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Fermentation of food products and its significance. Fermentation and enzymatic oxidation in tea Bacterial metabolism



annotation scientific article on livestock and dairy farming, author of the scientific work - Babicheva Irina Andreevna, Mustafin Ramis Zufarovich

The effect of strains of probiotic preparations Bacell and Lactomicrotsikol on rumen contents was studied. The preparations include live lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, essential amino acids, organic acids, vitamins, microelements and biologically active substances. For the experiment with the microbiological preparation Bacell, bulls of the Kazakh white-headed breed were selected, and a probiotic was added to the main diet of the animals in the experimental groups in doses of 15, 25 and 35 g/animal. per day. The drug Laktomikrotsikol was introduced into the main diet of young animals of the red steppe breed in doses of 10 g/animal/day. within 3 months; 10 g in the first 7 days, then a week break and so on for 3 months; 10 g in the first 7 days, then 1 time per decade for 3 months. During the study, a shift in the indicator was noted hydrogen ion concentration in the forestomach of animals in the acidic direction by 3.2-3.6% when feeding Bacell, which, according to the authors, is explained by an increase in the concentration of VFAs in the rumen fluid of bull calves by 26.7%. The use of the multienzyme drug Bacell in the diet contributed to a decrease in the concentration of ammonia in the rumen, and this decrease was noticeable only in animals receiving the probiotic at doses of 25 and 35 g/bird per day. Feeding the feed additive Laktomikrotsikol also had an effect on the rumen contents of experimental animals. Analysis of the data obtained as a result of the experiment revealed that the highest concentration of VFA in the rumen fluid was observed in bulls, to whose main diet 10 g of probiotic was added in the first 7 days, then a week break was taken and this was continued for 3 months. In the rumen contents of these animals, more volatile fatty acids before feeding (by 3.6-8.6%), as well as after feeding (by 2.8-13.4%). The results of the study are recommended to be used in farms of the Orenburg region and other regions that have similar conditions of keeping and growing young cattle Kazakh white-headed breed and red steppe breed.

Related topics scientific works on livestock and dairy farming, author of the scientific work - Babicheva Irina Andreevna, Mustafin Ramis Zufarovich

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The effect of strains of the Bacell and Lactomicrotsikol probiotic preparations on the rumen contents of young cattle has been studied. The preparations include live lactobacteria, bifidobacteria, essential amino acids, organic acids, vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances. Kazakh White-Head steers were selected for the trials to test the microbiological Bacell preparation, which was added to the basic diet of animals of experimental groups in the doses of 15, 25 and 35 g/head a day. The Lactomicrotsikol supplement was introduced into the basic diet of the Red Steppe young animals in the doses of 10 g/head during 3 months; 10 g in the first 7 days, then a weekly interval, this mode of feeding being repeated during 3 months; then again 10 g in the first 7 days after the above three months, which was followed by once a decade feeding of the supplement for 3 months more. In the course of studies there was observed a shift of the hydrogen ions concentration index in the animals' gizzards to the acidic side at 3.2-3.6%, when the Bacell preparation was fed, which was believed to be due to the increase of volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentration in the rumen fluid of steers by 26.7%. The inclusion of the multi-enzyme Bacell preparation into the diet stimulated the decrease of ammonia concentration in the rumen, this reduction having been observed only in animals obtaining the probiotic in doses of 25 and 35 g/day per head. The Laktomicrotsikol supplement fed to the animals influenced the ammonia content in the rumen of animals under study. The analysis of findings obtained as a result of trials conducted revealed that the highest concentration of VFA in rumen fluid was observed in steers fed the basic diet supplemented with 10 g of the above probiotic in the first 7 days, followed with a week interval, with this mode of feeding having been repeated during the period of 3 months. In the rumen contents of these animals there was observed more volatile fatty acids before feeding (at 3.6-8.6%), and after feeding (at 2.8-13.4%) the probiotic. It is recommended to use the data, obtained in the course of studies, on the farms of Orenburg region and of other regions with similar conditions of Kazakh White-Head and Red Steppe young cattle management.

Text of scientific work on the topic “Bacterial fermentation of nutrients in the rumen when using probiotic preparations”

control group listened to harsh vesicular breathing accompanied by a cough. Combs have formed on the paws. Two rabbits had a strong, loud, short, superficial cough, the larynx area was swollen, and the body temperature increased (44.2°C), which indicated inflammation of the larynx and trachea. In III gr. Corresponding signs of rhinitis were noted in only two individuals, the rest were in a healthy condition. In female rabbits of groups IV and V, clinical signs of rhinitis did not appear.

Conclusion. Administration before transportation of the drug Xylanit in a dose of 0.45 ml per head or the homeopathic drug Fospasim, 0.4 ml per head, twice - before transportation and after unloading on the first day of adaptation, then orally 12-13 drops daily for 7 days. prevents disruption of metabolic and functional changes in the body and thereby reduces emotional stress, improves the adaptation process of Californian breed rabbits during long-term transportation.


1. Ismagilova E.R., Ibragimova L.L. The use of the homeopathic drug "Fospasim" to increase the adaptive capacity of rabbits during transportation // Basic Research. 2013. No. 8 (part 2). pp. 376-379.

2. Ibragimova L.L., Ismagilova E.R. Histostructure of the myocardium and adrenal glands of rabbits during transportation and use of the protector drug // Fundamental Research. 2013. No. 10 (part 3). pp. 164-167.

3. Mager S.N., Ekremov V.A., Smirnov P.N. The influence of stress factors on the reproductive ability of cattle // Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State University Agrarian University. 2005. No. 2. P. 49.

4. Sapozhnikova O.G., Orobets V.A., Slavetskaya B.M. Homeopathic correction of stress // International Bulletin veterinary medicine 2010. No. 2. P. 44-46.

5. Krylov V.N., Kosilov V.I. Blood parameters of young animals of the Kazakh white-headed breed and its crosses with the light Aquitaine // News of the Orenburg State Agrarian University. 2009. No. 2 (22). pp. 121-125.

6. Litvinov K.S., Kosilov V.I. Hematological parameters of young animals of the red steppe breed // Bulletin of beef cattle breeding. 2008. T. 1. No. 61. P. 148-154.

7. Traisov B.B. Hematological parameters of meat and wool sheep / B.B. Traisov, K.G. Yesengaliev, A.K. Bozymova, V.I. Kosilov // News of the Orenburg State Agrarian University. 2012. No. 3 (35). pp. 124-125.

8. Antonova V.S., Topuria G.M., Kosilov V.I. Methodology scientific research in livestock farming. Orenburg, 2011. 246 p.

Bacterial fermentation of nutrients in the rumen when using probiotic preparations

I.A. Babicheva, Doctor of Biological Sciences, R.Z. Mustafin, Ph.D., Orenburg State Agrarian University

Various transformations of nutrients in the forestomach of ruminants occur under the influence of various types microorganisms At the same time, going through a series of multi-stage transformations, many metabolites are formed in the rumen, some of which become plastic and energy material for the body, while others turn into microbial complete protein, being the main source of biologically necessary active substances and essential amino acids.

Therefore, to provide polygastric animals with normal nutrition, it is first necessary to create optimal conditions for the development of microflora. The degree of intensity of its vital activity depends on many factors, the most important of which are the concentration of hydrogen ions in the environment, the condition of the walls of the rumen mucosa, as well as the amount of feed metabolites in the forestomach.

The purpose of the research was to study the effect of the strains of probiotic preparations Bacell and Lactomikrotsikol on the rumen contents of young cattle.

Material and research methods. For the experiment with the microbiological preparation Bacell, there were

bulls of the Kazakh white-headed breed were selected. The differences between the groups were that the bulls of the experimental groups, unlike the control peers, additionally received a probiotic in doses of 15, 25 and 35 g/head, respectively, to the main diet. per day.

The effect of the probiotic Laktomikrotsikol on the intensity of microbiological processes in the rumen of ruminants was assessed on young animals of the red steppe breed. The diet of calves in the experimental groups included a probiotic according to the developed scheme.

A study to study the effect of probiotic preparations Bacell and Lactomicrotsikol on the rumen contents of bulls was carried out on farms in the Orenburg region. The experiments used preparations including live lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, essential amino acids, organic acids, vitamins, microelements and biologically active substances.

The results of the study made it possible to establish that feeding various amounts of the Bacell feed additive as part of the diet, as a source of enzymes with proteolytic, amylolytic and cellulolytic action, influenced the degree of intensity of microbiological processes (Table 1).

In particular, the concentration of hydrogen ions in animals of the control and experimental group I. was practically at the same level, the difference was not significant

1. Concentration of the main metabolites of bacterial fermentation in the rumen of animals when consuming the Bacell feed additive after 3 hours. after feeding, (X±Sx)

Indicator Group

control I experimental II experimental III experimental

pH VFA, mmol/100 ml Ammonia, mmol/100 ml 6.89±0.13 7.80±0.10 23.70±0.74 6.87±0.17 8.03±0.13 22, 81±0.70 6.65±0.10 9.88±0.11 19.45±0.83 6.68±0.15 9.84±0.11 19.50±0.57

2. Scheme of the experiment when using the feed additive Laktomikrotsikol

Group Number of animals, heads. Factor under study

Control I experimental II experimental III experimental 10 10 10 10 basic diet OR +10 g probiotic per animal/day for 3 months. RR +10 g of probiotic in the first 7 days, then a week break and so on for 3 months. RR +10 g of probiotic in the first 7 days, then once a decade for 3 months.

3. Biochemical indicators of rumen contents when feeding Laktomikrotsikol (X±Sx)

Indicator Group

control I experimental II experimental III experimental

VFA, mmol/100ml

before feeding 3 hours later 6.4±0.98 8.24±0.27 6.63±1.18* 8.47±0.36 6.95±0.93* 9.35±0.26 6 .7±0.27* 8.94±0.23

Ammonia, mmol/l

before feeding 3 hours later 20.6±0.31 22.67±0.17 20.87±0.61 22.8±0.30 21.6±0.64 24.0±0.12 21.07 ±0.38* 22.9±0.26

pH before feeding after 3 hours 7.13±0.02 6.79±0.01 7.11±0.01* 6.75±0.01 7.1±0.01* 6.71±0.01 7.11±0.01* 6.73±0.01

Note: * - P< 0,05, разница с контролем достоверна

increased 0.2-0.4%, while in young animals II and III I

experienced gr. this indicator has shifted to acidic

side by 3.2-3.6% (P>0.05). Decrease in pH, b

probably due to an increase in the concentration of h

VFA in the rumen fluid of experimental bulls II and III

gr., which was 26.7 and 26.2% (P>0.05) higher, d

than among peers in the control group. The concentration of volatile fatty acids in their rumen was at

same level and averaged 9.86 mmol/l, I

which was higher by 1.83 mmol/l, or 22.8% in

(P>0.05) than in the first experimental group. G

Use of multien- r as part of the diet

winter drug contributed to a decrease in p

concentration of ammonia in the rumen, and this decrease was noticeable only in the II and III experimental

gr. Feeding 15 g/animal/day of this feed do-e

the supplement had no effect on proteolytic t

microflora activity, which is clearly visible from the ammonia content, which was almost

identical to the control indicators. Once

data on ammonia concentration in the rumen of steers

control and II experimental group. was 21.9% h

(R<0,05), а молодняка контрольной и III опытной п

gr. - 21.6% (R<0,05) в пользу контрольной гр. г

The amount formed 3 hours after

feeding ammonia in the rumen of animals I experimental I

gr. was higher, respectively, by 17.3 (P>0.05) and with

17.0% (R<0,05), чем у аналогов II и III опытных д

g., and 3.9% (P>0.05) lower than in the rumen of young

no control group The decrease in ammonia concentration in the rumen of animals of groups II and III was apparently associated with an increase in the work of amylolytic microflora, leading to a decrease in pH towards the acidic side and a slowdown in the activity of proteolytic microflora and their enzymes.

Feeding the feed additive Laktomikro-tsikol had an effect on the rumen contents of experimental animals. Control group bulls received a basic diet, the nutritional value of which met established standards, and a probiotic was included in the diet of calves in the experimental groups according to the scheme (Table 2).

Analyzing the data obtained as a result of the experiment, it was found that the highest concentration of VFA in the rumen fluid was observed in bulls of the II experimental group. (Table 3).

In animals of the experimental groups, the contents of the rumen contained more VFAs before feeding by 3.6-8.6%, and also after feeding - by 2.8-13.4%. We believe that the larger amount of VFA is due to the fact that the positive microflora of the rumen contents more actively participated in the process of fiber fermentation, which leads to the formation of VFA. VFA concentration influenced the rumen content environment. If the pH value of the ruminal contents before feeding in the control group bulls was slightly alkaline, then after

feeding, the rumen content environment became close to neutral.

The concentration of ammonia before feeding in the rumen of bull calves of the experimental groups when fed with Lactomikrotsikol was higher than in individuals of the control group: I experimental - by 1.3%, II experimental - by 4.85%, III experimental - by 2.85% . In 3 hours. after feeding, the concentration of ammonia in the rumen of bulls of the first experimental group. exceeded the indicator in the control group. by 0.57%, II experimental - by 5.87%, III experimental - by 1.01%.

It was found that the animals of the experimental groups were characterized by a slight decrease in pH levels. At the same time, the concentration of volatile fatty acids increased with a slight change in their ratio. The level of ammonia and the fractional composition of VFA in the rumen of bulls from the experimental groups varied within the physiological norm.

Conclusion. The preparations Bacell and Laktomikrotsikol have a positive effect on the microbial fermentation of nutrients in the rumen of ruminants.


1. Babicheva I.A., Nikulin V.N. Efficiency of using probiotic preparations in growing and fattening bulls // News of the Orenburg State Agrarian University. 2014. No. 1 (45). pp. 167-168.

2. Levakhin V.I., Babicheva I.A., Poberukhin M.M. and others. The use of probiotics in animal husbandry // Dairy and meat cattle breeding. 2011. No. 2. P. 13-14.

3. Antonova V.S., Topuria G.M., Kosilov V.I. Methodology of scientific research in animal husbandry. Orenburg: OSAU Publishing Center, 2011. 246 p.

4. Mironova I.V., Kosilov V.I. Cows’ digestibility of the main nutrients in the diets of black-and-white cows when using the probiotic additive Vetosporin-aktiv in feeding // Proceedings of the Orenburg State Agrarian University. 2015. No. 2 (52). pp. 143-146.

5. Mironova I.V. Efficiency of using the probiotic Biodarin in feeding heifers / I.V. Mironova, G.M. Dol-zhenkova, N.V. Gizatova, V.I. Kosilov // News of the Orenburg State Agrarian University. 2016. No. 3 (59). pp. 207-210.

6. Mustafin R.Z., Nikulin V.N. Biochemical rationale for the use of probiotics in raising young cattle // Collection of scientific papers of the All-Russian Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding. 2014. T. 3. No. 7. P. 457-461.

7. Nikulin V.N., Mustafin R.Z., Biktimirov R.A. The effect of probiotic on the rumen contents of young animals of the red steppe breed // Bulletin of beef cattle breeding. 2014. No. 1 (84). pp. 96-100.

8. Kosilov V.I., Mironova I.V. Efficiency of energy use in diets by black-and-white cows when fed with the probiotic additive Vetosporin-active // ​​News of the Orenburg State Agrarian University. 2015. No. 2 (52). pp. 179-182.

9. Batanov S.D., Ushakova O.Yu. Probiotic Bacell and probiotic Lactacid in the diets of dairy cows // Feeding agricultural animals and feed production. 2013. No. 11. P. 26-34.

10. Mambetov M.M., Shevkhushev A.F., Sheikin P.A. Conversion of feed into cattle carcass growth // Veterinary Bulletin. 2002. No. 2 (23). pp. 60-64.

Efficiency of seasonal calving of beef cows productivity

P.I. Khristianovsky, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Orenburg State Agrarian University; V.A. Gontyurev, Ph.D., FGBNU VNIIMS; S.A. Ivanov, Chairman, APC (collective farm) “Anikhovsky”, Orenburg region

In recent years, interest in beef cattle breeding among Russian agricultural producers has increased significantly, and not only in areas that have always specialized in beef cattle breeding. Beef cattle began to be raised in many regions of the Non-Black Earth Region - in Bryansk, Tula, Kaluga, Tver and other regions, i.e. in the traditional dairy farming area.

In modern conditions, beef cattle breeding can become a profitable industry. Beef cattle can use scarce steppe pastures, tolerate high and low temperatures well, are less demanding on the composition of the diet, and the survival rate of young meat breeds is usually higher than that of dairy breeds. Facilities for beef cattle are simpler and cheaper. In addition, beef cattle farming can be combined with dairy farming or other livestock sectors that will complement each other.

In beef cattle breeding, the most technologically advanced are tour (seasonal) calvings. Seal-

Reducing the timing of calving of cows makes it possible to receive calves in a more favorable period and subsequently form uniform herds of young stock. In this regard, the purpose of the study was determined - to study the effectiveness of seasonal calving of beef cows.

Material and research methods. The material for the study was cows and heifers of the Kazakh white-headed breed from the herd of the Anikhovsky collective farm (collective farm) of the Adamovsky district of the Orenburg region. To achieve seasonal calving, bulls on the farm are kept in brood herds from January to July. Every year in September, a gynecological examination of cows is carried out to determine pregnancy and identify the causes of infertility. At the same time, the breeding stock is graded and cows are culled for unsuitability for reproduction and zootechnical indicators.

During the study, methods of rectal diagnosis of pregnancy and analysis of production indicators were used.

Research results. At the agricultural cooperative (collective farm) “Anikhovsky”, cows are raised from November to February, i.e. during the stall period. At the same time, the production of offspring is controlled, and the calves themselves are monitored. Calving is due in March

  • 7. Characteristics of eukaryotic microscopic organisms. Yeast morphology.
  • 9. Characteristics of eukaryotic microscopic organisms. Distinctive features of protozoa that cause infectious diseases.
  • 10. Morphology of bacteria. Variety of shapes. Sizes of microorganisms. Methods for studying the morphology of bacteria. Types of microscopes.
  • 11. Morphology of bacteria. Chemical composition of a bacterial cell.
  • 12. Morphology of bacteria. Structure and chemical composition of outer layers. Capsule, mucous layers, covers.
  • 13. Morphology of bacteria. Cell wall of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Gram stain.
  • 14. Morphology of bacteria. The phenomenon of l-transformation. Biological role.
  • 15. Morphology of bacteria. Bacterial membrane. The structure of mesosomes and ribosomes. Chemical composition of the cytoplasm.
  • 16. Morphology of bacteria. Spare inclusions of a bacterial cell.
  • 17. Movement of bacteria. The structure of the flagellum, thickness, length, chemical composition. Preparation of fixed preparations and preparations of living cells of microorganisms.
  • 18. Movement of bacteria. Types of arrangement of flagella. Functions of fimbriae and pili.
  • 19. Movement of bacteria. The nature of the movement of a bacterial cell. Types of taxis.
  • 20. Bacterial nucleus. Structure, composition. Characteristics of DNA.
  • 21. Bacterial nucleus. Features of the genetic system of bacteria. Types of bacterial DNA replication.
  • 22. Bacterial nucleus. Types of bacterial cell division. Division process.
  • 23. Bacterial nucleus. Forms of exchange of genetic information in bacteria. Variability of bacteria.
  • 24. Bacterial nucleus. Plasmids. Biological role, differences from viruses, types of plasmids.
  • 25. Morphological differentiation of prokaryotes. Cell shapes. Forms at rest. The process of maintaining a state of rest.
  • 26. Morphological differentiation of prokaryotes. The structure of an endospore. Chemical composition, layers.
  • 27. Morphological differentiation of prokaryotes. Biochemical and physiological changes in the process of endosprora germination. Factors of endospore resistance in the environment.
  • 28. Morphological differentiation of prokaryotes. Spore formation, endospore layers.
  • 29. Classification and systematics of bacteria. Classification of bacteria according to Bergey. Features used to describe bacteria. Characteristics of the main groups of bacteria according to the Bergey classifier.
  • 30. Classification and taxonomy of bacteria. Categories of bacteria. Features of eubacteria and archaebacteria.
  • 31. The influence of physical factors on microorganisms. The relationship of microorganisms to molecular oxygen. Aerobes, anaerobes, microaerophiles.
  • 32. The influence of physical factors on microorganisms. Temperature. Ability to grow under different temperature conditions.
  • 33. The influence of physical factors on microorganisms. Temperature. Ability to survive in extreme temperature conditions.
  • 34. The influence of physical factors on microorganisms. Humidity.
  • 35. The influence of physical factors on microorganisms. Pressure. Osmotic pressure. Atmospheric. Hydrostatic pressure and vacuum.
  • 36. The influence of physical factors on microorganisms. Radiant energy, UV, ultrasound.
  • 37. The influence of chemical factors on microorganisms. Acidity and alkalinity. Salt.
  • 38. The influence of chemical factors on microorganisms. Antiseptics, types and effects on microorganisms.
  • 39. The influence of biological factors on microorganisms. Antibiosis. Types of relationships – antagonism, parasitism, bacteriophages.
  • 40. The influence of biological factors on microorganisms. Relationships between bacteria and other organisms. Symbiosis. Types and examples of symbiosis.
  • 41. Principles of food preservation based on methods of influencing bacteria by various environmental factors. Effect of antibiotics.
  • 42. Nutrition of microorganisms. Enzymes of microorganisms. Classes and types of enzymes. Pathways of catabolism.
  • 43. Nutrition of microorganisms. Mechanisms of transport of nutrients into the cell. Permeases, ionophiores. Characteristics of symport and antiport processes. Iron transport.
  • 45. Nutrition of microorganisms. Heterotrophic microorganisms. Varying degrees of heterotrophy.
  • 50. Metabolism of bacteria. Fermentation. Types of fermentation. Microorganisms that cause these processes
  • 51. Metabolism of bacteria. Photosynthesis. Types of photosynthetic bacteria. Photosynthetic apparatus.
  • 53. Metabolism of bacteria. Chemosynthesis. Origin of oxygen respiration. Toxic effect of exposure to oxygen.
  • 54. Metabolism of bacteria. Chemosynthesis. Respiratory apparatus of the cell. Metabolism of bacteria. Chemosynthesis. Energy metabolism of microorganisms.
  • 56. Biosynthetic processes. Assimilation of various substances.
  • 57. Biosynthetic processes. Formation of secondary metabolites. Types of antibiotics. Mechanism of action.
  • 58. Biosynthetic processes. Formation of secondary metabolites. Toxin formation. Types of toxins.
  • 59. Biosynthetic processes. Formation of secondary metabolites. Vitamins, sugars, enzymes.
  • 60. Regulation of metabolism. Levels of metabolic regulation. Induction. Repression.
  • 62. Fundamentals of the ecology of microorganisms. Ecology of microbial communities.
  • 63. Fundamentals of the ecology of microorganisms. Air microorganisms.
  • 64. Fundamentals of the ecology of microorganisms. Microorganisms of marine aquatic ecosystems.
  • 65. Fundamentals of the ecology of microorganisms. Microorganisms of brackish water ecosystems.
  • 66. Fundamentals of the ecology of microorganisms. Microorganisms of freshwater ecosystems.
  • 67. Fundamentals of the ecology of microorganisms. Microorganisms of soil ecosystems.
  • 68. Fundamentals of the ecology of microorganisms. Soil microorganisms. Mycorrhiza.
  • 69. Fundamentals of the ecology of microorganisms. Cycle of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
  • 70. Fundamentals of the ecology of microorganisms. Cycle of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur.
  • 71. Fundamentals of the ecology of microorganisms. Symbionts of the human body. Digestive tract. Oral cavity. Bacterial diseases.
  • 72. Fundamentals of the ecology of microorganisms. Symbionts of the human body. Digestive tract. The problem of dysbiosis.
  • 73. Fundamentals of the ecology of microorganisms. Symbionts of the human body. Respiratory tract, excretory, reproductive system.
  • 74. Fundamentals of the ecology of microorganisms. Symbionts of the human body. Skin, conjunctiva of the eye, ear.
  • 75. Infection. Pathogenic microorganisms. Their properties. Virulence of microorganisms.
  • 76. Infection. Infectious process. Types of infections. Forms of infections. Localization of the pathogen. Entrance gate.
  • 79. Infection. The role of the macroorganism in the development of the infectious process.
  • 81. Classification of infections. Particularly dangerous infections. Intestinal infections, airborne infections, childhood infections.
  • 82. Food poisoning and toxic infections. Causes of occurrence. Main clinical symptoms.
  • 83. Foodborne toxic infections. The causative agent is bacteria of the genus Salmonella.
  • 84. Foodborne toxic infections. The causative agent is bacteria of the genus Escherichium and Shigella.
  • 85. Foodborne toxic infections. The causative agent is bacteria of the genus Proteus.
  • 86. Foodborne toxic infections. The causative agent is bacteria of the genus Vibrio.
  • 87. Foodborne toxic infections. The causative agent is bacteria of the genus Bacillus and Clostridium.
  • 88. Foodborne toxic infections. The causative agent is bacteria of the genus Enterococcus and Streptococcus.
  • 89. Food toxicosis. The causative agent is bacteria of the genus Clostridium.
  • 90. Food toxicosis. The causative agent is bacteria of the genus Staphylococcus.
  • 50. Metabolism of bacteria. Fermentation. Types of fermentation. Microorganisms that cause these processes

    Metabolism is a set of various enzymatic reactions occurring in a microbial cell and aimed at obtaining energy and converting simple chemical compounds into more complex ones. Metabolism ensures the reproduction of all cellular material, including two unified and at the same time opposite processes - constructive and energy metabolism.

    Metabolism occurs in three stages:

    1. catabolism - the breakdown of organic substances into simpler fragments;

    2. amphibolism - intermediate exchange reactions, as a result of which simple substances are converted into a number of organic acids, phosphorus esters, etc.;

    3.anabolism - the stage of synthesis of monomers and polymers in the cell.

    Metabolic pathways have been formed through the process of evolution.

    The main property of bacterial metabolism is plasticity and high intensity, due to the small size of organisms.

    Metabolic pathways in prokaryotes include fermentation, photosynthesis and chemosynthesis. The most primitive way of obtaining energy, inherent in certain groups of prokaryotes, is fermentation processes.

    Fermentation- a metabolic process inherent in bacteria, characterizing the energy side of the mode of existence of several groups of prokaryotes, in which they carry out redox transformations of organic compounds under anaerobic conditions, accompanied by the release of energy that these organisms use.

    fermentation proceeds without the participation of molecular oxygen, all redox transformations of the substrate occur due to its “internal” capabilities. As a result, at the oxidative stages of the process, part of the free energy contained in the substrate molecule is released, and it is stored in ATP molecules. The carbon skeleton of the substrate molecule is split.

    The range of organic compounds that can be fermented is quite wide:

    Carbohydrates, alcohols, organic acids, amino acids, purines, pyrimidines.

    Can be fermented if it contains incompletely oxidized (or reduced) carbon atoms

    fermentation products are various organic acids (lactic, butyric, acetic, formic), alcohols (ethyl, butyl, propyl), acetone, as well as CO2 and H2

    several products are formed. Depending on what main product accumulates in the medium, lactic acid, alcoholic, butyric acid, propionic acid and other types of fermentation are distinguished.

    In each type of fermentation, two sides can be distinguished: oxidative and reduction. Oxidation processes come down to the abstraction of electrons from certain metabolites with the help of specific enzymes (dehydrogenases) and their acceptance by other molecules formed from the fermentable substrate, i.e., anaerobic oxidation occurs during the fermentation process

    The energy side of fermentation processes is their oxidative part; reactions are oxidative

    There are several exceptions to this rule: some anaerobes also receive part of the energy during fermentation of the substrate as a result of its breakdown, catalyzed by lyases.

    The primitiveness of fermentation processes lies in the fact that only a small fraction of the chemical energy that it contains is extracted from the substrate as a result of its anaerobic transformation. The products formed during fermentation still contain a significant amount of the energy contained in the original substrate.

    During respiratory metabolism, the breakdown of glucose releases 2870.22 kJ/mol of energy; during fermentation on the same substrate, 196.65 kJ/mol of energy is extracted. In the process of homofermentative lactic acid fermentation, 2 ATP molecules are synthesized per 1 molecule of fermented glucose; During the process of respiration, the complete oxidation of a glucose molecule produces 38 ATP molecules. In both cases, the efficiency of storing the released energy in high-energy ATP bonds is approximately the same.

    During fermentation, some reactions along the path of anaerobic transformation of the substrate are associated with the most primitive type of phosphorylation - substrate phosphorylation, the reactions of which are localized in the cytosol of the cell, which indicates the simplicity of the chemical mechanisms underlying this type of energy production.

    *Alcoholic fermentation. During alcoholic fermentation, acetaldehyde is formed from pyruvic acid as a result of its oxidative decarboxylation, which becomes the final hydrogen acceptor. As a result, 2 molecules of ethyl alcohol and 2 molecules of carbon dioxide are formed from 1 molecule of hexose. Alcoholic fermentation is common among prokaryotic (various obligate and facultative anaerobic bacteria) and eukaryotic (yeast) forms.

    The ability to carry out alcoholic fermentation under anaerobic conditions: Sarcina ventriculi, Erwinia amylouora, Zymomonas mobilis. The main producers of ethyl alcohol among eukaryotes are aerobic yeasts with a formed respiratory apparatus, but under anaerobic conditions they carry out alcoholic fermentation along the path of substrate phosphorylation.

    *Lactic acid fermentation can be homofermentative, in which up to 90% of lactic acid is formed in the products, and heterofermentative, in which, in addition to lactic acid, CO2, ethanol and/or acetic acid make up a significant proportion of the products.

    a) Lactic acid fermentation (homofermentative) is the process of obtaining energy by lactic acid bacteria Lactococcus lactis, Lactobacterium bulgaricum, Lactobacterium planterum, etc., consisting in the conversion of a sugar molecule into two molecules of lactic acid with the release of energy: C6H12O6 = 2CH3CHONCOOH + 0.075x106 J

    b) Lactic acid fermentation (heterofermentative). In this process, in addition to lactic acid, acetic acid, succinic acid, ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide and hydrogen are formed among the products. The causative agent of this process is E. coli.

    A process similar to atypical heterofermentative lactic acid fermentation occurs during the ripening of spicy salted fish and preserves. In these cases, it is excited by aroma-producing lactic acid bacteria such as Streptococcus citrovorus.

    In addition, when canned food spoils, caused by bacteria you. stearothermophilus and Cl. thermosaccharolyticum, acids accumulate in the product - lactic, acetic, butyric, the formation of which is probably associated with a process similar to atypical lactic acid fermentation.

    *Butyric acid fermentation is caused by obligate anaerobic butyric acid bacteria Cl. pasteurianum. Glucose in this energy-producing process is converted into butyric acid, hydrogen and carbon dioxide: C6H12O6 = C3H7COOH + 2CO2 + 2H2 + 0.063x106 J

    Some clostridia, for example Cl. sporogenes or toxic Cl. botulinum, Cl. perfringens have proteolytic abilities and not only ferment carbohydrates, but also hydrolyze proteins. The causative agents of butyric acid fermentation form heat-resistant spores, so they can be stored in sterilized canned food and cause them to spoil quickly.

    Many other fermentations are known, the individual types of which differ in the composition of the final products, which depends on the enzyme complex of the fermentation agent.


    Tea making process is a sequence of interconnected steps, at the very beginning of which is a freshly picked leaf, and at the very end is what we in the trade call “finished” or “ready” tea. The six types of tea (green, yellow, white, oolong, black, and pu-erh) have several similar processing stages (such as picking, primary sorting, final processing, etc.), but also have nuances that are unique to one or another. several specifically prepared teas. Oxidation- this is one of the most recently described chemical processes that must occur during the production of some types of teas, and must be prevented during the production of others. We can say that all types of tea are divided into two large classes depending on whether oxidation is involved in obtaining the finished product or not.

    Oxidation in tea

    First let's define oxidation. Oxidation is a biochemical, enzymatic process during which oxygen is absorbed and (as a result) changes occur in the substances involved in the process. In the case of freshly picked tea leaves, tea - the substances contained in the tea leaves. Oxidation can be spontaneous or controlled and lead to both positive and negative changes. A familiar example of spontaneous negative oxidation is what happens when you cut an apple or a banana, or leave a cut piece of a leaf out in the open air. Unprotected cells absorb oxygen, soften, and turn brown. This is the simplest form of oxidation that most people are familiar with. If the oxidation process is not interfered with, the fruit may simply dry out or rot, depending on atmospheric conditions. By simply cutting an apple into pieces and drying them in a dehydrator, you can see an example of the controlled negative oxidation that occurs during the drying process. Darkening of the cut surface is not considered aesthetically attractive in the market, so color changes are sometimes corrected with sulfur compounds or citric acid, but even in this situation (without visible color changes) oxidation still occurs.

    During tea production, both spontaneous and controlled oxidation occurs. Spontaneous oxidation occurs during the drying stage of the tea leaves during the production of white, oolong and black teas. The controlled oxidation stage, which requires special attention, is one of the most important stages in the production of both oolong and black teas. In green and yellow teas, oxidation is prevented by thorough steaming, drying and/or roasting, also often called “de-enzyming.”

    Oxidation is a chemical process that requires an excess of moist, oxygen-rich air. In black tea production, oxidation rooms must undergo 15 to 20 exchanges of humidified air per hour to ensure complete oxidation. Polyphenols in the leaf (tea catechins) absorb significant amounts of oxygen, especially during the early stages of oxidation. Oxidation in tea production formally begins spontaneously from the moment the tea leaves dry, and is then gradually accelerated by subsequent steps necessary to transform the fresh leaf into finished black tea. After several preparatory steps, the pre-prepared leaf is ready for the controlled oxidation process, which is often erroneously referred to as “fermentation.” In traditional oxidation, the sorted sheet is spread in thin layers (maximum 5 to 8 cm) on the factory floor, on tables, on porous pallets - and this is similar to the drying that is done at the primary withering stage. Oxygenation of the polyphenols initiates a series of chemical reactions involving them, ultimately producing new aromatic components and providing a thicker infusion characteristic of black tea. During the first and most important period of enzymatic oxidation, the enzymes polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase (a group of redox enzymes that use hydrogen peroxide as an electron acceptor) act on other polyphenols, resulting in the formation of theaflavins. These red-orange compounds further act on polyphenols to produce thearubigins, which are chemically responsible for changing the color of the leaf from green to gold, copper, and chocolate brown. Thearubigins, meanwhile, interact with several amino acids and sugars in the leaf to create highly polymeric substances that develop into the diverse and distinctive aromatic components we expect to have in black tea.

    Theaflavins primarily contribute freshness and brightness to the taste of black tea, while thearubigins contribute to its strength, richness and color.

    During the oxidation process, carbon dioxide is released from the tea leaf and the temperature of the mass of oxidizing leaves increases. If leaf temperatures are allowed to rise too high, oxidation will get out of control; if the temperature drops too low, oxidation will stop.

    An array of tea leaves undergoing a controlled oxidation process is called dhool. Oxidation requires 2 to 4 hours and can be controlled empirically rather than scientifically. Although there may be technical markers to determine the expected completion of a process, there are also many parameters that characterize the process and are observed “live”. Therefore, the best method for determining when a leaf has completely oxidized may be expert visual olfactory observation.

    The tea master must control the thickness and uniformity of the leaf layer, ensure that the temperature is approximately 29 C, the relative humidity is 98%; and provide constant ventilation (15 or 20 complete changes of indoor air per hour). Also, the microclimate must be completely hygienic; bacteria can spoil the dhool.

    During the oxidation process, the processed leaf (dhul) receives a predictable series of taste parameters, fresh, rich color and final strength. The tea master can control the oxidation of dhula in his own particular manner by adjusting the duration of oxidation, allowing oxidation in combination with changes in temperature/humidity in the oxidation room. Most teas produced provide a balanced brew in the cup with a vibrant infusion, a good intense aroma, and a thick, rich consistency. When the tea master determines that the dhool has oxidized to the desired level ("fully oxidized" is a degree, but not an absolute one), then the critical phase of controlled oxidation is stopped by the final process of black tea production: drying.

    Fermentation in tea

    Fermentation- This is an important component in the production of pu-erh and other aged teas, such as Luan, Liubao, some oolongs, etc. It is most convenient to talk about fermentation in tea production using the example of the production of pu-erh. Let's explore what fermentation is and why careful and skillful fermentation is inseparable from the production of traditional high-quality pu-erh. Despite the fact that the production of pu-erh is one of the oldest and simplest forms of tea production, the world of pu-erh is so complex and vast that it has become the subject of close attention of tea experts and requires special care in study. In any case, we will not explore the specific complexity of the production of different types of pu-erh here, since this article proposes to consider only a more basic description of fermentation and oxidation.

    Fermentation is a microbial activity (activity) involving certain types of bacteria. By definition, fermentation occurs most easily in the absence of oxygen, although some exposure to the environment is ideal for aging unripe sheng pu'er. Although an abundance of oxygen is required for most steps in tea making, exposure to oxygen in pu-erh production is often reduced or eliminated after the tea leaf drying step. The leaf that is transformed into pu-erh must be exposed to bacteria (or has bacteria in nature) suitable for undergoing fermentation.

    As in the case of the production of “fermented” apple cider or Roquefort cheese, the bacteria necessary for the activity of microorganisms begin to naturally reproduce in the open air and/or inside a special fermentation room (cider “house” or cheese ripening chamber). In the case of pu-erh, the bacteria required to both initiate and maintain fermentation are found in the following places.

    1. On the surface of the leaf itself, from old trees in a primeval forest where large-leaf trees grow - most famously in the Xishuangbanna area in southwestern Yunnan Province in China.
    2. Climate-controlled tea production facilities in which "raw (sheng) mao cha" is temporarily stored awaiting pressing; in heaps of “mao-cha” during artificial fermentation of finished (shu) pu-erh; or in a humid, steamy climate in which the pu-erh is pressed.
    3. In cool, dry rooms where sheng pu-erh pancakes are stored for post-fermentation and aging under careful control.

    During the fermentation phase of pu-erh production, several important factors must come together. During harvesting, the leaf itself, which meets the standards, must contain “wild” bacteria - there can be a lot of them or very few, and the quality of the tea will also depend on this. The leaf intended to become pu-erh (“maocha”, which has been dried-withered, fried until “killing the greens” (sa cheen, shaqing), crumpled (ro nien, rounyan), and then partially dried leaf), is put into bags and these bags are placed on top of each other, waiting to be pressed in bacteria-rich steam; or, in the case of ready-made shu pu-erh, it is dumped into heaps indoors, exposed to external influences. Unlike the low, porous piles of leaves collected for oxidation, the mao cha piles in which the artificial fermentation of shu pu'er is stimulated are stacked tightly, compactly, and with minimal exposed surface area. The maocha pile is stirred infrequently - to rest the leaves (and prevent fermentation from going too far), to provide the bacteria with the oxygen they need, and to provide the temperature desired for favorable microbial growth and desired leaf transformation. During the fermentation process of pu-erh, the piles are often covered in order to increase the temperature of the processes occurring in the leaves.

    One can imagine the slight confusion that tea traders experience when observing the processes of drying, oxidation and fermentation. Observing the mixing of piles of leaves on the floor, piles of leaves in trenches or on floorings, novice tea traders may be dumbfounded by the rudimentary and artisanal processes involved in tea production (this artisanalism is exacerbated by the reluctance of the Chinese to explain their “secrets”). And, although a lot has been described over the past 75 years, it is still difficult to clearly separate the processes of drying, fermentation and oxidation (and, accordingly, clearly control them).

    It is imperative that both consumers and tea traders understand the characteristic differences between oxidation and fermentation. These processes should be clear and should not get lost in the frills of tea terminology or marketing.

    A good sign that distinguishes a good trader is his understanding of the production of white, oolong and black teas, which are very dependent on the drying and oxidation processes. The use of the terms "oxidation" and "fermentation" unduly contributes to confusion among tea drinkers. In addition, those who can correctly identify what type of pu'er is offered for purchase, and what conditions are necessary to complete the unripe sheng pu'er to its maximum development (long aging, aging, and aging), provide themselves with a reliable purchasing base. For tea enthusiasts, knowledge is power, the tea world is becoming more and more accessible, and knowledge guarantees us better and better tea, and many other joyful moments of real pleasure from drinking our favorite drink.

    (For even more information on tea production and an explanation of the oxidative processes in different types of teas, see The Tea Story; A Cultural History and Drinking Guide by Mary Lou Heiss and Robert J. Heiss, Ten Speed ​​Press October 2007)

    Green tea No oxidation*
    Yellow tea No oxidation*
    White tea Light spontaneous oxidation (8-15%)
    Oolong tea Partial oxidation controlled during production (level 15-80%)
    Black tea Full oxidation controlled during production
    Pu'er Fully fermented, not completely oxidized, there are two main directions
    Sheng Pu'er Raw, original, or "green" pu'er - uncontrolled oxidation, although minimal spontaneous oxidation may be present
    Shu puer Ready, mature, or "black" pu-erh - controlled oxidation as essential for the "acceleration of aging" process

    * The wording “No oxidation” should be understood as “Almost no oxidation.” This is a translators' note.

    Those who came to our first meeting of the Modern Mondays project could see with their own eyes that Ilya Kokotovsky is preparing extraordinary things.
    In addition, his menu for Molto Buono is an excellent example of how you can create interesting dishes without using either fashionable domestic specialties or Western delicacies (which you can’t buy anyway due to sanctions)
    We are pleased to publish his article on the fermentation of products and the results of research, once again emphasizing the thesis that a good chef must have not only practical knowledge, but also have a broad theoretical base

    This topic is so vast that it is not possible to describe everything in one article.
    So this is more of a short report, an introduction to the possibilities, rather than a detailed guide to action.

    First, a couple of dry definitions. Unfortunately, there is no way without them.

    Fermentation - This is the process of anaerobic (taking place in an oxygen-free environment) breakdown of organic substances, occurring under the influence of microorganisms or isolated enzymes.

    Fermentation - This is the biochemical processing of raw materials under the influence of the substrate’s own enzymes.

    Both processes occur in an oxygen-free environment and are metabolic processes.

    Eat one significant difference— during fermentation, third-party cultures and strains of bacteria can be used. As a rule, yeast and enzymes obtained as a result of the reaction. Whereas during fermentation, natural yeasts and other cultures of the substrate contained in it are used.

    Thus, fermentation is a narrower concept.

    What do we owe to fermentation?

    Alcoholic fermentation - strain - yeast
    process - glucose is broken down into ethanol and carbon dioxide.
    product - bread and its derivatives, all derivatives of beer,

    Lactic acid fermentation - strain - Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus.
    process - conversion of lactose to lactic acid
    product - all derivatives of fermented milk products.
    see Photo 1

    Acetic fermentation - strain - Acelobacter, about 10 main varieties.
    The process is the breakdown of glucose into ethanol and carbon dioxide.
    Oxidation of ethanol to acetic acid.
    Product - all vinegar derivatives, symbiotic culture -
    tea mushroom.

    Butyric acid fermentation - strain - Clostridium.
    The process resulting from the activity of bacteria is
    rancidity of fats
    product - Bacteria of the genus Clostridium produce the most powerful known poisons - botulinum toxin
    one type of bacterium is the causative agent of botulism.
    see Photo 2

    Fermentation products are different, some of them have firmly taken their place in the kitchens of the world, becoming the basis for many recipes, others are dangerous toxins.
    That is why any product that has undergone fermentation must be analyzed in laboratories.
    Often, advanced restaurants have a full-time microbiologist to control the original product.

    There is another way.
    We can change the product - its taste, color, aroma, without resorting to the help of bacterial strains.

    Enzymatic oxidation - This is a process that occurs under the influence of oxygen. In relation to fruits, this is the oxidation of iron-containing compounds, as well as melanin formed during the enzymatic oxidation of tyrosine and pyrocatechol.

    We observe enzymatic oxidation when we see darkening of the cut of an apple, quince, banana, potato and many other products to a greater or lesser extent.
    This requires only the presence of oxygen, time and temperature.

    Here are some of my findings:

    Garlic - enzymatic oxidation
    see Photo 3

    In the process, the garlic completely changed its structure, changed color, and aroma to a more subtle one, devoid of harsh notes. For fermentation I used a warm environment with access to air. The presence of oxygen, as you already understood, is the main requirement.
    Garlic itself has several fermentation paths.
    1. This is a long fermentation in a hot controlled environment. A hot box for storing dry foods is suitable for this. Temperature about 30 g.c. time - 6 weeks. This method takes a long time and the result is not always the same. It is very important to maintain moisture around the garlic, so fermentation takes place in an individual box with air access.
    2. Fermentation using Korean fermentation machine. It can be ordered online. But the result is worth it. Fermentation time is reduced to 3 days. The temperature is higher, but this does not affect the final result.

    Mini banana - enzymatic oxidation.
    see Photo 4

    Banana oxidation is very variable, you just need to maintain the specified temperature. The longer the fermentation takes place, the more homogeneous and dry it becomes. The color varies from terracotta to black. The aroma changes to a more subtle one.

    This type of fermentation is safer and has great potential. Lots of experiments and new components, you are limited only by your own patience, because the process is usually long. Plus, it's a surefire way to achieve the proverbial umami.

    Patience is difficult, I’m always tempted to see the result; as for bananas, they often don’t wait until the end of fermentation at all,)

    Next in line:
    Symbiotic structure "kombucha". the phenomenon is simply unique. And probably the most visual representative of the symbiosis of Acelobacter and yeast.
    It deserves a separate topic, so until the next report.