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Distance learning English. Distance lesson as one of the forms of teaching English Clif is a person who inspires

In this lesson you:

  • master new lexical units on the topic in all types of speech activity;
  • learn to talk about time and date;
  • master the formation of numerals.

Target: development of language competence of students.



1. develop skills in all types of speech activity;

2. develop logic and thinking.


1. cultivate a culture of behavior through mastering the norms of etiquette (invitation to a holiday).


1. develop the ability to create colorful and unusual calendar designs.

Form of organization: distance lesson.

Duration: 60 minutes.



Lesson topic "Special day"

In this lesson you:

  1. master new lexical units on the topic in all types of speech activity;
  2. learn to talk about time and date;
  3. master the formation of numerals.

Target: development of language competence of students.



1. develop skills in all types of speech activity;

2. develop logic and thinking.


1. cultivate a culture of behavior through mastering the norms of etiquette (invitation to a holiday).


1. develop the ability to create colorful and unusual calendar designs.

Form of organization:distance lesson.

Duration: 60 minutes.

Introduction to the topic.

Good afternoon, children! I"m glad to see you! Let"s start our lesson. How are you today?

Children, today we are going to speak about special days and activities in our country and you have to prepare a speech about it. We"ll repeat Present Continuous Tense and ordinary numbers.

After studying this topic, you will learn how to write invitation cards. At the end of studying the topic, you will have to complete a creative task.

I wish you good luck!

1. Listening training.

Listen to the text about "Halloween" and say what you think is happening at the party.

(p.48 ex.3)

2. Learning to read.

Tell me please, what are special days you know?

Now, let's read the text.


Pete : So, is the party going well?

Tess: What did you say?

Pete: Is the party going well? It sounds as if everyone"s having a great time.

Tess :Yeah, it's absolutely brilliant.

Pete : Well, a party for gang of ten-year-olds isn’t my idea of ​​a good time. Are you all wearing costumes?

Tess : Yes. I"m wearing my witch costume and Chris is wearing his Frankenstein costume.

Pete : Oh, he's not wearing that old thing again!

Tess : Yaeh, and he's terrifying everyone.

Pete: What kind of games are you playing? Are you bobbing for apples?

Tess: Well, I made a pumpkin pie and toffee apples and the kids are really enjoying so they"re nearly all gone.

Pete: Oh, one one, please!

Tess: OK! Are you doing anything at the moment?

Pete: No, not really.

Tess : Well, why don't you come over and help yourself to some toffee apples? The party is nearly over anyway. Then, you can help me clean up!

Pete: I would do anything for a toffee apple! See you in ten minutes.

3. Task 1

Find in the text and write:

  1. three names of games;
  2. two types of food;
  3. two types of customs.

4. Teaching writing.

Dear boys and girls, imagine you want to prepare a speech about special day in your country. Complete the notes about this day.

For example:

Name: City day (Moscow)

Date/ Season : The 1st Sunday in October

Country: Russia

Activities/Food : Have concerts and parades, decorate streets, fireworks display.

Feelings: Happy, excited.

5. Task 2.

And now children, I"ll give you cards and you should fill them in.






6. The numeral.

The Numeral.

A numeral is a word that denotes the number or order of objects in a count. Numerals in English, as well as in Russian, are divided into quantitative and ordinal.

Cardinal numbers(Cardinal numbers) indicate the number of objects and answer the question How many? - How many?

Ordinal numbers(Ordinal numbers) indicate the order of objects when counting and answer the question Which? - Which?

Cardinal numbers.

By structure they are divided into simple, derivative and compound:

  1. To simple include numbers from 1 to 12.

For example: one, two, eleven, twelve.

  1. Derivatives are the numerals from 13 to 19. They are formed using the suffix-teen from the corresponding numerals of the first ten.

For example: four four - four teen - fourteen.

Accent. They carry stress on both the first and second syllables(-"teen ). But when such a numeral is followed by a noun with stress on the first syllable, the suffix-teen turns out to be unstressed.

For example: six teen chairs - sixteen chairs.

Derivatives also include numerals denoting tens. They are formed using the suffix–ty.

For example: six six - six ty sixty;

At the same time, some of them are modified, for example: two two – twenty twenty.

3 To compound include numerals denoting tens with ones, starting from the second ten. They are written with a hyphen (dash).

For example: twenty-one twenty-one, forty-seven forty-seven.

In compound numerals within every three digits before tens (and if there are none, then before ones) is placed conjunction and.

For example: 3,516,436 - three million five hundred and sixteen thousand four hundred and thirty-six.

In English words hundred hundred, thousand thousand, million million are nouns, therefore, if they are used in singular. they must be preceded by an indefinite article a or numeral one.

1. They don't accept -s when they are preceded by a numeral, for example:

2. But they accept plural ending-s , if they express an indefinite number of hundreds, thousands, millions, and after them a noun with a preposition is used of .

Hundred s of student s

Thousands of songs

Hundreds of students

thousands of songs

Ordinal Numerals.

Ordinal numbersformed by adding the ending–th to cardinal number:

For example:four – fourth (four – fourth)

Eleven – eleventh (eleven – eleventh)


one – first (one – first)

two – second (two – second)

three – third (three – third)

five – fifth (five – fifth)

eight – eighth (eight – eighth)

nine – ninth (nine – ninth)

twelve – twelfth (twelve – twelfth)

When forming ordinal numbers ending in–y (that is, all numerals denoting tens, starting from 20), final y changes to i , and before the end–th is added to e :

For example: eighty – eightieth (eighty – eightieth)

Ninety – ninetieth (ninety – ninetieth)

Please note that in complex ordinal numbers the ending–th has only the last digit:

For example: 421st – four hundred and twenty first

5,111th – five thousand, one hundred and eleventh

When ordinal numbers are written as a number, the last two letters of the corresponding ordinal number are usually added to the number:

For example: first = 1st

Second = 2nd

Third = 3rd

Fourth = 4th

Twenty sixth = 26th

Hundred and first = 101st

7. Task 3.

  1. Write the following cardinal numerals with letters and make the corresponding ordinal numerals:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 25, 28, 30, 52, 67, 74, 83, 99, 100.

2. Write in English:

1. 245; 533; 816.

2. 3,562; 7,324.

3. One hundred books; a hundred pages; hundreds of people.

4. A thousand cars; thousands of people; a million books.

6. Chapter 5; bus 6.

8. Consolidation of Present Continuous Tense.

Fixing Present Continuous Tense

How Do we form the negative form of the Present Continuous?

Can you give examples?

Children, can you tell me the difference between to make something and to do something.

To make means to produce something (make, produce).

To do means to preform an action (perform an action).

Now you should fill in make or do.

1. ................ the decorations.

2. ................ the dusting.

3. ................ your homework.

4. ............ tea.

5. ................ special dish.

6. ................ a cake.

7. ................ the shopping.

8. ...............a phone call.

Dear boys and girls, thank you very much! You've worked hard!

And now you should write an invitation card for a special day!



Activities – event.

Cardinal numbers - cardinal numbers denoting the number of objects.

Сountry is a country.

Costume - suit.

Numeral a numeral denoting the number or order of items in a count.

Ordinal numbers - ordinal numbers indicating the order of objects when counting.

Party - party

Pumpkin pie

To wear - dress

GBOU DPO "Stavropol Regional Institute

development of education, advanced training and retraining of education workers"

Department of Mathematical Disciplines, Information Technologies and Distance Learning

Final work of a student of short-term advanced training courses on the problem: “Use of information and communication technologies for distance education of children with disabilities”

Subject : “Lesson using distance learning technologies (in the learning environment “i-school”).”


Mavropulo Olga Khristoforovna

English teacher

MKOU secondary school No. 14, Krasny Pakhar village, Mineralovodsk district


Suslova Valentina Anatolevna

Stavropol, 2014

Appendix 3

The sequence of regulations in the list of references

1. International treaties and other international documents.

2. Constitution of the Russian Federation.

3. Federal laws.

4. Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

5. Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Regulatory acts of ministries and departments of the Russian Federation.

7. Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

8. Regulatory and technical documents (GOSTs, SNIPs, etc.).

Note: Within each list, it is necessary to adhere to the chronological sequence.

Lesson plan using distance learning technologies

Brief summarylesson - introduction to new vocabulary denoting actions.Active vocabulary/structures: skiing, sailing, skating, playing the violin, surfing, diving, plump, best friend; What's William doing? He's skiing.The lesson presents four tasks: 1) lecture (introduction to the heroes of the lesson), 2) speech warm-up with the introduction of new lexical units, audio files are available. 3) task on oral speech(dialogue) 4) reading task, with elements of dialogue and listening.

Item English language

Class 4th grade

Subject Family and Friends(family and friends)module1

Lesson type : explanation of new material using distance learning tools.

Lesson form the lesson is conducted individually with a disabled child in the “i-school” educational environment

Necessary equipment and materials for a distance lesson computer with Internet access, English in Focus (1st half of 4th grade)

Requirements for the level of ICT competence of students ability to use chat, able to enterischool and complete assignments.

Type of delivery of educational material exchange messages and files through the programSkype

Objective of the lesson: develop skillslistening, reading, speaking and writingma

Lesson objectives:

    introduce students to new verbs denoting actions;

    teach to talk about actions taking place at a given timemoment.

Educational and methodological support Lesson assignments are developed in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards 
 according to the program authors N.I. Bykova, D. Dooley 
 based on textbook"English in Focus" 4th grade .Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Moscow Express Publishing, "Prosveshchenie" 2013
Lesson time: 45 minutes

Approximate structure remote lesson

(the main stages of the lesson are shown with mandatory instructions on the form of working with educational material in each part of the lesson, as well as ways to interact with the student on the Internet, for example: Skype, website address, etc.)


Checking homework.

Assessing the quality of assimilation of material in grammar and studying the volume of knowledge of lexical units.

The student used the knowledge gained in the lesson. He independently composes sentences in English and sends them to the teacher via file

5 min

Learning new material

Explaining the meanings of new words, using the continuous tense of English

Listens to the material presented on the pageiclass, monitors the assignments, turns on the audio file and listens to them. Tries to repeat along with the recording.

15 min.

Consolidating new material

Using new material in practice. Activate cognitive functions student.

Completes tasks on oral speech. Reads the dialogue together with the teacher. Translates words.

12 min.


Explanation of the goals and objectives of the remote control. Explains what needs to be done in the task using the presented objects.

Fixes homework. Tries to open it on the site and view it.

3 min.

End of the lesson

Let's summarize the lesson. We evaluate the student's work. We say goodbye. Disable chat.

Says goodbye to the teacher.

5 min.

Technologies, methods:

    Listening method.

    Techniques for conducting dialogue speech.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment. The lesson is held as scheduled. The teacher and student enter theSkypeand into the learning environmentischool. Teacher and student greet each other. The teacher announces the topic of the lesson. Explains in the programSkype,by turning on the video chat with the student, how to enter this lesson. “Course Foreign Languages”, then we find the first course called “English in Focus” 4th grade - 1st semester. Below we find the topic:Family and Friends. Module 1.Click on task 1.1.1Unit 1.”

2.Checking homework: The task was to write 5 sentences with a verbcan(I can).The teacher announces that now the student must send me his homework. The student sends the assignment as a file using the programSkype.The teacher checks the correctness of the assignment, assigns a grade, and sends the graded file to the student (file attached) (see Appendix 1))

3. Studying new material. The teacher and student open task 1.1.1 with lecture material. The task contains pictures, and below is a name in English. For example, a person, and under it a signature -Uncle Harry.Does the teacher ask questions about a person's appearance? About the meaning of wordsUnclethereby checking the possibility of feedback. The video chat is turned on. The teacher observes the student’s reaction to the questions. After completing the first task, proceed to task 1.1.2 -it's calledListen and repeat(listen and repeat). The teacher tells the student to open task 1.1.2, then look at the pictures. He needs to check if he was able to open the file. We ask the student in the programskypeopen screen sharing. pages. Having made sure that the student understands the task, we continue. We ask you to turn on the audio file at the top of the window. After listening, we suggest repeating and reading the adjectives suggested under the pictures. The teacher translates the new words. Asks you to write the translation in a dictionary.

This is the Assignment1.1.3 Chit-Chat offers to read and translate the dialogue about Aunt Pam and Cousin Robbie.

4. Consolidation of new material: The teacher asks the student to complete a task to consolidate the material. This task teaches you to understand spoken language, teaches the specifics of pronunciation and intonation. dialogical speech. Development of the student's communication abilities. First, the student is asked to listen to the file and repeat the dialogue with the correct intonation. “So let’s read the dialogue role-playing.” After which, the teacher helps translate it and offers to complete the third part of the task: “Look under the dialogue there is a task for understanding the text. These are two sentences. We need to answer the question -yes or no,was this discussed in the dialogue?” The student completes the task orally. Answers questions.

5. Homework e: The student is asked to mark homework. , it should be done verbally. “Complete the task orally, now I will send you a link to it. In the task you need to ask a question and answer it. There are also examples of completing the task. See number 1.”The words written down in the dictionary in class should be memorized.

6. Completion of the lesson. Summing up. Evaluation. “So, to summarize, I would like to note that of all the proposed tasks, and there were 4 of them, all were completed. We managed to read the dialogue and listen to the audio file. What caused difficulties for you?” The student answers the question posed. We say goodbye to him. about the date of the next lesson. Turn off the chat.

Distance learning of the English language is free - available to everyone who has the opportunity to take advantage of modern information technology.

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Read about the Warsaw University of Technology.

You can read about the online English tutor at: .

Free English practice will be useful for those who are planning to enroll in .

You can complete it by getting a job during the summer holidays or on vacation; distance practical skills are acquired while communicating with like-minded people from different countries.

Audio English course

Free online audio courses of the English language can be downloaded to your phone, tablet, player, and you can listen to them later through headphones on the way to work, school, or in hours-long traffic jams.

Using this opportunity, it will be possible to say that not a minute of time is wasted.

Listening in English free download for the youngest children is presented in the form of fairy tales; while listening to them, children will quickly learn numbers, letters, and basic greetings.

Listening to songs, poems children younger age learn faster pronunciation and understand the beauty of foreign speech.

Information and computer technologies have made a huge leap in their development, which reflects the requirements and interests of a modern person living in a developed society. And, accordingly, the need for their widespread introduction into the educational process is no longer disputed by anyone.

Teachers, being the conductors of state policy in the field of training and education of the younger generation, see in the process of informatization of education the possibility of optimizing teaching methods, more complete implementation of methodological, didactic, pedagogical and psychological principles.

This makes the learning process more interesting and creative, allows us to take into account the individual pace of work of each student, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the quality of education, ensuring the harmonious development of an individual who navigates the information space and has an information culture, which is determined by the social order of modern society.

And in this case we are not talking about computer science as a separate academic subject, but about any other subject, in particular the English language, taught at a modern and high level.

In addition to the existing traditional forms of teaching (classroom, test), the use of ICT opens up the opportunity for English teachers to conduct lessons in forms that are new for themselves and for students. These could be:

  • presentation lessons
  • lessons using computer training programs
  • communication between teacher and students via the Internet via e-mail
  • conducting distance lessons.

Speaking about the distinctive features, it is worth pointing out advantages of distance learning which give to all participants in the educational process (teacher and student):

  • the ability to access various sources of information;
  • the ability to obtain information varied in volume and content;
  • the possibility of prompt feedback and transmission of information of any volume and type over any distance;
  • the ability to study and complete tasks individually;
  • the possibility of transition from verbal teaching methods to methods of partial search, research and creative activity of students;
  • the opportunity to significantly increase students’ interest in learning the English subject, influencing memory, emotions, and motivational sphere
  • Opportunity to learn computer skills.

The purpose of distance lessons is to teach not so much ready-made facts and actions, but rather the principles of orientation in educational material, primarily with the help of sources. Working with information arrays, the ability to find the necessary information, analyze it competently and use it for a variety of cognitive purposes - all this is becoming one of the main types of cognitive activity of students in modern and future schools.

The meaning of education is to create conditions for each student to transfer learning to self-study, education in self-education, and development – ​​in creative self-development. Indispensable conditions for self-development are independence and creativity, responsibility, initiative, and the development of one’s own individual style of educational activity. The student must evaluate the significance and difficulty of tasks, the expenditure of time and effort, and predict the possible consequences and results of his educational activities. During distance learning, the student himself becomes the creator of his own education, who plans, organizes and analyzes his own actions. All this meets the main goal of training - teach to learn.


We present to your attention an outline of a series of distance English lessons on the topic “What is happening to the Earth?” (8th grade) about environmental problems facing humanity today. This lesson was posted on my personal website

The result of the work showed that, Firstly, the presentation of this topic of the English language course in this form - a form of distance learning based on numerous databases, the textual, statistical and graphic information of which is several orders of magnitude greater than the volume of printed publications, turned out to be pedagogically more expedient and effective. A secondly, the assimilation by students of educational material through a new form of education for them had a profound impact on the formation of general educational skills, the worldview of students and the general education of students. A basis was created for organizing independent activities of students in finding, analyzing and summarizing the material being studied. Thirdly, students saw integration educational subjects not in words, but in deeds, developing their language abilities and, at the same time, gaining skills in working with information that will help children quickly navigate the modern world, where the key point is information and methods of obtaining, processing and transmitting it.

  1. This distance lesson can be conducted in 2-3 stages. At one of them, the teacher can set a goal - to check the children’s level of proficiency in the information received. And on the other - to give children the opportunity to develop their creative potential through creating presentations and expressing their own ideas.
  2. This development can be used in full only if the teacher and children are provided with the opportunity to work on a computer both at school, where there is a computer lab with the necessary software and Internet access, and at home, where no one is limited in time for completing homework.
  3. It is desirable that students have basic computer skills and Internet skills. Since computer science and ICT are now taught from the 2nd grade, this, I think, will not be a problem. There may be problems with sending letters, but for this, the help of a computer science teacher will be effective.
  4. Completing assignments by students and sending them by e-mail presupposes their prompt processing. Obtaining grades and viewing work results is also available through the website page

Distance lesson outline

Lesson Objectives

Cognitive aspect:

  • introducing children to environmental problems Earth, their real reasons;
  • familiarizing students with the attitude of British and American schoolchildren to this problem and ways of participation of children and adults in solving it;
  • to introduce children to the world’s natural beauties recognized by humanity, as well as to draw children’s attention to the beauty of the nature of their country.

Educational aspect:

  • formation of selective reading skills;
  • vocabulary expansion English words and expressions on this topic;
  • development of monologue speech (the use of new lexical units in one’s speech statements on a given topic);
  • developing the ability to navigate the flow of information, search, process and transmit the necessary information.

Educational aspect:

  • fostering a caring attitude towards all life on the planet, awareness of the need to actively participate in preserving the beauty of the world around us;
  • give children the opportunity to personally take part in protecting the Earth by expressing their ideas on this issue;
  • development of such personality qualities as patriotism, active life position, independence of judgment.

Developmental aspect:

  • development of creative abilities (creation of projects, presentations on this topic);
  • developing the skill of communicating with a teacher remotely, the skill of independent work and self-control, and communicative competencies;
  • development of orientation skills and searching for necessary information on the Internet;
  • development of mental functions associated with speech activity(thinking, memory, attention, perception, imagination).
Purpose of educational activity Contents of the work Teachers' activities Student activities
Getting to know new form conducting a lesson - remotely Organizational moment

Seating children at computer tables (each student works at his own personal computer)

Preparing students to work on the Internet

Hello, dear pupils! Today we are going to have a very unusual lesson. In front of you there are computers. You will use them to get useful theoretical information through the offered websites.

You should do it in order to take some practical tasks not only in English but in Computer Science as well. So you will improve your English and at the same time you will learn how to navigate the Internet and use the World Wide Web.

Next to you there will be two teachers who will help you to solve any problems with English or working on a PC.

Greetings from teachers

Checking the readiness of the workplace for the lesson

Repetition of rules for working at a computer on the Internet

Getting acquainted with the teacher’s website, where distance lesson materials are located Getting to know the teacher's website

Finding and teacher website opening English at this address (the site address is written on the board)

A computer science teacher repeats with children the rules for finding a website and opening the pages they are looking for.

Writing the site address into the browser

Opening the site

Acquaintance with the materials of the distance lesson posted on the website.

Learn to navigate the site and find the information you need

Working with page 1. Finding information about the topic, tasks and planned results of work in the lesson

So, now you see the theme of the lesson. It is a great problem for all people living on the Earth. And we cannot stay aside just looking and waiting.

Have a look at the steps of our lesson and several practical tasks. Let's read them. Some of them you must do: a test which you will take at the end of the lesson and expressing your own view on the problem. Some of them can be done by yourself if you wish: making your own presentation on this topic in Power Point.

These works can be done at home and sent me by e-mail. Then you will see the results of your work and marks for the test on a special page.

On the left you can see extra materials which you need. There is a vocabulary where you will find the meanings of some new words and phrases.

Access to page 1 of the distance lesson

Reading and understanding mandatory tasks (test, statements) and optional tasks (creating a presentation)

Finding a teacher's email address

Finding information about additional material for students (left side of the page) - a dictionary of new words and expressions (for convenience, can be given in printed form)

Learn techniques for working independently with information – searching, selecting, transmitting Getting to know the pages of a distance lesson on the Internet

View pages 2-4. Introduction to lesson content

Let’s have a look through the pages of the distance lesson. You will have to read the information which you see here about the most pressing environmental issues. Sometimes you will have to find some information from the other Web sites in the Net.

You may put a list with the questions of the test in front of you and check them getting the information from the lesson. Or you may do it later.

View lesson pages
Learn how to work independently Working on the Internet

Search, selection, processing and transmission of information

Let's start here at school. And then you can continue learning this subject at home as much as you need. Reading the material presented in the lesson, searching, processing and selecting the necessary information
Control of knowledge gained in the lesson

Learn to create your own presentation, express opinions and judgments about the problem

Completing the practical part of the lesson

Every part practical work Students perform either at home or in class if there is no computer or Internet access.

When completing class work, the computer science teacher assists with presentation creation, creation, saving, and emailing of work.

Firstly, you have to take a test. You have to choose the correct answers to the questions. Do it carefully. If you forget something, you can go back to the pages you need. You can do it at home. Please send it to me by e-mail.

Secondly, try to express your own opinion about this subject. Sure, you have interesting ideas how to protect our planet. But let’s start with our area next to our school, your houses. Write about it in Word and send it to me by e-mail.

From the lesson and Web-sites you have known about 7 Wonders of the World. But let's think about 7 Wonders of our country. Try to make a list of them. Put in into the letter to me.

And finally, if you wish you can make your own presentation in Power Point.

Running the test

Expressing your opinion on this issue

Compiling a list of 7 natural wonders of Russia

Creating a presentation about one of the 7 natural wonders of Russia

Teach you to see the results of your work, share your opinion, analyze your work Final stage

The teacher sums up the results of the distance lesson: demonstrates test results, shows student presentations, reads students’ opinions about the problem, asks students’ opinions about the lesson, gives grades

You were attentive during the lesson and have known a lot about this problem. You had a test, made a presentation and made a list of 7 Wonders of Russia. These works can be seen on a special page of the distance lesson.

You should read your classmates’ opinion about the global problem of our planet and compare your ideas with other ideas.

Now, let's watch your presentations. I think they are nice.

But the list of 7 Wonders of Russia is not completed.

Thank you. Good bye.

Viewing the final page of the distance lesson on the website

Municipal budget educational institution

average secondary school №9

Tatarsk, Novosibirsk region

Lesson development using COR and EER

Nomination "Multimedia" didactic manual»

Pugacheva Olga Anatolyevna

MBOU Secondary School No. 9

English teacher

Isq. category




    Representation of the administration of the educational institution for work [Katunina E.E.]

    Brief analysis of the lesson [Katunina E.E., Pugacheva O.A.]

    Relevance of the lesson [Pugacheva O.A.]

    Methodological development of the lesson [Pugacheva O.A. ]

    List of resources used [internet sources, textbooks]

    Lesson appendix[task cards]

    Electronic application [disc with material]


5 Class , III quarter

1 lesson


Target: introduce the student to some of the sights of Great Britain


developing: develop the ability for visual and auditory differentiation, to identify linguistic patterns, develop the ability for voluntary memorization, to guess the meaning of words from a picture and by analogy with the native language, to develop learning skills;

Educational: develop reading skills, develop reading speed, develop reading skills in order to search for specific information and for the purpose of full understanding, develop lexical skills, develop spelling skills and perceptual listening skills;

Educational: to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the culture of the country of the language being studied, to cultivate a culture of speech.

Equipment: reading texts, task cards, visual aids, video material.

Lesson equipment: illustrations with the sights of Britain (textbook), computer, printer, scanner, headphones, speakers, microphone, web camera, digital camera.

Lesson progress

I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

Good morning, Dasha! I'm glad to see you. Howareyou?

(Hello, Dasha. Glad to see you. HowYou?)

I'm fine, thank you. Andyou?

(Thanks, good. How are you?)

I'm fine, too. Are you ready? We have an unusual lesson.

(Okay, thank you. Are you ready? Today we have an unusual lesson)

Look at the picture. What can you see?

(Look at the picture. What do you see?)

(in the picture there is a map of Great Britain, a flag, symbols of Britain)

I can see Great Britain.

(I see the country Great Britain)


You are right!!! Today our lesson is called “Britain-is an attractive land”. Today we are going to speak about the Great Britain; we’ll know new words and We’ll learn about the sights of London. Let'ssbeginourwork!

(You're right. Today the topic of our lesson is Great Britain. Today we will talk about Britain, we will learn a lot of new words, we will get acquainted with the sights of London. So, let's begin our work!)

II .Phonetic exercise. (Appendix No. 1)

SKYPE or email) file (Appendix 1)

I am sending you a file. Repeat after me, please.

(I am sending you a file. Repeat the sounds after me)


[æ] fantastic,family,travel,capital,

famous,favourite,stadium,Great Btitain, Wales


[Λ] London, Londoner, much, lovely, country

[ə]England,Englishman,London, Scotland, Ireland

III. Speech exercises.

In order to travel to another country, you need to be able to answer questions to fill out a form or other documents at the border.

Very good. We are going to visit GB.We have to fill out the questionnaire.Answer the following question, please. (To fill out documents for another country, answer the following questions!)

    What is your name?

    What is your surname?

    How old are you?

    Where are you from?

    What pet have you got?

    What's your address?

    What's your telephone number?

    What is your hobby?

    What is your favorite sport?

    How are you?

    Have you got a family?

IV . The main stage of the lesson.

The teacher sends to the student (using the possibilities SKYPE or email) file (link No. 1)

1. Getting to know the sights of Great Britain and London. Listening .

I’m sending you the link, watch your video and answer my questions

Watch the video. Questions to understand what you heard.

-- Nowanswermyquestions!

(Now, based on the video you saw, answer my questions)

What is the capital of GB?


What are the main sights in London?

(Tell the main attractions of London)

2. Sights of Great Britain. Reading.

Work in the textbook (dialogue). Page. 87, control. 6

Open your book. Read louder, please! Read the text with the correct intonation.

Who is going to stay in Great Britain? Howlong?

(Open the textbook on p. 87, exercise 6. Read the dialogue.

Who is planning to visit the UK and how long are they planning to stay there)

V . Warm up for the eyes. (Appendix No. 2)

The teacher sends to the student (using the possibilities SKYPE or email) file (Appendix 2)

VI .Working with the card. (Appendix No. 3)

The teacher sends to the student (using the possibilities SKYPE or email) file (attachment3)

Make up sentences using the words from the table

(Make sentences using words from the table)

VII .Physical minute

The teacher sends to the student (using the possibilities SKYPE or email) file (link No. 2)

Let's do some more exercises. Stand up, please.I'm sending you the link.

(And now – a physical minute. I’m sending you a link to a video clip, repeat all the exercises)

VIII .Working with the textbook. Make proposals.

Open your book

ex. 5, p.87

Match the words to the descriptions

(Open the textbook on page 87, exercise 5. Connect the words in accordance with their characteristics)

A) a museum is a place where people watch plays

b) a theater is a place where people watch sport events

With) a stadium is a place where people watch films

d) a cinema is a place where you can see collections of different things

IX.Relaxation! Listen to the song.

(A moment of relaxation)

The teacher sends to the student (using the possibilities SKYPE or email) file (link No. 3)

I'm sending you the link.

song "Lovely Language »

X. Reflection

How are you?

( HowYou?)

Is our lesson interesting for you?

( LessoninterestingForyou?)

What do you like most of all?

(What did you like most?)

-- Whatisdifficult?

(Any difficulties?)

XI . Homework.

    For homework

doex. 2, p.4 8 .

*Additional task

2. Sights of Britain

http:// www.2 uk. ru/ interest

Do you understand what you have to do for homework?

(Is the homework clear?)

Thelessonisover. Good Bye!!! See you soon.

(Lesson over. Goodbye. See you!)