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Life design by date of birth. Human design - deciphering the card yourself

You can find out about your mechanics, find answers and clarity to long-term internal questions and dilemmas, understand yourself and understand Who are you And For what in this world.

To get your Reading- only needed data your birth: date, time (as accurate as possible) and place, as well as the desire to get to know your innate nature in order to start experimenting with your Design.

Reading can be obtained by anyone over 16 years of age and of any level of knowledge Human Design.

Do you want to know more?

What is Reading?

In order to log in correctly Experiment with your Design - you need to get your own Basic Reading(or Student Reading with an analytics student graduated from PTL1 which I am).
Basic / Student Reading This is the first step on the Path to Self. In this Reading, a Professional Analyst or Student Analyst will summarize all the basic things you need to know for correct entry into the Experiment just for you.

You can read a lot of confusing information on the Internet. Or even worse - take advice from a self-taught person who positions himself as some kind of expert or practitioner of the Human Design system. Be vigilant, ask for certificates, find out from whom people were trained. Some manage to learn from stolen courses, thinking that this is enough, declaring themselves Analysts. It doesn't work like that. Respect your time and money.

There are professional Analysts Human Design systems that can help you understand yourself, your own Design. They studied and study at the International School of Human Design, founded by the messenger of this Knowledge Ra Uru Hu; doing homework and took exams, invested their strength and energy in their training, and most importantly - EXPERIMENTED.

Choose Analyst on the official website of the IHDS school or Student Analyst on the website of the Open Public School of Human Design (a school of certified guides, teachers and mentors IHDS Sarin of Elena Stanovova and Mamto Mikhail Malinovsky, from whom I am studying).

At my Individual Analysis you will receive:
The basis for entering your personal Experiment.
Understanding the nature of your Being: Past and Present.
Individual recommendations for Watching and Living.
Understanding how to make the right decisions in your life.
Understanding the mental strategies of your Mind-False-Self.
Explanation of what you study all your life and in what you gain Wisdom.
Answers to your questions.
Support for a month after Reading.

Interesting? Do you want to get your own unique Reading? I invite you!
More about the service

What awaits you at Reading:

Introduction to your bodygraph: The structure of a bodygraph and what foundations are laid in you by nature.
Your Aura Type And Strategy: Why did you come to this world, how do you interact with life, your mechanics of the correct way to make decisions.
Is yours Authority: What can you rely on when making decisions in life, and what can not, and what are the consequences of both.
Your Conscious And Subconscious: What are you aware of and what is not. How does it feel in general.
certainty And openness(centers, channels, gates): How do you live your True Nature correctly and not. How do you live your Openness, correctly and not. Your potential for Wisdom.
certainty And breaks: Psychology of the mind, the theme of guilt, vulnerabilities, the focus of the mind-false-self. Way out of dilemmas and illusions.
Profile: Your costume on the stage of life and in interaction with others.
Cinematography: Synthesis of all your Uniqueness as a whole and its aspects - during the whole Reading.
Recommendations for Experimentation.
Doing audio recordings +pdf presentation.

This is not just a consultation about the elements of your Design, because on the Internet you have probably read a lot about yourself. This is a deep and holistic penetration into your mechanics, into both sides of your Duality, the synthesis of important elements into a ONE WHOLE.

Format: Online or in Moscow.
Duration: 1.5-2.5 hours
Value: 15000 rubles / 240$

Do you want to learn about your uniqueness from a certified specialist? I invite

For the compilation of which are made on the basis of three parameters - date, place, and time of birth. Knowing these three values, one can build, that is, recreate a design project of a person’s own nature, which is also called a bodygraph, as well as a rave card.

It gives the impression that this system is a mixture of the Hindu chakra system and astrology. However, in reality this is far from the case. Human design is built on the basis of a deeper knowledge of genetics and quantum physics, Judaism, Kabbalah, as well as understanding the Book of Changes, compiled by the ancient Chinese. In other words, a bodygraph (or rave-card) is a kind of quintessence of knowledge about the natural essence of a person, brought together.

The need to draw up

Why do you need a bodygraph - human design? To make a map with decoding means participation in some kind of experiment. After all, sometimes it happens that a person at a certain stage of life suddenly loses himself. He ceases to understand his destiny in this world, because of which an internal struggle takes place in his soul. The "Human Design" system allows you to show in the most accessible way in which of the directions a person's own abilities and talents are not recognized.

The rave card will give you the opportunity to learn a lot about yourself. Its decoding will allow to give such a number useful information, which no modern psychologists or other specialists working in this field can open to a person.

What is the benefit of a bodygraph - human design? To draw up a map with decoding means to take decisive steps in favor of improving the quality of life, as well as to realize oneself in it as a person.

What does he represent?

The calculation of the bodygraph map allows you to create a kind of empirical system for knowing yourself. Moreover, the main source of obtaining all data will be logic.

In practice, a bodygraph is a diagram or map. They create it for a better understanding of human design. On the diagram you can see various signs, numbers, squares and triangles, interconnected by segments, each of which is named in its own way.

History of appearance

In 1987, from the top of a mountain in Chile, people could observe a supernova. This phenomenon, which for the first time in the history of mankind was visible from the Earth, was nothing more than a huge explosion, the indescribable intensity of which was caused by the death of a star. This celestial body was subsequently named by scientists "1987". During its extinction, the star literally bombarded the Earth with huge streams of subatomic information, the source of which was its last dying breath.

It was at the very moment when this event took place that one person, located on the island of Ibsh in the Mediterranean Sea, had to endure a deep shock. What happened to him, he later described as the penetration of a certain voice into him. All this went on for eight days and nights. The voice told him about the principles of the functioning of the universe and gave him the "Human Design" system.

After such a mystical experiment, the man decided to change his name. And now he is known as Ra Uru Hu.

Experiments with open knowledge continued over the next few years. And only after that, starting from 1992, Ra Uru Hu became the conductor of this system to our world.

On the one hand, all of the above sounds just like an interesting fairy tale, which you can believe in or not. Essentially, it doesn't matter. After all, many people have already felt for themselves that the calculation of the bodygraph brought results to their lives.

Explanation of the Human Design System

The entire universe is filled with small particles called neutrinos. In other sources they are called electromagnetic waves of a special type. Send such neutrino stars. It is from them that the constant movement of electromagnetic waves that carry certain information occurs. After the neutrino stream approaches the planets of our system, it passes through them, changing its information in the process.

Such waves also interact with people. In doing so, they affect the person. This explains the effectiveness of all available knowledge of astrology.

Card calculation

How should a bodygraph (human design) be started? To make a map with decoding, as mentioned above, is possible only when setting parameters such as exact time, date, and place of birth of the person. The value of these data is very high. Sometimes strong discrepancies in the scheme can give a difference of only a few minutes, and sometimes even a few hours do not matter.

You can design a person yourself. To do this, you must enter your data on a special site, where there is a page for calculating such a card. Here you can see the graphics of the human body, which has various forms. Nearby are two columns with numbers and icons in red and black. Above is a plate with additional data. In order to understand how to draw up a map with decoding (bodygraph - human design), you will need to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts.

Energy centers

Inside the little man who is on the page of the site, there is a certain scheme, outwardly similar to the usual seven-chakra system. However, nine energy centers are depicted here. Moreover, their number is two more than the number of chakras.

Some centers of the bodygraph are shaded and have different colors. Others are left white. Each of these centers has its own name and is responsible for a specific function. human body, for the work of a particular gland or the activity of a certain organ system. Among them:

1. Parietal. This center is responsible for inspiration and mental pressure. In its own way biological function it corresponds to the thyroid and structural glands, and is also responsible for long-term memory.

2. Ajna. This center processes and analyzes the information received by a person. In its biological essence, it corresponds to the pituitary gland. In the bodygraph calculation, this place is considered the center of mental awareness, consciousness and the source of the concept. Together with the Parietal zone, Ajna reflects the human mind.

3. Head. This center characterizes the action and self-expression of a person. In its biological orientation, it corresponds to the thyroid, as well as the parathyroid gland.

4. Ji region. She is responsible for love, direction and self-identification. Corresponds to blood and liver.

5. Ego area. This is the material world of a person, his self-esteem and willpower. Biologically given area corresponds to the stomach, thymus, gallbladder, as well as the heart, immune system and T cells.

6. Spiral. This center is responsible for performance, sexuality and vitality. Biologically, it corresponds to the testicles and ovaries.

7. spleen. This center is responsible for health and intuition, instincts and fears. In biological terms, it corresponds to the spleen, beta cells, and also the lymphatic system.

8. Solar plexus. It is the center of emotionality, sensuality and passion. It corresponds to the kidneys and the prostate, the pancreas and the ganglion of neurons, the solar plexus, the lungs and the nervous system.

9. Root. This center is responsible for adrenaline pressure, corresponding to the gland of the same name and the adrenal glands.

Bodygraph centers coloring

Judging by the picture shown on the site, the design of a person's colors may have different. What can they mean?

1.Certain energy centers. They have any color on the diagram, except for white. These places are those where a person is strictly fixed. At the same time, no one can influence the functions for which this or that center is responsible. If there are active gates on one and the second segment between these zones, then such a channel is automatically painted over. The centers of such gates also become active. What does this mean? The fact that the energy potential in these centers and channels is practically inexhaustible. If, for example, you imagine that the created body graphics are the goal of nutrition, then you should pay attention to the shaded parts. They will always have energy. That is why you can always rely on such zones. After all, the energy in them will be produced without any interruptions. These places allow a person to be himself.

2. White color on the bodygraph indicates open or undefined energy centers. These places are tuned to receive frequencies coming from other people. And they don't work all the time. These areas show a person's susceptibility to the influence of others. What does this mean? The fact that it is present in human nature is not permanent. It is only due to the planets or people influencing the energy field of the owner of the card. The energy that affects the indefinite center is beyond any control. This explains the fact that with different people a person can behave and feel differently. And if you don’t fully know your nature, then such energy can cause constant self-flagellation and self-doubt. In such cases, it always seems to a person that he is someone who he really is not.

Unconscious and Conscious

The picture of a little man is surrounded by two columns on both sides. They contain numbers and icons of the planets. Moreover, both columns have different colors. Black denotes the gate activated at the time of the person's birth. This is his consciousness. It tells what a person thinks about himself. There is conscious access to such information.

What does the red bar mean? It indicates the activations that occurred at the moment when the Sun was at the point of 88 degrees (about 88 days before the birth of a person). The information contained in the red column is unconscious. It is genetic inheritance. Partially, it is received by a person from parents, but to a greater extent from grandfathers and grandmothers. We do not have access to unconscious information.

Gates and channels

If you look at the map, then in each of the centers you can see the numbers. They are the designation of the gate. There are 64 of them in the diagram, and each corresponds to one of the hexagrams indicated in the ancient Chinese Book of Changes.

One of the gates is filled with a purple circle and is active. Other colors do not. They are considered inactive. Between the active gates there is a filled channel, which has its own meaning, which depends on the marking. And it, in turn, corresponds to the numbers of the gate that activated it.

Channel colors

What conclusions can be drawn from the decoding of the map? Looking at the channels, you can tell a lot by their colors:

1. black- represent a conscious person, that is, what he knows and thinks about himself.
2. Red. Such channels point to the unconscious, that is, what is unknown to the person himself, but seen in him by other people.
3.Black and red in half. In this case, we can say that some gates are conscious, while others remain at the unconscious level.
4. striped. Such channels or gates are activated at the same time on the unconscious as well as on the conscious level.
5. White. These channels are inactive and filled with the energy of another person whose field is located nearby.

Planet meanings

What activates the gate on the bodygraph? The planets have a direct influence on them. What do these celestial bodies mean?

1. Sun- this is what the person on whom the rave card is drawn up is.

2. Earth indicates unconscious and conscious grounding, stability and support in life.

3. Moon- this is nothing but a driving force, that is, what moves a person and leads him through life.

4. South lunar node. This is the theme of the trajectory of the first half of life - conscious and not.

5.North lunar node. It means the theme of the second half of the life path.

6. Mercury. This planet characterizes communication, indicating what must be transmitted by man for this world.

7. Venus represents the basis for values ​​and beliefs, that is, it is the boundary where a person separates good and bad.

8. Mars speaks of a strong, but at the same time immature energy of a person, on which he should not rely.

9. Jupiter characterizes the internal (personal) law of personality.

10. Saturn points to a place of difficulty.

11. Uranus. This is a planet of disorder and chaos, as well as unusual qualities.

12. Neptune. Places of spiritual development and mysticism.

13. Pluto. This planet is considered the point of potential of the individual's own truth.
The up arrow next to the plate indicates the planet's exaltation, and the down arrow indicates its fall.

In the upper plate, located above the rave card, there are numbers that reflect the birth data of a person. Moreover, the time is given not only in local time, but also in Greenwich Mean Time. The description of the Not-Self, the type of internal authority, and the profile of the certainty strategy are given next.

Genetic personality type

There are four varieties in total. There are also several subtypes. Consider the energy types of people.

1. Generator. This group can include 70% of the inhabitants of the planet. Such people have an enveloping aura, and they necessarily have an active sacral center. Such members of society have constant access to their energy, but it is not always used correctly. To do this, a person must have an internal response to its use. If the decision on activity is made by an individual only from the head, then the theme of the False Self arises, and his life is lived in vain.

2. Manifestor. Human design highlights a similar energy type, to which 8% of the inhabitants of the planet belong. One of the main zones for them is the solar plexus, which is connected to the throat. Such a person is able to take the initiative, act quickly, and also influence other people. In this type of personality, the theme of the False Self is also present. When does it manifest itself in the Manifestor? Human design indicates that it is associated with the emergence of one's own anger in the absence of information.

There are also two non-energetic types of people.

1. Projector. Human design also considers a type of personality to which 21% of the population belongs. All these people have a piercing aura that can see the essence of a person. What role does the Projector play in human design? It lies in the conductor for the Generator. Receiving such an invitation, the Projector is able to control the sacred energy. The theme of the False Self is present here as well. It is observed in the absence of such an invitation, when a person begins to experience bitterness.

2. Reflector. Human design also considers this non-energetic type, which includes 1% of the population. The aura of such people is reflective. What is the Reflector capable of? Human design indicates that such people are able to see unusual things that are out of the pattern, asymmetrical and disrupt the general order. However, at the same time, the Reflector, more than all other types of human design, is subject to planetary transits and the influence of others. Such people are advised to slowly go through their lunar cycles and not try to compare themselves with other personality types.

Inner Authority

This feature is present in every type of human design. This is exactly what everyone can rely on. We are used to making decisions based on our own thoughts. However, it is worth recognizing that they are not always their own. This can be stated especially in cases where the upper centers on the map are not shaded, that is, open.

Having performed any actions under the influence of strangers, we sometimes make the wrong decisions, making a movement in a direction that was not intended for us. Consequently external world starts to resist.

In this case, you can only trust your authority. Human design introduces us to the centers that are characteristic of different types of personality. For example, for Generators, the sacral center serves as authority. He has the ability to give simple responses in the form of the internal sounds of "Aha", "Uh-huh", or "Noah". One who has learned to hear this Voice and trust it, one can be sure that life will change in better side. At the same time, the Generators stop visiting places where they are not expected, and they will only do what they need.


It is nothing but a numerical value. Human design profiles are directly dependent on the Sun. The celestial body imprints a program into human bodies, 70% of the information of which is brought to us by neutrinos. The earth, processing these flows, translates them into a certain form.

Human design profiles consist of two digits. The first of them means a conscious role, and the second - an unconscious one. What are the meanings of the lines based on their digital designation?

1 - indicates the Explorer. T who needs a solid foundation. Only then will he gain confidence.

2 - speaks of the Hermit, preferring solitude to do what he loves. He is often unaware of the gift that is sent to him from above.

3 - Martyr, who makes discoveries through trial and error.

4 - Opportunist. This personality type is open to the possibilities that come from a circle of friends.

5 - Heretic, from which others expect a practical and unconventional solution to the issue.

6 - Role Model, which has the potential to emerge after fifty and show everyone what it means to be yourself.

By combining line values, you can understand the profile in more detail. For example, when indicating the numbers 1/3, the decoding of the card indicates that the person for whom it was drawn up is the Explorer-Martyr. He has confidence. He learns from his own mistakes, being a skeptic and an experimenter in life.

What will you find on your map?

"Red and black"

The black color indicates the conscious of a person - his personality: what he thinks about himself, what he knows well about himself. Red - the unconscious, its design - something unknown to the person himself, but clearly visible to his relatives. Red-black activations indicate two or more activations of the same gate. If some center or channel in your chart is unconsciously defined, you will never be sure about the presence of the corresponding qualities in your life.

The centers are marked on the map in different colors. The shaded ones are called defined or closed. These centers reflect the predestination, that which will be constantly and invariably present in a person's life.

White, unfilled centers are called indefinite or open. It is something that is impermanent in your nature. This is a place where you don't have your own energy and where other people influence you. We call this influence conditioning. It is impossible to consciously control the energy of open centers. Therefore, they can be, on the one hand, a source of wisdom, and on the other hand, chaos and uncertainty.

nine centers

Centers and their functions:

  • Head center: mental pressure and inspiration. If it is defined, a person has his own source of inspiration and his own "themes" that are significant to him. Being uncertain, this center gives freedom in choosing sources of inspiration for what to think about and what questions to ask.
  • Ajna: processing and analysis of information. A person with a particular center processes information in a fixed way - for example, through causation, review and critical examination of facts. An indefinite center gives the opportunity to be flexible in the ways of analyzing the information coming to it
  • Throat center: self-expression and action. If this center is not defined in a person, he does not have a clear, fixed way of self-manifestation. A particular Throat Center tends to cause a person to be inclined to express themselves in a particular way, such as through creativity or social activity, depending on which of the 11 gates is activated in that center.
  • G center: love, direction, self-identification. Being defined, this center gives a person a stable sense of his personality. People with an indefinite center G can discover more and more layers of themselves next to different people, without having a stable identity and changing depending on what kind of people surround them
  • Cordial center: willpower, the material world, self-esteem, ego. The owner of a certain Heart Center has the potential for successful self-realization on the material plane. A person with openness here does not have a fixed energy to search for answers to material questions.
  • Sacral center: vitality, sexuality, performance. The vital energy in people with an indefinite Sacred Center is changeable. People with a specific Sacred Center have a steady and constant source of life force.
  • Splenic center: survival instincts, intuition, fears, health. To have a specific Spleen center means to have access to the most ancient intuitive awareness of the body. People with an open center of the Spleen can read the physical state and fears of others
  • Center solar plexus: emotionality, sensitivity, passion. The owner of a certain center can experience a whole range of own feelings and emotions caused by the "wave" of his body's hormonal biochemistry. People with openness live the emotions of others here
  • Root center: adrenaline pressure. People with a particular Root Center have the ability to overcome pressure and cope with stress built in. Open-Centered People Are Not Built to Stay in Stressful Situations All the Time

Many centers are multifunctional:

  • Three centers of awareness (Ajna, Splenic and Solar Plexus)
  • Four energy centers or "motors" (Solar Plexus, Sacral, Ego and Root)
  • Two pressure centers (Head and Root)
  • Center for Manifestation and Self-Expression (Gorlovoi)
  • Center for Identity and Direction (G)

Each element of the bodygraph has a biological correlation with the human body - a certain organ, gland, amino acid (for example, at the level of the Ajna centers - the anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary gland, the Root center - the adrenal glands). Definite and indeterminate centers can function in healthy and unhealthy ways.

36 channels and 64 hexagrams

The centers of the bodygraph are united among themselves by three groups of contours - collective, tribal and individual, which in turn consist of various contours and flows. Streams are made up of channels. In total, there are 36 channels in the bodygraph and their significance is incredibly important for understanding the uniqueness of an individual. All available life force and characteristics of a person are reflected in his channels. 99% of people have at least one specific (red or black on both sides) channel. Each channel is labeled with the numbers of the gates that form it and with a name, such as "40-37: Community: The Design of a Part Seeking the Whole." The meaning of the 64 gates reflects the meaning of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, the ancient Chinese Book of Changes. The meaning of the channel reflects something new, based on the combined qualities of its two forming gates. The channel is not just the sum of values, but is more - just like a child carries the traits of both parents:

  • 8-1 Inspiration: the design of a creative role model - a person with the inherent ability to realize his creative potential and embody yourself in creativity
  • 17-62 Acceptance: the design of an organizational being is a person with logical thinking and the ability to look at any situation critically
  • 40-37 Community: design of a part looking for the whole - a person with a need to belong to a community of other people - their family, friends, colleagues, like-minded people
  • 34-20 Charisma: design where thoughts should become deeds - a person who has the ability to be completely absorbed in doing his affairs

The uniqueness is reflected in the details: whether your channel is conscious or unconscious, which line each hexagram is activated, which planet's imprint, etc.

cognitive architecture

The definite and indefinite centers, channels, and gates that you see on your map are, in a sense, the tip of the iceberg. Each hexagram can be activated by one of 6 lines, each line is one of 6 colors(color), each color is one of 6 tones(tone), each tone by one of 5 bases(base). Thus, combinations of 384 lines, 2304 colors, 13824 tones, 69120 bases are mathematically possible.

These are the deepest levels of our programming. The cognitive architecture of conscious activations shows features of information processing by the psyche, namely, how the human brain perceives reality, how it constructs a personality, how it processes information received from the world and how it reacts to it. The cognitive architecture of unconscious activations determines correct diet for our body and features of the environment. These aspects are studied by two areas of Human Design - Rave Psychology and Primary Health System.

Here we meet an incredibly deep level of differentiation that goes beyond the 4 types, 9 centers and 64 gates. This is why you may meet a person of the same type, with the same centers or channels, or even similar activations, for example, with 57 gates in the 5th line, but you will differ due to differences at deeper levels of programming.

Analyzing this level of information requires incredible accuracy in the time of birth, since the change in color, tone and base values ​​​​occurs literally with a frequency of several minutes.


All the gates you see in the bodygraph are activated by one planet or another. The planets and their meaning are of great importance for understanding the chart:

  • Sun- what you are
  • Earth- support in your life
  • Moon- driving force
  • Lunar nodes- surrounding area
  • Mercury- communication
  • Venus- morals and values
  • Mars- immature human energy
  • Jupiter- personal law
  • Saturn- place of punishment
  • Uranus- themes of chaos and disorder
  • Neptune- spiritual development
  • Pluto- truth


Definition (definition) denotes the number of parts of the bodygraph, combined into one. There are five types of Certainty:

  • No Certainty(none definition) - 1.42%, we are talking about a reflector design with a missing fixed life force
  • Single Certainty(Single definition) - 41%, all activated centers are interconnected into a single integrated system
  • Double Certainty(Split definition) - 45.96%, in the human bodygraph there are two groups of activations that are not interconnected. It is as if there are two subpersonalities inside such a person.
  • Triple Certainty(Triple Split definition) - 10.96%, means the presence of three unrelated activated elements of the bodygraph. Important topics in life for such people will be relationships, their own independence and the speed of decision-making.
  • Quaternary Certainty(Quadruple Split definition) - 0.67%, four parts of the bodygraph that are not interconnected. A rare occurrence, implying the presence of 8 or 9 specific centers

4 genetic types

The basis of Human Design is the division of people into four genetic types. Two of them are energetic (Manifestors and Generators), two are non-energy (Projectors and Reflectors). Each type is distinguished by its own, special aura. Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds all living beings. The size of the auric field extends approximately two arms' length from the person in all directions. Through auric contact, people influence each other with their emotions, well-being, thoughts. We do not see the aura and can only observe a by-product of its existence - in the form of sensations from interaction with one or another person:

  • Aura Generator open and enveloping
  • Manifestor has a closed and repulsive aura
  • Projector has an absorbing and focusing aura
  • Aura reflectors impenetrable and probing

The existence of different types was discovered with the help of statistical analysis in 2001.

false self

In Human Design, considering the nature of a person, we highlight his "true self" and "false self". The "true self" corresponds to the features of its design - genetics, reflected in the bodygraph in the form of activated centers, channels and gates. "False self" - acquired strategies of behavior that have nothing to do with the real nature of the person himself. Each genetic type has its own "false self" theme:

  • Any Manifestor knows well what it is anger, which arises due to its mechanics and the resistance encountered from others
  • Generator, answering the question “are you satisfied with your life” in the affirmative is still rare, but he is well acquainted with the topic of the “false self” of his type - frustration, dissatisfaction and irritation
  • Due to the fact that he is not noticed, not accepted or appreciated, Projector often feels poison bitterness
  • Reflector, who has fallen into the wrong place for himself and is a “mirror” for the people around him, can live an inconspicuous and empty life disappointed human

Each indefinite center has its own “false self” strategy, caused by incorrect experience of the amplitude of openness:

  • Head center: concern for what doesn't matter
  • Center Ajna: mental confidence
  • Throat center: attracting attention
  • Center G: preoccupation with finding love and the right direction
  • Cordial center: proving your worth
  • Sacral center: not knowing when enough is enough
  • Splenic center: keeping unhealthy things in your life
  • Center solar plexus: avoidance of confrontation and truth
  • Root center: haste to get rid of the pressure of circumstances

Human Design shows where and in what form we encounter resistance in our lives when we pretend to be something we are not.

Inner Authority

We share the body and mind of a person, as well as the Outer and Inner Authority. The mind cannot be used in making decisions. His role is to collect facts, analyze them and be an External Authority for other people. Inner Authority is a place in your body, one of certain centers that you can rely on when making decisions regarding any issues in your life:

  • Center solar plexus– using your feelings and emotions and avoiding making quick decisions
  • Sacral center - relying on the energy response of your body
  • Splenic center - trusting intuition and inner instinct
  • Cordial center - using your willpower
  • Center G- based on your sense of self

In some cases, a person's bodygraph may not have Inner Authority or its Authority may be the lunar cycle.


In Human Design, Strategy is a model of behavior that is universal for most life situations.

Most successful strategy behavior in life, from the point of view of our society, is a strategy that is genetically available to only 8% of the population, i.e. Manifestors. This strategy is to act, regardless of circumstances and restrictions, achieving the goal at any cost. This state of affairs is due to the fact that the Manifestors, who traditionally occupy the highest positions in society, have become a role model.

Each genetic type has its own Strategy:

  • Manifestor: inform about your actions
  • Generator: do not initiate and wait for a response
  • Projector: do not initiate and wait for an invitation
  • Reflector: do not initiate and wait for the lunar cycle

Each person's strategy may have nuances associated with their own design. For example, so-called "projector channels" can be defined in the generator's rave map. In this regard, some elements of the nature of this generator must be recognized by other people.

Actions from a Strategy of another type lead to the appearance in a person's life of resistance and the theme of "false self", characteristic of his type. The strategy allows you to get rid of resistance and get what we call a "signature" like:

  • Manifestor here to find peace in yourself and with other people
  • Generator can feel pleasure from every moment of life and from their activities
  • Projector deserved recognition and success
  • Reflector be pleasantly surprised by seeing unusual and extraordinary people

At the same time, due to the upbringing and influence of society, for the most part, the Strategy can be perceived as something unnatural. Most people don't want to wait. This is why Human Design recommends experimentation: you can try your Strategy and see what happens.

12 profiles

Along with the existence of four genetic types, there are 12 profiles. The profile is the first key to the nuances and differences in our nature. The profile is determined by the lines of hexagrams that are activated by the Sun / Earth of Personality and the Sun / Earth of Design.

Each of the 6 lines has its own name:

(1) Investigators(researcher)
(2) Hermit(hermit)

Combining the meanings of these lines in Personality and Design, we get a profile. Each of the 12 profiles has its own characteristics and these characteristics are based on the values ​​of 6 role gates. Short description of each profile and its statistical severity:

  • 1/3 : Researcher is a martyr, 14.61%. A person who gains confidence by learning from mistakes, an experimenter and a skeptic in life
  • 1/4 : Researcher - opportunist, 2.3%. A person who needs true and devoted friends with whom he can share his hobbies, interests and discoveries
  • 2/4 : Hermit is an opportunist, 14.01%. A person with a talent hidden for the time being, careful about his private life, in which others often see more than he would like to allow
  • 2/5 : Hermit is a heretic, 2.44%. A person with the gift of seducing other people, often surprising with unconventional thinking and an unusual perspective on things and events
  • 3/5 : Martyr - heretic, 14.14%. A born rebel, an expert in making mistakes and getting into different, not always pleasant situations.
  • 3/6 : Martyr - role model, 2.22%. A person who is here to guide others through the wisdom he has gained by making his own mistakes.
  • 4/6 : Opportunist - role model, 14.65%. An objective witness who uses his communication skills and experience to teach and influence others
  • 4/1 : Opportunist-explorer, 2.43%. A person who can never change himself and for whom a very special life path
  • 5/1 : Heretic - researcher, 14.27%. A person “for others”, able to give practical solutions, be useful, show a different point of view on any issue
  • 5/2 : Heretic - hermit, 2.14%. A person to whom excessive demands and expectations are always made
  • 6/2 : Role model - hermit, 14.36%. A person who often represents a role model for others and is usually surprised about this
  • 6/3 : Role model - martyr, 2.45%. A person who knows the value of his mistakes and failures well

Two people with the same profile, one of whom lives his design and the other does not, will play the role given by the profile in completely different ways.

incarnation cross

Every person is born with a specific purpose and purpose. This goal is reflected in the theme of the Incarnation Cross. The incarnation cross shows what the theme and purpose of life can be if a person lives his nature. Knowing the topic of your Incarnation Cross allows you to see your life from a bird's eye view and answer the existential questions “why am I here” and “in what can I find the meaning of my life”:

  • Right Angle Incarnation Crosses. A person with any Right Angle Incarnation Cross goes through life alone. In this life, they do not have the forces that provide them with this or that support. Their fate is the work of their own hands, and the people they meet and the situations they find themselves in, in some way, only create karma and lay the foundation for the next incarnations. Such people are immersed in their life process, they explore it and, in this regard, tend to think more about themselves than about others.
  • Left Angle Incarnation Crosses. general characteristics people born under any Left Angle Incarnation Cross: greater interest and focus on others than on themselves. Almost always, such people are the object of high expectations - parents, teachers, friends. They can easily find mutual language with any other person, often they understand and feel others better than themselves. In the life of every Left Angle person there are and from time to time there will be “allies” - other people who bring support and help
  • Incarnation Crosses Juxtapositions. Such people are distinguished by a fixed, predetermined fate. This fate, colored by the theme of the Incarnation Cross, may include elements of an independent path, meetings of "allies", unusual synchronizations and coincidences. The events that take place in the life of such a person often acquire a reason and understanding at the level of “why it was necessary” only over the course of years.

Welcome to wonderful world Human Design!

When asked if I knew about Human Design, I shrugged my shoulders, but after 10 minutes of studying the information, I felt with all my being that incredible knowledge was opening up before me that would change my life ...

HUMAN DESIGN system (Human Design) it is one of the few systems that does not require FAITH. Here all calculations are made according to the date, time and place of birth. These three parameters allow you to build/recreate a design project of your own nature. You will know by what plan you were created and with what abilities you are endowed! With Human Design, we can read our own genetic code!

At first glance, the Human Design system is a mixture of astrology and the Hindu chakra system. But in fact, there is a deeper knowledge of quantum physics, genetics, Kabbalah, Judaism and knowledge from the Chinese Book of Changes. This is the quintessence of knowledge about human nature, brought together ...

My name is Olga Kholmova. And I have been living my design for almost 7 years.

Does the DH system work?

Absolutely yes! Knowing my nature gave me an understanding of many situations in life. Why certain events happen. Why do I react in a certain way. And what you need to do to make the right decisions for yourself. I can't say, it's the only tool I couldn't do without. But the Human Design system was exactly the step on the path of self-discovery that took me to a higher level. Perhaps it will become a guiding light for you too.

Do I regret that I once spent a lot of money studying myself through the HR system?

No. It was a great investment in the path of self-discovery! Learning the system gave me a tremendous boost and accelerated my development. I began to understand other people more deeply. And opened in itself clairvoyance. Some people think that I'm just good psychologist. But alas, I know psychologists who are much better versed in theory. And I specialize in feeling other people from a distance, even without a photo. Although I also have a diploma in psychology due to the fact that I heard my inner response to enter the second higher education (I am a DC Generator)

Is it worth it to study your profile in detail, order a transcript?

If you don't have extra money, then no. It is enough to understand your strategy and authority. There is a lot of free information on the web for this, as well as on this page below. If you start using YOUR true strategy and authority in life, then I guarantee that your life will start to change very quickly! If you have time, desire and free money, you can gradually study the information about your card. I do not recommend trying to understand EVERYTHING at once! Otherwise, porridge in your head is provided for you. You will either lose interest in the system altogether. Or you will be a fanatic who annoys your friends with the topic of studying Human Design.

How do I use DC in my life?

I listen to my response in the moment. This is the strategy of the Generator. A response is a certain reaction of the organism, which confirms whether there is a resource for the action to be performed. IN modern world there is an expression "does not include me". Apparently, the Generators came up with it to explain their condition. This expression will mean that there is no response - there is no energy to complete the process. By refusing processes to which I have no response, I have tremendously increased my efficiency! I choose food by response, people, direction in life, trips, entertainment. I study only what there is an internal resource for. I only work with people who respond to me. I am satisfied and the clients are satisfied.

Am I doing something with no response?

Certainly! There are a lot of routine activities that have not yet been eliminated due to fears of going against the social system. It is necessary to take the child to school, but there is no response. Help someone as a courtesy. Engage in a dialogue that is not particularly interesting. And there is no response. What to do? Refuse or agree consciously. Understanding at the same time that the result may not be to your liking. It is necessary to spend more energy on implementation and not get pleasure. But this is my choice. I know that I could do differently and get a different result. But there is no internal conflict between what I chose and how it could be. Because it doesn't matter anymore. The choice has been made.

Does knowing HR help me in my relationships with other people?

Undoubtedly. I know the profiles of all close people and regular customers. It helps us all feel comfortable being who we are. In addition to the meetings I give to people, the knowledge of the Human Design system helps me to better understand the personality of the client and help him in solving important life tasks.

Do I do card reading?

If you have questions for me, you can ask them through the page. Or continue your independent journey into the world of Human Design to discover its full potential.

The history of the system "Human Design"

“In 1987, an extraordinary phenomenon occurred on Earth. For the first time in the history of mankind, people witnessed a supernova, which was visible to the naked eye from the top of a mountain in Chile. A supernova is the death of a star, a huge explosion of indescribable intensity. This star, now known to scientists as 1987, bombarded our planet with a flood of subatomic information emanating from the last mortal breath. When this stream reached us, within fourteen minutes everyone on this planet received three times more Neutrinos than usual.

At the same time, on January 3 of this year, on the Mediterranean island of Ibsh, one person experienced a deep shock. He described this event as the penetration of "Voice" into him. This mystical experience lasted eight days and eight nights, and he was told by the so-called voice how the universe works, and he was given the Human Design System.

After this experience, he changed his name and became known as Ra Uru Hu. For several years thereafter, experiments with open knowledge continued, and since 1992 Ra Uru Hu has become a guide to the world of the Human Design System.
© Basic Concepts Tutorial (2009)

Sounds like an interesting story, doesn't it? You may believe, you may not. It does not matter. Only experimentation with the information received can bring results into your life, just like Ra Uru Hu became a guide only after he himself experienced it.

How does conditioning work in the Human Design system?

The whole universe is filled with neutrinos, very small particles (in other sources, neutrinos - electromagnetic waves special type) that stars produce. They move in a constant stream and carry information. When a neutrino stream meets some planet in our system, it passes through it and changes its information. By interacting with our bodies, it can affect us. That's why astrology works! This is not empty talk. Every day there are transits of various planets and this changes the information flow that affects us.

Where to start learning the system "Human Design"

When I first got acquainted with the system, there were a lot of questions in my head that I was looking for an answer to. Searching for information in a chaotic manner is a familiar thing for me. Filling empty cells. But there is an easier way. Just 3 simple logical steps and you will fully experience what your own project is.

Step 1. Calculating the Human Design Map.

In order to start studying your project, you need to find out the exact time, place and date of birth. All data are very great importance. Sometimes a difference of a few minutes can give a strong discrepancy on the map, and sometimes a few hours will not matter. If you do not know your exact time of birth, then search the web for information on the request "rectification of the time of birth." It is possible to get ahead for money through specialists for sure. And you can determine approximately in the free version of the questionnaire. By answering questions about key events in your life and their dates, you can calculate the time of your birth.

Enter your data at the link: Rave card calculation page. This is the old site of the DC school. Now there are many Russian analogues where there are cards in a different design, and more information is available for free. You can find them yourself.

This is what the resulting human design map looks like.

Step 2. We study basic concepts.

Human Design: Genetic Personality Types

The image shows the location where your personality type is listed. In total there are 4 and several subtypes.

Generator- energy type, 70% of the world's population. Has an enveloping aura. A type with a sacral center necessarily defined. You have constant access to your own energy. But its energy can only be used correctly if there is an internal response to its use. The decision regarding the activity, made from the head in the absence of a sacred response, leads to incorrect living of life and frustration (the theme of the False Self)

Manifesting Generator- just like the Generator, he gets upset and frustrated when he does not know what to apply his strength to and gets angry like a Manifestor if he meets resistance from the outside world to his own actions.

Manifestor- energy type, 9% of the world's population. Has a dense closed aura. A type in which one of the motors (Solar Plexus, Ego, Root) is connected to the throat. Can act quickly, take the initiative, has the power to influence other people. You need to inform other people about your own actions. Without information meets resistance, which leads to his own anger (the theme of the false self)

Projector- non-energy type, 21% of the population. It has a penetrating aura, can see the essence of a person. A type whose role is to be the guest guide for Generators. By receiving an invitation, the Projector thereby gains access to the management of sacred energy. Feeling bitter when acting out of invitation (not self theme)

Reflector- non-energy type, 1% of the population. Has a reflective aura. A type with the ability to see what is unusual, what is out of the pattern, breaks the order and symmetry. Most of all, it is due to the influence of other people and the transits of planets. It is necessary to slowly live the lunar cycle, not to identify yourself with others.

Inner Authority

Each type has its own internal authority. This is something you can rely on! We are used to making decisions from our heads, guided by our own thoughts. But far from always our thoughts are our own, especially if the upper energy centers in our design are not shaded, open.

Acting under the influence of foreign fields, we can make wrong decisions for ourselves and move in a direction that was not intended for us. And as a result, meet the resistance of the outside world. You can only trust the voice of your authority. And different centers will serve as authority for different types.

For the Generator, the sacral center is the authority. This center has the ability to respond with simple internal sounds “Uh-huh”, “Aha”, “Nope”, “Eee”. For Generators with a certain spleen, this is intuition in the moment! If you learn to hear and trust this voice, then your life will already begin to change for the better. You will stop getting into those places where you are not expected and doing what you do not need to do.

For Generators with a certain Solar Plexus, it is necessary to remember that there is no truth in the moment. This means that the emotional wave that is produced by a certain solar plexus always colors this or that response in accordance with the mood, so it is necessary to wait for clarity over time. It could be a day, or it could be a week.

  • Sacral- response sounds
  • Solar Plexus- wait for clarity
  • Spleen- the voice of intuition, taste, instinct
  • Self Projected Authority- when discussing something with someone, listen to yourself
  • Ego Manifested Authority (Ego) Asking yourself “what do I really want”?
  • No inner authority- the mental projector is aware of the decision when communicating in his environment, and the reflector must listen to the authority of the lunar cycle.

False self and life strategies

Generator. Strategy: sacred response.(Inner Sounds Uh-huh, Aha, Nope, Uh, Mmmm). You can hear your own response to a direct question, an announcement, an event, the weather… anything. And it is important to act according to its meaning. If there is no energy for the proposed action, and you force yourself to go and work, you will eventually get stuck and experience frustration (disorder). Frustration is the theme of the False Self. At such moments, you can understand that you are moving in the wrong direction, not out of response, against your nature. For Emotional Generators, there is no truth in the moment, delay making a decision until the manifestation of clarity. Type Signature: Satisfaction. When you begin to live your own life correctly, you finally feel SATISFACTION with how you live, how you act, how you create.

Manifestor. Strategy: informing. All you need to do is to warn others about what you are going to do. When you act without warning, you face direct resistance from people, people do not understand what you are doing, why, they are offended, they do not appreciate you, they try to control you. And this resistance of the outside world gives rise to the theme of the false self - anger. But Manifestor so wants REST! "leave me all alone and let me do what I want!". All you need to do is inform those who will be affected by your actions.

Projector. Strategy: wait for an invitation. When the Projector imposes himself as friends, partners, for a position, then as a result he becomes unrecognized, no one needs his advice, and the talent to see the advantages of others and recognize the energy that can be directed in the right direction remains ruined. This makes the Projector feel bitter. He literally becomes bitter. Such people often blame everyone around, are sarcastic and offended. But when the Projector is recognized and invited by the right people for him, he becomes recognized and can fully enjoy SUCCESS.

Reflector. Strategy: waiting for the cycle of the moon. Any decision must go through the lunar cycle. During this period, the Reflector must communicate with many people in order to feel himself. Reflecting others, he knows himself. It may also happen that after 28 days the situation requiring permission was resolved by itself. Reflectors are the most open and vulnerable to other people's conditioning. They have nothing to rely on, except for the lunar cycle. Reflecting all the people they meet in their lives along with their not-self strategies, they suffer from frustration. If the reflector learns not to identify himself with the one he reflects, he can feel the surprise and SURPRISE from knowing this world.

Human Design: Definitions

The number of parts of the bodygraph combined into one whole. Distinguish between single, double, triple, quaternary certainty and lack of certainty.

No definition (none definition)– 1.42%, here we are talking about a Reflector with a missing fixed life force.

Single definition
– 41%, all energy centers are united into an integral system. Such a person is independent, self-immersed, independent of other people.

Double definition (split definition)– 45.96%, we have two independent groups of joint centers. To some extent, such people can feel two personalities within themselves. In order to find their own integrity, they need other people. Therefore, the love theme is very significant in people's lives in a double certainty.

Triple split definition– 10.96%, we have three independent groups of joint centers. For such people, the topic is especially important. interpersonal relationships. When two people live together, we are looking at the combined map of the two people. For triple certainty, the partner can combine some two parts, while the third part can remain dormant. With other people, a different combination of parts can turn on and a person can feel completely different. Such people are full of doubts and slow. To make a decision, you need to go to a public place (cafe, shop, etc.) and think there, one of the visitors will definitely turn on the necessary channels and you will feel integrity.

Quaternary definition (quadruple split definition)– 0.67%, four independent groups of joint centers, very a rare event. A very similar situation to triple certainty. But unlike triplets, fours don't like to be in public places, they need trusting relationships with other people, and the more of them there are in the life of fours, the better!

Human Design: Profiles

Profile is numerical value. The first number indicates the conscious role in life, the second number the unconscious role. The sun imprints a program into our bodies, which is brought into our bodies by 70% of neutrinos. The Earth, these 70% of neutrinos processes and transforms into a form. Therefore, the conscious Sun/Earth and the unconscious Sun/Earth give us the most important information for understanding our own nature. Briefly about the meanings of the lines:

1 line - Explorer- needs a solid foundation to achieve confidence.

2nd line - Hermit- loves to do what he loves in solitude and sometimes does not even suspect about his gift.

3rd line - Martyr- by trial and error, can make a discovery.

4th line - Opportunist- open to opportunities coming from the circle of friends.

5 line - Heretic- projected, it is expected from him an unconventional and practical solution to the problem.

6th line - Role Model- there is a potential after 50 to be an example of what it is to be yourself.

When we combine line values, we can talk about a common understanding of the profile.

Brief description of profiles

1/3: The explorer is a martyr, 14.61%. A person who gains confidence by learning from his own mistakes, an experimenter and a skeptic in life

1/4: Researcher is an opportunist, 2.3%. A person who needs true and devoted friends with whom he can share his hobbies, interests and discoveries

2/4: Hermit is an opportunist, 14.01%. A person with a talent hidden for the time being, careful about his private life, in which others often see more than he would like to allow

2/5: Heretic Hermit, 2.44%. A person with the gift of seducing other people, often surprising with unconventional thinking and an unusual perspective on things and events

3/5: Heretic Martyr, 14.14%. Born rebel, expert in making mistakes and getting into different, not always pleasant 3/6: Martyr - role model, 2.22%. A person who is here to guide others through the wisdom he has gained by making his own mistakes.

4/6: Opportunist - role model, 14.65%. An objective witness who uses his communication skills and experience to teach and influence others.

4/1: Opportunist-Explorer, 2.43%. A man who can never change himself and for whom a very special life path is prepared

5/1: Heretic Explorer
, 14.27%. A person “for others”, able to give practical solutions, be useful, show a different point of view on any issue

5/2: Heretic - Hermit, 2.14%. A person who is always subject to excessive demands and

6/2: Role Model - Hermit, 14.36%. A person who often represents a role model for others and is usually surprised about this

6/3: Role Model - Martyr, 2.45%. A person who knows the value of his mistakes and failures well

Each profile has its own clarifying interpretation according to its own energy type.

Human design: incarnation cross

We are born with a purpose and purpose. This goal is reflected to some extent by the incarnation cross. I will not go into the details of the construction and calculation of this cross, but there are many variations, which makes it possible to judge the uniqueness of the nature of each individual.

768 basic incarnation crosses are distinguished, 448 of them are right-angled (right angle), 256 are left-angled (left angle), 64 are in juxtaposition. 112 out of 178 basic crosses have thematic names, which are reflected in the data accompanying the individual bodygraph.

I will give a general description of the types of crosses.

Right Angle Cross 64%
- a person with such a cross goes through life alone. Such people are immersed in themselves, engaged in self-study, tend to think about themselves rather than about others. Their fate is the work of their own hands. In some way, they themselves create karma for the next incarnations.

Left Angle Cross 34%- a person who is more directed and interested in others than in himself. Easily finds a common language with any person, they feel better than others than themselves. It is believed that these people already have a certain karma that they work out in this incarnation. In the life of such people, "allies" will appear from time to time, bringing support, mentorship, help, valuable guidance, knowledge, etc.

Juxtaposition 2%- a person who has a fixed, predetermined destiny. Events in the life of such a person take on meaning and an understanding comes of why this was necessary only after many years.

Living your design, based on the strategy of authority, for several years will automatically attract to you situations and those people where your goal and life purpose will be realized in the most optimal way.

Human Design: 9 Energy Centers

Inside the little man we have 9 energy centers. This is similar to the usual seven chakra system that you may already be familiar with, but here we have two additional center. Some centers are filled with different colors, others remain white. each center has its own name and is responsible for a specific function in the body, responsible for the functioning of an organ system or for the functioning of a particular gland.

Parietal center: mental pressure and inspiration.
Biological correspondence: pineal gland and brain structures responsible for long-term memory.

Ajna Center: processing and analysis of information.
Biological correspondence: pituitary gland. Throat center: expression and action.
Biological correspondence: thyroid and parathyroid gland. G area (G): love, direction and self-identification.
Biological correspondence: liver, blood. Ego area: willpower, self-esteem, the material world.
Biological correspondence: stomach, heart, gallbladder, thymus, T-cells, immune system. Sacred Center: vitality, sexuality, performance.
Biological correspondence: ovaries, testicles. Center of the Spleen: intuition, health, fears, instincts.
Biological correspondence: lymphatic system, spleen, beta cells. Solar Plexus Center: emotionality, sensuality, passion.
Biological correspondence: kidneys, prostate, pancreas, solar plexus neuron node, nervous system, lungs. Root Center: adrenaline pressure.
Biological correspondence: adrenaline glands, adrenal glands.

Definite and indeterminate centers

Certain energy center- the center, which has a color on the bodygraph, except for white, broadcasts a certain frequency into the surrounding space, its own defining program of the center's work, depending on its type. These are the places where you are clearly fixed, the way a certain center works is fixed in your birth chart. Nobody here can influence you.

When a gate is active at one end of a channel and at the other, automatically the channel becomes filled and the centers of these gates also become active. This means that CONSTANT energy circulates in this channel and centers. Imagine that your body graphic is a food chain. There is ALWAYS energy in the shaded parts. These are the places you can always rely on. Energy will be generated here constantly! Every minute, every second until the moment of death. This is the only thing you can rely on! This is what allows you to be yourself.

Indefinite (open) energy center- the center, which has a white color on the bodygraph, is tuned to receive the frequency from other people, depending on the type of center, and works intermittently. In these areas, we are influenced by other people. This is something that is present in your nature impermanently, it is conditioned by those people or planets that influence your energy field at the moment.

This means that you may feel/behave differently with different people. This energy of conditioning (influencing) the open center is uncontrollable. It can only be observed and experienced. However, if you do not understand your nature, this energy can cause total self-doubt and self-flagellation. You will feel like you are someone you are not.

Conscious and unconscious

On both sides of the picture of a little man, we see two columns with numbers and icons of the planets. One bar is red, the other is black. The black color indicates those gates that were activated at the time of birth. This is a map of personality, a conscious person, this is what you think about yourself, what you are well aware of. You have conscious access to this information.

Those activations that occurred at the moment when the Sun was at the point of 88 degrees before your birth (approximately 88 days) are marked in red. Calculations always start at birth, so it doesn't matter if you were born full-term or premature. Information from red activations is unconscious, it is genetic heredity. These are partly the themes of our parents, but to a greater extent grandparents. We do not have access to unconscious information, we can only observe and react to how this or that pattern of our behavior is realized.

Human Design: Gates and Channels

In each center we see numbers. This is the designation of the gate. There are only 64 of them on the map. And these gates correspond to 64 hexagrams from the ancient Chinese Book of Changes. Why exactly do we use it? I will quote from a basic textbook on DC.

“In 1950, Watson and Crick discovered the principle of the genetic code, and they found that the genetic code has exactly the same mathematical principle as the I Ching. This means that the genetic code has a binary structure similar to the I-Ching hexagrams, since DNA is built from strings of nucleotides, where one of the strings is a perfect reflection of the other. Yin and Yang form the basis of the I-Ching binarity. There is a relationship between the 64 numbers and our genetic code, which is built on four bases, divided by three into groups. Each of these chemical groups is associated with amino acids and forms what we know as a codon. In our genetic code there are 64 such codons. In Human Design, these 64 digits are necessary because the I Ching is a tool that helps us understand our genetics and see what genetic imprint we carry.

Some gates are active and are shaded with a purple circle, while others are inactive, remain unpainted. Two filled pairs of gates form a filled channel between them, which will have its own meaning depending on the marking. The channel is marked in accordance with the numbers of the gates that activated it, and has its own meaning. For example, as in the image, Alpha Channel 7-31. 99% of the world's population has at least one active channel in the map.

Human design channel colors

black channels- this is your conscious, this is what you think about yourself, you know.

Red channels- this is your unconscious, your design, what is not known to you, but what other people can notice in you.

Half black, half red- one gate is realized, the second at the unconscious level.

striped- the channel or gate is simultaneously activated on both the unconscious and conscious levels.

White channels- inactive channels, can be conditioned and filled with the energy of another person, in whose field you are.

The meaning of the planets

The first digit is the number of the activated gate, the second digit is the number of the hexagram line.

Sun: what you are.

Earth: conscious and unconscious grounding, support and stability of your life.

Moon: driving force, aspects of what leads and moves you through life (unconscious and conscious movement).

South Node of the Moon: the theme (conscious and unconscious) of your trajectory during the first half of life.

North Node of the Moon: theme of the second half of life.

Mercury: communication indicates what a person has to convey to this world.

Venus: the basis for beliefs and values, where for a person the boundary of moral concepts of good and bad passes.

Mars: a strong and immature human energy that cannot be relied upon.

Jupiter: personal (internal) human law.

Saturn: the way in which a person will pay if what is his law is not realized.

Uranus: themes of chaos and disorder, unusual qualities.

Neptune: places of mysticism and spiritual development.

Pluto: point of the potential of a person's own truth.

Up arrow
- exaltation of the planet
Arrow to down- the fall of the planet

Step 3. Experiment!

Do not believe what was written here, just check in practice and you will find out your own truth!

What to do next with the knowledge gained is up to you. But it is important not only to learn, but also to test this knowledge in practice. In order for deconditioning to occur, you need 7 years of experimenting with your project. After all, for the first 7 years of your life you were conditioned by your parental family, the environment and the society in which you were.

Tens of thousands of cells in your body die every day, and tens of thousands of new ones come in. And if you experiment with your design, these new cages already carry new information. In 3.5 years it will be typed critical mass healthy cells, and there will be practically no chance to roll back. I wish you a successful experiment, the knowledge of your individuality and uniqueness!

CONCLUSION: Human design is a really working system of self-knowledge!
Do you need it? What are your priorities for yourself.
The amount of information that you learn DOES NOT DEPEND on the EFFICIENCY of the system. Until you experiment, these are just letters in a book and sounds in a recording.
Can I figure out the system myself? CAN! These books will help you!

Human Design - modern science which deals with the study of man and the world around him. The doctrine originated at the end of the 19th century. The main goal is to give a clear picture of how a person develops and builds a personal life.

Human Design is a complex technique that deals with human self-knowledge. Significantly different from all existing theories and studies. Allows the individual to see their own inner self. Offers simple solutions to reduce life resistance, optimizes the life path. Human design is a specialized technique, through which you know yourself and find out your true essence.

Bodygraph is the name of a person's design project, also called a rave card. The main data that is needed to draw up a map are:

  • day, month and year of birth;
  • place and exact time of birth.

Knowing this information, they reproduce the design project of the personal essence of a person.

It is believed that this method includes both methods and knowledge Indian system chakras, and the science of astrology. But this is not a completely true statement. Human design is a collection of such areas of knowledge as:

  • genetics;
  • the quantum physics;
  • Judaism;
  • Kabbalah.

The teaching also uses data obtained from the Book of Changes, which was compiled in ancient China. A rave card is some kind of entity that has collected all the information about the natural origin of a person in one place.

What is a rave card for?

To agree to a design project means that a person does not mind taking part in a certain scientific experiment. Very often at some point in life a person is lost and does not know how to be and live on. A struggle appears inside the individual, ceases to understand his place in life. Bodygraph on plain language and in an accessible form describes what talents and abilities a person does not consider at all and does not use to achieve his goal.

After compiling and decoding the map will tell a lot of new and interesting things about the personality. The data contained there will not be provided to a person by any psychologist and other specialists, even highly qualified ones. You just need to make a map in order to change life for the better and, of course, to fulfill yourself in it.

Map View

The map is drawn up on the basis of the information indicated above, but the main information is based on logic and ancient knowledge. It turns out an empirical system of cognition by the personality of itself. This is a kind of scheme with signs, numbers and geometric shapes, which are connected by segments that have their own name and designation.


There are many sites that allow you to compose a personal map based on the data that a person enters on their own. You should be very responsible when entering information, an error in a few minutes drastically changes the bodygraph. After receiving the scheme, it is important to read (decrypt) it correctly:


  • Authority.
  • Profile.
  • centers.
  • Channels.
  • Gates.
  • Planets.

Type definition

According to the design project, there are four types of people. Depending on the energy structure, each type plays a role in life.
Main types:

  1. The manifestor is the initiator.
  2. Generator - maintenance.
  3. Projector - direction.
  4. Reflector - observation.
  5. An additional type is Manifest Generator .

Types are divided into energy (generators, manifestors) and non-energy (projectors and reflectors) subtypes. It is very important to determine what type a person belongs to in order to correctly use internal abilities without wasting energy.


A person of this type, as a rule, has a closed, repulsive energy. It is believed that the number of such people is quite small: about 10% of the total population of the earth. There are such types as true and awakened manifestors. The first is a model for universal imitation and aspiration. The second type is the master of his life. The only desire is to do everything only as he sees and considers it necessary. People in this category really do not like it when someone climbs and sticks to them.

Manifestor is a very strong personality. Doesn't need anyone's help. And it is an impetus for movements and actions to other people. Everything new, unknown is usually started by strong personalities of this type, they are listened to and unquestioningly followed.

Manifestors are complex personalities that a lot of people try to control. They are unpredictable and you never know what to expect from them. It is difficult for loved ones to gain the trust of this type of people. Manifestors often offend others. To prove yourself, you must not lose your inner natural strength. But one should be more tolerant and respectful of others, share the decision made, inform them of their intentions. This will help to get rid of fears, become more confident.


These are soft people with an enveloping, soft energy shell. Almost a third of the world's population is thought to be of this type. Generators are active, with a confident life position. They cannot be kept in place, they are the engines of the Earth. vast reserves energy that is constantly trying to channel somewhere. These individuals do not stand still, they are always on the move, they are engaged in self-improvement both on the physical and spiritual levels.

Generators are the owners of a constant flow of energy that flows from the sacral center, which allows them to be constantly active. Generators differ from other types in that they are constantly charged and always ready for action. They have the ability and succeed in almost any field, cope with any task.

The energy from the sacral center that feeds the generators is very powerful, but it is important to know how to control it and where to direct it in order to avoid problems. Otherwise, a person will spend his life force on anyone but himself, or even waste it, while not receiving anything in return.

A person of this type simply needs a good friend, an adviser who will prompt and direct his energy in the right direction. If we take the psychic side, then the generators very often get hung up on one topic, subject, and it is very difficult for them to free themselves from this. It is necessary that a faithful comrade help to switch.

The happiness of the generator is to dissolve in your favorite business, to become its integral part, whatever it may be.


This type of people has a vibrating aura that is focused on one point. It is estimated that one fifth of the population are projectors. This is a complex type, it is not energetic. It was opened at the end of the 17th century. This type of person has a hard time focusing on their life design plan. The projector is a person who by nature is able to manage, lead. One of the abilities that people of this type have is seeing through people. But this, of course, is in the case when a person understands himself.

Creating new rules and maintaining order is one of the most important things a projector does. People know how to accurately assess the situation, see the right path and direct others to it. After communicating with such a person, a solution to the problem is formed, it remains only to put it into practice. It is very important that a person of the projector type does not live the life of another type - a generator.

A person like a projector should not be like everyone else, not be in the crowd. He makes decisions and directs others in the right direction.

The projector does not need to be anywhere and everywhere. It is worth devoting more time to your own I, to understand yourself. As soon as the generator and manifester have difficulties, they will immediately turn to the projector for help. It is precisely this moment that they are waiting for the manifestation of their own abilities, and do not rush things.


A very rare type, believed to occur in only 1% of the population. A reflector is a kind of reflection of everything that is happening around it. These people are mirrors. All emotional and mental activities that happen around them also pass through their thin shell.

People of this type easily adapt to changing conditions, quickly find an approach to others. They have equanimity, calmness, insight. The reflector is not the same with different people, it changes, adapts to the specific situation as a whole. Such people are valued in society, in the work team. The reflector quickly understands what is happening around him.

Many listen and act depending on how the reflector prompts. People of this type are versatile, have a sense of tact, are able to think deeply and intuitively understand the psychology of emotions occurring at a subtle level. Feel the mood of both the team and individual people.

Reflector - an open type of people, very susceptible. The influence of the world affects the reflector quite strongly. They are constantly working on themselves. They study the map to understand what to expect from the future and how best to proceed.

Learning to be nobody and everything at once is the main task of the reflector. This skill will help you live and develop in the right direction.

Manifest Generator

Thin shells of this type are similar to the aura of the generator. A third of all people are classified as this type. And if you add the number of mere generators to the manifesting generators, it turns out that 70 percent of all people belong to them. Such individuals do not like to mess around with something for a long time, rather soon they move from one thing to another. Their life proceeds at a fast pace, they love everything quickly and soon. Manifesting generators rarely return to what has already passed. It is not interesting for them, it drives everything passed into boredom.

Generators focus on one thing, unlike them, manifesting generators do not hang on one thing, they love variety. They seem to try life from different angles, looking for their place in it. This type of people is distinguished by a cheerful disposition, constantly at work. They differ from conventional generators in brighter energy flows, which are sent from the abdomen to the throat, bypassing other points, through the channel of charisma. They have great power and potential. But only after understanding oneself and having studied one's inner world, one uses and applies this force correctly.

One of the disadvantages is the rush, which makes something get lost from view. In the map of such personalities, certain inclinations and skills are indicated, but one should approach the choice of occupation with special attention. Often a person of this type closes himself from others, closes in his material world, forgetting about the inner spiritual one.

Don't push away those who try to help. People of this type simply need help as a guide.

Authority and strategy

After determining the type, it is advisable to deal with authority. Authority is directly the only truth that helps to accept the right decision. A strategy is a mechanism that helps to find this truth and draw conclusions based on it.

Everything for a successful existence is laid in an individual from birth. But often there is uncertainty when making a decision, because people do not hear their inner voice, intuition, they do not understand the signals of the Universe. Everything covers the mind. He loudly declares himself, forcing a person to doubt the correctness of the choice, thereby growing self-doubt. The individual ceases to be unique, constantly compares himself with others, gets lost in the crowd, becoming like everyone else.

The human mind wants to keep everything under control, and in the event of a hopeless situation, he himself suffers from this. You shouldn't be presumptuous. This will eventually lead to the fact that there will be no awareness of actions. In human design, there is such a thing as “False Self”, which creates imaginary pictures of its own mind:

  • all fears;
  • anxiety;
  • torment;
  • shame.

This concept suggests that a person does not accept himself as he is, tries to be anyone.

Read the card, decipher it - show the person who he really is and teach him to be in accordance with his real authority. A person must see solutions to problems in accordance with his inner self, live his life. The card helps to make the mind your friend, to use its potential only for good. When an individual understands his strategy and acts in accordance with his authority, he falls into an ideal energy channel, which is closely related to time and space. It is at these moments that the real Self is revealed. A person realizes what it means to be himself.

Stages of authorities and their strategies

  • Solar plexus. The most important authority, it is called the second brain, sometimes acts in addition to the desires of a person. It is the formation of emotions that are not subject to consciousness. It's like doing something first and then thinking about why it was done. The management of this point is very difficult, you have to work hard so that unconscious actions and emotions become controlled.
    When a person is in the grip of emotions, he should not draw conclusions. It is valuable to wait until everything subsides a little and clarity of thought appears. Only after calming down, they make a tactically correct decision. Don't rush.
  • Sacral. This is the authority that opens the way to natural energy. Having learned to use it, the individual stops wasting a lot of energy, draws the energy of the Cosmos and uses it rationally. It is important to be able to feel, not to understand.
    The action of this center is very simple, it gives out only impulsive yes-no. Before answering a question, look into yourself and listen to what the stomach says. That's where it comes from true desire whether you want something or not. It is useful to learn to feel and understand your body, and it will give answers to all questions of interest.
  • Splenic. This sixth sense is human intuition. They listen to the inner self as much as possible. Authority works in the first seconds. It is important to catch this impulse in time and correctly decipher it. If this is not done, then they connect the mind to work and rely only on it. Much, of course, depends on whether a person trusts his inner voice. It is difficult to feel the splenic authority. Its impulses are taken from the surrounding streams. All the time they train intuition, conduct experiments. One must be able to see it in the most subtle signals of the body. This authority is able to develop courage and a sense of confidence well.
  • Ego. A person must be able to convince and influence other people through words. It is essential in this case to hear exactly what he says, and not what the mind whispers. Therein lies the strength. When people choose words, think over, they do not trust themselves. They speak the way they feel. Words come from the inner world. A person needs to try to trust himself. This is a difficult and long work, but the result will be success in work, the implementation of plans. If the heart speaks, a person turns to his inner nature. One must be able to convey information without fear, this makes life easier.

In those moments when an individual turns to himself, looks into his inner world, gets access to the true wisdom. If the mind does not interfere, and a person learns to listen to himself and the signals of the body, he will always receive the necessary information.


The generally accepted system with 7 centers was replaced in 1781 by a new one - 9 centers. The main difference lies in the fact that the external authority of development has shifted: charters, religions, kings, everything that people prayed for and idolized in the past, is gone. Now a person began to pay more attention to himself, his development. But the mind did not stop listening, thus all experiences remained the same. It's not entirely true, but that's how development happens.

It is very valuable to open all your energy centers, to learn how to receive and distribute the energy of the Universe. To do this, they simply study their body, soul, inner self.

Each center has its own purpose. You need to work in harmony with them. You should not fight them, it will not bring anything good.

When recognizing a human design card, there will be a certain number of filled empty shapes in the diagram. Esotericists call them definite and indefinite centers. A certain center has a strong energy that extends both to the human body and to the outside world. This is what strength is.

spleen center

This center absorbs all the energy that it finds, absorbs everything like a sponge. This point does not have its own energy. A large number of reading devices on the body are trying to capture the state of the space around and determine what is happening there. If a person has not understood the functionality of this center, he, as a rule, becomes suspicious and is afraid of everything. Often a person with an open center of the spleen takes other people's fears read from space as his own. There is a sense of danger. This is the false self.

False self creates a false idea of ​​a person about the world around him, changes reality. A person lives in his dreams, not seeing what is really happening. They look inside themselves and with the help of authority and strategy find the true Self. All meaning is hidden in open centers. They contain everything that a person needs for life.

parietal center

Endocrine gland - weeds out ideas and impressions. It makes you think about the complex, look for solutions to problems, sort out life's labyrinths. This is a necessary component that forces you to think.

The False Self, trying to slow down the process, asks such questions: how, how to look for answers, where, where to get the strength for creativity.

Ajna center

New cortex and pituitary. Engaged in the processing of video data, schematically at the level of theories and assumptions. It is the part of the mind that determines the pros and cons. Information comes through the senses through experiments and observations. This center is not an assistant in organizing plans for the future. Too idealizes reality, giving false fantasies and hopes. They look at life with a healthy eye, and it will bring many adventures.

throat center

Location - the region of the thyroid gland. Its main tasks are communication and manifestation, that is, work with environment. This center, its channels and gates are of great importance for a person. A lot depends on it, for example, self-expression. If the center is defined, but is not connected by a channel to any motor, then everything that is said will be an empty sound, with no hint of a solution to the problem. There are a lot of opportunities to manifest oneself at this center, respectively, there are also a lot of false I. If the throat is defined and open, the individual has clear thinking, likes to disassemble any task into elements and solve it as simply as possible.

emotional center

The solar plexus is the nervous system. The main functions of this center are emotions. Scientists call it the second brain. If the emotional center is open and defined, it is possible for the spirit to express itself through it. This is a very strong energy point. When a person is dominated only by feelings, it is difficult for him to make correct decisions. It is time to learn to manage sensations in order to rely on them.

As a rule, people with an open emotional center are quite reserved: they do not need much to be happy. Such a person is quite susceptible to aggression. An icy shower pours over him when he sees negativity in the interlocutor, because in a certain center all emotions intensify. The main thing is not to panic.

The False Self at an indefinite emotional center creates certain obstacles, gives signals about a possible conflict and that it is not worth going somewhere, develops feelings of insecurity and disappointment.

sacral center

Ovaries and testicles. Symbolizes the continuation of life, sexuality. This powerful flow of energy directs the generators to reproduction, does not allow doing nothing. All human evolution is concentrated in this center. The opening of this center is an opportunity to receive additional energy for the implementation of the plan. For projectors, manifestors and reflectors, this center is indefinite. Do not access this life energy.

Center - G

Liver, circulatory system. In this center is hidden the higher self of each person. Responsible for a special reverent attitude to life. The main task is to create a field for work. Eco activity depends on which gates and channels are open and functioning. They are not looking for a definition of the concept of "what is love." You have to look around carefully. Surrounding close people and those points that a person visits define this word.

Root Center

Adrenal glands, adrenaline system. The main task of this center is the manifestation of a person through the throat. It is a simpler life energy. This center eliminates unnecessary unjustified experiences and fears in order to move forward and adapt.

If this center is not defined, a person tries to complete all affairs in a hurry. These people spend a huge amount of energy nowhere: thoughts are not focused on a specific goal, they are directed into the void. False I say I want this, I don't know what. Plus open center lies in the fact that these people live according to their design, slowly, admiring every moment. An open root center allows people to live in harmony with themselves.


The second part of the map is the person's profile. This is a more difficult stage for self-decryption. They think that the profile is a silhouette through which a person shows his qualities. Thanks to the profile, the internal energy is reborn into the material, into life itself.

It is generally accepted that there are 6 lines along which a person expresses himself in this world. But the human design system considers not only conscious actions, but also unconscious ones. Each profile uses 2 lines. The first is the conscious of a person, the second is the unconscious.


1st line - researcher, this type of people are often afraid of something, they need support to get a result.

2nd line - a hermit, sometimes endowed with a gift that he does not suspect. These people like to work and spend time away from the hustle, bustle and people.

3rd line - a martyr, by trial and error they achieve their goal, at times they make discoveries.

4th line - opportunist, quite influential people, have many friends and always welcome ideas from good acquaintances.

The 5th line is a heretic, able to find an unusual way of solving problems, at the same time accessible to everyone.

The 6th line is a role model, people are endowed with great opportunities, for the most part they become an example to follow.

The profile will only work if the person follows the rules of authority-strategy.


The channel represents a certain construction of two gates with certain numbers. This is what determines the character of a person and the line of his behavior in a given situation.

If the channels are present in the personality, they are black, if in the unconscious they are red.


It is generally accepted that there are 64 gates in the system. This is similar in the number of hexagrams from an ancient Chinese book. Scientists have proven the fact that hexagrams are closely related to human DNA. Gates explain the actions and behavior of the individual, as well as his main aspects of character.

You can't just build on gates character traits person, use all the data of the rave card. It is often very difficult to decipher the entire map on your own. But even paying attention to the gate, they are already discovering new ways for the development of both spiritual and physical.


Each gate is closely associated with a planet in our solar system.

PlanetCharacteristics, meaning
Sunwhat a person is, self-determination
Earthexpression on the earthly, material and everyday level. Support in life.
Moonthe force that guides a person through life
north nodeenvironment, second half of life
south nodeenvironment, first half of life
Mercurycommunication with the outside world
Venusmorality, moral principles of personality
Marspowerful, undeveloped energy, conflicts, disputes
Jupiterown core, inner law of personality
Saturnpayback option for violating one's own rule
UranusChaos, mess, unusual qualities
Neptunepoints of unusual, mystical, spiritual development
Plutosearch for Truth in the polarity of Light and Darkness


Mapping is a very important step in knowing yourself. They just do it to understand how to act in a given situation. Human design helps the individual find their place in life. Suggests what is better to do, what talents are hidden in it. It is required to correctly decrypt the card. Do it yourself or turn to a specialist in this field. Knowing yourself is an endless process. However, than more people learns, the more interesting and exciting his life becomes.