteristics of a child’s possible achievements at the stage of completing preschool education) are not subject to direct assessment, including in the form pedagogical diagnostics(monitoring, and also do not serve as a basis for their formal comparison with real achievements children. Thus, monitoring regarding development children Today it is not expected and even prohibited by modern regulatory requirements.

However, according to clause 3.2.3 of the Standard, when implementing an educational program for preschool education in a preschool educational institution, an assessment of individual development can be carried out children preschool age within pedagogical diagnostics(monitoring). Carrying out pedagogical diagnostics(monitoring) individual development children is also provided by the authors of drafts of exemplary basic educational programs for preschool education, in particular in programs: “From birth to school” (edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, “Origins” (edited by L.A. Paramonova, “Childhood” (edited by T I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze, O. V. Solntseva, “Paths” (ed. V. T. Kudryavtsev, “On the wings of childhood” (ed. N. V. Miklyaeva, “Kindergarten - home joy" (author - N. M. Krylova, "Mosaic" (authors: V. Yu. Belkovich, N. V. Grebenkina, I. A. Kildysheva).

Such an assessment may be related to the students’ mastery of the basic educational program of preschool education due to the fact that the content of the program should ensure the development of personality, motivation and abilities children in various types of activities and cover certain areas of development and education (educational areas).

Thus, assessing individual development children may consist in analyzing their mastery of the content of educational regions: social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic, physical development.

Assessment of individual development children can be taught by a teacher in the course of internal monitoring of the formation of indicators of the child’s personality development, the results of which are used only to optimize educational work with a group of preschoolers and to solve the problems of individualization of education through the construction of an educational trajectory for children experiencing difficulties in the educational process or having special educational needs.

Monitoring is carried out in the form of regular observations teacher for children in everyday life and in the process of direct educational activities with them.

Monitoring in the form of observation is carried out throughout the school year in all age groups. The identified development indicators of each child are recorded teacher. Let down some "reference points" offered in the middle (December) and the end of the school year (May).

Recording of development indicators is expressed verbally (indirect) form:

Not formed;

It is in its infancy;


External factors are identified as indicators for assessing the development of a child’s personality (observable) manifestations in his behavior, activities, interactions with peers and adults, which reflect his development at each age stage and, therefore, throughout preschool age.

As an example, the appendix presents some indicators of child personality development in educational areas by age.

The overall picture of the group will allow us to highlight children that need special attention teacher and in relation to which it is necessary to adjust, change the methods of interaction.

According to Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation” parents (legal representatives) pupils have the right to become acquainted with the content of education, the methods of teaching and upbringing used, educational technologies, as well as assessments of the performance of their children, receive information about all types of planned examinations (psychological, psychological pedagogical) students, give consent to conduct such surveys or participate in such surveys, refuse to conduct them or participate in them, receive information about the results of surveys of students.

Monitoring data should reflect the dynamics of indicators that develop in preschoolers throughout the entire educational process. By tracing the dynamics of a child’s development according to indicators, identifying whether it has a constant, progressive or regressive nature, it is possible to give a general psychological pedagogical assessing the success of educational and educational influences of adults at different stages of the educational process, as well as highlighting areas of development in which the child needs help.

The selected indicators reflect the main aspects of the development of preschool children, those characteristics that take shape and develop in preschool childhood and determine the successful transition of the child to the next age stage. Therefore, monitoring data - features of the dynamics of the formation of indicators of the development of a child’s personality in preschool education - will help and teacher primary general education to build more effective interaction with the child during the period of his adaptation to new conditions of development when entering school.

In my opinion, in the absence of such monitoring aimed at individualizing education, the dynamics of the development of each pupil from 3 to 7 years old will not be tracked, and a portfolio will not be formed and replenished children taking into account their achievements, characteristics and abilities, which can lead to a loss of continuity between preschool and primary education.

Publications on the topic:

Pedagogical diagnostics of individual development of children I present to your attention a methodological development on the topic “Pedagogical diagnostics of individual development of children.” I use methodical ones.

Consultation for educators “Individual developmental route for children 3–4 years old in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard”“INDIVIDUALIZED DEVELOPMENTAL ROUTE” Note: The basis for creating an individual route can be a diagnosis of achievements.

Mathematical development of children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education FINAL WORK OF A LISTENER of advanced training courses in the program “Mathematical development of preschool children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education” (module.

Pedagogical diagnostics of the physical development of preschool children as a condition for improving the quality of education Relevance: In the general system of educational work, the physical development of preschool children occupies a special place. Precisely in preschool.

Pedagogical diagnostics as a tool for achieving results in familiarizing older preschoolers with professions Pedagogical diagnostics as a tool for achieving results in introducing older preschoolers to professions. Due to the changes.

Diagnostic cards in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard were introduced after the modernization of preschool education. They are maintained by the teacher for each child from the moment he enters kindergarten until he graduates.

Diagnostic subject

The GEF diagnostic card is aimed at taking into account the child’s individual achievements. Its results are used to create a personal educational trajectory for a preschooler and to find a way to solve problems related to the child’s development.


Diagnostic cards in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard are filled out by the teacher at least twice a year. In September of this year, the teacher plans individual development for each student in certain educational areas. In May, he performs a comparison of the initial level and the results obtained. Among the common methods used for such diagnostics are questionnaires. To conduct observation, the teacher must have information about the indicators used to characterize the skills and abilities of preschoolers in each educational area.

Diagnostic structure

The GEF diagnostic card is filled out on the basis of the baby’s personal development route; it reflects his progress and systematizes the intermediate and final results. The basic requirements for the level of preparation of children in preschool educational institutions are specified in the new standards; they are guidelines for work. To organize their correct filling out diagnostic cards in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard, the teacher uses special tables. They indicate everything that the baby must learn at a certain stage of development, and the planned results are noted.

Example for the educational field “Speech development”

Diagnostic cards in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard require a clear indication of all the skills that a preschooler must master.

In the speech area it is assumed:

  • knowledge of some genres of children's literature;
  • retelling a literary work, the ability to compose a story according to a specific plan;
  • mastering the differences between a word, sentence, letter, sound, determining their sequence;
  • the ability to use antonyms, synonyms in conversation, and compose complex and logical sentences

The child’s diagnostic card involves assessing the formation of such skills and abilities using a three-point system. Next, the average score is determined and indicated in the table.

The procedure for conducting pedagogical diagnostics is organized in different ways, depending on the areas of the program and the characteristics of the child. In any case, the map should reflect different types of motor, visual, and intellectual. The Federal State Educational Standards recommendations contain examples of creating problem situations with which you can analyze the skills a preschooler has. Such examples are not yet offered for all educational areas, so educators are forced to independently develop methods for conducting observations of their students in order to fill out diagnostic tables. Among the requirements for such diagnostics, we note that the research must be carried out in natural conditions for the child; the use of special test tasks to analyze the skills of the future student is not allowed. The teacher works in close cooperation with a child psychologist to eliminate any stressful situations that could negatively affect the mental state of the preschooler or upset him in any way.

Municipal preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 14 “Sun”, Rtishchevo, Saratov region

Analytical report

according to the results

final monitoring

middle group children

for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Prepared by the teacher:

Ivanova Olga Sergeevna.

Rtishchevo 2016

In the middle group of MDOU No. 14 “Solnyshko” in the city of Rtishchevo, Saratov region, final monitoring was carried out to solve the following tasks:

Identification of the level of formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in: " Physical development",

“Social and communicative development”, “Speech development”,

“Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Cognitive development”, as well as identifying the level of developmentintegrative qualitiesat the time of the study;

Summarizing the results of the study, comparing the results of the final diagnosis with the diagnosis at the beginning of the year;

Tracing the dynamics of children's development;

Identification of children lagging behind in mastering the educational program, as well as the reasons for their failure;

Summing up the work for the 2015-2016 academic year.


the following diagnostic methods:

  • observation,
  • analysis of children's activity products,
  • educational games,
  • individual conversations,
  • solving problematic (diagnostic) situations.

forms of pedagogical diagnostics:

  • individual;
  • subgroup;
  • group

The roster of the group at the beginning of the school year was 24 students, at the end of the school year - 22 students, 21 students took part in the monitoring, which is 95.5% of the total number of students in the group.

Results of final monitoring of mastering program sections

“Childhood” (educational areas) of the middle group

For the 2015-2016 academic year.

Based on the indicators identified during the diagnostic examination, it can be noted that since the beginning of the year, in the process of developmental education, significant dynamics in the development of children can be traced, namely:

An analysis of how children in the middle group learn the OO program allows us to draw the following conclusion:

Highest results:

According to the NGO “Physical Development”:

High level – 62%;

Average - 38%;


Children began to confidently and actively perform the basic elements of the technique of general developmental exercises, basic movements, follow the rules in outdoor games and control their implementation, conduct outdoor games and exercises independently, began to navigate space more confidently, perceive the demonstration as a model for independently performing exercises, and evaluate the movements of peers and notice their mistakes.

Children's indicators of speed-strength qualities, coordination, and general endurance have improved;

a need for physical activity and an interest in following the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle have formed;

developed the ability to independently and correctly perform the processes of washing and washing hands; take care of your own appearance; behave for

table during meals; dress and undress independently, take care of their

things (personal items).

To achieve the highest indicators in the educational field

“Physical development” it is necessary to organize joint activities and independent motor activity of children to develop skills in throwing, catching, throwing; outline work to develop more confident and active orientation in space.

The same indicators for the NGO “Social and Communicative Development”:

High level - 62%;

Average - 38%;

Low - 0%.

The children successfully learned:

norms and valuesaccepted in society, including moral and ethical values;

ways of communication and interactiona child with adults and peers during educational and play activities;

learned to establish role-playing relationships, create a game environment using real objects and their substitutes, act in a real and imaginary game situation; enrich the themes and types of games, game actions, plots;

became more independent, emotionally responsive;

began to show interest in gaming experimentation;

they began to follow game rules more clearly in didactic, active, and developmental games; they developed a readiness for joint activities with peers, and the experience of game interaction was enriched;

developed a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s family and to

community of children and adults in the organization;

Positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity; the basis for safe behavior in everyday life, society, and nature.

It is necessary to continue work on the development of gaming skills in director's games, on the development of creative skills in inventing and creating scenes of director's games with the help of toys and objects for showing to peers. It is also necessary to pay attention to experimental games with various objects and materials.

The results for the NGO “Cognitive Development” are somewhat lower:

high level - 57%;

average - 33%;

low - 9.5%.

Work in the educational field was aimed at developing children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and

peace, causes and consequences), about the small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about

sociocultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays,

about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the features of its nature, diversity

countries and peoples of the world.

You need to pay attention to:

Development of the ability to establish connections between the qualities of an object and its purpose, identify the simplest dependencies of objects (by shape, size, quantity) and trace changes in objects according to one or two characteristics;

develop ideas about your hometown and country;

development of the ability to compare objects by spatial location (left (right), in front (behind...)), determine the location of an object in a row (second, third);

determine the sequence of events in time (what comes first, what comes next)

from pictures and simple models.

For the NGO “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” the following indicators:

High level - 52.3%;

average - 33.3%;

low - 14.5%.

Children have developed an interest in folk crafts, illustrations in

children's books, small sculptures, unusual architectural buildings,

description of architectural objects in illustrations for fairy tales.

The skills of artistic and aesthetic perception developed: consistent

examination of objects and works, recognition of depicted objects and phenomena; the ability to see their expressiveness and relate it to personal experience developed; highlight their sensory features, visually and tactilely examine toys, attractive objects, small sculptures.

The ability to create images of individual objects and simple

plots in different types of activities; in drawing, modeling, depict typical and

some individual characteristics, in the design, convey spatially

structural features of the building.

Visual and expressive skills developed:

The ability to correctly position an image on a sheet of paper, highlight the main thing with color, size, location on the sheet; create clearly basic forms, compose an image from several parts, using the rhythm of spots, geometric

elements of a pattern, in modeling - through moldings, a pattern in a stack;

children learned to select a color that matches the depicted object;

use a variety of colors; use color as a means of expression,

character of the image.

Children acquired clearer technical skills.

In drawing : ability to select visual arts when reminded by a teachermaterials and tools, image methods in accordance with the createdway; the ability to confidently draw lines, stripes, rings, arcs; perform shading;

work with a bristle brush, combine some materials.

In the application : mastering available methods and techniques for cutting and breaking

applications; use stripes and cut-out shapes to create images of different objects.

Ability to use scissors correctly and carefully cut and paste parts;

ability to use non-figurative materials to create expressive


In sculpting : mastering some sculpting techniques: pulling from a whole piece; topping; smoothing the surface of sculpted figures, the junction of parts; rolling plasticine into balls using circular movements of the hands; rolling with straight hand movements into columns and sausages; pressing in the middle of a plasticine ball or cylinder using your fingers.

In designfrom ready-made geometric shapes: ability to analyze

object, highlight the main parts and details that make up the structure. Creation

variants of familiar structures from ready-made geometric shapes;

from the theme builderparts of different sizes:

ability to carry out simple constructions; mastering methods of replacing forms, giving them stability, strength, and using floors.

Paper construction: mastering generalized methods of folding various crafts; gluing to the main shape of the parts.

Construction from natural materials: the ability to see an image in nature

material, create an image from parts, use glue to secure parts,


To achieve better results, you need to pay attention to developing the ability to create a new color tone on the palette, apply one paint to another, and convey some details in your work;

on the ability to smear plasticine balls on cardboard, apply plasticine to the boundaries of the desired contour to create a flat plasticine picture on cardboard (plasticineography).

Reading fiction was aimed at:

Expanding children's reading interests -

getting pleasure from communicating with a book, the desire to meet again

with her.

Perception of literary text-

mastering the skills of listening carefully and hearing a literary work,

sympathize and empathize with the heroes of the work, imagine

heroes, features of their appearance, some character traits, isolate

actions of the heroes and give them a basic assessment, explain obvious motives

actions, with the help of the teacher, understand the general mood of the work.

Creative activity based on literary text -

Manifestation of a desire to memorize poetic texts, retell familiar and

re-read fairy tales and stories with and without illustrations to other children

and adults, toys. Mastering different ways of expressing your attitude towards

a literary work, its characters: in a story, drawing, appliqué, modeling; at

retelling and reciting text; in different types of theatrical


It is necessary to pay attention to the ability to realize the importance of certain means of linguistic and intonation expressiveness for conveying images of characters, attitudes towards them and events.

The lowest results were obtained by the NGO “Speech Development”:

High level - 19%,

average - 61.9%,

low - 19%.

Work in this educational area focused on mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytical-synthetic

activity as a prerequisite for literacy learning.

It is necessary to pay attention to the development of the ability to clearly pronounce the sounds of the native language and correct word pronunciation; development of the ability to retell fairy tales, compose descriptive stories about objects and objects, using pictures.

Use in speech of complete, common simples with homogeneous

members and complex sentences for the transmission of temporary,

spatial, cause-and-effect relationships; use of suffixes and

prefixes for word formation; correct use of the ending system

nouns, adjectives, verbs to formulate a speech utterance;

compiling descriptive 5-6 sentences about objects and narrative

stories from personal experience; to develop the ability to write narrative stories based on toys and paintings; writing descriptive riddles about toys and natural objects.

Analysis of the quality of assimilation by children of this group of individual integrative qualities allows us to draw the following conclusion:

Children showed the highest results in mastering the following integrative qualities:

- “Emotionally responsive”:

High level - 85.7%

Average - 14.2%.

Children respond to the emotions of loved ones and friends. They use words of participation, emotional sympathy, and compassion in their speech to maintain cooperation and establish relationships with peers and adults. They experience joy from communicating with animals and plants. They empathize with fairy tale characters. They react emotionally to works of fiction.

- “Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers” -

High level - 80.9%;

Average level - 19.04%

Most children actively strive to communicate with peers and need meaningful contacts with peers about toys, joint games, and common affairs. Speech contacts are longer and more active, and the first friendly connections between children are established. Children strive for self-expression in activities, for recognition and respect from their peers.

Children actively cooperate with adults not only in practical matters, but also actively strive for cognitive, intellectual cooperation with adults; they ask many questions of a searching nature.

The results in mastering the following integrative qualities are somewhat lower:

"Curious, active" -

high level - 66%,

average - 28.5%;

low level - 9.5%.

Most children are highly active and inquisitive. Children strive to establish connections and dependencies in nature and the social world. They master the basic methods of cognition, have some experience in activities and a stock of ideas about the environment, with the help of an adult they are involved in experimentation, research activities, naming properties and qualities of objects, features of natural objects, combining objects and objects into specific categories indicating characteristic features.

“Physically developed, mastered basic cultural and hygienic skills"- high level - 61.9%;

Average level - 38%

The children's movements became much more confident and varied. Children perform age-appropriate hygienic procedures, follow the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle, talk about the consistency and necessity of performing cultural and hygienic skills, strive for independence in self-care, set goals themselves and see the need to perform certain actions.

- “Able to manage one’s behavior, plan one’s actions on the basis of primary value concepts, observing basic generally accepted norms and rules of behavior” -

High level - 61.9%,

the average level is 38%.

Children have mastered different methods of activity, show independence, and strive for self-expression. Children's behavior is determined by the demands of adults and primary value ideas about “what is good and what is bad.” With the help of an adult, children can outline actions aimed at achieving a specific goal. When reminded by an adult, they try to adhere to the basic rules of behavior at home and on the street.

- “Having primary ideas (General awareness)” -

high level - 52%;

average - 38.09%;

low -9.5%.

Children know their first name (full and short), last name, age, gender. They become aware of some of their skills, knowledge, and what they have learned. They strive to learn from an adult some information about their body.

They know the composition of the family, the activities of its members, talk about family events and holidays.

Have an idea about the professions of kindergarten workers. They know the name of the country and hometown.

The following integrative qualities were the least successful for children to master:

- “Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems) appropriate for age” -

high level - 47.6%;

average - 33.3%;

low - 19.04%.

Half of the children can apply acquired knowledge and methods of activity to solve simple problems set by adults, show interest in various types of activities, actively participate in them, and use knowledge to solve intellectual and everyday problems.

“Having mastered the universal prerequisites for educational activities” -

high level - 47.6%,

These are children who are good at working according to a model, listening to an adult and completing his tasks, and answering when asked.

Average - 38.09%,

These children need a little help from an adult, guiding questions to answer correctly.

Low - 14.2%.

These are children who find it difficult to work according to a model, do not know how to work independently, their work does not correspond to the plan. They need to repeat the question many times.

- “Having mastered the necessary skills and abilities” -

high level - 47.6%;

These are children who have developed special skills and abilities necessary to carry out various types of children's activities.

average - 38.09%;

These are children who have minor problems in mastering special skills.

Low level - 14.2%.

These children need individual work to develop skills and abilities appropriate for children of middle preschool age.

To achieve high results in the course of the educational process, problematic practical and cognitive situations were used, in which children independently applied mastered techniques that contributed to the development of a system of various examination actions, methods of simple analysis, comparison, and the ability to observe.

To develop children's independence, methods of an individual approach were used, which made it possible to pay attention to the real level of skills, which vary significantly among different children.

The main form of organizing children's activities is play, so preference was given to the play structure of their entire way of life.

An opportunity was also created for children’s varied play activities through an appropriate subject-development environment: a variety of toys, substitute items, materials for play creativity, and rational placement of play equipment.

Game motivation was actively used. All types of developing educational situations took place either in the form of a game or were composed of game techniques and actions. Due to the peculiarities of visual-figurative thinking of middle preschool age, preference was given to visual, playful and practical methods.

Children of this age are actively maturing and developing their emotional sphere: feelings become deeper and more stable. Therefore, by supporting them, situations were specially created in which children gained experience of friendly communication and attention to others. This is a situation of mutual support and help from children, showing attention to elders, caring for animals, caring for things and toys.

When interacting with preschoolers, several pedagogical positions were used:

  • partnerships and cooperation;
  • transfer of experience;
  • asking children for help.

This interaction helps children quickly become independent and feel competent.

Based on the results of the final monitoring (formation of knowledge, skills and abilities inmain educational areas, level of developmentintegrative qualities)in the middle group the average indicator was obtained:

55.6% of children have a high level,

Average - 36.35%,

Low - 8.19%.

To choose the optimal course for the development of the educational system, objective and versatile information is required, which can be obtained through monitoring procedures that constitute a holistic picture of the system of working with children over a selected period of time, quantitative and qualitative changes that occur in the education system.

Monitoring in preschool educational institutions involves a system for collecting and processing information that reflects the level of development of children in the intellectual, physical, social and personal spheres, and the readiness of preschool children for school. Monitoring procedures are used as a tool for monitoring the effectiveness and quality of the educational process in kindergarten. With their help you can:

  • track and analyze the dynamics of development of children and their educational achievements;
  • systematically monitor the effectiveness of the pedagogical system, planning its work and predicting results;
  • set operational and long-term goals, defining connections between participants in the educational process.
Monitoring is a regular and systematic procedure for collecting information and assessing the quality of educational services in kindergarten.

Comprehensive and monitoring in kindergarten according to Federal State Educational Standards by region involves analytical work aimed at establishing the relationship between structural elements, the quality of the educational process, searching for and overcoming difficulties. The state of the developmental environment and the variety of activities of children, the relationships of pupils and the level of their physical/mental health, the development of personal qualities and attitudes towards themselves and others are assessed.

The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education regulates the need to analyze the educational results of students, including:

  • intermediate assessment of the degree of mastery of the program - is based on the features of the development of integrative qualities;
  • final assessment carried out at the end of preschool education and transition to school.

System monitoring in the senior group or younger involves an analysis of the obtained intermediate and final results with a subsequent assessment of the dynamics of development of preschool children.

Monitoring allows you to diagnose the personal, intellectual and physical qualities of pupils through expert assessments, observations, conversations, the use of testing and non-test methods. To the key methods diagnostics of the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard include game tasks and the creation of problem situations, sociometry, observation and surveys (interviews), experimentation (laboratory, psychological-pedagogical and natural), analysis of the results of child labor, design, interviews with parents of pupils and teachers, control and evaluation classes, questionnaires.

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The combination of all types of diagnostic methods used ensures maximum objectivity and accuracy of the data obtained.

Monitoring the educational process in kindergarten

The monitoring system in preschool educational institutions has gone through a difficult path of development. The concept of monitoring became firmly established in pedagogical practice only after the introduction of federal state requirements into the educational program, which established the need for diagnostics in junior, middle, seniors and preparatory groups. But even at this stage, teachers were faced with the lack of developed methodology and tools for monitoring procedures. Fortunately, effective methods for monitoring the development of an educational program and assessing the personal qualities of authorship were presented in a fairly short time:

  • Afonkina Yu.A;
  • Veraksa N.E. and Veraksa A.N.;
  • Vereshchagina N.V.;
  • Kalacheva L.D. and others.

Initially, there was an acutely negative perception of monitoring in the teaching environment, which caused a formal approach to performing the procedure and filling out the resulting tables, as well as a lack of understanding of the need for diagnostics. Thus, Diagnostics using Veraxa according to the Federal State Educational Standard or other monitoring procedures did not reflect the true picture of the effectiveness of the educational process, since the data obtained were not related to the system of work in the kindergarten (error correction, planning, interaction with the families of pupils). Unfortunately, not all educators know What is the difference between monitoring and diagnostics in a preschool educational institution?, because these procedures are largely similar.

The experience of leading preschool institutions has proven the effectiveness of the following monitoring algorithm:

  1. identification and justification of monitoring objects;
  2. finding suitable assessment methods;
  3. planning and implementation of monitoring procedures;
  4. analysis, systematization and structuring of collected information;
  5. evaluation and interpretation of data;
  6. correlation with the results of past studies;
  7. forecasting possible changes;
  8. making management decisions.

Monitoring in the kindergarten is carried out by an analytical and diagnostic group, which includes teachers, music directors, physical teachers, a medical worker, an educational psychologist, an art teacher, and a deputy head of education and training. Based on the information received, the expert group makes diagnostic conclusion in the middle group, older or younger. The Education Quality Monitoring Service relies on the work of five key specialists:

  • head of the preschool educational institution - manages assessment procedures, conducts sociological monitoring, controls the staffing of the process, collects data for the formation of government orders;
  • Deputy for ACh - conducts an assessment of material and technical equipment;
  • Deputy for educational and methodological work - supervises pedagogical diagnostics, correlates the results of the educational process with federal requirements;
  • nurse - performs medical and valeological control, checking the health status of children and their basic functional systems, the level of physical development;
  • educational psychologist - responsible for socio-psychological monitoring, assessing the personal and cognitive development of pupils, monitoring the nature of relationships between preschoolers.

Goals and objectives of monitoring in preschool educational institutions

Pedagogical diagnostics or monitoring in preschool educational institutions are necessary to determine the content of individual and group work with children and form the basis of long-term planning. Monitoring comes down to diagnosing the individual achievements of students in the process of mastering the program. Such indicators of the humanistic educational model as abilities, knowledge, skills and methods of creative activity are considered from the perspective of means that contribute to the development of the child’s personal qualities and value orientations.

Monitoring according to Federal State Educational Standards in younger, average, senior and preparatory group carried out in order to develop the institution, identify the results of its activities and determine their compliance with regulatory requirements. It is closely related to research and analytical work, identifying and eliminating difficulties.

Monitoring aims to:

  • determination and analysis of the level of achievements in artistic-aesthetic, cognitive-speech, social-personal and physical development in accordance with standard indicators;
  • monitoring the dynamics of development of personal qualities and subsequent psychological and pedagogical support for children.

Monitoring tasks in preschool educational institutions:

  • determining the level of development of integrative qualities of kindergarten students, relevant at the time of diagnosis at each age stage;
  • assessment of the degree of mastery of the educational program and initial readiness for schooling (for pupils of preparatory groups);
  • designation of personal achievements of preschool children and, based on them, development of an individual program of psychological and pedagogical support.

Through monitoring How in the 2nd junior group, and in the older according to Federal State Educational Standards To achieve an integrated approach to evaluating results, you can study quality:

  • educational activities - how children master the educational program, what achievements and qualities they demonstrate, how ready they are for school and to what extent parents of pupils are satisfied with the quality of services provided in kindergarten;
  • educational process - how educational and independent activities are organized in the institution, interaction with parents is established;
  • conditions in the preschool educational institution - how the developmental environment is arranged in the kindergarten, what is the personnel potential.

Evaluation procedures are based on the principles of dynamism, predictability, continuity, scientificity, collegiality and interdisciplinarity, and therefore require systematic collection of information, a unified format for data collection, and provision of prompt feedback.

Frequency of monitoring in kindergarten

Preschool institutions independently determine the timing of monitoring procedures. Monitoring “From birth to school” according to the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as diagnostics of the degree of mastery of other programs, is carried out twice a year (most often in August and May), which allows us to assess the dynamics of the development of students and their personal achievements.

  • in younger groups, in parallel with pedagogical diagnostics, monitor the neuropsychological development of children, proposed by G.V. Pantyukhina. and Pechora K.L.;
  • in middle groups, it is more advisable to carry out diagnostics not once or twice a year, but after mastering each topic, thanks to which it will be possible not only to state the final result, but also to analyze the process of children mastering the program at each stage;
  • Monitoring in the preparatory group is carried out annually upon graduation, including assessment of the integrative properties of children. The teacher draws up a portrait of a kindergarten graduate, based on the main educational program, features of the educational process in the institution, and staffing.

Using the results of monitoring the educational process in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The obtained results of studying the integrative personality traits of children are correlated with the results of monitoring the levels of children’s mastery of the necessary skills and abilities in educational areas: “Health”, “Physical Education”, “Socialization”, “Labor”, “Safety”, “Cognition”, “Communication” , “Reading fiction”, “Artistic creativity”, “Music”. The presence of mathematical processing of the results of monitoring the educational process in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard is due to the qualification requirements for a modern teacher and the need to take into account the intermediate results of the personal development of each preschooler.

Sample tables for monitoring the educational process in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard are presented in the Appendices.

Monitoring report at the preschool educational institution includes an assessment of the integrative qualities of pupils, reflecting their physical and cultural-hygienic skills, emotional responsiveness, activity and curiosity, communication skills, the ability to plan and manage their behavior, the ability to solve personal and intellectual problems, knowledge of the prerequisites for universal educational actions, primary ideas about the world, the state , nature.

Based on the results of monitoring, it is possible to develop an individual educational route for each preschooler, determine the goals and objectives of the implementation of educational technologies in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions for the formation of integrative qualities, abilities and skills of the preschooler in those sections of the educational program for which the lowest indicators were identified. When carrying out repeated monitoring of the educational process at the end of the school year, the last column is filled in, describing the achievements of the preschooler during the monitored period of time as a result of the pedagogical work carried out with children.

In general, the results of constant monitoring of the educational process in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard make it possible to see the individual and group results of teachers’ work. A structured and formalized presentation of the results allows you to adjust the directions of work with preschoolers and plan the most effective use of all resources available in the preschool educational institution.

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