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Electronic educational resources in chemistry. Educational Resources

2. Preparation for the Unified State Exam

http:// wwwobrnadzor. gov. ru

federal Service for supervision in the field of education and science

Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements. All about the Unified State Exam

Information support portal of the United state exam


Federal Testing Center

Educational and Scientific Center for Pre-University Education

The educational center"Unique". Conducting a rehearsaldata of the Unified State Examination

3. Chemistry

Fundamental Chemical Research Portalth educationChemNet. Chemical Information Network: Science, Education, Technology

Interlesson. Lessons school curriculum. Videos, notes, tests, simulators.

http:// gopora . ucoz . ru / publ /37-1-0-1269

Educational films on chemistry

Newspaper "Chemistry" and website for teachers "I'm going to class ximii"

Unified collection TsOR: Subject collection “X”name"

Natural science experiments: chemistry. Collettion of the Russian General Education Portal

All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in chemistry

Organic chemistry: electronic textbook for mediumschool days

Entertaining chemistry

From the experience of a chemistry teacher: website of N.Yu. Sysmanova

Classification chemical reactions

ConTren - Chemistry for everyone: educational and information site

Materials of the Department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry of the Southern Federal DistrictFederal University

Methodological Association of Chemistry Teachers of the North-Eastern Districtclan of Moscow

Popular Library chemical elements

WebsiteChemworld. People. Ru-World of Chemistry

Website "Virtual Chemistry School" site about chemistry

Chemical page of the Yaroslavl Telecom Centercommunications and information systems in education

Chemical portalChemPort . Ru

Chemistry and life - XXI century: popular science magazinernal

Electronic library on chemistry and technology

http :// www . chem . msu . su / rus / library

Chemical portal ChemPort.Ru - a general information resource for chemical industry professionals. Chemistry news - Forums - Jobs for chemists - Chemical shopping center - List of laboratory equipment - Bookstore - Electronic library and much more..

Himosa - methodological association chemistry teachers. Theoretical foundations of practical activities, methodical piggy bank, Internet resources, research, Olympiads and competitions...

Website of teacher Bazhenov A.A. - chemistry and biology: planning, elective course, classroom management, open lesson, projector in class, video collection, tests.

"Office No. 54" - Chemistry at school No. 44 in Irkutsk: lesson materials, test assignments, tests, Interesting Facts in chemistry, reference data, chemistry quizzes.

Alchemist - one of the best sites on the Russian-language chemical Internet, aimed at teachers and students, teachers and students. Literature, answers to questions, experiment and much more..

Department of Physical Chemistry RSU - Teaching aids, programs and lecture notes on physical chemistry, colloid chemistry, history of chemistry and other subjects. (Southern Federal University, Rostov).

Chemistry Online at MGSU - online tests in chemistry for students and schoolchildren, lecture notes, teaching aids, videos, online presentations, forum.

Basics of chemistry. Online textbook. - A.V. Manuilov, V.I. Rodionov. "The basic level is focused on successful completion Unified State Exam, and the profile one corresponds to the chemistry program for applicants to Novosibirsk State University"

Organic chemistry - G.I. Deryabina, G.V. Kantaria. Electronic textbook intended for high school students. Theory, a large number of illustrations, animations and virtual models, Control questions and games with chemical content...

What nanotechnology can do - lecture for schoolchildren, various materials on nanotechnologies, their application in electronics, chemistry, medicine... K. Bogdanov, author of the book “A Physicist Visiting a Biologist”

Sevastopol chemical portal - guidelines for students ("manuals"), reference materials, entertaining chemistry experiments with video applications and much more.

Virtual Chemistry School for teachers and students. - Tests, methods for solving calculation problems, Internet resources, methodological office, psychology room, relaxation room

Chemistry and toxicology - the site is dedicated to organic and inorganic synthesis, toxicology, as well as a collection of books on relevant topics. 4254 substances and 511 syntheses have been described. Toxic substances, symptoms of poisoning and treatment methods... and the criminal code.

- Site directory of chemical elements. Biography of D.I. Mendeleev, a photo gallery of his portraits, funny alterations of the Periodic Table, student folklore, stories from the lives of great scientists... - information from the journal "Chemistry Advances", Chemical current sources, Green chemistry, Personalized chemical devices, Chemical clipart, Carbohydrate chemistry library, Dictionary...

Educational Internet resources for schoolchildren: chemistry. - specialized sites, textbooks, reference books, problem solving, chemistry exams, tickets, questions, answers, Unified State Examination in chemistry, tests, Olympiads, chemistry for applicants (catalog).

Personal site teacher of chemistry and biology Lidia Viktorovna Konovalova: tests, development of classes in chemistry, biology and ecology.

KonTren - KonTren - this is where you actually are. If you find a broken link on this page, please report it to the site author: - Your pilot in the world of chemistry
Website for students and schoolchildren. A huge amount of interesting information. Experiments, chemical news, fascinating articles about chemistry, chemical humor and much more...

On the site you will find many reference tables, short course organic chemistry, biographies of chemists, big reference book By trivial names chemical substances. - World of Chemistry
A large number of popular science articles, chemical humor, a small reference book. Unfortunately, the design of the site greatly interferes with perception.

Chemistry Faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov
A large amount of information is presented - digital library, Olympiads, information on departments, schedule of conferences and scientific meetings, information for students. The site is linked to the portal

Thematic sites

Chemistry and toxicology
The website provides descriptions of the properties of substances, symptoms of poisoning and methods of treating poisoning. In the Database section you can familiarize yourself with the properties of substances and find some synthesis methods. The “Laws” section contains materials related to the subject of the site and publishes lists of toxic and potent substances. The site has a small collection of books on chemistry, and the forum is active. - Encyclopedia of weapons
A large portal for all types of weapons. Many articles on chemical and biological weapons have been collected.
The site specializes in science news and events in this area (conferences, olympiads, etc.) - Protein and everything about it
Electronic textbook about the chemical composition, structure, properties and biological functions protein molecules. - Online textbook on biochemistry
Electronic textbook "Biological Chemistry" ed. "Medicine" 2000 Authors: E.S. Severin, T.L. Aleynikova, E.V. Osipov - Electronic course on the basics of ecology and toxicology
The site contains 9 lectures on ecology, 6 lectures on toxicology, as well as several tests for self-control.

Electronic manual on the basics of chemical synthesis
The textbook "Chemical Synthesis" is intended for schoolchildren studying in the specialized field of "chemistry".

Chemistry programs
On this site you will find a wide variety of chemical programs and cracks for them. The following programs are available: ChemDraw Pro 2009, ChemSketch v.11.0, Symyx Draw 3.1, Mendeleyev 2.2, Chemical Equation Expert 2.0, ChemRefPC 1.0, ChemCraft v.1.5 and others.

Popular science magazines

Chemistry and life XXI century
Website of the popular magazine "Chemistry and Life-21st Century". Here you can not only learn about the contents of the latest issues of the magazine, but also about announcements of new ones.

Journal of Chemistry and Chemists
Free electronic magazine "Chemistry and Chemists", published since August 2008. The main directions of the magazine: popular science articles, entertaining experiments in chemistry with detailed description and photographs, useful materials for chemists, discussion of problems of science and education, scientific humor.

All sorts of things
Library of journal articles on Chemistry, Medicine, Physics, Technology and other disciplines. Nice selection, most of the articles are really very interesting.

In the world of science
The publication is addressed to both the scientific and technical intelligentsia, and a wide range of educated readers who want to keep abreast of the latest achievements of world social and scientific thought.

Full description

1. Portal of fundamental chemical education ChemNet. Chemical information network: Science, education, technology

Unified collection of TsOR: Subject collection “Chemistry”

3. Natural science experiments: chemistry. Collection of the Russian General Education Portal

4. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in chemistry

5.Organic chemistry: electronic textbook for high school

6. Fundamentals of chemistry: electronic textbook

7.Open College: Chemistry

8. Distance Olympiad in Chemistry: telecommunications educational project

9. Distance heuristic Olympiads in chemistry

10. Entertaining chemistry

11. Classification of chemical reactions

12.KonTren - Chemistry for everyone: educational and information site

13. Materials of the Department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry of the South federal university

14. Methods of teaching chemistry: website of the Chemistry Department of NSPU

15.Nanometer: nanotechnology community

16.Online directory of chemical elements WebElements

17. Popular library of chemical elements

18. Website educational and reference materials on chemistry

19. Website Chemworld.Narod.Ru - World of Chemistry

20. Website “Virtual Chemistry School”

21. Website “World of Chemistry” website about chemistry

23. Chemical page of the Yaroslavl Center for Telecommunications and Information Systems in Education

24.Chemical portal ChemPort.Ru

25. Chemical server educational and reference materials

26.Chemistry: Materials from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

27.Chemistry for everyone: illustrated materials on general, organic and inorganic chemistry

28.Chemistry and life - XXI century: popular science magazine

29. Himosa: community of chemistry teachers on the portal “Network of Creative Teachers”

30. For schoolchildren about chemistry: website of the Faculty of Chemistry of Altai State University

31.Electronic library on chemistry and technology

32.Electronic library of educational materials in chemistry on the Chemnet portal

33.Encyclopedia “Nature of Science”: Chemistry

- Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson". Chemistry lesson development - Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources. The portal contains educational resources on subjects. There is a search and filter system - electronic version of the newspaper "Chemistry" supplement to "September 1" - Pedagogical Living space of education. The online resource contains theoretical and practical materials for lessons and extracurricular activities - UROKI.NET. On the pages of this site you will find lesson and thematic planning, open lessons, scripts school holidays cool watch, methodological developments, lesson notes, laboratory notes, test papers and many other materials - Perm city school portal. Teachers on the portal will be able to find the development of lessons and various events, as well as the latest news in the field of education in the Perm region - ALCHEMIST. Electronic journal for teachers, schoolchildren and students studying chemistry. Includes methodological recommendations for chemistry teachers, reference books, biographies of great chemists, sections “Fun Chemistry”, “Chemistry for Every Day” and much other interesting and useful information And - World of chemistry. Contains chemical reference books, history of creation and development periodic table elements (link "Museum"), description chemical experiments with various elements, information from the main areas of chemistry (boundary, agrochemistry, geochemistry, ecochemistry, analytical chemistry, photochemistry, thermochemistry, petrochemistry), chemical news section, links to useful resources Internet, etc. - Chemistry. Educational site for schoolchildren and students. An electronic textbook on chemistry for high school, suitable for use in both regular and specialized classes, as well as for reviewing material in the final year and for preparing for exams. A number of applications have been published on the site: periodic table, table of electronegativity of elements, electronic configurations of elements, etc., as well as problems for independent solutionTV - Open College: Chemistry. Electronic textbook on chemistry (inorganic, organic, nuclear chemistry, chemistry environment, biochemistry); contains a large amount additional material. The textbook is accompanied by reference tables and provides detailed analysis typical tasks, a large set of tasks for independent solution is presented - Organic chemistry - textbook for high school. The textbook outlines theoretical basis organic chemistry and information about the main classes organic matter. Recommendations for solving problems are provided. Educational texts are accompanied by a large number of graphic illustrations and animations, including three-dimensional ones - Electronic textbooks on general chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry. Reference materials are provided (dictionary of chemical terms, reference tables, biographies of great chemists, history of chemistry), as well as test questions - Chemical page of the Yaroslavl Center for Telecommunications and Information Systems in Education. Problems for chemistry olympiads, descriptions of interesting chemical experiments, a dictionary of chemical terms, information from geochemistry (origin and chemical composition some minerals) - Educational testing server. Free online testing in chemistry, requires registration in the system. Test tasks include drawing up equations and choosing conditions for chemical reactions, classification of elements and complex substances, questions on the structure of molecules, quantitative calculation of reagents, methods of identifying substances